Re: "df -i" support

2004-05-13 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Miguel wrote:

Dear Genius,

   Please adopt:

 df -hi

We have several machines running as MTA's using reiser for the mail
queue, we usually check the number of files (well an approximation)
using the output of "df -i" command on our monitorization plugins this
may be not very acurate but is very fast and didn't affect the MTA's
With reiser the output of df -i is no longer usable, we changed this to
"find | wc -l" variations but it hurts the performance.
There's a command to count the number of leafs (that's the name?) of a
tree from a reiser partition? or other orientative value?.(we mount
with notail)




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Re: we need a slogan for our reiser4 t-shirt

2004-06-23 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Hans Reiser wrote:
Burnes, James wrote:
   I am following the ReiserFS4 progress ... and see that there are 
still serious problems.

   So, I suppose will be more logical to solve these problems, before 
to go ahead on any front.

   When ReiserFS 4 ... will work fine, I propose one of the following 

   " ReiserFS ... your data secure like in a safe, and faster like in a 

   ... or something similar.

How about,
"Plug-in To Reiser4!"
jim burnes
security engineer
great-west, denver

Sounds like an ad, we want a t-shirt people want to wear.  Maybe, "My 
filesystem is faster than yours"?

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Re: we need a slogan for our reiser4 t-shirt

2004-06-24 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Redeeman wrote:
Hans Reiser wrote:

Burnes, James wrote:

   I am following the ReiserFS4 progress ... and see that there are
still serious problems.

argh? what errors? i dont think any known problems exists anymore.

Opps! ... If all errors had been solved, I apologize.
I will make my tests as soon as possible.
Of course, I am happy if works fine :-)
   So, I suppose will be more logical to solve these problems, before
to go ahead on any front.
   When ReiserFS 4 ... will work fine, I propose one of the following
   " ReiserFS ... your data secure like in a safe, and faster like in a
   ... or something similar.

How about,
"Plug-in To Reiser4!"
jim burnes
security engineer
great-west, denver


Sounds like an ad, we want a t-shirt people want to wear.  Maybe, "My
filesystem is faster than yours"?

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Re: implementing reiserfs in C++ for a new OS

2004-08-07 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Redeeman wrote:
   I suppose you are using GNU/Linux ... and therefore, you don't need 
to re-write nothing
   in C++, because is connected with the kernel and the kernel had been 
written in C, not in C++.

   Second, the name is a little 'comic' for me, if it is OpenSource.
   If you will adopt a Kernel different than Linux ... good luck.
i suggest implementing reiser4 instead
On Sat, 2004-08-07 at 18:41 +0530, Ramachandra K wrote:

I am planning to implement ReiserFS on my operating system named Capital 
( To give a brief background - 
Capital is a 32-bit Object Oriented operating system for the Intel
i386 range of
microprocessors. Capital's features include multithreading,virtual memory 
and a VFS interface.

The implementation language of Capital is C++ and hence I, along with my
team, would like to implement ReiserFS from scratch in C++. I know that
this is a daunting task requiring considerable effort. The main motivation,
in addition to implementing an efficient file system for my operating system,
is to acquire an in depth understanding of the principles behind the design
of ReiserFS and possibly come up with some new ideas.
It would be of great help if I can get some pointers about how do I go about
understanding ReiserFS.
Currently I have got a bird's eye view of ReiserFS (plugins, items,
dancing trees etc).
But I am still grappling with the following issues:
1)I have not been able to get any information about the on-disk structure
(i.e where is the superblock, bitmaps etc). I guess I can get it by
reading the source
(probably mkreiserfs code would also be helpful). Is there any other
source of information ?
2)All the information that is available at is about Reiser4 and
I would like to know where I could get more information about version 3.
I would greatly appreciate suggestions and pointers to more information.
(Please CC the replies to me as I am currently not subscribed to the
mailing list)

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Re: implementing reiserfs in C++ for a new OS

2004-08-11 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Markus Törnqvist wrote:
On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 11:44:59AM +0200, Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando wrote:

Meucci open the file for copyright before Bell, but seems it is 
necessary to renew each year.

Copyrights are not filed, patents are.

