Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

2002-06-25 Thread William J. Kammerer


I don't think EDI would necessarily have looked any different if it had
been devised in the TCP/IP world.  Look at MIME:  it's not any
prettier. If XML had been available from the outset, maybe EDI would
have used XML for its syntax.  But you have to admit there's nothing
inherent in the syntax of ANSI ASC X12 or UN/EDIFACT that keeps EDI from
being a first-class Internet passenger.  Peter Barry has suggested that
payers with elaborate, web-based DDE services could allow providers to
upload standard X12 interchanges right into a field in the DDE system,
presumably wrapping EDI in MIME for an HTTP POST or something like that.
And high tech messaging services like ebXML MS don't care whether
they're carrying payloads of X12 or XML.

The HIPAA standard transactions based on X12 and NCPDP already exist
(and maybe new interactive ones based on the UN/EDIFACT syntax will be
added into the mix later), and we can't do anything about it even if we
wanted to. We should concentrate on devising recommendations for means
of routing these packages safely, securely and reliably.  If the next
incarnation of HIPAA standard messages were based on XML schemas or core
components, we'd still be left with the same problems we have today:
how to get the claim to the payer, or the remittance to the provider.
If we had a Healthcare CPP and Registry, they would work
out-of-the-box for XML just as well as for EDI - trust me.

EDI's market acceptance has nothing to do with the protocols it's
built on:  the syntax (ASC X12.5 and X12.6, ISO 9735 or XML) is the
simple part - the semantics are difficult. FTP, SMTP, MIME and other
Internet protocols have far fewer variables to deal with, and hence are
simpler to interoperate.  But I'll grant you one thing:  if the
(Healthcare) world were standardized on a single transport layer
(TCP/IP), it would make things far less painful.  For example, we
wouldn't have much work left to do to customize the CPP DeliveryChannel,
as it's already designed around TCP/IP protocols like HTTP and SMTP. And
I certainly agree that there should be no need to duplicate the sender
identification effort with another login process much like BBS's and FTP
require.  You should only have to logon once to your own ISP, VAN or
CH, and not duplicate that process for every payer you might conceivably
access; that's the whole point of eliminating payer-centric mailboxes.

As an aside, Open Source isn't the answer to all that ails us. Most of
us don't still live at home with Mom, and therefore we have to charge
for our labor.  Open Source is often a model which works well for
hardware manufacturers (i.e., using Open Source infrastructure software
to encourage development for their platform), but I've never seen it
applied to e-commerce applications.

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

- Original Message -
From: Ronald Bowron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 21 June, 2002 01:39 PM
Subject: Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

As a long time fan of efficient transfer of business data (i.e. EDI vs.
XML), I've often wondered why the Open Source community has never taken
EDI under it's wing like they have other services (FTP, SMTP, Telnet).
I guess the market wasn't there.

Anyway, to keep in line with our efforts, I've always wondered what EDI
would be like if it were developed in the TCP/IP world vs. the legacy
BBS (async protocols) VAN (SNA/Bysnc protocols) world.  I've also
believed that part of the reason other application or file transfer
protocols (FTP, SMTP, XML) seem to gain wider acceptance more rapidly
than EDI is simply that they've standardized on a single transport layer

So I ponder on this as I look out over the issues raised in this forum.
Can a standard interface be developed that would work much like SMTP
but without all the overhead of another addressing schema?

Imagine if an EDI client application were built in the open source
community (much like SendMail), that when given the EDI filename, would
access the ISA Header and GS segment, use that information to locate
(Either via ACL, LDAP, DSML, ebXML/CPP) in an ID Repository the proper
destination and communication method and protocol (of course today, the
TCP/IP protocol would be nice).

The EDI Server (much like an SMTP Server) would acknowledge the EDI
Client request, (assuming TCP/IP) establish a VPN or SSL channel (for
encryption purposes) and validate digital certificates, and then receive
the ISA header. Verify the Sender/Receiver information, and request the
GS segment.  From there, the GS segment would be used by the EDI Server
to set the Functional processing of the transactions
(Realtime/Fast-Batch/Batch) and send the I/O stream on its way to the
appropriate application service queues or simply stored as a file.  So
basically, all the necessary information to login the user, determine
what they are needing to do is in the ISA and GS segments

Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

2002-06-21 Thread William J. Kammerer


Your e-mail was lost in-between all the stuff about Kennedy's new bill,
Gartner's supposed opinion of ebXML, bio-defense and WebMD's stock woes.
I now see that your missive actually was very relevant to what we're
doing here in the ID  Routing group, which is why it was easily
overlooked.  Imagine that someone is actually thinking about EDI
Addresses, rather than big strategic issues!

