[Samba] Re: Mac OSX doesn't retain file timestamp when copying to SAMBA share

2007-02-07 Thread Tom Schaefer
I had a similiar issue recently, also on Solaris.  I was running samba

The clients where Win XP but anyhow a programmer that uses a share
noticed one day that one of the timestamps of a file she was copying from
somewhere else lost its timestamp.  In general though we could copy files
over to the share and the timestamps would be retained fine.

After lots of experimentation I finally figured out the culprit was when
she was copying over top an existing file and she was not the owner of
the existing file.  She had permission to clobber over the file via her
group permission but in that specific case, clobbering over a file she didn't
actually own, the file copied would get a fresh timestamp.

The first thing I did was try Samba 3.0.23d to see if perhaps
it was fixed in that version.  Lo and behold it was, the issue went away
immediately upon upgrading to 3.0.23d.

Tom Schaefer

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:30:06 +1100
Troy Kenah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm not sure what's causing this but every time I copy a file from one 
> of the Macs (details below) to the Samba server the file timestamp is 
> changed to the copy time rather than retaining the last modified time. 
> Does anyone know what could be causing this?
> Systems:
> Mac OSX (versions 10.3.x -> 10.4.x)
> Windows 2000 Professional
> Solaris 10 running Samba 3.0.11
> Tests...
> Mac OSX  ->  Mac OSX  retains timestamp
> Mac OSX  ->  W2K share retains timestamp
> Mac OSX  ->  Solaris Samba share REPLACES timestamp with copy time
> W2K -> Solaris Samba share retains timestamp
> smb.conf
> [global]
>workgroup = OTP
>server string = OTP Server
>security = share
>load printers = yes
>log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
>max log size = 50
>socket options = TCP_NODELAY
>dns proxy = no
> [otpserver]
>comment = OTP Server
>browseable = no
>writable = yes
> [printers]
>comment = All Printers
>path = /var/spool/samba
>browseable = no
>guest ok = no
>writable = no
>printable = yes
> [otpdata]
>comment = OTP Data
>path = /otp/Shared
>guest ok = yes
>read only = no
>writable = yes
>public = yes
> [ftpdata]
>comment = FTP Data
>path = /otp/user/guest
>guest ok = yes
>read only = no
>writable = yes
>public = yes
> Regards,
> Troy.
> -- 
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> instructions:  https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
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Re: [Samba] Re: security=share, who needs it ?

2006-03-17 Thread Tom Schaefer
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 09:12:52 -0600
"Gerald \(Jerry\) Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Tom,
> I've got to step up for Carsten here.
> Tom Schaefer wrote:
> > Carsten Schaub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> the security=shre setting does not behave as many admins 
> >> expect. Access
> > 
> > It behaves exactly as this admin expects and I would absolutely 
> > hate to see it to go.
> No.  it really doesn't.  For the record, Carsten brought
> this issue up on the samba-technical ml.  Every developer agrees
> that our security = share code is fundamentally broken because
> it tries to shoe horn a userless security model onto a user/password
> authentication system.

I don't know if it behaves as other admins expect but it is does behave as I 
expect.  I've tinkered with it, read the man pages, and learned how it behaves. 
 I know Carsten brought the issue up on samba-technical because as soon as I 
saw his post here I kind of phreaked out fearing the conversation might be 
occurring elsewhere as well.  Its a conversation I don't want to see anywhere, 
so I Googled it and to my dismay I found the big discussion you all are having 
over on Samba technical.  I've read pretty much all of it.  

> People try to do all sorts of silly things with security = share
> like using a 'write list' option.  What is that supposed to mean?
> You want a userless authentication but a user based authorization
> system?  That's just wrong.

Well I've never attempted to do that and a quick review of the man page tells 
me I can't do it under Samba 3 even if I want to.  So, I'm not going to address 
it other than to say what you trying to bang over my head as well - share level 
security is not a "userless authentication" in Samba and its presumptuous to 
assume thats what the admin wants.  Perhaps the admin understands that even 
under share level security Samba always makes the connection as somebody, 
understands whom that somebody is can easily be controlled, and finds it 
advantageous to do so.

> If the only think people need is a guest server, we can do that
> very easily with 'security = user'.  We can even mix guest and
> non-guest servers using virtual servers.

With security=user you've still got to successfully connect as some user in the 
first place before you can even request a guest share.  This leads to all sorts 
of fun.  You'll still have situations where Joe User is going to find it 
difficult at best to actually connect to a guest share because he doesn't know 
his password, why should he need to know his password to access the guest 
share?  (Its a rhetorical question I understand the technical reason why)  
Enter "map to guest", more fun, he'll make a typo on his username or password 
and get connected to the guest share as the guest account and subsequently not 
be able to connect to his non guest shares.

With security=share a guest share is always a guest share is always a guest 
share, no issues, no hassles, no muss, no fuss, it just works, always.

As far as virtual servers, they confuse people.  Also, they don't work unless 
you disable port 445..

 %L   the NetBIOS name of the  server.  This  allows  you  to
  change  your config based on what the client calls you.
  Your server can have a ``dual personality''.

  This parameter is not available when Samba  listens  on
  port 445, as clients no longer send this information.

I can go on about virtual servers Jerry, just ask me.
> >> to all shares are mapped to the guest account and if the underlying unix
> >> permissions don't permit that access you get errors and the access
> >> doesn't work as expected.
> > 
> > Thats wrong.  You connect to a Samba server using security=share 
> > as the guest account or as any user you want.  The method used 
> > for determining whom you connect to a particular share as is
> > spelled out in the section "NOTE ABOUT USERNAME/PASSWORD VALIDATION"
> > of the smb.conf man page.
> Tom, I think it is a little more complicated that you realize.
> The problem is not getting 'security = share' to work with the
> current code base, but rather how easy it is to misconfigure
> the server.  And I'll add that if we implemented share mode
> security as it should be, your configuration would probably
> not work any more.

So, you're going to yank it out to protect me from myself.  It wasn't THAT long 
ago it was the DEFAULT.  I think making security=user the default as you've 
already done is sufficient to protect admi

[Samba] Re: security=share, who needs it ?

2006-03-15 Thread Tom Schaefer
On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 23:05:48 +0100
Carsten Schaub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi list,
> the security=share setting does not behave as many admins expect. Access

It behaves exactly as this admin expects and I would absolutely hate to see it 
to go.

> to all shares are mapped to the guest account and if the underlying unix
> permissions don't permit that access you get errors and the access
> doesn't work as expected.

Thats wrong.  You connect to a Samba server using security=share as the guest 
account or as any user you want.  The method used for determining whom you 
connect to a particular share as is spelled out in the section "NOTE ABOUT 
USERNAME/PASSWORD VALIDATION" of the smb.conf man page.

> Also is security=share a global parameter. This given, there is no
> distinction between guest and authenticated access per share possible
> yet.

No, no.  Here are a few shares from the smb.conf file of a single 
security=share server I have.  Homes only works for a given user if they give 
their correct password , the second share anyone who knows what the password is 
can access, and the guest share is a guest share so it works for everybody with 
no authentication. 

comment = Home Directories
username = %S
valid users = %S
writeable = Yes
map archive = No
browseable = No

path = /accounts/faculty/birda
follow symlinks = No
username = birdastudent
valid users = birdastudent
writeable = No
map archive = No
browseable = No

path = /accounts/research/samba_guest
guest only = Yes
guest ok = Yes

> Further you can archieve the security=share setting behavior with
> setting 
> -smb.conf
> [global]
>   security = user # thats the default of current releases
> map to guest = bad user
> username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
> smbusers-
> foo = *
> What reasons prevent removing 'security=share' ?

One nice thing about security=share is that in an environment I'm in where 
there is little to no correlation between MS Windows usernames and UNIX account 
usernames I don't have to worry about trying to keep it all sorted out in some 
behometh username map file thanks to username = %S.  Another nice thing about 
it is I don't have to worry about the way MS Windows clients will only let you 
connect to a single server as a single user at a time.  With share level 
security I can have people authenticate to a single UNIX system as several 
different UNIX usernames from a single Windows box.
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[Samba] Re: Unicode, ASCII, and Samba3 ...

2005-11-02 Thread Tom Schaefer
I work at a university and when I upgraded from 2 to 3 only 1 user ever
complained, a professor in the foreign languages department.  I started
to go down the road of conversion utilities and fiddling with code pages
and character sets.  Then a potential easy solution occurred to me.  We
have several Samba servers and the Unix boxes have a lot of disk in
common; I still had Samba 2 on some systems. On the UNIX side I moved
her files to where they where once again being shared by a Samba 2
server.  As would be expected, from the client side, MS Windows, all the
file names where instantly intact again.  I copied all her files down
from the Samba 2 server to local disk of a MS Windows box. From the MS
Windows box I then copied the files up to the Samba 3 server.  Ta da. Now
they where on the Samba 3 server with file names intact.

Of course doing something like that may not be feasible in your case.
Good luck.

Tom Schaefer

On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 16:57:56 +0200
"Julien Ailhaud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Problem summary :
> Files created with samba2 are now unreadable with samba3. I tested all
> possible settings in samba, rebuild it with libiconv, already posted here
> without reply ... without success.
> Today I analyzed the traffic between my station and the server, and I found an
> interresting thing :
> With both version, filenames are transmited in ascii
> code  130 gives "é"
> code  135 gives "ç"
> code  151 gives "ù"
> But ...
> In packets exchanged  by my Samba2 server and the stastion, the flag "unicode
> strings" is set to Zero ( --> ASCII )
> In packets exchanged  by my Samba3 server and the stastion, the flag "unicode
> strings" is set to One ( --> UNICODE )
> I think that the problem is here, but I can't find how to change it, forcing
> my Samba to use ASCII there.
> Any  Idea ??
> Thanks.
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[Samba] Re: File access rights on a NFS share: please help !

2005-09-25 Thread Tom Schaefer
On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 17:03:34 +0200
Sabrina Lautier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ex:
> uid=16783675(NCEDOM\toto) gid=16777217(NCEDOM\domain users)
> groups=16777217(NCEDOM\domain users),16777328(NCEDOM\dev-iis)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] cd /nfs_share
> 0 drwxrwx---  2 root NCEDOM\dev-iis   80 2005-09-07 14:16 iis
> -bash: cd: iis: Permission denied
> As you can see toto's primary group is NCEDOM\domain users but he also
> belongs to group NCEDOM\dev-iis.
> Yet directory iis belongs to group NCEDOM\dev-iis.
> But this work fine on a local FS.

Well possibly the problem is what Jeremy said.  Something I'd look at
though is the actual gid of the iis directory by simply using ls -n and
verify for sure that the gid of the iis directory is 16777328.

Possibly you have two gids both named NCEDOM\dev-iis and it isn't gid
16777328 that the iis directory belongs to.

Tom Schaefer


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[Samba] Re: Read-only and POSIX ACLs

2005-05-13 Thread Tom Schaefer
Yes Jeremy, 

I think that would be a good thing. 

