[Rosegarden-user] work flow irritants

2020-12-31 Thread steve conrad
I was recently working on an audio project in RG using an existing midi as
a guide track and encountered a couple of pesky issues I haven't run up
against before.

The midi I imported (understandably) didn't have any audio track, so I
added eight of them at one go via tracks->add tracks Doing so has the
unfortunate result that all of them come up as audio #1 rather than audio
#1-8 as might be expected and as is the case in a new empty file. As such,
they have no independent volume control and are all on the same effects
bus. A suboptimal arrangement.

While the solution was simply to manually change them to audio #1 through
audio #8,  it  didn't jump right out at me until after a bit of thinking,
never having come across this particular situation in my 15+ years of using

Is this a bug or a feature?

My second irritant is that it is no longer possible to copy and paste
between separate invocations of RG. I distinctly remember having done so in
the past. That is to say, if I have a part in one file that I wish to paste
into another, it won't do to open them both up in seperate invocations of
RG and copy and paste between them (as I have done at some point in the
distant past). The clipboard is not shared between the two instances of RG.

Instead, I have to open one file, copy the stuff I want, close that file
and open the other. Ok if it's just one copy and paste operation, but get
pretty darn tedious  if I want to transplant several chunks.

I struggle to imagine a context in which I would prefer the current
behaviour to the old one, but maybe there's a perfectly good reason for it
in someone's eyes.
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Re: [Rosegarden-user] work flow irritants

2021-01-02 Thread Ted Felix

On 12/31/20 4:50 PM, steve conrad wrote:
The midi I imported (understandably) didn't have any audio track, so I 
added eight of them at one go via tracks->add tracks Doing so has 
the unfortunate result that all of them come up as audio #1 rather than 
audio #1-8 as might be expected and as is the case in a new empty file.

  Yeah, that sounds wrong and should be easily improved.  Will get it 
on the todo.

My second irritant is that it is no longer possible to copy and paste 
between separate invocations of RG.

  Are you copying/pasting in the Segment Canvas (main window) or one of 
the editors (Matrix, Notation, etc...)?

  This, obviously, should work for all cases, but it will be easier to 
tackle if prioritized.  Thanks.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] work flow irritants

2021-01-02 Thread D. Michael McIntyre

On 1/2/21 8:42 AM, Ted Felix wrote:

On 12/31/20 4:50 PM, steve conrad wrote:

than audio #1-8 as might be expected and as is the case in a new empty 

   Yeah, that sounds wrong and should be easily improved.  Will get it 
on the todo.

Just as a data point, the same thing happens (and has always happened) 
when adding MIDI tracks. If you delete everything down to just one 
track, and add a track with the add track icon, it's a MIDI track by 
default, and if you add 10 of them in a row, they all default to 
instrument #1.

The behavior actually seems reasonable to me. I guess Rosegarden could 
analyze the entire composition every time you add a track, and try to 
assign it to some unique instrument combo, but how often would it do the 
right thing? Sometimes you just have to let users set things up how they 
want by hand.

My second irritant is that it is no longer possible to copy and paste 
between separate invocations of RG.

   Are you copying/pasting in the Segment Canvas (main window) or one of 
the editors (Matrix, Notation, etc...)?

To be clear, he's talking about separate invocations or instances of 
Rosegarden. One of the things that became possible after the huge 
rewrite and port to Qt4 was the ability to run Rosegarden more than once 
on the same computer. It's honestly more of a side effect of the new 
architecture (sequencer as a thread rather than a separate process) than 
something we specifically planned.

Start Rosegarden, then start Rosegarden again. You have Rosegarden <1> 
and Rosegarden <2>. Copy something in Rosegarden <1> and try to paste it 
in Rosegarden <2> and nothing happens.

I think I remember a time when this actually did work, but I'm not sure. 
I do remember experimenting with running two instances briefly, and I 
added up a list of issues. I think we basically just punted on all the 
issues, and decided not to support this formally. It's a thing you can 
do, but it isn't necessarily supposed to work reliably. Caveat usor.

You get into issues with ALSA and JACK, which Rosegarden is which, and 
other things I've forgotten. Keeping config files in sync, would be an 
issue. Change config in <1> and change it differently in <2>, which 
config should be written to disk?

The more I think about this kind of stuff, the more convinced I am that 
we all just kicked this can down the road, and didn't really do anything 
one way or the other. If the clipboard used to be shared, I don't know 
how, but it was probably working through some really nasty mechanism 
that shouldn't have worked, like pointers from one instance that should 
have been invalid in the other, but weren't, or something.

Anyway, I leave it up to you to figure out where you want Rosegarden to 
go in this area. I'm just trying to offer some historical perspective here.

