RE: [Samba] Converting a school district to Samba DCs

2005-07-13 Thread Geoff Scott
Bill Greene wrote:
> I'm helping a small grade school district convert to Samba servers,
> more specifically, replace the existing NT domain controllers. 
JHT has written a specific chapter on migrating NT4 to samba in the Samba
Guide.  I would gather that you may have already read it.

> The district has 3 schools and about 1,700 students and staff members.
> There is one domain.  Currently there are four NT4 DCs, a PDC and 3
> BDCs, one in each school.  The BDCs act as file servers.  There are
> also several Linux machines running Samba as file servers for
> specific applications.  Finally, there are about 450 client machines,
> with a mix of Windows 98, 2000, and XP.
Try to get all of your machines upgraded to the same OS and version

> Every student and staff member has a login and a home directory on
> their "local" BDC.  In the vast majority of cases users are logging
> in to the local server.  It would be rare, for example, that a
> student from school A would log in while physically at school B. 
> However, it does happen, and there are staff members who do that
> regularly, so it needs to be accommodated. 
> Most of what is required is fairly straight forward - there would
> still be a file server in each school, and probably a dedicated
> machine for the "PDC" function of holding the user database.  The
> trick is account management.  From what I've read so far in the Samba
> Guide, how-tos, and various news postings, there are 482 different
> ways of doing this (OK, I made up 482, but there are a lot).  Most of
> the existing docs assume you know what you want to do, and tell how
> to do it.  Unfortunately, I'm still at the first step.   
The most robust seems to be to have your PDC machine also be a master LDP
server and then have LDAP replicate to slaves on the rest of your sites that
are also BDC's.  Make you BDC's point to the slave ldap servers in your

> So I'm looking for some general guidance on the overall organization.
> For 
> example:  Should I be using LDAP?  

> What about the MySQL backend? 

Nope too hard.  Not enough info unless you are guru status.
> How does winbind fit into this?  Do I need to create all users on all
> servers, or just on the one holding their home directory? 

How are you doing it with your current setup?  Does this meet your needs?
> Whatquestions am I not asking that I should be asking?   
> If you have answers, great!  But just pointing at some links would be
> a big help, too. 
> Thanks!
> -- bill

I'm kind of assuming that you have looked at the Samba Guide.  A combination
of the Happy users chapter with some of the components of the distributed
2000 users network chapter, and a slight sojourn into the NT4 migration
chapter with some DHCP and dns configs pulled from chapter 3 & 4  should do
the trick.  All the best, from a fellow migrator.

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] Troubles setting up winbind for nt4 style samba domain

2005-07-07 Thread Geoff Scott
I'm getting these errors on starting up winbindd, and I am not sure if this
is normal in my situation, I have no trust accounts, I don't deal in AD
domains.  Can somone tell me if I need to worry about this?:

[2005/07/08 11:23:24, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(1011)
  Connection to LDAP server failed for the 15 try!
[2005/07/08 11:23:25, 0] lib/smbldap.c:smbldap_open_connection(599)
  ldap_initialize: Time limit exceeded
[2005/07/08 11:23:25, 0] sam/idmap.c:idmap_init(138)
  idmap_init: failed to initialize remote backend!
[2005/07/08 11:23:25, 1] nsswitch/winbindd.c:main(897)
  Could not init idmap -- netlogon proxy only

The ldap backend has idmap in it as entered by the smbldap-populate tools:

dn: ou=Idmap,ou=OxObjects,dc=guestsfurniturehire,dc=com,dc=au
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Idmap
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: ae4d1d72-6847-1029-9f4f-fbdbb9cf79d8

And I have what I believe are the relevant enries in my smb.conf:

  ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
ldap machine suffix = ou=Users
ldap passwd sync = Yes
ldap suffix = ou=OxObjects,dc=guestsfurniturehire,dc=com,dc=au
ldap user suffix = ou=Users
idmap backend = ldap://
idmap uid = 1-2
idmap gid = 1-2

What gives?

Regards Geoff 

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RE: [Samba] Samba as a BDC for W2K3

2005-07-07 Thread Geoff Scott
Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:
> Hello,
> After having read a bunch of documentation on Samba's site, I guess
> the answer is "no", but here comes my question anyway. 

Yup, your right.

> What I have:
> - A central office with a Windows 2003 Server with Active Directory
> - A foreign office, where I will set up a Samba server
> - Every client is a Windows XP Professional, in both offices
> - A 512 Kbps VPN that links the two offices
> I'd like the Samba server to join the same domain the Windows 2003 is
> and I'd like the clients in the remote office to log on against the
> Samba server (so I need the Samba server to be a AD domain
> controller). Is it possible yet? 


> Will it be possible in a near
> future? :-?
Whenever samba4 is released.  When will it be released?  How long is a piece
of string?

> Thank you.

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RE: [Samba] remove wins entries - samba 3

2005-07-07 Thread Geoff Scott
Eric Hines wrote:
> Geoff,
> Sorry about the hour; I didn't realize you were still up--I went to
> bed 
I'm in Australia, GMT+10. You think I'm a party animal?  Nah, I'm just at
work. ;-)

> A number of questions, and some updates.  I can find no evidence of
> active named logging, although I did find one log with named entries. 
> In particular, what is the relevant log(s)?  There is no syslog or

The relevant log is whatever had instances of named logging to it, in your
case from below it would appear to be /var/log/messages.

> In the files below, why all the changes to mail from lserver1?  I
> thought from John's examples these were supposed to be the server
> name?  

You had an MX record in there.  If you are going to learn to configure an
MTA then the mailserver shouldn't be a cname. And seeing as you had
mail.XXX.XXX CNAME'd to lserver1 I switched it around.  It is considered bad
form from what I have read, to use a CNAME for a mail server.
> In log /var/log/messages, named starts successfully, loads all the
> zone files OK, and it outputs the log entry "lame server resolving
> '' (in ''?):, also ...
> .18#53 several times.  These are owned by a company in Barcelona,
> Spain.  There also are cases (fewer) of resolving

OK.  So your machine doesn't look to itself as being the master of that
domain.  John provides enough info for you to figure out why.

> According to log.nmbd, Samba server LSERVER1 and samba name server
> repeatedly became domain master browser and local master browser,
> respectively, on  tail -f log.nmbd also did not
> respond to an unsuccessful ping of lserver1.  
> You asked whether I could tell my router/firewall not to send dhcp
> stuff to lserver1 only.  That would take a specific MAC address
> exclusion capability, and this router/firewall does not have that. 

No, I asked if you could turn off the DHCP server on your router / firewall
completely and use the dhcp server on your samba server to deal with your
local networks needs.

> Can I, instead, tell lserver1 not to look to the router/firewall, but
> only to look to itself (/e.g./, via the dhcpd.conf or via lserver1's
> System  

As people have said to you *many* times the easiest way to do this is by
using a static ip on your server.  USE A STATIC IP! CONFIGURE THINGS
> Settings|Network GUI, using the DNS and/or hosts tab)?  Or would that
> lock lserver1 into itself, never to get access to the Internet?
> I've done some other poking around in response to the DNS doc for
> which 
> you sent me the URL last night, and noticed these things:
> /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0 is set as follows
> (emphasis added)
> I have the same thing for eth1 (there are two NIC chips on the
> motherboard), except it's turned off.
This is why I said to you originally to use the gui.  It's easier to do it
with the GUI, then poke around your system and see what's been changed.  You
need to read more about the basic configuration of your Linux flavour before
you start on these tasks.  That way you would know exactly what files
control what configurations and where exactly to find them.

> or host in both cases.

It looks like your server doesn't "think" it's the authoritative master for
your internal DNS.  Or something is wrong with your zone files.  Read the
DNS docs again. And again. And again

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RE: [Samba] remove wins entries - samba 3

2005-07-06 Thread Geoff Scott
Eric Hines wrote:
> Geoff Scott wrote:
>> Eric Hines wrote:

>> The over view is this:
>> The way out of this mess from my point of veiw is to switch off dhcp
>> from the router/firewall. 
> How?  I can't switch off the router/firewall.
No of course not.
You mean to say that you can't get access to a web interface or commandline
on the router to configure it?  You might need to look at getting better
hardware / strongarming your ISP for info on the router if it is ISP

Can you show us your zone files for &

What do your logs say for bind starting up?  Can you restart bind and watch
your logs?  Do you have any errors for it?

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] remove wins entries - samba 3

2005-07-06 Thread Geoff Scott
Eric Hines wrote:
> My DNS server sits on lserver1.  I'm trying to ping lserver1 from


Response is?

> lserver1.  With nsswitch set only to files or only to wins (/e.g./, 
> hosts: files), this is successful.  With nsswitch set only to dns, I
> cannot get name resolution, although I can successfully ping by IP
> address.  I can ping lserver1 by name or by IP successfully from
> mustelidae.   
> Where is lserver1 pointing in terms of DNS?  How do I tell?  At this

John also mentions setting in resolv.conf
nameserver is your loopback address)
nameserver   (this should be the ip of your router/firewall)
(you can have a maximum of 3 nameserver listed

> point, all I can say is that I've set up named.conf (and dhcpd.conf)
> as John has them in his Chapt 3 example, with the sole differences
> being that I'm using one subnet and not two (a DHCP issue), I'm
> calling my server, vice, and
> lserver1's IP address is, vice the one John's using in
> his example.  
> Aside from these edits, named.conf (and dhcpd.conf) are cut and
> pastes from John's latest on line.  Is /etc/resolv.conf part of this
> answer?  


> My named.conf and dhcpd.conf are built from John's example, as
> mentioned above.  /Etc/hosts has the IP address/name pairs he calls
> for.  I think that means I'm running a local name server.  

No.  The hosts file bypasses dns eg. Nsswitch is usually set to "files dns
Check files 1st then dns, then wins to find names on your lan
Files is your hosts files the rest should be self explanitory

> As you can see, I have very little understanding of what's going on
> here; I've rather slavishly followed John's example, and I'm clearly
> making mistakes I'm not recognizing.  

You need to learn about DNS elsewhere. 
Go here, and read this:
Particularly this:
Then apply it to your situation.

> Thanks
> Eric Hines

The over view is this:
The way out of this mess from my point of veiw is to switch off dhcp from
the router/firewall.
Your samba server needs to know it can be a dns server.  It finds this out
from the resolv.conf file. Make it have a static ip.
Any windows machine that is obtaining an IP address via DHCP needs to have
the wins server ipaddress handed to it otherwise it will use broadcasts.
You can see how to do this if your samba server becomes the dhcp server on
your lan, from john's section on configuring the dhcpd.  It sounds like the
samba server is correctly configured for wins. (really you should show us
your resolv.conf and your smb.conf + your nsswitch.conf)
Most real servers have static IP's for fairly obvious reasons.
And then other things should start to fall into place for you.

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] David Trask (Mailbox or Conference is full.)

2005-07-06 Thread Geoff Scott
Can we get this guy removed?  There is no way for me to contact the mailbox
owner.  It's getting annoying having this bounce back spam every time one
posts to the list.