As I mentioned Wednesday, payers at the other end have to support e-mail
in exactly the same way; otherwise your PMS can't talk to them, and it
won't be worth devising constructs for describing those techniques in
the EDI Address.  But surely some payers (or intermediary CHs) do (or
will) support e-mail, and perhaps you can find out the particulars of
the way they implement SMTP portals (and please share the details with
this group).

Are you familiar with EDIINT (Electronic Data Interchange-Internet
Integration)?  Not that you may necessarily want to support EDIINT in
your software system, but the EDIINT specification will give you some
useful background when devising requirements for EDI Addresses
pertaining to (regular) e-mail. Take a look at, specifically the
Internet-Draft for MIME-based Secure Peer-to-Peer Business Data
Interchange over the Internet.  Perhaps instead of defining stuff in
the CPP, assumptions can be made about attachments based on Content-Type
and other junk directly in the S/MIME. Additionally, the certificate
(public key) itself might give information about encryption algorithms
supported by the recipient - in other words, once you've pointed to the
certificate in your CPP, you've said all there is to say about how stuff
is to be encrypted.

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

- Original Message -
From: Martin Scholl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: William J. Kammerer [EMAIL PROTECTED]; WEDi/SNIP ID 
Sent: Monday, 17 June, 2002 08:21 PM
Subject: Re: Route through email and attach EDI files


thanks for your in-depth analysis of the email aspect. I like your
description of push versus pull. This stresses one of the main
advantages of the email route.

I have not really followed the ebXML thread much. All I understand is
that its aim is to communicate a set of Trading Partner parameters in a
response to a standard XML query.

For email we would need something like this

address email address/address
maxsize maximal mbytes of attachemnts /maxsize
maxnumber maximal number of attachments /maxnumber
yesno Yes No Always Sometimes/yesno
typePGP or whatever/type
publicKey Public Key /publicKey

This is my first stab at this, please, anyone amend/delete at your
liking and feed it back to the group

Martin Scholl
Scholl Consulting Group, Inc.
301-924-5537 Tel
301-570-0139 Fax

Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

2002-06-18 Thread Deepan Vashi

For payers it might be easy to decide on their Internet strategy.
I represent a Provider Software Vendor, offering Browser based interface.

We have no choice but to design a system that will handle all  ftp, smtp,
http and any other vendor specific methods to make sure that provider claims
(and transactions) reach payers.

Moreover, Final Security Regulations might completely changes the choices
available for transaction routing.

All this talk about transaction routing, appear like a *dark tunnel*.

What internet and routing strategy should be adopted by a web based provider
software vendor like us?
I believe there will be many like us in the industry offering practice
management software to doctors; what are they planning for routing

Any *ray of hope* will be appreciated.

Deepan Vashi
Efficient Healthcare Delivery and Practice Management

- Original Message -
From: Martin Scholl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: William J. Kammerer [EMAIL PROTECTED]; WEDi/SNIP ID  Routing
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

 thanks for your in-depth analysis of the email aspect.  I like your
 description of push versus pull.  This stresses one of the main
 advantages of the email route.
 I have not really followed the ebXML thread much.  All I understand is
 its aim is to communicate a set of Trading Partner parameters in a
 to a standard XML query.
 For email we would need something like this

 address email address/address
 maxsize maximal mbytes of attachemnts /maxsize
 maxnumber maximal number of attachments /maxnumber
 yesno Yes No Always Sometimes/yesno
 typePGP or whatever/type
 publicKey Public Key /publicKey

 This is my first stab at this, please, anyone amend/delete at your liking
 and feed it back to the group

 Martin Scholl
 Scholl Consulting Group, Inc.
 301-924-5537 Tel
 301-570-0139 Fax

 - Original Message -
 From: William J. Kammerer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 11:43 AM
 Subject: Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

