Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2014-03-12 Thread WMFO Assistant General Manager
So as we were about to begin writing the utility, we found the:

sudo rdmarkerset --group=MUSIC --auto-trim=-50 --verbose

Therein lies your fix! Thanks, all!

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 11:54 AM, WMFO Assistant General Manager <> wrote:

> Thanks! That should do the trick.
> On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Fred Gleason wrote:
>> On Dec 6, 2013, at 18:03 06, WMFO Assistant General Manager 
>> wrote:
>> > So where is the true LENGTH stored?
>> >   1. In the WAV file only (as RDLibrary "Edit Markers" does open
>> the actual WAV file, so it could feasibly retrieve the information there)
>> >   2. Somewhere else in the database I haven't found
>> Number 1.  The Single Point Of Truth.
>> > If 1 is the case, this may be a "painful and slow PHP script fix" fix.
>> Can anyone offer wisdom here?
>> It may not be as bad as you fear.  You can get hold of the absolute
>> length fairly easily by using the 'AudioInfo' RDXport services call.  For
>> example, doing something like:
>> *** snip snip ***
>> curl -d
>> http://localhost/rd-bin/rdxport.cgi
>> *** snip snip ***
>> will get you back something like:
>> *** snip snip ***
>>   99
>>   1
>>   1
>>   2
>>   48000
>>   483328
>>   10069
>> *** snip snip ***
>> The  field is the absolute length of the audio file in mS.
>> There is a much nicer HTML implementation (used for testing and
>> validation) in 'web/tests/audioinfo.html'; the production C++
>> implementation can be found in 'lib/rdaudioinfo.[cpp,h].
>> Cheers!
>> |-|
>> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer
>> |
>> |   |   Paravel Systems
>> |
>> |-|
>> | The wise man doesn't give the right answers,
>>  |
>> | he poses the right questions.
>> |
>> | -- Claude Levi-Strauss
>>  |
>> |-|
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> --
> Nicholas Andre
> Willy Kite
> Assistant General Managers
> WMFO 91.5 Medford

Nicholas Andre

Willy Kite

Assistant General Managers
WMFO 91.5 Medford
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-22 Thread WMFO Assistant General Manager
I second the ability to bulk change markers.

Currently working on a method to revise the auto trim from -30 to -60 for
280,000 songs per my other thread.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Jim Stewart  wrote:

>  If someone is planning to look at this code, here is another feature
> request:
> Because I use the command-line mode of rdimport to import music in bulk,
> It would be nice to be able to turn off the “Fade on Segue” flag as a
> command line option too.
> Although I’m sure it is a lot more work, it would also be nice to be able
> to do “bulk” changes like this in rdlibrary too.  For example, a way to do
> multiple selections then change various parameters found in the “Edit
> Markers” section such as the above mentioned flag, and “Cut Gain”.  It
> would also be nice to be able to be able to recompute then set segue start
> points and cut start points based on new changes in thresholds or “fixed”
> defaults in some sort of quick or “bulk” way too.
>  While I’m on a role, here is another one:  In the “Edit Clocks” section
> of rdlogmanager, it would be nice to click on the actual slice in the pie
> chart to bring up the properties of the event like you do from the linear
> list next to it.  At the very least it would be nice if after making a
> change, if the list would stay scrolled where you last left it instead of
> always returning to the top.
> Hey, but in general Rivendell has been working quite well for us.  I did
> solve an earlier problem I was having with the RML commands “JC” and “JD”.
> It turns out that if you aren’t careful with the order that you load
> “ripcd” and “caed” (as in you should load “caed” first)  then most
> everything will appear to work normally except for “JC” and “JD”!  I find
> it odd that this was the only effect of this I could find.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

Nicholas Andre

Willy Kite

Assistant General Managers
WMFO 91.5 Medford
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-07 Thread WMFO Assistant General Manager
Thanks! That should do the trick.

