[rt-users] Ticket/User creation

2010-06-30 Thread Michelle Sullivan
Is there and API available in 3.6 or 3.8 so that I can create a ticket
and get the ticket number (and create a user if necessary).

Currently I have a web interface that collects data, sets up an email
with the required support information and sends it to a Queue Input address.

I'd like to get the ticket number and connect directly to the RT
interface/DB to do the job and collect the ticket number so I can put in
references to the ticket into the other DB (my DB) so that we can see
all RT support tickets linked to a specific issue.  I'd be happy to
continue to do this via email, but it would be better to get a direct link.

If there is can someone point me to the docs (preferably with a simple
example) please?



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Re: [rt-users] Slow Ticket History 3.8.8

2010-06-30 Thread Kim Pedersen

Hi Justin,

Our RT instance is much smaller than yours, but we had very similar 

Optimizing MySQL using the output from the tuner script made nearly all 
the speed issues go away.

The one remaining issue we had with slow queries was resolved after the 
upgrade to 3.8.8

Your key buffer size looks like overkill - probably want to reduce that, 
and you have many joins done without indexes - that's a performance killer.

Your InnoDB memory allocation looks like it needs to be increasing.

Overall I'd say your database performance is skewed towards ISAM 
performance and not InnoDB (Which is what RT3 uses by default)


On 2010-06-29 10:53, Justin Hayes wrote:

Seem to be quite a few things to look at Jason. Need to figure out what they 
all mean first.


 General Statistics --
[--] Skipped version check for MySQLTuner script
[OK] Currently running supported MySQL version 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.4-log
[OK] Operating on 64-bit architecture

 Storage Engine Statistics ---
[--] Status: -Archive -BDB -Federated +InnoDB -ISAM -NDBCluster
[--] Data in MyISAM tables: 611M (Tables: 8)
[--] Data in InnoDB tables: 10G (Tables: 20)
[!!] Total fragmented tables: 21

 Performance Metrics -
[--] Up for: 19d 19h 32m 37s (110M q [64.266 qps], 222K conn, TX: 637B, RX: 39B)
[--] Reads / Writes: 98% / 2%
[--] Total buffers: 602.0M global + 134.8M per thread (150 max threads)
[!!] Maximum possible memory usage: 20.3G (262% of installed RAM)
[OK] Slow queries: 0% (229K/110M)
[!!] Highest connection usage: 100%  (151/150)
[OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 512.0M/6.7M
[OK] Key buffer hit rate: 100.0% (84M cached / 7K reads)
[OK] Query cache efficiency: 71.4% (76M cached / 107M selects)
[!!] Query cache prunes per day: 661360
[OK] Sorts requiring temporary tables: 0% (0 temp sorts / 2M sorts)
[!!] Joins performed without indexes: 112714
[!!] Temporary tables created on disk: 33% (968K on disk / 2M total)
[OK] Thread cache hit rate: 99% (1K created / 222K connections)
[OK] Table cache hit rate: 36% (318 open / 880 opened)
[OK] Open file limit used: 14% (166/1K)
[OK] Table locks acquired immediately: 99% (39M immediate / 39M locks)
[!!] InnoDB data size / buffer pool: 10.1G/8.0M

 Recommendations -
General recommendations:
 Run OPTIMIZE TABLE to defragment tables for better performance
 Reduce your overall MySQL memory footprint for system stability
 Reduce or eliminate persistent connections to reduce connection usage
 Adjust your join queries to always utilize indexes
 When making adjustments, make tmp_table_size/max_heap_table_size equal
 Reduce your SELECT DISTINCT queries without LIMIT clauses
Variables to adjust:
   *** MySQL's maximum memory usage is dangerously high ***
   *** Add RAM before increasing MySQL buffer variables ***
 max_connections (>  150)
 wait_timeout (<  28800)
 interactive_timeout (<  28800)
 query_cache_size (>  16M)
 join_buffer_size (>  2.0M, or always use indexes with joins)
 tmp_table_size (>  128M)
 max_heap_table_size (>  64M)
 innodb_buffer_pool_size (>= 10G)


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Re: [rt-users] QuickSpamHandler.tgz

2010-06-30 Thread Francois Marier
On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 14:06 +1200, Francois Marier wrote:
> Do anybody have a copy of the QuickSpamHandler.tgz tarball that is
> referenced from http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/SpamFiltering ?

