[scifinoir2] OT: Don Imus has been fired.

2007-04-12 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

Couldn't find a link, but everyone is talking about this right now.  
Leslie Moonves has terminated Imus' employment immediately. No more  
TV, no more radio. Shares of CBS stock have gone up.

One down.

Re: [scifinoir2] MSNBC drops simulcast of Don Imus show

2007-04-11 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

And why?  Because: http://www.abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=3029484&page=1

Let me illustrate the gravity of this. Proctor & Gamble are such  
important  advertisers...that they INVENTED the SOAP OPERA. P&G is  
the biggest  advertiser ever. You lose P&G...you have no business. I  
have known ad sales reps who ONLY HAD P&G as accounts. It's that   
much money. Here's hoping that  old school white supremacy and sexism  
is bad for business now. Hey, maybe he and his producer can get a job  
announcing games in Tennessee for the "good looking" women's team there!

On Apr 11, 2007, at 6:57 PM, votomguy wrote:

> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "votomguy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Just saw on the news that msnbc will no longer be carrying Imus's
> show.
> >
> NEW YORK - Talk show host Don Imus' situation worsened Wednesday,
> when MSNBC announced that it would no longer simulcast the "Imus in
> the Morning" radio program.
> In a statement, NBC News announced "this decision comes as a result
> of an ongoing review process, which initially included the
> announcement of a suspension. It also takes into account many
> conversations with our own employees. What matters to us most is that
> the men and women of NBC Universal have confidence in the values we
> have set for this company. This is the only decision that makes that
> possible."
> The network statement went on to say, "Once again, we apologize to
> the women of the Rutgers basketball team and to our viewers. We
> deeply regret the pain this incident has caused."
> (MSNBC TV is wholly owned by NBC Universal. MSNBC.com is a joint
> venture between NBC Universal and Microsoft).
> Imus' show originates on the New York radio station WFAN, owned by
> CBS Corp., and is distributed nationally on radio by Westwood One.
> CBS owns an 18 percent stake in Westwood One and also manages the
> company. For its part, CBS has not announced plans to discontinue the
> show.
> Before the announcement was made, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) had
> appeared on the MSNBC program "Hardball," where host David Gregory
> asked the senator and presidential candidate if he thought Imus
> should be fired.
> "I don't think MSNBC should be carrying the kinds of hateful remarks
> that Imus uttered the other day," Obama said.
> He went on to note that he and his wife have "two daughters who are
> African-American, gorgeous, tall, and I hope, at some point, are
> interested enough in sports that they get athletic scholarships. ...
> I don't want them to be getting a bunch of information that, somehow,
> they're less than anybody else. And I don't think MSNBC should want
> to promote that kind of language."
> Obama went on to say that he would not be a guest on Imus' show in
> the future.
> Imus and his producer had referred to the Rutgers University women's
> basketball team as "nappy-headed hos."
> The 10 members of the Rutgers team spoke publicly for the first time
> Tuesday about the on-air comments, made the day after the team lost
> the NCAA championship game to Tennessee.
> Some of them wiped away tears as their coach, C. Vivian Stringer,
> criticized Imus for "racist and sexist remarks that are deplorable,
> despicable, abominable and unconscionable." The women, eight of whom
> are black, called his comments insensitive and hurtful.
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17999196/

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] 39,000 pets killedby Tainted Food

2007-04-10 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

Is anyone on the list a particular aficionado in Planet Of The Apes?  
Isn't this sort of how the whole thing started? Didn't the dogs and  
cats die off and then people took apes into their homes?


On Apr 10, 2007, at 3:40 AM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> Tainted Food May Have Hurt 39,000 Pets
> Monday, April 09, 2007 10:08:24 PM
> Pet food contaminated with an industrial chemical may have sickened or
> killed 39,000 cats and dogs nationwide, based on an extrapolation from
> data released Monday by one of the nation's largest chains of  
> veterinary
> hospitals.
> Banfield, The Pet Hospital, said an analysis of its database, compiled
> from records collected by its more than 615 veterinary hospitals,
> suggests that three out of every 10,000 cats and dogs that ate the pet
> food contaminated with melamine developed kidney failure. There are an
> estimated 60 million dogs and 70 million cats in the United States,
> according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.
> The hospital chain saw 1 million dogs and cats during the three months
> when the more than 100 brands of now-recalled contaminated pet food  
> were
> sold. It saw 284 extra cases of kidney failure among cats during that
> period, or a roughly 30 percent increase, when compared with  
> background
> rates.
> "It has meaning, when you see a peak like that. We see so many pets
> here, and it coincided with the recall period," said veterinarian Hugh
> Lewis, who oversees the mining of Banfield's database to do clinical
> studies. The chain continues to share its data with the Food and Drug
> Administration.
> FDA officials previously have said the database compiled by the huge
> veterinary practice would probably provide the most authoritative
> picture of the harm done by the tainted cat and dog food.
> >From its findings, Banfield officials calculated an incidence rate of
> .03 percent for pets, although there was no discernible uptick among
> dogs. That suggests the contamination was overwhelming toxic to cats,
> Lewis said. That is in line with what other experts have said  
> previously.
> At least six pet food companies have recalled products made with
> imported Chinese wheat gluten tainted with the chemical. The recall
> involved about 1 percent of the overall U.S. pet food supply.
> Measuring the tainted food's impact on animal health has proved an
> elusive goal. Previous estimates have ranged from the FDA's admittedly
> low tally of roughly 16 confirmed deaths to the more than 3,000
> unconfirmed cases logged by one Web site.
> "On a percentage basis it's not breathtaking, but unfortunately it's a
> number that, if it was your pet that was affected, it's too high,"
> veterinarian Nancy Zimmerman, Banfield's senior medical adviser,  
> said of
> the newly estimated incidence rate.
> In another estimate Monday, the founder of a veterinary group said  
> 5,000
> to 10,000 pets may have fallen ill from eating the contaminated food,
> and 1,000 to 2,000 may have died.
> The estimate was based on a Veterinary Information Network survey of
> 1,400 veterinarians among its 30,000 members. About one-third reported
> at least one case, said Paul Pion, the Network's founder. He cautioned
> that a final, definitive tally isn't possible, and that even his
> estimate could be halved _ or doubled.
> "Nobody is ever going to know the truth," Pion said. "It's always  
> going
> to be a guess."
> Also Monday, the Web site petconnection.com said it had received  
> reports
> of 3,598 pet deaths, split almost evenly between dogs and cats. The  
> site
> cautioned that the numbers were unconfirmed.
> Banfield's veterinarians treat an estimated 6 percent of the nation's
> cats and dogs. After the first recall was announced, the chain  
> beefed up
> its software to allow those veterinarians to plug in extra
> epidemiological information to help track cases, Zimmerman said.
> The new template allowed vets to log what a sick pet had eaten, any
> symptoms its owner may have noticed, the results of a physical
> examination, any urine and blood test results and other observations.
> Lewis said there is no reason to believe the company's findings _
> including an apparently heightened vulnerability of kittens to the
> contaminant _ wouldn't hold for other veterinary practices as well.
> In outbreaks of foodborne disease in humans, the FDA leans on its  
> sister
> agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to help track
> and confirm cases. During the ongoing pet food scare, FDA officials  
> have
> repeatedly reminded the nation that there is no CDC for dogs and cats.
> A spokesman for the American Veterinary Medical Association said the
> lack of hard numbers has worried pet owners eager to understand the
> extent of the problem. He suggested the recall could spur the creation
> of an animal counterpart to the CDC.
> "This might be something tha

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Imus Calls Rutgers' Team "Nappy Headed Ho's"

2007-04-07 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
The reality is that Imus hasn't been relevant in about 23 years. The  
real issue is, as always, that this is a conversation that happens  
amongst white males daily. And worse. What are we going to do about  
THAT. The real story is that  this is what a lot of white males think  
when they see not only the Rutgers basketball team, but Condi Rice,  
Angela Bassett, and Nona Gaye. Nobody  fears what  Black people  
think,  because all we're going to  do is stand outside of a media  
outlet  and yell. Which  is annoying,  but in the grand scheme of  
things, it's nothing in the 21st Century. We're not going to stop  
drinking Pepsi because they  advertise on his show. We're not going  
to  out the nail in the coffin of the US Automotive industry by  
selling our Caddies and H2s and Chyryslers and Chevies and resolving   
never  to buy one again. We're not going to  do that,  so  nobody's  
really  afraid of what Black people think. Yet.