Regards Geoff Scott

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RE: [Samba] remove wins entries - samba 3

2005-07-06 Thread Geoff Scott
Eric Hines wrote:
> Hi, Farshad,
> I'm too new at this to be of much help.  My WINS seems to be working,
> but I'm clueless as to why, just as I'm clueless as to why my DNS is
> not working.  
> Eric Hines

The questions you need to ask yourself are simple.  Where is my DNS server?
Where is my machine that I am pinging from pointing to in terms of DNS?
Does that DNS server have the records to do with my "lserver1" samba server?

Are you running a local name server as per JHT's docs?  Are you pointing
your DNS on your "lserver1" samba server to an external name server?

Answer each of these questions for us and we'll see where we can help.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] [Fwd: Samba-3 By Ex Chapt 3]

2005-07-05 Thread Geoff Scott
Eric Hines wrote:
> One more thing I forgot to mention.  The chapter calls for editing
> /etc/resolv.conf, but in my case it won't stay edited--it keeps
> getting set back to an original form (for searching my ISP) on every
> reboot.   
Use the GUI tools if you don't want to go hunting around for the config
files that control everything.  That is assuming that there is such a tool
that deals with your resolve order.  I wouldn't know myself, I have chosen
Debeian for it's usually straightforward layout.

> Thanks again.
> Eric Hines
>  Original Message 
> Subject:  Samba-3 By Ex Chapt 3
> Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 17:47:09 -0500
> From: Eric Hines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:   Samba 
> I guess I'm ate up with dumb because I'm having a great deal of
> difficulty with this chapter. 
> I'm running Samba v 3.0.14a on an FC3 machine.  I've got two basic
> problems: one centers on my DNS set up and the other is an
> authenticated logon problem.  With /etc/nsswitch.conf set to "hosts:
> dns," I cannot ping my samba server--"Host not found." 

There shouldn't be any comma in there it should be :

hosts:  files dns wins

Where are you pinging from? From your windows workstation? From the server?

> Nor does> (which appears in my /etc/hosts file) resolve the
> name (incidentally, "host -f ..." just tells me the f is an illegal  
> option).   WINS seems to resolve OK (at least the test for that in the
> chapter passes).  I've checked my files several times, and I can find
> no error in them. 

For what is below, are you doing this from your test server as well?

> The other problem is running smbclient //lserver1/accounts -U ehines.
> I'm invited to give the password, so that part is OK, but when I do,
> I just get an NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE message.  ehines is the owner
> of accounts and a member of the group that owns accounts.  I think
> this goes back to my logon file in /scripts (per the smb.conf set
> up), but I'm clueless as to what should be in that file.  That file
> currently has the following contents: 
> net time \\lserver1 /set /yes
> net use h: /home
> net use p: \\lserver1\accounts
> Any help on these two would be greatly appreciated.
There was a thread titled logon.bat that started a bit before this one.
Have a look at that for example logon script settings.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] newbie - samba as PDC

2005-07-05 Thread Geoff Scott
Winanjaya - PBXSoftwares wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am very new with samba, I am trying to configure my samba as PDC,
> my samba is running on FC2, I have configured my /etc/samba/smb.conf
> as below: now, I cannot login to my samba .. I am very sure that I
> already missed something.. please advise what's am I missing?  
> many thanks in advance
> Regards
> Winanjaya

Have look at the log in /var/log/samba/log."machinename"  Google for info on
the errors you see and if you can't work it out for yourself post the errors
back to this list.

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] Annoying lpq commands appear after testparm

2005-07-03 Thread Geoff Scott
I am using a master-smb.conf with one other include for the shares file.
Every time that I do a testparm -s master-smb.conf and then check the
resulting file I see these config directives, which I haven't defined:

printing = cups
print command =
lpq command = %p
lprm command =

But this is after I have defined "printing = cups", any ideas why?  Or is
this standard behaviour?

Contents of the master-smb.conf for this BDC follow:

netbios aliases = GUESTS2
workgroup = GUESTSHIRE
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
log level = 1
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
smb ports = 139 445
name resolve order = wins bcast hosts
show add printer wizard = No
logon script = logon.bat
logon path = \\fpmelb\profiles\%U
logon drive = Z:
logon home = \\fpmelb\%U
domain logons = Yes
domain master = No
wins server =
ldap admin dn =
ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
ldap machine suffix = ou=Users
ldap suffix = ou=OxObjects,dc=guestsfurniturehire,dc=com,dc=au
ldap user suffix = ou=Users
idmap backend = ldap://
idmap uid = 1-2
idmap gid = 1-2
printer admin = root
ea support = Yes
map acl inherit = Yes
printing = cups
printcap name = CUPS

    Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Samba3-ByExample

2005-06-29 Thread Geoff Scott
Jason Greene wrote:

> The example states the following
> Example 5.4.1. LDAP DB_CONFIG File
> set_cachesize 0 15000 1
> set_lg_regionmax 262144
> set_lg_bsize 2097152
> #set_lg_dir /var/log/bdb
> What is the name I should call this file? DB_CONFIG?


Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] How to I change server=[Samba 3.04.14a-2] to somethin gelse?

2005-06-23 Thread Geoff Scott
AWC Lists wrote:
> Paul Gienger wrote:

>> The real reason I bothered to reply though, is that the windows
>> clients will hold on to that server string for a LONG time, like
>> forever.  When I took over sysadmin here, the server's comment was
>> 'samba mania' running like 2.2.0 or something.  A year later, I had
>> gone up to something in the range of 2.2.8a and re-commented the
>> server to something like 'Fargo server', but every machine that
>> hadn't 
>> been replaced or rebuilt still had "ntapps on samba
>> mainia(fgoserv)(N:)" or whatever the format of that line is, as
>> their drive mappings. 
> I'll second that.  I just tried connecting to the server in question
> with a machine that had never connected to the samba server yet. 
> When I browse the shares and such, the server name is correctly
> listed when browsing as ROI Fileserver (ie:  server string = ROI
> Fileserver) even when browsing shares.

John T told me that this is a windows issue.  You have to delete the
resource list from the network neighbourhood on each and every box with old
server descritpions, to get rid of all old descriptions.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] How to I change server=[Samba 3.04.14a-2] to somethin g else?

2005-06-22 Thread Geoff Scott
John H Terpstra wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 June 2005 22:53, Geoff Scott wrote:

>> populations IT knowledge!)
> In your smb.conf [global] set:
>   server string = MADMAX
> That will stop display of the samba version info. You will have to
> clear the connection history from ALL Windows clients - they remember
> the old server string and do not refresh it.  
> - John T.

Yep, I had a server string in there for a week already.  And did a reload,
but nothing changed.  It's been showing "Samba 3.0.7" in the window title
bars for ages even though I've been on 3.0.14a for a while.

So do I completely restart all smbd processes, or do I have to restart every
windows box before the server string (windows title bar) changes?

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] How to I change server=[Samba 3.04.14a-2] to somethin g else?

2005-06-22 Thread Geoff Scott

> It would be much nicer to see:
> "Office on 'DataServer (roipdc)' (G:)"
> Heck I could even live with:
> "Office on 'Samba (roipdc)' (G:)"
> I personally do not see the need for end users to have the version
> number announced to them to be honest. 
> I was hoping there was a simple not well documented setting in
> smb.conf that would be able to do this.  If not, I would personally
> like to have that ability added.  
> Anyone else care to comment or have any ideas?
> Gerry, thanks for the suggestion - I'll likely play around with it on
> a non-production test machine sometime soon.  But I am always
> hesitant to deploy a non-standard hack like this into a production
> machine.   
> Cheers.

Perhaps the dev people are justifiably proud of what they have created.  So
they want everyone to know what is running on the server.  But I agree with
the original poster that it is annoying having to explain to my users what
Samba is, what it does etc  Currently they look at me blankly when I say
things like "have you mapped the network drive"  (just to give you an idea
of my user populations IT knowledge!)

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Slightly OT: Making Windows Aps Think Mapped Drives a re Local

2005-06-20 Thread Geoff Scott

> I pose this question because I have a number of multimedia
> applications  that will only store and access media files (sound,
> video, etc.) if those files are located on a "local drive". However,
> I am quite sure that ALL of these applications will work fine if the
> media files are on a network drive.
> Good hints or clues  or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
> Andy Liebman

It sounds to me like these applications are forcing you to use the
environment of choice for best performance, for media rich content.   Why
not use the local hard drive and then copy files to a network share for
backups if needed?

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Exchange 5.5 not seeing new Domain accounts - lsass.e xe searching local SAM

2005-06-16 Thread Geoff Scott
Ian Clancy wrote:
> Hi,

> Once the migration was complete i used a tool called UPromote to
> demote the old PDC and rejoined it to the new domain (Same Domain
> Name). All appeared to work well...  
Just curious, but when you use this tool does it turn the exchange server
into a domain member server or a BDC?

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] samba 3 + DNS(SRV records) + Active Directory Clients

2005-06-16 Thread Geoff Scott
How have you done 'mydomain'  I recall a post earlier saying that if you do
'mydomain' as '' instead of just 'mydomain' the Xp boxes
think that they are in an AD domain which samba3 can't deal with.....

Just a suggestion.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Samba, OS X Tiger 10.4 plain text password, username null-padded?

2005-06-15 Thread Geoff Scott
Elizabeth Schwartz wrote:
> On 6/15/05, Geoff Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This list deals with the samba server side.  The smbmount stuff for
>> linux is kernel code and so is dealt with on another list.  But
>> whatever Apple have done to the code you need to ask Apple.  Don't
>> expect any response though. 
> Er... ok. No linux in this picture though,
Yep I know.  My point is that this list only deals with the Samba server.

> Samba server on Solaris
> and OS X Tiger client. 
> I'm wondering if this is a bug in OS X, or in Samba, and/or if anyone
> else has seen this and gotten Samba to work with OS X and plaintext
> passwords  
IIRC you said you could connect with smbclient but not with finder?  Then
this is a finder problem.

> Maybe we're the last ones still using plaintext passwords
> thanks Betsy

And the other part of it was that you would get more help pertinent to your
problem from Apple.  There have been quite a few problems that people have
had and asked about on this list to do with upgrading to Tiger.  Apple makes
quite a few changes to code that the upstream developers in many FOSS
projects seem to find unuseable for the main project, and that they are not
party to.  Because your problem seems to stem from Tiger I am being helpful
in (unhelpfully) suggesting that you ask Apple.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Samba, OS X Tiger 10.4 plain text password, username null-padded?

2005-06-15 Thread Geoff Scott
Elizabeth Schwartz wrote:

> Once this was done, snooping an smbclient connection, I see the plain
> text password and the username but they are null-padded. 
> Authentication works. But when Tiger attempts to mount an smb share
> via the GUI, I see the password NOT null-padded and the username
> PADDED, and this fails.  

> thanks Betsy

This list deals with the samba server side.  The smbmount stuff for linux is
kernel code and so is dealt with on another list.  But whatever Apple have
done to the code you need to ask Apple.  Don't expect any response though.

Yours, longtime Mac user.

