Re: [Sam-users] Prodos v2 and simcoupe 1.2.5
Put this on the SimCoupe GitHub issues - no wait, Stefan has already logged it :) Dan. On 9 Sep 2021, at 22:05, Edwin blink wrote: This ones probably for Simon :) I was playing a bit with prodos v2 and noticed I get a read only error with current simcoupe buid (1.2.5) Example: -Boot Prodos v2 disk in simcoupe -from menu: new DOS CP/M disk -format b: -> OK -copy a: b: -> is read only error -format b: -> Format error Didn’t have any issues when using simcoupe 1.0 ___ sam-users mailing list ___ sam-users mailing list
Re: [Sam-users] New Sam game.
Awesome, WOSAM page is up :) Dan. On 4 Sep 2021, at 17:49, the wub wrote: Hi all, The new game is now available from The controls are joystick or QAOP and space. I really hope people have as much fun playing it as I had making it! It seems to be perfectly bug free now but if anyone finds something weird please do let me know via email, or here on the list, and I'll get it sorted asap. Have fun! :) Rob. ___ sam-users mailing list ___ sam-users mailing list
RE: SAM Software Archive
> A World Of Spectrum style semi-official archive for SAM > software, housed on the > web and built by the members of sam-users. Bang on. BTW another vote here for Dan.
>From - or at least it will be. >> EVENT QUEUE << GOTOs considered non-harmful We're as sceptical about online petitions as anyone, but it took just 47 signatures to ensure the resurrection of a 32- page "tribute" issue to YOUR SINCLAIR, covermounted with this month's RETRO GAMER magazine (in shops now, UKP5.99). Here's hoping that next weekend's ORSAM NORWICH SINCLAIR AND CLONES SHOW (10am-4pm, Sat 2004-11-06, Alec Bussey Scout Centre, free - presumably) is at least as enthusiastically attended, though the exhibitors (eg "Anglia Classic Computer Users Society will be selling keyboard membranes on behalf of RWAP Software") can always just sell stuff to each other, as happened from time to time last year. - David McCandless! Jonathan Davies! (scroll down) - vs
Gold Asic on eBay Dan.
RE: Re[4]: Email
> Calvin> Perhaps Dan, you should send him a message, as a .dsk > Calvin> file with one of your smoth basic scrollers :) > > With a nice Andy Monk tune in the background ;-) You know - to this day I have no idea what that was all about - presumably I used one of his tunes without crediting it which was not something I tended to do, although sometimes I did loose track of which tune out of the 100-odd I had on my e-tunes disc was done by who. Dan.
RE: Re[2]: Email
> I'm personally saddened by the tone of Duncan's email. If he owns the > rights to something, then I'm sure no-one has any objections to him > exercising those rights. I think that was the thing that upset me the most, I too had many conversations with Malcolm and his passion for the Sam was something we could all relate to because we felt the same way. With regard to Defender (which will be why he sent me the mail I presume) from all the information I have Chris still owns this and not Persona and he released it as non-profit freeware (Dec 20th 2001*/ - the only reason I have it on my site is that Chris' website was shut down and I put together a page to keep it 'active' on the web as a service to the community *sigh* I have removed he download for the time being and if Duncan can prove that he has the rights then I will happily remove it (and send a copy of his rights assertion to Midway Games >:->>) - if he can't then it will go right back up again where it belongs - in the public domain. I also wonder if this means that anyone owed royalties will be able to claim them back, with compound interest :-) Dan.
This just dropped in on me today, thought you might be interested Dan --- This data is mailed from your web page The host that sent this request was [] (although if a proxy was used, you will get the address of the proxy instead) The user's browser reported itself to be Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; FunWebProducts; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) - BEGIN FORM - nameDuncan Malcolm Alexander Mackenzie email [EMAIL PROTECTED] comment It has come to my attention that people are distributing and selling products that they do not own the rights to. Any products and rights by Persona Software were owned by Malcolm Mackenzie, my late father. In turn these rights were handed down to me. I do not recall anyone contacting me about purchasing of rights. Anyone found distributing any of this software should contact me immediately on 07753192008 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] Failure to do so will result in legal action. Thank you. - END FORM -
RE: Sam on Ebay
> I'm jealous - my Sam used to be that nice white colour, many > years ago ;-) Heh heh heh. Mine's still that colour - how they laughed when I used to cover it with a duster when not in use, but who's laughing now! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha h.. Oh, just me then. Dan.
Sam on Ebay
Currently at 62 quid, just under 3 days to go. Dan.