To the best of my knowledge, other than the particular situation we are
discussing, a user connected to a writeable share via Samba always has the
exact same ability to operate on files as if they where logged into the
box via a UNIX shell. That is how I as an admin have come to expect it to
operate and how I want it to operate.

Now obviously parameters such as force group and so forth are going to
change what a user can do but by default I'm saying the user should always
have the same ablity via Samba as if using a shell.

Incidentally, the situation you are talking about arises even if you take
ACL's completely out of the picture and have write access via the file's
standard group permissions if the owner doesn't have write.  If you do
change Samba to remedy the ACL situation I'd hope you remedy it in this
case too.

As far as an option to enable the current behaviour, sheesh I can't
decide.  How many admins would you guess are using the current behaviour
as a feature?  I'd guess very few if any.  On the other hand, now
that I know about this current oddity of Samba behaviour it almost seems
like something I myself could potentially make use of as a feature.

In summary my votes are:

Make the change? yes
Option to allow current behaviour? no opinion

Tom Schaefer

On Tue, 10 May 2005 12:25:49 -0700
Jeremy Allison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
>   I can make a simple change to smbd for the next stable
> release that will cause POSIX ACLs to be checked before returning
> the DOS mode of a file is "read-only". This will fix the case
> that people are complaining about where a POSIX ACL allows write
> access to a file but the standard owner "w" bit is missing (smbd
> currently returns DOS read-only for that case if the DOS attributes
> are not being stored in EA's).
> The question is, shall I make that change and if so should I have
> a fallback parameter to turn off the behaviour if people require
> it ?
> Comments please (btw: I have to be out in the UK all this week
> but will try and work on things intermittently).
> Jeremy.
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[Samba] Re: Minimal Samba

2005-04-27 Thread Tom Schaefer
Nice example John.  But, at least in my experience and the smb.conf man
page would seem to concur, it won't work at all under Samba 3.x unless you
add the line "smb ports = 139".

The following two sections of the smb.conf man page more or less spell out
the problem..

 smb ports (G)
  Specifies which ports the server should listen  on  for
  SMB traffic.

  Default: smb ports = 445 139

 %L   the NetBIOS name of the  server.  This  allows  you  to
  change  your config based on what the client calls you.
  Your server can have a ``dual personality''.

  This parameter is not available when Samba  listens  on
  port 445, as clients no longer send this information.

Tom Schaefer

On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 08:31:23 -0600
John H Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It is possible.
> Master smb.conf file:
> [global]
>   workgroup = FORTKNOX
>   security = user
>   netbios name = ARMEDGUARD
>   netbios aliases = BANDIT
>   include = /etc/samba/smb.conf.%L
> [homes]
>   read only = No
> Now for the 'bandit' smb.conf:
> [global]
>   workgroup = FORTKNOX
>   security = share
>   netbios name = BANDIT
>   guest ok = Yes
> [cashpool]
>   path = /money
>   read only = yes
>   guest only = yes
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[Samba] Re: still ACL bug in 3.0.14a

2005-04-20 Thread Tom Schaefer
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 20:44:24 -0500
"Jeremy Allison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is actually a separate (non-ACL) issue. It's not a bug in
> the ACL code. I reproduced it last night and am preparing a 
> response - the problem is the DOS attributes code sees it as
> read-only. Do a attrib  command from a Windows client
> and you'll see +r at the attribute. It's not strictly a Samba
> bug, more a design issue.

I agree, its more of a design issue.  Jeremy since you "haven't yet
decided exactly what semantics make sense here.".. 

My 2cents (which I realize no one has asked for but thats the beauty of
internet mailing lists) is that by default for any writeable share the
user & group on whos behalf Samba is acting should have the exact same
permission to modify a file or delete it or whatever that they'd have
where they actually logged into the Samba server via a UNIX shell.

That is how I as a Systems Administrator have come to expect Samba to
behave and to the best of my knowledge is how it does behave outside the
particular issue we are discussing.  

As for the read only attribute on a file, I think if the user & group
combination on who's behalf Samba is acting would have the ability to
write to the file where they sitting at a UNIX shell then the read only
flag should not be set and vice versa.

> I'm at LinuxConfAu at the moment but 2619 isn't a real bug
> as if you typed "attrib -r " it would fix the problem.
Only if dos filemode = yes

By the way, this whole "issue" is not a new one.  I set up this same
scenario last night on an old Linux Mandrake 8 box running Samba 2.2.7a
and the behavior was exactly the same.

Tom Schaefer
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[Samba] Re: still ACL bug in 3.0.14a

2005-04-19 Thread Tom Schaefer

I've kind of been hanging with Peter on this whole issue so didn't want to
just abandon him when Jeremy issued the Solaris patch that fixed things
for me.

I went and took a hard look at bug report 2619 that Peter filed and tried
to duplicate it.  He is doing ACLs on specific files, not directories as I
was.  When specifically following Peter's bug report, I CAN duplicate the
bug Peter found under Solaris even with the all inclusive force
group/Solaris patch Jeremy issued yesterday installed.  I put the new
patch on the Linux box, and as Peter is saying, the problem is still there
as well.  I noticed Jeremy requesting level 10 debug logs on the bug
tracking page.  I'll send some as soon as I can.

Tom Schaefer

On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 09:45:46 +0200
Peter Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello again,
> Jeremy Allison wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 06:35:12PM +0200, Peter Kruse wrote:
> > 
> >>
> >>bad news, my problem is not fixed with 3.0.14a
> > 
> > 
> > The log file helped. Try this patch (applies against
> > raw 3.0.14a). Problem was Solaris was returning 2 in a
> > place I expected a 1
> > 
> tried it, makes no difference here.  I'm neither using "force group" nor
> using Solaris.  Sorry to confuse you, there are probably two different
> problems in the same thread, although the subject is valid for both.
> But as the Solaris issue seems to be resolved, maybe you could
> have a look at my bug report:
> https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2619
> The bug report includes exact instructions how to reproduce it.
> I get the impression that the acl implementation is wrong.  It looks
> to me that if any user doesn't have write permission then the
> group settings are ignored.
> Jeremy, if you create such a file, do you get correct behaviour?
> Thx,
>   Peter
> -- 
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Re: [Samba] still ACL bug in 3.0.14a

2005-04-18 Thread Tom Schaefer
Hi Peter,

Bad news at this end too.  Peter, Jeremy put out a patch over the
weekend, if you browse back through this thread a little bit you should
find it.  He actually posted it twice as I recall.  Perhaps the patch
would fix things for you.  It fixed things for at least the one person,
Eric Stewart, who was having the same troubles as we are of being able
to create & modify files but not delete or rename them.  Although from
the way I read Eric's postings, although he was having the same error as
us in the end, to me he seemed to be doing things quite differently to get
there.  Like in the beginning when he was having the problem, I don't
even think he was using ACLs at all.  Then it came out that
compiling --with-acl-support might fix things for us.  Eric specifically
went back and remounted his file system with ACL support and recompiled
Samba with ACL support but in the example file listings he posted it
still didn't look like he was actually making any use of ACLs whatsoever. 
But he was having the same symptoms.  Jeremy wrote a patch and it fixed it
for him.  He was doing a force group which apparently was the root of his
ills.  Which worries me a bit because I do a lot of force group on my
actual servers.  In this testing mode I've been in since Friday I've
just been keeping things as basic and simple as possible.  I did get it to
work on Linux by compiling --with-acl-support but I was not doing any
force groups or anything the least bit exotic.  

I have yet to get it work properly on Solaris.  I'm in the process of
putting together a level 10 debug log and anything else I think
might be useful for him and sending it off to Jeremy.  Jeremy had
suggested that the patch he wrote for Eric might fix my trouble on Solaris
as well.  It did not.  I noticed there is a new message in this thread
posted from Yannick Bergeron stating he applied the patch and rebuilt
3.0.14a from scratch this morning and the problem persists for him as

Tom Schaefer

On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 11:35:12 -0500
"Peter Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> bad news, my problem is not fixed with 3.0.14a
> Jeremy Allison wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 16, 2005 at 08:29:31PM -0500, Schaefer Jr, Thomas R.
> > wrote:
> > 
> >> I'm modifying what I wrote this morning.  Compiling
> >> --with-acl-support DOES fix the problem on Linux.  Jeremy is right.
> >> Although I had compiled it that way this morning I was accidentally
> >> running one of my earlier compiles.  Sorry.
> > 
> > 
> > I have email access now, but not much of a test environment yet.
> > 
> > This happens a *lot*. People, if you reconfigure and try again and it
> > still doesn't seem to fix the problem please try and ensure that
> > you're running your new binaries. This seems to be a common failure.
> > 
> > 
> I double and triple checked, I am running 3.0.14a and it's the
> binary, made a debian package and installed that which also removes the
> old 3.0.13 installation.
> And also checked that --with-acl-support is used on configure, this
> is included in the debian/rules Makefile.
> Stopped all nmbd, winbind and smbd instances and ran the 3.0.14a
> binaries it says in the logfiles:
> log.nmbd:  Netbios nameserver version 3.0.14a-Debian started.
> log.smbd:  smbd version 3.0.14a-Debian started.
> So it is 3.0.14a and the bug is still there.  Exactly the same
> as described in https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2619
> If you create a file with the mentioned acls do you have
> a different behaviour?
>   Peter
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[Samba] Re: still ACL bug in 3.0.14a

2005-04-15 Thread Tom Schaefer
Solaris guy here.  

Since my last posting I HAVE managed to replicate this problem with
3.0.14a on Linux. Red Hat Enterprise Advanced Server version 3 to be

Although I did not specify --with-acl-support as a configure option.

I have never needed to compile --with-acl-support in order to have Samba
properly make use of the ACLs I've set up.  Actually, that had crossed my
mind ealier today.  I was reasonably sure the configure script picked and
compiled in ACL support automatically on Solaris.

Anyhow, I just got done reconfiguring and compiling on Solaris.  In the
same directory full of Samba 3.0.14a source code that I used this morning.

./configure --sbindir=/usr/local/samba/bin --with-acl-support

I did not do a make dist clean first or anything like that though.  Maybe
I need to do that because what I ended up with STILL has the same problem.

I've got to go.  I'm usually at the daycare loading the kids into the car
at this time of day and thats 12 miles or so from here.

Jeremy, thankyou much for all your hard work and prompt support.

Tom Schaefer

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 13:31:40 -0700
Jeremy Allison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm starting to think this is the cause of the problems for people.
> I can check this by compiling without acl support and seeing if I
> can reproduce the bug.
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Re: [Samba] still ACL bug in 3.0.14a

2005-04-15 Thread Tom Schaefer
Sigh.  Good catch Peter but I set up my test environment (Sparc Solaris 8,
UFS filesystem) to match what Jeremy used and still have the same

I set it up like this...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/accounts/staff/schaefer/tmp bash# ls -ld crap
d---rwx---+  2 root root1024 Apr 15 13:53 crap/

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/accounts/staff/schaefer/tmp bash# getfacl crap

# file: crap
# owner: root
# group: root
user:schaefer:rwx   #effective:rwx
group::rwx  #effective:rwx
group:203:rwx   #effective:rwx
group:cfusion:rwx   #effective:rwx

User schaefer still can't rename or delete files in the crap directory.

