Re: Can't login as non-root user. Help!!

1998-06-04 Thread Steve Ki-Won Lee

Sorry if I'm posting this twice, but I just got a "Failed message
delivery" from redhat's mailer daemon.

On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Clemens Adler wrote:

> dear Steve,
> I don't know about your usercfg-problem maybe you try to remove and
> install it again, I guess this won't help but it will tell you that you
> might have to install the tkinter or tk package which should have happend
> when you did an install with glint ( well maybe not), actually fisrt rpm
> -q tkinter.

Yeah, you're correct for usercfg.  I upgraded tkinter and it worked fine.
But I'm still having problems with glint, but I'm not too concerned with
that right now.

> Then about the message below:
> You probably setup the users by editing the passwd-file, what?

Actually, I setup the users using usercfg before it stopped working on me.
I chose the password option as "No Password" but I had filled everything
else in with usercfg, such as, the username, the shell, the full name, UID
etc...then, I manually had set the passwords of the users with the "passwd
" command.

> If this is the case PAM doesn't know anything about them and PAM is
> controlling xdm-acess, just change the password of those users with passwd
> then PAM will know about those users ( by the way, usercfg won't start
> either when you edited the passwd file by hand, but I believe you would
> get other messages than you did), 
> or use useradd for makeing new users
> hope that helps,
> Clemens

I never touched the passwd file at all.  The problem I have understanding
is, I was able to login as one of the users just fine before all this
happened.  It's not like I'm attempting this for the first time and it's
not working for me.

What I have noticed is that the system will accept the login name and the
password and will just for an instant log me in, displaying when I had
last logged in and all, then it spits me right back out.  I checked
various files already (I went to #linux on irc) and it's still not working
for me. 

So, as a last minute measure, I also had completely deleted all the
non-root users I hacreated and added them again once I got usercfg to work
again (after I had upgraded tkinter), but that's still a no go.  This is
driving me mad!! 

Any sys admin gurus out there?  I sifted thru my books and I can't find
anything about this problem.  Don't tell me I have to reinstall Linux...I
thought you only did that with windoze95.  Thank you in advance!

Always with Best,


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Re: Can't login as non-root user

1998-06-04 Thread Steve Ki-Won Lee

On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Clemens Adler wrote:

> dear Steve,
> I don't know about your usercfg-problem maybe you try to remove and
> install it again, I guess this won't help but it will tell you that you
> might have to install the tkinter or tk package which should have happend
> when you did an install with glint ( well maybe not), actually fisrt rpm
> -q tkinter.

Yeah, you're correct for usercfg.  I upgraded tkinter and it worked fine.
But I'm still having problems with glint, but I'm not too concerned with
that right now.

> Then about the message below:
> You probably setup the users by editing the passwd-file, what?

Actually, I setup the users using usercfg before it stopped working on me.
I chose the password option as "No Password" but I had filled everything
else in with usercfg, such as, the username, the shell, the full name, UID
etc...then, I manually had set the passwords of the users with the "passwd
" command.

> If this is the case PAM doesn't know anything about them and PAM is
> controlling xdm-acess, just change the password of those users with passwd
> then PAM will know about those users ( by the way, usercfg won't start
> either when you edited the passwd file by hand, but I believe you would
> get other messages than you did), 
> or use useradd for makeing new users
> hope that helps,
> Clemens

I never touched the passwd file at all.  The problem I have understanding
is, I was able to login as one of the users just fine before all this
happened.  It's not like I'm attempting this for the first time and it's
not working for me.

What I have noticed is that the system will accept the login name and the
password and will just for an instant log me in, displaying when I had
last logged in and all, then it spits me right back out.  I checked
various files already (I went to #linux on irc) and it's still not working
for me. 

So, as a last minute measure, I also had completely deleted all the
non-root users I hacreated and added them again once I got usercfg to work
again (after I had upgraded tkinter), but that's still a no go.  This is
driving me mad!! 

Any sys admin gurus out there?  I sifted thru my books and I can't find
anything about this problem.  Don't tell me I have to reinstall Linux...I
thought you only did that with windoze95.  Thank you in advance!

