Re: Why is list reply set to user?

2000-08-04 Thread Robert Glover

> >Kambiz is right. That's the way it's supposed to work (but I sorta
> >liked it the old way too)
> NO, that is NOT the way it is supposed to work.  A prime example is
> what happened with Kambiz's reply and my reply to you.  What happened?
> You get TWO copies of the e-mail.  The last thing I need is MORE e-mail
> in my mail box.
> As I mentioned, this is the ONLY list that I am on that replies to the
> sender and not the list.
> Sure, I can hit g)roup reply in elm, but as you can see, you end up with two
> pieces of e-mail, when one is all that is really needed, or necessary.
> MB

IMHO, it also defeats the purpose of the list to reply to just one
when the response could benefit other people or contribute to the
In the small number of cases where you have an answer that is specific
just the sender, then send it to just that one person.

Just my opinion.

- Bob Glover

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: RHL Digest

2000-08-04 Thread Robert Glover

That does look better.  What would be really
great is if the message separator --__--__--
was longer, so it would jump out.

Of course by now, you must realize that no good
deed goes un-punished :)


- Bob Glover

Sample separator below:


Kambiz Aghaiepour wrote:
> Ok folks.  I've changed the option in Mailman under digest member options that
> reads:
> When receiving digests, which format is default?
> to be set to "MIME"
> The old setting was "Plain".  Robert, could you please respond and let me know
> if the digest mode looks better?  (everyone else, please don't respond)
> Kambiz
> Robert Glover wrote:
> >
> > > >   I am a life time pine user and the old RHL Digests used to be
> > > > easily displayed by pine. Each message was sort of an attachment. Anway,
> > > > I can not do that with this new digest format. Anybody know
> > > > why?? Something bad on my end??
> > >
> > > I second that!
> >
> > I third that.
> --
> \o__O  o   Kambiz Aghaiepour, RHCE  -Phone: (919) 524-7423   o   o
>   \_  /|\  -=   Red Hat, Inc.   =-  |\|  Pager: (800) 946-4646  //\ //\
>|\  |\  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  | |  Pager  Pin #: 1412622   //  //
>   / /  |/  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |\  ||

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: RHL Digest

2000-08-04 Thread Robert Glover

> >   I am a life time pine user and the old RHL Digests used to be
> > easily displayed by pine. Each message was sort of an attachment. Anway,
> > I can not do that with this new digest format. Anybody know
> > why?? Something bad on my end??
> I second that! The previous format came through as a single message with
> multiple attachments which worked fine in Outlook, Outlook Express and Pine.
> Now it's just a long message... which sucks. :-(
> Can we go back to how it was, please?
> And, I didn't get any digests for over a month. Thought I'd been unsubbed
> actually.

I third that.  The message boundaries are not as clear as before.
That slows me down when I'm skimming for a particular message.  I have
find the subject tag and read it, then, ever so carefully, scroll
forward to find the next subject tag, etc.  The subject tag should be
so obvious that it will jump up and throttle you, if you accidentally
pass it by.

-Bob Glover

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: FTP connecting slow

2000-07-07 Thread Robert Glover

Two guesses:

1. A DNS lookup problem.  When your boxes are plugged into the hub,
DNS lookups can be performed through your ISP, which I assume is
hooked up to your hub.

2. Otherwise, I would say that you might have a bad crossover cable.

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Re: small footprint X

2000-06-27 Thread Robert Glover

I found that on a 486/66 with 16MB of RAM, that using fvwm as the
window manager worked pretty well.  Gnome and KDE aren't the only
window managers out there.

- Bob Glover

> I'm no X guru and the previous threads about lightweight X were a > little
> over my head.  I want to set up a 486 with maybe 32MB RAM as an X
> workstation...  any thoughts on how best to do this?  Gnome seems to
> run pretty slowly (and poorly) on the 486 at work.


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Re: core dumps

2000-06-23 Thread Robert Glover

Did you try the file command?  Like this:

file core

It will often tell you what program caused the core dump, on Linux

- Bob Glover

> Hi all,
> I have one user that is having alot of core dumps. She usually has her
> computer on all day with one screen logged on the computer she
> is sitting at and one screen logged in via telnet to the computer in
> the other room. Is there anyway to tell what is causing these core
> files. I have no known loss of data or problems with the programs
> I wrote. All the other users don't seem to have these core files. Is
> there anyway to tell the cause. 
>  Thanks

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Re: Gnome messed up writing to cds!

2000-06-21 Thread Robert Glover

In gnome there is an app that runs, which auto-plays CDs.  Try it:
just put in a CD and see if it starts by itself.  If it does, then
that's your problem - turn it off.  I turned mine off and my annoying
problems went away.  I can't remember how I did it though: something
like 'kill' or the gnome control panel or maybe both.

Oh well good luck!

- Bob Glover

> I justed to update people on the list about what I've discovered about my
> problems with running cdrecord on my new Linux box. At first, I had no
> problems, then I was unable to erase re-writable cds or complete the
> process of writing to recordable cds. I looked through all the newsgroups
> and talked to the VA Linux folks. I even emailed the author of cdrecord
> who said the log files showed nothing really wrong on cdrecord's end. He
> suspected a Linux kernel problem.
> Turns out it was Gnome! I had been running cdrecord from the command line
> inside Gnome. Last night, as a lark, I thought I would quit out of Gnome
> and run tests without X. Everything worked great. And I think the reason
> things initially worked well was because I was running inside KDE, but
> then switched desktops to Gnome. 
> Why on earth would running inside Gnome cause problems like that, spewing
> out error messages and scsi card timeout errors in my /var/log/message
> file? I would love to hear what people think. 
> Gary 

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CDRW Track Titles Incorrect

2000-06-19 Thread Robert Glover

Last weekend, I was trying to put together an audio CD with cdda2wav
and cdrecord.  When I finished, the copy sounded good, but the CD
player app incorrectly reported the name of the album and track.  It
reports the track names correctly when the original CD is used,

>From this I assume that the ISRC number is not getting read or written
correctly.  Is there a web site, where I can look up a particular ISRC
number?  That would tell me whether it was the read or the write that
was messing up.

Note: I did use the -useinfo option on cdrecord so that it would use
the .inf files created by cdda2wav.

Any other hints or suggestions would be welcome.  Thanks!