Yes. is the patent, not the copyright.
He don't have the money to pay the renew the patent.
Are you sure you're not mistaken in words here?

Therefore, he don't renew.

How stupid of him.

The word "inventor" in the US, means generally "rich". This have another 
sense outside America, or
for immigrant people.

I have never heard of a rich inventor, except the chance to get money
by producing the invention.

Well. If an inventor have no money is a BIG problem, however actually
in the GPL times, it is very easy to release a software also with no money.
"Tekijänoikeus suojaa teoksen kirjallista tai muuta asua, ei asiasisältöä."
Copyright protects the literary or other presentation of a work, not the
factual content.

This is bad. The code or documentation explains the ideas, and must be 
copyright in the same mode are the ideas itself.

The idea is not copyrighted or patented or protected in any way, but the
code is.
This is bad and incorrect for me.
There is a difference there.
Of course the idea can be patented in some degenerate country like the US
and it seems the EU is making the same mistake, but technically the idea
can not be protected. And should not be.

The US is not a degeneated country. Do you stay in the US sometime?

Yes. Actually today it is also possible to configure the kernel 
graphically, but my idea is better.
I need time that I have no actually.

I know how you're feeling.
I have also many projects for which I haven't had time, so I've given
them away to see if anyone else would do it and I would help and give
ideas. All in freedom and free software.
Maybe you should talk to the KDE guys about your idea that they would
implement it more like you would, both of you would win.

If you comment to KDE people something that does not exist, and after 
your comment exist something similar
you need simply do a small sum: 2+2.
Be stoled by someone that re-offer it under GPL your idea, cause some 
bad humor.

You gave it to them, whose fault is that?

I comment what we will do. They release a version. However, actually is 
not important.

Respect should come from respecting someone else.

In 1987 or so, Chinese and people for Taiwan and Japan go around the 
world and comment:
"We will copy your product and do it better". Today, Taiwan and Japan is 
probably the best
place for electronic components worldwide.

Sure. And we let them do it, whose fault is that?

Different companies here in Italy, about manufacturing suffering some 
fraud from Chinese companies
that re-produce the hardware for car testing and stole the clients. Do 

If they do it better, where's the fraud?

No they copy 100% the same machine for car test.
I mean, what's stopping Italy from doing it better than China?
Berlusconi? C'mon, you could still compete with China, it's not like the
world's biggest army is holding you in siege.

will someone open a case on China
for copyright contacting chinese attorneys?. Very complex and expensive.

I don't know how the car is patented, I'm sure it is, but still everyone
has the right to set up a car shop and build the things.

This is one of the points of free trade. Everyone's equal and free,
so if someone pushes out better products, you respond by making an even
better product.
I fail to see the point in whining about something as glorious as this.

I see the entire software industry going to disaster because some young 
boy release a similar program
at no cost. No one may compete with free. In any this is a complex 
global problem.

Of course you can compete with free, fight free with free, make a better
free solution.
It's like a*x=a*y => x=y

I must confess I haven't seen Tron...

You don't know Tron, because probably you are too young.
Tron was made by Walt Disney (Buena ventura). It is dated 1982.

I know such a movie exists, but not much more. I'm also born in 1982 ;)

Jeff Bridges, a young programmer in a small company was stoled by its 
game program. A friend of him write a program
that inspect information, and also some time ... the owner of the 
company was fired because he claim to be the author
of the game and Jeff Bridge then get the 'expected' money and respect.

Yeah, I should see it.

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Re: implementing reiserfs in C++ for a new OS

2004-08-11 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Markus Törnqvist wrote:
On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 02:12:50PM +0200, Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando wrote:

Yes. is the patent, not the copyright.
He don't have the money to pay the renew the patent.

That sucks then.
Maybe he should have had someone market and promote it better, maybe
he would not have needed a patent at all, then.

He have the original patent and is recognized like the official inventor
of the phone by the US court
Read it in the file
Or he would have gotten money for a patent through marketing.
Remember, Philips pushed the CD out with cheap prices, everyone could
use CDs cheaply, so there was no real competition. It was the superior
solution for cheap.
It did not become common because of forcing it on customers, nor did
it become common like the VHS tape because JVC bought a big market

Well. If an inventor have no money is a BIG problem, however actually
in the GPL times, it is very easy to release a software also with no money.

