Red Hat 7.2 HTML Editor.

2003-05-29 Thread John N. Alegre
Ok List,

What are peoples top suggestions for free linux HTML page creation software.  I
want something that can handle all the latest HTML extensions, style sheets,
dual frames, etc. etc.  I want it to be free and I want it to be compatible
with remote display to another X-Window server.  I am running Linux 7.2 on this
particular Linux boxen.

On another note, I did a recent Red Hat 8.0 install and the font server does
not appear to be automatic at least not to a remote X-Window server.  I have
had no problem with this up to Red Hat 7.3.

All comments welcome!

John N. Alegre   o
Andante Systems   o
eCommerce Consulting   o
Custom Web Development *}
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 28-May-03
Time: 20:47:02

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Mial Readers for Redhat.

2003-03-09 Thread John N. Alegre

Has anyone found a better X-Window based mail reader for Red Hat Linux then
Netscape.  I need something that will do all mime types, html sends and reads,
as well as binary attachments and can be used on a remote X server.

All comments welcome either private or to the list.

Thanks and Peace

John N. Alegre   o
Andante Systems   o
eCommerce Consulting   o
Custom Web Development *}
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 09-Mar-03
Time: 14:34:51

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2003-01-11 Thread John N. Alegre
Thanks to everyone who ventured suggestions on this.

Thomas gets the cigar!

On 10-Jan-03 T. Ribbrock [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:
 This has happened to me once. The reason was: I forgot that the
 default install of RHL 7.[23] installs an ipchains firewall on the
 machine as well - and in the default setup, nfs is blocked...

I ran sys-unconfig and disabled the default ipchains.  NFS now works fine. 
This also solved the rsh and rlogin problems.

One small tip is that when you enter your network params after the
sys-unconfig reboot it only contains a single entry for your DNS which will be
the way your /etc/resolve.config file is after reboot.  The old resolve.config
is in /etc/resolve.config.bak.  Just copy it back over to get all DNS if you
use more then one server.

All praise to redhat-list.


John N. Alegre   o
Andante Systems   o
eCommerce Consulting   o
Custom Web Development *}
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 11-Jan-03
Time: 03:29:27

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NFS PROBLEMS -- one more try!

2003-01-10 Thread John N. Alegre
Well one more posting on this.  Maybe some Linux Guru will see something over
the weekend.

Thanks for all the trys so far.

I am unable to get NFS to function an a Red Hat 7.3 install.

I can neither get remote clients to mount directories exported from the 7.3
system or get the 7.3 system to mount remote directories.

First the machinenames:

libros -- RedHat 6.3 mailsever
zaragoza -- RedHat 7.2 Oracle server
valencia – New RedHat 7.3 system

Actually if I could bet the new system (valencia) to mount drives exported from
the other two machines it would go a long way to solve my problem.  Note that I
can successfully mount drives from libros on zaragoza and drives from zaragoza
on libros so I know nfs it proper on those two machines.

Here is some diagnostic output:

[root@libros jna]# /usr/sbin/exportfs

[root@zaragoza java]# /usr/sbin/exportfs

[root@valencia jna]# /usr/sbin/exportfs

[root@zaragoza java]# mount -o rsize=1024,wsize=1024 libros:/home /mnt/libros  
[root@zaragoza java]# ls /mnt/libros
alegrejfreeinfo  jdev  listhub masexedit  pukesnot
bucks  ftp   jobs  lost+found  paypal setitman
fishtrade  info  john  lreger  poptartshared

[root@zaragoza java]#mount -o rsize=1024,wsize=1024 valencia:/home /mnt/valencia
mount: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused

[root@valencia jna]#   mount -o rsize=1024,wsize=1024 libros:/home /mnt/libros 
mount: RPC: Timed out

On valencia it looks like the nfs daemon is running correctly:

[root@valencia jna]# /sbin/service nfs status
rpc.mountd (pid 1027) is running...
nfsd (pid 1039 1038 1037 1036 1035 1034 1033 1032) is running...
rpc.rquotad (pid 1022) is running...

as is rpc:

[root@valencia jna]# /usr/sbin/rpcinfo -p
   program vers proto   port
102   tcp111  portmapper
102   udp111  portmapper
1000241   udp  32768  status
1000241   tcp  32768  status
1000111   udp775  rquotad
1000112   udp775  rquotad
1000111   tcp778  rquotad
1000112   tcp778  rquotad
151   udp  32769  mountd
151   tcp  32769  mountd
152   udp  32769  mountd
152   tcp  32769  mountd
153   udp  32769  mountd
153   tcp  32769  mountd
132   udp   2049  nfs
133   udp   2049  nfs
1000211   udp  32770  nlockmgr
1000213   udp  32770  nlockmgr
1000214   udp  32770  nlockmgr

hosts.allow on valencia (names changed to protect the innocent):
[root@valencia jna]# cat /etc/hosts.allow
# hosts.allow   This file describes the names of the hosts which are
#   allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
#   by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
ALL : localhost
telnetd :
ingerd  : ALL

Who sees something I don't???
Some additional facts, I can not rlogin or rsh to valencia but telnet and ssh
work just fine.

