[RDD] Scheduler automation

2022-08-22 Thread chris cottingham
Has anyone been able to automate scheduler/log generation? If so, how? 

I want to autogenerate the next days logs at a specific time each day. I would 
really like to know how to script it into a cron job or something similar. 


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[RDD] RDImport question

2022-08-22 Thread chris cottingham

Will rdimport traverse sub folders? Do I need to have all the audio I want to 
import in the root of the import folder?

It’s my understanding that rdimport will import mp3 files and read the 
metadata. It will also “wrap” the imported mp3 files as a “wav” file. Is this 
true as well?

Sent from my iPhone
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Generating an Air Report

2022-01-10 Thread chris cottingham
Check permissions on the directory. My first guess.. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 10, 2022, at 5:15 PM, Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com> wrote:
> I'm guessing that you defined the path as something like:
> ...without including a file name.
> If you define it thus:
> ...that should work, if /home/rd/reports is a writable directory.
> Rob
> --
> Не думай что всё пропели,
> Что бури все отгремели;
> Готовься к великой цели,
> А слава тебя найдёт.
>> On Mon, 10 Jan 2022, Bryan Burchfield wrote:
>> I am new to Rivendell. I am trying to figure out how to generate an Air
>> Report that shows me when things aired on a previous log. I have gone into
>> RDAdmin/Manage Reports and have created an export path. However, when I go
>> to Manage Reports in RDLogManager to attempt to generate a report to that
>> path  I get an error message that says it is unable to open report file in
>> that path. Is there somewhere else I should be looking for such a report or
>> how do I set this up correctly? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
>> Bryan B.
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Re: [RDD] Ransonware attack

2021-12-14 Thread chris cottingham
If I had to guess, Rivendell uses the same user/pass for all SAMBA shares. This 
simplifies administration. All the ransomware would need to do Is scan the host 
for shares and attach. 

So, it complicates your administration but there really needs to be a limited 
account for traffic and scheduling that only allows r/w from those shares and 
explicitly denies access to the audio share. 

Just my $0.02.

On 12/14/21, 10:11 AM, "rivendell-dev-boun...@lists.rivendellaudio.org on 
behalf of Rob Landry"  wrote:

On Fri, 10 Dec 2021, Jake Tremper wrote:

> 2) Network segregation. An infection on the business side is awful and 
> hard to recover from. An infection on the business side that jumps and 
> wipes out the on-air machines is catastrophic. Isolated VLANs, when 
> implemented properly, help greatly in this area.

The problem, unfortunately, is that a traffic machine has to be able to 
write a log file to the automation, and read aired log files from it for 
electronic reconciliation.

Traffic machines are typically on the office network, and are used for 
things like email.

Music scheduling software typically also runs on an office machine. 
Programming people are forever getting songs and syndicated shows off the 
Internet to add to the audio library.

Both of these are potential malware vectors into an automation systems.

The question is: even if someone exploits Samba to drop something onto a 
Rivendell machine, it goes into a Samba-writable folder, not /var/snd. How 
did they leverage that into access to other folders?


Не думай что всё пропели,
Что бури все отгремели;
Готовься к великой цели,
А слава тебя найдёт.

> and, not directly related to this one, but a good concept:
> 3) Untested backups are not backups. Test your backups periodically and
> verify that you can actually recover from them.
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 12:42 PM Tim Camp  wrote:
>   Greetings,
> This past Sunday morning our four station had a cyber attack.
> They gained access through a windows server that we use for traffic
> and bookkeeping.
> Through this connection they exploited samba to place ssh keys on many
> of our linux machines and erased all files on the control room pc's
> and erased /var/snd on our nfs server.
> They encrypted the windows server for ransome and just erased the
> linux machines they got access to.
> Trying to rebuild four radio stations from the ground up.
> We had backup on several drives but they were on the network so they
> got them as well.
> One issue if someone can help me with.
> I have recompiled rivendell on two control rooms and everything works
> except no audio and no meters, Carts act like they are playing but no
> output. I'm sure I have overlooked something, I've been up for days.
> Warning to all that Samba is a weak spot.
> Tim Camp
> Mobile, Al.
> ___
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Re: [RDD] RDImport Notifications

2021-06-26 Thread chris cottingham
I can’t answer the specific rd questions but I can tell you that the 239. 
Address is a multicast address that is only locally relevant. This address will 
not cross a router boundary and requires igmp to be enabled on your switch the 
function properly. 

I’ll let the other guys chime in on what the multicast address is used for. 

