Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap at FOSDEM 2023

2023-01-30 Thread Gilou

Le 25/01/2023 à 21:41, Romain Beauxis a écrit :

Hi all!

As announced previously, we will be giving a talk at the 2023 FOSDEM 
conference. If you are attending, we would love to see y'all there!

More details here: 


I should be there, let's make sure we can catch a beer (or two…) while 
we're at the FOSDEM ;)


Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Reminder: Liquidshop 1.0, Jan 17th (and perhaps 18th)

2020-12-17 Thread Gilou
Le 18/12/2020 à 04:49, Mark Jeghers a écrit :
> Hi Romain,
> In months past we discussed about me sharing my playlist generator which
> functions as a standalone restful service, do you think that would be
> something that people would be interested in seeing a presentation on?
> It would showcase restful API design, the use of node.js for a back end
> service, and the considerations that I took for random song generation
> for the best user experience...
> Whatcha think?


That would exactly fit with what I'd like to talk about in the "actual
radio" workshop I offered, so, we can talk! Though you may like a slot
of your own ;)



Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 1.4.0 is out!

2019-10-07 Thread Gilou
Le 01/10/2019 à 02:27, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Hello everyone!
> This is with great pleasure (and a bit of relief!) that we can now
> announce that liquidsoap |1.4.0| is out! :tada:

Hi !

Congrats on that new version, I'll be deploying it shortly, as my tests
seem to indicate no regression :P

Cheers, even though I'm a bit late to the game... Keep it up!


> This has been quite a long release cycle but it also comes with some
> awesome changes. Let's have a look at some of the most important ones:
>   * Utf8 script parsing is now supported, allowing to define variables
> in utf8 (hello |🎵 = playlist("..")|!) but, more importantly, to
> write and deal with utf8 strings in your script, such as metadata
> and etc.
>   * You can now use any tuple size in the language, i.e. |x =
> (1,"abc",true,..)| and fetch members of a tuple via the new
> keyword: |let (a,b,c) = x|
>   * We support encoding and decoding using the |ffmpeg| library. This
> allows a wide range of codec support both as input and output.
> Support is limited to audio for this release but is expected to
> extend to video for the next major release.
>   * External executions can now optionally be sandboxed using bubblewrap
> . This feature can
> enhance the security of your setup if, for instance, your radio
> receives URLs from external sources.
>   * HLS output is now supported
> via |output.file.hls| and |output.harbor.hls[.ssl]|.
>   * |cross|/|crossfade| and |smart_cross|/|smart_crossfade| are now
> merged. New |cross|/|crossfade| behave like the old crossfade
> operators by default and like their smart counter-part by
> passing |smart=true|. |override_duration| metadata now uses the
> label |"liq_cross_duration"| .
>   * SRT  input and output are now
> supported, via || and || .
> You can find the full changelog here
> .
> Project wide, we also have some interesting improvements for y'all:
>   * We now provide debian packages for testing. They are build as part
> of the CI tests and are available
> for |debian/stable|, |debian/testing|, |debian/stretch|, |ubuntu/bionic| 
> and |ubuntu/disco|
>   * We have a community slack channel, which you can join
> at: . It is
> bridged to our |#savonet| channel on
>  for those who prefer it the old fashion
> way! We are interested in using this community space for discussions
> beyond liquidsoap itself, on streaming topics, audio and video
> technologies and etc. Hit us up if you're interested, we'd love to
> add more channels to the workspace!
>   * We have started working with specific partners to advise them on
> their liquidsoap use and develop specific features, contributing
> them back to the community when possible. In particular, this
> release has seen contribution from the folks over at Radio France,
> which resulted in SRT and ffmpeg support and many bug fixes. If you
> are interested to work with us in that capacity, feel free to
> contact us at: 
> In the immediate future, we plan on maintaining a |1.4.x| branch with
> some new features but mostly bug fixes. Then we will work on a
> new |1.5.x| release cycle, introducing breaking changes and in-depth
> improvements. We already have some interesting stuff waiting, in
> particular on the video front!
> One last announcement: we know that learning liquidsoap, the language,
> its internals, how to install it and use it in both simple and complex
> cases can be difficult at time. Our documentation does a good job but
> could certainly be improved. Which is why we are happy to announce that
> Samuel and myself have been working on a in-depth, throughout book on
> liquidsoap. We are intent on finishing it as the next phase of
> the |1.4.x| release cycle and we can't wait to have you guys check it
> out and sending us feedback!
> We would like to send a warm thank you to all our patient and passionate
> users, testers, bug reporters and etc. We could not work and ship good
> software without you all!
> Happy hacking y'all!
> -- Romain
> ___
> Savonet-users mailing list

Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] 1.3.7-beta1

2019-04-10 Thread Gilou
Le 25/03/2019 à 20:28, Gilles Pietri a écrit :
> Le 25/03/2019 à 01:51, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I have just published a first beta for the forthcoming 1.3.7 bugfix release.
>> Typically, bugfix releases are released without the need for a testing
>> cycle as they are restricted to the bare minimum changes with as less
>> impact as possible or risk of regression.
>> However, we've been having reports of an annoying bug related to
>> external processes lately. This is a pretty bad one and fixing it has
>> required rewriting large parts of the handling of external processes.
>> I initially planned to release this fix along with the next major
>> release, following a proper testing cycle but I realize now that it
>> needs to be fast tracked and come out as early as possible.
>> Thus, it would be great if y'all could take a minute to test that beta
>> release. If you are using Liquidsoap 1.3.3 through 1.3.6, you should be
>> able to switch to 1.3.7-beta1 without any change to your script.
>> Any report of _new_ issues, in particular related to external processes
>> (which includes protocols and file download) would be much appreciated.
>> And also confirmation that it works fine, of course.. 🙂
>> Using opam, y'all can simply do:
>> git clone --recursive
>> cd liquidsoap && git checkout 1.3.7-beta1
>> opam pin add .
>> I have also uploaded a build for windows 64. It is available on the
>> release page:
>> Thanks for y'all help, let's ship a solid bugfix release as soon as
>> possible!
> Hi
> Give me a few days, I can test this under some nice stress while using
> {output,input}.external and stereotool...
> Cheers


Just to say, albeit a bit late, that no red flags were raised on my
side, I'm switching my infra on 1.3.7 asap, now that it's released, good
call :P



Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Replay_gain in logs

2019-02-14 Thread Gilou
Le 14/02/2019 à 12:15, Damian a écrit :
> Hi Gilles,
> Not sure if you saw my last reply, but I’m still not sure on how to implement 
> your suggestion. I figure that you want me to test whether replaygain is 
> simply working in my Debian environment but I’m unclear about how to run 
> extract-replaygain on a file as you suggested.
> Any further info would help a lot

You had it right, I guessed you'd tried it and found out hehe...
Depending on the file types, there might be some issues...


> Regards 
> Damian
>> On 10 Feb 2019, at 21:27, Damian  wrote:
>> I’ve located it. It was in the place you said...but I’m not sure how to run 
>> it on a file. 
>> I’m guessing that in the liq directory, would I just just run the command 
>> extract-replaygain /path/to/file ?
>> ___
>> Savonet-users mailing list
> ___
> Savonet-users mailing list

Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Replay_gain in logs

2019-02-09 Thread Gilou
Le 09/02/2019 à 09:42, Damian a écrit :
>> On 3 Feb 2019, at 12:13 am, Romain Beauxis > > wrote:
>> Hi Damian,
>> You should still see logs of this form if it works:
>>   Overriding amplification: 0.367705.
>> Romain
> Hi again,
> In this recent
> thread it is
> mentioned that Overriding amplification (replay gain) works in version
> 1.3.6.
> I have version 1.3.6 installed and I have also installed python r_gain
> as well as aacgain installed. Unfortunately, I am still not seeing
> replaygain (specifically Overriding amplification) at work in the logs. 
> The docs don’t mention it so I would like to ask if I need to run the
> aacgain program in addition to liquidsoap? and if so, which if the
> options provided for the program (listed below) I would need to use?
> As mentioned earlier in this thread, I have installed liquidsoap 1.3.6
> via opam on Debian 9 (stretch)


try to run extract-replaygain from the opam liq dir on a file.

You can find it this way:
liquidsoap --conf-descr-key protocol.replay_gain.path

(probably in


Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Replay_gain in logs

2019-02-01 Thread Gilou
Le 01/02/2019 à 00:35, Damian a écrit :
> Hi,
> So I assumed that replay_gain was somehow built in to liquidsoap. I run
> my stream on a Debian9 VPS. Up until recently. I was using mp3gain on my
> Mac locally to normalise the mp3s before uploading them to the server. 
> As far as I can see mp3gain has been removed from the repositories for
> Debian and Ubuntu because there are no active maintainers. Is this a
> dead end for me in terms of using replay_gain for normalisation on Debian?


You can have replaygain from apt through python-rgain
( or via pypi.



> On 1 Feb 2019, at 06:53, Romain Beauxis  > wrote:
>> Hey,
>> So, I did a little investigation. At the moment, there isn't much log
>> from the replaygain resolver. I've added that to the latest master branch.
>> One thing you might want to make sure is that you have one of the
>> actual program for extracting that data available. These are: mp3gain,
>> aacgain (latest master), replaygain, metaflac. If you don't have a
>> program available for your file format then replaygain will fail to
>> add its metadata.
>> Romain
>> Le jeu. 31 janv. 2019 à 05:43, Damian > > a écrit :
>> Thanks gentlemen for the quick reply.
>> Romain, I’ve shifted enable_replaygain_metadata ()to the top of
>> the script and set logging to level 4 as you and Gilles
>> recommended and I see the following. Not sure if the metadata
>> resolver you speak of is visible however. Should there be more?
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [clock:4] Main phase starts.
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Streaming loop
>> starts, synchronized with wallclock.
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [samples:4] Remaining: 0.0s, queued: 0.0s,
>> adding: 30.0s (RID 7)
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [mksafe:3] Switch to amplify_6432.
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [amplify_6432:4] Activations changed:
>> static=[mksafe:on_metadata_6453:Systrum_Sistum_-_SSR1:Systrum_Sistum_-_SSR1],
>> dynamic=[mksafe:on_metadata_6453:Systrum_Sistum_-_SSR1:Systrum_Sistum_-_SSR1].
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [fallback_6430:3] Switch to delay_6428.
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [delay_6428:4] Activations changed:
>> static=[fallback_6430:amplify_6432:mksafe:on_metadata_6453:Systrum_Sistum_-_SSR1:Systrum_Sistum_-_SSR1],
>> dynamic=[fallback_6430:amplify_6432:mksafe:on_metadata_6453:Systrum_Sistum_-_SSR1:Systrum_Sistum_-_SSR1].
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [on_metadata_6453:4] Got metadata at position
>> 0: calling handler...
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder:4] Trying method "META" for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"...
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder:4] Trying method "WAV" for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"...
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder.wav/aiff:4] Invalid MIME type for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3": application/octet-stream!
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder.wav/aiff:4] Invalid file extension
>> for "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"!
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder:4] Trying method "AIFF" for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"...
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [audioscrobbler:4] Submiting  -- Kate
>> Interlude with mode: submit to
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder.wav/aiff:4] Invalid MIME type for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3": application/octet-stream!
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder.wav/aiff:4] Invalid file extension
>> for "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"!
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder:4] Trying method "MIDI" for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"...
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder:4] Trying method "IMAGE" for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"...
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder:4] Trying method "OGG" for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"...
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder.ogg:4] Invalid MIME type for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3": application/octet-stream!
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder.ogg:4] Invalid file extension for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"!
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder:4] Trying method "MAD" for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"...
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder.mad:4] Libmad recognizes
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3" as mpeg audio (layer
>> III, 128kbps, 44100Hz, 2 channels).
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder:3] Method "MAD" accepted
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3".
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder.ogg:4] Invalid MIME type for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3": application/octet-stream!
>> 2019/01/31 21:17:07 [decoder.ogg:4] Invalid file extension for
>> "/ssr/ssr1/interludes/Kate Interlude.mp3"

Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 1.3.5

2019-01-07 Thread Gilou
Le 07/01/2019 à 21:16, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> I'm gonna work on a binary distribution for liquidsoap actually. That's
> not a bad idea at all. Statically built binary using docker and alpine.

I'm considering using docker with liq actually, in order to switch some
platforms to it and completely automate delivering new versions of
scripts and/or liq... I haven't gathered a lot yet, but it's probably
not too hard to get there.



