Re: Suggestion for a hard drive CUPS-like data base

2011-07-28 Thread Brent L. Bates
 One point of clarification.  CUPS was NOT developed by Apple, they bought
it.  I used to talk to the guy who actually created it many YEARS ago as free
software.  He then commercialized it some, then eventually sold it off.  I
guess Apple owns the rights to it now.

Re: xdiff for SL

2010-10-22 Thread Brent L. Bates
 xdiff can be found at the following link:

I had some problems getting it to work under the latest SL release (5.5) and
the author, Rudy Wortel, sent me the source file.  He didn't say I could give
it to anyone else, so I can't offer it.  I may be able to give out an
executable, but I'd have to ask about that.  Let him or me know if you have
any problems with what is on his Web site above.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Re: Clean SL 5.4 Install and Anaconda Disk Partitioning Madness

2010-03-25 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Thanks for all the suggestions.  Anaconda still did some rearranging, but
I eventually figured out what I needed to do to get what I wanted.  I had to
use `Edit' to set the starting and ending cylinders as well as use the
Primary Partition check box.  I had to use `Edit' for all the partitions.  I
tried `Add' for the last partition and let it go to the end of the drive
automatically, but it stopped short of the end, so I had to use `Edit' in
order to use the full drive space.  I assembled all my partitions into their
respective software RAID's, set file system type, mount points, and clicked

 New problem, it now says XFS is not valid for a boot partition.  Hogwash!
 All my systems use XFS for boot partitions.  I've got systems running SL
3.0.5, SL 4.5, and one running SL 5.3 all with ONLY XFS files systems
including /boot.  Any ideas on getting past this new hurdle?  Thanks.

 Oh, in order to get XFS listed as a valid file system, I had to add `xfs'
to the `linux' line when I started up the install.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Clean SL 5.4 Install and Anaconda Disk Partitioning Madness

2010-03-24 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I've been searching Google for answers and can't find any, so I decided
to check here.

 I'm trying to do a clean install of SL 5.4.  I'm booting from an SL 5.4
x86_64 DVD.  When I get to the point of custom partitioning my drives,
Anaconda makes a mess of things.  I have 4 drives and I want 4 partions on
each drive.  The first partion will be `/boot', next `/', then `/data', and
finally a swap partion.  As I create each partition on each drive, Anaconda
will suddenly rearrange the order of the partions.  When I go onto another
drive, the order may be different than the last drive I just partitioned.
 When I try to do the 4th and last partition, I get an `Extended' 4th partion
(which is empty) and a real 5th partition, instead of a simple single

 In the end, what I want is the first partition on each drive combined
into a software RAID 1 and be `/boot'.  The next 2 sets will be software RAID
0's and `/'  `/data'.  The final partitions will be 4 separate swap
partitions that the OS will take care of.

 I've tried creating all the partitions on one drive and then moving onto
the next one and the next one, but it scrambles things up.  I've tried
creating the first partition on each drive, then combining them into the RAID
1 md0 device, and specifying the files system type, and mount point `/boot'.
 Next I go onto the next partition, which I've tried as a software RAID 0
partition and swap at various times.  This one usually works, but not always.
 When I get to the 3rd partition, then it will suddenly rearrange the
partitions on that drive.  I've even seen it suddenly create a swap partition
on a different drive than what I'm actually working on.

 I've done this with earlier versions of SL, but I don't remember having
this much trouble with Anaconda randomly rearranging things and creating an
extra unneeded partion.  Any insights would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Re: SL archives and indexed postings not accessible

2010-03-22 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I tried to do what Mark Stodola indicated he did and didn't get very far.
 I went to:

I clicked on `View list archives', which took me to:

which gives me a blank page.  I looked at the page source and the the page is
incomplete, there is no ending `/BODY' or `/HTML'.  I have no idea what
else is missing, but it is enough for my browser to just give up on the whole
page and just give me a blank screen.  I tried a MUCH older browser, Mosaic, I
received the same Web page, but it displayed everything that it downloaded
despite it being incomplete.
 In the old browser, I clicked on the SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS link and I
get a page displayed.  I go back to my usual browser and put that link into it
and get a blank page again.  This page has the ending `/BODY', but no ending
 Again in the old browser, I tried clicking on `March 2010' and then
`February 2010'.  Instead of showing me a page, both times it wants to
download a file.  I went ahead with the download and the page has a bunch of
lines with control-M's at the beginning of the file and after every line in
the file.  It is an HTML file, but again with out an ending `/BODY' or
`/HTML'.  Apparently, these links run an executable on a Windbloze system as
the link ends with:



  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Re: xcalc still available?

