[Rails] why story.votes return Array, but story.votes.create works?

2010-05-23 Thread Jian Lin
In Ruby on Rails, say a Story object can has_many Vote objects  (a
story is voted hot by many users).

So when we do a

s = Story.find(:first)

s is a Story object, and say


returns []


returns Array

So clearly, s.votes is an empty Array object.

At this time, when


is called, it actually invokes a method of the Vote class?  How come an
Array class object can invoke a Vote class method?
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[Rails] What does attachment_fu do when saving?

2010-05-23 Thread Sam Kong

I have a model with attachment_fu.
The model saves images but I didn't put validates_as_attachment.

I understand that it takes long time to create an object as it has to
process images.
But I don't understand why it takes long time to update the object (not
changing file but only modify other non-attachment_fu attributes).
If I do object.save(false), it doesn't take long time.

So my question is...
What's the difference between object.save and object.save(false) when
the object is attachment_fu model and there's no validation?


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[Rails] remote_function return No action responded error

2010-05-23 Thread nirosh
here i given my codes when i execute this remote_function rails give
me this error

ActionController::UnknownAction (No action responded to report_poem.
Actions: create, destroy, edit, index, new, show, update):

in my view

 span class=report_button onclick=

in my controller

def report_poem
  @poem = Poem.find(params[:id])
  respond_to do |format|

so anybody know what is the reason is?

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[Rails] Re: why story.votes return Array, but story.votes.create works?

2010-05-23 Thread Frederick Cheung

On May 23, 7:10 am, Jian Lin li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:

 So clearly, s.votes is an empty Array object.

Actually it's not. It's an AssociationProxy object pretending to be an
instance of Array

 At this time, when


 is called, it actually invokes a method of the Vote class?  How come an
 Array class object can invoke a Vote class method?
 Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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 Ruby on Rails: Talk group.
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[Rails] Re: Extending a module in a controller

2010-05-23 Thread Frederick Cheung

On May 23, 12:59 am, Marnen Laibow-Koser li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:

  module Enumerable
    def my_compress

  ... but when I visit the web page in question I get No method
  'my_compress' for Array ...

  I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong - what could/should I
  be doing?

 You should be putting your model logic in the model, not in the

on top of that, by putting it inside the controller like that you've
created a new module called LookupController::Enumerable rather than
extending Enumerable. If I were you I'd keep extensions to core
classes somewhere in lib.



 Marnen Laibow-Koserhttp://www.marnen.org
 Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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 Ruby on Rails: Talk group.
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[Rails] Re: why story.votes return Array, but story.votes.create works?

2010-05-23 Thread Jian Lin
Frederick Cheung wrote:
 On May 23, 7:10�am, Jian Lin li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:

 So clearly, s.votes is an empty Array object.

 Actually it's not. It's an AssociationProxy object pretending to be an
 instance of Array

not like this?

irb(main):010:0 class Foo
irb(main):011:1   def class
irb(main):012:2 return Fixnum
irb(main):013:2   end
irb(main):014:1 end
= nil

irb(main):015:0 f = Foo.new
= #Foo:0x4799ce8

irb(main):016:0 f.class
= Fixnum


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[Rails] validating a form with a foreign key

2010-05-23 Thread Peter Vilagi
Hi there.
I have a problem with validating a form, where is foreign key present.
I have a table like this:

This is the way that status_id is implemented to the users table.
td%= select_tag ('status_id', options_for_select([['-- choose one
--', nil]] + @status.collect { |stat| [stat.status, stat.id]},

When I dont enter anything to any of the fields, I get an error:
 NoMethodError in Users#create
Showing users/_form.rhtml where line #12 raised:
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! You might have expected
an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.collect
Extracted source (around line #12):
12: td%= select_tag ('status_id', options_for_select([['-- choose one
--', '']] + @status.collect { |stat| [stat.status, stat.id]},

And when everything is not blank just the status_id is nto chosen, I
get another error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in UsersController#create
Couldn't find Status with ID=

Here is the code of my controller:
class UsersController  ApplicationController
  def index
@user = User.find(:all)
 #* NEW
  def new
@user = User.new
@status = Status.find(:all)

  def create
@user = User.new(params[:user])

status = Status.find(params[:status_id])
@user.status = status

if @user.save
  flash[:notice] = 'New item successfully created!'
  redirect_to(:action = 'index')
  flash[:notice] = 'Creating an item failed!'
  render(:action = 'new')

Can you suggest a solution??
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: Extending a module in a controller

2010-05-23 Thread Toby Rodwell
Frederick Cheung wrote:
 On May 23, 12:59�am, Marnen Laibow-Koser li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 ... by putting it inside the controller like that you've
 created a new module called LookupController::Enumerable rather than
 extending Enumerable. If I were you I'd keep extensions to core
 classes somewhere in lib.

Ah I see, of course.  So I've moved it to 'my_extensions.rb' in lib/, 
added require 'my_extensions' in the controller and now it works fine. 
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] [Rails 3] Trouble with named routes and form_for

2010-05-23 Thread Michael Jurewitz
Hi guys,

I'm having trouble getting named routes and form_for to play nicely in quite 
the way I would expect.  Here's a quick summary of what I've got going on:

Named route:  
resources :thread, :class_name = forum_thread

Controller name:

Model object:

In both my new and edit actions I'm setting up an @thread variable:
@thread = ForumThread.new

1.)  My first attempt at writing the form_for looked something like this:

%= form_for @thread do |f| %
% end

This didn't work because @thread tries to use a path involving the string 
forum_thread, which doesn't have a matching route and which I don't want.  

2.)  So that's fine, I figured I'd just use named routes.  So I tried this:

%= form_for @thread, :as = :thread, :url = thread_path(@thread) do |f| %

% end 

This works for edit actions, but not for new actions.  On new I get the 
following error:

No route matches {:action=destroy, :controller=forum_thread, 
:id=#ForumThread id: nil, .}

3.)  So then I tried:

%= form_for @thread, :as = :thread, :url = threads_path(@thread) do |f| %

% end 

This doesn't work for edit, and sorta works for new except it outputs the 
following HTML, which makes the respond_to block unhappy:

form action=/thread?format= class=thread_new id=thread_new 

4.)  So then I tried:

%= form_for @thread, :as = :thread, :url = threads_path do |f| %

% end 

Now everything works for new, but not for edit!  (Because the ID of the element 
being edited isn't emitted as part of the action):

form action=/thread class=thread_edit id=thread_edit method=post

1.  Is there some way to use a named route that uses a custom class name and 
still be able to reuse my form partial for both new and edit actions?  Or am I 
stuck writing two forms?
2.  Is the error I received in #2 a bug in Rails 3 or expected behavior?
3.  Is the erroneous output in #3 a bug in Rails 3 or expected behavior?

