RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Seeking emergency system design help

2010-08-27 Thread rrath
Andy, we too lost a large area when 
we went narrow band with our county 
wide system, for our Fire 
Departments. The quality of the audio 
is not what it use to be either. 


[Repeater-Builder] Needing Help With a Mastrll Base/Repeater Unit

2010-08-22 Thread rrath
Hello to the group. I am in need of 
some help working on a GE Mastrll 
Base/Repeater unit in the Yakima, 
WA area. If you live in or know of 
some one please contact me off the 
list. I am looking for some one who 
knows this unit (I have no paper work 
on Mastrll) who can do some wiring 
for me. Sorry to say, I am a Ham who 
does not work on radios do to the 
lack of knowledge and afraid of 
screwing things up.

Thank you.
Rod kc7vqr

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Give Away - Motorola Micor VHF/UHF Mobiles GE Low Band Mobiles

2010-07-31 Thread rrath
Me three.

Rod kc7vqr

Me too !!

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Scott Zimmerman n3...@repeater- wrote:
If only I lived in Texas.. Humph!!


Scott Zimmerman
Amateur Radio Call N3XCC
474 Barnett Road
Boswell, PA 15531

wb5dcu wrote:
 I am cleaning out the shack and I have the following radios I would like to 
 give away:
 7 - Motorola Micor VHF Mobiles
 5 - Motorola Micor UHF Mobiles
 1 - Motorola Q2904A UHF Industrial repeater
 1 - Motorola Syntor UHF
 1 - Motorola Mitrek UHF
 1 - GE Master II Low Band mobile with accessories
 1 - GE Master PRO Low Band mobile with accessories
 1 - Motorola Micor VHF mobile converted to a 147.080MHz repeater
 mounted in BUD cabinet with NHRC-2 controller.

 Some of the Micor's are parts radios, they were given to our repeater group 
 by a local 2 way shop that was going out of business.
 The 147.08 repeater was taken out of service about 5 years ago. It was 
 working when we replaced it with a new repeater.
 These are free, take all or none. I will NOT ship, local pick up only.
 I live in Sherman Texas which is located north of Dallas Texas on US Highway 
 Contact me by email at


 Yahoo! Groups Links

Always drink upstream from the herd. 


[Repeater-Builder] Motorola R I C K Question

2010-02-15 Thread rrath
Can anyone tell me how much power 
the R I C K draws? I am trying to find 
out how much my system draws in Tx 
and Rx. Thank you.

Rod kc7vqr

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Scom 7330 Ideas

2010-01-25 Thread rrath
Hi Steve. I too will be upgrading to 
the 7330 real soon. I will be ordering 
it today. Good question.

Rod kc7vqr

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Low Voltage Disconnect and Very Remote Site Operation

2010-01-25 Thread rrath
Skipp, I too use the 8D battery. I use 
two at my remote repeater site. Work 
real good at a price I can afford; I am 
not a club, just one Ham who wanted 
to setup a repeater where other 
repeaters do not reach.

Rod kc7vqr

[Repeater-Builder] Was Repeater Battery Question

2010-01-23 Thread rrath
I would like to thank all of you that 
replied. I asked the question because 
I thought the batteries they were bad. 
After removing from the site, I 
charged them both up and took them 
to two battery shop here in Yakima. 
The results were, they are still good. 
So now I need to track down why the 
system keeps going down. They are 
5 years old, but the repeater get very 
little use; maybe two hrs per week 
during the winter and about 6 hrs per 
week during the summer. Thank you 

Rod kc7vqr

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Was Repeater Battery Question

2010-01-23 Thread rrath
Yes , and it cuts out at 11.4 and 
comes back up at 12.6 volts.


[Repeater-Builder] Was Repeater Battery Question

2010-01-08 Thread rrath
Well, I did not receive any replies to 
my question. So I will ask this 

For those of you that have solar 
operated repeater sites, what type of 
battery are you using? Are you 
satisfied with them? Thank you.

Rod kc7vqr

[Repeater-Builder] Repeater Battery Question

2010-01-05 Thread rrath
It is time for me to start thinking about 
new batteries. I have a solar repeater 
site with 210 watts charging two CAT 
153-5720 batteries. These were one 
year old when they were removed 
from a commercial repeater site and 
then donated to my repeater. My 
repeater site is not in a building, it is 
on a mountain top in metal cabinets 
in the weather.

My question is: What is the best or 
one of the better batteries out there 
for a setup like I have? Thank you for 
your replies.

Rod kc7vqr

[Repeater-Builder] O.T. Looking for Jody n7ert

2009-11-15 Thread rrath
I am looking for Jody, n7ert. Any one 
has his email address? Thank you.
Rod kc7vqr

[Repeater-Builder] Re: O.T. Looking for Jody n7ert

2009-11-15 Thread rrath
Thank you Larry.

Rod kc7vqr

[Repeater-Builder] O.T. Solar Charger Problem

2009-02-16 Thread rrath
Here is what I have:
212 watt solar panel
PS-30 Solar Charger Controller
two CAT batteries

This system has keeped my repeater up and running 
with no problem until two weeks ago. Went to the site 
and found small bugs, about 1/8 long packed in the 
solar controller around the power transisters. There 
was no power coming thru the controller. We cleaned 
the bugs out. Hooked the controller to a power supply 
and a battery. It worked just fine; it charged the 
battery. I took it back to the repeater site this last 
Saturday. It was coudy but it was passing 12.80 volts 
to the batteries; therefore charging. I turned the 
repeater back on Sunday about 1:00pm. Then later 
Sunday night the repeater stopped working.

You are asking yourself what was the battery level 
before turning the repeater back on? Sorry I did not 
take that reading. When I left the site on Saturday, 
the battery level LED on the charger controller said 
batteries were atleast 3/4 full.

Before leaving on Saturday I put a screen ove the 
vents in the cabinet to keep out the bugs. Yes I 
removed the bugs that I could find. I removed 
everthing from the cabinet to do this.

I am going back up today to see what I can find out. 
Any suggestions on what to look for?

Thank you.
Rod kc7vqr

Re: [Repeater-Builder] GM 300 Question

2008-12-28 Thread rrath
 If you let us know what controller you are using we can give
 you some pointers.
 Mike WA6ILQ

I am using the factory controller in the 
GE Mastrll with the NHRC DTMF 
Remote+ (DTMF) Controller.