> Le lun. 7 janv. 2019 à 14:15, Romain Beauxis  <>> a écrit :
> Le lun. 7 janv. 2019 à 14:13, Gilou  <>> a écrit :
> >
>     > Le 03/01/2019 à 17:55, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> > > Hi Gilou,
> > >
> > > Le mer. 2 janv. 2019 à 20:57, Gilou  <>
> > > <
> <>>> a écrit :
> > >>
> > >> Le 25/12/2018 à 23:53, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> > >> >
> > >> >   1.3.5 (25-12-2018)
> > >> >
> > >> > New:
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >> Hi Romain !
> > >>
> > >> First, let me wish a happy new year to all the community!
> > >>
> > >> I have build scripts that rely on opam to fetch the latest
> release which
> > >> is stuck on 1.3.4, can you push it there? Can this be automated
> upon
> > >> release on github maybe?
> > >>
> > >> So far 1.3.5 looks nice for me btw, no obvious setbacks, thanks
> for that
> > >> new release!
> > >
> > > I'm glad you liked it. It was intended as a quick bug-fix release to
> > > ship all the stuff pending, in particular the fixed youtube live
> output.
> > > There seems to be a pending issue with crossfade, still so I
> might have
> > > to consider a new one soon. However, the master branch has a cool
> > > rewrite of crossfades using scripted code that might be the
> right place
> > > for the fix, in which case it'd probably need a little more testing
> > > before being released.
> > >
> > > All that being said, the update with opam was merged some time ago
> > > already:
> > >
> > > Looks like it's been synced now:
> > >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I can see it, and it requires opam 2.. OK... now we can't install it
> > easily on ubuntu either, yay... Let's add Anil Madhavapeddy's PPA
> now..
> >
> > I switched to manual compilation on debian because it's being
> painful to
> > get all the deps right... And I can't switch to binary distribution or
> > docker easily, but at some point I'll have to...
> I use this line to install opam 2 in one of my docker file, should
> work regardless of your distribution:
>   wget
> -O /tmp/ && echo /usr/local/bin | sh /tmp/
> Le lun. 7 janv. 2019 à 14:13, Gilou  <>> a écrit :
> Le 03/01/2019 à 17:55, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> > Hi Gilou,
> >
> > Le mer. 2 janv. 2019 à 20:57, Gilou  <>
> > <
> <>>> a écrit :
> >>
> >> Le 25/12/2018 à 23:53, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> >> >
> >> >   1.3.5 (25-12-2018)
> >> >
> >> > New:
> >> >
> >>
> >> Hi Romain !
> >>
> >> First, let me wish a happy new year to all the community!
> >>
> >> I have build scripts that rely on opam to fetch the latest
> release which
> >> is stuck on 1.3.4, can you push it there? Can this be
> automated upon
> >> release on github maybe?
> >>
> >> So far 1.3.5 looks nice for me btw, no obvious setbacks,
> thanks for th

Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 1.3.5

2019-01-07 Thread Gilou
Le 03/01/2019 à 17:55, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Hi Gilou,
> Le mer. 2 janv. 2019 à 20:57, Gilou  <>> a écrit :
>> Le 25/12/2018 à 23:53, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
>> >
>> >   1.3.5 (25-12-2018)
>> >
>> > New:
>> >
>> Hi Romain !
>> First, let me wish a happy new year to all the community!
>> I have build scripts that rely on opam to fetch the latest release which
>> is stuck on 1.3.4, can you push it there? Can this be automated upon
>> release on github maybe?
>> So far 1.3.5 looks nice for me btw, no obvious setbacks, thanks for that
>> new release!
> I'm glad you liked it. It was intended as a quick bug-fix release to
> ship all the stuff pending, in particular the fixed youtube live output.
> There seems to be a pending issue with crossfade, still so I might have
> to consider a new one soon. However, the master branch has a cool
> rewrite of crossfades using scripted code that might be the right place
> for the fix, in which case it'd probably need a little more testing
> before being released.
> All that being said, the update with opam was merged some time ago
> already:
> Looks like it's been synced now:


I can see it, and it requires opam 2.. OK... now we can't install it
easily on ubuntu either, yay... Let's add Anil Madhavapeddy's PPA now..

I switched to manual compilation on debian because it's being painful to
get all the deps right... And I can't switch to binary distribution or
docker easily, but at some point I'll have to...



Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 1.3.5

2019-01-02 Thread Gilou
Le 25/12/2018 à 23:53, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
>   1.3.5 (25-12-2018)
> New:

Hi Romain !

First, let me wish a happy new year to all the community!

I have build scripts that rely on opam to fetch the latest release which
is stuck on 1.3.4, can you push it there? Can this be automated upon
release on github maybe?

So far 1.3.5 looks nice for me btw, no obvious setbacks, thanks for that
new release!



Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Paid support / help with liquidsoap script

2018-10-31 Thread Gilou
Le 31/10/2018 à 13:05, Damian a écrit :
> Hi, 
> I am willing to pay for some support with my liquidsoap script. I am having 
> some difficulty ironing out a few issues with liquidsoap running on a Debian 
> 9 VPS. I realise most people have little time to spend on other peoples 
> problems which is why I am happy to pay for your time helping me.
> The two problems I have relate to an issue with playlist rotation when 
> coupled with a switch based transition. The other issue concerns reload_mode 
> 'watch' not working properly. Please let me know if you think you can help 
> and I can provide further details.
> Regards
> Damian

Hi Damian,

This fits quite nicely as an answer to the thread:
Providing support and getting organized which you can read here if you
were not subscribed:

You can for now state your issue here so users can provide support, if
not, or if it's not fast enough, you can reach out to me directly (or
answer the other thread :P)


Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Where to start

2018-10-25 Thread Gilou
Le 25/10/2018 à 01:59, Jeff Hyche a écrit :
> I've been working with liquidsoap now for about 6 months.  I've
> gotten rather good at it but I think I'm missing something.  What
> I've learned is from the liquidsoap documentation and examples which
> is enough to get the basics down.  But some of the advanced stuff
> doesn't work the way I think it should.  This leads me to believe my
> basic understanding is wrong and I'm missing something.  Is there
> something else I should read and master before trying to get my head
> around the more advanced concepts of liquidsoap?


The docs are obviously a good start, but when I wanted to go further, 2
sources were very helpful:
- scripts from others, here on the list, or inside some software like
libretime¹, azuracast², …
- source code implemented in liq, like scrips/utils.liq³ and the others




Savonet-users mailing list

[Savonet-users] Providing support and getting organized

2018-10-21 Thread Gilou

Romain is doing an awesome work, but I don't see a lot of people
actually handling the liq codebase. I love and use the product for my
personal use, for non-profits and for-profit systems, and have done
happily so for 10 years. Yet, liq can't thrive if we depend on a single
maintainer, and we're going to burn him out if we don't provide help.

I don't have enough time, and probably am not a good candidate to work
on OCaml, but I can easily drive devs around the codebase (and I'm sure
Romain will happily do so as well), and build the required business
around it if we go down that road.

I also know there is a few downstream projects that would be impacted as
well and could need support or help.

Who would be interested in supporting such an operation, either by
contributing, or through financing ? To what extent ?
I can identify different scopes, with varying level of costs and

- base maintenance work on liq itself and the surrounding ecosystem
- new features
- liquidsoap language consulting and support
- turnkey liquidsoap solutions

If you can and want to work on these aspects, well tell us so :P
If you're interested in sponsoring any parts, tell me how you'd like to
make it happen. Donations and work along a foundation/non-profit?
Support contract, tickets through a business? How much? In what
countries? What would you expect in return?

Maybe we can build a non-profit organization to work as the savonet
foundation (and we could call it soapdish or liqdoor... j/k, mostly :P),
and have businesses backing it depending what the community expects...

This is a call for proposals, and an announce I'm willing to step up and
help make it happen. I'm open to any comment on this, and only getting
started on the overall idea. Romain is on board with the idea as well,
and needs to be a central part of the plan!



Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Crossfade detecting end-of-track fade-out

2018-10-03 Thread Gilou
Le 03/10/2018 à 09:42, John Warburton a écrit :
> I'm successfully experimenting with Liquidsoap, and am grateful to its
> writers.
> Before writing my own function, I wonder if anyone has worked on this
> question before?
> I'd like the system to perform automatic crossfades (actually,
> superimposed playing without fades) which begin when the loudness of the
> first piece of audio falls to a pre-set level, e.g. 12dB below the
> average level of the last minute of the track.
> I notice the 'cross' operator allows reading a piece of metadata which
> could be set to mark a trigger point for the next track. I can quickly
> analyse my whole music library using FFmpeg's EBU R.128 algorithm to
> provide these trigger points (look backwards from the track end for the
> final point where volume passes downwards through a given value). But I
> don't know how to use the 'cross' function in a crossfading function
> that would apply to whole playlists.
> This is similar to the "Continuator" in foobar2000. It works equally
> well spotting end cue points for voice tracks and music which has a dead
> end, as well as for music that fades out.
> Experimentation with the 'smart' functions doesn't seem to show them
> detecting the fade-out of a track, but relying on a fixed duration fade
> over the end of a track. Have I missed something here?
> You may already know how to do this, and I've missed it in the
> documentation, which would be a matter of regret for me!
> Kind regards,
> John Warburton

Hi John,

I used a similar thing, marking cue ins and out using annotate, and
using cue_cut in liq. I wasn't too happy with it as it makes it harder
to have smooth crossfading then. So your idea of wrapping cross is a
good one, and I haven't done it already, but am interested ;)


Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap 1.3.4

2018-09-11 Thread Gilou
Le 11/09/2018 à 07:04, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Tons of bug fixes and several neat improvements.

Oh yeah!! Congrats and thanks a lot Romain for your dedicated work on
the 1.3.4 release!

Piping the tests out of dev immediately...



> Changelog
> New:
>   *
> Added |FFMPEG| decoder using the new |ocaml-ffmpeg| API. Thanks for
> @gndl <> for the hard work there.
>   *
> Added |"init.allow_root"| setting to allow running liquidsoap as root.
>   *
> Added |on_track| callback for playlists. Can be used to force a reload.
>   *
> Added |server.condition|, |server.wait|, |server.broadcast| and
> |server.signal|. Used to control server command execution.
>   *
> Added |server.write|, |{chars,line}| to write interactive
> server commands in conjunction with the above functions. (#544
> <>, #568
> <>)
>   *
> Added || as a wrapper around
> |output.gstreamer.audio_video| to stream live to Youtube (#498
> <>)
>   *
> Added metadata extraction to |ffmpeg2wav| protocol (#623
> <>).
> Changed:
>   *
> Depends on OCaml >= 4.03.0
>   *
> Depends on camomile > 1.0.0
>   *
> Use |http{s}.head| when available to fetch remote file's mime type.
> (win32 port)
>   *
> Better log messages for root exit and buffer override.
>   *
> Switch default log to stdout. Set to file when |log.file.path| is
> set (#612 <>)
>   *
> Disabled Gstreamer stream decoder.
>   *
> Removed asynchronous mode for |output.gstreamer.audio_video|
>   *
> Reworked |smartcross| internal logic (#596
> <>)
>   *
> Enabled |replaygain| on |m4a| files, thanks to @gilou
> <> (#604
> <>)
>   *
> Added |encoding| parameter to |output.shoutcast| to allow
> alternative string encoding for metadata updates (#411
> <>)
>   *
> Deprecated |rewrite_metadata|
> Fixed:
>   *
> Decouple dyntools compilation.
>   *
> Support for OCaml >= 4.06
>   *
> File descriptor leak in |output.icecast| (#548
> <>)
>   *
> Fixed URL regexp for |input.https| (#593
> <>)
>   *
> Multiple gstreamer fixes:
>   o File decoder with video.
>   o Memory leaks (#516
> <>, #511
> <>, #434
> <>, #318
> <>)
>   o Process freeze (#608
> <>, #278
> <>)
>   *
> Duppy crash on exit (#160
> <>)
>   *
> Fixed audio glitches when using the |pipe| operator (#614
> <>)
>   *
> Deadlock in external decoder. (#611
> <>)
> —
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.
> View it on GitHub
> <> or mute the
> thread
> <>.
> ___
> Savonet-users mailing list

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-29 Thread Gilou
Closed #609.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-29 Thread Gilou
0d 23h 37m 23s

Let's call this a proper fix, and another victory for M. Beauxis 🎺🎺 🔥🔥

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-29 Thread Gilou
you're killing me ;)
Thanks, I'll let it run a bit longer and as I'm such a daredevil, I added a 
cue_cut() on my lists and testing that along.

