[RDD] rdcatch >> ripcd

2015-03-24 Thread Mircea Paun
I have no idea what happens.
Several days ripcd didn't received any rml from rdcatch...
I have also a download event in rdcatch and that works.
>From rmlsend it works.
Any ideas?

CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
Rivendell 2.10.3
Data Base 242



Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDairplay crashes when you voicetrack

2015-03-24 Thread Wayne Merricks


Just be aware that used RAM by programs and used RAM by caching are two 
separate things (programs take priority).  Unfortunately top includes 
this caching which makes it look like RAM is all gone when it isn't.

For example if I run top right now I get this (converted to GB for sanity):

KiB Mem:   8GB total,  6.9GB used,  1.1GB free,   0.7GB buffers

But if I run free -m (to get the output in MB):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:  7878   6731   1146811663   1869
-/+ buffers/cache:   4198   3679

As you can see in buffers/cache I'm using over 4GB of RAM but if you 
look at the free bit I actually have over 3.5GB completely free to use 
by whatever program.

I may be misremembering part of this but the important bit is free under 
cache.  Check out: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ for more info.

Wayne Merricks
The Voice Asia

On 24/03/15 06:34, Morten Krarup Nielsen wrote:

Ok, the "top scores" for using my 16GB RAM are:
caed 10%
rdairplay 4%
ripcd 3.7%
xorg 1.3%
mysql 1%

and the rest is below 1%

Is this unusual? Top says that most of my RAM is used, but I think 
there's a long way up to 100% when I look through the processes

Thank you again

2015-03-23 16:52 GMT+01:00 Lorne Tyndale >:


Sounds like something might have a memory leak.  You might want to see
which task / process is using up memory on your system.

The easiest way to see this in Top, if you hit M (that's a capital M)
it'll sort by memory usage.

It might give you an indication if the difficulty is something related
to Rivendell or something else running on your system.

Lorne Tyndale

> Cowboy, thank you for helping me out.
> CPU Core i5 2500K
> 16GB RAM
> Centos 6.4 (Final)
> Rivendell 2.10.3
> (I don't know bus speed and so on).
> I discovered something interesting. I rebooted the machine on
> Running 'top' then showed a lot of free RAM - sorry can't
remember how
> much. I could voicetrack during a commercial-break with a lot of
> changing fast, without RDairplay crashing. But now on Monday
'top' displays:
> Mem:  16312864k total, 16117792k used,   195072k free,   189816k
> Swap:   204792k total,0k used,   204792k free, 15280924k
> And of course RDairplay crashed once this morning while
> So I guess my system is eating more and more RAM?
> 2015-03-20 19:11 GMT+01:00 Cowboy mailto:c...@cwf1.com>>:
> > On Friday 20 March 2015 03:25:58 am Morten Krarup Nielsen wrote:
> > > It's Centos 6 on a homebuild system (quality Intel
motherboard, Kingston
> > > RAM and so on)
> > > Since it seems that no has experienced this, it could be
that the system
> > is
> > > "stressed" when I'm voicetracking in the log running in
> >
> >  Again, version ? Hardware ?
> >  Not who branded the RAM, but how much of it.
> >  What processor, how much ram, buss speed, relevant hardware
> >  information. Does it meet the published minimums, or exceeds
> >  those minimums by how much ?
> >
> > --
> > Cowboy
> >
> > http://cowboy.cwf1.com
> >
> > Brook's Law:
> > Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later
> > ___
> > Rivendell-dev mailing list
> > Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org

> > http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
> >___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org

> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev

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Re: [RDD] rlm playlist for an entire day

2015-03-24 Thread ermina


We don't use RLM (did not find out that functionnality when first 
deploying Rivendell and thus solved the problem otherwise) :
We have a bash script listening for "now data" sent by rdairplay on port 
It takes care of every "title info" application we need (website, RDS, 
icecast stream, logging).