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[Samba] Solution to smbldap-tools not adding sambaSAMAccount

2005-06-15 Thread Geoff Scott
Tony Earnshaw wrote:
> ons, 15.06.2005 kl. 21.53 skrev Ryan Braun:
>> Now the problem was that the nss_ldap library was searching in Users
>> only, and apparently the samba server needs to be able to resolve the
>> Computers tree aswell to add the sambaSAMAccount objectclass.
> I don't want to upset you unduly, but nss has nothing to do with this
> and it's not necessary to have the computers dn under the users dn to
> make things work. It's all those "/&@¥{# idealx scripts and peoples'  
> basic ignorance of how LDAP works at all that fsck up the otherwise
> brilliant Samba daemon, ldapsam and command line utilities.How on
> earth something so banal as the idealx scripts can have been packaged
> together with these brilliant utilities stupefies me.   
Bullshit Tony.  Utter bullshit.  You spread FUD about the smbldap tools.
The smbldap tools now handle user accounts (which includes computer
accounts)  in multiple ou's  but nss has to know where the base starts
that's the problem.  The solution supplied by Ryan is fine.

> At my site (3.0.14a) I have masses (5) of different user dns in
> different places in my tree, 

And how have you configured nss?  Do you point it at a common root for those

> goodness knows how many group dns and a
> single computers dn way down deep in the tree, far apart from the
> users.   

So does Adam Tuano Williams.  But we don't hear him ranting on this list
every five seconds about how crap the smbldap tools scripts are.  He has
designed his own schema for morrison industries.  Written his own scripts.
He is more competant than you, yet we don't hear him cramming his own
opinion down other peoples throats.  In fact I've noticed traffic on this
list go down since you came onto it.  If you want to know anything about how
cyrus, or xfs, or quite a few other useful things work you can find it on
Adam's site.

Not everyone gets an erection about how good GQ is either.  Even if it is
that good.
> It's the way the Samba people treat LDAP, as if it were a breeding
> ground for morons. LDAP is a never-empty Pandora's box,

It is if you are only using it for samba.  

> It is the basis of a network-wide authentication system that
> should be installed and understood long before one has even begun to
> think about Samba or any other service whatsoever. 

And who has time to do that?

> I realize that the
> Samba people have attempted to, and largely attained, the aim of
> supplying an out-of-the box solution for averagely intelligent
> Windows-minded people (the Samba people have written this
> themselves), but it would perhaps be as well if they drew peoples'
> attention to the importance of, and wealth of possibilities of, LDAP
> as a basic sovereign multi-OS, multi-vendor service on which Samba is
> dependent, rather than the idea they convey at the moment that it is
> some kind of an add-on purely present to satisfy samba's needs.
Yudda, yudda, yudda.  So it goes every fortnight.  Smbldap tools are crap.
You are far more intelligent than anyone else.  Yet have we seen you post an
alternative toolset?  Nope.  When you are challenged to do something about
your claims you withdraw and say things about how disjointed your user
management scripts are, and that you wouldn't post them onto the web.  Etc,

I for one, am sick and tired of it.  Please stop it.

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RE: [Samba] Adduser failing to accept 'username$'

2005-06-15 Thread Geoff Scott
Casper Helenius wrote:
> Hi group,
> For some odd reason - most likely my current level of n00bness - my
> useradd refuses to accept the $ in the machine name, when adding a
> Windows machine to my Samba 3 installation.  
> I'm running Red Hat linux with a newly compiled version of Samba
> 3.0.14a. 

What passdb backend are you using?
Ldapsam tdbsam etc?

Have you read through the Samba Guide in the documantation aprt of the web

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] Re: Re: Re: Problems with testing Openldapservertelnetloc alhost 389

2005-06-10 Thread Geoff Scott
Andreas Bauer wrote:
>>> But I need smbpasswd accounts?
> Tony Earnshaw schrieb
>> All the accounts go into LDAP. All users, machines, groups, are in
>> LDAP. Nothing should go into /etc/passwd.
> I do not mean in /etc/passwd, but create an account like smbpasswd -a
> -u user in /etc/samba/ or with pdbedit -a -u user. Because, I need a
> password to log in as a LDAPuser from my windows client in LDAP
> Server.   
> Many thanks
> Andreas

 it seems like you are getting plenty of help and in the process the person
who is helping you is reinventing the wheel.  I know how hard it is getting
to grips with all the things that go into making a successful samba domain
with an ldapsam backend but it really seems like you haven't taken the time
to read the samba guide:

It has some hearty recipes that can really help you.

The answer to the above is that you use some scripts to add users to the
ldap backend.  The smbldap-tools, despite what Tony Earnshaw thinks of them,
work fine in the majority of situations.  Particularly the 8.9 series.
Please read the guide to see how to put it all together.  

Come back with questions saying things like " I got to the happy users
chapter section x.x.x and my logs show this is happening:

How do I resolve this?

Regards Geoff
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RE: [Samba] need help in samba

2005-06-09 Thread Geoff Scott
Nizam Ali wrote:
>  Hi,
> u have recently installed Redhat linux 8.0 ...i want to access net
> work sharing ...but i don't know how set up samba plz completely
> guide me thnx  

Use a more up to date distro.  Read the samba guide in the samba website.
Then ask about whatever it is that you don't understand.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] ldap and active directory

2005-06-09 Thread Geoff Scott
Paolo wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I0m trying to do something like "vampire" for an NT4 domain, but
> using Ldap and active directory. Someone have already did it?
> If you have any idea please wrote me.
> By Paolo

I don't think that's possible.  

Man net says:

   Export users, aliases and groups from remote server to local server.
Can only be run an a BDC.

By inference you can't have Samba be a BDC on an AD Domain.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] multiple domain

2005-06-09 Thread Geoff Scott
Kiran Kakulte wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to configure more than one PDC on a Fedora core 3 linux. But
> is it possible to do this ? 
Yes.  But AD style domains are not yet possible

> Actually I want domain1, domain2, ... so that I can classify windows
> machines in this domain. 

This is possible.  Read the samba guide in the documentation section to get
an idea of basic through to complex set ups

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] Problems with testing Openldapserver telnet localhost 389

2005-06-07 Thread Geoff Scott
Tony Earnshaw wrote:

>> I didn't found any logfile about openldap in my /etc/openldap folder
>> and over "files searching" in the konqueror.
>> Thats my openldap folder:
> slapd will output to logfacility local4. By default that will go to
> syslog, under Linux that's /var/log/messages. Many people edit
> syslog.conf to output local4 logging to another file - I use
> /var/log/slapd.log. How to do this: man syslog.conf, edit syslog.conf
> to output to a new log, kill -HUP syslogd.
> slapd logs at loglevel 256, which should go far in telling you why
> slapd is not running. 
> --Tonni

JHT added a section on configuring ldap logging and troubleshooting.  See:

Look at the section titled "Debugging Ldap"

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] creating local Windows users with Samba username/passwords?

2005-06-06 Thread Geoff Scott
Paul Griffith wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a little project I am working on. I need to provide a IIS
> server hosting ASP.NET pages for a new course. Since users will be
> ftping their files to their web home on the IIS server I would like
> them to have the same Linux and Windows password.   
> So the question is it possible to export  users/password from Samba
> and have them created (imported) on Windows with the same password? 
> Thanks
> Paul

Why not create a samba domain and have the IIS server as a member server
authing against the samba server?  Very simple and easily followed from the
samba guide on the nearest mirror samba site under documentation.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Broken Samba in OS X. Any Alternatives?

2005-06-05 Thread Geoff Scott
Jeremy Allison wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 04, 2005 at 11:51:44AM -0500, Kichigai Mentat wrote:
>> We all know that in Mac OS X 10.4, and in the upgrade 10.4.1, Apple
>> managed to break Samba. Now, I am at a great loss for remote
>> filesystem mounting. Not only is Samba broken, but NFS is
>> questionable (I can never seem to get rid of that "incorrect
>> username/ password" error and retain read/write abilities). Also,
>> I'm have trouble with netatalkd for Debian. Are there any other
>> filesystem sharing systems that could work with OS X? I mean until
>> Samba gets fixed. 
> Is there a reason you can't just compile Samba source from
> on OS X to fix the problem ? 
> Jeremy.


I could have sworn I'd seen you commenting here on how much you disliked the
way that Apple had hacked the Samba code..

But on the Postfix list and anywhere else that Apple seems to use FOSS, the
code from the upstream never seems to compile cleanly on Mac OS X.  As a
long time Mac user I always wait for the Apple update to fix the problem.
Or you can go to and see if they have any suggestions. 

I just checked for binaries for you, fink's samba seems to be very old, &
there is no Samba in the darwinports.  So it looks like you can either
wrestle with the source from opendarwin: or wait
for Apple

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Problem reading docs in .pdf

2005-05-26 Thread Geoff Scott
Roger Merritt wrote:
> At 11:51 AM 5/26/2005 -0600, you wrote:
>> On Thursday 26 May 2005 07:22, Jason Lavetan wrote:
>>> Am I missing something??
>> Documentation! You are missing documentation. Please read the chapter
>> on Updating/Upgrading Samba in the book "Samba-3 by Example" (aka.
>> Samba-Guide). It is chapter 8, and your copy is waiting for you at:

> I don't mean to complain, mind you. I'd really rather not read the
> .pdf, but wanted to let you know. 
> --
> Roger

Hi Roger,
You simply need to go up a level to:

You'll see html versions waiting for you to peruse

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] samba4 openldap

2005-05-23 Thread Geoff Scott
Geoff Scott wrote:
> Sorry for the cross posting but I think it's important that the
> Openexchange guys see this. 
> Tony Earnshaw wrote:
>> man, 23.05.2005 kl. 17.50 skrev Caleb O'Connell:

I just had the opportunity to give John Terpstra a hit a round the head with
the "what the hell is going to happen" stick.  He responded by slapping me
with a "clue-by-four".  I've been doing a little bit to help out on the
Samba documentation.  And I hit the panic button because I didn't want all
the effort that I put into building a Samba domain controller, and looking
for obvious mistakes in the docs to be wasted.  And it won't be.  Basically,
Tony, you should be given a slap around the head with a "clue-by-four" as

Here's a small history lesson.

If you take into account (as I already knew) that the reason there was a
fork in the Samba code a few years ago. Was that one of the team members
wanted to do more experimental, and risky from a business users perspective,
things with the Samba code.  Tridge didn't want this.  From what I have read
it would appear that the Samba team members take very seriously their duty
of care toward the installed Samba user base.  They won't do anything to
damage the installations that are already there.  

Samba 3 took years to release.  And during all that time samba 2 was
actively maintianed to support the users.

Samba 4 as you can see in the docs that are available, is very limited in
features.  There is no security yet, no management tools yet and no printing
support yet.  Contemplating whether it can do what you want when the early
alpha release is ages away is just silly.  

I think this thread should be left to die. 

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] samba4 openldap

2005-05-23 Thread Geoff Scott
Sorry for the cross posting but I think it's important that the Openexchange
guys see this.

Tony Earnshaw wrote:
> man, 23.05.2005 kl. 17.50 skrev Caleb O'Connell:
>> Is there a change however you can just choose a different datastore
>> in the config file though?  so you can choose to use the built in
>> ldap or to just use an openLDAP datastore.  The ldap scheme I
>> imagine would 
>> stay the same, just the database itself and the ldap program itself
>> ldb samba4 is going to be using.  I was just curious for obvious
>> reasons. 
> There won't be a schema any more. During the weekend I googled for
> Samba4 docs and subscribed to the tecchie list. What came up was
> enough to ensure that I'll keep my mouth shut about Samba4 and LDAP
> until they're there.  

