[sage-devel] Re: Trac Guidelines are now in the Wiki

2008-03-30 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 30, 2008, at 6:31 AM, mabshoff wrote:

 Hello folks,

 there have been a large, nebulous set of rules regarding how things
 are done in trac, patch review and merging and the Sage development
 process in general. Now I finally took the time to clear those up and
 I put a *draft* of the guidelines up at


 What I wrote there is obviously not the final version and none of the
 rules are written in stone. I would actually like a discussion about
 the rules to clear any potential issue where things are either wrong
 or unclear. I consider what I wrote  down the consensus from having
 done releases for the last four months, but even I do make mistakes ;)

 I am working on additional sections on workflow and so on. I believe
 that eventually the content of that Wiki page should go into the
 documentation or that at least a link from the official doc should
 point to that wiki page.

On a quick skim-read, I found the Sage Specific paragraph very  
confusing. Are you trying to say that if someone makes up their own  
version of Sage that ships different versions of packages to the ones  
we normally ship, then they are on their own? Or something else?


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[sage-devel] Re: Trac Guidelines are now in the Wiki

2008-03-30 Thread mabshoff

On Mar 30, 3:50 pm, David Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 30, 2008, at 6:31 AM, mabshoff wrote:

  Hello folks,

  there have been a large, nebulous set of rules regarding how things
  are done in trac, patch review and merging and the Sage development
  process in general. Now I finally took the time to clear those up and
  I put a *draft* of the guidelines up at


  What I wrote there is obviously not the final version and none of the
  rules are written in stone. I would actually like a discussion about
  the rules to clear any potential issue where things are either wrong
  or unclear. I consider what I wrote  down the consensus from having
  done releases for the last four months, but even I do make mistakes ;)

  I am working on additional sections on workflow and so on. I believe
  that eventually the content of that Wiki page should go into the
  documentation or that at least a link from the official doc should
  point to that wiki page.

 On a quick skim-read, I found the Sage Specific paragraph very  
 confusing. Are you trying to say that if someone makes up their own  
 version of Sage that ships different versions of packages to the ones  
 we normally ship, then they are on their own? Or something else?

Short answer: yes. If that person experiences bugs with that version
of Sage they are on their own. They can ask for support and I will do
my best to help them, but that problem doesn't belong in out trac.

Long answer: This is directed toward distribution specific packaging
of Sage when certain components like gmp, pari, GAP that are already
in the distribution are replaced by those distribution specific
versions. In that case I don't think we should trac those issues since
those distributions have their own trackers and I am perfectly content
with fixing bugs in the official version of Sage. Any ticket in the
Sage tracker should be about the official Sage release, i.e. we should
be able to resolve the issue.  If your maxima breaks because you are
using gcl 2.6.8 on FUBAR Linux: Not my problem. Our resources
shouldn't be spend on those issues, we have plenty of our own bugs to

Once you replace components of Sage you get a combinatorial explosion
of configurations and there is no way that we can support it. William
started packaging all those components exactly because of the
combinatorial explosion problem as well as the difficulty of even
compiling all of Sage's components way back when Sage was much

So: where to draw the line? I think we should interpret this very
tightly and only support the official release because otherwise there
is no reasonable rule to apply. For example: I swapped clisp for cumcl
on Solaris and it broke a bunch of Maxima tests. I upgrade Maxima from
5.13.0 to 5.14.0 and it broke about five doctests. You see that even
small and innocent looking changes lead to a bunch of problems. I am
not saying that people can't or shouldn't do that, I am just saying I
prefer not to carry a myriad of impossible to resolve bug reports in
out trac. Let the distributions deal with that problem. If Sage were
to release every six to twelve months the issue would probably be
slightly different, but as long as Sage is moving as fast as it
currently is I don't think that using anything but a build from source
or the official binaries will ever get you close to the optimal Sage

For the record: That rule came specifically from the following

#2728: doctest failures for maxima in Debian packaged sage 2.10.4
This is not Sage Specific: It might be due to Debian packaging
an older version of Maxima or alternatively be caused by using gcl
instead of clisp. It is certainly borderline, but I don't think
in this case it is on our end to fix this.

#2730: matplotlib in Debian is too old
This is not Sage Specific: Please file a bug report with Debian
or alternatively package the Sage version of matplotlib.

#2731: GeneratorMatCode doesn't seem to be available in Debian's GAP
This is not Sage Specific: Please file a bug report with Debian
or alternatively package the Sage version of GAP. Alternatively
a deb which contains the GAP packages that Sage installs per default.

#2733: PARI in Debian has the mathnf bug
This is not Sage Specific: This is a packaging bug in Debian's
pari.deb and should be filed as a bug report at the Debian bug

#2734: SAGE Debian doctest errors whose cause I don't understand
Sorry Tim, this should go to debian-sage or sage-devel. One Issue
Per Ticket hasn't been met.

I consider none of those our problem and while I am certain that Tim
would be willing and able to resolve most of the above tickets they do
not belong in our trac. When I evaluate software one of the first
things I check is their bug database and if

 a) they don't have on
 b) it is full of old, unresolved bugs

it immediately raises a red flag for me. I don't want this to happen
to Sage, hence no 

[sage-devel] Re: Trac Guidelines are now in the Wiki

2008-03-30 Thread mabshoff

 On a quick skim-read, I found the Sage Specific paragraph very  
 confusing. Are you trying to say that if someone makes up their own  
 version of Sage that ships different versions of packages to the ones  
 we normally ship, then they are on their own? Or something else?


One more thing I forgot: This is like the Linux kernel, i.e. if you
load a binary module your kernel gets tainted. People will do their
best to help you [modulo some preaching not to use evil binary
modules], but in the end that is *your* problem. Using different Sage
components doesn't have the same stigma attached to say the NVidia
binary driver, but if you choose to do things differently and shoot
yourself in the foot it is *your* problem because you didn't want to
listen ;)


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