Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Should songs from the same album be in the same directory ?

2021-07-17 Thread BJW

d6jg wrote: 
> I don’t have anything where AA is tagged as VA but I once did and I saw
> the bug.

to clarify, it's a string conflict bug.  The LMS user can specify what
the string used is defined as, but the default out of the box value LMS
uses is:

Various Artists if any of ur AA or A tags (and possibly other fields as well)
shares the defined string, be it the default value or a user specified
one, LMS HIDES the entry from the user!  This is a particularly
insidious bug bc it is not obvious it's happening, bc people don't have
perfect recall of their entire collections, yet out of the box LMS will
hide entries that have that extremely common string for comps, and i
think I recall LMS only hides the entries in some areas of LMS, not all
of them, so u have to very observant to even spot / know it's happening.
(I'm the one who found the bug btw ;)

I would love to see a fork of LMS that completely reworked the scanner
(phase 1) and the views / navigation (phase 2) of ones collection that
didn't have all the weird kludges the current version has, bc of the way
it evolved with iTunes, tagging, etc.  maybe one day I'll hire a dev to
do it the way I see as sensible, and obviously I would share it with the
community, hoping to make it part of the official ver once the kinks
were worked out.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Should songs from the same album be in the same directory ?

2021-07-16 Thread BJW

JJZolx wrote: 
> The thing I like about actually using an ALBUMARTIST for compilations is
> that I can control where those albums end up when albums are sorted by
> artist/album or artist/year/album. Do this by using an ALBUMARTISTSORT
> tag. They'll still be recognized as compilations and appear under LMS'
> "Compilations", if you use that browsing mode. So I tag every
> compilation with:
> ALBUMARTIST=Various Artists

for me, i don't need sort tags at all...  i simply use the AA tag for
that.  in most cases, the AA = the A tag, but for comps or whatever i
can use categories like you would find in a record store.  iows, the AA
tag is for me where i want to find the CD in a AA list.

JJZolx wrote: 
> Make sure you -exclude- the COMPILATION tag for non-compilation albums.
> Don't add COMPILATION=0 (although I don't recall offhand what issues it
> causes.)

agreed.  the simple and effective approach is to only use a comp tag=1
for things you want identified as a comp.  comp=0 can cause weird issues
and if you group all tracks from one CD in one folder (with no other
audio files present) u shouldn't need comp=0 tags.

JJZolx wrote: 
> Multi-disc compilations have often caused added headaches if you place
> individual discs in subfolders, so be sure to test how LMS handles them.
> For example, if you use a directory structure like:
> /compilations
> /.. /Some Album
> /../../Disc 1
> /../../Disc 2
> IIRC, the key is to always include DISCNUMBER and TOTALDISCS tags in
> these files.
> Or, you can just avoid the issue by placing all tracks from the album in
> one folder. If you do that, it's advisable to prepend the disc number to
> the filename to keep them in the correct order in a directory listing.

in my usage, i don't use disc tags at all.  My own personal preference
is to put the disc number explicitly in the album title bc I like to see
one artwork per cd. If it's a two cd set I do it like this:

The Wall (CD1)
The Wall (CD2)

If it's 3 or more I do it like this:

Crossroads (Disc 1)
Crossroads (Disc 4)

This is of course an anathema to some, but I love it, and it gives the
same exp in all apps. Also allows me to strip all the various disc
frames/fields from the tags.

to be clear, i see nothing wrong with using disc tags, but again i like
a universal approach and don't like the idea of putting more than one
CDs files in one folder.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Should songs from the same album be in the same directory ?

2021-07-16 Thread BJW

d6jg wrote: 
> That’s one approach but not what I’d recommend. I know BJW will disagree
> vehemently.

hey, i'm for whatever works for someone...  i just have my opinion as to
what is best for most people in most situations.

d6jg wrote: 
> My approach is
> 1. Group all tracks in one folder per CD set but ensure discnumber
> values are set.
> 2. For compilations leave AA blank in all cases. 
> 3. Remove all compilation tags completely.
> 4. Leave LMS settings as “Various Artists” or set it to whatever you
> want to group compilations by.

it should be made clear that the approach above is really only suited to
LMS...  and it trusts LMS to do things, rather than forcing it via
explicit tags.  again, its great if that works for you, and if you don't
ever want to use anything EXCEPT LMS, but i prefer a universal approach
where i force behavior via explicit tags, esp if it works in all
software out there.

d6jg wrote: 
> NB. 
> 1. My approach may not work for all software but it does work for LMS. 
> 2. LMS compare the value of AA with A. If A differs across the album but
> AA is blank it’s a compilation. You can force the issue with compilation
> tag=1 but it shouldn’t be necessary.
> So either way will work but choose which and stick to the schema

there's other things i could point out, like the string conflict bug,
but again, i am not saying your way if it works for you is wrong, i am
simply saying my way is guaranteed to work in LMS and pretty much
everything else.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] LMS unable to play or read FLAC from large FLAC (concert)

2021-07-16 Thread BJW

Just FYI, Mp3tag now makes a native mac version.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Should songs from the same album be in the same directory ?

2021-07-16 Thread BJW

JJZolx wrote: 
> One thing you can *try* (although I don't recall if it fixes the
> problem) is setting an album artist on all of these album tracks to
> 'Various Artists'. And make sure you have a COMPILATION=1 tag in all of
> the tracks.

See my sig links.

Imo, the best solution for ALL rips of any type is: 

1. group all tracks in one folder per CD.
2. Assign an AA tag value to all tracks.
3. Assign a comp tag = 1 to anything u want identified as a comp.
4. Change the LMS default value of "Various Artists" to something not in
your tags as LMS has a nasty string conflict bug to this day, (see the

If u do the four things above, your tracks will work sensibly in ALL
software, not just LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Alexa can now handle FLAC streams

2021-05-29 Thread BJW

philchillbill wrote: 
> ALAC/m4a is not among them.

Sometimes things not said to be supported are, did u try?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Each track is showing as a different Album

2021-05-29 Thread BJW

I assign albumartist values to everything, then I assign a comp=1 tag to
whatever I want LMS to know is a comp.

This approach works with virtually everything.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Alexa can now handle FLAC streams

2021-05-24 Thread BJW

What about other lossless formats, like say ALAC in a m4a or caf
container?  Would they be more MP3-like, re: the header?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Disc numbers in a set

2021-05-01 Thread BJW

My own personal preference is to put the disc number explicitly in the
album title bc I like to see one artwork per cd.  If it's a two cd set I
do it like this:

The Wall (CD1)
The Wall (CD2)

If it's 3 or more I do it like this:

Crossroads (Disc 1)
Crossroads (Disc 4)

This is of course an anathema to some, but I love it, and it gives the
same exp in all apps.  Also allows me to strip all the various disc
frames/fields from the tags.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Mastering my tags!

2021-02-19 Thread BJW

carsten_h wrote: 
> Maybe for you. :-)
> In my car (original navigation from Harman-Becker) e.g. the ALBUMARTIST
> tag is not used for anything. So if you add an album with 100 different
> artists, you have 100 more artists in the artist list. So this tag is
> also not universally supported.

So ur saying AA tags aren't supported but AAsort tags are??  I sincerely
doubt it.  No, u r saying comp tags are supported, (right?), which I
already said I ALSO use, ergo my method works fine universally.  If
neither is supported, the problem is not my method, but rather the
limitations of the device.

In addition, I'm sure u also realize ur cars luxury audio system which
nevertheless fails to recognize a standard tag is a very niche case.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Mastering my tags!

2021-02-18 Thread BJW

carsten_h wrote: 
> Aren't the "*SORT*"-tags normally used for sorting purposes?

Sort tags are not needed or necessary with my method, and aren't
universally supported.  AA values alone works perfectly well for this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Mastering my tags!

2021-02-18 Thread BJW

carsten_h wrote: 
> But those are genres, aren't they?

No, they aren't necessarily.  Soundtrack (Film) is not a music genre,
meaning it could be rock or jazz or classical or any mix thereof.  Genre
is a per track value that sonically describes the music contained.  My
AA terms are basically sorting or categorizing terms, similar to what u
find in a brick and mortar record store.  AA usually is equal to the
artist or band, but if that doesn't work for me, I use my own values to
keep it grouped together, and to sort where I can find it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Mastering my tags!

2021-02-18 Thread BJW

carsten_h wrote: 
> What Albumartist do you use for compilations from different artists?
> I think there is no Albumartist possible.

This is a baffling statement.  Any text string that suits me works just
fine.  A few examples that I use:

Various Artists
Soundtrack (Film)
Soundtrack (Stage)

...and many others, including variations on the above.

It's important to note, that afaik, if LMS detects something as a comp,
for whatever reason, and it has no explicit AA tags, then LMS still
assigns those tracks a value of "Various Artists" for the AA db entry.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Mastering my tags!

2021-02-18 Thread BJW

Peter Galbavy wrote: 
> My approach, given LMS is my primary music server, is to go with the
> flow.
> For all "compilations" I set the COMPILATION tag and remove ALBUM ARTIST

Why?  For me, I use AA tags on everything, and that sorts and groups it
together properly.  For those things I want LMS or istuff etc to
recognize as a comp, I add the comp tag also.  Doing this causes no
problems.  I don't then see why one would remove AA tags from comps

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Mac OS X Version of mp3tag

2021-02-18 Thread BJW

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Where is this tag information coming from?

2021-02-07 Thread BJW

I believe LMS will use filename and folder info if it is otherwise

Bottom line, LMS is getting the info from your files one way or the
other.  The above posts are also on target.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] What is the use of COMPILATION tag with classical music?

2021-02-07 Thread BJW

I have a large collection but only 5% or so is classical.  However, for
me if a CD isn't "someones" like say mozarts, or Arthur fielders, it
generally is a comp imo.  So I guess I go by either a unified composer,
or unified conductor / orchestra, and if not, it's a comp...  there may
be exceptions, but again, generally speaking, that's what I do.  

