Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-07 Thread Mnyb

Excellent post Davenva !

I think all your friends have accounts possible more
than one ;)
But they don't now.

The setup wizard is very adamant in that respect it ask for email right
on the screen, I assume that a large quantity of new users do what you
do on some websites " password =whatever" to just pass
the nag screen and never thinks that it could be of some importance.


Main hifi: SB3 (soon to replaced by a Touch :) It is on preorder)
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Receiver (soon to be replaced by my SB3 and the SBR to be
stuffed in a box in the attic )
Miscellaneous use: Radio (battery pack to be ordered)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] batteries out of stock ...

2010-03-07 Thread Hap

I called customer service today to inquire as to the status of my
pre-order. The customer service representative actually admitted to me
that some how the order process was "screwed up", and indeed, orders
where not filled on a first come first serve basis.

Unbe-freaking-lievable Logitech. At least one of my radios should be on
the way back to BestBuy.

Disgruntled to say the least!!


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Possible silly question about favorites

2010-03-07 Thread evans5150

Hey guys,

I've had my squeezebox for about 3 months now and LOVE it!!!  But I
may have a silly question:

I use the "" server to listen to music from the
squeezebox and can't for the life of me figure out how to "favorite" a
station!  I'm currently listening to a great Mexican station in Mexicali
and can't seem to figure out how to make it one of my favorites.  Please




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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Few Newbie Questions

2010-03-07 Thread jmhillrph

toby10;523224 Wrote: 
> 2.  Radio > Settings > Home Menu > *select*
> This will move any selected items to your Home Menu

Another new user here-- regarding this point-- I do not find "Podcasts"
as a choice to *select* under Radio > Settings > Home Menu>. I have
added it as an app and I can choose to play it under my apps but it
doesn't show up so that I can add it to my home menu.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-07 Thread eap

davenva;523261 Wrote: 
> erland,
> The subject of "average users" is interesting, and certainly most
> relevant to the potential success of squeezebox as a product line.
> I agree that this forum attracts perhaps the most demanding users of
> the product.  Today this group likely makes up a larger percentage of
> the customer base than it would if/when the product was to become a
> general consumer product, vs. a geek toy.
> The market potential question fascinates me, as a business owner
> myself.  I've got a small sample of general consumer usage, based upon
> having given 4 SB Radios as Christmas gifts, and am surprised to what
> I've observed. (It would be interesting if Logitech did a real survey of
> usage!)
> My 4 sample users: 
> A 20-something college student, who uses the radio entirely to listen
> to Pandora. It serves as a "Pandora Player" in his apartment.  Very
> happy with the radio.
> A 50-something sports fan who mastered the internet radio search, and
> uses it almost exclusively to find and listen to US-wide sports
> broadcasts not otherwise available on local over-the-air radio. It has
> opened up to him a new and appreciated way to follow sports broadcasts.
> Very happy with the radio.
> A 40-something couple, who use it very infrequently, and only as a
> radio. They seem to have set & rely on presets for local stations. 
> Looks to them like a standard radio with very good reception. Not all
> that impressed.
> A 40 something who uses it as a bedside radio, listening to one local
> station.  Reports to have "never gotten the alarms to work".  "Likes the
> nice clear clock display screen". Seems to me to be a waste of
> technology & money here.

I agree with your comments.  But just so all 40 somethings aren't
disparaged, I'm 47 and my wife turns 40 this year.  We use SB radio as
our daily alarm clock (usually waking up to Sirius Satellite, Howard
Stern), we entertain our 5 year old son in our room with songs from our
music collection (he loves the Who, particularly "Baba O'Riley").  Have
presets from Pandora, to local radio Internet streams and the grateful
dead channel on Sirius.

We also have a duet in the family room and dining room that we listen
to almost all weekend.  Switching from acoustic cafe stations in the
morning to rock and opera while eating dinner.  

Of course, without my computer skills, my wife wouldn't have a clue how
to set it up.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Few Newbie Questions

2010-03-07 Thread Honva

toby10;523258 Wrote: 
> Keep in mind that the IR num/alpha buttons perform different functions
> depending on which menu you are navigating.
> Ex:  in Favorites #8 = #8, but in My Music folders #8 = T,U,V
> I'm running SBS 7.4.2, Radio is r8445 (SBS 7.5 FW), if that makes a
> difference.
> When you go to My Music > Artist, then turn the knob, do BIG letters
> pop up on the screen superimposed over your list of Artists?
> The BIG letters appear when I'm using my SB3 remote with my Radio.