  E-mail is an excellent model which shows up some of the inherent
  disadvantages of the payer-centric mailbox system we have today.  I
  don't go to the sender's server to retrieve my e-mail - it's pushed to
  me.  I only have to remember my incoming POP3 mail server name or
  address, the outgoing SMTP server name or address, my logon and
  password, and various authentication and port settings of my one or few
  mailboxes (maintained on my server or at my ISP).  Accordingly, I need
  only poll my one (or few) mailboxes.  If I tire of the bad service or
  impertinence of a particular ISP, I switch to another one.  This is
  flexibility that payers and providers should demand when moving around
  standard transactions.
  Now imagine if e-mail were built around the payer-centric, or pull
  model:  I'd have to have e-mail client account settings to access the
  mail server for anyone I ever anticipated receiving mail from!  I would
  have to arrange - through an out-of-band channel - for server names,
  passwords, port settings, and so on, with each and every correspondent.
  Actually I wouldn't:  I probably would just use the U.S.P.S.
  Indeed, e-mail is also a very viable option for the transport of
  standard transactions;  it (SMTP) is definitely one of the supported
  delivery channels for both EDIINT (AS1) and ebXML.  But as Cory Dekker
  reminded us,  e-mail is not quite the answer to all which ails us.
  Realtime or fastbatch processing will probably require more exotic
  transport methods, like HTTP and SOAP.
  We'll have to account for any technique likely to be used by any two
  partners when designing the EDI Address (DeliveryChannel) component of
  the CPP electronic partner profile.  Actually, we may only have to
  enumerate them:  the OASIS ebXML CPP/A Technical Committee will probably
  be able to help us with the meat of the definitions if we can just
  tell them our requirements. Perhaps you could start by listing the
  combinations you see needed for using e-mail to transport interchanges;
  in the body or as an attachment; zipped or unzipped; S/MIME or PGP/MIME;
  etc., etc.  The advantage of EDIINT AS1 is that one only has to say he's
  using that standard with a few variables, and all the detail will be
  understood by the other end;  it also provides a formal model for
  acknowledgements not available with ordinary e-mail.
  By the way, the metric system has been legal (though not mandatory) in
  the U.S. since 1866.  In any case, the metric vs. English system
  dichotomy is not an apt analogy to HIPAA.  We have a working system of
  weights and measures - even if the English is demonstrably

Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

2002-06-18 Thread William J. Kammerer


Assuming your Practice Management System processes HIPAA standard
transactions, and you intend to transport point-to-point, then I guess
you have no choice but to support most conceivable means (protocol and
packaging) of sending and receiving interchanges.  An alternative is to
support just the more common methods (whatever they are in healthcare:
we need to determine this), and then encourage your customer to use a
VAN or clearinghouse as an intermediary if the payer requires anything
weird (e.g., 3780 BSC).  Your core-competency is probably not
communications software, so it's possible you're limited to the
protocols supported in whatever third-party comm package you've perhaps
integrated into your system.

Just like with the Cleos, IpSwitches and EDIINT packages of the world,
your customers will have onerous manual setup for each of their payers.
I hate modems and comm settings (and printers), so I am only too
relieved to have a single Internet connection to the world - that
simplifies things quite a bit.   But even with the internet (FTP, SMTP
and HTTP) and the payer-centric mailbox model, there's still manual
setup for each payer required.  Eventually, if every payer (or their CH
proxy) supported the CPP, you could write your software so your customer
would be able to insert the CPP (Electronic Partner Profile) to
auto-configure the communications settings.  And then even later on,
your software could be made smart enough to search the Healthcare CPP
Registry so CPPs wouldn't have to be manually handled.  That's the
vision thing, anyway.

In the meantime, you're on your own.  So to help us out in determining
requirements for the EDI address (DeliveryChannel) part of the CPP,
perhaps you could give us the details of communication methods demanded
in your marketspace - in effect, the protocols supported by payers.   We
need meat and detail.  I vaguely know there're some common ones
supported by payers (e.g., XMODEM, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM, YMODEM-G, ZMODEM,
etc. etc.), all requiring dial-up into the payer's system.  Will payers
and CHs be supporting SMTP, EDIINT, FTP or HTTP over the Internet?  If
so, please share the details.  These aren't competitive trade secrets.
This is also an invitation to payers and clearinghouses to share their
supported communication protocols.