For the logging part :

# nowAndNextUpload.sh
while true; do
# treat input string (some applications hate utf-8 characters)
ARTIST=$(echo $RAWDATA | cut -d"-" -f1)
TITLE=$(echo $RAWDATA | cut -d"-" -f2)
ARTIST=${ARTIST//&/ and }
TITLE=${TITLE//&/ and }
ARTIST=$(echo "$ARTIST" | iconv -f utf8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT)
TITLE=$(echo "$TITLE" | iconv -f utf8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT)
ARTMAJ=`echo $ARTIST | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`
TITLEMAJ=`echo $TITLE | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`

#rdailplay sends the info multiple times, thus the condition
if [ ! "$TITLE" = "$PREVTITLE" ]; then
# create xml file with currently playing song
echo "" > ${WPATH}nowPlaying.xml
echo "" >> ${WPATH}nowPlaying.xml
echo "" >> ${WPATH}nowPlaying.xml
echo "" >> ${WPATH}nowPlaying.xml
# append title to daily log with playing starttime
date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
dateh=$(date +"%T")
nline="${dateh} ${ARTIST} - ${TITLE}"
echo $nline >> ${WPATH}${date}_airplay.log

# upload files
ncftpput -u $FTPU -p $FTPPWD $FTPS $FTPF $AIRF

The script is run permanently in a screen on the rdairplay machine with 
this command:

nc -l -u -p  | /home/studio/scripts/nowAndNextUpload.sh

On the website part you just have to write the script you want to do 
whatever you need with the data (ie. display now playing, search form 
for listeners to find a title they heard, etc…)

You could also probably use the reports but i must admit i never really 
understood how those work and how to generate them automatically, seems 
less practical to me for that particular use.

Hope it helps.

On 03/23/2015 05:42 PM, Albert Bruc wrote:


I'm searching a way to have a global playlist of played songs and shows
for each days and print them on my website

any ideas ?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rlm playlist for an entire day

2015-03-24 Thread Marc Steele

We do similar with RDAirPlay set up to send now playing information to a
Perl script over UDP. This is then posted over HTTP to Icecast and
MusicStats at http://musicstats.dlineradio.co.uk. The latter then has a
JSON interface for powering the website over at http://www.nhradio.org.uk/

You could make the script a bit more clever and keep a show's worth of data
before generating a HTML file and FTP-ing it to your web server. We've gone
all out with MusicStats and made it database backed. Something that allows
us to store multiple stations worth for comparison and powering their
websites (should they choose).

It's all down to how clever you want to make it. I've seen some stations
make presenters type out their playlists for the website before!



On 24 March 2015 at 12:36, ermina  wrote:

> Hi,
> We don't use RLM (did not find out that functionnality when first
> deploying Rivendell and thus solved the problem otherwise) :
> We have a bash script listening for "now data" sent by rdairplay on port
> .
> It takes care of every "title info" application we need (website, RDS,
> icecast stream, logging).
> For the logging part :
> #!/bin/bash
> # nowAndNextUpload.sh
> WPATH="/home/studio/scripts/"
> while true; do
> read RAWDATA
> # treat input string (some applications hate utf-8 characters)
> ARTIST=$(echo $RAWDATA | cut -d"-" -f1)
> TITLE=$(echo $RAWDATA | cut -d"-" -f2)
> ARTIST=${ARTIST//&/ and }
> TITLE=${TITLE//&/ and }
> ARTIST=$(echo "$ARTIST" | iconv -f utf8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT)
> TITLE=$(echo "$TITLE" | iconv -f utf8 -t ascii//TRANSLIT)
> ARTMAJ=`echo $ARTIST | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`
> TITLEMAJ=`echo $TITLE | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`
> #rdailplay sends the info multiple times, thus the condition
> if [ ! "$TITLE" = "$PREVTITLE" ]; then
> # create xml file with currently playing song
> echo "" > ${WPATH}nowPlaying.xml
> echo "" >> ${WPATH}nowPlaying.xml
> echo "" >> ${WPATH}nowPlaying.xml
> echo "" >> ${WPATH}nowPlaying.xml
> # append title to daily log with playing starttime
> date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
> dateh=$(date +"%T")
> nline="${dateh} ${ARTIST} - ${TITLE}"
> echo $nline >> ${WPATH}${date}_airplay.log
> # upload files
> FTPU="ftpUser"
> FTPPWD="ftpPassword"
> FTPS="ftpUrl"
> FTPF="destinationFolder"
> AIRF="${WPATH}${date}_airplay.log"
> ncftpput -u $FTPU -p $FTPPWD $FTPS $FTPF $AIRF
> fi
> done
> The script is run permanently in a screen on the rdairplay machine with
> this command:
> nc -l -u -p  | /home/studio/scripts/nowAndNextUpload.sh
> On the website part you just have to write the script you want to do
> whatever you need with the data (ie. display now playing, search form for
> listeners to find a title they heard, etc…)
> You could also probably use the reports but i must admit i never really
> understood how those work and how to generate them automatically, seems
> less practical to me for that particular use.
> Hope it helps.
> On 03/23/2015 05:42 PM, Albert Bruc wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm searching a way to have a global playlist of played songs and shows
>> for each days and print them on my website
>> any ideas ?
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
>>  ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Ingesting a remote stream in Rivendell