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Fred Gleason wrote:

> On Dec 6, 2013, at 18:03 06, WMFO Assistant General Manager 
> wrote:
> > So where is the true LENGTH stored?
> >   1. In the WAV file only (as RDLibrary "Edit Markers" does open the
> actual WAV file, so it could feasibly retrieve the information there)
> >   2. Somewhere else in the database I haven't found
> Number 1.  The Single Point Of Truth.
> > If 1 is the case, this may be a "painful and slow PHP script fix" fix.
> Can anyone offer wisdom here?
> It may not be as bad as you fear.  You can get hold of the absolute length
> fairly easily by using the ‘AudioInfo’ RDXport services call.  For example,
> doing something like:
> *** snip snip ***
> curl -d
> http://localhost/rd-bin/rdxport.cgi
> *** snip snip ***
> will get you back something like:
> *** snip snip ***
>   99
>   1
>   1
>   2
>   48000
>   483328
>   10069
> *** snip snip ***
> The  field is the absolute length of the audio file in mS.
> There is a much nicer HTML implementation (used for testing and
> validation) in ‘web/tests/audioinfo.html’; the production C++
> implementation can be found in ‘lib/rdaudioinfo.[cpp,h].
> Cheers!
> |-|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
> |   |   Paravel Systems   |
> |-|
> | The wise man doesn't give the right answers,|
> | he poses the right questions.   |
> | -- Claude Levi-Strauss  |
> |-|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

Nicholas Andre

Willy Kite

Assistant General Managers
WMFO 91.5 Medford
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-07 Thread Fred Gleason
On Dec 6, 2013, at 18:03 06, WMFO Assistant General Manager  

> So where is the true LENGTH stored?
>   1. In the WAV file only (as RDLibrary "Edit Markers" does open the 
> actual WAV file, so it could feasibly retrieve the information there)
>   2. Somewhere else in the database I haven't found

Number 1.  The Single Point Of Truth.

> If 1 is the case, this may be a "painful and slow PHP script fix" fix. Can 
> anyone offer wisdom here?

It may not be as bad as you fear.  You can get hold of the absolute length 
fairly easily by using the ‘AudioInfo’ RDXport services call.  For example, 
doing something like:

*** snip snip ***
curl -d 
*** snip snip ***

will get you back something like:

*** snip snip ***


*** snip snip ***

The  field is the absolute length of the audio file in mS.

There is a much nicer HTML implementation (used for testing and validation) in 
‘web/tests/audioinfo.html’; the production C++ implementation can be found in 


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
|   |   Paravel Systems   |
| The wise man doesn't give the right answers,|
| he poses the right questions.   |
| -- Claude Levi-Strauss  |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-06 Thread WMFO Assistant General Manager
I'm looking for the best way to readjust the trim on 280,000 songs because
an unnoticed auto trim level was too agressive for a portion of the music
in my library.

To do this I have to know the absolute length of the song, and I'm curious
if there's an easier way to do that other than to calculate it based on
every one of those 280,000 WAV files.

I'm getting worried that there is no magical shortcut here. WAV php

On Friday, December 6, 2013, John Anderson wrote:

> how about stop bitching, and if your music is that complicated, simply
> edit the cuts as you need them...
> Honestly, there are a bunch of us, who use autotrim, and it works
> perfectly..
> I don't know your format, but i've personally used it with talk, Gospel,
> funk to 40, and several other formats, without a problem...
> what is your format...and why are you having such a problem?
>   On Friday, December 6, 2013 6:03 PM, WMFO Assistant General Manager <
>> wrote:
>  FYI for those following this: The above query does not work as intended.
> The schema here appears to be LENGTH = END_POINT - START_POINT but more
> importantly that LEGNTH != the actual length of the file. You can verify
> this by running:
> Or similar. Then open RDLibrary and EDIT->Edit Markers and change the "Cut
> End" setting. Running the query above for a second time will show you that
> the LENGTH field in the database has been altered.
> So where is the true LENGTH stored?
>1. In the WAV file only (as RDLibrary "Edit Markers" does open the
>actual WAV file, so it could feasibly retrieve the information there)
>2. Somewhere else in the database I haven't found
> If 1 is the case, this may be a "painful and slow PHP script fix" fix. Can
> anyone offer wisdom here?
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:48 PM, Max Goldstein, Operations Director <
>> wrote:
> I've modified the SQL directly before. It hadn't quite clicked that you
> can use LENGTH on the right side of an equals sign. Thanks for the query.
>  Thanks,
> Max Goldstein
> Operations Director
> WMFO Medford
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:13 PM, Karl Koscher  wrote:
> Probably the easiest (but somewhat hackish) way to do it is directly from
> the mysql CLI. Grab the password from /etc/rd.conf, and do the following:
> $ mysql -u rduser -p
> Enter password:
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 17818
> Server version: 5.5.34-0ubuntu0.12.04.1-log (Ubuntu)
> Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights
> reserved.
> Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
> affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
> owners.
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
> statement.
> mysql> use Rivendell;
> Reading table information for completion of table and column names
> You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
>  Database changed
> mysql> update CUTS set START_POINT = 0, END_POINT = LENGTH where
> CART_NUMBER >= 10010 and CART_NUMBER <= 10178;
> Query OK, 168 rows affected (0.09 sec)
> Rows matched: 168  Changed: 168  Warnings: 0
> mysql> quit
> Bye
> Of course, you'll probably want to change the start and end cart numbers.
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Max Goldstein, Operations Director <
>> wrote:
> Good to hear nothing was permanently lost. If we wanted to push the Start
> and Stop markers to the ends of every cut/cart in a particular group as a
> batch operati

