Java tzudate 2012b

2012-03-15 Thread Pablo Cavero

Am using Java 7u2 32btis, on SL 5.5 and need apply the tzupdate 2012.
My Apps don't work with Ice Tea Open Java, and need run with Oracle Java.

How I can update the TZ tables on Java, with out the official Patch
tzdata2012b, and the TZUpdate tool 1.3.46

Any idea??

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

MySQL Performance and Replication??

2011-10-28 Thread Pablo Cavero

Some one have any tips to have a better performance on MySQL, and a
procedure to make a Master and Slave Replication MySQL system.

Thnks a lot,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

How to improve scp speed ??

2011-09-28 Thread Pablo Cavero

I want to know if exist any tips to have a faster scp transfer. In the
Client, or in the Server Config.

I'm testing use the standar SCP and the PSCP, a command extra from the Puty

Home page of Putty:

Link to Download the File, to make and compiling the new commands:

Well, I see a few best performance in the standar scp, but this command,
don't support run in a batch, add the user and password like parameter.
And generate and share the RSA public kay is too much work, when some one
have to many clients.

Any Idea??

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

Re: FTP Server Access Error

2011-08-29 Thread Pablo Cavero

By Default this directory have an 700 like permissions.

[root@Selene home]# ll
total 8
drwx--. 4 pablo pablo 4096 Aug 18 14:31 pablo

but, inside of this directory, have an Root file?!?!?

[root@Selene pablo]# ls -la
total 28
drwx--. 4 pablo pablo 4096 Aug 18 14:31 .
*drwxr-xr-x. 4 root  root  4096 Aug 26 16:57 ..*
-rw-r--r--. 1 pablo pablo   18 Nov 22  2010 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r--. 1 pablo pablo  176 Nov 22  2010 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--. 1 pablo pablo  124 Nov 22  2010 .bashrc
drwxr-xr-x. 2 pablo pablo 4096 Nov 23  2010 .gnome2
drwxr-xr-x. 4 pablo pablo 4096 Aug 18 13:06 .mozilla
[root@Selene pablo]#

And... am not running SE-Linux.



2011/8/26 Kevin Thomas

 What are the permissions on /home/pablo?

 On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Pablo Cavero wrote:


 Please Help me about this error:

 [root@Deimos ~]# ftp Selene
 Connected to Selene (
 220 (vsFTPd 2.2.2)
 Name (Selene:root): pablo
 331 Please specify the password.
 500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/home/pablo
 Login failed.

 Thx a lot!!

 Pablo Cavero
 System Engineer
 +569 8920 9509

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

How to run Java 32, on SL5.5 x86_64??

2011-08-23 Thread Pablo Cavero

I have this question:

How I can run the Alternative Java 32 for i586 included in the SL5.5, but,
in a SL x86_64 installation.

What can happend if I install the Open Java for i586???
And in this case, where I can running this??
Home Java Directory??

I have installed the follow RPMs:


but always run the Java for 64bits environment.

Where is enable the Java for i586??

The idea is not use Java Downloaded from Sun Microsystem or Oracle, to use
Only Updates or Patches, like the tzdate-java from Scientific Linux.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

How to disble Auto-Update??

2011-08-18 Thread Pablo Cavero

I have a little question, so how to I can disable the auto-update, or Yum
Update in SL 6.0 ??

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

Re: How to disble Auto-Update??

2011-08-18 Thread Pablo Cavero
Thanx a lot.

the line command was this:

# rpm -e yum-autoupdate-2-1.noarch

on SL 6.0

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero

2011/8/18 Martin Flemming

 On Thu, 18 Aug 2011, Pablo Cavero wrote:


 I have a little question, so how to I can disable the auto-update, or Yum
 Update in SL 6.0 ??

 .. remove yum-autoupdate-2-2.noarch

 or edit





Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

How to update the Kernel, keeping the proprietary modules.

2011-08-18 Thread Pablo Cavero

I have another question, so how to I can do an kernel update, and don't lose
the proprietary modules.
I use a Raid Adaptec and Network Cards Intel, and if I move, like example,
from the Kernel:




How to I keep the modules??

I have the GCC, Make, etc, and Source of the Intel Drivers for the NICS, but
for the Adaptec Drivers, only have the Disk pre-config to the first time of
installs. The Intel driver was compiled and installed in the same server.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

How to add a Raid Firmware driver??

