[Rails] Re: search function implimentaion with the tag name as the search box entry

2008-12-11 Thread Priya Buvan

Ya you can do..
But one thing, its not efficient to give the select options in code..
You have to get from DB.. So that you can use collection_select..
Use 2 collection_select for both the drop down boxes..
Then use normal search query for search..
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Re: Odd problem with rake test

2008-12-11 Thread Frederick Cheung

On 12 Dec 2008, at 07:27, John Small wrote:

>> My guess is that you are using fixtures and each test that fails  
>> isn't
>> specifying the ones on which it relies.
>> -Rob
> Rob
> Err, no. The test unit specifies the fixtures it uses so that should  
> be
> OK. But the error comes from a missing variable in a partial. It fails
> when I run ruby test/functional/etc but not when I rake
> test:functionals.
> It's worrying because I have to wonder what other tests should be
> failing but aren't failing when I run the entire test suite rather  
> than
> the individual units.
IIRC there is an issue where partials sort of remember :locals that  
were passed in previous invocations (in that they will exist with  
value nil on subsequent calls if you don't specify them)

> John
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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[Rails] Re: CookieOverflow errors while using DB cookie store

2008-12-11 Thread Frederick Cheung

On 12 Dec 2008, at 07:49, brady8 wrote:

> Hello all,
> Using Edge Rails, SQLite development database on OSX.
Are you trying to store lots of stuff in the session ?


> I'm receiving CookieOverflow errors in my application while using the
> AR cookie store.
> Tested in both Safari and Firefox, same error, although sporadically
> (I can't reliably reproduce the error in the same part of my
> application, seems to occur all over).
> The thing is, this is after clearing the browser cache in both Safari
> and FF, and Web Development addon for FF confirms that there isn't
> even a session cookie being stored, just a 500 Failsafe error from
> Rails.
> Also, the obvious: tried stopping/starting the server multiple times,
> even wiped out the database and ran migrations from scratch.
> The trace is below, but not very helpful. Has anyone else ran into a
> problem like this using the DB cookie store, and/or know how to fix
> it?
> Thanks for your time,
> Brady
> br...@lunardawn.ca
> Rails Trace: -
> Processing VoteController#index (for at 2008-12-12 00:41:24)
> [GET]
>  Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"vote", "key"=>"2342"}
> CGI::Session::CookieStore::CookieOverflow
> (CGI::Session::CookieStore::CookieOverflow):
>  /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/
> 1.8/cgi/session.rb:324:in `close'
> Rendered rescues/_trace (93.7ms)
> Rendered rescues/_request_and_response (6.3ms)
> Rendering rescues/layout.erb (internal_server_error)
> /!\ FAILSAFE /!\  December 12, 2008 12:41 AM
>  Status: 500 Internal Server Error
>  CGI::Session::CookieStore::CookieOverflow
> session/cookie_store.rb:111:in `close'
> ruby/1.8/cgi/session.rb:324:in `close'
> base.rb:1300:in `close_session'
> base.rb:1328:in `process_cleanup_without_session_management_support'
> session_management.rb:137:in `process_cleanup'
> base.rb:523:in `process_without_filters'
> filters.rb:606:in `process_without_session_management_support'
> session_management.rb:127:in `process'
> rescue.rb:63:in `process_with_exception'
> dispatcher.rb:131:in `failsafe_rescue'
> dispatcher.rb:65:in `dispatch_unlocked'
> dispatcher.rb:76:in `dispatch'
> dispatcher.rb:75:in `synchronize'
> dispatcher.rb:75:in `dispatch'
> dispatcher.rb:93:in `_call'
> dispatcher.rb:57:in `initialize'
> failsafe.rb:11:in `call'
> failsafe.rb:11:in `call'
> dispatcher.rb:87:in `call'
> static.rb:27:in `call'
> logger.rb:14:in `call'
> 59:in `process'
> `process_client'
> `each'
> `process_client'
> `run'
> `initialize'
> `new'
> `run'
> `initialize'
> `new'
> `run'
> 32:in `run'

[Rails] Re: javascript_include within single views

2008-12-11 Thread David

so would the following be redundant then?

<% content_for :javascript do %>
  <%= javascript_tag "new javascript function" %>
<% end %>

assuming i have <%= yield :javascript %>

in my main layout file.

On Dec 11, 6:54 pm, "Conrad Taylor"  wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 6:40 PM, David  wrote:
> > Are you allowed to use the javascript_include_tag to include
> > javascript files for specific views?  I have included the default
> > javascript files in the  element of my site layout file, but
> > when I try and include a javascript file for a specific view within a
> > new  element in that view it does not work.  I guess my question
> > is: is it okay to create separate  elements for specific views?
> > Will all the code get rendered that is within these new 
> > elements and the  elements in my layout file?  or will there be
> > a conflict?
> Yes, you are allowed to use the javascript_include_tag to include javascript
> files for specific view templates.  Can you post your code so that people
> can better assist you because I don't follow your question.
> -Conrad
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[Rails] Re: "mysql" 2.7.3 gem install for Windows appears incomplete

2008-12-11 Thread Jester

It might be documentation issue  (I'm running into it too)

Someone suggested.
gem install mysql --no-rdoc --no-ri

On Dec 9, 11:37 pm, Eric  wrote:
> On Dec 7, 10:13 pm, Wes Gamble 
> wrote:
> > No, still haven't resolved it.  Hoping that the next release of the
> > mysql gem for Windows will work better.
> Yeah, still broken here.

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[Rails] Re: is there a way in ./script/console to get the SQL debugging showing??? (i.e. like you see when you run ./script/server in development mode)

2008-12-11 Thread Eifion Bedford

You could always have two terminal windows open, one with script/ 
console open and another with script/server. Any db calls you make  
will appear in the script/server window.


On 12 Dec 2008, at 07:10, Greg Hauptmann wrote:

> is there a way in ./script/console to get the SQL debugging  
> showing??? (i.e. like you see when you run ./script/server in  
> development mode)
> thanks
> >

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Re: "mysql" 2.7.3 gem install for Windows appears incomplete

2008-12-11 Thread Jester

Might be one more step too...

Update: Found this solution on ruby forum:

Copy the file libmysql.dll from mysql/bin to ruby/bin.

It worked for me.  Environment starts and app executes properly in
2.2.2 now.  Still get the rdoc error when installing mysql, but it
doesn't seem to affect the environment.

On Dec 9, 11:37 pm, Eric  wrote:
> On Dec 7, 10:13 pm, Wes Gamble 
> wrote:
> > No, still haven't resolved it.  Hoping that the next release of the
> > mysql gem for Windows will work better.
> Yeah, still broken here.

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[Rails] Optionally Nested Resources

2008-12-11 Thread Daniel Cestari


I have this model.

city has_many stores
store belongs_to city

I created resources for them and mapped them as such, using nested

map.resources :cities, :has_many => :stores

But I wanted to make the stores available independant from the city,
so I added:

map.resources :stores

And, at this point I wonder:

- There is an algorithmic way to convert a normal resource to a nested
1) edit config/routes.rb and add the :has_many or the block, to
route it as nested.
2) change all named routes to, in this case, city_stores_
3) edit controller, normally add a before_filter to get or find
the parent resource.
4) edit all find and new methods from the controller to use the
parent.childs collection,
to build or find the proper children resources.

So, is there a simple way to achieve this double purpose controller
without having to
create a new CityStoreController?

Any, howto, tutorial, screencast, mail, forum, blog-post, would be
very appreciated!

Thanks for reading till here, and thanks A LOT for the help you can


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[Rails] Re: Ruby Arrays - Passing arrays from a function possible?

2008-12-11 Thread Lewisou

def add_item(×product_attributes)
  product, quantity, description, color, size = ×product_attributes


add_time(product, quantity, description, color, size)

On Dec 11, 1:28 pm, Bob Sanders 
> I see that I'm repeating a lot of code throughout my app, and I wanted
> to do something like this in my model:
> def product_attributes
>  [product, quantity, description, color, size]
> end
> def add_item(product_attributes)
>  ...
> end
> ...but that of course isn't working. (I'm getting a "wrong number of
> arguments (5 for 1)" error)
> Is there a way to pass those product attributes into the add_item
> function properly? Or, maybe you know of a different way I should I
> approach this?
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Re: Ruby Arrays - Passing arrays from a function possible?

2008-12-11 Thread Michael Libby

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Bob Sanders
> Ryan Bigg wrote:
>> Or I think you can do *args for the receivIng method and then call it
>> like method(product_attributes) and that will pass the array to the
>> method
> Thanks Ryan. Can you explain more about how *args would work? I'm
> googling for more info, but can't seem to find a good tutorial on it.

google for: ruby splat operator

you feel lucky:


Michael C. Libby

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[Rails] Re: Active Record - find - select option

2008-12-11 Thread Frederick Cheung

On 12 Dec 2008, at 03:54, Bharat Ruparel wrote:

> I should mention something else.  I am on Rails 2.1.0 and even
> find_by_sql does not return columns from multiple tables as the Rails
> API documentation says:
> This example is from Rails API docs:
> # A simple SQL query spanning multiple tables
>  Post.find_by_sql "SELECT p.title, c.author FROM posts p, comments c
> WHERE p.id = c.post_id"
>> [#"Ruby Meetup",
> "first_name"=>"Quentin"}>, ...]
> I followed this for my queries and I can only get columns from  
> either of
> the tables but not both.
> Is this a bug?
The attributes are there, but the default inspect method on  
ActiveRecord objects (which is used to display objects in the console  
doesn't display them

> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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[Rails] CookieOverflow errors while using DB cookie store

2008-12-11 Thread brady8

Hello all,

Using Edge Rails, SQLite development database on OSX.
I'm receiving CookieOverflow errors in my application while using the
AR cookie store.
Tested in both Safari and Firefox, same error, although sporadically
(I can't reliably reproduce the error in the same part of my
application, seems to occur all over).
The thing is, this is after clearing the browser cache in both Safari
and FF, and Web Development addon for FF confirms that there isn't
even a session cookie being stored, just a 500 Failsafe error from
Also, the obvious: tried stopping/starting the server multiple times,
even wiped out the database and ran migrations from scratch.

