[Samba] Re: Looking for answers....

2003-06-05 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
[Redirected to the general samba list]

  One of the things which Samba provides is a facility
to run a preexec script before allowing a user to connect
to a directory, and refuse to make the conenction if
the script returns a non-zero result.
  This can prevent someone from logging on twice,
limit them to specific hours, from conencting to
the wrong directory and so on.
  In addition, one can set valid users so that only
the owner of a directory can connect to it.
  Of course, the students then just copy their work to
floppies and pass them around, something that
Samba can't prevent (;-))

Tait Shrum wrote:
We use Samba heavily in our schools.  We have one area left that is 
still using Novell Netware 4.11 - our business education dept.  We want 
to move them over to Samba, but they have made us question if samba can 
do some of the things Netware can do.  They want to specify when a user 
logs in.  They have kids logging in during one period, finishing their 
work, then in the following period another kid logs in as their friend 
who just finished the work and copies it.  They don't want that to 
happen next year.

They also are needing some specific group based login scripts.  For 
instance if member of B11G1 then do a bunch of stuff  Can you do 
that with Samba 2.2.8 or do we have to go with 3.0 alpha.

If you can do these things with the current release of Samba, can you 
tell me how?  Thanks!
Tait Shrum

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: FW: encrypt passwords=no, security=yes, samba 2.2.8, W2K useraut h fails

2003-04-01 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
  That's highly undesirable, as it breaks single-signon 
(unless you're an NT-cenric organization, which Sun isn't (:-))


|Hi Tony,
|Another workaround would be to populate an smbpasswd file with all the names
|from your /etc/passwd file.
|But I realize this can be onerous.  Samba has a script to help with this,
|since you won't be needing passwords from this smbpasswd file, this would do
|it for you, I think  if your distribution doesn't install this script,
|can be found in the source at /usr/local/samba/source/script/mksmbpasswd.sh
|cat /etc/passwd|./mksmbpasswd.sh /usr/local/samba/var/private/smbpasswd
|Hope this helps

Re: Patch for Bad Password Attempt Lockout, samba3.0a22.

2003-03-27 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
  Remember, this opens up a new vulnerability, to denial
of service attacks.  See, for example
  If you're implementing this, implement the approved strategy,
also use by NT, of locking it for a settable period, and
not locking out priveledged accounts.

Account lockout duration
Sets the number of minutes an account will be locked out.
 Allowable values are 0 (account is lockout out until
 administrator unlocks it) or between 1 and 9 minutes.
WARNING: Setting this value to 0 (until administrator
unlocks) may allow a potential denial of service attack.
It is important to note that the built-in Administrator
 account cannot be locked out.

Jianliang Lu wrote:
I have implemented the bad password attempt lockout policy. If an user 
attempt with the bad password more than the count setted in the policy, then 
his account will be auto-locked, like what did NT. The implementation is only 
for LDAP passdb backend.
To do this, I have to introduce a new integer attribute in 
samba.schema, badPwAttempt.
Folllowing are the patches, any comments?

