[rrd-users] Re: feeding rrd with not time sequenced argus data.

2003-09-29 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 05:40 2003-09-29, txemi wrote:
 >Hi, I am trying to draw argus data with rrdtool, and I found next
 >- rrdtool needs data periodically sequenced.
 >- argus gives me transaction data when some transaction is finished.

Assuming that you don't mind rrdtool doing some interpolation, there's no 
problem.  You need to set the heartbeat to some value large enough to 
ensure that you will get at least one update from argus.  Set the step time 
to whatever resolution seems reasonable for the average update interval 
from argus.

 >So if I want to draw received bytes at one machine from other I do not
 >know how to
 >feed argus data to rrd.
 >Acceptable behaviour whould be something like that:
 >- rrd supposes 0 bytes received if no update received at some interval.
 >I think default behaviour is guessing data from near time slots or using
 >UNKNOWN if not enough data available.
 >- rrd adds updates instead of making average if more than one
 >transaction finished
 >at some interval. I do not know default behaviour for the case when more
 >than one update
 >is done for a single time slot.
 >What would be the proper method to do that? Is any of the existing data
 >inputs (GAUGE/COUNTER/DERIVE/ABSOLUTE) doing what I need? Do I need to
 >write glue code to feed rrd every time slot with data doing behaviour I
 >need? I am sure somebody had the same problem as using rrd with argus is
 >very common.
 > __
 >< hola, soy una firma horrible >
 > --
 >\   ^__^
 > \  (oo)\___
 >(__)\   )\/\
 >||w |
 >|| ||
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[rrd-users] Re: Question on update

2003-09-18 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 12:19 2003-09-18, Logg, Connie A. wrote:
 >Please clarify for me.  Hummm...my bins are 10 minutes wide on the 10 
 >If I bin a value 1000 at 10:35, the value displayed on that graph is 1000
 >for the 10 minute bin...correct?

No.  Say you give it 1000 at 10:35 and 2000 at 10:45.  It wants to store a 
value at 10:40, so you'll probably end up with a value of 1500 at 
10:40.  You're not giving it a value for a bin, you're giving it a value at 
a particular instant.  From that it interpolates to figure out what the 
value would have been at the correct update time.  It's very fussy about 
getting the updates exactly when they're supposed to come.  If you throw 
them in whenever, don't expect to be able to get back anything except 
approximations of what you put in.

 >Now suppose I add another value (2000) at 10:37. What will be the value for
 >that 10 minute bin? 3000?
 >I am sure that there is something simple I am missing here.
 >-Original Message-
 >From: Leigh Sharpe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 >Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 8:49 PM
 >To: Logg, Connie A.; rrd-users@list.ee.ethz.ch
 >Subject: Re: [rrd-users] Question on update
 >RRDtool calculates the value at ,say, 10:60 based on the values it got at
 >10:50, 10:59 and 10:70.
 >- Original Message -
 >> I have an rrd defined for 10 minute intervals.  Sometime I have data
 >> at
 >say 10:50, 10:59, 10:60, 10:70
 >> What happens when I call update each time? In particular, does the
 >> 10:59
 >value clobber the 10:50 value, or are they added together?
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[rrd-users] Re: threshold graph in rrdtool.

2003-08-08 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 10:55 2003-08-08, Young, Jeff wrote:
 >I've been using rrdtool for a while to graph TX and RX MB/s via all ports on
 >brocade fibre switches.  I have recently added a feature where the user can
 >specify a threshold value.  The idea is that all values below this given
 >value will be ignored in the graph.  So if we want to see all ports running
 >over 45 MB/s I set a threshold of 47185920.
 >In detail I am simply reducing to zero any values that fall below this
 >threshold. ie

Urg.  What's wrong with "--lower-limit 47185920 --rigid".  This should be a 
bit faster (avoiding CDEF) and simpler.

 >This gives a reasonable result but there are a few aspects that still bug
 >1) Below the threshold I still see the graphing lines.  They are the
 >vertical lines that join the last 'zero' value of the data to the first
 >'above threshold' value of data.  I would like a way of not drawing this
 >part of the line.  I could do it by defining two CDEFs and drawing the lower
 >section in white ( background ) and the over section in line_colour.  This
 >is the way i'll go if no one has a better idea.
 >Is it possible to do something with the vertical axis so I effectively pull
 >down the 40Mb line to where the 0Mb line was ? This way I miss out all the
 >un-interesting bit and get a nice graph that starts at my given threshold
 >2) I also build up a legend under the graph
 >LINE2:BYTES$attribCounter#$colours[$colour]:@anno ($unit)$fill
 >I need a way of NOT adding legend lines for those line that fall below the
 >given threshold. ie if BYTES$attribCounter:MAX < threshold then miss out
 >this GPRINT.
 >Any ideas ?
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[rrd-users] Re: Translating weekdays/month names

2003-07-27 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 16:23 2003-07-25, Norman Schmidt Jr wrote:
 >Im translating a statistics webmin module which uses RRDTool.
 >I couldnt find how to translate the weekdays and month names which are
 >generated in the RRDTool graphics. The only place I found some english

I'm assuming that you mean the date/time labels on the x-axis.  These are 
specified in the --x-grid option.  The defaults are automatically generated 
when you don't specify one.  The important point for you is that the last 
part of the argument to this option is a strftime string.  If the system 
you are on has special strftime strings to do native language output, you 
just do that.  Another possibility, my strftime man-page says, for each 
item, "...according to the current locale", so It may be as simple as 
setting the locale before running rrdtool.

 >date literals was in src/parsetime.c, but it seems that they are  just
 >command parsing literals.
 >Any tips about this?
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[rrd-users] Re: remstats page-writer

2003-07-23 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 16:46 2003-07-22, Alberto E. Garrido wrote:
 >Hi list,
 >I'm migrating to the newest version of remstats 1.0.13a and everything
 >is ok but I'm lost with page-writer.
 >I need to get a daily graph thumbail(for each rrd) when I click on a
 >host listed at quick-index.cgi

Sounds like you want to change the main host pages to be thumbnail graphs, 
so that you'd go from the quick-index, to a page of thumbnail graphs, to a 
page of full-size graphs of different time-periods.  Hmm.  Can't do it 
without code changes, though they should be small.  Ideally, you should be 
able to change etc/config/page-templates/host-index and change the 
graphtime parameter from "day" to "thumb".  Unfortunately, this currently 
triggers other stuff you don't want, which is needed for the ping 
index.  I'll have a look at it.

 >For example when I go to: http://localhost/remstats/dhcp/index.cgi
 >currently I'm getting the host status (description,Interfaces, Uptime,
 >etc) but I want to add a dayly graph for every rrd defined for the host
 >(and if I click on the daily graph get a hour,dai,month,year graph).

Sounds like you made index.cgi be a symlink to something other than 

 >How can i do this?
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[rrd-users] Re: RRD::TIME::STRFTIME

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 13:14 2003-07-03, Tobias Oetiker wrote:
 >Today Thomas Erskine wrote:
 >> At 12:39 2003-07-03, nate wrote:
 >>  >Thomas Erskine said:
 >> [snip]
 >>  >> Where did you hear about this feature if you're not using the
 >>  >> development  version?
 >>  >
 >>  >http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/rrdtool/rrdcgi.html
 >> Hmm.  I guess Tobi intends to add it to the next mainstream release.
 >I assume I should publish it then :-) ... its out

Go for it.