The trace is below, but not very helpful. Has anyone else ran into a
problem like this using the DB cookie store, and/or know how to fix

Thanks for your time,

Rails Trace: -
Processing VoteController#index (for at 2008-12-12 00:41:24)
  Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"vote", "key"=>"2342"}

1.8/cgi/session.rb:324:in `close'

Rendered rescues/_trace (93.7ms)
Rendered rescues/_request_and_response (6.3ms)
Rendering rescues/layout.erb (internal_server_error)
/!\ FAILSAFE /!\  December 12, 2008 12:41 AM
  Status: 500 Internal Server Error
session/cookie_store.rb:111:in `close'
ruby/1.8/cgi/session.rb:324:in `close'
base.rb:1300:in `close_session'
base.rb:1328:in `process_cleanup_without_session_management_support'
session_management.rb:137:in `process_cleanup'
base.rb:523:in `process_without_filters'
filters.rb:606:in `process_without_session_management_support'
session_management.rb:127:in `process'
rescue.rb:63:in `process_with_exception'
dispatcher.rb:131:in `failsafe_rescue'
dispatcher.rb:65:in `dispatch_unlocked'
dispatcher.rb:76:in `dispatch'
dispatcher.rb:75:in `synchronize'
dispatcher.rb:75:in `dispatch'
dispatcher.rb:93:in `_call'
dispatcher.rb:57:in `initialize'
failsafe.rb:11:in `call'
failsafe.rb:11:in `call'
dispatcher.rb:87:in `call'
static.rb:27:in `call'
logger.rb:14:in `call'
59:in `process'
32:in `run'
/Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'


[Rails] Re: Active Record - find - select option

2008-12-11 Thread Frederick Cheung

On 12 Dec 2008, at 02:08, Bharat Ruparel wrote:
> y:
> Coach.find :all, :select => 'c.id, a.id, a.name',
>   :joins => 'as c inner join accounts as a on a.id =
> c.account_id',
>   :order => 'a.name'
> It is only returning the following in irb:
> [#]
> That is, it fails to return the account.id (or a.id) and account.name
> (or a.name)
> How do I resolve this?
alias the account id to be something other than id.

> Thanks in advance for your help and time.
> Bharat
> --  
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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[Rails] Implementing auto_complete and acts_as_taggable

2008-12-11 Thread Mac Eros

   In my book store application I have installed acts_as_taggable for
adding tags.Now I want to add auto_complete feature in the tag field.
   I have googled a lot but not get the clear idea.
   will anybody guide me for a solution or any tutorial for that.
   Thx in advance.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Re: Odd problem with rake test

2008-12-11 Thread John Small

> My guess is that you are using fixtures and each test that fails isn't
> specifying the ones on which it relies.
> -Rob

Err, no. The test unit specifies the fixtures it uses so that should be 
OK. But the error comes from a missing variable in a partial. It fails 
when I run ruby test/functional/etc but not when I rake 

It's worrying because I have to wonder what other tests should be 
failing but aren't failing when I run the entire test suite rather than 
the individual units.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] is there a way in ./script/console to get the SQL debugging showing??? (i.e. like you see when you run ./script/server in development mode)

2008-12-11 Thread Greg Hauptmann
is there a way in ./script/console to get the SQL debugging showing??? (i.e.
like you see when you run ./script/server in development mode)


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[Rails] why is wrong with this code - the model "save!" method does not seem to give a correct response back?

2008-12-11 Thread Greg Hauptmann

I have a model for which when I go to save an item it doesn't seem to get
saved.  In the console I don't get a "record not saved" error???  But rather
the response seems to give me back a Transaction object (i.e. for which the
saved Allocation object has a relationship with)?  Any ideas why?

?> a = Allocation.new
=> #
>> a.valid?
=> false
>> a.transaction_id = 1784
=> 1784
>> a.person_id = 1
=> 1
>> a.amount = 100
=> 100
>> a.valid?
=> true
>> a.save!
=> #, balance:
#, description: "food", notes: nil,
created_at: "2008-12-08 21:21:17", updated_at: "2008-12-08 21:21:17",
projection: true>
>> a
=> #, amount_percent: nil,
created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

Macintosh-2:myequity greg$ cat app/models/allocation.rb
# == Schema Information
# Schema version: 20081128104846
# Table name: allocations
#  id :integer(4)  not null, primary key
#  transaction_id :integer(4)  not null
#  person_id  :integer(4)  not null
#  recurring_id   :integer(4)
#  amount :decimal(9, 2)
#  amount_percent :decimal(9, 2)
#  created_at :datetime
#  updated_at :datetime

class Allocation < ActiveRecord::Base
 belongs_to :person
 belongs_to :transaction

 validates_numericality_of :amount, :if => :amount
 validates_numericality_of :amount_percent, :if => :amount_percent


 def validate
   errors.add_to_base('amount and amount_percent can not both be specified')
if amount && amount_percent
   errors.add_to_base('either amount OR amount_percent must be specified')
if !amount && !amount_percent


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[Rails] Re: search function implimentaion with the tag name as the search box entry

2008-12-11 Thread sreekanth . G

hi priya,

thnaks again
i am able to get the dropdown box for search text box.And able to get
the searched streams list.

i have tried like this.
search :<%= select_tag 'category',options_for_select([['mpeg2 25fps'],
  ['mpeg2 30fps'],
  ['aac']], to_s),  :onchange =>
"content.category(this,notnull ) ;"  %>

<%= observe_field 'category',
  :frequency => 0.5,
  :update => 'results',
  :url => { :controller => 'streams', :action=> 'get_results' },
  :with => "'search_text=' + escape(value)",
  :loading => "document.getElementById('spinner').style.display='inline'",
  :loaded => "document.getElementById('spinner').style.display='none'" %>

But this procedure is very bad beacuase we have to give the number
combinations for dropdown box if i have number of searchable options.

So now what i want to do is  like this:
i have two dropdown boxes one for codecformat one for  resolution
using drop down box i can select codecforformat as mpeg2 and
resolution as 1920x1080 now by using the search button i want to
search the streams for the corresponding selection.

i hope you understand my problem.

Can we do it?
Can you give me any suggestion or idea to do this?

thanks for spending time  for reading my querys and replying


On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Priya Buvan
> Hi,
> In the place of textbox in template, you can display the text using
> collection_select.
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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[Rails] default value using Autocompleter.local

2008-12-11 Thread adeel

I'm using recipe 7 from Rails Recipes to get really fast auto-
completion through Javascript.

I was previously using text_field_auto_complete which lets me define
a :value that appears in the field when the page is loaded - serving
as a default value.

I'd like to preserve this using the "<%= javascript_tag("new
but I don't know how to define a default value.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Loading ActiveRecord and ActionMailer only in a worker process to save memory

2008-12-11 Thread Daniel Choi

For a Rails app, I have a SimpleDaemon process that does some URL
fetching and sends off emails. The daemon script requires the config/
environment.rb of the Rails app. But this script really only needs to
require ActiveRecord and ActionMailer. I'm thinking of refactoring my
code so as not to include the entire Rails environment, but I have a
two questions for anyone who has experience doing something similar:

1. Can it save a lot of memory to do this?

2. If I'm using Ruby Enterprise Edition and Phusion for the Rails app,
do the memory and speed benefits extend to the daemon script?

Thanks to anyone who can help

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[Rails] cache_sweeper undefined for controllers

2008-12-11 Thread Fabio Ma

Any clues on why I'm getting cache_sweeper undefined to any controller
on Rails 2.1?

NoMethodError (undefined method `cache_sweeper' for
























[Rails] Re: search function implimentaion with the tag name as the search box entry

2008-12-11 Thread Priya Buvan

 In the place of textbox in template, you can display the text using 
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Re: search function implimentaion with the tag name as the search box entry

2008-12-11 Thread sreekanth . G

Hi Priya ,

thanks for your suggestions.