> There will basically probably be a complete LDAP and total database
> rethink (keyword is "ldb"). Unless people are *very* familiar with
> OpenLDAP's (2.2 and 2.3) meta backend and proxy concepts, unless the
> Samba crew is willing to do it all for one, one'd better forget
> everything one ever learned about integrating Samba and any present
> OpenLDAP DSE. 

This leaves me very worried as a sysadmin for a small company.  I will
explain why further down.

> So either go out digging for docs to find out what is going to
> overwhelm you, or lie back and be prepared to let it do so ;) 

I've dug for docs.  I found Tridges recent thoughts on Samba4 on the
personal section for him on the samba site a couple of weeks ago.  To people
of the lay class, such as myself, it doesn't explain much about whether
there is going to be some sort of ldap schema translation.  It's all as
abartlett says in recent posts "I hope" "I think" "maybe", which is very

I've read 2/3 Linux journals where JRA has said, IIRC, that one of the key
reasons companies don't adopt samba is due to the corporate reliance on MS
Exchange.  So for years I have been searching for something that will
replace it.  The 2 projects that come close to completely replacing MS
Exchange are and openexchange.  Both of these projects
have a reliance on their own LDAP schemas and POSIX account attributes.  I
personally chose to use openexchange due to the storage of personal & public
addressbooks in LDAP.  (which naturally allows plenty of other applications
to use them, rather than as OGO does putting them in a "proper" db backend,
and yes I know that a very competent sysadmin can expose that db through
LDAP.  After having read Adam Tuano Williams docs on it, I don't want to go

Now I have hacked the smbldap tools to allow me to vampire over an old
windows NT domain with all of the users having openexchange attributes added
to them in ldap automatically.  I did this last night and basically the
implementation looks fine.  So in a week I will start to migrate email
accounts over and smarthost the system for the old exchange server and users
still on that.  But, I will only go ahead if there is going to be a way to
keep the integration between these 2 projects going.  

So please can those on this list tell me with any great detail what will
happen with Samba4 and LDAP schemas?

Either I jettison this implementation and switch to MS 2003 with Exchange,
or other projects find a way to integrate with what the Samba team is doing,
or the Samba team finds a way to maintain some sort of compatibility with
other FOSS projects using openldap.

The only reason I ask is that I would still like to have a job in a year or
2.  I don't want to go down the samba / openexchange road. And then get
sacked / told to move everything back to Microsoft products by my bosses,
because the integrated solution that was a very close fit to a windows
domain with MS Exchange, doesn't work anymore.

Regards Geoff Scott

Please find below what a typical user ends up with in LDAP for their user
account and private address book:

dn: uid=gfhoffice,ou=Users,ou=OxObjects,dc=guestsfurniturehire,dc=com,dc=au
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: OXUserObject
objectClass: person
objectClass: sambaSamAccount
cn: gfhoffice
sn: gfhoffice
uid: gfhoffice
uidNumber: 2041
gidNumber: 513
homeDirectory: /home/gfhoffice
loginShell: /bin/bash
gecos: System User
userPassword:: e2NyeXB0fXg=
structuralObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
entryUUID: 528ef8f0-5fa7-1029-95d2-aae0cf82c0df
cn=Manager,ou=Users,ou=OxObjects,dc=guestsfurniturehire,dc=com,d c=au
createTimestamp: 20050523072336Z

RE: [Samba] I could really use some help here (SAMBA PDC)

2005-05-15 Thread Geoff Scott
John Zakhar wrote:
> The log files are attached, I have NEVER had so much trouble with a
> samba PDC before. I need to turn in my unix admin license, this is
> pathetic...  

Why have all your ldifs got spaces in the dn's ? In your slapd.log you have
this: ",dc=na"
Yet all your ldifs have this:
uid=administrator,ou=Staff,,dc=na .

I don't think that's gonna work, I hope it's a typo.  Because what I quoted
from the log is your search base.  I'm not particularly proficient in ldap
but your search base is different to what potentially is in ldap...

Are you vampiring accounts of an old windows server?  Or is this a network
from scratch.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] samba-3.0.6 on Redhat AS3

2005-05-11 Thread Geoff Scott
Greg Wiggill wrote:

> [global]
>workgroup = blah
>server string = blah
>cup options = raw
>log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
>max log size = 50
>security = user
>encrypt passwords = yes
>smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
>os level = 0
>dns proxy = no
>dos filetime resolution = yes
Mr Wiggill,
why the need for dos filetime resolution = yes ?  The default is no.
Comment (#) that line out and see if it speeds things up for you.  By the
way if this works, does this mean I get a discount on Pronto support?  ;-)

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] Does or doesn't vampiring users add them into multipl e groups at the same time?

2005-05-10 Thread Geoff Scott
Geoff Scott wrote:
> John H Terpstra wrote:
>> On Tuesday 10 May 2005 01:33, Geoff Scott wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> The new NT migration chapter of Samba guide seems to indicate in the
>>> migration Log Validation (section that users get added to
>>> all the same groups that they were in under the NT4 domain.  However
>>> I am not seeing this despite having had a seemingly successful
>>> migration. All my users get added into the Domain User group but
>>> not into any other group. Is the text below now wrong or right
>> If you use version 3.0.12 or later, for most migrations the
>> multi-group info should transfer OK. I am now aware that if the NT4
>> domain is post SP5 on some migrations multi-group info is not
>> transferred and some account (both user and machine) password
>> entries are not transferred either. 
>> Maybe Andrew Bartlett will chime in on this?
> OK. After testing this out on a vanilla system that I built to test
> out the changes to chapter 9 for you John, it appears that on a
> system configured like this:  
> Ubuntu Hoary
> All ldap, nss_ldap, etc obtained from Ubuntu sources Samba 3.0.13
> Debian stable from smbldap-tools-0.8.7.tgz
> Users in ou=People,dc=guestshire,dc=com  etc And the adduser script
> like this:   
> add user script = /opt/IDEALX/sbin/smbldap-useradd -m '%u'
> NT4 server system SP6a
> vampiring users works %100, there are absolutely no errors in the
> error log, and the vampire log show the users being added to the
> multiple groups successfully. The users all have  sambaLMPassword &
> sambaNTPassword set properly and *all* old settings are brought
> across.
> So what is the difference between the 2 servers? The differences are
> these: 
> The "add user script =" has "smbldap-useradd -a -m '%u'"  I added a
> "-a" 
> after looking at the output of "smbldap-useradd -?" as that coupled
> with The *OLD* version of the NT migration chapter (I thought that
> the omission of that in the NEW sample chapter 9 smb.conf was a typo)
> seemed to indicate that only POSIX attributes would be added if the
> "-a" was left out.   
> However, adding the "-a" to the smbldap-useradd script in the
> smb.conf results in errors along the lines of "user already exists
> with samba attributes" in the vampire error log and no multiple group
> membership, no passwords, no sambaHomeDrive, no sambaMungedDial and
> so on.
> My users are in
> ou=Users,ou=OxObjects,dc=guestsfurniturehire,dc=com,dc=au to fit in
> with OpenExchange.  
> I am using samba 3.0.14a
> I am using smbldap-tools-0.8.8.tgz (which as you mentioned to me
> recently appear to be broken) 
> The questions I now ask are these:
> Is the subtraction of "-a" for the smbldap-useradd script only for
> the migration?  Does it need to be added back in later? 
> Can the smbldap-tools cope with  an extra "ou" ?
> If after testing some of my findings on the non-vanilla server and
> finding them to work can I set the NetBIOS aliases to include the old
> server name as the sambaHomeDrive directive in LDAP after vampiring
> lists the path as \\oldserver\username .  How can I work around old
> settings such as these?
> I will now go and test against the non-vanilla server.

The other thing that I forgot to ask was this.  I understand for reasons of
efficency and simplicity why it is that we generally put the machine
accounts into ou=People,dc=domain,dc=com.  But on Both systems after
vampiring the computers end up with an entry in ldap of gidNumber: 513  and
a sambaPrimaryGroupSID: that ends in -513 this is even though I have
defaultComputerGid="515" set in smbldap.conf.  Can I provide any further
info to help figure out what is going on?

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Does or doesn't vampiring users add them into multipl e groups at the same time?

2005-05-10 Thread Geoff Scott
John H Terpstra wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 May 2005 01:33, Geoff Scott wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The new NT migration chapter of Samba guide seems to indicate in the
>> migration Log Validation (section that users get added to
>> all 
>> the same groups that they were in under the NT4 domain.  However I am
>> not seeing this despite having had a seemingly successful migration.
>> All my users get added into the Domain User group but not into any
>> other group. Is the text below now wrong or right
> If you use version 3.0.12 or later, for most migrations the
> multi-group info should transfer OK. I am now aware that if the NT4
> domain is post SP5 on some migrations multi-group info is not
> transferred and some account (both user and machine) password entries
> are not transferred either.
> Maybe Andrew Bartlett will chime in on this?

OK. After testing this out on a vanilla system that I built to test out the 
changes to chapter 9 for you John, it appears that on a system configured
like this:
Ubuntu Hoary
All ldap, nss_ldap, etc obtained from Ubuntu sources
Samba 3.0.13 Debian stable from
Users in ou=People,dc=guestshire,dc=com  etc
And the adduser script like this:
add user script = /opt/IDEALX/sbin/smbldap-useradd -m '%u'
NT4 server system SP6a

vampiring users works %100, there are absolutely no errors in the error log,
and the vampire log show the users being added to the multiple groups
successfully. The users all have  sambaLMPassword & sambaNTPassword set
properly and *all* old settings are brought across.

So what is the difference between the 2 servers? The differences are these:

The "add user script =" has "smbldap-useradd -a -m '%u'"  I added a "-a"
after looking at the output of "smbldap-useradd -?" as that coupled with The
*OLD* version of the NT migration chapter (I thought that the omission of
that in the NEW sample chapter 9 smb.conf was a typo) seemed to indicate
that only POSIX attributes would be added if the "-a" was left out.
However, adding the "-a" to the smbldap-useradd script in the smb.conf
results in errors along the lines of "user already exists with samba
attributes" in the vampire error log and no multiple group membership, no
passwords, no sambaHomeDrive, no sambaMungedDial and so on.

My users are in ou=Users,ou=OxObjects,dc=guestsfurniturehire,dc=com,dc=au to
fit in with OpenExchange.

I am using samba 3.0.14a 

I am using smbldap-tools-0.8.8.tgz (which as you mentioned to me recently
appear to be broken)

The questions I now ask are these:
Is the subtraction of "-a" for the smbldap-useradd script only for the
migration?  Does it need to be added back in later?
Can the smbldap-tools cope with  an extra "ou" ?
If after testing some of my findings on the non-vanilla server and finding
them to work can I set the NetBIOS aliases to include the old server name as
the sambaHomeDrive directive in LDAP after vampiring lists the path as
\\oldserver\username .  How can I work around old settings such as these?