In case anybody else is looking for this, I found a very similar


I've added a link to it on the wiki.


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[rt-users] webmux.pl error - Apache won't start

2010-06-30 Thread Patton, Brandon
Found another error in the apache2 logfile showing this error when trying to 
start apache2.

Can't locate object method "Config" via package "RT" at /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl 
line 136.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 242) line 1.

This is the other error I have:

Can't load Perl file: /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl

Can someone please help me? I really need to get this up and running. More 
details can be found below from previous emails.

-Original Message-
From: rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com 
[mailto:rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Patton, Brandon
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:50 PM
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Upgrading from RT 3.6.5

Ok, I'm getting closer and closer to getting this to work but having a problem 
with the Apache setup. I have created the config for Apache as shown by 
numerous examples but no matter which example I follow, I get the following 
error trying to start Apache:

Can't load Perl file: /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl

If I uncomment the "PerlRequire" line apache will start and I get the website 
with the "Your Almost There!" message.

Here is the config info I'm using for Apache

ServerName nethealth
DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
PerlModule Apache2 Apache::compat
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
ErrorLog /opt/rt3/var/log/apache2.error

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason

OS: Ubuntu 8.04.0
MySQL 5.0.51
PostFix Mail 2.54
Apache 2.28
Request Tacker: 3.8.8

-Original Message-
From: rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com 
[mailto:rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Patton, Brandon
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 10:43 AM
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Upgrading from RT 3.6.5

I'm in the process of trying to upgrade now and I've gotten to the part of 
updating the database and I get the following error. Can anyone help me?

r...@nethealth:/opt/rt3/sbin# ./rt-setup-database --dba root 
--prompt-for-dba-password --action upgrade
In order to create or update your RT database, this script needs to connect to 
your  mysql instance on localhost as root
Please specify that user's database password below. If the user has no database
password, just press return.

Working with:
Type:   mysql
Host:   localhost
Name:   rtdb
User:   rtuser
Couldn't finish 'upgrade' step.

ERROR: Couldn't read dir './etc/upgrade' with upgrade data

The upgrade directory is there, not sure why it can't read it. Of course, I'm 
not an expert on permissions either.

r...@nethealth:/opt/rt3/etc# ls -l
total 196
-r  1 root  www  90 2010-06-28 15:53 acl.Informix
-r  1 root  www 859 2010-06-28 15:53 acl.mysql
-r  1 root  www  27 2010-06-28 15:53 acl.Oracle
-r  1 root  www1912 2010-06-28 15:53 acl.Pg
-r  1 root  www 232 2010-06-28 15:53 acl.Sybase
-r  1 root  www   22776 2010-06-28 15:53 initialdata
-r--r-  1 root  www   46335 2010-06-28 15:53 RT_Config.pm
-rw-r-  1 root  www1027 2010-06-28 16:11 
-r  1 root  www   10518 2010-06-28 15:53 schema.Informix
-r  1 root  www   13236 2010-06-28 15:53 
-r  1 root  www   14164 2010-06-28 15:53 
-r  1 root  www   11776 2010-06-28 15:53 schema.Oracle
-r  1 root  www   13904 2010-06-28 15:53 schema.Pg
-r  1 root  www   10769 2010-06-28 15:53 schema.SQLite
-r  1 root  www   11550 2010-06-28 15:53 schema.Sybase
drwxr-xr-x 25 administrator administrator  4096 2010-06-28 15:52 upgrade

-Original Message-
From: Jerrad Pierce [mailto:jpie...@cambridgeenergyalliance.org] 
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 2:14 PM
To: Patton, Brandon
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Upgrading from RT 3.6.5

Ungh, Ubuntu as a server.

