Re: [rust-dev] [ANN] Initial Alpha of Cargo

2014-06-24 Thread György Andrasek

On 06/24/2014 01:05 PM, Huon Wilson wrote:
Just to be clear: what's the trade-off here? That is, what is the 
alternative: not supporting running external scripts at all?

The alternative is to use a proper scripting language for configuration, 
so people don't need *external* scripts: waf (python), paludis (bash), 
cabal (haskell), cmake.

Yes, it's a lot of work to essentially port the relevant parts of 
autotools, but it might be a better idea in the long run.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] [ANN] Initial Alpha of Cargo

2014-06-24 Thread György Andrasek

The FAQ says:

> Our solution: Cargo allows a package to specify a script to run 
before invoking |rustc|. We plan to add support for platform-specific 
configuration, so you can use |make| on Linux and |cmake| on BSD, for 

Just to make it perfectly clear, this will force a Cygwin dependency on 
cargo in practice. One popular package using autotools is enough to make 
it mandatory. Is this a conscious tradeoff?

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust .so that looks like a C .so

2014-04-24 Thread György Andrasek

I forgot about `extern "system"`, sorry :)
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust .so that looks like a C .so

2014-04-24 Thread György Andrasek

`#[no_mangle] extern "C" foo() { ... }`

When you expose a C API, you need to observe the C rules: function names
must be globally unique. You have to write the headers yourself. Taking and
releasing ownership of C data needs some magic, but it's doable.

Take special care to use the `c_` types correctly, this is not the area where
Rust's error messages are strongest, and it's way too easy to confuse `int`
and `c_int` for example. (Rust `int` is `ptrdiff_t`)
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Call for a "practical" Rust guide

2014-04-22 Thread György Andrasek
There is a rather old repo at

I'll make it a full tutorial when I find the time.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 3:17 AM, Doug  wrote:
> Just my $0.02; totally agree; a proper guide to linking (specifically the
> 'right' way to link when you have a crate with external C library
> dependencies), and interacting directly with ffi (str <--> char * for
> example) would be extremely useful.
> I've been going through the process of doing that stuff the last week or two
> and there isn't really any good guidance on the topic other than 'don't look
> at the standard library as an example of how to do it'.
> ~
> Doug.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] LLVM doesn't inline my static, any good reason for that?

2014-04-20 Thread György Andrasek
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Vladimir Pouzanov  wrote:
> The results in the following IR:
> @Tinst = internal constant %struct.T* inttoptr (i32 1000 to %struct.T*)
> The problem is that llvm never inlines the constant (even with
> #[address_insignificant]), so instead of making the binary smaller as llvm
> can optimize integer addresses better (as it knows them) it makes the binary
> bigger, as it takes 4 bytes to store address value in .rodata, and two
> instructions to fetch it.

Does it show up in the asm after optimizations? After LTO?
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Convincing compiler that *T is safe

2014-04-13 Thread György Andrasek
You could make a container struct:

struct Dev {
ptr: *mut InternalDev

and then impl your methods on that.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] New Rust binary installers and nightlies

2014-03-27 Thread György Andrasek
> curl -s | sudo sh

Can we please not recommend people pipe random text from across the
internet into a fricking *root shell*?
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] RFC: About the library stabilization process

2014-02-19 Thread György Andrasek
On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 1:40 AM, Brian Anderson  wrote:
> Backwards-compatibility is guaranteed.

Does that include ABI compatibility?

> Second, the AST is traversed and stability index is propagated downward to 
> any indexable node that isn't explicitly tagged.

Should it be an error to use lower stability internally?

> By default all nodes are *stable* - library authors have to opt-in to 
> stability index tracking. This may end up being the wrong default and we'll 
> want to revisit.

Oh dear god no. `stable` should be *earned* over time, otherwise it's
meaningless. The compiler should treat untagged code as `unstable`,
`experimental` or a special `untagged` stability and accept that level
by default.

> For 1.0 we're mostly concerned with promoting large portions of std to stable

Requesting permission to spam the issue tracker with minor annoyances
we definitely don't want to live with forever. The C FFI <-> idiomatic
Rust bridge is especially painful.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] What form should the official Rust binary installers for Unixes take?

2014-02-06 Thread György Andrasek

On 02/07/2014 01:35 AM, Brian Anderson wrote:

Since we're already able to create highly-compatible snapshot compilers,
it should be relatively easy to extend our snapshot procedure to produce
complete binaries, installable via a cross-platform shell script. This
would require the least amount of effort and maintenance because we
don't need to use any specific package managers or add new bots, and a
single installer can work on all Linuxes.