N5CWC, 73

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 26, 2021, at 5:29 PM, wa7skg  wrote:
> While working on another issue, I took a look at /var/log/boot.log. I had 
> recently imported a bunch of music to the library with rdimport. I find these 
> entries in boot.log:
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART MODIFY 35741" to 
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: closed connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: cleaned up connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: added new connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 rdxport.cgi: processing RDXPORT_COMMAND_TRIMAUDIO
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART MODIFY 35741" to 
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: closed connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: cleaned up connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART ADD 35741" to 
> First, I don't understand why there are a bunch of Rivendell status stuff in 
> the boot.log to begin with.
> Second, where/what is IP address and why is Rivendell sending 
> any notifications to it? Is this a security thing? Is it required? Can I stop 
> it?
> -- 
> 73,
> Michael WA7SKG
> "Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
> ___
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Re: [RDD] Fwd: Re: New Build Failure

2021-05-06 Thread chris cottingham
I think It’s the boot type. Check for secure boot under the efi settings in 
bios. Set it to legacy boot if you can. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 6, 2021, at 6:41 PM, wa7skg  wrote:
> It initially boots to the DVD and gives a menu from the DVD. It just does 
> not do anything after that. I can go into a command prompt as well as look at 
> BIOS settings. I would assume I could not do that if the RAM was not 
> installed correctly.
> The only peripherals are the mouse, keyboard, and monitor. I've tried both 
> HDMI and VGA monitors with no change. No BIOS settings for the hard drive. It 
> just says it is there. No RAID chips, I don't know what AHCI is.
> Michael
> Jake Tremper wrote on 5/6/21 3:49 PM:
>> Bad or incorrectly installed RAM is the first place I'd start if it won't 
>> even boot a live CD. Next, remove any peripherals 1 by 1 until it boots. If 
>> that fails, look at the different BIOS settings for the hard drive. 
>> Sometimes AHCI or RAID chips are weird and don't want to work right. Good 
>> luck!
>> On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 6:40 PM wa7skg > > wrote:
>>Just built a new computer for Rivendell in our new studio. ASUS Pro
>>B460M-C motherboard with 32G of RAM. Trying to install CentOS7 from DVD
>>I have used on previous installs. On boot, I get a menu asking to
>>install CentOS7, test media & install, or troubleshoot. Regardless of
>>which I choose, the screen blanks, the DVD drive runs for a bit, then
>>nothing happens. I have tried two different DVDs, tried booting to a
>>KNOPPIX DVD, tried booting to a USB stick with the CentOS7 ISO, all
>>the same results.
>>Any ideas?
>>-- 73,
>>Michael WA7SKG
>>"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
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Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-17 Thread chris cottingham
Maybe you can do an intermediary download with a program that can deal with the 
file structure to a folder on your RD server? Then Set RD To import from your 

Just thinking off the top of my head. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 17, 2020, at 3:50 PM, wa7skg  wrote:
> No RSS feed. I tried
> ftp.hostname.com/program/%Y-%m%d/%m%d_program_*.mp3
> but both %d wildcards pull the same day each time. The first one needs to 
> keep Monday's date while the second one does Monday through Friday.
> I need to keep this all within rdcatch, no scripts or exotic solutions. If it 
> can't be done in rdcatch, then the staff will have to go back to manual daily 
> downloads like they were doing prior to Rivendell.
> Michael
> David Klann wrote on 12/17/20 2:32 PM:
>> Hi Michael
>>> On 12/17/20 1:02 PM, you wrote:
>>> Yes, there are more.
>>> One program I need to download has a troublesome file structure.
>>> There is a folder for the program, then a folder for each week beginning
>>> on Monday. The weekly folder holds the files for that week. For example:
>>> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1214/1214_program_episode-name.mp3
>>> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1214/1215_program_episode-name.mp3
>>> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1214/1216_program_episode-name.mp3
>>> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1214/1217_program_episode-name.mp3
>>> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1214/1218_program_episode-name.mp3
>>> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1221/1221_program_episode-name.mp3
>>> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1221/1222_program_episode-name.mp3
>>> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1221/1223_program_episode-name.mp3
>>> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1221/1224_program_episode-name.mp3
>>> ftp.hostname.com/program/2020-1221/1225_program_episode-name.mp3
>> This looks to me like:
>> ftp.hostname.com/program/%Y-%m%d/%m%d_program_episode-name.mp3
>> This only works if "program_episode-name" does not change from episode
>> to episode. At this time, Rivendell does not support arbitrary
>> differences in download filenames. Does this program have an RSS feed?
>> If so, I might be able to help with a script I wrote specifically for
>> downloading and ingesting audio from an RSS feed.
>>~David Klann
>>> etc.
>>> I can't figure out how to set up a wildcard to deal with the weekly
>>> folder with Monday's date.
>>> This is a popular program that quite a few stations carry, so I'm sure
>>> there must be a way to automate it.
>>> Thanks for any ideas.
>>> Michael
>>> ___
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Re: [RDD] CentOS Install Issues