 > ____   _
 >/_  __/_  / /  (_) Oetiker @ ISG.EE, ETZ J97, ETH, CH-8092 Zurich
 > / // _ \/ _ \/ /  System Manager, Time Lord, Coder, Designer, Coach
 >/_/ \.__/_.__/_/   http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker   +41(0)1-632-5286

Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490 

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[rrd-users] Re: RRD::TIME::STRFTIME

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 12:39 2003-07-03, nate wrote:
 >Thomas Erskine said:
 >> Where did you hear about this feature if you're not using the
 >> development  version?

Hmm.  I guess Tobi intends to add it to the next mainstream release.

 >if you can send me the patch I would greatly appreciate it!!

OK.  Under separate cover.

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[rrd-users] Re: RRD::TIME::STRFTIME

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 10:49 2003-07-03, nate wrote:
 >Thomas Erskine said:
 >> Are you invoking the patched version of rrdcgi?  What happens when you
 >> run  the script from the command-line, like:
 >I was not aware this was from a recent patch that explains it!

What I meant was: I often have multiple versions of RRDtool installed.  Are 
you sure that the rrdcgi program you're invoking is the right one?

 >I do not think my version is patched, trying your sample script above
 >just results in "Time was now."

If you're using the stable 1.0.42 version of rrdtool, you don't have this 
feature.  If you want it, you can either use the development version, which 
does have it and lots more, but sometimes doesn't even compile, or I could 
send you the patch.  Since there don't seem to be many changes in rrdcgi, 
and since it does work against 1.0.40, I'd expect it to work against 1.0.42.

 >> Complain at me, as I wrote the patch to both rrdcgi and the manpage.
 >> The  intent is to be able to format start or end time specifications
 >> into  whatever format you want (as long as strftime can handle it).  The
 >> problem,  which makes it a bit messy, is that either of the start or end
 >can you tell me where I can get this patch? hopefully it applies
 >cleanly to 1.0.42 ?

Where did you hear about this feature if you're not using the development 

 >thanks for the quick reply
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[rrd-users] Re: Integrating Oracle with RRDTOOL

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 23:49 2003-07-02, Lozovsky, Daniel wrote:
 >Thanks Reed for your reply.
 >Let me clerify what I am asking.  I am trying to query the oracle database
 >on the fly and create graphs based on the selected data using rrdtool.  I am
 >trying to find out how to setup rrdtool to accomplish this task.  I do not
 >want to keep redundant data in rrdtool but point the tool to generate graphs
 >directly from the data in the Oracle database.
 >Is this possible? If so, how?

No.  You would have to create a temporary RRD, populate it with the 
information of interest and generate the graph off that rrd.  It can be 
done on the fly; I've done it.  You really want to make sure you clean up 
those temp rrds, or you can run out of disk space really quickly with 
significant data sets.

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[rrd-users] Re: RRD::TIME::STRFTIME

2003-07-03 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 21:22 2003-07-01, you wrote:
 >can someone give me an example of how this works? the
 >description is very difficult to understand :/
 >(I am not a programmer) Doing a google search for this
 >turns up absolutely nothing! was suprised.

Since I only wrote the patch that implemented it a couple of weeks ago, I'm 
not surprised.

 >no matter what I do RRDTool seems to ignore the variable
 >(prints nothing, not even an error)

This is wrong, but ought to work anyway: the start is after the 
end.  Yup.  I just tried it and it works fine with the test script:
-- cut here --

Time was


-- cut here --

Are you invoking the patched version of rrdcgi?  What happens when you run 
the script from the command-line, like:
   xyzzy.cgi that's probably totally wrong but it just goes to show how
 >confused I am by the description on the manpage :)

Complain at me, as I wrote the patch to both rrdcgi and the manpage.  The 
intent is to be able to format start or end time specifications into 
whatever format you want (as long as strftime can handle it).  The problem, 
which makes it a bit messy, is that either of the start or end 
specifications (but not both) could be relative to the other.  I.E. the 
start could be "end-2days".  Rather than try to get fancy, I coded it to 
require both the start and end times, even if they weren't relative.  If 
you understand now, please re-write the man-page section for 
RRD::TIME::STRFTIME so that it's clearer, forward it to me and I'll make a 
new patch for the man-page to make it clearer.  Currently it says:
RRD::TIME::STRFTIME START|END start-spec end-spec strftime-format
This gets replaced by a strftime-formatted time using the for-
mat strftime-format on either start-spec or end-spec depending
on whether START or END is specified.  Both start-spec and end-
spec must be supplied as either could be relative to the other.
This is intended to allow pretty titles on graphs with times
that are easier for non rrdtool folks to figure out than

Which I thought was clear enough, though dense.

 >running rrdtool 1.0.42-2 on debian/sparc
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[rrd-users] Re: remstats : dns-collector

2003-06-19 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 09:52 2003-06-19, Ed Schmollinger wrote:
 >On Thu, Jun 19, 2003 at 07:25:04AM -0400, Thomas Erskine wrote:
 >> I'm sorry, but these rrds aren't likely to help people who need it.  I'd
 >> recommend djbdns instead, which does produce logs which can be
 >> analyzed.  Unless newer versions of bind have some more reasonable method
 >> of getting stats out, I can't offer anything better in remstats.
 >BIND9 writes to the statistics-file when you do 'rndc stats'.  You

Thanks for your kind offer of information.  I can (and will) update the rrd 
to use this, but can't test it any longer as I have no installation to try 
it on.  Does it maintain the counters between runs, or only since startup?

 >The statistics-file in question is of the format
 >+++ Statistics Dump +++ (1056027600)
 >success 24373098
 >referral 123288
 >nxrrset 2534924
 >nxdomain 1513560
 >recursion 25508236
 >failure 11206355
 >--- Statistics Dump --- (1056027600)
 >The numbers listed after success, referral, etc are all counters, and
 >the number in parenthesis on the "Statistics Dump" line is the time at
 >which the stat dump happened.

 >BIND8 writes statistics to the standard named log, assuming that you've
 >configured your logging options correctly.  Those are the XSTATS and
 >NSTATS lines, read DNS and BIND by Albitz and Liu if you feel a need to
 >decode them.  (Your effort is probably better spent on updating to

Since people ought to be updating to bind9, and since I can't test either 
version, I'm disinclined to include bind8.

 >Both of those are fairly lightweight, and shouldn't cause any noticable
 >impact on your nameservers.

This is important info for me.

Thanks again for this usefull summary.

 >Ed Schmollinger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490 

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[rrd-users] Re: remstats : dns-collector

2003-06-19 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 07:01 2003-06-19, David IMANACHE wrote:
 >I've just two question :
 >1)I'd like to use namedstats and namedxfers rrds. How the sig-ill signal
 >is send to the monitored machine ?

If you look at the definition, you'll see that these are not collected by 
the dns-collector, but by the log-collector and the unix-status-collector, 
respectively.  The namedstats rrd was written as an experiment, which 
should probably not be done by anyone who has a nameserver that they need 
stats on, as bind (at least the version I was using at the time), would 
stop answering queries for the noticable length of time it took to write 
the log.  As is noted in the rrd definition file.  I was using cron to send 
the signal to cause bind to write the log.

The namedxfers rrd simply counts the processes running via the 
unix-status-server, which must be installed on the remote machine.

 >1-1)I have two "named" runned on a machine : which daemon would be take
 >into account?

For the namedstats rrd, whichever one the log file belongs to.  namedxfers 
will get confused in this case, as I hadn't considered the
possibility of running two instances.