I will now go and test against the non-vanilla server.

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] Are the following cockups in ldap entries or normal behaviour now ?

2005-05-10 Thread Geoff Scott
When doing a vampire all my PC's are shown in the resulting log as being
members of the Domain Users group and none of my "real users" are shown yet
in Ldap all my users are shown with memberUid in the domain users group and
no computers are shown eg:

dn: cn=Domain Users,ou=Groups,
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
gidNumber: 513
cn: Domain Users

description: All domain users
memberUid: administrator
memberUid: deloitte
memberUid: iusr_guests
memberUid: template

My machines all have a SID that ends in 513 the domain users RID:
sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21--513

My users have no passwords set eg:

dn: uid=deloitte,ou=Users

sambaLMPassword: XXX
sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21--513
sambaNTPassword: XXX

Is this expected behaviour when vampiring from an NT server using the
smbldap-tools-0.8.8.tgz ?

Or does it appear that I have stuffed up badly?

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] Does or doesn't vampiring users add them into multiple groups at the same time?

2005-05-10 Thread Geoff Scott
Hi all,

The new NT migration chapter of Samba guide seems to indicate in the
migration Log Validation (section that users get added to all the
same groups that they were in under the NT4 domain.  However I am not seeing
this despite having had a seemingly successful migration. All my users get
added into the Domain User group but not into any other group.  Is the text
below now wrong or right


7. Q: After merging multiple NT4 Domains into a Samba-3 Domain, I lost all
multiple group
mappings. Why?
A: Samba-3 currently does not implement multiple group membership
internally. If you
use the Windows NT4 Domain User Manager to manage accounts and you have an
backend, the multiple group membership is stored in the Posix groups area.
If you use
either tdbsam or smbpasswd backend, then multiple group membership is
handled through
the UNIX groups file. When you dump the user accounts no group account
is provided. When you edit (change) UIDs and GIDs in each file to which you
the NT4 Domain data, do not forget to edit the UNIX /etc/passwd and
information also. That is where the multiple group information is most
closely at your


Regards Geoff Scott

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RE: [Samba] sambaDomainName=DOMAIN for next free id

2005-05-09 Thread Geoff Scott
Tony Earnshaw wrote:
> man, 09.05.2005 kl. 05.51 skrev Geoff Scott:
>> I'm following JHT's example doc off the web.  I just applied a patch
>> for the script for the smbldap-tools that John gave me.
>> It now makes the sambaUnixIdPooldn object default to:
>> cn=sambaDomainName=DOMAIN whereas the output of the
>> script given in Chapter 9 of the book is shown as:
>> sambaDomainName=DOMAIN
> cn doesn't exist as an attribute in this objectClass. sambaDomain is
> the objectClass, sambaDomainName and sambaSID are required
> attributes, sambaNextRID, sambaNextGroupRID, sambaNextUserRID and
> sambaAlgorithmicRidBase are allowedattributes.   

Thank you Tony.

Regards Geoff
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RE: [Samba] XP SP2 - winlogon.exe crashes

2005-05-08 Thread Geoff Scott
Sol Tutaki wrote:

> i've even tried to repair my windows installation.
> today i'm going to reformat and then reinstall windows. installing
> windows to a different directory hoping to negate the "the memory
> could not be "read"" winlogon.exe error  

Hope This Helps, but the last time I had something like this on a box when
logging on was to do with the users details in ldap having invalid info.
Like the logon drive having 2 colons in ldap eg, H:: or having set the logon
home to \\%L\%U\Documents and then not having  the Documents Dir set up in
the homedir etc etc.   Do an ldapsearch for the particular user that is
crashing and look at the attributes that are part of that user.  I bet
you'll find it's a problem with your users entry in ldap, not a problem with

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] sambaDomainName=DOMAIN for next free id

2005-05-08 Thread Geoff Scott
I'm following JHT's example doc off the web.  I just applied a patch for the script for the smbldap-tools that John gave me.  It now makes
the sambaUnixIdPooldn object default to: cn=sambaDomainName=DOMAIN whereas
the output of the script given in Chapter 9 of the book is
shown as: sambaDomainName=DOMAIN  

I now have the first version of the sambaUnixIdPooldn in my
smbldap-tools.conf file but the second version of the sambaUnixIdPooldn in
Ldap.  If I change what is in the conf file to match what is in ldap will
this come back and bite me later?  I guess that it is more correct to have

But does it matter?

Regards Geoff Scott

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RE: [Samba] Samba docs

2005-05-08 Thread Geoff Scott
taso wrote:
> Tony Earnshaw wrote:
>> - That every single instance of Windows point-'n-click is reviewed.
>> Many of the step-wise instructions are simply not valid. At least,
>> they aren't for my XP Pro ws;
> My suggestion is to use audio & video clips to document procedures
> involving a GUI. It is truly painful documenting GUI dynamics on
> printed media. I think it's time we added another string to our
> documentation fiddle.   
> --
> Taso Hatzi

And you guys are volunteering?  The old man can't do it all by himself.  Why
don't you guys have a crack at doing some of the docs yourselves?  Misty
Stanley Jones has contributed a chapter, and she only started on this list
6/7 months ago   It is possible to help as well as criticise.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] slow logon from wireless network (roaming profiles)

2005-05-05 Thread Geoff Scott
Tony Mullen wrote:
> Hi, 
> We also have a wireless network that is running on a different subnet
> and is connected to the main network using a vpn tunnel.  The
> delimiting factor here would be the 10Mbs cards in the VPN devices so
> I would expect some reduction in speed.  However, logging on and off
> is REALLY slow - a lot more than ten times slower - the record being
> 2 hours on a PC that has a lot of data on it (it took around 3 or 4
> minutes when cabled on the same PC).  
> I know it is roaming profiles causing the issue because setting the
> PC to local profiles only solves it.  However this is not an
> acceptable solution for us and I am trying to find out why it would
> be so much slower.   

> Anyone come accross this or got any ideas what to try?
> thanks in advance,
> tony

So I take it that you have already looked into profiles redirection as per
the Samba by example guide and the howto guides?  If you haven't that would
probably be a good place to start to see how to redirect "bulky" directories
within a users profile to network shares.  Apart fromm that no other
suggestions here as to how to fix the problem.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] samba errors

2005-05-01 Thread Geoff Scott
Michael Lavocat wrote:
> Thanks for the tip, however
> darwin:~ Mike$ smbclient\\test
> still results in...
> session request to failed (Call returned zero bytes (EOF))
> session request to 10 failed (Call returned zero bytes (EOF)) session
> request to *SMBSERVER failed (Call returned zero bytes (EOF))  
> -Mike
> On 5/1/05, Geoff Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Michael Lavocat wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> darwin:~ Mike$ smbclient \\\test
>>> \ Not enough '\' characters in service
>> :$ smbclient\\test
>> Escape your backslashes.  with \\ you are only showing one to
>> smbclient via the shell. 
>> Regards Geoff Scott

And you've checked the basics: no firewalls blocking the ports you need to
access, samba daemons running, etc etc

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] New list user, couple of questions and looking for existi ng examples

2005-04-28 Thread Geoff Scott
Chuck Campbell wrote:
> I'm a new list subscriber with a couple of questions:
> I have a few objectives with samba that I think can be accomplished. 
> If I am wrong, someone please indicate my errors before I go a long 
> way down a dead end path.
> I need to put all of my PC users home directories onto a samba share 
> so centralized backups can be done to capture email, docs, etc.
> These are all WinXP Pro boxes.  We use a work-group, and not a
> windows domain.   

Read the first few chapters of this:

Download the book in pdf ( there are links if you look on the main samba
site under a heading called "LEARN SAMBA")

Or preferably work you way through the first few chapters, note down exactly
what you can't figure out, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that he can make the docs
better, then when the most recent version of the book is released onto the
bookshelves BUY IT, (fyi for 1 years full work, john has only made $11K US
on this book, which is just depressing.)  Like a lot of people on this list
I wouldn't be attempting to use Samba without documentaion as good as this.
John needs more support, not just whinging about the docs

> I need to ensure that those users files are accessible by only those 
> users.
> It appears that this means I need each user to have a Linux user 
> account on the samba server.  Is this correct?
> I need some groups of users to have a shared pool of r/w files, that 
> other
> group(s) cannot access.  I assume this requires using Linux group, 
> correct?
> Do my above re1uirements mean I need to learn about and implement 
> LDAP, or is there a simpler solution?

Unless you have distributed offices/ large numbers of users, you can get by
quite nicely with a tdbsam

> None of the printers and plotters is on a Linux box, they are all 
> attached to WinXP machines.  I believe I can still use Linux/samba as 
> a print server in some fashion??

Read the guide, read the guide, read the guide.

> Is there a general "examples of ..." available, besides the samba FAQ?

> Is there a search-able list archive (if so, where)?

I think there were instructions included with your welcome to the list email
message about how to use google to search the archives.

Also under the heading TALK SAMBA you should have seen the sub heading
ARCHIVES if you had clicked on that link you would have found this on that
page:  "Search the Lists

Inportant: Currently the Samba mailing list archives hosted here on do not support searching.

However, you can access a searchable copy of the archives at,, and"

> thanks in advance,
> -chuck

We all start with baby steps.

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] ips and netbios name on the logs

2005-04-27 Thread Geoff Scott
Geoff Scott wrote:
> Guido Lorenzutti wrote:
>> Hi people, does someone know how to only log the name of the machine
>> and not the name of the machine AND the ip? Let me explain this:
> This from an old memory is behaviour by design.  Last time I saw
> Jerry comment on this I don't think the answer was that you could
> turn it off.  

Well that not very clear is it?

You can't turn this behaviour off.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] ips and netbios name on the logs

2005-04-27 Thread Geoff Scott
Guido Lorenzutti wrote:
> Hi people, does someone know how to only log the name of the machine
> and not the name of the machine AND the ip? Let me explain this: 

This from an old memory is behaviour by design.  Last time I saw Jerry
comment on this I don't think the answer was that you could turn it off.  

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] accessing windows shares from Linux

2005-04-27 Thread Geoff Scott
ankush grover wrote:
> hey friends,
>  I have configured samba as BDC to Windows 2003 domain controller
> which is acting as PDC.

I hope that's only for migration.  Samba can't be a permanent BDC to
anything except a samba PDC

> Now the problem is that I am able to see the
> Linux shares from the windows but from the Linux I am not able to see
> the windows shares.   

You need to refer this to the linux.cifs mailing list.  They will help you
with your problem.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Description of LDAP-attribute sambaSIDList

2005-04-21 Thread Geoff Scott
Tony Earnshaw wrote:
> tor, 21.04.2005 kl. 18.40 skrev Matthias Eichler:
>> Well thanks, but thats just the schema-file and does not really says
>> what infomation is stored in that attribute...
> Nonsense.