Or release the specs for some other invention so cheap that you make
much money through huge sales.

The idea is not copyrighted or patented or protected in any way, but the
code is.

This is bad and incorrect for me.

I have heard much better arguments for why it's good that ideas can NOT
be protected, not one good argument for why they should be.
I'd like to hear that one good argument.
People have the same ideas independently, person A and person B.
Person A patents it and person B can't compete with person A.
Person A makes a bad implementation and no one can do anything about it,
no one can do it better.
Your idea about protecting ideas starts to sound like Microsoft, doesn't

Only that Microsoft and maybe some pantent-holders just abused their big
money to suppress competition.

Of course the idea can be patented in some degenerate country like the US
and it seems the EU is making the same mistake, but technically the idea
can not be protected. And should not be.

The US is not a degeneated country. Do you stay in the US sometime?

I've never been there.

Therefore, you cannot comment about the US. Actually, the US is not the 
'normal' US. I hope things
back normal and 'for business' soon. I suppose with the new president.

But look at the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and others.
USA was supposed to be the land of the free, now it's the land of the
rich and powerful, where some people are more free than others and some
people are more equal than others.
Every honest individual who makes an invention may get sued over patents
because someone else can claim the most stupid patent ever.

Yes. Unfortunately this is possible. Microsoft wins a cause a get 4 
million US$
for a small company owner.

In infringements patents, 1 million US$ is something like one dollar, 
the minimal quantity of money to speak about.

There's a term Götterdämmerung Capitalism which is such abuse of a fine
thing, and that's what they're into across the Atlantic.
The point is not in culminating a lot of money and spending it stupidly
or not at all, it's about how money is moved smartly into good causes.
Maybe it's unfair to generalize the States, I know there's a lot of
good and smart people there, but the country is ran by a monkey, among
other flaws.
Maybe some libertarian-like state could be found, where it would be good
to live.

You gave it to them, whose fault is that?

I comment what we will do. They release a version. However, actually is 
not important.

But this is a chance for co-operation, you can ask the KDE guys to
do as you say if your system is better.
They will get a better system and you will see your brainchild become
a used application.
Everyone wins.

I prefer to release it like I comment and I design, when possible. We 
announce time ago
that almost all our problems are GPL and also commercial.

Basically, we charge for the manual and additional not free software, 
like Trolltech does.

Then, if someone like, and want to contrib. Great.
Also, have no sense to release a program to configure the kernel and 
offer only in commercial form. Must be
also available for free like the Kernel is.


If they do it better, where's the fraud?

No they copy 100% the same machine for car test.

So? Everyone else copies them too.
Copy something back from China.
It should not be seen as a bad thing but as a good thing.

China and Hong Kong is the first place in the world where people 
re-produce 'everything' in almost illegal mode: shoes, pants, etc.

Italy have the fourth place. Also on the streets here, you can found 
Fendi, that is a bad reproduction.

Thanks for now.
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Re: implementing reiserfs in C++ for a new OS

2004-08-11 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Hans Reiser wrote:
Nikita Danilov wrote:
Hans Reiser writes:
> Nikita Danilov wrote:
> > >
> >Copyright to result of translation belongs to the translator. At
> >least, according to Russian law.
> >
> >  > >
> I may be completely wrong legally, esp. in Russia.  I personally 
think > it should belong to the original author if the original 
copyright is > still valid.
> > Otherwise harry potter can get translated and no need to pay 

`Otherwise' is non-sequitur. One pays royalties to get a permission to
produce and/or sell derived work. But copyright to derived work lies
with translator.
Otherwise, copyright to reiser4 (re-)implementation of allocate-on-flush
belongs to SGI.

I would feel more guilty about that if their team had not gone so far 
out of their way to encourage me to learn and use their most valuable 
innovation when I visited SGI.  I try to credit SGI on that generally, 
but folks are welcome to point out where an additional credit is 
needed (it is too easy to neglect such things).  I do think that I 
took their idea to the next level
There are no problems at all.
Both projects are GPL.

> > Hans

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Re: Reiser4 support on parted program ...