I'm running on a CPU craziness (will make an issue for it should I spot it more 
precisely) as well using replaygain extraction, does it use the same logic? I 
worked around it in the end, feeding the info using annotate, so I'm less 
concerned about it in the end...

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-29 Thread Gilou
0d 20h 57m 43s

Still streaming.. Maybe I can try going back to pipe() ;) 

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
2018/08/28 16:43:30 >>> LOG START   
2018/08/28 16:43:30 [main:3] Liquidsoap 1.3.3+scm 


Will follow up..

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
so I was running the proper branch, I'll compile it myself to keep track of 

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
ah OK.. opam sync the rep on a build directory... so no .git dir to get the 

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
there is something fishy with how (sic) isn't working properly here...

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
I hope you are suggesting the format rather than stating what should be 
displayed currently.. I have:
2018/08/28 15:27:49 [main:3] Liquidsoap 1.3.3+scm
2018/08/28 15:27:49 [main:3] Using: bytes=[distributed with OCaml 4.02 or 
above] pcre=7.3.4 dtools=0.4.0 duppy=0.7.1 duppy.syntax=0.7.1 cry=0.6.2 
mm=0.4.0 xmlplaylist=0.1.4 ogg=0.5.2 vorbis=0.7.0 opus=0.1.2 mad=0.4.5 
flac=0.1.3 flac.ogg=0.1.3 dynlink=[distributed with Ocaml] lame=0.3.3 
fdkaac=0.2.1 samplerate=0.1.4 taglib=0.3.3 camomile=1.0.1 inotify=2.3 
yojson=1.4.1 faad=0.4.0 soundtouch=0.1.8 ladspa=0.1.5


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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
that was fast.. log froze at smart_crossfade as well in ~5 minutes, bt 

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Remove character from Metatag (#615)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
You didn't include the metadata rewriting there?

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
Here we go.
Side note, maybe having the rev/branch included in the version might help 
knowing where we are ☺ (yes, I'll try to do a PR for 😉)

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
Do you want me to test without smart_crossfade?
I'll probably have to rewrite it at some point to have it deal more agressively 
with silences at some point so .. 😜

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
Browsing through the log, I get a weird feeling.. I have things like:
`2018/08/28 11:00:08 [smart_cross_9081:3] Analysis: -nandB / -24.523810dB 
(3.04s / 3.04s)`

So I'm adding a few lines before the freeze:
2018/08/28 11:33:46 [decoder:4] Decoding "/home/ubuntu/demo/chill/08 On the 
Couch.mp3" ended: Mad.End_of_stream.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [chill(dot)m3u:3] Finished with "/home/ubuntu/demo/chill/08 
On the Couch.mp3".
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [amplify_9063:3] End of the current overriding.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [chill(dot)m3u:4] Remaining: 0.0s, queued: 30.0s, taking: 
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [chill(dot)m3u:3] Prepared "/home/ubuntu/demo/chill/08 
Summertime Blues.mp3" (RID 16).
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [rotate_9070:3] Switch to amplify_9066 with forgetful 
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [amplify_9063:4] Activations changed: static=[], 
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [amplify_9063:4] Disabling caching mode.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [amplify_9066:4] Activations changed: 
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [amplify_9066:3] Overriding amplification: 0.331131.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [lang:3] Playing (1535448827.18): 
dB",liq_cue_in="1.021678":/home/ubuntu/demo/party/01 Mano Negra.flac
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [lang:4] I have 42 tracks
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [smart_cross_9081:3] Analysis: -nandB / -29.007891dB (3.01s 
/ 3.03s)

However, this file played many times before without issues during that run.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-28 Thread Gilou
And.. it failed again 😭 after 20 hours, and it was the whole thing, pipping to 
This is what the backtrace is once attached: 
Same symptoms: server still responding though quite braindead:

0d 21h 00m 40s
5 9 10 16 0
restart called

Last lines of the log are those:

2018/08/28 11:33:47 [smart_crossfade:3] new >= old + margin, old <= medium and 
new <= high.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [smart_crossfade:3] Do not fade if it's already very low.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [smart_crossfade:3] Transition: crossed, no fade.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [source:4] Source add_441221 gets up.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [add_441221:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [source:4] Source smart_cross_9081_after gets up.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [smart_cross_9081_after:4] Content kind is 
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [smart_cross_9081_after:4] Activations changed: 
static=[add_441221:smart_cross_9081], dynamic=[].
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [source:4] Source smart_cross_9081_before gets up.
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [smart_cross_9081_before:4] Content kind is 
2018/08/28 11:33:47 [smart_cross_9081_before:4] Activations changed: 
static=[add_441221:smart_cross_9081], dynamic=[].


And liq answers the USR1 signal by truncating its log, but doesn't respond to 

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] How to stream desktop (#613)

2018-08-27 Thread Gilou
For audio, if you can hook liq to the monitor it might be possible maybe with 
portaudio (try in() as well).

For video, that'll require more work as liq can't handle the capture afaik. 
Something like [OBS project ]( might be interesting to 
you rather than liq. You might be able to use ffmpeg to stream it with liq, but 
I'm not sure how relevant that is.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Remove character from Metatag (#615)

2018-08-27 Thread Gilou
paste your full script so we can help... and opening another issue for this is 
quite rude in my opinion...

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-27 Thread Gilou
💪 10 hours uptime mark! I'll let it run a bit more before opening the 
champagne, and add a bit more complexity I removed to debunk this.
I'll avoid adding cue_cut or other extreme gapless playout ideas I have in mind 
before the release (and I'll see how I can help with docs as well)...

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Audio stream becomes blank (#572)

2018-08-27 Thread Gilou
You probably need to install cry as well

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-27 Thread Gilou
Will restart testing on latest code, namely with e10e047

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-26 Thread Gilou
I'm back on sox for testing... If I only use output.external, it lasted for 
more than 4 hours which was a first... so I added pipe_metadata from
 but it failed after 10+ hours...

Code was:
s = smart_crossfade(playlist("test.m3u"))
s = mksafe(amplify(1.0, s))

pipe_file = "test.pipe"

pipe_input = pipe_metadata("test.pipe", s)

ps = output.external(id='pipeout', %wav, "sox -t raw -b 16 -c 2 -r 44.1k -e 
unsigned - -t wav #{pipe_file} flanger 2>/tmp/stderr", fst(pipe_input))

output.icecast(%mp3.vbr(quality=0), mount="test_pipe", snd(pipe_input))


Backtrace once attached is here:

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Random playlists (#600)

2018-08-24 Thread Gilou
it's just a parameter to playlist(), it must return a boolean telling liq if it 
can let the track be played or skip it. I started writing one here:
 that might be interesting.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-23 Thread Gilou
Closed #609.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-23 Thread Gilou
Reopened #609.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-23 Thread Gilou
aand it froze again, after 5 hours..  Same symptoms, liq is somehow frozen, 
stills responds on its socket but doesn't actually handle anything, yet it 
responds to SIGUSR1 (truncates the logfile) and closes on other signals (ABRT, 

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Process hangs while decoding (#611)

2018-08-22 Thread Gilou
what version of ocaml are you using? 4.05.0 from the ubuntu repos?

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-22 Thread Gilou
OK.. I got tired, I switched my install to ocaml 4.07.0, recompiled everything, 
and starting the hunt again..

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-22 Thread Gilou
and interestingly (or not), liq honored USR1 in that state, because it 
truncated the log file upon receiving!

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-22 Thread Gilou
if I attach strace to stereotool, it seems to be alive and waiting for data... 
`[pid 30093] read(0, `

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Process hangs while decoding (#611)

2018-08-22 Thread Gilou
Ha! Now I'm not the only one... though your issue is with decoding, mine with 
outputs (#609).. but common ground: process handling in liq... 

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-22 Thread Gilou
I removed all outputs but the one streaming the piped stream, as I suspect it's 
the culprit, it froze again after 1h40, smart_crossfade managed to squeeze one 
more line:
`2018/08/22 12:06:31 [smart_crossfade:3] new >= old + margin, old <= medium and 
new <= high.`
This time I had a socket connected before, and it's responding... 
0d 01h 53m 51s
restart called
but it's not doing anything
the external process is still running, hasn't crashed, doesn't complain on 
If I attach strace to liq, I get:
sudo strace -fp 29444
strace: Process 29444 attached with 7 threads
[pid 29454] futex(0x56309c3428a0, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL   
[pid 29449] futex(0x7f93d8000b48, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 0, NULL   
[pid 29448] futex(0x7f93dc000b48, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 0, NULL   
[pid 29447] restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted poll ...> 
[pid 29446] select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=21809} 
[pid 29445] futex(0x56309c3428a0, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL 
[pid 29444] futex(0x56309c3428a0, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL 
[pid 29446] <... select resumed> )  = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 29446] select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=5}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 29446] select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=5}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 29446] select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=5}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 29446] select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=5}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 29446] select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=5}) = 0 (Timeout)
If I kill the external process, liq uses 100% of CPU.
I'll try and monitor the external process next time.
I added merge_tracks and drop_metadata to try making stereotool happier, but I 
don't think that's the issue ☹

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[Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Liquidsoap freezes on a complex script (#609)

2018-08-22 Thread Gilou
So running most components from master (cry, dtools, duppy, faad, mad, mm). 
Thing is, that script is quite complex, but if I remove each part, the bug is 
really hard to reproduce... All parts have been tested stand alone though.

The script combines:

- playlist()s with a custom check_next function to avoid repetitions
- annotate protocol to set liq_replaygain outside of liq (to avoid cpu 
- amplify
- classical fallback/switch
- smart_crossfade
- on_track to store played tracks 
- input.external using cat on a fifo
- output.external using stereotool, itself outputting to the fifo
- insert_metadata to patch metadata through to icecast
- output.icecast using %mp3(bitrate=256)
- a ladspa "simple" DSP

at the moment I had it freeze, it was outputting 3 streams to icecast:
- the "bypass", basically the smart_crossfade output
- the same processed by the ladspa processor
- the same processed and piped through stereotool

This is really frustrating, and I'm now back to investigating this again, 
trying to strip all parts... I'm dumping here as a "reference" until I can 
narrow it down.
The "freeze" means stdout is stuck, the server doesn't answer the socket. The 
process is alive, but seems stuck polling for something, doesn't respond to 

Script is run using liquidsoap -v full.liq, and is here with supporting 
[liq.log]( contains 
the end of the log, timestamp is hours before I killed it.

[bt.txt]( is the 
backtrace from the core I got using kill -ABORT on it

It's running on a cheap VPS, using Ubuntu 18.04 on KVM. On this version it 
crashes in less than an hour.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] is pipe() broken in master? (#607)

2018-08-21 Thread Gilou
OK.. it still seems that output.external(%wav) is cleaner than pipe() (but 
màybe some programs behave better than others in this regard). Also, I was 
wrong, I can't easily re-inject metadata if I use pipe as I can't easily get a 
function to do so... Falling back to output.external on a named pipe although 
makes liq barf at some point, so I'll just drop pipe() and investigate this... 
with merged tracks it might work out...

My goal is, as you may have guessed from my annoying reports, to easily pipe 
liq through a dsp like Stereotool, which doesn't need/want to have separate 
tracks, and works better with a continuous stream.

This worked flawlessly on 1.2.0 using the external output to a named pipe 
feeded back to liq, but freezes sometimes on 1.3.3... so I'm back to 
investigate this further... thanks for the clarification anyway.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] is pipe() broken in master? (#607)

2018-08-21 Thread Gilou
yeah, stderr can be redirected, but a hint about the return code could be nice 

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] is pipe() broken in master? (#607)

2018-08-21 Thread Gilou
sox does return with a 0 code when it's happy.. anyway, sox is not my final 
tool, I was using it merely to test with a noticeable modification. Maybe we 
could have a way to debug stderr or the return code?

I don't really understand why the behavior is that different using a named pipe 
and output.external or stdout and pipe(), but I'll assume it's more about the 
tool at the other end than liq...