Jianliang Lu
TieSse s.p.a.
Via Jervis, 60.  10015 Ivrea (To) - Italy

--- samba-3.0alpha22-orig/source/auth/auth_sam.c	Mon Feb 17 16:31:06 2003
+++ samba-3.0alpha22-orig/source/auth/auth_sam.c.fix	Thu Mar 27 12:40:10 2003
@@ -326,6 +326,12 @@
+	/* Quit if the account was locked out. */
+	if (acct_ctrl  ACB_AUTOLOCK) {
+		DEBUG(1,(Account for user '%s' was locked out.\n, pdb_get_username(sampass)));
+	}
 	/* Test account expire time */
 	kickoff_time = pdb_get_kickoff_time(sampass);
@@ -414,6 +420,7 @@
 	NTSTATUS nt_status;
 	uint8 user_sess_key[16];
 	const uint8* lm_hash;
+	uint32 account_policy_lockout, badpwattempt;
 	if (!user_info || !auth_context) {
@@ -448,10 +455,43 @@
 	nt_status = sam_password_ok(auth_context, mem_ctx, sampass, user_info, user_sess_key);
 	if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) {
+			badpwattempt = (uint32)pdb_get_bad_pw_attempt(sampass) + 1;
+			if (!pdb_set_bad_pw_attempt(sampass, badpwattempt, PDB_CHANGED))
+	DEBUG(1, (Failed to set 'badPwAttempt' for user % s. \n, 
+ user_info-internal_username.str));
+		 	account_policy_get(AP_BAD_ATTEMPT_LOCKOUT, account_policy_lockout);
+			if (badpwattempt = account_policy_lockout)
+if (!pdb_set_acct_ctrl (sampass, 
+		pdb_get_acct_ctrl(sampass) |ACB_AUTOLOCK, 
+	DEBUG(1, (Failed to set 'disabled' flag for user % s. \n, 
+ user_info-internal_username.str));
+			}
+			become_root();
+			if (!pdb_update_sam_account(sampass)) {
+			DEBUG(1, (Failed to modify entry for user % s.\n, 
+			 user_info-internal_username.str));
+			unbecome_root();
+		}
 		return nt_status;
+	if (!pdb_set_bad_pw_attempt(sampass, 0, PDB_CHANGED))
+			DEBUG(1, (Failed to set 'badPwAttempt' for user % s. \n, 
+		 user_info-internal_username.str));
+	if (!pdb_set_logon_time(sampass, time(NULL), PDB_CHANGED))
+	DEBUG(1, (auth_sam.c : pdb_set_logon_time fialed!\n));
+	become_root();
+	if(!pdb_update_sam_account(sampass)) 
+		DEBUG(1, (Failed to modify entry for user % s.\n, 
+	 user_info-internal_username.str));
+	unbecome_root();
 	if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status = make_server_info_sam(server_info, sampass))) {		
 		DEBUG(0,(check_sam_security: make_server_info_sam() failed with '%s'\n, nt_errstr(nt_status)));
 		return nt_status;

--- samba-3.0alpha22-orig/source/passdb/passdb.c	Mon Feb 24 16:12:31 2003
+++ samba-3.0alpha22-orig/source/passdb/passdb.c.fix	Thu Mar 27 12:40:10 2003
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 	memset(user-private.hours, 0xff, user-private.hours_len); /* available at all hours */
 	user-private.unknown_5 = 0x; /* don't know */
 	user-private.unknown_6 = 0x04ec; /* don't know */
+	user-private.bad_pw_attempt = 0; /* bad password attemp count */
 	/* Some parts of samba strlen their pdb_get...() returns, 
 	   so this keeps the interface unchanged for now. */

--- samba-3.0alpha22-orig/source/passdb/pdb_get_set.c	Thu Jan  9 20:05:59 2003
+++ samba-3.0alpha22-orig/source/passdb/pdb_get_set.c.fix	Thu Mar 27 12:40:10 2003
@@ -172,6 +172,14 @@
 		return (NULL);
+uint32 pdb_get_bad_pw_attempt (const SAM_ACCOUNT *sampass)
+	if (sampass)
+		return (sampass-private.bad_pw_attempt);
+	else
+		return (-1);
  * Get flags showing 

Re: discussion on implementation of bad attempt locakout policy

2003-03-24 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
  This has some downsides, you understand: you can
lock someone else out of their account by making a
bunch of attempts to log in as them.  Don't want
root tracking your breakin attempts? Lock him out first!
  If you do go down this path, consider
a) doing it in a PAM module so the same policy
   applies to Samba as to all other logins
b) set a short delay (say, 10 minutes) when
   someone tries to log in, not a unilateral
   lockout, and notify root by email.