I guess the usage case is to separate comps from more traditional
classical CDs in a listing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Mastering my tags!

2021-02-07 Thread BJW

I wish a separate fork of LMS would be made to address the myriad of
concerns like this, that are also noted in my sig links.

Personally, I assign AA tags to everything.  Generally speaking they
often equal the artist frame, but when they don't I use them to keep
tracks from a Single CD together, and also to sort the CD where I want
to find it.  This method works in ALL software, (that matters).

There is no actual need then to ever assign comp=1 tags, except and
unless you want LMS (or other stuff, like Apple, etc) to know something
is a comp, (however u might define that).  I also rip one CD per folder.

To me, LMS made basic logic flow chart errors in design in the early
days and never rectified them.  In the db for instance, there should be
AA and A fields, but not a third track artist field which does not exist
in tags.  Automatic comp detection should be optional.  Using file names
or folders to fill in missing info should be optional.  

LMS should have 3 lists by default: A, AA, and All Artists, which would
merge the first two lists together into a single master list.  Users
could decide if they also wanted composers, conductors, etc in the
master list.  There should also be a compilations list.

I know work has been done to kinda get it all there, but it is
frequently buggy and complex on queries, as the bugs in my links note.

I have posted about this before, but the problem of design extends into
the whole home > whatever scheme, which is just weird and not really
seen in any other software.  It's a bizarre unique system unto LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Which file format to use: mp4 (apple lossless) or flac?

2021-02-07 Thread BJW

I use MP3 and ALAC.  I used to use flac, and it's great, and the crc bit
flip checks is def in its favor, BUT I switched to ALAC bc ALAC is
easier to handle both tagging wise, and natively with anything Apple.  I
rarely find anything that can't handle ALAC natively, but most Apple
stuff won't do flac.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging of albums with the same name but different artists?

2021-02-01 Thread BJW

To clarify, in ALL software, devices, etc.

I don't use only LMS or only iTunes, I use a wide variety of things and
others use my library as well.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging of albums with the same name but different artists?

2021-02-01 Thread BJW

In an artwork view for instance, I see an artwork for each CD and the
text under it will say which disc bc i put it explicitly in the album
tag field...  I don't believe disc tags work that way, meaning they
don't show text in such a view.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging of albums with the same name but different artists?

2021-02-01 Thread BJW

I'm not sure if I'm answering your question, but the rules I have
created for me evolved over time, with the goal in mind that what I do
is so that my collection works the same way with ANY software that is
used, nothing is conflated or confused, and also so that things are
immediately obvious to me, easily recognized for what they are.

Some people don't like to use albumartist tags or only use them in
certain scenarios, etc, but to me it makes sense to simply always use
them.  I basically use them to sort things where I want to find them,
like u might in a CD store.  It has the added benefit of making sure I
can always find things in the same place in any software.  It also makes
sure all tracks from one CD group together.

Comp tags are completely optional in my usage.  I don't actually need
them.  But I do set comp=1 sometimes if I want certain software to
recognize something as a comp for whatever reason.

For you, comp tags are necessary bc u split up a single comp CDs tracks
between differing folders by using an artist, not albumartist structure.
This is not recognized by ALL software.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging of albums with the same name but different artists?

2021-01-31 Thread BJW

In addition to what I said in the link, I'll add I use a folder
structure like this:


It is strictly one folder per CD, and I append multi disc like this when
I rip so it's both in the tag and folder structure:

White Album (CD1)
White Album (CD2)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Any recommendations on how to Tag, Manage - Greatest Hits, Best Of. etc (Same Artist)

2021-01-31 Thread BJW

I put album artist tags on everything.  I put comp=1 tags on whatever I
want LMS to think is a comp.  but strictly speaking, that's just a
preference, not necessary.

A lot of bands have an album called best of, or greatest hits, etc... 
bc I also use other software, not just LMS, I put the band name in
paranthesis after, so the album tag would read like this:

Greatest Hits (INXS)

This works as expected in all software, and comp tags aren't needed,
(and I don't assign comp tags to single artist comp discs anyway, or to
a disc that is basically a single artist disc, but with a guest artist
on however many tracks)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Multiple albums generated from 1 album's worth of files

2020-12-01 Thread BJW

Truly odd, but I had a hunch using a new folder might fix it, glad it

Personally, I only use id3v2.3 tags with mp3s, and vorbis comments for
flacs, although I use ALAC m4a now.

Wish we knew how u got tripped up, bizarre.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Volume correction and the necessary tags for it?

2020-11-30 Thread BJW

Just my 2 cents, sorry if I repeat...

RG is best when written via the r128 standard.  Most apps now do I
think, unfortunately winamp doesn't.

RG also writes both track and album tags, and peak values.  Ergo best to
analyze all tracks on a given album at once.

Soundcheck only does track values afaik, but as stated is all Apple gear
will recognize.

I am unclear where the soundcheck value goes...  I think it's appended
to the comment frame using a method similar to the null \\ mp3tag
method, which I frankly don't fully understand.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Multiple albums generated from 1 album's worth of files

2020-11-30 Thread BJW

Great catch.  What could explain that???

Could this be a bug based on play count?  Meaning if there are no dupes,
no cue sheet, no playlist, no recursive shortcut answers, that certain
album types get parsed on if a given track was played or not?  Is there
any play count pattern to the issue?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Multiple albums generated from 1 album's worth of files

2020-11-25 Thread BJW

All good ideas above.

Are all the files in the same folder?  (Should be imo)
Are u sure u have no dupe files anywhere?
I would assign the same 'album artist' value to all tracks.  (For now)
I would remove any comp tags.  (For now)
I would try a new slightly different folder name.
I would do a full clear and rescan.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Artist Sort Confusion - LMS listing Sting with the C's

2020-11-08 Thread BJW

Have u tried the other method?  I think in mp3tag it's //

I don't use more than one frame for any given field, and or more than
one value for any one frame, but maybe LMS would behave differently
using the mp3tag // as opposed to the ; delimiting character?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] multiple album for a track

2020-11-08 Thread BJW

As a one time radio DJ and collector I have spent countless hours, much
like those of u reading this, listening to CD after CD, and I am often
shocked to find a song on one CD release sounds clearly audibly
different from the same song on another release.  

This presents a problem when building a station library, what gets
aired?  What gets deleted?  Some stations software has a function known
as rotations that basically assign a letter appendix to the numerical
listing of the track, so if u had 3 versions of a song, track 5487 it
would be 5487a, 5487b, 5487c  ...this is good bc when the schedule is
automated, 5487 only gets scheduled once, but each time it's called up
it remembers what letter was played last and it then plays the next

So anyway in my own collecting I try to identify materially different
versions and then decide if any are worth keeping.  To me, even tho the
song may be a dupe, some are worth keeping and knowing the exact source
cd is worth maintaining.

However, a lot of times a song may be exact duped by differing CDs or
maybe u have only one version u want used or played, but u want to save
space etc...  I would love to be able to identify exact matches
automatically (via audio fingerprinting) or manually with the intent
that if this song is called up, this is the preferred version to play,
and or get a song listed as part of say, a soundtrack, if it was deleted
as a dupe from that soundtrack bc it exists on a traditional album

A system like this could work either via tags, or as user config'ing LMS
if it allowed such functions.  I'd like to get rotations and other radio
station style scheduling into LMS.  It actually has most of what it
needs to do it!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Artist Sort Confusion - LMS listing Sting with the C's

2020-11-08 Thread BJW

I hate the way LMS works.  It's clumsy, clunky, and not intuitive. 
Unfortunately i doubt much will change.

My guess is that LMS for the artist's list is deciding on one entry only
per album or track even if there are multiple artists, and the fact that
the one multi artist track u have ropes in the rest of sting on an
artist list is probably a separate bug or at the very least
unintentional.  I could be wrong, just guessing.

My advice would be for LMS to change.  "Track artists" should make up
the artist list.  Album artists make up the album artist list.  After
those two defaults, users can define their own views to include or
exclude whatever they want, including a mega master list that had:
artists, album artists, and whatever else like composers (and
optionally?) merged.

LMS has improved on this since I started using it, but bc of ancient bad
decisions and the feared complexity of undoing the damage by them, the
root issues haven't been addressed and so however improved it gets it
still feels wonky and kludgey.

I know michael is doing yeomans work, but if someone like Erland would
fork a new version that finally addressed this stuff in the core app,
and not as a plugin, that would be so helpful.

A fork that had better scanning logic, that didn't create DB roles that
don't exist in tags, that cleaned up compilation handling and queries,
etc...  it would create such a better overall experience.  Anyone
familiar with winamp and it's smart views understands the frustrations
LMS presents, esp given its real DB horsepower.

Sorry for the rant and going OT...  it's just that I wish some of the
big brains here would attempt such a ground up reworking, without the
restraints and excuses of past decisions or hardware, etc...   let's get
something sensible and then figure out how to port it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] LMS doesn't like my new CD!

2020-10-24 Thread BJW

cjfreitag wrote: 
> Next I’ll try converting them to ALAC to see what happens.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Taghycardia- Ripping Lyrics in batches

2020-09-18 Thread BJW

Yeah, I mean flac/vorbis is a different thing, a pretty undocumented ad
hoc de facto standard, so I wouldn't anticipate too many problems with
lyrics in flacs.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Taghycardia- Ripping Lyrics in batches

2020-09-16 Thread BJW

> Lyrics3v1[2] and Lyrics3v2[3] were tag standards implemented before
> ID3v2, for adding lyrics to mp3 files. The difference with ID3v2 is that
> Lyrics3 is always at the end of an MP3 file, before the ID3v1 tag.

It seems to me this is something pretty kludgey and could cause odd
problems.  It def is something outside of the id3 standard even if
dependent in some way on it.

It would be better if apps supported a TXXX de facto standard.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Taghycardia- Ripping Lyrics in batches

2020-09-16 Thread BJW

And this tag is an entirely and wholly separate thing from id3?