Finally  i am able to do the search with tagname.
presently i can search the database by typing the string in the search box.
But now i want to provide a dropdown box of search parameters instead of typing.
here my search application is usin ajax .
can you give any suggestions to create dropdown box and once i select
the option from dropdown box  how to link with it for search function?

take a look at my search code:
in index.html.erb

<%= observe_field 'search_form',
  :frequency => 0.5,
  :update => 'results',
  :url => { :controller => 'streams', :action=> 'get_results' },
  :with => "'search_text=' + escape(value)",
  :loading => "document.getElementById('spinner').style.display='inline'",
  :loaded => "document.getElementById('spinner').style.display='none'" %>
the search mthod defined in controller is

def get_results
  if request.xhr?
if params['search_text'].strip.length > 0
  terms = params['search_text'].split.collect do |word|
  if blank?
  flash[:notice] = 'Stream was successfully updated.'
  @streams = Stream.find_tagged_with(params[:search_text])
render :partial => "search"
redirect_to :action => "index"

 thnaks for any suggetions and help


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:20 AM, sreekanth. G  wrote:
> Hi Priya,
> below are the details of tables and corresponding taggings between
> streams and tags tables in taggings table.
> mysql> select * from streams;
> +++---++-+---+---+++
> | id | name   | location  | resolution |
> bitrate | framerate | codecname | created_on | updated_on |
> +++---++-+---+---+++
> |  1 | dust.mpeg2 | E:\streams\RED_S_J_JE_In_NT.divx  | 1920x1080  |
> 6mbps   | 30fps | mpeg2 | 2008-12-08 | 2008-12-08 |
> |  2 | mummy.264  | E:\streams\RED_S_J_JE_In_NT.divx  | 720x480|
> 4mbps   | 30fps | h264  | 2008-12-08 | 2008-12-08 |
> |  3 | hiphop.aac | na| na |
> na  | na| aac   | 2008-12-10 | 2008-12-10 |
> |  5 | jazz.aac   | na| na |
> na  | na| aac   | 2008-12-10 | 2008-12-10 |
> +++---++-+---+---+++
> 4 rows in set (0.03 sec)
> mysql> select * from tags;
> ++--+
> | id | name |
> ++--+
> |  1 | mpeg2|
> |  2 | h264 720x480 |
> |  3 | aac  |
> ++--+
> 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select * from taggings;
> +++-+---+
> | id | tag_id | taggable_id | taggable_type |
> +++-+---+
> |  1 |  1 |   1 | Stream|
> |  2 |  2 |   2 | Stream|
> |  3 |  3 |   3 | Stream|
> |  4 |  3 |   5 | Stream|
> +++-+---+
> 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> can i use the query to search with tag field like:
> @streams = Stream.find(:all, :joins => "streams inner join tags as t on
>  stream.id=t.id", :conditions => ['name LIKE ?',
> '%'+params[:search_text]+'%'],:select => "name")
> from the above query what i understand is:
> it joing streams and tags table but using the "name" column of tags
> table it is finding and storing the result of stream names from
> streams table in @streams array.
> if i a m wrong let me know ?
> do i need to mention anywhere association between tables in the
> corresponding models?
> is there any procedure to make it work ?
> thanks
> srikanth
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Priya Buvan
>  wrote:
>> If you want to search with streams field, then you have to pass all
>> those parameters else its enough to pass tag field name alone.
>> Also we can join the 2 tables so no need to give  like
>> @streams=Stream.fine(:all) for tag.
>> Do you have column heading as "name" in tag table? Check it and give the
>> correct attribute name in the place of "name"
>> --
>> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
>> >>

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To u

[Rails] Tired of Rails Fixtures? Try Dataset.

2008-12-11 Thread John W. Long

Dataset gives you an easy, declarative method for constructing sets of
data to be used in testing. It is a data loading framework. This is in
contrast to Machinist and Factory Girl which focus only on making it
easy to create new models for testing, but have no solution for
loading sets of data.

Read more:

John Long
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[Rails] Re: auto_complete with no of occurance

2008-12-11 Thread Nike Mike

just follow this for auto complete

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[Rails] Re: Validating a Tag

2008-12-11 Thread elioncho

Anyone can point me in a direction?

On Dec 11, 9:33 am, elioncho  wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using the acts_as_taggable_on plugin (which derivates from
> acts_as_taggable_on_steroids). My question is: How can I validate that
> my tags doesn't have any special characters such as . / \ etc. It
> seems this validations are not included in the plugin. Can you give me
> any guide in which is the best way to make this validations?
> Thanks again,
> Elías
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[Rails] Re: Active Record - find - select option

2008-12-11 Thread Priya Buvan

@account = Account.paginate(:all, :page => params[:page],:order=>'name', 
:per_page => 10, :joins=>"as a inner join coaches as c on 
a.id=c.account_id", :select => "a.id, a.name, c.id")

Try this query. Its using will_paginate only. In select option you can 
put whatever fields you want in those 2 tables.
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[Rails] Re: How to draw a large chart?

2008-12-11 Thread Philip Hallstrom

> I am meeting a big problem with charts.
> I have to display a horizontal bar chart with ~3000 bars in ~5s.  
> Assume
> the input data are ready in the needed format.
> I have tested open flash chart, gruff, scruffy... They all failed.  
> With
> 1000 bars, open flash chart took 15-20s. Gruff and scruffy were worse.
> Do you have any ideas?

Sub the work out to gnuplot and have it generate the image maybe...


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[Rails] Re: Does animated gif will work properly using RMagick?

2008-12-11 Thread dare ruby

Dear Rob,

Thanks a lot, it works fine now with your below code

> File.open(RAILS_ROOT + "/public/images/banner/" + image1 , "wb") do |f|
>f.write image.read
> end
> ...and avoid all the ImageMagick overhead.
> -Rob

jose Martin
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[Rails] Re: Active Record - find - select option

2008-12-11 Thread Bharat Ruparel

I should mention something else.  I am on Rails 2.1.0 and even 
find_by_sql does not return columns from multiple tables as the Rails 
API documentation says:

This example is from Rails API docs:

 # A simple SQL query spanning multiple tables
  Post.find_by_sql "SELECT p.title, c.author FROM posts p, comments c 
WHERE p.id = c.post_id"
  > [#"Ruby Meetup", 
"first_name"=>"Quentin"}>, ...]

I followed this for my queries and I can only get columns from either of 
the tables but not both.

Is this a bug?
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[Rails] Re: Active Record - find - select option

2008-12-11 Thread Bharat Ruparel

Thanks for your response.  I tried that and the ids are indeed being 
returned by not the accounts.name.  I am not sure why.
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[Rails] How to draw a large chart?

2008-12-11 Thread Khiet Bui

I am meeting a big problem with charts.

I have to display a horizontal bar chart with ~3000 bars in ~5s. Assume
the input data are ready in the needed format.

I have tested open flash chart, gruff, scruffy... They all failed. With
1000 bars, open flash chart took 15-20s. Gruff and scruffy were worse.

Do you have any ideas?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: Ruby Arrays - Passing arrays from a function possible?

2008-12-11 Thread pepe

You can check this for a quick reference:



On Dec 11, 5:14 pm, Bob Sanders 
> Ryan Bigg wrote:
> > Or I think you can do *args for the receivIng method and then call it
> > like method(product_attributes) and that will pass the array to the
> > method
> Thanks Ryan. Can you explain more about how *args would work? I'm
> googling for more info, but can't seem to find a good tutorial on it.
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] Re: Where do I start?

2008-12-11 Thread pepe

1. Ruby
2. Rails

If you try to learn Rails at the same time that you learn Ruby you'll
inevitably get to a point where you have no idea about what's going
on. The person that wrote Rails is a Ruby expert and it shows, which
means that sometimes you will have no idea about the techniques being
used and how things work. This is true even if you have a decent
understanding about Ruby (I raise my hand there). However, if you
learn Ruby (and practice it before starting writing code for/with
Rails) you'll be in a much better position when you start using Rails.


On Dec 11, 6:51 pm, Ryan Bigg  wrote:
> If I had to learn rails again I would learn ruby first then drift over  
> into rails because I think that would give you a better understanding  
> of how ruby works
> On 12/12/2008, at 5:55, olivierntk  wrote:
> > I started rails by reading Beginning Rails from Apress.
> > It will take you through most of what you need to know to start Rails.
> > Being a .NET developer, it was quite easy to pick it up but I believe
> > it is accessible to non web developer.
> > With Rails, you don't need to learn SQL (unless you have very specific
> > tasks to achieve).
> > JavaScript is nice to have (I would recommend you to use jQuery, a
> > JavaScript framework) but you can have a full web app running without
> > JavaScript.
> > Apache? No need, Rails comes with Mongrel.
> > Ruby ... of course but you'll just need the basics and learn as you
> > go.
> > My 2 cents
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[Rails] Re: serialize array finder

2008-12-11 Thread Phlip

Phlip wrote:
> Grayson Piercee wrote:
>> User.find(:all, :conditions => ["interests in
>> (?)",current_user.interests)
> Here's a wild guess. I hope someone else corrects it if I have lead you 
> astray!

such as...

  User.find(:all, :include => :interests,
 :conditions => [ "interests.id IN (?)",
   current_user.interests.map(&:id) ]
 :order => 'COUNT(interests.id) DESC')

and use inspect_sql to see the query it generates!

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[Rails] Re: Active Record - find - select option

2008-12-11 Thread Mark Reginald James

Bharat Ruparel wrote:

> Coach.find :all, :select => 'c.id, a.id, a.name',
>:joins => 'as c inner join accounts as a on a.id =
> c.account_id',
>:order => 'a.name'
> It is only returning the following in irb:
>  [#]
> That is, it fails to return the account.id (or a.id) and account.name
> (or a.name)

Given that you're not using :include => :account for efficiency reasons,
you have to ensure that the account id does not override the coach id:

Coach.find :all, :joins => :account, :order => 'accounts.name',
   :select => 'coaches.id, accounts.id as account_id, accounts.name'

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[Rails] Re: javascript_include within single views

2008-12-11 Thread Conrad Taylor
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 6:40 PM, David  wrote:

> Are you allowed to use the javascript_include_tag to include
> javascript files for specific views?  I have included the default
> javascript files in the  element of my site layout file, but
> when I try and include a javascript file for a specific view within a
> new  element in that view it does not work.  I guess my question
> is: is it okay to create separate  elements for specific views?
> Will all the code get rendered that is within these new 
> elements and the  elements in my layout file?  or will there be
> a conflict?