[Repeater-Builder] GM 300 Question

2008-12-27 Thread rrath
I have a GM300 as a link radio on my 
repeater. We will change channels 
using the accessory jack on the back 
and the NHRC DTMF Remote +. My 
question is this: 

Has anyone done the same thing? If 
so, how do you know what link 
channel you are on? I know you are 
thinking the channel you DTMF'ed to 
go to. Correct, but do you have a 
confirmation report over the repeater 
confirming the link freq? We would 
like some sort of confirmation report 
over the repeater. Any thoughts or 
ideas or what worked for you. Thank 

Rod kc7vqr

Re: [Repeater-Builder] GM 300 Question

2008-12-27 Thread rrath
 The MaxTrac/GM300 radios use one of several methods for changing channels 
 1. one input line to revert to a known channel,
 2. two input lines: one to go UP, one to go DOWN,
 3. four input lines which you program with a binary code:  thru  to 
 select the desired channel.
 Of the various methods, the one where you tell the radio which channel to go 
 to is far more reliable. The others depend on you knowing where the radio is 
 before you tell it to change because there is NO feedback of any kind.
 If you want something that's very user-friendly and may even provide feedback 
 in some way, you're better off with an Icom, Kenwood, or Yaesu radio. The 
 Motorola link radios you're using just don't have what you want.
 Bob M.

On the GM300 we are using we 
programed it so we can change 
channels remotely thru the accessory 
jack using pins 6,8 and 9 if I 
remember right. We pulled them low, 
one at a time and the channel 
changed accordingly. It worked fine. 
We just need to hear some kind of a 
confirmation over the repeater to 
confirm the channel change.


Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: antenna question - Dip It and Scotch Kote

2008-05-04 Thread rrath
Cook for 1 min on max power.
If it gets even slightly warm its no good for 

Hi all. Here in Yakima Washington, I have supplied 
Hams with pcs. of corean (counter top material) to 
use as an insulator in their antenna projects. We have 
done the same test in the microwave. It stays cool 
and has lasted years in the direct sunlight.

Rod kc7vqr

[Repeater-Builder] GE Key Needed

2008-04-12 Thread rrath
I am looking for a GE Mastr ll Repeater cabinet key. 
Have one extra you can get rid of? Contact me off list. 
Thank you.

Rod kc7vqr

[Repeater-Builder] Re:Combination of Omni and Yagi antenna

2008-02-19 Thread rrath
I was told once a long time ago that the antennas need to be the same gain, 
Is this true?


[Repeater-Builder] Wide Band / Narrow Band

2008-02-17 Thread rrath
Our local fire, police and ambulance departments are going to Narrow Band 
per the FCC. I was told by one fire department that their pagers will only 
work one narrow band. Now this guy must be talking about the tones for the 
pagers? But to me wide or narrow the tones are the same. Right? Going 
narrow just means that they are taking up less of the band width for their 
frequency? He also said that scanners will not be able to listen to them 
unless the scanner is set up for narrow band. His wife gave me her nice 
Uniden BC-895XLT scanner because her husband told her the same thing. 
Some one who is in the know would like to fill us in on the topic. All EMS 
departments will be narrow band by April, in our area; from what he said.


RE: [Repeater-Builder] Needed: MSF-5000 Green TEE Cable

2007-12-30 Thread rrath
Charlie, it looks like we started a good thread. You better take some 
measurements before some one finds out I sent you a free Green Tee with 
out taking measurements; I might get tarred and feathered. After I sent that 
to you free of charge, some guys I know really gave me heck. All I could say 
was I got it free, why should I charge some one for it? I do not work that 
way. Hope you got it up and running by now.

Happy New Year to all.
Rod kc7vqr
w7scc Trustee

 It has arrived!!!
 I will take some physical measurements and post to the group. I still
 have to get the eproms programmed, filters tuned, and figure out a CW ID
 circuit for my call every TEN minutes during useage. Piece of Cake!
 Everything else is functioning, hopefully on the air by the first week
 in January! I will advise when I get this machine online.
 Thank You Rod, again, for all your support. Rowlett R.A.C.E.S. also send
 their Thanks.
 '73 Charlie  Kc5ozh
 It is not the class of license the Amateur holds, but the class of the
 Amateur that holds the license.
 Charles Mumphrey
 Amateur Radio Station Kc5ozh
 Repeater System: 
 Rowlett Main: 441.325 MHz + 162.2
 Dallas: 441.950 MHz + 162.2
 Rowlett II: 441.950 MHz + 110.9
 Rowlett R.A.C.E.S. Unit 823

[Repeater-Builder] Re: 10 meter Repeater bandplan, National Coordination, 100KHz splits etc

2007-12-23 Thread rrath
 Create a Help Save The 10M Repeaters group and take up some 
 donations. You only need about $1500 and you give one to all the 
 repeater owners that don't have tone a unit. 
 Start off with a nice letter to the owners (without tone) explaining 
 the problem and how they can get their Free tone unit. I bet you'd 
 get most of them to cooperate.
 Just some alternative thinking. Start now, the band will be open in a 
 couple years!
 Dwayne Kincaid

Dwayne this is a good idea. We here on this list took a secret ballot vote. It 
was unanimous. You were elected to put your idea to work. Let us all know 
the bank account you want us to send our contributions to. If all of us would 
send you $2 each, that would be more than enough. I have a 10 meter 
repeater in my shop I have thought about putting it on the air, I just need a 
site to place it. Thanks from all of us. hi hi  ;-)

Rod kc7vqr
ps -- I will need one of those FREE tone units. Thanks buddy.
pss -- Merry Christmas to all and to all good night.

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Which 440 Synthesized radio to use with IRLP?

2007-12-15 Thread rrath
 Building a quick IRLP simplex interface and what are the current 
 synthesized 440 radios you guys are using?

Rick I am using a GE Pheonix on my VHF system and it works great and 
they are cheap. I have the power turned down to about 15 watts going into 
an 11 element yagi. I need to make a better mount for the yagi. Every time 
we get strong winds it moves the direction it is pointing in, then I get w eak 
and scratchy signal. I paid $25 for the radio.

Rod kc7vqr

Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: GE Mastrll

2007-12-10 Thread rrath
It will be in the 147 portion.

 Nate is correct in that it depends on where it's going. In general, the 
 transmitter will tune up anywhere in the 2M band.

RE: [Repeater-Builder] GE Mastrll

2007-12-09 Thread rrath
So if I found one with DC56YAS66A number, it could still be put into the 2 
meter band, correct?


Re: [Repeater-Builder] Needed: MSF-5000 Green TEE Cable

2007-11-14 Thread rrath
 Hello to the Group!
  I have seen this subject come up many times here on our list. Now,
 looks like I am in need also! I have acquired an analog MSF-5000 with a
 missing TEE Cable. I plan on using one antenna for this repeater, and
 hook back original to the internal filter/duplexer and receiver. I was
 wondering if anyone has had efficient results with making a replacement
 Combining TLE5732A TEE Cable, instead of paying Mama Mo the suggested
 retail 214 dollars for one of the 16, NOS, they have left.