2011-08-05 Thread Pablo Cavero

I'm try to install a SL 6.0 or 6.1 64bits, on an AMD64 Server, and need add
an RPM or a Image Disk, at the Install time, to can a see an Adaptec Raid
embebed in the System Board.
I can see the 4 SATA Disk, but the idea is work using the Raid from the
Bios, and don't create a new Software RAID

I think that use the RPM is more easy that the Disk Image, because the
Server have not a 3,5 Disk Driver... and try to emulate a floppy disk, may
be too much.
I don't now if I need to put the RPM file in a pendrive, or a cdrom, but the
idea is have a chance to install the Driver before install the System and
make the partitions.

The Server is an Supermicro, 16CPM AMD Opteron, 16Gb Ram, 6 NIC all Intel
NPU, and no driver problem, an the support give an ftp like this,

to downaload the Disk Image or RPM, whit the Drivers.

Waiting for your comments,

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

Re: Brasero problem

2011-06-07 Thread Pablo Cavero

I use K3B, because Brasero have this problems, some times, and I try Nero 3
and 4 for Linux, and have problems too.
I was Burn Blue-Rays like Backups with Nero, but now I use K3B, and Work

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero

2011/6/7 John H. Outlan CPA

 The version of Brasero we use in 6.0 won't allow burning of Audio
 Projects.  Burn ISO is fine.  It says no media inserted when it IS.
 I've confirmed this with other members on the forum.
 Troy, are you aware of this?  I haven't tried other versions of Brasero,
 i.e. later versions which may have fixed it.  Any comments/recommendations
 (other than K3B)?

 John H. Outlan CPA
 Orlando, FL  USA
 cell (407) 924-2727
 fax  (321) 422-5717
 forum http://scientificlinuxf

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

Re: clock drift under Hyper-V

2011-06-01 Thread Pablo Cavero

Am a User of Virtual Box, and this aplication install an Service in the Host
Machine, to sync the Time, and the emulated Machine, no need use NTP,
because if the Host Server have a good ans sync. time, the son machine have
the same time.

But, if better the Virtual Box, downloaded from the her home site.

This is different and powerfull version, and 100% free and Working Soft.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero.

2011/6/1 curriegrad2004

 What about VirtualBox, does it also suffer from the same problem that
 VMware has for clock drift?

 On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 6:20 PM, Dag Wieers wrote:
  On Tue, 31 May 2011, Werf, C.G. van der (Carel) wrote:
  In my opinion you should NEVER use NTPD in a virtual machine.
  Check out how NTPD works... it tries to adjust software cyclesto
  hardware cycles.
  Hardware cycles are a bit undefined in a virtual machine.
  It keeps the (virtual) system clock in sync with an external source. This
  works better than using a timer interrupt, especially when the hypervisor
  cannot commit to a certain interrupts per second. (Which used to be a
  problem eg when HZ set to 1000 in VMs)
  Using ntpd is definitely a best practice we have been using even before
  VMware recommended it. We had more troubles with VMware's host-guest
  synchronization. You just have the configure ntpd correctly.
  -- dag wieers,,
  -- dagit linux solutions,,
  [Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

Re: About RAM and CPU Activity Measures

2011-05-05 Thread Pablo Cavero
Dear Florian and Chuck,

Thank a lot, for your comments.

Now am use the htop, because I can download the sources and compiled it.

The Nice manager on real time, is a power tool, to make a fine tuning in

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

2011/5/4 Chuck Munro

 The information there looks about correct. I get different output from
 `free`, however:
total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:   38436843622932 220752  0  85184995880
 -/+ buffers/cache:25418681301816
 Swap:  628941212589205030492

 Here, the second line without buffers and cache is interesting.

 When using `top`, look at the RES column and for some applications that
 make usage of shared memory, the SHR column. The link you provided
 completely ignores that but in some cases, this usage can be significant.

 Hope this helps,
 Florian Philipp

 One thing I'd like to add to Florian's comment ... If you have not yet
 tried it, install a copy of 'htop' from Dag Wieers' SourceForge repository.
  There is an el6 version of the repo configuration rpm available at:

 'htop' is an excellent tool for poking around processes, and allows you to
 scroll vertically *and* horizontally through the process list.  I much
 prefer it to traditional 'top'.


