[REBOL] Re: percent! - new datatype request

2002-06-09 Thread Carl Read

On 08-Jun-02, Jason Cunliffe wrote:

 Why we're on the subject of new datatypes, what others are needed?
 Degrees (and minutes) perhaps?

 GPS Location = YES PLEASE!!!

I'd second that.

And I've been wondering why there isn't already a font! datatype. 
Cross-platform issues perhaps?

Carl Read

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[REBOL] Re: Dealing with email subject lines greater than 65 characters...

2002-06-09 Thread Bohdan or Rosemary Lechnowsky


How about:

all [
 mail/subject/66 = # 
 remove at mail/subject 66

This way, the most you will be losing is a space if this behavior ever changes.

Hope this helps!

Lechnowsky Technical Consulting

At 07:47 AM 6/8/02 -0700, you wrote:
I've modified the REBOL MailSniff program to scan a mailbox and print the 
subject line. The problem is, for subject lines over 65 characters in 
length, REBOL appears to be inserting a space in the 66th position. Kinda 
like this:

[REBOL] Dealing with email subject lines greater than 65 characte rs...

I've fixed it by inserting this line into the code:
Join (Copy/Part Mail/Subject 65) (Copy/Part At Mail/Subject 67 100)

It solves the problem of the moment, but if this bug ever gets fixed, then 
I'm gonna loose the 66th character needlessly.

Anyone got any better ideas on how to fix this? Just wondering...

Sincerely, | Ed Dana| Courage is fear holding on a 
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[REBOL] Re: How to check function arguments ?

2002-06-09 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Jason,

On Saturday, June 08, 2002, 10:10:10 PM, you wrote:

JC Q1: How to catch the missing param so the script won't crash?

Well,  there's  a  way,  but I don't recommend it as it can create
more problems than it solves.

 somefunc: func [inp [number! unset!]] [print either value? 'inp [inp * 3.14159] 
[no value passed]]
 somefunc 4
no value passed

No I ask, what would you expect to get from:

print done.

Do you expect this:

 do [
[print done.
no value passed

Maybe you better get what's going on if I write it as:

 somefunc print done.
no value passed

Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: How to check function arguments ?

2002-06-09 Thread Jason Cunliffe

Hi Romano and everyone

 somefunc: func [inp [any-type!]] [if value? 'inp [print [inp * 3.14159]]]

..damn that's clever.. thanks!

It's a very interesting idiom the way it depends upon those two quite different
but crucial parts


Doing quite a lot of Vanilla programming, so it's sometimes cgi, some times
internal functions.  But the more flexible the args, the better - you don't have
to remember, and it makes modular API development easier. Before REBOL, I was in
love with Python, which has some great features for function args:

1. Keyword arguments with defaults
2. - Variable Length arguments

Here's an example from Core Python Programming by Wesley Chun [good book]

def tupleVarArgs(arg1, arg2='defaultB', *theRest)
'display regular args and non-keyword variable args'
print 'formal arg1:', arg1
print 'formal arg2:', arg2
for eachXtrArg in theRest:
   print 'another arg:', eachXtrArg

When a double ** is used it signifies variable Keyword arguments [Python

Python dicts are close to REBOL blocks depending how you use them, so I guess
variable keyword args could be done with a combination of REBOL's refinements
and some other magic.
REBOL makes one work harder for the defaults. Perhaps you already know some more
cool idioms ;-)



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[REBOL] Re: How to check function arguments ?

2002-06-09 Thread Jason Cunliffe

  somefunc print done.
 no value passed


Gabriele that's a very good point. I guess it's back to the drawing board to
think about this some more. REBOL is so full of funny surprises.


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[REBOL] Re: How to check function arguments ?

2002-06-09 Thread Jason Cunliffe


Q: How to tell if a word already exists or if is just an argument value being

 somefunc: func [inp [any-type!]][if value? 'inp [print inp do stuff]]
== none
 somefunc hello
== do stuff
 somefunc print now
== none

When the input to somefunc is something like 'print' or any word in the rebol
dictionary, we might assume that it is not a valid argument. Arguments we would
be expecting would usually be a number, a name, a time, a block, etc.. So we
could check for an existing known word, then perhaps it is not an argument. I
don't know how to do that kind of lookup and could be slow.. It seems pretty
limiting unless we are only passing in very simple strings and numbers, which in
fact we often are in cgi work.