- Bob Glover

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Re: Network

2000-06-15 Thread Robert Glover

If you aren't using some sort of dialing software (like PPPOE), then I
think you have the wrong gateway address, the wrong IP address (for
your PC), or the wrong network mask.  Verifying that these are correct
(by calling the ISP), couldn't hurt.

If you are using PPPOE or some similar "dialing" software, then I'd
put my bets on that.  Since I don't use PPPOE, someone else would have
to chime in.  Also, you might want to check out to
see if you can come up with

Ready for a long shot?  Try changing your netmask to

   It seems that windoze forwards to a gateway
   even when it isn't in the IP/subnet for the
   given interface.

I was looking at this article ICYWW (in case you were wondering):

If that doesn't work, email me your IP address, netmask, and gateway
IP address
and I'll see what I can do.  Don't send it to the list, email it to

> On 6/15/2000 at 9:16 AM Robert Glover wrote:
> >> Robert,
> >> 
> >> When I enter that command I get a message back, Network unreachable.  I had done 
>this once before.  
> >> 
> >> Any other ideas??
> >> 
> >> Steven
> >
> >1.  Can you ping the IP address of the gateway?
> >
> No I can not, if I try to I get the message back Network unreachable.
> >2.  Is the windoze box using DHCP?
> >Right-click network neighborhood, look at TCP/IP protocol for the
> >LAN adapter.
> >Don't make any changes (or you'll have to reboot..hehe).
> >
> >3.  If the windoze box is using DHCP, then the Linux box will need to
> >use it too.
> >
> NO On both 2 and 3
> >
> >-- 
> >To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe"
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Re: Network???

2000-06-15 Thread Robert Glover

> Robert,
> When I enter that command I get a message back, Network unreachable.  I had done 
>this once before.  
> Any other ideas??
> Steven

1.  Can you ping the IP address of the gateway?

2.  Is the windoze box using DHCP?
Right-click network neighborhood, look at TCP/IP protocol for the
LAN adapter.
Don't make any changes (or you'll have to reboot..hehe).

3.  If the windoze box is using DHCP, then the Linux box will need to
use it too.

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Re: Network???

2000-06-14 Thread Robert Glover

Okie Dokie!  You have the DSL and your LAN hooked into the same hub?
-- that's bad security, but I bet you just want to get things working
for now.  I'll throw in my 2 bits and say that you should not hook the
internet directly to your LAN.  You'll be broken into in no time that
way.  You should run the DSL into the Linux box and use ipchains and
IP masquerading to firewall it away from the LAN.  But since you're
going to do it anyway, read on.

First of all you need a default route, and to do that you will need
the IP address of your ISP's router(gateway).  Since your Windoze box
sees the net okay, get the info from it.  Here's an example of how to
use the route command to add a default gateway.  You could go into
linuxconf and do it, but do it my way -- it'll grow hair on your chest
:)  Well, okay linuxconf will make the default route permanent, so
once you have it working use linuxconf.

route add default gw 216.233.X.1
 ^^^  This is the IP address of your ISP's

You may have trouble if you only have one IP address from your ISP. 
If you set both the windoze box and the Linux box to the same IP
address, you will have problems.  The ISP's gateway may watch Mac
addresses and only allow one (if you only paid for one).

The IP address that isn't yours is the broadcast address formed by
doing certain bitwise operations on your IP address.  I won't go into
that anymore.  You don't need to worry about it at this point.

> Good Morning again,
> I was asked some question about the way my network was set up.  This is the 
>information it gave me.  
> I know something is wrong, but not sure what.  I did go though some of the network 
>help on, but
> the 3howto was down.
> S
> On 6/14/2000 at 9:14 AM Robert Glover wrote:
> >> Good Evening Group,
> >> 
> >[ snip ]
> >> 
> >> I have a DSL line, and the windoze box that I have see's the net OK.  I can not 
>even see
> >> the box from within my own network.  
> >> 
> >> So my question is (well the best I can do with my limited knowledge.)  IS WHY?  I 
> >> netcfg and put in the information for the network.  If I run netstat -a it tells 
>me that I have 
> >> an IP address and the name of the box.  ifconfig has also been run.  It tells me 
>the best
> >> that I can tell everything is OK.  
> >> 
> >> So HELP...  If you tell me something needs to be done, I can do most 
> >> from memory. If not, please give me kind of a step by step of what you need done. 
> >> I have set up a named.conf file, also a hosts file.  I think that I have set up 
>all the files I need.
> >> 
> >> One question first, is there an issue with the nic card on this box.  I think it 
>is an 82XX card.
> >> 
> >> Steven
> >
> >Well, in your case I would suspect routing.  Did you set up a
> >(default) route?  If you continue to have problems, include more
> >information like:
> >
> >0.  Did you read the NET-3-HOWTO?
> Tried this...  But the server states that is an 404 error
> >1.  When you say ping, what did you ping?
> I did a ping box name.
> >2.  Do you have a hub?  Are both the windoze and Linux PC's on the LAN
> >at the same time?  Can they ping each other?
> Yes, I have a hub, Yes both are on the same lan at the same time.  No I can not ping 
>each other.
> >3.  What does the output of ifconfig look like.
> Lots of information:
> eth0Link encap Ethernet HWaddres Mac address 00:A0:C9:XX:XX:XX
> inet address (Currect IP_) Bcast: An IP address that is not mine 
>   Mask
> RX Packets: 119 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns:0 Frame:0
> TX Packets:0"   "   "   "
> colisions:0 txqueuelen:0x2800
> lo  Link encap Local Loopback
> inet address  Mask
> RX Packets: 104 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns:0 Frame:0
> TX Packets:104  "   "   "   "
> colisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> >4.  What does the output of the route command look like?
> 216.233.X.X * UH  0   0   0   eth0
> 216.233.X.X * U   "   "   "   "
>   *   U   "   "   "   lo
> >5.  What does the output of lsmod look like?  This will help determine
> >which module(driver) is being loaded for your NIC.
> eepro10012272   1   (autoclean)
> scsi card   
> >
> >This will go a long way in helping diagnose the problem.  And who
> >knows: maybe before you get down to number 5, you'll have figured it
> >out all by yourself.
> >
> >

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Re: Network???

