Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Chris McDonough wrote:
> Hanno Schlichting wrote:
>> Chris McDonough wrote:
>>> Maybe there's some potential to create a set of core ZCML registration 
>>> handlers
>>> for utility, adapter, subscriber, and interace that are not actually part of
>>> BFG, but on which BFG and other non-Zope apps could depend.  I suspect this 
>>> is
>>> the only realistic way to go forward: I don't think it's reasonable to tell 
>>> the
>>> people who have Zope apps in production which use these declarations that 
>>> they
>>> won't be able to use untrusted code or permission declarations, or the 
>>> global
>>> registry.
>> Should this discussion happen on the zope-dev list or is that too
>> hostile these days ;)
> I'd be happy if this discussion migrated to zope-dev.
>> >From my point of view, configuration of components is an area where
>> every Zope-based project takes a different approach to right now:
>> - Zope3 has its own handlers tied in deeply into the rest of the application
>> - Zope2 has its own handlers (in Products.Five) which are highly
>> dependent on the rest of the application
>> - Grok uses a different approach and has written its own configuration
>> approach
>> - Plone might want to adopt a Grok-style approach and will need to use
>> yet another kind of five.grok or similar handlers
>> - repoze.bfg now gained its own implementation of the core ZCML handlers
>> What all projects have in common, is the abstract concept behind those
>> handlers and the dependency on zope.component and zope.interface. We all
>> have interfaces, utilities and adapters.
>> What is different is the exact way these concepts need to be configured
>> to fit into the framework. One problematic bit is that depending on the
>> framework the configured result actually has different semantics at some
>> points as well.
>> What can we do about this?
>> Every framework makes it more obvious that they have different
>> implementations of the same concepts and provide them in a different
>> namespace / approach? That results in integration packages to be
>> required to be able to use a package from one framework in a different one.

No:  just *don't use the directives*.  Reusing policy-laden
configuration is an anti-goal, compared to re-using software.

>> We all claim to be in the same namespace and let the result of the
>> configuration be dependent on the framework it is used in? That is more
>> convenient to (re-) use but has the risk of hiding the semantic differences.

- -100 to that option.  This is why we have namespaces in the first place.

> It just doesn't seem feasible to break backwards compatibility to make the
> "core" directives do less all the time.
> It'd work to add knobs to the core directive packages that let it detect 
> whether
> the directives use more advanced features like "trusted" and "permission",  
> but
> it might make the ZCA code a little convoluted.  I suspect that floating that
> idea on zope-dev would be the only way to tell.  I wonder if anyone has enough
> context using the ZCA outside of Zope for the idea itself to make much sense 
> to
> them.

This is why stripping dependencies is hard:  the dependencies don't hurt
the folks who want the policies served by them, while stripping them
out, and parameterizing the code which currently hardwires the policies,
makes those same developers' lives harder (now they have to add the
dependncies to their own code) and their code more convoluted.  We can't
even get them to agree to simple things like stripping out *test*
dependencies from the main 'install_requires';  what makes you think
they would be willing to move the "Zope{2,3}-only" stuff out?

Note that one change I would make to the docs is to make using the 'bfg'
namespace *not* the default in the examples;  marking each non-Zope
directive with 'bfg:' (in the examples, not necessarily in a real-world
config) would remind people, "this is not your father's Oldzopemobile,"
as is true already for 'bfg:view'.

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Paul Everitt

On Dec 21, 2008, at 11:36 AM, Martin Aspeli wrote:

> Paul Everitt wrote:
>> That seems like a false leap.
> I freely admit to using hyperbole in my original email to draw out a
> debate. :-)
> It does bother me a little, though, that the "fix" seems to be to
> fork/re-implement rather than to try and push something downstream.
> No-one in Zope is disagreeing that the dependencies should be  
> untangled.
> Few people seem to have the time and impetus to do something about it.
> When BFG does, then it'd be great if that effort could benefit  
> everyone.