How frustrating.  Jeremy we don't do a lot of Linux around here but yes I
should be able to cobble a test together.

Also, Peter, I know you use Linux and have been seeing these exact same
symptoms, but have you actually tried it against 3.0.14a yet?

Tom Schaefer

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 13:49:10 -0500
"Peter Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> (please see below)
> Jeremy Allison wrote:
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/accounts/staff/schaefer/tmp bash# getfacl crap
> >>
> >># file: crap
> >># owner: root
> >># group: root
> >>user::---
> >>group::---  #effective:---
> >>group:203:rwx   #effective:rwx
> >>group:cfusion:rwx   #effective:rwx
> >>mask:rwx
> >>other:---
> >>
> > # getfacl crap
> > 
> > # file: crap
> > # owner: root
> > # group: root
> > user::---
> > user:jeremy:rwx
> > group::---
> > group:jeremy:rwx
> > mask::rwx
> > other::---
> > 
> > User jeremy can create/delete and modify files from a cmd.exe shell
> > and Windows explorer to his hearts content, no problems.
> > 
> The difference is that you gave write permissions to user jeremy.  In
> the other example, permissions are granted _only_ to the group the
> user belongs to.  So you have to remove the user:jeremy:rwx to
> see the bug.
>   Peter
> > It's possible this is a Solaris specific issue. Can you reproduce
> > the problem with 3.0.14a on a Linux box ?
> > 
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[Samba] still ACL bug in 3.0.14a

2005-04-15 Thread Tom Schaefer
Sparc Solaris / UFS file system.  I have some ACL's set up for a handful
of users and its all worked flawlessly with every incarnation of Samba
I've used over the past couple years, which would be most.

Last Friday evening I upgraded from 3.0.11 to 3.0.13 and some of the users
I have some ACL's set up for promptly found Monday that they couldn't save
new Excel files, they'd be informed the file already exists be prompted to
overwrite and then be informed the folder is marked read only.  They end
up with two 0 byte files, one with the name they where trying to save the
Excel file as and another of the form fsaxx.tmp.

So Tuesday afternoon I reverted the less crucial Samba servers back to
3.0.11 and came in at 6:30AM Wednesday to revert the other servers back to
3.0.11.  Everything is gravy with 3.0.11 as it always been.

I noticed 3.0.14 and 3.0.15pre had been up and back down.  But the change
logs where there and mentioned items dealing with ACLs so I thought I'd
hold off posting to this forum and see if a new Samba would fix it.

I downloaded 3.0.14a today, compiled, and tested.  Sadly, No!  The same
problem is there.  Just before I began posting this very message I came
across the thread "ACL and delete files" and it turns out what the
numerous messages in that thread are describing is exactly what I'm seeing
to.  I had thought it was more of an Excel thing but as I've tested it
today in conjunction with 3.0.14a it turns it is a general thing, exactly
as that thread describes - a file can be created or modified, but not
deleted or renamed.

Actually, I have determined one additional interesting item not in that
other thread -- Windows XP SP1 works fine with a directory using ACLs with
3.0.13 and 3.0.14a IF AND ONLY IF you do not have Microsoft patch KB885835
installed.  XP with SP2 is always screwed.  I've only tested with one Win
2K system and it exhibits the same problem with the new Sambas as well.

The problem is totally reproducible across different boxes here and even
using the most very basic of a smb.conf.  User schaefer should be able to
connect to his home share, go into his tmp/crap/ folder and create,
modify, and delete files as he pleases.  In any Samba 3.0.11 or prior he
can.  Haven't tried 3.0.12.  3.0.13 and 3.0.14a he can't...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/accounts/staff/schaefer/tmp bash# ls -ld crap
d-+  2 root root 512 Apr 15 11:15 crap/

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/accounts/staff/schaefer/tmp bash# getfacl crap

# file: crap
# owner: root
# group: root
group::---  #effective:---
group:203:rwx   #effective:rwx
group:cfusion:rwx   #effective:rwx

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/accounts/staff/schaefer/tmp bash# id schaefer
uid=241(schaefer) gid=60003(cfusion)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/accounts/staff/schaefer/tmp bash# cat 
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from TOMCAT.umsl.edu (
# Date: 2001/08/31 11:24:37

# Global parameters
hosts allow = 134.124. 128.206.
workgroup = UMSL
netbios name = HUCKFINN
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = Yes
security = SHARE
encrypt passwords = Yes
nt acl support = No
name resolve order = lmhosts wins bcast host
os level = 19
preferred master = no
wins server =
username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/usernamemap
unix extensions = no
#   unix charset = ISO8859-1
smb ports = 139

comment = Home Directories
username = %S
valid users = %S
writeable = Yes
map archive = No
browseable = No
create mask = 664
directory mask = 775
force create mode = 664
force directory mode = 775

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[Samba] Re: How to get samba 3.X to authenticate using NIS on Solaris

2005-04-13 Thread Tom Schaefer
Adding the following line to your smb.conf file ought to do the trick..

encrypt passwords = no

I believe that was the default in 2.x whereas in 3.x encrypt passwords = yes is 
the default.

On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 15:44:12 -0400
"Faleti, Ade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am in the process of upgrading samba to version 3.X but cannot get any
> of the 
> 3.x versions to authenticate users on Solaris using NIS (It does not use
> the /etc/passwd file either) 
> but will use the smbpasswd file?
> How can I get samba 3.X to authenticate using NIS the way 2.X does?
> > Ade Faleti
> > 
> > 
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[Samba] Re: how to automatically create user homedir

2005-04-05 Thread Tom Schaefer
This may or may not apply to your case as I'm not doing ldap authentication, 
however the "add user script" directive in smb.conf has served me very well for 
the past couple of years.

Tom Schaefer

On Tue,  5 Apr 2005 12:12:58 +0100
Luís Miguel Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Im using samba 3.0.11 and openldap.
> I need a way to auto create my users home when they connect to their HOME 
> share.
> How can i do that?!
> PS: i tried the preexec directive but it didnt work! :o|
> Thanks!
> +
> | Luís Miguel Ferreira da Silva
> | Network Administrator @ISPGaya
> | Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya
> | Rua António Rodrigues da Rocha, 291/341
> | Sto. Ovídio _ 4400-025 V. N. de Gaia
> | Tel: +351 223745730/3/5
> | GSM: +351 912671471 +351 936371253
> +
> Este email foi enviado via o webmail do ISPGaya
> Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya
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[Samba] Re: Windows XP & greyed-out Guest user password prompt

2005-03-31 Thread Tom Schaefer
Look at the username directive in the smb.conf man page.  I
believe it could solve things for you.  In the section for a particular
share just specify "username = validuser1, validuser2" etc. and then
samba will attempt to validate whatever password the XP system with the greyed
out username field supplies against all the usernames specified in the
username directive for the share.  Username = %S is very useful for homes

Check it out, I really think it could do the trick for you. 

Tom Schaefer

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 17:33:45 -0800
Jules Agee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tom Schaefer wrote:
> > It is because you are using
> > 
> > security = share
> > 
> > which is emulating the old Win9x way of sharing where the username is
> > irrelevant, which is why XP just sets it to guest and greys it out,
and> > all that matters is knowing the password to the particular share. 
> > 
> > Share a folder from Win9x using the type of sharing where you set a
> > password to access a folder and then access it from XP.  You'll see
the> > same thing - greyed out guest.
> > 
> > Tom Schaefer
> I'm sure you're right. But I'm stuck using security=share, and Windows 
> 2000 clients behave just fine with the exact same server and the same 
> shares, prompting the user for a username *and* password if using the 
> local system authentication data fails.
> Right now, the only idea I have is to force people to use the same 
> username and password on their local config as in our ldap database, and
> train them to keep the info in sync themselves. Setting up a domain 
> server isn't an option.
> Thanks for your time!
> -Jules
> -- 
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[Samba] Re: Windows XP & greyed-out Guest user password prompt

2005-03-30 Thread Tom Schaefer
It is because you are using

security = share

which is emulating the old Win9x way of sharing where the username is
irrelevant, which is why XP just sets it to guest and greys it out, and
all that matters is knowing the password to the particular share. 

Share a folder from Win9x using the type of sharing where you set a
password to access a folder and then access it from XP.  You'll see the
same thing - greyed out guest.

Tom Schaefer

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 10:01:49 -0800
Jules Agee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tony Earnshaw wrote:
> > Jules Agee:
> > 
> > 
> >>(replying to self again)
> >>Update:
> >>The Windows XP (SP2, BTW) client tries three times to log in to the
> >>Samba server with the Windows username, which is different from the
> >>Samba username. As one would expect, Samba replies to each of the
three> >>requests with a "STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD" message, and in the same
packets> >>the Action segment reads 0x0001 "Guest: Logged in as GUEST". If
a new XP> >>user is created with the same username and password as the
Samba account,> >>the problem goes away. But if either the XP username or
the XP password> >>differs from Samba's info, the user is never prompted
for the real> >>username or password.
> > 
> > 
> > I don't understand. One either logs onto the domain (which has a name)
or> > onto the local machine (which has a different name). One can't logon
to> > both at the same time, the choice is given at logon time. The
advantage of> > the domain logon is, that users can move from machine to
machine (for> > example in a teachers' common room, as I have) and just
carry on with> > their work in a familiar environment. Why would you want
to synchronize> > local and domain accounts?
> There is no domain, and no domain server. Due to circumstances out of my
> control, we are only using workgroup shares. The samba servers are set 
> "security = share" in smb.conf. They share authentication data via an 
> LDAP server, but that information is not accessible to or synchronized 
> with the local desktop logins at this time.
> I don't want to synchronize them. What I want is for Windows XP to 
> *prompt* the user for which username they would like to use to access 
> the share on the Samba server, since the local Windows username will 
> always fail for the Samba server login. Instead, they are only presented
> with a prompt for the Guest password.
> I should have been clearer in my earlier message. Here is the 
> blow-by-blow for the authentication dialog:
> XP: Negotiate Protocol Request, what are your capabilities?
> Samba: Negotiate Protocol Response, I can do this and this and this
> XP: I'd like to make an anonymous connection to the $IPC share, please.
> Samba: OK, no problem. You're successfully connected as Guest.
> XP: How about you let me log in as (local XP uid, local XP pw) instead 
> of Guest?
> Samba: Nope, sorry, STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD but Action = 0x0001 (you're 
> still logged in as Guest)
> XP: Aww, c'mon, lemme log in as (local XP userid, local XP pw)
> Samba: Nope, sorry, STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD but you're still logged in as 
> Guest
> XP: PLEZE let me log in as (local XP userid, local XP pw)
> Samba: Uh-uh. STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD. You're still logged in as Guest
> The local XP userid doesn't exist in Samba's authentication data source,
> and it's not supposed to. When XP is unsuccessful doing the above 
> negotiation with a Windows 2000 or 2003 server, then it prompts the user
> for a different username and password. But when the user does the exact 
> same thing with a Samba server, it doesn't allow the user to choose a 
> different username. It just presents a dialog asking for the Guest login
> password.
> -- 
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[Samba] Re: bit by 3.0.8 username map affect on homes share, Solution

2004-11-22 Thread Tom Schaefer
Thanks to nobody I came up with a solution on my own.  All my username map 
entries now require two mappings, the domain one which is used for 
authentication and just the username by itself which does the homes share.