2000-06-14 Thread Robert Glover

> Good Evening Group,
[ snip ]
> I have a DSL line, and the windoze box that I have see's the net OK.  I can not even 
> the box from within my own network.  
> So my question is (well the best I can do with my limited knowledge.)  IS WHY?  I ran
> netcfg and put in the information for the network.  If I run netstat -a it tells me 
>that I have 
> an IP address and the name of the box.  ifconfig has also been run.  It tells me the 
> that I can tell everything is OK.  
> So HELP...  If you tell me something needs to be done, I can do most things
> from memory. If not, please give me kind of a step by step of what you need done.  
> I have set up a named.conf file, also a hosts file.  I think that I have set up all 
>the files I need.
> One question first, is there an issue with the nic card on this box.  I think it is 
>an 82XX card.
> Steven

Well, in your case I would suspect routing.  Did you set up a
(default) route?  If you continue to have problems, include more
information like:

0.  Did you read the NET-3-HOWTO?
1.  When you say ping, what did you ping?
2.  Do you have a hub?  Are both the windoze and Linux PC's on the LAN
at the same time?  Can they ping each other?
3.  What does the output of ifconfig look like.
4.  What does the output of the route command look like?
5.  What does the output of lsmod look like?  This will help determine
which module(driver) is being loaded for your NIC.

This will go a long way in helping diagnose the problem.  And who
knows: maybe before you get down to number 5, you'll have figured it
out all by yourself.

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Re: logwatch logs (!?)

2000-06-09 Thread Robert Glover

> I noticed this in my logwatch logs last night, & I'vr never seen this
> particular thing in them before. Could someone please explain?  (I've
> checked cron.hourly, & there's nothing in there)...
> Thanks.
> ## LogWatch 1.6.6 Begin # 
>  - Cron Begin  
> Commands Run:
>User root:
>  /sbin/rmmod -as: 144 Time(s)
>   run-parts /etc/cron.daily: 1 Time(s)
>   run-parts /etc/cron.hourly: 24 Time(s)

'/sbin/rmmod -as' : that is what removes unused kernel modules (every
10 minutes IIRC).

It's telling that it ran a program called run-parts with the argument
'/etc/cron.hourly'.  It runs these on each /etc/cron directory -- even
if they are empty.  Look in /etc/crontab to see where they're being

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Re: Making IP chains Rules permanent

2000-06-06 Thread Robert Glover

> On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Anurag Jalan wrote:
> > Hi Alan,
> > 
> > I'll try this first thing tomorrow morning ... but i can see the synbolic
> > link in the directory listing ... 
> > 
> > i really hope -S does it ... running a Linux box was my idea, all my
> > colleagues wanted NT ... i'd hate to end up looking silly :)
> > 
> > anurag
> > 
> > ---
> > At 11:21 AM 6/6/00 -0500, you wrote:
> > >At 10:36 AM 6/6/00 , Anurag Jalan wrote:
> > >>I have created a symbolic link to the firewall script in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/
> > >>using
> > >>ln -s ../init.d/firewall s40ipchains
> > >
> > >I believe a capital 'S' is required.
> capital "S" refers to overriding the backup suffix.  if you're just
> making a symbolic link, small "s" is the way to go.  could the 
> original poster provide the rationale for the capital "S"??
> rday

The command should be (while in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d):

ln -s ../init.d/firewall S40ipchains

The "system" is not looking for scripts that start with a lower-case
s.  The capital S is what the system startup script (rc.sysinit IIRC)
looks for.  It does something along the lines of:

for script in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S*
  $script   # run that there script
# this is grossly oversimplified, truncated, and abbreviated, so
please don't flame me :)

Have a look at the script if you're wondering.  It is started by
/etc/inittab (again IIRC).

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2000-06-02 Thread Robert Glover

From: Eric Clover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>im having a problem.i have an ethernet card , and it Was working. for
>some unknown reason , it no longer works. it stopped working after a
>it is a realtek rtl8139b. i just changed the module but that just gave
>me an error when the  module loads. in the /etc/sysconfig/hwconf it is
>class: NETWORK
>bus: PCI
>detached: 0
>device: eth
>driver: rtl8139
>desc: "Realtek|RTL-8139"
>vendorId: 10ec
>deviceId: 8139
>pciType: 1
>and in the conf.modules
>alias eth0 rtl8139
>options rtl8139 irq=5
>it gives no reason for the failure when starting the eth0 , just says
>hints/clues on how to fix this??
>thank you

Just a few suggestions.

I see that you are specifying the irq in /etc/conf.modules. Are you sure
that's the right interrupt? Did you check /proc/interrupts?

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Re: ICMP Port Number

2000-05-26 Thread Robert Glover

You are looking for RFC 792.

> All the responses are great, but I need to know the port number, because
> I'm blocking it in my Cisco Router, not a linux machine. Thanks.
> > > I've been getting the "Denial of Service" attack and want to find what
> > > port ICMP uses so I can block it in my router. I've looked all over the
> > > net at the rfc's and they don't tell me anything about the specific port
> > > number. Thanks guys.
> > >
> > > Jake McHenry

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PAP Okay - Can't see beyond... Help Needed

2000-05-24 Thread Robert Glover

You need a default route, but you don't have one.  Unless you
like setting it up manually each time you dial in (like another
poster said), you should use the defaultroute option for your
ppp daemon (I'm assuming pppd here).
> So, I have finally connected to AT&T Worldnet...
> but now I can't see beyond their nameserver...
> here is some info I captured...
> #ifconfig ppp0
> ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
>   inet addr:  P-t-P:
> Mask:
>   RX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:10
> #route -n (After ppp is connected)
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
> Iface
> UH0  00
> eth0
> UH0  00
> ppp0
>   U 0  00
> eth0
>   U 0  00
> lo
> #resolv.conf
> search
> search
> nameserver
> nameserver
> nameserver
> #host.conf
> order hosts,bind
> multi on
> #nslookup
> *** Can't find server name for address No response from
> server
> *** Can't find server name for address No response from
> server
> *** Can't find server name for address No response from
> server
> *** Default servers are not available
> I can ping the nameserver and but I can't do
> more than this.. For example I can't ping beyond the nameserver...
> Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
> thanks,
> Ahbaid.

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How do I turn off Desktop Icons in Gnome?