Nicholas Andre

Willy Kite

Assistant General Managers
WMFO 91.5 Medford
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-06 Thread WMFO Assistant General Manager
FYI for those following this: The above query does not work as intended.

The schema here appears to be LENGTH = END_POINT - START_POINT but more
importantly that LEGNTH != the actual length of the file. You can verify
this by running:


Or similar. Then open RDLibrary and EDIT->Edit Markers and change the "Cut
End" setting. Running the query above for a second time will show you that
the LENGTH field in the database has been altered.

So where is the true LENGTH stored?

   1. In the WAV file only (as RDLibrary "Edit Markers" does open the
   actual WAV file, so it could feasibly retrieve the information there)
   2. Somewhere else in the database I haven't found

If 1 is the case, this may be a "painful and slow PHP script fix" fix. Can
anyone offer wisdom here?

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:48 PM, Max Goldstein, Operations Director <> wrote:

> I've modified the SQL directly before. It hadn't quite clicked that you
> can use LENGTH on the right side of an equals sign. Thanks for the query.
> Thanks,
> Max Goldstein
> Operations Director
> WMFO Medford
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:13 PM, Karl Koscher  wrote:
>> Probably the easiest (but somewhat hackish) way to do it is directly from
>> the mysql CLI. Grab the password from /etc/rd.conf, and do the following:
>> $ mysql -u rduser -p
>> Enter password:
>> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
>> Your MySQL connection id is 17818
>> Server version: 5.5.34-0ubuntu0.12.04.1-log (Ubuntu)
>> Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights
>> reserved.
>> Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
>> affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
>> owners.
>> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
>> statement.
>> mysql> use Rivendell;
>> Reading table information for completion of table and column names
>> You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
>>  Database changed
>> mysql> update CUTS set START_POINT = 0, END_POINT = LENGTH where
>> CART_NUMBER >= 10010 and CART_NUMBER <= 10178;
>> Query OK, 168 rows affected (0.09 sec)
>> Rows matched: 168  Changed: 168  Warnings: 0
>> mysql> quit
>> Bye
>> Of course, you'll probably want to change the start and end cart numbers.
>> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Max Goldstein, Operations Director <
>>> wrote:
>>> Good to hear nothing was permanently lost. If we wanted to push the
>>> Start and Stop markers to the ends of every cut/cart in a particular group
>>> as a batch operation, what do you suggest?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Max Goldstein
>>> Operations Director
>>> WMFO Medford
>>> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Andy Sayler  wrote:
 Thanks, Fred!

 On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Fred Gleason 

> On Dec 2, 2013, at 10:49 08, Andy Sayler  wrote:
> > I think the issue for us is that it seems to be set to -30 dBFS by
> default (i.e. if you don't use the auto trim flag at all). Can anyone
> confirm that?
> Yes, that is correct for versions through v2.5.5.
> > Also, does the auto trim setting actually affect the output wav
> file, or just it just affect metadata (e.g. by setting a cutoff in the
> database, etc). Asked another way, is there a way to adjust/undo the
> auto-trim setting for tracks that have already been imported?
> It affects only the positioning of the Start and Stop markers.  The
> underlying audio for the entire track as input is intact in the audio 
> store.
> So yes, this can be changed in RDLibrary to ‘get back’ the missing
> fades.
> Cheers!
> |-|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer
> |
> |   |   Paravel Systems
> |
> |-|
> |   Call on God, but row away from the rocks.
> |
> |  -- Indian proverb
> |-|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>>> http:

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-02 Thread Max Goldstein, Operations Director
I've modified the SQL directly before. It hadn't quite clicked that you can
use LENGTH on the right side of an equals sign. Thanks for the query.


