Unexpected honour

2004-11-18 Thread Shankland, K (Kenneth)

Apu wrote..

> Dear Sir Armel

Presumably this long-overdue recognition 
must be part of the centenary celebrations 
of the "Entente Cordiale"?

Unexpected honour

2004-11-18 Thread apu
Dear Respected Sir,
Have I done anything wrong! I  am really scared, because I am not that much 
sound in english.
I wrote like that because I respect Prof. Armel very much.

Please forgive me if there were some thing wrong or funny.

With best regards,

Apu Sarkar
Research Fellow
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
Kolkata 700 064
phone: 91-33-2337-1230 (extn. 3190)
Fax:   91-33-2334-6871 

- Original Message -
From: "Shankland, K (Kenneth)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:47 pm

> Apu wrote..
> > Dear Sir Armel
> Presumably this long-overdue recognition 
> must be part of the centenary celebrations 
> of the "Entente Cordiale"?

RE: Unexpected honour

2004-11-18 Thread Laurie Aldridge
It was written
> Dear Sir Armel 
>Presumably this long-overdue recognition must be part of the centenary 
> celebrations of the "Entente Cordiale"? 

Don't tease him - He deserves it - besides I am learning a lot.

>From one who reads and has not commented - Yet

Seriously Thanks guys I did not know about this site till I retired and
have wished I knew a lot earlier. 
Laurie Aldridge
24 Balmer Cres
Woonona 2517 NSW
Phone  (02) 4284 0132(Answer Phone)
Mobile Phone0403 718 522 (No Answer Phone)

Re: Unexpected honour

2004-11-18 Thread Alan Hewat
Dear Dr Apu, 
Don't worry. You have done nothing wrong. It is just a private Anglo-French 
joke, and it is not (yet) forbidden to make jokes :-) I am sure Armel will be 
delighted - he has been called worse things :-)

At 10:10 18/11/2004, you wrote:
>Please forgive me if there were some thing wrong or funny.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fax (33)
(33) (.26 Mme Guillermet) http://www.ill.fr/dif/AlanHewat.htm 

Re: Unexpected honour

2004-11-18 Thread Nicolae Popa

Don't worry, it is only funny. And now is funny even more (my opinion)

Nicolae Popa

> Dear Respected Sir,
> Have I done anything wrong! I  am really scared, because I am not that
much sound in english.
> I wrote like that because I respect Prof. Armel very much.
> Please forgive me if there were some thing wrong or funny.
> With best regards,
> Apu
> /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> Apu Sarkar
> Research Fellow
> Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
> Kolkata 700 064
> phone: 91-33-2337-1230 (extn. 3190)
> Fax:   91-33-2334-6871
> /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> - Original Message -
> From: "Shankland, K (Kenneth)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:47 pm
> >
> > Apu wrote..
> >
> > > Dear Sir Armel
> >
> > Presumably this long-overdue recognition
> > must be part of the centenary celebrations
> > of the "Entente Cordiale"?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

RE: Unexpected honour

2004-11-18 Thread Armel Le Bail

Seriously Thanks guys I did not know about this site till I retired and
have wished I knew a lot earlier.
Try also the dissident SDPD Mailing List :
(though Sir Kenneth is also a subscriber...).

RE: Unexpected honour

2004-11-19 Thread Alan Hewat

>>Seriously Thanks guys I did not know about this site till I retired and
>>have wished I knew a lot earlier.

>Try also the dissident SDPD Mailing List :

Why "dissident" Armel ? I am happy to see that you are still a member of the 
Rietveld list and still use ICSD, but if your are trying for an English title, 
using these to construct "dissident" alternatives doesn't seem quite "cricket" 

Especially in reply to a very welcome compliment to the Rietveld list. Thanks 


Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fax (33)
(33) (.26 Mme Guillermet) http://www.ill.fr/dif/AlanHewat.htm 

RE: Unexpected honour

2004-11-19 Thread Armel Le Bail

Why "dissident" Armel ?
I am an adept of the open access to the knowledge,
your religion looks different.
from http://www.dictionary.com:
Disagreeing, as in opinion or belief.
\Dis"si*dent\, a. [L. dissidens, -entis, p. pr. of dissidere to sit apart, 
to disagree; dis- + sedere to sit: cf. F. dissident. See 
Sit.] No agreeing; 
dissenting; discordant; different
Our life and manners be dissident from theirs. --Robynson (More's Utopia).

\Dis"si*dent\, n. (Eccl.) One who disagrees or dissents; one who separates 
from the established religion.

The dissident, habituated and taught to think of his dissidenc? as a 
laudable and necessary opposition to ecclesiastical usurpation. --I. Taylor.

adj 1: characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards [syn: 
heterodox] 2: 
disagreeing, especially with a majority [syn: 
n : a person who dissents from some established policy [syn: 

WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

RE: Unexpected honour

2004-11-19 Thread Alan Hewat

>I am an adept of the open access to the knowledge, your religion looks 

Ahh, so it is a question of Religion. (I should have known :-) Clearly a common 
title like "Sir" will not do. How about "Reverend", "Pontiff", "Grand 

Adept:  [n]  someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
Synonyms: ace, expert, genius, hotshot... virtuoso, wizard

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fax (33)
(33) (.26 Mme Guillermet) http://www.ill.fr/dif/AlanHewat.htm 