2000-04-28 Thread Robert Glover

Does anyone know how I would go about turning off desktop icons in Gnome? 
I'm talking about the ones that come up when a new user first runs Gnome.

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Re: linksys 10/100 PCMCIA driver?

2000-04-27 Thread Robert Glover

Try the tulip driver., but first check out

THis link in particular might be helpful:

> Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 11:44:27 -0400 (EDT)
> Does anyone know which driver I should use for this card?
> Steve
> Uptime:  11:43am  up 11 days, 0 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.13, 0.38, 0.97

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Re: recovering if samba server reboots

2000-04-27 Thread Robert Glover

I usually just, umount the mount point and the mount it again.
umount will gripe and complain, but it in the end it will (for me)
un-mount the share (Try umount twice in a row to see if you get
a differnt error message the second time.)  Then you can just mount
it again the usual way.

In my case though, the smb mount may have timed out or something,
enabling me to succeed.

- Bob Glover

> Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 07:10:47 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Hyung Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> How do you recover if a samba server that you have
> mounted reboots before you can unmount?
> When the windows machine came back onto the network
> after rebooting, the root can not unmount or mount the
> shares on the samba file.  If I look at my mount
> point, I can list the directory using 'ls', but not
> using 'ls -l'.  Restarting samba does not help and I
> am unable to remove the mount point directory.  Is
> there any way to recover from this and again mount the
> windows machine without reboot the linux box?
> Thanks

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Re: Unable to login except as root

2000-04-27 Thread Robert Glover

> At 02:48 AM 4/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >RH6.0 dialup gateway server, all security updates.  Very strange
> >issue, in which logins to all accounts except root fail with the
> >following: "no directory /home/user".  Permissions are fine on all
> >home directories.  Tried creating a new user, and that user got the
> >same results.  Tried editing /etc/passwd to change the home dirs,
> >nothing worked.  Only root can log in, and only to the console.  Do
> >"su - user", to any user, shell tells me it's unable to run /bin/bash,
> >permission denied.
> >
> >I found a reference to /etc/no_login in an old archived post, but
> >there was no such file on my system.  Authentication clearly isn't the
> >problem.  Syslog shows successful logins each time I try to log
> >in.  But it appears that no user except root has any permissions
> >anywhere on the system.
> >
> >All I've done recently is set up an .rhosts for a non-privileged user
> >to connect from a single private IP, and use that account to copy some
> >backups onto the problem machine to a subdirectory of the
> >user's home.  What on earth got hosed?
> >
> Check the permissions on /home itself, as well as on /bin/bash.
> drwxr-xr-x   4 root root 1024 Feb  1 09:39 home
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   373176 Apr  6  1999 /bin/bash

Also, check the permissions on the root directory with "ls -ld /"

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Re: Installation CD with Updated RPMS

2000-04-24 Thread Robert Glover

Thanks!  That helped.  I also found this HOWTO very helpful (in case someone
else is interested):

> Robert:
> Assuming you have a directory called 6.2 where you have the 6.2 downloaded to:
>1) Add all of your new RPMs to the RedHat RPMS directory.
>2) Make sure there are not 2 different versions of the same file.
>3) While in the top level directory (/6.2) execute:
> ./misc/src/anaconda/utils/genhdlist ./
> This will generate a new list of the expected RPMs to find on the CD.
> - Mike

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Installation CD with Updated RPMS

2000-04-21 Thread Robert Glover

What I want is a single install CD with the most up-to-date RPMs.  I created
a CD-ROM of the Red Hat installation disk with updated RPMS from an
"updates" mirror site.  Unfortunately the install program apparently checks
version numbers of the RPMS.  It fails as soon as it reaches an updated RPM
-- it gives me some sort of Python error.  This happened with two different
burns of the CD, so it probably wasn't a bad CD.

My question:  Is there a way to tell the installer to use the updated RPMS
or do I have to live with a two-CD method for installing/re-installing my
system?  I can live with that, but a one-CD install seems more elegant to

In a somewhat related issue, I was unable to make the CD bootable even
though I specified the El Torito filesystem and a boot.img file.  This is
not that important, because I can just use a boot floppy *and* a CD, but I
have been wondering if I missed anything.

Fear not the Penguin.

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The List -- A Two-Day Delay

2000-04-16 Thread Robert Glover

When I get messages from the list they seem to be two days old.  Also there
are not as many messages as there normally are.  This has been going on
since last weekend (April 8th).

Four questions:

1. What's the deal?
2. Where's the beef?
3. Who turned out the lights?
4. Can we rebuild him?

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Re: ancient CD-ROM controller... Desperate!

2000-04-13 Thread Robert Glover

Yes, try the sound card.  That's where my CDU31A used to connect.  Also, if
I understand correctly, you have a sound card *AND* a CDROM controller
card.  My guess is that (due to resource conflicts) you'll have to remove
either the the small, CDROM controller card or the sound card to make the
CDROM work.  If it were me, I'd keep the sound card.

And remember: Pin 1 goes on the red-striped side of the ribbon cable.

- Bob Glover

> I have a friend who has this ancient system onto which I'd like to install
> RHL6.1.
> The HDDs should be easy, the modem seems to be a standard internal (no
> markings on it, so I'm hopin'...), and the sounds card is a Creative Labs Sound
> Blaster.  All that should go fine.
> The CD-ROM drive is a Sony CDU33a-01, which is reported to be supported in the
> CD-ROM howto.  However, I cannot identify the controller card to which it is
> attached.  It's a small card with connectors for Sony, Mitsumi, and Panasonic,
> and the chips on the card (as well as the label on the DOS driver diskette
> (IIRC)) say "Sun Moon Star".  There is a connector on the sound card that I
> *could* use, but I don't know if that would be any better or not...
> If anyone has any helpful information (even if it's just where to look to read
> the info), I'd be quite grateful.  Not only that, but I might be able to
> recruit another Linuxer!!
> -Michael

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Re: killing processes

2000-03-29 Thread Robert Glover

Do the "killed" processes show up on 'ps' as zombies (with a Z)?  If so then
they may be there because their parent process is still (erroneously)
waiting for them to complete.  Try using adding the -f option to ps.  This
will show the parent-child relationships of your processes.  If this is the
case, then kill the parent process.