I'm sorry, but these rrds aren't likely to help people who need it.  I'd 
recommend djbdns instead, which does produce logs which can be 
analyzed.  Unless newer versions of bind have some more reasonable method 
of getting stats out, I can't offer anything better in remstats.

 >thanks in advance

Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490 

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[rrd-users] Re: remstats : dns-collector

2003-06-19 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 11:54 2003-06-18, David IMANACHE wrote:
 >hi everybody!
 >I want to get DNS stats and i've noticed that remstats is able to do
 >this. But i'd like get more infos about the dns-collector and the link
 >on the remstats homepage is down.

The remstats home-page is down because the company no longer exists.  I 
haven't made an effort to tell everyone that it's available on sourceforge 
because, looking for a new job, I haven't yet had time to organize things 
the way I'd like.

 >Is there anybody who could help me?

Possibly.  Ask a question.

 >Thanks in advance
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[rrd-users] Re: snmp problem

2003-06-05 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 08:19 2003-06-04, Remy Bouba wrote:
 >now that i've correctly installed and configured remstats i got a new problem
 >let me explain the situation :
 >i want to monitor some SNMP variables on a cisco router (for now, but then
 >it will be on a entire network)
 >i added the oid in the oids file
 > locIfResets

Hmm.  That should be:

 >i created the corresponding file in the rrds directory
 >i want the snmp-collector to collect this variable for all the interfaces of
 >the router
 >but when i run only the snmp-collector to check what it collects i can't see
 >my variable
 >why can't i add this oids in the if-snmp rrd

I'm assuming that you mean the snmpif- rrd.  This rrd definition is *magic* 
in that it is known about by the snmp-collector and handled specially.  I 
was hoping to add code to permit it not to be special, but I've never 
gotten around to it.  The upshot is that (as documented in the rrd 
definition file) the oids that it uses don't have to be coded in the rrd 
definition and others that you add will be ignored.  Sorry.  It's on my 
list, but as I currently have no SNMP devices to monitor, I have no proper 
way of testing any code and less need for it.

 >i hope you'll understand my question
 >Sorry bother you again and again
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Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490 

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[rrd-users] Re: remstats get_ip error

2003-06-04 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 09:34 2003-06-03, Remy Bouba wrote:
 >hi, me again ;)
 >i have a little problem when running new-snmp-hosts
 >the "get_ip" function keeps telling me
 >"couldn't find IP number for desc
 >couldn't find IP number for ip
 >couldn't find IP number for group
 >couldn't find IP number for contact
 >couldn't find IP number for rrd
 >couldn't find IP number for community

I think that the docs for the new-xxx-hosts programs must not be clear 
enough, as you're the second person to make this mistake recently.  The 
command-line for each of these programs asks for a hosts-file.  This is not 
the configuration for for a host, but a file with a list of
host-names, one per line.  I thought that the docs made this clear 
enough.  Obviously not.

 >these are all the sections of the host file
 >i think
 >is it normal?


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[rrd-users] Re: remstats cgi errors

2003-06-03 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 12:15 2003-06-02, Remy Bouba wrote:
 >ok, i finally manage to install and compile remstats
 >but now i got lots of new problems to deal with
 >no problem when i run run-remstats2
 >or when i open the quick-index.cgi that was generated
 >i'm trying to poll snmp data with remstats from a cisco router
 >when i click on he link to get router information i got the following error
 >message :
 >ERROR:Opening '/var/remstats/html/GRAPHS/routeur/snmptest-snmpmeme-day.png'
 >for write:Permission denied
 >maybe it's because i haven't create the remstats user
 >but i run remstats as root so there shouldn't be any right problem

Wrong.  Unless you're also running your web-server as root (which you also 
shouldn't do), the cgi, which will be running as the web-server user, won't 
have access to the files created by root.  Just follow the instructions, 
and run the remstats stuff as a specific user and make sure you tell 
configure which is your web-server group.

 >i've enough of remstats for today
 >thanx by advance
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Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490 

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[rrd-users] Re: RRD on Linux monitoring Windows Perfmon

2003-05-29 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 17:02 2003-05-28, List Subscriber wrote:
 >Hi all, I've been using RRD for a couple of years to graph the output of
 >SNMP and rstad for our routers and Unix/Linux servers. However, we are
 >getting some Windows servers, and I would love to be able to monitor them
 >as well. Windows has a "perfmon", and I was wondering if any of the linux
 >users has been able to successfully request metrics from the windows
 >perfmon daemon?

recent versions of remstats have an nt-status-server and 
nt-status-collector.  It doesn't allow you to make direct queries to 
perfmon, but does collect selected portions of the data.

 >I've read how you can ftp the files off of the windows box, then create
 >the rrd files that way, but that is rather messy. I would like to query
 >things things off the fly with some command line tool (snmpwalk but for
 >windows perfmon . . . winwalk? :)
 >If anyone used a linux based client that can query windows-perfmon (or
 >even some other way to monitor windows performance metrics, as windows
 >SNMP is rather limited in its perf information), please let me know.
 >Thanks for your time all, your input is always appreciated.
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[rrd-users] Re: snmp collector problem

2003-05-28 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 11:31 2003-05-28, Remy Bouba wrote:
 >i try to run snmp-collector
 >but i get the following error message :
 >ERROR: read_config_groups: can't open ./config-base/groups: No such file or

This shows two errors.  You shouldn't be using config-base for your config 
directory; it's intended for the release supplied info and parts of it get 
symlinked into your own config directory when you run new-config.  (You did 
run new-config didn't you?)  After you get that cleared up, you'll need a 
groups file.  If you use the new-{ping,port,unix}-hosts programs to add new 
hosts, they will add the groups you tell them to.  If not, you'll need to 
update the groups file yourself.  It'll be easier for you to use the 
new-xxx-hosts programs at first.  Then look at what it did.

 >and it's true there is no such file or directory i can't find groups file
 >is it normal
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[rrd-users] Re: remstats : pb with rrds

2003-05-28 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 08:17 2003-05-28, David IMANACHE wrote:
 >when i run the snmp-collector , i get this message :
 >/DEBUG: doing rrd snmp-squid-dns(snmp-squid-dns)
 >DEBUG: added oid cacheDnsSvcTime(1) to query

Hmm.  I don't think that it likes the parentheses in the name, try renaming 
the oid without the parens.  The configuration loading for oids is sloppy 
and doesn't catch bad names.  Let me know if that's it.

 >DEBUG: added oid cacheDnsSvcTime(5) to query
 >DEBUG: added oid cacheDnsSvcTime(60) to query
 >DEBUG: added oid cacheDnsRequests to query
 >DEBUG: added oid cacheDnsReplies to query
 >DEBUG: sending query for: cacheDnsSvcTime(1) cacheDnsSvcTime(5)
 >cacheDnsSvcTime(60) cacheDnsRequests cacheDnsReplies
 >DEBUG: for result 0: oid=,
 >DEBUG: for result 1: oid=,
 >DEBUG: for result 2: oid=,
 >DEBUG: no value for proxy.univ-mlv.fr
 >; skipped
 >DEBUG: for result 3: oid=, name=cacheDnsRequests
 >DEBUG: no value for proxy.univ-mlv.fr
 >; skipped
 >DEBUG: for result 4: oid=, name=cacheDnsReplies
 >DEBUG: no value for proxy.univ-mlv.fr
 >; skipped
 >i really don't understand why he doesn't want to collect values, i tried
 >with the snmpget command and it works very good...i'm lost.../

Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490 

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[rrd-users] Re: remstats : pb with rrds

2003-05-28 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 05:28 2003-05-28, David IMANACHE wrote:
 >Hi everybody !
 >I'm using remstats and i've got some problems with my rrds.
 >I have made a rrd in order to graph dns stats for squid.
 >When rrds are updated some fields are not updated (the last three ones
 >(six in total)per example...).
 >I've verified oids in conf file and run manually the snmp-collector.the
 >result was that it doesn't collect all values i want.

run the snmp-collector with the -F and  -u flags, just to make sure that 
it's not a timing problem.  If it still doesn't get the values, try adding 
-d 2 and check that it's coming up with the correct community string.  How 
did you verify the OIDs?  Did you use an snmp tool to get the 
value?  Recent versions of remstats have a version of snmp-get.  I had 
nothing to do with the debian packaging, so I don't know which version they 
started with.

