[Repeater-Builder] Re: OT? OT? OT? email notifications

2010-08-27 Thread Walter H
These are a new *feature* called 'Update Notification'.

There should be an Unsubscribe button or link at the bottom of the messages.

Or, you can turn them off from the MyGroups page on Yahoo! Groups.


PS: I recommend that the owners/mods of this group [or any group] join 
'Moderator Central', the official Yahoo! Groups notifier, and 'YGOG', a 
self-help group for owner/mods.

--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, wb6dgn wb6...@... wrote:

 Can someone please tell me how to stop the email notifications when a new 
 file is posted to the group?  Every time a new file is posted in any of my 
 active yahoo groups, not just this one, I get an email notification that the 
 file has been posted on all of my email accounts (three of them!).  I've 
 searched until I'm nearly blind trying to find a setting in my yahoo profile 
 and this membership page, that I can change, to no avail.  My membership 
 settings on all my groups also indicate NO email.  I just don't know where 
 else to look.  HEEEL!  Thanks,

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Intermod Calculation

2010-08-24 Thread Walter H
We also had a problem with a 454 pager.
Quintron with a 1/4 k amp.
Only one in the metro area had a spur, but that one traveled as the PA cage 
changed temperature.
Got a hold of the paging company, and they turned each one off until we saw the 
spur go away.
Final tube had been replaced and not properly neutralized.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Tom  W2MN w...@... wrote:

 We had a pager spur problem with our repeater (no pl). The problem would
 come and go. We determined it happened mostly with time of day (outside
 temperature). Sometime it was just a short 1 second event and sometimes it
 would hold for a bit more (maybe 2 -5 sec). We setup a satellite multimode
 radio (actually dial in the frequency with widest bandwidth setting) and
 monitored the repeater input with a tape recorder and vox. We did this to
 capture the audio so we could listen to characteristics and THE CW CALLSIGN.
 We captured enough of the callsign that we were able to indentify the whole
 call (and freq) from the FCC database. 
 With that, we were able to monitor the repeater and the pager for hits. Yes,
 it did hit some times and not others. The reason was, it was caused by an
 unstable spur that drifted up and down the ham band with temperature and the
 amount of pager traffic. It was also hitting other repeaters as it drifted
 but most of the other repeaters had pl. 
 There was a chain of pagers using the same freq and callsign and we had to
 figure out which tower it was. We used a beam antenna and chased the spur
 up/down the band until we were able to get a definite direction. The next
 step as to visit the site AREA with an HT and just scan the ham repeater
 input freqs during the likely time of day. Bingo, the spur was loud and
 Of course the pager owner was in denial but being a pest for a couple of
 weeks got the problem removed. They claim it was a spur in the final PA that
 had been serviced just at the time the problem started. They replaced the
 Hope this story helps.

[Repeater-Builder] Re: GMRS Radio

2010-08-04 Thread Walter H
Power is limited to 50 watts out of the transmitter.
Absolutely no ERP limitations.

WalterH WPXP269

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: GMRS Radio

Bear in mind that GMRS XMT power is limited to 40 watts ERP.


[Repeater-Builder] Re: Mastr II Mobile Repeater?

2010-08-04 Thread Walter H
Close but no cigar.

What you describe is MTS, Mobile Telephone Service.
All calls were handled by a Bell operator.
This was replaced by IMTS, Improved Mobile Telephone Service.
These channels had 2 letter designations, like YL or JS.
[Interesting note; there used to be a low band phone service, too.]

RCC refers to the private entities [non-Bell] that provided mobile telephone 
I worked for one in central NH.
That particular one was 454/459 MHz with 2805 Hz overdial.
I also did service on another provider's hi-band system.
In the 80's, some were fully automatic like the one I worked for, and some 
still had operators to handle the calls. They were all RCC's.

All those systems went away with the advent of cell phones.
And the frequencies put up for auction.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, bil.isom bil.i...@... wrote:

 RCC = Radio Common Carrier.  The OLD mobile telephone service.  Before IMTS 
 (Improved Mobile Telephone Service) and long before cell. BTW Perry Mason 
 used RCC
 Bill N4XIR
 --- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, La Rue Communications LaRueComm@ 
  Gentlemen (And Ladies)
  I have a MASTR II Exec mobile here, I think its a UHF Repeater. I want to 
  confirm with you - but I am curious what RCC stands for. Comb number 
  YS55SSXX88A. Nothing comes up on Google and not sure which Comb spec sheet 
  to look this up with Hall Electronics or here on RB Archives.
  Thanks for your input!
  John Hymes
  La Rue Communications
  10 S. Aurora Street
  Stockton, CA 95202

[Repeater-Builder] Re: UHF Isolator Wanted

2010-08-04 Thread Walter H
Frequency [not just band]
Power ratings?