Leaving that aside, simply use the package manager (something like
Synaptic in the GUI) to check where the files for the rt package are
Back those up if you have concerns about possible customizations done
to core instead of local code. Backup your database. Then:

A) Update your system to something more modern, and install the
corresponding rt package
B) Download the source tarball from Best Practical, and follow the
enclosed directions

P.S. /opt/rt3 is the default path, for some reason several
distributions like Ubuntu like to shove stuff under
/usr/local/packageName and give users longer pathnames to deal with.

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Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Esse

Re: [rt-users] webmux.pl error - Apache won't start

2010-06-30 Thread Joop van de Wege

Patton, Brandon wrote:

Found another error in the apache2 logfile showing this error when trying to 
start apache2.

Can't locate object method "Config" via package "RT" at /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl 
line 136.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 242) line 1.

This is the other error I have:

Can't load Perl file: /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl

Did you run 'make testdeps' ??

Might be that rt-3.8.8 needs newer versions of installed modules or even 
need new modules that currently not installed.



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Re: [rt-users] webmux.pl error - Apache won't start

2010-06-30 Thread Patton, Brandon
Yes, it said all dependencies were found.

r...@nethealth:~/rt-3.8.8# make testdeps
/usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies --verbose --with-mysql --with-fastcgi
>=5.8.3(5.8.8) ...found
rt group (www) ...found
bin owner (root) ...found
libs owner (root) ...found
libs group (bin) ...found
web owner (www) ...found
web group (www) ...found
CLI dependencies:
Term::ReadKey ...found
Getopt::Long >= 2.24 ...found
HTTP::Request::Common ...found
Term::ReadLine ...found
Text::ParseWords ...found
LWP ...found
CORE dependencies:
Class::ReturnValue >= 0.40 ...found
Text::Quoted >= 2.02 ...found
CSS::Squish >= 0.06 ...found
Encode >= 2.21 ...found
Module::Versions::Report >= 1.05 ...found
MIME::Entity >= 5.425 ...found
DBI >= 1.37 ...found
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >= 0.32 ...found
Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19 ...found
Digest::base ...found
Time::ParseDate ...found
File::Temp >= 0.18 ...found
Locale::Maketext >= 1.06 ...found
Tree::Simple >= 1.04 ...found
Text::Template >= 1.44 ...found
Scalar::Util ...found
HTML::Scrubber >= 0.08 ...found
File::Spec >= 0.8 ...found
Calendar::Simple ...found
DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.54 ...found
Sys::Syslog >= 0.16 ...found
Mail::Mailer >= 1.57 ...found
File::ShareDir ...found
Regexp::Common ...found
Digest::MD5 >= 2.27 ...found
HTML::Entities ...found
Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry ...found
File::Glob ...found
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy ...found
Time::HiRes ...found
Text::Wrapper ...found
Log::Dispatch >= 2.0 ...found
UNIVERSAL::require ...found
Email::Address ...found
DASHBOARDS dependencies:
HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.02 ...found
MIME::Types ...found
FASTCGI dependencies:
CGI::Fast ...found
CGI >= 3.38 ...found
FCGI ...found
GD dependencies:
GD::Text ...found
GD ...found
GD::Graph ...found
GPG dependencies:
PerlIO::eol ...found
GnuPG::Interface ...found
ICAL dependencies:
Data::ICal ...found
MAILGATE dependencies:
Pod::Usage ...found
HTML::TreeBuilder ...found
Getopt::Long ...found
HTML::FormatText ...found
LWP::UserAgent ...found
MASON dependencies:
Storable >= 2.08 ...found
CSS::Squish >= 0.06 ...found
Apache::Session >= 1.53 ...found
Errno ...found
Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19 ...found
CGI::Cookie >= 1.20 ...found
Text::WikiFormat >= 0.76 ...found
XML::RSS >= 1.05 ...found
HTML::Mason >= 1.36 ...found
Digest::MD5 >= 2.27 ...found
MYSQL dependencies:
DBD::mysql >= 2.1018 ...found
SMTP dependencies:
Net::SMTP ...found
STANDALONE dependencies:
Net::Server ...found
HTTP::Server::Simple >= 0.34 ...found
HTTP::Server::Simple::Mason >= 0.09 ...found