2020-11-26 Thread chris cottingham
I assume that you have burned the iso to a disk? If so, I recommend using Rufus 
to make the bootable iso. I use Balancia Etcher to make bootable usb drives. I 
have found that other image burning software does not properly burn the ISO’s. 
Rufus also has a nice drop down box to choose bios or efi bootable images. I 
think you have made an efi bootable image for a computer that only supports 
bios. Just my guess. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 25, 2020, at 7:38 PM, wa7skg  wrote:
> Okay, I didn't think about that. But the computer should at least boot to 
> the ISO, shouldn't it? I tried with a newer I5 Optiplex 745 (which, I 
> believe, is 64 bit) and I can't get it to boot to the DVD either.
> Michael
> chris cottingham wrote on 11/25/20 7:21 PM:
>> The Pentium 4 is a 32 bit CPU. CentOS 7 is 64 bit only. You need a Core2duo 
>> or better CPU to run CentOS 7.
>> I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Nov 25, 2020, at 6:14 PM, wa7skg  wrote:
>>> Trying to set up an old computer to play with Rivendell. It is an old 
>>> homebuilt Pentium 4 from long ago. I downloaded the Centos7 minimum install 
>>> ISO and burned it to a DVD. I also burned it to a USB stick. I can't get 
>>> the computer to boot to either one. I've set the boot order to DVD then HD 
>>> and boot from USB is enabled. The DVD drive flashes like it is reading, but 
>>> it doesn't boot. The screen blinks a bit, then tries to boot from the hard 
>>> drive. I used Brasero to burn the ISO to the DVD. It looks right as best as 
>>> I can tell, but it has been 10 years since I have done this.
>>> Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? Maybe the hardware is too 
>>> old to boot to the new ISO?
>>> Thanks.
>>> -- 
>>> 73,
>>> Michael WA7SKG
>>> "Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] CentOS Install Issues

2020-11-25 Thread chris cottingham
The Pentium 4 is a 32 bit CPU. CentOS 7 is 64 bit only. You need a Core2duo or 
better CPU to run CentOS 7. 

I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 25, 2020, at 6:14 PM, wa7skg  wrote:
> Trying to set up an old computer to play with Rivendell. It is an old 
> homebuilt Pentium 4 from long ago. I downloaded the Centos7 minimum install 
> ISO and burned it to a DVD. I also burned it to a USB stick. I can't get the 
> computer to boot to either one. I've set the boot order to DVD then HD and 
> boot from USB is enabled. The DVD drive flashes like it is reading, but it 
> doesn't boot. The screen blinks a bit, then tries to boot from the hard 
> drive. I used Brasero to burn the ISO to the DVD. It looks right as best as I 
> can tell, but it has been 10 years since I have done this.
> Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? Maybe the hardware is too old 
> to boot to the new ISO?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> 73,
> Michael WA7SKG
> "Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
> ___
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Re: [RDD] ASI6122 Cables

2020-11-20 Thread chris cottingham
Search eBay as well. This is where I found the bob boxes for my install.

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> On Nov 20, 2020, at 12:40 PM, wa7skg  wrote:
> Thanks, Andy. That helps. Now to find one.
> Michael
> Andy Higginson wrote on 11/20/20 2:49 AM:
>> Hi,
>> I've had a quick look and found this page on the Audio Science website.  
>> It's got the info that you need for the pinouts. 
>> https://audioscience.com/internet/products/cables/cables.htm
>> I hope this helps
>> Andy
>>  On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 03:54:07 + *wa7skg > >* wrote 
>>Back into broadcast after a long absence. Putting together a Rivendell
>>system and found an ASI6122 card on eBay. Audioscience no longer has
>>documentation available on this card. Can anyone tell me what cable I
>>need for the analog side of this card? I assume its still some kind of
>>SCSI connector. I'll probably need a SCSI to Centronics cable and hook
>>it to a punch block.
>>Thanks for any info.
>>-- 73,
>>Michael WA7SKG
>>"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
>>Rivendell-dev mailing list
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[RDD] Virtual Keyboard for CentOS 7 Instructions

2020-09-18 Thread chris cottingham
I see the wiki lists the install procedure for Debian. Can someone provide 
instructions for installing a virtual keyboard for CentOS 7 and Rivendell v3?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDPlay and resizing

2020-09-17 Thread chris cottingham
I cannot seem to resize the Rivendell windows. I can only drag them around. Is 
this expected behavior?