Always with Best,


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Re: Can't login as non-root user

1998-06-04 Thread Scott

I missed the first part of this so if its off topic sorry.

I had the same problem.  There seems to be an undocumented feature when
adding users in RH 5.0.  The password file does not get an encrypted
password.  Thus when you login and the unencrypted password is unencrypted
you get an error that the login is invalid.  I was creating the users from
the control pannel inside Xfree86.  I found that if you create the user
with no password and then from the command line type passwd "username" sans
the "" and give it a password things worked fine.



On 6/4/98, at 3:43 PM, Clemens Adler  wrote: 

>dear Steve,
>I don't know about your usercfg-problem maybe you try to remove and
>install it again, I guess this won't help but it will tell you that you
>might have to install the tkinter or tk package which should have happend
>when you did an install with glint ( well maybe not), actually fisrt rpm
>-q tkinter.
>Then about the message below:
>You probably setup the users by editing the passwd-file, what?
>If this is the case PAM doesn't know anything about them and PAM is
>controlling xdm-acess, just change the password of those users with passwd
>then PAM will know about those users ( by the way, usercfg won't start
>either when you edited the passwd file by hand, but I believe you would
>get other messages than you did), 
>or use useradd for makeing new users
>hope that helps,
>Clemens Adler e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Institut fuer Kernphysik
>Universitaet Frankfurt   office phone:  069-798-24285
>August-Euler-Strasse 6
>60486 Frankfurt
>On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Steve Ki-Won Lee wrote:
>> I've been able to login into my RHbox just fine as a non-root user,
>> X as well..but that was because I had set my X w/suid root
>> I was told to install an xwrapper instead for security reasons (I do
>> of irc) and so I installed XFree86-xwrapper and I lost the use of X for
>> non-root users...THEN, NOW, I can't even login as one of them! 
>> It accepts the login and the pwd fine, then it just very quickly flashes
>> this message that I can't read and it kicks me out.  It may have
>> to do with my usercfg not working (see my earlier post).  Can anybody
>> me out please?
>> With Best,
>> Steve
>> -
>> ** Linux Virus Scan : Scanning...
>>  Virus Detected--Windoze 95.  Remove it? (Y/y)
>> -
>> -- 
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>> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips
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>>"unsubscribe" as the Subject.
>  PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES!
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Re: Can't login as non-root user

1998-06-04 Thread Clemens Adler

dear Steve,
I don't know about your usercfg-problem maybe you try to remove and
install it again, I guess this won't help but it will tell you that you
might have to install the tkinter or tk package which should have happend
when you did an install with glint ( well maybe not), actually fisrt rpm
-q tkinter.
Then about the message below:
You probably setup the users by editing the passwd-file, what?
If this is the case PAM doesn't know anything about them and PAM is
controlling xdm-acess, just change the password of those users with passwd
then PAM will know about those users ( by the way, usercfg won't start
either when you edited the passwd file by hand, but I believe you would
get other messages than you did), 
or use useradd for makeing new users
hope that helps,

Clemens Adler e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Institut fuer Kernphysik
Universitaet Frankfurt   office phone:  069-798-24285
August-Euler-Strasse 6
60486 Frankfurt

On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Steve Ki-Won Lee wrote:

> I've been able to login into my RHbox just fine as a non-root user, using
> X as well..but that was because I had set my X w/suid root privilege..and
> I was told to install an xwrapper instead for security reasons (I do alot
> of irc) and so I installed XFree86-xwrapper and I lost the use of X for my
> non-root users...THEN, NOW, I can't even login as one of them! 
> It accepts the login and the pwd fine, then it just very quickly flashes
> this message that I can't read and it kicks me out.  It may have something
> to do with my usercfg not working (see my earlier post).  Can anybody help
> me out please?
> With Best,
> Steve
> -
> ** Linux Virus Scan : Scanning...
>   Virus Detected--Windoze 95.  Remove it? (Y/y)
> -
> -- 
>   PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES!
> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
>  To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
>"unsubscribe" as the Subject.

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