But the obvious escape is just put all args in a block.

 somefunc exists? %test.xml  ;;; empty argument,  keep going..
 somefunc [exists? %test.xml];;; evaluate block and use as argument
 somefunc [1 love now ];;; evaluate block and use as argument
 somefunc [name jason email [EMAIL PROTECTED] startdir %.]   ;;; name,
email are keywords arguments

Which creates Python's **Kw variable keyword arguments very nicely.
Except for a concise local way to embed default handling.

if error? try [startdir] [startdir: %/home/jasonic]

That works, but it's verbose next to Python.
Any idiom suggestions to improve upon it within a function?

Anyway feel like I just reinvented some primal rebol wheel here! Must be time to
study scope and context more.. I suppose I need an 'arg-block tool I can use

Can anyone point me to examples using blocks as arguments, and techniques for
parsing them?


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[REBOL] Re: How to check function arguments ?

2002-06-09 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Jason,

On Sunday, June 09, 2002, 7:11:36 AM, you wrote:

JC REBOL makes one work harder for the defaults. Perhaps you already know some more
JC cool idioms ;-)

f: func [/opt optional-arg] [
optional-arg: any [optional-arg default value]
print optional-arg

Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: How to check function arguments ?

2002-06-09 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Jason,

On Sunday, June 09, 2002, 3:21:28 PM, you wrote:

JC When the input to somefunc is something like 'print' or any word in the rebol
JC dictionary, we might assume that it is not a valid argument. Arguments we would
JC be expecting would usually be a number, a name, a time, a block, etc.. So we
JC could check for an existing known word, then perhaps it is not an argument. I
JC don't know how to do that kind of lookup and could be slow.. It seems pretty
JC limiting unless we are only passing in very simple strings and numbers, which in
JC fact we often are in cgi work.

I  don't  think  that  what  you  want to do can be done, at least
easily  (even  if  you get the word 'PRINT, and decide to leave it
alone, how do you tell REBOL to evaluate it AFTER your function?).

REBOL does not support variable number of arguments because of its
freeform  syntax.  If you like parens, then you can workaround the
problem with variable args with them:

 (somefunc) print done
no value passed

JC Which creates Python's **Kw variable keyword arguments very nicely.

Yes,  and  you  can  even  create your own dialect, which can make
things even better.

JC Except for a concise local way to embed default handling.

See  my  earlier post. :) Of course it needs to be modified if you
want to use it with varargs,

 get-or: func [word default] [either value? word [get word] [default]]
 somefunc: func [inp [any-type!]] [inp: get-or 'inp default value print inp]
default value
 somefunc 1

or any variation,

 set-default: func [word default] [if not value? word [set word default] word]
 get-or2: func [word default] [any [if value? word [word] default]]

JC Anyway feel like I just reinvented some primal rebol wheel here! Must be time to
JC study scope and context more.. I suppose I need an 'arg-block tool I can use
JC widely.

I  still think you'd better go with refinements, or just pass NONE
to mean default; if your function is complex enough to make this
a  problem,  then pass a single block and PARSE it (i.e. make your
own dialect :).

JC Can anyone point me to examples using blocks as arguments, and techniques for
JC parsing them?


Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] mailing list oddness

2002-06-09 Thread Jason Cunliffe

weird ... my last 3 messages just got posted in reverse order of sending??

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[REBOL] Re: ftp read fails

2002-06-09 Thread Tim Johnson

* Anton [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020608 21:18]:
 I see not passive in the trace.
 Ftp usually fails first because active transfers are not
 supported by the server. Not sure if this works, but I think
 if you set passive mode in the ftp scheme:
   system/schemes/ftp/passive: true
 it might help.

  Hello Anton. Indeed it did. Thank you! :-)

  Just curious, I would be appreciated being pointed
  towards more detailed documentation on FTP. Is any
  available or are there archives.

  I'm currently using Core User's Guide 2.2.0...
  Thanks again.
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[REBOL] Re: Newbie: Trouble filling a form using http-post.r

2002-06-09 Thread Cybarite


I don't know if you got Scott's approach working or not.
He is using the more native approach rather than what is in %http-port.r

For the rogers message, this html seems to allow a post with all | most of
the extraneous html (and javascript) removed

htmlheadtitleMr Rogers/title/head
body bgcolor=linen
form ACTION=;
INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=send message
INPUT type=hidden name=msisdn value=4165551212
input type=hidden name=num1 value=416
input type=hidden name=num2 value=5551212
input type=hidden name=text value=This is a test
input type=hidden name=sizebox value=14
input type=hidden name=sm_title value=Rogers | Wireless
input type=hidden name=sm_header_ok value=Thank You
input type=hidden name=sm_header_fail value=Sorry
input type=hidden name=sm_ym value=Your Message: 
input type=hidden name=sm_status_ok value=has been sent to:
input type=hidden name=sm_status_fail value=cannot presently be sent
input type=hidden name=sm_logo value=/att-logo.gif
input type=hidden name=sm_pcs_link
input type=hidden name=sm_pcs_text value=Send a PCS message
input type=hidden name=sm_home_link value=http://www.rogers.com;
input type=hidden name=sm_home_text value=home

I did not look at their approach too long but I think they are passing some
parameters to the cgi message that are then echoed back on the response.
So the original posting message already knows the logo, and possible error
or success messages.
For example, you can change the success message to has, we think,  really
been sent to:

I think this is clever ... allowing you to control some output on the
response page and make your parsing work easier.
And making you a bit more independent of changes to the processing program.