All dependencies have been found.

-Original Message-
From: Joop van de Wege [mailto:joopvandew...@mococo.nl] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 10:27 AM
To: Patton, Brandon
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] webmux.pl error - Apache won't start

Patton, Brandon wrote:
> Found another error in the apache2 logfile showing this error when trying to 
> start apache2.
> Can't locate object method "Config" via package "RT" at 
> /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl line 136.
> Compilation failed in require at (eval 242) line 1.
> This is the other error I have:
> Can't load Perl file: /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
Did you run 'make testdeps' ??

Might be that rt-3.8.8 needs newer versions of installed modules or even 
need new modules that currently not installed.



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[rt-users] Query Builder froze

2010-06-30 Thread Horst Kriegers
Suze Linux 2.6.16
RT 3.6.6
Apache 2.2.6
MySQL 5.1.45
We have 2 instances of RT:
- DEV for development
- PRD for production
A query created in RT's Query Builder on the DEV environment works
By creating the same query on the PRD environment froze until timeout
I've tried to connect the RT DEV to MySQL PRD, all works fine.
I've tried to connect the RT PRD to MySQL DEV, it froze.
I've tried to compare the both RT's directory content, all seems to be
How can I solve this problèm ?
Many thanks in advance.

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In this case, you are nor allowed to copy, distribute or use this 
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Re: [rt-users] webmux.pl error - Apache won't start

2010-06-30 Thread Joop van de Wege

Patton, Brandon wrote:

Found another error in the apache2 logfile showing this error when trying to 
start apache2.

Can't locate object method "Config" via package "RT" at /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl 
line 136.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 242) line 1.

This is the other error I have:

Can't load Perl file: /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl

Can someone please help me? I really need to get this up and running. More 
details can be found below from previous emails.

-Original Message-
From: rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com 
[mailto:rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Patton, Brandon
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:50 PM
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Upgrading from RT 3.6.5

Ok, I'm getting closer and closer to getting this to work but having a problem 
with the Apache setup. I have created the config for Apache as shown by 
numerous examples but no matter which example I follow, I get the following 
error trying to start Apache:

Can't load Perl file: /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl

If I uncomment the "PerlRequire" line apache will start and I get the website with the 
"Your Almost There!" message.

Here is the config info I'm using for Apache

ServerName nethealth
DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
PerlModule Apache2 Apache::compat
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
ErrorLog /opt/rt3/var/log/apache2.error

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason

This is my RT config vhost

ServerName rt3.server.nl
DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html

PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl

Alias /rt3 /opt/rt3/share/html

SetHandler default

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason

ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/rt_error.log
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel info
ServerSignature On

This one is simpler might help since it doesn't include the problem 
module. Further do you have the latest of Apache::DBI installed? If my 
memory is correct I had problems that make testdeps didn't detect if I 
had it installed. Had to do that by hand.



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Re: [rt-users] Query Builder froze

2010-06-30 Thread Kenneth Crocker

What are the differences in you RT_Config and RT_SiteConfig.pm files?