My sincere thanks in advance for your help!


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[Rails] Introducing ResourceAwareness

2010-05-23 Thread Ingo Weiss
Hi all,

I want to invite you to check out ResourceAwareness, a small gem that makes 
available information about a Rails application's resources (as defined by the 
'resource/s' routing DSL methods) at Rails.application.resources. 


You can find a brief introductory post about it here:


There is also another post with a small example (dynamic ActiveResource client 
creation) for the kind of things that become possible once this resource 
information is available:


Best Regards,
Ingo Weiss


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Re: [Rails] Rails acts_as_* plugins, with parameters

2010-05-23 Thread Yudi Soesanto

--Original Message--
From: Rick DeNatale
Sender: rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com
To: rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com
ReplyTo: rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Rails] Rails acts_as_* plugins, with parameters
Sent: Feb 25, 2010 20:08

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 7:32 AM, Paul PH li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to write a plugin which will allow me to specify:
 acts_as_item :option=:value

 i need to be able to access the :options=:value hash from instances of
 the model also.
 I've tried with class_eval in the plugin, but can't get it working.
 I'm calling acts_as_item(options), and that method can see the options
 passed from a model. Then  inside the class_eval, I'm adding a method
 (def self.configuration) which returns the options hash. I thought from
 an instance, I'd be able to do instance.class.configuration which would
 then return said options hash.

 Any ideas?
 thanks for reading.

 module Item
    #called by active record for us
    def self.included(base)
      base.extend ClassMethods

    module ClassMethods
      def acts_as_item(options = {})
        configuration = {:option=:value}
        class_eval {
          include InstanceMethods

          def self.configuration
I think you want this to be
def configuration

Since this is in a module extended by the class.

Rick DeNatale

Blog: http://talklikeaduck.denhaven2.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RickDeNatale
WWR: http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/9021-rick-denatale
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rickdenatale

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Re: [Rails] Rails acts_as_* plugins, with parameters

2010-05-23 Thread Yudi Soesanto
--Original Message--
From: Rick DeNatale
Sender: rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com
To: rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com
ReplyTo: rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Rails] Rails acts_as_* plugins, with parameters
Sent: Feb 25, 2010 20:08

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 7:32 AM, Paul PH li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to write a plugin which will allow me to specify:
 acts_as_item :option=:value

 i need to be able to access the :options=:value hash from instances of
 the model also.
 I've tried with class_eval in the plugin, but can't get it working.
 I'm calling acts_as_item(options), and that method can see the options
 passed from a model. Then  inside the class_eval, I'm adding a method
 (def self.configuration) which returns the options hash. I thought from
 an instance, I'd be able to do instance.class.configuration which would
 then return said options hash.

 Any ideas?
 thanks for reading.

 module Item
    #called by active record for us
    def self.included(base)
      base.extend ClassMethods

    module ClassMethods
      def acts_as_item(options = {})
        configuration = {:option=:value}
        class_eval {
          include InstanceMethods

          def self.configuration
I think you want this to be
def configuration

Since this is in a module extended by the class.

Rick DeNatale

Blog: http://talklikeaduck.denhaven2.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RickDeNatale
WWR: http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/9021-rick-denatale
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rickdenatale

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[Rails] Re: question on layouts

2010-05-23 Thread John Merlino
nirosh wrote:
 write the function @ application_controller that can be access in any
 for more info read abt application controller doc.

Hey thanks for the response.
What about the image paths. This is in css and it's not linking to the 
images folder:
background: #b8e5d1 url(/public/images/mastgrad.png) top left no-repeat;

public/images incorrect path? I don't understand because it looks like 
thats the path structure in my app.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Rails 3 Error:uninitialized constant ActiveResource::Base

2010-05-23 Thread DmitryPush
I'v just install rails3 for try it out.
I was following getting started guide:
rm public/index.html,
change routes...

and then i try to open page i'v got an error.

OS: ubunto 10.04
Rails info:
dp...@dpush-desktop:~/rails_proj/blog/public$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux]
dp...@dpush-desktop:~/rails_proj/blog/public$ rails -v
Rails 3.0.0.beta3
dp...@dpush-desktop:~/rails_proj/blog/public$ gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

abstract (1.0.0)
actionmailer (3.0.0.beta3)
actionpack (3.0.0.beta3)
activemodel (3.0.0.beta3)
activerecord (3.0.0.beta3)
activeresource (3.0.0.beta3)
activesupport (3.0.0.beta3, 2.3.6)
arel (0.3.3)
builder (2.1.2)
bundler (0.9.25)
erubis (2.6.5)
i18n (0.3.7)
mail (2.2.1)
memcache-client (1.8.3)
mime-types (1.16)
polyglot (0.3.1)
rack (1.1.0)
rack-mount (0.6.3)
rack-test (0.5.3)
rails (3.0.0.beta3)
railties (3.0.0.beta3)
rake (0.8.7)
text-format (1.0.0)
text-hyphen (1.0.0)
thor (0.13.6)
treetop (1.4.5)
tzinfo (0.3.20)

ERROR NameError: uninitialized constant ActiveResource::Base
active_resource/railties/log_subscriber.rb:11:in `logger'
template.rb:107:in `to_proc'
log_subscriber.rb:75:in `map'
log_subscriber.rb:75:in `flush_all!'
logger.rb:29:in `after_dispatch'
logger.rb:15:in `call'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-1.1.0/lib/rack/lock.rb:11:in `call'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-1.1.0/lib/rack/lock.rb:11:in `call'
action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb:30:in `call'
application.rb:132:in `call'
application.rb:81:in `send'
application.rb:81:in `method_missing'
log_tailer.rb:15:in `call'
13:in `call'
48:in `service'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httpserver.rb:104:in `service'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httpserver.rb:65:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:173:in `start_thread'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:162:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:162:in `start_thread'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:95:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:92:in `each'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:92:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:23:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:82:in `start'
14:in `run'
server.rb:62:in `start'
script/rails:9:in `require'

any help?

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[Rails] Rails 3 Error:uninitialized constant ActiveResource::Base

2010-05-23 Thread DmitryPush
I'v just install rails3 for try it out.
I was following getting started guide:
rm public/index.html,
change routes...

and then i try to open page i'v got an error.