2015-03-24 Thread ermina


as others have said, it is possible.

The way i do it:
# live_OB.sh
if [ "$1" = "onAir" ]
# define ip of rdairplay machine
# inform users in the studio
rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} LC\ red\ live\ outside\ stream!
# stop any recording
rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} RR\ 1!
# fade out and stop main log
rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} PS\ 1\ 3000!
# now data and record using a cart specific to the show
rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} RS\ 1\ 10055\ 1\ 1080!
rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} SN\ now\ 1\ 10055!
# manual mode
rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} PM\ 3!

# read stream
# -loop 0 ensures the autoreconnection to the stream if needed
screen -DmS autolive mplayer -loop 0 -af volume=-10:0 -ao 
http://www.myicecastserver.com:8000/myOutsideStream.ogg &

sleep 5s &&
	# this is for monitoring on the studio board, as audio computer does 
not pass through the board

jack_connect extStream:out_0 system:playback_3
jack_connect extStream:out_1 system:playback_4

if [ "$1" = "offAir" ]
pkill mplayer
rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} RR\ 1!
# auto
rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} PM\ 2!
# restart log
rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} PN\ 1!
rmlsend --to-host=${AIR_IP} SN\ now\ 1\ 10001!
rmlsend --to-host= LC\ black\ mainlog\ on\ air!

Then, use crontab for automatic connection and disconnection (be sure 
that the outside stream will be working on time):

00 18   * * 2   /home/studio/scripts/live_OB.sh onAir
00 19   * * 2   /home/studio/scripts/live_OB.sh offAir

Hope it helps.

On 03/22/2015 02:33 AM, Nicholas Young wrote:

I'm in the process of replacing my current automation system with Rivendell, 
and I realized that I still have one question unresolved:

Is it possible to insert a remote stream in Rivendell at a certain time?

Here's the scenario:

We'll be doing a remote broadcast. From the remote location, we will generate a 
new Icecast stream, and uplink it to our central Icecast server. Meanwhile, 
back at our HQ, Rivendell is rocking along playing tunes on full automation. If 
everything works according to plan, Rivendell will grab the new Icecast stream 
and insert it into the queue and play it as a source for the duration of our 
show, then return to normal business, playing out music tracks.

Is this possible?

Thanks for your patience and expertise. I know I've had a lot of posts here, 
and you all have been very gracious and helpful.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

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[RDD] not seeing library

2015-03-24 Thread Chris Howard - CBR

I have a feeling this is a dumb question.

I have removed the 1T original disk from my machine
and installed two 3TB disks and done an install
for 2 mirrored drives using the Appliance DVD  (v2.2.1),
the same version as my original install on the 1TB disk.

I did a backup from RDAdmin when running from
my original disk.

I have copied the library from the old /var/snd
to the new /var/snd.

I have restored from my backup using RDAdmin.

I see my various logs and stuff in the database
but I'm not seeing my library in RDLibrary.
No carts at all.

What am I missing?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] not seeing library

2015-03-24 Thread Wayne Merricks

have you added the new machine as a valid host in rdadmin?

Wayne Merricks
The Voice Asia

On 24/03/15 15:15, Chris Howard - CBR wrote:

I have a feeling this is a dumb question.

