[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-15 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi James, et al

You're spot on, except that you're routine! spec is missing the return

shell-execute: make routine! [
hwndParent  [integer!]
Operation   [string!]
Parameters  [string!]
Directory   [string!]
ShowCmd [integer!]
return: [integer!]
] win-lib ShellExecuteA


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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-14 Thread Romano Paolo Tenca

Good work Gregg, thanks!

If you know windows-msg, can you tell us what msg could be useful?

And there is something that can be usefule in the Rebol View (not


- Original Message -
From: Gregg Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 1:07 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

 Hi All,

 OK, it looks like incoming Windows messages are formed like this:

 msg: [winmsg 563 8585228 0]


 msg/1 = 'winmsg
 msg/2 = ID
 msg/3 = wParam
 msg/4 = lParam

 Below is a very quick hack that allows you to drag and drop files onto the
 console window. Requires View/Pro or /Command for library access and a
 version that supports the system port (e.g. 1.2.5, 1.2.8, Command 2.1.1).

 Let me know if it works for you.


 P.S. Watch for wrap!

 Title:  sys-port-drag-accept
 File:   %sys-port-drag-accept.r
 Author: Gregg Irwin
 Purpose: {Demo using system port to catch WM_DROPFILE messages.}

 ; Stripped version of win-shell object for demo purposes.
 win-shell: make object! [
 win-lib:  load/library %shell32.dll

 null-buff: func [
 {Returns a null-filled string buffer of the specified length.}
 len [integer!]
 head insert/dup make string! len #^@ len

 drag-accept-files: make routine! [
 fAccept [integer!]
 return: [integer!]
 ] win-lib DragAcceptFiles

 drag-finish: make routine! [
 hDrop   [integer!]
 return: [integer!]
 ] win-lib DragFinish

 drag-query-file: make routine! [
 iFile   [integer!]
 cb  [integer!]
 return: [integer!]
 ] win-lib DragQueryFile

 drag-query-filename-size: make routine! [
 iFile   [integer!]
 cb  [integer!]
 return: [integer!]
 ] win-lib DragQueryFile

 num-files-dropped?: func [hdrop [integer!]] [
 drag-query-file hdrop -1  0

 ; When they give us a filename index, we'll subtract one for them,
 ; because Windows has the list as zero based, but I'd much rather let
 ; everything be one based on the REBOL side.
 dropped-filename-size?: func [hdrop [integer!] index [integer!]] [
 drag-query-filename-size hdrop index - 1 0 0

 dropped-filename?: func [hdrop [integer!] index [integer!] /local result
 len] [
 result: null-buff add 1 dropped-filename-size? hdrop index
 len: drag-query-file hdrop index - 1 result length? result
 copy/part result len


 my-hwnd?: does [second get-modes system/ports/system [window]]

 WM_DROPFILES: 563 ; H233

 enable-system-trap: does [
  ; Trap OS interrupts
 if not system/ports/system [
 if none? attempt [system/ports/system: open [scheme: 'system]][
 print NOTE: Missing System Port exit
 if find get-modes system/ports/system 'system-modes 'winmsg [
 set-modes system/ports/system [winmsg: WM_DROPFILES]
 append system/ports/wait-list system/ports/system

 check-system-trap: func [port /local msg] [
 if not port? port [return none]
 if any [port/scheme  'system  port  system/ports/system][return
 if not system/ports/system [return none]
 while [msg: pick system/ports/system 1] [
 ;print [msg: mold msg]
 if msg/1 = 'winmsg [
 if msg/2  = WM_DROPFILES [
 print [You dropped  win-shell/num-files-dropped? msg/3
 repeat i win-shell/num-files-dropped? msg/3 [
 file: to-rebol-file win-shell/dropped-filename? msg/3 i
 print [tab join i . tab either dir? file [dirize
 print Finishing drag operation
 win-shell/drag-finish msg/3
 print Unregistering window from DragAcceptFiles queue
 win-shell/drag-accept-files my-hwnd? to integer! false
 ; (save files here)
 halt ;quit

 print Drag some files and drop them on this window...^/

 win-shell/drag-accept-files my-hwnd? to integer! true


 forever [
  wake-port: wait 10 ;timeout period
  if wake-port [check-system-trap wake-port]

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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-14 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Romano,

 If you know windows-msg, can you tell us what msg could be useful?  

Well, given the volume of Windows messages, you really need to know what it
is you want to accomplish because most of them exist for a reason, so
they're all useful in some context. :)

WM_GETMINMAXINFO - Used to constrain windows sizes as user drags them.
WM_NCxxx - NonClient area messages. Used to do custom painting of title bar,
add custom title bar buttons, etc.
WM_POWERBROADCAST - This is used on battery powered devices to get info
about battery state, when a power is low and shutting things down, etc.
WM_COMMAND - For menu commands and accelerators.
WM_MOUSEHOVER/WM_MOUSELEAVE - If all faces are implemented as true windows,
you could get hover/leave notification.