Dropping metadata means I'm going to have to inject them later on, but that's 
doable.. however, I think if I don't want to handle an error code (I need to 
treat errors as such, in case something actually fails..) the only road is to 
also merge_tracks...

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[Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] is pipe() broken in master? (#607)

2018-08-20 Thread Gilou
Here is the script:

s = playlist("list.m3u")
# sox - - for stdin/out
ps = pipe(process="sox - -t wav - flanger", mksafe(s))
output.icecast(%mp3, mount="test", mksafe(ps))

I get:
[source:4] Source pipe_8899 gets up.
[pipe_8899:4] Starting process
[pipe_8899:4] Closing process's stdin
[mksafe:3] Switch to safe_blank.
And of course it's streaming blank. I tried to use `tee` to see pipe()'s 
output, but I only get a truncated wav header. And the liq process uses 100% of 
the cpu...

It works if I do it using the named pipe trick:
s = playlist("list.m3u")
ps = input.external("cat my_pipe")
# sox - output for stdin
output.external(%wav, "sox - -t wav my_pipe flanger", s)
output.icecast(%mp3, mount="test", mksafe(ps))

Any idea?

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] restart not working? (#606)

2018-08-20 Thread Gilou
well, that was quick, and it works now, thanks ;)

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[Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] restart not working? (#606)

2018-08-20 Thread Gilou
I have a restart command hooked to restart() as this:
def s_restart(args)
  "restart called"

# Register a restart command
server.register(description="restart liq", usage="restart", "restart", 

But it seems to fail at restarting once shutting down:
$ rlwrap socat - UNIX:secousse.sock
restart called
the logs:

2018/08/20 17:51:34 [main:3] Shutdown started!
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [main:3] Waiting for threads to terminate...
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [threads:3] Shuting down thread wallclock_main
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Streaming loop stopped.
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [threads:3] Thread "wallclock_main" terminated (0 
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [main:3] Threads terminated.
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [threads:3] Shutting down scheduler...
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [threads:3] Scheduler shut down.
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [threads:3] Shutting down queues...
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [threads:3] Thread "generic queue #2" terminated.
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [threads:3] Thread "non-blocking queue #1" terminated.
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [threads:3] Thread "non-blocking queue #2" terminated.
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [threads:3] Thread "generic queue #1" terminated.
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [threads:3] Queues shut down
2018/08/20 17:51:34 [server:3] Unlink test.sock
2018/08/20 17:51:34 >>> LOG END

I can live easily off shutdown if need be, but I was using this before to 
automatically restart some scripts upon modification, but I don't fave a 
precise idea since when it broke (could be years..).

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Confused about Liquidsoap (#602)

2018-08-20 Thread Gilou
you can try the mailing list as mentionned on  or IRC #savonet on freenode, or 

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Falls stream, with the process still running (#596)

2018-08-20 Thread Gilou
OK, once back on the simple version with only crossfade, it holds, I'm still 
running tests... but the culprit seems to be once again around pipe() or 
outside processes, wether on sources or because of dynamic replaygain metadata 
extraction. I'll stop spamming here and open another issue once I can pinpoint 
it more precisely.

Thanks a lot Romain for following up on this.

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Re: [Savonet-users] Liquid Soap + Stereo Tool + LibreTime

2018-08-20 Thread Gilou
Le 20/08/2018 à 10:07, Brandon a écrit :
> Greetings from Los Angeles,
> Thanks for the incredible work on Liquid Soap!!
> Has anyone successfully piped the command line version of Stereo Tool in
> Liquid Soap on LibreTime? I'd like to process all output (no matter what
> the source) of Libretime in Stereo Tool and route the processed audio
> out to Icecast. 
> Anyone happen to have a working example config?
> Google returns a few references, but they all lack enough context to
> make any sense and I can't seem to find the proper .liq file in
> LibreTime (maybe ls_lib.liq ??) to edit, let alone the proper syntax.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated  :)
> Thank you!
> Brandon

Hi Brandon,

In theory you can simply pipe your output through stereotools or any
process you wish, using the pipe() operator.

In practice... I have had issue with switch() and pipe(), and libretime
uses them, but YMMV...

Identify in the script the source before it's sent to icecast, and use
something like (though you might need to put presets, license key as wel):

st_output = pipe(process="stereo_tool_cmd_64 -q - -", source)

As for libretime, it could be tricky, but you could hack around
ls_script.liq rather than lib, before s is streamed.. or better ask them
about it ;)


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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Falls stream, with the process still running (#596)

2018-08-19 Thread Gilou
I sent ^C to no avail, then ^Z to get control of the shell. I'm running a 
trimmed version of the script, something still makes it barf, but it could be 
many things... And I'm running from git master of each of the components.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Confused about Liquidsoap (#602)

2018-08-19 Thread Gilou
If you have a relative path like test.avi, it looks for it in the directory you 
run liquidsoap from, not necessarily the one where the script is. Also make 
sure the video is in a supported format.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Falls stream, with the process still running (#596)

2018-08-19 Thread Gilou
It froze again using master for mm, duppy, faad and liq... maybe something is 
inconsistent, here's the bt: 
, though on a complex script, I'm back to running the simpler version, once 
I've also upgraded the other plugins to dev..

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[Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] fix extra { in condition (#605)

2018-08-18 Thread Gilou
Sorry about that, my editor is not used to display Perl, I missed an extra { in 
the code
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

-- Commit Summary --

  * fix extra { in condition

-- File Changes --

M scripts/extract-replaygain (1)

-- Patch Links --

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] enable extracting of replaygain info from m4a files using replaygain (#604)

2018-08-18 Thread Gilou
@gilou pushed 1 commit.

154d879  error if replaygain is not found

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[Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] enable extracting of replaygain info from m4a files using replaygain (#604)

2018-08-18 Thread Gilou

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

-- Commit Summary --

  * enable extracting of replaygain info from m4a files using replaygain

-- File Changes --

M scripts/extract-replaygain (18)

-- Patch Links --

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Confused about Liquidsoap (#602)

2018-08-18 Thread Gilou
You write a .liq file with the commands in it, and start it using `liquidsoap 
xxx.liq` (or use a hashbang, and start the script directly)

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Impossible dependencies? (#603)

2018-08-18 Thread Gilou
workaround is to compile / pin the dev version from git for both, but it's 
rather unconvenient.

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Re: [Savonet-users] [savonet/liquidsoap] Falls stream, with the process still running (#596)

2018-08-18 Thread Gilou
See #603 hehe, but I figured it out, however I'm fully relying on dev versions 
for mm & dtools now... But I trust all will be fixed once this is closed...

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Re: [Savonet-users] Windows build, replaygain support (Was: m4a support)

2018-08-04 Thread Gilou
Le 01/08/2018 à 16:00, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Ok, thanks for reporting. There's an ongoing effort to use ffmpeg for
> decoding, Hopefully this'll bring this codec and many more into the
> software.
> Let me know about other issues with windows build, I'm very curious to
> hear how it's behaving for you.
> Romain


I'll probably need to make replay gain work, so I might rewrite the
metadata extractor in Python (maybe someone can hack it in PS or simply
DOS but well) because my typical install won't have Perl and anyway the
script as it is is not windows compatible (and not even distributed,
probably on purpose).



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Re: [Savonet-users] Windows build, m4a support

2018-08-01 Thread Gilou
Le 31/07/2018 à 18:16, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Hi!
> 2018-07-31 10:44 GMT-05:00 Gilou  <>>:
>> First thing, I just tried the windows beta5 of the 1.3.3 win build, and
>> even if some reported issues, it seems to work fine "so far".
> Great news!
>> However, I might have a need for m4a file handling, could that be
>> included or is it too complicated ?
>> I can also provide feedback, though I most certainly won't have the
>> know-how to build and maintain the port myself.
> Windows build is obtained through the `ocaml-cross` opam
> repository: 
> All deps are cross-built this way and then liquidsoap is compiled from
> source.
> It seems that faad has been ported to ocaml-cross, which means that it
> most likely was included in the build. You can confirm that m4a files
> aren't supported?
> Romain

"False alarm", it's a .m4a indeed, but it's ALAC
PS C:\> 'liquidsoap.exe' -r "07 Amer Iyan.m4a"
Request resolution failed.

$ mediainfo 07\ Amer\ Iyan.m4a
ID   : 1
Format   : ALAC
Codec ID : alac
Codec ID/Info: Apple Lossless Audio Codec

I maybe able to use an external decoder for those then (as I don't think
we have an internal codec for this ?) or maybe to convert to PCM/WAV...

Some other .m4a probably using AAC work fine.


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[Savonet-users] Windows build, m4a support

2018-07-31 Thread Gilou

First thing, I just tried the windows beta5 of the 1.3.3 win build, and
even if some reported issues, it seems to work fine "so far".

However, I might have a need for m4a file handling, could that be
included or is it too complicated ?

I can also provide feedback, though I most certainly won't have the
know-how to build and maintain the port myself.



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Re: [Savonet-users] playlist and check_next, loop!

2018-07-28 Thread Gilou
Le 28/07/2018 à 01:13, Gilou a écrit :
> Hi,
> I want to use check_next to avoid global repetitions on a given source,
> but if check_next makes the playlist run out, it's going in a crazy
> loop, which was somehow expected...
> But how to handle that case (if not by not using playlist and feeding
> the files myself) ?
> Maybe if we skip x tracks in a row it could fail?
> Cheers,
> Gilou

Answering myself, I coded it by remembering how many failures I get per
given sources, and letting a track be repeated if that happens.

Code is rather nessy, but I may publish it ;)


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[Savonet-users] playlist and check_next, loop!

2018-07-27 Thread Gilou

I want to use check_next to avoid global repetitions on a given source,
but if check_next makes the playlist run out, it's going in a crazy
loop, which was somehow expected...

But how to handle that case (if not by not using playlist and feeding
the files myself) ?

Maybe if we skip x tracks in a row it could fail?



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[Savonet-users] pipe() breaking up with switch() ?

2018-07-17 Thread Gilou
Hi there!

I wanted to replace a "complicated" setup using named pipes and metadata
passthrough with the "new" pipe() operator, but it craps out if I put it
next to a switch().

I'm using the well-known StereoTools from (version 9.01) with
liq 1.3.3 (compiled using opam) on Ubuntu 18.04.

Current code does output.external() to a named pipe (mkfifo), I then use
input.external() using cat to stream it back to liq, then to icecast.
That works nicely and has for quite some time now, but it's a bit bulky
especially when you have to handle metadata.

So I did:

pl1 = playlist("music1")
pl2 = playlist("music2")

radio = switch([
({ 0h-12h }, pl1),
({ 12h-0h }, pl2)

cross = smart_crossfade(radio)

binary = "/usr/local/bin/stereo_tool_cmd_64"
preset = "GENERIC PRESETS/Jeff - Groove! (soft)"
cmd = binary ^ " -p '" ^ preset ^ "' -q - - 2>/dev/null"

# stereo_tool_cmd_64 takes an input and an output file
# treats - as stdin / stdout
# -q means quiet
# cmd should look like:
# stereo_tool_cmd_64 -p 'preset' -q - - 2>/dev/null
flux_traite = mksafe(pipe(id="st", process=cmd, cross))

output.icecast(…, flux_traite)

And after the first song is played, the next ones starts, then it seems
that stereotools crashes, so liq switches to blank, then back on the pipe.

So I thought, let's add some buffer on the pipe!
But well, I tried up to 15s and it didn't help.
I removed everything and debuggged my way until I found it works as
expected as long as I don't use switch()...

Then I thought... Maybe it's using the same clock and getting lost
trying to sync (not sure how it does it then but well) ?
So I gave pipe its own clock:
flux_traite = mksafe(clock(pipe(id="st", process=cmd, cross)))

That fails too. So I thought maybe stereotool thinks the file ends for
some reason.. And added a buffer on the source (the smart_crossfade here)

cross = buffer(smart_crossfade(radio), buffer=3.0)
flux_traite = mksafe(pipe(id="st", process=cmd, cross))

And... it looks like it works but the buffer() probably doesn't like the
2018/07/18 03:12:29 [warp_prod_8852:3] Buffer emptied, start buffering...
2018/07/18 03:12:33 [warp_prod_8852:3] Buffer emptied, start buffering...

