Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-06-25 Thread david

Quoting the wub :

Great work Chris, I'm another person looking forward to playing
Hitchhikers on the Sam.


Its a great game,but if you can get out of the vogon hold without  
cheating you deserve a prize!

On 5/30/14, Chris Pile  wrote:

The date on the letter/instructions I sent to Brian to accompanying the
was March 1993.  So, yep, 21 years old!  They were cheap bulk-buy
disks too, so it's amazing the data survived!

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-06-25 Thread david

Quoting Chris Pile :

Hi Howard,

On 28/05/2014 22:57, Balor Price wrote:
Wow, Chris this looks exceptional.  I really wish I knew more about  
CP/M already, but the amount

of logical disks available just on SDHC cards just blew my mind.

 I know what you mean - probably a little bit of overkill really! ;-)

Intriguing final comment too - you have more fun projects coming as  
well?  Happy birthday Sam...

 I've picked up a project I started around 16 years ago, and I'm a good
way though it.  Sadly I haven't done anything with it for a month or so
as I've kind of lost motivation really.  :-(  Need to give myself a kick
up the arse and push on to a finish!

Well done Chris, this is the first thing I will be installing when my  
PC is back up and running again!

RE: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-31 Thread steven
There is a copy of the cp/m 2.2 manual here

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Chris Pile
Sent: 31 May 2014 21:01
Subject: Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

> On 31/05/2014 19:42, Tommo H wrote:
> I'm late to the party but congratulations from me!
Thank you!
>Now we can all more easily word process just like George R.R. Martin.
I think I'd still sooner user a PC these days!  ;-)
> Presumably you've got, or once had, some real, physical documents?
The original version of Pro-DOS was written before the large amount of 
reference material now available on the 'net.  Back in 1991 my local reference 
library had a copy of the original CP/M 2.2 user manual, so I photocopied the 
"System Interface" section and used those photocopies as my reference material. 
It was all I had to go on at the time.  I no longer have those photocopied 
sheets.  Today there is far more CP/M reference material available, including 
the original CP/M 2.2 user manual as a .PDF.  As with *all* of the programs I 
have ever written it was all trial and error really!  Certainly no formal 
methods and no real planning.  I just wrote the code as I went along.  
Something I've always done and still do!
One website I found useful for technical reference was:
Perhaps the biggest difference between doing this rewrite and writing the 
original back in 1991 was the availability of CP/M programs with which to 
perform system testing.  Back in '91 I relied on CP/M test programs collected 
by Wayne Weedon, with many of those arriving on floppy disks from software 
libraries in the US.  For this rewrite I had access to the huge "OAK" and 
"WALNUT CREEK" archive CDs which are both freely available on-line.  These gave 
me much more scope for CP/M 2.2 compatibility testing.
It might be worth remembering that Pro-DOS isn't actually CP/M 2.2 but rather 
my interpretation of it.
For example, it doesn't have separate BIOS/BDOS sections like "real" CP/M and 
is pretty much all one
large(ish) program.
These days I imagine it would be far simpler to take the original CP/M 2.2 and 
get that running on the SAM.  But "cheating" by using other people's code has 
never been for me.  Perhaps I'm a masochist!
In the future I'll be sticking to games.  Far simpler, and no need to write a 
user manual either!  ;-)

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-31 Thread Chris Pile

On 31/05/2014 19:42, Tommo H wrote:
I'm late to the party but congratulations from me!
Thank you!

Now we can all more easily word process just like George R.R. Martin.
I think I'd still sooner user a PC these days!  ;-)

Presumably you've got, or once had, some real, physical documents?
The original version of Pro-DOS was written before the large amount of reference material now available

on the 'net.  Back in 1991 my local reference library had a copy of the 
original CP/M 2.2 user manual,
so I photocopied the "System Interface" section and used those photocopies as 
my reference material. It
was all I had to go on at the time.  I no longer have those photocopied sheets. 
 Today there is far more
CP/M reference material available, including the original CP/M 2.2 user manual 
as a .PDF.  As with *all*
of the programs I have ever written it was all trial and error really!  
Certainly no formal methods and
no real planning.  I just wrote the code as I went along.  Something I've 
always done and still do!
One website I found useful for technical reference was:
Perhaps the biggest difference between doing this rewrite and writing the original back in 1991 was the

availability of CP/M programs with which to perform system testing.  Back in 
'91 I relied on CP/M test
programs collected by Wayne Weedon, with many of those arriving on floppy disks 
from software libraries
in the US.  For this rewrite I had access to the huge "OAK" and "WALNUT CREEK" 
archive CDs which are
both freely available on-line.  These gave me much more scope for CP/M 2.2 
compatibility testing.
It might be worth remembering that Pro-DOS isn't actually CP/M 2.2 but rather my interpretation of it.