 >Where am i wrong?
 >thanks in advance
 >linux box : debian
 >remstats version : last remstats debian package
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[rrd-users] Re: first time out, ERROR: can't parse argument

2003-05-23 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 14:16 2003-05-23, Austin Swinney wrote:
 >I'm working on my-frirst-rrd. I'm creating a rrd for load percentages on APC
 >web/SNMP sets.
 >MS1-4 are power strips on a single APC head.  The range is 0 to 100 percent.
 >The error I get is:
 >ERROR: can't parse argument 'DS:MS1:GAUGE:0.5:1:100'

I envy you your hardware that you can afford to poll at least once every 
half second. :-)  The place you've put "0.5" is the "heartbeat".  This is 
how often (in seconds) you must update the RRD to avoid having unknown data 
points added.  I usually set it to 2*step so I can miss one update and 
rrdtool will fudge it.  This is a hold-over from when my polling mechanism 
was too slow.  The heartbeat has to be at least as large as the 
step.  Where you set it depends on what you want rrdtool to do when you're 
not on time.

 >As far as I can tell from the docs, everything is right.  Thoughts?
 >rrdtool create loadpercent.rrd --start `date +%s` --step 300 \
 >DS:MS1:GAUGE:0.5:0:100 \
 >DS:MS2:GAUGE:0.5:0:100 \
 >DS:MS3:GAUGE:0.5:0:100 \
 >DS:MS4:GAUGE:0.5:0:100 \
 >RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:24 \
 >RRA:MIN:0.5:1:24 \
 >RRA:MAX:0.5:1:24 \
 >RRA:LAST:0.5:1:24 ;
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[rrd-users] Re: collect and graph snmp data with remstats

2003-05-20 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 06:52 2003-05-19, David IMANACHE wrote:
 >Hi everybody!
 >Is there anybody who could tell me steps in order to collect snmp data
 >(whith specific OIDS) with remstats?

You need to make another rrd definition.

First, you need to tell remstats the name to OID mapping.  Look in 
config/oids.  Add lines for each OID you're interested in.

Look under config/rrds.  There will be one file per rrd type.  Pick 
something simple, like the mis-named snmpcpu (which should really be called 
something like snmp-cicso-router-cpu). Walking through the rrd definition, 
you need lines like:

this says that this rrd is to be collected by the snmp-collector
   source snmp
this is the rrdtool step
   step 300
Add the name of your OID here.  The one you put in config/oids.
   oid TheOidName
You need to define what remstats refers to as "variables".  These contain 
rrdtool's data-source definitions and they map collector data names to DS 
names.  For some collectors, they have to do more.  Note the annoyance that 
I've never fixed:  OID names are case-sensitive, but the names that the 
collector returns are lower-cased..Here you want a line like:
   data  mydsname=theoidname GAUGE:600:0:U
These are the names of RRAs to use for this rrd definition.  Look them up 
in config/archives, and add more, if you want.
   archives day-avg week-avg month-avg 3month-avg year-avg
These are the names of graph time-periods (see config/times)
   times day yesterday week month 3month year
Then add in your graph(s) definitions with a header like:
   graph mygraph desc='your description goes here'
 --title 'xyzzy'

 >thanks in advance
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[rrd-users] Re: Many interfaces - HELP

2003-05-19 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 03:32 2003-05-19, KAMARAD, David wrote:
 >Hi all,
 >  I have problem with my RRD. I have my own perl sript which collect the
 >data from many routers. I need data from many interfaces on those routers
 >but i don't know how i can save this data. I want only one rrd data file for
 >one routers with many interfaces but i don't know how i can save and then
 >read the values for each interface from one data file.

You really don't want to combine the data from all interfaces into one RRD 
file.  What happens when you decide to add another interface?Either 
you're faced with the ugliness of unloading the existing data and patching 
it to add room for the new interface, or you have to deal with the ugliness 
of having some interfaces in the main rrd and some elsewhere.  Given that 
rrdtool easily deals with making graphs combining the data from multiple 
rrds, I can see no reason to put all the interfaces in one rrd; multiple 
rrds are just easier all around.

 >Do you know somebody, how i can do it? I need it very quickly..:-(

If you need it quickly and can't do it yourself, your best bet is to hire 
someone to do it for you.

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[rrd-users] Re: RRD step (NOT remstats problem)

2003-05-15 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 05:48 2003-05-15, anthony wrote:
 >Hi there !
 >I created my RRD with the default step 300 seconds.
 >I use version 1.40 of RRD Tool under Linux Mandrake 9.
 >I would like to know if it would be possible to update my RRD Step without
 >losing the data that it contains.

You *could* change the step using dump, edit, restore, but this would not 
give the results you want.  There is no timestamp stored with each data 
point, so changing the step would change the time rrdtool associated with 
each data point.  Double-plus-ungood.  You could get something close by 
dumping the rrd, munging the xml to produce the required update lines, 
creating a new rrd with the new step and updating with the old data. SMOP.

 >I do not want to lose current ddb.
 >Thanks for contacting me as soon as you can,
 >Have a nice Day,
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[rrd-users] Re: please....help...

2003-05-15 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 02:59 2003-05-15, David IMANACHE wrote:
 >Hi everybody!
 >I met problems with remstats:
 >->I want to graph Disk usage with the unix-status-collector but it
 >produces _*empty*_ graphs with a title like :
 >/*my_machine_name - Disk Usage - $1 (day)*/
 >Any idea?

First, I hope that you're not being literal in your description of the 
title above.  If you are, you're using a modified version of remstats and 
you'll have to talk to whoever modified it.  What version are you running?

Have you installed the unix-status-collector on the hosts you want to get 
the disk usage from?   Have you tested it?  What does the rrd instance look 
like? (for /home, you should have a line like "rrd df-/home" in the 
relevant host config-file.

To check the unix-status-server on a host, try:
   telnet hostname 1957

There is no prompt; just type the above as indicated.  It all is well, 
you'll get back some lines like:
   1052994640 dfsize:/ 18580512768
   1052994640 dfused:/ 201728
   1052994640 dfpercent:/ 12
   1052994640 dfsize:/boot 206961664
   1052994640 dfused:/boot 9564160
   1052994640 dfpercent:/boot 5

 >thanks in advance
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[rrd-users] Re: Step vs. Heartbeat

2003-05-08 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 07:16 2003-05-08, Jeff Rodriguez wrote:
 >So would it be correct to say that Step is only used as a multiplier for

No.  Step tells the spacing of the original data points.  This is critical 
and not related to RRAs.  Combined with the start, it specifies the 
timestamps for all future updates.  If you don't update at exactly those 
timestamps (start+step, start+2*step, ...) rrdtool will interpolate to 
figure out what the value would have been at the correct time-stamp.  For 
many things this doesn't matter greatly.  If you want precise data, this is 

 >- Original Message -
 >From: "Thomas Erskine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 04:01
 >Subject: [rrd-users] Re: Step vs. Heartbeat
 >> At 04:34 2003-05-08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 >>  >Can someone explain to me what the difference between step and heartbeat
 >> Step specifies the resolution of the data (e.g. one point every 5
 >> minutes).  Heartbeat specifies how often the rrd must be updated to avoid
 >> rrdtool deciding to insert unknown values.  (And for completeness,) xff
 >> specifies what proportion of primary data points must be present in a
 >> consolidation interval for the resulting consolidated data point to be
 >> considered valid (i.e. not unknown).
 >>  >--
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 >> Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490
 >> --
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[rrd-users] Re: Step vs. Heartbeat

2003-05-08 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 04:34 2003-05-08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 >Can someone explain to me what the difference between step and heartbeat is?