If you want to use the functions in http-post.r then you can add a new one
that allows a message to be sent

For example, this send-message function works for me using the values show
and it uses the http-post-form function from http-post.r

send-message: func [
{Sends a message}
not-lt-gt: complement charset [# #]
tag-rule: [ some not-lt-gt ]
tmp: http-post-form reduce [
msisdn join area-code phone-number
 num1 area-code
 num2 phone-number
 text message
 SIZEBOX to-string length? message
 submit send message
  sm_ym Your Message: 
  sm_status_ok has been sent to:
  sm_status_fail cannot presently be sent to: 
  sm_logo /att-logo.gif
  sm_home_link http://www.rogers.com;
  sm_home_text home
if none? find tmp/HTTP-Response 200 [return join Error: 
either parse tmp/content [  ; very ugly
parsing attempt
thru Your Message: br to {/bbr} thru br copy trans to
{/font} to end  ; changed parse value
return trans
 print [Content was:  tmp/content]
return Error: Unable to parse HTML result page
print send-message 416 5551212 This is a test

but note the comment about the parsing... very ugly and very specific (and
limited) to this example.

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[REBOL] Re: mailing list oddness

2002-06-09 Thread SunandaDH

 weird ... my last 3 messages just got posted in reverse order of sending??

You're lucky!

My last post hasn't appeared after 48 hours. Not on the archive either,
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[REBOL] Re: How to check function arguments ?

2002-06-09 Thread Ingo Hohmann

Hi Jason,

Jason Cunliffe wrote:
 Q: How to tell if a word already exists or if is just an argument value being
somefunc: func [inp [any-type!]][if value? 'inp [print inp do stuff]]

 == none
somefunc hello

 == do stuff
somefunc print now

 == none
 When the input to somefunc is something like 'print' or any word in the rebol
 dictionary, we might assume that it is not a valid argument. 

Well, trouble is, some-func never gets to see 'print, let's walk through it:

  somefunc print hello

The interpreter finds 'somefunc, and sees that it's a function which 
would be happy to get an argument (in our example it would be equally 
happy without one, but that will only be checked _after_ nothing at all 
has been found).

Now it stumbles on 'print ahh, that's word, now let's find the value of 
that word. The value happens to be a function, this function wants one 
argument, too, so it eats the string hello, does its work, and the 
return value of print (which is nothing at all, by the way), is given to 
somefunc as an argument.

You could change somefunc like this

 somefunc: func['inp[any-type!]][if value? 'inp [print inp do stuff]]

(Notice the 'tick in front of inp)

Now you'll get:

  somefunc print hello
== hello

- somefunc eats the _word_ 'print, without evaluating it, and hello 
is just returned, because there's nothing left to do with it.

It is possible to do the print command now, but the problem is to get to 
prints argument.

And now for something completely different.

Your real problem is, that Rebol functions just try to get all their 
arguments, and there seems to be no way to tell a function where to stop 
searching, while most other languages have a means for that, be it 
semicolons, parents, or what not.

Now Rebol has some Lisp ancestry, so you can always use those lispy parens:

== none
  (somefunc) print hello

 But the obvious escape is just put all args in a block.

Well, that's the most rebolious way, I think.

I hope that shines a little light on the subject,


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[REBOL] Re: mailing list oddness

2002-06-09 Thread Carl Read

On 10-Jun-02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 weird ... my last 3 messages just got posted in reverse order of

 You're lucky!

 My last post hasn't appeared after 48 hours. Not on the archive
 either, Sunanda.

If it does arrive, check its header to see if you can spot where it
was held up.

I'd thought this problem had gone away, but I guess it hasn't.  A week
or so ago I subscribed to the list with a second email address to see
if posts would ever arrive at different times.  They never did
though, so I discontinued the experiment after a few days.  (For
obvious reasons:)  But while I was doing this there weren't any
complaints about slowness, so it may have just been chance.  Won't be
trying it again though...

Carl Read

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