For example, it doesn't have separate BIOS/BDOS sections like "real" CP/M and 
is pretty much all one
large(ish) program.
These days I imagine it would be far simpler to take the original CP/M 2.2 and get that running on the

SAM.  But "cheating" by using other people's code has never been for me.  
Perhaps I'm a masochist!
In the future I'll be sticking to games.  Far simpler, and no need to write a user manual either!  ;-)

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-31 Thread Tommo H
I'm late to the party but congratulations from me! Now we can all more
easily word process just like George R.R. Martin.

I've been reimplementing CP/M for a non-Sam platform on and off; as
it's also now relevant here can you comment on which CP/M reference
resources you'd recommend? There are some voluminous pages near the
top on Google but they all seem to leave certain ambiguities

Presumably you've got, or once had, some real, physical documents?

On 31 May 2014, at 10:31, the wub  wrote:

> Great work Chris, I'm another person looking forward to playing
> Hitchhikers on the Sam.
> Thanks!
> On 5/30/14, Chris Pile  wrote:
>> The date on the letter/instructions I sent to Brian to accompanying the
>> disks
>> was March 1993.  So, yep, 21 years old!  They were cheap bulk-buy
>> non-branded
>> disks too, so it's amazing the data survived!

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-31 Thread the wub
Great work Chris, I'm another person looking forward to playing
Hitchhikers on the Sam.


On 5/30/14, Chris Pile  wrote:
> The date on the letter/instructions I sent to Brian to accompanying the
> disks
> was March 1993.  So, yep, 21 years old!  They were cheap bulk-buy
> non-branded
> disks too, so it's amazing the data survived!

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-30 Thread Chris Pile

The date on the letter/instructions I sent to Brian to accompanying the disks
was March 1993.  So, yep, 21 years old!  They were cheap bulk-buy non-branded
disks too, so it's amazing the data survived!

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Wayne Weedon

On 29/05/2014 13:26, Chris Pile wrote:

Cheers Wayne,

I wouldn't have given a Pro-DOS rewrite a second thought if you hadn't
managed to reclaim
my original source disks - so thanks for that...  I think!  ;-)

On 28/05/2014 23:15, Wayne Weedon wrote:
Well done Chris.
Will take a look when I get some time this weekend.


Well frankly it's a little miracle that we were able to extract non 
corrupted data off those old floppies.  How old they were I have no idea.

Over 20 years I would imagine.


RE: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Stefan Drissen
Ahem... yes - just before reading this I opened the hh.cpm image as disk 1
in SimCoupe by accident and it worked...  Cheers.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Chris Pile
Sent: donderdag 29 mei 2014 14:26
Subject: Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

Hi Stefan,
> On 28/05/2014 23:37, Stefan Drissen wrote:
> Cool! Not that I’ve ever used it, but just booted it into simcoupe and 
> it worked instantly
> However – after skimming through the manual – how do I read from a .cpm
image (using simcoupe)?
> I opened the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy .cpm as floppy 2.
> A0>B:
> B0>DIR
> 256 entries of ?.??? files are shown
That's because drive B: is actually the left floppy - or "floppy 1" in
SimCoupé!  So you're trying to DIR a standard SAM format disk - in fact
probably the Pro-DOS boot disk.  The 256 .??? DIR entries is
standard response to an "unknown" format - as far as CP/M goes.
> B0>A:
> A0>fatread b:
> That disk doesn’t appear to be fat12/16/32 formatted.
Because it's not!  It's most likely a SAM format disk!  ;-)
The drive layout on a SAM with two floppy drives as seen by a freshly booted
Pro-DOS v2.0 is:
Drive A - Internal RAM drive
Drive B - Left-hand floppy drive on a real SAM (floppy 1 in SimCoupé) Drive
C - Right-hand floppy drive on a real SAM (floppy 2 in SimCoupé)
So to run HHGTTG if you loaded the .CPM image to "floppy 2" in SimCoupé
means you should have moved to drive C: and not drive B:  Of course you
could also use the SWAP command to switch the drives around if you so wish.
So Drive C: could be Drive A: or any other drive on your system.
Note to everyone reading this:  The manual tells you all of this...  So it's
well worth reading at least once!  ;-)
> On another note - how does it play with z88dk – which has a CPM 
> target? (which I’ve also never really used since I don’t do C, but it
fascinates me and I had some fun getting it to build).
I'm not a 'C' programmer either, so have never heard of or played with
z88dk.  However, if its target builds are generic CP/M 2.2 then I see no
reason why the builds wouldn't work.  I might have a look later and see.  I
think I could just about manage a "Hello World" program in 'C'!