D. Michael McIntyre

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] work flow irritants

2021-01-02 Thread Ted Felix

On 1/2/21 10:21 AM, steve conrad wrote:
I have been trying to use the notation editor to paste between 

  Ok.  I've done a little digging through the code and found that we 
have a local "Clipboard" object that handles all copy/pastes across all 
editors.  The goal would be to promote this to QClipboard which can 
handle copy pasta within and across invocations.  It's an interesting 
project that probably belongs in the feature request list.

One other minor tweak that would help me out would be if rather than 
defaulting to dumping all recorded audio into ~/rosegarden, audio were 
saved in the same folder as the *.rg file itself.

If [...] the audio were automatically saved in the same folder 
as the *.rg, I could give each project its own folder and things would 
be a lot tidier.

  Another good idea for the feature request list.  Feel free to create 
some entries:



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Re: [Rosegarden-user] work flow irritants

2021-01-02 Thread david

On 1/2/21 8:50 AM, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:

On 1/2/21 8:42 AM, Ted Felix wrote:

On 12/31/20 4:50 PM, steve conrad wrote:

than audio #1-8 as might be expected and as is the case in a new 
empty file.

   Yeah, that sounds wrong and should be easily improved.  Will get 
it on the todo.

Just as a data point, the same thing happens (and has always happened) 
when adding MIDI tracks. If you delete everything down to just one 
track, and add a track with the add track icon, it's a MIDI track by 
default, and if you add 10 of them in a row, they all default to 
instrument #1.

The behavior actually seems reasonable to me. I guess Rosegarden could 
analyze the entire composition every time you add a track, and try to 
assign it to some unique instrument combo, but how often would it do 
the right thing? Sometimes you just have to let users set things up 
how they want by hand.

What happens if... you start a new RG project with all the tracks, then 
import the MIDI track? You should have all the audio tracks properly 
numbered, yes?
My second irritant is that it is no longer possible to copy and 
paste between separate invocations of RG.

   Are you copying/pasting in the Segment Canvas (main window) or one 
of the editors (Matrix, Notation, etc...)?

To be clear, he's talking about separate invocations or instances of 
Rosegarden. One of the things that became possible after the huge 
rewrite and port to Qt4 was the ability to run Rosegarden more than 
once on the same computer. It's honestly more of a side effect of the 
new architecture (sequencer as a thread rather than a separate 
process) than something we specifically planned.

Start Rosegarden, then start Rosegarden again. You have Rosegarden <1> 
and Rosegarden <2>. Copy something in Rosegarden <1> and try to paste 
it in Rosegarden <2> and nothing happens.

I think I remember a time when this actually did work, but I'm not 
sure. I do remember experimenting with running two instances briefly, 
and I added up a list of issues. I think we basically just punted on 
all the issues, and decided not to support this formally. It's a thing 
you can do, but it isn't necessarily supposed to work reliably. Caveat 

I kind of thought copypaste track between projects had worked at one 
time. It's not a function I used much although it's absence seems 
counterintuitive. Most office apps have no problems with it.

You get into issues with ALSA and JACK, which Rosegarden is which, and 
other things I've forgotten. Keeping config files in sync, would be an 
issue. Change config in <1> and change it differently in <2>, which 
config should be written to disk?

The more I think about this kind of stuff, the more convinced I am 
that we all just kicked this can down the road, and didn't really do 
anything one way or the other. If the clipboard used to be shared, I 
don't know how, but it was probably working through some really nasty 
mechanism that shouldn't have worked, like pointers from one instance 
that should have been invalid in the other, but weren't, or something.

Anyway, I leave it up to you to figure out where you want Rosegarden 
to go in this area. I'm just trying to offer some historical 
perspective here.

David W. Jones
authenticity, honesty, community
"My password is the last 8 digits of π."

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] work flow irritants

2021-01-02 Thread D. Michael McIntyre

On 1/2/21 2:08 PM, david wrote:

What happens if... you start a new RG project with all the tracks, then 
import the MIDI track? You should have all the audio tracks properly 
numbered, yes?

In that scenario, the MIDI file completely replaces the existing 
composition, and yes, in most cases Rosegarden will construct a 
composition for it that has made some attempt to map the structure of 
the MIDI file onto the composition it creates.

What you're getting at seems more like a merge than an import.

I haven't used this in years. Note: the merge dialog is borked. "The 
file has a diffe" and then the text cuts off. Stuff like that is my 
wheelhouse, and I'll fix it this weekend. Note to self.

Anyway, no, in fact, when you merge a MIDI file into an existing 
composition, every new track is set to instrument #1, and you'd have to 
sort that out manually, the same as if you created the tracks by hand.

Whether it should work that way or not is a different matter. I'm just 
pointing out that's how it works now. The merge feature has always been 
fragile in any case.