OS: ubunto 10.04
Rails info:
dp...@dpush-desktop:~/rails_proj/blog/public$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux]
dp...@dpush-desktop:~/rails_proj/blog/public$ rails -v
Rails 3.0.0.beta3
dp...@dpush-desktop:~/rails_proj/blog/public$ gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

abstract (1.0.0)
actionmailer (3.0.0.beta3)
actionpack (3.0.0.beta3)
activemodel (3.0.0.beta3)
activerecord (3.0.0.beta3)
activeresource (3.0.0.beta3)
activesupport (3.0.0.beta3, 2.3.6)
arel (0.3.3)
builder (2.1.2)
bundler (0.9.25)
erubis (2.6.5)
i18n (0.3.7)
mail (2.2.1)
memcache-client (1.8.3)
mime-types (1.16)
polyglot (0.3.1)
rack (1.1.0)
rack-mount (0.6.3)
rack-test (0.5.3)
rails (3.0.0.beta3)
railties (3.0.0.beta3)
rake (0.8.7)
text-format (1.0.0)
text-hyphen (1.0.0)
thor (0.13.6)
treetop (1.4.5)
tzinfo (0.3.20)

ERROR NameError: uninitialized constant ActiveResource::Base
active_resource/railties/log_subscriber.rb:11:in `logger'
template.rb:107:in `to_proc'
log_subscriber.rb:75:in `map'
log_subscriber.rb:75:in `flush_all!'
logger.rb:29:in `after_dispatch'
logger.rb:15:in `call'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-1.1.0/lib/rack/lock.rb:11:in `call'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-1.1.0/lib/rack/lock.rb:11:in `call'
action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb:30:in `call'
application.rb:132:in `call'
application.rb:81:in `send'
application.rb:81:in `method_missing'
log_tailer.rb:15:in `call'
13:in `call'
48:in `service'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httpserver.rb:104:in `service'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httpserver.rb:65:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:173:in `start_thread'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:162:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:162:in `start_thread'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:95:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:92:in `each'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:92:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:23:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:82:in `start'
14:in `run'
server.rb:62:in `start'
script/rails:9:in `require'

any help?

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[Rails] Re: What happens when Rails 1.3.5 is installed on top of 2.3.5?

2010-05-23 Thread pepe
I would, just in case, not being sure of the repercussions that
installing a prior version of the gem would have.

On May 22, 10:48 pm, Jian Lin li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 pepe wrote:
  Just in case it applies here is an extract from the Pickaxe book
  (Second edition, page 217):

  Threre's a subtlety when it comes to installing different versions of
  the same application with RubyGems. Even though RubyGems keeps
  separate versions of the application's library files, it does not
  version the actual command you use to run the application. As a
  result, each install of an application effectively overwrites the
  previous one.

 so that means it will be safest if i re-run

   gem install rails


   gem install rails -v2.3.5


 Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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Re: [Rails] Re: question on layouts

2010-05-23 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 5:07 AM, John Merlino li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 nirosh wrote:
 write the function @ application_controller that can be access in any
 for more info read abt application controller doc.

Or create a utility controller, call it home or whatever, that handles
all the non-model pages you need. That's pretty typical.

 What about the image paths. This is in css and it's not linking to the
 images folder:
 background: #b8e5d1 url(/public/images/mastgrad.png) top left no-repeat;

 public/images incorrect path? I don't understand because it looks like
 thats the path structure in my app.

public is the root directory of all the static resources -- so you only
want to use `background: #b8e5d1 url( /images/mastgrad.png ) ...`

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan

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Re: [Rails] remote_function return No action responded error

2010-05-23 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 12:09 AM, nirosh kunalan.kand...@gmail.com wrote:

 ActionController::UnknownAction (No action responded to report_poem.
 Actions: create, destroy, edit, index, new, show, update):

 so anybody know what is the reason is?

Either the generated URL is wrong -- you can check that easily using
your browser's view source -- or that's not a recognized route -- run
`rake routes` to determine, add as necessary.

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan

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[Rails] Re: rake db:create = LIBMYSQL.DLL not found. how to solve??

2010-05-23 Thread Manish Nautiyal
Rails Terrorist wrote:
 [1] gem install mysql
 [2] you will see like error syntac but dont pay attention to it
 [3] find LIBMYSQL.DLL from your mysql/bin folder in your mysql folder 
 not ruby folder.
 [4] copy  paste that file to ruby/bin
 [5] restart your server or console, if you are already run it.
 Then Cheer,

Thanx Reinhart

this helps me to run rails on windows.
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[Rails] Re: Looking for Easy Rails hosting

2010-05-23 Thread Marnen Laibow-Koser
Victor Stan wrote:
 I'm sure its simple on average. For me, deploying on Site5 was
 simpler. I also use a blank repository from which i clone my
 production site next to it on the server and my dev site on my local
 machine through ssh. Same thing, git push, git pull, don't need heroku
 for that, too costly anyway unless you want to scale rapidly, which i

With Heroku there's no git pull -- just push the code and it does 
everything else.  And no setup of the Rails environment -- it's done for 
you.  I've done both (though other VPSs, not site5) quite often.  Heroku 
really is simpler.

 I did, 

You did what?  Please quote when replying so it's clear what you mean.

 maybe you can too: 
 compare that to: http://www.site5.com/

Site5 is shared hosting, not a VPS, right?  If so, then the two aren't 
really comparable -- and Rails generally really wants a VPS.

 Of course, first off, they both serve a different purpose and a
 different type of clientele. I wouldn't go for cloud computing just
 for the fun of it. Which is what I would do while I'm learning RoR...

I wouldn't go for cloud computing for the fun of it either.  The nice 
thing about Heroku and (I think) Rackspace Cloud is that they behave as 
if they're conventional servers.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: question on layouts

2010-05-23 Thread Marnen Laibow-Koser
John Merlino wrote:
 Hey all,
 Does any have suggestions to whether I should create a controller for
 every web page on my site or just create an action for every web page in
 same controller if those actions will never require database calls?

Do neither.  Use a single controller action for your static pages, and 
give it the name of the page as a parameter.

 doesn't make sense to create a controller/model for a single web page if
 it isn';t going to require sql.

That's poor reasoning.

 However, I do need the url to actual
 show the different page just as in any site. So I'm just curious what
 are best practices to approach this. Thanks for any response.

You can use routing to make the URLs be anything you like.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: List of radio buttons

2010-05-23 Thread Smok

On 21 Maj, 17:28, Hassan Schroeder hassan.schroe...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Marnen Laibow-Koser

 li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
  No, first learn about HTML form syntax (hint: the name attribute is
  significant here)

 Heh. Beat me by a minute :-)

 I was going to suggest that the OP has apparently never read this
 http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html and that it'd be
 an excellent place to start...

 Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
 twitter: @hassan

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 Ruby on Rails: Talk group.

Thanks guys for your responses. For the future - it would be great if
you could to give some kind of hint or high level description how to
approach soloving the problem. Such as reading about FORM, some links
would be great. Thanks !

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[Rails] Re: remote_function return No action responded error

2010-05-23 Thread AGoofin
Do you have the js includes in the application layout?