Yes, you are allowed to use the javascript_include_tag to include javascript
files for specific view templates.  Can you post your code so that people
can better assist you because I don't follow your question.


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[Rails] javascript_include within single views

2008-12-11 Thread David

Are you allowed to use the javascript_include_tag to include
javascript files for specific views?  I have included the default
javascript files in the  element of my site layout file, but
when I try and include a javascript file for a specific view within a
new  element in that view it does not work.  I guess my question
is: is it okay to create separate  elements for specific views?
Will all the code get rendered that is within these new 
elements and the  elements in my layout file?  or will there be
a conflict?
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[Rails] Re: calling a partial from within a model / model's method?

2008-12-11 Thread Joel Oliveira
Weeks later I finally got around to figuring out how to best tackle this and
your suggestion was right on the money.  I didn't want to let this lie
without mentioning that the best bet started with that nugget from the
pastie link.  Thanks Nick :)

- Joel

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Nick Hoffman  wrote:

> On 2008-11-24, at 08:37, Joel Oliveira wrote:
> > Hey Nick!
> >
> > First - thanks for the reply.
> >
> > Second - the reason why I'm trying to do this is to allow whatever
> > type of widget model I'm creating to render its own particular
> > partial, in the context of the "area" a user will place it - header,
> > footer, sidebar, etc.   I thought that calling a helper to weed out
> > the objects for a particular "area" and then letting the model call
> > its partial on its own, would be the easier way to do it, despite
> > the normal MVC rules.  I know it's against the rules - so I'm
> > wondering if there's an easier way?
> >
> > Any input would be appreciated! :)
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > - Joel
> Hi Joel. Why not create a helper method that determines which partial
> should be rendered? For example:
>   http://pastie.org/pastes/322615
> -Nick
> >

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[Rails] Active Record - find - select option

2008-12-11 Thread Bharat Ruparel

I have an accounts table and a coaches table.  The tables are as follows
(with unimportant fields deleted):

Accounts (id, name,...)
Coaches  (id, account_id, business_id, account_limit)

Each account can either have one (or none) coach at any point in time.

I have modeled these relationships in corresponding ActiveRecord classes
as follows:

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :coach

class Coach < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :account

I am trying to use will_paginate for paging through the list of coaches
and look-up their names from the accounts table (and some more fields).
To get to that, I am first trying to create a corresponding find query
in ActiveRecord.  Here is my query:

Coach.find :all, :select => 'c.id, a.id, a.name',
   :joins => 'as c inner join accounts as a on a.id =
   :order => 'a.name'

It is only returning the following in irb:


That is, it fails to return the account.id (or a.id) and account.name
(or a.name)

How do I resolve this?

Thanks in advance for your help and time.

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[Rails] Re: help needed regaring Acts As Taggable On Steroids

2008-12-11 Thread Ruhul Amin

Mac Eros wrote:
> Hello,
> Edited part of BookController is:
> def create
> @book = Book.new(params[:book])
> @book.tag_list # []
> @book.tag_list = "Funny, Silly"
>respond_to do |format|
>   if @book.save
> flash[:notice] = 'Book was successfully created.'
> format.html { redirect_to(@book) }
> format.xml  { render :xml => @book, :status => :created,
> :location => @book }
>   else
> format.html { render :action => "new" }
> format.xml  { render :xml => @book.errors, :status =>
> :unprocessable_entity }
>   end
> end
>   end
> def tag_cloud
>   @tags = Books.tag_counts
> end
> In the new.html.erb I have added these lines :
> <% tag_cloud @tags, %w(css1 css2 css3 css4) do |tag, css_class| %>
> <%= link_to tag.name, { :action => :tag, :id => tag.name }, :class
> => css_class %>
>   <% end %>

I have done almost the same but in create methos I have place the code
@book = Book.new(params[:book])
   respond_to do |format|
and in new.html.erb
<%= text_field_tag 'tag_list', @book.tags.collect{|t| t.name}.join(" ") 

But when I run the application and try to create a new Entry
 if shows the error that "undefined method `tag_with' for 
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: ActionMailer, unit testing and multipart mails

2008-12-11 Thread Phlip

if you commented out this line (and any other line that squawks)...

> @expected.parts << body_part  # <=== ERROR HERE

and printed out the mail's parts before asserting them...

> mail = Notifier.create_notification()

p mail.parts

...what would you see?

We TDD e-mails all the time, but we don't write huge bulk assertions. Sometimes 
to test_first_, we cheat a little, write the correct code, print out what it 
does, and then write assertions which trap the important details.

To test-first, when you need to change a mail, you clone that test, change the 
input, change the assertions to expect different output, fail the test, then 
pass it in the code. This shows how cheating, especially in high-bandwidth 
situations like GUIs, can lead to better TDD...


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[Rails] Parameter validation and other security measures

2008-12-11 Thread Ben Knight

We have a site that receives about 3 uniques per month.  Lately, we
have been hit with URLs that are hundreds of characters long with all
sort of junk in the URL/parameters.  I suspect this is an attempt at
session hijacking or something similar.  At a minimum, it fills up our
log files and generates undesirable email alerts.

I began reading up on Rails security here:
http://guides.rails.info/security.html and also looking into stuff like

My question here is: what is a good way to validate "params" in rails
apps to handle SQL injections, etc.?

I'm considering writing some common routines to validate the param type,
min/max length, detect SQL keywords, etc. but didn't want to reinvent
the wheel if there is already stuff out there (e.g. plugins).

Thanks in advance.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: ActionMailer, unit testing and multipart mails

2008-12-11 Thread Trejkaz

So... nobody is doing mails with attachments?  Or anyone who is, isn't
unit testing their code?


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[Rails] Re: free ruby on rails hosting?

2008-12-11 Thread Jeremy McAnally

It actually does allow the same setup now thanks to Passenger.
Dreamhost is proof of that.


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 4:01 PM, Bobnation  wrote:
> The issue with Ruby on Rails is that it is not simple a language, it
> really is a domain-specific language with its own requirements. Rails
> is a framework and so it does not follow the same sorts of setups as
> simply running PHP would.
> I still recommend looking for a cheap VPS and rolling your own from
> there. I think you would be happier in the end.
> On Dec 11, 3:59 pm, Heinz Strunk 
> wrote:
>> Greg Donald wrote:
>> > On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Heinz Strunk
>> >  wrote:
>> >> does anyone know any free ror webspace? I don't wanna have my computer
>> >> running 24/7 for some small websites.
>> >http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=free+ror+webspace
>> > --
>> > Greg Donald
>> >http://destiney.com/
>> I of course tried google first but nothing found...
>> Maybe that's the only option if there's no free ror webspace.
>> --
>> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >


My books:
http://humblelittlerubybook.com/ (FREE!)

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[Rails] Re: Where do I start?

2008-12-11 Thread Ryan Bigg

If I had to learn rails again I would learn ruby first then drift over  
into rails because I think that would give you a better understanding  
of how ruby works

On 12/12/2008, at 5:55, olivierntk  wrote:

> I started rails by reading Beginning Rails from Apress.
> It will take you through most of what you need to know to start Rails.
> Being a .NET developer, it was quite easy to pick it up but I believe
> it is accessible to non web developer.
> With Rails, you don't need to learn SQL (unless you have very specific
> tasks to achieve).
> JavaScript is nice to have (I would recommend you to use jQuery, a
> JavaScript framework) but you can have a full web app running without
> JavaScript.
> Apache? No need, Rails comes with Mongrel.
> Ruby ... of course but you'll just need the basics and learn as you
> go.
> My 2 cents
> >

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[Rails] Re: mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2 ?

2008-12-11 Thread Shawn Cheatham

Thanks for the help - after a bit of onsite help I was able to complete 
the install. Still some quirks to be worked out but that's the 
point...to tinker.

Thanks again

Brian Hogan wrote:
> You get around this by actually installing the MySQL gem with C
> bindings. The one you guys are talking about is the pure Ruby one.
>  The pure-MySQL library is terrible for performance and can cause some
> seriously flaky stuff. There are a number of posts on tis list that
> discuss the installation of that library.
> If you're getting the error relating to
> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7/lib/mysql.bundle
> then you have a half-installed mysql driver and I bet you're on a Mac.
> The solution that worked for me was to do this:
> http://www.napcsweb.com/blog/2007/06/01/mysql-gem-on-osx/
> I hope that helps!
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 7:27 PM, Shawn Cheatham

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[Rails] Re: Virtual hosts not using their own databases

2008-12-11 Thread Norm

Redd Vinylene wrote:
> Hi there!
> I just set up 3 instances of the same Rails app (nginx+mongrel_cluster)
> -- http://pastie.org/336677 -- but for some reason site1 and site2
> (despite their own database.yml) end up using site3's database.
> What on earth is going on here?
> Thanks y'all,
> RV
When you say "their own database.yml" do you mean that you have 
differently named databases in each database.yml?  Stupid question but 
stuff happens.

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[Rails] Re: Get an attrifutes from joins in a find method

2008-12-11 Thread Mark Reginald James

Luca Roma wrote:
> I have wrote an example:
> example=Example.find(:all,:joins=>"(select id,"hello" as hello_name from
> examples2) as examples3 where examples3.id=examples.id")
> I want get the attribute hello_name that not exits in db.
> example[0].hello_word not works
> example[0].example3.hello_name not works

Try example[0][:hello_word]

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[Rails] Re: how do I get the host or Ip address where my rails app is running

2008-12-11 Thread Mark Reginald James

Erwin wrote:

> I would like to get in a variable the ip address of the host where my
> app is running, to change some parameters if it's running locally or
> remotely .. is it possible ?

