[sage-devel] Re: Solve-left for systems over CDF/RDF

2011-02-18 Thread Rob Beezer
On Feb 18, 9:02 am, Jason Grout  wrote:
> So I guess you're volunteering to fix #7852 and possibly #4932?  Hooray!


Thanks for #7852 - I didn't know that one.  Might as well add #7392
(which I have started on).


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread daly

> >
> > As for the conjecture that Python is wildly popular and
> > therefore the perfect choice for computational mathematics
> > I can only point to history. Pascal was everywhere, including
> > in the universities. Smalltalk took the world by storm.
> > PL/I was universal. Ada was the ultimate language. Most
> > people probably don't even list these languages on their
> > resume anymore. Wait 10 years. Nobody will admit to knowing
> > Python.
> Your summarization of history indicates that no language will survive
> 10 years, so we should pick a language not on its long-term merits but
> based on getting something out of it before it "fades."

Hasty generalization. Fortran, Lisp and C are still active and they
are 50 years old so some languages are still resume material.

Pascal, in its day, was HOT. Universities switched to Pascal for
teaching, books were using it as pseudocode, and great debates
raged about its bike-shed issues (e.g. a lack of strings).
It was the easiest language to write. It was easy to compile.
It was required as a line-item on your resume.
It cured cancer and was the key to worldwide understanding.
Famous people in history were renamed after the language!
Surely everyone you know codes in Pascal, right?

Is Python a Fortran or a Pascal? 

Well, lets look for some data about how others choose.
I have touched nearly every computational math program
on the planet over the years.

On my Ubuntu linux system almost every python program I
didn't write is some sort of a system script so it seems
to have moved into Perl's primary domain. From that data
point I'd say that Python is a great language to know if
you plan to be a sysadmin. (I excluded Sage, of course).
Sympy and numpy are exceptions. But even Java people use
python for scripting and test (e.g. inside ant).

On my Ubuntu linux system almost every computational
math program I didn't write is either Fortran, Lisp, C,
C++, assembler or some specialized math language like
Spad, MMA, Maple, etc. From that data point I'd say that 
Python is not a computational mathematics language of note.

>From the data it seems that Python is "the new Perl",
a new, improved system scripting language; a glue
language for the new millenium. That might explain
why it appears to be so popular and why Perl is sinking
in the TIOBE ratings. 

Would you do computational math in Perl?

Tim Daly

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Re: [sage-devel] Patchbot and alpha versions

2011-02-18 Thread Robert Bradshaw
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 6:28 AM, Jeroen Demeyer  wrote:
> On 2011-02-18 14:57, Simon King wrote:
>> I could imagine that it would not be feasible to let the patchbot
>> operate with a multitude of different sage versions. But perhaps it
>> would be doable to let it work with *two* versions: 1. the latest
>> release (default), 2. the latest alpha version.
> Why not *only* the latest alpha?  That would make more sense to me.


1) Some people, myself included, don't enjoy downloading and
rebuilding every alpha that comes out and
2) While alphas are much more stable than they used to be, it's nice
to start with a clean, known, working base. Remember how much less
useful the bot was when everything had the same failing test (though
eventually we could logic in place to let green be "no regressions
with this ticket" rather than all tests passed).

That being said, the patchbot is written as two separate components,
the bot and the server. The intent is to ship the bot itself with Sage
(maybe I'll get motivated enough to get it into 4.6.2) and so anyone
can test tickets on any hardware they want. This will give us
platform, hardware, and version diversity. There would still be a
centralized server.  (Well, people could run their own servers if they
want, but that's not terribly useful.) The server itself is written to
handle versioning, e.g.

- Robert

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread David Kirkby
On 18 February 2011 05:11, rjf  wrote:
> On Feb 17, 4:49 pm, Matt Goodman  wrote:
>> MATLAB isn't a tool used outside of academia very often.
> I think you are wrong here.  I don't have any data to point to though.
> Do you have any data on this?

Matt is definitely VERY wrong.

MATLAB is well used in industry. Just look on any job site and stick
in MATLAB as a keyword and you will find many jobs that want MATLAB
skills. It's my experience as an engineer that it is the most popular
of all the scientific computing environments.

The simulink toolbox is also very well used in industry.



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Re: [sage-devel] Patchbot and ticket comments

2011-02-18 Thread Robert Bradshaw
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 6:20 AM, Jeroen Demeyer  wrote:
> On 2011-02-18 00:27, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>>> 2) The ticket description can be *edited*, comments not.  For example,
>>> if some comments just mention a new spkg, then the patchbot will
>>> automatically think it's a dependency, even when it's not.
>> Again, I see this as a disadvantage, because then there's no history
>> or ordering to look at.
> So how do I convince the patchbot that the spkgs mentioned in #2329
> aren't actually dependencies?

You can't right now, but the solution would be similar to depends on
and patches, have an spks: ... comment reset the spkg list. That
should be a pretty easy fix once I find the time.

- Robert

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[sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread john_perry_usm

On Feb 17, 6:49 pm, Matt Goodman  wrote:
> MATLAB isn't a tool used outside of academia very often.

I am loathe to involve myself in this conversation, but: I'm aware
that MATLAB is used by people at NASA, in the Navy, and at Raytheon. I
seriously doubt that approaches even a tenth of MATLAB's non-academic
users, and in any case this alone is a huge amount.