Max Goldstein
Operations Director
WMFO Medford

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:13 PM, Karl Koscher  wrote:

> Probably the easiest (but somewhat hackish) way to do it is directly from
> the mysql CLI. Grab the password from /etc/rd.conf, and do the following:
> $ mysql -u rduser -p
> Enter password:
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 17818
> Server version: 5.5.34-0ubuntu0.12.04.1-log (Ubuntu)
> Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights
> reserved.
> Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
> affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
> owners.
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
> statement.
> mysql> use Rivendell;
> Reading table information for completion of table and column names
> You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
>  Database changed
> mysql> update CUTS set START_POINT = 0, END_POINT = LENGTH where
> CART_NUMBER >= 10010 and CART_NUMBER <= 10178;
> Query OK, 168 rows affected (0.09 sec)
> Rows matched: 168  Changed: 168  Warnings: 0
> mysql> quit
> Bye
> Of course, you'll probably want to change the start and end cart numbers.
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Max Goldstein, Operations Director <
>> wrote:
>> Good to hear nothing was permanently lost. If we wanted to push the Start
>> and Stop markers to the ends of every cut/cart in a particular group as a
>> batch operation, what do you suggest?
>> Thanks,
>> Max Goldstein
>> Operations Director
>> WMFO Medford
>> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Andy Sayler  wrote:
>>> Thanks, Fred!
>>> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Fred Gleason 
>>> wrote:
 On Dec 2, 2013, at 10:49 08, Andy Sayler  wrote:

 > I think the issue for us is that it seems to be set to -30 dBFS by
 default (i.e. if you don't use the auto trim flag at all). Can anyone
 confirm that?

 Yes, that is correct for versions through v2.5.5.

 > Also, does the auto trim setting actually affect the output wav file,
 or just it just affect metadata (e.g. by setting a cutoff in the database,
 etc). Asked another way, is there a way to adjust/undo the auto-trim
 setting for tracks that have already been imported?

 It affects only the positioning of the Start and Stop markers.  The
 underlying audio for the entire track as input is intact in the audio 

 So yes, this can be changed in RDLibrary to ‘get back’ the missing


 | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer
 |   |   Paravel Systems

 |   Call on God, but row away from the rocks.
 |  -- Indian proverb


 Rivendell-dev mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-02 Thread Karl Koscher
Probably the easiest (but somewhat hackish) way to do it is directly from
the mysql CLI. Grab the password from /etc/rd.conf, and do the following:

$ mysql -u rduser -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 17818
Server version: 5.5.34-0ubuntu0.12.04.1-log (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

mysql> use Rivendell;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> update CUTS set START_POINT = 0, END_POINT = LENGTH where
CART_NUMBER >= 10010 and CART_NUMBER <= 10178;
Query OK, 168 rows affected (0.09 sec)
Rows matched: 168  Changed: 168  Warnings: 0

mysql> quit

Of course, you'll probably want to change the start and end cart numbers.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Max Goldstein, Operations Director <> wrote:

> Good to hear nothing was permanently lost. If we wanted to push the Start
> and Stop markers to the ends of every cut/cart in a particular group as a
> batch operation, what do you suggest?
> Thanks,
> Max Goldstein
> Operations Director
> WMFO Medford
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Andy Sayler  wrote:
>> Thanks, Fred!
>> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Fred Gleason wrote:
>>> On Dec 2, 2013, at 10:49 08, Andy Sayler  wrote:
>>> > I think the issue for us is that it seems to be set to -30 dBFS by
>>> default (i.e. if you don't use the auto trim flag at all). Can anyone
>>> confirm that?
>>> Yes, that is correct for versions through v2.5.5.
>>> > Also, does the auto trim setting actually affect the output wav file,
>>> or just it just affect metadata (e.g. by setting a cutoff in the database,
>>> etc). Asked another way, is there a way to adjust/undo the auto-trim
>>> setting for tracks that have already been imported?
>>> It affects only the positioning of the Start and Stop markers.  The
>>> underlying audio for the entire track as input is intact in the audio store.
>>> So yes, this can be changed in RDLibrary to ‘get back’ the missing fades.
>>> Cheers!
>>> |-|
>>> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer
>>>   |
>>> |   |   Paravel Systems
>>>   |
>>> |-|
>>> |   Call on God, but row away from the rocks.
>>>   |
>>> |  -- Indian proverb
>>>  |
>>> |-|
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-02 Thread Max Goldstein, Operations Director
Good to hear nothing was permanently lost. If we wanted to push the Start
and Stop markers to the ends of every cut/cart in a particular group as a
batch operation, what do you suggest?