You can try

require 'socket'
REAL_PRODUCTION = Socket.gethostname == 'mysite.com'


hostinfo = Socket.gethostbyname(Socket.gethostname)
hostnames = hostinfo[1] << hostinfo[0]
REAL_PRODUCTION = hostnames.include?('mysite.com')

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[Rails] Re: Virtual hosts not using their own databases

2008-12-11 Thread Redd Vinylene

Norm wrote:
> Does each virtual host have its own instance of the database server 
> running?

No actually I'm only running one MySQL 5.1 server instance. The OS is 

Thank you.

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[Rails] Re: Pagination on arrays

2008-12-11 Thread Danny Burkes

> I think there's an example in the dogs
> Sent from my iPhone

LOVE that iPhone spell checker
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[Rails] Re: Ruby Arrays - Passing arrays from a function possible?

2008-12-11 Thread Bob Sanders

Ryan Bigg wrote:
> Or I think you can do *args for the receivIng method and then call it
> like method(product_attributes) and that will pass the array to the
> method

Thanks Ryan. Can you explain more about how *args would work? I'm 
googling for more info, but can't seem to find a good tutorial on it.
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[Rails] Re: free ruby on rails hosting?

2008-12-11 Thread Bobnation

The issue with Ruby on Rails is that it is not simple a language, it
really is a domain-specific language with its own requirements. Rails
is a framework and so it does not follow the same sorts of setups as
simply running PHP would.

I still recommend looking for a cheap VPS and rolling your own from
there. I think you would be happier in the end.

On Dec 11, 3:59 pm, Heinz Strunk 
> Greg Donald wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Heinz Strunk
> >  wrote:
> >> does anyone know any free ror webspace? I don't wanna have my computer
> >> running 24/7 for some small websites.
> >http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=free+ror+webspace
> > --
> > Greg Donald
> >http://destiney.com/
> I of course tried google first but nothing found...
> Maybe that's the only option if there's no free ror webspace.
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] Re: free ruby on rails hosting?

2008-12-11 Thread Heinz Strunk

Greg Donald wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Heinz Strunk
>  wrote:
>> does anyone know any free ror webspace? I don't wanna have my computer
>> running 24/7 for some small websites.
> http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=free+ror+webspace
> --
> Greg Donald
> http://destiney.com/

I of course tried google first but nothing found...

Maybe that's the only option if there's no free ror webspace.
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[Rails] When it's appropriate to use fixtures

2008-12-11 Thread Derek Berner

I know it's, like, SO uncool to use fixtures. However, I find that there
are cases where the correctness of your code relies on correct
functioning of your finders. Since finders translate to SQL, and you
can’t test SQL without a database backend, I find that a totally
fixture-less approach leads to some ugly hacking and empty tests,
especially when shooting for full coverage.

As an example, I have the following code in a work application:

def self.for(link)
  Score.find(:all,:conditions => {:user_id => link.user.id}, :order =>
'ABS(score) desc')

Without fixtures the only thing I can do there is stub out “find” on
Score to return an array of mock Score objects, then check that the
value I get back is the value I told it to return. Sure, the line is
marked as covered, but it didn’t actually test a damn thing. Aside from
manually testing the calling code through the web interface, I just have
to take it on faith that the finder is correctly written.

With a small set of fixtures for the Score model, on the other hand, I
can easily create a mock for “link”, pass it in, and check that the
fixtures I get back really are the ones I expect, in the order I expect.
In this way, I can write a meaningful test that ensures that the
parameters I send to “find” actually work. There is literally no way to
do this without a database backend for your tests.

Actually, I take that back. There is one way, and that’s to rewrite the
code like this:

Score.find(:all).select{|sc| sc.user_id == link.user.id}.sort{|a,b|
b.score.abs <=> a.score.abs}

Now, I can test the code without fixtures. And in so doing, I’ve also
bloated my result set and offloaded trivial database work into Ruby
code, thereby pissing off my DBA, increasing the overall load on the
database, and slowing down my Ruby code. Is that type of deoptimization
really worth it, just so I don't have to write a fixture?
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[Rails] Re: Where do I start?

2008-12-11 Thread Bobnation

Ryan gave a really good resource, and it will only get better.

After that, start building and keep reading. Read blog posts, read
source from other projects, read tons of books, and then when you
think you can't read anymore ... read a novel and then read another
book. Right now I recommend a few books:

Agile Web Development 3 (Beta PDF right now) from PragProg.com
Simply Rails 2 (great introduction, if a little shallow at times)
Learning Rails (a little deeper and covers different skills at
different times)
The Art of Rails (a philosophical book more than how-to)

Then, keep on reading other books, get yourself some Ruby books and
learn Ruby, learn ... read, rinse, and read again.

All the time, keep building different things. Test all of the time.
Your original sites are going to suck, and you'll look back and get
discouraged, but keeping building and keep going.

On Dec 10, 2:27 pm, Painting With Purpose 
> I want to become a Rails web developer.  I am not a programmer by any
> means.  I have built one static website and am familiar with HTML and
> CSS.  I know I'll need to learn Rails, and perhaps a list of other
> things like SQL, JavaScript, Apache, Ruby etc. but I have no idea
> where to start.
> Could you please offer any advice on what I need to learn and most
> importantly what order I should learn them.
> Thank you,
> Chris
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[Rails] Re: free ruby on rails hosting?

2008-12-11 Thread Bobnation

Do yourself a huge favor and just pay for hosting. You'll be FAR
happier in the end. I still recommend maybe picking up a cheap slice
from Slicehost and having some fun setting up stuff.

On Dec 11, 2:47 pm, Heinz Strunk 
> Hey,
> does anyone know any free ror webspace? I don't wanna have my computer
> running 24/7 for some small websites.
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] Re: database.yml and .gitignore

2008-12-11 Thread James Byrne

Jeff Cohen wrote:

> If it got added to your git repo before you specified it in the ignore
> file, I think you have to remove it:
> git rm config/database.yml
> git commit -a -m "Removed database.yml"
> (maybe save a backup of your database.yml first :-)
> Jeff

Safer I think to:

# git status
# git rm config/database.yml --cache

 --cache should leave the actual file alone and just remove it from 
tracking> Backups are always a good thing though.
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[Rails] Re: condition metadata / dyanmic conditions

2008-12-11 Thread Maurício Linhares

You could try ambition -> http://ambition.rubyforge.org/

Maurício Linhares
http://alinhavado.wordpress.com/ (pt-br) | http://blog.codevader.com/ (en)

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Grayson Piercee
> Hello,
> Is there a plugin / gem out there that would help me construct a dynamic
> set of conditions for a finder?
> In other words, I have a user with multiple attributes (some 50+).  I
> have other users that want to express preferences for befriending users
> based on criteria (which I'd like to store) such as specific interests,
> personality types, etc. (both values, ranges)
> The scenario I'm confused about is how do you construct the finder for
> something like this
> User.find(:all, :conditions => ["not sure what goes here because it'll
> be different for each user",
> current_user.preferences.attributes.collect(&:id)])
> you get the idea ...
> Thank you.
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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[Rails] condition metadata / dyanmic conditions

2008-12-11 Thread Grayson Piercee


Is there a plugin / gem out there that would help me construct a dynamic
set of conditions for a finder?

In other words, I have a user with multiple attributes (some 50+).  I
have other users that want to express preferences for befriending users
based on criteria (which I'd like to store) such as specific interests,
personality types, etc. (both values, ranges)

The scenario I'm confused about is how do you construct the finder for
something like this

User.find(:all, :conditions => ["not sure what goes here because it'll
be different for each user",

you get the idea ...

Thank you.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: free ruby on rails hosting?

2008-12-11 Thread Greg Donald

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Heinz Strunk
> does anyone know any free ror webspace? I don't wanna have my computer
> running 24/7 for some small websites.


Greg Donald

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[Rails] free ruby on rails hosting?

2008-12-11 Thread Heinz Strunk


does anyone know any free ror webspace? I don't wanna have my computer
running 24/7 for some small websites.
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[Rails] Re: database.yml and .gitignore

2008-12-11 Thread Robert Walker

Oh! In fact I don't actually do any of that manually, but instead I use 
a simple Ruby script that I wrote (before discovering there are probably 
better ways to this, and now Rails Edge has a really cool new template 
system for doing this sort of thing).

If interested you can find the script here...

See the README for usage and options.
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[Rails] Re: ssl_required and form_tag [SOLVED but not understood]

2008-12-11 Thread Maurício Linhares

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Fritz Anderson
> My problem is no longer acute, but I don't quite understand why the
> solution works. Is it that the form isn't presented as https, so the
> form action isn't https? And the form data gets lost in the ssl_required
> redirection?

You answered it for youself, if the form isn't shown in a SSL context,
it will not post to a SSL page unless you make the form action point
to a SSL page. And post data is lost when you are redirected.

Maurício Linhares
http://alinhavado.wordpress.com/ (pt-br) | http://blog.codevader.com/ (en)

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[Rails] Re: ssl_required and form_tag [SOLVED but not understood]

2008-12-11 Thread Fritz Anderson

Fritz Anderson wrote:
> The form includes a select_tag to collect a parameter tagged as
> :building_id.
> If :assign_building is listed in ssl_required, params does not include
> the :building_id key. If it's not in ssl_required, :building_id is in
> params.
> I should mention that I have defined default_url_options to set
> :protocol => "https://";.
> How do I ensure that my form will be submitted via SSL, and keep all its
> parameters? I'm pretty sure I'm missing a concept here, but of course
> I'm too ignorant to know what that concept might be.