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Chris Pile

Hi Stefan,

On 28/05/2014 23:37, Stefan Drissen wrote:
Cool! Not that I’ve ever used it, but just booted it into simcoupe and it 
worked instantly

However – after skimming through the manual – how do I read from a .cpm image 
(using simcoupe)?
I opened the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy .cpm as floppy 2.



256 entries of ?.??? files are shown
That's because drive B: is actually the left floppy - or "floppy 1" in SimCoupé!  So you're

trying to DIR a standard SAM format disk - in fact probably the Pro-DOS boot 
disk.  The 256
.??? DIR entries is standard response to an "unknown" format - as far 
as CP/M goes.


A0>fatread b:

That disk doesn’t appear to be fat12/16/32 formatted.
Because it's not!  It's most likely a SAM format disk!  ;-)
The drive layout on a SAM with two floppy drives as seen by a freshly booted Pro-DOS v2.0 is:
Drive A - Internal RAM drive

Drive B - Left-hand floppy drive on a real SAM (floppy 1 in SimCoupé)
Drive C - Right-hand floppy drive on a real SAM (floppy 2 in SimCoupé)
So to run HHGTTG if you loaded the .CPM image to "floppy 2" in SimCoupé means you should have

moved to drive C: and not drive B:  Of course you could also use the SWAP 
command to switch the
drives around if you so wish.  So Drive C: could be Drive A: or any other drive 
on your system.
Note to everyone reading this:  The manual tells you all of this...  So it's well worth reading

at least once!  ;-)

On another note - how does it play with z88dk – which has a CPM target? (which 
I’ve also never
really used since I don’t do C, but it fascinates me and I had some fun getting 
it to build).
I'm not a 'C' programmer either, so have never heard of or played with z88dk.  However, if its

target builds are generic CP/M 2.2 then I see no reason why the builds wouldn't 
work.  I might
have a look later and see.  I think I could just about manage a "Hello World" 
program in 'C'!


Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Chris Pile

Hi Marcos,

On 29/05/2014 09:31, Marcos Cruz wrote:
I have used v1.9 several times in order to try CP/M programs.  I've just
tried v2.0 with SimCoupe, following the manual step by step (except the
hardware interfaces), and it works great. The feeling is it's a
different system than v1.9, more powerful and comfortable. I find it
very impressive. Congratulations.
Thank you!  That was the feeling I was aiming for, so I'm glad you think it so!

I remember you saying you were interested in CP/M text adventures?  Well v2.0
makes playing them a whole lot smoother/slicker.  Let's face it, forget all the
office stuff - it's text adventures that CP/M was really designed for.  ;-)

I find the manual clear and detailed. But anyway I'm not a native speaker :)
That's good to know - thanks!

Thank you for all this work.
You're most welcome - we've got to keep the SAM alive!


Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Chris Pile

Cheers Wayne,
I wouldn't have given a Pro-DOS rewrite a second thought if you hadn't managed to reclaim

my original source disks - so thanks for that...  I think!  ;-)

On 28/05/2014 23:15, Wayne Weedon wrote:
Well done Chris.
Will take a look when I get some time this weekend.

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Chris Pile

Hi Howard,

On 28/05/2014 22:57, Balor Price wrote:
Wow, Chris this looks exceptional.  I really wish I knew more about CP/M 
already, but the amount
of logical disks available just on SDHC cards just blew my mind.
I know what you mean - probably a little bit of overkill really! ;-)

Intriguing final comment too - you have more fun projects coming as well?  
Happy birthday Sam...
I've picked up a project I started around 16 years ago, and I'm a good

way though it.  Sadly I haven't done anything with it for a month or so
as I've kind of lost motivation really.  :-(  Need to give myself a kick
up the arse and push on to a finish!