Happened to me a few times when playing with several projects.

On May 23, 3:09 am, nirosh kunalan.kand...@gmail.com wrote:
 here i given my codes when i execute this remote_function rails give
 me this error

 ActionController::UnknownAction (No action responded to report_poem.
 Actions: create, destroy, edit, index, new, show, update):

 in my view

  span class=report_button onclick=

 in my controller

 def report_poem
       @poem = Poem.find(params[:id])
       respond_to do |format|

 so anybody know what is the reason is?

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[Rails] Re: Would you recommend some books about Ruby on Rails?

2010-05-23 Thread AGoofin
The best book on learning Rails that I have ever read is Simply Rails
2 published by Sitepoint (http://www.sitepoint.com/books/rails2/?
historicredirect=rails1 ). It is laid out in a very good way and it's
the only book where I went through all the examples.

Later on I would recommend The Rails Way -http://www.rubyinside.com/
It goes into great detail about Rails.

Remember that Rails 3.0 is just around the corner as well which is a
bit different from 2.0.

On May 22, 12:21 pm, goodchoi good...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi everybody~
 Vey nice to meet you on this group.

 I'm a only web service planner operating a site 
  developed by Ruby-on-Rails engineers through payment.

 But I'm trying to do study Ruby on Rails by myself from now on.

 By the way, some engineers in my country South Korea said the only
 book translated in Korean has wrong exercises now because Ruby on
 Rails is not any more version 1.x.

 So I should buy a book composed by exercise including exercises with
 version 2.x.

 First of all I hope this book [http://amzn.to/bshhvk] is like
 so(above) but I'm not sure.

 And then I hope you great engineers will recommend an appropriate book
 to me, a beginner.

 Thank you geeks.

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[Rails] Re: Rails default date format

2010-05-23 Thread tonypm
There is also

validates_date_time plugin


if you also want to allow entry in other formats


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Re: [Rails] Re: What happens when Rails 1.3.5 is installed on top of 2.3.5?

2010-05-23 Thread Rick DeNatale
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 2:47 PM, pepe p...@betterrpg.com wrote:
 Just in case it applies here is an extract from the Pickaxe book
 (Second edition, page 217):

 Threre's a subtlety when it comes to installing different versions of
 the same application with RubyGems. Even though RubyGems keeps
 separate versions of the application's library files, it does not
 version the actual command you use to run the application. As a
 result, each install of an application effectively overwrites the
 previous one.

That's actually not the whole story, and excerpt from the output of
gem help install:

The install command installs local or remote gem into a gem repository.

For gems with executables ruby installs a wrapper file into the executable
directory by default.  This can be overridden with the --no-wrappers option.
The wrapper allows you to choose among alternate gem versions using

For example `rake _0.7.3_ --version` will run rake version 0.7.3 if a newer
version is also installed.

The actual command you use to run the application  is actually a bit
of boilerplate generated by gems which requires the gem and then calls
the executable in the bin directory of the gem.  If you use that
_{version}_ option it requires a specific version of the gem.

So if you have both rails 2.3.5 and 1.2.6 installed then either

rails _2.3.5_

will run version 2.3.5 which is the latest version installed.  but

rails _1.2.6_

will run version 1.2.6


BTW, the OP gave rails version 1.3.5 as a example, as far as I know
this a fictitious version since rails went from version 1.2.6 to
version 2.0.0

Rick DeNatale

Blog: http://talklikeaduck.denhaven2.com/
Github: http://github.com/rubyredrick
Twitter: @RickDeNatale
WWR: http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/9021-rick-denatale
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rickdenatale

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[Rails] Re: Re: What happens when Rails 1.3.5 is installed on top of 2.3.5?

2010-05-23 Thread Jian Lin
Rick Denatale wrote:

 That's actually not the whole story, and excerpt from the output of
 gem help install:
 The install command installs local or remote gem into a gem 
 For gems with executables ruby installs a wrapper file into the 
 directory by default.  This can be overridden with the --no-wrappers 
 The wrapper allows you to choose among alternate gem versions using
 For example `rake _0.7.3_ --version` will run rake version 0.7.3 if 
 a newer
 version is also installed.

What about if Rails 2.3.5 is installed and then 1.2.5 is installed?  It 
seems like after that

  rails -v

will still give 2.3.5.  So the default executable is not overwritten or 
linked to 1.2.5 but to the newest version.

Also, if we run

  rails _1.2.5_

the won't all the supporting files, script, etc, etc also need to be 
versioned?  So probably that is automatically taken care of as well?

So, supposedly, we can install rails in ANY ORDER -- 2.3.5 first, and 
then 2.2.2 and then 1.2.5 and they still all work well, and the default 
one is still the 2.3.5 version?

wow, if only Windows application can do that too...

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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Re: [Rails] Re: Newbie question about views folder

2010-05-23 Thread Rick DeNatale
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 8:35 PM, FrankMurphy sabir.a.ibra...@gmail.com wrote:
 Okay, I got it to work on the domain root by editing /etc/apache2/
 sites-available/default to point to the app's public directory. Is
 that the right way to go about it, or is that just a hack? If that's
 what I'm supposed to do, it seems odd that this step isn't mentioned
 in the mod_rails user guide. I still can't get it to work on a sub-uri
 using an analogous technique (i.e., creating a virtual host file for
 the URI in /etc/apache2/sites-available)...

 On May 21, 9:23 pm, FrankMurphy sabir.a.ibra...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks everyone for your replies.

 Okay, so this is interesting. When I try deploying the app to the
 domain root, I can't see the Welcome aboard! page; instead, I see
 the index.html page that's in Apache's web root directory. Also, when
 I try http://server_addr/users, I see a directory listing of the
 (.erb) files that are in the demo_app/app/views/users. Does this mean
 that Passenger is not set up correctly?

 I don't know if it matters, but the server I'm using doesn't have a
 domain name; I'm accessing it using its IP address.

Yes I think that matters, in the example you gave in the first post you had

VirtualHost *:80
   ServerName server_addr
   DocumentRoot /projects/demo_app/public
   RailsBaseURI /demo_app

This is what Apache calls a name-based virtual host


If you use an ip address like as the value for the
ServerName directive, apache will do a reverse dns search to try to
find a NAME.

If the server actually has a unique ip address for the app, then you
might look at setting up an ip address based virtual host after
reading the caveats in the first section of the first url I cited.

But the simpler thing would probably be to use a name based vhost and
configure the client's dns to resolve the name to the ip address so
you can use it in the browser urls.

Just putting a line in /etc/hosts (or the equivalent if the client is
a doze machine) should be enough.