Another thought that comes to mind: is your kill command aliased in some way
that prevents the -9 argument from being recognized?  Try the alias command.

Bob Glover

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Re: LNE100TX fast ethernet card

2000-03-23 Thread Robert Glover

> I could not get the LinkSys LNE100TX fast ethernet card (PCI) to work under 
> RedHat 6.1 on a Pentium III system.  The online doc says the tulip driver 
> ought to work, but it never did.

Did you get the latest tulip.c driver source from the LinkSys web site and
build a new kernel?  It might not help.  Then again it might.
> The problem *might* have to do with the fact that I have a second ethernet 
> card.  Both Kudzu and linuxconf/netconf seemed to get confused about which 
> was which.  (I kept a careful log at each step, so I don't think it was 
> me.)  No matter which other card I used (both of them 10 MHz, PCI: a 
> Kingston (tulip) and a "LiteOn 82c168" (ne2k-pci)), I could never 
> initialize both eth0 and eth1.  (I could sometimes init one or the other, 
> but never both.)  The only thing that finally worked was to give up on the 
> LNE100TX and revert back to having two 10MHz cards.

I have a LinkSys card like you are describing, but I had trouble keeping it
working.  It would work for a while and then crap out.  Re-initializing the
card got it going again (sometimes).  Other times it would wait hours before
suddenly starting.  The card worked fine in a Windoze box.  That's when I
bought the RTL8139 card.  I read that they're nothing more than blocks of
plastic glued to a board.  All I can say is that they work fine in my Linux
box.  The LinkSys card wouldn't and that's why it's sitting in a drawer now.
> Is it possible that there is a problem trying to run both a 100MHz and 
> 10MHz card in the same machine?

I run a 10 MB and a 100 MBit card in the same box and have no problems: a
3Com509 and an RTL8139 clone.  I have plug & play and kudzu turned off

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486/66 as a Firewall

2000-03-22 Thread Robert Glover

I have a 486/66 that I want to use as a firewall for a cable-modem.  What I
really want is a 10MB ethernet card for the cable-modem and a 100MB card for
the LAN.

100 Mbit ..  10 MBit  .-.
-|   486/66   |---| Cable-Modem | You folks
LAN     Straight   -

My questions are:

1. Is there such a thing as a 100MB ISA ethernet card (cheap)?

   If I used two 10MB cards, I would have to have an additional
   gateway box just to connect the 10MB and 100MB segments,
   wouldn't I?

2. I know know the 100 MB card will be limited by the
   throughput of the other 10MB card, but...

   Will the 486 choke my internet throughput below 10MB?
   Can it handle 10MB in + 10MB out on an ISA bus?


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Re: How to set default printer

2000-03-21 Thread Robert Glover

Star Office has it's own printer setup utility.  Run that to choose your
default printer.

> This probably a no brainer but I can't seem to get it to work. I recently
> changed my printer to an HP1100 and added it to the setup in my control panel.
> The problem is Star Office is not recognizing it as my default printer. Can any
> one lend a hand on where I can fix this? 
> Steve
> Uptime:   7:36pm  up 14 days,  1:19,  3 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.06, 0.01
.  ^^
I was there 16 days ago :)

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Re: Sound, but no midi

2000-03-08 Thread Robert Glover

If memory serves, you need to look at the AWE32 mini-HOWTO.
The AWE64 is an AWE32 on steroids (on software actually, but
I won't go into that now).  Just look at the mini-HOWTO and
pay close attention to the PCI configuration, particularly
the last three PCI entries that are not always detected.
Last time I looked, the truth was near the end of the

- Bob Glover

> Hi,
> I finally came to it. I dropped in my SB AWE64 that have been laying
> around for ages. :-)
> I run sndconfig. It correctly identified my card. I could hear Linus
> talk. :-) I could hear the midi part as well. I've looked into the
> conf.modules and the additions looks good.
> alias sound sb
> pre-install sound /sbin/insmod sound dmabuf=1
> options opl3 io=0x388
> alias midi awe_wave
> post-install awe_wave /bin/sfxload /etc/midi/GU11-ROM.SF2
> options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
> When I play xboing, I have all the sound that I want.
> But I can't play a small midi file and get the AWE64 to play.
> $ playmidi jjett.mid
> Playmidi 2.4 Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Nathan I. Laredo, AWE32 by Takashi
> Iwai
> This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
> For details please see the file COPYING.
> playmidi: No playback device found.
> $
> I did 'man playmidi' but didn't get any closer to a solution. :-(
> Any hints? Anything I should read? Any basic understanding that I lack?
> Any help much appreciated.
> Gustav

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Re: security list?

2000-02-23 Thread Robert Glover

> Robert Glover wrote:
> > Some wretched soul might send a non-SYN packet at one your open TCP ports as
> > part of some kind of port scan.  The response from that port would tell them
> > that something is there.  If those ports were blocked by the stateful
> > inspection firewall, then there would be no response.
> I see.  I don't have a lot of experience writing custom IP packets, so
> what kind of response would a Linux kernel send to a packet without a
> SYN flag that wasn't part of an established stream?

I'm not too sure.  It would probably reject or discard the packet if the
sequence numbers didn't match.

> I really don't want to sound argumentative... just trying to learn more
> about TCP.  From what you've described, I can see the value of stateful
> firewalls.  Sounds like something that would be very useful to all of us
> broadband users...
> Thanks

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Re: security list?

2000-02-22 Thread Robert Glover

> > localbox:1055 -->
> > 
> >The firewall sees this and for some
> >period of seconds or until the
> >connection is closed will allow
> >incomming packets on port 1055
> >only from IP address
> OK, but what, exactly, does that buy you that blocking SYN packets does
> not?  If I use ipchains to refuse SYN packets on ports above 1024, then
> nobody on the outside can connect to user applications that have ports
> open (like GNOME apps), but I'm still free to use HTTP and PASV ftp, no?

Some wretched soul might send a non-SYN packet at one your open TCP ports as
part of some kind of port scan.  The response from that port would tell them
that something is there.  If those ports were blocked by the stateful
inspection firewall, then there would be no response.

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Re: security list?