RE: Sam Lives - Maybe
Title: Message SNAP! I had the same this week, purchased 512Mb of PC2100 Corsair swiss cheese. Dan. -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon CookeSent: 27 August 2004 16:30To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.noSubject: RE: Sam Lives - Maybe I hear that in spades I'm just watching the 641st error come up in memtest on my PC at the moment. Damn you Corsair! :) From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Howard PriceSent: Friday, August 27, 2004 1:43 AMTo: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.noSubject: Re: Sam Lives - Maybe I think so! I'm just working on my PC at the moment. Oh for the simplicity of memory you can trust :)HowardAt 08:21 27/08/2004, you wrote: Just a test as I haven't had anything from the list since the 16th July.. Sams in hibernation, everyones on the beachIan
Am I going insane or is not allowing connections again: Resolving host name Connecting to ( -> IP: PORT: 21 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)... Dan.
A slice of Nostalgia
It's been on CSS but I'd though I'd post it here too. Dan.
Re: Sam's drive
> I'm looking for specs (a diagram) to wire a 720 kB drive to it. > 'Got lot's of drives. I know I need a controller chip. > Can anyone help? I think this is one for Mr Colin Piggot Esq. Have a look at: Dan.
Re: Re[2]: Atom Poll
> I have heard the drive spin down for no apparent reason and I have to > power-cycle the SAM to spin it back up again. I had this problem with mine, although it tended to happen most on startup - I fixed it by replacing the Sam PSU with a PC one and running a seperate power feed to the HD so that it had enough juice. Dan.
Re: Matt Round
> I was pasted a link today: > Very funny but then I delved a bit deeper and realised the site was > done by Matt Round (Malevolent) of much SAM goodness fame. I did exactly the same when I was sent it the other day! > I must email him and tell him I still worship him. (Remember One Man > And His Frog? Genius!) He lurks on every so often - if I see him post I'll make sure I ask why he never did a full game of 'Retros' :-) Dan.
Re: AJ Incorporates Demodisks
> Disks 1, 7 and 8 are on NVG in .td0 format, but only disk 8 appears to work. Dave Ledbury mentioned the existence of Demo Disk 4 - any sign of this monkey? Also I'm having real problems trying to ftp to all I get is this: Resolving host name Connecting to ( -> IP: PORT: 21 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)... Arse. Dan.
Re: AJ Incorporates Demodisks
> Cheers for these Dan! Disks 5 and 6 work fine, but disk 7 is missing the > extra QDOS sectors and won't boot fully. It'll still work if you boot DOS > from another disk first, but it'd be nice to preserve it with the extra > sectors. I've done a quick and dirty hack: But I'd like to do a proper job on it. > If you don't have something to read the extra sectors, and have access to a > real SAM, *looks to the left* Yup, still there :-) > you can use my MakeSDF scanner to create a full copy... That would be most agreeable, Sir. Where can I grab such a efficacious tool from? Dan.
Re: AJ Incorporates Demodisks
> I've got 5,6 & 7 - though I can't seem to upload them to NVG and my webspace > is full (of crap) so I'll have another go later on if NVG decides to play > ball. Have cleared some space off - they are here: Dan.
Re: AJ Incorporates Demodisks
> i've just found number 5 - will see if it still plays and try and upload it > tonight I've got 5,6 & 7 - though I can't seem to upload them to NVG and my webspace is full (of crap) so I'll have another go later on if NVG decides to play ball. Dan.
Re: {Spam?} Re: SAM Disk images, ROMS and help please!!
> Aha! A response. So there is still life in the sam world! We're still here, lurking in the shadows of t'interweb > Just tried the Disk Converter, and it brings up an error when I try and read > the disk in. I'm using windows XP, and I think it's probably that. > > Is there anything that will read SAM disks under XP? Have looky here: Dan.
Re: Mork Bobs on B3ta
> OMG! There's a picture of my bobs on the net. :P Go on, post it to :-) Dan.
Re: Mork Bobs on B3ta
> It's a pleasure matey :-) Dan.
Mork Bobs on B3ta
I couldn't resist making it into an animated GIF: Dan.
Re: PC->SAM picture converter
> I forgot yesterday to announce it here: BMP2SCR EXP 2.10a is out. Wow - I have been playing with this today and it's the dogs cogs. I heartily recommend the download. One feature I would like to see if you're taking suggestions is the ability to double the size of the output window as it's quite hard to tell how the conversion is going on a 1600x1200 screen - or have I just missed this in the plethora of options :-) Dan.
Sam on EBAY
It's just the main unit and nowt else: Dan.
Re: Norwich Spectrum and SAM Show - OT
> > Arse candles > > Go on! Indulge a man! Whassat mean? Term nicked from Chris Morris - from Brass Eye I think. Dan.
Re: Norwich Spectrum and SAM Show (ORSAM 2003)
> > That was quick, thanks Nev. Erm, any idea about numbers through the door? Doesn't look to be too many from the pics or are they not representative of the whole day? > > Sadly only a dozen or so. > Still it was good to put faces to names like I didn't with the pics :-) > > Hopefully better next year. > book yer diaries now. I suppose I'd better get the retro-excuse in now - I was in Bristol trashing a rather large crappy network and replacing it with a nice shiny new one. And, as if fate enjoys depriving me of beer, I will be trashing a similar LAN in Liverpool on the 30th November when the MicroMart show is on. Arse candles. Dan.