Step specifies the resolution of the data (e.g. one point every 5 
minutes).  Heartbeat specifies how often the rrd must be updated to avoid 
rrdtool deciding to insert unknown values.  (And for completeness,) xff 
specifies what proportion of primary data points must be present in a 
consolidation interval for the resulting consolidated data point to be 
considered valid (i.e. not unknown).

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[rrd-users] Re: help with remstats

2003-05-08 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 04:09 2003-05-07, David IMANACHE wrote:
 >Hi everybody!
 >I'm a new user of remstats and i have some problems to configure it. I'm
 >working with Debian and i've installed all remstats packets . I've also
 >installed remstats-servers packet on the remote station i want to graph.
 >I've read the installation guide but when i'm executing "new-ping-hosts"

When you invoke new-ping-hosts, you must give it two things:  The name of a 
group and a list of hosts.  The syntax is:
 usage: new-ping-hosts [options] group [hostsfile ...]

The "hostsfile" is just a list (one per line) of host-names.  Judging from 
the errors below, you've given it a host configuration file instead.  The 
next release will have clearer documentation.

 >i've got:
 >ERROR: get_ip: couldn't find IP number for  desc
 >"remote_machine-name" host
 >ERROR: get_ip: couldn't find IP number for  group  "my_group"
 >ERROR: get_ip: couldn't find IP number for  ip  "remote_machine_ip"
 >What did i forget? Is anybody could help me?
 >Thanks in advance
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Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490 

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[rrd-users] Re: Fw: Re: Question

2003-04-07 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 16:43 2003-04-07, Jeff Rodriguez wrote:
 >So judging from your scripts, it seems you cannot graph multiple DIFFERENT
 >sources from an RRD with: ONE Data Source and one or many RRAs

You can graph multiple DS from one or multiple rrd files.  The RRAs give 
you the ability to graph long time-spans without having to store huge 
amounts of data.

 >So this is still something I don't understand (been playing with RRDTOOL for
 >a week) Why would you have multiple RRAs?

Usually, you'll have multiple RRAs at decreasing resolutions covering 
longer and longer time-spans.


Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490 

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[rrd-users] Re: Question

2003-04-07 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 14:10 2003-04-07, Bret Jordan wrote:
 >I have gone through the Tutorial (which was well written by the way) and
 >through the manual, but I am still confused about one point...
 >When you make an RRD and setup the various RRAs, how do you graph the
 >individual RRAs?  (Thinking in terms of MRTG with the daily, weekly,
 >monthly, and yearly graphs).

You don't.  You request a graph for a specified time-span and rrdtool 
choses the best RRA which covers that time-span.

 >Bret Jordan   Dean's Office
 >Computer Administrator   College of Engineering
 >801.585.3765 University of Utah
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[rrd-users] Re: Help with running remstats

2003-03-13 Thread Thomas Erskine
At 09:36 2003-03-12, gab.seun jones.ewulomi wrote:
 >Hi Thomas,
 >1)My web-server is run as root? How do I change it otherwise

You *really* don't want to run your web-server as root.  Started by root, 
of course, so that it can bind to port 80.  Since you don't say which 
web-server you're using, I'm going to assume apache.  Edit the httpd.conf 
file and look for the "User" and "Group" lines.

 >2)I did as you suggested. I went into the directory where unpacked it
 >remstats and typed
 >"make owner"

Note.  This only fixes the permissions on files.  If you run any other 
remstats programs as root after that, you'll be right back where you 
started with files owned by root under the remstats tree.

 >3)Yes I did create a remstats user. I have also created a host config
 >file(by your direction) using "new-config".
 >which then created the pseudo-host _remstats_
 >4) I then tried to use the "new-ping-hosts" to create a host. Im I using the
 >"new-ping-hosts" in the correct way. can you help if possible.
 >(output below)
 >./new-ping-hosts -d -f /var/remstats/etc/config/

That's incorrect.  The debug flag wants a number after it and Getopt::Std 
is trying to take "-f" as the level, which will be interpreted as 
0.  Almost all the remstats programs will accept a "-h" flag (for help) to 
give you the syntax of the command-line.


Perhaps you meant that to be on the same line?  Doesn't matter.  What you 
typed is completely wrong.  New-ping-hosts (like all the new-xxx-hosts 
programs) wants to see a group-name to add the hosts to like:

 $ new-ping-hosts groupname hostfile

It will use "groupname" as the name of the group for the hosts to belong to 
and read hostnames from "hostfile".  Unless you've overridden it in 
configure, /var/remstats/etc/config is the default config dir and you don't 
need to specify it.  If you want to turn debugging on, use "-d 1", not "-d".

 >Argument "-f" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at
 >/var/remstats/lib/remstats.pl line 2715,  line 1.
 >DEBUG: unknown host aberdeen; attempting to continue
 >DEBUG: unknown host bristol; attempting to continue
 >/var/remstats/etc/config/hostnames = the file that contains hostnames
 >this however created a host in the /var/remstats/etc/config/hosts directory
 >called aberdeen and bristol. But they didnt look right. I then edited with
 >the correct ip address, group etc
 >5)I then tried to run "run-remstats" logging in as remstats user (su -
 >remstats). But I get the error below

Nope.  Always run "check-config" after changing the configuration.  If it 
won't accept it, nothing else will either.

 >Thank you very much for your reply.
 >[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ./run-remstats
 >Errors from ping-collector:
 >defined(@array) is deprecated at /var/remstats/bin/ping-collector line 75.
 >(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)

Yeah.  You've got a more recent perl than was available when I built that 
version of remstats.  You can ignore them for now.  I'm going to do a 
release within a week on sourceforge.