Let me look in my stuff, I think I saw one the other day. I will get back with 
you tomorrow. If I do have one its yours.

Rod kc7vqr

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Problem with fan noise in power line.

2007-04-17 Thread rrath
I too had a fan noise on my GR 300 repeater. As Eric instructed, I replaced 
the fan with a low EMI. Still had some but a lot less. Then I took the new low 
EMI fan and removed it from the repeater cabinet and hung it from the big 
cabinet, holding all the repeater items, so it still blows on the heatsink and 
is almost not heard. I had two problems, 1) to high of EMI rated fan, 2) 
vibration noise. Thank you Eric L. for your help with my problem.

 The solution is to replace the noisy fan with one that is designed for very
 low EMI.  The first thermostatic switch controlled fan I put on my
 solar-powered UHF repeater had a whine that modulated the carrier.  I then
 swapped it with a Panasonic fan that was specified for low EMI.  Presto!
 There was no trace of fan noise on the carrier.
 Part of the problem is the basic design of some RF-noisy fans.  Hall-Effect
 devices are used for commutation, and some designs are inherently noisy.
 Some of the noise is conducted, and some is radiated, so ferrite rings,
 series inductors,  and capacitors are of little value in filtering the
 noise.  Just choose a low-EMI fan in the first place!
 73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

[Repeater-Builder] Motorola phone patch model L1159A

2007-04-07 Thread rrath
Come on man, where is my manual? I have next Saturday set aside to 
install the unit, the phone company will be there too. It is one hour drive 
to get there. I really need the manual back by this coming Friday, the 6th of 
April 2007. PLEASE get it to me by this date. I have sent you my mailing 
address about 5 times since Feb. 10, 2007 and have no replies or manual.

908 W. Cherry
Selah, WA 98942

From:   Coy Hilton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Sat, 10 Feb 2007 03:39:15 -
Subject:[Repeater-Builder] Re: Motorola phone patch model 
Send reply to:

 HI I put it in the mail a good while ago and it came back with the 
 address label distroyed...I haven't received any emails from 
 you..Just send me your address off board and I'll put it in the mail 
 Monday. Sorry!
 --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Coy, I would really like to have my manual back. I have sent 
  emails to you without any response. Look at the date of your email 
 you sent 
  me  July 18, 2005; it is now Feb 8, 2007. I sent the manual to 
 you in good 
  faith and knowing you would send it back to me.
  I have learned my lesson ... do not send the only copy I have to 
 any one!!
  I want the manual back
  Sorry to the list for having to try and contact you thru the list.
  Rod KC7VQR
  --- Forwarded message follows ---
  Date sent:  Mon, 18 Jul 2005 15:23:26 -0700 (PDT)
  From:   Coy Hilton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject:Re: [Repeater-Builder] Motorola phone patch model 
  Hi Rod, 
  Well, I couldn't beleave my eyes Sunday morning at about 10:29 
 when I 
  looked out my kitchen window to find a mail truck sitting there. 
 Beleave it or 
  not it slid in under the wire. Thanks! I will get it back to you 
 in a week or two, 
  when I can get it copied or scanned. 
  --- End of forwarded message ---
 Yahoo! Groups Links
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.5.441 / Virus Database: 268.17.33/678 - Release Date: 2/9/2007 
 4:06 PM

[Repeater-Builder] Need Mirage B 215G Schematic

2007-04-07 Thread rrath
My Mirage B 215G amp is only putting out about 40 watts with 3 watts drive. 
Looking for the schematic. Any one has one you can email to me? Thank 


[Repeater-Builder] GR300 on Solar update

2007-03-04 Thread rrath
We found a diode that was installed backwards, on the positive line from the 
wind generator/solar panels. We turned it around and we have not had a 
problem since that time; that was about 10 weeks ago.

We removed the wind gen and its wiring. Why? The company that donated 
the batteries has a repeater that is powered by two 35 watt panels, no 
charge controller, two 1500 amp batteries and the tx is at 100watts. They 
have no problem with this set-up for over 7 years. They swap out the 
batteries every year.

Now my repeater has one 110 watt and one 115 watt panel, with a charge 
controller, two 1500 amp batteries and 21 watts output. 

Works like a champ. Thank you all for your input.


[Repeater-Builder] Re: Motorola phone patch model L1159A

2007-03-01 Thread rrath
Coy, it has been 3 weeks since I sent you my home address and still no 
manual. What gives?


From:   Coy Hilton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Sat, 10 Feb 2007 03:39:15 -
Subject:[Repeater-Builder] Re: Motorola phone patch model 
Send reply to:

 HI I put it in the mail a good while ago and it came back with the 
 address label distroyed...I haven't received any emails from 
 you..Just send me your address off board and I'll put it in the mail 
 Monday. Sorry!
 --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Coy, I would really like to have my manual back. I have sent 
  emails to you without any response. Look at the date of your email 
 you sent 
  me  July 18, 2005; it is now Feb 8, 2007. I sent the manual to 
 you in good 
  faith and knowing you would send it back to me.
  I have learned my lesson ... do not send the only copy I have to 
 any one!!
  I want the manual back
  Sorry to the list for having to try and contact you thru the list.
  Rod KC7VQR
  --- Forwarded message follows ---
  Date sent:  Mon, 18 Jul 2005 15:23:26 -0700 (PDT)
  From:   Coy Hilton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject:Re: [Repeater-Builder] Motorola phone patch model 
  Hi Rod, 
  Well, I couldn't beleave my eyes Sunday morning at about 10:29 
 when I 
  looked out my kitchen window to find a mail truck sitting there. 
 Beleave it or 
  not it slid in under the wire. Thanks! I will get it back to you 
 in a week or two, 
  when I can get it copied or scanned. 
  --- End of forwarded message ---

[Repeater-Builder] Motorola phone patch model L1159A

2007-02-08 Thread rrath
Coy, I would really like to have my manual back. I have sent numerous 
emails to you without any response. Look at the date of your email you sent 
me  July 18, 2005; it is now Feb 8, 2007. I sent the manual to you in good 
faith and knowing you would send it back to me.

I have learned my lesson ... do not send the only copy I have to any one!!
I want the manual back

Sorry to the list for having to try and contact you thru the list.

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 18 Jul 2005 15:23:26 -0700 (PDT)
From:   Coy Hilton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: [Repeater-Builder] Motorola phone patch model L1159A

Hi Rod, 
Well, I couldn't beleave my eyes Sunday morning at about 10:29 when I 
looked out my kitchen window to find a mail truck sitting there. Beleave it or 
not it slid in under the wire. Thanks! I will get it back to you in a week or 
when I can get it copied or scanned. 