Like so...

fred = MYDOMAIN\fredw fredw

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:40:36 -0600
Tom Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Samba is a domain member server authenticating to a MS-Windows domain
> controller.
> With 3.0.7 and all previous version for the past few years I could map a
> Windows to Unix userid in the username map file like so..
> fred = fredw
> His home directory was then accessible as \\servername\fredw so
> \\servername\%username% from a Windows NTx client.
> I make EXTENSIVE use of that functionality.
> I missed the 3.0.8 release where I take it this actually changed but after
> spending hours today with the 3.0.9 release today I eventually figure out
> that my username map now has to have entries like so..
> fred = MYDOMAIN\fredw
> fine I can deal with that, but what's killing me is that then a share
> named fredw doesn't get automatically created via the [homes] section like
> it used to.  
> With previous versions of Samba \\servername\fred,
> \\servername\homes, and \\servername\fredw where all available.
> With the new Samba only \\servername\fred and \\servername\homes are
> created, no fredw.
> A Windows NT client trying to connect to \\servername\%username% is out of
> luck since its effectively using \\servername\fredw.  I have thousands of
> such clients.
> I have about 14,000 users and over 2500 of them require username mappings
> in my username map file and they all access their home share as
> \\servername\%username%.
> Have mercy on me oh gods of Samba.
> Thankyou,
> Tom Schaefer
> Unix Admistrator
> University of Missouri St. Louis
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[Samba] bit by 3.0.8 username map affect on homes share

2004-11-19 Thread Tom Schaefer
Samba is a domain member server authenticating to a MS-Windows domain

With 3.0.7 and all previous version for the past few years I could map a
Windows to Unix userid in the username map file like so..

fred = fredw

His home directory was then accessible as \\servername\fredw so
\\servername\%username% from a Windows NTx client.

I make EXTENSIVE use of that functionality.

I missed the 3.0.8 release where I take it this actually changed but after
spending hours today with the 3.0.9 release today I eventually figure out
that my username map now has to have entries like so..

fred = MYDOMAIN\fredw

fine I can deal with that, but what's killing me is that then a share
named fredw doesn't get automatically created via the [homes] section like
it used to.  

With previous versions of Samba \\servername\fred,
\\servername\homes, and \\servername\fredw where all available.

With the new Samba only \\servername\fred and \\servername\homes are
created, no fredw.

A Windows NT client trying to connect to \\servername\%username% is out of
luck since its effectively using \\servername\fredw.  I have thousands of
such clients.

I have about 14,000 users and over 2500 of them require username mappings
in my username map file and they all access their home share as

Have mercy on me oh gods of Samba.

Tom Schaefer
Unix Admistrator
University of Missouri St. Louis
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[Samba] 3.x & Solaris 8 lockups

2004-10-04 Thread Tom Schaefer
Is anybody experiencing what I have twice now -- Samba 3.x running fine on
Sparc/Solaris 8 for a week or more then one day out of the blue it'll just
go all haywire?  So haywire that in both my instances of this I had to
change Samba versions to get the servers back to life.

Long boring story short on any useful detail below...

Recently I had to go from 2.x to 3.x series since there aren't going to be
any more patches released for 2.x.

I started in July with 3.0.2a obtained as a package from sunfreeware.com
and it worked flawlessly for about a week.  Then one day the smbd
processes kept freezing and new ones would get spawned for the same
already connected user.  You had to use a -9 to get them all shut down.  I
needed to get it back in action quick since it is a production server so I
couldn't really spend time troubleshooting.  I had recently compiled 3.0.5
myself so I swapped that in, using the exact same smb.conf and what not. 
Blamed it on never knowing exactly what you're getting from sunfreeware
and/or older version of samba.  Never had a problem with that server

A little over a week ago I migrated that server from 3.0.5 and 5 other
servers from 2.x to version 3.0.7 which I compiled myself.  I installed
that same compile on all 6 servers.  Everythings been great for the past
10 days or so since the upgrade then today all of a sudden one of the
servers is acting like the one other one did back on me in July.  Horrible
performance from end users perspective, smbds not responding so new ones
being launched until the server ran out of swap space, even after
rebooting that server same problem today, stopped and started samba a few
times, have to use pkill -9 smbd to get rid of them all, that server just
refuses to run 3.0.7 today so I had to revert back to the 2.2.8a that I'd
upgraded from.  I really can't provide any detail since in both cases it
was extremely urgent that I just get them working again ASAP and didn't
have time to experiment and turn up the log level and what not.

Outside of these two instances though its been great on all 6 servers and
a couple test ones.

Tom Schaefer
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Re: [Samba] Samba 3 smbstatus not as good

2004-08-02 Thread Tom Schaefer
Andrew, I dug into it a bit and managed to steal the few relevant lines of code
from 2.2.8a status.c and replace the ones in 3.0.5 to make my own smbstatus. 

Now it works perfectly for me displaying any forced users and groups just like
it did in Samba 2.x.

I still don't really get why you took the uid/gid info out of the shares listing
in the first place.  You say the information is "not valid" but how do you mean
that?  Not valid in the sense that I'm seeing effective uids and gids and not
the "true" uid/gid of the connected user or not valid as in "screwed up"?

Tom Schaefer

bash# /usr/local/bin/diff -u status.c.orig status.c
--- status.c.orig   2004-07-20 11:28:15.0 -0500
+++ status.c2004-08-02 10:42:59.590002000 -0500
@@ -540,11 +540,10 @@
return 0;
-   d_printf("%-10.10s   %5d   %-12s  %s",
-  crec.name,(int)crec.pid,
-  crec.machine,
-  asctime(LocalTime(&crec.start)));
+   d_printf("%-10.10s   %-8s %-8s %5d   %-8s (%s) %s",
+  crec.name,uidtoname(crec.uid),gidtoname(crec.gid),(int)crec.pid,
+  crec.machine,crec.addr,
+  asctime(LocalTime(&crec.start)));
return 0;
@@ -654,8 +653,8 @@
if (brief) 

-   d_printf("\nService  pid machine   Connected at\n");
-   d_printf("---\n");
+   d_printf("\nService  uid  gid  pid machine\n");
+   d_printf("--\n");
tdb_traverse(tdb, traverse_fn1, NULL);

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 22:54:27 +1000
Andrew Bartlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 2004-07-31 at 01:05, Tom Schaefer wrote:
> > I use a lot of "force user" and "force group" directives on various
> > shares.  With smbstatus of Samba 2 I could always verify with a glance
> > what uid and gid a particular service is being accessed as, with Samba 3
> > you can't.  I'd REALLY like to see that come back to smbstatus.
> > 
> > Here's a real world example of my complaint...
> > Basically this message is just a plea to the Samba developers to put back
> > the uid and gid information.
> The problem is, that information is not valid, except in
> 'security=share' and 'force user' cases.  In all other cases, the user
> that connects to the share is not necessarily connected to the user
> actually accessing the share.
> This is why the information was split up the way it has been.
> Andrew Bartlett
> -- 
> Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Authentication Developer, Samba Teamhttp://samba.org
> Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Samba] Samba 3 smbstatus not as good

2004-07-31 Thread Tom Schaefer
At 07:54 AM 7/31/04, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
The problem is, that information is not valid, except in
'security=share' and 'force user' cases.  In all other cases, the user
that connects to the share is not necessarily connected to the user
actually accessing the share.
Thankyou very much for responding Andrew.
I guess the rub is that you are assuming what I want to know with smbstatus 
is the true user/group that initially connected.  That is nice to know but 
to me it is more valuable to know the effective user/group that is 
connected to the share, essentially as a means of verifying my "force user" 
and/or "force group" directives worked.

Tom Schaefer
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[Samba] Samba 3 smbstatus not as good

2004-07-30 Thread Tom Schaefer
I use a lot of "force user" and "force group" directives on various
shares.  With smbstatus of Samba 2 I could always verify with a glance
what uid and gid a particular service is being accessed as, with Samba 3
you can't.  I'd REALLY like to see that come back to smbstatus.

Here's a real world example of my complaint...

Samba 2 smbstatus output...

Samba version 2.2.8a
Service  uid  gid  pid machine
htdocs   schaefert cfusion   8004   medusa ( Fri Jul 30 09:21:18 2004
optometryschaefert cfusion2  8004   medusa ( Fri Jul 30 09:21:22 2004

Samba 3 smbstatus output...

Samba version 3.0.2a
PID Username  Group Machine
  293   schaefert cfusion   medusa (

Service  pid machine   Connected at
htdocs 293   medusa  Thu Jul 29 15:31:47 2004
optometry  293   medusa  Thu Jul 29 15:30:45 2004

With Samba 3 I am connected to the optometry share with gid cfusion2
but there's no way to know that.  Btw, no, smbstatus -v doesn't
show it either.

Basically this message is just a plea to the Samba developers to put back
the uid and gid information.

Tom Schaefer
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Re: [Samba] Re: Automatic Folder Creation

2004-02-26 Thread Tom Schaefer
I think what you are looking for is the "root preexec" directive.  Its explained in 
the smb.conf man page.

On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 11:13:23 -0800
Norman Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I checked useradd only creates home folders but not others. I could 
> write a bash script
> SHARED=/sharepartition/$1
> md $SHARED
> chmod 777 $SHARED
> chown $1.$1 $SHARED
> But how can I link this with the uid connecting to Samba?
> Regards,
> Norman
> -- 
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Re: [Samba] Re: Virtual network using ssh tunneling on Windows 2K/XP.Please help.

2004-02-12 Thread Tom Schaefer
Win 2K to a samba server through a secure shell tunnel definately works. 
There's a binary distribution of OpenSSH compiled for Win32 which is what
I use.  Hunt with Google a minute or two and you should be able to locate

Make sure you have any file and printer sharing disabled on the Win2K box
otherwise Win2K will already have port 139 tied up.

I use this command line on the Win 2K box where myserver.foo.bar is the
samba server...

ssh -N -L139:myserver.foo.bar:139 -l myusername myserver.foo.bar

Login with ssh and then \\\sharename like you are doing
ought to work, or what I do is put an entry in
c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\lmhosts like...