2004-09-15 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Yury Umanets wrote:
Hans Reiser wrote:
Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando wrote:

   As soon the installer works fine supporting Reiser4, including 
parted support
   it, I will comment in this mailing list, and offer for free 

Reiser4 resizer is not ready for prime time, and like pseudos, should 
not have been enabled before it was tested.  We are going to send in 
a patch to turn it off until it is debugged.

hello Hans,
I suspect, that Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando meant offline resizer which 
should be in utils. Not online resizer-repacker...

Actually, we want that reiser4 is supported inside parted program. 
Nothing else.

I don't think this support will enable any other support like 

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Re: 2.6.9-mm1

2004-10-24 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Hans Reiser wrote:
Andrew Morton wrote:
 - reiser4: not sure, really.  The namespace extensions were disabled,
   although all the code for that is still present.  Linus's filesystem
   criterion used to be "once lots of people are using it, preferably 
   vendors are shipping it".  That's a bit of a chicken and egg thing 
   Needs more discussion.


No distro using reiserfs V3 as the default is going to keep doing so 
once reiser4 meets their stability requirements. Reiserfs is used by a 
lot of people, and reiser4 obsoletes it, and the users know that. 
I agree that OS that choose ReiserFS for default now will adopt Reiser4 
instead ReiserFS 3,  but they need to continue
to support ReiserFS 3 as well Reiser4 ...

In some sense this is equivalent to ext2 and ext3.

None of the distros have expressed any intent of staying on V3, and 
they'd be silly to do it. Many of them have expressed a desire to use 
reiser4. Next year, indications are that reiser4 usage by distros as 
their default will exceed that which is today possessed by V3. The 
higher performance of V4 is going to increase our market share.

I would like to encourage its inclusion as an experimental filesystem 
BEFORE vendors ship it. I think first putting experimental stuff in 
the kernels used by hackers makes sense. I think it creates more of a 

I'd like to point out that there is a lot of stuff in the kernel that 
is a lot less stable than reiser4.

That said, inclusion in -mm found some bugs, and we are still testing 
one of the fixes which was a bit deep. I want to finish that testing 
(not more than 7 days) and send you all fixes before asking for 

Also, Hellwig made a valid point about getting rid of some macros that 
reduce readability (I also hate code that prevents editors finding 
called functions), and zam is working on fixing that.

Lindows is planning on shipping with reiser4 in its next release. I 
would very much like to see our inclusion before that.

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Re: reiser4 and reiserfs co-existence?

2004-11-09 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Michael Barry wrote:
Of course ReiserFS and Reiser4 will work on different partitions at the 
same time.

This is the object of these emails ?
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Re: file as a directory

2004-11-30 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Peter Foldiak wrote:
On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 16:31, Horst von Brand wrote:

But namespace unification is important,

Why? Directories are directories, files are files, file contents is file
contents. Mixing them up is a bad idea.

I disagree, I think it is a good idea.

   Please remember DOS.
   In DOS a directory is a file with a SPECIAL attrib: D_DIR.
   In Unix, is basically the same.
   There are nothing bad. The attrib specify that a file with the 
directory attrib
   may include additional files or directories.

Why is namespace unification important? Because you can use the same
tools on everything. Previously, each tool could handle one namespace.
A very simple example would be:
I want to count the words in the Appendix of my book.
If I can't select the appendix, my "wc" tool is useless (or very
difficult to use). On the other hand if I can say
wc ~/book/Appendix
it's fine. Hans Reiser would say that "namespaces are the roads and
waterways of the operating system" and "the value of an operating system
is proportional to the number of connections you can make". I think he
is right in that. And the authors of Unix knew it too, when they used
the same namespace for devices and files. They didn't say "files are
files and devices are devices". They said the difference should not
matter to the applications.
But there is still namespace fragmentation even in Unix, and this is
just one of them.

Sure, you could build a filesystem
of sorts (perhaps more in the vein of persistent programming, or even data
base systems) where there simply is no distinction (because there are no
differences to show), but that is something different.

   and to unify the namespace, you
have to use the same syntax. I guess you disagree with me on that. (If
not, how would you do it?)

I'd go one level up: Eliminate the distinctions that bother you, not try to
patch over them.