I added the action that presents the form to ssl_required. Form inputs 
then once again appeared in the params hash.

My problem is no longer acute, but I don't quite understand why the 
solution works. Is it that the form isn't presented as https, so the 
form action isn't https? And the form data gets lost in the ssl_required 

I'd really appreciate it if someone could relieve my conceptual block 

-- F

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[Rails] Re: database.yml and .gitignore

2008-12-11 Thread Robert Walker

> If it got added to your git repo before you specified it in the ignore
> file, I think you have to remove it:
> git rm config/database.yml
> git commit -a -m "Removed database.yml"
> (maybe save a backup of your database.yml first :-)
> Jeff
What I do is rename database.yml to example_database.yml before the 
initial commit to git (and have config/database.yml in .gitignore. Then 
after the initial commit I copy example_database.yml back to 
database.yml, which will not be ignored.

Git will only ignore untracked files that are in .gitignore. If you are 
tracking changes to a file the .gitignore has no effect.

The reason I keep example_database.yml in Git is so that when the 
repository is cloned all I have to do is copy example_database.yml to 
database.yml and I'm ready to go in the clone.

Note: this way each developer can keep their database password in their 
own untracked copy of database.yml if a password is required. But, they 
won't have to recreate database.yml from scratch.
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[Rails] Restful_rails with subdomains

2008-12-11 Thread Danny Collier

I'm running multiple subdomains from one Rails application. I would
like to extend restful_rails so that permissions are assigned by site;
e.g. a user with administrative permission in one subdomain might have
a different permission or no permission on another subdomain.

It seems like I should alter "has_many :users, :through
=> :permissions" to also cross-check against the current site. I have
tried using :finder_sql to do this, but it does not appear to be
affecting the actual query.

Alternatively, I could rewrite "user.has_role?" and/or
"user.find_by_rolename" to include the check. But I am not having luck
with either approach. I welcome any suggestions.


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[Rails] Re: Where do I start?

2008-12-11 Thread olivierntk

I started rails by reading Beginning Rails from Apress.

It will take you through most of what you need to know to start Rails.
Being a .NET developer, it was quite easy to pick it up but I believe
it is accessible to non web developer.

With Rails, you don't need to learn SQL (unless you have very specific
tasks to achieve).
JavaScript is nice to have (I would recommend you to use jQuery, a
JavaScript framework) but you can have a full web app running without
Apache? No need, Rails comes with Mongrel.

Ruby ... of course but you'll just need the basics and learn as you

My 2 cents

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[Rails] Re: Virtual hosts not using their own databases

2008-12-11 Thread Norm

Redd Vinylene wrote:
> Hi there!
> I just set up 3 instances of the same Rails app (nginx+mongrel_cluster)
> -- http://pastie.org/336677 -- but for some reason site1 and site2
> (despite their own database.yml) end up using site3's database.
> What on earth is going on here?
> Thanks y'all,
> RV
Does each virtual host have its own instance of the database server running?

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[Rails] Re: How to stop SOAP4R/OpenSSL requiring cert?

2008-12-11 Thread Rob Biedenharn

On Dec 11, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Michael Mcgrath wrote:
> Rob,
> thanks for your response.
>> SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory.new("https://server.com/xxx.wsdl";,
>>   { 'ssl_config' => { 'verify_mode' => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE }})
> This gives "wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)"
> Michael

This might have to go closer to the place where the connection is  
made.  I'd just be diving into the soap4r code anyway, so splash on in  

There is also a place (somewhere) that lets you put a similar line  
into a config file for your SSL connections.  I think rdoc for the  
SOAP4R library has an example.


Rob Biedenharn  http://agileconsultingllc.com

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[Rails] Routes in a migration?

2008-12-11 Thread Matt Werner

So this is a strange request, but I'm writing a large migration
inserting a lot of content into my db. Some of the entries have a link
to another section of the site in the text column. I'd like to use the
routes that I have set up, but they aren't available.

Any ideas how to make the routes available in the migration?
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[Rails] Re: database.yml and .gitignore

2008-12-11 Thread Jeff

On Dec 11, 11:29 am, jgoggles  wrote:
> Hi,
> For some reason git is not ignoring my database.yml file even though I
> have config/database.yml in my .gitignore file.  Any suggestions as to
> what the problem might be and/or how I can fix it?  It's causing major
> annoyances.  Is there a way to remove the database.yml from the repo
> entirely?
> Thanks!

If it got added to your git repo before you specified it in the ignore
file, I think you have to remove it:

git rm config/database.yml
git commit -a -m "Removed database.yml"

(maybe save a backup of your database.yml first :-)


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[Rails] ssl_required and form_tag

2008-12-11 Thread Fritz Anderson

I don't quite understand how ssl_required interacts with forms in Ruby
on Rails.

I've installed the ssl_requirement plugin, and listed one of my
form-submission actions (:assign_building) in an ssl_required
declaration. The form is shown at the end of this message.

The form includes a select_tag to collect a parameter tagged as

If :assign_building is listed in ssl_required, params does not include
the :building_id key. If it's not in ssl_required, :building_id is in

I should mention that I have defined default_url_options to set
:protocol => "https://";.

How do I ensure that my form will be submitted via SSL, and keep all its
parameters? I'm pretty sure I'm missing a concept here, but of course
I'm too ignorant to know what that concept might be.

ruby 1.8.6 (2008-03-03 patchlevel 114) [universal-darwin9.0]
Rails 1.2.6

-- F

<% form_tag :controller => :people, :action => :assign_building, :id =>
@person do %>
<% buildings = Building.find(:all, :order => 'facility_location,
building').collect { |b| [ b.building, b.id ] } -%>
<% bldg_opts = options_for_select(buildings, @person.building_id)
<%= select_tag :building_id, bldg_opts  %>
<%= submit_tag "Set" %>
<% end -%>

Partial log when ssl_required is in effect:

Processing PeopleController#assign_building (for  at 2008-12-11
13:11:50) [GET]
  Session ID: 31c980c882ed498eaed93fcb08916d63
  Parameters: {"action"=>"assign_building", "id"=>"5",
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: different views for a single model?

2008-12-11 Thread Jeff

On Dec 11, 10:31 am, Bill Vatikiotis  wrote:
> How could you do it, in a *RESTful* way?
> I  have a very simple model with 2 attrs and each view is a
> Model.find_all_by_attr1 and _attr2. How is this modeled in REST?

Usually I do this by specifying the view/filtering criteria as query


This calls the index action, and with params[:attr1] = val1 and params
[:attr2] = val2

> I've been in rails for 6 months now and REST is continuing giving me
> headaches and tbh,  it seems to me that it's unsuitable for user
> centric applications, where the same information could be presented in
> many different ways. index and show simply wouldn't cut it as it seems
> to me that they are tightly coupled to a more DB-centric approach.
> (Where is index fit into REST, if REST is based on CRUD? Can't I have
> an "index2 or index_by_whatever_criteria_I_want, and still be
> RESTful? )

Index and Show are both from the R of CRUD.

> Of course, decision logic could be moved to the view layer but that
> seems like a regression to MVC.
> Im tempted to stop thinking in REST terms and simply move on; Maybe I
> just need a good reason to convince myself.
> thank you

Does this help at all? The Rails conventions don't work 100% of the
time, but for me it works 95% of the time - I just have to think a bit
sometimes about what my action is accomplishing, and challenge myself
on why one on the 7 actions *wouldn't* suffice.



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[Rails] Second Ruby and Rails devroom at Fosdem (Brussels, 7 Feb 2009)

2008-12-11 Thread Calamitas

Hi folks,

After last year's success, the Belgian Ruby User Group is happy to
the second Ruby and Rails devroom at Fosdem 2009. Fosdem is a
of Free and Open Source Software developers and the ideal occasion to
fellow Ruby and Rails developers (and 2,000 other FOSS developers). If
have a good idea for a talk or tutorial, consider sending in an
abstract. You
can find the Call for Papers at http://wiki.rubyist.be/wiki/show/CallForPapers,
and quoted below.

See you at Fosdem!

Kind regards,
Peter Vanbroekhoven

 Second Ruby and Rails devroom at Fosdem (Brussels, 7 Feb 2009)

After last year's enormous interest, The Belgian Ruby User Group
http://www.rubyist.be/ organizes the second Ruby and Rails devroom at
Fosdem 2009 (Brussels, 7 February 2009). We are calling on presenters
to propose an abstract for a presentation in the Ruby and Rails
Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Ruby
 - Tutorials (installation, basic Ruby, advanced Ruby,
   DSLs, testing, design patterns, Rubygems, C-extensions, GUI
 - New developments (Ruby 1.9, JRuby, IronRuby, ...)
 - Important/interesting libraries (your own, other's, HOWTOs,
demos, ...)
 - Technical showcases (interesting applications of Ruby, challenges,
solutions, ...)
 - ...

* Rails
 - Tutorials (installation, basic/advanced web app design, good
practices, ...)
 - New developments (Rails 2.1/2.2, Phusion Passenger, RubyEE,
   cloud computing, ...)
 - Important/interesting plugins (your own, other's, HOWTOs,
demos, ...)
 - Technical showcases (interesting applications of Rails,
challenges, solutions, ...)
 - ...

You can view last year's program at
http://wiki.rubyist.be/wiki/show/FosdemDevroom2008AceptedPapers to get
an idea.