Again, if you and Julie Thompson really have reason to think the Final
Security regulations might completely change the choices available for
transaction routing, tell me what you believe - if only your
speculation - and your rationale for believing so.  I'm not a
mind-reader, and would prefer to work with detail rather than vague
pronouncements.  I doubt seriously that any of the final regulations
will specify (or disallow) particular transport methods, or change the
requirement that encryption be used when transmitting PHI over the
public Internet.  Common sense will dictate that encryption excludes
home-grown cipher techniques, whether or not explicitly stated in the
regs:  it would be irresponsible to use any but peer-reviewed encryption
algorithms (in effect, standards such as the symmetric IDEA, RC2, RC4,
DES, DES3 and Blowfish, and the asymmetric RSA), or PGP and X.509 PKIs.

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

- Original Message -
From: Deepan Vashi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Martin Scholl [EMAIL PROTECTED]; William J. Kammerer
Sent: Tuesday, 18 June, 2002 05:05 AM
Subject: Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

For payers it might be easy to decide on their Internet strategy. I
represent a Provider Software Vendor, offering Browser based interface.

We have no choice but to design a system that will handle all ftp, smtp,
http and any other vendor specific methods to make sure that provider
claims (and transactions) reach payers.

Moreover, Final Security Regulations might completely changes the
choices available for transaction routing.

All this talk about transaction routing, appear like a *dark tunnel*.

What internet and routing strategy should be adopted by a web based
provider software vendor like us? I believe there will be many like us
in the industry offering practice management software to doctors; what
are they planning for routing treansactions?

Any *ray of hope* will be appreciated.

Deepan Vashi
Efficient Healthcare Delivery and Practice Management

Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

2002-06-15 Thread Martin Scholl

Well Dave,
Sure it is possible to use the body of the email 
for the transmission. You can concoct a gruel email with multiple transaction 
sets of differing code set innumerous groups all into one ISA 
envelope. That thing would be so ugly, you wouldn't even have to encrypt 
it :-)
But kidding aside, I think attachements make 
EDI more manageable. You can have several attachments to one email, you 
can open the email and see that there are attachments, it makes it just 
clearer. And clear and simple is what we need urgently.
Also, call me an anarchist, but I really don't care 
much for the realtime requirement of the 270/271 exchange. 2 to 30 seconds seems 
so arbitrary. Can your database even handle that? What if it takes 31 seconds? 
Will the HIPAA police come at 2 am, knock at your door and ship you to a navy 
brigg? I doubt it. 
But what I don't doubt is that if we don't make 
HIPAA EDI easily adoptable with common sense solutions, then HIPAA will go the 
way of metrification. Remember the 70's, when the US by law adopted the 
metric system? It went nowhere. We still deal with feet, inches, gallons and 
send Mars probes crashing into orbits below the surface. 
HIPAA transactions could easily go the same 
way. If the politicians in November 2003 see the healthcare delivery 
threatened by overly bureaucratic demands, then HIPAA will be rescinded faster 
then we can say "EDI". Then all our efforts will be in vain and the 
considerable investment in time and money would never result in a 
That's why I propose email as a viable solution for 
routing.We can still investigate CPP and ebXML, VANs and ftp, CDs with 
FedEx, Floppies with bike messenger but email is here to stay.Providers 
would not need a clearinghouse and pay an extra per-transaction 

It's Saturday and my wife gives me the evil eye for 
working. Let's keep this discussion going next week,
Martin SchollScholl Consulting Group, 
Inc.301-924-5537 Tel301-570-0139 Fax[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  - Original Message - 
  David A. 
  Feinberg, C.D.P. 
  Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 1:49 
  Subject: Re: Route through email and 
  attach EDI files
  Paul, Martin, Cory, et. 
  Since it's been a verrry long day 
  this Friday, and I'm on a bit of a roll, allow me to raise the ante another 
  Since X12 [and HL7] transactions 
  are strictly ASCII text, who needs attachments?
  Happy weekend.
  Dave Feinberg
  Rensis Corporation [A Consulting Company]
- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 8:35 
    Subject: Re: Route through email and 
    attach EDI files