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, K5IN k...@... wrote:

 Ok, one last try.  I need a UHF isolator and thought I would ask here again.
 Brian, K5IN

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Strange Request

2010-07-19 Thread Walter H
Shure got out of the land mobile microphone market 4(?) years ago.

They now only deal in pro-audio.


[Repeater-Builder] Re: Duplexer notch blurred - why?

2010-05-19 Thread Walter H
Your pic shows the classic signs of an incorrect cable length.

Did you include the effective length of the coupling loops in your calculations?
Our rule of thumb is that they are 1/10th wavelength.

Otherwise, do what EMR does and try cable lengths until it meets specs.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Atlantis atlant...@... wrote:

 In the attached picture you see the notch of the 70cm duplexer I built 
 according to W4NFR's description in QEX, those who can't receive 
 attachments find it here:
 The measurement has been made with both cavities of one branch connected 
 with a true quarter wavelength jumper of RG58 because I had no 
 double-shielded cable available.
 Can anybody tell me why the notch is this blurred and what can be done 
 about it? The isolation would be a bit better if the notch was a clear 
 sharp line, isn't it?

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Duplexer notch blurred - why?

2010-05-19 Thread Walter H
The duplexor referenced is shown at:


The author's spec a screen shots only show 60-65 dB of notch.
And he doesn't make critical length cables.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Larry Horlick llhorl...@... wrote:

 -62 does seem a tad high. Describe the duplexer...

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Verizon Tarif

2010-05-18 Thread Walter H
Every place I know of, all you need is a business line.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, rahwayflynn mafl...@... wrote:

 Anyone know if Verizon has a published tarif for repeater interconnects? 
 (Amateur Radio, not LMR)

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Just curious... Microwave frequencies

2010-05-12 Thread Walter H
Microwave is NOT 'a band'.

It usually refers to frequencies used for point-to-point RF links.
220 MHz was considered 'microwave' way back when.

As someone else mentioned, there are a NUMBER of microwave bands.
My agency uses 2, 6, 10, 11, and 23 GHz depending on path length, required 
bandwidth, and availability.
I think our widest beamwidth is 3 degrees. Most are MUCH tighter.

Our 'radar' guns [microwave speed meters]run on 24  40 GHz.

Your microwave oven operates at 2.45 GHz [the resonant frequency of water 


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, La Rue Communications 
laruec...@... wrote:

 So in a nutshell, microwave is a band of precision and pinpoint accuracy? 
 Common sense that people shouldnt use wood for anything outside that demands 
 long-term stability. Not only do the elements cause warping, but also prone 
 to termites, etc. Wow!
 Thanks for all the good input! 
 John Hymes
 La Rue Communications
 10 S. Aurora Street
 Stockton, CA 95202

[Repeater-Builder] Re: NOS GE Phoenix For Sale

2010-03-29 Thread Walter H
You mean 'WERE' made by Shure, who no longer makes communications microphones.
GE/ComNet/Ericsson/M-A Com/Tyco/Harris now uses mics from Otto Engineering


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Kris Kirby k...@... wrote:

 On Sun, 28 Mar 2010, Joe wrote:
  Which mike are you looking for?  I may have a NOS one somewhere, 
  handheld with Whelen written on it.
  MCH wrote:
   I think the 200 was 16 channels with an option for 32 channels.
   While I'm typing, does anyone have a source for a replacement Whelen 
   microphone element? I can't justify $150 for one from Whelen. Even a 
   source for a good used Whelen mic would be welcome. And sorry about 
   the off-topic post relative to the subject. Please direct any 
   replies to my email address rather than the list.
 It would be cheaper to ask around and see if someone has a microphone 
 that some dip destroyed out on the road, and put the Whelen cable on the 
 two-way mic. Most of the Motorola - MA/COM mics are made by Shure 
 Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
 Disinformation Analyst

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Correction...

2010-03-05 Thread Walter H
What's an 'RLC'?


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, NORM KNAPP nkn...@... wrote:

 Those are IDA RLC's to Mastr III's.
 My bad.

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Fw: FCC RO Involving the Amateur 70cm Band

2010-03-05 Thread Walter H
And what happens if they deploy it in a municipality where there's a 4.9 GHz 
mesh network [like Phoenix, AZ]?
Or a 4.9 GHz point-to-point microwave link?
Or in the presence of a 4.9 GHz helicopter downlink?

Frequency selection/coordination is a very big deal, and most of the IT/MBA 
types running these corporations [and the FCC] are clueless.