About RAM and CPU Activity Measures.

2011-05-02 Thread Pablo Cavero
Dear all,

I'm use snmp service and apps to check my SL 5.5 Servers, on real-time, with
the software What's Up 14.3 and I can check Ram, HDD,Networks and others.
This work very fine, but I have diff. measures when check the free Ram on
the ssh consoles, and use the classical tools, like free and top.

When the snmp report  100% of CPU in use, the top command, report only 72%
of CPU in use.
What do you think about that??

About the Ram, I found this link:

What do you think about that??

Why the different values, reported between both tools.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

Re: How to convert a standar apps, to a Service.

2011-04-28 Thread Pablo Cavero
2011/4/28 William Scott

 On 28 April 2011 07:27, Florian Philipp wrote:

  There is also libdaemon which is meant to facilitate converting your
  program into a proper daemon (not tried it, though).  BTW: It is a shame
  that SL does not contain the start-stop-daemon like Gentoo or Ubuntu
  It makes converting arbitrary executables into daemons a matter of
  Florian Philipp

 What about upstart in SL6?

Am test and make it to work over SL 5.5, but am think that in SL6, this will
work OK. Why not??

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

How to convert a standar apps, to a Service.

2011-04-27 Thread Pablo Cavero

I have an apps, and I want to convert this to a service.
I have the source in C, and the binary executable. Think for example, in the
ultra vnc repeater.

The Only that I need is a set of bash script, like script used by the
tomcat, for example, or need a special binary executable??

I want to may will use chkconfig, like an standar service.

Thank a lot, for your comments,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

Re: How to convert a standar apps, to a Service - WORKING!!

2011-04-27 Thread Pablo Cavero
Thanks a lot, for everyone.

The Ultra VNC Repeater, release 17 include the scripts and sources to make
the compiling, and the installing.
But, the problem is that in Scientific Linux, have not the
start-stop-deamon apps.

Downloanding and compiling this, and adding the start-stop-deamon binary
executable to the /sbin directory, all work so fine.

A few configuration on the uvncrepeater.ini and All Rigths.

If someone need any more details, to make this implementation, only tell me
how I can help you.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero.
System Engineer

2011/4/27 Florian Philipp

 Am 27.04.2011 22:54, schrieb Alec T. Habig:
  Pablo Cavero writes:
  The Only that I need is a set of bash script, like script used by the
  tomcat, for example, or need a special binary executable??
  I want to may will use chkconfig, like an standar service.
  The chkconfig script part is easy, just look in /etc/rc.d/init.d, steal
  an existing service's script, and modify it to run what you want.  Note
  the commented line at the top starting with chkconfig - that
  information specifies the run levels chkconfig will set it up to be
  activated in, and the startup/shutdown priority.
  As for the code you run, that gets trickier.  All the startup scripts do
  is start and stop things.  Those things could be more scripts,
  executables, or combinations thereof.  Areas to pay attention to with
  your code (to get it to behave nicely when run this way) include:
  getting it daemonized properly (dropping and/or redirecting IO streams),
  privilege seperation (can it run as a non privleged user?  if so, do
  that, if not, be really careful and have only the bare minimum code run
  with elevated privileges), logging (have it log status information,
  ideally with customizeable log levels, to the appropriate place), and
  signal handling so it shuts down cleanly when told to, reloads
  configuration files if asked, etc.

 There is also libdaemon which is meant to facilitate converting your
 program into a proper daemon (not tried it, though).  BTW: It is a shame
 that SL does not contain the start-stop-daemon like Gentoo or Ubuntu
 It makes converting arbitrary executables into daemons a matter of minutes.

 Florian Philipp

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

Change of email.

2011-03-14 Thread Pablo Cavero

I want to change my email, from: to

How to I can do this?? or

if I need to unsubscribe the first account, and then subscribe the another,
How to I can do.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
Systems Engineer
568 - 920 9509

Only One Disk ??

2011-03-08 Thread Pablo Cavero
Dear Scientifics Linux Users,

Why not exist, an only one disk, Full Install DVD Dual Layer, and/or
Blu-Ray, to make more simple the instalation and do not need 2 Standar DVD??

Exist an method to add the Disk1.iso and Disk2.iso to Make the Only One
Disk making a new Dual Layer DVD.iso ??