RE: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread steven
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy .cpm is a disk formatted to the cp/m


Best version to play with pro-dos is





From: [] On
Behalf Of Stefan Drissen
Sent: 28 May 2014 23:38
Subject: RE: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released


Cool! Not that I've ever used it, but just booted it into simcoupe and it
worked instantly J 


However - after skimming through the manual - how do I read from a .cpm
image (using simcoupe)? I opened the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy .cpm
as floppy 2.





256 entries of ?.??? files are shown

256 Files, 706k free.



A0>fatread b:


That disk doesn't appear to be fat12/16/32 formatted.






On another note - how does it play with z88dk - which has a CPM target?
(which I've also never really used since I don't do C, but it fascinates me
and I had some fun getting it to build).








From: [] On
Behalf Of Chris Pile
Sent: woensdag 28 mei 2014 22:29
Subject: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released


Hi Folks,
Some of you may remember last year I mentioned I was rewriting Pro-DOS?
Well, it's now finished and Steve (SPT) has kindly provided a permanent
home for it on his Pro-DOS website.  You can grab a copy of v2.0 here:
I've tried to make v2.0 look and feel more professional and polished than
its older relative, and several areas dealing with CP/M 2.2 compatibility
have been improved.  A large portion of the rewrite was spent developing
"official" mass-storage support for the ATOM-Lite and Trinity interfaces.
Much needed attention was given to the performance and responsiveness too,
which was an area that has been begging for a kick up the arse since 1991!
There is now no reason to use Pro-DOS <= v1.9.  Pro-DOS v2.0 was designed
to supersede all previous versions, including the "unofficial" ATOM-Lite
(AL-Patch) version.  Pro-DOS v2.0 is now the "official" ATOM-Lite (CF) and
Trinity (MMC/SD/SDHC) version.
Inside the release .ZIP you will find a .DSK image and also a .PDF copy of
the user manual.  The user manual has also received a complete rewrite, so
please take the time to read it as there are a number of additional features
found in Pro-DOS v2.0 not found in previous versions.  Most of the features
will not be immediately obvious until you read the manual!
Apologies if the user manual is a little difficult to read or grammatically
awkward.  I'm a not a user-manual author, which will become all too clear!
However, I hope the information is clear enough to introduce the additional
features Pro-DOS v2.0 has to offer over its predecessor.
Here is a list of "highlights" taken from the updated user manual:

*   Better CP/M 2.2 compatibility
*   Up to eight simultaneously visible disk drives - Drives A: through
to H:
*   CompactFlash support using the ATOM-Lite (right-hand drive bay)
*   Dual CF adapter support in the ATOM-Lite - seen as two separate
*   MMC/SD/SDHC flash support using Quazar's Trinity Ethernet Interface
*   100% compatible with the AL-Patch format used by AL-Pro-DOS v1.9
*   Pro-DOS can optionally boot from its own format 720k CP/M disks
*   If your SAM has an AL-BOOT ROM Pro-DOS can also boot from CF cards
*   Up to 64-Gigabytes (65535 logical disks) on CF/MMC/SD/SDHC cards
*   Will use any external RAM packs to provide up to four 1MB RAM Drives
*   Improved performance, with particular attention paid to screen
*   More accurate Heath/Zenith H19/Z19/DEC VT52 terminal emulation
*   Better command-line editing functions
*   Command-line can accept user areas - so DIR A4:*.COM is valid
*   Can simultaneously change drives and user areas at the command
*   MS-DOS-like command history buffer for the eight most recent
*   Retro green-screen look with funky flashing cursor - changeable of
*   Will save/restore your chosen screen colours to/from the Trinity
*   System bell sound makes a better "ding" and no longer pauses the
*   The DIR command now outputs in alphabetically sorted columns
*   Better memory use to allow v2.0 to retain v1.9's internal RAM Drive
*   A large (63238 byte) Transient Program Area for external programs 
*   The separate system files disk used by v1.9 is no longer required
*   All system files are pre-installed to the internal RAM Drive at boot
*   COPY and DUMP commands are now built-in, and not external programs 
*   All internal commands accept wildcards, including REName and COPY

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-29 Thread Marcos Cruz
En/Je/On 2014-05-28 21:29, Chris Pile escribió / skribis / wrote :

>I've tried to make v2.0 look and feel more professional and
>polished than its older relative, 

I have used v1.9 several times in order to try CP/M programs.  I've just
tried v2.0 with SimCoupe, following the manual step by step (except the
hardware interfaces), and it works great. The feeling is it's a
different system than v1.9, more powerful and comfortable. I find it
very impressive. Congratulations.