We accept 25 minute and 50 minute talks and tutorials, but we are not
strict on this
so please indicate the preferred length of your talk/tutorial in your
proposal. We may
still slightly adjust this length depending on the response we
receive. We would like
to ask you to include a short bio when you submit your proposal. This
bio will
appear on the Fosdem website and should consist of a single sentence
and an extended description; examples can be found in last year's
http://archive.fosdem.org/2008/schedule/events .

Please send your abstract to cfp_fos...@rubyist.be before Monday 5
January 2009.
It will be reviewed by the program committee and you will receive a
decision by
Friday 9 January 2009 if your presentation is accepted.

The program committee that will evaluate the proposals is comprised

 Tom Klaasen (10to1, tom AT 10to1 . be)
 Peter Vanbroekhoven (XaoP, peter AT xaop . com)
 Peter Vandenabeele (peter AT vandenabeele . com)

Entrance to the Fosdem conference and devrooms is entirely free.
Sorry, we cannot
give any travel grants to foreign visitors (local hospitality with one
of the organizers is
possible to save hotel costs). In past years, approx. 2,000 people
visited the Fosdem
conference. More information on Fosdem can be found at http://www.fosdem.org/

For all further information, check this page:
http://wiki.rubyist.be/wiki/show/FosdemDevRoom2009 .
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[Rails] very easy, look

2008-12-11 Thread gabrielsimas

If in Debian-Based type:

apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

and so:

gem install sqlite3-ruby

you see this message:

Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed sqlite3-ruby-1.2.4
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for sqlite3-ruby-1.2.4...
Installing RDoc documentation for sqlite3-ruby-1.2.4...

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[Rails] update parent in assocation callback

2008-12-11 Thread Grayson Piercee

I'd like to update an attribute on the parent using an association
callback.  For example

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :peeps, :after_add => :update_latest_peep

def update_latest_peep(peep)
  self.latest_peed_id= peep.id

If I debug and step through the code, I see that @owner (which is the
user in question) actually does have that attribute set however when the
code exists, it doesn't seem to save.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] How to select a style based on the controller?

2008-12-11 Thread Patrick Doyle
I know I've seen this somewhere before, but my friend Google and I just
can't seem to recall where.

I would like to change the style of a link (in my application layout) based
upon which controller is currently active.

This is what I have, which doesn't work:

<%= link_to "Part", part_path, :class => @controller.name == "parts" ?
'selectedmenu' : 'unselectedmenu' %>

I'm sure I've seen this sort of construct in the past, but I can't recall
how to construct it.  Specifically, this bombs because name is undefined.  I
can probably figure that one out myself.  More generally, is there a nice
helper method defined to select a specific class based on the controller?


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[Rails] Fleximage and RMagick on Dreamhost

2008-12-11 Thread trivial


I installed Fleximage with RMagick on InstantRails and had it working
on my development box.

When I moved to the production box on Dreamhost, I started to get the
following error when I tried to render images:

Processing PhotosController#show to jpg (for at
2008-12-11 08:49:18) [GET]
  Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
Rendering photos/show

ActionView::TemplateError (wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)) on
line #1 of app/views/photos/show.jpg.flexi:
1:   @photo.operate do |image|
2: image.resize '240x160'
3:   end

app/views/photos/show.jpg.flexi:1:in `render'

Rendering rescues/layout.erb (internal_server_error)

The line #1 does not refer to something in my show.jpg.flexi file, as
I get the same error when all lines are commented out.

Does anyone know what this error message means ?

Here is my config:

* class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  require "rubygems"
  require 'RMagick'

* class PhotosController < ApplicationController
  require 'RMagick'
  include Magick

* class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  require 'RMagick'
  include Magick

* class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
  require 'RMagick'
  include Magick

* show.jpg.flexi
  @photo.operate do |image|
image.resize '240x160'

* show.html.erb
<%= image_tag formatted_photo_path(@photo, :jpg) %>



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[Rails] Re: access ActionView::Base in configuration

2008-12-11 Thread Frederick Cheung

Because the code you're writing is running before the framework has  
been loaded. Stick it in an initializer

Sent from my iPhone

On 11 Dec 2008, at 18:09, Erwin  wrote:

> Why is it impossible to access ActionView::Base in my environment.rb ?
> getting uninitialized constant error
> thanks fyl
> erwin
> >

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[Rails] Re: uninitialized constant ActionVie

2008-12-11 Thread Kad Kerforn

Frederick Cheung wrote:
> On 11 Dec 2008, at 15:47, Kad Kerforn wrote:
>> active_support/testing/setup_and_teardown.rb:14:in
>> `included':NameError: uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Callbacks
>> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/ 
>> console_with_helpers.rb:19:NoMethodError:
>> undefined method `require_dependency' for main:Object
>> what could be the error ?  thanks for your help ...
> ActionView hasn't been loaded yet. Move all of that into a file in
> config/initializers
> Fred

Thanks a lot.  is there any link to a doc where i can read more 
about the initialization process... ?
(like the one I have on boot process of my OS X system...)

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] calendar_date_select on Dreamhost

2008-12-11 Thread triv...@benmansour.net


I have installed the calendar_date_select gem on Dreamhost using the
instructions on http://code.google.com/p/calendardateselect/.

The gem is properly installed and I can find it in my ~/.gems

However, the server does not recognize any calendar_date_select
method. In particular, the calendar_date_select_includes gives this

<%= calendar_date_select_includes "blue" %>

undefined method `calendar_date_select_includes' for

I restarted the server many times and have already reinstalled the gem
several times.

Would you know what may be causing this problem ?
I added a "require 'calendar_date_select'" in my applicationcontroller
with no effect.



Here is my configuration running on Dreamhost:
*** LOCAL GEMS ***

actionmailer (2.2.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 1.1.3)
actionpack (2.2.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 1.11.2, 1.11.0)
actionwebservice (1.2.6, 1.2.3, 0.9.3)
activerecord (2.2.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 1.13.2, 1.13.0)
activeresource (2.2.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.0, 2.0.2)
activesupport (2.2.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 1.2.3)
acts_as_taggable (2.0.2, 1.0.4)
ajax_scaffold_generator (3.1.11, 2.2.1)
archive-tar-minitar (0.5.2, 0.5.1)
auth_generator (2.0.1, 1.5.3, 1.1.0)
Bloglines4R (0.1.0)
BlueCloth (1.0.0)
builder (2.1.2, 2.0.0, 1.2.4)
calendar_date_select (1.13)
camping (1.5)
capistrano (2.5.3, 2.5.1, 1.4.1, 1.4.0)
classifier (1.3.1)
cmdparse (2.0.2, 2.0.0)
color (1.4.0)
columnize (0.2)
curb (0.1.4)
daemons (1.0.10, 1.0.9, 1.0.7, 1.0.6)
diff-lcs (1.1.2)
facets (2005.10.30, 2.4.3, 1.8.54, 1.8.51, 1.8.49, 1.0.3)
fastercsv (1.2.3)
fastthread (1.0.1)
feedtools (0.2.29, 0.2.26)
ferret (0.11.6, 0.11.4, 0.10.13, 0.10.11)
flickr (1.0.2)
gd2 (1.1.1, 1.1, 1.0)
gen (0.41.0, 0.29.0)
geoip (0.8.0, 0.3.0, 0.2.0)
gettext (1.93.0, 1.10.0, 1.8.0, 1.3.0)
glue (0.41.0, 0.29.0)
gnuplot (2.2, 2.1)
google-geocode (1.2.1)
gravtastic (2.0.0)
gruff (0.3.4, 0.2.8)
haml (2.0.5, 2.0.3)
highline (1.5.0)
hoe (1.8.2, 1.2.1, 1.1.7)
hpricot (0.6.164, 0.6)
htmltools (1.10, 1.09)
launchy (0.3.2)
linecache (0.43)
localization_generator (1.0.8, 1.0.7)
login_generator (1.2.2)
madeleine (0.7.3, 0.7.1)
mailfactory (1.4.0)
maruku (0.5.9)
mechanize (0.8.5, 0.7.6)
mime-types (1.15)
mini_magick (1.2.3)
mocha (0.9.3)
mysql (2.7, 2.6)
needle (1.3.0, 1.2.1)
net-scp (1.0.1)
net-sftp (2.0.1, 1.1.0)
net-ssh (2.0.6, 1.1.2, 1.0.10, 1.0.8)
net-ssh-gateway (1.0.0)
nitro (0.41.0, 0.29.0)
og (0.41.0, 0.29.0)
packet (0.1.14, 0.1.13)
PageTemplate (2.2.3, 2.2.0, 2.1.3)
ParseTree (3.0.2, 1.7.1, 1.6.3, 1.3.7)
payment (1.0.1, 0.9)
pdf-writer (1.1.8)
podcast (0.0.4, 0.0.3)
rack (0.4.0, 0.3.0)
radiant (0.6.9)
rails (2.2.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 0.14.3)
rake (0.8.3, 0.8.2, 0.8.1, 0.6.2)
ramaze (2008.06)
rc-rest (2.2.1)
RedCloth (4.1.1, 3.0.4, 3.0.3)
rfacebook (0.9.8, 0.8.3)
rmagick (2.7.1, 1.15.12, 1.15.10)
rspec (1.1.11, 1.1.3)
ruby-breakpoint (0.5.1, 0.5.0)
ruby-debug (0.10.3, 0.9.3, 0.9.2)
ruby-debug-base (0.10.3)
ruby-openid (2.1.2, 2.0.3)
ruby-yadis (0.3.4)
ruby_odeum (0.4.1)
rubyforge (1.0.1, 0.4.2, 0.4.0)
RubyInline (3.8.1, 3.6.3, 3.6.2, 3.4.0)
rubypants (0.2.0)
rubyzip (0.9.1, 0.5.12, 0.5.9)
ruport (1.6.1, 1.4.0)
ruport-util (0.14.0, 0.13.0)
ruwiki (0.9.3)
salted_login_generator (2.0.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0)
sexp_processor (3.0.0)
shipping (1.5.1, 1.3.0, 1.2.1)
SimpleSearch (0.5.0)
sqlite3-ruby (1.2.4, 1.2.1, 1.1.0)
stemmer (1.0.1)
switchtower (1.0.1)
syntax (1.0.0, 0.7.0)
tagtools (0.0.3)
tidy (1.1.2)
transaction-simple (1.4.0)
tzinfo (0.3.12, 0.3.3)
unicode (0.1)
uuidtools (1.0.7, 1.0.1, 1.0.0, 0.1.4)
webgen (0.5.6, 0.4.5, 0.3.8, 0.3.6)
wee (0.10.0, 0.9.1)
xhtmldiff (1.0.0)
xml-simple (1.0.11)
ym4r (0.6.1)
youtube-g (
ZenTest (3.11.0)

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[Rails] Re: different views for a single model?