Some APIs allow you to specify your own callback message (e.g.
Shell_NotifyIcon for tray icon support and SHAppBarMessage for AppDesktopBar
support). Another important use is the case where you have mulitple apps
that talk to each other by pumping messages. Those are generally custom
messages, but it would allow you to use a REBOL app under those

An old trick people would use was to post a message to themselves, rather
than setting up a timer and state flag, to emulate a notification system,
but I never really liked it much.

 And there is something that can be usefule in the Rebol View (not

Lots of things will require the use of structures, even if they don't use
APIs, which I think is not available in standard View, correct?
WM_POWERBROADCAST is a simple one, though I don't know how useful it is. I
chose WM_DROPFILES because, even though it requires /Pro, it provides a
really handy piece of functionality. With some other API calls you can make
it work for View windows too.

I think RT has actually done a very nice job covering the most useful things
themselves. E.g. insert-event-func let's you catch resize, offset, and close

I've got a little launcher that emulates an AppBar (like the task bar) in
auto-hide mode. The difference being that a real AppDesktopBar modifies the
workspace of the desktop so maximized apps don't cover them, etc. AppBars
never really took off. Very few companies I know of produce apps that use
them, maybe because the APIs to do so are such a big pain in the butt. :)

Maybe, like the Unix signal stuff, one of the most useful things would be
catching WM_DESTROY so you can clean things up if the session is shutting


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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-14 Thread Romano Paolo Tenca

Hi Gregg,

thanks again for all your work.

 An old trick people would use was to post a message to themselves, rather
 than setting up a timer and state flag, to emulate a notification system,
 but I never really liked it much.

Not being Windows a real time system, it makes no great difference, a part
adding a bit of confusion to an already caotic system :-)

In Amiga should be another tale.

  And there is something that can be usefule in the Rebol View (not

 Lots of things will require the use of structures, even if they don't use
 APIs, which I think is not available in standard View, correct?

Structure are also in the plain version of View (and Core i think).
But not library! and routine!.

So i think that a Window message could at least be decoded and read if it does
not require other system calls.


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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-14 Thread Gregg Irwin

 Structure are also in the plain version of View (and Core i think).
But not library! and routine!. 

I couldn't make a struct! in Core, but I could in View.

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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-14 Thread atruter

 Well, given the volume of Windows messages, you really need to know what
 is you want to accomplish because most of them exist for a reason, so
 they're all useful in some context. :)

I don't suppose there is a handy one for create a short-cut on the
desktop regardless of what Windows version it is? ;)



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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-14 Thread James Marsden

Ashley wrote:
 I don't suppose there is a handy one for create a short-cut on the
 desktop regardless of what Windows version it is? ;)

The easiest way I know of (which doesn't depend on esoteric fCreateShell dll
calls) is to call a windows scripting object file (a *.sh text file) which
will get run by the windows scripting host (provided it is installed -
default in win98 SE upwards - IIRC).

then from rebol its a simple shell call using the ShellExecute API
specifying the name of the script to call.

a sample script file (sample.sh) could contain:

' --
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject(WScript.Shell)
DesktopPath = WSHShell.SpecialFolders(Desktop)

'Create shortcut to database program
Set MyShortcut = WSHShell.CreateShortcut(DesktopPath  \I am a
with MyShortcut
.TargetPath = C:\wherever\whatever.exe
.WorkingDirectory = C:\wherever
.WindowStyle = 4
.IconLocation = C:\wherever\whatever.exe, 0
end with
' --

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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-14 Thread atruter

 a sample script file (sample.sh) could contain:


 then from rebol its a simple shell call using the ShellExecute API
specifying the name of the script to call.

Err, this lost me a bit. ;) Could you provide an example of a simple shell
call using the ShellExecute API ...



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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-13 Thread Gregg Irwin

Gabriele, et al

Just saw the message from Carl, and need to dig into this more but...

 Very interesting information. I assume the window ID refers to the
console  window?  Did  you  find  any  way to get that for a /View

You're right. Even if no console window is displayed, that's what it
returns. If you know the title of your view window, you can get it with the
API, and I just checked something else. The class name for the console
window is REBOL, but view windows use REBOLWind as a class name so you
could find them that way as well.

 I wonder if anyone knows what could be set in WINMSG; what type of
messages  does  Windows  send? Maybe we can figure how it works by
ourselves,  so  that  Carl  doesn't have to spend precious time in
writing examples... :-) 

I'll need to play with this on the REBOL side, but Windows messages follow a
standard format. There are 3 parts to a message, with the target window
handle being a fourth, if you use something like the SendMessage API. The 3
component parts of a message are:

MsgID  - This is the numeric ID of the message
wParam - A value that goes with the message. Varies by message type.
   Used to be a 16 bit word. It's a 32-bit DWORD under Win32.
lParam - A value, or pointer to a value, that is used by the message.
   also varies by message type. 32 bit DWORD

Internally, the OS will also have a timestamp and cursor location for each
message that is sent or queued.