Personally?  An apology from a DJ and maybe his producer? Worthless.  
Pointless. What's progress?  I want to not have to pay for the goods  
and services provided by advertisers on the Imus In The Morning show.  
THAT's showing you understand the gravity of calling my sister a  
nappy headed ho on a nationally  syndicated radio  show. And THAT is  
illustrating that there  will be a change in society as a result.  
Give every black woman at  Rutgers a car. Free P&G products for life.  
Give the Tom Joyner Foundation 150 million dollars with the condition  
that  it is for females going to HBCUs to study science.THEN I'll  
believe you're sorry. Until  then, I will  continue to  believe that  
Imus believes my  mother is a nappy  headed ho,  and that the Kramer  
guy believes I should have been strung up from a tree 50 years ago.

This country is run by corporations, and their primary mission is to  
make money. Media outlets are small, and are really not the targets.  
They are only platforms by which these corporations reach the public.  
I believe that effective change can only  happen when you approach it  
at the power center.

On Apr 7, 2007, at 5:59 PM, L Freeman wrote:

> The response has to come from us, as a people. Because no one else  
> gives a a damn. Sorry, it is not a racist response on their part,  
> people just don't care as much about people who aren't like them or  
> those they love, generally speaking.
> And Imus would probably just claim racism and win if they fired  
> him, because stupid rappers say that, and worse, about black women  
> on MTV and BET daily.
> JMParker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hm.
> Heard a replay of the Imus crap & like the Back Eagle show always  
> asks -
> what are you going to do about it. Tonight, just after my head hits my
> pillow I'm going to take a minute & decide what I'm going to do  
> about it.
> Then I'm going to do it.
> -jeff
> -Original Message-
> From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com  
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 10:24 PM
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Imus Calls Rutgers' Team "Nappy Headed Ho's"
> The response--or lack thereof--from the media overall is telling,  
> isn't it?
> If Imus had said "shi$" or "fuc&", he'd be fined. CBS gets fined  
> out the
> butt for Janet Jackson's little wardrobe slip. Yet people like Glen  
> Beck can
> call Hillary Clinton a "bit**", and Imus can call Black women  
> "nappy headed
> ho's" and stay on the air with no fines. There is something  
> seriously wrong
> with our nation when the likes of Imus, Beck, Limbaugh, and Hanity are
> celebrated, yet people who embrace diversity villified as somehow  
> wrong.
> **
> NEW YORK - Radio host Don Imus apologized Friday for calling the  
> Rutgers
> University women's basketball team "nappy headed hos" on his  
> nationally
> syndicated program.
> The National Association of Black Journalists demanded his  
> immediate firing
> after the man known as "Imus in the Morning" put his foot deep in  
> his mouth
> Wednesday. Imus questioned the players' looks, describing them as  
> tattooed
> "rough girls." His producer compared the team - which has eight black
> members - to the NBA's Toronto Raptors.
> "It was completely inappropriate, and we can understand why people  
> were
> offended. Our characterization was thoughtless and stupid, and we are
> sorry."
> Gregory Lee, an NABJ officer and senior assistant sports editor at The
> Boston Globe, said the mea culpa did little to atone for the comments.
> "You can apologize, but what does that mean when you have a history of
> making disparaging remarks about people?" Lee asked about the acid- 
> tongued
> Imus.
> "This kind of behavior must be punished. I hope the company and  
> sponsors he
> has take some sort of action ... to educate him."
> NABJ President Bryan Monroe asked Thursday if Imus had "lost his 

Re: [scifinoir2] Voyager's B'Elanna Torres Directoed Heroes and Lost

2007-04-03 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Ahh  "Showgirls".  Proof that  it  is possible to over-write AND over- 
edit porn.

It should be noted, by the way, that LeVar Burton has also escaped  
the Star Trek curse.


On Apr 3, 2007, at 12:56 PM, Martin wrote:

> H'Wood. What the frell do *they* know? They let "Norbit" out of the  
> can. And "Showgirls". Need I go on?
> The Yokozuna Of Soul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...yet Paramount hired J. J. Abrams for Trek XI. Amazing. She's more
> than proven herself, but suddenly they're interested in "brand name"
> directors for the franchise.
> Daryle
> On Apr 2, 2007, at 8:08 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.
> Minor) wrote:
> > While I knew that Roxann Dawson AKA B'Elanna Torres did some
> > directing,
> > I figured it was primarily star trek stuff. I was pleased to  
> discover
> > that she has directed episodes of Heroes and Lost.
> >
> > She has also directed episodes of Crossing Jordan, Charmed, Cold  
> Case,
> > he O.C., Close to Home, Medical Investigation, Enterprise, The
> > Division,
> > "Any Day Now, "Star Trek: Voyager, The Heartbreak Cafe"
> >
> > I happy that she escaped the Star Trek Curse
> >
> > Tracey
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels  
> will get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut,  
> "A Man Without A Country"
> -
> Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000 hotels
> in 45,000 destinations on Yahoo! Travel to find your fit.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Sarandon and Goodmanto Play Speed Racer's Parents?

2007-04-03 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
This is the worst  casting job since "Super Mario Bros." What's  
next,  Chim-Chim is a talking dog?

The way this is going, my money is on Christina Ricci for Trixie, and  
to have this be the darkest, scariest movie you've ever  seen. "Speed  
Racer...of DOOM!"


On Apr 3, 2007, at 1:20 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> Sarandon, Goodman Mull Speed
> Susan Sarandon and John Goodman are in negotiations to play the  
> parents
> of Emile Hirsch's title character in Speed Racer, the live-action
> version of the anime TV series being directed by Larry and Andy
> Wachowski, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
> Based on the classic 1960s series that was created by anime pioneer
> Tatsuo Yoshida and retooled for North American audiences, Speed  
> follows
> the adventures of young race-car driver, Speed (Hirsch), and his quest
> for glory in his thundering, gadget-laden vehicle Mach 5.
> The show revolved around Speed's family, and the Wachowskis are being
> selective about whom they pick for those roles. Goodman is playing  
> Pops,
> a race-car owner and builder. Sarandon's character is the backbone of
> the family, as well as the Mach 5 Go Racing Team, the trade paper  
> reported.
> Casting is under way for the characters of Speed's girlfriend, Trixie,
> and his mysterious archrival, Racer X. The plan is for the Wachowskis,
> who are writing and directing, to shoot in Germany in the summer for a
> summer 2008 release.
> http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=40858&type=0
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [scifinoir2] Voyager's B'Elanna Torres Directoed Heroes and Lost

2007-04-02 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

...yet Paramount  hired J. J. Abrams for Trek XI. Amazing. She's more  
than proven herself, but suddenly they're interested in "brand name"  
directors for the franchise.


On Apr 2, 2007, at 8:08 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> While I knew that Roxann Dawson AKA  B'Elanna Torres did some  
> directing,
> I figured it was primarily star trek stuff.  I was pleased to discover
> that she has directed episodes of Heroes and Lost.
> She has also directed episodes of Crossing Jordan, Charmed, Cold Case,
> he O.C., Close to Home, Medical Investigation, Enterprise, The  
> Division,
> "Any Day Now, "Star Trek: Voyager, The Heartbreak Cafe"
> I happy that she escaped the Star Trek Curse
> Tracey
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[scifinoir2] Transformers "trailer" online.

2007-04-02 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

For those who were not convinced that the (perhaps "we") geeks have  
taken over Hollywood, here's part of the "marketing strategy"  for  
the Transformers movie. Allegedly.

if you go here:


and type in the password FWIFFO

You will be brought to a screen. (disable pop up blockers. NOW do  
you  see the screen? Okay.) When you get to said screen, click on the  
red hard drive on the upper left hand side. it  will  open a folder.  
the items in this folder are trailers. Well, sort of.

Be warned: if you are looking for information about this film, there  
simply is none. I  haven't seen this many  teaser trailers since the  
Hitchhiker's Guide remake was coming.  And we all  know how THAT  
panned out.

Re: [scifinoir2] Julianne Moore to Replace Gillian Anderson as Scully

2007-04-01 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Agreed. If ever there was a franchise that was OVER, it's X FIles.   
Lemme guess the plot...the US government is involved in a conspiracy  
with worldwide impact? That's not even speculative FICTION any  more.