I have no idea what its proportion is vs. scientific python, and
doubtless there is some overlap, but 2x sounds way too small.

john perry

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread Robert Bradshaw
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 10:26 AM, rjf  wrote:
> On Feb 18, 8:51 am, William Stein  wrote:
>> At University of Washington, even with a site license, MATLAB costs me
>> $100, so I don't have it on my laptop.
>> There are limited licenses for students, and I've been told they have
>> trouble doing homework assignments, due to
>> sharing those licenses.
> FUD?
> It seems to me that if I were writing useful/important code that
> paying
> $100 would not be such a bad idea, though I agree that "free" would be
> "better".

There's a difference between costing the university $100 and costing
the individual user $100... The financial drawbacks are also
significant if one is forced to pay per-core license on your new shiny
cluster or supercomputer.

> I would have reservations though if the university gave me
> a "free" copy but told me that any program that I wrote using it could
> never be sold by me to anyone.  It would have to be owned by the
> university
> (as work for hire), sometimes a university policy.  Or it would have
> to be given away free (Sage, GPL) policy.

Yes, that would be worrisome indeed, but that's not the case.

>> In my experience, installing MATLAB is much more difficult than
>> installing Sage.
> That may be your personal experience, but I wonder how widely
> shared it is? I have only read about installing Sage, so I cannot tell
> for sure, but
> it seems that installing on Windows is difficult. Many people post
> comments about difficulty compiling it, but not everyone compiles it,
> I hope.
> So maybe it is easy sometimes.
>  I have not installed my own copy of (Windows) Matlab for years,
> but I assume it still requires downloading a matlab_installer.exe
> and clicking on it, then perhaps typing the name of the license
> server.
> Installing software on a properly installed Linux system is even
> easier
> in the best case (where you have right permissions etc).
>>  I can imagine no worse hell than being asked to
>> install a working MATLAB on a bunch of random Linux, OS X, and Windows
>> boxes.
> That's probably why system administrators are paid, except
> when professors act as their own system administrators.
>  Even "free"
> software can require time and skill to install.
>> >> > I am not surprised that there is a relatively small overlap between
>> >> > scientific
>> >> > computing and Python programming.  Most scientific computing tasks are
>> >> > sensitive
>> >> > to efficiency of resulting code.
>> >> This is just FUD, suggesting that one can't use Python for scientific
>> >> computing due to it being too slow.
>> > Well, the issue is not so much the programming language efficiency,
>> > or how much it matters in practice to have some data setup and web
>> > access
>> > and debugging be written in a friendlier languaage, but a perception.
>> Thus your FUD is all the more damaging
> Read the article posted by Tim Daly..
>> >> Most people doing scientific also
>> >> use C/Fortran-based libraries such as numpy and scipy, and quite a few
>> >> use Cython as well.
>> > Can't those libraries (or something like them)  also be called from C
>> > or Fortran?
>> If those libraries = "numpy/scipy", then absolutely not.  Most of the
>> code in numpy is new code, which provides a different and powerful
>> perspective on n-dimensional data manipulation that isn't provided by
>> any underlying library it depends on (BLAS).   Some of scipy is just
>> wrapping Fortran libraries, and some (quite a bit) is new code not
>> wrapping anything.
> I think the right perspective is shown here.

I think you are actually agreeing here, wow ;). What's more amazing is
this is pretty much exactly the perspective for Sage as a whole.

> You can use Python to wrap
> what most people consider the scientific computing core systems.
> Writing those core systems in Python is not particularly credible.
> But wrapping difficult-to-use programs in nicer "higher level" ways
> may be a worthy endeavor.

That and building higher-level algorithms on top of lower-level
libraries, e.g. modular form computations that leverage existing
low-level linear algebra libraries.

> ( a somewhat unfair analogy ---
>   We do not say that the rapid proliferation
>  of cell phones means they are increasingly being used to write
>  internet communications software...
>   That's what I was driving at in my question that you chose to
> ignore..
>   "Oh, that reminds me, what is Lapack written in?
>    Do you think it would benefit by rewriting in Python or Cython?
>    What about Scalapack, BLAS, etc.  "  )
> In terms of Jan's comment -- I'm not sure the barrier to entry is
> lowest for Python --  There are lots of contenders, and it is not
> obvious which is the winner. In some circumstances, I've found
> that Visual Basic or JScript (ECMAscript/) are trivial. Python has
> other useful attributes though.
> Anyway, if we say that people who wrap FORTRAN programs in python are

Re: [sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread Robert Bradshaw
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 12:12 PM, daly  wrote:
>> The python community is huge, skills are available,
>> and often the needs are not in the core science algorithm
>> which is well looked after, but in the glue and interface,
>> which requires a less in-depth understanding of the science
>> than the core algorithm. It allows non-niche programmers to assist
>> more easily than... FORTRAN.
> I do think Sage has proven the conjecture that Python is an excellent
> choice for a glue language (although a lot of the actual glue seems
> to be in Cython?).

Cython happens to be a particularly nice "glue" when it comes to
interfacing with C libraries. I would however say that the majority of
code in Sage (both Python and Cython) is not glue (though we of course
don't write our own BLAS or integer multiplication routines).