I kind of thought copypaste track between projects had worked at one 
time. It's not a function I used much although it's absence seems 
counterintuitive. Most office apps have no problems with it.

Office apps don't have to interface with two totally different audio 
subsystems. I'm more interested in what other audio/MIDI apps do.

I'm not going to explore that right now, but it's an interesting 
question. I've got to go make a run to take a truckload of tampons to 
Target (actually, I have no idea what kind of paper goods are in the 
trailer, and they're going to Walmart, but it was a nice alliteration), 
and then I might have a play with this, and just see what does what.

D. Michael McIntyre

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] work flow irritants

2021-01-02 Thread D. Michael McIntyre

On 1/2/21 2:06 PM, Ted Felix wrote:

If [...] the audio were automatically saved in the same folder as the 
*.rg, I could give each project its own folder and things would be a 
lot tidier.

   Another good idea for the feature request list.

That one is a case where Chris and I couldn't settle on the right way to 
handle the typical user who doesn't have the forethought to create a 
directory ahead of time. The project packager was in part conceived as a 
way of cleaning that kind of thing up after the fact. It rounds up all 
the bits needed to play a particular composition, rolls them into an 
archive, and when you unpack it, all the bits go into a directory.

I can offer as a data point that the commercial software I'm using on 
Windows doesn't handle this very well either. I have no idea where most 
of my stuff is. I've got a structure like

$WINDOWS_BLATHER\Some Project\Some Other Project\A Third Project

where my intention was to have

$WINDOWS_BLATHER\Some Other Project

Going back into something three years later is a huge misadventure.

Sad that I've been using Windows that long. I quite despise Windows, but 
when I bought a complicated rig for recording drums, I just couldn't run 
it from Linux. I can barely run that gear using the proprietary apps 
supplied by the manufacturer, and sure have no clue how to reverse 
engineer them. Alas.

Anyway, this ramble is a long way of saying that yes, it would be good 
for an application to get this kind of thing right, and Rosegarden has 
room for improvement in this area!

D. Michael McIntyre

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] work flow irritants

2021-01-10 Thread D. Michael McIntyre

On 1/2/21 3:27 PM, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:

On 1/2/21 2:06 PM, Ted Felix wrote:

If [...] the audio were automatically saved in the same folder as the 
*.rg, I could give each project its own folder and things would be a 
lot tidier.

   Another good idea for the feature request list.

I did a quick and dirty recording of an idea in my studio. I figured out 
how to create a directory, and move the audio into it, and I thought I'd 
share the workflow experience as a point of reference.

Step 1: I started a new project from a template.
Step 2: I recorded my drum kit, producing 11 audio files.

At this point, I'm sitting on "Unsaved project" or whatever. The files 
have gone wherever they go in this situation.

Note that Rosegarden behaves differently here. We encourage the user to 
save the file before recording, and incorporate the filename into the 
audio files saved in ~/rosegarden/ as we thought that would be better 
than just having globs of blah-Untitled-blah files in that directory.

So back to REAPER, Step 3: I go to File -> Save as new project or 
something to that effect, and in the dialog where I give the file a 
name, I also have several options to create a directory and move or copy 
the files into that directory. I also have options for resampling the 
files and otherwise running some filters on them, but I didn't explore 
any of that.

The end product is that I have my .RPP file in the top level REAPER 
MEDIA directory, and a new subdirectory of the same name, into which the 
audio files I recorded have been moved.

Rosegarden could offer something very similar, and it would be pretty 
easy to implement. I'd be happy to do a better job of putting together a 
proposal if there is any interest.

My own interest level isn't that high, as I just couldn't use Rosegarden 
for audio, even if my audio rig worked on Linux. I'd be using Ardour. My 
needs are just too complicated for an application that never implemented 
most of the audio features it originally envisioned. Richard Bown 
stubbed out lots of things that just never went anywhere, and it is what 
it is at this late date. We decided years ago to just focus on notation, 
and that's there I focused a lot of my own development effort, to good 

D. Michael McIntyre

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] work flow irritants

2021-06-22 Thread Ted Felix

On 12/31/20 4:50 PM, steve conrad wrote:
The midi I imported (understandably) didn't have any audio track, so I 
added eight of them at one go via tracks->add tracks Doing so has 
the unfortunate result that all of them come up as audio #1 rather than 
audio #1-8 as might be expected and as is the case in a new empty file. 
As such, they have no independent volume control and are all on the same 
effects bus. A suboptimal arrangement.

  I just pushed an upgrade to the Add Tracks Dialog [e94a610a] that 
covers this (Tracks > Add Tracks...).  You can now select the device and 
starting instrument and it will sequentially assign subsequent instruments.

  Please test latest git.


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