On Apr 1, 2007, at 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> I used to love that show and I love Julianne Moore, but I can not even
> muster up any excitement over the prospect of the movie. I mean, the
> first one was a big let down and the series went out with a whimper.
> Tracey
> Brent Wodehouse wrote:
> >
> >http://www.moviehole.net/news/ 
> 20070401_moore_to_play_scully_in_xfiles.html
> >  20070401_moore_to_play_scully_in_xfiles.html>
> >
> > Moore to play Scully in X-Files sequel
> >
> > Date : April 1, 2007 Posted By : Clint Morris
> >
> > Another month … another makeover for a popular film franchise.
> >
> > Hot on the heels of David Duchovny's comments that the next "X- 
> Files"
> > movie is being brokered as we speak comes news from  
> CarterEsque.com that
> > co-star Gillian Anderson - who has played his sciency subordinate  
> since
> > the series' commencement in 1993 - has opted out of the new film.
> >
> > Reports say Twentieth Century Fox is now in talks with Julianne  
> Moore to
> > replace Anderson as Agent Dana Scully. A deal is expected to be made
> > before the end of the month.
> >
> > Anderson, whose star has risen considerably in the past couple of  
> years
> > (she recently appeared in the Oscar Winning "King of Scotland"),  
> says via
> > her reps that "[X-Files] has been a wonderful experience, and I will
> > always cherish my time on the series [and] the film, but the time  
> has come
> > to move on - I just don't believe I can bring anything more to the
> > character at this point. I wish the filmmakers my heartfelt best".
> >
> > Ironically, Julianne Moore also took over from Jodie Foster when she
> > decided not to reprise her role as Agent Clarice Starling in  
> "Hannibal",
> > the "Silence of the Lambs" follow-up, a couple of years back.
> >
> > "The X-Files 2" will be the third film for Duchovny and Moore. They
> > previously co-starred together in "Evolution" and the recent  
> "Trust the
> > Man".
> >
> > Thanks to ‘Loof Lirpa'
> >
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[scifinoir2] more March rumor madness - Star Trek edition

2007-03-12 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Paramount,  in their infinite wisdom, have decided that  for  
Christmas 2008, they  will  release a motion picture called:

wait  for it...

"Star Trek".

No numbers. Because, after all, numbering the movies is too confusing  
for people who understand the concepts of warp propulsion and matter  
teleportation. Additionally, there is still no cast. Or a named  
director. I have lost  all  hope for this being a good movie, and I  
hope that I will be pleasantly surprised. For a change.

Re: [scifinoir2] From the comic book rumor mill

2007-03-12 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

I thought the She-Hulk era was pretty funny, actually.

If you've been reading the book lately, Reed has been tripping. Like,  
to a "bringing his enemies all up into the Baxter Building to discuss  
math equations" level of tripping. He needs time off. And the FF  
needs an intellectual leader. There's nobody else that can run the  
crew EXCEPT T'Challa, really, because everybody else is caught up in  
Civil War aftermath, is dead, or is Namor, who ain't exactly a team  

Is Dwayne McDuffie still on this list? Are we gonna get a Doom v.  
Black Panther fight?

On Mar 12, 2007, at 4:49 PM, Martin wrote:

> "Aw, HAYULL, naw!"- attr. to S. C. S. Austin
> One thing to have my favorite team rent asunder by that craptastic  
> "Civil War"...no ffense to any Storn or T'Challa fans, but- NO. I  
> rebelled when they put She-Hulk on the team, Lyta the Skrull, and  
> others. I'm equal-opportunity here, folks.
> The Yokozuna Of Soul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Spoilers ahoy.
> There is talk that T'Challa (Black Panther) and his wife Ororo
> (Storm, formerly of the X-Men) are taking over as head of the
> Fantastic Four, while Reed and Sue work thangs out.
> "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels  
> will get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut,  
> "A Man Without A Country"
> -
> Don't be flakey. Get Yahoo! Mail for Mobile and
> always stay connected to friends.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Finnish MP seeks votes in Klingon

2007-03-12 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

As Khan so eloquently  quoted:  "Social occasions are only warfare  
concealed". Give me a fair fight in the open instead of the back room  
deal any day. This election process would go a LOT  quicker. no  
campaign reform...just  if you think you can do  a better  job than  
the current  leader you  challenge him and whoever is left alive at  
the end of the fight is the new leader. If that  means we have 12 new  
leaders in a certain year,  then that's what it is. It's a LOT  
cheaper than what  we're doing now.

On Mar 12, 2007, at 1:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> funny! Battle with honor, eh, instead of skulking around making  
> backroom deals?
> -- Original message --
> From: The Yokozuna Of Soul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hopefully, it never stops. Sci Fi people are supposed to take over
> the planet. Then system. Then galaxy.
> Give me a Klingon candidate over these Romulan types in DC any day.
> At the end of a Bat'leth tournament, the winner is the winner.
> Daryle
> On Mar 11, 2007, at 2:45 PM, Martin wrote:
> > ka'PLACH!
> >
> > Seriously, when and where does this stop? Voting in Klingonese,
> > people trying to have Jedi recognized as an official religion in
> > the UK- just stop the planet here, and I'll get off.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Finnish MP seeks votes in Klingon
> > Fri Mar 9, 9:51 AM ET
> > A Finnish member of parliament is aiming for re-election by
> > campaigning with a translation of his Web site into Klingon, used
> > in the TV series Star Trek.
> > "Some have thought it is blasphemy to mix politics and Klingon,"
> > said Jyrki Kasvi, an ardent Trekkie. "Others say it is good if
> > politicians can laugh at themselves."
> > He said his politics posed some translation difficulties, since
> > Klingon does not have words for matters such as tolerance, or for
> > many colours, including green -- the party under whose banner he is
> > running in the national elections on March 18.
> > Non-warriors can also access the site, www.kasvi.org, in English,
> > Swedish and Finnish.
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> > "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels
> > will get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut,
> > "A Man Without A Country"
> >
> > -
> > Get your own web address.
> > Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] From the comic book rumor mill

2007-03-12 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Spoilers ahoy.

There is talk that T'Challa (Black Panther) and his wife Ororo  
(Storm,  formerly  of the X-Men) are taking over as head of the  
Fantastic Four, while Reed and Sue work thangs out. 

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: ...Eddie Murphy to Star in Fantasy Island

2007-03-12 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
I  thought the Malcolm McDowell version in 1998  was an interesting   
take,  in that  Mr. Roarke was supposed to  be a litlle darker and  
more mysterious,  perhaps even sinister. In this climate,  "Fantasy  
Island"  could serve well to  warn our society to  "be careful what  
you  wish for",  and could become one of the scariest  films ever.

This could be awesome.  What  would the fantasies be? In 2007, you   
can go to space if you  have the money.  You  can do  and be  
anywthing,  all you  have to  do  is have the credit  or cash  
available. I'd be interested to  see this script.

On Mar 12, 2007, at 12:21 PM, g123curious wrote:

> Hey! This remake just might work. (Grimacing) As long as Murphy gets
> that short (obnoxious) brother from 'Different Strokes' as Tattoo in
> the remake with him. They can both yell, "da plane, sucker!" or "what
> you talkin' 'bout" as the guests arrive. I assume that the resort
> will be somewhere in Jamaica. LOL!
> Me? I'll pass on watching any of this no matter who they cast in this
> misadventure.
> N!
> George
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly
> Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > emake of the "Fantasy Island!"  
> > Written by Robert Sanchez
> > Wednesday, 07 March 2007
> >
> > Eddie Murphy is set to star in a fresh new big screeen remake of
> > the "Fantasy Island" made famous in the 70's and early 80's by
> > Ricardo Montalban and Herve Villechaize.
> >
> > Image
> > Norbit writers, Jay Scherick and David Ronn, have been brought
> > aboard for a re-write and Eddie Murphy is expected to play several
> > roles in the film a la Nutty Proffesor and Norbit. No word on a
> > director or any other cast members at this time.
> >
> > Prior to the long-running original series, Fantasy Island was
> > introduced to viewers in 1977 through two highly-rated made-for-
> > television films in which Mr. Roarke and Tattoo played relatively
> > minor roles. Airing from 1978 to 1984, the original series starred
> > Ricardo Montalban as Mr. Roarke, the enigmatic overseer of a
> > mysterious island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean (presumably near
> > Hawaii) where people from all walks of life could come and live out
> > their fantasies â€" for a price.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[scifinoir2] TV Sitcoms are so easy to get, even a caveman can do it

2007-03-12 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

[source: http://www.adweek.com/aw/national/article_display.jsp? 

A Character Evolves
March 12, 2007
By Steve McClellan

NEW YORK Three years ago, the creative team at The Martin Agency was  
tasked with driving traffic to Geico's Web site, where consumers  
could get free rate quotes. They settled on promoting how easy the  
site was to use. But how to communicate that?

The question became who was "historically" perceived as dumb, said  
Steve Bassett, The Martin Agency's cd for the account—so dumb, that  
Geico could tell people its site was "so easy to use, even a ... can  
do it." And tell them without offending a group of allegedly dim people.