But that is my point too. Peter

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Re: reiser4 for windows

2004-12-04 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Hans Reiser wrote:
I should add that reiser4 for windows would be proprietary.   If they 
can pay MS, they can pay me, and I see no reason to do free work for MS.

   Despite about this. The MS dominance is going down, and therefore 
have no sense.

   I never suppose  you will  found the same 'good'  enviroment 
including C Compiler
filters, and other tools that only UNIX and GNU/Linux offers.

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Re: reiser4 for windows

2004-12-06 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Tierra wrote:
On Sun, 05 Dec 2004 19:31:29 -0700, Jonathan Briggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There are ext2/3 and reiserfs access programs for Windows.  They are not
implemented as Windows filesystem drivers.  I do not know if this is
because of technical difficulties or Windows vs. GPL licensing problems.
Most of them bring up the filesystem in a Windows Explorerish interface.
You can then copy files in or out.

You mean much like rfstool?

This seems cool. May be there are a use with programs like Ghost that backup
also Linux partitions, and probably now will found all the Linux partitions
including reiserfs.
I don't see other use.
What was interesting was to install MS Windows on a ReiserFS partitions
and probably there are a way to do using GNU/Linux, not windows.
I neither see any screeshot  on this website regarding the program.
Under pictures, I found images about Florence, Rome, and other ruins.
Seems this person loves ruins and want to enable them in futuristic
like Reiser.
... Is better to discard Ruins. Ruins represent the past like MS Windows
:-) :-D
I've seen other reiserfs GUI tools, all pretty much are a wrapper
around the above library (including my own). But I've never seen
anything with write access, just read-only. Also, AFAIK, Gerson Kurz
has no plans of working on that project anymore, so it's a limited few
who could pull off a Reiser4 Windows library.
Bryan Petty

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Re: Impressed. Any info other than source?

2005-02-02 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Hans Reiser wrote:
   I plan to wite a book about Reiser4 and how to write Reiser4 plug-ins
   like the Vol N. 4 in our developer guide.
   For now it plans to be under payment.
   My be I found the time to release it for Summer: June 2005.
Info wrote:
I am really impressed by what you're doing with Reiserfs.
It is a wonderful mix of the immediately usable and great
promise for the future.
I am somewhat amazed that this is such a low traffic list.
Am I missing some other place where this stuff is discussed?

Not really.  We are in a period of stabilizing rather than designing 
new stuff.  Unfortunately, one always spends far more time stabilizing 
than designing.

Quoting from your website:

Looking at the coin from the other side, we want to make
it an order of magnitude less work to add features to ReiserFS so 
that both users and Namesys can add at least an order of magnitude 
more of them.

To this end is there any documentation between the general 
descriptions (.../v4/v4.html and .../whitepaper.html) and
the actual source code? I have searched your site and the
web (although I haven't tried BitKeeper yet) and can't find
anything. It is not the actual internal workings so much as
how to modify a plugin that I'm interested in. Any sort of
howto type documentation?

The source code is intended to be very readable.  I don't think there 
should be any documentation besides web site and source code.

Any URLs gratefully received!
Paul Hilton


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What is the official Reiser 4 ...

2005-03-14 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
   Some days ago I hear aboout the Reser 4.1.
   Is this true?
   Have Reiser4 moved to a new release?
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When Reiser4 will be officially included in the kernel? ...

2005-04-29 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Hi Everyone,
   Looking on the latest, I don't see yet Reiser4 officially 
included between the supported FS.

   Reiser4 had been released almost one year ago, and ... does not 
belong yet to the kernel?

   Hans, do you know some date for this?
   In the past Andrew Morton, did this job, I don't know who (if 
someone) are working on this matter.

   It is not fundamental, just a simple but important curiosity.
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Re: When Reiser4 will be officially included in the kernel? ...

2005-05-04 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Vladimir Saveliev wrote:
On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 22:38, Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando wrote:

Hi Everyone,
   Looking on the latest, I don't see yet Reiser4 officially 
included between the supported FS.

   Reiser4 had been released almost one year ago, and ... does not 
belong yet to the kernel?