I see Martin's 2 cents and raise a nickle. He makes a good point --- 
especially for small volume batches. However where things get dicey is when 
attachments start getting too large to get through firewalls and/or 
negatively impact network performance. For example, I worked for a large 
west coast HMO that had a 1.5MB limit on attachments. We did a lot of secure 
e-mailing of capitated patient rosters to IPAs and medical groups. Some of 
these were too big to go through the firewall so we either broke them up 
into smaller files or (horrors!) burned CDs.
Paul Weber
Original Message -From: Martin Scholl 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 15:39:29 -0400To: 
WEDi/SNIP ID  Routing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Route through 
email and attach EDI filesContent-Type: text/html; 

After following the discussion now for a few 
months I begin to believe that we have not solved routing, one of 
themost basic issues of EDI. All this talk about CPP and ebXML makes 
my head spin; and to be honest, having my hands full with transaction sets, 
I don't see myself studying now XML too.

Why don't we use email as the preferred mode of 

This would solve most problems.

  email is secure. Encrypting email with 
  PGP, Pretty Good Privacy is cheap, proven and common place 
  Attachments can be relatively large, mega 
  bytes if need be and numerous too 
  routing of emailis long solved and works 
  great as we all know 
  Identifiers are left between you and your 
  trading partner. We don't have to invent or find a unique ID as long 
  it is 15 digits long. 
  virus filters and such are widely available 
  and HIPAA Security can be attained at low costs 
  By having a robot check the inbox every minute 
  or so, "realtime" or something reasonably close to that can be 
  TA1, 997,271,277 .are send back as 

RE: Route through email and attach EDI files

2002-06-15 Thread Julie A. Thompson

Routing decisions may ultimately be based on two strategic issues:

1) The overall corporate internet strategy
2) Final Security Regulations may ultimately have an impact on the choices
available for transaction routing

Julie A. Thompson, Vice President 

-Original Message-
From: Martin Scholl
To: David A. Feinberg, C.D.P.; WEDi/SNIP ID  Routing
Sent: 6/15/02 6:24 AM
Subject: Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

Well Dave,
Sure it is possible to use the body of the email for the transmission.
You can concoct a gruel email with multiple transaction sets of
differing code set in numerous groups all into one ISA envelope.  That
thing would be so ugly, you wouldn't even have to encrypt it :-)
But kidding aside,  I think attachements make EDI more manageable.  You
can have several attachments to one email, you can open the email and
see that there are attachments, it makes it just clearer.  And clear and
simple is what we need urgently.
Also, call me an anarchist, but I really don't care much for the
realtime requirement of the 270/271 exchange. 2 to 30 seconds seems so
arbitrary. Can your database even handle that? What if it takes 31
seconds? Will the HIPAA police come at 2 am, knock at your door and ship
you to a navy brigg? I doubt it. 
But what I don't doubt is that if we don't make HIPAA EDI easily
adoptable with common sense solutions, then HIPAA will go the way of
metrification.  Remember the 70's, when the US by law adopted the metric
system? It went nowhere. We still deal with feet, inches, gallons and
send Mars probes crashing into orbits below the surface.  
HIPAA transactions could easily go the same way.  If the politicians in
November 2003 see the healthcare delivery threatened by overly
bureaucratic demands, then HIPAA will be rescinded faster then we can
say EDI.  Then all our efforts will be in vain and the considerable
investment in time and money would never result in a pay-back.
That's why I propose email as a viable solution for routing. We can
still investigate CPP and ebXML, VANs and ftp, CDs with FedEx, Floppies
with bike messenger but email is here to stay. Providers would not need
a clearinghouse and pay an extra per-transaction fee. 
It's Saturday and my wife gives me the evil eye for working. Let's keep
this discussion going next week,
Martin Scholl
Scholl Consulting Group, Inc.
301-924-5537 Tel
301-570-0139 Fax

- Original Message - 
From: David A. Feinberg, C.D.P. 
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

Paul, Martin, Cory, et. al., 
Since it's been a verrry long day this Friday, and I'm on a bit of a
roll, allow me to raise the ante another nickel.
Since X12 [and HL7] transactions are strictly ASCII text, who needs
Happy weekend.
                    Dave Feinberg
                    Rensis Corporation  [A Consulting Company]
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Weber 
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

I see Martin's 2 cents and raise a nickle. He makes a good point ---
especially for small volume batches. However where things get dicey is
when attachments start getting too large to get through firewalls and/or
negatively impact network performance. For example, I worked for a large
west coast HMO that had a 1.5MB limit on attachments. We did a lot of
secure e-mailing of capitated patient rosters to IPAs and medical
groups. Some of these were too big to go through the firewall so we
either broke them up into smaller files or (horrors!) burned CDs.