And liq uses an awful lot of CPU then, even crashing...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

If I put the switch() off, it works as expected (the oiginal script has
playlist, rotate, )

Help ? ;)


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Re: [Savonet-users] Reloading a playlist so that it starts at the beginning at every scheduled switch time

2018-05-02 Thread Gilou
Le 24/04/2018 à 14:47, DreamStreamKicker a écrit :
> I am looking for this option (reload playlist) for a longer time because
> LQsoap skips to fallover much much much too often for some reason or
> another and the restart suggested by cron breaks the connection with the
> listener.

reload, not restart. It shouldn't be noticeable from the user.

> About your respons time complaint on your questions, I had a problem
> installing, they had me reinstall en sent all logs and never responded.
> So this is standard behaviour.

Guys, it seems that Romain is the only available dev around. Don't bash
him for caring about you when he does...

The community has shrunk, that is noticeable, but liq is amazing
opensource software, so acknowledge it is not backed by a business, and
either wait up or spawn a hired gun to jump in.



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Re: [Savonet-users] Reloading a playlist so that it starts at the beginning at every scheduled switch time

2018-04-21 Thread Gilou
Le 21/04/2018 à 06:27, Damian a écrit :
> Hi,
> I realise that there has been quite a lot of discussion in previous
> threads about getting playlists to reload when they are scheduled in
> a switch. I have been trying to get my test script below to reload a
> playlist so that it starts on time and at the beginning of a randomised
> playlist with each scheduled switch.
> But each time the playlist is scheduled to start, it does not refresh
> the playlist and start from the beginning. I have my test schedule below
> set to switch to a new playlist every 5 minutes (this is just so I can
> monitor the transitions for now, but I’ll obviously extend the play time
> length later). What seems to happen is that the playlist doesn’t start
> afresh. It continues from where it left off previously. I’ve tried
> adding a reload time of 6 minutes to each playlist (so that the
> playlists will have reloaded before the next scheduled switch is due)
> but this doesn’t seem to work either. 
> Can anyone tell me the best or easiest way to get the switch to start a
> new playlist so that it is randomised and at the beginning of the
> playlist on each scheduled switch time?

The way I do it is by actually reloading it through the socket before it
I have a crontab doing:
echo -e "mylist.reload\r\nquit\r\n" | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:radio.sock
10 minutes or so before the playlist starts.

Might be a bit ugly, but combined with check_next, it's an easy way to
have something random (and updated) while avoiding repetitions!


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Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap check_next

2018-04-16 Thread Gilou
Le 16/04/2018 à 12:19, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Hi Gilou!
>> I ran in a similar situation, where I just wanted liq not to play
>> something it already played... So I hacked and used the log that tells
>> "Finished with...", as I have a rotation in place to move the logs.
>> It's probably not too hard to add a restriction on date/hour while
>> browsing the log though.
> Could on_end work for your use-case?

Hey Romain!

How do you mean?
Using it to spit infos about the finished tracks?
I didn't think about it and got it working using the log and
check_next.. but it could help indeed, especially if I need more than
just the filename...
But then a "simple" playlist might not be enough anymore either :)


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Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap check_next

2018-04-06 Thread Gilou
Le 06/04/2018 à 13:21, Nolan Wagner a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Has anyone done any work on something that can limit the number of times
> an artist can play within a duration of time ex) 3 times an hour when
> using a directory as a "playlist?"
> Maybe using check_next? I tried the code in the comment here, but
> haven't been able to get anywhere:
> If anyone has any ideas that would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!


I ran in a similar situation, where I just wanted liq not to play
something it already played... So I hacked and used the log that tells
"Finished with...", as I have a rotation in place to move the logs.
It's probably not too hard to add a restriction on date/hour while
browsing the log though.

There is most certainly ways to do that using liq directly, but my
grep-fu made me do it that way :p.

set("log.file.path", "/tmp/test.log")
def checker(n)
  # get info from upcoming request
  m = request.metadata(n)
  # command to find if the file was played according to the log
  command = 'grep -F'
  to_match = quote('Finished with "#{m["filename"]}"')
  log_file = quote(get(default="", "log.file.path"))
  command = '#{command} #{to_match} #{log_file}'
  system("echo #{quote(command)}")
  # assuming fgrep will return a non-zero code if it wasn't found
  # test_process will return false for it, so invert the boolean value
  not test_process(command)

src = playlist('truc.txt', id='truc', mode="normal", check_next=checker)

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Re: [Savonet-users] domain renewed.

2016-12-02 Thread Gilou
Le 02/12/2016 à 06:25, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Hi guys,
> We got the news today that the <> had
> expired. Upon checking, our paypal account for donations had enough to
> cover yet another year for the domain -- .fm domains make sense for us
> but, damn, what a racket!
> Anyway, I wanted to thank you guys to y'all support. We might be have
> less time to dedicate to the project these days but we're still proud to
> work with you all and see all the people using liquidsoap.
> Here's to another year!
> Romain


I think I never donated... Shame, will do soon :)

Thanks a lot again for liq, it's amazing, and I'm looking forward to
having more time to spend on it at some point!



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Re: [Savonet-users] New features in liquidsoap

2016-05-30 Thread Gilou
Le 25/05/2016 19:17, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Hi all,
> We have just committed a couple of new stuff in liquidsoap, namely:
> * Support for https connections in icecast
> * pipe operator to pass audio data through any binary of your choice.
> Also, all the code for external processes (%external encoding, external
> decoder, input.external) has been dusted off/cleaned up.
> Feel free to test as it always helps ironing out potential issues before
> the next release. If you are using docker, you should be able to pull
> the savonet/liquidsoap-full image which has also been updated with this
> latest code.
> Cheers,
> Romain

You guys rock ;)
And I'm not only mentioning it because those are 2 features I was
expecting :D

I'll make sure to test both of those as soon as I can.



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Re: [Savonet-users] Stream processing on a source

2016-02-15 Thread Gilou
Le 15/02/2016 02:32, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Hi Gilou,
> 2016-02-06 15:04 GMT-06:00 Gilou  <>>:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to figure out the best way to do something in liquidsoap, and
>> I'm not sure I'm in the right direction.
>> I need to process the stream through a tool called StereoTool, which
>> allows for:
>> - command line processing: using stdin/stdout
>> - GUI processing: input/output is done through jackd
>> So for now, what I can do with my stream is:
>> - output to it, but then I need to encode myself the output for
>> streaming (MP3/Vorbis, say), and output this to say, icecast.
>> - output to jackd, open another input to get the result, and output that
>> to icecast, through a liq encoder.
>> First way is annoying, because it requires another process to be
>> spawned, and some encoders do not behave as nicely as liq does. I've
>> thought about putting another liq process there, but it doesn't look
>> cleaner. I could also use a fifo or something alike, and another input
>> afterwards, but this doesn't look too good to me either.
>> Going through Jackd is nice, and works, but requires a lot of jackd
>> plumbing for industrialization, which is something I'd like to avoid.
>> And if I want metadata, I have to catch them on the input, to rewrite
>> them on the output. It's OK, but not very nice. And also, StereoTool
>> command line doesn't use Jackd, so the GUI is then a requirement, but
>> that could be dealt with.
>> So question.. Is there a way to have the stream processed that will
>> allow me to encode it through liq afterwards in the same script?
>> We have external encoders, we have external inputs, can we have external
>> "processors", that pipe the data back to liq as well?
>> As of now, using command line gives something like this:
>> radio = single("somefile.flac")
>> st = %external("./stereo_tool_cmd_64 -q - - | lame -b 256 -S - -")
>> output.icecast(st, ...)
> Just so I understand your situation a bit better. Why can you not use
> input.external with for instance a named pipe?
> Something like:
> # Send to process
> output.external("./stereo_tool_cmd_64 -q - /tmp/named-pipe", s)
> # Get output back
> s = input.external("cat /tmp/named-pipe")
> This way, it would actually also be easy to forward metadata from one
> source to another.
> Come to think about it, this could be added in the scripting utilities.
> What do you think of it? Would that work for you?
> Romain


I can, and I do it that way, in fact, since I need more than one
encoding format.
Metadata won't go through, so I have to remap the metadata, and it feels
a bit clunky, however simple liq makes it (it's pretty much the same to
me as doing a jack output, then input it back in fact, but with less
jackd plumbing in the way).

Hence the question about having an external processor, so as to avoid
any weird plumbing, but maybe that's not possible, or unnecessarily


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[Savonet-users] Stream processing on a source

2016-02-06 Thread Gilou

I'm trying to figure out the best way to do something in liquidsoap, and
I'm not sure I'm in the right direction.

I need to process the stream through a tool called StereoTool, which
allows for:
- command line processing: using stdin/stdout
- GUI processing: input/output is done through jackd

So for now, what I can do with my stream is:
- output to it, but then I need to encode myself the output for
streaming (MP3/Vorbis, say), and output this to say, icecast.
- output to jackd, open another input to get the result, and output that
to icecast, through a liq encoder.

First way is annoying, because it requires another process to be
spawned, and some encoders do not behave as nicely as liq does. I've
thought about putting another liq process there, but it doesn't look
cleaner. I could also use a fifo or something alike, and another input
afterwards, but this doesn't look too good to me either.

Going through Jackd is nice, and works, but requires a lot of jackd
plumbing for industrialization, which is something I'd like to avoid.
And if I want metadata, I have to catch them on the input, to rewrite
them on the output. It's OK, but not very nice. And also, StereoTool
command line doesn't use Jackd, so the GUI is then a requirement, but
that could be dealt with.

So question.. Is there a way to have the stream processed that will
allow me to encode it through liq afterwards in the same script?
We have external encoders, we have external inputs, can we have external
"processors", that pipe the data back to liq as well?

As of now, using command line gives something like this:

radio = single("somefile.flac")
st = %external("./stereo_tool_cmd_64 -q - - | lame -b 256 -S - -")

output.icecast(st, ...)

And yes, there is a possibility to ask the StereoTool dev to make
something happen if need be, but I wanted to get some feedback through
Savonet dev/users before going there.. :)

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Re: [Savonet-users] Docker images for liquidsoap

2016-02-01 Thread Gilou
Le 01/02/2016 15:27, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Hey!
> For those of you who might be interested, we've starting building docker
> images for liquidsoap. They are hosted on docker
> hub:
> The savonet/liquidsoap-deps image contains a debian/testing with all
> dependencies required to build liquidsoap with opam.
> The savonet/liquidsoap-full image contains a compiled liquidsoap-full
> using the savonet/liquidsoap-deps image.
> Feel free to use them and let us know if you have other uses or interest
> in docker and liquidsoap!
> Romain


Care to share/document how you built them too (or maybe I'm too lazy and
you actually shared that in the docs/repository ;)) ?

Thanks, I will have a usecase for that, as you might have guessed from
my last enquiry ;))



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Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 1.2.0 is released!

2016-01-18 Thread Gilou
Le 18/01/2016 17:57, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> 2016-01-18 10:48 GMT-06:00 Gilou :
>> Le 18/01/2016 17:25, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
>>> 2016-01-17 17:14 GMT-06:00 Gilou >> <>>:
>>>> Le 13/01/2016 00:56, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> This with great pleasure and much thanks for your patience that I am
>>>>> glad to announce that liquidsoap 1.2.0 has just been released.
>>>>> Changelog is included at the bottom of this email.
>>>>> This release focuses on getting all the latest and much awaited
>>>>> developments and bug fixes out the door. We will be responding to bug
>>>>> reports and potential feature requests afterward and may release
>>>>> further minor versions as we see fit in the near future.
>>>> Hey there,
>>>> It seems the liquidsoap-full repository didn't get its 1.2.0 tag, it
>>>> might be helpful to be able to check on it as well for releases :)
>>> I was looking at it. It's a bit annoying to do, honestly,
>>> liquidsoap-full is too much of a moving target.
>>> Do you have a real need for it? Otherwise, you can always download the
>>> liquidsoap-full tarball and use it to get released versions or else
>>> checkout liquidsoap-full for the latest development code..
>> Well, it's easier on a machine not using the new opam thing, or package
>> management (well from source) to get ready on a known stable version.
>> I can do without it, or rely on master for those needs, but it'd be nice
>> to be able to target a liq version there too. I can live without it,
>> clearly.
>> Clearly, if opam works nicely and can target a stable version that is a
>> seemingly cleaner solution to me.
>> Use case was: wanting to deploy a liq instance on a new install from
>> source, but still targetting a release to gather all the dependencies
>> super easily. Think docker or general cloud provisioning.
> Yes, I understand your need and it's absolutely relevant.
> What I was trying to say is that we also published a -full tarball
> there: 
> Shouldn't that be enough to get all the code you need for a build?