Jianliang Lu wrote:
I'm looking at bad attempt locakout on samba3.0 a22. My opinion is to 
introduce a new variable uint32 bad_pw_counts in the struct user_data of 
SAM_ACCOUNT. so in the auth.c, routine check_ntlm_password(), I can check the 
bad password attemped against the AP_BAD_ATTEMPT_LOCKOUT, if it were more 
than that, I will lock the user.
I'd like to have your sugestions on this issue, specially to know where I can 
put the count of the bad_pw_counts.

Jianliang Lu
TieSse s.p.a.
Via Jervis, 60   10015 Ivrea (To)ITALY

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SECURITY] Samba 2.2.8 available for download

2003-03-21 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Green, Paul wrote:
   However, on a chip that does distinguish areas of
virtual memory that are code, and areas that are data, and further disallows
execution of data (absent a specific operating system call to change the
access mode of that region of virtual memory), it seems to me that it would
be almost impossible for even a highly skilled attacker to inject binary
specific code.  I consider myself highly skilled on the Stratus VOS
operating system and I can't for the life of my see how I could get the HP
PA-RISC microprocessor to execute code that came down the wire as data.
I'm inclined to think you're right: if I set stack and data
spaces non-executable on my machine (a SPARC), it makes it
distincltly harder to build an stack-overflow exploit.  The
writer can't insert a return address in the code he's added,
but instead has to run something that already exists in the
address space.
In addition, if the code space is protected, it's hard for
the attacker to put exploit code there.
Intel and Samba experts, can you expand on this?

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Browsing across subnets without WINS

2003-03-18 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
  Thank you, kind sir!


Christopher R. Hertel wrote:
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 07:34:45AM -0500, David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering wrote:

 Guys, is this an expected behavior? Unless you have WINS
up (which causes issues with multihomed machines), one
seemingly cannot synchronize browse lists across subnets.

Samba's WINS does a good job of handling multi-homed systems.
Microsoft's design for multi-homed WINS entries is ugly...but it should 



Pedro Guedes wrote:

Browsing across subnets is well documented on the 2 main books
about Samba (the o´reilly one and the John D. Blair older
one - the first of  all).
I usually do not use WINS, even on W2K because
it does not work correctly on multihomed servers.

I have heard many reports (and seen a few traces) of bugs in W2K's WINS 

It binds on only one interface (the primary one if one can state
correctly which one it is - on 99% of the cases the one on the
lowest PCI slot).

Samba's WINS can be set to bind to which ever interfaces you like.

One can read a couple of white papers from microsoft stating
just that, I think this is due to the NetBIOS name coupled
to the machine in contrast to the name coupled to the IP
interface, even in the NeBT world.

NetBIOS names are assigned to services or applications.  Not to interfaces 
or devices.  That's the way NetBIOS works.

So that's right in the sense that the NetBIOS name is never bound to the 

What I tried to do is make samba win browse master elections
(in subnets away from the subnet where  the PDC resides - it
always wins and without any local NT4 Backup Domain Controlller
or W2K Domain controller) based on the idea of  the Unix server
being always on-line should always take the role despite the
presence of W98  W2K Professional always coming and going.

Yes, but having Samba become the *local* master browser doesn't help much.

The idea is to change browse lists with the domain master
browser (the PDC or FSMO on W2K) so that browsing accross
subnets works for everybody.

...but the DMB can't be contacted unless you can find the name via WINS.

In fact Samba becomes the master browser on the LAN due to
higher values on election based on the setting os level.
It wins over W2K Professional (the highest Windows on the LAN).


Despite settings of  remote announce ,remote browse sync,
entries like in lmhosts
to talk to the PDC/FSMO (I known it says it only works with
other samba server) what the Domain Master Browser receives
is only the samba server itself, no neighbours listed at all.

Remote Announce sends the Samba server's announcement directly to the DMB, 
so the DMB will know about the Samba server.  That's what you are seeing.

Remote Browse Sync only works between Samba servers.

I have, since the early samba releases, noted this behaviour.