That way lies madness. We won't get "standard" distros with it, as 
they'll want to package their own anyway (Arch already has 0.9 for 
example), and we won't get niche distros either because the number of 
variables we'd have to account for is pretty much infinite. Niche 
distros don't even agree on what libc[0] to use, and it only gets worse 
from there. Linux is simply not friendly towards binaries.

IMHO the only correct option for Linux is to provide a) a fully static 
bootstrap binary (#10807), b) a build system that observes all the 
standard conventions for building from source (prefix, toolchain, don't 
download stuff, etc.) and c) true cross-compiling. Then sit back and let 
people distribute binaries however they want. (I know this is mostly a 
pipe dream, but you specifically asked for *all* Linuxes :)


We can also attempt to package Rust with various of the most common
package managers: homebrew, macports, dpkg, rpm. There
community-maintained packages for some of these already, so we don't
necessarily need to redevelop from scratch if we just want to adopt one
or all of them as official packages. We could also create a GUI
installer for OS X, but I'm not sure how important that is.

Again, people will be happy to solve this for us if we make it easy 
enough for them. Just maintain the install instructions and relevant 
links on the site, not the binaries themselves.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust's 2013 issue churn

2014-02-05 Thread György Andrasek

On 02/06/2014 01:20 AM, Alex Crichton wrote:

Some of you may have already seen GitHub's new State of the Octoverse
2013 at

I'd just like to point out that the rust repository closed the second
most number of issues (6408) on all of GitHub. Just to reiterate, out
of the millions of repositories on GitHub, we closed the *second
highest* number of issues!

Congratulations to everyone, this was truly a community effort. I look
forward to closing even more issues this year!

Homebrew shouldn't count. All they do is bump tarball links.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Proposal: Change Parametric Polymorphism Declaration Syntax

2014-02-02 Thread György Andrasek

On 02/01/2014 11:39 PM, Corey Richardson wrote:

forall struct Foo { ... }
forall impl Trait for Foo { ... }
forall fn foo(...) { ... }

Why not

fn foo: pub unsafe  => (f: |T| -> U, arg: T) -> U { f(arg) }
struct foo:  => { ... }
impl Foo:  => Trait { ... }

Can we please not put more stuff in front of the identifier? Have we ran 
out of space after it?  What will this look like once the types start 
looking like `templatePred, typename SuperMeta,typename TagList, typename Category> class 
hashed_index`? Do we really need all that in front of a function name?

The immediate, and most pragmatic, problem is that in today's Rust one cannot
easily search for implementations of a trait. Why?

Because the only existing Rust parser is geared towards a native Rust 
compiler, not a non-Rust IDE. That's the problem, not `grep`, and syntax 
changes won't help unless you want to redesign the language to be 
completely regex-compatible. Write a C-bindable parser, plug it into 
`ack`, `ctags` and a couple of IDEs, and everyone will be happy.

(Here I ignore the issue of tooling, as I do not find the
argument of "But a tool can do it!" valid in language design.)

Then why have such a parsing-oriented grammar in the first place? 
Following this logic, Rust should look more like Haskell, with a Hello 
Kitty binop `(=^.^=)`. (I swear I've seen this in real code somewhere)

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Deprecating rustpkg

2014-01-28 Thread György Andrasek

On 01/28/2014 10:33 AM, Lee Braiden wrote:

I agree with this.  What I'd want is much more like apt (add
repositories, update lists of available packages from those
repositories, manage priorities between repositories, say that one
repository should be preferred over another for a particular package,
working in specific prefixes (/usr/local, /usr, /,
~/Projects/something-requiring-old-libs), but rust-specific and platform

What you actually want is Paludis[0], which installs from source. I'd 
propose it as a standard Rust package manager, but it does have some 
serious flaws for that purpose:

- Designed as the package manager for a full Linux distro, so it wants 
to handle everything by itself. If you give it a build dependency on 
gcc, it'll want to maintain the entire toolchain.

- No Windows support.
- Hard dependency on `bash`.

That said, it has solved a serious number of PM problems we should learn 

- Completely build system agnostic. All tooling is done in bash 
libraries called `exheres`, with an infinite number of customization 
hooks from patching to post-install. Can build everything from glibc to 
- Separate set of build and run dependencies, with configurable install 
root: you can (probably) bootstrap an embedded Linux with it.
- Metadata lives in a number of git repos you can cherry-pick. Creating 
your own is *easy*.

- Some support for external package sources, like Hackage.
- Fast[1] dependency handling including cycles and both global and local 
keywords: `doc` pulls in the doc build tools, `bash_completion` installs 
relevant extra files, `texture-float` enables patented code in mesa.

