[sage-devel] Re: Fun Things to do with a Sage Notebook

2007-10-28 Thread TrixB4Kidz

 Just out of curiosity are you listing options like the above since
 you want somebody to implement them, or are you listing them because
 you want to implement one of them, and you want feedback before you
 choose the one that you want to implement?

I'd be willing to implement this functionality.  Let me know which
authentication modules would be most useful.  In the meantime, I'll
start designing some abstract interfaces.

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[sage-devel] Fun Things to do with a Sage Notebook

2007-10-27 Thread TrixB4Kidz

Here are a few fun things that anyone can do with a public Sage

1. Use the Sage server as remote file storage.  Take your pick between
ftp, cvs, subversion, or even brew your own protocol.

2. Host your own web site.  Remember: Apache is only a wget away!

3. Are your thesis simulations taking too long to run?  Try
distributing your algorithm to a cluster of Sage notebooks.

4. Build a process cluster that randomly kills Sage processes.  For
long-lasting effects, be sure that your processes can react to a
partial discovery of their existence.

5. Deploy network crawlers.  Who knows?  You might even find another
home for your remote file storage.

6. Access eJournals and other materials that are typically restricted
outside of the campus network.

My point: there really is no reason to root a Sage box because it
already provides for many other opportunities.  While rooting the box
may allow you to get around the ulimit or quotas, these really do not
pose serious problems anyway.  The trick here is just to distribute
your resource usage among the publicly-usable sageXX accounts.

I'm doing some research into SELinux to see if there are any tricks
that can be done to eliminate these issues.  If possible, I would like
to do the following:

1. Disallow the sageXX accounts from opening sockets in any program
except Sage.  This would prevent people from running open-source
servers (such as subversion or apache), but it would not prevent them
from writing their own servers within the Sage Notebook.

2. Disallow killing processes by any sageXX account.  This essentially
means limiting the interrupts that can be issued.

3. Limit the interprocess communication options to all sageXX
accounts.  As far as I can tell, there is no reason for any of them to
be allowed to create shared memory segments, process semaphores, or
message queues.  Although this does not make it impossible to build
process clusters, it sure makes it a lot more difficult.

4. Limit the valid address range for outgoing sockets for sageXX
accounts.  One could easily disallow connections to any system on the
campus network by banning the campus's IP range.  The sageXX accounts
should only be allowed to establish connections with known
mathematical databases; however, the addresses of these databases can
change due to IP reassignment within ISP's.  Rather than having the
sageXX processes perform DNS lookups (which requires establishing
connections to arbitrary addresses), you could have an external
process (such as server2) periodically perform the lookups and store
the results in a hosts file.

These adjustments certainly do not prevent the attacks I mentioned,
but they do make them quite a bit more difficult to perform.  Let me
know if any of these adjustments would break Sage as a whole.  In the
meantime, I'll continue investigating SELinux to see whether or not
these proposals are feasible.

-- Brian

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[sage-devel] Re: Fun Things to do with a Sage Notebook

2007-10-27 Thread TrixB4Kidz

 I think the public free Sage notebook should be configured so that
 the sageXX accounts cannot open sockets to the outside world.  Period.
 If I knew how to configure this in  30 minutes, I would have done it already.

 Once we nail down a reasonably secure public sage notebook configuration,
 I think we should configure a vmware image wiht it, and make that available
 to people.

Excellent.  Prohibiting socket access will be easier to implement than
building the compromise I proposed.

   2. Disallow killing processes by any sageXX account.  This essentially
   means limiting the interrupts that can be issued.

 I don't like this, since the net result will be lots and lots and lots
 of zombie processes.  Also, people killing other people's processes is
 just slightly annoying vandalism and nothing else.

 Also, I think there should be a 1-1 mapping between sageXX accounts
 and notebook user accounts.   Whatever vmware image we configure,
 it'll be that way.

Building a 1-1 mapping between usernames and Unix accounts will indeed
eliminate the need to restrict the kill command.  I believe it would
be hugely beneficial to build an abstraction layer between the Sage
user accounts and the underlying system accounts.  For instance,
suppose a cluster of Sage servers are deployed for use on campus.  It
would be useful to obtain the user's credentials from an LDAP server
or some form of single sign-on service.  I'm guessing people would
find one or all of the following user abstraction modules useful:

1. Sage usernames, passwords, and meta-data stored in db backend.
When accounts are accessed, they are temporary mapped to a system user
based upon a predetermined server pool (similar to what is done now).

2. Sage usernames and passwords come from Unix backend.  Extended meta-
data for each user (such as Sage-related settings, etc) are stored in
a db backend.

3. Sage usernames and passwords are authenticated based on LDAP
information.  Extended meta-data stored are stored in a db backend
(note: at some point, a mapping must be made back to a Unix account.
A new account could be generated based upon the LDAP information, but
this is probably less than desirable for several reasons.).

 Alternatively, we could have the sage notebook server just kill absolutely
 all processes belonging to sageXX every so often.  That's the price of
 using a free resource.

True, but that seems a little unfriendly

-- Brian

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[sage-devel] Secure Notebook Deployment

2007-10-16 Thread TrixB4Kidz
 still need to be careful about how you set file and
access for these individual users, but as you can see this alternative
already makes the server quite a bit safer.  The only remaining
that I can think of is due to the power of the Python language.
Potentially, even if you got rid of programs such as scp (for file
transfer, if you recall), someone could write a simple file-transfer
program using Python and sockets.  Once again, a black-list might be
able to address this issue, but another solution is probably

Anyway, I've been typing this message long enough.  I hope to hear
you soon about your thoughts on these issues.