On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 7:32 AM, Horst Kriegers wrote:

>  Hi,
> Suze Linux 2.6.16
> RT 3.6.6
> Apache 2.2.6
> MySQL 5.1.45
> We have 2 instances of RT:
> - DEV for development
> - PRD for production
> A query created in RT's Query Builder on the DEV environment works fine.
> By creating the same query on the PRD environment froze until timeout
> appear.
> I've tried to connect the RT DEV to MySQL PRD, all works fine.
> I've tried to connect the RT PRD to MySQL DEV, it froze.
> I've tried to compare the both RT's directory content, all seems to be
> identical.
> How can I solve this problèm ?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Horst
>  ___
> Le contenu de ce courriel est uniquement réservé à la personne ou
> l'organisme à qui il est destiné. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire prévu,
> veuillez nous en informer au plus vite et détruire le présent courriel. Dans
> ce cas, il ne vous est pas permis de copier ce courriel, de le distribuer ou
> de l'utiliser de quelque manière que ce soit.
>  ___
> The content of this e-mail is intended only and solely for the use of the
> named recipient or organisation. If you are not the named recipient, please
> inform us immediately and delete the present e-mail. In this case, you are
> nor allowed to copy, distribute or use this e-mail in any way.
>  ___
> Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
> Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com

Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
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Re: [rt-users] Ticket/User creation

2010-06-30 Thread Emmanuel Lacour
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 09:13:17AM +0200, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
> Is there and API available in 3.6 or 3.8 so that I can create a ticket
> and get the ticket number (and create a user if necessary).
> Currently I have a web interface that collects data, sets up an email
> with the required support information and sends it to a Queue Input address.
> I'd like to get the ticket number and connect directly to the RT
> interface/DB to do the job and collect the ticket number so I can put in
> references to the ticket into the other DB (my DB) so that we can see
> all RT support tickets linked to a specific issue.  I'd be happy to
> continue to do this via email, but it would be better to get a direct link.
> If there is can someone point me to the docs (preferably with a simple
> example) please?

you can use the REST[1] interface provided by RT. See [2] for examples on
how to use it.

[1] - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer
[2] - http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/REST

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Re: [rt-users] Reply to Resolved Ticket

2010-06-30 Thread Emmanuel Lacour
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:51:23PM +1000, Sam Quade wrote:
> Hi
> Looking for a way to set a rule for resolved tickets to lock them down to 
> either not accept replies or preferably on reply to create a new ticket in 
> that same queue.
> It wouldn't necessarily need to refer to the old ticket but that would be 
> handy.
> Appreciate any assistance with this, apologies if it has been covered before.
> Using version RT 3.8.7

You have to setup a scrip for this:

Scrip condition: http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ReplyToResolved
Scrip action: http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ForkIntoNewTicket

Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
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Re: [rt-users] webmux.pl error - Apache won't start

2010-06-30 Thread Patton, Brandon
Still no go, because your config also has reference to " PerlRequire 

If I comment this line out, Apache will start but then when you browse the site 
you get the webpage that says "You're Almost There!".

How can I tell if I have the latest Apache::DBI installed? Like I mentioned 
earlier, I'm a linux novice and inherited this machine after a co-worker left.

-Original Message-
From: Joop van de Wege [mailto:joopvandew...@mococo.nl] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 10:49 AM
To: Patton, Brandon
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] webmux.pl error - Apache won't start

Patton, Brandon wrote:
> Found another error in the apache2 logfile showing this error when trying to 
> start apache2.
> Can't locate object method "Config" via package "RT" at 
> /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl line 136.
> Compilation failed in require at (eval 242) line 1.
> This is the other error I have:
> Can't load Perl file: /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
> Can someone please help me? I really need to get this up and running. More 
> details can be found below from previous emails.
> Thanks!
> -Original Message-
> From: rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com 
> [mailto:rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Patton, Brandon
> Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:50 PM
> To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Upgrading from RT 3.6.5
> Ok, I'm getting closer and closer to getting this to work but having a 
> problem with the Apache setup. I have created the config for Apache as shown 
> by numerous examples but no matter which example I follow, I get the 
> following error trying to start Apache:
> Can't load Perl file: /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
> If I uncomment the "PerlRequire" line apache will start and I get the website 
> with the "Your Almost There!" message.
> Here is the config info I'm using for Apache
> ServerName nethealth
> DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
> AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
> PerlModule Apache2 Apache::compat
> PerlModule Apache::DBI
> PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
> ErrorLog /opt/rt3/var/log/apache2.error
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler RT::Mason