Thus did Martin copywriter Joe Lawson and his team give birth to the  
Geico caveman. What really sold Bassett on the idea was an alternate  
reality where cavemen still exist and could take offense to the  
campaign. "The fact that they were still around and [we'd comment] on  
the whole sort of PC culture that we're in ... was just such a fun  
idea," he said.

The spots, focused as they were on generating Internet business, also  
generated Web chatter, according to Bassett. That, in turn, generated  
more ads, and a story arc was formed. In one ad, for example, the set- 
up is a cable news talk show where participants, including the  
caveman, debate whether Geico's tagline is offensive or not. "It took  
you guys some time to adapt," argues one character who doesn't think so.

By last summer, Martin had built a library of about a dozen different  
caveman spots. And cyberspace was full of chit-chat that wondered,  
among other things, where the cavemen lived, what they liked to eat,  
what their hobbies were and so forth, said Bassett. It was around  
this time that Lawson came up with the idea of a sitcom that would  
explore the character and the themes of prejudice and political  
correctness further.

Martin, which does not own the caveman concept, took the pilot idea  
to Geico and the client authorized the agency to see what kind of  
interest there might be in the project in Hollywood. Martin then  
hired Beverly Hills, Calif.-based entertainment company Management  
360 to shop a pilot proposal to the major networks.

Meanwhile, last fall, Geico's media agency, Horizon Media, and CBS  
were kicking around concepts for Super Bowl tie-ins, when the idea of  
getting the caveman on the air, outside of an ad, surfaced. That  
resulted in having NFL legend Phil Simms play a "very competitive  
round of golf" with the caveman during his annual pre-game "All Iron  
Team" special that highlights NFL players who have positively  
impacted the sport. By design, the branding in the Simms segment was  
not overt—no Geico logos or pitches, just Simms and the caveman on  
the links. The CBS segment was designed as seamless brand integration  
that relied on the viewer's ability to recognize the character as the  
Geico spokesman. But just in case there were doubts, every Geico ad  
that appeared on the airwaves Super Bowl Sunday was a caveman spot.

In mid-February, Geico unveiled www.cavemanscrib.com, a site for the  
curious to go and have a look-see at the caveman's digs and to also  
find out a little more about his lifestyle.

With the caveman's semi-celebrity status solidified after the pre- 
Super Bowl appearance, Geico marketing vp Ted Ward came to Martin  
with the idea of an Oscars tie-in, where a caveman took on the role  
of red carpet interviewer.

Soon after, a deal was struck with ABC to produce a pilot for the  
upcoming season. According to one source, at least one other network  
indicated some interest, but only ABC was prepared to commit to a  
development deal.

As they are for any given pilot, the odds are stacked against the  
caveman show from making it to air, as it will compete with a couple  
dozen other ABC pilots for just a handful of slots. And even if it  
does get picked up, there are risks. Geico has licensed the rights to  
ABC and has no creative control, although Bassett notes that Lawson  
is involved in the pilot development. And if the show goes to air but  
flops, said Brent Poer, svp, connectivetissue, MediaVest USA,  
consumers might ask, "Is the concept a flop—or the brand?"

David Lang, director of programming, MindShare Entertainment, sees  
the pilot as a "great opportunity to further their connection within  
popular culture."

While there is risk in taking the cavemen to a platform where Geico  
doesn't have complete control, "there's tremendous upside if it's  
done right. But it's a long way from hitting the air," he said.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Finnish MP seeks votes in Klingon

2007-03-12 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Hopefully, it never stops. Sci Fi people are supposed to take over  
the planet. Then system. Then galaxy.

Give me a Klingon candidate over these Romulan types in DC any day.  
At the end of a Bat'leth tournament, the winner is the winner.


On Mar 11, 2007, at 2:45 PM, Martin wrote:

> ka'PLACH!
> Seriously, when and where does this stop? Voting in Klingonese,  
> people trying to have Jedi recognized as an official religion in  
> the UK- just stop the planet here, and I'll get off.
> Finnish MP seeks votes in Klingon
> Fri Mar 9, 9:51 AM ET
> A Finnish member of parliament is aiming for re-election by  
> campaigning with a translation of his Web site into Klingon, used  
> in the TV series Star Trek.
> "Some have thought it is blasphemy to mix politics and Klingon,"  
> said Jyrki Kasvi, an ardent Trekkie. "Others say it is good if  
> politicians can laugh at themselves."
> He said his politics posed some translation difficulties, since  
> Klingon does not have words for matters such as tolerance, or for  
> many colours, including green -- the party under whose banner he is  
> running in the national elections on March 18.
> Non-warriors can also access the site, www.kasvi.org, in English,  
> Swedish and Finnish.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels  
> will get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut,  
> "A Man Without A Country"
> -
> Get your own web address.
> Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Eleventh Hour

2007-03-11 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Same here,  thanks for the tip. GreenCine has it,  and it looks good.

On Mar 11, 2007, at 5:50 PM, Martin wrote:

> Never seen it, and I guess I need to get about finding it.
> being_marian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I've been occasionally  
> renting "Eleventh Hour" from Netflix. Has
> anyone else viewed this British series? It's interesting seeing a SF
> series from GB -- other than "Doctor Who".
> The language can be a little rougher because it is an adult series and
> (I guess) European sensibilities aren't too worried about adult
> language. On the other hand, it isn't filled with curse words, like
> cable here, to prove that it is an adult series.
> There isn't as much violence because that is the bane of Europe, where
> there are occasional sex scenes in one episode. (Our particular
> hang-up--which is weird in its own way. Didn't the Puritans start  
> in GB?)
> The first episode walked a fine line with cloning/abortion
> magnificently. They never got sentimental about the fetuses but the
> protagonist was suitably appalled at the thoughtless disposal of
> rejected clones.
> The protagonist is Patrick Stewart. My only tsk-tsk with him is his
> interview on the 1st dvd that declared that this series was not SF
> because it was based on "Science". Huh? Excuse me?
> I'm glad to see that it has occurred to some producers that SF does
> not have to be spaceships and explosions. I guess that "Jericho" and
> such are the equivalent over here. Please more character-driven SF TV
> shows. They have to be cheaper than the monster of the week that the
> SciFi channel keeps giving us.
> "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels  
> will get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut,  
> "A Man Without A Country"
> -
> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
> with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Curriculum of MIT to be online for free

2007-03-11 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

I dunno about you,  but I'm hella rusty in holographic imaging, so  
this is great for me. And I can think of a couple of people running  
for president who could  use a refresher course in macroeconomics.

On Mar 10, 2007, at 3:41 PM, Martin wrote:

> As though they can teach any of us anything?
> "Maurice C. Jennings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Curriculum of MIT to be online for free
> By Chris Reidy, Globe Staff | March 10, 2007
> MIT intends to reach an epic milestone soon: By the end of the  
> year, its
> entire curriculum should be available online for free.
> Scholars -- and amateur scholars -- are coming in droves; this  
> month, the
> site could receive 1.5 million visits.
> "It's exceeded our expectations," said Anne Margulies, the official  
> at the
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology who heads up the online  
> curriculum
> program called OpenCourseWare.
> MIT began putting courses online in 2001; more than 1,500 are already
> available, and all of its 1,800 courses should be posted by the end  
> of this
> year.
> So far, the most popular online course has been an introduction to
> electrical engineering, Margulies said, but visitors to the site  
> can also
> school themselves on such subjects as cell-matrix mechanics,  
> holographic
> imaging, hip-hop, and How to Make (Almost) Anything.
> Courses that include video presentations tend to draw online  
> crowds, and
> popular courses include Linear Algebra, Physics I, and Principles of
> Macroeconomics.
> MIT students also use the site to take practice exams and to help them
> determine which courses to take next semester.
> Even so, roughly 60 percent of visitors to the site come from  
> outside of
> North America, and about half are what MIT calls "self-learners" --  
> folks
> who are neither students nor educators but are presumably drawn to  
> MIT only
> by the sheer joy of learning.
> Other US universities are putting some of their courses online;  
> many offer
> what might be deemed a "greatest hits" approach to the online  
> curriculum;
> but to Margulies's knowledge, MIT is one of only a handful of  
> universities
> on the planet that seek to make an entire catalogue of courses  
> available on
> the Internet.
> In the business world, executives would brainstorm over how to  
> "monetize"
> the Internet. That's not part of MIT's thinking; at its site,  
> learning is
> free.
> "During the dot-com era, people thought about to how to make money  
> on the
> Internet," Margulies said. "Today we think knowledge should be in  
> the public
> domain."
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels  
> will get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut,  
> "A Man Without A Country"
> -
> Be a PS3 game guru.
> Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at  
> Yahoo! Games.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Crazy Lady Moving to Seattle

2007-03-10 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

I'm in Charlotte, and I'm here for the low cost real estate and the  
weather. I have noticed, however, a recent migration of a lot of  
people/money/business either through Washington State or Washington DC.