Rick DeNatale

Blog: http://talklikeaduck.denhaven2.com/
Github: http://github.com/rubyredrick
Twitter: @RickDeNatale
WWR: http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/9021-rick-denatale
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rickdenatale

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Re: [Rails] Re: List of radio buttons

2010-05-23 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 7:13 AM, Smok mariusz_waszc...@tlen.pl wrote:

 On 21 Maj, 17:28, Hassan Schroeder hassan.schroe...@gmail.com wrote:

 I was going to suggest that the OP has apparently never read this
 http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html and that it'd be
 an excellent place to start...

 Thanks guys for your responses. For the future - it would be great if
 you could to give some kind of hint or high level description how to
 approach soloving the problem. Such as reading about FORM, some links
 would be great. Thanks !

Uh, isn't that exactly what I did?  :-)

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan

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[Rails] Re: remote_function return No action responded error

2010-05-23 Thread nirosh
yes and sort it out.
there is an entry missed in routes file

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Re: [Rails] Re: question on layouts

2010-05-23 Thread Bill Walton
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Marnen Laibow-Koser

 John Merlino wrote:
  Hey all,
  Does any have suggestions to whether I should create a controller for
  every web page on my site or just create an action for every web page in
  same controller if those actions will never require database calls?

 Do neither.  Use a single controller action for your static pages, and
 give it the name of the page as a parameter.

If the OP is, in fact, talking about static pages, you might consider, for
performance reasons, putting them in a structure under /public and letting
Apache, et.al. deliver them without the involvement of mongrel / passenger /
your rails app.


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[Rails] Re: Looking for Easy Rails hosting

2010-05-23 Thread Victor S
With Heroku there's no git pull -- just push the code and it does
everything else. 

The problem for me is that it wasn't that simple, the app didn't work.
While in an environment like shared hosting (if were comparing low
price things, Heroku has a small free option as well) I have control
over the database, I don't get how heroku's databases work... I'll
assume that through ActiveRecord it doesn't matter. But whatever, if
you want to see what's in the database, Site5 gives you PhpMyAdmin, I
don't know how you check what's in the database on Heroku.

Site5 is shared hosting, not a VPS, right?  If so, then the two
really comparable -- and Rails generally really wants a VPS. 

Well the question we are supposed to be answering here is what is
easy rails hosting, not VPS vs shared. That's a whole other chapter.
Site5 is shared, its easy. Its setup for you out of the box. That's

- V

On May 23, 10:08 am, Marnen Laibow-Koser li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 Victor Stan wrote:
  I'm sure its simple on average. For me, deploying on Site5 was
  simpler. I also use a blank repository from which i clone my
  production site next to it on the server and my dev site on my local
  machine through ssh. Same thing, git push, git pull, don't need heroku
  for that, too costly anyway unless you want to scale rapidly, which i

 With Heroku there's no git pull -- just push the code and it does
 everything else.  And no setup of the Rails environment -- it's done for
 you.  I've done both (though other VPSs, not site5) quite often.  Heroku
 really is simpler.

  I did,

 You did what?  Please quote when replying so it's clear what you mean.

  maybe you can too:

  compare that to:http://www.site5.com/

 Site5 is shared hosting, not a VPS, right?  If so, then the two aren't
 really comparable -- and Rails generally really wants a VPS.

  Of course, first off, they both serve a different purpose and a
  different type of clientele. I wouldn't go for cloud computing just
  for the fun of it. Which is what I would do while I'm learning RoR...

 I wouldn't go for cloud computing for the fun of it either.  The nice
 thing about Heroku and (I think) Rackspace Cloud is that they behave as
 if they're conventional servers.

 Marnen Laibow-Koserhttp://www.marnen.org
 Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: Would you recommend some books about Ruby on Rails?

2010-05-23 Thread Victor S
I would recommend things by: The Pragmatic Bookshelf


Check out the Agile Web Development With Rails...

On May 22, 12:21 pm, goodchoi good...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi everybody~
 Vey nice to meet you on this group.

 I'm a only web service planner operating a site 
  developed by Ruby-on-Rails engineers through payment.

 But I'm trying to do study Ruby on Rails by myself from now on.

 By the way, some engineers in my country South Korea said the only
 book translated in Korean has wrong exercises now because Ruby on
 Rails is not any more version 1.x.

 So I should buy a book composed by exercise including exercises with
 version 2.x.

 First of all I hope this book [http://amzn.to/bshhvk] is like
 so(above) but I'm not sure.

 And then I hope you great engineers will recommend an appropriate book
 to me, a beginner.

 Thank you geeks.

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[Rails] Questionairee's questions - how to show all user's answers? How to update database with ALL user's answers?

2010-05-23 Thread Smoq
I am using RoR 2.3.5.
I would like to have list of questions with three possible answers.
After having copleted a test I would like to update the database with
user's answers. At the bottom of the page I would also like to list
all selected answers for the user.

In a table answers I have columns: question, a1, a2, a3 (these
columns are answers to the question),
a_u (user's answer), a_ok (correct answer). Below I have pasted the
view that I am using for listing questions.
But I have no idea how to list ALL answers at the bottom of the page
(now I know how to show only one answer). And how (in the most
effective way) to update the column a_u wtith ALL user's answers?
Could you help me?

h1Listing answers/h1

% @answers.each do |answer| %
form  !-- action = \answers\selectedto 
gowno nie chce
dzialac --
td%=h answer.question %/td
input type=radio name=answer1  value= %=answer.a1% / 
answer.a1 %
input type=radio name=answer1  value= %=answer.a2% / 
answer.a2 %
input type=radio name=answer1  value= %=answer.a3% / 
answer.a3 %
input type=submit/

% end %

You selected %= @data11 %

In answers_controller I have included:

@data11 = params[:answer1]

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[Rails] server side programming, using the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework help please

2010-05-23 Thread mustafacmpe
Hello ,

I have a home work shown below i did most of the things , i wrote
rthml and database in netbeans but i cant run

Homework  and code i wrote are below what is missing here i dont know
please help . I cant run it

Implement a WEB application using the RAILS framework for maintaining
an online directory on hotels. Each entry in the directory will have
the following fields:

hotel name
year built
star classification (how many stars, integer)
home many rooms
pool (yes/no)
You will need to create a database using the meta-data given above in
either MYSQL, POSTRESQL or some other database system that is familiar
to you. The table can be created either using SQL and the interface of
your database system, or from within RoR, using migrations.