And then you can get to it as \\myservername\sharename

Tom Schaefer
Information Technology Services
University of Missouri Saint Louis

On Mon, 9 Feb 2004 09:06:19 -
"Paul Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: "Paul Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > From: "Jérôme Fenal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Paul Gardiner wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I'm trying to connect to a samba server via an ssh tunnel.  I'm
running> > > > ssh on my W2K machine.  If I try to connect from another
machine that> > > > is running an OS called RiscOS and a NetBIOS client
called LanMan98> > > > then it works perfectly, but if I try to connect
from the another Windows> > > > machine running XP, or from the W2k
machine (uisng loopback), I get> > > >
> > > > "Windows cannot find \\\sharename.  Check the spelling
and try again,> > > > or try searching for the item by clicking the Start
button and then clicking> > > > Search."
> > > >
> > > > I've found claims on the net of this working.  So what am I doing
wrong> > > > (other than using Windows in the first place :-) )?
> > >
> > > What are ports that you tunnel with SSH ?
> > > Did you forget to tunnel 445 ?
> >
> > I did, but I've added it now, and I'm still getting the same error
message.  I> > also tried forwarding 138 and 137, with no effect.
> >
> > Any other ideas?
> >
> >
> > BTW, to forward 445, I had to stop W2K binding it, but I found info on
> > a registry change that did the job.
> I'm still getting nowhere with this.  Its strange: I can get LanMan98
(under RiscOS)> and smbmount (under Linux) to mount this share via the ssh
tunnel with only port 139> forwared, but I can't find a way to tell
Windows XP to just use port 139.> 
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] Another Samba and Mac OS 10.3 Question

2004-01-16 Thread Tom Schaefer
Question - Can the Mac users write to the share if you open a terminal
(shell) on the Macintosh and just copy files with the cp command?  I don't
have a Mac readily available at the moment but if you just go to a shell
and type mount it will show you the path to where the Samba share is
mounted on the Mac.  Then just see if you can copy a file there with the
cp command.  If so I think you are up against the same problem I've been
making noise about since mid summer - the ability to copy files from the
shell but not in the Finder.

Maybe if we get some more voices speaking up like yourself and
consequently some more data points as to what might exactly the problem
might be somebody can figure out the fix.

Tom Schaefer

On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 14:01:52 EST

> I have a different Samba and Mac OS 10.3 question. I have a small
network in > my office with a Linux box acting as a file server, mostly
Windows XP clients, > and a couple of Macs. When I create Samba shares on
the Linux box, I have no > problem getting my Windows XP users to be able
to read and write to the > shares. The login name and password on the XP
boxes are the same as the > corresponding Linux AND Samba usernames and
passwords -- and all users are in the same > common group called "writers"
> From the Mac, however, it's a different story. Mac users can mount the
Samba > shares and gain READ access, but they are UNABLE TO WRITE to the
shares. > Again, the Mac usernames and passwords are the SAME as the
corresponding Linux and > Samba usernames and passwords. 
> Is there something that I have to do on the Mac to allow users to write
to > the common shares? 
> By the way, I'm using Samba 3.0.0. I'll upgrade to 3.0.1 when there's a 
> Mandrake rpm. 
> Here's my smb.conf file:
> [global]
>workgroup = WRITERS
>netbios name = WRITERSPACE
>server string = WRITERSPACE %v 
>map to gues = Bad User
>log file = /var/log/samba3/log.%m
>max log size = 50
>printcap name = cups
>dns proxy = No
>wins support = Yes
>printer admin = @adm
>printing = cups
> [homes]
>comment = Home Directories
>read only = No
>browseable = No 
> [printers]
>Not relevant here
> [print$]
>Not relevant here
> [pdf-generator]
>Not relevant here
> [InProgress]
> comment = Stories
> path = /home/raid/InProgress
> write list = @staffwriters
> read only = No
> guest ok = Yes
> # Option 1 Use the following line to make all new files editable by all
users> #   inherit permissions = yes
> # Option 2 Use the following two lines to make all new files editable by
all > users
>  create mask = 0775
>  directory mask = 0775
> # Option 3 Use the following 2 lines to get Mac users to be able to
write to > directory as well as PC Users
> #   force user = theboss
> #   force group = staffwriters 
> I would prefer to use Option 2 or maybe Option 1 but they don't seem to
work > with the Mac. Option 3 does give Mac Users read/write access, but
there are > reasons why I don't want to use it.
> Any ideas about getting the Macs to cooperate with Option 2 or 1? 
> Thanks in advance
> Andy Liebman
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] RH 9, Samba 2.2.8 and Mac OS X Clients

2003-12-04 Thread Tom Schaefer
Right, I can't drag a file in the finder to a mounted samba 3.0 share, I'll get an 
"insufficient privileges error".  But if open the Terminal I can copy the file onto 
the samba share no problem with the cp command.

You've got me thinking though - the whole unicode, UTF8, character set conversion, 
codepages, all that bundle of fun, I could see that perhaps being a problem, I'm going 
to dig into that.


On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 17:29:58 -0600
"Philip Edelbrock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Re: [Samba] RH 9, Samba 2.2.8 and Mac OS X Clients
> What happens w/ 3.0?  You get permission errors when trying to copy files?
> I have a couple servers here running Baltra+Samba 3.0.  Just as a sanity
> check, I logged in using my laptop (10.3.1) to a test server, created a
> new directory, copied a directory containing some files (an application
> folder), renamed, moved a folder inside another, and deleted it.  No
> problems.
> Here's a relevent section of my smb.conf:
> ---snip---
> ; UTF-8 encoding to match Baltra
>unix charset = UTF8
>unicode = yes
>   dos charset = ASCII
> ; Allows you to save your password on the client (OS-X as well as WinXP)
> encrypt passwords = yes
> smb passwd file = /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd
> ; Hide some irrelevent files
> veto files = /Temporary Items/Network Trash
> Folder/TheFindByContentFolder/TheVolumeSettingsFolder/
> ; When deleting, remove those hidden veto files as well.
> delete veto files = yes
> ---snip---
> Make sure you aren't blocking the creation/deletion of dot files (as
> Will suggested).
> Phil
> Tom Schaefer wrote:
> >Thanks but yes I've tried 3.0, I should have mentioned that in my post.
> >
> >Thanks though,
> >Tom
> >
> >At 03:16 PM 12/3/03 -0600, you wrote:
> > 
> >
> >>   
> >>   It seems to solve a lot of the issues OS-X  
> >> btw-Samba 3.0 is what is used in OS-X as the SMB  
> >>server service. 
> >> Phil 
> >>http://www.baltra.org   Tom Schaefer wrote:   >  Yes, I experience that
> >>exact same issue with Mac OS 
> >>   
> >>
> >>>10.2.x and like you was waiting for 10.3 which I got to try for the first 
> >>>   As you say 
> >>>everything works fine if you drop to a shell prompt you can do all the cp 
> >>>-r, mv, rm whatever you want but in the GUI you get insufficient 
> >>> In fact I know 
> >>> From a post I 
> >>>found elsewhare I gather 10.2 is fine but then it all got mucked up with 
> >>>the subsequent releases 10.2.x and now 10.3. 
> >>>
> >>> Now in my case 
> >>>its not Redhat, its Sparc/Solaris and the weird weird thing about it is 
> >>>that its only a problem if I'm running a Samba compiled for Sparc as a 
> >>> A 32bit compile of Samba keeps the Macintoshes happy but thats 
> >>>really not an option for me due to a bug in Solaris where if you are 
> >>>running a 32bit samba you are limited to 255 users which is not nearly 
> >>>enough in my case. 
> >>>
> >>> But since then I've 
> >>>gathered up a bunch of postings, mostly from www.apple.com/support (most 
> >>>of which have expired off that server but I still have copies) of people 
> >>>describing these exact same symptoms on Redhat, Suse, Gentoo, Mandrake, 
> >>>and FreeBSD, and possibly IRIX (the guy wasn't specific enough to say for 
> >>> And now that I think about someone I work with was in touch with 
> >>>another site running Solaris like us and having the same problem. 
> >>>
> >>> I don't know if its an Apple problem or something in 
> >>> All I know is its been broke quite a while - at least for a 
> >>> I tried Samba on Redhat back 
> >>>in July to see if I could replicate the problem I was having with Mac OS 
> >>> In my experiment Redhat worked fine, go 
> >>>figure, thats why I thought it was a Sun problem until I've seen all the 
> >>>subsequent posts like the one from yourself. 
> >>>
> >>>If you figure out anything about it whatsoever please drop me a note as 
> >>>this is about to become a HUGE headache for me as the university I work 
> >>>for just bought a classroom full of these OS 10 boxes and expect the 
> >>>students to be able to mount their disk space just like how they get a 
> >>> So I'm scrambling 
> >>&

Re: [Samba] RH 9, Samba 2.2.8 and Mac OS X Clients

2003-12-04 Thread Tom Schaefer
My feeling is that yes it has something to do with the resource fork files since you 
are right, thats what is different when copying files through the Finder vs. the 
terminal.  But I've already barked up that tree as you put it.  There was a guy in the 
newsgroups who was intentionally vetoing the dot files just because he didn't like all 
the clutter and he was having problems pretty much exactly as what I'm seeing.  He 
figured out he needed to quit vetoing those files and that fixed it for him.  Problem 
is, I'm not vetoing anything.  

Dot files are "hidden" by default, I don't know why it would matter but I'm going to 
try a "hide dot files = no" today.  

Tom Schaefer

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 16:25:33 -0500
"William Enestvedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is this related to handling of files with resource forks?
>Manipulating files in Terminal, IIRC, ignores the resource fork -- but Finder 
> actions (like dragging a folder to upload it) include those resources. 
>You might try barking up this tree. :7) (Sorry I can't make any concrete 
> suggestions.)
> -wde
> --
> Will Enestvedt
> UNIX System Administrator
> Johnson & Wales University -- Providence, RI
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] mapping home directories using samba/ADS when users accts don't match

2003-12-04 Thread Tom Schaefer
Its pretty simple really, just check out the "username map" parameter.

Tom Schaefer
UNIX Administrator
University of Missouri Saint Louis

On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 17:35:08 -0500
Lisa Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am currently migrating from a samba/nis authentication scheme to 
> authentication thru Active Directory.  I currently have everything set 
> up and "ready to go" with one minor caveat.
> new users are set up correctly, with authentication through AD and have 
> a unix drive mapped to their W2k work stations.
> however, pre-existing student accounts are not synchronized.  There is 
> no way to tell at this point whether jsmith1 on the samba box matches 
> jsmith on the AD. 
> Shortly, I will have the data I need from the registrar to match our 
> user list against theirs, but I'm not sure how to get samba to "read" 
> this information.  Where can I go about in (samba?) setting up a 
> configuration that will read a mapping of samba/unix uid to the windows 
> AD/uid.
> Does this make *any* sense?  
> All I want at this point is to RTFM, so if someone can point me to a FAQ 
> about incorporating prior users into a new AD/Samba authentication/drive 
> mapping scheme, that would be great.
> thank you,
> Lisa
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] RH 9, Samba 2.2.8 and Mac OS X Clients

2003-12-03 Thread Tom Schaefer
Welcome to the club.  Yes, I experience that exact same issue with Mac OS
10.2.x and like you was waiting for 10.3 which I got to try for the first
time today.  Like you it didn't fix anything.  Its crazy.  As you say
everything works fine if you drop to a shell prompt you can do all the cp
-r, mv, rm whatever you want but in the GUI you get insufficient
privileges errors. Yes, to Windows 2K systems its fine.  In fact I know
first hand Mac OS 10 - 10.1.x to my Samba server are fine.  From a post I
found elsewhare I gather 10.2 is fine but then it all got mucked up with
the subsequent releases 10.2.x and now 10.3.