2010-02-12 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Looks like another useful tool TUV has decided not to include.  Just like
xman.  The last time I checked, which has been a very long time ago, the
sources had them, but TUV just decides not to allow them to be built.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Re: Logo Contest for SL6 extended

2009-10-20 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Personally, of all the logos on the page, I think #3 is the best.  I say
#12 is the worst, simply because of the complexity and it doesn't seem to
scale well.  However, #1 is a very close second, to the bottom.  Although I
did not say it in my last email comments, #1, like William Somsky indicated,
also looks very familiar to me.  I think I've seen it as the logo of some
chemical or pharmaceutical company.  I do not remember which one at the
moment.  That's my 25 cents, inflation.  :-)


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Re: TESTING - yum update for SL5

2009-05-15 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Oh!  I thought yumex was just a front end to yum and that updating yum
would also update yumex.  Sorry for the confusion, I didn't realize they were
not fully connected.  I'll try using just yum to see how that works.

Re: TESTING - yum update for SL5

2009-05-15 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Still no joy.

 I uninstalled:


rebooted into old kernel.  Did following command:

# yum install kernel-2.6.18-128.1.10.el5.x86_64 

 After the above finished, I double checked the size of
/boot/initrd-2.6.18-128.1.10.el5.img and knew it was too small for things to
have worked, but I rebooted anyways.  It failed to fully boot as it couldn't
mount the XFS file systems.

 Here is a list of all `yum' RPM's installed:

 If you have any suggestions or need more information, please let me know.

Re: TESTING - yum update for SL5

2009-05-15 Thread Brent L. Bates
 As I said in an earlier message, ALL file systems are XFS, /, /boot,
and a data partition.  Here is the output from the rpm commands:

# rpm -q --scripts kernel-2.6.18-128.1.10.el5.x86_64
postinstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
if [ `uname -i` == x86_64 -o `uname -i` == i386 ]; then
  if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/kernel ]; then
/bin/sed -i -e 's/^DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-smp$/DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel/' 
/etc/sysconfig/kernel || exit $?
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel --mkinitrd --depmod --install 
2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 || exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
/sbin/weak-modules --add-kernel 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 || exit $?
preuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 || 
exit $?
if [ -x /sbin/weak-modules ]
/sbin/weak-modules --remove-kernel 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 || exit $?

# rpm -q --scripts kernel-module-xfs-2.6.18-128.1.10.el5
postinstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
depmod -a 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 /dev/null 21 || :
postuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
depmod -a 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 /dev/null 21 || :

 As I said before, do I need to add something someplace to make sure new
kernels include XFS in the /boot/initrd* file?

Re: TESTING - yum update for SL5

2009-05-13 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I installed the lastest kernel:


and XFS module:


on a SL5.3 system.  After rebooting, the kernel didn't know anything about
XFS, when my previous one still did.  I saw Troy's note, so I uninstalled both
the kernel and XFS module.  I enabled the `sl-testing' repo and updated yum.
 I then proceeded to install both of the above packages again.  I rebooted and
the new kernel still didn't know anything about XFS.  Shouldn't the XFS module
been automatically included in the new `initrd' file?  Did I do something out
of order or wrong?  I want to make sure this doesn't happen again.

 I manually ran the `mkinitrd' command and now the system boots fine with
the new kernel.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Re: TESTING - yum update for SL5

2009-05-13 Thread Brent L. Bates
 For the past week, I've been booting into the 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5 kernel.
 Now, today, after using `mkinitrd', I'm booting into the 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5
kernel.  I've rebooted this system fine several times now with the new kernel.

Re: login to 5.3 livedvd

2009-05-04 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Just a data point, I've been using the 64 bit LiveDVD with out problems.


This is on a desktop system with an Intel mother board.  I don't have any
details handy at the moment.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Re: AFS on XFS or ext3?

2009-02-20 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Michael Mansour when are you going to stop the FUD??  Red Hat doesn't
support it because it is developed and maintain by its competition.
 Dependability, reliability, robustness is NOT a factor, it is pure politics
and nothing more.  There have been plenty of people complaining that XFS isn't
supported by RH  SL as much as it should be.