--- End of forwarded message ---

[Repeater-Builder] Re: Motorola phone patch model L1159A

2006-12-26 Thread rrath
The next time any of you contact Coy Hilton, AC0Y, please let him know that 
I would like to have my Motorola phone patch model L1159A manual back; 
asap. He will not return any of my emails. He received it from me on Mon, 18 
Jul 2005. He was to copy it and send it back to me. I have not had any 
replies from my emails trying to contact him.
I really did not want to go this route, but I want my book back. Here is a copy 
of the email he sent me, the last contact from him; dated Date sent:   
Mon, 18 Jul 2005 15:23:26 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Rod,
Well,  I couldn't beleave my eyes Sunday morning at about 10:29 when I 
looked out my kitchen window to find a mail truck sitting there. Beleave it or 
not it slid in under the wire. Thanks! I will get it back to you in a week or 
when I can get it copied or scanned.

I need the book back. I have learned a lesson, do not send the only copy.
Sorry to the list.

[Repeater-Builder] Re: FCC officially issues RO dropping code requirement

2006-12-16 Thread rrath
I hate to see this happen!!! Yes I do have my code and I had to work at it. 
Yes I do have a problem with my hearing, not sure what they call it, but my 
ears are ringing all the time. Code was very had for me, but I got it. I found 
an Elmer who taught me, AC7Z. He told me I have a real good Fist. I did not 
like the code, but I wanted the General class so I learned the code.

I hope FCC will bring it back at least for the Extra class. There needs to be a 
certain class that we all look up to, a class that is had to get. Why? Today 
any HAM can buy a radio off the shelf. If it needs repaired, who works on it? 
Very few HAMs today (including myself) work on their radios, they take it to 
a shop for repairs. We need to learn how to repair it ourselves. You do not 
need high tech, top of the line test equipment.

Ok, I will get off my pedestal, sorry. 

I just hate to see this come about. Some times change is good, some times 
change is bad. Time will tell on this change.


[Repeater-Builder] Re: GR300 on Solar

2006-12-04 Thread rrath
The replies about the batteries I am using are good replies. I know they 
might not be the best type to use, but, in my case they are the best. Why you 
might ask?

They came from a commercial solar site with one years use  so they were 
used ... and most of all ... they were free. I love free items if I can use 
If I can not, I let some one who can know.

I thank you all for your replies direct and thru this list. Now I will sit down 
digest all the info. If any of you would still like to reply, feel free to 
email me 
direct or here on the list. I just do not want to take up too much room on this 

When I get it up and running, like it should, I will let you know, as some of 
you have requested. Thanks again.


[Repeater-Builder] GR300 on Solar

2006-12-03 Thread rrath
Here is the info on the system and my question:

Let me tell you about what I have:

One 110 watt panel, one 115 watt panel, one 400 watt wind gen, two bridge 
rectifiers, two 1500 cca batteries, two GM300 radios, one IDer, one NHRC4 
DTMF controller, one dump load circuit with two dump lines, four 300 watt 
1.2 ohm resisters for the dump lines.

Now when the repeater is turned on, it draws one amp and in tx it draws 
about 7 amps. For isolation for the panels I have one 85 amp diode on the 
plus and negative lines to keep the wind gen from energizing the panels with 
up to 41 amps.

Now for some reason the panels and the wind gen are not keeping the two 
batteries charged. Not sure why. The panels are set for the winter setting for 
my location. I was at the site today to test the batteries, because the 
repeater was not working. Both batteries tested at 7.81 volts and the panels 
tested at 8 volts at about 4 pm. The sun was almost down.

We pulled the one fuse that all the voltage goes thru and I will go up there 
tomorrow and check the voltage on the batteries in sun light. The current 
from the batteries can not back feed to the wind gen due to the bridge 
rectifiers (the wind gen produces ac). The wind gen can not back feed to the 
panels due to the 84 amp diodes on the positive and negative lines. The two 
batteries are not isolated from each other.

On November 18 the batteries tested at 12.79, repeater was turned on. We 
took the batteries down to about 11.9 using an inverter with 110 volt ac test 
equepment plugged in. On November 24 the voltage was 11.27. On 
Novemner 28 the voltage was about 10 volts. I turned the repeater off (tx 
radio only) remotely. Then you have all the information I stated above. I will 
be going up there today after church.

From what all I have told you, do you see anything why the two panels a lone 
should not keep the batteries up? The repeater has been turned off since 
last Tuesday morning. But yet the batteries are still being drained. In the 
turned off mode, I mean the tx radio is turned off, but everything else is 

The last three days have been sunny day here in Yakima, with no wind for 
the wind gen. I am at a loss of what is going on; the batteries are getting 
weaker. Why? 


RE: [Repeater-Builder] Solar/Wind Generator Repeaters

2006-11-15 Thread rrath
Well I came up with a solution for the two power diversion lines on my 
wind/solar powered repeater. I bought four 300 watt, 1.2 ohm power 
resisters from DigiKey at the tune of just under $25.00 each (after shipping). 
I did not think the price was that bad. I am using two per line. Works great. I 
came up with a metal box to mount them in. It looks like a unit the sells for 
over $350. I have about $100 invested. I have pictures if interested in how I 
mounted them.

It should last as long as I own the repeater. hi hi Thank you all for the 
on and off the list.


Re: [Repeater-Builder] Quick CW ID'er

2006-03-19 Thread rrath
Goodmorning Bill and the group. I have the GR300 with the RICK 
and I am using the Communications Specialists Inc. model ID-8; 
works great. Go to:

and see what all they offer.


Has anyone came up with a cheap easy CW ID'er for a GR 500 repeater?
I was hoping I could find something that would say plug into the mic 
socket that would ID every 10 minutes.
Bill WA9BA

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[Repeater-Builder] 4 Bay antenna

2006-03-12 Thread rrath
I have a 4 bay vhf antenna, with each antenna straight and not 
folded. The harness is old and cracked. Some one has used 
electrical tape on some of the harness. There is no label or 
markings anyplace to know what brand it might be. If I made a new 
harness, can I use T connectors? Each antenna has a gama 
match for tuning. and using mobile size coax; no markings on the 
coax either.


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[Repeater-Builder] GR 300 and GR 500 Repeaters

2006-03-05 Thread rrath
If anyone has a fan that will work on the GR 300 or GR 500 
repeaters and would like to sell it, or tell me where and which one to 
buy, that would be great; as I need one by April 1st. I have one that 
works just like it suppose, other than the RFI that it puts off. My 
system is on solar power, so I need one that has minimal draw. 
Thank you.


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[Repeater-Builder] GR 300 and GR 500 Repeaters

2006-03-05 Thread rrath
Lets try this post again and see if I can get it right this time.