> Since Sage is growing by accretion, William made an
> excellent choice.
> I don't think Sage has proven the conjecture that Python is good
> for computational mathematics. My experience with computational
> mathematicians is that they will program in obscure (APL) or
> dead (Fortran) languages. Every one I have met over the years
> is perfectly capable of writing their algorithms in anything.
> There are two ways to look at any computational mathematics
> problem. Either you want something very close to the math,
> (e.g. Spad) for conceptual efficiency or very close to the
> machine (e.g. C) for execution efficiency. Python sits
> somewhere between these two extremes, making it a non-optimal
> choice for either.

But if Python is good enough, even if not optimal, to reasonably do
work on both ends of the spectrum, then the advantage to using a
single language can outweigh the advantage of using specialized
languages for individual tasks with lost of glue code and context
switching. This is especially true for code that starts out close to
the math and then can be optimized (rather than re-written) for
execution efficiency.

> If I were working with Sage I'd write my algorithm in some
> other language and "glue it on" with python.
> As for the conjecture that Python is wildly popular and
> therefore the perfect choice for computational mathematics
> I can only point to history. Pascal was everywhere, including
> in the universities. Smalltalk took the world by storm.
> PL/I was universal. Ada was the ultimate language. Most
> people probably don't even list these languages on their
> resume anymore. Wait 10 years. Nobody will admit to knowing
> Python.

Your summarization of history indicates that no language will survive
10 years, so we should pick a language not on its long-term merits but
based on getting something out of it before it "fades."

- Robert

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread Matt Goodman
You can back out pyc's pretty easy.  See the "byteplay" package. :)
--Matthew Goodman

Check Out My Website: http://craneium.net
Find me on LinkedIn: http://tinyurl.com/d6wlch

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Eviatar  wrote:

> On Feb 18, 10:26 am, rjf  wrote:
> > On Feb 18, 8:51 am, William Stein  wrote:
> > FUD?
> > It seems to me that if I were writing useful/important code that
> > paying
> > $100 would not be such a bad idea, though I agree that "free" would be
> > "better".  I would have reservations though if the university gave me
> > a "free" copy but told me that any program that I wrote using it could
> > never be sold by me to anyone.  It would have to be owned by the
> > university
> > (as work for hire), sometimes a university policy.  Or it would have
> > to
> > be given away free (Sage, GPL) policy.
> This is untrue. The GPL covers Sage itself, not code written for Sage.
> I'm fairly certain you could sell it with no license problems.
> Obfuscation, though, is another issue, but I think .pyc files would
> work. Of course, this goes against the whole philosophy of Sage.
> --
> To post to this group, send an email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to
> sage-devel+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
> URL: http://www.sagemath.org

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[sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread Eviatar
On Feb 18, 10:26 am, rjf  wrote:
> On Feb 18, 8:51 am, William Stein  wrote:
> FUD?
> It seems to me that if I were writing useful/important code that
> paying
> $100 would not be such a bad idea, though I agree that "free" would be
> "better".  I would have reservations though if the university gave me
> a "free" copy but told me that any program that I wrote using it could
> never be sold by me to anyone.  It would have to be owned by the
> university
> (as work for hire), sometimes a university policy.  Or it would have
> to
> be given away free (Sage, GPL) policy.
This is untrue. The GPL covers Sage itself, not code written for Sage.
I'm fairly certain you could sell it with no license problems.
Obfuscation, though, is another issue, but I think .pyc files would
work. Of course, this goes against the whole philosophy of Sage.

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread daly
> The python community is huge, skills are available,
> and often the needs are not in the core science algorithm
> which is well looked after, but in the glue and interface,
> which requires a less in-depth understanding of the science
> than the core algorithm. It allows non-niche programmers to assist
> more easily than... FORTRAN. 

I do think Sage has proven the conjecture that Python is an excellent
choice for a glue language (although a lot of the actual glue seems
to be in Cython?). Since Sage is growing by accretion, William made an
excellent choice.

I don't think Sage has proven the conjecture that Python is good
for computational mathematics. My experience with computational
mathematicians is that they will program in obscure (APL) or
dead (Fortran) languages. Every one I have met over the years
is perfectly capable of writing their algorithms in anything.

There are two ways to look at any computational mathematics
problem. Either you want something very close to the math,
(e.g. Spad) for conceptual efficiency or very close to the
machine (e.g. C) for execution efficiency. Python sits
somewhere between these two extremes, making it a non-optimal
choice for either.

If I were working with Sage I'd write my algorithm in some
other language and "glue it on" with python.

As for the conjecture that Python is wildly popular and
therefore the perfect choice for computational mathematics
I can only point to history. Pascal was everywhere, including
in the universities. Smalltalk took the world by storm.
PL/I was universal. Ada was the ultimate language. Most
people probably don't even list these languages on their
resume anymore. Wait 10 years. Nobody will admit to knowing

Tim Daly

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread Matt Goodman
Regarding the academics comment, check this out:

Matlab related dips notably (~50% peak to trough) during spring, winter, and
summer breaks.

All I really have to say about MATLAB is for a piece of software backed by
millions of dollars of development, its pretty notably deficient.  Deficient
by design actually, I mean why include image processing routines, when you
could charge more for that in a toolbox?  There is nothing in there that you
couldn't develop in < 1000 hours of competent developer time, using standard
numerical recipes.