We all can read.  But sometimes we need others to help us to comprehend what
it is that we are looking at.  Have you considered that the OP is asking you
for help to understand what it is he is looking at  Not how to look at

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] linux client accessing Samba domain

2005-04-18 Thread Geoff Scott
This is part of an old thread from 31/12/04 that I participated in.  It's
along the lines of what you have already been advised.  A bit more googling
would have found it for you.  BTW these questions should really go to the
linux.cifs mailing list:



If you wish to automount shares when you login, you can try pam_mount. It
should be a package on the mdk 10.1 CDs. You can set it to mount windows
cifs and smb shares to your mandrake box. It's possible because Linux
supports pluggable auth

I used it along with winbind auth to mount all my windows shares from
servers at work to my Linux mandrake workstation (laptop) When ever I ssh'd
in, the shares mounted. It can be set to mount based on preferred
authentication system (local password file, winbind, nis, etc) and
protocol. ie. mount windows shares if you login via ssh, or even if you
login through the kde desktop (warning: kde requires special files relocated
when mounting home directories).

Having said that and seeing as how you are new, I believe Geoff's solution
is a much easier way to go. You may however wish to read up on pam_mount

For more info do a google on pam_mount


Regards Geoff Scott

Geoff Scott writes: 

> What about NFS?
unsecure (some users need root on their linux clients) 

I know, that this calls for AFS, but the most users are on windows and I
don't want an other fileserver type currently.
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RE: [Samba] Review Request: Samba-3 by Example Update

2005-04-14 Thread Geoff Scott
John H Terpstra wrote:
> On Thursday 14 April 2005 19:05, Geoff Scott wrote:
>> John H Terpstra wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 24 November 2004 17:00, Geoff Scott wrote:
>>>>> The issue of this thread was authenticating machine accounts if I
>>>>> remember correctly...
>>>> No I was just having a hard time getting the smbldap tools to work
>>>> properly. It all came down to me not knowing at what point you
>>>> switch from chapter 6 of the example book to chapter 8 to vampire
>>>> accounts of the NT server.  Of course if you vampire accounts
>>>> straight after you use the preload.ldif then you end up with
>>>> different GID's than what the smbldap tools expect in their
>>>> defaults. therefore the vampire fails as the expected GID for the
>>>> group is different to what vampire sets up as it creates the
>>>>  groups from the NT server. It would be nice if John could add to
>>>> chapter 8 something like: 
>>>> Build the Base server the same as in Chapter 6 including step ?
>>>> "using the smbldap-populate script" then continue with vampiring
>>>> the accounts.
>>> I'll consider this when I do the update in January.
>> This was a thread titled "vampire fails because of Debian
>> smbldap-tools problem"
>> This was a personal bugbear of mine that caused me a week of grief. 
>> I 
>> have noticed about three job ads in the local job search web sites in
>> the past 2 weeks asking for someone to help migrate large companies
>> from NT4 to Samba, so having something like what I suggested above in
>> the NT4 Migration chapter is still relevant.  Please John would you
>> consider it? 
>> Regards Geoff Scott
> You win! The documentation is wrong. I am updating it now. Sheesh!
> How did that get past me? Doh! 
> - John T.

And I bugged you about it privately, a month or 2 ago.  You naughty, naughty
documenter you ;-)

As to whether your documentation is useful, it certainly is if you live in
Australia and most of the list replies come from the other side of the
world.  Try fixing something urgently during work hours when no one else is

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Mounting a Windows Share with UTF8 files

2005-04-14 Thread Geoff Scott
Cassar, Adam wrote:
> Can anyone advise if this is possible ??
> I really don't want to revert to Windows for my solution...  Linux is
> just gaining some momentum in my firm,  and if this is not possible,
> then it will likely be dropped for all future implementations.  
> thanks
> Adam Cassar
I know this doesn't really help you now, but you may get better help from
the specialised linux-cifs mailing list.  You can get to it from here: and here:

Smbfs is considered deprecated by the team.

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] Review Request: Samba-3 by Example Update

2005-04-14 Thread Geoff Scott
John H Terpstra wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 November 2004 17:00, Geoff Scott wrote:
>>> The issue of this thread was authenticating machine accounts if I
>>> remember correctly...
>> No I was just having a hard time getting the smbldap tools to work
>> properly. It all came down to me not knowing at what point you switch
>> from chapter 6 of the example book to chapter 8 to vampire accounts
>> of the NT server.  Of course if you vampire accounts straight after
>> you use the preload.ldif then you end up with different GID's than
>> what the smbldap tools expect in their defaults. therefore the
>> vampire fails as the expected GID for the group is different to what
>> vampire sets up as it creates the groups from the NT server.
>>  It would be nice if John could add to chapter 8 something like:
>> Build the Base server the same as in Chapter 6 including step ?
>> "using the smbldap-populate script" then continue with vampiring the
>> accounts. 
> I'll consider this when I do the update in January.

This was a thread titled "vampire fails because of Debian smbldap-tools

This was a personal bugbear of mine that caused me a week of grief.  I have
noticed about three job ads in the local job search web sites in the past 2
weeks asking for someone to help migrate large companies from NT4 to Samba,
so having something like what I suggested above in the NT4 Migration chapter
is still relevant.  Please John would you consider it?

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Hula-project and Samba

2005-03-17 Thread Geoff Scott
James Ruthven wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anyone run Hula Server ( and Samba on
> the same server and got the user authentication to sync? 
> I imagine this would involve configuring Samba to use eDirectory
> (Novell) which Hula is using for store.
> I have searched everywhere for documentation referencing Hula and
> Samba integration/authentication but only found one article
> announcing that Novell has contributed its eDirectory APIs to the
> Samba Project.   
> Have these APIs been implemented yet?
> Please could someone point me in the right direction?
> Many thanks in advance.
> James

It's probably going to be an easier job to use Open-xchange.  I have done
some prliminary work on integrating Samba 3.0.10 and OX 0.7.5.  this is
documented on the OX wiki.  Most of the Doc is copied and pasted from JHT's
work but adapted for Debian.  It hasn't been updated for the OX 0.8beta4
release or for Samba 3.0.11 but the basics are there to create a Win2K SBS
replacement.  (I'm just waiting for a more stable release of Oxlook to sync
outlook with OX)

Regards Geoff Scott
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[Samba] smbumount hangs

2005-02-24 Thread Geoff Scott
 Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 13:13 +1100, Geoff Scott wrote:
>> Nina Pham wrote:
>>> I'm using rehat9, kernel2.4.20-18.9, samba2.2.7a-7.9.0. I have
>>> smbumount hangs most of the time. Any idea?
>> Although this is SMB related this is the wrong list for this
>> problem. This is a SAMBA list not an SMBMOUNT list.
>   Oh?  Being one of the former maintainers of smbmount/smbumount and
> smbfs in the kernel, last I looked smbmount and smbumount were part
> of the Samba package and have been since before I was managing it
> (and I handed off to someone else on the team years ago).  Is there
> some other place where people are discussing smbmount, smbumount,
> and smbfs now? 
>   Hmmm...  What's on Fedora Core 3 seems to be part of the Samba
> package: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# rpm -qf /usr/bin/smbumount
> samba-client-3.0.10-1.fc3
>> Regards Geoff Scott
>   Mike
 The opinions that I have seen on this list before is that smbmount is
 deprecated.  linux.cifs should be used instead, and for that people
 should go here and subscribe:
 The other thing that I have seen is that because smbmount is kernel
 related users should go to the kernel lists, or something like that. 
 Did I get that all wrong?  Am I just shooting my mouth off again?
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RE: [Samba] smbumount hangs

2005-02-23 Thread Geoff Scott
Nina Pham wrote:
> I'm using rehat9, kernel2.4.20-18.9, samba2.2.7a-7.9.0. I have
> smbumount hangs most of the time. Any idea? 

Although this is SMB related this is the wrong list for this problem.  This
is a SAMBA list not an SMBMOUNT list.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] upgrading samba on a Xserver 10.2.8

2005-02-20 Thread Geoff Scott
> Hi
> Can anyone advise me, I have a Mac OS 10.2.8 Server. The server is
> running Samba version 2. I need to upgrade to Samba version 3 because
> of windows XP problems. Is there a stand alone installer version of
> Samba V3 that I can download onto my Mac Xserver and install to
> update my version of Samba.   
> I am new to the Samba world and know little about Samba any advise
> would be used. 
> Regards Mark

Upgrade the server software eg mac OS X server 10.3.  there is no easy way
for you to deal with the nasty hacks that Apple do to make Samba work with
OS X.  Upgrade your OS.

Regards Geoff Scott
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RE: [Samba] Samba on my machine wi

2005-01-30 Thread Geoff Scott


I run Konfabulator under OS X 10.3.7 with a proxy connection to the internet
and I use an IP address identifier widget. It shows from time to time
incoming and outgoing traffic on a Samba server(s). This appearance is
extremely brief. I don¹t know anything about Samba and have never knowingly
used it on my machine. Can you fill me in on this? Is this malicious

Mac OS X as you probably know is based on a version of *NIX.  Therefore it
runs Samba (windows OS file sharing & printing ++ software), albeit a
nastily hacked up version according to some team members.  Do you have
windows file sharing turned on? If you don't need it, turn it off and
firewall those ports. Do you access windows servers? Perhaps this software
of yours is reporting both types of windows file sharing servers as "Samba".
Without knowing what your environment is probably no one can answer that
question about it being malicious activity.

Regards Geoff
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RE: [Samba] Samba LDAP and add machine script problems

2005-01-23 Thread Geoff Scott
> Geoff Scott:
> [...]
> > tell us what happens.
> What happens is, that RHAS3 gets all mixed upo (Openldap 2.2.20) as to
> what's root and what's administrator.
> This is a *LOUSY* solution and worthy by all men of utter condemnation.
> --Tonni

hmmm.  I was just quoting from JHT's book samba by example:
Making Users Happy
step 11#

In the above listing, you can see that the user Administrator has been given
UID=998. This means that operations conducted from a Windows client using
tools such as the Domain User Manager fails under UNIX because the
management of user and group accounts requires that the UID=0. You decide to
rectify this immediately as demonstrated here:

root#  cd /var/lib/samba/sbin
root#  ./ -u 0 Administrator

OK. I see the criticism, but where's your solution?  You know, on the
postfix user lists those guys will tell you you're a dweeb and then tell you
where to RTFM, but at least they tell you where in the README's to find the

I've posted here a number of times and never gotten a response.  I don't
think that my questions were that silly.  But rather than let someone else
sit around wondering how to fix a problem, I am trying to help.  What have
you done to help this fellow lister?

Look, I don't want to flame  But do something constructive.   I can't
help this guy anymore.  His problem is beyond me.  It looks like you can
tho  So please do.

Regards Geoff
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RE: [Samba] Samba LDAP and add machine script problems

2005-01-20 Thread Geoff Scott
> I'm trying to integrate Openldap with Samba version 3.0.10.  I have
> populated
> my LDAP server via and I've gotten PAM to recognize
> as an authentication mechanism.  Thus, I can add a user with smbldap-
> and su to that user.

Can you do a straight login / ssh as that new user?

> The problem I am having is when I attempt to add a computer from MS
> Windoze XP.
> When I attempt to join my domain XP prompts me for a user ID and password.
> If I
> enter a user ID of "root" with either my box's actual root password or the
> password for the LDAP user
> "uid=Administrator,ou=Users,dc=somedomain,dc=org"
> I get the following: "unknown user or bad password".  I suppose this
> makes sense
> because there are only two users in ou=Users (Administrator and nobody)
> neither
> of which is "root".  Alternatively, if I attempt to join the domain
> with a user ID
> of "Administrator" I get "Access is denied".