Here's hoping you  get well sooner than the six months.


On Mar 9, 2007, at 5:35 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> Got a smile from Chris with that one.  Daryl.  You don't live in  
> Seattle
> do you?
> If not, what do you mean by and "all strange roads seem to lead to one
> Washington or another."
> Tracey
> The Yokozuna Of Soul wrote:
>> Thank you for restoring the hole that Octavia Butler left in Seattle.
>> It's been a long year of strange things happening since she left us,
>> and all strange roads seem to lead to one Washington or another. You
>> and Chris have brought balance to the force.
>> Daryle
>> On Mar 9, 2007, at 2:03 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.
>> Minor) wrote:
>>> Hey SciFiNoir Fam:
>>> Just letting you know that I'm moving back to the States. Seattle is
>>> where we are landing (Chris is a software C++, ASP.NET guy. We are
>>> leaving on Tuesday. We decided with both of us being sick, it is  
>>> hard
>>> to take advantage of the benefits that we moved to Mexico for. I'm
>>> going to be real sick for at least another six month and it will
>>> take an
>>> additional year to get completely healed. Since you guys have  
>>> been so
>>> supportive, I wanted you to know.
>>> I m so excited becuase I have missed so much scifi and the  
>>> schedule is
>>> so behind, that sometimes I have to avoid reading your posts. Now I
>>> will able to join in.
>>> Anyone on the list in Seattle?
>>> Tracey
>>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>  Yahoo! Groups Sponsor  
> ~-->
> Yahoo! Groups gets a make over. See the new email design.
> http://us.click.yahoo.com/hOt0.A/lOaOAA/yQLSAA/LRMolB/TM
> ~->
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [scifinoir2] South Park uses n-word 42 times

2007-03-09 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Enough with this show already. It's become the "Facts Of Life" of  
animation. Who  is still watching  South Park? Justice League gets   
pulled but this show is still on the air?

On Mar 9, 2007, at 2:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well I guess they're tyring to make points via the shock method. I  
> saw an excerpt from the show, ad I have to admit I laughed. Of  
> course, i didn't hear the word, just saw one scene. The guy  
> *should* have spelled out "naggers", not "n*ggers".  There's one  
> scene where a group of redneck guys confront the hapless guy and  
> say, "We don't want you in our town 'n*gger' guy'!"  Interesting,  
> but I hear many Black leaders are actually applauding the show.  
> Well, some of them, and I don't know exactly who *they* are...
> http://www.tv.com/south-park/with-apologies-to-jesse-jackson/ 
> episode/919534/recap.html
> Originally aired: Wednesday March 7, 2007 on Comedy Central
> Writer: Trey Parker
> Director: Trey Parker
> Show Stars: Trey Parker (Voice of Stan Marsh; Eric Theodore  
> Cartman; Herbert Garrison; Officer Barbrady; Terrance; Timmy; Ned  
> Gerblanski; Satan; Randy Ma), Matt Stone (Voice of Kyle Broflovski;  
> Kenny McKormick; Gerald Broflovski; Pip Pirrup; Jesus; Jimbo Kearn;  
> Phillip; Saddam; Various Others)
> Recurring Role: Adrien Beard (Voice of Token Williams)
> Guest Stars: April Stewart (Voice of Principal Victoria, Woman  
> Introducing David Nelson) , B.J. McCrory (Voice of Unknown)
> Production Code: 1101
> Randy Marsh is on Wheel of Fortune and his category to win the big  
> prize of $30,000 is “People Who Annoy You.” With the letters he  
> gets and the ones he guesses, he is only missing one letter to  
> solve the puzzle, N_GGERS. Randy fills in the puzzle with what he  
> assumes is the missing letter and says “NIGGERS” on national  
> television, when the answer to the puzzle is NAGGERS. The next day  
> at school, Stan doesn’t want to talk about it, but Cartman is  
> convinced that Token is going to want to kick Stan’s cracker ass.  
> Stan tries to explain the situation to Token, but Token tells him  
> that just doesn’t understand what it means when that word comes up.  
> Cartman is delighted at this turn of events and is convinced there  
> is going to be a race war. It doesn’t develop, but Cartman declares  
> a white victory anyway. Randy meets with Rev. Jesse Jackson, who  
> will only accept his apology after Randy kisses his ass. A picture  
> is taken and a sub-headline in the newspaper reads, “Jackson  
> receives an apolog
> y in the end.” Stan tells Token about his dad’s apology to Jesse  
> Jackson, but Token tells him that despite what Jesse thinks, he is  
> not “the emperor of black people.”
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>  Yahoo! Groups Sponsor  
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Re: [scifinoir2] Crazy Lady Moving to Seattle

2007-03-09 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Thank you for restoring the hole that Octavia Butler left in Seattle.  
It's been a long year of strange things happening since she left us,   
and all strange roads seem to  lead to one Washington or another. You  
and Chris have brought  balance to the force.


On Mar 9, 2007, at 2:03 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> Hey SciFiNoir Fam:
> Just letting you know that I'm moving back to the States.  Seattle is
> where we are landing  (Chris is a software C++, ASP.NET guy.  We are
> leaving on Tuesday.  We decided with both of us being sick, it is hard
> to take advantage of the benefits that we moved to Mexico for.  I'm
> going to be real sick for at least another six month and it will  
> take an
> additional year to get completely healed.  Since you guys have been so
> supportive, I wanted you to know.
> I m so excited becuase I have missed so much scifi and the schedule is
> so behind, that sometimes I have to avoid reading your posts.  Now I
> will able to join in.
> Anyone on the list in Seattle?
> Tracey
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Captain America Killed?

2007-03-08 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Planet  Hulk is better than Civil War but Civil War is still  one of  
the greatest  things Marvel's  done in years.

On Mar 8, 2007, at 8:46 AM, B. Smith wrote:

> Civil War got all the press but Annihilation, Planet Hulk and Beyond
> were really well done.
> Beyond slipped in under the radar but Dwayne McDuffie and Scott
> Kollins really put together a great series. It starts off like Secret
> Wars III but turns into something else entirely. It's definitely
> worth picking up.
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > Very good points. I do agree that Steve Rogers' going so far in his
> rebellion was a little surprising, but you have to look at it in
> context of the gulag Stark and Richards built, the draconian measures
> of the Act, and the suddeness of it's application. I even agree that
> Spidey should *never* have revealed his identity, which was up there
> with Superman and Batman's identities in terms of the importance of
> secrecy. I think, though, that the overall intentions and meanings of
> the story resonated with me. The execution and particulars were
> indeed clumsy in many points, but the overall feeling I was left with
> was powerful.
> >
> > -- Original message --
> > From: "B. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > In a nutshell: great idea, crappy characterizations and execution.
> >
> > The pro side came off like evil mustache twirlers.
> >
> > The government sanctioning homicidal villains to hunt down heroes.
> >
> > Spider-Man revealing his identity(ugh).
> >
> > The return of an unstuck in time Captain Mar-Vell(Who shouldn't
> have
> > blonde hair btw. His hair was silver until he gained Cosmic
> > Awareness. It's a nitpick but it's an important point to his origin)
> >
> > Negative Zone Prison aka Stalag 42.
> >
> > Captain America was written like Ultimate Captain America and not
> the
> > original Captain America.
> >
> > Giant Man killed and discarded like a piece of garbage.
> >
> > The murderous clone of Thor.
> >
> > The Joss Whedon ending. Bad, bad choice. It ended with a whimper
> and
> > it wasn't what this series needed.
> >
> > IMHO they should have merged Civil War and the companion book into
> > one 12 issue series. It would have helped the story flow and
> fleshed
> > out the narrative.
> >
> > --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Why didn't you like it? I was surprised that several of y'all in
> > ScifiNoir felt that way. Most seem to have greatly preferred
> > the "Annhilation" series instead. I liked Civil War because of its
> > resonance with real-life events, the tackling of that blurred line
> > between fantasy and reality (we all know in real life superbeings
> > would have been conscripted long ago), and the attempt to deal with
> > Cap's old fashioned ideals, which to some simply give rise to his
> > treasonous behaviour. Still hate that Spidey unmasked though..
> > >
> > > The Marvel U is going to be altered in big ways after Civil War.
> > The Initiative is a government-sanctioned (controlled?) program
> with
> > superteams in all states. Ultimately, they report to Tony STark,
> new
> > director of SHIELD. That begs the questions of what happens when
> teh
> > government starts sending superheroes on hits, or to invade
> sovereign
> > nations with which the heroes themselves don't have problems?
> > >
> > > -- Original message --
> > > From: "B. Smith" 
> > > I'm glad you enjoyed Civil War. I thought it was a colossal
> > letdown.
> > > And why didn't this happen at the end of the series?
> > >
> > > --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I started to scream "You ruined it for me!" to the person who
> > sent
> > > me this, as I haven't bought Cap #25 yet. Was going to do it
> > tonight.
> > > But, I guess the news is all over the waves and the Net, the same
> > way
> > > the "death" of Superman, and Spidey's unmasking were news before
> > the
> > > omics hit the stands. I'm sure Steve Rogers isn't really dead. He
> > is
> > > either underground, or the Super Soldier serum will revive him.
> > After
> > > all, freakin' *Bucky Barnes* was supposedly killed in WWII, and
> now
> > > we find out he's alive and operating as teh assassin Winter
> Soldier!
> > > >
> > > > The Civil War was awesome. The resolution of it was thought-
> > > provoking. I won't give away the ending of the Civil War, but
> check
> > > the stands for a guide book to what's coming next, called "The
> > > Initiative". It has to do with implementation of Tony Stark and
> > Hank
> > > Pym's plan to create a government sanctioned super team in each
> > state
> > > in America.
> > > > I've really enjoyed this. Sure, some may question the heavy-
> > handed
> > > didactic nature of Cap fighting for "freedom and justice". Many
> > have
> > > expressed doubt that Cap would fight the government over
> > > Registration. But I've loved it, and loved the reflections