Re: Contiki progress?
> I got somewhere. I endt up patching the compiler, getting som help from > the compiler maintainer, fixing some code and still haven't compilled > everything yet. :( > > I know Simon also was into it, but I don't know how far he got. Will that require something like this to work: h ttp:// Or can it be done over SLIP from a comms interface? Speaking of which, weren't there some modifications that needed to be made to the comms i/f to actually make the RS232 usable? And while I've thought of it, what was the mod to stop the ghosting on the video output - I might get one of these to hook it up to my monitor, but if it's going to look as horrible as it does on my little SCART monitor I'm not sure I can justify the cost. Dan. Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Sam Defender
Whilst sorting out the Webring I noticed that Chris' Sam Defender page has gone. This is a tragedy as Sam Defender is too good a game to vanish into the FTP tree at NVG. So, I have taken to executive decision to host it on my pages until someone says otherwise: Dan. Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Speaking from my (web) ring
Spurred on by the mail from Unc and my successful PSU transplant on my Sam at the weekend I have tidied up the Webring and removed these dead links: Sam Defender ZXVGS and CPM22QED operating systems There are many sites that are not on the ring so I would enplore you, nay, beg you to add them in! Click on this easy-peasy link: Dan. Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Re: Sam Coupe Scrapbook - new location
> (Now I just need to work out how to update the webring) Sorted. Dan. -- Dan Dooré Telecoms Infrastructure Group Data Networks Development Direct Line Group Services Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Re: Dust cover
> MGT did a SAM dust cover didn't they? Or was it SAMCo? Anyone have one? It was a third party - There was a review in Fred of them although the name of who made the best one eludes me. Dan. Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Re: Whatever happened to...?
> Well.. If anyone at all is remotely interested in "Whatever happened to > Andy Monk, author of dodgy Sam music..." then look no further! I'm here > now!! Dodgy? Never! - It's your fault that I was humming the in-game tune to Wop Gamma in Morrisons last week Dan. Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Re: Hi all!
> Best regards, > RUMSOFT I prostrate mysef at the feet of the author of the Imploder, probably the most useful Sam utility I have ever used. > PS: I there anyone that have/use my SamCoupe EDIPRO text editor??? Is it up on NVG? ( Dan. Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Re: Preferred plain text editor
> > ZDE16 - kept up with my typing at about 90 WPM > > Cool - is this freely available anywhere? When David mentioned it I knew it rung a bell - it's a CPM based editor that I used a few times when playing with ProDos. Check out - there's even some Sam utilities mentioned. I had a quick squizz on Google but I couldn't find any z80 source for it. Dan. -- Dan Dooré Technical Specialist - LAN Direct Line Group Services Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Re: Preferred plain text editor
> Simple question - I need a decent plain text editor on the SAM. Lean and > neat, but nice to use (i.e. not vi ;) I used to use either Driver Notepad or PCG wordmaster (Speccy port) for my text needs, although looking back neither were ideal but at least they had the ability to insert text whilst typing... > Is there one out there? Will it keep up with my typing? (120wpm...) There was always a lack of a good editor - was the there one in Comet that wasn't half bad? Dan. Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
RE: Freds wanted
> I assume that includes WinME? I believe so. Dan. Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
RE: Freds wanted
> I'd love to find a TnT disc image. TnT - Wasn't that the BombJack clone? > I'm afraid my PC won't make an image of my SAM disc of it because it's not > a manky old 486 which seems to be the only thing I could get that disc imaging program to work on... Bah If you have access to a W9x machine try this: Dan. Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Re: Freds wanted
> Fred 50 probably contained the best game on any Fred - Derf! I loved it - Matt Round = Gamesmaster God. Mr Round did make some superb stuff didn't he, I remember a demo of 'Retros' on one of the Freds and I was gutted that it never came out as a full product. Dan Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Re: Freds wanted
> Cos I'm sad and I want the originals :) Heh heh heh. > Especially 22... Issue 22 - didn't that had a hideous bug in the menu that locked it if you pressed a key more than once? > (Oh and I made a mistake, I've got 34, my favourite issue...) Gotta be issue 3 (the first one I ever got) cos it had LI's Tetris on it and I was blown away > Didn't top posting used to be frowned upon on this list? Probably in Brian Gaff's time DON'T POST BINARIES Dan. Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
Re: Unsubscribe Dan. -- Dan Dooré Technical Specialist - LAN Direct Line Group Services [EMAIL PROTECTED] m To: Sent by:cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Unsubscribe 03/02/2003 17:48 Please respond to sam-users Unsubscribe please [EMAIL PROTECTED] Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
RE: Moment of truth