Definitely, I didn't understand the liq release included -full. That is
perfectly fine, and exactly what I was after, thanks ;)


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Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 1.2.0 is released!

2016-01-18 Thread Gilou
Le 18/01/2016 17:25, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> 2016-01-17 17:14 GMT-06:00 Gilou  <>>:
>> Le 13/01/2016 00:56, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
>> > Dear all,
>> >
>> > This with great pleasure and much thanks for your patience that I am
>> > glad to announce that liquidsoap 1.2.0 has just been released.
>> > Changelog is included at the bottom of this email.
>> >
>> > This release focuses on getting all the latest and much awaited
>> > developments and bug fixes out the door. We will be responding to bug
>> > reports and potential feature requests afterward and may release
>> > further minor versions as we see fit in the near future.
>> >
>> Hey there,
>> It seems the liquidsoap-full repository didn't get its 1.2.0 tag, it
>> might be helpful to be able to check on it as well for releases :)
> I was looking at it. It's a bit annoying to do, honestly,
> liquidsoap-full is too much of a moving target.
> Do you have a real need for it? Otherwise, you can always download the
> liquidsoap-full tarball and use it to get released versions or else
> checkout liquidsoap-full for the latest development code..

Well, it's easier on a machine not using the new opam thing, or package
management (well from source) to get ready on a known stable version.

I can do without it, or rely on master for those needs, but it'd be nice
to be able to target a liq version there too. I can live without it,

Clearly, if opam works nicely and can target a stable version that is a
seemingly cleaner solution to me.

Use case was: wanting to deploy a liq instance on a new install from
source, but still targetting a release to gather all the dependencies
super easily. Think docker or general cloud provisioning.



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Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 1.2.0 is released!

2016-01-17 Thread Gilou
Le 13/01/2016 00:56, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Dear all,
> This with great pleasure and much thanks for your patience that I am
> glad to announce that liquidsoap 1.2.0 has just been released.
> Changelog is included at the bottom of this email.
> This release focuses on getting all the latest and much awaited
> developments and bug fixes out the door. We will be responding to bug
> reports and potential feature requests afterward and may release
> further minor versions as we see fit in the near future.

Hey there,

It seems the liquidsoap-full repository didn't get its 1.2.0 tag, it
might be helpful to be able to check on it as well for releases :)



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Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 1.2.0 is released!

2016-01-13 Thread Gilou
Le 13/01/2016 19:47, Sarah Alawami a écrit :
> Oh darn. Well, I guess for now I'll have to run 1.1.1  or what ever is
> current in apt-get and jessie. Is there a way I can modify my apt-get
> list, or do I need to wait until they do it?

You could simply compile the source yourself and/or generate a package.
Most of the deps are mentionned in the docs and are available. For
ubuntu (not sure about debian), something like:

sudo apt-get install ocaml-findlib libcamomile-ocaml-dev libshout3-dev
libvorbis-dev libid3tag0-dev libasound2-dev autoconf automake
libtag1-dev libmp3lame-dev libfdk-aac-dev libopus-dev libfaad-dev
ladspa-sdk libsoundtouch-dev libresample0-dev libpcre-ocaml-dev

should get you somewhere :D



> Take care.
>> On Jan 13, 2016, at 6:26 AM, Romain Beauxis > > wrote:
>> 2016-01-12 20:45 GMT-06:00 Sarah Alawami > >:
>>> Quick question. Do I need to wait until it makes it in to the Debian
>>> jessie apt-get package I'm using? I'm still running 1.1.1 here.
>>> That's actually ok as if there are any issues I would want to wait
>>> until they are resolved.
>> Debian stable usually sticks with the versions that were shipped at
>> release time. Furthermore, we will not be maintaining the debian
>> packages anymore in the future, unfortunately, so any update there
>> will depend on their own manpower.
>> Romain
>>> Take care and happy Tuesday.
 On Jan 12, 2016, at 3:56 PM, Romain Beauxis>> wrote:

 Dear all,

 This with great pleasure and much thanks for your patience that I am
 glad to announce that liquidsoap 1.2.0 has just been released.
 Changelog is included at the bottom of this email.

 This release focuses on getting all the latest and much awaited
 developments and bug fixes out the door. We will be responding to bug
 reports and potential feature requests afterward and may release
 further minor versions as we see fit in the near future.

 Among the new features for this release, the following are worth

 - Support for websockets input. The technology has been implemented
 for a while but, with the latest development in web browsers and
 javascript support, it seems that it now fully functional. This means
 that you can create an audio stream directly from a browser window and
 send it to liquidsoap/icecast! This does not just mean
 microphone-based streams but also file-based streams and even a mixed
 of both! There is a proof of concept that you can test here: Needless to say, we are quite
 excited by this!

 - Support for a buffer.adaptative operator which can be used to
 mitigate issues related to network lags and clock inconsistencies
 between source clients and servers.

 - Support for multiple sources connected to the same shoutcast v2

 This release comes almost 3 years after the previous one. Admittedly,
 things got a little delayed here.. Indeed, as we have moved further
 into our respective lives, it has become increasingly difficult for us
 to provide the same service as open source developers for this project
 as we had in the past.

 We, however, remain committed to the savonet project and still care
 about its future and our users.

 In the future, we will concentrate on the core mission of the project,
 which is the liquidsoap DSL and binary. This means that other
 side-projects such as Flows! or Liguidsoap will unfortunately receive
 less attention from us. Likewise, our priority will be to work on bugs
 and feature releases through our github project pages. We will
 continue to provide support to users through our mailing list, of
 course, but will do as time allows

 Meanwhile, we warmly welcome any interested contributor to step up and
 join our team. We like to believe that we are relatively nice to
 work with.
 And, yeah, OCaml isn't that hard to learn. I've been there myself.. :-)

 Finally, we want to express our deep and humbled gratitude to our

 users who have kept using and trusting liquidsoap in the past years.
 Thank you so much guys!!

 We all wish you guys a wonderful 2016 full of successful liquidsoap
 projects and much more!

 For the Savonet Team,
 David, Romain and Sam

 1.2.0 (unreleased)


 - Websocket server (#90): this means that you can stream to harbor
 directly from
 your browser!

 - Add support for AIFF format (#112).

 - Add url.split_args to split the argument of an url (#123).

 - Add buffer.adaptative to cope with small network delays (#131).

 - Add sleeper operator to simulate network delays and test

Re: [Savonet-users] Liquidsoap 1.2.0 is released!

2016-01-12 Thread Gilou
Le 13/01/2016 00:56, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Dear all,
> This with great pleasure and much thanks for your patience that I am
> glad to announce that liquidsoap 1.2.0 has just been released.
> Changelog is included at the bottom of this email.

That is awesome, thanks a lot! Can't wait to try those new things.
Somehow, welcome back ;)



> This release focuses on getting all the latest and much awaited
> developments and bug fixes out the door. We will be responding to bug
> reports and potential feature requests afterward and may release
> further minor versions as we see fit in the near future.
> Among the new features for this release, the following are worth noticing:
> - Support for websockets input. The technology has been implemented
> for a while but, with the latest development in web browsers and
> javascript support, it seems that it now fully functional. This means
> that you can create an audio stream directly from a browser window and
> send it to liquidsoap/icecast! This does not just mean
> microphone-based streams but also file-based streams and even a mixed
> of both! There is a proof of concept that you can test here:
> Needless to say, we are quite
> excited by this!
> - Support for a buffer.adaptative operator which can be used to
> mitigate issues related to network lags and clock inconsistencies
> between source clients and servers.
> - Support for multiple sources connected to the same shoutcast v2 server.
> This release comes almost 3 years after the previous one. Admittedly,
> things got a little delayed here.. Indeed, as we have moved further
> into our respective lives, it has become increasingly difficult for us
> to provide the same service as open source developers for this project
> as we had in the past.
> We, however, remain committed to the savonet project and still care
> about its future and our users.
> In the future, we will concentrate on the core mission of the project,
> which is the liquidsoap DSL and binary. This means that other
> side-projects such as Flows! or Liguidsoap will unfortunately receive
> less attention from us. Likewise, our priority will be to work on bugs
> and feature releases through our github project pages. We will
> continue to provide support to users through our mailing list, of
> course, but will do as time allows
> Meanwhile, we warmly welcome any interested contributor to step up and
> join our team. We like to believe that we are relatively nice to work with.
> And, yeah, OCaml isn't that hard to learn. I've been there myself.. :-)
> Finally, we want to express our deep and humbled gratitude to our
> users who have kept using and trusting liquidsoap in the past years.
> Thank you so much guys!!
> We all wish you guys a wonderful 2016 full of successful liquidsoap
> projects and much more!
> For the Savonet Team,
> David, Romain and Sam
> 1.2.0 (unreleased)
> ==
> New:
> - Websocket server (#90): this means that you can stream to harbor directly 
> from
>   your browser!
> - Add support for AIFF format (#112).
> - Add url.split_args to split the argument of an url (#123).
> - Add buffer.adaptative to cope with small network delays (#131).
> - Add sleeper operator to simulate network delays and test robustness (#131).
> - Add stereo.left and stereo.right to extract channels from a stereo stream.
> - Add restart command to restart liquidsoap (#135).
> - Add file.contents to read the contents of a file.
> - Add filter.rc for first-order RC filters.
> Enhancements:
> - Add support for sending OSC data (osc.send_*).
> - Native support for (some) AVI files (#256) which enables support for 
> external
>   video encoders (#233).
> - Improve rms operator (#105) to have per channel rms (#102), the ability to
>   dynamically set window duration (#103) and multiple monitors (#104).
> - Icecast streaming can now use HTTP1.1 chunked encoding (#82, #107).
> - Add support for multiple shoutcast extensions (#216).
> - Fade type can be overridden by metadata in / fade.out (#64).
> - Allow LADSPA plugins with arbitrary number of channels (#191).
> - Rename shine encoder from %mp3.fxp to %shine.
> - fdkaac: dynamic plugin (#79), set afterburner parameter, use MPEG4 by 
> default
>   (#83).
> - Improved subtyping on lists (#125, #126).
> - Add native simple JSON decoder.
> - Better code: do not abusively use assertions (#137), issue more warnings and
>   fix them (#162).
> Bugfixes:

Re: [Savonet-users] safe harbor...

2014-03-25 Thread Gilou
Le 25/03/2014 01:10, uno a écrit :
> hello,
> i wonder if there's a way to use harbor without exposing it to the public.
> I'm using it quite often, always internally via vpn connections from various
> sources (phones, raspberries, laptops). now i have the case that i'd need a 
> publicly available live input. well, my basic question is probably: is it 
> safe 
> to open harbor to the wild? i sort of trust icecast, so i maybe could check 
> for the availability of an icecast stream and use input.http... not sue.
> any advise appreciated! thanks, udo

Well.. I found it to be safe (no a serious audit though, but the code
doesn't do much that seems to be easy to exploit), but using
harbour.bind_addr & a firewall sounds quite reasonnable in that case...
And also (but that goes for icecast as well), the auth is sent in clear
text so...

Only proper auth would be something based on a script https hosted that
opens the firewall, but that's already quite complicated ;)

And of course, don't run liq as root.. But I hope nobody does that ;)


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Re: [Savonet-users] queueing things in liquidsoap

2013-11-19 Thread Gilou
Le 19/11/2013 13:18, Pranas Gudaitis a écrit :
> hi,
> there are means of making repetitive tasks on liquidsoap, like add_timeout 
> and then server.execute
> BUT it's almost always that you need to do certain things at certain time 
> certain weekdays, like reload playlists after new ones are uploaded. or even 
> queue up some things to be played not repetitevely but somewen at certain 
> time.
> how to do that?
> one idea came to mind that i could make a task that runs on predefined time 
> with batch file that says things to liquidsoap via telnet (it's on windows). 
> but it's not elegant! any thoughts?...