If some one has a fan for the GR 300 or GR 500 repeaters and would 
like to sell it, or tell me where and which one to buy, that would be great; 
as I need one by April 1st. I have one that 
works just like it is suppose to, other than the RFI that it puts off. My 
system is on solar power, so I need one that has minimal draw. 
Thank you.


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[Repeater-Builder] Solar-Wind Powered Repeaters

2006-02-19 Thread rrath
The topic of batteries has come up several times lately. I know that I 
have questions like a few others do. What I would like to ask is if 
you have a repeater on solar and or wind power, would you let the 
rest of us know what you are using to charge the batteries, what 
type of charge controller, what type of batteries and how the 
batteries are working for you.

I am using two 100aH UPS batteries (ordering two more), a single 
110 watt solar panel (will order one more this summer) and will be 
adding a homebrew wind generator. The one panel does not keep 
the batteries charged, so I have turned off the repeater for the 
winter. The solar controller that I am using now is the MorningStar 
SS-10L (will be using a homebrew when I add the other panel and 
wind generator). This is my first repeater off the power grid. Have 
had a lot of advise given, both good and conflicting.

My first question: are UPS batteries good to use for this application 
or should I be using some other type and why? As it is time to buy 
more batteries to get ready for this spring to finnish the project.

Be patient with us beginners, we are still learning and making 
mistakes. I for one do not have deep pockets; but I have two 
repeaters and I am not a club. A thank you goes to each one of you 
for your advise.


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] GR-500

2006-02-18 Thread rrath
What all do you get for the $1200? I have a GR300 (basically the 
same repeater), turned the power down to 21 watts, on solar power 
and only paid $250 for it (not a scratch on it). Brand new I was told 
the GR300 sells for around $1200 to $1500. Just FYI. What 
controller comes with it? They come new with an option of 6 
different controllers.


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] GR500 vs. GR300

2006-02-18 Thread rrath
Well then I guess things have changed since my book was 
published in July of 1994. On page 1-6 it shows the specs. on the 
GR300 and on page 1-7 it shows the specs. for the GR500 using 
the same GM300 radios and the same options for controllers. Sorry 
for the confussion. You are right, my GR300 does use the Basic 
Repeater Controller. Maybe I should buy and up-to-date book. 
hi hi :-)




The GR300 is a completely different animal.  The GR300 comprises two GM300
mobile radios, a RICK, and a power supply in a desktop cabinet.  The GR500
comprises an R1225 full-duplex radio (which has a built-in controller) and a
power supply in a wall-mounted cabinet.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

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Re: [Repeater-Builder] SuitSat Up Date

2006-02-04 Thread rrath
Now they say it is up and working, but weaker that they thought.


they probably forgot to add some sort of a heater or did not give it a 
test to see if it would hold up in space some of these rice boxes tend 
to do that display freezes and quits working.


Don wrote:

Well this Appears to be bad News , But I thought I would post for the
ones Setting around Listening .It appears SuitSat froze without giving
off any good data. Unless SuitSat returns to life

PS They Must of Forget to Get all the Great Info on this Group 


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Listen Up! SuitSat-1 On the Air!

2006-02-03 Thread rrath
Per all the info I have been reading, it went dead after two orbits. 
They believe the battery froze. I have been tracking it since it was 
deployed. Just FYI. 


More information about the impromptu satellite can be found here:

The crew of the international space station shoved an unmanned
spacesuit stuffed with discarded clothing and radio equipment out the
door Friday, creating a ghostly scene that resembled a cosmonaut
tumbling away from the orbiting outpost.

Complete with helmet and gloves, the spacesuit floated past the
Russian section of the space station, 220 miles above Earth, before
rotating away feet first and beginning its orbit around the globe.
The Russian suit was equipped with a radio transmitter that will send
recorded messages in six languages to amateur radio operators for
several days before eventually re-entering Earth's atmosphere and
burning up, NASA officials said.

The spacesuit project, known as SuitSat-1, was the brainchild of a
Russian ham radio operator. It will send several words in code for
schoolchildren listening on the ground. Radio operators will be able
to pick up the messages for several days by tuning into FM frequency
145.990 MHz.

Along with the radio transmitter, the stuffed spacesuit also has
internal sensors to monitor temperature and battery power. As it
floats along, it will transmit its temperature, battery power and time
it has been in space to the ground.

Enjoy  Don KA9QJG 

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[Repeater-Builder] battery question part 2

2006-01-16 Thread rrath
I would like to take this topic one step further. now that we know 
what to do and use for battery backup ... what are the 
recommendations for a solar setup? Where you use the batteries as 
your power source. Deepcycle batteries? UPS batteries? 


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] interface to shut off a radio on temporaly base

2006-01-01 Thread rrath
gervais,ve2ckn I am using the NHRC Remote + and it works great. 
Wire it up to turn off your receive radio. Here is the address to look 
at the what all it can do. Nice unit.

Hope this helps.


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] interface to shut off a radio on temporaly base

2006-01-01 Thread rrath
BIG mistake on my last reply! I meant to type wire it up to your 
transmit radio --- NOT your receive radio. Sorry.

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[Repeater-Builder] Antenna Question

2005-12-30 Thread rrath
Hello to the list. Has anyone used or using the MFB1503 Series 
antenna as a repeater antenna? If so, what do you think of it? This 
will be for 2 meter use, at about 3,200' here in Washington state; will 
get ice and snow build up. Any comments? Thank you.


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Wireless Auto Patch

2005-12-04 Thread rrath
Mathew, just a thought here. Have him contact the cell company 
and offer them a place on his property to set up a cell tower. This 
would help him and the cell company - the company would make 
more money from more people being able to use their system in that 
area. Plus, the company can pay him for the use of his land. Just a 


Hmmm, well goes to show that our phone company here does 
not know all they claimed to know.  I have a customer that will 
just be over excited.  His problem is he lives in such an area 
that cell phone coverage is very poor, we put up an antenna, 
but then he his tied to a wire, which does not work well for a 
shop, not to mention that he is in a wheel chair.  I called three 
different carriers, and was told that there was no devices that 
would allow him to become unattached.  Although, last year 
they did mention the $600.00 repeater for cell service, not an 
option at that price.  Well now I can show him and I'm sure he 
will buy one to make life much easier.

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[Repeater-Builder] Solar Panel Question

2005-11-11 Thread rrath
I just put up a repeater using solar power and my question is this: 

I have one 110 watt panel and one 32 watt panel and a 10 amp 
Morningstar solar controller. Can I wire these two panels together, 
then go to the controller or run separate wires to the controller or 
use two controllers? The combined amperage would be less than 10 
amps in full light. Thank you.


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[Repeater-Builder] Repeater problem

2005-08-20 Thread rrath
If some one has EckoLink and would like to help with a noise 
problem; bring up my repeater at node number 211068. Can you tell 
me what is going on? It comes and goes. You can email me direct 
with you answers. Thank you.