I didn't mean to start a flame war here, just wanted to present some
--Matthew Goodman

Check Out My Website: http://craneium.net
Find me on LinkedIn: http://tinyurl.com/d6wlch

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 12:26 PM, rjf  wrote:

> On Feb 18, 8:51 am, William Stein  wrote:
> >
> > At University of Washington, even with a site license, MATLAB costs me
> > $100, so I don't have it on my laptop.
> > There are limited licenses for students, and I've been told they have
> > trouble doing homework assignments, due to
> > sharing those licenses.
> FUD?
> It seems to me that if I were writing useful/important code that
> paying
> $100 would not be such a bad idea, though I agree that "free" would be
> "better".  I would have reservations though if the university gave me
> a "free" copy but told me that any program that I wrote using it could
> never be sold by me to anyone.  It would have to be owned by the
> university
> (as work for hire), sometimes a university policy.  Or it would have
> to
> be given away free (Sage, GPL) policy.
> >
> > In my experience, installing MATLAB is much more difficult than
> > installing Sage.
> That may be your personal experience, but I wonder how widely
> shared it is? I have only read about installing Sage, so I cannot tell
> for sure, but
> it seems that installing on Windows is difficult. Many people post
> comments about difficulty compiling it, but not everyone compiles it,
> I hope.
> So maybe it is easy sometimes.
>  I have not installed my own copy of (Windows) Matlab for years,
> but I assume it still requires downloading a matlab_installer.exe
> and clicking on it, then perhaps typing the name of the license
> server.
> Installing software on a properly installed Linux system is even
> easier
> in the best case (where you have right permissions etc).
> >  I can imagine no worse hell than being asked to
> > install a working MATLAB on a bunch of random Linux, OS X, and Windows
> > boxes.
> That's probably why system administrators are paid, except
> when professors act as their own system administrators.
>  Even "free"
> software can require time and skill to install.
> >
> > >> > I am not surprised that there is a relatively small overlap between
> > >> > scientific
> > >> > computing and Python programming.  Most scientific computing tasks
> are
> > >> > sensitive
> > >> > to efficiency of resulting code.
> >
> > >> This is just FUD, suggesting that one can't use Python for scientific
> > >> computing due to it being too slow.
> >
> > > Well, the issue is not so much the programming language efficiency,
> > > or how much it matters in practice to have some data setup and web
> > > access
> > > and debugging be written in a friendlier languaage, but a perception.
> >
> > Thus your FUD is all the more damaging
> Read the article posted by Tim Daly..
> >
> > >> Most people doing scientific also
> > >> use C/Fortran-based libraries such as numpy and scipy, and quite a few
> > >> use Cython as well.
> >
> > > Can't those libraries (or something like them)  also be called from C
> > > or Fortran?
> >
> > If those libraries = "numpy/scipy", then absolutely not.  Most of the
> > code in numpy is new code, which provides a different and powerful
> > perspective on n-dimensional data manipulation that isn't provided by
> > any underlying library it depends on (BLAS).   Some of scipy is just
> > wrapping Fortran libraries, and some (quite a bit) is new code not
> > wrapping anything.
> >
> I think the right perspective is shown here.  You can use Python to
> wrap
> what most people consider the scientific computing core systems.
> Writing those core systems in Python is not particularly credible.
> But wrapping difficult-to-use programs in nicer "higher level" ways
> may be a worthy endeavor.
> ( a somewhat unfair analogy ---
>   We do not say that the rapid proliferation
>  of cell phones means they are increasingly being used to write
>  internet communications software...
>   That's what I was driving at in my question that you chose to
> ignore..
>   "Oh, that reminds me, what is Lapack written in?
>Do you think it would benefit by rewriting in Python or Cython?
> What about Scalapack, BLAS, etc.  "  )
> In terms of Jan's comment -- I'm not sure the barrier to entry is
> lowest for 

[sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread rjf

On Feb 18, 8:51 am, William Stein  wrote:
> At University of Washington, even with a site license, MATLAB costs me
> $100, so I don't have it on my laptop.
> There are limited licenses for students, and I've been told they have
> trouble doing homework assignments, due to
> sharing those licenses.

It seems to me that if I were writing useful/important code that
$100 would not be such a bad idea, though I agree that "free" would be
"better".  I would have reservations though if the university gave me
a "free" copy but told me that any program that I wrote using it could
never be sold by me to anyone.  It would have to be owned by the
(as work for hire), sometimes a university policy.  Or it would have
be given away free (Sage, GPL) policy.

> In my experience, installing MATLAB is much more difficult than
> installing Sage.  

That may be your personal experience, but I wonder how widely
shared it is? I have only read about installing Sage, so I cannot tell
for sure, but
it seems that installing on Windows is difficult. Many people post
comments about difficulty compiling it, but not everyone compiles it,
I hope.
So maybe it is easy sometimes.

 I have not installed my own copy of (Windows) Matlab for years,
but I assume it still requires downloading a matlab_installer.exe
and clicking on it, then perhaps typing the name of the license
Installing software on a properly installed Linux system is even
in the best case (where you have right permissions etc).

>  I can imagine no worse hell than being asked to
> install a working MATLAB on a bunch of random Linux, OS X, and Windows
> boxes.

That's probably why system administrators are paid, except
when professors act as their own system administrators.
 Even "free"
software can require time and skill to install.