Is there a link or documentation to this standard?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Taghycardia- Ripping Lyrics in batches

2020-09-15 Thread BJW

I only briefly looked, but I would want to know exactly how it is adding
lyrics to the metadata.  Is it a TXXX custom field or what?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Multiple CD sets

2020-07-23 Thread BJW

No one definitively answered what MAI's behavior is re: () or []

I don't use it, and don't consider it a reason to stop using my method,
which always works, in every app, without fail.  But if I did use it, I
would ask Michael to include an option to set MAI to ignore those
characters and whatever is in them, assuming that's even necessary to
make his plugin work.

Are there any legit album titles that actually use those characters?  I
could see () but prob not brackets.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Need help with Jazz Genre - Style tagging / organization

2020-05-09 Thread BJW

I add a genre to all my tracks, but only one string value.

For instance, I have:

R - Rap
R - Funk
R - Disco
R - Reggae

It's not perfect or ideal, but it mostly works for my purposes.

The difficult ones for me are guys like SRV...  is it rock?  Blues? 
Blues rock?  Rock blues?

But I apply genre on a per track basis and just bite the bullet and pick
one when it isn't otherwise obvious.  Part. Of my reason for doing it
this way is so that my files are universally compatible with any app.

I also do a less specific genre breakdown in my folder hierarchy, so if
u create a proper query, u could have SRV included by virtue of its
genre tag, or folder location.  (Meaning, say the genre tag was rock but
the folder location blues, etc)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Multiple CD sets

2020-04-12 Thread BJW

What is MAI?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Multiple CD sets

2020-04-10 Thread BJW

I personally like to see art for each CD.  If it's a 2cd set, I put this
in the album field:

White Album (CD1)
White Album (CD2)

If it 3 or more, I do:

Whatever (Disc 1)
Whatever (Disc 2)
Whatever (Disc 3)


I don't use disc tags of any type.  Some people consider this a kludge
or ugly, but I love it, does exactly what I want.  Always works, every

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] 'Artist' tags - which tags are scanned into 'Artist'?

2020-04-10 Thread BJW

What file format are u using?  If MP3, how do u treat tpe2?  

If flac, some apps write a space into the AA field.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Behavior if ARTIST and ALBUMARTIST tags are empty

2020-04-10 Thread BJW


U seem to have found a workaround, but I wonder if there's a better

Also I can't seem to find a post I vaguely recall where Andy said a file
should have some tags, but maybe that was in the bug, idk.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] GAIN vs Amplify vs Compressors (Vinyl vs DVD)

2020-01-29 Thread BJW

RG is bit perfect.  That's what's great about it.

There is virtually no difference between using RG to adjust the volume,
or a volume knob on an amp.  Same thing, except RG is far more
convenient, esp in a random mix.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] GAIN vs Amplify vs Compressors (Vinyl vs DVD)

2020-01-29 Thread BJW

I used to DJ in a radio station, so here's my advice:

The most important aspect, is using the best record player and cartridge
u can, to get the most signal into the computer without any clipping. 
So I would have the computer at 100% max recording level (sound card,
software), and I would set the actual gain feeding the computer via an
analog dial / fader somewhere between the record player and soundcard
input.  (In my case it was a studio mixing board... in yours maybe ur
record player has an output knob, but if not, I would get a lil Mackie
board with phono fader or similar, and VU meter, to set the gain prior
to the soundcard).

In the station, we had studio mixing boards that let us control on the
fly via a fader how much signal was going from the source to the output.
We could monitor this on a VU meter.

When recording however, u should NOT make adjustments on the fly. 
Further it's hard to tell how to max the signal without clipping unless
u listen to the whole album side to set the recording gain, before doing
the actual recording.

So basically, u have to guess where the album side is loudest, and set
the recording gain to its max at that point, without clipping.  Easier
said than done.  Again, u should use that one point for the whole album
side, and do not use compression for any reason.  Personally I would not
use normalization or amplify either, but I'm not sure they are big sins
if u do.  U can later break the album side into tracks, but doing it
this way will preserve mastering intentions so relative volume
differences between tracks is consistent as intended.

Once all the tracks are made, I would apply RG tags to it, album and
track, and that will give u the consistent volume u want.  Just make
sure u only use gear that support RG on playback, and enable it.

Again, to me, the most important aspect is setting the analog gain to
the best max fixed point for an album side.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Which Spotify ripper for Mac?

2020-01-29 Thread BJW

Doesn't answer the Q.  No need to schoolmarm here.  If he wants to
'break the rules' on something so trivial, that's his business.  I
seriously doubt everyone here has a CD for everything they have as a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Various Artists not working as expected

2019-12-15 Thread BJW

I'm not sure I follow u, what ur doing and or what u expect, but b4 I
continue, I want to know:

Do u have explicit TPE2 tags on everything?

Do u have LMS set to treat TPE2 as album artist during scans?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging songs that are part of multiple-volume-collections

2019-07-31 Thread BJW

d6jg wrote: 
> I do agree that there is a code issue but I’m not going to say it’s a
> bug

so what do u call it when out of the box your music server hides your
properly tagged music from you?

i call it a bug.  specifically, bug 9523.

d6jg wrote: 
> and yes I have long ago found myself scratching my head wondering why
> something appeared as VA which wasn’t in Compilations.

you completely lost me here, although i'm not disputing you...  but can
u describe what you mean? 

d6jg wrote: 
> My system works for me and yours does for you. Let’s leave it there.

thats fine, never said otherwise.  again, i was trying to answer the
OP's request.

d6jg wrote: 
> I certainly don’t consider LMS as dead in the water. The recent
> improvements to MAI and the new Material skin are testament to that.

where are they making new slim devices?  SBs?  anything?  where is it on
a shelf?  

i'm glad m.herger does what he does, thats nice, but this thing is one
dead parrot.

d6jg wrote: 
> To the original question. Wouldn’t it be more logical to use the Genre
> tag for the purpose? The groupings the OP wants aren’t really Artist
> related but stretching a point the Now series could be considered as a
> sort of Genre. This is a multi value tag so far as LMS is concerned so
> would be easy to implement.

to me that would be a complete bastardization of the genre tag that i
would not consider.  i have a set list of genre labels (about 30 or so)
and all the music gets that label on a per track basis.  to me using the
AA tag is by far the easiest and most sensible way to accomplish what he
is looking to do.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging songs that are part of multiple-volume-collections

2019-07-31 Thread BJW

d6jg wrote: 
> Lets define a compilation.
> Definition 1 - an album that has tracks which were previously released
> on another album or as singles etc but are all by the same artist. This
> album might for example be a “best of” 
> Definition 2 - an album containing multiple tracks by multiple different
> artists. A “Now” album for example
> Both definitions are correct and both are in general use.
> However my definition when used in conjunction with LMS is a VA album ie
> definition 2.

so this is the first mistake...  what is or isn't a compilation is
ultimately a subjective judgment.  it doesn't matter how you or I define
a comp, or if we agree or not, or everyone else for that matter.  there
are also other valid/reasonable cases not covered by your two examples
above; and regardless, the point to takeaway is that if you simply let
LMS scan music that lacks BOTH AA tags and / or comp tags, the built in
"logic" or rules for detecting a comp will be woefully inaccurate.  that
is why you DO use AA tags on some of your files, b/c you have to, to fix
or correct what LMS did inaccurately.

d6jg wrote: 
> I want my definition 1 compilation albums to appear under the single
> artist. Best of Cream should appear under Cream.
> My tagging strategy ensures this is the case.

as would mine.

d6jg wrote: 
> When I say I have no albums that contain a compilation tag I mean just
> that. None. None with compilation=0 and none with compilation=1.

ok, great.  its not like there's a prize for that.  personally, in my
'strategy' i see adding comp=1 tags as optional.  (i never use comp=0) 
i didn't used to use comp=1 tags but i started for the benefit of other
people and other software / devices, not just LMS.  LMS is a dead
ecosystem afterall.  adding a comp=1 tag is just a bonus so those things
are identified to LMS, apple, etc, but strictly speaking, not necessary
for proper browsing under my system.

d6jg wrote: 
> (I have had situations where some ripping software has initially stuck a
> compilation=1 into my album and the result is that when looked at via
> New Music the album appears as by VA. Removing the tag will correctly
> list it under the AA.)

perhaps this is where our disconnect is.  the only way i find logical to
browse is home > albums, and for me it works as AA > year > albumart. 
browsing via this method i would see my items under both the AA tag and
in the comp category specified in the options; so, meaning in both

d6jg wrote: 
> When I say I use multiple AAs I also mean just that. My favourite
> example is B.B. King & Eric Clapton, Riding With The King. 
> It is tagged in mp3tag as follows:
> AA - “B.B. King & Eric Clapton; B.B. King; Eric Clapton”
> Track Artist - “B.B. King & Eric Clapton”
> The result is that LMS reads that as 3 separate tags and it therefore
> appears in my library under all 3 AAs which is what I want.
> (In the default GUI when you look at the album it’s a bit messy but
> Material - by accident of design - only displays the first AA which is
> perfect.)

thats np, i don't begrudge you that.  i'm for any system that works for
you.  my replies here though were meant to respond to what the OP was
asking for.  i don't believe your system speaks to the gathering and
sorting he desires.  mine does.

d6jg wrote: 
> I do not have and will never have anything where the AA is tagged as
> “VA” as LMS can deal with a definition 2 compilation quite happily if
> there is no AA tag in place but the album has multiple track artists.
> You mention that there are inconsistencies if this is the case. I have
> not experienced any and my library is quite extensive.

the inconsistencies i mention, are when you don't use comp tags OR AA
tags.  nice sleight of hand there.  you are resolving some of the
inconsistencies by using AA tags only where you have to b/c otherwise
LMS gets it wrong.

lets say you rip a CD and all the TRACK artists are listed in the tags
as "Various Artists" that case you would ALSO succumb to the same
bug 9523 i mentioned.  its a string conflict, and not just a problem
with AA tags, that's just where it happens to occur the most.  