Max Goldstein
Operations Director
WMFO Medford

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Andy Sayler  wrote:

> Thanks, Fred!
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Fred Gleason wrote:
>> On Dec 2, 2013, at 10:49 08, Andy Sayler  wrote:
>> > I think the issue for us is that it seems to be set to -30 dBFS by
>> default (i.e. if you don't use the auto trim flag at all). Can anyone
>> confirm that?
>> Yes, that is correct for versions through v2.5.5.
>> > Also, does the auto trim setting actually affect the output wav file,
>> or just it just affect metadata (e.g. by setting a cutoff in the database,
>> etc). Asked another way, is there a way to adjust/undo the auto-trim
>> setting for tracks that have already been imported?
>> It affects only the positioning of the Start and Stop markers.  The
>> underlying audio for the entire track as input is intact in the audio store.
>> So yes, this can be changed in RDLibrary to ‘get back’ the missing fades.
>> Cheers!
>> |-|
>> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer
>> |
>> |   |   Paravel Systems
>> |
>> |-|
>> |   Call on God, but row away from the rocks.
>> |
>> |  -- Indian proverb
>>  |
>> |-|
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-02 Thread Jim Stewart
If someone is planning to look at this code, here is another feature request:

Because I use the command-line mode of rdimport to import music in bulk, It 
would be nice to be able to turn off the "Fade on Segue" flag as a command line 
option too.

Although I'm sure it is a lot more work, it would also be nice to be able to do 
"bulk" changes like this in rdlibrary too.  For example, a way to do multiple 
selections then change various parameters found in the "Edit Markers" section 
such as the above mentioned flag, and "Cut Gain".  It would also be nice to be 
able to be able to recompute then set segue start points and cut start points 
based on new changes in thresholds or "fixed" defaults in some sort of quick or 
"bulk" way too.
While I'm on a role, here is another one:  In the "Edit Clocks" section of 
rdlogmanager, it would be nice to click on the actual slice in the pie chart to 
bring up the properties of the event like you do from the linear list next to 
it.  At the very least it would be nice if after making a change, if the list 
would stay scrolled where you last left it instead of always returning to the 

Hey, but in general Rivendell has been working quite well for us.  I did solve 
an earlier problem I was having with the RML commands "JC" and "JD".  It turns 
out that if you aren't careful with the order that you load "ripcd" and "caed" 
(as in you should load "caed" first)  then most everything will appear to work 
normally except for "JC" and "JD"!  I find it odd that this was the only effect 
of this I could find.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-02 Thread Andy Sayler
Thanks, Fred!

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Fred Gleason wrote:

> On Dec 2, 2013, at 10:49 08, Andy Sayler  wrote:
> > I think the issue for us is that it seems to be set to -30 dBFS by
> default (i.e. if you don't use the auto trim flag at all). Can anyone
> confirm that?
> Yes, that is correct for versions through v2.5.5.
> > Also, does the auto trim setting actually affect the output wav file, or
> just it just affect metadata (e.g. by setting a cutoff in the database,
> etc). Asked another way, is there a way to adjust/undo the auto-trim
> setting for tracks that have already been imported?
> It affects only the positioning of the Start and Stop markers.  The
> underlying audio for the entire track as input is intact in the audio store.
> So yes, this can be changed in RDLibrary to ‘get back’ the missing fades.
> Cheers!
> |-|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
> |   |   Paravel Systems   |
> |-|
> |   Call on God, but row away from the rocks. |
> |  -- Indian proverb  |
> |-|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-02 Thread Fred Gleason
On Dec 2, 2013, at 10:49 08, Andy Sayler  wrote:

> I think the issue for us is that it seems to be set to -30 dBFS by default 
> (i.e. if you don't use the auto trim flag at all). Can anyone confirm that?

Yes, that is correct for versions through v2.5.5.

> Also, does the auto trim setting actually affect the output wav file, or just 
> it just affect metadata (e.g. by setting a cutoff in the database, etc). 
> Asked another way, is there a way to adjust/undo the auto-trim setting for 
> tracks that have already been imported?

It affects only the positioning of the Start and Stop markers.  The underlying 
audio for the entire track as input is intact in the audio store.

So yes, this can be changed in RDLibrary to ‘get back’ the missing fades.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
|   |   Paravel Systems   |
|   Call on God, but row away from the rocks. |
|  -- Indian proverb  |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-02 Thread Fred Gleason
On Dec 2, 2013, at 06:50 44, Rob Landry <> wrote:

> Whenever I've used auto-trim I've set it to -50 dBFS. The higher level may be 
> appropriate in a talk format but not for music.