Chris provided an analysis showing that this is more than packaging.   
There are policy decisions involved.  Could you comment on his writeup  
about the policies and side effects?

Should people that want to use Zope-style components, also be forced  
to digest "trusted adapters"?  Or, is someone brave enough to convince  
the Zope world to either ditch that idea?  Or, shepherd a proposal to  
make it parameterizable?

It isn't their itch, so they won't implement the proposal.  Instead,  
you'll be asking the people that *don't* want trusted adapters, to do  
the work to paramaterize it.

Thus, this is harder than just untangling dependencies, IMO.

> My specific reaction, by the way, was not to BFG, but to Chameleon.  
> Does
> chameleon.zpt "belong" to BFG? This wasn't my impression. And if so,
> does Plone need to be wary of adopting it, for fear of it growing a  
> lot
> closer to a BFG philosophy that's not necessarily going to be  
> compatible
> with Plone's architectural vision going forward?

I presume that Chameleon belongs to Malthe et al.  I doubt a change  
would be made that he disagreed with.

But I'll invert the question: does Chameleon belong to Zope?  I  
believe Chameleon aspires to life beyond the Zope island.  If so, then  
it is a Great Thing to shed those rather harmful side effects, while  
enabling a *TRIVIAL* way to sign back up for them in Zopeland.

Everybody wins.

> What about the other repoze.* packages? Which ones are going to  
> inhibit

Yes, you made this assertion, and I'm asking you to demonstrate the  
facts behind that assertion.  Are you claiming that repoze.zope2 has  
changed?  repoze.retry?  repoze.who?

> this parallel universe where things are done almost like other parts  
> of
> Zope, but not quite? After ZCML, what's next?

Hopefully, lots of stuff is next, but for BFG.  Repoze is the place of  
co-habitation with the goals of fidelity.

> There is an obvious risk here, as demonstrated by the chameleon.zpt
> case, that the desire to prune transitive dependencies means BFG  
> either
> ends up being more monolithic (i.e. owning its own, tightly  
> controlled,

Calling bfg a monolith is, like calling it an island, just plain  
silly.  BFG is the opposite of a monolith, as I demonstrated in my  
previous mail.  Also, BFG does not have the goal of fixing Zope's  
tightly-controlled monolith.

Again, Chris spent the time to show that this is more than pruning  
transitive dependencies.  This is pruning harmful (to non-Zope), side- 
effect-ful (to non-Zope) policies that are part of the goal in Zope.

> minimal versions of everything) or pushing alternate methods for  
> things
> like configuration into lower level packages, because dependencies  
> can't
> be kept to an absolute minimum otherwise. Re-use always carries a risk
> of getting more than you bargained for, because the author of the
> original package may not have intended it to be re-used in exactly the
> way you need.
> But sorry about the "island" gripe - I'm very grateful for the work
> repoze is doing to play well in Python land, and, as you know, I'm a
> strong advocate of Plone and Zope riding that bandwagon. I just worry
> that sometimes this may mean leaving the rest of Zope behind, rather
> than work to bring it along.

Chris has worked hard *in Repoze*, harder than just about anybody  
else, to bridge the gap and bring it along.  He's asking that BFG be  
his own place, where he can build just the thing he wants, and leave  
out the parts he doesn't want.  People don't have to use it if that  
isn't their goal.


> Martin
> -- 
> Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
> want to work with Plone. See
> ___
> Repoze-dev mailing list

Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Paul Everitt

On Dec 21, 2008, at 9:31 AM, Chris McDonough wrote:

> But one thing won't happen: bfg is not going to live
> with four inappropriate dependencies forever to service a goal of  
> fidelity.

Repoze is the place where we co-habitate with the goals of other  
projects, such as Zope and Plone.  BFG, though, is where we make  
something that is more fun than frustration, defining the goals and  
limits to serve the purpose of BFG.