 >Errors from port-collector:
 >defined(@array) is deprecated at /var/remstats/bin/port-collector line 75.
 >(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
 >Errors from snmp-route-collector:
 >defined(@array) is deprecated at /var/remstats/bin/snmp-route-collector line
 >(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
 >6)The version of remstats Im running is remstats-1.00a4
 >I was using the latest version(remstats-1.0.9b) but decided to drop down to
 >the 1.00a4 version because I was getting to many errors.
 >My apologies on the long reply. But your help or anyones help will be
 >greatly appreciated
 >>From: Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >>To: "gab.seun jones.ewulomi"
 >><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,rrd-users@list.ee.ethz.ch
 >>Subject: [rrd-users] Re: Help with running remstats
 >>Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 05:57:21 -0500
 >>At 05:17 2003-03-11, gab.seun jones.ewulomi wrote:
 >>  >Hi,
 >>  >
 >>  >Can anyone help me. I cant seem to get remstats to work. Iv followed the
 >>  >documentation in and out and I still dont know what is wrong.
 >>  >
 >>  >Any help will be greatly appreciated
 >>  >
 >>  ><<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>
 >>  >[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]#  /usr/bin/run-remstats
 >>You're going to have problems running remstats as root

[rrd-users] Re: Help with running remstats

2003-03-12 Thread Thomas Erskine
2 errors found
 >Errors from snmp-collector:
 >defined(@array) is deprecated at /var/remstats/bin/snmp-collector line 68.
 >(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
 >snmp-collector: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): Aberdeen: unknown line:
 >contact ITS-Services
 >snmp-collector: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): www.theweathernetwork.com
 >wants to be in group Other Servers, but that's not listed in groups
 >snmp-collector: ABORT: 2 errors found
 >Errors from nt-status-collector:
 >defined(@array) is deprecated at /var/remstats/bin/nt-status-collector line
 >(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
 >nt-status-collector: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): Aberdeen: unknown
 >line: contactArup-ITS-Services
 >nt-status-collector: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts):
 >www.theweathernetwork.com wants to be in group Other Servers, but that's not
 >listed in groups
 >nt-status-collector: ABORT: 2 errors found
 >updater: ERROR read_config_hosts(hosts): Aberdeen: unknown line: contact
 >updater: ERROR read_config_hosts(hosts): www.theweathernetwork.com wants to
 >be in group Other Servers, but that's not listed in groups
 >updater: ABORT: 2 errors found
 >Errors from ping-monitor:
 >ping-monitor: read_config_hosts(hosts): Aberdeen: unknown line: contact
 >ping-monitor: read_config_hosts(hosts): www.theweathernetwork.com wants to
 >be in group Other Servers, but that's not listed in groups
 >ping-monitor: ABORT: 2 errors found
 >Errors from alert-monitor:
 >alert-monitor: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): Aberdeen: unknown line:
 >contact ITS-Services
 >alert-monitor: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): www.theweathernetwork.com
 >wants to be in group Other Servers, but that's not listed in groups
 >alert-monitor: ABORT: 2 errors found
 >Errors from graph-writer:
 >graph-writer: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): Aberdeen: unknown line:
 >contact  ITS-Services
 >graph-writer: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): www.theweathernetwork.com
 >wants to be in group Other Servers, but that's not listed in groups
 >graph-writer: ABORT: 2 errors found
 >Errors from snmpif-setspeed:
 >snmpif-setspeed: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): Aberdeen: unknown line:
 >snmpif-setspeed: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): www.theweathernetwork.com
 >wants to be in group Other Servers, but that's not listed in groups
 >snmpif-setspeed: ABORT: 2 errors found
 >Errors from datapage-interfaces:
 >datapage-interfaces: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): Aberdeen: unknown
 >line: contactITS-Services
 >datapage-interfaces: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts):
 >www.theweathernetwork.com wants to be in group Other Servers, but that's not
 >listed in groups
 >datapage-interfaces: ABORT: 2 errors found
 >Errors from datapage-inventory:
 >Undefined subroutine &main::error called at /var/remstats/lib/remstats.pl
 >line 1772,  line 4.
 >Errors from datapage-status:
 >ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): Aberdeen: unknown line: contact
 >ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): www.theweathernetwork.com wants to be in
 >group Other Servers, but that's not listed in groups
 >ABORT: 2 errors found
 >Errors from view-writer:
 >view-writer: ERROR: read_config_views: sample-with-template: no such view
 >template as 'sample-template'; ignored
 >view-writer: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): Aberdeen: unknown line:
 >contact   ITS-Services
 >view-writer: ERROR: read_config_hosts(hosts): www.theweathernetwork.com
 >wants to be in group Other Servers, but that's not listed in groups
 >view-writer: ABORT: 2 errors found
 >run-remstats: ERROR: put_status: directory /var/remstats/data/_remstats_ is
 >missing; skipped
 >run-remstats: ERROR: put_status: directory /var/remstats/data/_remstats_ is
 >missing; skipped
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Thomas Erskine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1.613.591.8490 

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[rrd-users] Re: [OT] - Get versus Getnext

2003-02-20 Thread Thomas Erskine

At 11:52 2003-02-20, Simon Mullis wrote:
 >Afternoon, all...
 >Apologies for the slightly off-topic post...
 >Using MRTG I would like to query the MSSQL mssqlSrvInfoUserConnections OID
 >Doing a walk / getnext on the above OID using (insert your favourite MIB
 >browser here) I get a reponse along with a system specific OID:
 >[EMAIL PROTECTED] snmpgetnext -v2c  
 >enterprises.311. = Gauge32: 43

16 != 17  Look again at the response.

 >Using the OID in the reponse, I assume that I should be able to perform a
 >simple snmp get on it to get the data I require.
 >[EMAIL PROTECTED] snmpget -v2c  

Try it with the actual OID you got in the response.

 >Error in packet
 >Reason: (noSuchName) There is no such variable name in this MIB.
 >Failed object: enterprises.311.
 >Two questions:
 >1. Does anyone have any idea as to why this is the case?
 >2. Can I make MRTG do a getnext instead of a get? (I think I know that this
 >is a no).
 >I have tried both SNMPv1 and v2c.
 >I have tried appending .0 .1 .2 etc to the end of the OID.
 >Please help!!
 >Many thanks in advance for any insight anyone may give me.
 >Kind Regards,
 >Equinox Converged Solutions Limited.
 >Tel: +44 (0)1252 405 600
 >This message is intended solely for the use of the Individual or
 >organisation to whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged or
 >confidential information.  If you have received this message in error,
 >please notify the originator immediately.
 >If you are not the intended recipient, you should not use, copy, alter, or
 >disclose the contents of this message.  All information or opinions
 >expressed in this message and/or any attachments are those of the author and
 >are not necessarily those of Equinox Converged Solutions Limited.
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[rrd-users] Re: How does rrdtool behave if I store 5-minute-values for one year?

2003-01-30 Thread Thomas Erskine

At 09:41 2003-01-30, Serge Maandag wrote:
 >> So the consolidation is just good for saving disk space?
 >Yes, at least that's the only reason I know.
 >> Am I right, that I would just have to keep 1-year 5-minute-values and
 >I can also get the cf MAX out of it?
 >Almost, if you want average values and max values, you need both an
 >AVERAGE and a MAX rra in you rrd database.

If you have only one RRA, with a step of one (i.e. one input data point 
gives one row in the RRA), there is no consolidation, just normalizing of 
the time.  So you can ask for PRINT:myvar:MAX:... and get a meaningful 
maximum out even though the CF on the RRA is AVERAGE.

However, if you have an RRA or RRAs which do indeed consolidate, then you 
need to have both a MAX and AVERAGE RRA for those time-spans if you want to 
get meaningful mamimums out.  If you have only an AVERAGE consolidated RRA, 
then PRINT:myvar:MAX will be getting you the maximum of the averaged, 
consolidated data.  I.E. the maximums will be low and wrong.  Similarly, if 
you need minimums, you'll have to have a MIN consolidated RRA.