>Apologies if the user manual is a little difficult to read or
>grammatically awkward.

I find the manual clear and detailed. But anyway I'm not a native
speaker :)

Thank you for all this work.

Marcos Cruz

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-28 Thread Wayne Weedon

On 28/05/2014 21:29, Chris Pile wrote:

Hi Folks,

Some of you may remember last year I mentioned I was rewriting Pro-DOS?

Well done Chris.

Will take a look when I get some time this weekend.


RE: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-28 Thread Stefan Drissen
Cool! Not that I've ever used it, but just booted it into simcoupe and it
worked instantly J 


However - after skimming through the manual - how do I read from a .cpm
image (using simcoupe)? I opened the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy .cpm
as floppy 2.





256 entries of ?.??? files are shown

256 Files, 706k free.



A0>fatread b:


That disk doesn't appear to be fat12/16/32 formatted.






On another note - how does it play with z88dk - which has a CPM target?
(which I've also never really used since I don't do C, but it fascinates me
and I had some fun getting it to build).








From: [] On
Behalf Of Chris Pile
Sent: woensdag 28 mei 2014 22:29
Subject: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released


Hi Folks,
Some of you may remember last year I mentioned I was rewriting Pro-DOS?
Well, it's now finished and Steve (SPT) has kindly provided a permanent
home for it on his Pro-DOS website.  You can grab a copy of v2.0 here:
I've tried to make v2.0 look and feel more professional and polished than
its older relative, and several areas dealing with CP/M 2.2 compatibility
have been improved.  A large portion of the rewrite was spent developing
"official" mass-storage support for the ATOM-Lite and Trinity interfaces.
Much needed attention was given to the performance and responsiveness too,
which was an area that has been begging for a kick up the arse since 1991!
There is now no reason to use Pro-DOS <= v1.9.  Pro-DOS v2.0 was designed
to supersede all previous versions, including the "unofficial" ATOM-Lite
(AL-Patch) version.  Pro-DOS v2.0 is now the "official" ATOM-Lite (CF) and
Trinity (MMC/SD/SDHC) version.
Inside the release .ZIP you will find a .DSK image and also a .PDF copy of
the user manual.  The user manual has also received a complete rewrite, so
please take the time to read it as there are a number of additional features
found in Pro-DOS v2.0 not found in previous versions.  Most of the features
will not be immediately obvious until you read the manual!
Apologies if the user manual is a little difficult to read or grammatically
awkward.  I'm a not a user-manual author, which will become all too clear!
However, I hope the information is clear enough to introduce the additional
features Pro-DOS v2.0 has to offer over its predecessor.
Here is a list of "highlights" taken from the updated user manual:

*   Better CP/M 2.2 compatibility
*   Up to eight simultaneously visible disk drives - Drives A: through
to H:
*   CompactFlash support using the ATOM-Lite (right-hand drive bay)
*   Dual CF adapter support in the ATOM-Lite - seen as two separate
*   MMC/SD/SDHC flash support using Quazar's Trinity Ethernet Interface
*   100% compatible with the AL-Patch format used by AL-Pro-DOS v1.9
*   Pro-DOS can optionally boot from its own format 720k CP/M disks
*   If your SAM has an AL-BOOT ROM Pro-DOS can also boot from CF cards
*   Up to 64-Gigabytes (65535 logical disks) on CF/MMC/SD/SDHC cards
*   Will use any external RAM packs to provide up to four 1MB RAM Drives
*   Improved performance, with particular attention paid to screen
*   More accurate Heath/Zenith H19/Z19/DEC VT52 terminal emulation
*   Better command-line editing functions
*   Command-line can accept user areas - so DIR A4:*.COM is valid
*   Can simultaneously change drives and user areas at the command
*   MS-DOS-like command history buffer for the eight most recent
*   Retro green-screen look with funky flashing cursor - changeable of
*   Will save/restore your chosen screen colours to/from the Trinity
*   System bell sound makes a better "ding" and no longer pauses the
*   The DIR command now outputs in alphabetically sorted columns
*   Better memory use to allow v2.0 to retain v1.9's internal RAM Drive
*   A large (63238 byte) Transient Program Area for external programs 
*   The separate system files disk used by v1.9 is no longer required
*   All system files are pre-installed to the internal RAM Drive at boot
*   COPY and DUMP commands are now built-in, and not external programs 
*   All internal commands accept wildcards, including REName and COPY
*   Ability to software-swap a pair of drives, so A: can be B: and vice
*   FATREAD.COM for importing files from PC formatted FAT12/16/32 media