So, what I do is make W2K Professional force and win browse
master election when it boots.
(look at HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\ for
the values
MaintainServerList - yes
IsDomaiMasterBrowser - yes
This way browse lists always propagate correctly to the
Domain Master Browser.
This samba behaviour (or lack of it) is quite unfortunate

Samba's browsing behavior is a *superset* of Windows behavior.

since the W2K Professionals are always coming and going making
subnets browsing quite unstable.
It is strange that the samba servers have such poor behaviour
despite their phenomenal growth in the integration
Unix/Windows arena.

A little bit more could be written about this.
If you have any sugestions they would be welcome.
This matter truly deserves an article somewhere. In O´reilly
web pages, on Linux/Windows Magazines.
Maybe a better writer than me could write a paper on it.

I am currently finishing the Browsing section of my book.  See:
I'll be finishing as much as I can in the next week or so.  See also:

...and also read the discussions of browsing parameters in the smb.conf 
manual pages.

Basically, though Samba does a good job with browsing.  Better than many 
Windows implementations.  The key thing is that synchronising complete 
browse lists with a DMB will *not* work unless the LMBs know where to find 
the DMB.  WINS is typically the way that is done.

I don't know whether adding a #1B entry to the lmhosts file will signal
Samba that it needs to browse sync with the given entry.  If Samba is not
aware of a WINS server it *may* not try to sync with any DMBs.  *This is
pure supposition on my part.*  I don't know that part of the code as well
as I should (yet).  In any case, make sure you have lmhosts name
resulotion enabled.
I *have* seen a problem with browsing between Samba and Windows systems.  
I was not able to resolve the problem at the time because it was a problem 
in a computer lab at a conference and I did not have either

Sidebar to Testing framework

2003-03-12 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
  If you're considering performance tests as well,
I can help on metrics and analysis.  I often use Samba
as the guinea-pig in my work work.
David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Samba non-oplock performance on Solaris 7/8

2003-03-11 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Nastasi, John wrote:
 Do you know if there are any issues with Samba running on
 Solaris that  would cause the application to run very, very
 slow with oplocks turned  off?
No, and that's the kind of problem we should
raise with the Samba team: I'm cc'ing this
to them.
 Specifically, with oplocks turned on I get acceptable performance
 trying to open an MS-Access (Jet) database.  The operation 
completes in
 no more than a minute or so.  Turning off oplocks (as suggested
 repeatedly by many folks for multiple users accessing an MDB on a 
 share) completely hoses the same operation - 9 minutes to complete.

We need to see what Samba's doing differently
between the two cases. There are three places to
1) Samba logs, at log level = 3 or more
2) truss reports
3) packet dumps.
I recommend them in roughly that order: I'm
good at reading truss, and the team is real good
at logs.
 I've tried the configuration on a Solaris 7 (Ent 4500) running Samba
 2.0.10 and also on a Solaris 8 (V100) running Samba 2.2.7a - same
 result.  I'm about to try the latest kernel patch to see if it 
could be
 an fcntl related issue, but was curious if you knew of anything else
 that could be causing the problem.

 Based upon what I've read - oplocks being turned off should help
 multi-user, MDB access performance.  What I'm seeing, however, is just
 the opposite.

Yes, specifically by avoiding transferring the
whole file to the client and then transferring it back.
Turning of oplocks **in principle should** cause
the db to read only the records it wants to change,
then writing them back.
The times imply it's still transferring the whole
file, which is utterly evil (;-))  Of course, using
smb file locking as the mechanism to do database locking
is brain-dead in the first place. Being able to do
so is just a way of letting you try out a DBMS, get
used to it and eventually buy the back-end DBMS and
a server to put it on.