> 1) Do you have an actual Sam Coupe: Two of, one main one and a spare to raid for parts. > 2) Does it work? They both do, although I think one of the PSU's is dead now. > 3) Do you still use it? Not really - a lack of desk space has relegated it to the cupboard along with the Atari ST I found in the loft when we moved :-) > 4) How many bits of sam software have you got? Quite a lot really if you include the PD stuff, plenty of games brought with cash accrued from working at the local shop in the early 90's > 5) Do you still actively seek new sam bits and pieces? Yeah, sort of - I need to get a subscription to Colin's mag as I could do with re-boxing one of my Sam's (the Sam PSU isn't up to driving everything on it really) but the stumbling block is getting an RGB -> VGA converter, there are plenty of Composite/S-Video converters out there but I really need to use the RGB outputs so that MODE3 8x6 is readable. I imagine you'd only need something to generate a higher sync rate so that the monitor could show it, After a brief search on t'interweb Ive found this gizmo but it's 95 quid :-( But it would mean that I can add it to my desk without having to find room for the extra screen and use my nice shiny Iiyama monitor to boot. > 6) Would you buy a new game for the sam coupe if the price was right? Probably > 7) What price would be right if you would? Dunno, under 20 quid would not cause any problems. > 8) Would you develop a title for the sam still? Not really applicable :-) > 9) Would you help develop a title for the sam? Morally if not actually. > 10) Do you think that all the work put in to keep the sam alive is a waste > of time? Not a chance - so long as there are people who get enjoyment out of the machine or the user base that surrounds it. Dan. -- Dan Dooré Technical Specialist - LAN Direct Line Group Services Direct Line Group Services Limited, registered in England no.3001989, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. The following are also members of the Direct Line group of companies: Direct Line Insurance plc, a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and Direct Line Life Insurance Company Limited and Direct Line Unit Trusts Limited, both regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards and Savings provided by Direct Line Financial Services Limited, registered in England number 2372702, registered office 3 Edridge Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1AG. All are members of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you should notify us immediately and delete it. You should not copy, print, distribute, disclose or use any part of it. We reserve the right to monitor and record all electronic communications through our networks. We cannot accept any liability for viruses transmitted via this e-mail once it has left our networks.
RE: unsubscribe
> unsubscribe or: If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, send the following command in email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: unsubscribe HTH. Dan.
RE: td0 files
> How do i transfer 'tdo' files downloaded from the net unto sam disks? You desire the evil Teledisk 2.12 for DOS, search for TELED212.ZIP on your favoured FTP search engine such as Be warned, it's been known to mis-behave on many, many machines. Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: THE LINK TO HOW -> Re: Using Sam on a SVGA Monitor
> > > Hmm , mabye thats 2 easy :) It is, there's no RGB input on it :-) Which reminds me, must: Replace the video IC to get composite & UHF output back. or Buy another Sam... Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
Using Sam on a SVGA Monitor
I remember some time ago that there was talk of how to get the output from Sam onto a VGA monitor but I've lost the mail. Anyway, it seems I now have need of such a device so I've been trawling the web for resources and I thought I'd share my findings - 'Taunt the Browser-less' as one of my mates calls it. There was some good information at about the way that these things work and the issues involved but was a bit too scary for me :-) I seem to remember talk of using monitors that can sync down to the lower horizontal rates so I had a look at: And it says: "A VGA monitor will not work. With only a few exceptions, a VGA monitor will not synchronize with a video display below 15 kHz horizontal sweep. Check your users guide, it will list the supported frequencies. Current VGA monitors have a minimum horizontal scan rate of about 30kHz. Amiga monitors will work. Atari ST (Colour) monitors will work. Arcade monitors (Raster only!) will work. Certain early model NEC Multisync monitors will work. Very few others will. If you do not have a suitable monitor, DO NOT USE IT!! You will, at best, shut down your monitor temporarily. At worst, a very nasty sounding high pitched whine, and then silence as your monitor kills itself trying to do what you want." Hmmm, didn't like the sound of that much. But it did make mention of this little device: Woohoo! Does the job, looks nice - but it's NTSC! D'oh! So, after a fruitless few hours I seem to be back to square one, either that or go out and spend the cash on a nice portable telly instead and stop looking forlornly at the 15" Trinitron monitor I have stashed in the loft. Bah. Anyway, what were the previous findings? I seem to recall somebody got something to work like this. Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Real Sam Users List 30th March 1999
> Why the compulsion to keep putting a list of addresses up > anyway? None of > the other lists I'm on ever "outs" people like this one does! The reason I keep doing it is to try and maintain a sense of community on the list, and so that Sam Celebrities can be picked out :-) Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Real Sam Users List 30th March 1999
> >> Any objections to me putting this as part of my Sam pages > on the Net? > > > >Yes. If you put the list online, remove my email address beforehand. > > Mine as well please. Alright, alright it will stay here. Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: SimCoupe & protected disks