v2.0 is more like the version I should have written back in 1991!  And with
that in mind it's probably time to move on to other (more fun) SAM projects!

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-28 Thread Balor Price
Wow, Chris this looks exceptional.  I really wish I knew more about CP/M 
already, but the amount of logical disks available just on SDHC cards 
just blew my mind. Intriguing final comment too - you have more fun 
projects coming as well?  Happy birthday Sam...


On 28/05/2014 21:29, Chris Pile wrote:

Hi Folks,

Some of you may remember last year I mentioned I was rewriting Pro-DOS?

Well, it's now finished and Steve (SPT) has kindly provided a permanent
home for it on his Pro-DOS website.  You can grab a copy of v2.0 here:

I've tried to make v2.0 look and feel more professional and polished than
its older relative, and several areas dealing with CP/M 2.2 compatibility
have been improved.  A large portion of the rewrite was spent developing
"/official/" mass-storage support for the ATOM-Lite and Trinity 

Much needed attention was given to the performance and responsiveness too,
which was an area that has been begging for a kick up the arse since 1991!

There is now no reason to use Pro-DOS <= v1.9.  Pro-DOS v2.0 was designed
to supersede _/*all*/_ previous versions, including the 
"/un//official/" ATOM-Lite
(AL-Patch) version.  Pro-DOS v2.0 is now the "/official/" ATOM-Lite 
(CF) and

Trinity (MMC/SD/SDHC) version.

Inside the release .ZIP you will find a *.DSK* image and also a *.PDF* 
copy of

the user manual.  The user manual has also received a complete rewrite, so
please take the time to read it as there are a number of additional 
found in Pro-DOS v2.0 not found in previous versions.  Most of the 

will not be immediately obvious until you read the manual!

Apologies if the user manual is a little difficult to read or 

awkward.  I'm a not a user-manual author, which will become all too clear!
However, I hope the information is clear enough to introduce the 

features Pro-DOS v2.0 has to offer over its predecessor.

Here is a list of "/highlights/" taken from the updated user manual:

  * Better CP/M 2.2 compatibility
  * Up to eight simultaneously visible disk drives - Drives *A:*
through to *H:*
  * CompactFlash support using the ATOM-Lite (right-hand drive bay)
  * Dual CF adapter support in the ATOM-Lite - seen as two separate drives
  * MMC/SD/SDHC flash support using Quazar's Trinity Ethernet Interface
  * 100% compatible with the /AL-Patch /format used by AL-Pro-DOS v1.9
  * Pro-DOS can optionally boot from its own format 720k CP/M disks
  * If your SAM has an AL-BOOT ROM Pro-DOS can also boot from CF cards
  * Up to 64-Gigabytes (65535 /logical disks/) on CF/MMC/SD/SDHC cards
  * Will use any external RAM packs to provide up to four 1MB RAM Drives
  * Improved performance, with particular attention paid to screen output
  * More accurate /Heath/Zenith H19/Z19/DEC VT52/ terminal emulation
  * Better command-line editing functions
  * Command-line can accept user areas - so */DIR A4:*.COM/* is valid
  * Can simultaneously change drives and user areas at the command prompt
  * MS-DOS-like command history buffer for the eight most recent commands
  * Retro /green-screen/ look with funky flashing cursor - changeable
of course!
  * Will save/restore your chosen screen colours to/from the Trinity
  * System bell sound makes a better "/ding/" and no longer pauses the
  * The */DIR/* command now outputs in alphabetically sorted columns
  * Better memory use to allow v2.0 to retain v1.9's internal RAM
Drive sizes
  * A large (63238 byte) *T*ransient *P*rogram *A*rea for external
  * The separate /system files/ disk used by v1.9 is no longer required
  * All /system files/ are pre-installed to the internal RAM Drive at boot
  * */COPY/*//and */DUMP/* commands are now built-in, and not external
  * All internal commands accept wildcards, including */REN/*ame and
  * Ability to software-swap a pair of drives, so */A:/* can be */B:/*
and vice versa
  * */FATREAD.COM/*for importing files from PC formatted /FAT12/16/32/

v2.0 is more like the version I should have written back in 1991!  And 
that in mind it's probably time to move on to other (more fun) SAM 