   Hans, do you know some date for this?
   In the past Andrew Morton, did this job, I don't know who (if 
someone) are working on this matter.

   It is not fundamental, just a simple but important curiosity.

We are working to address lkml objections (they objected to core kernel
patches reiser4 relays on) and reiser4 stability.
When it is done (can not estimate, sorry) - then we will ask for


Great! ... Please keep me updated.
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Re: When Reiser4 will be officially included in the kernel? ...

2005-05-04 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando

They were on principle against

and few older patches.
We are currently trying to eliminate the need in
reiser4-export-inode_lock.patch which is the last of bad patches.

   This is OK, however, what I am looking for is to download the Kernel 
from, and found Reiser4 code inside. This means officially 
for me.

This one seems to be the hardest to get rid of.



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Reiser4 support on parted ...

2005-05-05 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Hi Everyone,
   I am looking to know if someone have time to share with me to add 
the necessary code
   inside 'parted' to support Reiser4.

   May be 1 or 2 hours per day.
   The reference page is:
   I start to work on it, last September. Of course no money is involved.
   I will need also other people, to test the result.
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Re: Reiser4 support on parted ...

2005-05-05 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Jander wrote:
Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando wrote:

Hi Everyone,
  I am looking to know if someone have time to share with me to add
the necessary code
  inside 'parted' to support Reiser4.
  May be 1 or 2 hours per day.
  The reference page is:
  I start to work on it, last September. Of course no money is involved.
  I will need also other people, to test the result.

I'll be pleased to help in any way I can.

Great! I prefer to feedback privately, and when completed request help 
to reiser community for testing.

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Re: Reiser4 support on parted ...

2005-05-06 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Hans Reiser wrote:
I think someone is going to pay us to write the online repacker in the
very near future, though I can't say their name.
Giovanni, if by parted support you mean that you are going to write a
resizer (and now that I take a moment to remember what parted does it
seems certain you do mean that), I wish you would not.  We are so
amazing far in debt right now

   It is important to fix some points to clarify.
   At first, "parted" is a binary that interact with the "libparted" 
library to run
   some features about partitions, like:
  * mkfs
  * fsck
  * cp
  * mv
  * resize
  * and others.

   Actually, parted have zero support for Reiser4.
   Why we need Reiser4 support inside parted?
   We need that parted support Reiser4, because our installer actualy a 
hacked version of RedHat anaconda
   uses pyparted that need parted to create the partitions on the FS on 
a new installation.
   (Therefore also RH people and Linux distro that uses anaconda, like 
YellowDog will benefit for this code).

   Therefore, we don't need to resize Reiser4 partitions actually.
   The necessary code is not necessarely complicated, because libraries 
are well written.
   However, I need to understant how Reiser4 do jobs like fsck and mkfs 
and this code
   cannot be a simple or equivalent (system("mkfs.reiser4")).

   It is necessary to use the parted API to do that.
   FTOSX 2004 includes "reiser4" packages, including "libaal", from Sep 

   I create some directories, one for parted 1.6.15 (my hacked version) 
and another for (1.6.22), latest one.

   People that want to know more about the internal of this code, can 

   I need to update around 111 chapters in six courses, and therefore I 
will dedicate only 1/2 hours per day to move on
   on this matter.


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Re: Reiser4 repackers

2005-05-08 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Andrew Clausen wrote:
On Sat, May 07, 2005 at 08:10:18PM -0500, David Masover wrote:

The blocklist is only needed to find the blocks in the nested file,
which is huge.  (I don't know anything about reiser packing, but
things like tail-merging aren't a serious problem.)

Yet, it's still a problem.  You want a standardized way to map files to
underlying blocks, and before Reiser4, I'd say this was easy.  But now,
who knows what the FS does to bastardize the file on the way down?
Crypto/compression?  Tail-packing?  Stenography?  The possibilities are

Can't you disable these things for the special nested file?  You only
need the block list for one file!

This must be fine!
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Lancelot is back!

I am releasing FTLinuxCourse for free ...

2005-08-30 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando

  Because I belong to this mailing list, I want to announce

   that a 7 years effort Linux training had been released for free.

   This is the accumulative version written from 1995 until 2002, in 
six courses.