Thus, +1M on Chris's point.  People that want the fidelity of Zope  
already have other choices.  Hell, Zope itself gives them two very  
different choices, and Grok is a third.

People who want to enjoy other Python web stuff as part of the core,  
in combination with the fun part of Zope, and strive for fun and  
minimalism, now have a place to hang out.  People that don't share  
that goal, or have the goal of Zope fidelity, are well-served elsewhere.

BFG != Zope, by the original motivation of its creation.

Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Chris McDonough
Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Paul Everitt wrote:
>> That seems like a false leap.
> I freely admit to using hyperbole in my original email to draw out a 
> debate. :-)
> It does bother me a little, though, that the "fix" seems to be to 
> fork/re-implement rather than to try and push something downstream. 
> No-one in Zope is disagreeing that the dependencies should be untangled. 
> Few people seem to have the time and impetus to do something about it. 
> When BFG does, then it'd be great if that effort could benefit everyone.

If repoze.zcml was named zope.zcml (or zope.zcmlthatdoesless or whatever), would
that help?  The only other option would be to convince the "test what you fly,
fly what you test" crowd that we really do need permission/trusted-less ZCML
directives "in the core", and that they'll need to undergo some pain (and cease
contributing stop energy to the discussion) to allow us to get what we need.
I've never been very successful at that, so I just avoid doing it.

> My specific reaction, by the way, was not to BFG, but to Chameleon. Does 
> chameleon.zpt "belong" to BFG? This wasn't my impression. And if so, 
> does Plone need to be wary of adopting it, for fear of it growing a lot 
> closer to a BFG philosophy that's not necessarily going to be compatible 
> with Plone's architectural vision going forward?

Chameleon belongs to those who help maintain it, IMO.  Primarily this means it
belongs to Malthe, who has written 99% of its code.  I checked into it yesterday
a dependency on repoze.zcml.  I did not get permission to do so from Malthe.
But unless I have a very poor sense of judgment, I suspect Malthe will cheer
about shedding four dependencies.

As far as architectural vision, Plone makes a lot of sacrifices for backwards
compatibility, all of which are reasonable in the context it's developed in.
They make no sense, however, to other projects, and Plone can't expect other
folks to live with them forever because it has chosen to.

But if change *is* desired, there is some responsibility incumbent upon Plone
devs to get with the program here and bring some pressure to bear; you've seen
that Zope 3 development is currently landlocked, right?  Every time somebody
brings up some moderate change on zope-dev, it's more or less immediately shot
down by the folks that don't want to think about it.  What other choice do we
have but to fork?

> What about the other repoze.* packages? Which ones are going to inhibit 
> this parallel universe where things are done almost like other parts of 
> Zope, but not quite? After ZCML, what's next?

The good old slippery slope argument.  But admittedly there's some truth to it
here in the context of BFG... for BFG, what's next is whatever we goddamn well
please. ;-)  (This doesn't really extend to other repoze packages, FTR, just
BFG).  If we can help Zope in the meantime, great.

> There is an obvious risk here, as demonstrated by the chameleon.zpt 
> case, that the desire to prune transitive dependencies means BFG either 
> ends up being more monolithic (i.e. owning its own, tightly controlled, 
> minimal versions of everything) or pushing alternate methods for things
> like configuration into lower level packages, because dependencies can't 
> be kept to an absolute minimum otherwise.

Any package the Zope world would develop to solve this problem would smell
almost exactly like the one implemented in repoze.zcml.  So there's a blueprint.
 Let's figure out how to put it in the core, or not.

 Re-use always carries a risk
> of getting more than you bargained for, because the author of the 
> original package may not have intended it to be re-used in exactly the 
> way you need.
> But sorry about the "island" gripe - I'm very grateful for the work 
> repoze is doing to play well in Python land, and, as you know, I'm a 
> strong advocate of Plone and Zope riding that bandwagon. I just worry 
> that sometimes this may mean leaving the rest of Zope behind, rather 
> than work to bring it along.