Waiting for your comments,

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
Systems Engineer
568 - 920 9509

Re: Only One Disk ??

2011-03-08 Thread Pablo Cavero
Dear Troy,

Thanks for your fast reply.

But, I insist. The space used by 2 DVD Disk, or 1 DVD + 1 CD, is the same
that an only one Disk, DVD-Dual Layer, and at this time... in 2011, so any
DVD Reader-Writer can Write a Single or Dual Layer DVD, and 1 Disk is better
that 2.

More simple to install, to back-up, no need 2 kinds of media to make the set
of disk, and in many cases, the second disk is don't used, after that the
System Admin lose the time in create it.

Thanks for the links, and I will create my own DVD-DL.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
Systems Engineer
568 - 920 9509

2011/3/8 Troy Dawson

 On 03/08/2011 11:54 AM, Pablo Cavero wrote:

 Dear Scientifics Linux Users,

 Why not exist, an only one disk, Full Install DVD Dual Layer, and/or
 Blu-Ray, to make more simple the instalation and do not need 2 Standar

 Exist an method to add the Disk1.iso and Disk2.iso to Make the Only One
 Disk making a new Dual Layer DVD.iso ??

 Waiting for your comments,

 Best Regards,

 Pablo Cavero
 Systems Engineer
 568 - 920 9509

 We had to make choices based on popularity of media, size of media, and
 overall size in the iso directory.  In short, we had to make a choice for
 media that the majority of people have, without making our iso directory so
 big that people won't mirror us.

 But, can *you* are someone you know, make a SL 6.0 blue-ray image?
 Yes you can.

 We included revisor along with sl-revisor-configs so that you could easily
 make your own spin of SL6.
 Our instructions are here.

 We will be expanding the instructions, but for a basic respin onto a
 different media, there is enough instructions there.
 All you have to do is replace the option --install-dvd with any (or all
 if you have the space) of the following options.


 you can find all the options by typing revisor --help

 Hope this answers your question.
 Troy Dawson  (630)840-6468
 Fermilab  ComputingDivision/SCF/FEF/SLSMS Group

Re: Search a command line interface for yum

2010-10-19 Thread Pablo Cavero
Dear Frank,

The yum command have the options of install, erase and update any package
including all dependencies.
If you want to have more options, like search the more quickly mirror and
another details, you need install the yum tools, and for use in the
graphical environment, you can use the yum-ex, to find and install or remove
a lot of .rpm in a single step, with all dependencies.

Like example # yum search mysql to find the packages related with MySQL,
like php, mysql client, server, etc. and
#yum install mysql.i386 like example to install.

Remember be root or use the command su to pass from an user to root.
(root is the super user, like old Unixs style)

In the Red Hat Linux Family, like Fedora, SCientific, Mandriva, etc, don't
use the sudo, and you need are logged like rook to can install or remove
with out restrictions any software.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
Systems Engineer
568 - 920 9509

2010/10/19 Frank Lanitz


 Not sure whether this is a bit out off topic here.

 I'm a bit new again into rpm and yum based systems coming from deb-based
 systems and with a far away Suse-background and looking for a tool
 similar to aptitude or the old yast for easy installing/deinstalling of
 a number of packages from command line.

 For all that don't know aptitude: I'm looking for a command line tool
 which allows to mark a bulk of packages for installing, update of
 erasing as well as offering a way to search the index of avaialble
 packages as well as keeping care on depedencies. Would it make sense to
 give aptitude a try here inside this environment?

 Searching the web I found postings back from 2006 but nothing much
 interesting more recently so I'm not sure which tools are still under
 maintenance or working well. Does anybody of you have a hint for me?


Re: Another side effect that crept in with SL 5.5

2010-08-11 Thread Pablo Cavero
Dear Larry,

Welcome to the Real World. This is a simple Bug and you need make an
downgrade of the lpr command, or may be wait for a patch.

15 years ago, I was Use XFS from the SGI, in a Red Hat 6.2, and then go up
to the 7.2 Enigma Red Hat Version, nothing compare to the old school.