The way it's usually done, is to make the request dynamic. Instead of
having to tell liquidsoap what to play, you have liquidsoap ask "what
should I play next", and feed it with the answer (using a script), so
you don't have to tell liquidsoap to reload anything :)

An approach I like is to have a fallback liq script to be able to put
one down if I need to do massive changes (that can't be reloaded
easily). This way, your main stream never goes down (if you're careful,
it can even fallback smoothly for your listeners), and you can
change/reload whatever you want by simply stopping & restarting the liq



> thanks,
> p 
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Re: [Savonet-users] metadata from filename

2013-09-26 Thread Gilou
Le 26/09/2013 12:02, Yoann QUERET a écrit :
> Hi,
> I use a m3u playlist for source with only WAV file formated ( - 
> .wav) also i have not metadata on.
> How i can extract  and  from filename and rewrite 
> liquidsoap metadata ?

Hey yok,

Combining map_metadata that gets a filename attribute iirc, and use the
string functions to parse this (split comes into mind)?



> Thk
> Yoann
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Re: [Savonet-users] clever use of reload_mode="rounds"

2013-07-04 Thread Gilou
Le 04/07/2013 22:34, Pranas Gudaitis a écrit :
> hi!
> i am thinking of making a playlist reload before broadcast, to ensure that 
> it's fresh.
> earlier i've been using reload timers in seconds, they would reload stuff 
> every few hours and litter my logs, although actually just one reload before 
> broadcast is required.
> later I discovered and started using a thing like [reload_mode="rounds", 
> reload=1, "D:/blah.m3u"]
> that seems a clever option, but the problem with it is that it reloads 
> playlist just after it's finished and it's wrong because people never upload 
> a playlist for next week when the current playlist is playing. as a result, 
> reload just reloads the old playlist again and doesn't pay attention when 
> it's updated. what workaround could i make here, if not timers again? is 
> there an option to reload things just a moment before scheduled air time?

I don't think you can do that easily, but you could use the watch mode,
that reloads it when the file changes, so that it's always fresh? ;)



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Re: [Savonet-users] FAAD bug (Was: Re: Limit on playlist())

2013-06-26 Thread Gilou
Le 26/06/2013 01:07, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Thanks to Giles' feedback, the issue should be fixed now!

Might be interesting to push that upstream, as faad uses the same kind
of code I guess..

Anyway, so far, so good, I patched with
9c3f0b7360a8947138d151aa3a9632752d7618c2 and the 25 files that were a
problem are now parsed and played properly.

Cheers, and thanks a lot ;)

> Romain
> 2013/6/20 Gilou :
>> Le 19/06/2013 19:34, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
>>> 2013/6/19 Gilou :
>>>> Le 19/06/2013 14:06, Gilou a écrit :
>>>>> Le 19/06/2013 04:44, David Baelde a écrit :
>>>>>> Hi Gilou,
>>>>>> Thanks for investigating more. I wonder what it could be. If you're
>>>>>> using a regular playlist (not then the files are not
>>>>>> checked in advance, so really the only thing that changes with the
>>>>>> size of the playlist is parsing time. What you said is consistent with
>>>>>> this: you have the same problem with a smaller playlist. After that
>>>>>> point, one possible source of slowdown is if a file takes forever to
>>>>>> check before loading into the queue. Perhaps can you identify
>>>>>> problematic files and see how long "liquidsoap -r " takes on it.
>>>>>> Good luck,
>>>> OK.. Found it again.. It's a bug in faad, that can't read some m4a
>>>> files. Not sure why. If I do faad -i $file, it makes the CPU cry. The
>>>> XML is not the problem, as some normally-read files have the same kind
>>>> of metadata.
>>>> I need to investigate this further, or ban .m4a (maybe not a bad idea,
>>>> but kinda annoying)..
>>>> Lead:
>>> Thanks for looking at that, Gilou! I'll do my best to look at it ASAP.
>>> Romain
>> So !
>> The bug seems to indeed be in libmp4ff, that can't read some of the
>> files.. As I told Romain, if I try to use faad -i, it uses 100% CPU, and
>> the backtrace gives:
>> #12 0x004056dd in parse_sub_atoms (f=0x60e220, total_size=37434,
>> meta_only=0) at mp4ff.c:173
>> #13 0x0040568a in parse_sub_atoms (f=0x60e220, total_size=125657,
>> meta_only=0) at mp4ff.c:171
>> #14 0x00405799 in parse_atoms (f=0x60e220, meta_only=0) at
>> mp4ff.c:214
>> #15 0x004058ba in mp4ff_open_read (f=0x60d090) at mp4ff.c:43
>> #16 0x004026d7 in decodeMP4file (song_length=,
>> adts_out=0, infoOnly=1, noGapless=0, downMatrix=0, fileType=1,
>> outputFormat=1, to_stdout=0, adts_fn=0x0,
>> sndfile=0x60d050 "01 Tenderly.wav",
>> mp4file=0x60d010 "01 Tenderly.m4a")
>> at main.c:856
>> #17 main (argc=, argv=) at main.c:1364
>> I'm not exactly an expert on libmp4ff, nor on m4a format.. So I thought
>> to myself, "hey, maybe ffmpeg can help, and you could use add_decoder
>> with avconv". No luck, but another lead, maybe..
>> % ffprobe /tmp/01\ Tenderly.m4a
>> avprobe version 0.8.6-6:0.8.6-1ubuntu2, Copyright (c) 2007-2013 the
>> Libav developers
>>   built on Mar 30 2013 22:20:06 with gcc 4.7.2
>> [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x1af4b20] error reading header: -1094995529
>> /tmp/01 Tenderly.m4a: Invalid data found when processing input
>> Well.. That's something I can parse (though ffprobe returns 0 after
>> this.. yey..), but I'd rather just have liq play those files..
>> vlc reads them, and libmediainfo is able to get the metadatas out..
>> without using 100% cpu.. so.. dunno.. Help ? :D
>> mencoder and mplayer chokes on it as well, but it uses libav.. and spits
>> this:
>> Playing /tmp/01 Tenderly.m4a.
>> libavformat version 53.21.1 (external)
>> Mismatching header version 53.19.0
>> libavformat file format detected.
>> [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x7faa7b6758c0]error reading header: -1094995529
>> LAVF_header: av_open_input_stream() failed
>> ISO: File Type Major Brand: Apple iTunes AAC-LC Audio
>> Quicktime/MOV file format detected.
>> [mov] Audio stream found, -aid 0
>> Load subtitles in /tmp/
>> ==
>> Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
>> libavcodec

Re: [Savonet-users] FAAD bug (Was: Re: Limit on playlist())

2013-06-20 Thread Gilou
Le 19/06/2013 19:34, Romain Beauxis a écrit :
> 2013/6/19 Gilou :
>> Le 19/06/2013 14:06, Gilou a écrit :
>>> Le 19/06/2013 04:44, David Baelde a écrit :
>>>> Hi Gilou,
>>>> Thanks for investigating more. I wonder what it could be. If you're
>>>> using a regular playlist (not then the files are not
>>>> checked in advance, so really the only thing that changes with the
>>>> size of the playlist is parsing time. What you said is consistent with
>>>> this: you have the same problem with a smaller playlist. After that
>>>> point, one possible source of slowdown is if a file takes forever to
>>>> check before loading into the queue. Perhaps can you identify
>>>> problematic files and see how long "liquidsoap -r " takes on it.
>>>> Good luck,
>> OK.. Found it again.. It's a bug in faad, that can't read some m4a
>> files. Not sure why. If I do faad -i $file, it makes the CPU cry. The
>> XML is not the problem, as some normally-read files have the same kind
>> of metadata.
>> I need to investigate this further, or ban .m4a (maybe not a bad idea,
>> but kinda annoying)..
>> Lead:
> Thanks for looking at that, Gilou! I'll do my best to look at it ASAP.
> Romain

So !

The bug seems to indeed be in libmp4ff, that can't read some of the
files.. As I told Romain, if I try to use faad -i, it uses 100% CPU, and
the backtrace gives:

#12 0x004056dd in parse_sub_atoms (f=0x60e220, total_size=37434,
meta_only=0) at mp4ff.c:173
#13 0x0040568a in parse_sub_atoms (f=0x60e220, total_size=125657,
meta_only=0) at mp4ff.c:171
#14 0x00405799 in parse_atoms (f=0x60e220, meta_only=0) at
#15 0x004058ba in mp4ff_open_read (f=0x60d090) at mp4ff.c:43
#16 0x004026d7 in decodeMP4file (song_length=,
adts_out=0, infoOnly=1, noGapless=0, downMatrix=0, fileType=1,
outputFormat=1, to_stdout=0, adts_fn=0x0,
sndfile=0x60d050 "01 Tenderly.wav",
mp4file=0x60d010 "01 Tenderly.m4a")
at main.c:856
#17 main (argc=, argv=) at main.c:1364

I'm not exactly an expert on libmp4ff, nor on m4a format.. So I thought
to myself, "hey, maybe ffmpeg can help, and you could use add_decoder
with avconv". No luck, but another lead, maybe..

% ffprobe /tmp/01\ Tenderly.m4a
avprobe version 0.8.6-6:0.8.6-1ubuntu2, Copyright (c) 2007-2013 the
Libav developers
  built on Mar 30 2013 22:20:06 with gcc 4.7.2
[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x1af4b20] error reading header: -1094995529
/tmp/01 Tenderly.m4a: Invalid data found when processing input

Well.. That's something I can parse (though ffprobe returns 0 after
this.. yey..), but I'd rather just have liq play those files..

vlc reads them, and libmediainfo is able to get the metadatas out..
without using 100% cpu.. so.. dunno.. Help ? :D

mencoder and mplayer chokes on it as well, but it uses libav.. and spits

Playing /tmp/01 Tenderly.m4a.
libavformat version 53.21.1 (external)
Mismatching header version 53.19.0
libavformat file format detected.
[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x7faa7b6758c0]error reading header: -1094995529
LAVF_header: av_open_input_stream() failed
ISO: File Type Major Brand: Apple iTunes AAC-LC Audio
Quicktime/MOV file format detected.
[mov] Audio stream found, -aid 0
Load subtitles in /tmp/
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
libavcodec version 53.35.0 (external)
Mismatching header version 53.32.2
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 1411.2 kbit/100.00% (ratio: 176400->176400)
Selected audio codec: [ffaac] afm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg AAC (MPEG-2/MPEG-4 Audio))
AO: [pulse] 44100Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Video: no video
Starting playback...

So it works in the end, but it cries again about a header... Maybe it
expects video ?


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[Savonet-users] FAAD bug (Was: Re: Limit on playlist())

2013-06-19 Thread Gilou
Le 19/06/2013 14:06, Gilou a écrit :
> Le 19/06/2013 04:44, David Baelde a écrit :
>> Hi Gilou,
>> Thanks for investigating more. I wonder what it could be. If you're
>> using a regular playlist (not then the files are not
>> checked in advance, so really the only thing that changes with the
>> size of the playlist is parsing time. What you said is consistent with
>> this: you have the same problem with a smaller playlist. After that
>> point, one possible source of slowdown is if a file takes forever to
>> check before loading into the queue. Perhaps can you identify
>> problematic files and see how long "liquidsoap -r " takes on it.
>> Good luck,

OK.. Found it again.. It's a bug in faad, that can't read some m4a
files. Not sure why. If I do faad -i $file, it makes the CPU cry. The
XML is not the problem, as some normally-read files have the same kind
of metadata.

I need to investigate this further, or ban .m4a (maybe not a bad idea,
but kinda annoying)..