The operations that should be implemented are:

Create a new hotel
Delete a hotel
Show all hotels
Find an entry by hotel name and display it
Find and display hotels which have pools

Include pictures of hotels in the database and show them also.


class Assignment  ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table : Hotels do |t|
t.coloumn : hotel_name, :string
t.coloumn : city, :string
t.coloumn : yearbuilt, :int
t.coloumn : star, :int
t.coloumn : numofrooms, :int
t.coloumn : pool, :string

Hotel.create : hotel_name = Anatolia Beach Hotel , city =Kemer,
yearbuilt =2004,star=5,numofrooms=1200,pool=yes

Hotel.create : hotel_name = Catamaran Resort , city =Fethiye,
yearbuilt =2006,star=5,numofrooms=860,pool=yes

Hotel.create : hotel_name = Oasis Beach Club , city =Kas,
yearbuilt =2001,star=7,numofrooms=3600,pool=yes

Hotel.create : hotel_name = Dedeman , city =Cesme,
yearbuilt =2003,star=5,numofrooms=450,pool=yes


def self.down
drop_table : hotels

class Assignment  ApplicationController
def alllist
@hotels = Hotel.find(:all)


!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /
titleList of Hotels/title

%for Hotel in @Hotels %
li%=Hotel.hotel_name % /li

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[Rails] Introducing ResourceAwareness

2010-05-23 Thread Ingo Weiss
Hi all,

I want to invite you to check out ResourceAwareness, a small gem that makes 
available information about a Rails application's resources (as defined by the 
'resource/s' routing DSL methods) at Rails.application.resources. 


You can find a brief introductory post about it here:


There is also another post with a small example (dynamic ActiveResource client 
creation) for the kind of things that are possible once this resource 
information is available:


Best Regards,
Ingo Weiss


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[Rails] Introducing ResourceAwareness 0.1.0

2010-05-23 Thread Ingo Weiss
Hi all,

I want to invite you to check out ResourceAwareness, a small gem that makes 
available information about a Rails application's resources (as defined by the 
'resource/s' routing DSL methods) at Rails.application.resources. 


You can find a brief introductory post about it here:


There is also another post with a small example (dynamic ActiveResource client 
creation) for the kind of things that are possible once this resource 
information is available:


Best Regards,
Ingo Weiss


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Re: [Rails] server side programming, using the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework help please

2010-05-23 Thread Michael Pavling
On 23 May 2010 19:40, mustafacmpe mustafa.c...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello ,


 I have a home work shown below

 Homework  and code i wrote are below what is missing here i dont know
 please help . I cant run it

Well, I'm not prepared to *do* your homework for you; if you pass the
course, and use the qualification to get a job, I doubt you'll be
sending me the pay cheque!
I would *assume* that you've been given all the info in your class to
complete the homework, so I will help you out with some of the obvious
problems so you can get it working yourself.

 class Assignment  ActiveRecord::Migration
        def self.up
        create_table : Hotels do |t|

There's two issues here. First, there shouldn't be a space after the
colon, and the name of the table should be with a lower case H. So:
   create_table :hotels do |t|

        t.coloumn : hotel_name, :string

You've misspelt column in all the rows, and again, there shouldn't
be any spaces after the colons.

        Hotel.create : hotel_name = Anatolia Beach Hotel , city =Kemer,
        yearbuilt =2004,star=5,numofrooms=1200,pool=yes

There *should* be colons in front of those hash-keys (and again, there
shouldn't be a space after the colon). Also, you've created the fields
:yearbuilt, :star and :numofrooms as integers in the DB, but you're
assigning them as strings - Rails might sort that one for you, but
better to be correct to begin with. So:
  Hotel.create :hotel_name = Anatolia Beach Hotel , :city =Kemer,
  :yearbuilt =2004, :star=5,numofrooms=1200, :pool=yes

 %for Hotel in @Hotels %
 li%=Hotel.hotel_name % /li

There are some conventions in Ruby/Rails about naming objects, and one
is that if a name begins with a capital letter it is a constant. So
best not to name the variable in the loop Hotel (especially since
that's the class of the object too (although you've not pasted any
model code but you do have a hotel.rb file right?).
Also, your instance varable is named @hotel in the controller, but
you're accessing @Hotel here, so you would find out that the loop
won't do anything, because @Hotel is nil.
BTW, a more Ruby loop is to use an iterator instead of a for...each
(but that's really a personal preference):
  % @hotels.each do |hotel| %
   li%= hotel.hotel_name % /li
  % end %

That's a few issues that jump out of the code at me, and I guess there
may be one or two more. But if you sort them out and try it again, it
might run a little further.

The next thing I suggest for you is a two-pronged attack:
Firstly, when you come back and post your next message, give us some
more information about *what you did*, and *what happened*.
Saying I cant run it doesn't give us much to go on, but if you say
I tried 'rake db:migrate' on my Ubuntu machine, and got a message
that the db can't be found. How do I tell Rails about my db location?
we can answer more accurately.

Secondly, for your own personal development I would suggest
concentrating a little more on the details - give it a little more
I spotted all those problems above with one look through your code;
and I'm *sure* that if you had thought about it, you could have solved
a few of them yourself
The Rails framework is an excellent tool, but like any tool you need
to know how to use it properly to get the best results from it.
Looking at the code, I guess you didn't use Rails generators to create
a scaffolded application for you... it might be worth doing a quick
Google, and approaching it that way, as the majority of the hard work
will be done for you.

But keep plodding through your problems one at a time, and eventually
they all go, and you'll be left with lovely working code :-)

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Re: [Rails] Questionairee's questions - how to show all user's answers? How to update database with ALL user's answers?

2010-05-23 Thread Michael Pavling
On 23 May 2010 17:52, Smoq smoq...@gmail.com wrote:
 In a table answers I have columns: question, a1, a2, a3 (these
 columns are answers to the question),
 a_u (user's answer), a_ok (correct answer). Below I have pasted the
 view that I am using for listing questions.

Surely you have a Question model, which has the question text, and
the three choices for answers (or even a Choice model, with a
Question :has_may Choices relationship...), and in the Answer
model you just store the question_id and the choice (or choice_id).

 But I have no idea how to list ALL answers at the bottom of the page
 (now I know how to show only one answer). And how (in the most
 effective way) to update the column a_u wtith ALL user's answers?

For every question the user completes you have an Answer record
(created when they answer a question, or updated if they're allowed to
edit), so users have many answers, and you can iterate to display all
wherever you wish.

 Could you help me?

 h1Listing answers/h1

        % @answers.each do |answer| %
                form          !-- action = \answers\selected        to 
 gowno nie chce
 dzialac --
            td%=h answer.question %/td
                input type=radio name=answer1  value= %=answer.a1% / 
 answer.a1 %
                input type=radio name=answer1  value= %=answer.a2% / 
 answer.a2 %
                input type=radio name=answer1  value= %=answer.a3% / 
 answer.a3 %
                input type=submit/

        % end %

 You selected %= @data11 %

 In answers_controller I have included:

   �...@data11 = params[:answer1]

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[Rails] Re: Looking for Easy Rails hosting

2010-05-23 Thread Marnen Laibow-Koser
Victor Stan wrote:
 With Heroku there's no git pull -- just push the code and it does
 everything else. 
 The problem for me is that it wasn't that simple, the app didn't work.