Paul Weber


- Original Message -
From: Martin Scholl 
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 15:39:29 -0400
To: WEDi/SNIP ID  Routing 
Subject: Route through email and attach EDI files

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

After following the discussion now for a few months I begin to believe
that we have not solved routing, one of the most basic issues of EDI.
All this talk about CPP and ebXML makes my head spin; and to be honest,
having my hands full with transaction sets, I don't see myself studying
now XML too.
Why don't we use email as the preferred mode of routing?
This would solve most problems.

*   email is secure.  Encrypting email with PGP, Pretty Good Privacy
is cheap, proven and common place 

*   Attachments can be relatively large, mega bytes if need be and
numerous too 

*   routing of email is long solved and works great as we all know 

*   Identifiers are left between you and your trading partner.  We
don't have to invent or find a unique ID as long it is 15 digits long. 

*   virus filters and such are widely available and HIPAA Security
can be attained at low costs 

*   By having a robot

RE: Route through email and attach EDI files

2002-06-14 Thread Dekker, Cory
Title: Message

think that this e-mail was intended for the entire 

HIPAA address [transport protocol recommendations]?" - Not to my 
knowledge. I believe it is painfully silent in this 

Payers expect Providers to reach them using different methods?" - Expect is a 
strong term. Working for a Payer, we're hoping to provide a spectrum of 
methods for transmission transport, including Secure FTP, Secure E-mail, HTTPS, 
and possibly1 or 2 other custom methods (on private network lines). 
We're looking at doing real-time transactionson the HTTPS and private-line 
methods. We currently have no plans for an "Open" EDI Portal, though we 
are keeping design considerations in mind as wemature our "private" EDI 
Portal. Currently, access to the private Portalis managed through a 
non-automated Trading Partner Agreement process. We are very interested in 
what the Routing  ID group is doing/planning, even though we probably 
won'thave an CPP/CPA/ebXML method operational by H-day. We're taking 
things one step at a time (mostly for cost reasons), but we do see an Open 
Portal as one of the potential steps, down the road.

As for 
consensus... I suggest checking the Archives... maybe I missed 

Cory Dekker GWL-EBIS HIPAA Project Analyst 
303/737-2022 or 303/522-8804 

  -Original Message-From: Deepan Vashi 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 7:58 
  AMTo: Dekker, CorySubject: Re: Route through email and 
  attach EDI files
  Dear Martin Cory
  From Provider's perspective are we looking at 
  multiple routing mechanism ?
  1) Using modem and telephone lines for Medicare 
  (FTP is not permitted as per Medicare manual)
  2) E-mail for some providers
  3) FTP
  4) VPN solutions.
  List will grow depending on requirements of 
  Does HIPAA address these issues ?
  My Question is to leading Payer 
  Organizations: " Do Payers expect Providers (Doctors) to reach them 
  using different methods ?" : Is their any consensus ?
  - Original Message - 
To: WEDi/SNIP ID  Routing 
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 5:08 
    Subject: RE: Route through email and 
attach EDI files

I'd think that e-mail is one viable mechanism for a 
small-volume batch arrangement. We plan to use it as 
suchwithat least one TP.

However, I suspect that e-mail falls well short of 
the "2 to 30-seconds" definition for real-time [4010X092 270/271 IG; page 
14, 4th paragraph, "Real Time Transactions ... should not exceed one 
minute"], and it probably represents a dis-incentive if the payer also 
supports a real-time Web or DDE interface.

I'd say "close ... but no cigar" as a complete 
HIPAA routing solution.