Somewhere in those howto's and example books that JHT, et al, has written he
says to set the uid of the Administrator to 0.  what UID does your
administrator have?  I believe from vague memory that the smbldap-populate
script automatically sets the uid of the Administrator to 0.  Just use
smbldap-passwd Administrator to make sure that the password is set. then try
adding your Machine again.  This worked for me last night when I got the
same error.

tell us what happens.

Regards Geoff.
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[Samba] XP SP2 - winlogon.exe crashes

2005-01-19 Thread Geoff Scott

The problem:
I am in the testing stages of implementing a Samba domain.
My user is logging on to a standard win xp SP2 desktop, with the samba pdc,
supplying the credentials. The logon screen disappears and an "SAS window:
winlogon.exe - Application Error" box pops up on the Win XP screen. If I
click OK the machine reboots.

My user can log onto the Debian Sarge server using ssh fine. My other users
in the same ldap Users container can log onto the open-xchange part of this
server fine.

My attempts at problem solving
reset the users password
removed the XP machine from the domain and added it again.
added the " use sendfile = no" directive to smb.conf
shutdown the firewalls on both the XP machine and the server

technical details
Samba version: Version 3.0.10-Debian
Linux flavour: debian Sarge
XP version SP2 
Ldap with bdb backend (users can log on with other applications)

The questions
Can anyone point me in the direction of docs that I can use to fix this?
Can anyone decrypt the content of the error message from the logs below and
point me in the right direction?

The Errors from log
[2005/01/20 16:02:01, 0] lib/util_sock.c:get_peer_addr(1000)
  getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected
[2005/01/20 16:02:01, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket_data(430)
  write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Connection reset by peer
[2005/01/20 16:02:01, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(455)
  write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 24: ERRNO = Connection reset
by peer
[2005/01/20 16:02:01, 0] lib/util_sock.c:send_smb(647)
  Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Connection reset by peer)

[2005/01/20 17:24:12, 0] lib/util_sock.c:get_peer_addr(1000)
  getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected
[2005/01/20 17:24:12, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket_data(430)
  write_socket_data: write failure. Error = Connection reset by peer
[2005/01/20 17:24:12, 0] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(455)
  write_socket: Error writing 4 bytes to socket 5: ERRNO = Connection reset
by peer
[2005/01/20 17:24:12, 0] lib/util_sock.c:send_smb(647)
  Error writing 4 bytes to client. -1. (Connection reset by peer)

smb.conf - global section

# Global parameters
unix charset = LOCALE
workgroup = guestshire
netbios name = guests1
interfaces = eth1, lo
bind interfaces only = Yes
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
#   username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
log level = 1
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
smb ports = 139 445
name resolve order = wins bcast hosts
time server = Yes
printcap name = CUPS
show add printer wizard = No
add user script = /usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-useradd -a -m '%u'
delete user script = /usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-userdel '%u'
add group script = /usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-groupadd -p '%g'
delete group script = /usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-groupdel '%g'
add user to group script = /usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-groupmod -m '%u'
delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-groupmod -x '%u'
set primary group script = /usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-usermod -g '%g'
add machine script = /usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-useradd -w '%u'
#shutdown script = /var/lib/samba/scripts/
#abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c
logon script = scripts\logon.bat
logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
logon drive = X:
domain logons = Yes
preferred master = Yes
wins support = Yes
ldap suffix = dc=guestsfurniturehire,dc=com,dc=au
ldap machine suffix = ou=Users,ou=OxObjects
ldap user suffix = ou=Users,ou=OxObjects
ldap group suffix = ou=Groups,ou=OxObjects
ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
ldap admin dn =
idmap backend = ldap://
idmap uid = 1000-2
idmap gid = 1000-2
map acl inherit = Yes
printing = cups
    printer admin = Administrator, geoffs
use sendfile = no

What else can I do to give more information?

Regards Geoff Scott

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RE: [Samba] international characters + user mountable share - is it possible?

2005-01-09 Thread Geoff Scott
This probably better addressed to the smbfs list or the cifs list depending
on which you are using .  This list doesn't actually deal with these issues.

cheers GS
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[Samba] Windows XP machine cannot be accessed

2004-12-30 Thread Geoff Scott
> | these things are best done manually on the command line first to see if
> all
> | is working well, from memory:
> |
> | mount -t smbfs //server/windowsshare /path/to/mntdir -o username=geoff
> |
> | If the above manual stuff works then it must be another problem.
> |
> | Tell us what you see.
> |
> | Regards Geoff
> |
> If I use mount at the console in the format you suggest I get asked for my
> password and the XP share mounts and can be accessed (also through
> Konqueror
> etc.) When I attempt to write the equivalent into fstab, the folder
> appears but
> is empty. No messages. It has not auto generated a credentials file for
> the XP
> machine as it has for the other machines. Inserting user=john in fstab is
> OK
> for the WinME machine, but XP must want more. I guess if it cannot see the
> machine then it will not auto generate the needed access files.
> Regards
> John.

I manually created the credentials file.  Create one yourself and point the
fstab entry to that, as I mentioned before.  (rejig it so it suits your
needs of course)  


once you have that plus an entry in fstab plus you have made a mount point
do: mount /mnt/winXpmountpoint  
take a look at any errors that you get.

Maybe smbmount needs to be Suid root for your mandrake user to mount it

Regards Geoff
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RE: [Samba] Windows XP machine cannot be accessed

2004-12-30 Thread Geoff Scott

> All of the Windows machines have no problems accessing shares on each
> other and
> Mandrake. The Mandrake machine accesses the WinME an Win2K machines
> readily,
> but the WinXP machine is not visible on any utility I have tried. I can
> ping it
> OK. I have disabled firewalls etc in case this was the problem but no
> change.

OK so Samba is working fine? yes? The windows machines can mount the samba
share off of the mandrake box? they get asked for a password and username
which you supply and then you can browse the shares from the windows

> I manually edited fstab and inserted what seemed an appropriate entry for
> a
> share on the XP machine. In Konqueror for instance an icon appeared for
> the
> share but when clicked up in was empty.

I don't have a linux desktop machine any more but I used to do this in fstab
(note that if the above is correct and samba works then this is an smbfs
problem, and appropriate to that list, not this one) :

#Samba filesystems, not auto mounted and any user.

//ukldnfs05/shared_area /mnt/smb/ukldnfs05/shared_area smbfs
noauto,users,credentials=/home/geoff/Crap/smbcred 0 0
//ukldninstall03/allsoftware$ /mnt/smb/ukldninstall03/allsoftware smbfs
noauto,users,credentials=/home/geoff/Crap/smbcred 0 0

then inside of /home/geoff/Crap/smbcred I had:


> I have almost convinced myself that it must be some kind of authentication
> problem, probably something basic I have overlooked and so simple I cannot
> see
> it. Can anybody give me some ideas please?
> John

these things are best done manually on the command line first to see if all
is working well, from memory:

mount -t smbfs //server/windowsshare /path/to/mntdir -o username=geoff

If the above manual stuff works then it must be another problem.

Tell us what you see.

Regards Geoff
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RE: [Samba] Re: [proposal] Samba Software Foundation

2004-12-15 Thread Geoff Scott

> Yes it realy sounds wonderful, and the basic idea probably is, but I
> dislike the reiteration of personal tastes, and dislikes.
> Imposing "if xy would say something negative about me I'll take my ball
> with me and won't play again with you until you would force him to
> leave" IMHO sounds too childish in an OSS software organizations ruleset
> :-(
> Cheers,
> Geza Gemes

> > Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:

I think the fact that the guy uses his full name says it all

Regards, Sir Tiddlywinks Saturn Brigator Uranus Excelsior

(yeh, I know it's childish but it made me laugh)
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[Samba] Vampire deletes user from groups

2004-12-13 Thread Geoff Scott
I've seen this question before but no answer.  Can anyone explain why when
you vampire accounts off the nt server, it will, for some people, create
users and groups just fine and then go and delete users from every single

Regards Geoff Scott

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RE: [Samba] smbfs Unicode patch for 2.4.x kernel

2004-12-13 Thread Geoff Scott
The samba list deals only with Samba not smbfs.  Other list members have
said in the past to people with queries like yours that there is a specific
list for smbfs/cifs.

Regards Geoff Scott

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RE: [Samba] ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers vs ou=Users

2004-12-09 Thread Geoff Scott

There's a discussion of this from last month here:

and here:

read through the threads and you'll find your answers.

HTH Geoff
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RE: [Samba] W2k fails to join samba domain

2004-11-25 Thread Geoff Scott

> Attached is the capture of what is on the wire when this win2k box is
> trying to
> join the domain.  It was given user "root" and password "dork" to join the
> domain "aussec".  The win2k box just comes up with unknown user or bad
> password...
> I must be missing something as another linux box can join the domain
> properly
> and it automatically gets the machine account created and so forth.

There wasn't an attachment Tom it was empty.  Stick the stuff in the body of
the message.
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RE: [Samba] vampire fails because of Debian smbldap-tools problem

2004-11-24 Thread Geoff Scott
> The issue of this thread was authenticating machine accounts if I remember
> correctly...
No I was just having a hard time getting the smbldap tools to work properly.
It all came down to me not knowing at what point you switch from chapter 6
of the example book to chapter 8 to vampire accounts of the NT server.  Of
course if you vampire accounts straight after you use the preload.ldif then
you end up with different GID's than what the smbldap tools expect in their
defaults. therefore the vampire fails as the expected GID for the group is
different to what vampire sets up as it creates the groups from the NT
 It would be nice if John could add to chapter 8 something like: Build the
Base server the same as in Chapter 6 including step ? "using the
smbldap-populate script" then continue with vampiring the accounts.

Regards Geoff
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[Samba] vampire fails because of Debian smbldap-tools problem

2004-11-23 Thread Geoff Scott
> > BTW i use tgz version of smbldap-tools on debian, they are more
> > up-to-date, and aparently better packaged.
> >
> OK so I gave up on the .DEB version and downloaded the .tgz version.  I
> put
> the scripts in /usr/sbin/samba.  I copied the 2 .conf files into
> /etc/smbldap-tools/ and just to be sure that I didn't get any typos I used
> the script that comes with the tgz file.  It seems to run
> fine
> and produce 2 good .conf files.  It does output this part way through
> though:
> Use of uninitialized value in scalar chomp at /usr/sbin/samba/
> line138,  line 17.
> Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/samba/
> line140,  line 17.
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> /usr/sbin/samba/ line 144,  line 17.
> Use of uninitialized value in string at /usr/sbin/samba/ line
> 145,  line 17.
> Then when you Vampire accounts this happens:
> Fetching DOMAIN database
> Creating unix group: 'Domain Admins'
> Creating unix group: 'Domain Users'
> Creating unix group: 'Domain Guests'

> Creating unix group: 'QLD Consultants'
> Creating account: administrator
> Can't call method "get_value" on an undefined value at
> /usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-useradd line 168,  line 283.
> Could not create posix account info for 'administrator'
> Creating account: deloitte
> Can't call method "get_value" on an undefined value at

I thought that I would give it another go.  This time just adding a user
with smbldap-useradd only. The error that I got back was that the group gid
513 didn't exist.  I did a slapcat and looked for the domain users and the
gid was like 10001 or something   the reason for this was that I had
followed chapter 8 of JHT's example book and it doesn't explicitly state in
that chapter where you follow on from chapter 6.  If you use the smbldap
tools they set the domain users gid to 513 and the default group of your
users to the domain users.  So if you follow chapter 8 don't just use the
preload.ldif and then follow that up with a vampire off the NT server, you
probably want to use smbldap-populate after you join the domain and before
you vampire accounts, as it will create the Domain Users group with gid 513,
the same as is the default for the smbldap scripts.

