Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> Previously Martin Aspeli wrote:
>> Chris McDonough wrote:
>>> That package is now done...
>>> http://static.repoze.org/zcmldocs
>>> and
>>> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/repoze.zcml/0.1
>>> I've adjusted the trunk of bfg and the trunk of chameleon.zpt to use ZCML
>>> declaration implementations from this rather than using the "stock"
>>> implementations from zope.component.
>> Given that Plone also uses chameleon.zpt (via five.pt) this means that, 
>> if I understand correctly, Plone now gains this dependency, and part of 
>> the Plone stack uses what will seem to most people like an arbitrary, 
>> almost-identical-but-not-quite way of configuring components that's 
>> different to what the rest of the stack uses.
> I'm not sure that is true: people can still use the standard zope zcml
> directorives instead of the repoze.zcml alternatives and everything will
> work normally.
> The only downside is that chameleon.zpt will pull in a few extra
> packages, but you yourself have argued that that should not bother
> people.


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