RE: Unexpected honour

2004-11-19 Thread Armel Le Bail

I am happy to see that you are still a member of the
Rietveld list and still use ICSD,
I have no other choice but to use ICSD if I pretend to be
an expert/wizard (=adept ??) in inorganic chemistry. The
only word defining ICSD is : monopoly. The definitions
below are explicite and adequate, so that being happy
that I still use ICSD has not any sense.
PS - Definitions for "monopoly" from different sources :
   * Exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or selling a 
commodity or service: Monopoly frequently... arises from government support 
or from collusive agreements among individuals(Milton Friedman).
   * Law. A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a 
specified commercial activity to a single party.
   * A company or group having exclusive control over a commercial 
   * A commodity or service so controlled.
   * Exclusive possession or control: arrogantly claims to have a 
monopoly on the truth.
   * Something that is exclusively possessed or controlled: showed 
that scientific achievement is not a male monopoly. A business that is the 
sole supplier of a particular good or service. Regulated monopolies, such 
as electric utilities, are generally restricted as to the returns they are 
permitted to earn. Other monopolies such as firms with unique products or 
services derived from patents, copyrights, or geographic location may be 
able to earn very high returns.
   1 : exclusive control of a particular market that is marked by the 
power to control prices and exclude competition and that esp. is developed 
willfully rather than as the result of superior products or skill

   1. The exclusive power, or privilege of selling a commodity; the 
exclusive power, right, or privilege of dealing in some article, or of 
trading in some market; sole command of the traffic in anything, however 
obtained; as, the proprietor of a patented article is given a monopoly of 
its sale for a limited time; chartered trading companies have sometimes had 
a monopoly of trade with remote regions; a combination of traders may get a 
monopoly of a particular product.

   Raleigh held a monopoly of cards, Essex a monopoly of sweet wines. 

   2. Exclusive possession; as, a monopoly of land.
   If I had a monopoly out, they would have part on 't. --Shak.
   3. The commodity or other material thing to which the monopoly relates; 
as, tobacco is a monopoly in France. [Colloq.]

   n 1: (economics) a market in which there are many buyers but only one 
seller; "a monopoly on silver"; "when you have a monopoly you can ask any 
price you like" 2: exclusive control or possession of something; "They have 
no monopoly on intelligence" 3: a board game in which players try to gain a 
monopoly on real estate as pieces advance around the board according to the 
throw of a die

RE: Unexpected honour

2004-11-19 Thread Alan Hewat

>I have no other choice but to use ICSD if I pretend to be
>an expert/wizard (=adept ??) in inorganic chemistry. 

Armel, that is the nicest compliment I have ever heard about ICSD.
Sincerely, Thanks ! Alan xxx

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fax (33)
(33) (.26 Mme Guillermet) http://www.ill.fr/dif/AlanHewat.htm 

RE: Unexpected honour

2004-11-19 Thread Armel Le Bail

>I have no other choice but to use ICSD if I pretend to be
>an expert/wizard (=adept ??) in inorganic chemistry.
Armel, that is the nicest compliment I have ever heard about ICSD.
Sincerely, Thanks ! Alan xxx
See how we are different.
For you this is a compliment.
For me "no other choice" is an intolerable constraint.
No thanks ! Armel

RE: Unexpected honour

2004-11-19 Thread Alan Hewat

>For me "no other choice" is an intolerable constraint.

"The very existence of others may be seen as an intolerable constraint on the 
freedom of the individual."
 From "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" by Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger writing 
on liberty and license.

Just as I thought, it is a question of religion. I can't argue with that. Alan.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fax (33)
(33) (.26 Mme Guillermet) http://www.ill.fr/dif/AlanHewat.htm 

Re: Unexpected honour

2004-11-19 Thread Nicolae Popa


>>Why "dissident" Armel ?

>I am an adept of the open access to the knowledge,
>your religion looks different.


>from http://www.dictionary.com:
>Disagreeing, as in opinion or belief.
>\Dis"si*dent\, a. [L. dissidens, -entis, p. pr. of dissidere to sit apart,
>to disagree; dis- + sedere to sit: cf. F. dissident. See
>Sit.] No agreeing;
>dissenting; discordant; different
>Our life and manners be dissident from theirs. --Robynson (More's Utopia).

>\Dis"si*dent\, n. (Eccl.) One who disagrees or dissents; one who separates
>from the established religion.

>The dissident, habituated and taught to think of his dissidenc? as a
>laudable and necessary opposition to ecclesiastical usurpation. --I.

Sorry, but I think there is here a mal interpretation (is correct that in
English?) of the dictionary. I don't think that the people in SDPD list are
thinking the powder diffraction differently than the people in the Rietveld
list. Or, if there are differences on some particular subject from one
member to other, this can happen also inside the same chat list. An
alternative, a diversification, does not mean automatically a disidence. Let
us not blurred a word very dear to people like me, rising and living most of
the life in a dictatorial regime.

Nicolae Popa

Re: Unexpected honour

2004-11-19 Thread Armel Le Bail

An alternative, a diversification, does not mean automatically a 
disidence. Let
us not blurred a word very dear to people like me, rising and living most of
the life in a dictatorial regime.
Nowadays, the dissidence against communism is less
distributed in the world.
The new dissidence is against a too strict capitalism, even
able to make money with public data.