Yes, Heroku has certain limitations.  But they don't apply to most apps.

 While in an environment like shared hosting (if were comparing low
 price things, Heroku has a small free option as well) 

More than small.  Heroku's free dev hosting makes it excellent for 
projects in their early stages.  Try doing that on Site5 or Slicehost.

 I have control
 over the database, I don't get how heroku's databases work...

Standard PostgreSQL.  No different from any other PostgreSQL 
installation.  What's not to get?

 assume that through ActiveRecord it doesn't matter. But whatever, if
 you want to see what's in the database, Site5 gives you PhpMyAdmin,

That's a disadvantage -- PhpMyAdmin is apparently a known security hole.

 don't know how you check what's in the database on Heroku.

Then you didn't read their comprehensive documentation on this very 

 Site5 is shared hosting, not a VPS, right?  If so, then the two
 really comparable -- and Rails generally really wants a VPS. 
 Well the question we are supposed to be answering here is what is
 easy rails hosting, not VPS vs shared. That's a whole other chapter.
 Site5 is shared, its easy. Its setup for you out of the box. That's

And judging from the number of problems from Site5 users I've seen on 
this list, I doubt that it's easy.  Rails is not generally easy on 
shared hosts.

 - V

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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[Rails] Rails/JavaScript issue

2010-05-23 Thread John Merlino
Hey all,

I have an application.js file in my javascripts folder of my Ruby on
Rails application. The javascript is just a typical hide/show tabs
effect, so when the user clicks on one link, the corresponding div is
revealed and the other divs are hidden. Two pages require the
javascript. However, while one page displays content of no tabs onload,
the other page displays the content of the first tab onload. So the page
that displays the content of no tab onload works fine. However, the page
that displays the content of first tab onload is not working. I get the
following error in FireBug:

document.getElementById(tabs) is NULL
 var tabListItems = document.getElementById(tabs).childNodes;

I think the issue is I'm calling multiple functions on page load (and
hence since the one page doesn't have a tabs id it doesn't know what to
do), even though I only need one function for each of the pages. But I
wuld like to keep this tab effect in the same file. So I don't know what
to do. Thanks for anyone's response:
window.onload = init;

var tabLinks = new Array();
var contentDivs = new Array();

function init() {

function initProduct() {
  var tabListItems = document.getElementById(tabs).childNodes;
  for(var i=0; i  tabListItems.length; i++) {
if(tabListItems[i].nodeName == LI) {
  var tabLink = getFirstChildWithTagName(tabListItems[i], A);
  var id = getHash(tabLink.getAttribute(href));
  tabLinks[id] = tabLink;
  contentDivs[id] = document.getElementById(id);
  tabLinks[id].className = ;
  contentDivs[id].className = tabContent hide;
  tabLinks[id].onclick = showTab;
  tabLinks[id].onfocus = function() { this.blur() };

function initAbout() {
  var tabListItems = document.getElementById(tabAbout).childNodes;
  for(var i=0; i  tabListItems.length; i++) {
if(tabListItems[i].nodeName == LI) {
  tabLink = getFirstChildWithTagName(tabListItems[i], A)
  id = getHash(tabLink.getAttribute(href));
  tabLinks[id] = tabLink;
  contentDivs[id] = document.getElementById(id);
  var i = 0;
  for(var id in tabLinks) {
tabLinks[id].onclick = showTab;
tabLinks[id].onfocus = function() { this.blur() }
if(i == 0) {
  tabLinks[id].className = selected
  var i = 0;
  for(var id in contentDivs) {
if(i != 0) {
  contentDivs[id].className = tabContent hide;

function showTab() {
  document.getElementById(product).className = tabContent hide
  var selectedId = getHash(this.getAttribute(href));

  for(id in contentDivs) {
if(id == selectedId) {
  tabLinks[id].className = selected;
  contentDivs[id].className = tabContent;
else {
  tabLinks[id].className = ;
  contentDivs[id].className = tabContent hide;

  return false;

function getFirstChildWithTagName(element, tagName) {
  for(var i=0; i  element.childNodes.length; i++) {
if(element.childNodes[i].nodeName == tagName) {
  return element.childNodes[i];

function getHash(url) {
  var hashPos = url.lastIndexOf(#);
  return url.substring(hashPos + 1);
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[Rails] Re: [Rails 3] Trouble with named routes and form_for

2010-05-23 Thread Michael Jurewitz
I've also tried

%= form_for @thread, :as = :thread %

and this results in the error:

undefined method `forum_threads_path' for 

That would seem to be a bug to me.  Shouldn't form_for be using :as = :thread 
to name that route appropriately?


On May 23, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Michael Jurewitz wrote:

 Hi guys,
 I'm having trouble getting named routes and form_for to play nicely in quite 
 the way I would expect.  Here's a quick summary of what I've got going on:
 Named route:  
   resources :thread, :class_name = forum_thread
 Controller name:
 Model object:
 In both my new and edit actions I'm setting up an @thread variable:
   @thread = ForumThread.new
 1.)  My first attempt at writing the form_for looked something like this:
 %= form_for @thread do |f| %
 % end
 This didn't work because @thread tries to use a path involving the string 
 forum_thread, which doesn't have a matching route and which I don't want.  
 2.)  So that's fine, I figured I'd just use named routes.  So I tried this:
 %= form_for @thread, :as = :thread, :url = thread_path(@thread) do |f| %
 % end 
 This works for edit actions, but not for new actions.  On new I get the 
 following error:
 No route matches {:action=destroy, :controller=forum_thread, 
 :id=#ForumThread id: nil, .}
 3.)  So then I tried:
 %= form_for @thread, :as = :thread, :url = threads_path(@thread) do |f| %
 % end 
 This doesn't work for edit, and sorta works for new except it outputs the 
 following HTML, which makes the respond_to block unhappy:
 form action=/thread?format= class=thread_new id=thread_new 
 4.)  So then I tried:
 %= form_for @thread, :as = :thread, :url = threads_path do |f| %
 % end 
 Now everything works for new, but not for edit!  (Because the ID of the 
 element being edited isn't emitted as part of the action):
 form action=/thread class=thread_edit id=thread_edit method=post
 1.  Is there some way to use a named route that uses a custom class name and 
 still be able to reuse my form partial for both new and edit actions?  Or am 
 I stuck writing two forms?
 2.  Is the error I received in #2 a bug in Rails 3 or expected behavior?
 3.  Is the erroneous output in #3 a bug in Rails 3 or expected behavior?
 My sincere thanks in advance for your help!