 I do NOT want a `flame war', but if you are going to continue to lie
about XFS, you leave me no alternative but to support it.  If your posts had
said positive things about ext3 instead of lying about XFS, I would have
ignored you.  However, YOU started the lying, so YOU prompted the XFS support
replies.  I do not mind someone supporting their favorite what ever, but when
they start lying about something else just to support their position, then
THAT is something entirely different.

 Stop the lies and I'll stop the replies.  It is entierly up to you.

Re: AFS on XFS or ext3?

2009-02-19 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Michael Mansour, cut the CRAP/FUD out!  I would NOT depend on ext3 if I
CARED about what was stored on my disks.  I ONLY use ext3 if the data stored
is NOT of very high importance.  I use XFS when I DO CARE, so I use it all
the time.  XFS is the most reliable, dependable, and robust file system out
there and independent tests have consistently shown it to be much faster than
ext3.  It has far more YEARS and Pentabytes of service under it's belt than
ext3, a LOT more!  I've had XFS do a much better job of surviving system
crashes and disk failures than ext3.

Problems Adding Things to SL 4.5 x86_64 Install DVD

2007-09-13 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I'm trying to add a few things to the install DVD for SL 4.5 x86_64.  I
downloaded all 6 of the SL 4.5 CD ISO images.  Used the notes on the SL site
to combine all the CD's into one DVD and that worked fine.  I can boot,
install, rescue, etc. from this DVD.  Now I'm trying to add some drivers,
modules, etc. to the DVD so I've got everything I need in one place and
don't have to have a floppy for drivers, etc..
 I had some problems with the build environment.  I did some Google
searching and found out all the system scripts were expecting none of the
`LC_' language environmental variables to be set or at least not set to
anything but en_US.UTF-8.  I corrected that problem.  The build and DVD
burn all seem to go ok.  Rescue mode seems fine and all my additions seem
to be there.  The problem comes when I try to install SL from scratch.
 Everything seems to work fine up to and including the point where one
sets the initial firewall parameters and SELinux.  At this point the install
stops and gives me a popup window with the following errors:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /var/tmp/anaconda-, line 792, in 
self.setScreen ()
  File /var/tmp/anaconda-, line 1135, in 
new_screen = apply(self.currentWindow.getScreen, args)
line 181, in getScreen
self.defaultLang = self.langs.getDefault()
  File /var/tmp/anaconda-, line 
250, in getDefault
name = self.getLangNameByNick(lang)
  File /var/tmp/anaconda-, line 
235, in getLangNameByNick
return self.getLangNameByNick(en_US.UTF-8)
  (last 2 lines repeated 993 times and then)
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

Local variables in innermost frame:
nick: en_US.UTF-8

 Google searching says this is the language environmental variable
setting problem I thought I had fixed.  I've been beating on this for a
couple of weeks now and don't know where to go from here.  Anyone here have
any ideas?
I have the anacdump.txt file, which includes the /tmp/syslog,
/tmp/anaconda.log, and /tmp/lvmout logs.  The anaconda.log shows the last
thing Anaconda was working on was:

moving (1) to step languagesupport

 While `buildinstall' is running, the `upd-instroot' script gives some
errors/warnings during the 'Creating bogl font..' section.  It executes the
following command:

find /tmp/treedir/instimage/usr/share/locale -name '*.mo' -exec 
msgunfmt '{}' ';'

and I see the following:

error -1 at position 2325299 (bytes: 16 Used chars: 1202 (2325299 
find: msgunfmt terminated by signal 13

The last line repeated 209 times.  If I try that type of command manually on
the system files, it seems to work with out errors.  Next I get:

/tmp/treedir/instimage/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/loader/font.bgf.gz already 
exists; do you wish to overwrite (y or n)?

I type `y' and things seem to proceed fine.  Later I see 2 more warnings in
`upd-instroot' complaining about `/tmp/treedir/image-template/lib' and
`/tmp/treedir/instimage/lib' not existing, but it presses on.  After that,
everything seems to run fine, although there are thousands of lines in the
output most of which I have no clue what is going on.