Now, the SL 5.5 include like an experimental, the XFS... check about

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer.
568-920 9509

2010/8/11 Larry Linder

 A script that has worked for 12 years no longer works.
 It worked fine with SL5.4   Redhat 6 7.1 7.3 from 10 yeas ago, works with
 9.2.  etc.
 This is almost as old as unix itself.
 lpr does not recognize the -o cpi=10.   In fact it doesn't recognize -o
 cpi=12 or any other font size.
 This script takes the complete parts (thousands of parts) list and
 and allows users to input a partnumber, or range of pn's and print  labels
 from anywhere in parts list, awks the parts list and prints the labels at
 selected locations on a page of sticky labels.  Completely formated to
 Removed the -o cpi=10 from script and it runs fine except the font size is
 default of 12.
 The output data was redirected to file junk
 If you cat junk | lpr -o other options -P ep900c it will print.
 Add -o cpi=10 and it halts no error message - nothing.
 Page is in CUPS as a sent file but no printing.
 The hardware, printserver, printer is unchanged but with the upgrade to SL
 we can no longer print at a defined cpi.
 To test we tried several printers on the network and all have the same
 They work fine with out the -o cpi=10.
 The job shows it was processed by cups but never is deleted from jobs list.

 It like the font list was some how disconnected, lpr never times out after
 hours of letting it run.

 It has got be something that was changed or upgraded and defaults set or

 Larry Linder

Re: questions about how to get access to the files under windows 7 system when using a linux system on VMware

2010-08-10 Thread Pablo Cavero

Yo can try using the VMWare Tools, and then do a shared folder, between the
Windows Host, and the SCientific Linux on the VMWare.
Another ideas may be, use Samba or an FTP, o a Pendrive.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero

2010/8/10 Akemi Yagi

 On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 6:35 AM, DreamCatcher wrote:
  I have made a SL5.3 system installed on VMware. BUT I have no idea
  get access to the files in my Window 7 Operating System. Can anybody give
  some advices?
  I have try to find the hardware which may be windows partitions. Yet
  gain nothing. What I have done is as follows:
  System-Administration-Hardwares. After I get through the lists, nothing
  about the Windows 7 Partitions was found.
  The list is shown as in the attach file.
  Looking forward for your suggestions. Thanks in advance.

 This CentOS wiki may help you:

 You need to use the 'dag' repository (instead of the name 'rpmforge' )
 with a '--enablerepo=dag' option.


Re: Documents about...

2010-05-10 Thread Pablo Cavero
Dear Isaac,

in the follow links:

You can find any thing about the SCientific Linux, and like a second idea,
do you speak spanish??
If you speak spanish you can tell me any question, because am from Chile.

See U,


2010/5/10 Isaac Cortés

 I'd like to know if there is pdfs or something like that about this great

Re: Migrate Centos-Scientific Linux

2010-04-19 Thread Pablo Cavero
Dear Brian,

What do you need migrate??

The Kernels, and Driver controlers are so close to Red Hat EL5, that the
step from Centos to SL, will be Clean.

You don't need recompiling the programs or applications, only if you have
Kernel modules, you need rebuilt this, and this is all.
The Plataforms are so close, that you may think in this like an update, and
move your system from your Centos to SL5.4 with out problems.

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero.-

2010/4/19 Brunner, Brian T.

 I'm not the first to migrate CentOS to Scientific Linux, so I'd rather
 follow another's lead than blaze my own path.  How is this migration
 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom
 they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please
 notify the system manager. This footnote also confirms that this
 email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses. - Hubbell Incorporated**

Re: Wine Question?

2010-04-12 Thread Pablo Cavero

By the way, you can run Linux Games, over Linux, like Quake II for Linux,
(First Person Shooter) or War Zone 2100 (Very Nice 3D Graphics, and Very
Hard and Complex Strategic Game in Real Time)

This is for free, and Like a Linux, Open Source. If you want, this may run
over Mac or Windos.

See this Link and enjoy a Good Stragical Game 2010.-

See U.-

Pablo Cavero.-

2010/4/12 Andy Mastbaum


 SL may indeed be intended for stable workstations and servers, but it's
 Linux all the same and no better or worse than any other distro for this.

 Most games and other software using 3D acceleration and other such
 fanciness don't work so well with the standard wine distribution (latest
 from, but give it a try. If that doesn't work, there are some
 good non-free (but cheap) commercial/gaming versions of wine -- I've had
 success with one called Cedega (

 Good luck!


 Nathan Jeffrey Allen wrote:

 How do i get wine installed to play my windows games?