All comments welcome.

Thank you

John N. Alegre   o
Andante Systems   o
eCommerce Consulting   o
Custom Web Development *}
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10-Jan-03
Time: 16:05:30

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NFS Problems on Linux 7.3 Install ???

2003-01-09 Thread John N. Alegre
I am unable to get NFS to function after a Red Hat 7.3 install.

I can neither get remote clients to mount directories exported from the 7.3
system or get the 7.3 system to mount remote directories.

First the machinenames:

libros -- RedHat 6.3 mailsever
zaragoza -- RedHat 7.2 Oracle server
valencia – New RedHat 7.3 system

Actually if I could get the new system (valencia) to mount drives exported from
the other two machines it would go a long way to solve my problem.  Note that I
can successfully mount drives from libros on zaragoza and drives from zaragoza
on libros so I know nfs is proper on those two machines and I have used
serviceconf to enable the nfs service on valencia.

Here is some diagnostic output:

[root@libros jna]# /usr/sbin/exportfs

[root@zaragoza java]# /usr/sbin/exportfs

[root@valencia jna]# /usr/sbin/exportfs

[root@zaragoza java]# mount -o rsize=1024,wsize=1024 libros:/home /mnt/libros  
[root@zaragoza java]# ls /mnt/libros
alegrejfreeinfo  jdev  listhub masexedit  pukesnot
bucks  ftp   jobs  lost+found  paypal setitman
fishtrade  info  john  lreger  poptartshared

[root@zaragoza java]#mount -o rsize=1024,wsize=1024 valencia:/home /mnt/valencia
mount: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused

[root@valencia jna]#   mount -o rsize=1024,wsize=1024 libros:/home /mnt/libros 
mount: RPC: Timed out

On valencia it looks like the nfs daemon is running correctly:

[root@valencia jna]# /sbin/service nfs status
rpc.mountd (pid 1027) is running...
nfsd (pid 1039 1038 1037 1036 1035 1034 1033 1032) is running...
rpc.rquotad (pid 1022) is running...

as is rpc:

[root@valencia jna]# /usr/sbin/rpcinfo -p
   program vers proto   port
102   tcp111  portmapper
102   udp111  portmapper
1000241   udp  32768  status
1000241   tcp  32768  status
1000111   udp775  rquotad
1000112   udp775  rquotad
1000111   tcp778  rquotad
1000112   tcp778  rquotad
151   udp  32769  mountd
151   tcp  32769  mountd
152   udp  32769  mountd
152   tcp  32769  mountd
153   udp  32769  mountd
153   tcp  32769  mountd
132   udp   2049  nfs
133   udp   2049  nfs
1000211   udp  32770  nlockmgr
1000213   udp  32770  nlockmgr
1000214   udp  32770  nlockmgr

hosts.allow on valencia (names changed to protect the innocent) is:
[root@valencia jna]# cat /etc/hosts.allow
# hosts.allow   This file describes the names of the hosts which are
#   allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
#   by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
ALL : localhost
ALL : 206.XXX.YYY.ZZ  masked libros IP
ALL : 206.XXX.YYY.ZZ  masked zaragoza IP
telnetd :
ingerd  : ALL

Who sees something I don't???

Some additional facts, I can not rlogin or rsh to valencia but telnet and ssh
work just fine.  When I installed I don't think I enabled shadow passwords, I
am not sure.

All comments welcome.

Thank you

John N. Alegre   o
Andante Systems   o
eCommerce Consulting   o
Custom Web Development *}
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 09-Jan-03
Time: 15:23:26

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Missing libraries and a RPM Teach a man to fish question.

2003-01-06 Thread John N. Alegre
Hello List,

First the question.

What packages are the following libraries in?,, and

Now teach me to fish.

I am trying to back install some packages that I missed during a recent Red Hat
7.3 installation.  When I get failed dependencies they are either the name of
another missing package or the name of a missing library.