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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-13 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi All,

OK, it looks like incoming Windows messages are formed like this:

msg: [winmsg 563 8585228 0]


msg/1 = 'winmsg
msg/2 = ID
msg/3 = wParam
msg/4 = lParam

Below is a very quick hack that allows you to drag and drop files onto the
console window. Requires View/Pro or /Command for library access and a
version that supports the system port (e.g. 1.2.5, 1.2.8, Command 2.1.1).

Let me know if it works for you.


P.S. Watch for wrap!

Title:  sys-port-drag-accept
File:   %sys-port-drag-accept.r
Author: Gregg Irwin
Purpose: {Demo using system port to catch WM_DROPFILE messages.}

; Stripped version of win-shell object for demo purposes.
win-shell: make object! [
win-lib:  load/library %shell32.dll

null-buff: func [
{Returns a null-filled string buffer of the specified length.}
len [integer!]
head insert/dup make string! len #^@ len

drag-accept-files: make routine! [
fAccept [integer!]
return: [integer!]
] win-lib DragAcceptFiles

drag-finish: make routine! [
hDrop   [integer!]
return: [integer!]
] win-lib DragFinish

drag-query-file: make routine! [
iFile   [integer!]
cb  [integer!]
return: [integer!]
] win-lib DragQueryFile

drag-query-filename-size: make routine! [
iFile   [integer!]
cb  [integer!]
return: [integer!]
] win-lib DragQueryFile

num-files-dropped?: func [hdrop [integer!]] [
drag-query-file hdrop -1  0

; When they give us a filename index, we'll subtract one for them,
; because Windows has the list as zero based, but I'd much rather let
; everything be one based on the REBOL side.
dropped-filename-size?: func [hdrop [integer!] index [integer!]] [
drag-query-filename-size hdrop index - 1 0 0

dropped-filename?: func [hdrop [integer!] index [integer!] /local result
len] [
result: null-buff add 1 dropped-filename-size? hdrop index
len: drag-query-file hdrop index - 1 result length? result
copy/part result len


my-hwnd?: does [second get-modes system/ports/system [window]]

WM_DROPFILES: 563 ; H233

enable-system-trap: does [
 ; Trap OS interrupts
if not system/ports/system [
if none? attempt [system/ports/system: open [scheme: 'system]][
print NOTE: Missing System Port exit
if find get-modes system/ports/system 'system-modes 'winmsg [
set-modes system/ports/system [winmsg: WM_DROPFILES]
append system/ports/wait-list system/ports/system

check-system-trap: func [port /local msg] [
if not port? port [return none]
if any [port/scheme  'system  port  system/ports/system][return
if not system/ports/system [return none]
while [msg: pick system/ports/system 1] [
;print [msg: mold msg]
if msg/1 = 'winmsg [
if msg/2  = WM_DROPFILES [
print [You dropped  win-shell/num-files-dropped? msg/3
repeat i win-shell/num-files-dropped? msg/3 [
file: to-rebol-file win-shell/dropped-filename? msg/3 i
print [tab join i . tab either dir? file [dirize
print Finishing drag operation
win-shell/drag-finish msg/3
print Unregistering window from DragAcceptFiles queue
win-shell/drag-accept-files my-hwnd? to integer! false
; (save files here)
halt ;quit

print Drag some files and drop them on this window...^/

win-shell/drag-accept-files my-hwnd? to integer! true


forever [
 wake-port: wait 10 ;timeout period
 if wake-port [check-system-trap wake-port]

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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-13 Thread Brett Handley

Hi Gregg,

 Below is a very quick hack that allows you to drag and drop files onto the
 console window. Requires View/Pro or /Command for library access and a
 version that supports the system port (e.g. 1.2.5, 1.2.8, Command 2.1.1).

Scary it works.  Thanks for doing the decode effort and sharing it.


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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-13 Thread Gabriele Santilli
Hi Romano,

On Sunday, October 13, 2002, 10:42:58 AM, you wrote:

RPT get-modes system/ports/system get-modes system/ports/system 'system-modes
RPT == [window: 688 winmsg: [] endian: little]

Very interesting information. I assume the window ID refers to the
console  window?  Did  you  find  any  way to get that for a /View

I wonder if anyone knows what could be set in WINMSG; what type of
messages  does  Windows  send? Maybe we can figure how it works by
ourselves,  so  that  Carl  doesn't have to spend precious time in
writing examples... :-)

Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: Exploring System Port

2002-10-13 Thread Petr Krenzelok
Gabriele Santilli wrote:

Hi Romano,

On Sunday, October 13, 2002, 10:42:58 AM, you wrote:

RPT get-modes system/ports/system get-modes system/ports/system 'system-modes
RPT == [window: 688 winmsg: [] endian: little]

Very interesting information. I assume the window ID refers to the
console  window?  Did  you  find  any  way to get that for a /View

I wonder if anyone knows what could be set in WINMSG; what type of
messages  does  Windows  send? Maybe we can figure how it works by
ourselves,  so  that  Carl  doesn't have to spend precious time in
writing examples... :-)

I asked yesterday Carl to post some example, as I saw ppl here not being 
able to proceed with system port usage. Now it is our turn :-) As for 
Winmsgs, it should be available somewhere in Win32 API reference manuals 
imo ...



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