 >-Original Message-
 >From: Stephan Harren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 >Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 2:29 PM
 >To: Serge Maandag; rrd-users@list.ee.ethz.ch
 >Subject: Re: [rrd-users] How does rrdtool behave if I store
 >5-minute-values for one year?
 >Am I right, that I would just have to keep 1-year 5-minute-values and I
 >also get the cf MAX out of it?
 >Best regards,
 >Am Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2003 13:48 schrieb Serge Maandag:
 >> rrdtool uses the values the rrd holds. For the given time frame you
 >> to graph, it will try to take the highest resolution data.
 >> If you just store 5 minute samples, it will never even think of using
 >> 2 hours average.
 >> 2 hours average samples can only be displayed if your rrd database has
 >> an RRA that averages over 2 hours.
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[rrd-users] Re: Different RRA Types In One RRD

2003-01-21 Thread Thomas Erskine

At 16:55 2003-01-21, Daniel Magnuszewski wrote:
 >Is it at all possible to create an RRD which contains a DS (ds0) with a DST
 >of one type (either counter, absolute, gauge or derive) and another DS (ds1)
 >of another type? I want to do this because it will allow me to graph two
 >different rates onto one graph. Thanks.

You can create an rrd with two (or more) different DST's on different 
DS's.  You can also have RRA's for the same time-period/resolution with 
different CF's.  Given how the subject and the body of your message are 
talking about different things, I'm reluctant to expand on this, for now.

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[rrd-users] Re: Adding Max, Min and Ave values to graph

2002-10-10 Thread Thomas Erskine

At 11:17 AM 10/10/2002, Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:

>On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 09:52:55AM -0400, Carter, Steve wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am plotting graphs on traffic usage in and out of a router.  I would also
> > like to be able to show the Min, Max and Ave in bits/second on the graph as
> > well underneath the plot.

One note on this:  what CF (consolidation function) are you using on the 
RRA?  Probably AVERAGE.  If you tell PRINT to show the MIN or MAX, what 
you're getting is the min or max of the averaged values.  What you need to 
do, if you want to see real min and max is store, in addition to the 
AVERAGE RRA, two more RRAs using MIN and MAX, and print from the 
appropriate one for min and max.

>I guess that you mean the legend when you say "underneath the plot" ?
>"on the graph" would indicate you want to draw a line, right?
>Just use "rrdtool graph .. PRINT"
>without doing any graphics.
>(PRINT is just like GPRINT however it prints ascii to stdout
>in stead of on the image/in the legend)
>Now collect the numbers you just created, use them in the second
>invocation of "rrdtool graph "
>Use: HRULE:$somevar#FF:"Maximum incoming"
>in the 2nd rrdtool invocation where $somevar is evaluated before
>RRDtool sees it (so: rrdtool gets a number).
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[rrd-users] Re: Counter reset to zero initialy and over hours, no rrd updates

2002-08-23 Thread Thomas Erskine

At 13:05 2002-08-23 +0200, Gerhard Ecaroh Froehlich wrote:

>i am monitoring Oracle DB. Unfortunately counters will be initialy "zero" when
>creating the database and gets reset every night to "zero" by restarting the
>databases too. For hours there will be no user request (04:00 - 09:00), 
>after reset to "zero" the snmp value will be "zero" till the first user 
>comes in the morning.

If the counter in question is writable, you could dump out the correct 
value just before shutting down, and re-load it with put, after you bring 
it back up.  [Assuming that you're not paranoid (like the rest of us) and 
have removed all the writable community strings.]


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[rrd-users] Re: rrdcgi INCLUDE tag

2002-08-13 Thread Thomas Erskine

At 14:51 2002-08-12 -0700, Paul Wickman wrote:

>Got'chya, ok.
>So the original behavior was recursive, but you patched it so it is not
>recursive?  If that's the case, could you possibly send me the patch so I
>can reverse-engineer and get the recursive functionality back?

No.  There was no original include behaviour; my patch added it.  I would 
certainly not have removed functionality, and I don't think Tobi would have 
accepted the patch if it had.  Rrdcgi was never recursive.  I suppose that 
it wouldn't be too difficult to to modify the include to fork an rrdcgi in 
filter mode to allow all of the current rrdcgi features within an included 

> Thanks

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[rrd-users] Re: rrdcgi INCLUDE tag

2002-08-12 Thread Thomas Erskine

Hi Paul.

At 14:28 2002-08-09 -0700, Paul Wickman wrote:
>Using rrdcgi to easily generate some graphs.  So far, so good.
>One problem.  I use the  tag to include the contents of
>another file.  In the included file, I tried using other  tags, but
>they don't seem to get expanded.  Is this a bug or in this intentional?

I'll answer, since I suggested and wrote the original patch:  it's 
intentional.  The patch was written (very selfishly :-), because I needed 
the functionality of sucking in arbitrary files containing small pieces of 
data for remstats, so that pages didn't need to be re-written on every 
collection.  I didn't need it to behave recursively, so I didn't write it.

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[rrd-users] Re: RRDTool, perl, and Oracle

2002-07-09 Thread Thomas Erskine

Hi Robin.

At 10:35 2002-07-09 -0400, Robin Norwood wrote:

>I have a project for which the graphing capabilities of RRDTool would be
>very helpful.  I've looked into the RRDs perl module, and I have a couple
>of questions:
>We have an Oracle database, and it would be nice if I could store RRD's
>data in Oracle rather than in a text file - however, the perl interface
>seems to only accept a filename to store the data in for the RRDs::create
>and RRDs::graph functions, for instance.  Is there a way to either:
>a) Point RRDs to something else when storing and retrieving the data -
>Oracle itself, or even a filehandle or a hash, so I can use Oracle
>(which is on another box with plenty of hard disk space for all this data)


>or b) Give RRDs the data and get a graph out without using a file to store
>the data first - so I can store the data in Oracle myself and pour it into
>RRDs to draw the graph.

No.  You can, quite easily, create an rrd, populate it and create a graph, 
all on the fly.

>I guess what I'm saying is that I'd like to use RRDs graph drawing
>capabilities but not necessarily it's data storage.  Though it would be
>nice to have the 'round-robin-ness', I just don't want it to have to read
>from and write to files on the web server - I'd rather have it read from
>and write to Oracle.

There are lots of other graphing packages (gnuplot, GDChart); if you don't 
want to use rrd files, what is special about rrdtool's graphing?  I'm not 
at all meaning to minimize them, but rrdtool's graphing is aimed at rrd 
files; that's part of what makes it simple to use, not having to describe 
the data.



>Robin Norwood
>"The Sage does nothing, yet nothing remains undone."
>-Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching
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[rrd-users] Re: Calculating traffic

2002-06-27 Thread Thomas Erskine

Hi Iñaki.
At 14:30 2002-06-27 +0200, Iñaki Martínez wrote:
>  But i am too confussed now to know/calculate the values.
>  Can you help me with this
>  If i want to make this kind of graphs:
>  graph of 1 hour (last one)
>  graph of 2 hours (last one)
>  graph of 1 day (last one)
>  graph of 1 week (last one)
>  graph of 1 month (last one)
>  graph of 1 year (last one)
>  graph of 2 years (last ones)
>  graph of 1 year (1 year ago)
>  graph of 1 year (2 year ago)
>  graph of 1 year (3 year ago)
>  graph of 1 year (4 year ago)
>  graph of 1 year (5 year ago)

There are two other pieces of information to consider when deciding how 
much data to keep at which resolutions:
 - the step time
 - the graph image size

Say you're using an RRA like:

Unless you know the step time, you don't know what time-period the 600 
values cover.  Say we use your suggested step of 60 (which is probably 
overkill).  Then we know the time-span covered: 600 * 60 = 36000 seconds or 
10 hours.  So for any time in the last 10 hours, we can get the 
best-resolution data.  This covers your first two graphs (1-hour and 
2-hour), and I'll ignore the image size since, ...