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Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-28 Thread Chris Pile

Hi Folks,

Some of you may remember last year I mentioned I was rewriting Pro-DOS?

Well, it's now finished and Steve (SPT) has kindly provided a permanent
home for it on his Pro-DOS website.  You can grab a copy of v2.0 here:

I've tried to make v2.0 look and feel more professional and polished than
its older relative, and several areas dealing with CP/M 2.2 compatibility
have been improved.  A large portion of the rewrite was spent developing
"/official/" mass-storage support for the ATOM-Lite and Trinity interfaces.

Much needed attention was given to the performance and responsiveness too,
which was an area that has been begging for a kick up the arse since 1991!

There is now no reason to use Pro-DOS <= v1.9.  Pro-DOS v2.0 was designed
to supersede _/*all*/_ previous versions, including the "/un//official/" 
(AL-Patch) version.  Pro-DOS v2.0 is now the "/official/" ATOM-Lite (CF) and
Trinity (MMC/SD/SDHC) version.

Inside the release .ZIP you will find a *.DSK* image and also a *.PDF* copy of
the user manual.  The user manual has also received a complete rewrite, so
please take the time to read it as there are a number of additional features
found in Pro-DOS v2.0 not found in previous versions.  Most of the features
will not be immediately obvious until you read the manual!

Apologies if the user manual is a little difficult to read or grammatically
awkward.  I'm a not a user-manual author, which will become all too clear!
However, I hope the information is clear enough to introduce the additional
features Pro-DOS v2.0 has to offer over its predecessor.

Here is a list of "/highlights/" taken from the updated user manual:

 * Better CP/M 2.2 compatibility
 * Up to eight simultaneously visible disk drives - Drives *A:* through to *H:*
 * CompactFlash support using the ATOM-Lite (right-hand drive bay)
 * Dual CF adapter support in the ATOM-Lite - seen as two separate drives
 * MMC/SD/SDHC flash support using Quazar's Trinity Ethernet Interface
 * 100% compatible with the /AL-Patch /format used by AL-Pro-DOS v1.9
 * Pro-DOS can optionally boot from its own format 720k CP/M disks
 * If your SAM has an AL-BOOT ROM Pro-DOS can also boot from CF cards
 * Up to 64-Gigabytes (65535 /logical disks/) on CF/MMC/SD/SDHC cards
 * Will use any external RAM packs to provide up to four 1MB RAM Drives
 * Improved performance, with particular attention paid to screen output
 * More accurate /Heath/Zenith H19/Z19/DEC VT52/ terminal emulation
 * Better command-line editing functions
 * Command-line can accept user areas - so */DIR A4:*.COM/* is valid
 * Can simultaneously change drives and user areas at the command prompt
 * MS-DOS-like command history buffer for the eight most recent commands
 * Retro /green-screen/ look with funky flashing cursor - changeable of course!
 * Will save/restore your chosen screen colours to/from the Trinity EEPROM
 * System bell sound makes a better "/ding/" and no longer pauses the system
 * The */DIR/* command now outputs in alphabetically sorted columns
 * Better memory use to allow v2.0 to retain v1.9's internal RAM Drive sizes
 * A large (63238 byte) *T*ransient *P*rogram *A*rea for external programs
 * The separate /system files/ disk used by v1.9 is no longer required
 * All /system files/ are pre-installed to the internal RAM Drive at boot
 * */COPY/*//and */DUMP/* commands are now built-in, and not external programs
 * All internal commands accept wildcards, including */REN/*ame and */COPY/*
 * Ability to software-swap a pair of drives, so */A:/* can be */B:/* and vice 
 * */FATREAD.COM/*for importing files from PC formatted /FAT12/16/32/ media

v2.0 is more like the version I should have written back in 1991!  And with
that in mind it's probably time to move on to other (more fun) SAM projects!