***Various Artists is the default value of the LMS setting, but if the
user changes that to say: COMPS ...and they have COMPS in their AA or A
tags as well, the conflict would now exhibit there.  what makes the bug
so insidious, is that a lot of rippers put Various Artists in the AA or
A tags by default, so the conflict happens out of the box when LMS scans
the files, and worse yet, its not an immediately obvious problem to
spot, esp if you have a large collection, and even if you spot it, there
is nothing to suggest what is causing it or how to fix it.  why M.Herger
doesn't spend some time on resolving it, i have no idea, i wish he

d6jg wrote: 
> I do not use any other music playback software so I do not care whether
> Apple Music etc baulks at the lack of any AA.

surely you realize LMS is a dead man 

Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging songs that are part of multiple-volume-collections

2019-07-29 Thread BJW

d6jg wrote: 
> Sorry but I totally disagree with you.

you can disagree all u want, but facts are facts.

d6jg wrote: 
> I don’t have a single compilation tag in my 35,000 track library as it
> forces “Various Artists” in place of a legitimate AA.

explain what you mean by this?

in my usage, LMS will always use the AA tag, and will ID something as a
comp if a comp tag is present.

what exactly are you seeing, and where do you see the undesired

d6jg wrote: 
> I use multiple AAs but as far as “Now That’s What I Call Music” type
> compilations go I totally stand by the leave AA blank comment. LMS
> correctly recognises the album as a compilation and puts it in the right
> place.

so you do use AA tags?  so you understand then that LMS will incorrectly
identify SOME albums as comps that in reality aren't comps, if you don't
use them, in those cases.

d6jg wrote: 
> I acknowledge that the OP may be looking for a different grouping
> strategy and I don’t have an answer for that specifically except that
> using my tagging strategy all Now Series albums would appear together by
> virtue of alphabetical sorting in both Compilations and in the default
> VA.

in a running big list, that might be true, but not necessarily always
true, and it only applies in a big list, not a specific results set.

d6jg wrote: 
> What is a compilation album anyway? I’d suggest that there are two
> definitions both of which are in general use at the same time.

now you're speaking my language.  LMS, itunes, and others have always
been ridiculous in this regard.  while it is possible to rule out many
things as being a comp, ultimately there is no automatic method i have
seen that is reliable for determining what is a comp in reality.  yes,
LMS uses predictable rules, but so what?  those rules are often wrong in
the result they generate.

what i outlined above is by far the best method, and it works not only
on LMS, but pretty much all other software and devices i am aware of:

1. use AA tags on everything.  (a rule that works for basically all
software and devices)  AA tags work as a sort method when browsing by AA
2. use an explicit comp tag on anything you want to be identified as a
comp.  (a rule that works for LMS, apple, and many other
software/devices that recognize comp tags)
3. change the LMS default in settings that denotes comps from "Various
Artists" to something not in your tags.  (a LMS specific rule to
overcome the string conflict bug 9523 in LMS)

you do those 3 things above, and you will have perfect sorting, perfect
compilation detection/identification, and nothing missing from your AA
list (or other lists) due to the string conflict bug.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging songs that are part of multiple-volume-collections

2019-07-29 Thread BJW

retro80s wrote: 
> I'm trying to group albums together that have multiple volumes that have
> an AlbumArtist of "Various Artists", however I'd like to be able to see
> all of those albums in one view as a collection of multiple volumes.
> For example, there are many volumes to "Billboard Top Hits", "Now That's
> What I Call Music", "Your Hit Parade", "Richard Blade's Flashback
> Favorites", etc.
> I'd like to be able to view all of the albums that are part of that
> "Volume Collection" together.  What's the best way to tag songs to be
> part of a "larger" collection?
> Would it be best to tag AlbumArtist for multiple volume collections like
> the following?
> "Various Artists;Billboard Top Hits"
> "Various Artists;Now That's What I Call Music"
> "Various Artists;Your Hit Parade"
> "Various Artists;Richard Blade's Flashback Favorites"
> ...etc, etc, etc?
> What is your best way to group muliple-volume-collections?

you can use the albumartist tag for that, i see np doing so.  i use the
AA tag as my default sort tag.  most times the AA tag equals the artist
tag, (not for guest artists obviously), but otherwise its just a way to
group tracks together and sort a disc into an albumartist list.

i use "Various Artists" but i also use "Soundtrack (TV)" and "Soundtrack
(Film)" or Film Score, or "Comedy" or whatever suits my purposes to get
the disc to sort where i want it to.  my albumartist list is basically A
to Z by band or artist name, but otherwise the comp terms i use i think
of as kind of similar to the categories you might find in a sam goody or
tower records... again, i just use the term that will place the material
where i would expect to find it in the bug A to Z list.

(i don't use dedicated sort tags b/c they aren't well supported by other
apps and devices)

d6jg wrote: 
> Generally speaking it is best to leave AlbumArtist blank when tagging
> compilations.

totally disagree.  i find LMS and all other software works best if you
have an AA tag on everything.

then, if you want LMS to know such and such is a comp, simply add an
explicit comp=1 tag.

d6jg wrote: 
> LMS is designed to note that there are multiple different track artists
> and will treat it as a compilation which will appear under whatever you
> told it to under Settings / My Music e.g. Various Artists and also under
> "Compilations"

yes, LMS will classify any artist mismatch that lacks an AA tag as a
comp, that is true.  its also completely arbitrary and inaccurate.  not
every artist mismatch lacking an AA tag is indeed a comp in reality.

it also means the OP will have all their examples under one AA heading,
which doesn't sound to me like what he wants.

d6jg wrote: 
> There is a "Compilation" tag which LMS will read during scan but again
> general advice is not to use it.

what?  thats the first i ever heard that.  what is wrong with an
explicit comp=1 tag IF you want to ID something as a comp?

d6jg wrote: 
> If you actually tag AlbumArtist as Various Artists it will list under
> "Various Artists" but not under Compilations.

nasty bugs with LMS, including ole 9523.  but you can avoid all that
nastiness and string conflict by assigning everything an AA tag, using a
comp=1 tag where you want, and changing the (stupid) default setting in
LMS to use a string term that isn't in your files tags, (meaning, change
the LMS term of "Various Artists" for comps to anything else that
hopefully isn't anywhere in your tags, like maybe "-Various Artists-"

see links in my sig below for more info.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] album replaygain for multi-disc albums

2019-07-26 Thread BJW

album RG is meant to be a per disc setting.  the relative differences
are maintained between tracks per mastered disc.  there are no artist or
engineer intended differences between track volumes of tracks on one
disc, and an entirely separate other disc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging WAV files.

2019-04-20 Thread BJW

That's a good point, but the issue there is lack of cue sheet support in
many common apps and devices.  Also, wav uses 30 to 40% more space, and
cue sheets are separate files.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Replay gain on whole collection, or not?

2019-04-20 Thread BJW

Rnee wrote: 
> I am a Foobar user for a long time so that's what I used.
> On the Foobar website I found some info regarding RG, it states that one
> might use a lower preamp for classical music...
> What is the reason for doing so, or not using it at all with a multitude
> of music files of different genres and sources?
> It is as if there is no volume control afterwards...
> I guess that most people change the volume regularly, depending on the
> circumstances, so either I don't understand what RG does or I don't see
> the consequences.

I put RG tags on everything, track RG and Album RG.

This adds text value tags to gain control and peak levels to avoid
clipping.  This info is then applied by the player on playback, based on
the text values from the RG analysis u previously applied.

It all sounds complicated but all it is, is a way to keep the volume at
a relatively similar amount of loudness, so u don't need to adjust the
volume knob manually.  It's very useful for random mixes.  Once u
analyze and write all the necessary tags, and enable smartgain or
whatever on playback, ur basically all set.

I have some classical and it seems to work on mine, but it's not even
10% of my collection (I think) so I can't really speak to that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging WAV files.

2019-04-20 Thread BJW

I like ALAC.  FLAC is fine too.  I wouldn't do wav.  But wav files do
support a very, very limited amount of tag fields natively.  Idk if
mp3tag finally started to support them, I know Audacity has for years. 
U also have to be careful, as id3 tags etc can get hacked into the RIFF
headers etc and break the containers, cause problems, and on and on.

Wav is useful to audio editing so there is a limited usage case that
makes sense, but not one with lms imo.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Replay gain on whole collection, or not?

2019-03-24 Thread BJW

Let me be more clear...

I don't use foobar, so I can't speak to it.  But what I am saying, is I
would find an app that uses the r128 standard, and have it analyze and
write both track and album tags at the same time.  Winamp does this,
just not with r128, (yet).

Then use smartgain on playback, and it will pick which is best to use,
(& do so most of the time correctly).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Replay gain on whole collection, or not?

2019-03-24 Thread BJW

I apply/write RG tags to everything.

I would advise applying the R128 ver of RG, its newer.  I think foobar,
MM, etc use it.  Winamp doesn't.

I advise applying both track and album tags.

And yes, smart gain is a great feature to use.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Greatest Hits album with embedded single covers

2019-03-23 Thread BJW

Personally, I have never had to set a comp=0 tag, ever, for anything.  

I have never had server call something with no comp tags AND album
artist tags a comp.  if it ever has done so, I would love to know the
criteria necessary to cause it?

My understanding is this:

There are only 2 circumstances u would need a comp=0 tag:

1. Server is identifying something as a comp, for whatever reason, and
the user wants to force server to NOT recognize whatever it is as a

(Again, not something I ever have an issue with, since I put album
artist tags on everything)

2. A user has a CD ripped such that different tracks are in different
folders, (like iTunes did, and maybe still does), and by setting comp=0
the CD shows as one album, but not a comp.  imagine a CD like Duets. 
The differing folders would have made server think it's differing albums
when it isn't, (I think, or maybe the different artists in different
folders, etc) but it's also not a comp.  so the comp=0 tag "fixes" the

(Again, not something I ever have an issue with, since I always rip one
CD to one folder.  Imo, server shouldn't accommodate bad behavior by
crap like iTunes, but there it is)

So bottom line is most people shouldn't need or use comp=0 tags.  Even
if they have some justification by the 2 usage cases above, server is
buggy enough to where u still can get weird results.  The two links in
my sig and bugzilla have documentation of such bizarre behaviors.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Greatest Hits album with embedded single covers

2019-03-19 Thread BJW

Ok, so since it has been said by me, why not try it?

I can guarantee u that no comp tag is *not* the same as comp=0

...but i never guarantee what server will do.  Still, give it a whirl,
see if it does what u want.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Sorting: how to for adjectives, titles, etc... ?

2019-03-19 Thread BJW

I'm a big believer in K.I.S.S. and so I put detailed track info for the
performer[s] in the artist tag, and then use the album artist tag to
sort it where I want to find it.  If u want server to ignore articles
like The, u can in settings, or u can simply not include them in album
artist tags.  

If u want, sort specific tags can also be used, but I find that to be
overkill, unless u want to reverse sorting for proper names.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation showing up under specific Album Artist

2019-03-19 Thread BJW

Another one of servers bizarre, unintuitive behaviors.  My workaround is
to put album artist tags on everything.  Has the benefit of giving a
similar exp in almost all software.  Comp tags that =1 are optional but
do no harm.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Greatest Hits album with embedded single covers

2019-03-19 Thread BJW

Regarding the initial issue, it should be obvious that album art
prioritized what's in a folder, while now playing prioritized what's
embedded.  Even better would be to expose this ranking in settings.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Greatest Hits album with embedded single covers

2019-03-19 Thread BJW

w3wilkes wrote: 
> The problem is I've never been able to get tracks in different folders
> to be joined into a single album even with all relevant tags being
> identical.

This is something I don't personally do, so idk if it works, but my
understanding is that setting a comp=0 tag is supposed to join tracks
from different folders into the same album, if otherwise identical. 
It's a hack, (like a lot of servers bizarre behavior) that persists from
the early days, as a reaction to stupid things iTunes was doing, (many
of them still doing)

Various artists "logic" greatest hits "logic" etc... the will to handle
things properly is gone, and been satiated with "good enough" or works
for me, etc, no matter how broken or unintuitive.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Band tag in dsf files

2018-12-10 Thread BJW

It is very helpful.  

The implication of what you are saying is that both mp3tag and LMS will
support a custom user made and defined BAND tag.

It likely is written by mp3tag as:

TXXX BAND files using id3 tags.  I am not surprised mp3tag allows this or
does that since they are aware TPE2 was hijacked out of spec for Album
Artist by iTunes etc so long ago.

You could verify this in LMS by going to a mp3 in ur collection that has
the custom tag and doing a tag dump in track info, where I believe it
shows the TPE2 / TXXX frame names in full raw style.

What is news to me is that LMS supports reading a custom TXXX BAND tag
as a band value into it's own DB!  That was what the bug was asking for,
so if this is truly the case I don't know why it's still open.

These would be the only 2 pieces of software I'm aware of that support a
custom TXXX BAND tag, but again it's great if that's the case.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Band tag in dsf files

2018-12-08 Thread BJW

I actually wasn't responding to u, but rather the other poster, who
seems to be suggesting it has been implemented.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Band tag in dsf files

2018-12-08 Thread BJW

So are we saying that my bug here has already been implemented?

It would be an idea to add a toggle that would direct LMS to use the
same value for both Album Artist and Band in its DB, unless a differing
explicit Band tag was present.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Band tag in dsf files

2018-12-08 Thread BJW

So are we saying that LMS has already implemented my bug here?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Band tag in dsf files

2018-12-01 Thread BJW

That almost clarifies everything. 

What I still want to know is how u have a separate BAND field that LMS

Is it TXXX BAND or...?  What app is writing it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Band tag in dsf files

2018-12-01 Thread BJW

I'm trying but I don't understand u.

Can u post some screenshots or something and explain what u do see, vs
what u want to see?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Band tag in dsf files

2018-11-22 Thread BJW

To be clear, u mean that TPE2 was recognized as Album Artist, right? 

Bc LMS does not, afaik, populate its DB values twice, meaning TPE2 will
be either Album Artist, or Band, not both, depending on that scan

My confusion is that I thought u were looking to populate both fields,
no? And further, with differing values, no?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Band tag in dsf files

2018-11-22 Thread BJW

To be clear, u mean that TPE2 was recognized as Album Artist, right? 

Bc LMS does not, afaik, populate its DB values twice, meaning TPE2 will
either Album Artist, or Band, not both, depending on that scan setting.

My confusion is that I thought u were looking to populate both fields,
no? And further, with differing values, no?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Band tag in dsf files

2018-11-22 Thread BJW

To be clear, u mean that TPE2 was recognized as Album Artist, right?  

Bc LMS does not, afaik, populate its DB values twice, meaning TPE2 will.
E either Album Artist, or Band, not both, depending on that scan

My confusion is that I thought u were looking to populate both fields,
no?  And further, with differing values, no?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Duplicate entries on Albums, Easytag

2018-11-21 Thread BJW

I believe puddletag runs on linux.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Band tag in dsf files

2018-11-21 Thread BJW

So I'm actually the person who convinced slim that they needed the
option to treat TPE2 as Album Artist at scan time, and as the default.

This is bc virtually all software handles TPE2 this way, most don't even
give a choice.  Whatever u do, I would suggest you don't mess with

It is unfortunate, bc 1. It is out of spec, and 2. there is no well
supported workaround to have explicit band tags in id3 based files.

That is the de facto reality however.

So if u want BAND values represented in ur id3 files, but separate from
AA values, u really only have two choices:

1. Create a custom tag per spec like this:


...but idk if server does or can support that frame.

2. Hijack another field.

There are doubtless other id3 fields u don't use, but are supported by
ur software.  Yes it's a kludge and might be hard to fully expose or
implement but imo its probably the best solution.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation and Best Of Albums.

2018-10-13 Thread BJW

its funny, b/c just deciding what to rip, or not, is itself a rather
subjective decision, and kinda defeats the idea that one can have a
perfect system with clear black and white rules you can apply to
everything.  i have basically just resigned myself to following "what do
i feel like keeping at the moment" with an unfortunate deference to not
being efficient the more highly i regard the artist, which results in
bloat and dupes that i do detest.

so my guess is there are a lot of Simon and Garfunkel fans here.  i have
original CD issues on their complete works box set.  it is hissy, noisy,
and static filled.  it is also bright and full of headroom and has a
warm, booming AM radio sound i love!  i GREATLY prefer these noisy
versions, to the remasters, some of which i also have ripped, which
while vastly cleaned up by comparison, just sound and feel "dead" to me.
(its not volume bias, i use RG on everything)

but its not always that way.  i think the Beatle remasters actually
sound better than the orig CD issues.  i don't think the difference is
as stark and clear as the S ones, but its still there.  so i don't
always prefer originals or remasters, its simply subjective on a case by
case basis.  ...but i highly regard both artists, so i am loathe to get
rid of any tracks; the exception is if some given version just "offends"
me in how it sounds, but thats not too often.

(generally speaking, i would say i prefer late 90s, early 2000s
remasters, to either orig releases or newer remasters.  in general, that
era is pretty well cleaned up, but not overly compressed.  RG values
provide a good clue to that)

this all gets more complicated as given tracks show up on soundtracks
and greatest hits or comps of whatever type, like "Time Life" ones or
what not.

and the older it is, u start to run into the same thing, but the Left
and Right channels are swapped, or mono vs stereo, and on and on. 
slight differences, maybe in time, compression level, etc.

sometimes i will take a dupe (or near dupe) that i want to maintain a
copy of, but out of random playback, and stick it in a separate archive
subfolder that isn't in the music subfolder that random playback draws
from; but sometimes i leave it in, just another subjective choice.

a feature of radio station automation, is "rotations" where for
scheduling purposes a group of tracks are considered one track.  so say
you have 4 versions of an Ad.  they all are about 30secs, so these 4 are
listed as 1000A, 1000B, 1000C, and 1000D.  then each time 1000 is
scheduled, the automation knows to progress A -> D in order and then go
back to A.  you can have as many rotations as you want, but you want the
differing versions to really not be more than a few seconds different in
length, b/c only the A versions length is considered by the scheduler,
(and keeping time in a radio station is fairly important).

it would be cool if we could classify dupes in a similar fashion, and
have the choice of either cycling thru them, OR just being able to
prefer one for playback when any of them are called upon.  in a personal
listeing situation, length [differences] isn't as important, if at all. 
a third option would be marking something as a dupe that nevertheless is
to always be skipped.  (these 3 modes / options could be tagged somehow,
and useful esp in random mix playbacks)

this is all a really long winded way of saying what i said in my
previous post.  in scenarios where i respect the artist more, i error
toward keeping more, hated dupes be damned.  that doesn't mean all dupes
are kept tho.  and it would be cool if personal software had better
playback management, and detection, of dupes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation and Best Of Albums.

2018-10-09 Thread BJW

it depends...

in general i hate dupes...  but only EXACT dupes.  and even then if its
a dupe on e.g. a soundtrack, i hate to remove it from the soundtrack
just b/c i have it elsewhere.

i came across a few ABBA comps, and i ripped them in full.  i'm not a
big ABBA fan tho so i went thru and listened to all the dupes and only
kept the one i considered "best."  totally subjective and not too

but with another band i respect more, i would be loathe to do that.  and
without proper audio fingerprinting its hard to know what really is a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Tagging - ID3v2.4 vs. 2.2 : causing issues

2018-10-09 Thread BJW

i use mp3tag to fix this as well, (always id3v2.3) but i use UTF 16. 
not sure that matters much.

just highlight all files and save tags, thats it.  set the defaults in

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Adding ReplayGain tags

2018-10-09 Thread BJW

with winamp, you can write all track AND album RG tags at once,
unattended.  u just have to set a few options in prefs first, but its
very easy and reliable.

however, it uses the orig RG, not R128.  eventually i will redo the tags
for R128, but in no rush to do so.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Repair corrupt MP3 files?

2018-10-09 Thread BJW

i like mp3val.  i use it all the time, and it almost always fixes the
issues i come across.

if its a VBR, google moonbases ver of VBRfix.

if neither of those do the trick, the file itself might not be fixable
at all given any tool.  u could also try mp3diags.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-10-09 Thread BJW

d6jg wrote: 
> I am in complete agreement with this point of view.
> To base an an argument on 3 pieces of tagging software that don’t write
> Compilation tags when the one with the greatest market share (iTunes)
> and at least as many others DO write said tags is just ridiculous.

no, whats ridiculous is to ignore the large part of the marketshare that
does NOT write comp tags.  THAT is ridiculous, preposterous,
shortsighted, and buffoonery!

again, how big doesn't matter, its big enough is all that matters.  and
moreover, its embarrassing for server to have such an inelegant and
goofy bug, as a string conflict for the term Various Artists.  its
inexcusable frankly.

d6jg wrote: 
> I have come across the Various Artists string bug but actually it was me
> that incorrectly populated the albumartist tag iirc. The workaround is
> indeed trivial. I agree it isn’t worth the dev effort as I am sure that
> Michael will have looked at it by now and the code changes required must
> be very significant otherwise he would have done it.

no one even knew the bug existed until i documented it.  thats the worst
aspect of the bug, it isn't obvious!  so a normal regular user, esp if
they have a large library, might not even notice at first something is
missing, thats the insidious nature of it.  and even if they do, they
may not realize what is missing or why?  its an ugly out o the box bug
that should be FIXED.

d6jg wrote: 
> For the record if I see a Compilation tag I delete it immediately but my
> ripper / tagger of choice has too many other features I do like to throw
> it away and use one of the non Compilation tag variety. I will live with
> an occasional album appearing in Various Artists when it shouldn’t and
> know that when it happens I may need to re-tag.

fantastic, but nothing to do with anything i am saying.

let me be very clear:

i am for LMS ALWAYS respecting explicit comp tags.  ALWAYS.  

all i want, is for LMS to stop conflating strings with comp status
and/or hiding music out of the box as a result.  and i also want a pref
to turn off so called "VA detection logic" that is how server detects
prefs based on rules that may or may not classify something as a comp
correctly, when no comp tags exist.

i am not asking for the moon, this is not some huge ask.

and once again, it is likely current DB queries could be simplified
where comps are concerned as well, so under the hood performance could
be improved.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-10-09 Thread BJW

Mnyb wrote: 
> 1. You really seems to mean your use case and think your use case is
> representative for a majority a common fallacy its
> your bias in this . But it is an opinion one can have so ok .

so you are saying this is NOT a FACT, to wit: many popular rippers do
NOT ever set comp tags???

really?  thats your point?

b/c it is demonstrably and obviously false.

this is not about "my" use case.  this is about out of the box usage
cases for MANY popular rippers.  what is so hard to comprehend about

WMP, Winamp, EAC, and many more NEVER set comp tags.  they just don't. 
and they represent a large segment, possibly even a majority of the
marketplace.  but getting hung up on how big a percentage of the market
misses the point, b/c the point is whatever the amount, its big enough
to matter!

Mnyb wrote: 
> 2. Does it matters at all ? All tag and rip software I used gives you
> the power to add any tag you like for example comp tags.
> Its up the user to use it. Insert a CD automatically populate tags and
> press rip ? This is an user error that gives you bad metadata.
> For a very large percentage of your records .You cant design
> around that ?
> My thoughts. You cant design arond that folks wont fix tag errors due to
> bad default settings and bad metadata sources in rippers 
> Many even wanted automatic ripping ? So one cant in advance second guess
> shoddy tagging.
> Various artist as track artists is just wrong as
> album artist it can be used.

back to this cannard.  god, can we please get past the garbage in,
garbage out ruse?  

yes, it matters.  why?  it matters b/c if i am a user who say rips with
EAC everything i want to, my music will show up as expected in
everything, all other apps, as expected based on the metadata in the
files, EXCEPT LMS!!!  thats the whole point right there!  its an out of
the box bug in LMS, that doesn't even make any sense nor is easily found
and diagnosed.  there is nothing wrong btw with having "Various Artists"
as your string for either field, there are many times thats the exact
string users want in those fields, and its totally sensible.

Mnyb wrote: 
> 3. Its a bug but the user workaround is so simple , that given
> the scarcity of qualified dev time . Meh no high priority imho.

thats your opinion bc it doesn't affect your usage case.  but it did me
and would others who might not even notice they are being affected by it
or know its an existing bug at all.

also, something i haven't talked about a lot yet but is also true,
queries could be much simplified by removing considerations for comps
except when explicitly called for.  this wouldn't change existing
behavior but would greatly improve under the hood performance which is
important on low powered devices, like NAS.

Mnyb wrote: 
> 4 . No issue with a pref to toggle VA logic it does not rock the boat
> everyone can have it their way . This is an ok change.
> Off topic I dont think scan times is a problem. Ill argues for a
> more complex scan so that all settings that forces a rescan can be
> removed it can all be in the dB once done.

good lord, so you argued with me this whole time even though you agree
with my request!?!?!?  why

yes, i am only asking for the pref, one that is already basically
written by Erland.  and i also agree that we should be able to disable
automatic rescans prompted by settings changes, so we can set all the
prefs as we like first, and then manually toggle a rescan to start.

in any case, there is no need for us to argue about all this, all i am
asking for is a simple pref to turn off the VA detection logic.  once
again, to be clear, this means that only explicit comp tags would be
recognized as to comp status during a scan.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-03-02 Thread BJW

DJanGo wrote: 
> wait .. you didnt say anything wrong but you typed a lot  and if your
> unable to see our answers where we already prooved your bullsh1t i cant
> help you and i wont.
> last order last word i am out of fish

actually, i proved you wrong.  u misunderstood and continue to willfully
imo, misunderstand, b/c you are more interested in attacking me, than
the merits of the argument.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-03-02 Thread BJW

d6jg wrote: 
> I didn’t say EAC specifically did at any point. I know it doesn’t.

good lord.  to wit:

d6jg wrote: 
> I repeat you are wrong. I have ripped CDs using iTunes (Windows & Mac),
> XLD, *EAC,* DbPoweramp, as well as the Linux ripper/tagged in
> Vortexboxe. I have never manually created any Compilation tags but lo
> and behold I have some albums where such tags exist. Where did they come
> from? The answer is obvious. They came from the online database that
> whichever ripper I used has used to create the tags.

see the BOLD above.  come on man, knock it off.

d6jg wrote: 
> You on the other hand have said that MOST don’t. I disagree. iTunes
> does. XLD does. The ripper in Vortexbox does. DbPoweramp (the paid
> version) allows you to choose before you rip. It is the only software
> that I know of that shows you pre rip whether the dB it uses has
> suggested a Compilation tag and allows you to overwrite the choice.
> I suspect the free version if dbPoweramp does not offer this feature but
> can’t be sure.
> Given that significant examples of Ripping software DO create
> Compilation tags why wouldn’t LMS use them?

wow, where to begin?

first of all, i never said server shouldn't use comp tags!  i never
would say such a stupid thing.  i have been arguing for a pref to turn
automatic VA logic detection off.  i have been using common expected
scenarios to illustrate the rationale behind the request.

secondly, it doesn't matter if its most or not, totally besides the
point i was making, why u 2 focus on that is baffling.  after itunes:
WMP, winamp, and EAC, are 3 of the most popular rippers in marketshare. 
they don't set comp tags at rip.  thats all that needs to be said for
the purposes of my request.  its not something to debate or argue over,
its a simple, obvious FACT.

i don't know if dbpoweramp does the comp tag in the free ver or not, and
either way, its irrelevant to the discussion.  i've never even heard of
XLD.  but i am quite sure those 2 rippers, and Vortexbox represent a
small minority of the marketshare, not that it matters a whit.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-03-02 Thread BJW

DJanGo wrote: 
> please please do not wrote something like thes unprooved and wrong
> things again...
> Do your 'homework' ( 
> Since my old employer is a audio content provider, i do know how things
> work eg. if you are in the gracenote content partner program (that was
> [or is] at this time the database behind Itunes)...
> \edit
> ahh the "most" is important - basically that whole sentence makes no
> sense ..
> /edit
> "dont feed the troll"

so now i'm a troll?  what exactly did i say that was wrong?  please, be
specific, SHOW ME.

most rippers DON'T set comp tags!  i gave a few very popular examples. 
thats all i need to do to prove the point that that's a common scenario
server should expect!

you guys are arguing not against me, (although for whatever reason thats
your troll motivation), but the truth is you are arguing against the
obvious.  what i said is FACT.  not subjective, not an opinion, not up
for debate.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-03-02 Thread BJW

d6jg wrote: 
> I repeat you are wrong. I have ripped CDs using iTunes (Windows & Mac),
> XLD, EAC, DbPoweramp, as well as the Linux ripper/tagged in Vortexboxe.
> I have never manually created any Compilation tags but lo and behold I
> have some albums where such tags exist. Where did they come from? The
> answer is obvious. They came from the online database that whichever
> ripper I used has used to create the tags. I can if you wish find you
> examples where the Compilation tag is by our definition correct and also
> where it is wrong but I assure you I have never created such tags
> manually nor do I believe that iTunes (which I dumped very early on) is
> the main culprit. Why do you persist in stating that ripping software
> does not create Compilation tags when patently they do?

friend, u need help with reading comprehension.  i never said *ALL*
rippers don't set comp tags when they rip, i know some, like itunes, do.
that was never in contention!

what i have been saying, is that a lot of rippers DON'T set comp tags at
all, like winamp, EAC, WMP, etc...  WMP is a very popular ripper in the
marketplace, EAC is very popular here in these forums, etc.  YOU ARE
WRONG when you say EAC sets comp tags.  if it suddenly does, thats news
to me, and is a very recent development, but i suspect it still doesn't
write comp tags, and never has.

i stated the situation 100% correctly and you are mischaracterizing and
uncomprehending of what i said.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-03-02 Thread BJW

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Yes. I never rely on some online tags. There's always something wrong
> with it. Always.

when i rip something, (mainly with EAC), i get the fields filled in by
the online DBs, and then i edit them to correct them if necessary prior
to the rip.  this has been the case for what, 20 some years?  sometimes
i need to edit the tags after ripping too, if i overlooked something or
want to change sorting or want to add comp tags, etc.

but just to be clear, that all has nothing to do with the fact, that
most rippers don't assign comp tags at all (as part of the ripping

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-03-02 Thread BJW

d6jg wrote: 
> That is just not true. All ripping software uses some online database or
> other to get its tags. If the online database contains the wrong tags so
> will the resulting files.

ok, this is getting annoying.  you completely missed the point of what i
was saying.

first of all, i already said servers job is not to expect perfection,
that of course garbage in will = garbage out.

the point i am making above, which is 100% true and not refuted by what
you said, is that many rippers WILL create files with tags, (be they
"correct" or not), that have fields like artist, albumartist, album and
title filled in; but they will NEVER have comp tags.

that is an overwhelmingly COMMON scenario that server should expect. 
this is obvious.  this is not controversial or up for debate.  it is a
FACT.  what values are actually in those fields has nothing to do with
anything, it doesn't matter if they are correct or not.  the salient
point is server will get lots and lots of files presented to it with all
those values filled in, but no comp tags.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-03-02 Thread BJW

DJanGo wrote: 
> You know that itunes integration sometimes broke, cause itunes had
> changed?
> You know that f*#!1ng Compilation Tag is a Itunes "Gummick"?

yes, i'm well aware that comp tags, which server relies heavily on, are
an apple fudge.  at this point, does it matter?  comp tags are in FLACs,
which apple doesn't even support in any meaningful way.  they are a de
facto standard now in almost all formats.  i personally have no need at
all for comp tags.  i add them to my stuff merely as a courtesy for
those who use my files with apple gear, (and to a much lesser extent, so
server will see what i want it to as comps).

and btw, itunes integration was often broken, which to me meant it
should have been removed, but they kept trying to use it regardless, b/c
they wanted that (big non-techie) market.

DJanGo wrote: 
> Didnt you wrote sometimes somewhere here " scan should be faster?" 
> If you add "all" possible and unpossible tags - you need much more time
> for scanning and a lot more brain for the database handling

yes, the scanner should be faster, but i never said at the expense of
*sensible* usage.  that was in the context of me saying that for many,
if not most people, the VA detection logic was unnecessary and slowed
down the scanner, and caused other problems, all of which is true. 
(ergo, add a pref to turn it off to aid the scans)

the scanner should be as fast as is possible, while also getting the
sensible job done.  reading in all sensible tags to the DB is the job of
a music server.

(you could have a scanner pref for reading only basic tags into the DB,
vs all tags.  it would have to be decided what minimum tags are basic. 
i do wonder what the impact of difference to scan times would be between
the two?  would it be meaningful?)  

DJanGo wrote: 
> again its techie... but LibraryDemo is a very nice thing - my child
> loves the things i do with that.

what exactly does it do?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-03-02 Thread BJW

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Maybe 2) is already possible with LibraryDemo?

i like these ideas, and have np with/support them.  can't speak to the
plugin, b/c i haven't used it, (or Erlands).  i think it would be good
to see what other classical users might want besides the two fields you
mentioned, as well as fields like ratings which has been a request for
years.  reading tag values that users actually use into the DB is the
job of a music server, imo.

your submenus idea is probably more "doable" than my idea or reworking
views altogether, but it illustrates why i am making the suggestion in
the first place.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-03-01 Thread BJW

Mnyb wrote: 
> But common use cases are less common than one migth think .
> Sadly the business of playing digital files has no real standards or
> agreed opon ways to do
> Stuff .

i know what you're saying, but i don't agree...  many major rippers,
like WMP, winamp, EAC, etc... will tag without setting comp tags. this
is a common scenario that is to be expected.  the job isn't to expect
perfection, the job is to expect highly likely scenarios.

DJanGo wrote: 
> +1
> We must remember LMS was ahead of the time, but now its only supported
> by a single guy.
> LMS (and its predecessors) was always techie - you need to know how
> things work - if you want to use it and adapt something here and there.

yes, i'm aware the software/product failed.  but he still does some
work, so why not point out what might be looked at?  or encourage others
to work on what is open source?

and yes, it was always techie, which imo lead to that failure, but not
on purpose.  the mere fact that it included "itunes integration" shows
that it was trying to anticipate non-techie, common use scenarios, at
least, once upon a time.  whats more common than itunes?

DJanGo wrote: 
> If someone thinks he should use another Software cause that fits better
> to his enviroment or needings there is nothing else as wave goodbye and
> wish him the very best with his decision.

the goal should be to conform server to the broadest common usage cases
as possible/practical, rather than trying to conform users to server. 
that thinking lead to failure.

dolodobendan wrote: 
> The plugin itself, maybe (for someone who knows how to do it), but I'm
> not sure if whatever tag I like would just work right now, because they
> would have to be included in the scans first (otherwise Erland could
> have just used the native database). Or did I miss something here?

afaik, server only scans in the tags its been told to scan in.  yes, u
can drill down in the UI and see all tags in a file, but afaik thats
just a tag dump done at the time u actually drill down to view the raw
tags, and only the ones server has been told to recognize at scan time
are actually in the DB.

it would be good if we could list all known tags [field values] server
already reads into the server, and make a list of all the ones we would
want added, be it for classical, ratings, what have you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-02-28 Thread BJW

i am fully aware and agree that 7.9.x is better, and so on...  but
frankly it pales in comparison to winamp or other such apps.  its clunky
and awkward, ultimately frustrating, and while i'm fully aware it is
unlikely to change, my points remain valid.

its funny, anytime i bring this to light, i get the same predictable
blowback, "nothing is wrong, the problem is you or other users, use the
workarounds, it can't possibly be improved, use something else if u hate
it so much" blah blah blah instead of people just acknowledging the
obvious: server has problems that at the root, are flaws in assumptions,
in design, in handling predictable and expected scenarios, and it
compounds those flaws in how it presents what it scans.  altogether,
those flaws also cause problems under the hood and reduce efficiency and

i'm not holding server to some impossible standard, i am simply
comparing it to its peers, other music players.  this isn't to say that
server has no redeeming aspects, it does, and thats why i still use it,
there are a few things only server can do, (although its getting to the
point they won't be worth it any longer).  but its a music server only,
it doesn't create or edit.  given that, it should be more competent than
it is at scanning and presentation.  i'm not even talking speed here,
i'm just talking acting intuitively and flexibly, that's all i'm after.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-02-28 Thread BJW

and slowly the tide turns...  :)

this is what i was saying from the start.  if we take a fresh approach
and consider these higher level questions, we can come up with a better,
more logical system based on common use scenarios than what we have now,
both in terms of scanning, and presentation (UI).  these aren't merely
academic points, they would result in under the hood efficiencies, that
would result in faster, more reliable scans, and faster more reliable
queries, as well as more dynamic user made (and named) views that had no
arbitrary restrictions based on the "home > whatever" structure server
uses now.

it would be great if someone like Erland were still around, so we could
fork 7.9.1 into a project that attempted to bring these changes about,
without messing up those who have gotten used to how server currently
is, and hopefully merge them eventually.

first, its pretty obvious that everyone is going to have their own ideas
about what is, and is not a comp.  what is perfectly clear, is that
currently server determines this in a rather arbitrary way, which might
work for some, but should be opt in at best.  implement Erlands patch,
and make the default that only comp=1 tagged files will be seen as comps
to server.  comp status is merely another file property, like an album
tag, or title tag.

second, comps shouldn't exist in server as a special kinda separate
category.  its a property of a file, like any other file property.  it
may, like albumartist tags, impact on grouping tracks together, but its
not more important than another tag.  it might also be useful in certain
queries, like those that want to include, or exclude comps in a given
queries results set.  but its not some kind of actual thing, which is
the way server treats it (and conflates it) now.

finally, server should come with a few default "views" that the user can
add to, delete from, and or edit.  the views should all be custom
nameable.  the queries used to create the views should all be user
definable, and include factors beyond tag values, such as folder
location (like winamp smartviews, using infinite and/or statements). 
the behavior of the views, such as with or without artwork, suppressing
or including artists from comps, etc, should again be up to the user,
and switchable on the fly.

i'm not fully fleshing it out here, but those would be some of the broad
goals of a forked project.  b/c of the current way server does queries,
where it conflates for example comp status, comp names, and tag values,
under the hood queries will be more efficient.  i fully support adding
the fields for classical, like "works" and so on, and managing classical
libraries would be part of the goal.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-02-27 Thread BJW

garym wrote: 
> Excellent summary Mynb. Yes, too bad it couldn’t be simply COMPILATION =
> 1 treated as comp otherwise not.

It could be.  Erland submitted a patch to add a pref that did that,
namely toggle VA logic detection.  When off, only explicit comp tags
would be recognized.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] There has to be a better way...