> I would certainly put quality sound emulation at > the top of my wish Aley - is your SAA emulator in a fit state (so to speak) to be included with Si's port - or does it need work to get it run native under Win32? Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: SAM Scart
> i think it would be nice to get a diagram of the real scrat > connector, and > compare it to the sam's one. > i hope many of us are able to make their own cable if we > would know what > pins to connect. The Pin-outs are in the back of the normal manual, and the tech manual but here are the pins. Sam's SCART is as follows: 1 Audio Right 2 SPEN Input 3 Audio Left 4 Audio Ground 5 Blue Earth 6 Blue TTL Out 7 Blue Lin Out 8 Red TTL Out 9 Green Earth 10 Green TTL Out 11 Green Lin Out 12 +5v Power In 13 Red Earth 14 CSYNC Earth 15 Red Lin Out 16 CSYNC 17 Cmp Vid Earth 18 +12v Power In 19 Cmp Vid Out 20 Bright TTL Out 21 GND Standard SCART is: 1 AUDIO Output Right 2 AUDIO Input Right 3 AUDIO Output Left 4 AUDIO Ground 5 BLUE Ground 6 AUDIO Input Left 7 BLUE 8 Function Switching 9 GREEN Ground 10 Comm Data 2 11 GREEN 12 Comm Data 1 13 RED/Chroma Ground 14 Comm Data Ground 15 RED/Chroma 16 Blanking 17 VIDEO/Sync/Luminance Ground 18 Blanking Ground 19 VIDEO/Sync/Luminance Output 20 VIDEO/Sync/Luminance Input 21 Common Ground Piccy of pins at Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Real Sam Users List 30th March 1999
> [snip] > > Did you really have to write this with no linebreaks?! ;-) Fecking Outlook, Fecking gateways, ARSE! GERLS! DRINK! DRINK! Any objections to me putting this as part of my Sam pages on the Net? Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
Real Sam Users List 30th March 1999
Here we are again, 68 subbers and only a few duplicates/unknowns. You know the drill, if something's incorrect, drop me a mail and I'll change the database. Incidentally since I started doing this we have had 85 different people verified as list members and they are tacked on the end of the list, not that useful but nice to play spot the name. Have a nice Easter break if you get one, I'm off home to drink the fridge dry... Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb: The "Real" Sam Users List - 30/03/1999 Adrian Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Aley Kept [EMAIL PROTECTED] Allan Skillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Andrew Collier [EMAIL PROTECTED] Andrew Gale [EMAIL PROTECTED] Andrew Gallagher[EMAIL PROTECTED] Andy Gale [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bob Brenchley [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chris Pile [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chris White [EMAIL PROTECTED] ! Colin MacDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] Colin Piggot[EMAIL PROTECTED] Dan Doore [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dave Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dave Hooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dave Laundon[EMAIL PROTECTED]Dave Whitmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] David Ledbury [EMAIL PROTECTED] David Munden[EMAIL PROTECTED] David Zambonini [EMAIL PROTECTED] ! David Zambonini [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dean Liversidge [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dean Liversidge [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fred Publishing [EMAIL PROTECTED] Frode Tennebo [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gary MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gavin Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gordon Wallis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Graham Goring [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ian Collier [EMAIL PROTECTED] ! Ian Dalziel [EMAIL PROTECTED] James R Curry [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jeff Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED] Johnna Teare [EMAIL PROTECTED] Justin Skists [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lee Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Martin Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]Martin/Maria Rookyard [EMAIL PROTECTED] Matthew Craven [EMAIL PROTECTED] Neil Maynard[EMAIL PROTECTED] ! Neil Maynard[EMAIL PROTECTED] Nick Humphries [EMAIL PROTECTED] Paul Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Peter Harkess [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phil Glover [EMAIL PROTECTED] Robert Brady[EMAIL PROTECTED] Robert Van Der
RE: MasterBASIC Source
> Can somebody explain, what is B-Dos? Certainly: Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: SimCoupe for Win32
> Which Matrox card you got? Millennium / Millennium II / > Millennium G200 / > ... / ... ? Original Millennium (2064W). > It's working fine over here on a NT4SP3 (it might be SP4 but > ... dunno... > don't think it is) Matrox Millennium. Latest drivers, as far > as I'm aware. > Millennium 2064W ... 2mb ... powerdesk 3.68 ... > you? Hmmm, 4Mb & 3.63 (Certified) Drivers - I'll try the 3.68 drivers and see what that does. Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: SimCoupe for Win32
> Well, in that case, I will speculate that your video drivers > for NT are not > very recent / not very good . If you have any other > software that uses windowed directX on NT, and that doesn't work, then > this will be why Hmmm, I rebuilt my NT box at the start of the new year with Matrox's Unified drivers (I even upgraded the firmware too) so I don't think that's the problem, unless it's a Millennium thing with DirectX I have no idea what other apps I have that use DirectX - I don't have any games on here so it's hard to know what uses it... > Otherwise, if this is the only NT DX thing that doesn't work > for you then > ... weird ... is all I can say. Better believe it! I'll see if I can track down some windowed DX things, everything I'm finding at the moment is full screen and that's OK. Dan.