David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Samba Performance on Solaris 7/8

2003-03-11 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Nastasi, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I almost thought I had the problem licked yesterday by leaving oplocks on,
and utilizing the veto oplock option to selectively exclude certain file
Going this route, I was able to exclude both .MDB and .DBF file types with
no degradation in performance (single-user).  The minute I tried to 
.SHP file types, however, the problem re-appeared.  Using smbstatus, I 
to the conclusion that our app is attempting to gain an exclusive lock 
on a
specific .SHP file and, upon failing, continues to re-try at 30 second
intervals -- finally moving on after 9 minutes (20 attempts I presume).

Checking with our developers unveiled that our app is programmed in Visual
Basic and makes use of Map Objects from ESRI for GIS activities. 
Map Objects is where the .DBF and .SHP (shape) files are coming into play,
and the source of the file locking problem.

Because the problem (appears) to emanate from Map Objects, I'm not sure
there's going to be a way to work around it.  I'm just disappointed 
that it
works on an NT/2000 based share and not Samba.  The client that I'm 
on this for is a large Sun user, and apparently has no real desire to 
drop a
Windows box into the mix.

Thanks again for your help, and if you can think of anything that may work
in this situation -- I'd be very interested in your thoughts. 
Although I've
not yet had the opportunity to run a TRUSS or packet capture, I can
certainly get in and learn how to do it real quick if you think that would
help in any way.

Have a good one...

John Nastasi

-Original Message-
From: David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 9:00 AM
To: Nastasi, John
Subject: Re: Samba Performance on Solaris 7/8
Nastasi, John wrote:
 Do you know if there are any issues with Samba running on Solaris that
 would cause the application to run very, very slow with oplocks 

No, and that's the kind of problem we should
raise with the Samba team: I'm cc'ing this
to them.
 Specifically, with oplocks turned on I get acceptable performance
 trying to open an MS-Access (Jet) database.  The operation 
completes in
 no more than a minute or so.  Turning off oplocks (as suggested
 repeatedly by many folks for multiple users accessing an MDB on a 
 share) completely hoses the same operation - 9 minutes to complete.

We need to see what Samba's doing differently
between the two cases. There are three places to
1) Samba logs, at log level = 3 or more
2) truss reports
3) packet dumps.
I recommend them in roughly that order: I'm
good at reading truss, and the team is real good
at logs.
 I've tried the configuration on a Solaris 7 (Ent 4500) running Samba
 2.0.10 and also on a Solaris 8 (V100) running Samba 2.2.7a - same
 result.  I'm about to try the latest kernel patch to see if it 
could be
 an fcntl related issue, but was curious if you knew of anything else
 that could be causing the problem.

 Based upon what I've read - oplocks being turned off should help
 multi-user, MDB access performance.  What I'm seeing, however, is just
 the opposite.

Yes, specifically by avoiding transferring the
whole file to the client and then transferring it back.
Turning of oplocks **in principle should** cause
the db to read only the records it wants to change,
then writing them back.
The times imply it's still transferring the whole
file, which is utterly evil (;-))  Of course, using
smb file locking as the mechanism to do database locking
is brain-dead in the first place. Being able to do
so is just a way of letting you try out a DBMS, get
used to it and eventually buy the back-end DBMS and
a server to put it on.


David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Samba Performance on Solaris 7/8 (oplocks)

2003-03-11 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Could someone add a one-liner to the FAQs about
the .mdb/.dbf/.shp spcial case?

John wrote:
| I did.  The ESRI MapObjects part of our application,
| however, doesn't like being denied an exclusive lock on
| those .shp files -- despite the fact that it only needs
| to open them for read access.
| Fake oplocks more/less a workaround for MapObjects.
| It's just unfortunate that you have to apply fake
| oplocks to the entire service and not just the
| .shp extension.
-Original Message-
From: David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 2:37 PM
To: Nastasi, John
Subject: Re: FW: Samba Performance on Solaris 7/8
   Possibly dumb question: didn't you say you tried
veto oplock files = /.mdb/.dbf/.shp/
--dave (whose short-term memory is starting to go (;-)) c-b

Nastasi, John wrote:

 Just as a follow-up, I wanted to pass along that by adding...