2008-12-11 Thread Ar Chron

map.resources can take additional specifications for either member-level 
methods (operating on a single instance of the model), or 
collection-level methods (operating on a collection).

You can extend your routes in a RESTful fashion to your hearts content.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] access ActionView::Base in configuration

2008-12-11 Thread Erwin

Why is it impossible to access ActionView::Base in my environment.rb ?
getting uninitialized constant error

thanks fyl

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[Rails] Re: Pagination on arrays

2008-12-11 Thread Frederick Cheung

will_paginate does work on arrays. You need to create an instance of  
WillPaginate::Collection targetting your array. I think there's an  
example in the dogs

Sent from my iPhone

On 11 Dec 2008, at 17:25, Mark Mr   

> I'm looking for a way to paginate an array of data basically. I know
> about will_paginate but from what I've seen that only works on
> activerecord searches. I can't seem to find a good resource that lets
> you paginate a regular data set. Anyone got a tip on this? I'd really
> appreciate it :)
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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[Rails] Get an attrifutes from joins in a find method

2008-12-11 Thread Luca Roma

I have wrote an example:

example=Example.find(:all,:joins=>"(select id,"hello" as hello_name from
examples2) as examples3 where examples3.id=examples.id")

I want get the attribute hello_name that not exits in db.
example[0].hello_word not works
example[0].example3.hello_name not works
how can i do?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] database.yml and .gitignore

2008-12-11 Thread jgoggles


For some reason git is not ignoring my database.yml file even though I
have config/database.yml in my .gitignore file.  Any suggestions as to
what the problem might be and/or how I can fix it?  It's causing major
annoyances.  Is there a way to remove the database.yml from the repo

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[Rails] Pagination on arrays

2008-12-11 Thread Mark Mr

I'm looking for a way to paginate an array of data basically. I know
about will_paginate but from what I've seen that only works on
activerecord searches. I can't seem to find a good resource that lets
you paginate a regular data set. Anyone got a tip on this? I'd really
appreciate it :)
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] restful_authentication errors

2008-12-11 Thread MarkusW

When I run

[code]  script/generate authenticated user --include-activation [/

it seems to work at first, but then it reports:

" The name 'SessionsHelper' is either already used in your application
or reserved by Ruby on Rails. Please choose an alternative and run
this generator again "

I've heard that having both acts_as_authenticated and
restful_authentication installed at the same time can cause this
error, but that's not the case with my app.

I just started a new app and installed only the restful_authentication

Any suggestions?
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[Rails] Full time, direct hire Ruby/Rails position in Upstate SC

2008-12-11 Thread AndyV

PCSS, Inc (www.pcssinc.com) is looking to hire at least one new Ruby/
Rails developer.  PCSS serves the judicial system, offering jury and
case management solutions to help Courts move towards a paperless
environment and comply with their initiatives to make court records
more easily accessible.

We are looking for someone with demonstrable OOP skills, at least a
year of experience with Ruby, rspec, and comfort with JavaScript
(knowing the ExtJs framework is a big plus).

We are located in the Upstate region of South Carolina, midway between
Charlotte and Atlanta.

Please reply with a resume and code sample in an introductory email to

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] how do I get the host or Ip address where my rails app is running

2008-12-11 Thread Erwin


I would like to get in a variable the ip address of the host where my
app is running, to change some parameters if it's running locally or
remotely .. is it possible ?

I cannot use request.host, since there is no request yet

I suppose I should test it in application.rb, not in environment.rb
during initialization ..

thanks for your suggestions ..

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[Rails] Re: How to stop SOAP4R/OpenSSL requiring cert?

2008-12-11 Thread Michael Mcgrath

thanks for your response.

> SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory.new("https://server.com/xxx.wsdl";,
>{ 'ssl_config' => { 'verify_mode' => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE }})
This gives "wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)"

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: Odd problem with rake test

2008-12-11 Thread Rob Biedenharn

On Dec 10, 2008, at 4:23 PM, John Small wrote:
> I've got a strange problem with raking my tests. They come up all  
> clear
> when I do rake:functionals but when I run them as individual ruby  
> files
> the test fail as they should. What's the difference? Does anyone else
> have problems like this.
> John Small

My guess is that you are using fixtures and each test that fails isn't  
specifying the ones on which it relies.


Rob Biedenharn  http://agileconsultingllc.com
+1 513-295-4739
Skype:  rob.biedenharn

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[Rails] Time zone oddity with Rails 2.2.2 and Ruby 1.8.6 (win32)

2008-12-11 Thread Sven

The rfc822 method and to_s(:rfc822) are behaving differently. See

C:\projects>rails -v
Rails 2.2.2

C:\projects>ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i386-mswin32]

C:\projects>rails odd
  create  app/controllers
  create  app/helpers

C:\projects>cd odd

C:\projects\odd>ruby script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.2.2)
>> Time.now
=> Thu Dec 11 11:24:58 -0500 2008
>> Time.now.to_s
=> "Thu Dec 11 11:25:00 -0500 2008"
>> Time.now.rfc822
=> "Thu, 11 Dec 2008 11:25:05 -0500"
>> Time.now.rfc2822
=> "Thu, 11 Dec 2008 11:25:07 -0500"


>> Time.now.to_s(:rfc822)
=> "Thu, 11 Dec 2008 11:25:12 Eastern Standard Time"

I'm running gem Rails 2.2.2 here. The problem does not occur on Linux
with the same Rails revision and a comparable (1.8.6, 2007-03-13)
build of Ruby.

Any thoughts?


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[Rails] Re: How to stop SOAP4R/OpenSSL requiring cert?

2008-12-11 Thread Rob Biedenharn

On Dec 10, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Michael Mcgrath wrote:

> Hi
> I want to consume some web services that are only available over  
> My method looks like this:
>  def lookup_id
>driver =
> SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory.new("https://server.com/xxx.wsdl";

Try this:

   { 'ssl_config' => { 'verify_mode' => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE }})

Rob Biedenharn  http://agileconsultingllc.com

> ).create_rpc_driver
>@p=driver.verifyId(AUTH_TOKEN, PIN, myid)
>  end
> Although this works fine on my local box (with a warning), when  
> deployed
> to the staging server I get:
> OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError (certificate verify failed):
> Can anyone assist me in telling SOAP4R and/or OpenSSL to simply treat
> this is a warning rather than an error?
> Thanks in advance,
> Michael.
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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[Rails] different views for a single model?

2008-12-11 Thread Bill Vatikiotis

How could you do it, in a *RESTful* way?

I  have a very simple model with 2 attrs and each view is a
Model.find_all_by_attr1 and _attr2. How is this modeled in REST?

I've been in rails for 6 months now and REST is continuing giving me
headaches and tbh,  it seems to me that it's unsuitable for user
centric applications, where the same information could be presented in
many different ways. index and show simply wouldn't cut it as it seems
to me that they are tightly coupled to a more DB-centric approach.

(Where is index fit into REST, if REST is based on CRUD? Can't I have
an "index2 or index_by_whatever_criteria_I_want, and still be
RESTful? )

Of course, decision logic could be moved to the view layer but that
seems like a regression to MVC.

Im tempted to stop thinking in REST terms and simply move on; Maybe I
just need a good reason to convince myself.

thank you
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[Rails] Re: find_or_create_by_name

2008-12-11 Thread Frederick Cheung

On 11 Dec 2008, at 16:17, Gi Ga wrote:

> If I have a table: (id, lastname, firstname), can I use
> "find_or_create_by_name" if I have to search by first and last name?

no. find_or_create_by_foo requires foo to be an actual column (but you  
can do find_or_create_by_foo_and_bar)

> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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[Rails] find_or_create_by_name

2008-12-11 Thread Gi Ga

If I have a table: (id, lastname, firstname), can I use
"find_or_create_by_name" if I have to search by first and last name?
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[Rails] Re: Select count(*) using Ruby on Rails

2008-12-11 Thread Joe Peck

Frederick Cheung wrote:
> On 11 Dec 2008, at 16:05, Joe Peck wrote:
>> something like Blah.find(:all, :conditions => blah blah).size
> Blah.count(:all, :conditions => ...)
> or if you had a named_scope for that set of conditions,
> Blah.some_scope.count
> Fred

Beautiful.  Thanks Fred, you seem to answer a lot of questions on this 
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