RE: SimCoupe for Win32
> I probably meant to add that you gotta make sure you run it from the > standard simcoupe\v???\bin\ directory. That's where it is. > Unfortunately, the executable has the same filename > (simcoupe.exe) so what > I did was unzip this file as sim32.exe and left the original > simcoupe.exe > still sitting there. I was able to suss that out :-) > Works. Trustez moi. I believe you, it just ain't working over here. I have even downloaded a fresh copy of the 0.78 and tried it with that - no dice. I've tried it on a win95 box and it's fine but on the four NT boxes I've tried it on you just get nowt. Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: SimCoupe for Win32
> I've put a pre-pre-alpha version of the Win32 SimCoupe on my > web site if > any windoze users want to take a look. No life under NT4 SP4, just executes and exits :-( What version of Direct X does it require? Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
I received a phonecall from Duncan this morning telling me of Malcolm's passing. I'm sure that everybody is as deeply saddened as me to hear the news and our hearts go out to Dawn and the family. Malcolm's passion and unwavering commitment to both life and the Sam Coupe will be sadly missed. Dan Doore.
RE: sim-coupe
> Ps. Which sadistic b*d wrote Samdisk? Noone on this list, > I hope... It was Mat of ESI who wrote it - in about 5 minutes. Dan. P.S. Names list on the way - honest!
Sam Users Mailing List Instructions
Why don't we put these instructions on the web - maybe with Andrews Sam Users page? ( Dan. Welcome to the sam-users mailing list! Please save this message for future reference. Thank you. If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, send the following command in email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: unsubscribe Or you can send mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with the following command in the body of your email message: unsubscribe sam-users [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list, (if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the list itself) send email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> . This is the general rule for most mailing lists when you need to contact a human. This is the "Majordomo" mailing list manager, version 1.94.1. In the description below items contained in []'s are optional. When providing the item, do not include the []'s around it. Items in angle brackets, such as , are meta-symbols that should be replaced by appropriate text without the angle brackets. It understands the following commands: subscribe [] [] Subscribe yourself (or if specified) to the named . unsubscribe [] [] Unsubscribe yourself (or if specified) from the named . "unsubscribe *" will remove you (or ) from all lists. This _may not_ work if you have subscribed using multiple addresses. get [] Get a file related to . index [] Return an index of files you can "get" for . which [] Find out which lists you (or if specified) are on. who [] Find out who is on the named . info [] Retrieve the general introductory information for the named . intro [] Retrieve the introductory message sent to new users. Non-subscribers may not be able to retrieve this. lists Show the lists served by this Majordomo server. help Retrieve this message. end Stop processing commands (useful if your mailer adds a signature). Commands should be sent in the body of an email message to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" or to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". The parameter is only optional if the message is sent to an address of the form "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". Multiple commands can be processed provided each occurs on a separate line. Commands in the "Subject:" line are NOT processed. If you have any questions or problems, please contact "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
RE: who?
> What I meant by that last one was - is it time for another episode of > "Who's on sam-users?" > > Dan? *wakes* wossa? Hokay - I'll fire up the old database and give it a whirl but please consider that it is a) Friday and b) I'm back from the pub and c) Marketing were paying. Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Crashed is back!
> Take a look, and any suggestions would be gladly received. Very nice. > (Currently listening to Steps.) Very bad. :-) Speaking of all things magaziney - when is the next Fred due out - Mal? Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Looked into it yet Mr Bob?
> Huh? Look at the message headers... > > Sam-users emails always come From: whoever posted the message. Depends what comes out the other end of your gateway - when I was at LMU the MS Snail gateway translated everything as coming from 'sam-users-owner', which was really helpful... Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Missing disk error.
> Get thee to Edwin's homepage and use the instructions on how > to create a DPU to... well... create a DPU. Verily, get ye to scurvy knave... Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Sam C & kbhit()
> A bug in Sam C. Don't believe you :-) > An older version doesn't seem to have that bug, so was > suggesting other > people try the older version (if they have it) if they have problems. I always had problems with kbhit(), so I stole the keypress routine from Mr Laundon's ProType... And as if by magic, David appeared! :-) Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Mouse Mania !!
> Anybody wants to connect a PC mouse to the SAM ?? I think so! > All you need is the COMMs interface (with the RS232 part). > And solder a single wire at the connector to make them work (with a > special driver) . > If you have a Microsoft Ballpoint Mouse you even don't have > to solder the wire . (Plug and Play ???) Question time: Does the Comms IF need the 'modification' that has been mentioned every so often (Speaking of which - what is it? [1]) Will this work with normal PS/2 type mice as well? If so then would it be easy to make a 9-pin -> PS/2 converter with said extra wire? A few questions about the driver: 1. Is it a just replacement for the 'mdriver' mouse driver, or will it work with any mouse applications 2. Does the driver support mouse speed/acceleration? This coupled with the PC Keyboard I/F would make moving my Sam into a PC case a lot more attractive. Speaking of which, I remember seeing a bloke at the (now one before) last show - he had his mounted in a mini-tower. How many things are left for a complete metamorphosis? Dan. [1] No mentions of 'White Holes' now... :-)
RE: a
> And does this mean that you're ashamed of our mousse or something? My sister was bitten by a mousse once. No really, mousse bites can be very painful. What's the news from the show then? Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Why bother?