- Installing from source control.
- All user-facing configuration is done in /etc/paludis, where you can 
apply keywords, CFLAGS, mirrors, scm options, mask/unmask packages etc. 
on a per-package per-version basis with globs and stuff.

tl;dr If you want to design a package manager, bootstrap an Exherbo[2] 

# time cave resolve world --everything
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 * You have 6 unread news items (use 'eclectic news' to read)

sys 0m1.643s
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Deprecating rustpkg

2014-01-28 Thread György Andrasek
I never quite understood the problem `rustpkg` was meant to solve. For 
building Rust code, `rustc --out-dir build` is good enough. For running 
tests and benchmarks, `rustc` is good enough. For downloading things, I 
still need to feed it a github address, which kinda takes away any value 
it could have over `git clone` or git submodules.

What I would actually need from a build system, i.e. finding 
{C,C++,Rust} libraries, building {C,C++,Rust} libraries/executables and 
linking them to said {C,C++,Rust} libraries, it doesn't do. It also 
doesn't bootstrap rustc.

[Disclaimer: I've never quite got a rustpkg workflow going. It's 
probably awesome, but completely overshadowed by `rustc`.]

On 01/28/2014 09:02 AM, Tim Chevalier wrote:

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 10:20 PM, Val Markovic  wrote:

On Jan 27, 2014 8:53 PM, "Jeremy Ong"  wrote:

I'm somewhat new to the Rust dev scene. Would anybody care to summarize
roughly what the deficiencies are in the existing system in the interest of
forward progress? It may help seed the discussion for the next effort as

I'd like to second this request. I haven't used rustpkg myself but I've read
its reference manual ( and it sounds
like a reasonable design. Again, since I haven't used it, I'm sure I'm
missing some obvious flaws.

Thirded. I implemented rustpkg as it's currently known, and did so in
the open, detailing what I was thinking about in a series of
exhaustively detailed blog posts. Since few people seemed very
interested in providing feedback on it as I was developing it (with
the exception of Graydon, who also worked on the initial design), I
assumed that it was on the right track. I rewrote rustpkg because
there was a perception that the initial design of rustpkg was not on
the right track, nor was cargo, but obviously simply rewriting the
whole system from scratch in the hopes that it would be better didn't
work, since people are talking about throwing it out. So, before
anybody embarks on a third rewrite in the hopes that *that* will be
better, I suggest that a working group form to look at what went wrong
in the past 2 or 3 attempts at implementing a build system / package
system for Rust, so that those mistakes can be learned from. Perhaps
all that needs to be done differently is that someone more central to
the community needs to write it, but if that's what it takes, it seems
preferable to the wasted time and effort that I imagine will ensue
from yet another rewrite for the sake of throwing out code.


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Why focus on single-consumer message passing?

2014-01-25 Thread György Andrasek

On 01/24/2014 04:32 PM, Daniel Micay wrote:

Supporting selection over multiple queues would involve using kqueue
on FreeBSD/OSX and eventfd/epoll on Linux instead of a condition
variable for the not empty condition. For Windows, the regular
condition variables will work fine. This does have a cost, and may not
make sense with the same type.

Switching to epoll and friends would allow select over ports and file 
descriptors and timers with the same call, which Rust desperately needs.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] RFC: Future of the Build System

2014-01-10 Thread György Andrasek
I'm all for CMake. Not so much for the technical merits, but the amount 
of infrastructure already built up around it. KDE has adopted it 
wholesale, meaning all the dependencies of the entire KDE project are 
supported out of the box, and also IDE support in KDevelop, Qt Creator, 
emacs/vi etc.

Bootstrapping comes to mind as a potential problem, but LLVM and Clang 
use it too.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] RFC: Future of the Build System

2014-01-10 Thread György Andrasek

On 01/10/2014 04:08 PM, Corey Richardson wrote:

This RFC isn't about using a single build system for everything, it's
the build system we use to build Rust itself.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Diggory Hardy  wrote:

A further point in favour of CMake is that it would make multi-language
projects easier to manage, in particular transitioning a "C-family" project to

On Friday 10 January 2014 08:34:32 Lee Braiden wrote:

Both Rust and Servo are multi-language projects, and LLVM already uses 
CMake. Wouldn't it be a plus to bootstrap Rust with the Standard Rust 
Build System(tm)?

Also, CMake can use the Visual Studio toolchain on Windows.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Using CMake with Rust

2014-01-01 Thread György Andrasek

The proper way to support a language in CMake is outlined in

This file provides a few notes to CMake developers about how to add
support for a new language to CMake.  It is also possible to place
these files in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH within an outside project to add
languages not supported by upstream CMake.  However, this is not
a fully supported use case.

The implementation behind the scenes of project/enable_language,
including the compiler/platform modules, is an *internal* API that
does not make any compatibility guarantees.  It is not covered in the
official reference documentation that is versioned with the source code.
Maintainers of external language support are responsible for porting
it to each version of CMake as upstream changes are made.  Since
the API is internal we will not necessarily include notice of any
changes in release notes.

CMakeDetermine(LANG)Compiler.cmake  -> this should find the compiler for LANG 
and configure CMake(LANG)

CMake(LANG)  -> used by CMakeDetermine(LANG)Compiler.cmake
This file is used to store compiler information and is copied down into try
compile directories so that try compiles do not need to re-determine and 
test the LANG

CMakeTest(LANG)Compiler.cmake -> test the compiler and set:

CMake(LANG)Information.cmake  -> set up rule variables for LANG :

I've been playing around with it, but so far I haven't been able to get 
a test case off the ground. I have no idea how to actually make this 
format string expand for example, or where to find documentation.

"   -d ")

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Unbounded channels: Good idea/bad idea?

2013-12-31 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/31/2013 10:41 PM, Patrick Walton wrote:

Unbounded channels have defined behavior as well. Undefined behavior has
a precise definition and OOM is not undefined behavior.

OOM is not a behavior. It's a DoS attack on the rest of the system.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Unbounded channels: Good idea/bad idea?

2013-12-31 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/31/2013 06:16 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:

I am concerned that we are only hearing one side of the argument here,
and Haskell folks seem to have come down fairly strongly in favor of
unbounded channels.

Haskell also has laziness, garbage collection and immutable shared data 
structures. They don't really care about memory usage before they've 
actually gone OOM.

Still, even STM has semaphores and bounded queues, and the user is 
expected to choose the right data structure for their needs. Also, it's 
trivial to write an STM function that can select on different channels 
if the write blocks.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Unbounded channels: Good idea/bad idea?

2013-12-31 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/31/2013 05:46 AM, Christian Ohler wrote:

The processing is sequential, so using two tasks seems rather

You're forgetting that Rust tasks are also the unit of isolation.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Thoughts on the Rust Roadmap

2013-12-30 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/30/2013 06:25 PM, Patrick Walton wrote:

The basic way pointers and traits work are not changing at this point,
unless some unsoundness is found. Remaining effort beyond what's on the
roadmap is going to focus on documentation.

If you believe the language will fail unless we radically change either
one, then all I can say is that I disagree, and I'm sorry Rust is not
the language for you.


Would it make sense to finalize Rust-the-language 1.0 and keep libstd in 
flux? It would give a head start to IDE writers and help shake the 
feeling of "oh god, I have to fix all my code again".

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Unbounded channels: Good idea/bad idea?

2013-12-20 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/19/2013 11:13 PM, Tony Arcieri wrote:

So I think that entire line of reasoning is a red herring. People
writing toy programs that never have their channels fill beyond a small
number of messages won't care either way.

However, overloaded programs + queues bounded by system resources are a
production outage waiting to happen. What's really important here is
providing a means of backpressure so overloaded Rust programs don't grow
until they consume system resources and OOM.

While I disagree with the notion that all programs which don't have 
their bottlenecks right here are "toys", we should definitely strive for 
the invariant that task failure does not cause independent tasks to fail.

Also, OOM is not free. If you manage to go OOM on a desktop, you'll get 
a *very* unhappy user, regardless of their expectations wrt your memory 
usage. Linux with a spinning disk and swap for example will degrade to 
the point where they'll reboot before the OOM killer kicks in.

Can we PLEASE not do that *by default*?
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Alternative proposal for `use crate`

2013-12-17 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/17/2013 09:40 PM, Jack Moffitt wrote:

`extern use foo` has the some of the same drawbacks as `use crate
foo`. The `use` might lead people to think you can do `use crate
foo::bar`. The fact that there wasn't a whole lot of love for any
particular options suggests maybe we should wait for more ideas.

It occurs to me now that `extern foo` would probably work too.

How about `extern foo in "pkgid"`?
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust crates and the module system

2013-12-13 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/14/2013 02:14 AM, Liigo Zhuang wrote:

What is the distinction of package and crate in Rust?