Finding the missing package is easy, I just look for it on the installation
disks and install it.

My strategy for finding missing libraries is to look on a different Red Hat 7.1
installation running on my network using the commands

bin-sh# locate libfindme.s.0.0

bin-sh# rpm -qf /bin/lib/libfindme.s.0.0

and then finding that current package on the installation disks.  This failed
with the above four libs because they were not on the 7.1 system.

Is there a list of what libraries are installed by which .rpm packages??
Is there some cute rpm command option that will reveal this, i.e. the package a
missing lib is in?

Thanks.  All comments welcome.

John N. Alegre   o
Andante Systems   o
eCommerce Consulting   o
Custom Web Development *}
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 06-Jan-03
Time: 07:04:39

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Questions on LILO and searching this list

2003-01-03 Thread John N. Alegre

# 0k SECOND time for this quesion
# No Answers the first time


Back to the list with questions.

First off let me thank Duncan and Jonathan for helping me with the Network in
Rescue problem.  I solved the problem another way but thanks for the help.

Ok, situation ...

IBM Thinkpad 600.  Old Linux 6.3. Attempts to upgrade failed due to bad media.
(Damn Nero).  Did a complete install with new disks.  This is a dual boot
laptop with a NT Partition and a Linux system.  Boot Magic running in a small
hidden FAT partition has always booted both systems.  Ok, In my confusion I
thought that since boot magic was booting both partitions that I did NOT need a
boot loader for linux so I choose to not install one during the Install.

But no

Boot magic does need a boot loader.  I know it works with LILO as that was what
was on the old 6.3 system.  I do not know if it works with GRUB.  Does it?

And now I have a Linux 7.3 system that boots fine with the boot floppy but not
with Boot Magic.

So I tried to do an upgrade and install the boot loader during the upgrade. 
Message was No kernel upgrade, boot loader not installed.

Is there any way to do a manual install of lilo, (or GRUB if it works with Boot
Magic 8.0)?  I want the boot loader on the 50MB partion that I am mounting as

# Another question on the list itself.

Does anyone at Red Hat know the search engine on the redhat-list returns no
hits no matter what the search criteria?

John N. Alegre   o
Andante Systems   o
eCommerce Consulting   o
Custom Web Development *}
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 03-Jan-03
Time: 11:08:09

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Installing a boot loader after Installing RedHat 7.3???

2003-01-02 Thread John N. Alegre

Back to the list with questions.

First off let me thank Duncan and Jonathan for helping me with the Network in
Rescue problem.  I solved the problem another way but thanks for the help.

Ok, situation ...

IBM Thinkpad 600.  Old Linux 6.3. Attempts to upgrade failed due to bad media.
(Damn Nero).  Did a complete install with new disks.  This is a dual boot
laptop with a NT Partition and a Linux system.  Boot Magic running in a small
hidden FAT partition has always booted both systems.  Ok, In my confusion I
thought that since boot magic was booting both partitions that I did NOT need a
boot loader for linux so I choose to not install one during the Install.

But no

Boot magic does need a boot loader.  I know it works with LILO as that was what
was on the old 6.3 system.  I do not know if it works with GRUB.  Does it?

And now I have a Linux 7.3 system that boots fine with the boot floppy but not
with Boot Magic.

So I tried to do an upgrade and install the boot loader during the upgrade. 
Message was No kernel upgrade, boot loader not installed.

Is there any way to do a manual install of lilo, (or GRUB if it works with Boot
Magic 8.0)?  I want the boot loader on the 50MB partion that I am mounting as

All comments welcome.

John N. Alegre   o
Andante Systems   o
eCommerce Consulting   o
Custom Web Development *}
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 02-Jan-03
Time: 17:21:05

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Network under Rescue???

2003-01-01 Thread John N. Alegre
Linux Gurus,

Is there anyway to enable the network manually in Rescue mode? All attempts to
telnet or ftp under Rescue give a Network Unreachable error.

All comments welcome

John N. Alegre   o
Andante Systems   o
eCommerce Consulting   o
Custom Web Development *}
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 01-Jan-03
Time: 10:50:44

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RE: redhat-list digest, Vol 1 #6280 - 10 msgs

2003-01-01 Thread John N. Alegre

On 01-Jan-03 Duncan Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 01, 2003 at 10:54:06AM -0600, John N. Alegre wrote:
 Linux Gurus,
 Is there anyway to enable the network manually in Rescue mode? All attempts
 telnet or ftp under Rescue give a Network Unreachable error.
 Output of  ifconfig  and  route -n  ?
sh-2.05a# ifconfig

sh-2.05a# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface



John N. Alegre   o
Andante Systems   o
eCommerce Consulting   o
Custom Web Development *}
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 01-Jan-03
Time: 14:55:51

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RE: Redhat-list digest, Vol 1 #802 - 18 msgs

2001-01-03 Thread John N. Alegre

John and others who replied.