> Though you have a point -- next show's in Seattle -- any takers? We have an office in Seattle. Let me know when you're planning it and I'll ensure the lines into my router get a little bit wobbly :-) Dan.
RE: Glos Show
> >The glos show is week saturday (17th) > > Yes. D'oh! Might not be able to make this one chaps, as I might be overseas. Dan.
> On Tue, 29 Sep 1998 8:59:10 +0000, Dan Doore said: > > These need to be posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED], matey. > > No they don't, they need to be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] BASTARDBASTARDBUGGERANDHELLFIRE! I *knew* it didn't look right after I'd sent it. I always send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and use subscribe sam-users cos it's the only way I can remember, as has just become apparent. Dan.
These need to be posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED], matey. Dan. > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: 29 September 1998 00:35 > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: > > -- > -- > subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: 29 September 1998 00:35 > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: > > -- > -- > unsubscribe
RE: Sam Users List 28th September 1998
> H... Perhaps it's time to send it a Birthday card? > > BTW How long did your clock take to arrive Dan? ;) Oooh, about 24 hours :-) That doesn't mean I've gotten around to actually *soldering* it in yet ;-) Dan.
Sam Users List 28th September 1998
> How about a list member update? ;) Sam Users as of 28 September 1998 08:41 65 subscribers Name Email Address Adrian Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Allan Skillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Andrew Collier [EMAIL PROTECTED] Andrew Gale [EMAIL PROTECTED] Andy Gale [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ben Versteeg [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bill Ritman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bob Brenchley [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chris White [EMAIL PROTECTED] Christof Odenthal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Colin MacDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dan Doore [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dave Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dave Hooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] David Munden [EMAIL PROTECTED] David Zambonini [EMAIL PROTECTED] David Zambonini [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dean Liversidge [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edwin Blink [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fred Publishing [EMAIL PROTECTED] Frode Tennebo [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gary MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gavin Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Gordon Wallis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Graham Goring [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ian Collier [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ian Dalziel [EMAIL PROTECTED] James Curry [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jarek Adamski [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jeff Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED] Johnna Teare [EMAIL PROTECTED] Justin Skists [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kevin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lee Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED] Luke Ferris [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mal MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] Martin/Maria Rookyard [EMAIL PROTECTED] Matthew Craven [EMAIL PROTECTED] Neil Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] Neil Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nev Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] Paul Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Persona [EMAIL PROTECTED] Peter Harkess [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phil Glover [EMAIL PROTECTED] Robert Brady [EMAIL PROTECTED] Robert Van Der Veeke [EMAIL PROTECTED] Simon Cooke [EMAIL PROTECTED] Slawomir Grodkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] Slawomir Grodkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stacey Witney [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stefan Drissen [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stephen Harding [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stewart Skardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tim Paveley [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tim Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wayne Coles [EMAIL PROTECTED] William McGugan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unknowns [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] People who refuse to reveal their identity to the list [EMAIL PROTECTED] You all know the drill, if you spot errors or unforgivable spellings then let me know. Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Who's on?
> Hey Tim/Dan, > > How about a list member update? ;) Cheeky sod! Maybe sometime this week. Dan.
RE: Keyboard
> I wonder what are the chances of getting a new one - or should I > wait until the PC keyboard interface is available? At the last Gloucester show a certain Mr Brenchley had a number of new Sam keyboards on sale... Dan.
RE: The removal to PC cover.
> It looks like ATOM is internal inteface. Nobody wants to explain > details to me... Hokay, the ATOM is an internal IDE interface that connects to the second floppy connector. If you have a 2.5" drive then the whole lot can be fitted (and powered) inside the case, if you have a standard size drive then you will have to dangle the ribbon cable out the back and power it from elsewhere. > Do you have SAMBUS? Nope, I have a three-port APE (Audio, Power & Expansion IIRC) which holds my Comms IF and my Meg. I also have a clock to fit but I haven't gotten around to that yet. > > Did I mention that I have an ATOM with a 1.2Gb Disc in it? :-) > > It is called "gigalomania". ;-) > > Do you use BSDOS with 1500 RECORDs??? Oh yes :-) Dan.
RE: The removal to PC cover.