I originally posted about this problem back in early July.  Now in my case
its not Redhat, its Sparc/Solaris and the weird weird thing about it is
that its only a problem if I'm running a Samba compiled for Sparc as a
64bit app.  A 32bit compile of Samba keeps the Macintoshes happy but thats
really not an option for me due to a bug in Solaris where if you are
running a 32bit samba you are limited to 255 users which is not nearly
enough in my case.

Back in July I thought it was probably a Sun problem.  But since then I've
gathered up a bunch of postings, mostly from www.apple.com/support (most
of which have expired off that server but I still have copies) of people
describing these exact same symptoms on Redhat, Suse, Gentoo, Mandrake,
and FreeBSD, and possibly IRIX (the guy wasn't specific enough to say for
sure).  And now that I think about someone I work with was in touch with
another site running Solaris like us and having the same problem.

Something is up.  I don't know if its an Apple problem or something in
Samba.  All I know is its been broke quite a while - at least for a
scattering of cursed souls like you and me.  I tried Samba on Redhat back
in July to see if I could replicate the problem I was having with Mac OS
10.2.x clients to Solaris.  In my experiment Redhat worked fine, go
figure, thats why I thought it was a Sun problem until I've seen all the
subsequent posts like the one from yourself.

If you figure out anything about it whatsoever please drop me a note as
this is about to become a HUGE headache for me as the university I work
for just bought a classroom full of these OS 10 boxes and expect the
students to be able to mount their disk space just like how they get a
mapped drive letter served out from Samba to the PCs.  So I'm scrambling
for a solution.

Tom Schaefer
UNIX Administrator
University of Missouri Saint Louis

On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 17:15:42 +
Jinn Koriech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Been having very similar problems on RedHad-7.3 with Samba 2.2.7-3.7.3.
> Currently users can create folders, but they can't copy files.  An entry
> is created for the file on the server, but no data ever gets transfered.
> I've found that if you manipulate the files from the Terminal there is
> no problem.  That is, cp, mv, touch all work fine in the terminal.  
> I conclude that it is the Aqua interface.  I found that while native
> Aqua apps can't get a handle on the shares, an app such as jEdit on OSX
> _does_ work without a glitch.
> I waited for OSX 10.3 (panther) to come out in the hope that the problem
> would be resolved, but no luck!  Still broken!
> On the other hand, it appears that shares from a Windoze 2000 Server
> work fine, so I'm not sure what to make of it - is it a Samba issue or
> an Apple problem?
> Does anyone else experience anything like this?
> Jinn
> On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 09:00:20 +0200, Götz Reinicke wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > we run a RH9 samba 2.2.8 ext3 Server and have some problems with MacOS
X > > Clients: They aren't allowed to write directories containing files
to > > any of our shares.
> > 
> > I connect to the sambaserver with smb://servername/sharename and a
samba > > user. This user is allowed to create new folders and he can copy
files > > into this folder.
> > 
> > But if he tries to copy the local folder containing files to the share
> > or into a newly created folder on this share, ther is an errormessage 
> > saying, that the user has not the necessary access rights :-(
> > 
> > An other RH9 Server with samba 2.2.8 did'nt have this problem
> > 
> > I controlled the writelist option, the directory permissions.
> > 
> > Any ideas??
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Götz Reinicke
> > 
> > -- 
> > Götz Reinicke
> > IT Koordinator - IT OfficeNet
> > 
> > Tel. +49 (0) 7141 - 969 420
> > Fax  +49 (0) 7141 - 969 55 420
> > 
> > Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
> > Mathildenstr. 20
> > 71638 Ludwigsburg
> > www.filmakademie.de
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] RH 9, Samba 2.2.8 and Mac OS X Clients

2003-12-03 Thread Tom Schaefer
Welcome to the club.  Yes, I experience that exact same issue with Mac OS
10.2.x and like you was waiting for 10.3 which I got to try for the first
time today.  Like you it didn't fix anything.  Its crazy.  As you say
everything works fine if you drop to a shell prompt you can do all the cp
-r, mv, rm whatever you want but in the GUI you get insufficient
privileges errors. Yes, to Windows 2K systems its fine.  In fact I know
first hand Mac OS 10 - 10.1.x to my Samba server are fine.  From a post I
found elsewhare I gather 10.2 is fine but then it all got mucked up with
the subsequent releases 10.2.x and now 10.3.

I originally posted about this problem back in early July.  Now in my case
its not Redhat, its Sparc/Solaris and the weird weird thing about it is
that its only a problem if I'm running a Samba compiled for Sparc as a
64bit app.  A 32bit compile of Samba keeps the Macintoshes happy but thats
really not an option for me due to a bug in Solaris where if you are
running a 32bit samba you are limited to 255 users which is not nearly
enough in my case.

Back in July I thought it was probably a Sun problem.  But since then I've
gathered up a bunch of postings, mostly from www.apple.com/support (most
of which have expired off that server but I still have copies) of people
describing these exact same symptoms on Redhat, Suse, Gentoo, Mandrake,
and FreeBSD, and possibly IRIX (the guy wasn't specific enough to say for
sure).  And now that I think about someone I work with was in touch with
another site running Solaris like us and having the same problem.

Something is up.  I don't know if its an Apple problem or something in
Samba.  All I know is its been broke quite a while - at least for a
scattering of cursed souls like you and me.  I tried Samba on Redhat back
in July to see if I could replicate the problem I was having with Mac OS
10.2.x clients to Solaris.  In my experiment Redhat worked fine, go
figure, thats why I thought it was a Sun problem until I've seen all the
subsequent posts like the one from yourself.

If you figure out anything about it whatsoever please drop me a note as
this is about to become a HUGE headache for me as the university I work
for just bought a classroom full of these OS 10 boxes and expect the
students to be able to mount their disk space just like how they get a
mapped drive letter served out from Samba to the PCs.  So I'm scrambling
for a solution.

Tom Schaefer
UNIX Administrator
University of Missouri Saint Louis

On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 17:15:42 +
Jinn Koriech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Been having very similar problems on RedHad-7.3 with Samba 2.2.7-3.7.3.
> Currently users can create folders, but they can't copy files.  An entry
> is created for the file on the server, but no data ever gets transfered.
> I've found that if you manipulate the files from the Terminal there is
> no problem.  That is, cp, mv, touch all work fine in the terminal.  
> I conclude that it is the Aqua interface.  I found that while native
> Aqua apps can't get a handle on the shares, an app such as jEdit on OSX
> _does_ work without a glitch.
> I waited for OSX 10.3 (panther) to come out in the hope that the problem
> would be resolved, but no luck!  Still broken!
> On the other hand, it appears that shares from a Windoze 2000 Server
> work fine, so I'm not sure what to make of it - is it a Samba issue or
> an Apple problem?
> Does anyone else experience anything like this?
> Jinn
> On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 09:00:20 +0200, Götz Reinicke wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > we run a RH9 samba 2.2.8 ext3 Server and have some problems with MacOS
X > > Clients: They aren't allowed to write directories containing files
to > > any of our shares.
> > 
> > I connect to the sambaserver with smb://servername/sharename and a
samba > > user. This user is allowed to create new folders and he can copy
files > > into this folder.
> > 
> > But if he tries to copy the local folder containing files to the share
> > or into a newly created folder on this share, ther is an errormessage 
> > saying, that the user has not the necessary access rights :-(
> > 
> > An other RH9 Server with samba 2.2.8 did'nt have this problem
> > 
> > I controlled the writelist option, the directory permissions.
> > 
> > Any ideas??
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Götz Reinicke
> > 
> > -- 
> > Götz Reinicke
> > IT Koordinator - IT OfficeNet
> > 
> > Tel. +49 (0) 7141 - 969 420
> > Fax  +49 (0) 7141 - 969 55 420
> > 
> > Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
> > Mathildenstr. 20
> > 71638 Ludwigsburg
> > www.filmakademie.de
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] per user smb.conf

2003-09-29 Thread Tom Schaefer
No offense, I mean I like the creativity of what you are doing, but on the other hand 
this strikes me as an incredibly stupid security risk.  Has it occured to you that a 
user could stick something like the following in her .smb.conf file?...

path = /
valid users = %U
force user = root
writeable = yes

Tom Schaefer
UNIX Administrator
University of Missouri Saint Louis

On Sun, 28 Sep 2003 18:34:20 +0200

> LeVA wrote:
> > Tom Dickson wrote:
> > 
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> No. Samba will check (and reload if necessary) your smb.conf once a
> >> minute, I think.
> > 
> > 
> > Hi!
> > 
> > Thanks! This is realy works and it's great! But :) do you know a
> > solution that is done automagicaly. You know now the root has to add
> > this include line for each user. And there are realy a lot of users, and
> > and it's a lot work (adding an include line per a user). Is there a way
> > to setup this "user maintained" sharing with a single line. I mean for
> > example:
> > 
> > include = /home/$alluser/.smb.conf (or something like that)
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > Daniel
> Sorry! I have already found the answer for this question. I have to add 
> the above include line with uppercased U. Like /home/%U/.smb.conf, 
> instead /home/%u/.smb.conf.
> Anyway thanks for helping me to solve this problem!
> Daniel
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] per user smb.conf

2003-09-29 Thread Tom Schaefer
No offense, I mean I like the creativity of what you are doing, but on the other hand 
this strikes me as an incredibly stupid security risk.  Has it occured to you that a 
user could stick something like the following in her .smb.conf file?...

path = /
valid users = %U
force user = root
writeable = yes

Tom Schaefer
UNIX Administrator
University of Missouri Saint Louis

On Sun, 28 Sep 2003 18:34:20 +0200

> LeVA wrote:
> > Tom Dickson wrote:
> > 
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> No. Samba will check (and reload if necessary) your smb.conf once a
> >> minute, I think.
> > 
> > 
> > Hi!
> > 
> > Thanks! This is realy works and it's great! But :) do you know a
> > solution that is done automagicaly. You know now the root has to add
> > this include line for each user. And there are realy a lot of users, and
> > and it's a lot work (adding an include line per a user). Is there a way
> > to setup this "user maintained" sharing with a single line. I mean for
> > example:
> > 
> > include = /home/$alluser/.smb.conf (or something like that)
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > Daniel
> Sorry! I have already found the answer for this question. I have to add 
> the above include line with uppercased U. Like /home/%U/.smb.conf, 
> instead /home/%u/.smb.conf.
> Anyway thanks for helping me to solve this problem!
> Daniel
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] Question on "read only" behavior in smb.conf

2003-09-26 Thread Tom Schaefer
It should behave as you expect, a read only share is a read only share period no 
matter what the UNIX permissions are.  At least thats been my experience with it and 
what the man page seems to suggest.  I am very surprised at what you are seeing.  