Thanks for the comments.

The problem actually had to do with a NT util called "Time Sync".  I have a
util called Tardis running on my single dedicated NT box.  This util runs as a
service and keeps the system time on that machine in sync with the atomic
clock.  Obviously an NT version of rdate, but it runs as a backgroud process and
does so without fault.  All my other systems, laptop included are dual boot
NT/Linux systems.  On the NT side of all these machines I run another NT util
called "Time Sync".  This keeps the system clock in sync with the clock on the
dedicated NT box that is in sync with the atomic clock.  When booted into
Linux the Linux system clock just gets its time from the same source and all is

Well somehow "Time Sync" appears to be broke on the Think Pad.  Whenever it
tries to resync with the LAN the date gets set back to sometime in 1999 and the
time to something incorrect.  Since I am on the Linux side 90% of the time I
did not discover this problem till yesterday.  Removing this util from the
Laptop and using the rdate util suggested my Mr Aldrich takes care of the

Sorry for the confusion.

On 03-Jan-01 John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 02 Jan 2001, John N. Alegre wrote:
 I am running RedHat 6.1/6.2 on two towers and a Think Pad.  Both the towers
 switched the year just fine, but the laptop booted Monday morning with a
 in 1999 and a time seven hours off.  I used the control-panel time machine
 changed the date and time and selected "Set System Time".  
 After I rebooted the date was correct but the time changes back to the
 7 hours ahead.  I have tried a a few more times and the time does not hold
 Can anyone help?  Is there a way to set date from the command line?  Why
 this only happen on the laptop?
 A good util is "rdate" to sync your pc clock with an atomic
 clock over the 'Net. I use or personally. The command I use is as
 rdate -s -p servername
 The options are -s (SET the time) and -p (PRINT the time so
 you know it's actually corrected! G) Then, as someone has
 suggested later, as root, run hwclock --systohc.

E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 03-Jan-01
Time: 21:32:26

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HELP -- System Time problem.

2001-01-02 Thread John N. Alegre

I am running RedHat 6.1/6.2 on two towers and a Think Pad.  Both the towers
switched the year just fine, but the laptop booted Monday morning with a date
in 1999 and a time seven hours off.  I used the control-panel time machine and
changed the date and time and selected "Set System Time".  

After I rebooted the date was correct but the time changes back to the incorrect
7 hours ahead.  I have tried a a few more times and the time does not hold past

Can anyone help?  Is there a way to set date from the command line?  Why would
this only happen on the laptop?

All comments welcome.

E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 02-Jan-01
Time: 18:48:49

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RE: Redhat-list digest, Vol 1 #650 - 15 msgs

2000-11-30 Thread John N. Alegre

Thank you Thomas!

This is the exact reason I have been screaming "has anyone actually used the
fixes they are posting for this particular problem".  I am sorry if I appeared
"RUDE".  Many of us realize that this list has many that are just cutting their
teeth on Linux/Unix.  That is good.  They are here to learn.  But with such a
high magnitude problem posting information to make yourself appear smart might
destroy someone's system.

To summarize some of the solutions that are incorrect.

rpm -f is not the answer
rpm --nodeps is not the answer
using the interim version rpm 3.0.5 is not the answer

Now it is true that 

rpm "somepackage" "someotherpackage" "somelastpackage"

will work for packages that are mutually dependent.  But when I tried this with
rpm and glibc going from RedHat 5.2  6.0 the exact thing Thomas is pointing
out happened and it took me a week to get the system back to where it was to
begin with.

Is there anyone who has taken RedHat 6.2 rpm and glibc to the 7.0 level using
rpm.  If so please share the way you did it.  It might be necessary to build
and install glibc from the tarball, upgrade rpm, remove the tarball files and
then upgrade glibc with the rpm.