Crate is the compilation unit. Package is what you say it is, the Rust 
manual does not mention that word.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust crates and the module system

2013-12-13 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/13/2013 12:53 PM, spir wrote:

I think this is a good possibility, make the module/crate organisation
mirror the filesystem (or the opposite):
* 1 module = 1 file of code
* 1 package = 1 dir
This may be limiting at times, possibility one may want multi-module
files and multi-file modules. But this forms a good, simple base
(anyway, we have mini & maxi modules & code files, whatever the logical
& physical organisations). Another point is that very often we have
package (I mean crate ;-) sub-dirs which are not packages themselves.
Then, as usual, we'd have a special code file representing a package at
its top dir (the same name as the package, or a magic name like 'main').

Then, module sharing is code file sharing, and package management is dir
management (trivially .zip-ed or .tar.gz-ed, and then the name "package"
is here for something).

Haskell does that, it's really painful. You have to create one extra 
boilerplate file per folder for public re-exports, and Haskell libraries 
share a global namespace so typically your actual code starts 3-4 
directories deep.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] List of potential C# 6.0 features

2013-12-11 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/11/2013 06:04 AM, Zack Corr wrote:

let original: Option = from_str("1");
let result: Option = original?.to_float()?.sqrt();

You can already say

let original: Option = Some(1);
let result: Option = original
 .and_then(|f| f.to_f64())
 .map(|f| f.sqrt());

...which is admittedly not as nice, but at least it's not magical.
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Interesting talk about (scala) language/compiler complexity

2013-12-05 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/05/2013 04:53 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:

4. *The argument to functions such as "filter" should be pure to allow
for stream fusion.* Purity is hard in Rust. We tried it and the
annotation burden was too high. At least our iterators allow for more
stream fusion than creating intermediate data structures would.

Could you elaborate a bit for those of us who weren't around? I've been 
thinking about how purity would work in Rust, but a quick search says 
the verdict was apparently "kill it with fire" (#5384). If there's a 
List of Things We've Already Tried So Stop Asking, this really needs to 
be on it.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Rust forum

2013-12-03 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/03/2013 02:46 PM, Gaetan wrote:

I'm in favor of a properly managed stackoverflow section.

stackoverflow does a marvelous job for finding issue someone else has
already been confronted before.  I never liked forums, search features
are always buggy, category are too restrictives, ...

mailing list is good for what it does: emails. That's all.

SO can be awesome iff we update the questions and answers regularly as 
the language changes. Finding an answer for 0.3 is not helpful. Provided 
we can do that, it should also solve our need for better tutorials.

Maintaining it needs to be a full project though, unless you want to end 
up like, where most questions haven't 
been updated since the day after the Google announcement.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Ideas of small projects or improvements

2013-12-01 Thread György Andrasek

On 12/01/2013 10:02 PM, Ziad Hatahet wrote:

Isn't there a possibility that vector syntax is going to change at some

I believe the plan is to turn [] into a generic container syntax, and 
expose Vec as the vector type. No idea where I read that though.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Ideas of small projects or improvements

2013-11-30 Thread György Andrasek

On 11/30/2013 07:41 PM, Pierre Talbot wrote:

Do you have suggestions that could fit well for this kind of project?

Make the following code compile:

fn foo() {
  fn bar() {}

i.e. allow nested function declarations after a semicolonless return 

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Placement new and the loss of `new` to keywords

2013-11-30 Thread György Andrasek

On 11/30/2013 10:01 AM, Brendan Zabarauskas wrote:

Some folks have suggested using `alloc`.

We could call it `malloc` and make it a library function!
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Placement new and the loss of `new` to keywords

2013-11-30 Thread György Andrasek

On 11/30/2013 09:34 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:

IMHO sigils made sense back when there were a couple of ways to allocate
that were built into the language and there was no facility for custom
smart pointers. Now that we have moved all that stuff into the library,
sigils seem to make less sense to me

What really bugs me about `~` is that it conflates the idea of lifetime 
and ownership (which is a zero-cost annotation) with allocation (which 
is an actual expensive operation to stay away from). This wasn't a 
problem with `@`, but it's gone now.

My choice would be to keep `~` in types, but use `new` for allocation:

let foo: ~Foo = new Foo(bar);
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Separated/Incremential compilation

2013-11-29 Thread György Andrasek

On 11/29/2013 06:09 PM, Patrick Walton wrote:

compilation times. This thread [1] reports build time increases of 6x-15x!

No, he reported build time *improvements* of 6x-15x. Quoting later:

> You're right, I did in fact use ccache because I was using the wrong 
mozconfig!  (Rookie mistake.)  With that fixed, we go down from 1m51s on

my machine to 31s, which is only about 4x faster!

...which sounds about right for unified C++ builds. The downside being, 
of course, the memory usage and the longer edit/compile/run cycle.

Rust-dev mailing list