Cory Dekker 
Analyst 303/737-2022 or 303/522-8804 (Cell) 

  -Original Message-From: Martin 
  Scholl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, June 
  13, 2002 1:39 PMTo: WEDi/SNIP ID  
  RoutingSubject: Route through email and attach EDI 
  After following the discussion now for a few 
  months I begin to believe that we have not solved routing, one of 
  themost basic issues of EDI. All this talk about CPP and ebXML makes 
  my head spin; and to be honest, having my hands full with transaction 
  sets, I don't see myself studying now XML too.
  Why don't we use email as the preferred mode 
  of routing?
  This would solve most problems.
email is secure. Encrypting email with 
PGP, Pretty Good Privacy is cheap, proven and common place 
Attachments can be relatively large, mega 
bytes if need be and numerous too 
routing of emailis long solved and 
works great as we all know 
Identifiers are left between you and your 
trading partner. We don't have to invent or find a unique ID as 
long it is 15 digits long. 
virus filters and such are widely available 
and HIPAA Security can be attained at low costs 
By having a robot check the inbox every 
minute or so, "realtime" or something reasonably close to that can be 
TA1, 997,271,277 .are send back as 
an attachment 
You can also send back the detailed analysis 
information. EDI compliance checker softwareproduces verbose 
output and when you send that back in the body of theemail to the 
message provider, you can give near instant feedback and go through the 
training and testing phase faster. 
Off course, if you need to submit 10gig of 
EDI to CMS, this does not work, but for the traffic between providers 

Re: Route through email and attach EDI files

2002-06-14 Thread David A. Feinberg, C.D.P.

Paul, Martin, Cory, et. al., 

Since it's been a verrry long day 
this Friday, and I'm on a bit of a roll, allow me to raise the ante another 

Since X12 [and HL7] transactions are 
strictly ASCII text, who needs attachments?

Happy weekend.

Corporation [A Consulting Company]


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 8:35 AM
  Subject: Re: Route through email and 
  attach EDI files
  I see Martin's 2 cents and raise a nickle. He makes a good point --- 
  especially for small volume batches. However where things get dicey is when 
  attachments start getting too large to get through firewalls and/or negatively 
  impact network performance. For example, I worked for a large west coast HMO 
  that had a 1.5MB limit on attachments. We did a lot of secure e-mailing of 
  capitated patient rosters to IPAs and medical groups. Some of these were too 
  big to go through the firewall so we either broke them up into smaller files 
  or (horrors!) burned CDs.
  Paul Weber
  Original Message -From: Martin Scholl 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 15:39:29 -0400To: 
  WEDi/SNIP ID  Routing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Route through email 
  and attach EDI filesContent-Type: text/html; 

  After following the discussion now for a few 
  months I begin to believe that we have not solved routing, one of 
  themost basic issues of EDI. All this talk about CPP and ebXML makes my 
  head spin; and to be honest, having my hands full with transaction sets, I 
  don't see myself studying now XML too.
  Why don't we use email as the preferred mode of 
  This would solve most problems.
email is secure. Encrypting email with 
PGP, Pretty Good Privacy is cheap, proven and common place 
Attachments can be relatively large, mega bytes 
if need be and numerous too 
routing of emailis long solved and works 
great as we all know 
Identifiers are left between you and your 
trading partner. We don't have to invent or find a unique ID as long 
it is 15 digits long. 
virus filters and such are widely available and 
HIPAA Security can be attained at low costs 
By having a robot check the inbox every minute 
or so, "realtime" or something reasonably close to that can be 
TA1, 997,271,277 .are send back as an 
You can also send back the detailed analysis 
information. EDI compliance checker softwareproduces verbose 
output and when you send that back in the body of theemail to the 
message provider, you can give near instant feedback and go through the 
training and testing phase faster. 
Off course, if you need to submit 10gig of EDI 
to CMS, this does not work, but for the traffic between providers and 
payers, email would solve the routing question
  I just started to test my payer oriented software 
  with a provider softwarehouse in India. We tried ftp and were 
  frustrated.Wewere fighting firewall issues, I had power outages 
  and my server was down, my IP lease expired andIndia is about 12 hours 
  ahead of meso thatwe could never communicatein real 
  time. Movingthe communications over to email solved all these 
  problems andnow we can concentrate ontransaction set 
  My 2cents
  Martin SchollScholl Consulting Group, 
  Inc.301-924-5537 Tel301-570-0139 Fax[EMAIL PROTECTED]