2000-02-21 Thread Robert Glover

> Adam et al:
> > this is an easy way to get it UP and running ..but you still need to block off
> > ports..but you can do that later.also is this for home or business?
> > If for business...check out   they have a $3,500 linux based
> > firewall product "Firebox II" if you need to host email, ftp, etc...if not
> > they have a $350 Watchguard SOHO unit 10-user license and up to 50 users is $700
> > total...these prices are from
> Can someone, maybe the poster, explain why a commercially based product
> might be better than IPCHAINS which comes for nothing? Personally I'd
> prefer to pay my IT staff or trusted contractor to set it up...

ipchains is not a stateful inspection firewall.  That means that the
decisions it makes on what to do with a packet are based only upon the data
in that particular packet.  It does not consider whether the packet is part
of an ongoing connection or not.  If you have tried to lock down your box
with ipchains, then you know that you must leave all TCP ports > 1024 open
for HTTP replies (for example).

In a stateful inspection firewall, you could close off your TCP ports >
1024.  When an HTTP request went outbound, the firewall would then expect an
HTTP response and allow it.


localbox:1055 -->

   The firewall sees this and for some
   period of seconds or until the
   connection is closed will allow
   incomming packets on port 1055
   only from IP address

Whether this extra security is worth it or not, is up to you.

I hope you found that helpful.

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Re: Strange ipchains denies in log file

2000-02-18 Thread Robert Glover

> At 09:42 18-2-00 -0500, you wrote:

> >> Hello,
> >> 
> >> I have a router/firewall with ipchains which protects the internal novell
> >> 3.12 network. This works perfectly. However, I do find a lot of denies in
> >> the logs which I cannot explain. These are the following log entries:
> >> 
> >> output DENY ippp0 proto=6 L=569 S=0x10
> >> I=64784 F=0x4000 T=31
> >
> >This is part of an ongoing http connection, probably from a box using IP
> >masquerading.  Maybe from the firewall/masquerading box.
> >
> >> 
> >> and
> >> 
> >> output DENY ippp0 proto=17 L=61 S=0x00
> >> I=354 F=0x000 T=64
> >
> >This is a DNS (reply I think).  Is one of your DNS servers?
> Sorry I should have been more specific. The router/fw uses maquerading
> indeed. The router/fw dials into the ISP's server, which dynamically
> assigns an IP address. The DNS IP's are and My
> guess is that the source numbers in the log entries are the dynamically
> assigned IP addresses. I am also running a caching only nameserver. Could
> this log entry be the caching only nameserver trying to resolve an address?

That depends on what the IP address of the caching-only nameserver is.

> I thought IP masquerading only changes the IP address of the data packets.
> So what does it need the high port numbers for? If it would change the
> portnumber of every data packet, I would not be able to make an internet
> connection at all.

It takes outbound packets from the masqueraded boxes inside your firewall
and re-writes the packet headers so they all look like they came from the
firewall itself and then sends them to the outside world.  To properly sort
out the returning packets, a table is made of which packet went out on which
port (netstat -m).  That way when the reply comes back, a simple lookup
tells which of your Linux boxen to send the reply to.

IP masquerading does use high port numbers to connect to the outside world. 
This does break certain things like FTP, ICQ, IRC, etc. which embed the
origin IP within the packet.  For these problems there are loadable kernel
modules such as ip_masq_ftp, ip_masq_irc, etc. (IIRC).  These reach into the
packet where the ip is embedded and change them too.  I may be over
simplifying the modules, but hey!

> Thanks,
> Robert-Jan


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Re: one message

2000-02-18 Thread Robert Glover

Subscribe to redhat-digest-request.

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as the Subject.

Re: Strange ipchains denies in log file

2000-02-18 Thread Robert Glover

> Hello,
> I have a router/firewall with ipchains which protects the internal novell
> 3.12 network. This works perfectly. However, I do find a lot of denies in
> the logs which I cannot explain. These are the following log entries:
> output DENY ippp0 proto=6 L=569 S=0x10
> I=64784 F=0x4000 T=31

This is part of an ongoing http connection, probably from a box using IP
masquerading.  Maybe from the firewall/masquerading box.

> and
> output DENY ippp0 proto=17 L=61 S=0x00
> I=354 F=0x000 T=64

This is a DNS (reply I think).  Is one of your DNS servers?

> These denies are generated by a 'cath all rule' at the end of the output
> chain. My questions about these denies are
> 1. What is service 61041?

In the context above (proto=6), port 61041 is not a service, but the source
(from) port chosen by the application that opened the connection.  The
source port is generally chosen in a somewhat arbitrary fashion from a
designated range of ports.  If I had to guess, I'd say that IP masquerading
was involved because of the high source port number.

> 2. Why is the service from the source IP different from the service from
> the destination IP?

They just are.  The destination port determines what service is being
"requested".  In the case of the first entry above, it looks like part of an
http connection (port 80) was blocked.

> The firewall works very well, so obviously these denied data packages are
> not very important for internet and e-mail.
> TIA,
> Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven

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Re: restarting X from Telnet?

2000-02-16 Thread Robert Glover

> OK, I have a box w/o keyboard or mouse on my small private network that boots
> as a designated user to x and calls netscape from the .bashrc file for that
> user. Netscape displays Big Brothers System Status Index page so I can monitor
> my system. The problem is that some times Netscape locks and doesn't
> start. I have been removing the lock file and rebooting the box via telnet but
> am wondering if there is anyway to restart X via telnet so I don't have to
> reboot?

Sure, but first you have to kill X.  Then type startx from the telnet
session.  Of course this means that netscape/X will run as whatever user
your telnet session is logged in as.  And furthermore you may have to nohup
it and redirect it's output so that you can disconnection without stopping
it also.  Something like this should do:

nohup startx > /dev/null 2>&1 &

You might also have to set DISPLAY=:0
And you might still have trouble with the ICEauthority thingy for X
> Steve

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Re: Oracle Download

2000-02-16 Thread Robert Glover

In response to an earlier question you can download Oracle (personal
editions) at:

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2000-02-16 Thread Robert Glover

> have looked at the HOWTO and I have found that they are outdated and

I looked at the CD-Writing-HOWTO from the RH 6.1 distribution, followed it
and my CDRW works just fine.  Give it a try it may just work for you too.

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Re: CDRW and kernel detection

2000-02-16 Thread Robert Glover

That's exactly what mine does too: same kernel, but a CDRW instead.  On the
bright side, it does burn CD's though.  I would like to know why it's doing
this and if there's a way to stop it other than sending kernel logging to a
file and ignoring it.