> Well, now I know.. I ran a liq script on a playlist made of all the m4a
> of the former playlist... And used liq -r on the first file (#2 on the
> list, yey) encountered that made the script using 100% of the CPU:
> $ time liquidsoap -r "01 Lighters Up (feat. Mavado & Popcaan) 1.m4a"
> ^C
> real11m30.613s
> user4m30.589s
> sys 6m57.990s
> (I went for a coffee, otherwise I wouldn't have had it run for that long
> hehe ;))
> So unless liq or the .m4a decoder has something against Snoop Lionny
> Dog, I guess that's a bug, unfortunately probably linked to the file
> format.. I can share the file if needed. From my not-so-developper
> experience, I'd say the XML part looks suspicious hehe..
> Here's what mediainfo has to say about the file (I xxx'ed the iTunes
> shitty identifying tags):
> General
> Complete name: 01 Lighters Up (feat. Mavado
> & Popcaan)
>  1.m4a
> Format   : MPEG-4
> Format profile   : Apple audio with iTunes info
> Codec ID : M4A
> File size: 7.88 MiB
> Duration : 3mn 46s
> Overall bit rate mode: Variable
> Overall bit rate : 291 Kbps
> Album: Lighters Up (feat. Mavado &
> Popcaan) - Single
> Album/Performer  : Snoop Lion
> Part/Position: 1
> Part/Total   : 1
> Track name   : Lighters Up (feat. Mavado &
> Popcaan)
> Track name/Position  : 1
> Track name/Total : 1
> Performer: Snoop Lion
> Composer : Calvin Broadus, Andrew
> Hershey, Wayne Henry, Andrew Bain, David Con
> stantine Brooks & Andrae Sutherland
> Genre: Hip Hop
> Recorded date: UTC 2012-12-18 08:00:00
> Tagged date  : UTC 2013-05-08 23:02:44
> Cover: Yes
> apID :
> cnID : X
> rtng : 0
> atID : X
> cmID : X
> plID : X
> geID : 18
> sfID : XXX
> stik : 1
> purd : 2013-03-27 08:39:05
> xid  : XXX
> flvr : 2:256
> iTunMOVI :  encoding="UTF-8"?> /  /Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
> "";> /  version="1.0"> / 
> /   asset-info /  /
> file-size /  80567
> 15 /  flavor /
> 2:256 / /  /  plist>
> Audio
> ID   : 1
> Format   : AAC
> Format/Info  : Advanced Audio Codec
> Format profile   : LC
> Codec ID : 40
> Duration : 3mn 46s
> Bit rate mode  

Re: [Savonet-users] Limit on playlist()

2013-06-19 Thread Gilou
Le 19/06/2013 04:44, David Baelde a écrit :
> Hi Gilou,
> Thanks for investigating more. I wonder what it could be. If you're
> using a regular playlist (not then the files are not
> checked in advance, so really the only thing that changes with the
> size of the playlist is parsing time. What you said is consistent with
> this: you have the same problem with a smaller playlist. After that
> point, one possible source of slowdown is if a file takes forever to
> check before loading into the queue. Perhaps can you identify
> problematic files and see how long "liquidsoap -r " takes on it.
> Good luck,

Well, now I know.. I ran a liq script on a playlist made of all the m4a
of the former playlist... And used liq -r on the first file (#2 on the
list, yey) encountered that made the script using 100% of the CPU:

$ time liquidsoap -r "01 Lighters Up (feat. Mavado & Popcaan) 1.m4a"

sys 6m57.990s

(I went for a coffee, otherwise I wouldn't have had it run for that long
hehe ;))

So unless liq or the .m4a decoder has something against Snoop Lionny
Dog, I guess that's a bug, unfortunately probably linked to the file
format.. I can share the file if needed. From my not-so-developper
experience, I'd say the XML part looks suspicious hehe..

Here's what mediainfo has to say about the file (I xxx'ed the iTunes
shitty identifying tags):

Complete name: 01 Lighters Up (feat. Mavado
& Popcaan)
Format   : MPEG-4
Format profile   : Apple audio with iTunes info
Codec ID : M4A
File size: 7.88 MiB
Duration : 3mn 46s
Overall bit rate mode: Variable
Overall bit rate : 291 Kbps
Album: Lighters Up (feat. Mavado &
Popcaan) - Single
Album/Performer  : Snoop Lion
Part/Position: 1
Part/Total   : 1
Track name   : Lighters Up (feat. Mavado &
Track name/Position  : 1
Track name/Total : 1
Performer: Snoop Lion
Composer : Calvin Broadus, Andrew
Hershey, Wayne Henry, Andrew Bain, David Con
stantine Brooks & Andrae Sutherland
Genre: Hip Hop
Recorded date: UTC 2012-12-18 08:00:00
Tagged date  : UTC 2013-05-08 23:02:44
Cover: Yes
apID :
cnID : X
rtng : 0
atID : X
cmID : X
plID : X
geID : 18
sfID : XXX
stik : 1
purd : 2013-03-27 08:39:05
xid  : XXX
flvr : 2:256
iTunMOVI :  /";> /  / 
/   asset-info /  /
file-size /  80567
15 /  flavor /
2:256 / /  / 

ID   : 1
Format   : AAC
Format/Info  : Advanced Audio Codec
Format profile   : LC
Codec ID : 40
Duration : 3mn 46s
Bit rate mode: Variable
Bit rate : 265 Kbps
Maximum bit rate : 422 Kbps
Channel(s)   : 2 channels
Channel positions: Front: L R
Sampling rate: 44.1 KHz
Compression mode : Lossy
Stream size  : 7.11 MiB (90%)
Language : English
Tagged date  : UTC 2013-03-27 09:39:20



> David
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 9:01 PM, Gilou  wrote:
>> Le 18/06/2013 10:24, Gilou a écrit :
>>> Le 18/06/2013 08:43, David Baelde a écrit :
>>>> Hi Gilou,
>>>> What kind of playlist format are you using? I just tested with a 10k
>>>> playlist and it worked reasonably:
>>> Normal playlist, but it seems I'm hitting another bug.. I restrict

Re: [Savonet-users] Limit on playlist()

2013-06-18 Thread Gilou
Le 18/06/2013 10:24, Gilou a écrit :
> Le 18/06/2013 08:43, David Baelde a écrit :
>> Hi Gilou,
>> What kind of playlist format are you using? I just tested with a 10k
>> playlist and it worked reasonably:
> Normal playlist, but it seems I'm hitting another bug.. I restricted all
> the list to 500 elements, but after some time (between 1 and 6 hour),
> liq start using all my CPU again.. So I need to do some more investigation..
> I'm running 1.1.1, on a .m3u (text, really) playlist made of .mp3s &
> .m4a.. my next step is to use only .mp3 and see how that goes..

Yeah.. I think the issue is more related to some kind of files than the
playlist size in the end.. I restricted to .mp3, and it seems steady.
Still investigating. .m4a / AAC seems to be guilty.. Anything bad to
know about those files on liquidsoap ?


> Cheers
> Gilles
>> $ time liquidsoap
>> 'print(string_of(list.nth(playlist.parse("~/tmp/10k.txt"),0)))'
>> It also works well when just doing out(playlist("~/tmp/10k.txt")). I'm
>> using the same file on each line, but I don't think that it triggers
>> any optimization.
>> That being said, the code can certainly be optimized. I could easily
>> do it if it's about the basic playlist parser -- for more structures
>> formats, it might be more difficult and even impossible when we use an
>> external lib.
>> Cheers,
>> David
>> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 3:24 AM, Gilou  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there a file number limit on playlist() ? I tried to do it on a 2000+
>>> list, and it choke on it, using 100% CPU. It was still streaming the
>>> fallback though, good job on that hehe..
>>> Anyway, it seems limiting to <2000 works.. But maybe that's a bug.. Or
>>> maybe we are just not supposed to have playlists that big...
>>> Cheers
>>> Gilou
>>> --
>>> This email is sponsored by Windows:
>>> Build for Windows Store.
>>> ___
>>> Savonet-users mailing list
> --
> This email is sponsored by Windows:
> Build for Windows Store.
> ___
> Savonet-users mailing list

This email is sponsored by Windows:

Build for Windows Store.
Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Limit on playlist()

2013-06-18 Thread Gilou
Le 18/06/2013 08:43, David Baelde a écrit :
> Hi Gilou,
> What kind of playlist format are you using? I just tested with a 10k
> playlist and it worked reasonably:

Normal playlist, but it seems I'm hitting another bug.. I restricted all
the list to 500 elements, but after some time (between 1 and 6 hour),
liq start using all my CPU again.. So I need to do some more investigation..

I'm running 1.1.1, on a .m3u (text, really) playlist made of .mp3s &
.m4a.. my next step is to use only .mp3 and see how that goes..

> $ time liquidsoap
> 'print(string_of(list.nth(playlist.parse("~/tmp/10k.txt"),0)))'
> It also works well when just doing out(playlist("~/tmp/10k.txt")). I'm
> using the same file on each line, but I don't think that it triggers
> any optimization.
> That being said, the code can certainly be optimized. I could easily
> do it if it's about the basic playlist parser -- for more structures
> formats, it might be more difficult and even impossible when we use an
> external lib.
> Cheers,
> David
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 3:24 AM, Gilou  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a file number limit on playlist() ? I tried to do it on a 2000+
>> list, and it choke on it, using 100% CPU. It was still streaming the
>> fallback though, good job on that hehe..
>> Anyway, it seems limiting to <2000 works.. But maybe that's a bug.. Or
>> maybe we are just not supposed to have playlists that big...
>> Cheers
>> Gilou
>> --
>> This email is sponsored by Windows:
>> Build for Windows Store.
>> ___
>> Savonet-users mailing list

This email is sponsored by Windows:

Build for Windows Store.
Savonet-users mailing list

[Savonet-users] Limit on playlist()

2013-06-17 Thread Gilou

Is there a file number limit on playlist() ? I tried to do it on a 2000+
list, and it choke on it, using 100% CPU. It was still streaming the
fallback though, good job on that hehe..

Anyway, it seems limiting to <2000 works.. But maybe that's a bug.. Or
maybe we are just not supposed to have playlists that big...



This email is sponsored by Windows:

Build for Windows Store.
Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Email alert on source drop

2013-06-07 Thread Gilou
Le 07/06/2013 14:48, Andy Brown a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I'm after a couple of pointers. What I'm wanting to achieve is to detect
> when a harbor source is lost. I run a few internet streams for various
> radio stations and have fallback systems in place, but want to be
> notified or specify notification emails for them.
> I'm looking around line 165 of sources/ at the:
> self#log#f 2 "Feeding stopped: %s." (Utils.error_message e) ;
> As I think this would be the correct trigger point, but I don't know
> anything about OCaml so trying to work out the best way of implementing
> this.
> Can anyone offer any pointers?--


Yes, you can use the on_blank on your source to generate an alert like that:
function blank_alert()
system("whatever shell command you want to be executed on blank")

onblank(blank_alert, length=XX., your_source)

I usually use that with the on_noise parameter as well, to call a script
that mails or do whatever needs to be done externally..

Good luck ;)

> Andy
> e: andy @
> w:
> g:
> --
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> Savonet-users mailing list

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Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] Use liquidsoap without reencoding

2012-02-24 Thread Gilou
Le 25/02/2012 00:18, Alexandru Matei a écrit :
> Hi!
> I would like to have a setup like this: use airtime to connect to a 
> liquidsoap harbor,do a lot of things,output to icecast. I don't know if 
> I'm able to tune in the airtime script so much to get the same behavior. 
> Anyway, this way the audio content is reencoded two times.
> Is there a way to bypass reencoding in liquidsoap? I'm aware that I have 
> to be sure I use the same rate, samplerate, number of channels.

Well, no, you can't in/output in liq without reencoding. But since
airtime uses liq, I'm pretty sure you can find a way to add your things
using liq before it outputs the stream...



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Re: [Savonet-users] Clock issue...

2012-02-24 Thread Gilou
Le 23/02/2012 12:43, David Baelde a écrit :
> 2012/02/23 12:43:16 [neutrino:2] We must catchup -0.1 seconds ;)
> David

I lol'ed ;)


Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Savonet-users mailing list

Re: [Savonet-users] French community!!

2011-05-02 Thread Gilou
Le 29/04/2011 14:17, Mix Dance a écrit :
> Hello Word!
> Je suis l'utilisateur francais qui avait parlé de créé une communauté
> francophone autour de Liquidsoap: celle-ci existe desormais a cette
> adresse:
> Inscrivez-vous puis envoyez-moi un mail afin que je vous mette
> moderateur du Forum et surtout n'oubliez pas d'aider les gens!!
> Merci a tous et a bientot!
> Antoine


Je n'aime pas ce genre de forum entièrement supporté par la pub par des 
prestataires totalement inhabituels pour de tels projets.. La liste de 
diffusion peut très bien se décliner en plusieurs langues (y-a-t'il une 
interdiction de publier en français, tant sur la ML que sur le wiki ?)..

Je pense qu'une "communauté" ne se crée qu'autour de là où sont 
réellement les gens.. Les français sont sur cette liste, et ils sont sur 
#savonet.. S'éparpiller ne ferait pas trop de bien à mon avis à la 
communauté déjà existante ! Cela dit, ton effort est à mon avis 
bienvenu, mais je pense qu'on peut faire plus pour la communauté FR 
autour de ce qu'on a déjà pour la communauté internationale ;)

To any non-fr speaking people interested in this conversation: I 
disagree with such external support for a national community, and I 
think international communities can live with the tools we are already 
used to..


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