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater Grounding

2005-08-04 Thread rrath
Thank you to all that replied. I will be using the salt method and will 
see how well that works. Thank you all again.


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[Repeater-Builder] Repeater Grounding

2005-08-01 Thread rrath
Hello to the list and here is my question. The repeater site I am 
working at has little dirt and lots of rock. I have to use a jackhammer 
for the fence post holes, I can't hardly wait - ha ha. What are your 
thoughts? What have you done, if faced with the same problem. If 
this topic has been beat like a dead horse, let me know and I will go 
dig thru the archives. Thank you.


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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: GE Phoenix Radios as Links

2005-07-26 Thread rrath
I agree with Richard, N6TGB. I had the same problem; it was the 
TOT in the Phoenix.


It might be the transmit time out timer in the Phoenix that is 
causing it to drop out.

Richard, N7TGB


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Motorola phone patch model L1159A

2005-07-06 Thread rrath
Sorry folks, I dropped the ball. Busy with setting up and other 
repeater here in the area and forgot all about it. I will send the book 
to Mike, WA6ILQ, to scan it for the group. Mike what is your snail 
mail address? Email me direct. 


Hi Gang, did this thing ever get scanned if so where is it?

--- In, Mike Morris WA6ILQ 
 If anyone has a IAI manual and wants to loan it out to be scanned,
 or can scan it themselves, repeater-builder will be happy to 
 a place for the PDF.
 Mike WA6ILQ
 At 08:39 AM 5/17/05, you wrote:
  I have a L1158A patch, also made by IAI, and no info on it. 
It has two
 modular phone cords coming out of it as well as a cord marked 
radio. It was
 once hooked to a low-band Micor base station. There is also a 
 attached. If anyone comes up with any info I'd like to know as 
 73 and thanks,
 Al, K9SI

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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Motorola phone patch model L1159A

2005-05-17 Thread rrath
Hello Mike. I have one for the L1159A patch.

Rod kc7vqr

If anyone has a IAI manual and wants to loan it out to be scanned,
or can scan it themselves, repeater-builder will be happy to provide
a place for the PDF.


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[Repeater-Builder] GE Phoenix SX

2005-04-17 Thread rrath

Hello to the list. I have 2 GE Phoenix SX radios I want to use as 
either remote base radios or a repeater. My question is this, where 
can I turn up the mic and turn down the power? Thank you.


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Fan Temp Switch

2005-04-08 Thread rrath

Try Digi-Key at


 Back again.  Any suggested on a vendor for a temperature switch to 
 turn the 12 vdc fans ON and OFF.  I used a test setup this morning 
 with some stud mounted temperature switched and a temperature device.  
 They make-up at 150 degree F, and opens at 120 degree F.  I think this 
 is allowing the heat sink to get too HOT!  Thanks...
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[Repeater-Builder] Microplexer Duplexer

2005-03-21 Thread rrath

Hello to the list. I asked last month if anyone had information on the 
VHF Microplexer duplexer. Had no information offered. I can not find 
any information on it. So I will modify my question. I know the 
lengths are very critical for the harness. Is there a formula to figure out 
how long the harness needs to be? Thank you for any help.


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] DB 4001 cavity

2005-03-14 Thread rrath

Thank you Micheal Salem N5MS. Just what I needed to know.


I have a DB catalog which shows the following:

.5 db loss  350 watts
1.0 db loss250 watts
2.0 db loss150 watts.

I presume this is at the Allen-Telecom website.  
However, I have several older DB catalogs.

I hope this is helpful.  

Micheal Salem N5MS


What it the power rating of the DB-4001 cavity. Where can I find it? 
Thank you.



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[Repeater-Builder] DB 4001 cavity

2005-03-13 Thread rrath

What it the power rating of the DB-4001 cavity. Where can I find it? 
Thank you.


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[Repeater-Builder] GR300 on Solar Power

2005-03-01 Thread rrath

Hello to the list. Has anyone used or using a GR300 Repeater on 
Solar Power, if so, what did you do to the fan that runs 


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Cetec Vega question

2005-02-27 Thread rrath

After getting a good nights sleep, I did find another number, maybe 
the model. It is 221.


  I remember those ... seems like many years ago.  I just don't 
 remember where I put my collection of Cetac Vega diagrams. 

  Sorry about that.  I'll try to go looking though, 

  Neil - WA6KLA 

 I just received a Remote Tone Adapter built by Cetac Vega. I have
 checked their web site and found nothing on this unit. I can found
 this on the curcuit board: Cetec Vega 065-0338E on the back side
 and this on the front side: ASSY. 011-0013 REV and also found this:
 ASSY. 011-0014 REV. No model number any where. Any ideas?
 I would like to get more info on this unit. Thank you.

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[Repeater-Builder] Micro Plexer Duplexer

2005-02-27 Thread rrath

Looking for information about the Swiveter Micro Plexer Duplexer. 
Any information out there? Thank you.


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Cetec Vega question

2005-02-27 Thread rrath

All I have is the 221 board and the board that it connects to, all in 
the factory metal box. It has connecters for the GE Phoenix SX 
radio. There is a place where another board could connect to and 
the side holders for that board. Would that be the 510N board slides 
in at? Or is the 510N board what the 221 connects to? There are no 
buttons to push and no switches to switch. It almost sounds like I 
only have half the unit.


Hello Rod:

I am looking at the 221 Series Tone remote control panel pc board manual 
and it
matches what you describe, K1 left front, LED on the left rear DS1.
this is the 2175 decoder card.  BTW this 221 series was available in
three models.

You need the Model 510N tone remote control console (like a teleset with 
  intercom, mon, f1 and f2 buttons on it depending what model remote you 
have connected.  I presume you have this unit.

If you wish, I can xerox a copy of the Model 221 Series tone remote 
control panels, and send it to you. It is the 098-0218 Instruction 
manual.  Please email me your address direct.

Ciao, Tony

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[Repeater-Builder] Cetec Vega question

2005-02-26 Thread rrath

I just received a Remote Tone Adapter built by Cetac Vega. I have 
checked their web site and found nothing on this unit. I can found 
this on the curcuit board: Cetec Vega 065-0338E on the back side 
and this on the front side: ASSY. 011-0013 REV and also found this: 
ASSY. 011-0014 REV. No model number any where. Any ideas?
I would like to get more info on this unit. Thank you.


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[Repeater-Builder] Motorola GR 300 Repeater

2005-02-08 Thread rrath

Hello to the list. I am looking for the Battery Revert Option, 
HLN9136, for the GR 300 repeater. Please reply direct, Thank you.