I am on 7.4.2r30049.  Just tried it again.
Went to My Music -> Albums.  Screen shows alphabetical album list. 
Press number keys 1-6 on the remote, the radio connects to the preset
immediately and the screen jumps to now playing.  Press 7-9 cause the
screen jumps to now playing with no other action.  The same behaviour in
the Artist list.

Remote is original remote from Squeezebox 3.

Is there a custom setting controlling this?


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Podcast bookmark

2010-03-07 Thread varan

Is there a way I can make a bookmark in a podcast to make it possible to
continue where I left ? For me it's to much hassle to try to seek to
where I was, so I usually just give up and select something different.
The solution on my Popcorn Hour media streamer is just brilliant where
it always remember the position in the last 10 media you have played,
and automatically just continue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] synch problems with the SB Radio?

2010-03-07 Thread aberjona

So seek and ye shall find. I read the post below in another forum,
experimented with a wireless range expander near the SBR, and that
resolved all sync problems, in all cases.

Bk1;506307 Wrote: 
> I've replaced the Boom with the Radio, in the same exact location, and
> then the problems started. It seems to have random problems with my WIFI
> connection (can't find the net, can't connect, "connecting" screen stays
> forever, after connection signal is reported good but then the unit is
> very slow and audio stutters, lots of "buffering"). Authentication is
> correct, it is just signal strength that gives problems.
> So, out of frustration, I've decided to move my WIFI router nearer to
> the Radio. It's just a temporary solution, but all problems
> disappeared.
> I honestly think that it is not a software issue. Perhaps they decided
> to change the wifi chip in the unit, or simply the internal antenna
> placement is not as good as Boom's but the result is that WIFI is too
> picky on signal strength.


1 Controller | 1 Receiver | 1 Boom | 1 Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] my squeezebox radio has become faulty

2010-03-07 Thread diveganesh

to the OP:

based on my experience, here's a suggestion: 

get in touch with support, they will inevitably direct your case to
their second level support team, who will ask you to do a bunch of
things - i'm guessing since you've done the resets & re-installs and
still have an issue they will offer to replace the product (atleast that
is what happened to me). they will send you a UPS label via email and
promise to send you a replacement once their warehouse receives your
radio (i've sent mine in and am waiting for my replacement).

hope this helps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-07 Thread dsdreamer

I am a bit of a SB junkie/fan and technophile, so I don't consider my
own views representative, but your post does help a lot in bringing a
real-world perspective. I appreciated it a lot.

A company I used to work for had a very good slogan summing up the
aspiration I have for technology products, which is "Sense and
Simplicity."  Living up to that slogan is much harder than coining it,
but I have some companies in mind that do very well by closely
approximating that goal.


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox 7.4.2 - what the HELL Logitech?

2010-03-07 Thread davenva

erland;523172 Wrote: 
> I think it's important to remember that what we see on these forums are
> users with problems, but we don't see is the other 95% who are very
> happy with the Radio.
> I'm not saying that we should ignore the 5% that have problems, I'm
> just saying that I strongly believe that the Radio does work for most
> people. Even more since the 7.4.2 release when you can be pretty sure
> that the Radio plays some sound at the correct alarm time.
> (5% is obviously just an educated guess, I suspect it's even less than
> that in reallity)


The subject of "average users" is interesting, and certainly most
relevant to the potential success of squeezebox as a product line.

I agree that this forum attracts perhaps the most demanding users of
the product.  Today this group likely makes up a larger percentage of
the customer base than it would if/when the product was to become a
general consumer product, vs. a geek toy.

The market potential question fascinates me, as a business owner
myself.  I've got a small sample of general consumer usage, based upon
having given 4 SB Radios as Christmas gifts, and am surprised to what
I've observed. (It would be interesting if Logitech did a real survey of

My 4 sample users: 

A 20-something college student, who uses the radio entirely to listen
to Pandora. It serves as a "Pandora Player" in his apartment.  Very
happy with the radio.

A 50-something sports fan who mastered the internet radio search, and
uses it almost exclusively to find and listen to US-wide sports
broadcasts not otherwise available on local over-the-air radio. It has
opened up to him a new and appreciated way to follow sports broadcasts.
Very happy with the radio.

A 40-something couple, who use it very infrequently, and only as a
radio. They seem to have set & rely on presets for local stations. 
Looks to them like a standard radio with very good reception. Not all
that impressed.

A 40 something who uses it as a bedside radio, listening to one local
station.  Reports to have "never gotten the alarms to work".  "Likes the
nice clear clock display screen". Seems to me to be a waste of
technology & money here.