Taking action is the best way to move things along.  It got you interested,
didn't it? ;-)

- C

Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Martin Aspeli
Paul Everitt wrote:

> That seems like a false leap.

I freely admit to using hyperbole in my original email to draw out a 
debate. :-)

It does bother me a little, though, that the "fix" seems to be to 
fork/re-implement rather than to try and push something downstream. 
No-one in Zope is disagreeing that the dependencies should be untangled. 
Few people seem to have the time and impetus to do something about it. 
When BFG does, then it'd be great if that effort could benefit everyone.

My specific reaction, by the way, was not to BFG, but to Chameleon. Does 
chameleon.zpt "belong" to BFG? This wasn't my impression. And if so, 
does Plone need to be wary of adopting it, for fear of it growing a lot 
closer to a BFG philosophy that's not necessarily going to be compatible 
with Plone's architectural vision going forward?

What about the other repoze.* packages? Which ones are going to inhibit 
this parallel universe where things are done almost like other parts of 
Zope, but not quite? After ZCML, what's next?

There is an obvious risk here, as demonstrated by the chameleon.zpt 
case, that the desire to prune transitive dependencies means BFG either 
ends up being more monolithic (i.e. owning its own, tightly controlled, 
minimal versions of everything) or pushing alternate methods for things 
like configuration into lower level packages, because dependencies can't 
be kept to an absolute minimum otherwise. Re-use always carries a risk 
of getting more than you bargained for, because the author of the 
original package may not have intended it to be re-used in exactly the 
way you need.

But sorry about the "island" gripe - I'm very grateful for the work 
repoze is doing to play well in Python land, and, as you know, I'm a 
strong advocate of Plone and Zope riding that bandwagon. I just worry 
that sometimes this may mean leaving the rest of Zope behind, rather 
than work to bring it along.


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See

Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Paul Everitt

Summary: there isn't really a problem, because BFG is not Repoze.   
People that want the side-effects in BFG can still get them.   
Everybody wins.

On Dec 21, 2008, at 6:06 AM, Martin Aspeli wrote:

> I realise Plone isn't your main concern here, but this is basically
> what's going to happen to anyone who use lower level Repoze components
> that use this means of configuration in a non-BFG context (or at least
> in conjunction with more general Zope stuff).

I don't see why this is true.  Chris changed BFG, not Repoze.

Chameleon changed, and if Plone does or doesn't use Chameleon,  
Chameleon-in-Plone simply needs to internally do something tiny.  It  
already internally imposed lxml as a requirement.  This change is  
*tiny* compared libxml2+lxml+Cython.

I'm not sure it is true that use of any "lower level Repoze  
components" has changed.  Since this seems to be the heart of your  
point, can you illustrate where this is true?

BFG is not Repoze.  BFG certainly isn't trying to be Zope, and thus,  
shouldn't sign up for the mound of policies that Chris did the  
analysis on.  You didn't comment on his writeup, though: do you concur  
with his point, that the package list is laden with (harmful for non- 
Zope) policy?

Frankly, the "more of an island than it already is" lead-in comes  
across as an ill-informed insult.  BFG starts with easy_install, then  
virtualenv, then Paste, then WSGI, then WebOb, before you even see  
BFG.  It ships with Chameleon: when do you suppose Zope 2/3 will  
replace ZPT with Chameleon? BFG doesn't even *include* ZODB, much  
less, require that you have a root before you can write your non-ZODB  

I think we're working harder to hang out with other Python web  
technologies than anybody else in the Zope world, by far.  You have a  
weird definition of "island".