 Oplocks = False
 Fake Oplocks = True

 ...to the service, it appears to have fixed the problem.  Since none of
 .MDB, .DBF, or .SHP files should ever be written to (by our app -- in
 theory) I'm anxious to see if any data corruption issues result.

 If Samba had a way to fake oplocks for just a certain file type (mainly
 .SHP) it seems like that would be the ideal way to go.  That would 
 MapObjects to believe it had an exclusive on .SHP files -- which it
 doesn't require -- and other file types including .MDB and .DBF to be
 excluded from oplocking altogether.

 John Nastasi

 -Original Message-
 From: David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
 Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 9:00 AM
 To: Nastasi, John
 Subject: Re: Samba Performance on Solaris 7/8

 Nastasi, John wrote:

Do you know if there are any issues with Samba running on Solaris that
would cause the application to run very, very slow with oplocks 

 	No, and that's the kind of problem we should
 	raise with the Samba team: I'm cc'ing this
 	to them.

Specifically, with oplocks turned on I get acceptable performance
trying to open an MS-Access (Jet) database.  The operation 
completes in
no more than a minute or so.  Turning off oplocks (as suggested
repeatedly by many folks for multiple users accessing an MDB on a 
share) completely hoses the same operation - 9 minutes to complete.

 	We need to see what Samba's doing differently
 	between the two cases. There are three places to
 	1) Samba logs, at log level = 3 or more
 	2) truss reports
 	3) packet dumps.

 	I recommend them in roughly that order: I'm
 	good at reading truss, and the team is real good
 	at logs.

I've tried the configuration on a Solaris 7 (Ent 4500) running Samba
2.0.10 and also on a Solaris 8 (V100) running Samba 2.2.7a - same
result.  I'm about to try the latest kernel patch to see if it 
could be
an fcntl related issue, but was curious if you knew of anything else
that could be causing the problem.

Based upon what I've read - oplocks being turned off should help
multi-user, MDB access performance.  What I'm seeing, however, is just
the opposite.

 	Yes, specifically by avoiding transferring the
 	whole file to the client and then transferring it back.
 	Turning of oplocks **in principle should** cause
 	the db to read only the records it wants to change,
 	then writing them back.

 	The times imply it's still transferring the whole
 	file, which is utterly evil (;-))  Of course, using
 	smb file locking as the mechanism to do database locking
 	is brain-dead in the first place. Being able to do
 	so is just a way of letting you try out a DBMS, get
 	used to it and eventually buy the back-end DBMS and
 	a server to put it on.


David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Urgent: Cvs download has changed unexpectedly

2003-03-10 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Dave Collier-Brown wrote:
  1) If I run cvs update -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot -P
it returns No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the `-d' option,
which, you understand, I did (;-))
This also applies if I change the host from

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Urgent: Cvs download has changed unexpectedly

2003-03-10 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
I deleted the whole tree, changed the makefile to the
new syntax, and it fails with the identical messages.
The good news is that we documented pserver.samba.org in
the second edition... the bad news is that I can't get it
to work (;-))

Tim Potter wrote:
On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 02:13:17PM -0500, Dave Collier-Brown wrote:

 For that last few years, I've been using a makefile
to download and build samba, based on the instructions
in http://us1.samba.org/samba/cvs.html
 These are the same instructions that we put in Using Samba,
and are unchanged in the second edition.

The cvs.html file has probably changed since then, specifically it has
been modified to split the anonymous cvs repository to pserver.samba.org
and the writable cvs repository staying at cvs.samba.org.  According
to the CVS logs this split was done in October 2000.

 Alas, they now only cause diagnostics, at least three of which
are bogus!
 1) If I run cvs update -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot -P
it returns No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the `-d' option,
which, you understand, I did (;-))

There are instructions for reparenting a cvs repository using some
simple unix commands on the new cvs.html page.
I'm sorry the new version of your book has the old information in it -
that's a real bummer.  )-:

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [patch] Allow chown of directories from W2k domain clients

2003-02-19 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Andrew Furey wrote:

Because I couldn't find it :(  The closest I could come was #21 (listed 
in asm/errno.h), but I couldn't confirm it - whenever I tried to access 
the errno variable (by logging it) smbd would segfault :(  My C is a bit 
(OK, a lot) rusty...

