Re: [Samba] Printing problem

2003-01-17 Thread Joel Hammer
Please see my other post for commments about your logs.

I can't write you directly because your mail server rejects my mail
server (I run sendmail on my linux box), so I have to talk to you only via
the samba list.

It might be nice not to send logs in word format. They are a bit of a
nuisance to reformat to plain text. They are also 4x as big. Save the
planet. Conserve bandwidth! 

Geez. Sheltered mail servers. Word documents. What have I gotten myself


On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 02:19:09PM -0500, daulton theodore wrote:
> Joel. I was not sure what to look for or send as a response so I have captured
> sessions for user1 and user2 with the following steps: start daemon, login as
> client (user1 and user2), poen Windows Explorer, locate the file, open the
> file, print the file (Wordpad: File > Print), close the file, close explorer,
> log off, kill the daemon processes. I am attaching the smbd and client log
> files for each session. Hope this is not overkill.
> Thanks for your help!
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Re: [Samba] Printing problem

2003-01-17 Thread Joel Hammer
Well, this may not seem like much, but, I looked at your logs. The smblogs
looked identical. The client logs had only these differences.

param/loadparm.c:lp_add_home(1890) adding home directory user2 at /files1/test
 smbd/service.c:make_connection(610) simplewkstn ( connect to service 
IPC$ as user nobody (uid=60001, gid=60001) (pid 13042)
 smbd/service.c:make_connection(610) simplewkstn ( connect to service 
IPC$ as user user2 (uid=1548, gid=3000) (pid 12970)

The first and last line come from user2's log. What this means is that
user2 and user1 are not being treated identically by samba.
So, find out why user2 adds a home directory and user1 doesn't, and find out
why user1 is treated as nobody when he logs onto the IPC$ (whatever that is)
and user2 is logged on as user2.


n Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 02:19:09PM -0500, daulton theodore wrote:
> Joel. I was not sure what to look for or send as a response so I have captured
> sessions for user1 and user2 with the following steps: start daemon, login as
> client (user1 and user2), poen Windows Explorer, locate the file, open the
> file, print the file (Wordpad: File > Print), close the file, close explorer,
> log off, kill the daemon processes. I am attaching the smbd and client log
> files for each session. Hope this is not overkill.
> Thanks for your help!
> Joel Hammer wrote:
> > Well, since one of three can print, it suggests a client configuration
> > problem.
> > What error is being reported?
> > What do the smb log say?
> >
> > Joel
> >
> > On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 02:08:34PM -0500, daulton theodore wrote:
> > > I currently have Samba set up in a test environment. Samba is installed
> > > and running on a Unix box, Solaris 8. I have one workstation which I use
> > > to access it. I have created three identical users: User1, User2, User3.
> > > I have a printer installed on the Unix box. All three users can see the
> > > shares (including the printer) while browsing the tree. The problem is
> > > when I login to the workstation as User1 printing works just fine but I
> > > have no success printing as User2 or User3. Any suggestions on how to
> > > resolve this? Here's a copy of my smb.conf.
> > >
> > > # Global parameters
> > > [globals]
> > >netbios name  = HYDRA
> > >server string = Samba %v on Netbios (%L), DNS hostname (%h)
> > >workgroup = SIMPLE
> > >
> > >dead time = 5
> > >encrypt passwords = yes
> > >passwd chat = "*New Password:*" %n\r "*New password (again):*" %n\r
> > > "*Password changed*"
> > >passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
> > >smb passwd file   = /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd
> > >
> > >invalid users = root daemon bin sys adm lp listen sshd\
> > >erl webspirs samba rob jan daulton
> > >auto services = user1
> > >browsable = no
> > >writeable = yes
> > >
> > > #  Debug Logging information
> > >log level = 3
> > >log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
> > >max log size = 100
> > >debug timestamp = yes
> > >
> > >
> > > #  printing stuff
> > >printing  = SYSV
> > > #   printcap name = lpstat
> > >printcap name = /usr/local/samba/lib/printcap
> > >load printers = yes
> > >use client driver = yes
> > >
> > >
> > > # 
> > > # [homes] User Home Directories]
> > > # [user1] and [user2] commented
> > > # ---
> > > [homes]
> > > #   comment = "Home Directory for : %U "
> > >comment = "%U "
> > >path = /files1/%g/%U
> > >guest ok = no
> > >read only = no
> > >create mode = 740
> > >writable = yes
> > >browseable = yes
> > >
> > > [deptshr]
> > >comment = "%g Shared Directory"
> > >comment = "%g Shared Directory"
> > >path = /files1/%g/common
> > >guest ok = yes
> > >valid users = @smbuser
> > >read only = no
> > >create mask = 0770
> > >directory mask = 0770
> > >writable = yes
> > >browseable = yes
> > >
> > > [usrdata]
> > >path= /files1/test
> > >browseable  = yes
> > >comment = Data Drive
> > >volume  = Sample-Data-Drive
> > >writeable   = yes
> > >valid users = user1
> > >guest ok= no
> > >
> > > [public]
> > >comment = " Common shared directory"
> > >path = /files1/usrshare
> > >valid users = @smbuser
> > >browseable = yes
> > >writeable = yes
> > >create mode = 0777
> > >directory mode = 0777
> > >guest ok = yes
> > >
> > > [apps]
> > >comment = apps folder
> > >path = /files1/apps
> > >browseable = yes
> > >writeable = no
> > >write list = @smbuser
> > >
> > > [printers]
> > >comment = "Printers"
> > >path = /tmp
> > >printable = yes
> > >create mask = 0700
> > >browseable = yes
> > >public = yes
> > >guest ok = yes
> > >print ok = yes
> > > #   load printers = yes
> > >
> > >
> > > [lasersys]
> > >commen

[Samba] Known error - missing user directories

2003-01-17 Thread Jim
I know this is a well known problem but I would dearly love to know what 
causes it.  I mess with the ldap (I'm using an ldap backend) settings 
and I wind up without any user directories.


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[Samba] Re: Samba-LDAP - Getting Computer accounts to live in ou=Computers

2003-01-17 Thread Jim
Ah, but not *that* funny since 2.2.7a just ate my user directories.
Fortunately this system is just for ldap/samba experimentation. :-/

Still I would give my eyeteeth to know what causes that.

If you enter at windows login prompt a specific secret username and
passphrase, samba will eat your whole LDAP. ;-)
Seriously, I'm not aware of critical bugs that the samba developers keep
in samba with knowlege.

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Re: [Samba] Postscript printer PS-Logfile

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Andre Dieball wrote:

> Hello
> I have the following strage problem here.
> I have the following smb.conf:
> ---cut---
> the following happens "sometimes", which means approximately 3 - 5 times
> a day:
> A user prints over the printer pdf, but the saved postscript file is not
> actually a postscript, it's a text-file with the content of the machines
> logfile from /var/log/samba/$m. So it seams, that samba takes the wrong
> input to write the file .. ?!?!?!?!
> Of course, after that, ps2pdf can't create the propper pdf and the
> client get's an empty pdf (323 bytes).
> When I restart the samba deamons (/etc/init.d/samba/restart) everything
> works fine again until the next time ..
> Everything else works, so the customer can look into the /shr share or
> what ever .
> Clients are W2k and WinXP Pro

What server OS?  Can you reproduce this with Samba 2.2.7a?

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

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Comment: For info see


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Re: [Samba] Why ADS if I can join the ADS domain as an NT 4 server?

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Chere Zhou wrote:

> Hello, all,
> I can not easily find an answer to this question: why do we need samba 3.0 to 
> join an ADS, if samba 2.x can join the ADS domain just as well, even though 
> the PDC is in native mode?  What's the benefit for samba 3.0 to be a member 
> of ADS?  What restrictions I have if joining samba 2.x to the domain as an 
> NT4 server?

Samba 3.0 will speak kerberos & LDAP when communicating with a Win2k DC.

cheers, jerry 
- --
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

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Comment: For info see


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[Samba] IIS, ASP, and File Change Notification

2003-01-17 Thread Hal Roberts
I'm running IIS5 on windows 2000 with the root web directory mapped to a samba 
directory.  Everything works great except for IIS's asp caching.  Unless I 
explicitly disable asp script file caching, IIS refuses to invalidate cached 
asp files without a reboot.  Research, including the following MS kb entry, 
indicates that the problem is that IIS is not getting the file change 
notification from samba:;en-us;281253

I traced the code in notify.c and verified that samba is noticing the file 
change and sending off a notification to IIS, but IIS is evidently not 
recognizing the message.

Any idea what's going on?

Following is my compile configuration and my smb.conf.  I'm running samba 
2.2.7a on a RedHat 7.2 box with a custom 2.4.19 kernel with ext3/acl support.


/configure \
--prefix=%{prefix} \
--localstatedir=/var \
--with-configdir=/etc/samba \
--with-privatedir=/etc/samba \
--with-codepagedir=/etc/codepages \
--with-fhs \
--with-quotas \
--with-msdfs \
--with-smbmount \
--with-pam \
--with-pam_smbpass \
--with-syslog \
--with-utmp \
--with-sambabook=%{prefix}/share/swat/using_samba \
--with-swatdir=%{prefix}/share/swat \
--with-libsmbclient \
--with-acl-support \

netbios name = FILE-CYBER
workgroup = HLS_BERKMAN
server string = Samba Server

hosts allow = 140.247.
interfaces =

#   printcap name = /etc/printcap
#   load printers = yes
#   printing = lprng

;  guest account = pcguest

   log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
   max log size = 0
   syslog = 0

   security = domain
   password server = cyber-server
   encrypt passwords = yes
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

   ;remote browse sync =
   remote announce =

   local master = yes
;   domain master = no
   preferred master = yes
   domain logons = no

;   logon script = %m.bat
   logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U

   wins server =
   dns proxy = no

   nt acl support = yes
   force unknown acl user = yes

;   ldap admin dn = "cn=root,dc=cyber,dc=law,dc=harvard,dc=edu"
;   ldap server = localhost
;   ldap port = 389
;   ldap suffix = "dc=cyber,dc=law,dc=harvard,dc=edu"

   winbind separator = .
   winbind uid = 1-2
   winbind gid = 1-2
   winbind enum users = yes
   winbind enum groups = yes
   winbind use default domain = true
   template homedir = /home/%U
   template shell = /sbin/restricted-shell

   admin users = HLS_BERKMAN.Administrator HLS_BERKMAN.superhal 

   #valid users = "HLS_BERKMAN.Domain Users"

   create mask = 0640
   directory mask = 0750

   oplocks = no
   kernel oplocks = no
   csc policy = disable
   locking = yes
   level2 oplocks = no

   change notify timeout = 5

   log level = 0

# Share Definitions ==
comment = data share
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /space/data

comment = team share
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /space/team

comment = inetpub share
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /space/inetpub
oplocks = no
level 2 oplocks = no

comment = installs share
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /space/installs

comment = office xp install share
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /space/officeXP

comment = office xp install share
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /space/Office2000

comment = win2k install disk share
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /space/W2K

comment = cyber eon/ web directory
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /space/eon_wwwroot

comment = realcontent share
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /space/realcontent

comment = archived cyber log files
browseable = yes
writable = yes
path = /space/LogFiles
valid users = HLS_BERKMAN.superhal, HLS_BERKMAN.hroberts, 
HLS_BERKMAN.superjess, HLS_BERKMAN.jross, HLS_BERKMAN.bedelman

   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writable = yes
   create mode = 0664
   directory mode = 0775
   hide dot files = yes

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[Samba] secretly replacing a windows domain client with samba

2003-01-17 Thread Benjamin Adler

I have a problem: I work in a company which is strictly windows-only, and
I really need to replace a windows-xp machine - which is a member of the
company's domain - with a linux machine (using samba).

This new linux machine will have to upload backups of its data to a share
within the domain. Thus, it needs to be a member of the domain (correct?).

Obviously, I need to join the linux-box to the domain without the
domain-admins knowing, and thats where my problems start.

If I understood correctly, every machine in the domain has a machine trust
account (MTA) on the PDC. The MTA's username is the clients' NETBIOS
machine name with a "$" appended, and the password is set to a random
value by the client when first joining the domain.

That way, one cannot just replace a machine thats member of the domain
with another machine. The domain-admins would have to reset the MTA's
password, so that the new machine can join.

Since I cannot ask the domain-admins to do just that, I'm looking for a
way to extract this machine password - which, to my understanding, is
still stored on the old winxp-client - and use it in samba (samba stores
that in the secrets.tdb, right?).

Now my question: Have I understood the problem correctly? If yes, what can
I do, is there a way to extract the machine password? Has anyone ever done

I *think* that the PDC is a windows NT 4 machine, but I'm not sure. I DO
have a valid user account for the domain, but it doesn't have any special
privileges (like being domain admin :)

Thanks a lot for your help!
Ben Adler

P.S: Please CC to my address, too!

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[Samba] Virus Notification: A virus has been detected in a message originating from yourself

2003-01-17 Thread Nemx Power Tools for MS Exchange Server_MANTE61_1
From:   samba [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date:   Fri, Jan 17 2003,  7:02:33 PM

The message contained 1 virus(es):

width.exe   infected with the W32/Klez.H@mm virus
- - -

This message is generated by anti-virus safeguards established at The Dow Chemical 
Company. Do not reply to this message. You should contact your computer support 
personnel to take suitable measures to remove the virus from your documents or machine.
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[Samba] Why ADS if I can join the ADS domain as an NT 4 server?

2003-01-17 Thread Chere Zhou
Hello, all,

I can not easily find an answer to this question: why do we need samba 3.0 to 
join an ADS, if samba 2.x can join the ADS domain just as well, even though 
the PDC is in native mode?  What's the benefit for samba 3.0 to be a member 
of ADS?  What restrictions I have if joining samba 2.x to the domain as an 
NT4 server?

I bet people on this list should know better than me.  Can somebody point me 
the direction?  Thanks a lot.

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Re: [Samba] Samba-LDAP - Getting Computer accounts to livein ou=Computers

2003-01-17 Thread Dariush Forouher
Am Fre, 2003-01-17 um 20.06 schrieb Jim C:
> Right now I am using 2.2.7a. Is 3.0 out and stable?  If it is, I will 
> consider an upgrade.  I've really got to learn how to make rpm packages 
> someday. ;-)

Well, it is not called stable and surely there are still a lot of bugs
somewhere. We've migrated our ~700 user network from ActiveDirectory to
samba 3.0 about one month ago, and up to now there are surprisingly few
problems (3.0 is running on our Domain Controllers only, the fileservers
are still running with 2.2.7a). Since you are allready using samba+LDAP,
the upgrade should be not too hard for you. Have a look at
for more information about ldap and samba 3.0.

> P.S. Oh, wait.  I should ask if there are any known bad bugs in Samba 
> 3.0 as yet.  Are there?  Thanks.

If you enter at windows login prompt a specific secret username and
passphrase, samba will eat your whole LDAP. ;-)
Seriously, I'm not aware of critical bugs that the samba developers keep
in samba with knowlege.

PGP Fingerprint: 0x886C99A1

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

RE: [Samba] Does 3MB/sec seem as fast as

2003-01-17 Thread David Brodbeck
My own unscientific speed testing, back when we did our conversion, found
that Samba was slightly faster than the NT4 server we replaced.  The old
server was on slower hardware, though, so it wasn't entirely a fair
comparison.  I timed copies of a large file to an NT4 Workstation client to

I don't have the numbers anymore, sorry.
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Re: [Samba] Re: Can't add print drivers for existing printers

2003-01-17 Thread D. Aaron McCaleb
Either way, the procedure I stated was "wrong" should have been qualified.
Ian's procedure differed from the one recommended in some of the Samba texts
(most of which -are- sadly out of date) that I had read.

I was only speaking from my experience.  I checked, again, after receiving
your correction and found that it would work, sorta.  If I clicked "New
Driver" from the advanced tab after saying "no" to install a print driver,
it only installed the driver for _that_ version of client.  It never
prompted for other clients.  The sharing tab, from what I could tell, only
loaded drivers for other versions onto the _client_ for downloading from the
client, itself...not from the server.

The only way I was able to get drivers for other versions of windows onto
the server was the procedure I listed.

Still, I am an newbie to all this, afterall!  :-P

- Original Message -
From: "Gerald (Jerry) Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "D. Aaron McCaleb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Re: Can't add print drivers for existing printers

> Hash: SHA1
> On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, D. Aaron McCaleb wrote:
> > >Browse to the Samba server
> > >Open the Printers folder
> > >Right-click a printer, select "Properties"
> > >Click "No" when asked if I want to install a print driver
> > >Advanced tab
> > >"New Driver" button
> >
> > This is the wrong procedure for uploading the drivers should be:
> >
> > Browse to the Samba server
> > Open the Printers folder
> > Right-click inside the printers folder (not on a printer)
> > Click "Server Properties"
> > Go to Drivers tab
> > Click Add, Next, and Choose driver or Have Disk
> >(if you would like to add newer drivers than are on the CD)
> > Click Next and choose driver versions.
> > Browse to correct INF files for each version, as prompted.
> > (If you get an "access denied" message after if finishes copying
> > driver, you
> >  probably did this out of order.)
> Both methods work equally well.
> cheers, jerry
>  --
>  Hewlett-Packard-
>  SAMBA Team --
>  GnuPG Key
>  ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
>  "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."
> --John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see
> +b42OlLKV+arEfTNFNHNDgU=
> =9Iyx

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Re: [Samba] Samba Internationalization

2003-01-17 Thread David Morel
Le 2003.01.17 17:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :


I used with happiness Samba 2.2.3.
Everything works perfectly but I noticed two problems with accented
characters; the first one on Samba, the other one on Swat.

I work with a win98 client and a Debian server.
Win98 use codepage 850 but I noticed, in fact, it use codepage 1252
and I suppose that conversion is made with a file called 12520850.cpx.
On my Linux box I set up codepage ISO8859-15 or fr_FR@euro locale.

as far as i recall, cp1252 is equivalent to ISO8859-1 and the euro sign 
belongs to ISO8859-15
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Re: [Samba] Samba 2.2.7a & CUPS 1.1.18, Win2k is not downloadingcups windows drivers

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Lex Onderwater wrote:

> Only installing the printer on a W2K Pro SP3 machine is not working.
> According to the W2K the drivers are not on the server. Which is very
> strange because I am able to copy the specific files from the server
> with 4NT by using a cdd \DELTAFLYERprint$W32X862 and then copy the file
> to a temp dir.
> To examine what is happening I switched to debug level 20 and found the
> following error :
> [2003/01/14 13:52:35, 10] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2setfilepathinfo(2883)
> call_trans2setfilepathinfo: file W32X86/2/cupsdrvr.dll : setting dos mode a0
> [2003/01/14 13:52:35, 8] smbd/dosmode.c:dos_mode(123)
> dos_mode: W32X86/2/cupsdrvr.dll
> [2003/01/14 13:52:35, 8] lib/util.c:is_in_path(1145)
> is_in_path: W32X86/2/cupsdrvr.dll
> [2003/01/14 13:52:35, 8] lib/util.c:is_in_path(1150)
> is_in_path: no name list.
> [2003/01/14 13:52:35, 8] smbd/dosmode.c:dos_mode(167)
> dos_mode returning a
> [2003/01/14 13:52:35, 3] smbd/dosmode.c:unix_mode(111)
> unix_mode(W32X86/2/cupsdrvr.dll) returning 0744
> [2003/01/14 13:52:35, 2] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2setfilepathinfo(2886)
> chmod of W32X86/2/cupsdrvr.dll failed (Operation not permitted)

I don't think this is the problem but can you send me a level 10 debug 
(full from the moment you try to download the drivers from the samba box 
to the windows client)?  

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [Samba] pam_smbpass Guidance

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Ryan Novosielski wrote:

> assumption is that in this case, the password change will take
> care of the creation/password changing of the smbpasswd entry. However,
> what about accounts that are in our /etc/passwd already? Does
> pam_smbpass update passwords in smbpasswd WITHOUT encrypted passwords
> turned on (something akin to 'update encrypted'), or must I turn
> encryption on FIRST, thus making it impossible for any user to log onto
> a lab PC (and therefore not allowing them to access any other means of
> logging into the machine?)

See "update encrypted" in smb.conf(5) for some possible ideas.

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [Samba] File transfer corruption (NULL characters)

2003-01-17 Thread John H Terpstra
On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Mike Cantrell wrote:

> John H Terpstra wrote:
> >
> >Please note that your problem is very difference from Mike's Solaris
> >problem, which could be due to lack of file space or other network routing
> >problems. Mike could you please update to 2.2.7a to verify that this
> >problem still exists.
> >
> >- John T.
> >
> 2.2.7a seems to have the same problem. Can anyone else think of anything
> I can do to help troubleshoot the situation? I'm pretty stuck.


Set 'debuglevel = 5' and do the transfer. Then let's see what is in the
logs for this machine. To make life easier, suggest you also set in
smb.cong [globals]:
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log

That way each machine gets it's own log file.

- John T.
John H Terpstra
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Re: [Samba] Compiling python_ext ?

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Brendan F. Dolan-Gavitt wrote:

> Using samba-2.999+3.0.alpha21 (debian unstable source package), I can't
> get the python modules to compile correctly. The problem seems to be
> that py_common.c and py_smb.c declare global_myname as an extern
> pstring, while it is defined in include/proto.h as const char
> *global_myname(void). Changing the definition in the two files allows it
> to compile, but "from samba import smb" then causes a segfault.
> Any ideas what could be causing this problem? I can retry with cvs if
> necessary.

Try the latest SAMBA_3_0 code (maybe HEAD even as that is hwere Tim does 
most of his development).

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
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Re: [Samba] Samba-LDAP - Getting Computer accounts to live in ou=Computers

2003-01-17 Thread Jim C
Dariush Forouher wrote:

Am Fre, 2003-01-17 um 09.35 schrieb Jim:

OK, here is the deal.  My system spins like a top with one exception.


Are you using samba 2.2 or 3.0?
With samba 3.0 you can specify this in smb.conf

Right now I am using 2.2.7a. Is 3.0 out and stable?  If it is, I will 
consider an upgrade.  I've really got to learn how to make rpm packages 
someday. ;-)

ldap suffix = dc=brgs,dc=org
ldap machine suffix = ou=Machines
ldap user suffix = ou=People

But AFAIR this is not possible with samba 2.2, beside this options are
missing it still requieres a unix account for every machine trust

Yes, I've noticed that all of the machine accounts are posix.

Thanks for the response.  I'll spend the rest of the day looking at 
and/or doing an upgrade assumeing I can find everything OK.

Jim C.

P.S. Oh, wait.  I should ask if there are any known bad bugs in Samba 
3.0 as yet.  Are there?  Thanks.

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Re: [Samba] Samba 2.2.7 Session setup fails with NetApp filer (F850).

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Stanley Hopcroft wrote:

> Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
> I would dearly like to access CIFs directories on a NetApp filer
> (850) with Linux/*ix SMB clients.
> Unfortunately, smbclient from Samba 2.2.7 fails with a session setup
> request

Try smbclient in the SAMBA_3_0 cvs branch.  Also take a look at Steve 
French's cifs vfs.

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

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[Samba] PDC Trouble

2003-01-17 Thread hans
Running 2.2.7a as a Samba PDC.  My root account seems to have been killed
off.  I can't join computers to domains, I can't add users, I can't login
with a 2000 box as root.  If I try and login as root I get  "The system
cannot find message text for message number 0x%1 inthe message file for %2"
.  It's possible that I really pooched it.  I migrated our PDC to samba from
an NT4.0 box, using the various instructions regarding RIDS/SIDS.  I hacked
passwd.db to use lose the UID/GID to RID mapping, so i wouldn't loose the
locall profiles on my network.  That all worked, it's just now I have no
root acct to try and add machines.  If i try and add users with adduser and
smbpasswd, the users shows up fine in in /etc/passwd and
/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd.  I can't logon as those users however.
I've tried adding machines on the fly, and manually.  No good.  Any fixes,
or is the consensus that it's hooped and I should start again.


Hans Rasmussen
Drafting/GIS Coordinator
SBS Forestry Inc.

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Re: [Samba] smbd using alot of cpu on HP-UX 11.11

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, P Ranjit Kumar wrote:

> Hello Danny Travis,
> I am assuming you are using generic Samba 2.2.3a version. We came across the
> problem and you can fix it by setting the cache variable on the devnm()
> system cal to 1.
> Just set the last parameter to the devnm() call in smbd/quotas.c to 1.

fyi...I'm adding this into all Samba branches.  Thanks.

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

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Re: [Samba] problem adding printer driver

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, John Helms wrote:

> Hi,
> I am attempting to configure our samba server for print
> driver download.  The server itself was installed from
> RedHat 7.3 and has been configured to used cups instead
> of lpd/lprng.  After studying the documentation on cups/samba,
> I decided to try the Adobe driver install.  I used the cupsaddsmb
> program to perform the driver install, which works fine
> except for the "rpcclient adddriver" command:

> [root@rrux03 samba]# cat smb.conf
> [global]
> workgroup = rrdpi
> security = share

This doesn't make a lot of sense.  You should use security = user.
There may be other issues with tghe CUPS instakll script though.
Therer were some changes in error code returns that might be adversly 
affect it.

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

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RE: [Samba] Re: Re: SMB+LDAP Question ...

2003-01-17 Thread Thomas Nilsen
Thanks for the help Mathieu,

Turns out it was /etc/ldap.conf causing the problem. nss_base_passwd,
nss_base_group & nss_base_shadow was set to ou=Users Of course, if the
machine account is supposed to log on from a ou=Computers, this will prevent

I think I'll sit down and write a complete howto on getting all of this
working together. Most existing howto's seems to only include bits of the

Thanks again.


-Original Message-
From: Matthieu Turpault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17. januar 2003 09:54
To: Thomas Nilsen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Samba] Re: Re: SMB+LDAP Question ...

In your smb.conf file, try to replace the line
ldap suffix = "ou=Users, dc=stavanger-british-school, dc=no"
  ldap suffix = "dc=stavanger-british-school, dc=no"

> -Message d'origine-
> la part de Thomas Nilsen
> Envoyé : jeudi 16 janvier 2003 18:37
> Objet : [Samba] Re: Re: SMB+LDAP Question ...
> "Matthieu Turpault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Could you post your smb.conf and the ldif file which corresponds to a
> > computer and a user account ? I think that a attribute of your
> LDAP entry
> is
> > wrong
> Please find enclosed a LDIF file of root/Administrator and all the NT
> groups.
> The existing ws01$ is the machine account that is created during the
> joining, but as explained it does not complete.
> I've been trying both root and administrator when joining, and both fails
> with the "the account used is a computer account..]

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[Samba] UWAGA!!! Znaleziono wirusa w li¶cie do Ciebie!

2003-01-17 Thread janb

U¿ytkownik [EMAIL PROTECTED] przys³a³ Ci list zawieraj±cy wrusa.
Raport z dezynfekcji:
Ten komunikat zosta³ wys³any równie¿ do: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- Begin Message ---

Description: Binary data
--- End Message ---

Re: [Samba] user names containing @

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Roman Manz wrote:

> Hi,
> we are running Samba 2.2.2 on Solaris8; one client (MS 2000) is not able
> to map a drive: The tcpdump shows the correct user name @.
> smbd -d 3 shows _ and thus the authentication on the PDC
> fails.
> Does anybody know why Samba translates the @ into an _?

Old bug.  Should be fixed in 2.2.7a'

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

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Re: [Samba] Re: Can't add print drivers for existing printers

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, D. Aaron McCaleb wrote:

> >Browse to the Samba server
> >Open the Printers folder
> >Right-click a printer, select "Properties"
> >Click "No" when asked if I want to install a print driver
> >Advanced tab
> >"New Driver" button
> This is the wrong procedure for uploading the drivers should be:
> Browse to the Samba server
> Open the Printers folder
> Right-click inside the printers folder (not on a printer)
> Click "Server Properties"
> Go to Drivers tab
> Click Add, Next, and Choose driver or Have Disk
>(if you would like to add newer drivers than are on the CD)
> Click Next and choose driver versions.
> Browse to correct INF files for each version, as prompted.
> (If you get an "access denied" message after if finishes copying the
> driver, you
>  probably did this out of order.)

Both methods work equally well.

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

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Re: [Samba] Tuning for a large environment

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Donovan, Chris wrote:

> Additionally, from looking in netstat, we have noticed that there are a
> large number of TCP sockets in a "CLOSE_WAIT" state. There are also a
> large number of UDP sockets open but they are only listening on the
> loopback interface. Is this normal?

The UDP sockets are normal.  smbd uses those for oplock breaks.

>   use mmap = no

Is mmap broken on DYNIX?

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

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Re: [Samba] Cannot reconnect network drives from Windows XP

2003-01-17 Thread Herb Lewis
The only way to have automatic reconnects is to use encrypted passwords.
When windows prompts the user for the password it is very misleading.
It is not because they don't know the password. They are actually just
warning that they are about to send the password in plaintext (insecure
if you are not on a secure switched network) and want to make sure that
isREALLY what you want ot do.

> Dear Samba List,
> My Windows XP machine is unable to reconnect my Linux samba network
> drive when I login.  I installed:
>   Win2000_PlainPassword.reg
> which allows me to connect manually, but it is a requirement that this
> be automatic on each login.
> Has anyone found a way to achieve this?
> Thanks,
> Dick

Herb Lewis   Silicon Graphics 
Networking Engineer  1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy MS-510
Strategic Software Organization  Mountain View, CA  94043-1351
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel: 650-933-2177   Fax: 650-932-2177  
PGP Key: 0x8408D65D
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RE: [Samba] Group file ownership...

2003-01-17 Thread bri
I've been trying to figure out the same problem

I've been investigating umask settings in /etc/bashrc, setting the setgid
bit on the directories with chmod and also using inherit permissions = yes
in the samba configuation file

I've also tried the following smb.conf options:
   create mask = 0770
   force create mode = 000
   directory mask = 2775

Let me know if you find a workable solution - I'm still searching

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Brad
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 1:32 AM
To: Sambauser mailing list
Subject: [Samba] Group file ownership...

We have a Red Hat 7.3 file server that serves about 30 Windows PCs via Samba

I have one group called "users" that everyone is in but when a file is
by a PC, the group ownership on the created file is not "users", but the
as the file owner name. Is there any way to force the group ownership of
created files?

Also, is there any way to force file ownersip to a given user on newly

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[Samba] Logon Scripts for Mandrake 9.0

2003-01-17 Thread David Sexton

I was wondering if some one could help me make some basic 
login scripts and tell me where to place them.  I know 
nothing about them.  I am trying to get my windows based 
mechines to login to my Mandrake 9.0 server I have windows 
ME and XP i got ME to login but XP won't. Can some one 


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RE: [Samba] Group file ownership...

2003-01-17 Thread Michael G. Noble
Check the permissions on the directory where the files are being
created.  If you want the group name to always be the same then 
all you have to do is set the SGID bit.  This is done with
chmod g+s .  If you have sub directories then you will 
need to change each sub directory as well.  Then of course you will need
to change the group name on all files and directories to the one you 
desire.  Here are all the steps you will need to take ( I will assume
you are in the directory you wish to make the changes to and that you
are root and that the group name to change to is foo):

chgrp -R foo .
find . -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;

NOTE: please take note of the '.' in the above examples.

You are all done.  Now every file that gets written/created in directory
and all sub directories will have the group name foo.


On Sat, 2003-01-18 at 08:48, bri wrote:
> I've been trying to figure out the same problem
> I've been investigating umask settings in /etc/bashrc, setting the setgid
> bit on the directories with chmod and also using inherit permissions = yes
> in the samba configuation file
> I've also tried the following smb.conf options:
>create mask = 0770
>force create mode = 000
>directory mask = 2775
> Let me know if you find a workable solution - I'm still searching
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Brad
> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 1:32 AM
> To: Sambauser mailing list
> Subject: [Samba] Group file ownership...
> We have a Red Hat 7.3 file server that serves about 30 Windows PCs via Samba
> 2.2.3a.
> I have one group called "users" that everyone is in but when a file is
> created
> by a PC, the group ownership on the created file is not "users", but the
> same
> as the file owner name. Is there any way to force the group ownership of
> created files?
> Also, is there any way to force file ownersip to a given user on newly
> created
> files?
> Regards,
> Brad
> --
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Michael G. NobleRF Magic, Inc.
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There is Sanity in my Madness!

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Re: [Samba] is use rhosts = yes still supported?

2003-01-17 Thread Jon Niehof
"It seems like the first call into authorise_login never
checks the rlogin (bails at checking for non-blank password
in check_user_equiv) and then drops into guest mode; there
is then a second call which *does* check (and successfully
finds the .rhosts entry) but by this point we're being a
guest so it doesn't do me any good :) I need to have it be
the same username as on the server to have permissions work
out properly."

Throwing in a few more DEBUG statements highlights the 
problem--for some reason the 2K server *never* passes down a 
username unless I use the share%username syntax. This works 
but doesn't exactly give me a warm fuzzy feeling as I'd 
rather have it handled by logged in username. For now though 
it does the job.

Why isn't there support for rhosts in security modes other 
than share?

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RE: [Samba] Group file ownership...

2003-01-17 Thread bri
I've been trying to figure out the same problem

I've been investigating umask settings in /etc/bashrc, setting the setgid
bit on the directories with chmod and also using inherit permissions = yes
in the samba configuation file

I've also tried the following smb.conf options:
   create mask = 0770
   force create mode = 000
   directory mask = 2775

Let me know if you find a workable solution - I'm still searching

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Brad
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 1:32 AM
To: Sambauser mailing list
Subject: [Samba] Group file ownership...

We have a Red Hat 7.3 file server that serves about 30 Windows PCs via Samba

I have one group called "users" that everyone is in but when a file is
by a PC, the group ownership on the created file is not "users", but the
as the file owner name. Is there any way to force the group ownership of
created files?

Also, is there any way to force file ownersip to a given user on newly

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[Samba] Samba Internationalization

2003-01-17 Thread deb_dup

I used with happiness Samba 2.2.3.
Everything works perfectly but I noticed two problems with accented characters; the 
first one on Samba, the other one on Swat.

I work with a win98 client and a Debian server.
Win98 use codepage 850 but I noticed, in fact, it use codepage 1252 and I suppose that 
conversion is made with a file called 12520850.cpx. On my Linux box I set up codepage 
ISO8859-15 or fr_FR@euro locale.

On Samba:
- I let "client code page = 850";
- I set "character set = ISO8859-15";
- I let "valid chars = ", I tryed to pass different values to enable accented 
characters nothing works.
I checked values between cp1252 and ISO8859-15. If both, are based on Unicode there is 
some differences between cp1252 and ISO8859-15 entries. For example, 'Euro sign' 
(Unicode 0x20AC) have a cp1252 value 0x80 and an ISO8859-15 value 0xA4.
Result is from Win98 to Samba,  'Euro sign' (0x80) turn to a 'control/undefined 
character' translate by a 'Low line' (0x5F).
>From Samba to Win98, 'Euro sign' (0xA4) turn to 'Currency sign' under win98.
You have join to this mail a text file with the few characters that don't match.

On Swat, it's easier. 
I use Swat from my win98 box. When I write a share comment with some characters, there 
are not translated properly inside smb.conf file. 
When I read my smb.conf file, I noticed that for example a cp1252 character like 
(0xC1) has been changed onto an ISO8859-15 character (0xD3) and when I read share 
comment under window, I read (0xD3) character.
If I correct by hand the samba configuration file, I can read the right character with 
window explorer. Of course, characters match only if 8859-15 and cp1252 characters 
match ...
Is it possible to set Samba and Swat with Unicode, to specify unicode_map for client 
and unicode_map for server and to base letter transcriptions between client and server 
trought Unicode ?
Or is it possible to force value Client -> Server and Server -> Client ?

Thank you
note: when characters match between cp1252 and ISO8859-15 files, Unicode entries match 

#Based on iso8859-15  and cp1252 character text from:


#   ISO8859-15 and cp1252 code have different values for the same Unicode


# 8859-15   UNICODE Linux   Characters Name cp1252  
UNICODE Win98   Characters Name

0x800x0080 0x80   
0x820x0082 0x82   
0x830x0083 0x83   
0x840x0084 0x84   
0x850x0085 0x85   
0x860x0086 0x86   
 0x2020  DAGGER
0x870x0087 0x87   
0x880x0088 0x88   
0x890x0089 0x890x2030  PER MILLE SIGN
0x8A0x008A 0x8A   
0x8B0x008B 0x8B   
0x8C0x008C 0x8C   
0x8E0x008E 0x8E   
0x910x0091 0x91   
0x920x0092 0x92   
0x930x0093 0x93   
0x940x0094 0x94   
0x950x0095 0x95   
 0x2022  BULLET
0x960x0096 0x96   
 0x2013  EN DASH
0x970x0097 0x97   
 0x2014  EM DASH

Re: [Samba] File transfer corruption (NULL characters)

2003-01-17 Thread Mike Cantrell
John H Terpstra wrote:

Please note that your problem is very difference from Mike's Solaris
problem, which could be due to lack of file space or other network routing
problems. Mike could you please update to 2.2.7a to verify that this
problem still exists.

- John T.

2.2.7a seems to have the same problem. Can anyone else think of anything 
I can do to help troubleshoot the situation? I'm pretty stuck.

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Re: [Samba] help with swat

2003-01-17 Thread John H Terpstra
On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Hunt,Russ wrote:

> Hello
> I am looking for some help using swat. I am very new to Samba
> I have installed samba-2.0.10-2 and have connected to http://localhost:901
> to access the swat configuration tool.
> I am following the O'Reilly book Using Samba by Robert Eckstein, David
> Collier-Brown, Peter Kelly and it says when you have accessed swat select
> the Globals button. Well I don't have a Globals button (just Home, Status,
> View & Password) and I would be more than grateful for any suggestions on
> how I find the missing button.

You did log onto SWAT as 'root' didn't you?

- John T.
John H Terpstra
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[Samba] Re: How do I enable groupname map functionality?

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Eric Boehm wrote:

> I can see code in Samba 2.2.7a in source/smbd/groupname.c to do
> "groupname map" functionality. I see 

This is all removed in Samba 3.0.  It has probably bit rotted since I 
think it was written around 2.0.  I would recommend staying away form 

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
--John Cusack - "Grosse Point Blank" (1997)

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Re: [Samba] Samba BDCs and machine trust account passwords

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Mikko Kortelainen wrote:

> Here's (what I think is) the essential part from my SLAVE smb.conf:
>   security = user
>   domain logons = yes
>   domain master = no
>   os level = 64
>   local master = yes
>   preferred master = yes
> The MASTER configuration is the same except that the "domain master" is
> set to yes.
> I've understood that the above configuration causes the workstations to
> send their password updates to the MASTER. Am I wrong? If I am, is there
> any way in 2.2.7 to correct this (either so that the workstations change
> their passwords directly with the master, or that the slave sends an
> update message to the master automatically). Or do I have to go to 3.0
> and LDAP? (which I'd rather not prefer, yet)

IIRC the client should contact the PDC (domain<0x1b>).  But can you check 
the logs and see if the clients are trying to change it on domain<0x1c> 
(any DC)?  Thanks.

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Re: [Samba] Samba ON NT?

2003-01-17 Thread Gareth Davies
- Original Message -
From: "Brandon Bergren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 3:58 PM
Subject: [Samba] Samba ON NT?

> Has anyone tried to compile Samba on Windows 2000?
> I know it's a weird idea, but I don't like the fact that W2K shares c$,
> RPC$, etc.
> With Cygwin, I didn't get past configure, it complained that locking was
> unavaliable and bombed out.
> Is it technically feasable to get Samba running on Cygwin?
> (I disabled Server&Co in my Services already :} )
> Thanks!
> --Brandon Bergren
> (Please CC me, I'm not on the list.)

Why not just learn how to use NT properly..;en-us;318751

And set RestrictAnonymous = 2


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[Samba] help with swat

2003-01-17 Thread Hunt,Russ

I am looking for some help using swat. I am very new to Samba 

I have installed samba-2.0.10-2 and have connected to http://localhost:901
to access the swat configuration tool.
I am following the O'Reilly book Using Samba by Robert Eckstein, David
Collier-Brown, Peter Kelly and it says when you have accessed swat select
the Globals button. Well I don't have a Globals button (just Home, Status,
View & Password) and I would be more than grateful for any suggestions on
how I find the missing button.

Thanx in Advance

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[Samba] Need help! My major screw up!

2003-01-17 Thread issue qad
Need help for my major screw up.

I am first time SAMBA user. System information:
Unix = HP-UX 11.0
Network = Windows 2000

Things that I did:
1)  Logged into our test unix box as “root”. Created a
directory “samba” underneath “/home/root”.
2)  Went to samba website and downloaded
“samba-2.2.7a.tar.gz” onto my “C:\” (my desktop). I am
aware that the latest “How to” book in its
“Installation section asks me to use command “wget”
from my unix prompt, but unfortunately “wget” does not
work on my unix box.
3)  FTP the “samba-2.2.7a.tar.gz” to test unix box in
binary mode.
4)  Used “gunzip samba-2.2.7a.tar.gz”
5)  Next step would be to verify Samba’s PGP signature.
But again, unfortunately, “gpg” command does not work
on my machine, so had to proceed further without
verification. Should I have used a different approach
for this verification?
6)  Used “cd /tmp”. Then did “tar xf
/home/root/samba/samba-2.2.7a.tar”. This did create
the directory “samba-2.2.7a” underneath “/tmp” and
with all the other folders and files underneath
7)  Then went back to
“/samba/ftp/Binary_Packages/hp/samba-2.2.7a” website
and downloaded the HP-UX depot
“samba_2.2.7a_HPUX_withwinbind.depot.gz” onto my “C:\”
and then FTP’ed that over to test unix box in
underneath “/tmp” directory in binary mode.
8)  Then used “swinstall –s
/tmp/samba_2.2.7a_HPUX_withwinbind.depot.gz Samba”.
9)  Then used “/sbin/init.d/samba start” to start smbd
and nmbd.
10) Then edited my “/etc/nsswitch.conf” to add 
“passwd: files winbind
grouyp: files winbind”
11) I think I am also supposed to do some setup in
“/etc/pam.d”, but this file never got created. It does
not exist.
12) Used “/usr/local/samba/bin/smpasswd –j mydomain –r
mypdc –U administrator”. This joined the unix server
to “mydomain”. But also gave the error message about
“Unicode_map.850” and “Unicode_map.ISO8559” didn’t
exist underneath “codepages” directory. I know that I
do have “CP850.txt” and “CPIS8559.txt” files, but I
was not able to create those binary Unicode files
because I do not have the right “make_unicodemap”
excecutable. Can someone help me with this? I have
“make_unicodemap.c” executable but that seems be
taking input file in format “unicode_def.850”, which I
do not have. But note that I was able to Join to
13) When I looked at “/usr/local/samba/log.smbd” and
“log.nmbd” files they had the same error message of
above two Unicode files not existing. But those two
processes “smbd and nmbd” start properly and I can see
them running on the box.
14) Then copied to “/lib” and to /lib/security.
15) I copied
“/tmp/samba-2.2.7a/examples/simple/smb.conf” to
/usr/local/samba/lib. I edited this file to add
following into [global]:
Winbind separator = +
Winbind cache time = 10
Template shell = /bin/bash
Template homedir = /home/%D/%U
Winbind uid = 1-2
Winbind gid = 1-2
Workgroup = mydomain
Security = domain
Password server = *
Encrypt passwords = yes
16)  Then I start “winbind daemon” by using
“/usr/local/samba/bin/winbindd –s
17) And bingo, I was able to achieve my objective of
able to access Unix files from my “windows explorer”
underneath “Network neighbourhood”.
18) Now my problem begins. I tried to get fancy and
wanted to add some more directories that users can
access from Windows explorer. So I went ahead and
edited “/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf” for those
directories. Now I needed “winbindd” to see these
changes. But I did not how/from where to use “SIGHUP”
to reload my smb.conf. I did a “find / -name sighup
–print” and I was unable to get any instances. I tried
the same with SIGHUP (caps) and cannot find any
instances. So I thought of just taking down this TEST
unix box. I used “shutdown –ry now” [probably FIRST
MISTAKE during this samba set-up].
19) After the unix box was back up I tried to use
start smbd and nmbd. “nmbd” was able to start up
without any problems. But smbd didn’t start. When I
looked at “log.smbd” I saw the error message of
“Unable to start messages database”. And when used
“/usr/local/samba/bin/smpasswd –j mydomain –r mypdc –U
administrator”, system still joined to mydomain. When
I start “winbindd”, it won’t start and gave me error
messages in “log.winbindd” that “Unable to start idmap
databases”. Also I noticed that my
“/usr/local/samba/var/locks” directory was GONE.
Because that was one of the error messages in
“log.winbindd” that could not find
“/usr/local/samba/var/locks”. That’s when I realized
that I could have corrupted the database files like
“/usr/local/samba/var/locks/winbindd_idmap.tdb” and
20) That’s when I proceed to my biggest screw up of
reloading the entire software again. To do that, I
deleted following directories:
I was not able to delete a fi

[Samba] Samba ON NT?

2003-01-17 Thread Brandon Bergren
Has anyone tried to compile Samba on Windows 2000?
I know it's a weird idea, but I don't like the fact that W2K shares c$, d$,
RPC$, etc.
With Cygwin, I didn't get past configure, it complained that locking was
unavaliable and bombed out.

Is it technically feasable to get Samba running on Cygwin?

(I disabled Server&Co in my Services already :} )

--Brandon Bergren
(Please CC me, I'm not on the list.)

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Re: [Samba] Profiles on Samba share

2003-01-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Christopher Odenbach wrote:

> [profiles]
> path= %H/ntdata/%a

Should work fine.

logon path = \\%L\profile\%a\%U

path = /export/smb/ntprofile

works as well

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 ISBN 0-672-32269-2 "SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed
 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
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[Samba] XP Home explorer hangs on samba drive

2003-01-17 Thread Craig Eales
I am observing odd behaviour from XP home.

>From my samba server (2.2.7a NetBSD) I am sharing the UNIX home directories
to two XP Home clients.
I have mapped the user share to drive h: on the clients.

When I open the network drive from "My Computer" explorer hangs for between
10 and 20 mins. After this time it
opens correctly and functions normally.

However, if I open a cmd session I can cd into h: and access the files with
no problems (even while the explorer is hung).

Before upgrading to XP I was running Win98 on the clients and all worked

I have serached the mailing lists and web but cannot find any mention of
this problem.

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Re: [Samba] Group file ownership...

2003-01-17 Thread Jon Niehof
set this in your share configuration

force group = users

Is there any way to force the group 
ownership of created files?

Also, is there any way to force file ownersip to a given user 
on newly created files?

You can also do this on the filesystem level by setting the 
UID or GID bits on a directory. Then all new files created 
in that directory will have the same owner or group, 
respectively, of the directory. Useful if you want different 
directories within a share to be handled differently.

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RE: [Samba] Linux permissions vs Samba permissions

2003-01-17 Thread Marshall Lucas
Thank you Ken...I had long since forgotten that little caveat.  It's amazing
what we can forget over time with disuse.


-Original Message-
From: Hall, Ken (ECSS) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 8:44 AM
Subject: RE: [Samba] Linux permissions vs Samba permissions

On directories, the "execute" bit means permission to search the directory.
That's what the Samba user needs to see files in it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Marshall Lucas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 9:20 AM
> Subject: [Samba] Linux permissions vs Samba permissions
> Okay, admittedly I'm running an old version 2.0.5, but, why
> do I have to set
> the eXecute permission in Linux before Samba will let a
> Windows client see
> any files?  Why would execute have anything to do with read
> and/or write?  I
> would think I could set -rw-rw or -rw-rw-rw- and be just
> fine, but oh
> no, you get an empty list and cannot create new files until I
> change it
> to -rwxrwx--- or -rwxrwxrwx.
> -- Marshall Lucas
> -- IT Systems Analyst
> -- EDI Specialist
> -- Petra Industries, Inc.
> --
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Re: [Samba] Linux permissions vs Samba permissions

2003-01-17 Thread Ken Schneider
The "x" in the permissions of directories controls access to the
directory (as in read the contents).

On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 09:20, Marshall Lucas wrote:
> Okay, admittedly I'm running an old version 2.0.5, but, why do I have to set
> the eXecute permission in Linux before Samba will let a Windows client see
> any files?  Why would execute have anything to do with read and/or write?  I
> would think I could set -rw-rw or -rw-rw-rw- and be just fine, but oh
> no, you get an empty list and cannot create new files until I change it
> to -rwxrwx--- or -rwxrwxrwx.
> -- Marshall Lucas
> -- IT Systems Analyst
> -- EDI Specialist
> -- Petra Industries, Inc.
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:
Ken Schneider
Senior UNIX Administrator
Network Administrator

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RE: [Samba] Linux permissions vs Samba permissions

2003-01-17 Thread Hall, Ken (ECSS)
On directories, the "execute" bit means permission to search the directory.  That's 
what the Samba user needs to see files in it.

> -Original Message-
> From: Marshall Lucas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 9:20 AM
> Subject: [Samba] Linux permissions vs Samba permissions
> Okay, admittedly I'm running an old version 2.0.5, but, why 
> do I have to set
> the eXecute permission in Linux before Samba will let a 
> Windows client see
> any files?  Why would execute have anything to do with read 
> and/or write?  I
> would think I could set -rw-rw or -rw-rw-rw- and be just 
> fine, but oh
> no, you get an empty list and cannot create new files until I 
> change it
> to -rwxrwx--- or -rwxrwxrwx.
> -- Marshall Lucas
> -- IT Systems Analyst
> -- EDI Specialist
> -- Petra Industries, Inc.
> -- 
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[Samba] How do I enable groupname map functionality?

2003-01-17 Thread Eric Boehm
I can see code in Samba 2.2.7a in source/smbd/groupname.c to do
"groupname map" functionality. I see 


but I don't see any option to configure to enable this. Is this
feature available or is it still under development.

Eric M. Boehm  /"\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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[Samba] Linux permissions vs Samba permissions

2003-01-17 Thread Marshall Lucas
Okay, admittedly I'm running an old version 2.0.5, but, why do I have to set
the eXecute permission in Linux before Samba will let a Windows client see
any files?  Why would execute have anything to do with read and/or write?  I
would think I could set -rw-rw or -rw-rw-rw- and be just fine, but oh
no, you get an empty list and cannot create new files until I change it
to -rwxrwx--- or -rwxrwxrwx.

-- Marshall Lucas
-- IT Systems Analyst
-- EDI Specialist
-- Petra Industries, Inc.

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Re: [Samba] Profile migration again

2003-01-17 Thread Gabriel D. Preston
Never mind, I figured it out, the command is as follows:

rpcclient -U root -c "lookupnames name1 name2 name3 etc" localhost

Thanks for all the help guys.  Now I can finally get this conversion to 
the new PDC over and done with after two weeks of banging my head 
against the wall.


Gabriel D. Preston wrote:


It works now!  Thanks a lot.  Now I just have to figure out how I 
figure out someone's new SID and the groups new SID on the Samba PDC.  
Anybody want to share that part with me?  Heh.


Richard Sharpe wrote:

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, John H Terpstra wrote:


If they are already domain user profiles then the samba-3.0.0 
tool should report the SID's in NTUser.DAT and should allow you to 

There was a bug with the profiles command which I have now fixed. The 
fix is in the CVS trees now. It was a one line change.

Richard Sharpe, rsharpe[at], rsharpe[at], 


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[Samba] Samba password aging w/win98 Clients

2003-01-17 Thread Bob Avery-Babel
Hello all. Thanks so much with the assistance people provided with helping
me set up a pdc, and giving me the hints to be able to change my smbpasswd
and have it sync with the passwd file, from the win98 client.

Now I need to figure out how to enforce password aging so people will change
their passwords, and be prompted at the win98 client to do so.

Here is what happens now. When the unix password expires, the win98 client
user can still log into the domain, it looks like because the smbpasswd does
not expire. Any other function that requires the unix passwd (mail, ssh)
does not work of course.

Here is my chat line in the smb.conf:

 passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
 passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *ReType*new*UNIX*password* %n\n
 unix password sync = Yes

This part works fine. When the smbpasswd is changed the unix passwd is
changed as well.

Is there any way to have them expire at the same time as well and a prompt
sent out to the win98 clients so they know to change the password?

Thanks in advance everyone!


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Re: [Samba] Profile migration again

2003-01-17 Thread Gabriel D. Preston

It works now!  Thanks a lot.  Now I just have to figure out how I figure 
out someone's new SID and the groups new SID on the Samba PDC.  Anybody 
want to share that part with me?  Heh.


Richard Sharpe wrote:

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, John H Terpstra wrote:


If they are already domain user profiles then the samba-3.0.0 'profiles'
tool should report the SID's in NTUser.DAT and should allow you to change

There was a bug with the profiles command which I have now fixed. The fix 
is in the CVS trees now. It was a one line change.

Richard Sharpe, rsharpe[at], rsharpe[at], 


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Re: [Samba] No access to root-level of shares on NT4 SP6 withSamba2.2.2 on FBSD-4.7

2003-01-17 Thread Florian Lorenzen
Hi John,

connecting with smbclient is without trouble.
But setting o+x does not change anything except for the error message:

When trying to copy a file to G:\ (\\claire\public) NT says

BLA cannot not be copied, a file of name BLA already exists.

When trying to move a file to G: (\\claire\public) NT says

G:\ cannot be created. Rott-directory (internal error).

As said, I've got German NT, thus error-messages are translated and not
original Microsoft English NT error-texts.

Seems to me that there is some trouble with the NT and not with the


John H Terpstra wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Florian Lorenzen wrote:
> Florian,
> Suggest you try setting the 'x' bit on others at the directory top level.
> I know this is clutching at straws, but hang, got to try something.
> Also, you might try to see if you can create a directory using smbclient
> to connect to the share root.
> - John T.
> > Hi John,
> >
> > this is my smb.conf-file:
> >
> > # /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
> > #
> > # $Id: smb.conf,v 1.1 2002/11/28 17:53:45 root Exp $
> > #
> >
> > [global]
> > workgroup = ossa6
> > netbios name = claire
> > server string = File-services on claire.
> > hosts allow =
> > max log size = 0
> > security = user
> > encrypt passwords = yes
> > smb passwd file = /usr/local/etc/smbpasswd
> > socket options = TCP_NODELAY
> > interfaces =
> > os level = 64
> > preferred master = yes
> > domain master = yes
> > domain logons = yes
> > local master = yes
> > logon drive = x:
> > logon home = \\%L\%u\profile
> > logon path = \\%L\%u\profile
> > logon script = logon.bat
> > wins support = yes
> > client code page = 850
> > load printers = yes
> > printcap = /etc/printcap
> >
> > [netlogon]
> > browseable = no
> > path = /usr/local/etc/netlogon
> > writeable = no
> >
> > [homes]
> > comment = %u's home directory.
> > browseable = no
> > writeable = yes
> > hide dot files = yes
> > veto files = /.*/network trash folder/
> > delete veto files = yes
> > create mask = 660
> > directory mask = 770
> >
> > [public]
> > path = /shares/public
> > writeable = yes
> > browseable = yes
> > create mask = 660
> > directory mask = 770
> > write list = @wg
> > hide dot files = yes
> > veto files = /.*/network trash folder/
> > delete veto files = yes
> >
> > [software]
> > path = /shares/software
> > writeable = yes
> > browseable = yes
> > create mask = 660
> > directory mask = 770
> > write list = @wg
> > hide dot files = yes
> > veto files = /.*/network trash folder/
> > delete veto files = yes
> >
> > [printers]
> > path = /var/spool/samba
> > printable = yes
> > printing = BSD
> > browseable = yes
> >
> >
> > And this is what ls says about the shares:
> >
> > claire:/shares # ll
> > total 8
> > drwxrws---   9 root  wg  512 17 Jan 01:52 public
> > drwxrws---  10 root  wg  512 16 Jan 22:44 software
> >
> > claire:/home # ll
> > total 16
> > drwxrws---  12 einar einar1024 17 Jan 01:50 einar
> > drwxrws---  20 florian   florian  1024 17 Jan 01:50 florian
> > drwxrws---   3 maria maria 512 28 Nov 21:15 maria
> > drwxrws---   5 mldonkey  wg512 16 Jan 08:43 mldonkey
> >
> >
> > But I don't really think, that it's a permission-problem, because it
> > works for the Win98 machine and I can create directories in the
> > top-level. I just cannot copy or move files (e. g. via drag&drop) to the
> > top-level. And some file-browsing dialogs, older ones (there are still
> > some like in old Win3.x) do not let me open something like G:
> > (\\claire\public).
> >
> > But perhaps, you have a clue, thanks in advance,
> >
> > Florian
> >
> >
> > John H Terpstra wrote:
> > >
> > > Florian,
> > >
> > > What are the permissions on the root of the share?
> > >
> > > What are your settings on the share definition (in your smb.conf file)?
> > >
> > > - John T.
> >
> --
> John H Terpstra
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Re: [Samba] Profile migration again

2003-01-17 Thread Gabriel Preston
Quoting Richard Sharpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, John H Terpstra wrote:
> > If they are already domain user profiles then the samba-3.0.0 'profiles'
> > tool should report the SID's in NTUser.DAT and should allow you to change
> > them.
> There was a bug with the profiles command which I have now fixed. The fix 
> is in the CVS trees now. It was a one line change.

Ahhh!  Very nice!  I'll grab the newest cvs and compile it now.

> Regards
> -
> Richard Sharpe, rsharpe[at], rsharpe[at], 
> sharpe[at],

Gabriel D. PrestonNetwork Administrator

SGI, LLC   111 BroadwayNY, NY 10006

"Networking is when you can not get any work done 
 because of the failure of a machine you have never 
 even heard of."
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[Samba] Domain trust relationship

2003-01-17 Thread Manuela Marquardt
Hi @ all,

I'm new here. (with a little problem :-) )

I want to set up a domain trust relationship between a samba-server
(3.0alpha21) and a windows 2000 server each in a separate domain. It should be
transparently able (e.g.) to login to or use the shares of the respectivly other

I have read that the code for something like this is already implemented but
not tested or documented yet. Has anybody already experiences with this

Thanks. Manu

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RE: [Samba] Group file ownership...

2003-01-17 Thread Bryan Brannigan
set this in your share configuration

force group = users

> -Original Message-
> From: Brad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 1:32 AM
> To: Sambauser mailing list
> Subject: [Samba] Group file ownership...
> We have a Red Hat 7.3 file server that serves about 30 
> Windows PCs via Samba 
> 2.2.3a.
> I have one group called "users" that everyone is in but when 
> a file is created 
> by a PC, the group ownership on the created file is not 
> "users", but the same 
> as the file owner name. Is there any way to force the group 
> ownership of 
> created files?
> Also, is there any way to force file ownersip to a given user 
> on newly created 
> files?
> Regards,
> Brad
> -- 
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Re: [Samba] auth. samba users against Win2K AD

2003-01-17 Thread Buchan Milne
> Message: 16
> Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 20:58:20 -0800
> From: Bill Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Samba] auth. samba users against Win2K AD
> Hi All,
>   We have a mixed Win2K and Linux environment, and we run Samba 2.2.3a on
> SuSE 8.0 Linux.  Assume you have users who have to access a share on Samba of
> say /foo/bar, and the users are part of group 'somegrp' (they have 
> permissions to
> modify stuff in /foo/bar, btw).
> Now, assume said users exist on Win2K AD, is there any way to get Samba to
> authenticate against Win2K when they go for access to the the share, rather 
> than
> have to change passwords on both Samba and Win2k so that they match?

Yes, join the machine to the Win2k domain (as root):
smbpasswd -j  -U  -r 

You will still have to make the accounts. This you can get around using
Winbind ( try 'man winbindd' for more info).


|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
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Re: [Samba] User Profile Migration Solved

2003-01-17 Thread john

> At 11:01 17.01.2003 +, you wrote:
> >On 17 Jan 2003 at 10:27, Also Sprach Erwin Zierler:

> >Does this mean the samba needs logon home and logon path and the profiles 
> >share
> >setting up? I did have them but after trying to match samba with the old 
> >which didn't have roaming, I removed them from the samba setup.
> I am pretty sure I do have both 'logon home' and 'logon path' in smb.conf
> but I will let you know later today once I have access to this perticular
> server again. If you need my smb.conf I can send it to you in a private email
> (also later today).

Thanks. I will give it a try without the logon path since our network consists of 3 
win2k laptops and 2 win98 boxen. So I don't need or want the roaming profile.
It gives me something to break at a later date :)


There are three ways to get something done:
(1) Do it yourself.
(2) Hire someone to do it for you.
(3) Forbid your kids to do it.

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Re: [Samba] First letter in filenames missing

2003-01-17 Thread Buchan Milne
> Message: 12
> From: "Torben Ellgaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 02:50:14 +0100
> Subject: [Samba] First letter in filenames missing
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --=_NextPart_000_000B_01C2BDD3.29618040
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> I am new to Linux and Samba, but I have resently started experimenting =
> by installing a Mandrake 9.0 on an old PC. I am trying to use this as a =
> file server accessible from my Window 98 SE PC.
> So far I have managed to install Samba and the Linux PC is visible in =
> the Windows Network Neighborhood, but files can not be accessed. I think =
> this is a password issue, that I can solve by reading a bit and setting =
> up the right users on the Linux box. i will return if this problem =
> persists.

Run 'smbpasswd -a ' as root, where  is replaced with an
existing unix account (ie with 'useradd ') which matches the
username the user uses on windows.

> BUT, The odd thing that is the issue of this mail is, that when I browse =
> on the Linux box to see the files on the Windows PC, I can see the =
> shares, folders and files, but in all filenames and foldernames the =
> first letter is missing!

Please run MandrakeUpdate. This, and many other issues (including
security vulnerabilities in other software) will be fixed.


|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

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Re: [Samba] User Profile Migration Solved

2003-01-17 Thread Erwin Zierler
At 11:01 17.01.2003 +, you wrote:

On 17 Jan 2003 at 10:27, Also Sprach Erwin Zierler:

> Migration of User Profiles

> and now copy all the contents over the fresh profiles which were just 
> So you are actually overwriting the local AND the serverbased profiles.

Does this mean the samba needs logon home and logon path and the profiles 
setting up? I did have them but after trying to match samba with the old 
which didn't have roaming, I removed them from the samba setup.

I am pretty sure I do have both 'logon home' and 'logon path' in smb.conf
but I will let you know later today once I have access to this perticular
server again. If you need my smb.conf I can send it to you in a private email
(also later today).

> Hopefully this little document can help some others who are trying to
> achive the same or a similar goal.

Yup. Thanks for your time, you've saved me a load of work!

Good, that was the purpose of my posting :-)



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Re: [Samba] Second Post: Unable to add user with Samba 2.2.7 - LDAP- PDC

2003-01-17 Thread Buchan Milne
Matthieu Turpault wrote:
> Thanks for the answer
>>(BTW, are you using RPMs or not? If so, which ones please?).
> I use the RPM samba-common-ldap-2.2.7-1.1mdk, samba-server-ldap-2.2.7-1.1mdk
> and samba-client-2.2.7-1.1mdk.
>>>workgroup = MDKGROUP
>>>server string = Samba Server %v
>>>log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>>>max log size = 5000
>>>security = user
>>>encrypt passwords = yes
>>>ldap admin dn = "cn=manager,id=1"
>>Should this not be something like 'ldap admin dn =
>>"cn=manager,o=comelis"? Or does :
>>$ ldapsearch -x -h -D "cn=manager,id=1" -W "(uid=mat)"
>>work for you (with the password you have added to samba with 'smbpasswd
>>-w  when prompted)?
> Yes, it does ! My base dn is "id=1".

Didn't appear so from the LDIF entry you posted ... the dn didn't
contain 'id=1'.
> But I *can* log with a user, i.e. a valid credential stored in the
> directory. My computer *can* contact the PDC... and it worked with
> samba-common-ldap-2.2.3a-10mdk..

Works for me on 9.0 using 2.2.7a-3mdk (ie I can see users in Computer
Management->Local Users and Groups when I add domain users to a local
group). Also worked on 8.2 with everything from 2.2.3a up to 2.2.7a.

Have you tried looking in the logs (maybe increase the log level also)?

I will be releasing new RPMs soon hopefully, just want to try and track
down why the 'add user script' isn't being run when trying to join a
machine to the domain.


|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

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Re: [Samba] Samba Question !

2003-01-17 Thread Joel Hammer
First, try taking off the public directive. That might get you a password

Second, to only let a certain user write to this share, read:

man smb.conf
:/write list


> The 'scanfiles' share I want to be username & password protected and be
> writable only by username 'oracle' !
> The 'sap' share I want to be public and read only by anyone !
> [scanfiles]
> comment = Directory for Scanned Images
> path = /data_archive/repository
> writable = yes
> public = yes
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[Samba] Cannot reconnect network drives from Windows XP

2003-01-17 Thread rwk
Dear Samba List,

My Windows XP machine is unable to reconnect my Linux samba network
drive when I login.  I installed:


which allows me to connect manually, but it is a requirement that this
be automatic on each login.

Has anyone found a way to achieve this?

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Re: [Samba] User Profile Migration Solved

2003-01-17 Thread john
On 17 Jan 2003 at 10:27, Also Sprach Erwin Zierler:

> Migration of User Profiles

> and now copy all the contents over the fresh profiles which were just created.
> So you are actually overwriting the local AND the serverbased profiles.

Does this mean the samba needs logon home and logon path and the profiles share 
setting up? I did have them but after trying to match samba with the old NT PDC 
which didn't have roaming, I removed them from the samba setup.

> Hopefully this little document can help some others who are trying to
> achive the same or a similar goal. 

Yup. Thanks for your time, you've saved me a load of work!


Shamus, n. [Yiddish]:
A shamus is a guy who takes care of handyman tasks around the
temple, and makes sure everything is in working order.
A shamus is at the bottom of the pecking order of synagog
functionaries, and there's a joke about that:
A rabbi, to show his humility before God, cries out in the
middle of a service, ''Oh, Lord, I am nobody!''  The cantor, not to be
bested, also cries out, ''Oh, Lord, I am nobody!''
The shamus, deeply moved, follows suit and cries, ''Oh, Lord, I
am nobody!''  The rabbi turns to the cantor and says, ''Look who thinks
he's nobody!''
-- Arthur Naiman, ''Every Goy's Guide to Yiddish''

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[Samba] tdb_delete for name failed with error Record does not exist.

2003-01-17 Thread Anton Voronin

can anyone please explain what might be the reason of this error in log 

yield_connection: tdb_delete for name  failed with error Record does not 

This seems to prevent from joining W2K box to samba-domain.


Anton Voronin
Intersvyaz JSC
+7 (3512) 655199

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[Samba] max connection insa samba

2003-01-17 Thread Sébastien Person

I 've got a problem. I have a big dir to share (it contains big files
hundred of MB each one) and I want that only twice are downloadable at a
time. I want to limit the number of download in fact to 2. I've found
the max connections options I tried but It seems to doesn't work as I
can download more at least 3 files at time.

I also put the lock dir option and that doesn't changes.

here my smb.conf ... If someone had idea ? thanks a lot :) 
version : 2.999+3.0.alpha21-3 for Debian

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2003/01/17 11:10:11

# Global parameters
server string = %h server (Samba %v)
security = SHARE
encrypt passwords = No
obey pam restrictions = Yes
passdb backend = tdbsam, unixsam
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n 
*Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n .
log level = 1
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
read raw = yes
write raw = yes
oplocks = yes
max xmit = 65535
dead time = 15
name resolve order = wins bcast lmhosts host
dns proxy = No
wins server =
ldap ssl = no
lock dir = /var/run/samba/locks
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
comment = Home Directories
invalid users = root
directory mask = 0711
browseable = No

comment = All Printers
path = /tmp
create mask = 0700
printable = Yes

path = /share
read only = No
create mask = 0700
guest ok = Yes
browseable = Yes

comment = SRC
path = /mnt/src
guest ok = Yes
browseable = Yes
available = No

path = /home/seb/INSA
guest ok = Yes
browseable = Yes
available = No

comment = Documentation
path = /home/seb/doc
guest ok = Yes
browseable = Yes

guest ok = Yes
browseable = Yes
comment = (2 connexions max)
wide links = no
level2 oplocks = yes
path = /media/zzz
strict locking = yes
max connections = 2

___   __
   ( O O ) ( ) | ) \_/.".
 --oOOo--( )--oOOo/V\---
Sebastien Person // \\
 tel.: 06 70 00 08 95   /(   )\
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[Samba] Samba Question !

2003-01-17 Thread darren_shaw
My name is Darren Shaw and I work in the IT Dept for an Engineering

I would like some help me with a Samba problem I would very much like to
resolve quickly if possible.

I am using Solaris 7 and Samba version 2.2.2.
I have created a local Solaris User Account called 'oracle' and also added
the Samba User name 'oracle'.

I have setup a couple of Samba shares and want to do the following ...

The 'scanfiles' share I want to be username & password protected and be
writable only by username 'oracle' !
The 'sap' share I want to be public and read only by anyone !

The following smb.conf file I am using allows both shares to be
accessed without entering a username and password.


   workgroup = workgroup

   log file = /usr/local/samba/logs/log.%m
   security = share

comment = Directory for Scanned Images
path = /data_archive/repository
writable = yes
public = yes

comment = Directory for SAP
path = /data_archive/repository/SAP
read only = yes
public = yes

How can I set the 'scanfiles' share to prompt for a username and password ?
I take it the 'sap' share is ok as it seems to do what I want at the

Many Thanks,

Darren Shaw

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Re: [Samba] Samba-LDAP - Getting Computer accounts to live inou=Computers

2003-01-17 Thread Dariush Forouher
Am Fre, 2003-01-17 um 09.35 schrieb Jim:
> OK, here is the deal.  My system spins like a top with one exception.
> I would like to store Computer accounts in ou=Computers and get them out 
> of ou=People.  I've tried simply makeing this the ou that Computers are 
> added to but then the XP clients cannot seem to see them.  Changeing 
> this is likley to be easy to do and incredibly hard to find the specific 
> details of how to do it.  I know where I want to put things but I don't 
> know how to tell Samba (or perhaps the client XP box?) where they are.

Are you using samba 2.2 or 3.0?
With samba 3.0 you can specify this in smb.conf

ldap suffix = dc=brgs,dc=org
ldap machine suffix = ou=Machines
ldap user suffix = ou=People

But AFAIR this is not possible with samba 2.2, beside this options are
missing it still requieres a unix account for every machine trust

Another way to make the directory more clear would be to put the machine
trust accounts into a sub-ou below ou=People. 

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[Samba] User Profile Migration Solved

2003-01-17 Thread Erwin Zierler

Migration of User Profiles

Old machine with NT 4.0SP6 running as a primary domain controller (PDC)
is to be replaced by a new Linux server running samba 2.2.7a.
The samba version I used was a precompiled rpm package from SuSE.

14 Windows 2000 Professional (SP1-SP3) Workstations with 1-2 User accounts
 3 Windows NT 4.0 WS (SP6) Workstations with 1-2 User accounts
All these are German versions in case it matters for anyone, but I will
try use the English equivalents for folder names and the like where ever

After invesigating the workstations I found out that all user profiles
were local (not roaming) so no profiles on the PDC.
Further investigation revealed that 4 users had 350MB - 2.4GB data under
C:\Documents and Settings\USER\ which to some extent explains why they
didn't use roaming profiles. Like on many other computers I have seen
in the past people just get into the habit of creating files and folders
on their Desktop for convenience. No average user however is aware that
their Desktop is actually physically located in
'C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Desktop' (or in case of WinNT
'C:\WINNT\Profiles\USER\Desktop') and therefore, if roaming profiles are
used, will slow down especcially every logoff process, since all these data
stored on the desktop have to be copied over to the server. There are ways
to prevent this but introducing proper user policies is the better choice.
Educate your users and you (and even they) will be happier once they stick
to these rules.

Now for the migration process.

1. Log on to your old PDC as administrator and create a public share to store
the local profiles of all workstations, let's call it temp_profiles.
As an alternative you can store them on the local workstation as well
but for savety reasons I wanted to make sure I had a copy on the server.

2. Log on as local Administrator to each of your W2K/WinNT workstations,
right click on 'My Computer', then select the tab labelled 'User Profiles'.
Select a user profile you want to migrate and click on it. In my case
user profiles are labelled PCxx\username (xx were numbers from 01 to 26).
Click on 'Copy To' and in the following box labelled 'Copy Profile to'
enter the path to the temporary folder (i.e. \\old_server\temp_profiles).
Make sure you also click on the button labelled 'Change' in the
'Permitted to use' box and add the group 'everyone'. If you skip this step
chances are high that certain programs wont work later. Click 'OK' to save
the user profile on the server (or if you perfer you can save them locally
on each workstation - should not make a difference but is untested).

3. Next you leave the DOMAIN and join a temporary WORKGROUP (in my case
I choose the same name for both). On W2K you can find this by right-clicking
on 'My Computer' -> 'Properties' and in the next box click the tab labelled
'Network Identification'. Click the button 'Properties' and you'll see
where you can change from domain to workgroup logon. Then reboot.
This you have to do for each client of course. Under WinNT the process is
slightly different and is left as an exercise for the user.

4. Disable your old NT PDC and start the samba server with PDC functionality
enabled. By this time you should have created all your user accounts including
a special root account (i.e. you must add root to smbpasswd as explained in the
samba documentation). The root account is needed for joining the domain.
Also make sure you have set up machine accounts, either manually or with the
'add user script' option in smb.conf.

5. Log on as local administrator to all your workstations again and now 
join the
new samba domain. Under W2K a box will appear asking you for a username and
password. Use 'root' as user and the password you set in smbpasswd for root.
When everthing goes right you will see something like 'Welcome to the 
domain ...'
Reboot again.

6. You can now log on to the workstations as regular user. Log off again right
away, and you will find a freshly created profile for each user on the samba
server and each workstation under 'C:\Documents and Settings\USER.DOM\'.

7. Log on to each workstation as administrator again, make sure you have
access to the temporary location with the previously saved user profiles
and now copy all the contents over the fresh profiles which were just created.
So you are actually overwriting the local AND the serverbased profiles.

8. Now you can log on as a regular user on each workstation and will find
your beloved 'old' settings including all program settings, desktop icons,
wallpapers and other more or less useful details. In my case this included
settings for MS Office, several Adobe and Autodesk products. Even MS Outlook
worked again since the *.PST files were located on the server already
in the old environment. Users have not reported any errors so far except
they now have to provide a password to log on to the domain which was
not necessary before ;-)

My thank goes to John H Terps

RE: [Samba] Re: Re: SMB+LDAP Question ...

2003-01-17 Thread Matthieu Turpault
In your smb.conf file, try to replace the line
ldap suffix = "ou=Users, dc=stavanger-british-school, dc=no"
  ldap suffix = "dc=stavanger-british-school, dc=no"

> -Message d'origine-
> la part de Thomas Nilsen
> Envoyé : jeudi 16 janvier 2003 18:37
> Objet : [Samba] Re: Re: SMB+LDAP Question ...
> "Matthieu Turpault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Could you post your smb.conf and the ldif file which corresponds to a
> > computer and a user account ? I think that a attribute of your
> LDAP entry
> is
> > wrong
> Please find enclosed a LDIF file of root/Administrator and all the NT
> groups.
> The existing ws01$ is the machine account that is created during the
> joining, but as explained it does not complete.
> I've been trying both root and administrator when joining, and both fails
> with the "the account used is a computer account..]

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[Samba] Samba-LDAP - Getting Computer accounts to live in ou=Computers

2003-01-17 Thread Jim
OK, here is the deal.  My system spins like a top with one exception.
I would like to store Computer accounts in ou=Computers and get them out 
of ou=People.  I've tried simply makeing this the ou that Computers are 
added to but then the XP clients cannot seem to see them.  Changeing 
this is likley to be easy to do and incredibly hard to find the specific 
details of how to do it.  I know where I want to put things but I don't 
know how to tell Samba (or perhaps the client XP box?) where they are.


Jim C.

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RE: [Samba] Second Post: Unable to add user with Samba 2.2.7 - LDAP - PDC

2003-01-17 Thread Matthieu Turpault
Thanks for the answer

> (BTW, are you using RPMs or not? If so, which ones please?).

I use the RPM samba-common-ldap-2.2.7-1.1mdk, samba-server-ldap-2.2.7-1.1mdk
and samba-client-2.2.7-1.1mdk.

> > [global]
> > workgroup = MDKGROUP
> > server string = Samba Server %v
> > log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
> > max log size = 5000
> > security = user
> > encrypt passwords = yes
> > ldap admin dn = "cn=manager,id=1"
> Should this not be something like 'ldap admin dn =
> "cn=manager,o=comelis"? Or does :
> $ ldapsearch -x -h -D "cn=manager,id=1" -W "(uid=mat)"
> work for you (with the password you have added to samba with 'smbpasswd
> -w  when prompted)?

Yes, it does ! My base dn is "id=1".

> > ldap server =
> > ldap ssl = off
> > ldap port = 389
> > ldap suffix = "id=1"
> As above, I think this needs to be "o=comelis", unless the following
> works for you:
> $ ldapsearch -x -h -b "id=1" "(uid=mat)"

See above.

> > ldap filter = "(&(uid=%u)(objectclass=sambaAccount))"
> > unix password sync = Yes
> > passwd program = /usr/share/samba/scripts/ %u
> > passwd chat = *New*password*:* %n\r *Retype*new*password*:* %n\r
> > *all*authentication*tokens*updated*successfully*
> We use 'pam password change = yes" and have pam_ldap in the passwd
> section on /etc/pam.d/samba instead.

But I *can* log with a user, i.e. a valid credential stored in the
directory. My computer *can* contact the PDC... and it worked with

I *really* don't understand


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[Samba] Re: How can I restart samba?

2003-01-17 Thread Jim
My distro (Mandrake) comes with a series of scripts which do this for 
ALL of the services.

If I wanted to restart my samba server I would change to the superuser 
and just type:

service smb restart[enter]

Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Gareth Davies wrote:

ps aux | grep smb

kill -9 PID

ps aux | grep nmb

kill -9 PID

Or just make a script for stop/start/restart :)

Better to use the -TERM signal and let Samba gracefully shutdown.

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
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 "You can never go home again, Oatman, but I guess you can shop there."  
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[Samba] Re: SMB+LDAP Question ...

2003-01-17 Thread Jim
Thomas Nilsen wrote:

I'd like to trow myself into the same disussion...

I'm also trying to get Samba 2.2.7 working from LDAP. So far I can see the


/usr/local/bin/ -w %u"

I think there are some real problems with those scripts.  I've written 
my own using php and it seems to work fine with but one minor annoyance 
that maybe on the Windoze side...  The issue is that if I store the 
computer accounts in the Computers ou, the Widoze boxes can't see them.
No problems if I put them in with the users but that could cause trouble 
later when I have to separate the computers from users for some 
unpredictable reason.  My theory is that this has to do with the 
clientside setup.  Namely that the searchbase is wrong.

Which brings up another point.  I note that ALL uidNumber's in the tree 
must be unique regardless of what ou it is stored under?  Otherwise you 
get that pesky sid mapping error.

I've looked around on the samba mailinglists etc, but I've so far been
unable to find a solution to this problem...


"C.Lee Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Greetings ...

I have a quick question, which I hope will get a straight and quick


I am moving my system from flat files to LDAP.  I have had my users in
LDAP for a while, but then found that my computer accounts for Win2K in
still in passwd. My question is, what are the bare minume LDAP attribs
that I need for them to contiune to work?

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Re: [Samba] Mailing list archives

2003-01-17 Thread dj
On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Markus A Lien wrote:

> After bashing my head against a RH7.3 machine for 3 days maybe I have gone stupid, 
>but is there no easy way to search the mailing list archives short of doing text 
>serches on the different views of the archive?

You can also find the archives at They
store all the mail in a MySQL database and you can search it, and it is
pretty fast too.

Kind regards,
Tim Verhoeven

Tim Verhoeven
Linux & Open Source Specialist
GSM : 0496 / 693 453  + e-business solutions
Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   + consulting
URL : + Server consolidation

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