> > Does anyone have SAM in PC cover? I'm going to do such removal. > > I know of a couple of people who have started doing that I don't > know how far they have gotten though. I saw a bloke at the last Gloucester Show who had his Sam in a mini tower, he had got around the problem of a separate keyboard by wiring up his own set of individual keyswitches and slapping that on the end of a big ribbon cable. It looked a bit mad inside, but worked fine. If whoever was working on the PC Keyboard interface has done one, then I might have to look into stashing my Sam in a new case, since with the amount of stuff dangling off the back and the ATOM inside it's looking a bit cramped. Did I mention that I have an ATOM with a 1.2Gb Disc in it? :-) Dan.
RE: Simple question regarding printer ca
> >>The Sam printer cable is the same as the BBC one - it might > >>be easier to find one of those. > > > > > >Oh no it isn't. > > > > I've always used the lead that came with my BBC and it's > printer with my SAM, and I've never had any problems. I presumed the was to do with the availability, not the type of cable. Dan.
RE: CP/M 2.2 QED
> Hi Yarek, > i think you wouldn't make yourself very popular if you post > binaries to any mailing list or to News. It's better when > you give an email address where the folks can ask for it or > if you give a ftp- or www-address where they can download > it. Indeed, You can FTP files to Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Hello?
> > We've got a Linux box called Cartman. Does that count? :) > > How about this then ... > > Sweet. Dan.
RE: Simple question regarding printer ca
> Where can I buy a SAM printer cable, and at what price? (Other than > Gloucester). The Sam printer cable is the same as the BBC one - it might be easier to find one of those. > Does anyone else hang on to similar old equipment? I hate scrapping such > machines if they still work. I still have my Star LC-10 and I'm not getting rid of that, not for no one :-) Dan.
RE: Hello?
> > > Nah, that's just a touch of pinkeye. > > > > > > Andrew > > > > Worcester Sauce strikes again. > > Hmm, South Park fan by perchance ? Off topic but what the heck... Out Intranet server is called Kenny and some smartie unplugged it's network cables at the weekend rendering it off line. I had the pleasure of logging the following fault with the helpdesk this morning: "They killed Kenny! - You bastards!" :-) Dan.
RE: I'm new here.
> HDOS is good, but could be better, and because of the lack of > co-operation from people on this list there seems little hope of > any advance in the near future. Development on HDOS ceased due to Nev's hard disc going for a burton, if what the big guy told me is true[1] and has absolutely nothing to do with the "non co-operation" of this list. > There is BDOS, which seems from what I've heard, to be good is some > respects but fails because it does not allow you to use the hard drive > as one space. I'll try and add something useful to this comment: BDOS is a modified SAMDOS by Edwin Blink and is designed to operate with single floppy and/or the ATOM hard disc system. BDOS stores 800k disc images as records on the disc and then accesses them as a virtual second disc drive. It uses standard & extended BASIC syntax e.g. RECORD 1 to select records, READ WRITE LOAD SAVE etc.. HDOS is a "truer" disc operating system, but has a few nasty bugs and due to a large chunk of the source being lost[1], further development could be a little bit tricky. HDOS uses CALL statements for disc operations which IIRC are similar to CALL base+16,"program" You may download BDOS from NVG, or [2] Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb: [1] Nev, this is what I understand from our conversation at the last Gloucester show - please let me know if I have the wrong end of the stick. [2] And before anybody asks I have no vested interest in BDOS, I'm just hosting it for Edwin cos I'm top geezer with lots of webspace :-)
> Does anyone has problems using teledisk on a pentium ? > It works on my 486/ 66MHz but on all pentium PCs I tried it > wouldn't work. Yeah, I have to use a Gateway 486 to do Teledisk stuff on, since my P166 usually locks up with TeleNightmare. D.
RE: I'm back (Printed disks)
> Another game I remember that had printing on the plastic case > was ESCAPE FROM > THE PLANET OF ROBOT MONSTERS, and a very neat job they did of > it too. The game was also pretty nifty and colourful... And had no copy protection IIRC. The most impressive case I had was for Lemmings, twas a monster. D.
RE: SIM Coupe for Windows?
> I'm also looking for ideas as to what utility features people would like. One thing I would like to see is support for the Atom/BDOS by viewing a DOS/NTFS directory of DSK's as the file system... D.
RE: SIM Coupe for Windows?
> Ideas? Views? Only that you can bear my children if I can run SimCoupe on NT 4.0 :-) Dan.
RE: reset--disk corrupt problem; where t
> I made a gif picture of my DPU. Is it allowed to send it to list ? As good ol' Brian would say POST NO BINARIES! :-) Can you plonk it on the Web/FTP somewhere - or send it to me and I'll pop it up on my site for people to grab. Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb:
RE: Letter
> So. Why did they have two controllers then? There must have > been a reason. I was reading an old issue of Format, where on Nev's Help Page there was a question about getting the error 'FORMAT DATA LOST' when copying between two drives on the Disciple/PlusD, and this was due to the (single) disc controller getting out of sync. It was mentioned that Sam does not suffer from this because it uses two. Nev might be able to shed more light on the matter, since he wrote the article :-) Dan. Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shirk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] VVeb: