Re: [Samba] SOLVED Samba 3.0.0, CUPS support - Unable to open printcap file cups for read!

2003-12-17 Thread Carsten Büchner
Fran Fabrizio wrote:
I'm still having print problems.  I'm beginning to wonder if it's my
version of CUPS rather than Samba.  When I print from my Windows Samba
clients, the job shows up in the /var/spool/cups directory, and CUPS web
admin says the job completed, but it never prints anything.  Same thing
from linux samba clients works fine (i.e. if I do 'smbclient
//ds119b/myprinter' and then 'print /etc/printcap', it works fine).  

I had the same probleme here.
I use RedHat 8.0, cups 1.1.19 and samba 3.00 (the rpm from for RedHat8)
cups was working fine, but the printcap problem was reported in the samba-logs.
So I have got the srpm-samba3.00 from and rebuild the whole thing - 
the problem is gone...

Carsten Buechner
EDAG-Wolfsburg| Phone:+49-05361-799181
Schweriner Str. 4 | FAX:  +49-05361-799134
38444 Wolfsburg   | eMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Samba] samba linking Linux and OSX -- weird permissions

2003-12-17 Thread David Liontooth

Samba works great for mounting OSX shares on Linux, or vice versa. 
However, when I mount an OSX share on Linux, I get weird switches in 
ownership and permissions. Take these examples from two Linux machines 
(one and two), running Debian sid and Samba 3.0.0final-1, mounting a 
directory on an OSX 10.3.

First, what the OSX machine shows through an ssh session:

[osx:~/Desktop] liontooth% l
total 352
-rwxr-xr-x  1 liontooth  wheel  13780  9 Dec 22:34 Convert to QuickTime 
-rw-r--r--  1 liontooth  staff  0 28 Nov 23:04 Three
-rw-r--r--  1 liontooth  staff  0 24 Nov 20:02 One
lrwxr-xr-x  1 liontooth  staff 16 16 Dec 23:14 storage - 

Second, what the first Linux machine shows on the mounted volume:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/osx/Desktop# l
total 18
-rwxr--r--1 root root13780 Dec  9 22:34 Convert to 
QuickTime for
-rwxr--r--1 root root0 Nov 28 23:04 Three
-rwxr--r--1 root root0 Nov 24 20:02 One
drwxr-xr-x1 root root 4096 Dec 16 22:42 storage

This doesn't cause any problems -- the symlink works, for instance.

Third, this is what the second Linux machine shows:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/bighoss/Desktop# l
total 1048576
-rwxr-xr-x1 504  root13780 Dec  9 22:34 Convert to 
QuickTime for
-rw-r--r--1 504  dialout 0 Nov 28 23:04 Three
-rw-r--r--1 504  dialout 0 Nov 24 20:02 One
lrwxr-xr-x1 504  dialout16 Dec 16 23:14 storage - 

This is a problem -- the symlink doesn't work. On the machine called 
two, there are in fact no users with UID 504 and no user dialout.

While it may be that OSX is messing up, my question is this: Which files 
on my Linux machines could be controlling what I see on the OSX system? 
Since my two Linux machines give me completely different results, I have 
to conclude there are control files on Linux that somehow govern this 

BTW, I have a different problem going the other way -- mounting a Linux 
share on OSX. In that case, the available space on the Linux machine is 
set far too low. Let's say I actually have 20GB of free space on the 
mounted share; OSX shows 1.4GB is available. Any suggestions?


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Re: [Samba] A domain controller for the domain could not be contacted (2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

2003-12-17 Thread Eduard Witteveen
Patrick Shoaf wrote:

I am running on RedHat, but everything should be same on server side.  
Try adding the following lines into the smb.conf file:

password level = 8
username level = 8
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
unix password sync = yes
pam password change = yes
obey pam restrictions = yes
I added your parameters to the config file and also created an 
additional shared called [unsafe] from which i can easier get the config 
file when i want to email it.

When i want to join the domain with an Windows XP Version 2002 
Professional Service Pack 1 i still get the following error:
   A domain controller for the domain HAWAR3 could not be contacted.
   Ensure that the domain name is typed correctly.
   If the name is correct click Details for troubleshooting

When i click on details:
   Note: This information is intended for a network administrator.  If 
you are not your network's administrator, notify the administrator that 
you received this information, which has been recorded in the file 
   The domain name HAWAR3 might be a NetBIOS domain name.  If this is 
the case, verify that the domain name is properly registered with WINS.
   If you are certain that the name is not a NetBIOS domain name, then 
the following information can help you troubleshoot your DNS configuration.
   The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service 
location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for 
domain HAWAR3:
   The error was: DNS name does not exist.
   (error code 0x232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)
   The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.HAWAR3
   Common causes of this error include the following:
   - The DNS SRV record is not registered in DNS.
   - One or more of the following zones do not include delegation to 
its child zone:
   . (the root zone)
   For information about correcting this problem, click Help.

Attached is my smb.conf

Eduard Witteveen  
;changes after comments of  Patrick Shoaf
password level = 8
username level = 8
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
unix password sync = yes
pam password change = yes
obey pam restrictions = yes

;basic server settings
workgroup = HAWAR3
netbios name = nemo
server string = Samba %h PDC running %v

;PDC and master browser settings
os level = 64
preferred master = yes
local master = yes
domain master = yes

;security and logging settings
security = user
# encrypt passwords = yes
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
log level = 2
# max log size = 50
# hosts allow =

;user profiles and home directory
logon home = \\%L\%U\
logon drive = H:
logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
logon script = netlogon.bat

;sync passwords
unix password sync = yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *Retype*new*UNIX*password* %n\n  
*Enter*new*UNIX*password* %n\n *Retype*new*UNIX*password* %n\n *passwd: 

; new machines
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g machines -s /bin/false -M %u

#  shares 
path = /etc/samba
comment = Unsafe Config Share, has to be removed
browseable = yes
writeable = yes

comment = Home Directories 
browseable = no
writeable = yes

path = /home/samba/profiles
writeable = yes
browseable = no
create mask = 0600
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[Samba] Re: Samba-3.0 groupmapping problem

2003-12-17 Thread Jérôme Fenal

Hi, first thank for this answer :o)

What do you meen by : 

You must have the posixAccount LDAP definition in the LDAP directory. 
Having it /etc/group won't help at all... That's why you have a «No such 
object» error in Samba logs.
Sorry, I meant « posixGroup » in the LDAP directory.
Then, when the group is defined in LDAP (and not in /etc/group), you can 
 associate (ie. groupmap) an SID with the posixGroup.

Tu peux aussi me contacter sur ma BAL [EMAIL PROTECTED] pour continuer en 



Jérôme Fenal - Consultant Unix/SAN/Logiciel Libre
Groupe Expert  Managed Services - LogicaCMG France - mailto:jerome.fenal AT
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[Samba] Re: INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11

2003-12-17 Thread Jérôme Fenal

Hello everybody,

I just installed a samba-3.0.1 from sources, and I have an INTERNAL ERROR when I
launch smbd, nmbd or even swat (from inetd) to try to configure something.
I use a slackware 9.1 with glibc-2.3.2
The glibc seems to be the problem, because when I jump back on a 2.3.1, I can
launch swat without this bug.
Can someone help me to fix that ?
Could you quickly test your server's memory with memtest86 ?
Signal 11 is often a sign of failing memory hardware.


Jérôme Fenal - Consultant Unix/SAN/Logiciel Libre
Groupe Expert  Managed Services - LogicaCMG France - mailto:jerome.fenal AT
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Antwort: Re: [Samba] XP stops nearly all networkservices after joining Samba3 domain

2003-12-17 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello Jerry,

Yes, 3.0.1 fixed that problem.
Thank you very much.

Greetings Stefan

Hash: SHA1


| I setup samba3.0.1pre3+ldap as PDC. NT and 2k Workstation
| work. I can add xp clients to the domain. But when then
| the user logs in, the xp stops nearly all services after
| the authentication:
| login-, workstation-, browser-,audio- etc. service
| When I login as domainadmin,go to the Services, switch
| the logonservice from automatic to manual,  then login again
| as domaiadmin, start manual the logonservice, logoff ,then
| I'm able to login without problems.
| Has anyone an idear what this could be??

This might be the LsaQueryInfo(3) bug I fixed yesterday.  Try the
SAMBA_3_0_RELEASE branch and l
et me know.
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Re: [Samba] Re: password - ldap questions

2003-12-17 Thread Otto Schakenbos
ldap passwd sync =  yes

fixed it, thnx


Otto Schakenbos
TFX IT-Service AG
Fronackerstrasse 33-35
71332 Waiblingen

Jérôme Fenal wrote:

Adam Williams wrote:

I'm using the tool. If i use this tool directly 
from the command line it does update the userpassword just fine. 
(using the same syntax as in the smb.conf.
When i turn sync unix passwords  then the domain stops working 
(domain not foud)

That shouldn't happen.

Don't you mean unix password sync

Also have a look at « ldap passwd sync = » :


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Re: [Samba] A domain controller for the domain could not be contacted (2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

2003-12-17 Thread Fabien Chevalier

 The error was: DNS name does not exist.
 (error code 0x232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)
 The query was for the SRV record for
 _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.HAWAR3 Common causes of this error
 include the following: - The DNS SRV record is not registered
 in DNS.

It seems your workstation tries to locate the DC by doing a dns query, what is not 
currently supported by Samba.
What is your workstation node type set to?


Fabien Chevalier

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Re: [Samba] Samba Variables and TCP/IP Throughput

2003-12-17 Thread Per Kofod
Perhaps your TCP window is too small
You should try the following global settings:

read size = 65535
max xmit = 65535
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=65535 SO_RCVBUF=65535

Rgds Per

 I am trying to optimize my gigabit network. I have two Intel 1000 MT Gigabit
 Server Adapters, which support Jumbo Frames -- as well as a Switch that
 supports Jumbo Frames. However, I am observing some strange behavior in my file
 transfers from Windows XP to Linux and I am wondering if it has anything to do
 with the way the Samba variables are set on my Linux box?
 The strange behavior is that when I set both NICs to use Jumbo Frames
 [MTU=9014 on the Windows side (includes IP headers) , 9000 on the Linux side
 (doesn't include the headers], I am getting about half the throughput that I get
 when I set both NICs to use the standard MTU of 1514/1500. I see the same
 behavior even if I take the switch out of the system and connect the Windows XP and
 Linux machines directly to each other (crossover cable not required for
 computer-to-computer connection with these NICs -- and by the way all of my cables
 are CAT6).
 On the Linux side, I am using Samba 3.0.0 on Mandrake Linux 9.2 with all of
 Mandrake's current updates -- kernel = 2.4.22-21enterprisemdk. The Linux
 machine is a P4-3.06 Ghz with 1 GB of RAM -- running in hyperthreading mode.
 I am wondering if any of the Samba socket options settings like tcp_nodelay,
 so_sndbuf=8192 or so_rcvbuf=8192 are affecting my throughput -- particularly
 when I am using Jumbo Frames? And are there any other Samba settings that might
 be interacting in a negative way with my TCP/IP and NIC driver settings that
 are causing me to get lower throughput with Jumbo Frames instead of higher
 throughput (which is what I am told I should be getting).
 Any guidance would be appreciated. I have purchased The Official Samba 3
 HOW-TO and Reference Guide but it really isn't very helpful when it comes to
 understanding how to tune these options and how various socket options settings
 interact with other network settings and hardware.
 Andy Liebman
 Resolute Films
 119 Braintree Street, Suite 410
 Boston, MA 02134
 Tel: 617-782-0479
 Cell: 617-308-0488
 Fax: 617-782-1071
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Re: [Samba] A domain controller for the domain could not be contacted (2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

2003-12-17 Thread Eduard Witteveen
Fabien Chevalier wrote:

It seems your workstation tries to locate the DC by doing a dns query, what is not currently supported by Samba.
What is your workstation node type set to?

Could you rephrase your question?  I dont know how i found out what the 
node type of my workstations is.
(after some googling i tried looking in the registry for the key 
NodeType, but i couldnt find the entry)

Eduard Witteveen
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Re: [Samba] A domain controller for the domain could not be contacted (2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

2003-12-17 Thread Fabien Chevalier
Le Wednesday 17 December 2003 12:39, Eduard Witteveen a écrit :
 Fabien Chevalier wrote:
 It seems your workstation tries to locate the DC by doing a
  dns query, what is not currently supported by Samba. What is
  your workstation node type set to?

 Could you rephrase your question?  I dont know how i found out
 what the node type of my workstations is.

Please send your ipconfig /all.
I suppose something's wrong in your network settings.
Are you using Dhcp or static Ip?


Fabien Chevalier

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[Samba] How much space is needed to install samba??

2003-12-17 Thread Alex Chu

Dear samba support team,

I am very interested to use samba for talking
between Windows machine and Unix machine.
May I know how much space is needed to install samba on the server?
Thanks for your great feedback.


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[Samba] help: samba server don't work in embeded linux

2003-12-17 Thread Ling Johnny
hi all,
I want to use samba as a file server in some embeded enviroment, becase I have only 8M 
flash to hold file system of linux, so I have to 
put samba files into harddisk.
we mount the harddisk as /mnt/c,mkdir samba in /mnt/c, and mkdir
bin,lib,log,pid,codepage in /mnt/c/samba.
we put smbd,nmbd in /mnt/c/samba/bin
we put all the lib files needed in /mnt/c/samba/lib and make all the symbolic links of 
them in /lib.
we put all the codepage files in /mnt/c/samba/codepage.
the smb.conf is like below,
# Global parameters
workgroup = gydw
netbios name  = et2000
security  = share
guest ok  = yes
encrypt passwords = yes
code page directory = /mnt/c/smaba/codepage
log file= /mnt/c/smaba/log/%m.log
lock dir= /mnt/c/smaba/lock
pid directory   = /mnt/c/smaba/pid
comment   = data
path  = /mnt/c/dvbs/data
guest only= Yes

I start them like below:
/mnt/c/samba/bin/nmbd -D
/mnt/c/samba/bin/smbd -D
but when I try to run command \\et2000 in win2000, it says the network name is no 
longer usable.
the log is like below,
[1970/01/01 00:01:39, 0] ../lib/util_sec.c:assert_gid(114)
  Failed to set gid privileges to (-1,65534) now set to (0,0) uid=(0,0)
[1970/01/01 00:01:39, 0] ../lib/util.c:smb_panic(1094)
  PANIC: failed to set gid

 ... many repeat

[1970/01/01 00:01:39, 0] ../lib/util_sec.c:assert_gid(114)
  Failed to set gid privileges to (-1,65534) now set to (0,0) uid=(0,0)
[1970/01/01 00:01:39, 0] ../lib/util.c:smb_panic(1094)
  PANIC: failed to set gid
I don't know why, can anybody help me?
or anybody can tell me which files and directories are nessasory to run a samba server?
thanks very much!

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Re: [Samba] A domain controller for the domain could not be contacted (2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

2003-12-17 Thread Eduard Witteveen
Fabien Chevalier wrote:

Please send your ipconfig /all.

I attached the output

I suppose something's wrong in your network settings.
Are you using Dhcp or static Ip?

Dhcp. (look in the output)

The linux server (nemo) has ip-number

Eduard Witteveen

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : SHARED-PC

Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . : 

Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid

IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : 

Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet 

Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-E0-4C-48-3E-AB

Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes

Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :

Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :

Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :

DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

Primary WINS Server . . . . . . . :

Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2003 10:38:39

Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2003 10:38:39

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RE: [Samba] can not overwrite files but can delete.

2003-12-17 Thread daniel . jarboe
 What I should have mentioned but failed to,  was this is an 
 problem (a developers favorite kind I'm sure).  What's worse, 
  and this
 just sounds so so wrong;  doing a 'copy  paste' will produce 
 the error
 more often than doing a 'drag and drop'.  Perhaps it is just
 coincidence,  but i get the feeling it is not.  We discovered 
 this when
 I had asked the user to demonstrate the problem to me as I 
 had not been
 able to recreate it.  He came over and did a copy/paste whereas I was
 dragging and dropping the same files from one window to 
 another without
 issue prior to having the user demonstrate the procedure he uses.  
 3-6 times out of 10 copy/pasting will throw the error.  (Cannont copy
 file3.bat: Cannot find the specified file.  Make sure you specify the
 correct path and filename.)
 1-2 times out of 10 drag/drop will throw the error.

Is there anything in common with the failures?  The same filenames
failing?  Or a same group of other filenames present in the directory
when a new copy/paste fails?  The only thing I can think of is a
upper/lower-case (if you have w95/98 clients) or filename mangling
problem.  The default mangling method changed for 3, but it should
_reduce_ problems like these if that is indeed the culprit.

Anything unusual in the logs?

~ Daniel


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Thank you.

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Re: [Samba] A domain controller for the domain could not be contacted (2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

2003-12-17 Thread Fabien Chevalier
Le Wednesday 17 December 2003 13:20, Eduard Witteveen a écrit :
 Fabien Chevalier wrote:
 Please send your ipconfig /all.

 I attached the output

 I suppose something's wrong in your network settings.
 Are you using Dhcp or static Ip?

 Dhcp. (look in the output)

 The linux server (nemo) has ip-number

 Eduard Witteveen

Ok, thanks.

I think your Samba server hasn't been registered to your wins server,
thus when trying to join the domain, your workstation falls back to dns...which 
obviously fails.

Try to add wins server = to your smb.conf,
and let us know if it works...

Good luck,

Fabien Chevalier

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[Samba] Winbindd

2003-12-17 Thread Kent L. Nasveschuk
The message I got from Jerry Carter yesterday says that Winbindd is only
required for trust accounts between 2 domains. I was confused also, the
documentation seems to lead one to the contrary.

Kent L. Nasveschuk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [Samba] How much space is needed to install samba??

2003-12-17 Thread Jan Johansson
I am very interested to use samba for talking
between Windows machine and Unix machine.
May I know how much space is needed to install samba on the server?
Thanks for your great feedback.

Depends on what you mean, but if you just install the binaries, I would
guess less then 10MB.

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0.1 Available for Download

2003-12-17 Thread Tarjei Huse
Beast wrote:

Tuesday, December 16, 2003, 7:16:35 AM, Gerald wrote:


Hash: SHA1


In an attempt to avoid the holiday rush common to software
releases, the Samba Team is proud to announce the availability
of the first patch release of the Samba 3.0 code base.

Anyone having success story using this version?
I'm having weird problem. I can not joint Win-2k/WinXP-Pro with
ldapsam (open ldap 2.2.22).
I got XP to join with this version :-)

I think you should start by setting your openldap loglevel to 256 and 
see if you have any access denied errors. If you do, they have to be 
fixed first. Then try setting smbpasswd for admin. Also, if you want a 
good, working ldif, download the smbldap tools from and 
run BUT: Remember to edit first, 
esp set the sid to the sid you're using.

Also: It's a good idea to edit the file so you can look at the resulting 
ldif and not add it directly to the ldapdatabase.


With W2000 error says bad username or password, with WXP access
I'm trying to create clean ldif entry with only having 2 account, but
still no luck, both cretae machine trust 'on the fly' or manual create
machine account.
Admin user has given SID-500/sambaPrimaryGroupSID=512 and uid/gid=0

[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# net groupmap list
Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-3005840292-418818142-688599051-512) - root
Domain Users (S-1-5-21-3005840292-418818142-688599051-513) - domuser
Domain Guests (S-1-5-21-3005840292-418818142-688599051-514) - domguest
log from ldap and samba did not give anything usefull (for me at
least :)
[2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(634)
 0048 uni_str_len: 0006
[2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:dbg_rw_punival(806)
 004c buffer : T.R.G.2.0...
[2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(721)
 0058 data: b5 59 ba 7f a7 fc dc 08
[2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(81)
 00 net_io_r_auth
[2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(721)
  data: b8 f5 ff bf 45 c3 1b 08
[2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_ntstatus(664)
[2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1535)
 api_rpcTNP: called NETLOGON successfully
[2003/12/16 18:53:21, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(544)
 free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 46
[2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(81)
 00 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr
If anyone got working setup, please share smb.config and ldif entry if
possible :-)
Big thanks.



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Re: [Samba] SWAT won't work.

2003-12-17 Thread Greg Dickie
On Wednesday 17 December 2003 12:23 am, Phillip Tilleman wrote:
 It is configured under xinetd. It looks like this.
 # default: off
 # description: SWAT is the Samba Web Admin Tool. Use swat \
 #  to configure your Samba server. To use SWAT, \
 #  connect to port 901 with your favorite web browser.
 service swat
 disable = no
 port= 901
 socket_type = stream
 wait= no
 only_from = localhost
I think this only allows connections from localhost which might not be what 
you want.

 user= root
 server  = /usr/local/samba/bin/swat
Is this the correct path for swat?

 log_on_failure  += USERID

 What else would you suggest? Remember I'm using Red Hat 7.3. That might


 -Original Message-
 From: Greg Dickie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 8:33 PM
 To: Phillip Tilleman; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Samba] SWAT won't work.

 Swat runs as a separate service, not under the webserver. You need to have
 configured in inetd or xinetd.


 On Tuesday 16 December 2003 22:06, Phillip Tilleman wrote:
  Ok, here is the problem. Samba is working, I can access it


  a account I created from a windows XP machine. So that is good. But I


  get swat to work when I go to my browser windows explorer and go to :901 (which is my static IP
  address for the machine). Of course with out port 901. But nothing
  happens when I try to open it. I do have my web server up and going,
  infact I have a squirl mail up and running. So I know the httpd is up.
  I'm running Red Hat 7.3 and running samba 3.1. I tried to telnet from the
  actual machine with samba on it to telnet and it says
  telnet: Name or service not known so it's not working. I


  is the problem. How do I get it so httpd service will interact with port
  901 and make samba work? Help is appreciated, I'm trying to get samba up
  and running for a non-profit org. that can not afford to buy windows 2000
  server and pay for it, and pay for the 5 licenses we will have to buy.


  is much

 Greg Dickie
 just a guy

Greg Dickie
just a guy
Maximum Throughput

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Re: [Samba] SAMBA 3.0.1 for Debian

2003-12-17 Thread Fabien Chevalier
Le Tuesday 16 December 2003 10:26, Michael Knigge a écrit :

 does someone has 3.0.1 Debian Packages ready?

 Thank you,

I got some home built for Sarge, 
I you're interested...


Fabien Chevalier

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[Samba] Samba BDC doesn't talk to LDAP slave on same machine

2003-12-17 Thread Kent L. Nasveschuk
I can't get my BDC to talk to the LDAP slave running on the same
machine. Replication between slave and master works but samba on the BDC
doesn't appear to be communicating with the slave LDAP server.

Everything off the PDC works fine.

smb.conf on BDC
workgroup = WarehamPS
encrypt passwords = Yes
time offset = 60
time server = Yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
security = user
logon script = netlogon.bat
writable = Yes
dns proxy = no
directory mask = 02770
preferred master = yes
netbios name = Decas2
server string = RedHat 8.0 Samba LDAP
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap:// ldap://;
ldap passwd sync = Yes
machine password timeout = 604800
passwd program = /usr/local/samba/bin/smbpasswd %u
   passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
*Retype\snew\sUnix\spassword:* %n\n
log file = /var/log/samba.%m
debug level = 2
max log size = 50
add user script = /usr/local/sbin/ %u
delete user script = /usr/local/sbin/ %u
add group script = /usr/local/sbin/
delete group script = /usr/local/sbin/
add machine script = /usr/local/samba/bin/smbpasswd -a -m %u
logon script = netlogon.bat
logon path =
logon drive = H:
logon home =
domain logons = Yes
os level = 64
domain master = No
dns proxy = Yes
admin users = @domain_admins
wins support = no
wins server =
wins proxy = no
name resolve order = wins hosts bcast
ldap suffix = dc=tow,dc=net
ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
ldap user suffix = ou=Users
ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
ldap admin dn = cn=admin,dc=tow,dc=net
ldap ssl = no

comment = Home Directories
read only = no
browseable = no
writable = yes
path = %H
#   valid users = %S
hide files = /.*/
comment = Netlogon share
path = /usr/local/samba/netlogon
locking = no
browseable = no
read only = yes
write list = @domain_admins
comment = Programs
path = /accounts/programs

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
read only = Yes
printable = Yes
browseable = No

slapd.conf ond BDC
# $OpenLDAP: pkg/ldap/servers/slapd/slapd.conf,v 2000/08/26
17:06:18 kurt Exp $
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema
suffix  dc=tow,dc=net
rootdn  cn=admin,dc=tow,dc=net
rootpw  {SSHA}bbcOI00dfOOJdNCsuFfWf8forJC/Q2P8
directory   /usr/local/var/openldap-slurp/wareham
updateref   ldap://;
schemacheck on
lastmod on
# Indices to maintain
#index  objectClass eq
index   objectClass,uid,uidNumber,gidNumber eq
#index  cn,mail,surname,givenname   eq,subinitial
index   cn,snpres,eq,sub
access to dn=.*dc=tow,dc=net
by self write
by * read
access to attrs=userPassword,sambaNTPassword,sambaLMPassword
by dn=cn=root,ou=Users,dc=tow,dc=net write
by self write
#   by anonymousauth
by * none

LDAP.conf on BDC
# $OpenLDAP: pkg/ldap/libraries/libldap/ldap.conf,v 1.9 2000/09/04
19:57:01 kurt Exp $
# LDAP Defaults

# See ldap.conf(5) for details
# This file should be world readable but not world writable.

URI ldap://
ldap_version 3
#DEREF  never

Kent L. Nasveschuk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Samba] Logging Pring Jobs

2003-12-17 Thread Bodhi
I found the general log that was recommended in


however someone mentioned the %j feature that would allow the printing of
the file name.  Where do I configure this, so that the acct file reflects

Or let me pose this idea...does anyone know of any 3rd party gpl software
to do the trick if I can't use smb?


It is fate to be born free,
 It is a privilege to live free,
 It is a responsibility to die free.

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[Samba] reliant-unix-5.45 samba-3.0.0

2003-12-17 Thread Schreiber Martin

Hello to the list,

Is there anyone who had successfull compiled samba-3.0.0 on reliant-unix
5.45 , with latest supported gcc3.0.2. We need that , because we are
changing to ads with smb signing , so we need samba 3.0.0 . It was really a
pain to get the gcc running under reliant , but now the really problems

Thanks in advance for your efforts

kind regardsmartin schreiber

  Siemens Business Services
CCN-ITS Betrieb Wien GUD
Gudrunstrasse 11
A-1101 Wien
Martin Schreiber
  Phone +43 5 1707 47565
  Fax   +43 5 1707 57560

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Re: [Samba] A domain controller for the domain could not be contacted (2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

2003-12-17 Thread Eduard Witteveen
Fabien Chevalier wrote:

I think your Samba server hasn't been registered to your wins server,
thus when trying to join the domain, your workstation falls back to dns...which 
obviously fails.
Try to add wins server = to your smb.conf,
and let us know if it works...

No. I've attached my current configuration file.
When i try to join the domain i still get the same error message(and no 
Please let me know what to do next.

;changes after comments of Fabien Chevalier
wins server =

;changes after comments of Patrick Shoaf
password level = 8
username level = 8
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
unix password sync = yes
pam password change = yes
obey pam restrictions = yes

;basic server settings
workgroup = HAWAR3
netbios name = nemo
server string = Samba %h PDC running %v

;PDC and master browser settings
os level = 64
preferred master = yes
local master = yes
domain master = yes

;security and logging settings
security = user
# encrypt passwords = yes
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
log level = 2
# max log size = 50
# hosts allow =

;user profiles and home directory
logon home = \\%L\%U\
logon drive = H:
logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
logon script = netlogon.bat

;sync passwords
unix password sync = yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *Retype*new*UNIX*password* %n\n  
*Enter*new*UNIX*password* %n\n *Retype*new*UNIX*password* %n\n *passwd: 

; new machines
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g machines -s /bin/false -M %u

#  shares 
path = /etc/samba
comment = Unsafe Config Share, has to be removed
browseable = yes
writeable = yes

comment = Home Directories 
browseable = no
writeable = yes

path = /home/samba/profiles
writeable = yes
browseable = no
create mask = 0600
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Re: [Samba] Samba Variables and TCP/IP Throughput

2003-12-17 Thread AndyLiebman
Thanks for the reply. Do you know (and if so, caan you tell me) what the 
relationship is between these Samba settings and Linux settings such as 
net.core.rmem_default (or _max), net.core.wmem_default (or _max), net.ipv4.tcp_rmem 
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem.  Do the Samba options override the Linux socket options, or 
do they act as another layer of limits and buffers? 

Perhaps your TCP window is too small
You should try the following global settings:

read size = 65535
max xmit = 65535
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=65535 SO_RCVBUF=65535

Rgds Per

 I am trying to optimize my gigabit network. I have two Intel 1000 MT Gigabit
 Server Adapters, which support Jumbo Frames -- as well as a Switch that
 supports Jumbo Frames. However, I am observing some strange behavior in my 
 transfers from Windows XP to Linux and I am wondering if it has anything to 
 with the way the Samba variables are set on my Linux box?
 The strange behavior is that when I set both NICs to use Jumbo Frames
 [MTU=9014 on the Windows side (includes IP headers) , 9000 on the Linux side
 (doesn't include the headers], I am getting about half the throughput that 
I get
 when I set both NICs to use the standard MTU of 1514/1500. I see the same
 behavior even if I take the switch out of the system and connect the 
Windows XP and
 Linux machines directly to each other (crossover cable not required for
 computer-to-computer connection with these NICs -- and by the way all of my 
 are CAT6).
 On the Linux side, I am using Samba 3.0.0 on Mandrake Linux 9.2 with all of
 Mandrake's current updates -- kernel = 2.4.22-21enterprisemdk. The Linux
 machine is a P4-3.06 Ghz with 1 GB of RAM -- running in hyperthreading mode.
 I am wondering if any of the Samba socket options settings like tcp_nodelay,
 so_sndbuf=8192 or so_rcvbuf=8192 are affecting my throughput -- particularly
 when I am using Jumbo Frames? And are there any other Samba settings that 
 be interacting in a negative way with my TCP/IP and NIC driver settings that
 are causing me to get lower throughput with Jumbo Frames instead of higher
 throughput (which is what I am told I should be getting).
 Any guidance would be appreciated. I have purchased The Official Samba 3
 HOW-TO and Reference Guide but it really isn't very helpful when it comes 
 understanding how to tune these options and how various socket options 
 interact with other network settings and hardware.
 Andy Liebman
 Resolute Films
 119 Braintree Street, Suite 410
 Boston, MA 02134
 Tel: 617-782-0479
 Cell: 617-308-0488
 Fax: 617-782-1071
 To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
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RE: [Samba] I'm confused. What is winbindd supposed to get me?

2003-12-17 Thread David Gadoury
Along these same lines, I don't have winbind running as of yet (in part
due to time constraints and in part due a bit of confusion of winbind
configuration) but am still able to interact w/ my W2K domain.  The only
negative is that the connections to Samba from XP clients is very slow,
taking up to a minute for the connection to be made.  I'm
assuming/hoping that getting winbind up and running will resolve this.


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 8:09 PM
Subject: [Samba] I'm confused. What is winbindd supposed to get me?

I've got a Samba member server as part of a Windows NT domain.  User
accounts have the same name in both domain.  I was having all sorts of
trouble when winbindd was running with wierd groups showing up.

I happened to screw up the winbindd configuration without noticing
causing it to crash, but I ran snmd and nmbd anyway and suddenly
everything started working perfectly.

The docs say you MUST run winbindd.

I'm confused.

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RE: [Samba] I'm confused. What is winbindd supposed to get me?

2003-12-17 Thread David Gadoury
One thing that I am not clear on as of yet, is how winbind will handle
the fact that I have duplicate users on both my Linux machines and on my
W2K domain, user1 in AD and user1 in /etc/passwd


-Original Message-
From: Greg Dickie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] I'm confused. What is winbindd supposed to get me?


  winbind is used to import accounts from a windows machine. If all
accounts already exist on the samba machine then you don't need winbind.
you had a disjoint set of users on the samba machine and the windows
then you would be able to see the union set by using winbind.

Does that help at all?

On Tuesday 16 December 2003 20:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got a Samba member server as part of a Windows NT domain.  User
 accounts have the same name in both domain.  I was having all sorts of
 trouble when winbindd was running with wierd groups showing up.

 I happened to screw up the winbindd configuration without noticing
 it to crash, but I ran snmd and nmbd anyway and suddenly everything
 working perfectly.

 The docs say you MUST run winbindd.

 I'm confused.

Greg Dickie
just a guy

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0.1 Available for Download

2003-12-17 Thread Greg Dickie

I had a problem similar to this that Gerry has been working on. Please turn 
the log level up to 5 and try again then grep the log file for 'incorrect 
password'. If its there then its the same problem and rumor has it there is a 
patch. You can also try going back to 3.0.0, that version always seemed to 
work for me.


On Wednesday 17 December 2003 12:05 am, Beast wrote:
 Tuesday, December 16, 2003, 7:16:35 AM, Gerald wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  In an attempt to avoid the holiday rush common to software
  releases, the Samba Team is proud to announce the availability
  of the first patch release of the Samba 3.0 code base.

 Anyone having success story using this version?
 I'm having weird problem. I can not joint Win-2k/WinXP-Pro with
 ldapsam (open ldap 2.2.22).
 With W2000 error says bad username or password, with WXP access
 I'm trying to create clean ldif entry with only having 2 account, but
 still no luck, both cretae machine trust 'on the fly' or manual create
 machine account.

 Admin user has given SID-500/sambaPrimaryGroupSID=512 and uid/gid=0

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# net groupmap list
 Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-3005840292-418818142-688599051-512) - root
 Domain Users (S-1-5-21-3005840292-418818142-688599051-513) - domuser
 Domain Guests (S-1-5-21-3005840292-418818142-688599051-514) - domguest

 log from ldap and samba did not give anything usefull (for me at
 least :)

 [2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(634)
   0048 uni_str_len: 0006
 [2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:dbg_rw_punival(806)
   004c buffer : T.R.G.2.0...
 [2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(721)
   0058 data: b5 59 ba 7f a7 fc dc 08
 [2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(81)
   00 net_io_r_auth
 [2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint8s(721)
    data: b8 f5 ff bf 45 c3 1b 08
 [2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_ntstatus(664)
 [2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1535)
   api_rpcTNP: called NETLOGON successfully
 [2003/12/16 18:53:21, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(544)
   free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 46
 [2003/12/16 18:53:21, 5] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_debug(81)
   00 smb_io_rpc_hdr hdr

 If anyone got working setup, please share smb.config and ldif entry if
 possible :-)
 Big thanks.


Greg Dickie
just a guy
Maximum Throughput

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[Samba] Printer prints, but reports opening

2003-12-17 Thread R. Exterkate
We have a samba 2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian running, and something odd in 

We use CUPs as linux print server. When we print from a w2k station, 
prints come out the printer, but the printer window reports a cycle of 

- initializing printer
- opening printer
- failed to open, retrying
what  can be the cause?

parts of the smb.conf:
printcap name = lpstat
   disable spoolss = No
   show add printer wizard = No
   printing = cups
   print command = lp -d %p -o raw %s
   lprm command = cancel %p-%j
   comment = All Printers
   path = /tmp
   create mask = 0700
   printable = Yes
   browseable = No
   comment = Xerox copier E0
   path = /tmp
   read only = No
   guest ok = Yes
   printable = Yes
   print command = lp -d '%p' -o raw %s
   lpq command = lpstat -a %p
   lprm command = cancel '%p'-%j
   printer name = lpe0xerox
   use client driver = Yes
   oplocks = No

Ric Exterkate, Department of Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Utrecht,
   Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands
   E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone:+31-30-2507156 Fax:+31-30-2581226
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Re: [Samba] mounting samba shares on linux with non-ascii dirs

2003-12-17 Thread ??????? ????????
Give up on the Linux smbfs kernel module (which isn't part of Samba
BTW, but part of the Linux kernel), and try the Linux cifsfs module
instead.  See:
Is it possible to build or download the cifs module w/o affecting kernel 
sources? I mean we have strait binary installation of RH9 and kernel is 
the same as in distibution. Or it is really need to change something 
inside default RH9 kernel?

It may not solve your problems, but if it doesn't you can go to your
local Linux kernel mailing list, or thelinux-cifs-client mailing list
for help.

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[Samba] Samba Statistics Tool?

2003-12-17 Thread Jochen Schmidt
Hash: SHA1


does anybody knows a good tool to present management-aware statistics of

thanks for your help!


- -- 
Jochen Schmidt   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mi||enux GmbHmobile: +49.175.5752483
Lilienthalstraße 2  phone: +49.711.88770.300
70825 Stuttgart-Korntal   fax: +49.711.88770.349
  -= linux without limits -=- =-
PGP Fingerprint:  6F9A 85CE 78EA 7EF1 B2BA  3559 8FA1 2B13 098D 20B5
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [Samba] I'm confused. What is winbindd supposed to get me?

2003-12-17 Thread Greg Dickie

They are seen as different users. Thats the thing if you have all the same 
users in AD and /etc/passwd then you don't need winbind.


On Wednesday 17 December 2003 08:51 am, David Gadoury wrote:
 One thing that I am not clear on as of yet, is how winbind will handle
 the fact that I have duplicate users on both my Linux machines and on my
 W2K domain, user1 in AD and user1 in /etc/passwd


 -Original Message-
 From: Greg Dickie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 8:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [Samba] I'm confused. What is winbindd supposed to get me?


   winbind is used to import accounts from a windows machine. If all
 accounts already exist on the samba machine then you don't need winbind.
 you had a disjoint set of users on the samba machine and the windows
 then you would be able to see the union set by using winbind.

 Does that help at all?

 On Tuesday 16 December 2003 20:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've got a Samba member server as part of a Windows NT domain.  User
  accounts have the same name in both domain.  I was having all sorts of
  trouble when winbindd was running with wierd groups showing up.
  I happened to screw up the winbindd configuration without noticing


  it to crash, but I ran snmd and nmbd anyway and suddenly everything


  working perfectly.
  The docs say you MUST run winbindd.
  I'm confused.

 Greg Dickie
 just a guy

Greg Dickie
just a guy
Maximum Throughput

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Re: [Samba] Samba Variables and TCP/IP Throughput

2003-12-17 Thread Greg Dickie

I believe samba just does setsockopt or ioctl on the sockets. Do you get any 
errors on the interfaces in jumbo? Does your switch support jumbo? Setting 
use sendfile=yes will help alot on read speeds from samba. On the windows 
side check the settings. I think the e1000 has some adaptive spacing setting 
that kills throughput. Also some things to check on the linux side. e1000 
module options like rxIntDelay, etc.

You will not get much more performance out of jumbo unless your CPUs are maxed 
but you should not get less. What kind of numbers are you seeing? 

hope this helps.

On Wednesday 17 December 2003 08:23 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the reply. Do you know (and if so, caan you tell me) what the
 relationship is between these Samba settings and Linux settings such as
 net.core.rmem_default (or _max), net.core.wmem_default (or _max),
 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem and net.ipv4.tcp_wmem.  Do the Samba options override the
 Linux socket options, or do they act as another layer of limits and

 Perhaps your TCP window is too small
 You should try the following global settings:

 read size = 65535
 max xmit = 65535
 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=65535 SO_RCVBUF=65535

 Rgds Per

  I am trying to optimize my gigabit network. I have two Intel 1000 MT
  Gigabit Server Adapters, which support Jumbo Frames -- as well as a
  Switch that supports Jumbo Frames. However, I am observing some strange
  behavior in my


  transfers from Windows XP to Linux and I am wondering if it has anything


  with the way the Samba variables are set on my Linux box?
  The strange behavior is that when I set both NICs to use Jumbo Frames
  [MTU=9014 on the Windows side (includes IP headers) , 9000 on the Linux
  side (doesn't include the headers], I am getting about half the
  throughput that

 I get

  when I set both NICs to use the standard MTU of 1514/1500. I see the same
  behavior even if I take the switch out of the system and connect the

 Windows XP and

  Linux machines directly to each other (crossover cable not required for
  computer-to-computer connection with these NICs -- and by the way all of


  are CAT6).
  On the Linux side, I am using Samba 3.0.0 on Mandrake Linux 9.2 with all
  of Mandrake's current updates -- kernel = 2.4.22-21enterprisemdk. The
  Linux machine is a P4-3.06 Ghz with 1 GB of RAM -- running in
  hyperthreading mode.
  I am wondering if any of the Samba socket options settings like
  tcp_nodelay, so_sndbuf=8192 or so_rcvbuf=8192 are affecting my throughput
  -- particularly when I am using Jumbo Frames? And are there any other
  Samba settings that


  be interacting in a negative way with my TCP/IP and NIC driver settings
  that are causing me to get lower throughput with Jumbo Frames instead of
  higher throughput (which is what I am told I should be getting).
  Any guidance would be appreciated. I have purchased The Official Samba 3
  HOW-TO and Reference Guide but it really isn't very helpful when it


  understanding how to tune these options and how various socket options


  interact with other network settings and hardware.
  Andy Liebman
  Resolute Films
  119 Braintree Street, Suite 410
  Boston, MA 02134
  Tel: 617-782-0479
  Cell: 617-308-0488
  Fax: 617-782-1071
  To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Greg Dickie
just a guy
Maximum Throughput

To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

[Samba] authentification problem (2.2.8)

2003-12-17 Thread Jean Frontin
Hello Friends,

I want to connect agly WXPPro to a unix 5.8 machine via samba 2.2.8.
I use encrypt passwords = yes and, of course, I modified registry windows.
It doesn't work ! Below a transcript of session log.agly.

Many thanks for your help.

[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 1 of length 137
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBnegprot (pid 1690)
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0]
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [LANMAN1.0]
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [Windows for Workgroups 3.1a]
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [LM1.2X002]
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [LANMAN2.1]
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [NT LM 0.12]
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(426)
  Selected protocol NT LM 0.12
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 2 of length 207
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 1690)
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(880)
  Domain=[AGLY]  NativeOS=[Windows 2002 2600 Service Pack 1] 
NativeLanMan=[Windows 2002 5.1]
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(890)
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 1] smbd/password.c:pass_check_smb(545)
  Couldn't find user 'frontin' in passdb.
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(997)
  NT Password did not match for user 'frontin'!
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(1007)
  Defaulting to Lanman password for frontin
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 1] smbd/password.c:pass_check_smb(545)
  Couldn't find user 'frontin' in passdb.
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 1] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(1023)
  Rejecting user 'frontin': authentication failed
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(94)
  error string = No such file or directory
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(113)
  error packet at smbd/reply.c(1025) cmd=115 (SMBsesssetupX) 
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/process.c:timeout_processing(1066)
  end of file from client
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(511)
  Closing connections
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/connection.c:yield_connection(48)
  Yielding connection to
[2003/12/17 11:48:51, 3] smbd/server.c:exit_server(545)
  Server exit (normal exit)

Jean Frontin
System team
Université Paul-Sabatier
118, rte de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse cedex 04
tel  (33)(0)5 61 55 63 03
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[Samba] emergency- machines kicked off network after PDC 2.2.8-3.0.0 upgrade

2003-12-17 Thread Brett Dikeman
After upgrading our PDC to 3.0.0 last night(and confirming logins worked 
properly)...this morning, we had two machines report errors says the 
machine account does not exist or has been changed.  Last night, users- 
even ones who had not been on that particular workstation before- were 
able to login on at least 6 out of 30-40 workstations.

All configuration files were moved over, including the secrets file- 
logins worked just fine.  Searches on google turn up nothing helpful, 
and attempts to use smbpasswd have failed.  I just attempted to add a 
new machine(well, a machine that was added to the old PDC, after we 
sync'd config+pw files) to the domain, and received:

# smbpasswd -m czar
Failed to find entry for user czar$
The entry does in fact exist in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.

I then tried pdbedit -a -m -u czar

When I went to the system and tried to re-add it to the domain, it 
claimed the domain did not exist or could not be contacted.

To eliminate iptables from the problem, even though 137-139 tcp+udp were 
open, I shut it down.  No change.

The upgrading doc mentions nothing that would help us in this 
extremely straightforward(machine trust accounts) issue...I've found it 
to be severely lacking.  This is extremely disappointing...


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[Samba] Netbios ?


I am trying a netstat | grep netbios and receive nothing back.  I tried netstat | 
grep 139 and nothing as well.  I have the correct netbios ports in /etc/services.  
Does anyone know to make this show up with a netstat or have those services running?  

I believe this may be my problem with the mapping of samba shares to the client.

Any help would be appreciated,


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Re: [Samba] Printer prints, but reports opening

2003-12-17 Thread R. Exterkate
Thanks for the quick respons

Jason Balicki wrote:

what  can be the cause?

I've had this before.  It's usually one of or a combination of:

1) not having a machine account

This all set, machine accounts for all systems

parts of the smb.conf:
   printcap name = lpstat

You say you're using cups, but your printcap is lpstat.  I'm not
an expert, but I'm using cups and my printcap name is set to cups.

I will try, but in several documents about priting in samba, you see one 
of both versions



  comment = All Printers
  path = /tmp
  create mask = 0700
  printable = Yes
  browseable = No

Add use client driver = yes and guest ok=no here.



  comment = Xerox copier E0
  path = /tmp
  read only = No
  guest ok = Yes
  printable = Yes
  print command = lp -d '%p' -o raw %s
  lpq command = lpstat -a %p
  lprm command = cancel '%p'-%j
  printer name = lpe0xerox
  use client driver = Yes
  oplocks = No

I don't understand why you need this.  If this printer
is defined in cups, it should be loaded already.  That's
what the all printers share is for.  Do you have a 

load printers = yes

in your global?  If not, add it.  Unless you've got weird
requirements, this section is redundant and unnecessary.
The [copier_E0] section is because I don't want to advertise all 
printers in the CUPS system. Therefore I make all printers in theri own 
section available


Ric Exterkate, Department of Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Utrecht,
   Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands
   E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone:+31-30-2507156 Fax:+31-30-2581226
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Re: [Samba] Netbios ?

2003-12-17 Thread Rick Brown
netstat -an | grep 139

[ Rick Brown   ][  (404) 894-6175   ] 
[ Office of Information Technology ][[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ] 
[ Georgia Institute of Technology  ][  258 4th street. Atlanta, GA  ]

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, COUNTERMAN, DANIEL (CONTRACTOR) wrote:

 I am trying a netstat | grep netbios and receive nothing back.  I tried netstat | 
 grep 139 and nothing as well.  I have the correct netbios ports in /etc/services.  
 Does anyone know to make this show up with a netstat or have those services running?
 I believe this may be my problem with the mapping of samba shares to the client.
 Any help would be appreciated,
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RE: [Samba] combining local users or smbpasswd users and NTDOMAIN usersin LDAP

2003-12-17 Thread Russell Lavoie
Lets see.  So are you going to  be getting rid of the NT Domain?  If
not, why not just setup LDAP authentication on the linux box through PAM
with the help of a few other modules.  It creates a local account based
on the authentication success.  Works great for me.  This also promotes
centralized user administration.  Is that what you are going after?  If
not, I apologize for giving you the wrong info.  Please clarify if I am
wrong here.



-Original Message-
From: Craig White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:24 PM
To: Smb_List (E-mail)
Subject: [Samba] combining local users or smbpasswd users and NTDOMAIN
usersin LDAP

My last question went unanswered - probably because of the confused way
that I asked it.

I have a new samba server - joined to domain - running LDAP - imported
the local users with the migration script into LDAP - life is good.

Now I want to import the Users and Groups from my domain on WinNT - I
found the migration scripts (RH 9 AS 3 - SMB 3.0.0)

I import them and they will undoubtedly number from 1000+ and my local
users uid start at 500. Local users don't have Samba designations -
Samba Users don't have local accounts - I want accounts to be both local
(local home directory, mail accounts etc.) and to be Samba enabled too
(Domain - profilePath - homePath - logonScript) - Do then use migration
samba supplied script to import local users instead of the script
supplied with openldap which made them local accounts? Do users created
using the samba supplied migration scripts get the local account
information too?


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RE: [Samba] A domain controller for the domain could not be contacted(2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

2003-12-17 Thread Russell Lavoie
You need to make sure that your node type is hybrid or you will not be able to contact 
the samba server.  I have had this problem before and that is how I fixed it.


-Original Message-
From: Fabien Chevalier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 3:53 AM
To: Eduard Witteveen
Subject: Re: [Samba] A domain controller for the domain could not be 
contacted(2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian)

Le Wednesday 17 December 2003 12:39, Eduard Witteveen a écrit :
 Fabien Chevalier wrote:
 It seems your workstation tries to locate the DC by doing a  dns 
 query, what is not currently supported by Samba. What is  your 
 workstation node type set to?

 Could you rephrase your question?  I dont know how i found out what 
 the node type of my workstations is.

Please send your ipconfig /all.
I suppose something's wrong in your network settings.
Are you using Dhcp or static Ip?


Fabien Chevalier

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[Samba] red cross through samba drives on W2k

2003-12-17 Thread R. Exterkate
We have a samba 2.2.3a-12.3 and our workstations are w2k

On some systems, the drives of the samba server appear with a red cross. 
When accessing the drive, everything is available, one can walk through 
directories, open and save files: nothing wrong.

But still there is this red cross.

Does anyone know?



Ric Exterkate, Department of Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Utrecht,
   Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands
   E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone:+31-30-2507156 Fax:+31-30-2581226
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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0.1 Available for Download

2003-12-17 Thread Beast
Wednesday, December 17, 2003, 6:13:13 PM, Tarjei wrote:

 I got XP to join with this version :-)


 I think you should start by setting your openldap loglevel to 256 and 

That's the default log level.

 see if you have any access denied errors. If you do, they have to be 
 fixed first. Then try setting smbpasswd for admin. Also, if you want a 

I go grep 'filter=' ldap.log and then run that filter manually, all
results are correct.

 good, working ldif, download the smbldap tools from and 
 run BUT: Remember to edit first, 
 esp set the sid to the sid you're using.

I prefer handcrafted ldif, butl i'll give a try on smbldaptools.

 Also: It's a good idea to edit the file so you can look at the resulting 
 ldif and not add it directly to the ldapdatabase.

Tks for sharing...



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RE: [Samba] Netbios ?

OK, that worked.  Now, I am even more confused.  

Here is what I am receiving, the error message on the Windows 2000 client on the side 
of the firewall: remote computer is not available), the Windows XP client is on the 
other side of the firewall, (the error message is: The specified network name is no 
longer available).  I am able to ping both the IP address and server name of the 
CIFS/Samba server.  I cannot perform the mapping, via Map Drive, then I connect as 
different user name and I enter a user id that I setup with smbpasswd (testcifs).  
Then I receive both these messages, I have searched message lists and the web for 
documentation on these errors, and I am unable to find anything that works.  

I appreciate your help very much.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Rick Brown
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Netbios ?

netstat -an | grep 139

[ Rick Brown   ][  (404) 894-6175   ] 
[ Office of Information Technology ][[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ] 
[ Georgia Institute of Technology  ][  258 4th street. Atlanta, GA  ]

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, COUNTERMAN, DANIEL (CONTRACTOR) wrote:

 I am trying a netstat | grep netbios and receive nothing back.  I tried netstat | 
 grep 139 and nothing as well.  I have the correct netbios ports in /etc/services.  
 Does anyone know to make this show up with a netstat or have those services running?
 I believe this may be my problem with the mapping of samba shares to the client.
 Any help would be appreciated,
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RE: [Samba] Netbios ?

All I am after is a simple mount of the drives from the UNIX server to the Windows 
(2000, XP) client.  I only want to map the drive using UNIX password/CIFS password 
verification, which I should be prompted for.  If anyone has a step-by-step document 
or instructions of how to accomplish this, that would be appreciated, I am unable for 
some reason to map to the clients.  I am running HP-UX 11.00.



-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 11:18 AM
To: 'Rick Brown'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Samba] Netbios ?

OK, that worked.  Now, I am even more confused.  

Here is what I am receiving, the error message on the Windows 2000 client on the side 
of the firewall: remote computer is not available), the Windows XP client is on the 
other side of the firewall, (the error message is: The specified network name is no 
longer available).  I am able to ping both the IP address and server name of the 
CIFS/Samba server.  I cannot perform the mapping, via Map Drive, then I connect as 
different user name and I enter a user id that I setup with smbpasswd (testcifs).  
Then I receive both these messages, I have searched message lists and the web for 
documentation on these errors, and I am unable to find anything that works.  

I appreciate your help very much.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Rick Brown
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Netbios ?

netstat -an | grep 139

[ Rick Brown   ][  (404) 894-6175   ] 
[ Office of Information Technology ][[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ] 
[ Georgia Institute of Technology  ][  258 4th street. Atlanta, GA  ]

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, COUNTERMAN, DANIEL (CONTRACTOR) wrote:

 I am trying a netstat | grep netbios and receive nothing back.  I tried netstat | 
 grep 139 and nothing as well.  I have the correct netbios ports in /etc/services.  
 Does anyone know to make this show up with a netstat or have those services running?
 I believe this may be my problem with the mapping of samba shares to the client.
 Any help would be appreciated,
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[Samba] Building Samba 3.0.1 on Solaris8 x86

2003-12-17 Thread Mathieu Nantel
Good day,

I just tried building Samba 3.0.1 on a generic Solaris8 x86 box with ACL 
support as the only configure option and the build fails quite early. Has 
anyone experienced a similar problem? This is a very vanilla build, using gcc 


server# make

Using FLAGS =  -O  -Iinclude -I/opt/src/samba-3.0.1/source/include 
-I/opt/src/samba-3.0.1/source/ubiqx -I/opt/src/samba-3.0.1/source/smbwrapper  
-I. -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/opt/src/samba-3.0.1/source
  LIBS = -lsendfile -lsec -lgen -lresolv -lsocket -lnsl
Compiling dynconfig.c
In file included from nsswitch/winbind_nss_solaris.h:28,
 from nsswitch/winbind_nss.h:34,
 from nsswitch/winbind_nss_config.h:79,
 from nsswitch/winbind_client.h:1,
 from include/includes.h:836,
 from dynconfig.c:21:
/usr/include/nss_dbdefs.h:375: parse error before projid_t
/usr/include/nss_dbdefs.h:400: parse error before '}' token
/usr/include/nss_dbdefs.h:419: field `key' has incomplete type
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `dynconfig.o'


Any help is warmly welcome!

Mathieu Nantel - RHCE,CCNA   Ecopia BioSciences
Systems Manager (514) 336-2724 x434
[*] Please avoid sending me Word/Excel/PowerPoint attachments.
 ` See:

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[Samba] samba wins server, wins client and no wins client

2003-12-17 Thread stephane . purnelle

I configured my samba server as a PDC and wins server.
If I declare a workstation as a winsclient, the PDC is visible on network
neighborhood and to logon is possible
If a laptop or a PC have no wins settings, the PDC is not visible and no
logon is possible.

Samba 3.0.1 on RedHat 8.0, ldap backend
The PDC and wins server is the same computer

Why ?

Service Informatique   Corman S.A.   Tel : 00 32 087/342467

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[Samba] getent passwd doesn't list domain users

2003-12-17 Thread VUlik


Hi all,
  I've configured samba 3.0 as a domain memeber in NT 4.0 domain.
Server has been added to the domain, without any problems, BUT, for three
days, I'm not able to find a way how to use NT domain resourses for
this samba server.  I can list domain users and groups with wbinfo
command from but getent passwd lists only the local users.  Does anyone
know where can be the problem?



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RE: [Samba] getent passwd doesn't list domain users

2003-12-17 Thread Ganguly, Sapan

Did you remember to edit /etc/nsswitch.conf, I always forget that.

 passwd: files winbind
 shadow: files
 group: files winbind

-Original Message-
Sent: 17 December 2003 16:29
Subject: [Samba] getent passwd doesn't list domain users


Hi all,
  I've configured samba 3.0 as a domain memeber in NT 4.0 domain. Server
has been added to the domain, without any problems, BUT, for three days,
I'm not able to find a way how to use NT domain resourses for this samba
server.  I can list domain users and groups with wbinfo command from but
getent passwd lists only the local users.  Does anyone know where can be
the problem?



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[Samba] Overriding winbind template shell

2003-12-17 Thread Joe Blow

I have Samba 3.0 running on SuSE 9.0 using winbindd to
authenticate my users.  Everthing works properly. I
have set the template shell for winbind to /bin/false
as I don't want to give everyone shell access to the

However, there are some users that require shell
access. How can I set a real shell for those domain
users that need a shell on the machine ?  What's the
procedure for overriding the winbind default of /bin
false for selected users?



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New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.
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RE: [Samba] Solaris Winbind LDAP

2003-12-17 Thread Ganguly, Sapan

OK, I definitely know that winbind is working now, I tried logging in at the
console and a message comes up -

Pam_winbind[413]: user 'nt_user' granted access

But that is as far as it goes, I don't get a shell prompt.  I eventually
have to do a 'stop + A' and reboot the machine, from now on I'll do a
'telnet localhost' to test it.

Here is what my pam.conf looks like, can you see any errors? 

#ident  @(#)pam.conf   1.2002/01/23 SMI
# Copyright 1996-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# PAM configuration
# Unless explicitly defined, all services use the modules
# defined in the other section.
# Modules are defined with relative pathnames, i.e., they are
# relative to /usr/lib/security/$ISA. Absolute path names, as
# present in this file in previous releases are still acceptable.
# Authentication management
# login service (explicit because of pam_dial_auth)
login   auth requisite
login   auth sufficient
login   auth sufficient
login   auth sufficient
login   auth sufficient /usr/lib/security/

# rlogin service (explicit because of pam_rhost_auth)
rlogin  auth sufficient
rlogin  auth requisite
rlogin  auth sufficient
rlogin  auth sufficient
rlogin  auth sufficient /usr/lib/security/
# rsh service (explicit because of pam_rhost_auth,
# and pam_unix_auth for meaningful pam_setcred)
rsh auth sufficient
rsh auth required
# PPP service (explicit because of pam_dial_auth)
ppp auth requisite
ppp auth required
ppp auth required
ppp auth required
# Default definitions for Authentication management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for authenctication
other   auth requisite
other   auth sufficient
other   auth sufficient
other   auth sufficient /usr/lib/security/
# passwd command (explicit because of a different authentication module)
passwd  auth required
# cron service (explicit because of non-usage of
# Default definition for Account management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for account management
other   account requisite
other   account sufficient
other   account sufficient
other   account sufficient  /usr/lib/security/
# Default definition for Session management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for session management
other   session
other   session sufficient  /usr/lib/security/
#other session sufficient   /usr/lib/security/
# Default definition for  Password management
# Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for password management
other   password required
other   password requisite
other   password requisite
other   password required
# Support for Kerberos V5 authentication (uncomment to use Kerberos)
#rlogin auth optional try_first_pass
#login  auth optional try_first_pass
#other  auth optional try_first_pass
#cron   account
#other  account
#other  session
#other  password optional try_first_pass

-Original Message-
From: Ganguly, Sapan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 December 2003 08:23
Subject: [Samba] Solaris Winbind LDAP

Dear list,

How do I test whether I have access to my winbind LDAP backend from my
Solaris 9 machine?  My LDAP database is held on a Redhat 9.0 machine also
running Samba 3.0.0.

I know winbind works because getent and wbinfo show up my NT users and

I would also like to have people log into my Solaris 9 machine with their NT
usernames, I have this working on Redhat already but Solaris is proving to
be a little more tricky.  I've copied a pam.conf from another post on this
mailing list but when I try to log in with an NT user name the process just

Re: [Samba] emergency- machines kicked off network after PDC 2.2.8-3.0.0 upgrade

2003-12-17 Thread John H Terpstra
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Brett Dikeman wrote:

 After upgrading our PDC to 3.0.0 last night(and confirming logins worked
 properly)...this morning, we had two machines report errors says the
 machine account does not exist or has been changed.  Last night, users-
 even ones who had not been on that particular workstation before- were
 able to login on at least 6 out of 30-40 workstations.

 All configuration files were moved over, including the secrets file-
 logins worked just fine.  Searches on google turn up nothing helpful,
 and attempts to use smbpasswd have failed.  I just attempted to add a
 new machine(well, a machine that was added to the old PDC, after we
 sync'd config+pw files) to the domain, and received:

 # smbpasswd -m czar
 Failed to find entry for user czar$

 The entry does in fact exist in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.

 I then tried pdbedit -a -m -u czar

 When I went to the system and tried to re-add it to the domain, it
 claimed the domain did not exist or could not be contacted.

 To eliminate iptables from the problem, even though 137-139 tcp+udp were
 open, I shut it down.  No change.

 The upgrading doc mentions nothing that would help us in this
 extremely straightforward(machine trust accounts) issue...I've found it
 to be severely lacking.  This is extremely disappointing...

Well, since I am the one who put the confusion into the HOWTO, perhaps I
should try to help you.

Please execute:
testparm -s  myconfig

I would like you to send me the myconfig file this creates, as well as
the console output from running the command. Please email this to me

- John T.
John H Terpstra
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[Samba] samba 3.0.1 policies

2003-12-17 Thread Alexander Lazarevich

We are considering samba 3.0.1 as a replacement for our old-hag Windows 
NT4.0 Server PDC. However, we do want some policy control, and from the 
samba 3.0.0 documentation (23.3), it says the only current functional 
policy is the password expirey. Is this still true in samba 3.0.1?

Can an NT4.0 server be a backup domain controller to samba 3.0.1 PDC? That 
way we can keep the NT4 machine around and create the NTConfig.POL on that 
machine, and store it on the samba 3 PDC. Is that possible?

Is there any way that samba 3 PDC (NT4/2K/XP clients) can run a script on 
a client either during logon or logoff events? Or is this a policy thing?

Thanks in advance,

---   ---
   Alex Lazarevich | Systems Administrator | Imaging Technology Group
Beckman Institute - University of Illinois
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (217)244-1565 |
---   ---

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0.1 Available for Download

2003-12-17 Thread Tarjei Huse
Beast wrote:

Wednesday, December 17, 2003, 6:13:13 PM, Tarjei wrote:


I got XP to join with this version :-)



I think you should start by setting your openldap loglevel to 256 and 

That's the default log level.


see if you have any access denied errors. If you do, they have to be 
fixed first. Then try setting smbpasswd for admin. Also, if you want a 

I go grep 'filter=' ldap.log and then run that filter manually, all
results are correct.
But that does not show you if the samba admin dn has access to write 
anywhere. Check for write denied errors.

Also, the eventlog on the xpbox is a good place to start looking.



good, working ldif, download the smbldap tools from and 
run BUT: Remember to edit first, 
esp set the sid to the sid you're using.

I prefer handcrafted ldif, butl i'll give a try on smbldaptools.


Also: It's a good idea to edit the file so you can look at the resulting 
ldif and not add it directly to the ldapdatabase.

Tks for sharing...





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[Samba] FIXED : known problem joining a Samba 3.0.1 domain

2003-12-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Just a heads up,

There is a bug in 3.0.1 that will cause Win2k (no SP and possibly
up to SP2, but apparently not SP3/4) to fail to join a Samba domain. 
The problem was a bug in the lanman session key generation.  The 
proposed patch that should correct it can be found at

(might need to wait for the mirrors to sync up).

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 If we're adding to the noise, turn off this song --Switchfoot (2003)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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RE: RE: [Samba] getent passwd doesn't list domain users

2003-12-17 Thread Ganguly, Sapan

Try putting -

winbind use default domain = yes

In your smb.conf

-Original Message-
Sent: 17 December 2003 16:51
To: Ganguly, Sapan 
Subject: Odp: RE: [Samba] getent passwd doesn't list domain users

Yes I did. I edited pam.d/login and system-auth, as well.

any other idea? I'll appreciate all of them...


 Ganguly, Sapan  
 17.12.2003 17:30  [EMAIL PROTECTED],   
   RE: [Samba] getent passwd 
   doesn't list domain users   

Did you remember to edit /etc/nsswitch.conf, I always forget that.

 passwd: files winbind
 shadow: files
 group: files winbind

-Original Message-
Sent: 17 December 2003 16:29
Subject: [Samba] getent passwd doesn't list domain users


Hi all,
  I've configured samba 3.0 as a domain memeber in NT 4.0 domain. Server
has been added to the domain, without any problems, BUT, for three days,
I'm not able to find a way how to use NT domain resourses for this samba
server.  I can list domain users and groups with wbinfo command from but
getent passwd lists only the local users.  Does anyone know where can be
the problem?



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Re: [Samba] samba 3.0.1 policies

2003-12-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Alexander Lazarevich wrote:

We are considering samba 3.0.1 as a replacement for our old-hag Windows 
NT4.0 Server PDC. However, we do want some policy control, and from the 
samba 3.0.0 documentation (23.3), it says the only current functional 
policy is the password expirey. Is this still true in samba 3.0.1?
That's misleading a little.  Storing a policy file (ntconfig.pol) on
the [netlogon] share has been supported for years.  This is client
Can an NT4.0 server be a backup domain controller to samba 3.0.1 PDC? 
Nope, but I don;t think you need that
Is there any way that samba 3 PDC (NT4/2K/XP clients) can run 
 a script on a client either during logon or logoff events? Or
 is this a policy thing?
Logon yes (see 'logon script' in smb.conf(5)).  Logoff would have to be
some kind of client tool.

- --
cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 If we're adding to the noise, turn off this song --Switchfoot (2003)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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Re: [Samba] emergency- machines kicked off network after PDC 2.2.8-3.0.0 upgrade

2003-12-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The upgrading doc mentions nothing that would help us in this 
extremely straightforward(machine trust accounts) issue...I've found it 
to be severely lacking.  This is extremely disappointing...

I'm not a Samba developer, but I do work on several other development projects. When 
people complain, I usually suggest that if they want it better, perhaps they should do 
it themselves. If you dont like the upgrading doc, once you get your problem solved, 
perhaps you should consider suggesting a plan to rewrite it? You can return a bit of 
the favor the Samba team has done for all of us by writing such a wonderful program, 
and perhaps help out the next person who wants to upgrade and ends up in your 

Just my $.02

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Re: [Samba] Winbindd

2003-12-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Kent L. Nasveschuk wrote:
The message I got from Jerry Carter yesterday says that Winbindd 
 is only required for trust accounts between 2 domains. I was
 confused also, the documentation seems to lead one to the contrary.
I was referring to winbindd running on a Samba DC.  The best rule of 
thumb is

  * a Samba DC is authoritative for its own accounts (the
ones in the passdb).  winbindd in this case is used to deal
with users/groups from trusted domains.
  * a Samba server that is a member of a Samba domain
(and is sharing unix accounts via NIS, etc..) should run winbindd
and set 'winbind trusted domains only = yes' to force the
SID mapping to use local accounts rather than allocating
new ones for users/groups in its own domain
  * a Samba server that is a member of a Windows domain should
run winbindd to allocate IDs for users/groups in its own
domain and trusted domains.
Hope this helps.

- --
cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 If we're adding to the noise, turn off this song --Switchfoot (2003)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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RE: RE: [Samba] getent passwd doesn't list domain users

2003-12-17 Thread Joe Blow
--- Ganguly, Sapan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Try putting -
 winbind use default domain = yes
 In your smb.conf

Also, make sure all your symlinks are good especially
the ones in /lib.

For example:

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   19 2003-12-01
17:48 -
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   32 2003-12-01
17:48 -

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RE: [Samba] Questions about winbind idmap ldap

2003-12-17 Thread Ganguly, Sapan

I use winbind to authenticate users on my linux machines so that I don't
have to create separate linux Ids for everyone.  I store the idmap in an
LDAP database.  If you want to do this too then create an LDAP database, I
use OpenLDAP.  If you want to know how to do this then let me know and I'll
see if I can remember.  Here is what my smb.conf looks like, it should give
you a few clues.  Don't forget to put the ldap password into secrets.tdb by
'smbpasswd -w'.  You do need to follow the Samba HOWTO for some of the LDAP
stuff, like where to put the samba.schema and how to initialize the LDAP

# Global parameters
workgroup = NTDOMAIN
server string = REDHAT9
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
local master = No
dns proxy = No
ldap suffix = dc=example,dc=com
ldap machine suffix = dc=example,dc=com
ldap user suffix = dc=example,dc=com
ldap group suffix = dc=example,dc=com
ldap idmap suffix = ou=idmap,dc=example,dc=com
ldap admin dn = cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
idmap backend = ldap:ldap://localhost
idmap uid = 1-2
idmap gid = 1-2
template homedir = /home/%U
template shell = /bin/bash
winbind separator = -
winbind use default domain = Yes

comment = Home Directories
read only = No
browseable = No

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = Yes
browseable = No

path = /public
read only = No
guest ok = Yes

/etc/nsswitch.conf should have lines that look like this - 

 passwd: files winbind
 shadow: files
 group: files winbind

My /etc/pam.d/login looks like this - (Note: automatically
makes home directories, you may not want that, it puts them in 'template
homedir' which is specified in smb.conf)

auth   required
auth   sufficient use_first_pass
auth   required service=system-auth
auth   required
accountrequired service=system-auth
password   required service=system-auth
sessionrequired service=system-auth
sessionrequired umask=0022

My /etc/pam.d/gdm looks like this -

auth   required
auth   required service=system-auth
auth   required
accountrequired service=system-auth
password   required service=system-auth
sessionrequired service=system-auth
sessionrequired skel=/etc/skel umask=0022

/etc/pam.d/system-auth looks like this -

# This file is auto-generated.
# User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run.
authrequired  /lib/security/$ISA/
authsufficient/lib/security/$ISA/ likeauth nullok
authsufficient/lib/security/$ISA/ use_first_pass
authrequired  /lib/security/$ISA/

account required  /lib/security/$ISA/

passwordrequired  /lib/security/$ISA/ retry=3 type=
passwordsufficient/lib/security/$ISA/ nullok use_authtok
md5 shadow
passwordrequired  /lib/security/$ISA/

session required  /lib/security/$ISA/
session required  /lib/security/$ISA/

-Original Message-
From: Gints Neimanis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 December 2003 13:07
Subject: [Samba] Questions about winbind idmap ldap

We are using W2K domain with Samba3 servers.
The implementation of samba servers with winbind authentication was 
Now we are looking for winbind idmap ldap backend for distributing 
winbind users ID's, and I have following question:
1. Do I need put all users from W2K domain to LDAP by hand (with export 
- import tools)?
2. Or it is possible to automatically put successfully authenticated 
users to LDAP directory with some of  useradd script?
3. Is any other documentation excepted SAMBA3 HOWTO, with closer look to 
winbind idmap LDAP?

Gints Neimanis

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Re: [Samba] samba 3.0.1 policies

2003-12-17 Thread Alexander Lazarevich
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 Alexander Lazarevich wrote:
  We are considering samba 3.0.1 as a replacement for our old-hag Windows 
  NT4.0 Server PDC. However, we do want some policy control, and from the 
  samba 3.0.0 documentation (23.3), it says the only current functional 
  policy is the password expirey. Is this still true in samba 3.0.1?
 That's misleading a little.  Storing a policy file (ntconfig.pol) on
 the [netlogon] share has been supported for years.  This is client

If we replace our NT4 PDC with samba 3 PDC, then how do we make a change 
to the policy (NTConfig.pol)? If the NT4 PDC is gone, we can't edit it 
there. Samba docs talk about editreg tool, but it also says: do not be 
surprised if this feature does not materialize. Has editreg materialized?

This is why I'm thinking we need NT4 BDC around, so that we can edit the 
policy, then move that new policy to samba 3 NETLOGON.



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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0.1 Available for Download

2003-12-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Beast wrote:

Anyone having success story using this version?
I'm having weird problem. I can not joint Win-2k/WinXP-Pro with
ldapsam (open ldap 2.2.22).
With W2000 error says bad username or password, with WXP access
I'm trying to create clean ldif entry with only having 2 account, but
still no luck, both cretae machine trust 'on the fly' or manual create
machine account.
Please try this patch.  We stuffed the lanman session key
generation in 3.0.1.  However, I've only seen this affect
unpatched Windows 2000 clients (no SP).

(might need to wait for it to show up on mirrors).

- -- 
cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
 If we're adding to the noise, turn off this song --Switchfoot (2003)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Odp: RE: RE: [Samba] getent passwd doesn't list domain users

2003-12-17 Thread VUlik

Yes both of those thinks are probably ok.

I've just one link, but it should be enought
...lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   17 Nov  5 12:04
/lib/ -

in a log log.mycomputer where mycomputer is a machine from which I'm
trying access the samba server via srvmgr is a following record

..[2003/12/17 16:27:57, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(309)
   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [VUlik] - [VUlik]

and there is my smb.conf

 dos charset = UTF-8
 display charset = UTF-8
 workgroup = MYDOMAIN
 server string = Backup Server
 interfaces = eth0, 172.17.1.x/24
 security = DOMAIN
 auth methods = guest, sam, winbind
 obey pam restrictions = Yes
 passdb backend = tdbsam:/usr/local/samba/private/passdb.tdb, \
 log level = 3
 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
 name resolve order = hosts lmhosts wins bcast
 add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -n -d /dev/null -c -s
/bin/false -M %u
 os level = 0
 preferred master = No
 local master = No
 domain master = No
 wins server = 172.17.1.x
 idmap uid = 1-2
 idmap gid = 1-2
 winbind cache time = 15
 winbind use default domain = Yes
 admin users = root, MYDOMAIN\vulik

I'm really helpless

 Joe Blow  
 Odeslal:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 samba-bounces+vul   Kopie
 g RE: RE: [Samba] getent passwd
   doesn't list domain users   
 17.12.2003 18:27  

--- Ganguly, Sapan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Try putting -

 winbind use default domain = yes

 In your smb.conf

Also, make sure all your symlinks are good especially
the ones in /lib.

For example:

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   19 2003-12-01
17:48 -
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   32 2003-12-01
17:48 -

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[Samba] Winbind-Cyrus-Outlook

2003-12-17 Thread Tim Branson
I have been using Winbind for some time.  We are now looking to use IMAP to
replace Exchange.  Currently we have configured Winbind to join our domain.
Shares work fine and the ability to assign rights from the command line work
fine for domain users is fine.


The problem is that when outlook sends the user name and password to Winbind
and PAM it bails out.  When I see the users in Linux they are listed as
DOMAIN+username.  When Outlook passes the name and password it sends it as
domain+username.  How can I get Winbind to pass the proper case.  It's a
sure thing that Micro$oft won't provide me a fix.  Has anyone else run into





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Re: [Samba] Winbindd

2003-12-17 Thread trogl
   * a Samba server that is a member of a Windows domain should
 run winbindd to allocate IDs for users/groups in its own
 domain and trusted domains.
In my specific situation, the UNIX id's are set up first so they don't conflict with 
legacy systems/GIDs/UIDs, NT user names match the UNIX user names and users maintain 
their own UNIX and NT passwords separately ie. it's up to them to make them the same.  
Is this specific situation, winbindd is going to do more harm than good, if I 
understand correctly.  Right?

If it's only a member server then it would have to be getting its information from the 
resource domain BDC and by the definition above this information is all wrong (other 
than the username and password) so it would be pointless.  Or am I missing something?

Where does PAM fit into this?

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[Samba] One last try...winbind Solaris 9

2003-12-17 Thread Ganguly, Sapan
I'm still stuck on the logging in part of winbind on Solaris 9.  I've
applied the required patch to the OS that is mentioned in the HOWTO and
tried various other things.  When I login at a command line console with a
NT username and password I get a message (I've configured syslog.conf)
saying that I've been granted access by pam_winbind but that is as far as it
goes.  I get no shell prompt or anything.  
Any ideas?   What else can I do to get more information about what is going
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Re: [Samba] Re: Samba freezing network

2003-12-17 Thread Stefan G. Weichinger

Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2003, 16:58 you wrote:

DGac My server is a pdc on debian linux and is running with a windows 2000
DGac member server that is hosting software for a flower shop. The windows
DGac servers and all the workstations are freezing about twice an hour and stay
DGac froze for about 2-5 minutes.  They do not lock up at the same time but
DGac usually after the windows server locks they lock because they are trying
DGac to gather data from this flower software.  If I remove the network cable
DGac from the debian pdc it does not lock up any more.  The windows server and
DGac workstations have been there for at least a year and the debian box was
DGac just introduced then they started having the problems.  I replaced the
DGac network card after letting the two servers ping back and forth and there
DGac were errors, after I replaced the network card in the debian machine there
DGac were no more errors but the windows box still locks up.

browsing setup?

best regards,
Stefan G. Weichinger

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RE: RE: RE: [Samba] getent passwd doesn't list domain users

2003-12-17 Thread Ganguly, Sapan

Try putting both links in anyway, it says you have to in the HOWTO.

-Original Message-
Sent: 17 December 2003 17:45
To: Joe Blow
Subject: Odp: RE: RE: [Samba] getent passwd doesn't list domain users

Yes both of those thinks are probably ok.

I've just one link, but it should be enought
...lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   17 Nov  5 12:04
/lib/ -

in a log log.mycomputer where mycomputer is a machine from which I'm
trying access the samba server via srvmgr is a following record

..[2003/12/17 16:27:57, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(309)
   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [VUlik] - [VUlik]

and there is my smb.conf

 dos charset = UTF-8
 display charset = UTF-8
 workgroup = MYDOMAIN
 server string = Backup Server
 interfaces = eth0, 172.17.1.x/24
 security = DOMAIN
 auth methods = guest, sam, winbind
 obey pam restrictions = Yes
 passdb backend = tdbsam:/usr/local/samba/private/passdb.tdb, \
 log level = 3
 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
 name resolve order = hosts lmhosts wins bcast
 add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -n -d /dev/null -c -s
/bin/false -M %u
 os level = 0
 preferred master = No
 local master = No
 domain master = No
 wins server = 172.17.1.x
 idmap uid = 1-2
 idmap gid = 1-2
 winbind cache time = 15
 winbind use default domain = Yes
 admin users = root, MYDOMAIN\vulik

I'm really helpless

 Joe Blow  
 Odeslal:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 samba-bounces+vul   Kopie 
 g RE: RE: [Samba] getent passwd 
   doesn't list domain users   
 17.12.2003 18:27  

--- Ganguly, Sapan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Try putting -

 winbind use default domain = yes

 In your smb.conf

Also, make sure all your symlinks are good especially
the ones in /lib.

For example:

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   19 2003-12-01
17:48 -
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   32 2003-12-01
17:48 -

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Re: [Samba] INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11

2003-12-17 Thread Csillag Tams

On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 04:29:26AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everybody,
 Here is a screeshot of /var/samba/log.swat, I know, 4:14 am is not a good time
 to make samba works correctly ;)
 [2003/12/17 04:14:51, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(37)
   INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 4626 (3.0.1)
   Please read the appendix Bugs of the Samba HOWTO collection
 [2003/12/17 04:14:51, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(39)
 [2003/12/17 04:14:51, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1400)
   PANIC: internal error
 [2003/12/17 04:14:51, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1408)
   BACKTRACE: 25 stack frames:
#0 swat(smb_panic+0x181) [0x80b962d]
#1 swat [0x80a9f4e]
#2 swat [0x80a9f97]
#3 /lib/ [0x400a4988]
#4 /lib/ [0x40091f24]
#5 /lib/ [0x40091602]
#6 swat [0x80c3b8a]
#7 swat(smb_iconv+0x36) [0x80c3bcc]
#8 swat [0x80a7d01]
#9 swat(convert_string+0x14b) [0x80a8011]
#10 swat [0x80b5605]
#11 swat(init_doschar_table+0x29) [0x80b5653]
#12 swat(init_iconv+0x1a2) [0x80a7c07]
#13 swat(lazy_initialize_conv+0x23) [0x80a7a61]
#14 swat(convert_string_allocate+0x5e) [0x80a809d]
#15 swat(push_ucs2_allocate+0x30) [0x80a8ab5]
#16 swat(unix_strupper+0x19) [0x80a8533]
#17 swat(strupper_m+0x60) [0x80b3738]
#18 swat(set_global_myname+0x56) [0x80b7646]
#19 swat [0x806405c]
#20 swat(lp_load+0xa5) [0x806a00e]
#21 swat [0x8061818]
#22 swat(main+0xf1) [0x8063887]
#23 /lib/ [0x40090d06]
#24 swat(chroot+0x31) [0x805ee11]

I get similar errors with samba3.0.1 and samba3.0.0, but it effects the
other parts of samba. (The machine work correctly no segfault or signal
11 so far with other apps.)
I will post some 'INTERNAL ERRORS':

[2003/12/16 11:58:50, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(37)
  INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 7122 (3.0.1rc2)
  Please read the appendix Bugs of the Samba HOWTO collection
[2003/12/16 11:58:50, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(39)
[2003/12/16 11:58:50, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1400)
  PANIC: internal error
[2003/12/16 11:58:50, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1408)
  BACKTRACE: 17 stack frames:
   #0 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x1ab) [0x81b047e]
   #1 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x819f131]
   #2 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x819f192]
   #3 /lib/ [0x4018f498]
   #4 /lib/ [0x401d6edf]
   #5 /usr/sbin/smbd(CloseDir+0x21) [0x8085cbc]
   #6 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80845d9]
   #7 /usr/sbin/smbd(dptr_close+0xb0) [0x80846cc]
   #8 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80ab584]
   #9 /usr/sbin/smbd(reply_trans2+0x804) [0x80b2eee]
   #10 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80c638f]
   #11 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80c643f]
   #12 /usr/sbin/smbd(process_smb+0x1eb) [0x80c678b]
   #13 /usr/sbin/smbd(smbd_process+0x170) [0x80c72ce]
   #14 /usr/sbin/smbd(main+0x7b4) [0x821a260]
   #15 /lib/ [0x4017bda6]
   #16 /usr/sbin/smbd(ldap_msgfree+0x7d) [0x8076cb1]
[2003/12/16 12:01:59, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1408)
  BACKTRACE: 29 stack frames:
   #0 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x1ab) [0x81b047e]
   #1 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x819f131]
   #2 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x819f192]
   #3 /lib/ [0x4018f498]
   #4 /lib/ [0x401d84df]
   #5 /lib/ [0x401d7020]
   #6 /usr/sbin/smbd(Realloc+0x91) [0x81af58a]
   #7 /usr/sbin/smbd(convert_string_allocate+0x3bb) [0x819cfd1]
   #8 /usr/sbin/smbd(push_ucs2_allocate+0x4e) [0x819d8ae]
   #9 /usr/sbin/smbd(unix_strupper+0x24) [0x819d1c8]
   #10 /usr/sbin/smbd(strupper_m+0x6b) [0x81a9a71]
   #11 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x817c35b]
   #12 /usr/sbin/smbd(secrets_fetch_trusted_domain_password+0x38) [0x817c5f3]
   #13 /usr/sbin/smbd(is_trusted_domain+0x5e) [0x81ec0ee]
   #14 /usr/sbin/smbd(make_user_info_map+0xbb) [0x81e95d3]
   #15 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x81ec723]
   #16 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80f298c]
   #17 /usr/sbin/smbd(ntlmssp_update+0x1ea) [0x80f1d5b]
   #18 /usr/sbin/smbd(auth_ntlmssp_update+0x3d) [0x81eca8d]
   #19 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80a7bb9]
   #20 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80a7ee7]
   #21 /usr/sbin/smbd(reply_sesssetup_and_X+0x193) [0x80a817a]
   #22 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80c638f]
   #23 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x80c643f]
   #24 /usr/sbin/smbd(process_smb+0x1eb) [0x80c678b]
   #25 /usr/sbin/smbd(smbd_process+0x170) [0x80c72ce]
   #26 /usr/sbin/smbd(main+0x7b4) [0x821a260]
   #27 /lib/ [0x4017bda6]
   #28 /usr/sbin/smbd(ldap_msgfree+0x7d) [0x8076cb1]
[2003/12/16 12:25:37, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(39)
[2003/12/16 12:25:37, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1400)
  PANIC: internal error
[2003/12/16 12:25:37, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1408)
  BACKTRACE: 17 stack frames:
   #0 /usr/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x1ab) [0x81b047e]
   #1 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x819f131]
   #2 /usr/sbin/smbd [0x819f192]

[Samba] smbclient null-password behavior differs between 3.0 and 2.2.8a

2003-12-17 Thread David Wuertele
When I made the move to 3.0, I noticed that smbclient no longer works
with null passwords.  Am I missing something?  I read the FAQ, which
suggests that the server is rejecting the null password.  But I know
that null passwords work fine for the 2.2.8a client, so the server is
not the issue.  The FAQ recommends smbclient -L host -U%, but I
don't want to set the username to null.  I want a non-null username
with a null password.

I traced the packets on the two smbclients, and I see several
differences.  The command I ran was:

  smbclient //g4-box-1/dood  -I -U dood

I used the same command on both 2.2.8a and 3.0 systems.  Here are the
differences I saw in the packets:

1.  client sends Extended Security Negotiation: Extended security
negotiation is supported on 3.0, but not on 2.2.8a

2.  2.2.8a client sends ANSI Password, Unicode Password, and
uppercased-account name.  Meanwhile, 3.0 client doesn't send
either passwords, and sends a lowercased-account name.  I think
this is actually the key here.

3.  the primary domain sent by 2.2.8a is the client's default
domain, while the primary domain sent by 3.0 is the domain of
the share being accessed

4.  2.2.8a sends SMB Command: Session Setup AndX (0x73) and gets
response NT Status: STATUS_SUCCESS (0x)
3.0 sends same command and gets response
   NT Status: STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE (0xc06d)

Any suggestions how to get 3.0 to work with null passwords?


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[Samba] Security mode 0x03: smbclient-2.2.8a sends password, 3.0 doesn't

2003-12-17 Thread David Wuertele
I'm having trouble accessing a share using smbclient-3.0.  The same
share (served by a samba server on linux) is accessible from the same
account using smbclient-2.2.8a.  Here is the command I'm using to
access the share:

  smbclient '//adventure/dood' -I -U dood

The server's smb.conf file includes the following three lines:

  security = user
  encrypt passwords = yes
  null passwords = yes

If I change the 'encrypt passwords' to '= no', smbclient-3.0 works
fine.  The problem is that I have the exact same problem on hosts over
which I have no control of the smb.conf file, for example Mac OS X
10.3.  10.3 appears to have the same behavior as my linux samba host
with the above three lines in the smb.conf.

When I analyze the packets sent between the client and the server, I
see the following difference in the frames (see attatchments for full
frame decode):

  samba-2.2.8a sending encrypted null password:

Byte Count (BCC): 69
ANSI Password: 4C0154EFEF076CCBAE3A6256E351DF5A...
Unicode Password: B30B73818904C5A7111948521702F985...
Account: DOOD
Primary Domain: ABCD

  samba-3.0 sending no password:

Byte Count (BCC): 26
Account: dood
Primary Domain: WORKGROUP

Note that the primary domain is also different: 3.0 uses the default
domain WORKGROUP, while 2.2.8a uses the default domain of the client

What can I do on the CLIENT side to make smbclient-3.0 send the
encrypted null password?


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[Samba] RH8 Packages

2003-12-17 Thread Matt McParland
The samba 3.0.1 RPM for RH 8.0 seems to require two different openssl
packages.  It requires and  The first is in
openssl 0.9.7 and the second in openssl 0.9.6.  Am I missing something?

Which versions of those shared libs are actually required?

Matt McParland
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[Samba] Re: Samba 3.0 PDC, exchange 5.5 installing service pack 4 fails.

2003-12-17 Thread Dan
We have had very similar problems.  I don't have a solution yet but 
hopefully this will just confirm the issue.

In our production environment we are using samba 2.2.5 and we can not 
successfully install  SP4 for exchange on Windows 2000.  I have been 
trying successive versions of Samba to see if they fix this problem and 
none so far have.  Currently I am testing with 3.0.1pre3.  We are just 
in the middle of going back to exchange 5.5 on NT 4 Server but if you 
are having this problem than I imagine we will too.  I will let you 
know.  If anyone else has come across this problem and solved it or has 
any other ideas to try I would like to know.

Glenn Arnold wrote:
I created a brand new nt 4.0 server with exchange 5.5 server in my samba
3.0 pdc domain with no problems.  The exchange server runs fine under
the samba 3.0 pdc, but when I try to install exchange 5.5 sp4 on the
exchange server the service pack gives me an Dr. Watson error.  The
exchange service pack makes it through the copying of the service pack
files and then modifies the registry settings for exchange directory
service and information store.  Then service pack starts these services
and tries to modify the registry for other services and then the sp
bombs with Dr. Watson error.  For grins I removed the exchange server
out of the samba domain and readded to old nt 4.0 domain and reinstalled
exchange.  Then I reapplied exchange 5.5 service pack.  The service pack
installed fine under the NT 4.0 domain with no problems which it should
since it is native Microsoft.  Then I removed the exchange box and
re-added back into the samba 3.0 domain and reinstalled exchange which
the installs went fine.  Try to install Service Pack 4 for Exchange and
it bomb again during the modifying the registry.  I believe that I was
able to do this with samba 2.7 and it worked fine.  I realize need to
start look at a Linux e-mail solution, but I would like to switch to
Samba first and then look at switching the e-mail later.  One thing
would be helpful is if someone could point me to an article on how to
switch the service account exchange user id and password.  So, I could
apply the service pack into the NT 4.0 domain and then add the server
back to the samba 3.0 pdc or if some one has experienced this problem
give me so help here.   Which I realize this situation is unique.  Here
is Dr. Watson error and smb.conf.  Thanks in advance for help!

netbios name = fs1
workgroup = domain
security = user
os level = 64
domain master = yes
local master = yes
preferred master = yes
time server = yes
passdb backend = tdbsam smbpasswd
unix extensions = yes
encrypt passwords = yes
domain logons = yes
logon script = logon.bat
logon drive = H:
logon home = \\%L\%u
logon path =
wins support = yes
#character set = ISO8859-15
#client code page = 850
veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/
lanman auth = yes
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /dev/null %u
;add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 502 \ -s
/bin/false -M %u
;add user script = /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g
ntmach -c 'Machine Account' -s /bin/false -M %u
oplocks = yes
load printers = yes
printing = cups
printcap name = cups
path = /smbsrvr/netlogon/scripts
guest ok = yes
write list = ntadmin
comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
read only = no
hide dot files = yes
veto files = /*.mp3/*.exe/*.com/*.js/*.bat/*.cmd/*.wsh/*.lnk/*.scr/.*/
dos file times = yes
valid users = @root
path = /smbsrvr
read only = no
create mask = 0770
directory mask = 0770
force group = +ntadmin
force directory mode = 0770
dos file times = yes
path = /smbsrvr/Apps
read only = no
create mask = 0770
directory mask = 0770
force create mode = 0770
force directory mode = 0770
dos filetimes = yes
guest ok = no
guest account = 220836E
browseable = yes
available = yes
inherit permissions = no
root preexec close = no
short preserve case = no
case sensitive = no
strict locking = no
set directory = no
guest only = no
status = no
follow symlinks = no
map system = no
locking = no
only user = no
sync always = no
fake oplocks = no
blocking locks = no
hide dot files = no
mangled names = no
msdfs root = no
strip dot = no
map hidden = no
posix locking = no
fake directory create times = no
strict sync = no
level2 oplocks = no
strict allocate = no
dos filemode = no
share modes = no
wide links = no
preexec close = no
map archive = no
hide unreadable = no
mangle case = no
preserve case = no
dos filetime resolution = no
oplock contention limit = 0
max connections = 0
write cache size = 0
path = /smbsrvr/Students
read only = no
create mask = 0770
directory mask = 0770
force group = +HSSTUDENTS
force create mode = 0770
force directory mode = 0770
dos filetimes = yes
path = /smbsrvr/AdminTools
read only = no
create mask = 0770
directory mask = 0770

[Samba] Using Squid + Samba3 + Winbind

2003-12-17 Thread STEPHEN W. COREY - 5535
I've just setup a squid server using the above software. NTLM
authentication works 90% of the time with no user intervention. I'm
noticing that occasionally I'm getting a popup asking for a username and
password. I've looked that the winbind logs, and the only thing I notice
[2003/12/17 14:38:00, 1]
  user 'root' does not exist

My user is MASTER\SWC, so I don't think I'm causing it. I also don't see
any errors regarding my username and/or authentication. I'm not able to
cause the popup to appear, so I'm not sure where to begin
troubleshooting... (smb.conf debug = 5 currently). If I do a wbinfo -t
it works fine, BTW.
Any ideas???
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Re: [Samba] Re: Samba 3.0 PDC, exchange 5.5 installing service pack 4 fails.

2003-12-17 Thread John H Terpstra

If this is a reproducible problem, did you file a bug report on

If you have not, then our developers will never act on it - they have been
trained to deal with bugs that have noted priority in the bug tracking
system. This keeps them so busy that they do not have time to randomly
select more work to do from the mailing list.

- John T.

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Dan wrote:

 We have had very similar problems.  I don't have a solution yet but
 hopefully this will just confirm the issue.

 In our production environment we are using samba 2.2.5 and we can not
 successfully install  SP4 for exchange on Windows 2000.  I have been
 trying successive versions of Samba to see if they fix this problem and
 none so far have.  Currently I am testing with 3.0.1pre3.  We are just
 in the middle of going back to exchange 5.5 on NT 4 Server but if you
 are having this problem than I imagine we will too.  I will let you
 know.  If anyone else has come across this problem and solved it or has
 any other ideas to try I would like to know.

 Glenn Arnold wrote:
  I created a brand new nt 4.0 server with exchange 5.5 server in my samba
  3.0 pdc domain with no problems.  The exchange server runs fine under
  the samba 3.0 pdc, but when I try to install exchange 5.5 sp4 on the
  exchange server the service pack gives me an Dr. Watson error.  The
  exchange service pack makes it through the copying of the service pack
  files and then modifies the registry settings for exchange directory
  service and information store.  Then service pack starts these services
  and tries to modify the registry for other services and then the sp
  bombs with Dr. Watson error.  For grins I removed the exchange server
  out of the samba domain and readded to old nt 4.0 domain and reinstalled
  exchange.  Then I reapplied exchange 5.5 service pack.  The service pack
  installed fine under the NT 4.0 domain with no problems which it should
  since it is native Microsoft.  Then I removed the exchange box and
  re-added back into the samba 3.0 domain and reinstalled exchange which
  the installs went fine.  Try to install Service Pack 4 for Exchange and
  it bomb again during the modifying the registry.  I believe that I was
  able to do this with samba 2.7 and it worked fine.  I realize need to
  start look at a Linux e-mail solution, but I would like to switch to
  Samba first and then look at switching the e-mail later.  One thing
  would be helpful is if someone could point me to an article on how to
  switch the service account exchange user id and password.  So, I could
  apply the service pack into the NT 4.0 domain and then add the server
  back to the samba 3.0 pdc or if some one has experienced this problem
  give me so help here.   Which I realize this situation is unique.  Here
  is Dr. Watson error and smb.conf.  Thanks in advance for help!
  netbios name = fs1
  workgroup = domain
  security = user
  os level = 64
  domain master = yes
  local master = yes
  preferred master = yes
  time server = yes
  passdb backend = tdbsam smbpasswd
  unix extensions = yes
  encrypt passwords = yes
  domain logons = yes
  logon script = logon.bat
  logon drive = H:
  logon home = \\%L\%u
  logon path =
  wins support = yes
  #character set = ISO8859-15
  #client code page = 850
  veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/
  lanman auth = yes
  add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /dev/null %u
  ;add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 502 \ -s
  /bin/false -M %u
  ;add user script = /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g
  ntmach -c 'Machine Account' -s /bin/false -M %u
  oplocks = yes
  load printers = yes
  printing = cups
  printcap name = cups
  path = /smbsrvr/netlogon/scripts
  guest ok = yes
  write list = ntadmin
  comment = Home Directories
  browseable = no
  read only = no
  hide dot files = yes
  veto files = /*.mp3/*.exe/*.com/*.js/*.bat/*.cmd/*.wsh/*.lnk/*.scr/.*/
  dos file times = yes
  valid users = @root
  path = /smbsrvr
  read only = no
  create mask = 0770
  directory mask = 0770
  force group = +ntadmin
  force directory mode = 0770
  dos file times = yes
  path = /smbsrvr/Apps
  read only = no
  create mask = 0770
  directory mask = 0770
  force create mode = 0770
  force directory mode = 0770
  dos filetimes = yes
  guest ok = no
  guest account = 220836E
  browseable = yes
  available = yes
  write list = +HSSTAFF,+HSSTUDENTS
  inherit permissions = no
  root preexec close = no
  short preserve case = no
  case sensitive = no
  strict locking = no
  set directory = no
  guest only = no
  status = no
  follow symlinks = no
  map system = no
  locking = no
  only user = no
  sync always = no
  fake oplocks = no
  blocking locks = no
  hide dot files = no
  mangled names = no
  msdfs root = no
  strip dot = no

RE: [Samba] Security mode 0x03: smbclient-2.2.8a sends password, 3.0 doesn't

2003-12-17 Thread Thiago Lima

Don't know why by I had to use a \n before the yes. Now it worked.


 -Original Message-
 rg] On Behalf Of David Wuertele
 Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 5:23 PM
 Subject: [Samba] Security mode 0x03: smbclient-2.2.8a sends 
 password,3.0 doesn't
 I'm having trouble accessing a share using smbclient-3.0.  
 The same share (served by a samba server on linux) is 
 accessible from the same account using smbclient-2.2.8a.  
 Here is the command I'm using to access the share:
   smbclient '//adventure/dood' -I -U dood
 The server's smb.conf file includes the following three lines:
   security = user
   encrypt passwords = yes
   null passwords = yes
 If I change the 'encrypt passwords' to '= no', smbclient-3.0 
 works fine.  The problem is that I have the exact same 
 problem on hosts over which I have no control of the smb.conf 
 file, for example Mac OS X 10.3.  10.3 appears to have the 
 same behavior as my linux samba host with the above three 
 lines in the smb.conf.
 When I analyze the packets sent between the client and the 
 server, I see the following difference in the frames (see 
 attatchments for full frame decode):
   samba-2.2.8a sending encrypted null password:
 Byte Count (BCC): 69
 ANSI Password: 4C0154EFEF076CCBAE3A6256E351DF5A...
 Unicode Password: B30B73818904C5A7111948521702F985...
 Account: DOOD
 Primary Domain: ABCD
   samba-3.0 sending no password:
 Byte Count (BCC): 26
 Account: dood
 Primary Domain: WORKGROUP
 Note that the primary domain is also different: 3.0 uses the 
 default domain WORKGROUP, while 2.2.8a uses the default 
 domain of the client (ABCD).
 What can I do on the CLIENT side to make smbclient-3.0 send 
 the encrypted null password?

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Re: [Samba] Winbindd

2003-12-17 Thread Tim jordan
On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 08:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

* a Samba server that is a member of a Windows domain should
  run winbindd to allocate IDs for users/groups in its own
  domain and trusted domains.
 In my specific situation, the UNIX id's are set up first so they don't conflict with 
 legacy systems/GIDs/UIDs, NT user names match the UNIX user names and users maintain 
 their own UNIX and NT passwords separately ie. it's up to them to make them the 
 same.  Is this specific situation, winbindd is going to do more harm than good, if I 
 understand correctly.  Right?
 If it's only a member server then it would have to be getting its information from 
 the resource domain BDC and by the definition above this information is all wrong 
 (other than the username and password) so it would be pointless.  Or am I missing 
 Where does PAM fit into this?

The PAM configuration files direct how authentication should be handled
.  Should it (application, login, etc...) authenticate of the local
system or winbind etc
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[Samba] juggling with file ownership

2003-12-17 Thread Gaurav Pathak

I have implemented a samba file server shared by around 60 odd people.
The typical scenario that I want to achieve is this.

1) Every person has his own folder. He has read and write permission to
that folder.
2) Everybody should be able to write to the folder of every other user.
3) The files written into the folder should only be viewed,deleted etc
by the owner of that folder and nobody else.

For that I have created a group say users and added all the users in
that group. I gave the following permissions.

drwxrwxr-t3 abcdef users 4096 Dec 18 00:38 abcdef

here abcdef is one of the users and users is the name of the group.
Now any other user will be able to copy file into this folder. At the
same time any user will not be able to delete the file because folder
abcdef has a sticky bit set. Only the person who copied the file and
abcdef will be able to delete file from the folder abcdef.

But if a person create a directory inside abcdef then the case will be
different. Suppose a user efghij creates a folder named test inside
the folder of abcdef, then it will be something like this..

drwxr-xr-t2 efghij users 4096 Dec 17 00:00 New Folder
In this case the owner of folder New folder and all the files inside
it is efghij. In this case abcdef will not be able to delete files
from inside  New Folder even though the folder belongs to him..

I was trying to find some solution by which any folder that is created
inside abcdef will automatically have the owner set as abcdef. This
will solve all my problem, there does not seem to be any option
available for that..

Setting the parent folder permission to 6775 does not solve the problem.
The files and folders created inside abcdef still has the ownership of
the user who created it, not of abcdef..

Another option suggested is force user option but in that case every
operation will be run as that user which will mean that any user will be
able to delete file etc from that folder, something that I do not want.

Please help me if there any way by which I can achieve my requirement.

Thanks in Advance

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[Samba] krb5_get_credentials failed

2003-12-17 Thread Matt McParland

Using Samba 3.0.1 packages from on RH 8.0 kernel 2.4.20.

I'm trying to get winbindd configured so that we can do single-sign on
across Win2k file servers and Samba file servers with ADS.  I've configured 
Samba to do shares but it prompts for username/password unless the user/pass exists in 

'net ads join' was successful and secrets.tdb was modified.  The computer account 
shows up in ADS.  There is a unix account created for the computer accont 

Unfortunately, I only had temporary access to create computer accounts.  To remove and 
add the computer account again (running net ads join again) would require many phone 
calls.  I'm not sure if that part of the process is failing.  It appears not, since 
the command executes with no error output and secrets.tdb is modified.

I'm able to get kerberos tickets from the command line with kinit, but
winbind seems to have trouble connecting to ADS and 'wbinfo -u' doesn't

I've included configuration files and what I thought was the relevant part of the log. 


workgroup = DOMAIN
realm = REALM
server string = fileserver
security = ADS
password server = pdc
log level = 1
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 0
preferred master = No
local master = No
domain master = No
enhanced browsing = No
dns proxy = No
idmap uid = 1-2
idmap gid = 1-2
winbind separator = +
winbind use default domain = Yes


 default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
 kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
 admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log

 default_realm = REALM

  kdc = pdc 

 .pdc = REALM

Relevant parts of winbindd.log:

[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 5] nsswitch/winbindd_cm.c:cm_open_connection(178)
  connecting to pdc from fileserver with kerberos principal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 2] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(665)
  Doing spnego session setup (blob length=106)
[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(690)
  got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2
[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(690)
  got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2
[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(690)
  got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 3
[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(690)
  got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10
[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(697)
[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 2] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_kerberos(509)
  Doing kerberos session setup
[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 1] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_krb5_mk_req(276)
  krb5_get_credentials failed for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ticket expired)
[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 4] nsswitch/winbindd_cm.c:cm_open_connection(185)
  failed kerberos session setup with NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
[2003/12/17 14:37:30, 5] nsswitch/winbindd_cm.c:cm_open_connection(219)
  anonymous connection attempt to pdc from fileserver

Matt McParland
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[Samba] Still having groupmap problems

2003-12-17 Thread Robert Rati
I have two samba servers on two separate subnets that are comprising a 
single domain, and one of the samba servers is also the LDAP server. 
I've gotten everything configured except that I can't use the groupmap 
command.  When I run:

net groupmap add sid=SID-512 ntgroup=Domain Admins 
unixgroup=dom_admin type=domain

I get this error over and over again (and increasing the log level via 
smbcontrol doesn't seem to provide any more information):

ldapsam_search_one_group: Problem during the LDAP search: LDAP error: 
invalid DN (Invalid DN syntax)

I also see this message every so often in the syslogs of both samba servers:

ldapsam_search_one_group: Problem during the LDAP search: LDAP error: 
invalid DN (Invalid DN syntax)ldapsam_search_one_group: Query was: 

Are the samba servers trying to get group mappings from each other?  Is 
gidNumber=65534 being used because the group mapping isn't setup?  Can 
someone give me any advice on things to try to find the problem with my 
group map actions?  Any help would be appreciated.

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[Samba] Re: Security mode 0x03: smbclient-2.2.8a sends password, 3.0 doesn't

2003-12-17 Thread David Wuertele
Thiago Don't know why by I had to use a \n before the yes. Now it
Thiago worked.

I don't understand --- if you are referring to the smb.conf file, it
works fine for me already.  It is smbclient-3.0 that doesn't work.


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RE: [Samba] Re: Security mode 0x03: smbclient-2.2.8a sends password, 3.0 doesn't

2003-12-17 Thread Thiago Lima

I'm very sorry, I've sent the wrong message to the list.

regards and my deepest apoligize.
thiago lima.

 -Original Message-
 rg] On Behalf Of David Wuertele
 Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:19 PM
 Subject: [Samba] Re: Security mode 0x03: smbclient-2.2.8a 
 sends password, 3.0 doesn't
 Thiago Don't know why by I had to use a \n before the yes. Now it 
 Thiago worked.
 I don't understand --- if you are referring to the smb.conf 
 file, it works fine for me already.  It is smbclient-3.0 that 
 doesn't work.
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[Samba] Unable to create keytab in samba 3.0.1

2003-12-17 Thread Chris Douglass

I have several samba 3.0.0 file/print servers running in a Windows 2000
AD domain. I do not use winbind; but have an LDAP database for Unix
UID's with nss_ldap. I have MIT krb5-1.3.1. When I have tried to upgrade
these machines to samba 3.0.1, clients get prompted for a user name and
password when trying to connect. I have seen others with this problem,
but none of their fixes have worked for me. I also get this message in
the log files:

  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
all old resources.
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 3]
  Doing spnego session setup
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 3]
  NativeOS=[Windows 2000 2195] NativeLanMan=[Windows 2000 5.0]
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 3] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_spnego_negotiate(380)
  Got OID 1 2 840 48018 1 2 2
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 3] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_spnego_negotiate(380)
  Got OID 1 2 840 113554 1 2 2
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 3] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_spnego_negotiate(380)
  Got OID 1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 3] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_spnego_negotiate(383)
  Got secblob of size 1214
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 10] passdb/secrets.c:secrets_named_mutex(697)
  secrets_named_mutex: got mutex for replay cache mutex
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 10] libads/kerberos_verify.c:create_keytab(56)
  creating keytab: MEMORY:
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 3] libads/kerberos_verify.c:setup_keytab(147)
  unable to create MEMORY: keytab (Unknown Key table type)
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 3] libads/kerberos_verify.c:ads_verify_ticket(280)
  ads_verify_ticket: unable to setup keytab
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 1] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_spnego_kerberos(172)
  Failed to verify incoming ticket!
[2003/12/17 14:01:00, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(118)
  error packet at smbd/sesssetup.c(173) cmd=115 (SMBsesssetupX)

I haven't found anything that has helped. If I reinstall samba 3.0.0 and
restart samba, everything works normally. I am using the same configure
options for both source trees. I have also tried applying the patch sent
out by Jerry today. I have Slackware 9.1. Can anyone tell me what is
going wrong? I get some warnings while compiling the source, but I get
the same warnings when compiling 3.0.0, so I don't think that is it. 
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[Samba] Machine accounts searching People

2003-12-17 Thread Curtis Grote
Using Samba 3.0.1 as PDC with LDAP backend under SuSE 8.2.
When I try to add a machine account at my windows NT workstation using
user 'root' and password, - which I have added to ldap using: -a root -u 0
I get message on NT 'The machine account for this computer either does not
exist or is inaccessible'. The /var/log/messages show that the machine
account was indeed added successfully, but the subsequent searches are
looking for my machine name 'silver$' under cn=People. Any ideas why?

Curtis Grote
Memorial Hospital

slapd[18277]: ACCEPT from IP= (IP=:: 389)
slapd[18277]: conn=24 op=0 BIND dn=cn=admin,dc=pmmc,dc=com method=128
slapd[18277]: conn=24 op=0 AUTHZ dn=cn=admin,dc=pmmc,dc=com mech=simple ssf=0
slapd[18277]: conn=24 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
slapd[18278]: conn=24 op=1 ADD dn=uid=silver$,ou=Computers,dc=pmmc,dc=com
slapd[18278]: conn=24 op=1 RESULT tag=105 err=0 text=
slapd[18277]: conn=24 op=2 UNBIND
slapd[18277]: conn=24 fd=27 closed
slapd[18275]: conn=23 fd=26 closed
slapd[18275]: conn=19 fd=25 closed
slapd[18278]: conn=18 op=5 SRCH base=ou=People,dc=pmmc,dc=com scope=2 
slapd[18278]: conn=18 op=5 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=0 text=
slapd[18277]: conn=18 op=6 SRCH base=ou=People,dc=pmmc,dc=com scope=2 
slapd[18277]: conn=18 op=6 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=0 text=
slapd[18278]: conn=17 op=9 SRCH base=dc=pmmc,dc=com scope=2 
slapd[18278]: conn=17 op=9 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=0 text=
slapd[18277]: conn=17 op=10 SRCH base=ou=Groups,dc=pmmc,dc=com scope=2 
slapd[18277]: conn=17 op=10 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=0 text=
slapd[18278]: conn=18 op=7 SRCH base=ou=Groups,dc=pmmc,dc=com scope=2 
slapd[18278]: conn=18 op=7 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=0 text=
slapd[18275]: conn=17 fd=7 closed
slapd[18275]: conn=18 fd=24 closed 

security = user
encrypt passwords = Yes

# Domain Master settings
preferred master = yes
domain master = yes
local master = yes
domain logons = yes
logon path = \\%N\profiles\%u
logon drive = X:
logon home = \\kemosabe\%u\winprofile
logon script = login.cmd

debug level = 2

idmap backend = ldap:ldap://localhost
idmap uid = 1-2
idmap gid = 1-2
winbind enum users = no
winbind enum groups = no

passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
ldap admin dn=cn=admin,dc=pmmc,dc=com
ldap ssl = off
ldap delete dn = no
ldap passwd sync = yes
ldap suffix = dc=pmmc,dc=com
ldap user suffix = ou=People
ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
ldap filter = ((uid=%u)(objectclass=sambaSamAccount))
ldap idmap suffix = dc=pmmc,dc=com

passwd program = /home/sambaldap/ '%u'

add user script = /home/sambaldap/ -m '%u'
delete user script = /home/sambaldap/ '%u'
add group script = /home/sambaldap/ '%g'
delete group script = /home/sambaldap/ '%g'
add user to group script = /home/sambaldap/ -m '%u' '%g'
delete user from group script = /home/sambaldap/ -x '%u' '%g'
set primary group script = /home/sambaldap/ -g '%g' '%u'
add machine script = /home/sambaldap/ -a -w -d /dev/null -g 553 -c 
'Machine Account' -s /bin/false %m

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Re: [Samba] samba 3.0.1 policies

2003-12-17 Thread rruegner
what is the problem with orktools editing
the policies?
I discovered no problem with my running
samba 3 pdc
Please describe your problem
- Original Message - 
From: Alexander Lazarevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Samba Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] samba 3.0.1 policies

 On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:

  Hash: SHA1
  Alexander Lazarevich wrote:
   We are considering samba 3.0.1 as a replacement for our old-hag
   NT4.0 Server PDC. However, we do want some policy control, and from
   samba 3.0.0 documentation (23.3), it says the only current functional
   policy is the password expirey. Is this still true in samba 3.0.1?
  That's misleading a little.  Storing a policy file (ntconfig.pol) on
  the [netlogon] share has been supported for years.  This is client

 If we replace our NT4 PDC with samba 3 PDC, then how do we make a change
 to the policy (NTConfig.pol)? If the NT4 PDC is gone, we can't edit it
 there. Samba docs talk about editreg tool, but it also says: do not be
 surprised if this feature does not materialize. Has editreg materialized?

 This is why I'm thinking we need NT4 BDC around, so that we can edit the
 policy, then move that new policy to samba 3 NETLOGON.



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[Samba] Upgrade from 2.2.8a to 3.0.1 issues

2003-12-17 Thread Jason Nugent

Yesterday, I attempted to migrate my existing samba file server, running 
2.2.8a on Linux (2.4.23), which provides file sharing services to a Windows 
NT domain with approximately 150 users.  It has been working well for over 
a year now, and other upgrades have gone off without a hitch.   The samba 
server connects to a windows NT PDC.  The relevent snip from my smb.conf 
file is:

workgroup = HYDRA
netbios name = FILESERVER
server string = Hydra Samba File Server
encrypt passwords = Yes
log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
max log size = 50
dns proxy = No
wins server =
hosts allow = 10.
security = domain
password server = *
browseable = No
With 2.2.8a (and previous versions), I was able to start smbd and nmbd and use:

/usr/local/samba/bin/smbpasswd -r godzilla -U root%password -j HYDRA

Which informs me that I have joined the HYDRA domain and my users are then 
able to authenticate via the Windows NT PDC.

After the upgrade to 3.0.1, which uses the  same smb.conf file, I now use 
the net join command:

net join -U root%password

which also tells me that I've joined the HYDRA domain, but users are unable 
to authenticate. With no -j flag, I receive no error.  With -j 2 enabled, I 
receive the following error message:

[2003/12/16 20:23:57, 1] utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup(181)
  ads_connect: Connection refused
If I force RPC connection types with net rpc join, I receive:

[2003/12/16 20:25:12, 2] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_out(742)
  error connecting to (Connection refused)
The IP address of the Windows PDC, which does password authentication, is 

In both 2.2.8a and 3.0.1, Samba was built with a default call to 
./configure, without any arguments.

Anyone have any comments or suggestions?  Thank you in advance.


Jason Nugent, BSc
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[Samba] help: samba server don't work, log says: PANIC: failed to set gid

2003-12-17 Thread Ling Johnny
hi all,
when i try to connnect to my smaba server from a win2000 workstation, it says the 
using network name is no longer usable.
the log is like below:
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../lib/util.c:dump_data(1541)
  [000] 4D 5C E0 48 6D A0 99 2B  CC 9F 15 9C AF E6 74 3B  M\.Hm..+ ..t;
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] CB 61 96 1F 8B ED DD 3B  5C 5C 31 37 32 2E 39 36  .a.; \\172.96
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [020] 2E 33 33 2E 31 34 37 5C  49 50 43 24 00 3F 3F 3F  .33.147\ IPC$.???
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [030] 3F 3F 00  ??. 
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 3] ../smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtconX (pid 97)
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 3] ../smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 5] ../smbd/uid.c:change_to_root_user(217)
  change_to_root_user: now uid=(0,0) gid=(0,0)
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 4] ../smbd/reply.c:reply_tcon_and_X(334)
  Got device type ?
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../lib/access.c:check_access(304)
  check_access: allow = , deny = 
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../lib/username.c:user_in_list(456)
  user_in_list: checking user  in list 
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 3] ../smbd/password.c:authorise_login(855)
  authorise_login: ACCEPTED: guest account and guest ok (nobody)
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../lib/username.c:user_in_list(456)
  user_in_list: checking user nobody in list 
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../smbd/service.c:make_connection(356)
  make_connection: share is set read only.
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../lib/username.c:user_in_list(456)
  user_in_list: checking user nobody in list 
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../lib/username.c:user_in_list(456)
  user_in_list: checking user nobody in list 
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 10] ../lib/username.c:user_in_list(456)
  user_in_list: checking user nobody in list 
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 3] ../smbd/service.c:make_connection(487)
  Connect path is /tmp
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 3] ../smbd/sec_ctx.c:push_sec_ctx(297)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 3] ../smbd/uid.c:push_conn_ctx(286)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 3] ../smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 0] ../lib/util_sec.c:assert_gid(114)
  Failed to set gid privileges to (-1,65534) now set to (0,0) uid=(0,0)
[1970/01/01 00:00:39, 0] ../lib/util.c:smb_panic(1094)
  PANIC: failed to set gid

can anybody help me?
the version of my samba server is 2.2.8.

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RE: [Samba] Domain account

2003-12-17 Thread Dede NURMANSYAH
Hi Craig

It's works now, and I can sleep well tonight...:)
Thanks for your bright explanations, it's so helpful to me.

Many Thanks,
Dede Nurmansyah

 -Original Message-
From:   Craig White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Wednesday, December 17, 2003 11:54 AM
Subject:RE: [Samba] Domain account

Never works right if you log in to server with one account and then you
try to join machine to network using different account - once you have
made connection to Samba as another user, you cannot then connect again
using root or Administrator.

Try logging out of Windows computer - logging back in and then joining
machine to domain 
user: root
password: root-password-in-smbpasswd
domain: domain name


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Re: [Samba] Re: Samba 3.0 PDC, exchange 5.5 installing service pack 4 fails.

2003-12-17 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Dan wrote:
We have had very similar problems.  I don't have a solution yet but 
hopefully this will just confirm the issue.

In our production environment we are using samba 2.2.5 and we can not 
successfully install  SP4 for exchange on Windows 2000.  I have been 
trying successive versions of Samba to see if they fix this problem and 
none so far have.  Currently I am testing with 3.0.1pre3.  We are just 
in the middle of going back to exchange 5.5 on NT 4 Server but if you 
are having this problem than I imagine we will too.  I will let you 
know.  If anyone else has come across this problem and solved it or has 
any other ideas to try I would like to know.
Let me know if you are still having problems and we'll see if we can't
work it out.  I know Jeremy is pretty bug on making sure Exchange 
servers in a Samba domain function as expected.

cheers, jerry
 SAMBA Team --
 GnuPG Key
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[Samba] It would seem to be simple but it's got me scratching my head

2003-12-17 Thread Craig White
Samba 3.0.0 - RH AS 3

# ./ Computers
No such object at /usr/local/sbin// line 590, DATA
line 283.

# ./ cnassa
dn: uid=cnassa,ou=People,o=Mullen,c=US

Why can't I get the groups to work correctly, I do have a 'Computers'
group?  This same problem is causing a bunch of errors when I try to net
rpc vampire - it can't add the groups but it adds the users.

section from 
# Where are stored Users
# Ex: $usersdn = ou=Users,$suffix; for ou=Users,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG
#$usersou = q(Users);
$usersou = q(People);
$usersdn = ou=$usersou,$suffix;

# Where are stored Computers
# Ex: $computersdn = ou=Computers,$suffix; for
$computersou = q(Computers);
$computersdn = ou=$computersou,$suffix;

# Where are stored Groups
# Ex $groupsdn = ou=Groups,$suffix; for ou=Groups,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG
$groupsou = q(Groups);
$groupsdn = ou=$groupsou,$suffix;

# Default scope Used
$scope = sub;


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Re: [Samba] Samba Variables and TCP/IP Throughput

2003-12-17 Thread AndyLiebman
So, here's the answer to the puzzle... I did as Per suggested -- set the 
so_sndbuf and so_rcvbuf to 65535 each, as well as read size and max xmit to the 
same.  And low and behold, the throughput between my Windows XP box and my 
Linux Box's Firewire RAID 5 arrays went from around 20 MB/sec to around 30 
MB/sec. And when I raised all those values by another factor of 4 (up to 262140 for 
each one) my throughput increased to around 36-37 MB/sec. Raising those values 
further didn't seem to make any difference. 

And, and, and, ...  at the 262140 level, now I was able to set the MTUs to 
4088 on the Windows side and 4074 on the Linux side (4K Jumbo Frames). While 
throughput essentially remained the same as what I was getting with a standard 
1514/1500 MTU, I was happy that it didn't DROP by 50 percent, as it did before 
when I was trying to use 4K and 9K Jumbo Frames with the buffers set to 8092.  

And although throughput didn't go UP with the 4K frames, the CPU usage in 
each machine was pretty much cut in half. That made my Windows XP video editing 
applications happy. 

Incidentally, I still get a serious DROP in throughput, about 50 percent, if 
I try to use 9K Jumbo Frames -- even with those big buffers (I even tried up 
to 1 MB buffers). Perhaps that could be due to the fact that both my Windows 
and Linux boxes only have 32-bit PCI slots. 

I should add a few other notes. First, I am using Intel Gigabit Server NICs 
because they seem to have good Linux drivers -- and the Intel Tech Support 
folks were totally blown away by the fact that a few variables in a Samba 
configuration file could affect network throughput so dramatically. Alas, Samba is a 
mystery to many folks in this world -- myself included. 

Second, after hours of playing with TCP/IP settings on both the Windows and 
Linux sides -- TcpWindowSize in Windows, and a bunch of wmem, rmem, and mem 
values in Linux -- I came to the conclusion that none of my changes gave me any 
improvement over the default configurations of both operating systems (at least 
the way Linux is configured in Mandrake 9.2). Before I started tweaking, I 
had tried all sorts of Window sizes using the program Iperf on both ends -- 
and found pretty much that I got to the maximum throughput (a pure bandwidth of 
about 780 Mbits) at about 64K TCPWindows. But both OS's must do that by 
default, so tweaking was a waste of time in my case, where I have a fast LAN with 
almost zero latency. 

Finally, I have to say that I am impressed with the Intel Gigabit Server 
Ethernet adapters. The Intel e1000 drivers (not the eepro1000 driver that came 
with my Mandrake 9.2 distribution) give you fantastic flexibility in both Linux 
and Windows. For instance, the driver has a number of methods to let you choose 
whether the NIC interrupts the CPU each time it receives or transmits a 
packet, or whether the NIC stores up lots of packets and interrupts less 
frequently. Playing around with that and other settings in the driver allowed me to 
trade a 15 percent reduction in maximum throughput (and a slight increase in 
latency) for a 75 percent reduction in CPU usage! Which let my Windows video 
editing application flawlessly playback uncompressed video through some hardware 
that's also vying for attention on the PCI bus.  Without the ability to do this 
kind of tweaking, my video editing application was getting interrupted too 
often to work properly. Surely there are other real time applications that can 
benefit from such control. I certainly had a happier experience with the Intel 
NIC than with either Linksys or SysKonnect NICs -- although I hear the 
SysKonnect NICs are a little faster than most. 

Hope all this information is useful to somebody out there. 

As a last word, of course my switch supports Jumbo Frames. I'm trying out a 
fairly new SMC switch, the SMC8508T. It's fast, cheap and out of control... No 
just kidding. It's fast and cheap (around $ 140 US) and as far as I can see 
it's the only switch any where near that price that supports Jumbo Frames. Says 
so right on the box. It's an unmanaged switch. But I know it's not the switch 
that's caused my original problems with Jumbo Frames, because I had the same 
problems when I took the switch out of the system and connected the computers 
directly. And that's still the case with the 9K Jumbo Frames. 

Finally, I put use sendfile=yes in my samba configuration file. But what 
does it do??? I suppose I should at least try taking it out and seeing what it 

Thanks for your suggestions. It's because of people like you that Linux keeps 
getting better, and Linux users keep getting better results. 


In a message dated 12/17/2003 10:10:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
I believe samba just does setsockopt or ioctl on the sockets. Do you get any 
errors on the interfaces in jumbo? Does your switch support jumbo? Setting 
use sendfile=yes will help alot on read speeds from samba. On the 

[Samba] Problem migrating from 2.2.8a to 3.0.1

2003-12-17 Thread Data Control Systems - Mike Elkevizth
I have a Samba 2.2.8a PDC running that I would like to upgrade to 3.0.1.

I also have to BDCs and was trying to convert them to 3 before I started on
the PDC and found out I was out of commission because of some kind of error.
So. I installed 3 on the two BDCs along with OpenLDAP 2.1 and set everything
up. The LDAP/Samba combo works fine, I can connect with out a problem as a
Stand_Alone_Role. But then, I run the net rpc getsid command to get the
PDCs SID and it gives me a Unable to find a suitable server error. Is
there a way I can manually enter the domain SID? Help would be greatly


BDC config

# Global parameters
workgroup = DCS
server string = Tallmadge Server
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://localhost
lanman auth = No
log level = 3
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
name resolve order = wins lmhosts bcast
time server = Yes
os level = 70
preferred master = No
local master = No
domain master = No
wins server = --This is also the Samba 2.2 PDC
ldap suffix = dc=dcs
ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
ldap user suffix = ou=Users
ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
ldap idmap suffix = ou=IDMap
ldap admin dn = cn=sambauser,dc=dcs
ldap ssl = start tls
idmap backend = ldap
idmap uid = 4-5
idmap gid = 4-5
hosts allow =,,,

LDAP Domain SID entry

# DCS, dcs
dn: sambaDomainName=DCS,dc=dcs
sambaDomainName: DCS
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-657526034-1340598581-4100531696
sambaAlgorithmicRidBase: 1000
objectClass: sambaDomain

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
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[Samba] check_winbind_security: Not using winbind..samba-3.0.1

2003-12-17 Thread Tim Jordan
Can anyone advise as to why Samba is not using winbind?

check_winbind_security: Not using winbind, requested domain was for this

I can wbinfo -g -u  getent group | passwd for domain users.


 workgroup = TUX
 realm = TUX.AK
 server string = Samba Server %v
 security = ADS
 auth methods = winbind
 obey pam restrictions = Yes
 password server = ipaddress
 log level = 3
 log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
 max log size = 100
 name resolve order = wins lmhosts bcast
 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
 printcap name = cups
 add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false '%u'
 os level = 0
 preferred master = No
 local master = No
 domain master = No
 dns proxy = No
 wins server = ipaddress
 idmap uid = 1-2
 idmap gid = 1-2
 template shell = /bin/bash
 winbind use default domain = Yes
 printer admin = '@Domain Admins'
 printing = cups

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Re: [Samba] user name with a dot not working

2003-12-17 Thread Peter Ulrich Kruppa
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Robert Nedbal wrote:

 I'm having problems with user names containing a dot. For example
I always use j_smith . This works without mapping and does the



 In our network we have Win2K PDC and a Samba server. smb.conf contains
 security = domain
 password server = MYSERVER
 username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
 valid users = j.smith
 write list = j.smith

 /etc/samba/smbusers file contains this:
 jsmith = j.smith

 And Linux box with Samba server has an account for user 'jsmith'

 So I'm trying to map 'j.smith' (windows user name) to 'jsmith' (linux user
 name). But the problem is that when I try to access shares on samba server
 I get NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD. I'm sure the password is entered

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] me]$ smbclient //SAMBASRV/webpages -U 'j.smith'
 added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
 Domain=[MYDOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.7a-security-rollup-fix]
 tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD

 and in a log file on samba server I see:
 [2003/12/16 17:53:39, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(863)
   authorise_login: rejected invalid user nobody
 ^ -- this is strange!
   (why nobody?)
 The same error I get from windows clients.

 When I intentionally enter wrong password, I get in log file this:
 [2003/12/16 17:11:50, 0] smbd/password.c:domain_client_validate(1619)
   domain_client_validate: unable to validate password for user J.SMITH in
 domain MYDOMAIN to Domain controller MYSERVER. Error was

 When I inetntionally enter wrong user name, I get in log file this:
 [2003/12/16 17:12:02, 0] smbd/password.c:domain_client_validate(1619)
   domain_client_validate: unable to validate password for user X.SMITH in
 domain MYDOMAIN to Domain controller MYSERVER. Error was

 When I remove 'jsmith = j.smith' from /etc/samba/smbusers and change unix
 user to 'j.smith', everythig starts working. But I would like to use on
 Linux usernames without a dot.

 Thanks for your help, any ideas?

 Best regards,

 Robert Nedbal - Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
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|   Peter Ulrich Kruppa   |
|  - Wuppertal -  |
| Germany |
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[Samba] winXP pro and Samba 2.2.7 network w/win95/98 systems

2003-12-17 Thread bill eight


Need advise

I've been attempting to get a winXP
system added into the network of win95/98
systems and a Samba 2.2.7 server (redhat 7.3)

current version of 
Samba version 2.2.7a-security-rollup-fix

the win95/98 systems work fine.

the winXP has trouble ..

1) It can not see the samba server 
OR other systems in the network neighborhoods.
(it CAN ping the IPs tho .. )

I've read the book - and am stumped.

What to look for???

2) attempted to replicate network on
an off production network - unpatched version
of winXP - got it to see the server in
the network neighborhood (don't know how)

BUT - get error Server not accessible

again, I am stumped..

please advise or point to references
which may help.


here is my smb.conf

#=== Global Settings
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d
/dev/null -g machines -c 'Machine
 Account' -s /bin/false -M %u
# -d = home dir, -g group, -c comment, -s shell, -M
userhome dir will NOT be created
pam password change = yes
encrypt passwords = yes
wins support = true
max log size = 0
obey pam restrictions = yes
directory mode = 775
security = user
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
printing = lprng
create mode = 775
dns proxy = no
only user = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192
valid users = @samba
root preexec = /usr/bin/ntlogon -u %U -g %G -o
%a -d /var/lib/samba/netl
ogon \ chmod 644 /var/lib/samba/netlogon/%U.bat;
printcap name = /etc/printcap
invalid users = root
logon script = %U.bat
passwd chat = *New*password* %n\n
*Retype*new*password* %n\n *passwd:*al
domain admin group = compadm
user = @samba
domain logons = yes
unix password sync = Yes
workgroup = MP
server string = MP Server
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
delete readonly = yes
netbios name = server
load printers = yes
root postexec = rm -f
os level = 33
write list = @samba
logon home = \\server\%U

   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writable = yes
   valid users = %S
   create mode = 0664
   directory mode = 0775
# If you want users samba doesn't recognize to be
mapped to a guest user
; map to guest = bad user

# Un-comment the following and create the netlogon
directory for Domain Logons
comment = Network Logon Service
path = /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon
guest ok = yes
writable = no
share modes = no

# NOTE: If you have a BSD-style print system there is
no need to
# specifically define each individual printer
   comment = All Printers
   path = /var/spool/samba
   browseable = no
# Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to
   guest ok = no
   writable = no
   printable = yes

path = /usr/data
force group = samba

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[Samba] doubt

2003-12-17 Thread lakshmi priya
i just want to know how samba works. how the commands from Windows are
received by Samba. i want to know the process of Samba working with windows
ie. how the commands are received and how they are processed. in what
structure the command is recieved by Samba server? how can a samba server
receives message from windows? 
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Re: [Samba] It would seem to be simple but it's got me scratching my head

2003-12-17 Thread John H Terpstra

A few pointers might help you. I had to sweat my way through this stuff so
I can document it for my new book. This gave me one of those rare moments
when I started with totally clean systems and set everything up on an
isolated network. A real tease!

1. Beware of the ldap.conf file that has:
nss_base_group  ou=Group,dc=abmas,dc=biz?one
when it should be:
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=abmas,dc=biz?one

That extra s caught me too. It's oly one character though! :)

2. Do not use the Computers container for machine accounts. It breaks.
You can totally avoid the problem by just using the People container.
There is apparently a Samba/LDAP search bug there. Jerry did warn me, but
I had to prove it for myself! :(

The symptom of the bug is that Samba (LDAP) can not find the trust account
for the workstation (same for BDCs).

3. Current CVS (and 3.0.1) has apparanetly a bug that prevents
Workstations from logging onto the domain for the first time. I
down-graded to CVS December 1st, and I could log on. Then I updated to
current CVS and it works fine. This bug bites only when a machine first
joins the domain. Rejoins work fine.

4. As for the vampire process - make sure that the back-end you use can
create accounts that have spaces and/or upper-case characters in the name.
If your backend can't handle this you must create a work-around that
intercepts the illegal name and mangles it to something that is legal for
the underlying backend.

I hope these comments prove a little helpful - if not too late.

John T.

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Craig White wrote:

 Answering my own question...Group / Groups - what's an 's' between
 friends - made me crazy.

 Anyway - got net rpc vampire completely in.

 At the end of the 'slurp' I got this one message...


 My google searches makes me think that this is about Upper case User
 names which ultimately won't be a problem because those logins will go
 bye bye anyway... Any other reason to worry because of that message?


 On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 20:47, Craig White wrote:
  Samba 3.0.0 - RH AS 3
  # ./ Computers
  No such object at /usr/local/sbin// line 590, DATA
  line 283.
  # ./ cnassa
  dn: uid=cnassa,ou=People,o=Mullen,c=US
  Why can't I get the groups to work correctly, I do have a 'Computers'
  group?  This same problem is causing a bunch of errors when I try to net
  rpc vampire - it can't add the groups but it adds the users.
  section from
  # Where are stored Users
  # Ex: $usersdn = ou=Users,$suffix; for ou=Users,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG
  #$usersou = q(Users);
  $usersou = q(People);
  $usersdn = ou=$usersou,$suffix;
  # Where are stored Computers
  # Ex: $computersdn = ou=Computers,$suffix; for
  $computersou = q(Computers);
  $computersdn = ou=$computersou,$suffix;
  # Where are stored Groups
  # Ex $groupsdn = ou=Groups,$suffix; for ou=Groups,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG
  $groupsou = q(Groups);
  $groupsdn = ou=$groupsou,$suffix;
  # Default scope Used
  $scope = sub;

John H Terpstra
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CVS update: samba4/source/librpc/rpc

2003-12-17 Thread tridge

Date:   Wed Dec 17 21:37:34 2003
Author: tridge

Update of /home/cvs/samba4/source/librpc/rpc
In directory

Modified Files:
Log Message:
fixed a segv in RPC-* when debug level  2
thanks to Kai for spotting this!

dcerpc_util.c   1.16 = 1.17

CVS update: samba/source/libsmb

2003-12-17 Thread jra

Date:   Wed Dec 17 21:57:26 2003
Author: jra

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source/libsmb
In directory

Modified Files:
  Tag: SAMBA_3_0
Log Message:
Add in comments explaining NTLMv2 selection. Use lm session key if that's
all there is.

ntlmssp.c =

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