> >> > I am not surprised that there is a relatively small overlap between
> >> > scientific
> >> > computing and Python programming.  Most scientific computing tasks are
> >> > sensitive
> >> > to efficiency of resulting code.
> >> This is just FUD, suggesting that one can't use Python for scientific
> >> computing due to it being too slow.
> > Well, the issue is not so much the programming language efficiency,
> > or how much it matters in practice to have some data setup and web
> > access
> > and debugging be written in a friendlier languaage, but a perception.
> Thus your FUD is all the more damaging

Read the article posted by Tim Daly..
> >> Most people doing scientific also
> >> use C/Fortran-based libraries such as numpy and scipy, and quite a few
> >> use Cython as well.
> > Can't those libraries (or something like them)  also be called from C
> > or Fortran?
> If those libraries = "numpy/scipy", then absolutely not.  Most of the
> code in numpy is new code, which provides a different and powerful
> perspective on n-dimensional data manipulation that isn't provided by
> any underlying library it depends on (BLAS).   Some of scipy is just
> wrapping Fortran libraries, and some (quite a bit) is new code not
> wrapping anything.

I think the right perspective is shown here.  You can use Python to
what most people consider the scientific computing core systems.
Writing those core systems in Python is not particularly credible.
But wrapping difficult-to-use programs in nicer "higher level" ways
may be a worthy endeavor.

( a somewhat unfair analogy ---
   We do not say that the rapid proliferation
  of cell phones means they are increasingly being used to write
  internet communications software...

   That's what I was driving at in my question that you chose to

   "Oh, that reminds me, what is Lapack written in?
Do you think it would benefit by rewriting in Python or Cython?
What about Scalapack, BLAS, etc.  "  )

In terms of Jan's comment -- I'm not sure the barrier to entry is
lowest for Python --  There are lots of contenders, and it is not
obvious which is the winner. In some circumstances, I've found
that Visual Basic or JScript (ECMAscript/) are trivial. Python has
other useful attributes though.

Anyway, if we say that people who wrap FORTRAN programs in python are
"scientific computing" programmers, maybe we need another name for the
people who write those FORTRAN (or C or whatever) programs.

None of this really affects the validity of the Tiobe data which says
Python "Tiobe popularity index" is higher than ever.


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[sage-devel] Re: Series expansion.

2011-02-18 Thread achrzesz
Continuing my example:
sage: maxima(f).powerseries('r',infinity)

A Ch

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Re: [sage-devel] Series expansion.

2011-02-18 Thread Francois Maltey

Dox ask :
I'd like to know if there is a way of finding the series expansion of 
a given function around zero and infinity.

Around 0 :

sage: taylor (2*x/sinh(2*x), x, 0, 10)
-292/13365*x^10 + 254/4725*x^8 - 124/945*x^6 + 14/45*x^4 - 2/3*x^2 + 1

I see that the serie is right, even if partial computations must go one 
order after.

I can't get the serie around +oo with sinh, but it's possible with exp. 
(I don't verify the result)

sage: taylor (2*1/x/((exp(2/x)-exp(-2/x))/2), x, 0, 12)
4*e^(-10/x)/x + 4*e^(-6/x)/x + 4*e^(-2/x)/x

There is this rewrite function at http://wiki.sagemath.org/symbolics/rewrite

Is it possible?


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[sage-devel] Re: Series expansion.

2011-02-18 Thread achrzesz
sage: var('r');
sage: f=2*r/sinh(2*r)
sage: f.taylor(r,0,5)
14/45*r^4 - 2/3*r^2 + 1
sage: maxima(f).powerseries('r',0)

Andrzej Chrzeszczyk

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[sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread rjf

On Feb 17, 11:06 pm, daly  wrote:
> An interesting article about computational science 
> programming:http://www.nature.com/news/2010/101013/full/467775a.html?ref=nf
> Tim Daly

I find it especially interesting to see the comments about python ...
search on that
web page for each occurrence of "python".


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[sage-devel] Re: Solve-left for systems over CDF/RDF

2011-02-18 Thread Jason Grout

On 2/17/11 7:08 PM, Rob Beezer wrote:

Or:  "Do you know your left from your right?"

Or: "Not for those with dyslexic tendencies" [Ed. e.g. me]

sage: A = matrix(QQ,[[1,2],[3,4]])
sage: A.solve_left(vector(QQ,[1,1]))
(-1/2, 1/2)
sage: A.solve_right(vector(QQ,[1,1]))
(-1, 1)

sage: B = matrix(RDF,[[1,2],[3,4]])
sage: B.solve_left(vector(RDF,[1,1]))
(-1.0, 1.0)
sage: B.solve_right(vector(RDF,[1,1]))
(-1.0, 1.0)

In almost every case in the linear algebra routines (systems,
eigenvalues, kernels) "left" and "right" refer to where a vector goes
in the appropriate product of a matrix with a vector.  So for A above,
the left and right refer to where the vector of unknowns goes (x*A=b,

It appears that for matrices over RDF and CDF, the solve_right command
is using totally general code, with the vector of unknowns on the
right of the matrix.  The solve_left command specifically for RDF and
CDF appears to have identical functionality, acting contrary to the
naming conventions elsewhere.

Any objections to renaming the solve_left for RDF and CDF to
solve_right, and perhaps adding a proper solve_left for RDF/CDF?

So I guess you're volunteering to fix #7852 and possibly #4932?  Hooray!


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread William Stein
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 8:36 AM, rjf  wrote:
> Many people using Matlab are, I think, using it within some
> organization
> such as a college or an engineering lab.  The incremental cost for one
> more Matlab user license is small and probably part of the overhead of
> the organization, and so there is no apparent cost to the individual
> user.  This has the very significant advantage (to me) that it is
> free (as in free beer). The problem with Sage by comparison is that
> it is free (as in free press) but has significant overhead for the
> first person to try to install it somewhere, (apparently still,
> especially on Windows...) But again that is another story.

At University of Washington, even with a site license, MATLAB costs me
$100, so I don't have it on my laptop.
There are limited licenses for students, and I've been told they have
trouble doing homework assignments, due to
sharing those licenses.

In my experience, installing MATLAB is much more difficult than
installing Sage.I can imagine no worse hell than being asked to
install a working MATLAB on a bunch of random Linux, OS X, and Windows

>> > I am not surprised that there is a relatively small overlap between
>> > scientific
>> > computing and Python programming.  Most scientific computing tasks are
>> > sensitive
>> > to efficiency of resulting code.
>> This is just FUD, suggesting that one can't use Python for scientific
>> computing due to it being too slow.
> Well, the issue is not so much the programming language efficiency,
> or how much it matters in practice to have some data setup and web
> access
> and debugging be written in a friendlier languaage, but a perception.

Thus your FUD is all the more damaging

>> Most people doing scientific also
>> use C/Fortran-based libraries such as numpy and scipy, and quite a few
>> use Cython as well.
> Can't those libraries (or something like them)  also be called from C
> or Fortran?

If those libraries = "numpy/scipy", then absolutely not.  Most of the
code in numpy is new code, which provides a different and powerful
perspective on n-dimensional data manipulation that isn't provided by
any underlying library it depends on (BLAS).   Some of scipy is just
wrapping Fortran libraries, and some (quite a bit) is new code not
wrapping anything.

 -- William

William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread Jan Groenewald

Python's barrier-to-entry is the lowest of all the 
languages under discussion (in terms of time to learn it).

It is easier to enforce good coding style because much of
it is already integrated with the language... e.g. indented
control structures & loops.

even has arguably a lower barrier-to-entry than the other
languages under discussion.

Prototyping is much faster in python. So often 'runtime'
debates do not have a holistic comprehensive view of
scientific computation. Include prototyping time
and coding and polishing and maintenance time, and both
the time and cost in $$ is much lest. 

Some applications are maintained over years and many postgrad 
slaves^H^H^H^H students. A research group can train a new 
member in python code quickly.

The python community is huge, skills are available,
and often the needs are not in the core science algorithm
which is well looked after, but in the glue and interface,
which requires a less in-depth understanding of the science
than the core algorithm. It allows non-niche programmers to assist
more easily than... FORTRAN. 

I guess you can tell which side of the fence I am currently on ;)


   /V\ Jan Groenewald
  /( )\www.aims.ac.za

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[sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread rjf

On Feb 18, 7:31 am, William Stein  wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 9:11 PM, rjf  wrote:
> > On Feb 17, 4:49 pm, Matt Goodman  wrote:
> >> MATLAB isn't a tool used outside of academia very often.
> > I think you are wrong here.  I don't have any data to point to though.
> > Do you have any data on this?
> No data versus no data.
> >>  Its licensing makes it hard to redistribute code (like to a third party),
> >> or even run it on a couple different workstations in a HPC sense.
> > Huh?  How so?  You write a program, you own it, you can give it to
> > someone else.
> > Did they make that hard to do somehow?
> Each copy of MATLAB costs (a lot of) money.  Python is free.  (It's
> simply amazing to me that you don't realize that this is what he is
> talking about! How is it even possible?)

Ah, I see.  My misunderstanding was in taking Matt's statement at
its face.   We agree that it is no problem to (re)distribute code
that you write to anyone else.  The recipient of the code would either
have to have a Matlab licensed system or a system that ran Matlab
like Octave [sort of].  So my assumption is that anyone who was
interested in your own coded Matlab program either had such a setup,
was only interested in looking at the code, not running it.  This
latter situation is not that unusual, I think.  I have occasionally
looked at Matlab programs to learn from them.  Usually it is harder
to figure out than I expected, but that's another story.

 I think that if Matt is objecting to the difficulty in giving
someone else a completely working system written in the Matlab
including Matlab in a form that it can be redistributed without
restriction, that is another issue.  Of course a program written
using Sage cannot be redistributed without restriction either.  The
GPL is a restriction.  But again that is another story.

Many people using Matlab are, I think, using it within some
such as a college or an engineering lab.  The incremental cost for one
more Matlab user license is small and probably part of the overhead of
the organization, and so there is no apparent cost to the individual
user.  This has the very significant advantage (to me) that it is
free (as in free beer). The problem with Sage by comparison is that
it is free (as in free press) but has significant overhead for the
first person to try to install it somewhere, (apparently still,
especially on Windows...) But again that is another story.

> >>  I
> >> would guess the matlab base is about 2x the scientific python community, 
> >> but
> >> the science python people are only 5%-10% of Python users.  The same foes
> >> for LabView etc.
> > I think you are way off, and the Matlab community is many times the
> > scientific
> > python community,  but again I have no data.
> The TIOBE index also illustrates is that whatever the real data is, it
> is probably constantly changing, and in some cases changing very
> quickly.  See, e.g., the history of Objective-C in TIOBE -- 3 years
> ago it was a very unpopular language, and now it is very popular
> (probably because of Apple's iOS programming).
> >  I suspect that the
> > serious scientific computing community is almost all non-python, and
> > that
> > it consists of C/Fortran/Matlab.
> I suspect that was a true statement at some point in time.

 I would even speculate that the proportion of
Python users has increased infinitely from some point in time, say
  What is taught to engineers at UW?
a google search on university washington engineering
python gets 98,000 hits.with matlab it gets 124,000 hits.
At UC Berkeley, 148,000 vs 158,000.  Python IS taught in
some intro classes here

Now if we remove the term "engineering" from the search, there are
hits, and at UC, python > matlab.  Some of this is scientific
computing of some sort, but probably most of it is not.

> >> Its easy to forget that science Python is a serious _minority_ in the 
> >> Python
> >> community.  I attend the Enthought monthly Python meetup here in Austin, 
> >> and
> >> of 50 people, maybe 3-5 are science Python programmers.
> > I am not surprised that there is a relatively small overlap between
> > scientific
> > computing and Python programming.  Most scientific computing tasks are
> > sensitive
> > to efficiency of resulting code.
> This is just FUD, suggesting that one can't use Python for scientific
> computing due to it being too slow.

Well, the issue is not so much the programming language efficiency,
or how much it matters in practice to have some data setup and web
and debugging be written in a friendlier languaage, but a perception.

  For the last umpteen years it
was possible to write programs in some convenient interactive --but
slower than optimized-compiled-Fortran -- language.  Which language
doesn't really matter. It could be Perl, TCL, even Lisp,   The
by (some, in the past, almost all) heavy users of scientific

[sage-devel] Series expansion.

2011-02-18 Thread Dox
Hi everyone!

I'd like to know if there is a way of finding the series expansion of a 
given function around zero and infinity, Is it possible?

I tried with sympy.series, didn't work

sage: reset()
sage: from sympy import *
sage: r = Symbol('r')
sage: sympy.series(2*r/sinh(2*r), r)

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Rapid growth in Python popularity

2011-02-18 Thread William Stein
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 9:11 PM, rjf  wrote:
> On Feb 17, 4:49 pm, Matt Goodman  wrote:
>> MATLAB isn't a tool used outside of academia very often.
> I think you are wrong here.  I don't have any data to point to though.
> Do you have any data on this?

No data versus no data.

>>  Its licensing makes it hard to redistribute code (like to a third party),
>> or even run it on a couple different workstations in a HPC sense.
> Huh?  How so?  You write a program, you own it, you can give it to
> someone else.
> Did they make that hard to do somehow?

Each copy of MATLAB costs (a lot of) money.  Python is free.  (It's
simply amazing to me that you don't realize that this is what he is
talking about! How is it even possible?)

>>  I
>> would guess the matlab base is about 2x the scientific python community, but
>> the science python people are only 5%-10% of Python users.  The same foes
>> for LabView etc.
> I think you are way off, and the Matlab community is many times the
> scientific
> python community,  but again I have no data.

The TIOBE index also illustrates is that whatever the real data is, it
is probably constantly changing, and in some cases changing very
quickly.  See, e.g., the history of Objective-C in TIOBE -- 3 years
ago it was a very unpopular language, and now it is very popular
(probably because of Apple's iOS programming).

>  I suspect that the
> serious scientific computing community is almost all non-python, and
> that
> it consists of C/Fortran/Matlab.

I suspect that was a true statement at some point in time.

>> Its easy to forget that science Python is a serious _minority_ in the Python
>> community.  I attend the Enthought monthly Python meetup here in Austin, and
>> of 50 people, maybe 3-5 are science Python programmers.
> I am not surprised that there is a relatively small overlap between
> scientific
> computing and Python programming.  Most scientific computing tasks are
> sensitive
> to efficiency of resulting code.

This is just FUD, suggesting that one can't use Python for scientific
computing due to it being too slow.  Most people doing scientific also
use C/Fortran-based libraries such as numpy and scipy, and quite a few
use Cython as well. These tools allow you to write code that is as
fast as code one produces in Matlab or Fortran.

 -- William

> --
> To post to this group, send an email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to 
> sage-devel+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
> URL: http://www.sagemath.org

William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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Re: [sage-devel] Patchbot and alpha versions

2011-02-18 Thread Volker Braun
+1   that would make much sense from a development perspective

On Friday, February 18, 2011 2:28:31 PM UTC, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> Why not *only* the latest alpha?  That would make more sense to me.

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Re: [sage-devel] Patchbot and alpha versions

2011-02-18 Thread Jeroen Demeyer
On 2011-02-18 14:57, Simon King wrote:
> I could imagine that it would not be feasible to let the patchbot
> operate with a multitude of different sage versions. But perhaps it
> would be doable to let it work with *two* versions: 1. the latest
> release (default), 2. the latest alpha version.

Why not *only* the latest alpha?  That would make more sense to me.