I have removed the 1T original disk from my machine
and installed two 3TB disks and done an install
for 2 mirrored drives using the Appliance DVD  (v2.2.1),
the same version as my original install on the 1TB disk.

I did a backup from RDAdmin when running from
my original disk.

I have copied the library from the old /var/snd
to the new /var/snd.

I have restored from my backup using RDAdmin.

I see my various logs and stuff in the database
but I'm not seeing my library in RDLibrary.
No carts at all.

What am I missing?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell-dev Digest, Vol 23, Issue 20

2015-03-24 Thread Marcos Romero
<<< text/html; charset=us-ascii: Unrecognized >>>
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell-dev Digest, Vol 23, Issue 35

2015-03-24 Thread Marcos Romero
<<< text/html; charset=us-ascii: Unrecognized >>>
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Segue Markers in RDImport

2015-03-24 Thread Chuck
On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 17:44:27 -0700
Rich Stivers  wrote:

> When RdImport --segue-level is working correctly, does the value 
> specified with --segue-level correspond to the same scale as the
> level indicator in RdLibrary Edit Audio?

> See attached screen capture. <

  Well, attachments don't work here (you have to post it somewhere else
and put a link to that here), but my answer is yes--roughly.  I'm not
sure what scale the RDLibrary-Edit Audio uses, but in the US, most audio
scales are not linear, especially in representation.  Let's just say
that playing very near the 'start segue' marker where RDImport put that
marker (when it was working correctly) does not light the audio meter at
all, so I assume the level there is lower than -30.

  As I mentioned at one point, our station is not into overlapping
songs, except at the very, very end of a fadeout.  Barring turntable
rumble or scratches from vinyl cuts, that point is conveniently right at
the very point where the graphic representation in Edit Audio disappears
from thickness to the bare skinny base line.  If the RDImport setting
for segue markers is accurate, then that level is -40.

  The biggest part of our library is, thankfully, already imported, but
I sure hope it is possible to get to the bottom of this, because there
are about 4,000 songs from before 1955 yet to import.  I sure can't face
doing those manually.

  Interesting observation--until rock and roll became commonplace around
1960, 99% of recorded songs ended cold with a musical 'button'.  Once
into the 1960's, most songs end with a slow fade, and that continues to
this day.  Making a segue sound good with those fadeouts is a much
tougher proposition than with the cold endings.

  Unfortunately, I cannot testify that some change related to the OS is
not the cause, because I use the same computer for video editing with
Cinelerra and I am constantly upgrading both OS and software because
there is a lot of work going on with Cinelerra these days.  If Rivendell
is chosen as our automation, then that system will be locked down from
changes.  But right now, all I know is that RDImport segue markers were
working perfectly in v2.10.2 and now in v2.10.3 on the same Mint 17
laptop, they are not working acceptably at all.

--Chuck W.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] not seeing library

2015-03-24 Thread Chris Howard - CBR

It was a hostname problem as you suspected.

The rdadmin host was rdhost, but somehow I had set
my /etc/sysconfig/network hostname to rdserv.  That didn't work.

I have adjusted the networking hostname and rebooted
and now I see my library!


Chris Howard

On 3/24/2015 10:46 AM, Wayne Merricks wrote:
> have you added the new machine as a valid host in rdadmin?
> Wayne Merricks
> The Voice Asia
> On 24/03/15 15:15, Chris Howard - CBR wrote:
>> I have a feeling this is a dumb question.
>> I have removed the 1T original disk from my machine
>> and installed two 3TB disks and done an install
>> for 2 mirrored drives using the Appliance DVD  (v2.2.1),
>> the same version as my original install on the 1TB disk.
>> I did a backup from RDAdmin when running from
>> my original disk.
>> I have copied the library from the old /var/snd
>> to the new /var/snd.
>> I have restored from my backup using RDAdmin.
>> I see my various logs and stuff in the database
>> but I'm not seeing my library in RDLibrary.
>> No carts at all.
>> What am I missing?
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
>> http://caspian.paravelsystems.com/mailman/listinfo/rivendell-dev
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
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