Re: [scifinoir2] Captain America Killed?

2007-03-08 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Because I am not a big Cap  reader I don't have many back issues.   
But  is this the second or third time he's been "dead"?

On Mar 7, 2007, at 10:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I started to scream "You ruined it for me!" to the person who sent  
> me this, as I haven't bought Cap #25 yet. Was going to do it  
> tonight. But, I guess the news is all over the waves and the Net,  
> the same way the "death" of Superman, and Spidey's unmasking were  
> news before the omics hit the stands. I'm sure Steve Rogers isn't  
> really dead. He is either underground, or the Super Soldier serum  
> will revive him. After all, freakin' *Bucky Barnes* was supposedly  
> killed in WWII, and now we find out he's alive and operating as teh  
> assassin Winter Soldier!
> The Civil War was awesome. The resolution of it was thought- 
> provoking. I won't give away the ending of the Civil War, but check  
> the stands for a guide book to what's coming next, called "The  
> Initiative". It has to do with implementation of Tony Stark and  
> Hank Pym's plan to create a government sanctioned super team in  
> each state in America.
> I've really enjoyed this. Sure, some may question the heavy-handed  
> didactic nature of Cap fighting for "freedom and justice". Many  
> have expressed doubt that Cap would fight the government over  
> Registration. But I've loved it, and loved the reflections of our  
> real-life struggles with freedom under the Bush Regime.
> I think the future of the Initiative is gonna be wild. Spidey is  
> back in his black costume--there's a whole series in his books  
> under the titel "Back in Black". And of course theres the continued  
> repurcussions of his unmasking.
> ***
> "Cinque" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Comic book icon Captain America lies sprawled on courthouse steps  
> after Marvel hero is gunned down by sniper. (Art by Steve Epting)
> Cover of 1941 debut
> Captain America is dead. The Marvel Entertainment superhero,  
> created in 1941 as a patriotic adversary for the Nazis, is killed  
> off in Captain America #25, which hits the stands today.
> As Captain America emerges from a courthouse building, he is struck  
> by a sniper's bullet in the shoulder and then hit again in the  
> stomach, blood seeping out of his star-spangled costume.
> His death is sure to ignite controversy in the comic book world -  
> still reeling from Superman's death in 1993 and resurrection the  
> following year - and even political pundits, who may see Captain  
> America's demise as an allegory for the United States.
> "It's a hell of a time for him to go. We really need him now," said  
> co-creator Joe Simon, 93, after being informed of his brainchild's  
> death.
> Simon and artist Jack Kirby came up with the character in 1941 as  
> an adversary for Adolf Hitler, who was more evil than any villain  
> the pair could dream up. Since then, the patriotic hero has  
> appeared in an estimated 210 million copies sold in 75 countries.
> Not bad for an imaginary sickly kid from the lower East Side named  
> Steve Rogers, who volunteered to be injected with Super Soldier  
> serum during World War II.
> Part of Captain America's allure was that he had no true  
> superpowers; the serum made him an example of a human being at his  
> utmost potential.
> He could bench-press 1,100 pounds, run a mile in about a minute and  
> outsmart any spy.
> Series writer Ed Brubaker - who grew up reading Captain America  
> comics while his father, a naval intelligence officer, was  
> stationed on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - said it wasn't easy to kill off  
> the character. The 40-year-old, however, wanted to explore what the  
> hero meant to the country in these polarized times.
> "What I found is that all the really hard-core left-wing fans want  
> Cap to be standing out on and giving speeches on the streetcorner  
> against the Bush administration, and all the really right-wing  
> [fans] all want him to be over in the streets of Baghdad, punching  
> out Saddam," Brubaker said.
> Comic book deaths, however, are rarely final. Marvel's archrival,  
> DC Comics, provoked a media frenzy when it killed off Superman in  
> 1993, only to reanimate its prize creation a year later.
> Joe Quesada, 43, Marvel Entertainment's editor in chief, said he  
> wouldn't rule out the shield-throwing champion's eventual return.  
> But for now, the Captain's fans are in mourning.
> "I was shocked. I was not expecting it," said Gerry Gladston, co- 
> owner of Midtown Comics in Manhattan. "I'd rather they didn't kill  
> him - but it's going to mean great sales."
> Created: March 1941
> True Identity: Steve Rogers
> Born: July 4, 1917
> Birthplace: Lower East Side
> Current Home: Red Hook, Brooklyn
> Superpowers: None (Super Soldier serum makes him a "nearly perfect  
> human being")
> Weapon: His red,white and blue discus-like shield

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Coulter Criticized for Anti-Gay Slur Towards Edwards

2007-03-05 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Coulter  is in show business.  She no more believes any of the  
nonsense she says or writes than Lou Costello was an idiot. This  
entire issue is fluff and we can expect more avoidance of the issues  
as we get  closer to  2008.

On Mar 5, 2007, at 5:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Don't you just *love* the American political system? If you go to  
> John Edwards' website, you can see the video clip for yourself.  
> There, you also have the option to click a link to donate "Coulter  
> Cash", which is a way of saying you can defeat people like Coulter  
> by donating money to Edwards.https://johnedwards.com/action/ 
> contribute/coulter
> Politics has got to be the dirtiest, bloodiest game in the world,  
> but I guess you can't fault the Edwards camp for taking advantage  
> of it in this way. I still say that I'm amazed that with all the  
> things Edwards is saying--such as a recent interview in which he  
> said Jesus would be "ashamed" of America, or the interview on "Meet  
> the Press" where he said homosexuality is *not* a sin--he's getting  
> such little press. Again, i wonder, if the media covered him as  
> incessantly as it did Clinton and Obama, would his numbers be higher?
> All that aside, can someone explain to me what the hell is wrong  
> with Coulter? She regularly spouts virulent hatred I'm only used to  
> hearing from white men like Limbaugh or David Duke. What is wrong  
> with her, what's her past? I've never been able to stomach  
> watching, listening to, or reading about her, so have never done  
> the research myself
> *
> http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/03/04/coulter.edwards/index.html
> Coulter Under Fire for Anti-Gay Slur
> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Prominent politicians from both parties and a  
> gay-rights group on Saturday condemned right-wing commentator Ann  
> Coulter for her reference Friday to Democratic presidential  
> candidate John Edwards as a "faggot."
> "Ann Coulter's use of an anti-gay slur yesterday was un-American  
> and indefensible," Edwards said in a posting on his Web site,  
> www.johnedwards.com.
> "In America, we strive for equality and embrace diversity. The kind  
> of hateful language she used has no place in political debate or  
> our society at large.
> "I believe it is our moral responsibility to speak out against that  
> kind of bigotry and prejudice every time we encounter it."
> Edwards' campaign posted the video on their Web site, and asked  
> readers to help them "raise $100,000 in 'Coulter Cash' this week to  
> keep this campaign charging ahead and fight back against the  
> politics of bigotry."
> Coulter made her comment in Washington during an address to the  
> 34th annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action  
> Conference, during which she gave her opinions about the Democrats'  
> slate of presidential hopefuls.
> "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic  
> presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you  
> have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I'm - so,  
> kind of at an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards, so I think  
> I'll just conclude here and take your questions," said Coulter,  
> whose comment was followed by applause.
> CNN has reached out to Coulter's representative, and received no  
> response.
> But the New York Times reported that she responded, in an e-mail,  
> "C'mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that  
> they are like John Edwards. That would be mean."
> A spokesman for Sen. John McCain, a Republican presidential  
> candidate, called Coulter's comments to the conservative group  
> "wildly inappropriate."
> In a written statement, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, said,  
> "Ann Coulter's words of hate have no place in the public sphere  
> much less our political discourse. Not only should she apologize  
> but those who participated in the conference with her should  
> denounce her shameful and divisive actions."
> "Ann Coulter's use of this anti-gay slur is vile and unacceptable,"  
> said Neil G. Giuliano, president of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance  
> Against Defamation, "and the applause from her audience is an  
> important reminder that Coulter's ugly brand of bigotry is at the  
> root of the discriminatory policies being promoted at this gathering."
> In a written statement, Democratic National Committee Chairman  
> Howard Dean called on Republicans to denounce her remarks. "There  
> is no place in political discourse for this kind of hate-filled and  
> bigoted comments," he said.
> During a question-and-answer session, Coulter referred back to the  
> issue of gays by alluding to the bid for the Republican  
> presidential nomination being made by former Massachusetts Gov.  
> Mitt Romney.
> "I do want to point out one thing that has been driving me crazy  
> with the media -- how they keep describing Mitt Romney's position  
> as being pro-ga