2018-02-26 Thread BJW

interesting, i didn't know that, but really of no practical use, right? 
most people with big FLAC collections won't upload them to icloud or
have the space for it all, right?  also, u'd end up maintaining two
separate libraries, and they'd likely no mirror each other over time. 
and other apple users couldn't use it unless they were willing to do the
same thing, which most won't.

its very annoying that i have to use ALAC instead of FLAC, but atm its
the most pragmatic solution, if i want other people to be able to use my

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-02-26 Thread BJW

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Because "i assure you"? As I said before and will repeat one last time:
> The scenario you describe isn't an issue with MY collection, because I
> do not have discs with different artists and an album artist that is
> also a collection. I'm still trying to imagine such albums.

so as i said earlier, it has nothing to do with your collection, or my
collection.  the whole point of server is to present and play -anyone's-
collection, as server finds it.  ergo it has to be flexible, b/c it
doesn't rip music, or edit tags, etc.  it should, as a design choice,
handle common use cases.  not everyone uses itunes, but it should handle
itunes collections, right?  same goes for any popular ripper, be it WMP,
EAC, Winamp, dbpoweramp, and on and on...  server shouldn't just be
blind to other common use cases.  it shouldn't put the onus on the user
to make the user conform to server, that a recipe for failure.  the onus
should be on server to properly handle differing common use cases,
(within common-sense-reason of course, and obviously garbage in garbage
out, but thats not the point here).

so anyway, i am not sure what you mean when u say ur still trying to
imagine my scenario?  do u think it impossible?  unlikely?  what?

while not the case for all CDs, it is very common for a CD to have one
or more artist mismatches on it.  lets assume for this example, the CD
is a comp:


1. Misty Mountain Hop - 4 Non Blondes
2. Hey Hey What Can I Say? - Hootie And The Blowfish
3. D'yer Mak'er - Sheryl Crow
4. Dancing Days - Stone Temple Pilots
5. Tangerine - Big Head Todd And The Monsters
6. Thank You - Duran Duran
7. Out On The Tiles - Blind Melon
8. Good Times Bad Times - Cracker
9. Custard Pie - Helmet With David Yow
10. Four Sticks - Rollins Band
11. Going To California - Never The Bride
12. Down By The Seaside - Robert Plant & Tori Amos

many rippers will parse that so the file has the right title and artist
tag (ergo artist mismatches).  they then assign an albumartist tag of:
Various Artists  ...and no comp=1 tag.  its a very common thing amongst
many common and wildly popular rippers.

in such a case, the mere presence of an albumartist tag tells server its
not a comp, even tho in reality it is.  and worse, bug 9523 (the string
conflict) then hides this example from view!  but even if there were no
string conflict, server still incorrectly says this isn't a comp.  

so what about the above is it that you can't imagine?

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Winamp is still a thing?

honestly, deal with the points made on merit, attacking winamp is a

dolodobendan wrote: 
> And again, just because in an alternate reality it would be easier for
> you, it would mean more tagging for the rest of us (because we would
> have to set compilation=1 as I've mentioned at least twice now).

no, thats not true.  all these things could be worked out in
preferences.  i would like the ability to toggle off/on the scanners VA
detection logic.  so u would get your way, and i would get mine.  turn
off the VA detection logic, and scans get quicker, and there is less
unexpected behavior.  in such a case, only an explicit Comp=1 tag would
make server see something as a comp.

dolodobendan wrote: 
> As you already mentioned, LMS is no longer officially supported.

indeed.  there's a lot of reasons for this, but i think the unintuitive
interface, as well as the placing of the onus on the user to conform to
it, instead of the other way around, is a big reason why.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-02-26 Thread BJW

Mnyb wrote: 
> I have a LOT of disc with albumartist tag that never gets treated as a
> comp or finds their way into ”Varius artist” ?
> When does this happen exactly

i'm not quite sure what you're asking?  i'll attempt to answer this way,
but please let me know if u need further clarification or if i missed
your point:

i have about 85k tracks or so, and thousands of CDs ripped.  while a lot
of them have no artist mismatches, a lot of them do.  some are in fact
comps.  but a lot of them aren't.  (and keep in mind, what is and isn't
a comp is ultimately a user's subjective per-cd judgment at best). 
anyway, absent an albumartist tag (or comp=0), server just assumes they
ALL are comps.  that rarely is the desired outcome for all those types
of CDs.

similarly, if they all have albumartist tags, server just assumes NONE
of them are comps, (assuming no comp=1 tag is also present), which again
is rarely the desired outcome of all those types of CDs.

worse yet is bug 9523, which in -some- server views will cause an "out
of the box" problem, where any user who has a CD ripped with either an
artist, OR albumartist tag value of = Various Artists ...and no comp
tags, will experience a string conflict that hides such examples from
the user.  as i said earlier, a lot of CD rippers will use that string
out of the box, while simultaneously not assigning any comp tags.  thats
a pretty bad bug for server to have.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-02-25 Thread BJW

dolodobendan wrote: 
> It's a design choice that got your collection wrong sometimes and mine
> never. And it seems that this assumptions works for most people. These
> people all would have to set compilation=1 just for you not having to
> set it to zero.

it seems it works for most people?  and you know this how?

putting aside that this product has failed, it worked for audiophiles
who were willing to workaround issues.  thats not most people, i assure

most people use things like WMP, winamp, itunes, etc...  server does not
handle a lot of those cases properly out of the box, not even close.

btw, i never set comp=0 and i never would need to.  i do set comp=1 on
those items i want server or whatever to see as a comp, which i do with
mp3tag.  but i do not really need to do that at all for my purposes, the
albumartist tag is enough.

finally, bug 9523 is an unaddressed issue, and another "out of the box"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-02-25 Thread BJW

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I really have to imagine that, because I do not have such discs.

i bet u do have such discs, if u have any comps at all.  what u might
not have is a ripper that rips discs that way, or maybe u changed how it
rips such discs.

again, its VERY common.  WMP, winamp, EAC, etc... and many others,
either out of the box or configured to, will assign an artist tag and a
common albumartist tag on all things they rip, comp or not, and no comp
tags at all, comp or not.

server should accommodate common use cases, esp since it doesn't itself
ever edit tags.

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I only wish for natively supported tags ("work", "recording", "custom")
> and the possibility to create menu structures to apply these tags (Like
> Erland's CustomScan/-Browse, but natively supported).

i have np with that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] There has to be a better way...

2018-02-24 Thread BJW

A completely valid and fair point, but for me, not one I personally
worry over...  I don't value crc checks over universality; still, that's
a great point I didn't consider.

I actually haven't checked myself, are we sure ALAC has no crc?  If not,
I doubt apple will revise it unfortunately.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Compilation issues

2018-02-24 Thread BJW

DJanGo wrote: 
> Yapp - do you want to know some background ?
> Peter Pawlowski once one one the Winamp developer started another Player
> called foobar 2000 cause of winamp was (@ 2000) too much
> gimmickblowup
> If you want to compare a "player" like Winamp with lms you need to
> compare Itunes or something else not winamp.

Why?  I mean, what a dodge of the point I made!  Why not respond to that

Winamp, and I am sure foobar and most others, probably even iTunes,
which I despise, are faster and more reliable scanners, than server.

DJanGo wrote: 
> Well thats not the case
> A single Track has a Artist Tag thats used by lms!

Maybe u are not aware, but servers DB has albumartists, artist, AND
trackartist.  Most people, if not all, only have the first two in their
tags, not the third.  It's a db kludge, imo.

DJanGo wrote: 
> If you want to see all tracks from an artist - you need to put all
> tracks from all artists together - winamp cant do that!

It does it fine for me.  I can browse by artist or albumartist in

DJanGo wrote: 
> If one Album has more than one Artist - you need to make a decision. Is
> it a Compilation or not.

Actually, not true.  Albumartist tags will in winamp, and most other
software, group all tracks together from one CD even if there are
differing artists.

Deciding if something is or isn't a comp, is a separate matter and more
complicated than just recognizing if a given CD has one or more
differing artists on it.

Comp status however, is really a user's own subjective judgment on a
case by case basis, and more of an afterthought as a criteria property. 
Server is way too entangled with it.

DJanGo wrote: 
> eg. Crossroads from Eric Clapton is a Best of from Eric Clapton with all
> of his Hits with all of his former Bands.
> If you want to see that as an compilation - you dont need anything
> further.
> If you dont want it as a compilation you can use 
> >   >   > 
  - eg Albumartist "Eric Clapton" on all (not one) Track where the
  > "Track" Artist is not Eric Clapton
  - Eric Clapton;Derek and The Dominos as "Track" Artist
  > > > 

Yes, I agree, doesn't change any point I made.

DJanGo wrote: 
> Feel free to use any Software you want and listen to music you like use
> our Tricks or not its up to you.


DJanGo wrote: 
> If you would understand the decisions (not  logical fallacy) that are
> needed to provide all the hidden stuff in a database that make using &
> quering fast you would see the "we must die way one or another" thats
> needed to do so.

Ah, I see, I'm not as smart as u.

As I said, and I stand by it 100%, determining that something is NOT a
comp just bc it has an albumartist tag present, (absent an explicit
comp=1 tag), IS a logical fallacy, a demonstrably false assumption.

Why argue against something obvious?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] There has to be a better way...

2018-02-24 Thread BJW

Interesting posts, I esp liked RonM's as well, which if I understood it
correctly emulates my thinking, which is to K.I.S.S. b/c ultimately
that's more practical / pragmatic.

I have some classical but conform it's tagging to my other music, so I
won't go into that since I don't think that appeals to most here, but I
will say this:

I love FLAC, but I now use ALAC b/c FLAC is not recognized natively by
Apple.  (Why use FLAC since thats the case?)  I also never embed art, I
put it in the folder as a hidden, system file.  (I realize this defeats
the apple argument, but its easily worked around and listening, not
looking is the point anyway).

I think my ver of RonM's approach is to use mainly the tag fields that
are common to all apps and how they implement them, so that a common
browsing exp of my collection is attained regardless of what software
uses them.

I mainly use albumartist not only as as way to group all tracks to one
CD, but also as my A-Z sorting method, meaning where i want to find it
in a long list.  That, along with the Genre field, basically emulates a
music store's bin categories, (remember music stores?)

So essentially I try use the most minimal amount of tags that makes
sense to use to fit the goal of a similar exp across all apps.

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