This is my RT config vhost

ServerName rt3.server.nl
DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html

PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl

Alias /rt3 /opt/rt3/share/html

SetHandler default

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason

ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/rt_error.log
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel info
ServerSignature On

This one is simpler might help since it doesn't include the problem 
module. Further do you have the latest of Apache::DBI installed? If my 
memory is correct I had problems that make testdeps didn't detect if I 
had it installed. Had to do that by hand.



Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
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[rt-users] Tracking Mileage from Ticket Transactions

2010-06-30 Thread Chad Osmond


Firstly, I'm just getting back into RT after changing jobs, so It's been 
4 years since I started to work on customizing RT.
We run a IT services company, and we're looking for a nice easy way to 
track mileage on a ticket transaction.

What I'd envisioned is inside a  ticket transaction, have a custom field 
similar to Time Worked, where you can enter a value and have it 
increment the total value in the way that time worked happens.

I assume I'll need two custom fields, Mileage Total and Mileage, and on 
Ticket Submit, take Mileage and add it to the Mileage Total value,  is 
this correct?
I would also like to keep a monthly log of mileage, so on ticket 
submission, if there is a Mileage entry, create a comment in a different 
queue called "Mileage Queue" where I'd have a ticket for each user, each 

The first part seems simple enough to do providing I'm in the right 
path, and the second will take some playing around with I'm sure, but it 
seems possible. Before I get too caught up, is there anyone that has a 
similar setup that could post their configurations?



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[rt-users] Going crazy with RT 3.8 and Timezones for Display Dates

2010-06-30 Thread Torsten Brumm
Hi RT Users,
since we are planing our RT 3.8 migration, we are cross checking all our
scrips and some scrips with time calculaltions driving me mad.

Example from RT 3.6.x

We have two CF's: Date and the other Time


The user is entering the date and the time in utc normally - our RT is
running in UTC

Then i have a tiny scrip:

my $DUEDATE = $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Date');
my $DUETIME = $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Time');
return 1;

Under RT 3.6. RT was setting this simply to the entered values, all was

Now with RT 3.8 RT the user is able to enter his timezone offset for Display
and RT is adding the Timezone Difference to this value.

Any hints how to prevent this? or to make sure to get the correct value,
entered by the user?



Torsten Brumm


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Re: [rt-users] SetPriority oddities.

2010-06-30 Thread Marc Andersen
Hi Kenn

Thank you for the input. It might very well be some kind of cache problem.
To follow up on the example below where I type in 100 as priority.

By using RT::Logger i see the following:
Jun 30 18:55:34 ubuntu RT: Priority_after_SetPri: 50 ((eval 3725):17)
Jun 30 18:55:34 ubuntu RT: TransPriority_after_SetPri_oldvalue: 50
((eval 3725):18)
Jun 30 18:55:34 ubuntu RT: TransPriority_after_SetPri_newvalue: 100
((eval 3725):19)

The logs are right after the SetPriority method has been called. The
first log line checks what the actual priority is:
$RT::Logger->error("Priority_after_SetPri: ".$self->TicketObj->Priority);

The next two lines I check what the old and new values of the
transactionobject is and was:

So you can see there is some confusion in RT about what the values are.
The priority itself is 50but the new value of the transactionobject
is 100.

I simply do not know if this will present some problem further down the
road or if I should file it as cosmetic (maybe a bug?).

I guess what I need is a scrip that ignores anything typed into the
priority field in this case (with a more complicated condition check in
the final script).