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Re: [Rails] Rails/JavaScript issue

2010-05-23 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 2:21 PM, John Merlino li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:

 document.getElementById(tabs) is NULL
  var tabListItems = document.getElementById(tabs).childNodes;

 I think the issue is I'm calling multiple functions on page load (and
 hence since the one page doesn't have a tabs id it doesn't know what to
 do), even though I only need one function for each of the pages. But I
 wuld like to keep this tab effect in the same file. So I don't know what
 to do.

1) check the battery in your watch; it's so not 1997 anymore. :-)

 window.onload = init;

That line looks resurrected from a seriously ancient tutorial  -- read
up on EventListeners to understand why it's a poor approach, and
how you should be invoking your functions.

2) defensive coding: you can either test first to see if there is an
element with the ID tabs or you can wrap the whole thing in
a try/catch block.

 function initProduct() {
  var tabListItems = document.getElementById(tabs).childNodes;

3) Either way, it's strictly a JS question and has nothing to do with

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan

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[Rails] Re: Rails/JavaScript issue

2010-05-23 Thread John Merlino
In my initial post, I did say there was an element with an id of tabs,
but that it was part of another page and not the page the error occured
on. However,the same js file is being used for both pages. So that's the
issue I'm trying to resolve here.
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Re: [Rails] Re: Rails/JavaScript issue

2010-05-23 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 3:27 PM, John Merlino li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 In my initial post, I did say there was an element with an id of tabs,
 but that it was part of another page and not the page the error occured
 on. However,the same js file is being used for both pages. So that's the
 issue I'm trying to resolve here.

Yes, and I just explained how to do that. More than one way, actually.

And it still has nothing to do with Rails :-)

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan

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[Rails] Re: Rails/JavaScript issue

2010-05-23 Thread John Merlino
Also I don't think the getElementById() method was around in 1997.
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Re: [Rails] Re: Rails/JavaScript issue

2010-05-23 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 3:31 PM, John Merlino li...@ruby-forum.com wrote:
 Also I don't think the getElementById() method was around in 1997.

? Uh, well. I explicitly referenced the line

 window.onload = init;

so, that has what now to do with getElementById ?  :-)

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan

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[Rails] Re: rendering in csv file

2010-05-23 Thread Marnen Laibow-Koser
chewmanfoo wrote:
 I have an index page showing a table of network hosts with IP
 addresses, roles, hostname etc.  Is it trivial to render that page to
 the browser as a csv file instead of html and link to that rendering
 on the index page?


  How is that done?  

The same way as you would for HTML -- specify a template to render. 
Check out respond_to for more.

 Is there a nice rails csv
 rendering for dummies page?

You don't need one.

 Thanks in advance,

Marnen Laibow-Koser
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] derived model associates with a model that base associates with in a different way

2010-05-23 Thread Ali

So I have an Attribute model with lists the attributes of an object.
The attributes can be of different types so I have derived classes as
well, in this case I have a derived SubjectiveAttribute. The problem
I'm having revolves around my User model. A user is allowed to give
each attribute a weighting (which tells the system how important an
attribute is to a user). So, there's a Weight model and then Attribute
has the associations has_many :weights and has_many :users, :through
= :weights. The problem is that SubjectiveAttribute is related to the
users in a different way, subjective attributes can be rated as well
as weighted. So SubjectiveAttribute has the association
has_many :ratings and has_many :users, :through = :ratings.

def Attribute
  belongs_to :attributable, :polymorphic = true
  has_many :weights
  has_many :users, :through = :weights
def SubjectiveAttribute  Attribtue
  has_one :attribute, :as = :attributable
  has_many :ratings
  has_many :users, :through = :ratings

Is this ok or are there problems which could occur that I'm no seeing?
Are there going to be clashes or confusion when I do something like
sub_attribute.users or attribute.users?

Thanks in advance.

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[Rails] Re: Would you recommend some books about Ruby on Rails?

2010-05-23 Thread Marnen Laibow-Koser
goodchoi wrote:
 Hi everybody~
 Vey nice to meet you on this group.
 I'm a only web service planner operating a site  
  developed by Ruby-on-Rails engineers through payment.
 But I'm trying to do study Ruby on Rails by myself from now on.

I know my viewpoint is in the minority, but I don't recommend learning 
Rails from books -- the framework changes too fast, and paper book 
publishing just can't keep up.  Read Programming Ruby (on the Web or on 
paper), read the Rails Guides, and play around.  That's what worked for 
me (and I'm now doing high-profile Rails development at a Fortune 100 

Marnen Laibow-Koser
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: attachment_fu and paperclip comparison needed

2010-05-23 Thread Tom Mac
  I did not get a reply to this. Any comment please?

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[Rails] Installing merb - connection reset, retrying, connection reset, retrying....

2010-05-23 Thread sso
This is my output.  I don't know what to do to make this work.  I have
installed other gems without any problems.


debian:/home/kevin# gem source -a http://www.rubygems.org
http://www.rubygems.org added to sources
debian:/home/kevin# gem install merb -V
GET 302 Found: http://gems.rubyforge.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz
GET 304 Not Modified: http://production.s3.rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz
GET 301 Moved Permanently: http://www.rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz
GET 302 Found: http://rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz
GET 304 Not Modified: http://production.s3.rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz
GET 302 Found: http://gems.rubyforge.org/specs.4.8.gz
GET 304 Not Modified: http://production.s3.rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz
connection reset after 2 requests, retrying
GET 301 Moved Permanently: http://www.rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz
connection reset after 2 requests, retrying

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[Rails] Re: Installing merb - connection reset, retrying, connection reset, retrying....

2010-05-23 Thread sso
I did
gem update --system
This seems to have fixed the problem.  Who knows :)

On May 24, 1:17 am, sso strongsilent...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is my output.  I don't know what to do to make this work.  I have
 installed other gems without any problems.


 debian:/home/kevin# gem source 
 -ahttp://www.rubygems.orghttp://www.rubygems.orgadded to sources
 debian:/home/kevin# gem install merb -V
 GET 302 Found:http://gems.rubyforge.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz
 GET 304 Not Modified:http://production.s3.rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz
 GET 301 Moved Permanently:http://www.rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz
 GET 302 Found:http://rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz
 GET 304 Not Modified:http://production.s3.rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz
 GET 302 Found:http://gems.rubyforge.org/specs.4.8.gz
 GET 304 Not Modified:http://production.s3.rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz
 connection reset after 2 requests, retrying
 GET 301 Moved Permanently:http://www.rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz
 connection reset after 2 requests, retrying

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