Is there a way to resize the RDplay and other windows to match a higher 

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Now and Next Data Missing from RDairplay

2020-09-16 Thread chris cottingham
That's what I needed!

Thanks everyone!

On 9/16/20, 5:45 AM, "David Klann"  wrote:

Hey chris,

The setting of Now & Next data depends on the version of Rivendell 
you're using. It sounds to me as if you're using Version 3.X. If that's 
the case look for a button labeled "PyPAD Instances" in the 
RDAdmin->Manage Hosts..." window (the same "button cluster" as the 
"RDAirplay" button).

The button *was* in the place you're looking for it in the pre-3.X versions.

Hope this helps!

   ~David Klann

On 9/16/20 12:06 AM, chris cottingham wrote:
> I am trying to setup now playing data export. I have read online that I 
> need to configure this via RDadmin-Manage 
> Hosts-%Host%-RDairplay-Configure now & next data. But I do not have the 
> button to press under my RDairplay for my host. It is missing.
> How do I enable this feature or where do I find this button since it is 
> not where the manual says it is.
> Thanks!

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Now and Next Data Missing from RDairplay

2020-09-15 Thread chris cottingham
I am trying to setup now playing data export. I have read online that I need to 
configure this via RDadmin-Manage Hosts-%Host%-RDairplay-Configure now & next 
data. But I do not have the button to press under my RDairplay for my host. It 
is missing.

How do I enable this feature or where do I find this button since it is not 
where the manual says it is.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] VoiceTrack setup in Clocks

2020-08-02 Thread chris cottingham
Thank you!

I created my logs with voicetracks.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 2, 2020, at 7:04 PM, David Klann  wrote:
> Hey chris,
>> On 8/2/20 5:54 PM, chris cottingham wrote:
>> How do I create an event in RDLogManager for Voicetracking? I want to 
>> utilize the built in scheduler and create logs with Voicetracks already 
>> setup.
>> I know I can manually add the markers in the RDLogEdit. I would like to 
>> automatically create them when I generate my logs.
>> I am not using an external music scheduler.
>> Any help is appreciated!
> I just updated the text in the Rivendell Wiki article about how to "do 
> automation": http://wiki.rivendellaudio.org/index.php/Log_Creation
> Search that article for "voice track" (with a ) and you'll find 
> your answer. I recommend reading the whole article.
> Hope this helps!
>   ~David
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] VoiceTrack setup in Clocks

2020-08-02 Thread chris cottingham
How do I create an event in RDLogManager for Voicetracking? I want to utilize 
the built in scheduler and create logs with Voicetracks already setup.

I know I can manually add the markers in the RDLogEdit. I would like to 
automatically create them when I generate my logs.

I am not using an external music scheduler.

Any help is appreciated!

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] ASI 6518 Config - Need a hand configuring

2020-07-27 Thread chris cottingham
Figured it out. Modprobe for the Win!!

Its all working now. Thanks for the help!

From: Nick Andre 
Date: Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 4:44 PM
To: chris cottingham 
Cc: "rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org" 

Subject: Re: [RDD] ASI 6518 Config - Need a hand configuring

If you compiled everything correctly you should be able to run asihpitest and 
play audio.

Usually a problem like they means the module didn’t get installed and loaded 
properly. Try modprobe asihpi. The module naming is a bit inconsistent which 
can be confusing to get it working with dkms and whatnot.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 1:23 PM chris cottingham 
mailto:icepic...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Does anyone have a step by step install guide to get this card working with RD?

I can see the card in my HPInfo v1.0.2 but RDAlsaConfig v2.19.3 shows it as an 
[invalid card].

Any ideas?


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Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] ASI 6518 Config - Need a hand configuring

2020-07-24 Thread chris cottingham
Does anyone have a step by step install guide to get this card working with RD?

I can see the card in my HPInfo v1.0.2 but RDAlsaConfig v2.19.3 shows it as an 
[invalid card].

Any ideas?


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