 If any one has any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for any help.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Re: Verbose Bootup of SL 4.5 - I want it

2007-08-31 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I knew I forgot to mention something.  I had noticed the `quiet' on the
kernel lines and deleted it.  I didn't know what the `rhgb' was for so I
didn't touch it.  I'll try also deleting the `rhgb' and see how that works on
the next reboot.  Is this documented any place?  I just tried a google search
on this and couldn't find anything relevant.  Thanks.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Adding Things to Rescue Mode

2007-08-14 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I'd like to add a few things to rescue mode.  I'm tired of having to use
a floppy with hardware drivers when ever I need to go into rescue mode and
there are a few other utilities that I'd like to add as well.  How would I go
about doing this?  Any pointers to FAQ's or How to's?  I've done some
searching, but haven't found anything recent enough to be useful.  Thanks for
any help.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Re: XFS file system

2007-08-08 Thread Brent L. Bates
 I guess I forgot to add that I downloaded the x86_64 set of SL 4.5 CD's.
At least under SL 3.0.2/5, XFS will work with 4k stacks, as long as one
doesn't pile a lot of layers on top of the file system.  Layers like logical
volumes and NFS and what ever else one can thing of.  We have been running
fine with software RAID 0 and 1 (2 separate partitions), XFS, and NFS.

 So, with the x86_64 set of six SL 4.5 CD's combined into one DVD, if we
just do:

linux xfs

do we have a chance?  I was under the impression that the installer doesn't
give XFS as a default option and that if `xfs' is used on the command line it
would be available.  Someone gave me some diff's for anaconda source and that
seemed to be the only change.  XFS isn't `officially' support by RedHat's
installer, but if one added the command line option it will do it, but with a
warning message.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001

Re: XFS file system

2007-08-08 Thread Brent L. Bates
 The installer will not look in the contrib directories?  Ok.  Could I as
part of my combining the CD's into a single DVD process, move the XFS RPM's
out of the contrib area and into the main stream directories?  Or perhaps,
with the DVD I've already burned, do some kind of shell escape out of the
install GUI and install them from there?  People want XFS and we really don't
care about the top level vendors prejudices.  I'm willing to work with the SL
people to get a more reasonable solution to this on going problem.

Re: Problems with Tape Backups - Continued

2007-06-07 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Thanks for the comments.  I checked the system logs and we are not using
an Adaptec SCSI controller.  It is a Fusion MPT (integral part of the Intel
mother board), so I guess that rules out the aic79xx driver as the problem.
 Doesn't it?

 The other comment was that our kernel, 2.4.21-37.EL.XFSsmp, is too old
for SCSI tape drives and I need at least 2.4.24.  I do not see any SCSI errors
in any of the logs.  Should I see errors in any log?  I only have problems
when the number of files gets over some unknown limit.  We've got 3 systems
here, all running the same version of SL and have the same tape drive (the 3rd
one has an Adaptec controller).  I haven't seen any problems on the 3rd
system, but I haven't tried pushing the number of files on the system to test
it.  The problem with trying to upgrade to a newer kernel is that SL doesn't
have an XFS capable kernel newer than what I have installed, at least not for
the SL 3.0.x series.  Any ideas?

 Thanks for the help.

Problems with Tap Backups

2007-04-19 Thread Brent L. Bates
 We've been using a Sony SDX-700V AIT-3 SCSI tape drive to do full backups
of our system for about a year now with out too much problem.  That is until
recently.  Every once in a while the backup would take forever to complete.
 What would usually take about 1.5 hours, started taking about 6 hours, then
11 hours.  The disk space to backup has been fairly constant at about 25GB.
 After one of these long backups, things would return to normal.  Well for
almost 2 weeks now I've not had a `normal' backup.  In fact, one backup
stopped about 40% of the way through and said the tape was full.  These are
100/260GB tapes, so they can take at least 100GB.  25GB of disk space
shouldn't be able to fill a tape.  I'm trying a different tape today.  It is
still taking forever, but after almost 9 hours, it is at least 54% done.
 All our file systems are XFS and I'm using xfsdump for the backup.  We
are running SL 3.0.5 with kernel 2.4.21-37.EL.XFSsmp.  We have 4 160GB SATA
drives on 2 controls and 1 partition on all 4 drives is striped together to
make the root partition of about 600GB.  We have an almost identically
configured system that hasn't been in service quite as long, but almost, that
hasn't shown any problems.  Only about 17GB of disk space is used and takes
about 50 minutes for the full backup to complete.
 I've done a lot of Google searching but haven't found anything relevant.
 Any one have any ideas on what could be going wrong here?  Any and all
suggestions welcome.  Thanks in advance.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912  Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research CenterFAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001