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[Repeater-Builder] Folded 2 meter Dipole

2005-01-30 Thread rrath

I am looking for information on measurements on a 2 meter folded 
dipole on the site listed below: 

I do not see what the overall length is to be. It is stated  Having
said that, you should obviously try to reproduce the dimensions 
given in the antenna design details as closely as possible. but there 
are no measurements. Nothing said about the harness. Am I 
missing something? Maybe I am looking too hard and looked over it. 
Can you help me or maybe point me to some one who can. Thank 

Rod Rath KC7VQR

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[Repeater-Builder] Folded Dipole for 2 meters

2005-01-28 Thread rrath

Hello to the list. Can some one point me to a site where I can get the 
specs for a folded dipole for 2 meter use? Thank you.


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[Repeater-Builder] GM 300 Question

2005-01-26 Thread rrath

I have looked at the Motorola site and can not read any language 
but English. I am looking for the specs on the GM 300 vhf. I had it 
turned down to 15 watts. Can some one tell me about what it draws 
on Rx and Tx and 15 watts. Thank you.


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[Repeater-Builder] Antenna Seperation

2005-01-16 Thread rrath

I am sure this has been asked before, but I did a search archive on 
the subject and came up with 0. I have a GR 300 repeater with no 
duplexer, so I need 2 antennas. I tried a Larson mobile antenna w/ 
the ground radials as the receive antenna and the same for the tx 
antenna. These are mounted on a Station Master type antenna tube 
(the guts were pulled out because it was untunable for 2 meters). 
The rx ant at the top and the tx ant at the bottom, about 12' to 14' 
separation. The system would talk to it self. I removed the tx ant and 
replaced with a 4 ele yagi - works good. I need a omni ant for both 
rx and tx. I have an Isolator on the tx and a Bp cavity and a 
circulator on the rx. Why would it desense with one ant and not the 
other ant? I know the idea behind the yagi and the mobile ant. But 
they both have rf going vertical. I need to have minimal separation 
without it talking to it self. Your ideas? Thank you.


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Antenna Separation

2005-01-16 Thread rrath

Eric, I stand corrected. It is not a circulator, but a DCI Band Pass 
Filter. The local radio repair shop I deal with called it a preselector.

So it sounds like what I need to due is look for a duplexer for one 
antenna. The repeater is 15 watts, will do 40, but I wanted it less 
than 1/2 power.



I put some typical numbers into my CommShop for Windows 
program and came
up with some recommendations that may surprise you.  Assuming a 
25 watt
GM300 and 0.35 microvolt sensitivity, the program recommends 
84.21 dB of
isolation.  This can be achieved with two identical antennas, in line
with each other and separated vertically by 169 feet.  A 40 watt radio
calls for 86.25 dB of isolation or a vertical separation of 191 feet.

These numbers do not consider all of the factors that might affect 
outcome, and are based on zero desense.  A separation of less 
one-tenth of the recommended separation is guaranteed to result in 
desense.  I am surprised that it works at all.  A bandpass cavity on 
receiver certainly is a good idea, and it may explain your relative
success, but I don't understand the use of a circulator on the
receiver.  Please advise the make and model of this circulator, and 
you have connected it.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

I am sure this has been asked before, but I did a search archive on 
subject and came up with 0. I have a GR 300 repeater with no 
so I need 2 antennas. I tried a Larson mobile antenna w/ the ground
radials as the receive antenna and the same for the tx antenna. 
are mounted on a Station Master type antenna tube (the guts were 
out because it was untunable for 2 meters). The rx ant at the top 
the tx ant at the bottom, about 12' to 14' separation. The system 
talk to itself. I removed the tx ant and replaced with a 4 ele yagi -
works good. I need a omni ant for both rx and tx. I have an isolator 
the tx and a Bp cavity and a circulator on the rx. Why would it 
with one ant and not the other ant? I know the idea behind the yagi 
the mobile ant. But they both have rf going vertical. I need to have
minimal separation without it talking to itself. Your ideas? Thank 
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[Repeater-Builder] RE: Antenna Separation

2005-01-16 Thread rrath

I do not need to talk long distances, only in this one canyon. Thus 
the reason for the mobile antenna setup as a base antenna. It looks 
like I need to buy a duplexer for 2 meters and be done with it. I am 
on a tight budget - like most everyone else - and trying to keep the 
cost down. I am not looking for the best repeater around, just one 
that works. So with that said, does anyone have a duplexer that you 
can part with? I am just one person, not a club, trying to put radio 
coverage where there is none. Thank you all for your replies. Now I 
will look for a good, but used, duplexer.


The patterns on completely different on the vertical vs. the yagi.  If
you are stuck with this situation which is not an optimum solution, 
might consider inverting the bottom antenna.  I've been able to 
the vertical separation require between the two antennas like this by
turning the bottom one upside down.

Good Luck!


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[Repeater-Builder] Mobile Duplexers

2005-01-15 Thread rrath

I would like to thank all of you that replied to my question about 
mobile duplexer for 2 meter. I thought that was the case, but I had to 
ask to make sure. You answered my question; not the way I was 
hoping, but it was answered. Thank you.

444.800 repeater
147.580 remote base
147.240 repeater

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[Repeater-Builder] Re: Mobile Duplexers

2005-01-14 Thread rrath

Jim can you give me more details, like what model # to look for. The 
only time it will be portable will be 2 times a year, for 2 one day 
events where no one repeater will get into. But setting it up on this 
one site covers the entire we need communications. Then it goes 
back to it normal site. This is a small Motorola GR 300 repeater 
mounted in a 42 tall GE cabinet. This unit puts out 15 watts - not 
high power.


Hi Jim, 
I really don't want to argue with you, but it can 
be done and I've done it numerous times. It all 
comes down to a number game (the specs) and a 
reasonable approach.  

I've used surplus Decibel mobile duplexer's in 
narrow split operation for years. If properly set 
up and secured, they should not detune. 

Portable two meter repeaters can work pretty well, if 
you approach the project with reasonable expectations. 

Many/most of the common flat-pack VHF duplexers are 
designed for wide splits.  Some combinations of the 
small  mid size Harris, Decibel, Sinclair and 
Phelps-Dodge packages can be set up or modified to 
operate narrow splits. The preformance will not be 
spectacular, but the repeater will work ok. 

skipp025 at 

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[Repeater-Builder] Mobile Duplexers

2005-01-13 Thread rrath

Does anyone know if there is even a mobile duplexer made for the 2 
meter HAM split? Make? Price? This is for a portable GR 300 

Thank you.