[scifinoir2] Oscar thoughts

2007-02-26 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
I have to  say that I'm a little disappointed with the Academy and  
how/when they  give Oscars now. Martin Scorsese has done a lot of  
great original work. Last night he won an Oscar for a remake that  
Brad Pitt co-produced. Doesn't seem right to me. It was nice taht   
the American Idol girl won an Oscar,  that just  shows what   
Myspace.com has been proving for years: the people are right and the  
suits are wrong. The Academy needs to look at it's voting body and  
ask itself why Will Farrell/John Reilly/Jack Black's number was more  
true than funny.

Just  my  thoughts today on this.

Re: [SPAM] [scifinoir2] OT: Man With Sword Mistakes Neighbor's Porn for Rape

2007-02-23 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
I  study swords,  and my  goal is to  reach  a level of expertise and  
gain enough experience to  teach. I study at a place in Charlotte  
where the Sensei is a 6th level Dan (www.budokanusa.com) Karate  is a  
beautiful art  and if that's what speaks to you,  definitely  go  
after it.  I started with Tai Chi originally  but found that I was  
able to express myself better through the sword. My teacher here at  
Budokan also suggested I take jujitsu along with basic sword kata.  
The combination has been great.  But for folks who tend to  lean more  
towards kung fu, I've seen that they really enjoy kendo. Plus, you  
can compete  in kendo,  whereas with live samurai blades...well, that  
would be a short  tournament.

I've been thinking since reading yours and Tracey's post that I may  
want to give fencing a try. It looks like fun, or at  least, Picard  
makes it look like fun.

On Feb 22, 2007, at 10:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Cool, thanks for the advice and the link. Where do you study this  
> art? Do you compete or teach it? Why it as opposed to things like  
> tae kwon do, aiki-jutsi, kempo karate, or Joe Corley All American  
> Karate? :)
> -- Original message --
> From: The Yokozuna Of Soul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This is why this list is so great. I've studied tomaya-ryu iaido
> ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyama-ryu ) for years now. You think
> finding Black folks into FENCING is hard? Try finding someone who's
> into (let alone advanced) in samurai arts. Might I suggest that you
> take up kendo? It gives you an all around training that is great for
> what you're looking for. True samurai tradition is to get
> proficient with anything...a stick, beer bottle, postage stamp, all
> deadly weapons. And then if there's nothing around, hand-to-hand
> whoopins.
> Daryle
> On Feb 22, 2007, at 2:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I loved everything about fencing: the drills, the balance and
> > finesse needed to wield the blade, the feeling when the blade and I
> > were more like one being than two separate things. I learned the
> > basics of sabre and epee fighting as well. I almost lean toward the
> > schools of Chinese kung fu philosophy that ability with weapons is
> > possibly more admirable than empty-hand fighting. Almost. When I
> > *finally* get around to taking martial arts, one of my main goals
> > is to become proficient with bladed weapons--knives as well as
> > swords--and especially, a staff.
> >
> > -- Original message --
> > From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
> >
> > > I fenced in high school and a little in college too! There are so
> > few
> > > Black fencing enthusiasts, I always get excited with I meet one.
> > >
> > > Tracey
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Although I joke about him carrying a sword--and as someone who
> > fenced
> > > > in college and owns a foil, I can't talk--speaking personally,
> > if Man
> > > > must bear weapons I'd prefer swords to guns. Sure, the idea of
> > a guy
> > > > getting skewered in the gut is disturbing, but so is the sight
> > of a
> > > > hollow point entering same gut--and the exit wound it leaves.
> > And I
> > > > know the images of recent years of some of our African brothers
> > > > literally hacking each other to death with machetes might give
> > some
> > > > pause. But I contend that's nothing compared to the sight of
> > men too
> > > > young to drive, spraying hundreds of bullets indiscriminately:
> > boys
> > > > literally wielding the power of small armies. At least with  
> bladed
> > > > weapons you have to get up close and personal, and the  
> collateral
> > > > damage is kept to a minimum. And a potential victim might  
> stand a
> > > > better chance defending himself against a sword-wielding maniac
> > than a
> > > > hail of bullets.
> > > >
> > > > Perhaps we should all became modern-day Don Quixotes like this
> > guy,
> > > > wearing blades on our sides, carrying out ritual combat with
> > rules.
> > > > Maybe the Crips and Bloods and other gangs should settle their
> > > > problems with their leaders dueling at dawn. Maybe if people
> > had to
> > > > fight duels with agreed-upon weapons and seconds standing at the
> > > > ready, a bit of civilization 

Re: [SPAM] [scifinoir2] OT: Man With Sword Mistakes Neighbor's Porn for Rape

2007-02-22 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
This is why this list is so great. I've studied tomaya-ryu iaido  
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyama-ryu ) for years now. You think  
finding Black folks into FENCING  is hard? Try finding someone who's  
into (let alone advanced) in samurai arts.  Might I suggest that you  
take up kendo? It gives you an all around training that is great for  
what you're looking  for. True samurai tradition is to get   
proficient  with anything...a stick, beer bottle, postage stamp, all  
deadly weapons.  And then if there's nothing around,  hand-to-hand  


On Feb 22, 2007, at 2:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I loved everything about fencing: the drills, the balance and  
> finesse needed to wield the blade, the feeling when the blade and I  
> were more like one being than two separate things. I learned the  
> basics of sabre and epee fighting as well. I almost lean toward the  
> schools of Chinese kung fu philosophy that ability with weapons is  
> possibly more admirable than empty-hand fighting. Almost. When I  
> *finally* get around to taking martial arts, one of my main goals  
> is to become proficient with bladed weapons--knives as well as  
> swords--and especially, a staff.
> -- Original message --
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> > I fenced in high school and a little in college too! There are so  
> few
> > Black fencing enthusiasts, I always get excited with I meet one.
> >
> > Tracey
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Although I joke about him carrying a sword--and as someone who  
> fenced
> > > in college and owns a foil, I can't talk--speaking personally,  
> if Man
> > > must bear weapons I'd prefer swords to guns. Sure, the idea of  
> a guy
> > > getting skewered in the gut is disturbing, but so is the sight  
> of a
> > > hollow point entering same gut--and the exit wound it leaves.  
> And I
> > > know the images of recent years of some of our African brothers
> > > literally hacking each other to death with machetes might give  
> some
> > > pause. But I contend that's nothing compared to the sight of  
> men too
> > > young to drive, spraying hundreds of bullets indiscriminately:  
> boys
> > > literally wielding the power of small armies. At least with bladed
> > > weapons you have to get up close and personal, and the collateral
> > > damage is kept to a minimum. And a potential victim might stand a
> > > better chance defending himself against a sword-wielding maniac  
> than a
> > > hail of bullets.
> > >
> > > Perhaps we should all became modern-day Don Quixotes like this  
> guy,
> > > wearing blades on our sides, carrying out ritual combat with  
> rules.
> > > Maybe the Crips and Bloods and other gangs should settle their
> > > problems with their leaders dueling at dawn. Maybe if people  
> had to
> > > fight duels with agreed-upon weapons and seconds standing at the
> > > ready, a bit of civilization would come back to warfare? Yeah,  
> right
> > >
> > > 
> > > Sword seized after man mistakes porn for rape
> > > OCONOMOWOC, Wisconsin (AP) -- A man says he broke into an  
> apartment
> > > with a cavalry sword because he thought he heard a woman being  
> raped,
> > > but the sound actually was from a pornographic movie his upstairs
> > > neighbor was watching.
> > > "Now I feel stupid," said James Van Iveren, who has been  
> charged in
> > > the case. "This really is nothing, nothing but a mistake."
> > > According to a criminal complaint, the neighbor told police  
> that Van
> > > Iveren pounded on the door and kicked it open without warning  
> February
> > > 12, damaging the frame and lock.
> > > "Where is she?" Van Iveren demanded, thrusting the sword at the
> > > neighbor, the complaint said. "Where is she?"
> > > The neighbor told police Van Iveren became increasingly  
> aggressive as
> > > he repeated the question, insisting that he had heard a woman  
> being
> > > raped. The complaint said that, with the sword pointed at him, the
> > > neighbor led Van Iveren throughout the apartment, opening  
> closet doors
> > > to prove he was alone.
> > > The neighbor later played for police the part of the DVD he  
> believed
> > > Van Iveren heard downstairs.
> > > The radio station WTMJ identified the neighbor as Bret Steighorst.
> > > Van Iveren, 39, of Oconomowoc, was charged with criminal trespass,
> > > criminal damage and disorderly conduct, all while using a  
> dangerous
> > > weapon, and is scheduled to appear in court March 5. Together, the
> > > misdemeanor counts carry a maximum sentence of 33 months in jail.
> > > Van Iveren said Tuesday that he heard a woman "screaming for  
> help,"
> > > grabbed the sword, bounded up the stairs, kicked in the  
> apartment door
> > > and confronted the man who lived there.
> > > "I intended to hold it behind my back and knock. But I froze and
> > > instead, what happene