Tom Schaefer
UNIX Administrator
University of Missouri Saint Louis

On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 17:59:13 -0400
"Sullivan, James (NIH/CIT)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've built Samba v2.2.8a on a RedHat 7.2 system and it seems to work ok.
> However
> I cannot understand the "read only" parameter in the following situation:
> smb.conf file:
> ---
> [global]
>encrypt passwords=yes
> [foo]
>read only=yes
> The owner&mode of /tmp/foo is:
> --
> % ls -ld /tmp/foo
> drwx-r-xr-x  3  joe  joe  1024  Sep  23  13:52  /tmp/foo
> I've setup a smbpasswd file containing users "joe" and "sue", both with
> passwords.
> I can connect to \\mymachine\foo as "joe" or "sue" ok from my Windows 2000
> PC.  
> I connect it to drive K: and can see all the files in /tmp/foo.
> However: 
> -when connected via samba as "joe" I can successfully paste files into
> /tmp/foo. (not expected)
> -when connected via samba as "sue" I cannot paste files into /tmp/foo.
> (expected)
> It appears the UNIX file permissions are overriding the Samba configuration.
> I thought Samba worked the other way around but without allowing more rights
> than the UNIX permissions provide.
> In other words, why does "joe" have write access to a samba service defined
> as "read only" in the samba configuration?
> I also checked the "Properties/Security" of the share from my Windows 2000
> PC and it says:
> Allow Joe Full Control
> Allow EveryoneRead & Execute
> If this is how it is supposed to work then life gets difficult in the
> following circumstance:
> If I have a directory I want to make mountable from Samba as read only,
> I need to be careful and check all directory and file permissions to ensure
> no one connecting
> via Samba will have a UNIX write permission that overrides the Samba setting
> of "read only".
> Is this correct behavior for Samba?  Is there a way to make a service truely
> read only no matter
> who is connected and who ownes the files?  I also discovered that if sue's
> group matches the group
> ownership of /tmp/foo, then sue has write access IF /tmp/foo is group
> writeable.
> Thanks in advance.  Samba set up quickly and seems to work great, except for
> this 
> little bit of strangeness.  
> -Jim
>   James E. Sullivan   |  Northrop Grumman IT 
>   Building 12B|  on site at: NIH/CIT/DCSS/SOSB
>   Room 2N207  |  Phone:301-451-6372
>   Bethesda, MD 20892  |  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
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Re: [Samba] valid users = %S in 3.0

2003-09-26 Thread Tom Schaefer
> Regardless, local access and MS share access are really two different things 
> and it is perfectly acceptable to want to allow one and not the other. 
> Otherwise we could just dispense with the valid users tag altogether.

Here here.  I've been trying out 3.0.0 a bit yesterday and today and figured out I was 
having trouble because of what I've always done in the past on the Homes share - valid 
users = %S denies access altogether for even the correct and authenticated user.

I understand that permissions can be set appropriately on a users home directory 700 
or what not, but I think Chris's comment above hits the nail right on the head.  Can 
we please have the valid users = %S functionality back?

Tom Schaefer
Unix Administrator
University of Missouri Saint Louis

> Regardless, local access and MS share access are really two different things 
> and it is perfectly acceptable to want to allow one and not the other. 
> Otherwise we could just dispense with the valid users tag altogether.

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Re: [Samba] samba.org Solaris binary is incompatible with Mac OS10.2.x as client

2003-07-15 Thread Tom Schaefer
Update - I've since compiled Samba 2.2.8a 64bit with gcc and experienced the exact 
same problems connecting with Macintosh OS 10.2.x as when compiled 64bit with Sun's 
compiler.  32bit gcc compiled Samba seems to work fine I think.  I say I think because 
I've experienced a wee bit of oddness with it here and there - spinning pizza of 
death, giving the error about file "" is in use trying to delete something, one 
instance where it kept insisting there wasn't space on the share to put a file.  From 
what I gather though, these types of occasional oddities can kind of be expected with 
a Macintosh using smb mounts but I don't know.  In summary, 32 bit compile of Samba on 
Solaris and Mac OS 10.2.x clients - maybe a bit flaky but generally seems to work as 
expected; Samba compiled 64bit (gcc or Sun's cc both) and Mac OS 10.2.x clients 
consistently fail file copies using the Finder 100% of the time.

If anybody else could post any success or failure reports with samba and Macintosh OS 
10.2.x clients particularly if the server OS is Solaris it might be very useful.

Tom Schaefer

On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 11:01:30 -0500
Tom Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> More precisely what I've discovered is, at least in the cases of 2.2.8a
> and 3.0alpha22, when a 64-bit Samba is built with Sun's Forte compiler
> you'll end up with something incompatible with Mac OS 10.2.3.  
> I always compile Samba myself with Sun's compiler to produce a 64-bit
> Samba.  Well yesterday it came to my attention that Mac OS 10.2.x doesn't
> work with whats on my main server - Samba 2.2.8a compiled 64-bit with
> Sun's Forte compiler.
> I'll spare you all the details of a day wasted in experimentation.  My
> finding is that samba binaries built 64 bit with Sun's Forte compiler, wether I've
> compiled it myself or downloaded it
> (http://us4.samba.org/samba/ftp/Binary_Packages/solaris/Sparc/samba-2.2.8
> a-1-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg.gz), are incompatible with Mac OS 10.2.x as a client.
> I believe this can be easily replicated by any one with the means to do so.  I 
> replicated it against 4 unique Sparc platforms running Samba with two different 
> Macintoshes as clients, one with OS 10.2.4 the other with OS 10.2.6.  Any smb.conf 
> settings seem to have no bearing. Authentication type (domain, share), oplocks, etc. 
> it doesn't matter.  In fact you can take a gcc compiled samba and put it on the same 
> Sparc box with the exact same smb.conf and the Macintoshes will then function 
> properly as clients.  (But I don't run a gcc compiled Samba any longer since I 
> learned the hard way that doing so can reveal a bug in Sun's stdio library)
> The problems are these:  mount a Samba share of a Sparc box thats running 64 bit Sun 
> compiler compiled Samba - In the Finder click Go, then Connect to Server, then 
> address of smb://servername/sharename.  Fill in your id and password and it will 
> mount and open up as a window.  Now, still using the Finder, just try to copy 
> something into the share - for example drag a file from your Desktop into the window 
> of the Samba share.  If the disk space is UFS (the standard Sun file system)  You'll 
> get this:  "The operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient 
> privileges for some of the items."  Click OK and the file will in fact copy anyway.  
> If the disk space on the server is an NFS mount thats in turn being shared by Samba 
> you'll get this when you try to copy a file onto the Samba share from the Mac: "The 
> operation cannot be completed because some data cannot be read or written. (Error 
> code -36)."  Click OK and the file will in fact copy anyway.
> Another weird problem I'm seeing is that often but not always when you try to delete 
> a file from the samba share, for example the file you just copied there by dragging 
> it to the trash, often you will get an error - "The operation cannot be completed 
> because the item "" is in use.
> Hopefully some of you all will replicate it (I really don't think anyone who tries 
> will have any trouble at all replicating it) and/or more importantly somebody can 
> come up with a fix or a workaround.
> Thankyou in advance,
> Tom Schaefer
> Unix Admin.
> University of Missouri Saint Louis
> -- 
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[Samba] samba.org Solaris binary is incompatible with Mac OS 10.2.xas client

2003-07-08 Thread Tom Schaefer
More precisely what I've discovered is, at least in the cases of 2.2.8a
and 3.0alpha22, when a 64-bit Samba is built with Sun's Forte compiler
you'll end up with something incompatible with Mac OS 10.2.3.  

I always compile Samba myself with Sun's compiler to produce a 64-bit
Samba.  Well yesterday it came to my attention that Mac OS 10.2.x doesn't
work with whats on my main server - Samba 2.2.8a compiled 64-bit with
Sun's Forte compiler.

I'll spare you all the details of a day wasted in experimentation.  My
finding is that samba binaries built 64 bit with Sun's Forte compiler, wether I've
compiled it myself or downloaded it
a-1-sol8-suncc-64bit.pkg.gz), are incompatible with Mac OS 10.2.x as a client.

I believe this can be easily replicated by any one with the means to do so.  I 
replicated it against 4 unique Sparc platforms running Samba with two different 
Macintoshes as clients, one with OS 10.2.4 the other with OS 10.2.6.  Any smb.conf 
settings seem to have no bearing. Authentication type (domain, share), oplocks, etc. 
it doesn't matter.  In fact you can take a gcc compiled samba and put it on the same 
Sparc box with the exact same smb.conf and the Macintoshes will then function properly 
as clients.  (But I don't run a gcc compiled Samba any longer since I learned the hard 
way that doing so can reveal a bug in Sun's stdio library)

The problems are these:  mount a Samba share of a Sparc box thats running 64 bit Sun 
compiler compiled Samba - In the Finder click Go, then Connect to Server, then address 
of smb://servername/sharename.  Fill in your id and password and it will mount and 
open up as a window.  Now, still using the Finder, just try to copy something into the 
share - for example drag a file from your Desktop into the window of the Samba share.  
If the disk space is UFS (the standard Sun file system)  You'll get this:  "The 
operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some 
of the items."  Click OK and the file will in fact copy anyway.  

If the disk space on the server is an NFS mount thats in turn being shared by Samba 
you'll get this when you try to copy a file onto the Samba share from the Mac: "The 
operation cannot be completed because some data cannot be read or written. (Error code 
-36)."  Click OK and the file will in fact copy anyway.

Another weird problem I'm seeing is that often but not always when you try to delete a 
file from the samba share, for example the file you just copied there by dragging it 
to the trash, often you will get an error - "The operation cannot be completed because 
the item "" is in use.

Hopefully some of you all will replicate it (I really don't think anyone who tries 
will have any trouble at all replicating it) and/or more importantly somebody can come 
up with a fix or a workaround.

Thankyou in advance,

Tom Schaefer
Unix Admin.
University of Missouri Saint Louis

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[Samba] Re: SAMBA 2.2.8 and W98/NT

2003-06-03 Thread Tom Schaefer
Maybe the share name is to long?  Having spaces in the share name probably isn't a 
good idea either.

It looks like you're client is trying to connect to a service "serveur ftp a" (unless 
maybe the lines you posted below got truncated on the right side somehow).  The 
service is called "serveur ftp anonyme" not "serveur ftp a" so of course its going to 
fail.  Maybe you've got a syntax error in the batch file or script or whatever you're 
running on pcvideo to get it to connect to the services on your samba server?