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[Repeater-Builder] FS or Trade

2005-01-12 Thread rrath

Thank you Kevin for the space. I have for sale or trade a Celwave 
mobile VHF duplexer, model HFD8189A. This came with a GR 300 
(not for sale) repeater I resently bought. Freq range per the lable is 
155-162. I was told it will do 4.5 mhz to 6 mhz split. It came from a 
working system. I am need of a mobile duplexer for HAM 2 meter 
split ( if there is even one made). Or some other VHF or UHF 
repeater item for trade. Please contact me off list at rrath (at) charter 
(dot) net. Thanks


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[Repeater-Builder] FS or Trade 1st post did not come thru

2005-01-12 Thread rrath

Thank you Kevin for the space. I have for sale or trade a Celwave 
mobile VHF duplexer, model HFD8189A. This came with a GR 300 
(not for sale) repeater I resently bought. Freq range per the lable is 
155-162. I was told it will do 4.5 mhz to 6 mhz split. It came from a 
working system. I am need of a mobile duplexer for HAM 2 meter 
split ( if there is even one made). Or some other VHF or UHF 
repeater item for trade. Please contact me off list at rrath (at) charter
(dot) net. Thanks


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[Repeater-Builder] Re: Repeater Controllers

2004-12-26 Thread rrath

Jeff Thomas wrote:

Support for the RC-210 is the best. 
When I was researching 
controllers, I requested information 
from others (CAT, NHRC and 
others) and 
never received a reply; however, Arcom 
was there with all of my 
Since purchasing the RC-210 from Arcom 
over a year ago, I have 
nothing else 
to say but thanks to Arcom for an 
awesome product and the best 

End of quote.

Every one has their testimony and 
here is mine; with my opinion:

I am by no means a repeater controller 
guru, but I can and will say - 
I have great response from NHRC. I have the NHRC 5 and I love it. 
The only trouble I have with it is understanding the manual. But as 
far as the controller it self - it does every thing I want it to do. I had 2 
close proximity lightning strikes this past summer and had to re-
program the remote base each time. The controller is on a 444.800 
repeater with a 147.580 remote base and a weather receiver. A 
friend of mine sent NHRC an email this past Thurs and received a 
reply on Christmas Eve. I am setting up another repeater and will 
most likely go with the NHRC 5 or the NHRC 10 controller. In my 
opinion, these are a bargain for the price. Keep up the good work 
NHRC and keep up with the times. Great job. ( No I am not an 
employee of NHRC. Just a satisfied customer and will be a repeat 
customer. ) No flames pointed to any one. This is my experience 
with NHRC; the only company I have ever used.

Bottom line - do your home work, ask 
repeater owners what they 
have used and if they like the one(s) they are using now. Then make 
your own opinion. Every controller has their good and bad points.

Rod Rath KC7VQR


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[Repeater-Builder] DCI Band Pass Filter

2004-12-26 Thread rrath

If some one is using the DCI 146-4H Band Pass Filter, please 
contact me off the list; I have a question. Thank you.


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[Repeater-Builder] Antenna Question

2004-12-12 Thread rrath

Hello to the list. I know this topic has come up over and over before, 
but, I have a question. I have a Stationmaster type antenna that I 
want to retune. I am trying WD8CHL's mod. I have put three pieces 
of aluminum foil on and it has not changed the SWR reading from 
the first piece I put on. If Jim Barbour is reading this or some who 
has done this with good results, please contact me direct. I do not 
want to slow down the list with an old topic. Thank you.

Rod Rath KC7VQR
rrath (at) charter (dot) net

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[Repeater-Builder] Coax Question

2004-11-27 Thread rrath

I have been told - do not use coax that has foil. Well, I am looking at 
LMR coax and it has foil. What are you repeaters 
owners/maintainers using?

Rod kc7vqr

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[Repeater-Builder] Need Pinout

2004-10-30 Thread rrath

Hello to the list. I need the pinout for a GE Pheonix N5HH1N40P8 
This is a black housed unit with no internal speaker - if this helps. 
Want to hook it to Echolink and it will transmit into my repeater. 
Thank you ahead.

Rod kc7vqr

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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Bag Cell Phone interface?

2004-07-26 Thread rrath
Robert, if you use an old bag phone, that has had service but now 
the service has been turned off, all you can do is call 911. I too, plan 
on doing the same thing. I have two bag phones, only need one.


From:   georgiaskywarn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Sun, 25 Jul 2004 23:04:32 -
Subject:[Repeater-Builder] Re: Bag Cell Phone 
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Pretty much to answer yours and Larry's question...
Just really wanted to have one in the repeater shack for a 911 
connection.  Looking to possibly drop the phone patch from our club 
repeater (save $) and for those who want the patch in case of an 
emergency could have the 911 auto patch.  The other idea with 
cellsocket might be and outlet as well but might require an 
additional interface to work with a repeater phone patch.

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[Repeater-Builder] O.T. RFI Question

2004-07-19 Thread rrath
If there is any one that is a guru in RFI problems, please contact me 
off the list, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]I have questions.  Thank you.

Rod kc7vqr

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[Repeater-Builder] Repeater Money to be had

2004-04-04 Thread rrath
Hello to the list. My question is this:

Does anyone know if there is money to be had for repeater sites 
where there is vary limited radio communications of any kind. Does 
some government agencies have money for this purpose? Just a 

Rod kc7vqr

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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater TVI Problem

2004-01-04 Thread rrath
OK folks here is the latest outcome. The cable guy came yesterday 
to see what the problem was. After some time, he told my neighbor 
that it was his problem. The tuner of his tv was receiving my 2 meter 
link radio. He then came to my QTH and wanted to do some testing. 
I said by all means come on in. I first shown him ths interference I 
was receiving on 145.250 - full scale. I then turned to 143.750 and 
let him listen to the audio of cable ch 17. I took him outside to show 
him the direction of my yagis and said I believe you will find the 
problem some place in that direction. We came back inside - 16.3 
degrees outside - and he asked me what my output power was. I 
told him and also informed him that I can transmit with 1500 watts 
out, legally. We were both polite to each other - never in a pushing 
match of any kind. And then he left. But he did say that he would 
pass this problem on to some one who knew more than he did. I 
was surprised to see this much action so fast.

Rod kc7vqr 


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Re: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater TVI Problem

2004-01-01 Thread rrath
Thank you to all who sent replies. Very helpful. I was talking on 2 
meters tonight, and what do you think happened? My next door 
neighbor called me and asked my if I was just talking on my CB. I 
very quickly corrected him and said yes I was talking on my Amateur 
Radio, for which I have a Federal Lisence to do so. He said that he 
was trying to watch ch 18 (cable) and that he could not because I 
was tearing up the channel. I signed off on 2 meters and went to 
145.250 and listened. I found a carrier of 10 - 20 S units strong. I 
turned my yagis to where it was the strongest. I guess it is time to 
call the cable company.

I guess when it rains - it pours.

Rod kc7vqr


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