I, too, am very concerned about this proposal, and not just for hams, but for 
the precedent that it creates. This is the equivalent of special legislation 
that benefits a single corporate entity.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, David Jordan wa3...@... wrote:

 I'd put them in the Licensed Public Safety Broad Band Data allocation
 4940-4980Mhz band.plenty of room there.very little usage. 
 My guess is the manufacturer doesn't have the technology or funding needed
 to build the cheaply made, significantly over priced crawling camera to
 operate in the GHz ranges.
 Like BPL.this vendor will disappear once their venture capital has been all
 used up. The military may purchase some of these units but with tax revenues
 down nationally, for the next several years, I don't think your local fire
 or police dept will be spending many dollars on this low value technology.
 I'm not worried about this order.
 From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:repeater-buil...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of MCH
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:42 PM
 To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Fw: FCC RO Involving the Amateur 70cm
 The premise is common sense, but, as you say, this is the government.
 Where would *you* put TV transmitters if not in the TV bands?
 Joe M.
 David Jordan wrote:
  I don't think there is any premise or as you say, ...fact that it should
  in the bands where TV is authorized... is relevant. Where the FCC decides
  to put it is where the fact.

[Repeater-Builder] Re: New to 900mhz,, PL or DPL?

2010-02-27 Thread Walter H
Then it's not COR [Carrier Operated Relay].
It would be RUS [Receiver UnSquelch].

And running any voice station strictly on PL/DPL is a bad idea.
PL [CTCSS] is prone to falsing if it isn't AND'ed with carrier detect.
I have to figure that DPL is better, but random energy from the 'hiss' has got 
to false the decoder once in a while.

BTW, my agency uses the same 2 PL tones across the state, whether high RF site 
or not.

And the majority of 440 ham repeaters in my area use the SAME 100.0 Hz tone for 

So, unless you have some desire to restrict who can access your repeater [since 
some radios WON'T do DPL], then my recommendation is PL. But stay away from 
179.9 Hz, as that can be falsed by the third harmonic of the mains. And choose 
one that's neither at the top nor bottom of the list.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, kq7dx kq...@... wrote:

 Thank you for all the replies and great information.
 I have another question on code selection. Other than 411 being a code used 
 for open repeater, what is the criteria for picking a DPL code.
 Also it looks like PL being preferred to DPL is not RFI specific as I have 
 seen on frequency lists with PL being used in high RFI locatations.
 What do you think about leaving the squelch open and letting the DPL control 
 the COR.
 Thanks again...
 The DPL list I found.
  Standard 83 Digital Coded Squelch Codes 
 0nn 1nn 2nn 3nn 4nn 5nn 6nn 7nn 
 023 114 205 306 411 503 606 703 
 025 115 223 311 412 506 612 712 
 026 116 226 315 413 516 624 723 
 031 125 243 331 423 532 627 731 
 032 131 244 343 431 546 631 732 
 043 132 245 345 432 565 632 734 
 047 134 251 351 445 654 743   
 051 143 261 364 464 662 754   
 054 152 263 365 465 664 
 065 155 265 371 466   
 071 156 271   
 072 162 
 073 165 
 074 172 

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Unlawful in Il to Rebroadcast Public Safety Communications

2010-02-19 Thread Walter H
What /I/ can add, is that the FCC has said that if you want privacy for your 
communications, then encrypt them. Clear voice is available to anyone with the 
appropriate receiver. No, I can't find my source for this, I've read all the 
Daily Digests for the last 5+ years, and I believe it was in a letter ruling.

BTW, if you go to the url listed, you'll see that it's still in committee. Not 
passed by the House nor Senate, nor signed by the Governor.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Eric Lowell elowell9...@... wrote:

 Wow! I would have thought it illegal under Federal Law. What do I know
 Best Regardss, de W1EL
  Eric Lowell
 Eastern Maine Electronics Inc.
 48 Loon Road
 Wesley ME 04686
 From: ka9qjg1 ka9...@...
 To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thu, February 18, 2010 9:27:44 PM
 Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Unlawful in Il to Rebroadcast Public Safety 
 It is now Against the Law in Il To Rebroadcast Public safety Communications 
 including radio or Internet 
 I know most of us in this Hobby are aware of all the Scanner Type 
 Communications being linked d to the Internet. I always wondered about the 
 legality of doing this especially living in one of the Few States that have 
 an Anti Scanner Law against mobiles and Handhelds unless one is exempt.
 I always liked the idea of seeing something big on the News and finding a 
 site from that area to listen to it Live . 
 Well it looks like Il has put together a law against doing this I do not know 
 about other states . Or how this is going to stop the On Line Scanner 
 Also as written unless I have permission it looks like I cannot rebroadcast 
 the Amber Alerts which come out over My Emerg Weather Receive on My Repeaters 
 I am sure others have this on the Repeters too
 This will be interesting to see if anyone is a actually charged with this 
 Don KA9QJG 
 Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
 20 ILCS 2615/11 new 
 20 ILCS 2615/12 new 
 Synopsis As Introduced
 Amends the State Police Radio Act. Provides that a person receiving public 
 safety voice or data communication transmitted via the facilities of the 
 State's public safety radio system by wire or radio shall not, without the 
 written authority of the originator of the communication, rebroadcast the 
 communication via any means, including radio or Internet, or otherwise 
 divulge or publish the existence, contents, substance, purport, effect, or 
 meaning thereof. Provides that this provision does not apply to the public 
 safety radio communication transmitted by any system station for the use of 
 the general public, including Amber Alerts and other communications 
 specifically intended for rebroadcast to the public. Provides that radio 
 access to the public safety radio system within the State may only be 
 accomplished upon receipt of written authorization granted by the 
 appropriately licensed authority. Provides that a violation of these 
 provisions is a Class A
  misdemeanor. Effective immediately.
 http://tinyurl. com/yf3on2y