Any ideas?

Btw: Can anyone reproduce this behaviour?


On 2010-06-29 19:01, Kenneth Crocker wrote:
> Marc,
> I could be wrong but I suspect that what you are seeing after you made a
> change has to do with what is in cache.
> Your scrip code was for "Cleanup" so after RT made your change to 100,
> the "Cleanup" scrip came along and changed it back to 50, but cache
> still has what you TYPED into that field.
> That's my best guess. Hope it helps.
> Kenn
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 6:41 AM, Marc Andersen  > wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I've been trying to wrap my head around RT for a couple of days now
> (actually RT-IR).
> Currently I am trying to add some business logic (yes...scrips :) ).
> I noted some oddities while trying to set my priority field using custom
> fields. I can essentially get it to work, but I have not been able to
> figure out why I run into the problem below.
> So I made up a very simple scrip to illustrate my point:
> Condition: on Transaction
> Action: User defined
> Global Template: Blank
> Stage: Transaction Batch
> Custom action cleanup code:
> $self->TicketObj->SetPriority (50);
> Then I set about to test it:
> 1)
> Create ticket --> ticket gets created and priority is 50.
> 2)
> Edit ticket --> I update anything but the priority in the ticket, just
> to trigger the script. For instance by changing the tickets subject. -->
> Save changes -->  Priority remains 50.
> 3)
> Edit ticket --> this time I update the priority field and set it to,
> say, 100. The expected outcome: priority will be set to 50 by the script
> --> Save changes --> actual outcome: the priority field _seems_ to be
> set to 100, although the script was triggered (confirmed by using
> RT::Logger).
> 4)
> Now this is where I get confused. Somehow, my script was overruled in
> 3). However, as soon as I access the ticket again by navigating to the
> ticket, i.e. clicking on display or selecting the ticket in the left
> menu bar or otherwise navigating around, the priority will be at 50,
> without my scrip running again.
> So my guess is, that my script actually saved the right priority in the
> database, but didn't update some essential object when displaying the
> ticket right after pressing 'Save Changes'
> Does anybody know what is happening here?
> Please bear in mind that the scrip here just illustrates my point and is
> not the actual final scrip I want to use in production (which would be
> setting the priority through several custom fields).
> Hope somebody has an answer.
> regards

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Marc Andersen
IT Security Analyst
Direct: + 45 3545 0164
E-mail: m...@govcert.dk

The Danish GovCERT

Ministry of Science, Technology
and Innovation

National IT and Telecom Agency
Holsteinsgade 63
DK-2100 København O
Tel.: +45 3545 
Fax: +45 3545 0010
E-mail: i...@itst.dk

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[rt-users] RTFM Saved Searches on Dashboards

2010-06-30 Thread Peter Roosakos
I'm curious if anyone is using RTFM saved searches as queries on dashboards.
They show up in the 'Available' selection box as 'Article:
', but when added to the dashboard shows an error "could
not find component for path '/Search/Elements/Article'.




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[rt-users] Trouble getting mail to work with RT 3.8 on CentOS 5.5 VM with MSMTP

2010-06-30 Thread Michael Dubendris
Hi RT-Users,
I'm having a bit of trouble getting my RT config to work. Initially, MSMTP
was working and sending blank e-mails (they were appearing from "unknown
sender" and the message headers were almost empty). I'm not sure what I did
to break this, but I assure you it was in an attempt to fix something. I am
using mod_perl if this matters (perl version 5.8.8). I have followed all of
the documentation on the bestpractical wiki, and as far as I can tell
everythign seems to be in place. When I create a new ticket I get the
following messages in /var/log/messages:

Jun 30 13:40:09 testbed RT: <
rt-3.8.8-4957-1277930409-1228.2-...@corp.takelessons.com> #2/35 - Scrip 3 On
Create Autoreply To Requestors
Jun 30 13:40:09 testbed RTmailer: CALL /usr/local/bin/msmtp -nt --from=
helpd...@domain.com -C /opt/rt3/etc/msmtp_wrapper.conf RETURNED 78
Jun 30 13:40:09 testbed RT: <
rt-3.8.8-4957-1277930409-1228.2-...@corp.domain.com> sent  To:
mdubend...@gmail.com (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:331)
Jun 30 13:40:09 testbed RT: <
rt-3.8.8-4957-1277930409-1816.2-...@corp.domain.com> #2/35 - Scrip 4 On
Create Notify AdminCcs (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:300)
Jun 30 13:40:09 testbed RT: <
rt-3.8.8-4957-1277930409-1816.2-...@corp.domain.com> No recipients found.
Not sending. (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:352)
Jun 30 13:40:09 testbed RT: Ticket 2 created in queue 'General' by root

This is what I'm getting for output... the line that says "RTmailer: CALL
/usr/local/bin/msmtp" etc has been hacked up a bit as I made some changes to
it trying to get things to work... what I have figured out is that RETURNED
78 is supposed to be a configuration file error. However, when I issue the
same exact command as the same user as RT I am able to send mail. Let me
show you that:

sudo -u apache cat test.txt | ./msmtp_wrapper
This pipes a file to the msmtp_wrapper that is being called and it
successfully sends mail and returns 0. I imagine this is what should be
happening when RT does it.

I'll include my RT_SiteConfig for reference as well:

# vim /etc/request-tracker3.8/RT_SiteConfig.pm
#TIMEZONE – takes the timezone from linux installation.
my $zone = "UTC";
$zone='/bin/cat /etc/timezone'
if -f "/etc/timezone";
chomp $zone;
Set($Timezone, $zone);
Set($rtname, 'domainrt');
Set($Organization, 'corp.domain.com');
Set($CorrespondAddress , 'helpde...@domain.com');
Set($CommentAddress , 'helpde...@domain.com');
Set($WebPath , "/rt");
Set($WebBaseURL , "http://testbed/rt";);
Set($DatabaseType, 'mysql');
Set($DatabaseHost, 'localhost');
Set($DatabasePort, '3306');
Set($DatabaseUser , 'rt_user');
Set($DatabasePassword , 'rt_pass');
Set($DatabaseName, 'rt3');
Set($SendmailPath , "/opt/rt3/etc/msmtp_wrapper");
Set($MailCommand , "sendmailpipe");
Set($SendmailArguments, "--from=\"helpde...@domain.com\" -C
Set($OwnerEmail , "mdubendr...@domain.com");
Set($RTAddressRegexp , "helpde...@domain\.com");
Set($OverrideOutgoingMailFrom, {
'Default' => "helpde...@domain.com",
'General' => "helpde...@domain.com",

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, this has been a bit of a
nightmare for me. Let me know if there is any more information you need from
me. Thanks a lot.


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Re: [rt-users] RT Mobile for iPhone

2010-06-30 Thread Ryan Hardester
Would seem to be a better solution to incorporate something like iWebkit (
http://iwebkit.net/ ) into an install of RT and just use a web interface
like everything else.

Then it is mostly device agnostic.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Paul O'Rorke  wrote:

> another vote for it on Android...  :-)
> On 24/06/2010 3:15 PM, Paul wrote:
>> Same here.
>> Paul
>> On 06/24/2010 03:03 PM, Ariel Saia wrote:
>>> I would love to see an Android version :)
>>> Ariel
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com [mailto:
>>> rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Dustin Collins
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 3:57 PM
>>> To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
>>> Subject: [rt-users] RT Mobile for iPhone
>>> This is an RT client for iPhone. Check it out if your interested.
>>> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rt-mobile/id377642006?mt=8
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>>> Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
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>> Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
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> Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
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Ryan Hardester
Information Systems Technician II
City of Tracy

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