	I think you may have missed a #include errno.h
	which defines it specially. On Solaris, for example,
	errno is actually (*(___errno())), a function.
David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Winbindd limited by select

2003-02-13 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Ken Cross wrote:
   #define FD_SETSIZE 2048  /* Max # of winbindd connections */
  must occur before the first invocation of sys/types.
  This could be a build option, but it might be much simpler to hard-code
  it in local.h, which is what I did to fix it.
  Can somebody check the implications of this on Solaris, HPUX, etc.?
On Solaris, compiled as a 32-bit app, the limit
applies.  Compiled as a 64-bit app, you can have 
as many FDs as you want.

However, there is currently no good reason to build
Samba as a 64-bit app: it doesn't need a bigger
address space.

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify 
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: password quality script aka --with-cracklib replacement

2003-02-13 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Martin Pool wrote:
 The PAM module might store previous passwords in a database (e.g. tdb)
 that it maintains.  Every time a password is set, it gets put in
 there, with any other appropriate information (date?).  When a new
 password-setting attempt is made, it checks against the history, plus
 other strength checks.

Do we even need to save the decrypted password?
A colleague once saved old encrypted passwords
to allow the do they really know the old one
test to be done via challange-response.

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify 
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: password quality script aka --with-cracklib replacement

2003-02-13 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Andrew Bartlett wrote:
   or else your users change from password1
 to password2 to password3 then back to password1.

They sure do! I hate that...

I spoke to my colleague, and he refreshed my memory
about that part: we variously used crypt or an MD4
hash to encrypt passwords and stored the encrypted
form in a lookup table of N elements per user. If 
someone changed their password, we encrypted it
and looked to se if it was already there, and if not
replaced the oldest stored copy.

To avoid collisions with other people's
passwords causing false positives, we generated 
a salt from the userid, and applied it as part of 
the encryption, but did not store the salt in the 
lookup table so you couldn't see it was salted
deterninistically from just looking at the 

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify 
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Solaris fcntl CPU/Lock update

2003-02-04 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 07:38:31AM -0800, Jeff Mandel wrote:
  Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libpthread.so.1...done.
  Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libpthread.so.1 

jra wrote: 
 This is a much more interesting backtrace than the
 other. Why is smbd linking in pthread libraries ?
 smbd is *NOT* a threaded program.

The library lsit on my Solaris 8 workstation is
much shorter:

$ pvs smbd
libsocket.so.1 (SISCD_2.3);
libnsl.so.1 (SUNW_0.7, SUNWprivate_1.1);
libdl.so.1 (SISCD_2.3);
libc.so.1 (SUNW_1.1);

No pthread at all!

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify 
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Patch for solaris 2.x to provide nsswitch wins resolution

2002-12-16 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Steven Tamm wrote:
 Sorry if this is not the right forum, but the documents on the website kind
 of implied I should send this to the list.
 I needed to get wins resolution added on Solaris to nsswitch specifically
 for gethostbyname.  The problem was that libnss_wins.so didn't include the
 solaris wrapper and that libnss_winbind.so didn't include gethostbyname.
 Here is a patch off of 2.2.7a that solves both issues (I'm not sure about
 the #if SUN).

  The predefined macros fron a Sun SC-series compilers are
   __sparc (SPARC)
   __sparcv9 (SPARC with -xarch=v9|v9a)
   __i386 (x86)
Not that those are double leading underscores.  From memory
and a quick check on linux, GCC defines a partially overlapping 
set including __linux and __sun.