On 30-Nov-00 Thomas Ribbrock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Message: 15
 Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 10:17:17 +
 From: Thomas Ribbrock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Chicken-and-egg - AGAIN
 On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 02:54:16PM -0500, William Stearns wrote:
  Simply do the upgrade, but upgrade them both at the same time
 rpm -Uvh glibc...rpm rpm...rpm
 Careful with that one! I haven't read the full thread (in fact I never
 *got* the full thread - I only got about 20 mails on the list over the
 past 24h...), but this command has potential for desaster.
 The one thing you have to make certain is that the new version of rpm
 you're trying to install is *not* using a new database format - 'cause
 in that case a "rpm --rebuilddb" is needed to make things work properly,
 and the command you listed might cause problems.
 Such database format changes have happened a couple of times in the
 past, e.g. somewhere between rpm 2.x-3.x and as well 3.x-4.x, IIRC.
  "Look, Ma, no obsolete quotes and plain text only!"
  Thomas Ribbrock | | ICQ#: 15839919
"You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"
 Redhat-list mailing list
 End of Redhat-list Digest___
 Redhat-list mailing list

E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 30-Nov-00
Time: 10:03:01

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RE: Chicken-and-egg problem with glibc and rpm

2000-11-29 Thread John N. Alegre

I have been following this thread carefully because I am having the same


"eric clover" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 man rpm

No clue here.  The guy does not even understand the problem.

"Burke, Thomas G." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try rpm -Fvh foo


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Wilson) properly corrected:

 Nope, F == freshen (i.e. only install if there's an older version already) 
 -f is force but --nodeps is probably what you're looking for anyway.

but this is not the answer either.  you can not --nodeps the rpm installation
or it will fail the next time it is used because it does not have the correct
version of glibc.  You can --nodeps the glibc upgrade but does anyone know if
rpm of version less then 4.0 will work with the new glibc.  I doubt it.  Has
anyone really solved this problem.  Newbes back off.


E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 29-Nov-00
Time: 13:46:46

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Re: Chicken-and-egg problem with glibc and rpm

2000-11-29 Thread John N. Alegre

I will try to be less RUDE here, but I am getting tired of people answering
this problem with answers that they have not tried.

Kyrian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The solution is to use the go-between version of RPM from the 3.x
 versions [ version 3.0.5 ] which is capable of reading RPM v4 format
 files, AFAIK.


[root@valencia working]# rpm --version
RPM version 3.0.5
[root@valencia working]# rpm -Uvh --test glibc-2.1.92-14.i686.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
rpm = 4.0-0.65 conflicts with glibc-2.1.92-14

E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 29-Nov-00
Time: 16:36:09

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Postscript works, Text does not. A BJC-2100 printing question?

2000-11-27 Thread John N. Alegre

Hello List,

I come to the guru's with one more question. 

Incense burning to Delphi in background!

My old BJC-4100 Canon printer died last week.  Because I have a good part of
the farm invested in BJ-21 ink carts, I decided to purchase a Canon BJC-2100
printer.  I searched the list archives and found a couple of posts that the
BJC-600 driver should work with the BJC-2100.  Close, but no stoggie.  All
postscript printing works fine.  The postscript test page prints fine.  Output
pages from Netscape print just fine.  Text does not print at all or even show
up in the lp queue.


libros% cat  dump
This is a line of test.
libros% lpr dump
libros% lpq
no entries

Anyone got a clue on what is wrong.  Even editors like Visual Slick Edit will
not print text. Netscape and Star Office, which I assume use the Postscript
drivers, print just fine.  Netscape printing pages and Star Office printing
formatted documents.

All comments welcome .. and thanks again.
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 27-Nov-00
Time: 21:44:17

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SMTP mail realy problem. Please help.

2000-11-24 Thread John N. Alegre

Hi list.  I need some help.

I have a network of Linux boxen and one Macintosh.  All the mail comes into a
single Linux system and mail is read and sent out from that system on all the
other systems using an x-window mail reader and setting DISPLAY to the machine
I want to read from.  So in all these cases the sending is done from the
machine running sendmail.  Now we come to the Macintosh.

On the Macintosh I am trying to send mail by configuring the remote SMTP machine
to the IP address of the machine running sendmail.  I do this in the Netscape
(or Eudora) preferences panel.  However all attempts to send mail give this

An error occurred while sending mail.
The mail server responded:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... Relaying denied
Please check the message recipients and try again.

Now when sending mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the machine running
sendmail this address will work just fine.  What am I missing?  There must be
some config file that tells sendmail to relay all mail from other IPs on this
LAN just as it does for mail from that same machine.  What is it?

Thanks for the help
E-Mail: John N. Alegre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 24-Nov-00
Time: 19:28:28

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