Tom Schaefer

On Thu, 22 May 2003 11:15:15 +0200
Jean Frontin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> With WXP it's fine but with W98 or NT I don't see services.
> Here is an extract of the "log.machine"
> [2003/05/22 10:51:13, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection(636)
>pcvideo ( connect to service rieux as user rieux (uid=902, 
> gid=900) (pid 956)
> [2003/05/22 10:51:29, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(252)
>pcvideo ( couldn't find service serveur ftp a
> [2003/05/22 10:51:29, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(252)
>pcvideo ( couldn't find service serveur ftp a
> and "smb.conf"
> [serveur ftp anonyme]
> comment = FTP service
> path = /usr/local/ftp
> public = yes
> writable= no
> printable = no
> create mode = 0775
> write list = @systeme
> Regard and thanks
> Jean Frontin
> System team
> I R I T
> Université Paul-Sabatier
> 118, rte de Narbonne
> 31062 Toulouse cedex 04
> France
> tel  (33)(0)5 61 55 63 03
> -- 
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[Samba] 2.2.1a / 2.2.2 bug is back in 2.2.8

2003-04-04 Thread Tom Schaefer

Back when 2.2.2 was the current samba release I came across the following problem when 
deleting folders in Windows 2000 which I'll repost again below.  After I finally got 
his attention with a few very wordy messages to the samba mailing list, Jeremy fixed 
it blazingly fast and wrote me back:

"I just found the problem and fixed it in 2.2 CVS and HEAD CVS. It was
to do with the requested share mode not being propagated into an open
directory file struct, and thus the set of the "delete on close" buit
was being denied by an internal check."

Well the problem is back in 2.2.8.  I downgraded back to 2.2.7 on a test system to see 
if maybe it had been present in 2.2.7 and I just hadn't noticed.  Nope, 2.2.7 is fine, 
its just back in 2.2.8, I have several sambas running on several servers.

Here's the portion of my original posting from Nov. of 2001 explaining how to 
duplicate the problem.  Its the same story again with samba 2.2.8, well actually just 
slightly different in the error response from Windows, I'll explain at the end of 
problem recreation description.  The procedure below is with Windows 2000, Windows 98 
didn't have the problem back with samba 2.2.1a/2.2.2 and it doesn't seem to now 
either.  I don't know about any other Windows versions:

Using Windows Explorer, Explore a drive mapped to Samba share or just
explore the share itself, it doesn't really need to be mapped.  The
key is to be exploring it it in Windows Explorer.

Ok, so you're in Windows Explorer exploring a Samba share or drive
mapped to a Samba share.  The problem is in deleting a folder.  If
there isn't a folder you can delete, make one.

On the left pane of Windows Explorer you've got all the little yellow
folders and plus signs next to them so you can expand them, and then
the contents of the current folder are displayed in the right pane.

IN THE LEFT PANE, left click once on the folder you want to delete.
Its name will be highlighted and THE LITTLE YELLOW FOLDER ICON JUST TO
THE LEFT OF ITS NAME WILL BE OPEN and the contents of the folder are
displayed in the right pane.
Press the delete key on the keyboard or pointing at the folder name in
the left pane press the right mouse button and select delete from the
drop down menu.

Everything (if anything) in the folder will be deleted but not the
folder itself.  You'll get "Error Deleting File or Folder, Cannot
remove folder : Access is denied, the souce file may be in use." 
Click OK so the error goes away, then try deleting the folder a second
time and it will then delete.

The paragraph immediately above this one was the error you'd get in 2.2.1a and 2.2.2.  
Now, with 2.2.8 the error behaviour is a bit different:  The folder will in fact be 
deleted on the first attempt but you'll get this error message as it completes the 
deletion: "Cannot remove folder whatever: cannot find the specified file, make sure 
you specify the correct path and filenames".  You click ok and the error goes away and 
it gets really weird right here right now: If the folder you tried to delete had no 
subfolders then you click OK on the error and the folder dissapears from Windows 
Explorer, it should, it has in fact been deleted.  If the folder had subfolders, you 
click ok and the error message disappears but the folder name does not disappear from 
Windows Explorer, even though it actually has been deleted, and no amount of clicking 
View/Refresh will make it disappear.

Tom Schaefer
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[Samba] Re: 100GB incremental backups

2003-03-21 Thread Tom Schaefer
> This seems really inefficient from a network usage standpoint.  Why are you
> having workstations scan your network drives?  I could see having one do it,
> if you have no server-side antivirus software, but having all of them do it
> seems a bit excessive.

Thats what the PC people do.  Every PC has NAV installed and a periodically scheduled 
full scan is a NAV default.  Maybe it will come to getting the PC people to configure 
NAV on PCs not to scan network drives for viruses but advancing the position that we 
should NOT be scanning for viruses is going to be a difficult one to take politically. 

Really I don't think its so bad if they do scan their own network drives for viruses 
because I have been mounting up the entire shared space of the samba server as a 
single huge read only network drive myself my Win2000 system and scanning all 400GB of 
files.  It takes literally 5 entire days if you do a full scan checking all files and 
inside compressed files.  Fortunately though, also what I have discovered is that when 
the samba share is read only then scanning files for viruses does not reset their 

But anyway, if a user gets a virus in a samba share they have access to, it might take 
me a week or more to discover it, so if they are doing some scanning of their own they 
can catch it that much quicker.

Tom Schaefer
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Re: [Samba] 100GB incremental backups

2003-03-21 Thread Tom Schaefer
Yeah, I think possibly I can and might look into it if need be, but thats not nearly 
as accurate as if ctime was working properly.  Particulary the case where a bunch of 
files residing on the local hard drive of a PC are moved onto the samba server.  Samba 
puts all those files onto the Unix file space with the same mtime stamp that they had 
on the PC.

So, say I've got 100Meg of files on my PC with modified times anywhere in the past 
other than today, which is basically any 100Meg set of files you're going to have on 
your PC, and I move them over to the samba server, they would NOT get backed up in 
that evenings incremental backup, they wouldn't get backed up until the next full 
backup was done.

Hundreds of Megs of files being moved off of PCs onto the samba serveer is VERY common 
around here.  

Tom Schaefer

On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 11:36:41 -0500
Jon Niehof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The backup software uses the Unix ctime value of files when checking
> Can you set the backup software to use mtime instead?
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[Samba] 100GB incremental backups

2003-03-21 Thread Tom Schaefer
We've recently migrated my entire University including faculty and staff from Novell 
to Samba.
There's typically 700+ clients connected to the samba server at any given time and 
thus far there are about 400GB of client's files on the server.

Basically every Microsoft Windows user generated file (Word, Excel, whatever) of the 
entire University gets stored on my Samba server.

Obviously backups are important.  The Samba server is a Sunfire 280R and we use Sun's 
Solstice Backup (rebadged Legato Networker) and a Storagetek Timberwolf DLT tape 
jukebox to do backups every night.  A full backup on Sat. nights and an incremental 
the other 6.

Ok, now to the problem/question - lately we've been getting a lot of Huge incremental 
backups.  I spent a great deal of my time yesterday digging into the problem and 
unfortunately I came to the conclusion I least expected, that it is a Samba issue.

The backup software uses the Unix ctime value of files when checking for files that 
need to be included in an incremental backup.  What I've discovered is that files 
accessed via Samba by just simple things like being virus scanned with Norton 
Antivirus, simply opening a file in MS Word but not changing it, or just right 
clicking on a file in Windows Explorer and checking the properties change the ctime 
stamp of the inode to the current date and time and are thus picked up by our backup 
software as being changed since the last backup and getting backed up in an 
incremental backup that evening even though the file hasn't really changed whatsoever.

I thought maybe it was some kind of issue with the Samba build I'm using or the file 
system (Samba 2.2.8 on Solaris 5.8 with UFS file system) but I messed with it at home 
last night where I've got an older version of Samba running on Linux with EXT3 file 
system and it exhibited the same behavior.

Why is this?  Is it by design for some reason or a bug?  It seems like a bug to me.  
More to the point, is there anwyay to change this behaviour?  Every client PC on 
campus has Norton Anti Virus installed and I think my huge incremental backups are 
coming from PCs that have used NAV that day to scan their Samba "network drives" thus 
resetting the ctime on every file that is scanned and therefore every scanned file 
that day becomes part of the incremental backup to tape that evening.

Tom Schaefer
Unix Administrator
University of Missouri St. Louis
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[Samba] Re: max log size setting ignored

2002-12-19 Thread Tom Schaefer
Thanks but no thanks.  I've got literally hundreds of users.  As I write this message 
there are 424 unique users using my samba server.  I don't want hundreds and hundreds 
of little log files.  I want one BIG log file.

It should be no-brainer, in the [global] section of smb.conf I have:

log level = 1
max log size = 0

But, no matter what I set "max log size" to, be it 0 or a big number, it is always 
ignored and the log.smbd is always ended at 5 Meg.

I doubt I'm going to get any support, you'll all write and say "it works fine for me" 
or "you must be doing something wrong" but oh well.  In fact, when I did a little 
digging into it a while back running samba on my workstation which is also 
Sparc/Solaris the parameter did in fact seem to work ok.  But that was with a basic 
smb.conf and a load of 1 user (me) testing from my Windows 2000 box.

It just doesn't work on my server.  :(

I guess, all I'm asking is that if anybody else has seen this problem, please speak up.

Tom Schaefer

> You might try setting in your smb.conf [globals]:
>   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>   max log size = 100
>   log level = 1
> Should keep the log file < 100 Kb per client.
> This works for me.
> - John T.
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[Samba] max log size setting ignored

2002-12-18 Thread Tom Schaefer
I work at a university and we are in the process of moving basically everything, and I 
mean everything to samba, eg.:

bash-2.03$ /usr/local/samba/bin/smbstatus | wc -l

As you might imagine my log.smbd grows quite rapidly.  Even at log level 1 it 
routinely exceeds 5 Meg. a day and then is renamed log.smbd.old and a new log.smbd is 
created.  NO MATTER WHAT I SET "max log size" equal to!  Be it a large value like 
30 which is what I want, or 0 for infinite, its just always seems to be ignored 
and the default 5000 is always in effect.

Is anybody else experiencing this?  I have a feeling it has to do with the sheer load 
this server experiences and/or the complexity of the smb.conf file although its really 
not THAT complex.  I'm doing the "dual personality" thing with
include = /usr/local/samba/lib/%L.smb.conf and make a lot of use of %U and %G and a 
bit of %S and some "force user" and some "force group" and "root prexec" and "root 
prexec close" but REALLY NOTHING THAT complicated and EVERYTHING works perfectly 
except for the "max log size" setting.

This used to happen when I used to build Samba with gcc on Solaris and it still 
happens although now I use Sun's Forte compiler.  I've been annoyed by this version 
after version of Samba and everytime I upgrade I always eagerly check if my log files 
will grow beyond 5 Meg and they never do.  I just upgraded to 2.2.7 last week and am 
still experiencing this problem so I've decided to finally post about it.

Tom Schaefer

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