   This training is for free. Evaluate adoption inside your organization.
   2005 edition will remains copyright.

   Details at:

Giovanni A. Orlando



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Fixed:  +39 0824 314 007.
Mobile: +39 393 665 4239

Re: Wikipedia article

2005-08-31 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando

evilninja wrote:

Gregory Maxwell schrieb:

Someone might want to update the information on reiser4 at:

This table is interesting but have really no sense the "no inclusion" of 
a minimal comparision about performance.




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Fixed:  +39 0824 314 007.
Mobile: +39 393 665 4239

"Do you feel the sacred fire, inside you?"

Re: Conversion from v3.6 to v4 of Reiserfs...

2004-02-25 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Nikita Danilov wrote:

The Amazing Dragon (Elliott Mitchell) writes:
> > From: "Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Actually, there are no a way. You need to backup and re-write it 
> > your data.
> > 
> > However, I speak with Hans and probably we will release a 
> > tool/utility for that purpose.
> Something like dump?

Cf. "Universal file system convertor":
no warranty, especially given that loop-back support required for
convertfs was added into reiser4 only recently.


  We plan to support in our distro ReiserFS 3.x and 4.0 at the same 

  About to port OLD data to ReiserFS 4, a simple 'tar cvfz' will be 
usefull to backup and replace.

  I don't think, this tool

   support reiserFS 4.0, because it is dated March 2002.

   If someone knows some other link, for this tool I can take a look.

   Seems that Debian is working on. In any case we will do our tests and make
   our decisions.
   My idea when i comment to Hans, was based on the fact that RedHat haves these tools
   for EXT2 to EXT3 and viceversa.



Re: Conversion from v3.6 to v4 of Reiserfs...

2004-02-25 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Nikita Danilov wrote:

Nikita Danilov writes:
> Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando writes:
>  > Nikita Danilov wrote:
>  > 
>  > >The Amazing Dragon (Elliott Mitchell) writes:
>  > > > > From: "Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > > > > Actually, there are no a way. You need to backup and re-write it 
>  > > > > your data.
>  > > > > 
>  > > > > However, I speak with Hans and probably we will release a 
>  > > > > tool/utility for that purpose.
>  > > > 
>  > > > Something like dump?
>  > >
>  > >Cf. "Universal file system convertor":
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >no warranty, especially given that loop-back support required for
>  > >convertfs was added into reiser4 only recently.
>  > >  
>  > >
>  > Hi,
>  > 
>  >We plan to support in our distro ReiserFS 3.x and 4.0 at the same 
>  > time.
>  > 
>  >About to port OLD data to ReiserFS 4, a simple 'tar cvfz' will be 
>  > usefull to backup and replace.
>  > 
>  >I don't think, this tool
>  > 
>  >
>  > 
>  > support reiserFS 4.0, because it is dated March 2002.
> convertfs does _not_ need special support for new file system type. It
> can convert arbitrary file system foo to arbitrary file system bar, on
> the condition that bar supports loop back files.

Sorry, I got it backward. Loop back support on foo is required. So, to
convert reiserfs to reiser4 one needs loop back on reiserfs, which is
not a problem.


   I will investigate better on this tool and if fine we will test on 
ReiserFS 3.X <-> 4.0 final.

>  > 
>  > If someone knows some other link, for this tool I can take a look.




Re: Reiser4 needs more testers

2004-03-26 Thread Dr. Giovanni A. Orlando
Hans Reiser wrote:

Hi Hans,

   We will test the last snapshot.

We have one NFS related bug remaining, and one mmap all of memory 
related bug (and performance issue) that you can hit using iozone.  We 
will fix both of these in next week's snapshot, they were both 
multi-day bug fixes.  When they are fixed, unless users/distros find 
bugs next week we will submit it for inclusion in the -mm and then the 
official kernel.

We hope it is now fairly stable for average users if you avoid those 
two issues (we need to get rid of those dire warnings about its 
stability, we will remember that next snapshot;-) )

We need a lot more real user testers, because we have run out of 
scripts that can crash it, and there are distros that would like to 
ship it soon.  Please also complain to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] about poor documentation, etc., 

The new reiser4 snapshot (against 2.6.5-rc2) is available at



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