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Trbo to be DOA 2012 Say Hello to Tetra

2010-02-16 Thread Walter H
What have you been smoking?

P25 will be in play in the public safety arena for at least another 15 years.
And Tetra is having IPR issues with Motorola and banding issues with the FCC 
regarding use in the USA.

There is NO 6.25 requirement. Only an equivalence, just as there is a 12.5 
equivalence for the current narrowband Part90 mandate.
So, you could run 4 talk paths in a 25 kHz channel and meet the 6.25 
'requirement' which has yet to be promulgated.

I am of the opinion that if you want to play with this stuff in Part 97, go for 
it. That's one of the stated purposes for the Amateur Service. I, for one, will 
continue to operate my 'wideband' fm equipment for the foreseeable future, and 
if/when a manufacturer makes amateur equipment with these digital modes for no 
more than 20% above current pricing, I'd buy it. I just don't see that for a 
fair number of years. Commercial digital equipment is around 50% more to have 
digital capabilities.

WalterH KD7BJJ

--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, j.cherry377 j.cherry...@... wrote:

 The plan as I have it is to merge P25 and Trbo into a Tetra Product, for 
 release in 2012, at which time Turbo will be discontinued and abandoned as 
 its not true 6.25kc and wont comply with the new 2.5kc standard that all will 
 have to start adhering to. Trbo takes up 12.5kc though it provides 2 voice 
 paths, its not 6.25kc wide.
 My question is when will the 440 and 2m bands start talking about making a 
 unified 6.25 kc divisible bandplan and apply it nationwide? They will have to 
 do it so might as well get started talking about it. I know that there are a 
 lot of people with 25/30 kc radios that are not going to care for hearing 
 about this. 
 A good first step is to design the layout in 12.5 kc steps for each band and 
 start planning on at least going to 2.5kc deviation around that time..

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Caution to Group Members Trojan from Yahoo Banner Advertisments

2010-01-18 Thread Walter H

But they need instances of this to be reported, in particular, WHAT ad was 

Go here and read the posting by Gordon of Yahoo! Groups.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Paul Plack pl...@... wrote:

 Has Yahoo been made aware?
   - Original Message - 
   From: skipp025 
   To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 6:27 PM
   Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Caution to Group Members Trojan from Yahoo 
 Banner Advertisments
   I actually believe I received the trojan from a banner ad 
   while setting up new book-marks for one of the radio/repeater 
   Groups I frequent...

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Mitrek repeater conversion cos problem

2010-01-11 Thread Walter H

Did you mean 'duplex'?


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, cruizzer77 atlant...@... wrote:

 In a later step I also need to narrowband the radio, therefore I'm a bit 

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Service Monitor Input Protection

2010-01-06 Thread Walter H
Blew them out left and right when I was getting started in the business.

There was a calibrated isolator that someone sold to replace the 40dB pad on 
the Cushman. Would handle 50 watts(?) for short periods.


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Eric Lowell elowell9...@... wrote:

 Cushmans used low value fuses for years. 
  Eric Lowell
 Eastern Maine Electronics Inc.
 48 Loon Road
 Wesley ME 04686
 From: James ka2...@...
 To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tue, January 5, 2010 5:30:00 PM
 Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Service Monitor Input Protection
 Hello to the group. Knowing most of you have service monitors for the 
 Repeater Builder Hobby, I wanted to pose the following question. What method 
 do you use to protect the input of your service monitor from excessive RF 
 Power input? I am referring to the input/output jack that is limited to 2.5 
 watts on MANY service monitors. I know I can use an attenuator, but that gets 
 removed for sensitivity checks and may not get put back on. One suggestion is 
 a RF Relay that would trip on say one watt and put the power to a dummy load. 
 The problem is I have used one of the cheap circuits in the past and toasted 
 transistors in a Pre-amp, before the relay reacted as the book said it 
 should. However I know there are circuits in say the Mirage Amp that also has 
 a Pre-Amp that is removed from the antenna during transmit, that works well. 
 What are you doing to protect your monitor? Appreciate your thoughts.