Things that I've seen in looking at the small sample:

2 had no setup problems, 2 needed help from tech savvy friends to get
it working
Only 1 seems to have tried alarms, and failed.
None listen to podcasts
None installed the server software (I suspect that only 1, the 20
something, even knows that a server of any kind, local on mySB,
I think that only the 20 something set up a mysqueezebox account
None use it for their music collection, although I believe that 3 of
the 4 are iTunes users and have music players of some sort.

Some patterns:

All use the radio as a single use device
All view it as a simple appliance
None come anywhere near utilizing the capabilities of the radio, or
even recognize what's possible
None use the alarm feature
None are aware of or understand the server concept, local or mySB
3 of 4 see it as a "new kind of radio", like a standard radio only able
to receive more stations with great quality
None use this or any other web sites for usage instruction
None would ever report a bug
None know nor care about software versions or updates

What it tells me:

1. None of these people would have purchases the radio, had I not given
it to them.

SB needs much more focus on marketing to the masses.  Currently the
product message is getting out only by word of mouth and scattered
internet reviews, and only to a tech-savvy base.

The message has to focus on "What SB does".  What are the core
capabilities - the "N" things that the SB Radio does well?   Why should
one buy it for $150 vs. a $30 standard radio?  Tivo is a good model for
this type of marketing ("We're changing how you watch TV")

2. Upon owning the radio, none were able to understand the capabilities
and get them to work

Lack of user documentation or a manual is a big shortcoming.  Only the
geeks will dig around the web and find forums like this.  People are
used to "appliances" that plug in and have obvious functions.

The server concept is foreign to non-geek consumers.SB needs a way to
clearly get the concept across to consumers.  Too many odd names "my
Squeezebox" "Squeezebox Server", etc.  Confusion on when to use each &
for what.  Is the only reason to install a local server to be able to
listen to your music collection?

3. Ease of use

While not all that bad, the current user interface on the radio needs
to be looked at for possible improvement and simplification.  Separate
basic consumer function from advanced "serious user" function.  Look sat
buttons, menus, and messages.  Similar to the approach taken by Tivo,
that made it appealing to a wide consumer audience, while providing some
fairly technical capabilities. Average walking-around slob consumers try
to do something once with an appliance, Is it works, they use it, if the
1st attempt fails, they forget about us

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Few Newbie Questions

2010-03-07 Thread toby10

Honva;523255 Wrote: 
> How to jump to letters?  I have the IR remote from SB3 but it worked
> differently on the Radio.  On the SB3, pressing the numbers will jump to
> the letters.  However, on the radio numbers 1-6 assigned to the presets
> directly.

Keep in mind that the IR num/alpha buttons perform different functions
depending on which menu you are navigating.
Ex:  in Favorites #8 = #8, but in My Music folders #8 = T,U,V

I'm running SBS 7.4.2, Radio is r8445 (SBS 7.5 FW), if that makes a

When you go to My Music > Artist, then turn the knob, do BIG letters
pop up on the screen superimposed over your list of Artists?
The BIG letters appear when I'm using my SB3 remote with my Radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Few Newbie Questions

2010-03-07 Thread Honva

toby10;523224 Wrote: 
> 3.  Yes, but jumping to alphabet letters requires an IR remote with
> num/alpha keys.  Logitech sells them for the SB3 and (future) Touch
> players.  The Boom & Radio designated IR remotes do not have num/alpha
> buttons.  All SB/Logitech IR remotes work on all SB players except the
> Receiver player (Duet system).
> But the knob spin is quite fast, the faster you spin the knob the
> faster it goes through your library.

How to jump to letters?  I have the IR remote from SB3 but it worked
differently on the Radio.  On the SB3, pressing the numbers will jump to
the letters.  However, on the radio numbers 1-6 assigned to the presets


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Few Newbie Questions

2010-03-07 Thread toby10

creosotepost;523183 Wrote: 
> Love this thing so far...
> 1. Is it possible to make a podcast a numbered preset (not a specific
> episode, but the menu or maybe the latest podcast)?
> 2. Can you put the podcast app on the home menu (not available in my
> settings)?
> 3. Is there a faster way to scroll My Music Library, like jumping to
> alphabetical letters?
> Thanks for any help!

1.  Don't think you can set a Podcast show as a preset, just individual
episodes.  If you are using MediaFly you can subscribe to shows then
select these from your MediaFly menu.

2.  Radio > Settings > Home Menu > *select*
This will move any selected items to your Home Menu

3.  Yes, but jumping to alphabet letters requires an IR remote with
num/alpha keys.  Logitech sells them for the SB3 and (future) Touch
players.  The Boom & Radio designated IR remotes do not have num/alpha
buttons.  All SB/Logitech IR remotes work on all SB players except the
Receiver player (Duet system).

But the knob spin is quite fast, the faster you spin the knob the
faster it goes through your library.


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