 -- TrixB4Kidz

P.S. You have a few hundred defunct sage processes running on your

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[sage-devel] Re: Secure Notebook Deployment

2007-10-16 Thread TrixB4Kidz

Hey again.  I actually got a similar reply from William earlier today
that I was going to append to this message (this post took quite some
time to appear on google groups for whatever reason).  The particular
attack that I described is preventable, but the fact that the users
have full access to a shell creates the potential for large security
vulnerabilities.  In particular, what about the other systems on your
network?  You've just given everyone access to your system behind your
firewall.  With this, I could easily write a script that punches a
hole through your firewall and creates a pipe to one of your blocked

What I'm more concerned about is the fact that this model opens the
rest of your network up.  I mean, the attacker is behind the firewall
on a computer that is part of a campus's internal network.  One could
build a crawler in Python that discovers the hidden network topology,
port maps all of the systems, and sends the results back to their
system via a raw socket or scp.  So even if your server is rock-solid,
the attacker has still learned about several other potential entry
points into your network.  Hence, the SAGE server could simply serve
as a stepping stone into a larger-scale attack on the network.

On Oct 16, 6:02 pm, Timothy Clemans [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The public notebook servers on sage.math.washington.edu are jailed
 (http://sagemath.org/doc/html/inst/node10.html). Also there is a pool
 of 30 unix users that are used to evaluate worksheet code. That
 protects the main notebook system from a random user. Ulimit is also

 If I remember right William welcomes people to try to vandalize the
 notebook server athttps://sage.math.washington.edu:8102

 How William runs the public notebooks from William himself:

 (1) have a file that starts the notebook by running a .py file:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/nb1$ more start_notebook
 cd /home/server2/nb1
 sage notebook.py   nohup.out 

 (2) The actual .py file:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/nb1$ more notebook.py
 from sage.all import *

 server_pool=['[EMAIL PROTECTED] -p 7000'%n for n in range(1,31)]

 notebook(port=8103, accounts=True, address='sage.math.washington.edu',
 server_pool = server_pool, ulimit='-v 200')

 On 10/16/07, TrixB4Kidz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello Professor Stein.  For a final project at Case Western, I offered
  to setup a cluster of SAGE servers for the math department.
  Unfortunately, I found that the default server setup is highly
  insecure.  I would like to collaborate with you and find a way to
  the notebook deployment to eliminate some basic (yet severe) security

  Since I'm new to SAGE (and Python, for that matter), I decided that
  easiest way to determine how to safely deploy a server would be to
  to a public SAGE server and reverse-engineer its deployment based on
  queries.  Coincidentally, I stumbled upon your server (don't worry --
  did not execute any malicious commands.) and discovered several
  Using the os module in Python, you can find the following:

  1. All of the processes running on the server, as well as the
  used to execute them.
  2. The username, uid, groups, gid, etc of the current process.
  3. The permissions of large portions of the file system.
  4. The operating system the server is deployed on.
  5. All of the users on the system.
  6. The programs available to the users
  7. Services running on the computer
  8. Devices attached to the computer (I'm guessing this is a
  server, though...)

  These are just the things I can think of off the top of my head.  This
  is more than enough information for a hacker to bring down the
  Here are just a few potential attacks I can think of:

  1. scp appears to be among the available programs in what I'm guessing
  was an instance of the virtualized server image.  Even if gcc was not
  available on the server side (it appears that it is), anyone could
  compile an executable on their own system and transfer it to the
  via scp.

  2. Delete any file owned by the server uid.  Based on something I read
  on your forum, it appears that you used to be able to delete the SAGE
  server itself (this was the first exploit I checked for).

  3. Kill processes owned by the server uid.  This means you could:
 - Kill the server
 - Create a python script that ruins system resources by (1)
  random processes, and (2) killing these with signal 9.  Signal 9 does
  not properly return resources to the OS, so looping this for a few
  minutes will just eat the system.

  4. By combining (2) and (3), you can actually bring down the server in
  such a way that it will delete all of the user accounts (I tested this
  on my own server).  Just do the following:

  import os;
  os.system(rm -Rf ~/.sage/*);  # Destroy the contents of
  my .sage folder
  os.system(rm -Rf

[sage-devel] Re: Secure Notebook Deployment

2007-10-16 Thread TrixB4Kidz

 I would suggest not to actually use unixy infrastructure to create the
 users. But that certainly involves a decent amount of coding to do
 your own user creation/permission management and so on. Trying to
 secure unix user accounts seems doomed in my opinion.

I agree to some extent.  However, Python and sh are really only
limited by the permissions of the underlying Unix user.  If this user
can execute processes / open sockets / etc, then the notebook is still
at risk of becoming a unit of a larger attack.  sh can be limited by
creating a small enough jail for the server-side users.  Is it
possible to create a white-list (or possibly black-list) of Python
bindings?  This could be used to offer only a subset of the typical
Python commands.

The problem I can see with this solution is that certain core SAGE
functions might require these hidden functions (ex: functions that
need to access databases).  Using the bindings in the SAGE core and
then unbinding them is probably not a strong enough solution.  Based
upon what I know about Python binding (which isn't much), it sounds
like it is impossible to instantiate pure private variables; hence, a
determined user could always find an object that is using the
blocked functionality and bind to one of its private variables.

An alternative would be to completely eliminate the bindings from the
core and instead encapsulate the necessary functionality within
another language, such as C, C++, or Java.  In this case, sockets
would still be usable by the core libraries, but they would not be
available within the shells.


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