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Re: [sage-devel] Rational polynomials via FLINT (#4000)

2011-02-18 Thread Dr. David Kirkby

On 01/29/10 01:08 AM, Alex Ghitza wrote:

On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:52:23 -0800 (PST), Sebastian Pancratz 

After reviving the work from last September/ October with some
significant help of Mike Hansen at Sage Days 19 a week ago, we finally
had a version of the patch that applied cleanly to 4.3.1.rc0 (plus the
three patches by Robert Bradshaw from #383) and, at least on my
machine and another departmental machine, passed all doctests.
However, when Alex Ghitza had a look at this, he noticed a doctest
failure with his setup.  It turns out that he can already produce an
error with the commands

 sage: R.  = QQ[]
 sage: f = 3/2*x - 1/3
 sage: %time _ = f % f
 Error: unable to alloc/realloc memory

This is on 32-bit Arch Linux, with gcc 4.4.2.

I believe it is a 32-bit problem, because I'm not seeing the failure on
64-bit Arch Linux with the same gcc version.

By the way, if anyone wants access to the machine in question for
debugging purposes, that can be arranged by emailing me offlist.


It's not simply 32-bit issue, as my OpenSolaris system builds binaries by 
default to 32-bit. (A 64-bit version of Sage on Solaris is some way off). 
However, I don't see this issue:

sage: R.  = QQ[]
sage: f = 3/2*x - 1/3
sage: %time _ = f % f
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
Wall time: 0.00 s

on my 32-bit build on OpenSolaris.

It might be specific to 32-bit ArchLinux of course.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?


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Re: [sage-devel] Patchbot and ticket comments

2011-02-18 Thread Jeroen Demeyer
On 2011-02-18 00:27, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>> 2) The ticket description can be *edited*, comments not.  For example,
>> if some comments just mention a new spkg, then the patchbot will
>> automatically think it's a dependency, even when it's not.
> Again, I see this as a disadvantage, because then there's no history
> or ordering to look at.

So how do I convince the patchbot that the spkgs mentioned in #2329
aren't actually dependencies?

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[sage-devel] Patchbot and alpha versions

2011-02-18 Thread Simon King

It seems to me that the patchbot refuses quite a number of patches
since apparently it tries to apply the patches to the latest release
of Sage. But I, for one, often produce my patches on top of a recent
alpha version of the forthcoming release.

I could imagine that it would not be feasible to let the patchbot
operate with a multitude of different sage versions. But perhaps it
would be doable to let it work with *two* versions: 1. the latest
release (default), 2. the latest alpha version.

For example,
 Apply abc.patch xyz.patch
would make the patchbot apply the two patches to the latest release,
whereas with
 Apply abc.patch xyz.patch to alpha
it would start with the latest alpha.

Could that work?


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[sage-devel] Re: vtk

2011-02-18 Thread Volker Braun
There is an experimental spkg for vtk. But I think it needs some serious 
updating; last time I tired it, it did not compile on my machine. Though you 
might want to give it a try.

sage: experimental_packages()
([], ['4ti2.p0', 'PyQt4-4.6.2', 'PyVTK-0.4.74', 'QScintilla2-2.4', 
'asymptote-1.29', 'bison-2.3', 'boost_1_34_1', 'brian-1.2.1.p0', 
'cadabra-0.115', 'chomp-20100213.p2', 'clapack-3.6', 'clisp-2.43', 
'cmake-2.4.8', 'dvipng-1.8', 'ets-3.1.1.rev23241', 'flex-2.5.33', 
'fortran-OSX64-20090120', 'frobby-0.7.6', 'gcc-4.2.1', 'gnofract4d-3.6', 
'gnuplot-4.0.0', 'jmol-11.5.2-src-v2', 'libcprops-0.1.6', 'libjpeg-6b', 
'libsigsegv-2.2', 'macaulay2-1.1-r7221.p0', 'mayavi_2.2.1', 'meataxe-2.4.3', 
'modglue-1.8', 'mpich2-1.0.5', 'numarray-1.5.2', 'numeric-24.2', 
'openopt-0.29', 'pcre-6.5', 'pexpect-2.1', 'phcpack-2.3.21', 
'polymake-2.2.p5', 'processing-0.52', 'pygame-1.7.1release', 'pygsl-0.3', 
'pygtk-2.8.4', 'pynifti-p0', 'pyqt-3.15.1', 'pyrexembed-0.1.1-20060517', 
'python-unladen-2009Q2', 'qasm-1.4', 'qepcad-1.50', 'quantlib-0.9.6', 
'quantlib_swig-0.9.6', 'reallib3-linux-20060728', 'sandpile-1.51', 
'scitools++', 'simpqs-20061128b', 'sip-4.9.3', 'soya-0.11.2.p0', 
'soya_cvs-2006.05.09', 'superlu-3.0', 'surf-1.1', 'vtk_meta-1', 
'wxPython-', 'yafray-0.0.9', 'yassl-1.4.0'])

On Friday, February 18, 2011 12:34:44 PM UTC, Mag wrote:
> Has anyone compiled VTK, http://www.vtk.org/, into sage? I would like
> to compile this but would need some assistance and/or tips.

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[sage-devel] vtk

2011-02-18 Thread Mag Gam
Has anyone compiled VTK, http://www.vtk.org/, into sage? I would like
to compile this but would need some assistance and/or tips.

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