Which was indeed the context when this value was originally set back in the 
Neolithic Age (ca 2002).

I agree that it is a rather unhappy default.  I’ve just changed it to ‘off’.  
Committed in CVS-v2_branch.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
|   |   Paravel Systems   |
|   Call on God, but row away from the rocks. |
|  -- Indian proverb  |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-02 Thread Andy Sayler
I think the issue for us is that it seems to be set to -30 dBFS by default
(i.e. if you don't use the auto trim flag at all). Can anyone confirm that?
That's how we ended up having it mangle our music unintentionally.

Also, does the auto trim setting actually affect the output wav file, or
just it just affect metadata (e.g. by setting a cutoff in the database,
etc). Asked another way, is there a way to adjust/undo the auto-trim
setting for tracks that have already been imported?

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 4:50 AM, Rob Landry <> wrote:

> Whenever I've used auto-trim I've set it to -50 dBFS. The higher level may
> be appropriate in a talk format but not for music.
> Rob
> WHRB 95.3 Cambridge, among others
> On Sun, 1 Dec 2013, WMFO Assistant General Manager wrote:
>  I discovered when doing some manual imports with rdimport that the "auto
>> trim" setting is, by default, set to -30 dBFS. This should be, by default,
>> OFF (set to --auto-trim=0).
>> Let me explain to you why this is a terrible idea and why we have
>> butchered
>> a portion of our music library by not carefully analyzing the stderr
>> output
>> to realize what exactly this binary was doing:
>> A hypothetical song has a fade out. This starts from its average reading
>> of
>> -10 dBFS and fades linearly to -96 dBFS. At -30 dBFS (25% of the way into
>> this fade), the import will abruptly cease and the rest of the fade will
>> be
>> discarded. The result is that instead of the track fading uniformly, it
>> will
>> start to fade and then click off awkwardly.
>> Now, it's likely that there exists a use case to which this is beneficial
>> (why else would the feature be there), but this absolutely screams like it
>> wants to be a DEFAULT OFF feature (like the damn fade between songs in
>> iTunes...).
>> --
>> Nicholas
>> Assistant General Manager
>> WMFO 91.5 Medford
>>  ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-02 Thread Rob Landry

Whenever I've used auto-trim I've set it to -50 dBFS. The higher level may 
be appropriate in a talk format but not for music.

WHRB 95.3 Cambridge, among others

On Sun, 1 Dec 2013, WMFO Assistant General Manager wrote:

I discovered when doing some manual imports with rdimport that the "auto
trim" setting is, by default, set to -30 dBFS. This should be, by default,
OFF (set to --auto-trim=0).
Let me explain to you why this is a terrible idea and why we have butchered
a portion of our music library by not carefully analyzing the stderr output
to realize what exactly this binary was doing:

A hypothetical song has a fade out. This starts from its average reading of
-10 dBFS and fades linearly to -96 dBFS. At -30 dBFS (25% of the way into
this fade), the import will abruptly cease and the rest of the fade will be
discarded. The result is that instead of the track fading uniformly, it will
start to fade and then click off awkwardly.

Now, it's likely that there exists a use case to which this is beneficial
(why else would the feature be there), but this absolutely screams like it
wants to be a DEFAULT OFF feature (like the damn fade between songs in


Assistant General Manager
WMFO 91.5 Medford

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Auto Trim Setting

2013-12-01 Thread WMFO Assistant General Manager
I discovered when doing some manual imports with rdimport that the "auto
trim" setting is, by default, set to -30 dBFS. This should be, by default,
OFF (set to --auto-trim=0).

Let me explain to you why this is a terrible idea and why we have butchered
a portion of our music library by not carefully analyzing the stderr output
to realize what exactly this binary was doing:

A hypothetical song has a fade out. This starts from its average reading of
-10 dBFS and fades linearly to -96 dBFS. At -30 dBFS (25% of the way into
this fade), the import will abruptly cease and the rest of the fade will be
discarded. The result is that instead of the track fading uniformly, it
will start to fade and then click off awkwardly.

Now, it's likely that there exists a use case to which this is beneficial
(why else would the feature be there), but this absolutely screams like it
wants to be a DEFAULT OFF feature (like the damn fade between songs in

Nicholas Andre

Assistant General Manager
WMFO 91.5 Medford
Rivendell-dev mailing list