I hope this helps other people. 

Regards Geoff
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[Samba] net getlocalsid as opposed to rpc info

2004-11-23 Thread Geoff Scott
If I can do one but not the other, is this something that I should be
worried about?  testparm -s reveals no errors in my smb.conf .

Should I fix it? is it critical?

foobar1:/usr/sbin/samba# net getlocalsid
[2004/11/24 13:38:25, 0] utils/net.c:net_getlocalsid(486)
  Can't fetch domain SID for name: FOOBAR1

foobar1:/usr/sbin/samba# net rpc info
Domain Name: FOOBAR
Domain SID: S-1-5-21-1766222747-123456826-1539857752
Sequence number: 1101264348
Num users: 0
Num domain groups: 19
Num local groups: 0

Regards Geoff Scott

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[Samba] vampire fails because of Debian smbldap-tools problem

2004-11-23 Thread Geoff Scott

> BTW i use tgz version of smbldap-tools on debian, they are more
> up-to-date, and aparently better packaged.

OK so I gave up on the .DEB version and downloaded the .tgz version.  I put
the scripts in /usr/sbin/samba.  I copied the 2 .conf files into
/etc/smbldap-tools/ and just to be sure that I didn't get any typos I used
the script that comes with the tgz file.  It seems to run fine
and produce 2 good .conf files.  It does output this part way through

Use of uninitialized value in scalar chomp at /usr/sbin/samba/
line138,  line 17.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/samba/
line140,  line 17.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
/usr/sbin/samba/ line 144,  line 17.
Use of uninitialized value in string at /usr/sbin/samba/ line
145,  line 17.

Then when you Vampire accounts this happens:

Fetching DOMAIN database
Creating unix group: 'Domain Admins'
Creating unix group: 'Domain Users'
Creating unix group: 'Domain Guests'
Creating unix group: 'Sofa Workshop'
Creating unix group: 'Family'
Creating unix group: 'Payroll'
Creating unix group: 'PA'
Creating unix group: 'Accounting'
Creating unix group: 'GHAccounts'
Creating unix group: 'Hire Accounting'
Creating unix group: 'Seagate Info'
Creating unix group: 'MTS Trusted Impersonators'
Creating unix group: 'TopTools'
Creating unix group: 'Melb Consultants'
Creating unix group: 'Melb Accounts'
Creating unix group: 'Manager Reporting'
Creating unix group: 'NSW Consultants'
Creating unix group: 'Actif'
Creating unix group: 'QLD Consultants'
Creating account: administrator
Can't call method "get_value" on an undefined value at
/usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-useradd line 168,  line 283.
Could not create posix account info for 'administrator'
Creating account: deloitte
Can't call method "get_value" on an undefined value at
/usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-useradd line 168,  line 283.
Could not create posix account info for 'deloitte'
Creating account: iusr_guests
Can't call method "get_value" on an undefined value at
/usr/sbin/samba/smbldap-useradd line 168,  line 283.
Could not create posix account info for 'iusr_guests'

So everything works fine till you get to creating proper users.  I've
checked and checked the smbldap.conf file for errors, which I can't see.
Can anyone see anything glaringly obvious that I have missed?  Oh, and the
reason that I am putting users etc into ou=Users,ou=OxObjects is that I am
trying to integrate Samba with Open Exchange.  Is there something hardcoded
into Samba that will stop me from doing this?

Regards Geoff

The smbldap.conf file that I am currently using is below:

# General Configuration

# Put your own SID
# to obtain this number do: net getlocalsid

# LDAP Configuration

# Master LDAP : needed for write operations
# Ex: masterLDAP=

# Use TLS for LDAP
# If set to 1, this option will use start_tls for connection
# (you should also used the port 389)

# How to verify the server's certificate (none, optional or require)
# see "man Net::LDAP" in start_tls section for more details

# CA certificate
# see "man Net::LDAP" in start_tls section for more details

# certificate to use to connect to the ldap server
# see "man Net::LDAP" in start_tls section for more details

# key certificate to use to connect to the ldap server
# see "man Net::LDAP" in start_tls section for more details

# LDAP Suffix
# Ex: suffix=dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG

# Where are stored Users
# Ex: usersdn="ou=Users,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG"

# Where are stored Computers
# Ex: computersdn="ou=Computers,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG"

# Where are stored Groups
# Ex groupsdn="ou=Groups,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG"

# Where are stored Idmap entries (used if samba is a domain member server)
# Ex groupsdn="ou=Idmap,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG"

# Where to store next uidNumber and gidNumber available

# Default scope Used

# Unix password encryption (CRYPT, MD5, SMD5, SSHA, SHA)

# if hash_encrypt is set to CRYPT, you may set a salt format.
# default is "%s", but many systems will generate MD5 hashed
# passwords if you use "$1$%.8s". This parameter is optional!

# Unix Accounts Configuration


# Login defs
# Default Login Shell
# Ex: userLoginShell="/bin/bash"

# Home directory
# Ex: userHome="/home/%U"

[Samba] vampire fails because of Debian smbldap-tools problem

2004-11-22 Thread Geoff Scott
Hi people,
As usual I've tried a number of different approaches to this problem
and can't figure it out.  I don't have enough knowledge.  Every time I do
net rpc vampire I get this crap spewed at me:

Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at
/usr/share/perl5/ line 106,  line 233.
Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at
/usr/share/perl5/ line 106,  line 245.
Use of uninitialized value in string at /usr/share/perl5/
line 153.
Use of uninitialized value in string at /usr/share/perl5/
line 153.
erreur LDAP: Can't contact master ldap server (IO::Socket::INET: Bad
hostname ''
) at /usr/share/perl5/ line 153.
Creating unix group: 'Hire Accounting'

I've got this in my smbldap.conf file:

# Master LDAP : needed for write operations
# Ex: $masterLDAP = "";
$masterLDAP = "";
$masterPort = "389";

And /usr/share/perl5/ line 106, has this:

101 sub subst_configvar
102   {
103 my $value = shift;
104 my $vars = shift;
106 $value =~ s/\$\{([^}]+)\}/$vars->{$1} ? $vars->{$1} : $1/eg;
107 return $value;
108   }

/usr/share/perl5/ line 153  Says this:

150 sub connect_ldap_master
151   {
152 # bind to a directory with dn and password
153 my $ldap_master = Net::LDAP->new(
154  "$config{masterLDAP}",

These are the files provided by Debian sarge with an apt-get install
And libnet-ldap-perl has been installed.  I don't know what to do next.
I'm hoping that someone can please help me figure out what is missing.

Regards Geoff Scott

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[Samba] nss and pam with ssl and sarge debian

2004-09-28 Thread Geoff Scott
I'm working from the samba 3 how-to and creating my own how-to so that I get
everything straight in my head.  I'm trying to make an exchange replacement
with samba + ldap + open-xchange + cyrus + postfix + postgresql etc etc.

At the minute I'm trying to find out if Sarge has ssl already enabled in
it's PAM and NSS packages, instead of me trying to compile it myself.
Anyone know the answer of the top of their heads?  Or point me to somewhere
where this is documented?

Regards Geoff Scott

IT Systems Administrator
Guests Furniture Hire Pty Ltd
Tel: 03 9426 9143
Fax: 03 9428 7605
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received this transmission in error, please notify us by reply e-mail and
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RE: [Samba] Samba server authenticating to NetWare server?

2004-09-21 Thread Geoff Scott
> Subject: Re: [Samba] Samba server authenticating to NetWare server?
> Le mardi 21 Septembre 2004 15:29, Chris Richardson a écrit :
> > Can someone confirm that I can't do what I want to do:
> >
> > - Have a SuSE 9.1 Linux box running Samba 3.0 exporting shares by SMB.
> > - Have users log into Windows boxes running a NetWare client,
> > authenticating by NDS to a Netware 6.5 server.

Or if you want to wait a bit Novell are going to bring out Open server which
syncs POSIX, samba sids (samba 3.x) & Netware credentials in edirectory.
But you will apparently have to wait till after Jan 2005.  How much work do
you want to do?

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RE: [Samba] Hot to configure Samba 3 as PDC and BDC for a Windows network

2004-09-08 Thread Geoff Scott
> -Original Message-
> From: Charlie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I hoping someone out there might be able to tell my how to configure and
> Samba
> box to be a PDC and BDC for a windows network?  I'd like to use the LDAP
> backend, but and too new to the Unix world to understand how this is
> accomplished.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is nothing in the samba world relating to PDC and BDC functionality
that is point and click.  You will need to go the hard yards and study
thoroughly how *nix works.  If you really want to follow through on this
then the path that I would recommend is:
Go to and study the LPIC-1 certification material listed.
This will give you the relevant knowledge to enable you to get out of common
*nix problems.
Some of the free course material out there that is good is written by Daniel
Robbins who is the Chief Architect of Gentoo Linux.  You can find it at 

John Terpstra has written the samba 3 by example book which can be found on
the docs section of the samba web page.  Or can be purchased in book form,
I'm sure John would appreciate you purchasing the book as it means he gets
fed. ;-)  That book is excellent:  Read chapter 6 in
particular: Making users happy

It's faster of course if you go to your relevant mirror.

It doesn't help you understand basic LDAP or DNS though, it just helps you
get up and running.  So as a nice little primer I would recommend reading
the relevant sections in this Suse PDF:

And also after that the LDAP docs at:

Treat Linux and samba like a giant Salami.  It looks horribly greasy and
disgusting from the outside if you attempt to eat it in one hit, but if you
slice it up wafer thin you'll find that each little slice is delicious!  ;-)

>From one relative newbie to an even greener one, Geoff.

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[Samba] documentation for samba + Novel edirectory NLS

2004-09-03 Thread Geoff Scott
I've been lurking for a while hoping to come across some information on
setting up Samba 3.X and edirectory.  I've got both the how-to book and the
example book by JHT and have read the example book cover to cover.

John refers his readers to the lists & Novell, to get setup info for
edirectory.  So far, from googling groups, lists www, and Novell.  There
seems to be none

Does anyone know of any samba.sch files that I can use to extend the edir
schema?  I tried using the samba.schema file apparently it's got a different
format and the novel supplied tool bombs out.  Compared to the most of you
my knowledge is basic so if anyone can spare a little time and perhaps add
to the world wide knowledge base (available through Google) I'd appreciate
some fairly detailed instructions. 

Cheers Geoff Scott

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