To cover the 1-day graph, we want to arrange things so that we have data at 
the same (or a bit better) resolution as the image.  Say the image is 
800x200 (width x height); only the width (time-axis) matters.  So to make 
sure that we've got data which won't look stepped, we want to have 
data-points every
 day (your time-span to be covered) / 800 (the image size) = 
60*60*24 / 800 = 108 seconds

Given that your base resolution is one data-point every 60 seconds, we're 
not going to get that resolution (1 point / 108 seconds) by consolidation, 
so we need to extend the first RRA to cover that time-period.  I.E. we need 
one-day coverage, sampled every 60 seconds = 60*24 = 1440.  Add a bit extra 
to make sure that the whole day is covered,  so change the first RRA to:

For the 1-week graph, we need to cover 60*60*24*7 = 604800 seconds.  For 
the same size graph, we need data every 604800 / 800 = 756 seconds.  There 
are two ways to cover this.  The simple way is to just extend the original 
RRA again to cover one week:
That's overkill, because we don't really need that resolution of data for 
that long.  The better way is to make a consolidation RRA.  We need data 
every 756 seconds, so we need to consolidate 756 / 60 (step time) = 12 
points per consolidated point; say 10.  We still need to cover a week with 
this: one week worth of consolidated points is 60*60*24*7 (a week) / 
60(step time) / 10 (consolidated points) = 1008; say 1100 for a bit 
more.  So the RRA looks like:
Note the "???" I put in instead of the consolidation function.  Now we have 
to think about our data.  If averages are good enough, then put in AVERAGE 
for the cf and have done.  However, if you want to be able to show _real_ 
maximum values over this period, that won't cut it.  The problem is that 
the consolidation takes 10 of the original values and averages them to 
create one new value.  If you ask for the maximum over this time-period, 
with only an AVERAGE RRA, then what you're really getting the the maximum 
of the averaged values.  It's fine if you want smoothed values, but it 
isn't the maximum.  For that, you need to have another RRA:
Whenever you want to show a maximum value, you'll need to make sure that 
you're doing your LINE1 or GPRINT or whatever, using MAX.

The other graphs are left as an exercise for the reader. :-)  The only ones 
that are slightly different are the last-year, year-before, ... 
graphs.  All these do is require the same data resolution as the this-year 
graph, for longer periods.

>  these graphs are about:
>   servers: swap, ram, processes, ethernet, partitions, cpus, ...
>   switchs: ports, ...

Doesn't matter what they are, just how much you need to keep.

>Now i have the following
>(all rrd files have the same values in step, heartbeat and RRA,
>  DS has diferent names and DST is diferent for Ethernet):
>rrdtool create .rrd --step 60 \
>   DS:in:GAUGE:600:U:U \
>   DS:out:GAUGE:600:U:U\
>   RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600   \
>   RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700   \
>   RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775  \
>   RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:3725\
>   RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1:600 \
>   RRA:MAX:0.5:6:700   \
>   RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775  \
>   RRA:MAX:0.5:288:3725
>  The IMPORTANT questions (with the information above):
>  * how many RRAs and with which values must i use???
>  * What hearbeat and step values are the correct

The step time is how often you will be updating the RRD.  The "correct" 
value for the heartbeat depends on the data and personal preference.  If 
you set the step

[rrd-users] Re: Monitoring each CPU in a SMP server

2002-06-26 Thread Thomas Erskine

At 14:08 2002-06-26 +0200, Iñaki Martínez wrote:

>Kaixo Thomas Erskine!!!
> > >  1) how to get data for each CPU
> > > now i get via mpstat, a program that show each CPU status
> >
> > "mpstat -P ALL" works for me under linux.
>  Yes... for me too..
>  I did ask for another better method.

What's wrong with this?  If you want to monitor multiple machines from a 
central point then it's not very helpful.  You'll need some way to collect 
it remotely.  However, for the local machine, this is simple and simple is 

> > >  3) how to graph ALL CPUs in the same graph, if possible
> > > if NOT possible how to graph, one for each CPU???
> >
> > Where's the difficulty?
> >
> > rrdtool graph xyzzy.png \
> >  --start ... \
> >  DEF:user0=my.rrd:user0:AVERAGE
> >  DEF:user1=my.rrd:user1:AVERAGE
> >  ...
> >  LINE1:user0#ff
> >  LINE1:user1#00ff00
> >  ...
>  OK you are right
>  But for each CPU you have 4 lines (user,nice,system and idle) so could be
>very confused graph..
>  I think about stack areas, but with two CPUs you have a very big graph.

Was this question "how do I make such a graph", or "how do I combine all 
this information into a comprehensible graph"?  I agree that cramming 
multiple CPUs onto one 2D graph is going to be confusing.  For 2 CPUs, you 
could have one be positive and one negative, or one as stacked lines and 
one as stacked areas.  For more, I think that it'd be better to have one 
graph per CPU and put up a page with all the different CPU graphs on one page.

>  Thanks!!
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[rrd-users] Re: Monitoring each CPU in a SMP server

2002-06-26 Thread Thomas Erskine

At 13:25 2002-06-26 +0200, Iñaki Martínez wrote:
>  My problems are (in order):
>  1) how to get data for each CPU
> now i get via mpstat, a program that show each CPU status

"mpstat -P ALL" works for me under linux.

>  2) how to store data in rrd file
>  something like this??
>  DS:user0:GAUGE:600:U:U
>  DS:nice0:GAUGE:600:U:U
>  DS:system0:GAUGE:600:U:U
>  DS:idle0:GAUGE:600:U:U
>  DS:user1:GAUGE:600:U:U
>  DS:nice1:GAUGE:600:U:U
>  DS:system1:GAUGE:600:U:U
>  DS:idle1:GAUGE:600:U:U
>  and so on for more CPU's (i only have two)
>  3) how to graph ALL CPUs in the same graph, if possible
> if NOT possible how to graph, one for each CPU???

Where's the difficulty?

rrdtool graph xyzzy.png \
 --start ... \

>  Thanks !!!
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[rrd-users] Re: program to monitor apache access log?

2002-05-01 Thread Thomas Erskine
Hi Aaron.

At 09:33 2002-05-01 -0400, Aaron Bush wrote:

>I would like to monitor my Apache access log 'real time' by totaling
>some stats such as total requests, bytes, response codes (200, 404,
>etc...).  I'm looking for a script that will tail the log file reading
>in data as the server writes it and dump out some numbers every 5
>minutes that can then be input into rrdtool, has this already been done,
>i don't want to reinvent the wheel?

Remstats has a log-server which will permit the log-collector to do this 
for remote hosts.

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[rrd-users] Re: NT Monitoring?

2002-01-16 Thread Thomas Erskine

Hash: SHA1

Hi Ross.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mohan, Ross
> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 11:04
> To: rrd-users@list.ee.ethz.ch
> Subject: [rrd-users] NT Monitoring?
> Folks, I am a newbie to the list, and altho i have
> visited the archives, see no clear answer to this. 
> Has anyone used RRDtool et cetera to monitor NT boxes
> and published gifs under IE5.5?  I'd be interested in
> a set of guidelines, or at least to do the Arnie Sackneusen
> thing. 

I have done this using my remstats package with an NT-specific server
running on a NT box.  I have yet to find completely satisfactory ways
of getting the information I want.  The perfcounters are very
interesting-looking, but for at least half of them, I can't figure
out how to interpret them, making them not very useful.  Some of them
do have good information though.  I've also run various programs from
the NT Resource Kit from the server.  This works, but due to
expensive process-creation on NT doesn't scale very well.  Also, some
of the programs are *very* slow sometimes.

> Thanks in advance!
> Ross
> --
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