IIRC, one thing I did notice is that when I use insmod to force the kernel
to keep sr_mod loaded, that after 30 minutes or so the kernel reports 0 SCSI
devices and then I can no longer access the CDRW as a CDROM.  At that point
I have to 'rmmod sr_mod' and then everything is fine again.

Is this normal?  Or is it Abbey Normal?

> Subject: 
>   CDRW and kernel detection
> Date: 
>   Tue, 15 Feb 2000 16:03:20 -0600
>   Roger Dooley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   To: 
> I'm having a slight problem with my CDRW and hopefully someone can help.
> When booting the kernel (2.2.14), I get the following message:
> scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
> scsi : 1 host.
>   Vendor: CREATIVE  Model: DVD5240E-1Rev: 1.20
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
>   Vendor: CREATIVE  Model: DVD5240E-1Rev: 1.20
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 1
>   Vendor: CREATIVE  Model: DVD5240E-1Rev: 1.20
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr2 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 2
>   Vendor: CREATIVE  Model: DVD5240E-1Rev: 1.20
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr3 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 3
>   Vendor: CREATIVE  Model: DVD5240E-1Rev: 1.20
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr4 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 4
>   Vendor: CREATIVE  Model: DVD5240E-1Rev: 1.20
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr5 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 5
>   Vendor: CREATIVE  Model: DVD5240E-1Rev: 1.20
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr6 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 6
>   Vendor: CREATIVE  Model: DVD5240E-1Rev: 1.20
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr7 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 7
>   Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 9100   Rev: 1.0a
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr8 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
>   Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 9100   Rev: 1.0a
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr9 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 1
>   Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 9100   Rev: 1.0a
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr10 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 2
>   Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 9100   Rev: 1.0a
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr11 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 3
>   Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 9100   Rev: 1.0a
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr12 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 4
>   Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 9100   Rev: 1.0a
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr13 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 5
>   Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 9100   Rev: 1.0a
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr14 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 6
>   Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 9100   Rev: 1.0a
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> Detected scsi CD-ROM sr15 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 7
> scsi : detected 16 SCSI cdroms total.
> sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.56
> sr1: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr2: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr3: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr4: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr5: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr6: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr7: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr8: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr9: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr10: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr11: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr12: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr13: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
> sr14: scsi3-mmc drive: 32x/32x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda t

Re: Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI sound card

2000-02-08 Thread Robert Glover

> Subject: 
>   Re: Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI sound card
> Date: 
>   Sun, 6 Feb 2000 22:18:56 -0500
>   fred smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   To: 


> Anyway, it seems to be partially working: Audio CDs play OK. The Real
> Player G2 player plays the news and music from as well as it
> ever did.
> But when I cat a .au file to /dev/audio (such as the recording
> of Linus saying "Leenooks" which sounded fine on my old ESS card), while
> I can hear it, it is terribly distorted and noisy.

The AudioPCI card does not support .au files natively -- you get exactly the
result you describe.  Use the play command (from the sox package) to play
.au files.
> I don't have a midi config set up yet (playmidi reports that 
> /dev/sequencer is busy, and I haven't yet tried timidity), and I don't 
> know if any other forms of input to it work, not having access to any.

Did you try the various options to playmidi?  Your error message sounds
familiar.  I'm not sure whether I fixed the problem or ignored it because
the sound worked in Quake II (and that's all that counts anyway).
> Can anybody provide any advice on the .au file problem, and (less
> urgently) on the best (read easiest) way to get midi stuff working?
> thanks!
> Fred
> -- 
>  Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> The Lord detests the way of the wicked 
>   but he loves those who pursue righteousness.
> - Proverbs 15:9 (niv) -

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Re: cron

2000-02-03 Thread Robert Glover

I ran into this last weekend.  Apparently, /etc/crontab is no longer used.
The equivalent file is now /var/spool/cron/root for vixie cron.  Your best
bet is to use crontab -e to edit your crontab file.

> Subject: 
>   cron
> Date: 
>   Thu, 3 Feb 2000 16:21:51 +0100 (MET)
>   Nick Afshartous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   To: 
> I'm having trouble getting cron to exec under RH 6.1.  Even
> a simple job to 'ls' every minute does not fly as shown below.
> If I put a script in /etc/cron.hourly that works though.
> Thanks for any tips.  
> -- 
> Nick
>  crontab -l
> # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
> # (cronentries installed on Thu Feb  3 09:40:21 2000)
> # (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
> * *  * * * ls >$HOME/foo

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Re: XFree86 3.3.5

2000-02-02 Thread Robert Glover

I had a little trouble understanding your post.  Do you mean that you can't
connect to the internet from Linux, so you do it in Windows and put the file
on a floppy.  Then you boot to Linux and copy the file from the floppy?  And
now you have a file (Glide_SDK-2.2-11.i386.rpm) that's too big for a single
floppy?  And you meant 3.8 megabytes (not 3.8 K) right?

If I understand this correctly and you are dual-booting, then mount the
Windows parition from within Linux and copy the file directly.  Just type:

mount -t vfat /dev/hda /mnt/windoze
ls /mnt/windoze

That lets you copy the file directly from the Windows parition.  Make sure
you create the (empty) directory /mnt/windows first.  Also replace 'hda'
with the device of your windows hard drive.  I also assumed that you are
using Windows 95 (the vfat part).

Good Luck.

> Hi all,
> In the moment i can't connect to internet via Linux, but i do that in
> windows (modem = winmodem), so when i wil load some thing for linux, i
> load it in the floppy disk and after i copy it in the linux partition. Now
> i will load the 'Glide_SDK-2.2-11.i386.rpm' ~3.8k, so i can't save it in
> the floppy disk
> Can you help?
> m.e

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Re: anybody can shutdown my system

2000-02-02 Thread Robert Glover

You can limit who is allowed to use . Just edit /etc/inittab
and add the option -a to the shutdown line.  Then the three-finger-salute
will cause shutdown to consult /etc/shutdown.allow to see if an authorized
user is logged in at any of the VC's.  You may need to type kill -HUP 1 to
get this to take effect after editing inittab.