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify 
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cannot get net ads join to work under Solaris 8

2002-11-16 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Andrew Bartlett wrote:
 Actually, we got confused - the function that Samba replaced, which I
 suspected could be a problem is 'timegm'.
 Either way, there is a but in there somewhere, as it doesn't work for a
 non-GMT timezone.

Ok, timegm is obsoleted in the standard, but it's
still supported on lots of systems, specifically
including anything with the Gnu libc, but
not in Solaris or the Apple BSD.

It's the inverse of gmtime, defined as
time_t timegm(struct tm *tm);
and is perfectly useful in some specific
cases, where one wants to turn a struct tm
back into a time_t.

The usual inverse is
time_t mktime(struct tm *timeptr);
(see http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/mktime.html)
and it looks like there is enough functionality
to implement timegm. Older man pages disagree, but
standards folks don't get to frivolously remove things we 
still need.  If they were to try, my Evil Twin, David 
J. Brown,  would spank them (:-)) 
The POSIX man page says:
The original values of the tm_wday and tm_yday components of the
structure are ignored, and the original values of the other components 
are not restricted to the ranges described in the time.h entry. 

A positive or 0 value for tm_isdst causes mktime() to presume
that Daylight Savings Time, respectively, is or is not in effect for 
the specified time. A negative value for tm_isdst causes mktime() to 
attempt to determine whether Daylight Saving Time is in effect for 
the specified time. 

Local timezone information is set as though mktime() called tzset(). 
and the older man pages say:
The functions mktime() and timegm() convert the broken-down time in
structure pointed to by tm into a time value with the same encoding as
that of the values returned by the time(3) function (that is, seconds
from the Epoch, UTC).  mktime() interprets the input structure
to the current timezone setting (see tzset(3)).  timegm() interprets
input structure as representing Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). 
The workaround is to set the time zone, as you did, but
I suspect there's a better one: probably something
if ((x = mktime(timeptr) != -1))
x -= altzone;

I'll ask My Smarter Colleagues[tm].

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify 
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cannot get net ads join to work under Solaris 8

2002-11-15 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Andrew Bartlett wrote:
 Well, it just means that we need to find a real replacement for
 gmtime().  Any chance you could have a look at that function, and see if
 you can figure out why the current replacement doesn't work?

Huh?  My Solaris box has gmtime and gmtime_r, the 
reentrant variant. 

In principle, gmtime creates a struct tm, in
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), just as if
you called localtime when machine was set to 

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify 
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-11-15 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
  I know folks dislike the plain password hack, but Unix
sites who don't trust their authentication to and NT server
still use these, deficiencies and all.
  So: here's an XP .reg file, same as the w2k reg file,
to go in the docs/Registry directory, as created by
regedit.  Can you check it out and publish it, please?

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify 
Sun Microsystems DCMO  | some people and astonish the rest.
Toronto, Ontario   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Binary data

Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-25 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Steve Langasek wrote:
 If oplock support is disabled, yes, you can expect two Samba
 installations to play nicely with locks on the same set of files.  If
 oplocking is enabled, it might also be possible to make them behave,
 though this would at least require some symlink magic.

There are also some sharable filesystems that could
result in two sambae sharing the same files: supposedy
my employer sells one (:-))

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify 
DMCO's MTEC team in Toronto| some people and astonish the rest.
Formerly Opcom, ACE and SIS.   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Samba] Re: How Samba let us down

2002-10-25 Thread David Collier-Brown -- Customer Engineering
Steve Langasek wrote:
 If oplock support is disabled, yes, you can expect two Samba
 installations to play nicely with locks on the same set of files.  If
 oplocking is enabled, it might also be possible to make them behave,
 though this would at least require some symlink magic.

There are also some sharable filesystems that could
result in two sambae sharing the same files: supposedy
my employer sells one (:-))

David Collier-Brown,   | Always do right. This will gratify 
DMCO's MTEC team in Toronto| some people and astonish the rest.
Formerly Opcom, ACE and SIS.   |
(905) 415-2849 or x52849   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]