> I think that's a shame, because it's an argument against adopting  
> Repoze
> components in other frameworks. Plone already has far too many
> almost-identical-but-not-quite ways of configuring things and we're
> trying hard to consolidate. We don't have to use repoze.zcml ourselves
> (and we almost certainly won't), but as people try to understand the
> stack, it's another thing they have to be aware of. As we start using
> more Repoze components (trunk already pulls in siz repoze eggs) it's
> something we may start bumping up against higher up in the stack than
> the template engine.
> From experience, it's not unlikely that people will then start copying
> the approach used by Chameleon and then get rather confused when they
> realise that  can mean two subtly different things  
> depending

Yes, because the policies in  can be harmful when used  
outside of Zope.  Chris is doing the responsible thing: not giving  
false advertising that this is the same set of  assumptions  
as Zope.

Hopefully you're not arguing that BFG should, for example, adopt the  
idea of non-trusted code, just to make sure we use the same ZCML  

> on an xmlns line at the top of their configure.zcml.
> I'm not saying what you've done was bad for repoze.bfg, but at least  
> be
> cognisant that repoze.bfg and by extension, possibly the wider repoze

That seems like a false leap.


> stack, is starting to smell more like a fork of "Zope" (or at least a
> particular combination of various Zope components), that's going to  
> make
> the attractive bits of the stack harder to swallow for other users  
> of Zope.

Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Chris McDonough
repoze.bfg has a core concept of "pay only for what you eat", so, as Paul put it
(with a 30 point word no less!), "fidelity" with Zope is not a goal; where we
don't need things that Zope offers, we explicitly get rid of them.  This helps
keep things honest and understandable, particularly in places where concepts
overlap ("why do I need when BFG has its own security?  why do i
need zope.traversing when BFG does its own traversal?  why do i need
zope.publisher when BFG has its own publisher?").

You understand this goal, as below you argue for it in the context of Plone.  I
am sorry it needs to be one way or the other currently (either bfg gains four
dependencies and directive attributes that are actively harmful or Plone gains
one dependency), but that's how it is until we can figure out a way to get
everybody what they want.  But one thing won't happen: bfg is not going to live
with four inappropriate dependencies forever to service a goal of fidelity.  So
we can either figure out a single way that everyone wins, or we leave it as is.
 That's the set of options you lobbied for me to choose from in your original
email, so I present them back to you, where that decision is yours to make
instead of mine.

That said, to the extent that we can push functionality down into Zope bits and
help detangle dependencies in the course of doing the cleanup, we'll definitely
do so.  But if cleanup is vetoed, we are going to fix it one way or another.

- C

Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Chris McDonough wrote:
>> That package is now done...
>> and
>> I've adjusted the trunk of bfg and the trunk of chameleon.zpt to use ZCML
>> declaration implementations from this rather than using the "stock"
>> implementations from zope.component.
> Given that Plone also uses chameleon.zpt (via this means that, 
> if I understand correctly, Plone now gains this dependency, and part of 
> the Plone stack uses what will seem to most people like an arbitrary, 
> almost-identical-but-not-quite way of configuring components that's 
> different to what the rest of the stack uses.
> I realise Plone isn't your main concern here, but this is basically 
> what's going to happen to anyone who use lower level Repoze components 
> that use this means of configuration in a non-BFG context (or at least 
> in conjunction with more general Zope stuff).
> I think that's a shame, because it's an argument against adopting Repoze 
> components in other frameworks. Plone already has far too many 
> almost-identical-but-not-quite ways of configuring things and we're 
> trying hard to consolidate. We don't have to use repoze.zcml ourselves 
> (and we almost certainly won't), but as people try to understand the 
> stack, it's another thing they have to be aware of. As we start using 
> more Repoze components (trunk already pulls in siz repoze eggs) it's 
> something we may start bumping up against higher up in the stack than 
> the template engine.
>  From experience, it's not unlikely that people will then start copying 
> the approach used by Chameleon and then get rather confused when they 
> realise that  can mean two subtly different things depending 
> on an xmlns line at the top of their configure.zcml.
> I'm not saying what you've done was bad for repoze.bfg, but at least be 
> cognisant that repoze.bfg and by extension, possibly the wider repoze 
> stack, is starting to smell more like a fork of "Zope" (or at least a 
> particular combination of various Zope components), that's going to make 
> the attractive bits of the stack harder to swallow for other users of Zope.
> Martin

Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Chris McDonough
Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> Previously Martin Aspeli wrote:
>> Chris McDonough wrote:
>>> That package is now done...
>>> and
>>> I've adjusted the trunk of bfg and the trunk of chameleon.zpt to use ZCML
>>> declaration implementations from this rather than using the "stock"
>>> implementations from zope.component.
>> Given that Plone also uses chameleon.zpt (via this means that, 
>> if I understand correctly, Plone now gains this dependency, and part of 
>> the Plone stack uses what will seem to most people like an arbitrary, 
>> almost-identical-but-not-quite way of configuring components that's 
>> different to what the rest of the stack uses.
> I'm not sure that is true: people can still use the standard zope zcml
> directorives instead of the repoze.zcml alternatives and everything will
> work normally.
> The only downside is that chameleon.zpt will pull in a few extra
> packages, but you yourself have argued that that should not bother
> people.


- C
Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Chris McDonough
Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> Chris McDonough wrote:
>> Maybe there's some potential to create a set of core ZCML registration 
>> handlers
>> for utility, adapter, subscriber, and interace that are not actually part of
>> BFG, but on which BFG and other non-Zope apps could depend.  I suspect this 
>> is
>> the only realistic way to go forward: I don't think it's reasonable to tell 
>> the
>> people who have Zope apps in production which use these declarations that 
>> they
>> won't be able to use untrusted code or permission declarations, or the global
>> registry.
> Should this discussion happen on the zope-dev list or is that too
> hostile these days ;)

I'd be happy if this discussion migrated to zope-dev.

>>From my point of view, configuration of components is an area where
> every Zope-based project takes a different approach to right now:
> - Zope3 has its own handlers tied in deeply into the rest of the application
> - Zope2 has its own handlers (in Products.Five) which are highly
> dependent on the rest of the application
> - Grok uses a different approach and has written its own configuration
> approach
> - Plone might want to adopt a Grok-style approach and will need to use
> yet another kind of five.grok or similar handlers
> - repoze.bfg now gained its own implementation of the core ZCML handlers
> What all projects have in common, is the abstract concept behind those
> handlers and the dependency on zope.component and zope.interface. We all
> have interfaces, utilities and adapters.
> What is different is the exact way these concepts need to be configured
> to fit into the framework. One problematic bit is that depending on the
> framework the configured result actually has different semantics at some
> points as well.
> What can we do about this?
> Every framework makes it more obvious that they have different
> implementations of the same concepts and provide them in a different
> namespace / approach? That results in integration packages to be
> required to be able to use a package from one framework in a different one.
> We all claim to be in the same namespace and let the result of the
> configuration be dependent on the framework it is used in? That is more
> convenient to (re-) use but has the risk of hiding the semantic differences.

It just doesn't seem feasible to break backwards compatibility to make the
"core" directives do less all the time.

It'd work to add knobs to the core directive packages that let it detect whether
the directives use more advanced features like "trusted" and "permission",  but
it might make the ZCA code a little convoluted.  I suspect that floating that
idea on zope-dev would be the only way to tell.  I wonder if anyone has enough
context using the ZCA outside of Zope for the idea itself to make much sense to

- C

Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Hanno Schlichting
Chris McDonough wrote:
> Maybe there's some potential to create a set of core ZCML registration 
> handlers
> for utility, adapter, subscriber, and interace that are not actually part of
> BFG, but on which BFG and other non-Zope apps could depend.  I suspect this is
> the only realistic way to go forward: I don't think it's reasonable to tell 
> the
> people who have Zope apps in production which use these declarations that they
> won't be able to use untrusted code or permission declarations, or the global
> registry.