> Of course, it really doesn't matter much... a user at the console
> can always shut down with the old  bit (and yes, if
> you haven't done it, it attempts to gracefully reboot).
> Bill Ward

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Re: running out of memory crashes linux

2000-02-02 Thread Robert Glover

Yes, it is that easy.  You can address the problem by putting resource
limits on your normal users.  I apply them in the system profile in /etc.

Tip-o-de-day: man ulimit

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Re: @Home & Port Scan Activity

2000-01-31 Thread Robert Glover

> Steve wrote:
> > 
> I keep pretty close track of this.  The majority of scans I've been
> getting are originating with  I don't
> think it's the "alleged badguys" increasing activity in an attempt to
> get in while the getting is good.  My take is that the problems were
> never "user based" (at least not to the extent maintained by @Home).
> Frankly I'm getting kind of annoyed.  Among other things, @Home keeps
> targeting port 80.  Yeah, right, we're focusing on nntp.
> Marc

Yeah, I noticed that too.  Instead of looking for open proxy servers on port
8080, 3128, or scanning for known vulnerabilities, they're just checking for
web servers.  I guess that's so they can make more money, but it might just
be that they don't know what they're doing (IMO).  An @Home UDP might be a
real possibility again, if they don't start looking for the real problems.

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@Home & Port Scan Activity

2000-01-28 Thread Robert Glover

I have noticed that since the @Home UDP incident, port scan activity on my
@Home box (at home) has increased two- or three-fold.  The only reason I can
think of to explain this is that would-be attackers figure that security on
@Home may get tightened up, so it's now-or-never.

Has anyone else noticed this?

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Re: Strange log entries

2000-01-28 Thread Robert Glover

> recently i have been seeing a lot of strange messages in my log files.
> shoul i be worried that there are entries like the one below or is this
> typical tcp/ip behavior?
> Packet log: input REJECT eth1 PROTO=17 L=328
> S=0x00 I=0 F=0x T=128 (#25)

This DHCP stuff.  Your ISP probably assigns IP addresses (permanently or
dynamically) with this.  If you are having trouble with your DHCP, then this
is at least part of your problem.

> also is it typical for a webserver to try and scan your netbios port?

> Packet log: input REJECT eth1 PROTO=6
> L=44 S=0x00 I=29764 F=0x4000 T=16 SYN (#24)

Someone is trying to connect (notice the SYN) to your netbios services (if
you, in fact, have any at all).

And a final parting remark, IMO you should DENY any packets that have no
business being sent to you in the first place.  This makes those packets
"fall off the edge of the Earth" from the attacker's point of view.

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Re: Semi-OT: Caching DNS server oddities

2000-01-25 Thread Robert Glover

I probably won't solve your problem, but
I'll take a half-baked stab at it anyway.

My guess is that someone has a nameserver
setup wrong somewhere or there is an update
that hasn't completely propogated yet.  If
it's the latter it will go away on it's own.
If not try these resources:

Try the newsgroup comp.os.linux.networking

Also try the web site
and search their newsgroup archives.

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2000-01-21 Thread Robert Glover


I was wondering how Wine is doing these days.
I tried it about a year ago (hiccup :), but was
under-impressed with it.  I may have been using
it wrong though -- I tried to install software
on it, but it didn't work.  Was I supposed to
have an existing Windoze vfat drive to mount or
something?  My box is Windows-Free, and loving it!

Also, what are some good Wine mailing lists or web sites.


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Re: Squid: Blocking Sites

2000-01-20 Thread Robert Glover

Check out:  (very informative)

For a block list try this:

> I've been watching this Squid ACL discussion for a while now, and have
> my own question, since the subject is under discussion.
> Does anyone know of anywhere on the Internet I can download a list of
> "bad" WWW sites to block?  Preferably in a format that I can pull right
> into the Squid ACL's?
> Thanks!
> Jim Morris ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: squid ACL ?

2000-01-20 Thread Robert Glover

I didn't see anyone explain this (I may have missed it though)
so I'll attempt to explain it myself for you.

IIRC the components of an acl declaration are OR'ed
 and the components of an http_access declaration are AND'ed
( I hope I don't have these backward! )

So, if I may alter your configuration as an example:

> acl acl1 src

   This acl would be satisfied if access was from 
   host caludiu OR caesar.  Notice how I didn't say
   that it grants access.  It doesn't.  It is simply
   giving a name to a certain kind of condition.
   Here is some pseudo-code, that might clarify things:

   IF access is from OR
  THEN LET acl1 = TRUE

> http_access allow acl1 acl2
   This will "allow" access if acl1 AND acl2 are true.
   If either acl1 or acl2 are false, then this statement is
   skipped (access is neither granted nor denied), instead
   processing will continue with the next http_access

> http_access deny all

   And for this one, think of the all keyword as TRUE.

A pretty good mailing list for squid is the squid mailing
list.  Imagine that!  Check out this URL:

Good luck!

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Re: problem with ndc and named

2000-01-14 Thread Robert Glover

If you're running named as non-root (and you should be),
then you'll need to make sure it has write access to it's PID file.

> Subject: problem with ndc and named
> Date:Fri, 14 Jan 2000 14:34:05 +0800
> From:Chris Dowling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi all.
> when I start named via "ndc start" ndc returns the error:
> ndc: error: name server has not started (yet?)
> a ps will show that named is indeed running.
> further calls to ndc will fail now giving the error message:
> ndc: error: ctl_client: evConnect(fd 3): Connection refused
> ndc: error: cannot connect to command channel (/var/run/ndc)
> nb: /var/run/ndc does not exist.
> any ideas what is going wrong?
> TIA,
> Chris.

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2000-01-13 Thread Robert Glover

I think you need to look at a few things:

0. ipchains doesn't allow connections from the outside.  It probably isn't
what you need.

1. IP Aliasing where you allow a single physical network card to have
multiple IP addresses.

2. ProxyARP...on second thought that's not what you want.  This makes a box
appear as though is is attached to a subnet, when in fact it is not.

3. Port forwarding (I don't use it, so I'm real iffy on this one).  As I
understand it, you can forward to a port (the same port) on another box. 
This would satisfy the NAT requirement you mentioned.

> On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Michael Gatti said:
> MG>Hi Everyone
> MG>
> MG>Does anyone know if there is an IPNAT for RedHat Linux 6.1 and
> if 
> MG>there is were can I find it?

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