Should this discussion happen on the zope-dev list or is that too
hostile these days ;)

>From my point of view, configuration of components is an area where
every Zope-based project takes a different approach to right now:

- Zope3 has its own handlers tied in deeply into the rest of the application

- Zope2 has its own handlers (in Products.Five) which are highly
dependent on the rest of the application

- Grok uses a different approach and has written its own configuration

- Plone might want to adopt a Grok-style approach and will need to use
yet another kind of five.grok or similar handlers

- repoze.bfg now gained its own implementation of the core ZCML handlers

What all projects have in common, is the abstract concept behind those
handlers and the dependency on zope.component and zope.interface. We all
have interfaces, utilities and adapters.

What is different is the exact way these concepts need to be configured
to fit into the framework. One problematic bit is that depending on the
framework the configured result actually has different semantics at some
points as well.

What can we do about this?

Every framework makes it more obvious that they have different
implementations of the same concepts and provide them in a different
namespace / approach? That results in integration packages to be
required to be able to use a package from one framework in a different one.

We all claim to be in the same namespace and let the result of the
configuration be dependent on the framework it is used in? That is more
convenient to (re-) use but has the risk of hiding the semantic differences.


Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Chris McDonough wrote:
> > That package is now done...
> > 
> >
> > 
> > and
> > 
> >
> > 
> > I've adjusted the trunk of bfg and the trunk of chameleon.zpt to use ZCML
> > declaration implementations from this rather than using the "stock"
> > implementations from zope.component.
> Given that Plone also uses chameleon.zpt (via this means that, 
> if I understand correctly, Plone now gains this dependency, and part of 
> the Plone stack uses what will seem to most people like an arbitrary, 
> almost-identical-but-not-quite way of configuring components that's 
> different to what the rest of the stack uses.

I'm not sure that is true: people can still use the standard zope zcml
directorives instead of the repoze.zcml alternatives and everything will
work normally.

The only downside is that chameleon.zpt will pull in a few extra
packages, but you yourself have argued that that should not bother


Wichert Akkerman It is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.
Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] bfg zcml directives...

2008-12-21 Thread Martin Aspeli
Chris McDonough wrote:

> That package is now done...
> and
> I've adjusted the trunk of bfg and the trunk of chameleon.zpt to use ZCML
> declaration implementations from this rather than using the "stock"
> implementations from zope.component.

Given that Plone also uses chameleon.zpt (via this means that, 
if I understand correctly, Plone now gains this dependency, and part of 
the Plone stack uses what will seem to most people like an arbitrary, 
almost-identical-but-not-quite way of configuring components that's 
different to what the rest of the stack uses.

I realise Plone isn't your main concern here, but this is basically 
what's going to happen to anyone who use lower level Repoze components 
that use this means of configuration in a non-BFG context (or at least 
in conjunction with more general Zope stuff).

I think that's a shame, because it's an argument against adopting Repoze 
components in other frameworks. Plone already has far too many 
almost-identical-but-not-quite ways of configuring things and we're 
trying hard to consolidate. We don't have to use repoze.zcml ourselves 
(and we almost certainly won't), but as people try to understand the 
stack, it's another thing they have to be aware of. As we start using 
more Repoze components (trunk already pulls in siz repoze eggs) it's 
something we may start bumping up against higher up in the stack than 
the template engine.

 From experience, it's not unlikely that people will then start copying 
the approach used by Chameleon and then get rather confused when they 
realise that  can mean two subtly different things depending 
on an xmlns line at the top of their configure.zcml.

I'm not saying what you've done was bad for repoze.bfg, but at least be 
cognisant that repoze.bfg and by extension, possibly the wider repoze 
stack, is starting to smell more like a fork of "Zope" (or at least a 
particular combination of various Zope components), that's going to make 
the attractive bits of the stack harder to swallow for other users of Zope.


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See

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