Re: [scifinoir2] Murphy Talks Transformers

2007-02-22 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

...AND no Soundwave. I tell you, seeing a CGI 3 story high Optimus  
Prime is the only thing  bringing  me in on 7/4.

And I gotta say, after  Mark Wahlberg destroyed the song in "Boogie  
Nights",  I'm okay to never  hear it again.

On Feb 22, 2007, at 3:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Awww! No Unicron? No Matrix of Leadership or Rodimus Prime? No  
> horrid '80s metals soundtrack sreeching "You got to fight. You've  
> got the powe!"
> Dang!  :)
> -- Original message --
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> Murphy Talks Transformers
> Don Murphy, one of the producers of Michael Bay's upcoming  
> Transformers
> movie, told SCI FI Wire that the film will deal with several  
> elements of
> the comic, TV and toy franchise, but not any single storyline.  
> "There's
> so many things that make it Transformers, but there's no ... one  
> classic
> story, like [Spider-Man's] death of Gwen Stacy or something like  
> that,"
> Murphy said in an interview on the film's Los Angeles set last August.
> "I think it proved a little bit tricky. What the real balance was that
> ... if you just wanted robots smashing robots, then that's [computer
> animation] or that's 2-D [animation]. And what we were always  
> trying to
> do was a live-action movie. ... So you kind of have a nice balance now
> between the robots and the human interactions. And the first movie, as
> I'm sure you already know, is about the arrival of the Autobots and  
> the
> Decepticons to Earth."
> Transformers will offer background about the origin of the war between
> the Autobots and Decepticons. The plot will be set in motion when
> 18-year-old Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) discovers his grandfather's  
> pair
> of century-old glasses, improbably laser-etched with a map and
> information about the location of a key artifact, the "Energon" cube,
> which he then tries to sell on eBay. The movie will follow five  
> separate
> storylines, which will all converge with a final battle between the
> Autobots and Decepticons, starting at Hoover Dam and ending in an
> American city that looks a lot like Los Angeles.
> Murphy said that the movie will make use of generation-one  
> Transformers.
> "Everything that the original writer, John Rogers, had grown up on,"
> Murphy said. "When [additional screenwriters] Roberto [Orci] and Alex
> [Kurtzman] came on to do their subsequent drafts, it was all the first
> season, because that was what I think had been earmarked as the
> traditional thing, ... as this is what kids grew up on and  
> everything."
> Transformers is eyeing a July 4 release. —Patrick Lee, News Editor
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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2007-02-19 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
...and to buy as much gold and silver as possible.

On Feb 19, 2007, at 6:16 PM, Martin wrote:

> Next step is to carpet-bomb this e-mail to our Guv'mint friends...
> "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Original  
> Message 
> Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 00:33:59 -0600
> From: Chris de Morsella
> http://www.financialsense.com/fsu/editorials/martenson/2006/1217.html
> by Dr. Chris Martenson
> The End of Money
> December 17, 2006
> Prepare to be shocked.
> The US is insolvent. There is simply no way for our national bills  
> to be
> paid under current levels of taxation and promised benefits. Our  
> federal
> deficits alone now total more than 400% of GDP.
> That is the conclusion of a recent Treasury/OMB report entitled
> /Financial Report of the United States Government/
> that was quietly slipped
> out on a Friday (12/15/06), deep in the holiday season, with little
> fanfare. Sometimes I wonder why the Treasury Department doesn't  
> just pay
> somebody to come in at 4:30 am Christmas morning to release the  
> report.
> Additionally, I've yet to read a single account of this report in  
> any of
> the major news media outlets but that is another matter.
> But, hey, I understand. A report is this bad requires all the muffling
> it can get.
> In his accompanying statement
> to the report, David
> Walker, Comptroller of the US, warmed up his audience by stating that
> the GAO had found so many significant material deficiencies in the
> government's accounting systems that the GAO was "unable to express an
> opinion" on the financial statements. Ha ha! He really knows how to  
> play
> an audience!
> In accounting parlance, that's the same as telling your spouse "Our
> checkbook is such an out of control mess I can't tell if we're  
> broke or
> rich!" The next time you have an unexplained rash of checking
> withdrawals from that fishing trip with your buddies, just tell her  
> that
> you are "unable to express an opinion" and see how that flies. Let us
> know how it goes!
> Then Walker went on to deliver the really bad news:
> Despite improvement in both the fiscal year 2006 reported net  
> operating
> cost and the cash-based budget deficit, the U.S. government's total
> reported liabilities, net social insurance commitments, and other  
> fiscal
> exposures continue to grow and now total approximately $50 trillion,
> representing approximately four times the Nation's total output  
> (GDP) in
> fiscal year 2006, up from about $20 trillion, or two times GDP in  
> fiscal
> year 2000.
> As this long-term fiscal imbalance continues to grow, the  
> retirement of
> the "baby boom" generation is closer to becoming a reality with the
> first wave of boomers eligible for early retirement under Social
> Security in 2008.
> Given these and other factors, it seems clear that the nation's  
> current
> fiscal path is unsustainable and that tough choices by the  
> President and
> the Congress are necessary in order to address the nation's large and
> growing long-term fiscal imbalance.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels  
> will get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut,  
> "A Man Without A Country"
> -
> No need to miss a message. Get email on-the-go
> with Yahoo! Mail for Mobile. Get started.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] [Fwd: [Blackfolks] Mummified body found in front of blaring TV]

2007-02-19 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
I need for him to  have been bored to death while watching  
Enterprise. I need that. That's how the story will be retold in my home.

On Feb 19, 2007, at 6:05 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> --- Original Message 
> Subject:  [Blackfolks] Mummified body found in front of blaring TV
> Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 16:59:05 -0600
> From: Mel Cragwell, II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070219/od_nm/death_television_dc_3
> Mummified body found in front of blaring TV
> Mon Feb 19, 1:50 PM ET
> NEW YORK (Reuters) - Police called to a Long Island man's house
> discovered the mummified remains of the resident, dead for more than a
> year, sitting in front of a blaring television set.
> The 70-year-old Hampton Bays, New York, resident, identified as
> Vincenzo Ricardo, appeared to have died of natural causes. Police said
> Saturday his body was discovered Thursday when they were called to the
> house over a burst water pipe.
> "You could see his face. He still had hair on his head," Newsday  
> quoted
> morgue assistant Jeff Bacchus as saying. The home's low humidity had
> preserved the body.
> Officials could not explain why the electricity had not been turned
> off, considering Ricardo had not been heard from since December 2005.
> Neighbors said when they had not seen Ricardo, who was diabetic and  
> had
> been blind for years, they assumed he was in the hospital or a
> long-term care facility.
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [scifinoir2] Prayer Vigil for Keith (was: "Ghost Rider" Tops Forty Mill at the Box Office)

2007-02-19 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

It should be noted that:

1. I don't think he actually denied Rosario, just wasn't feeling her.
and 2. I have also resigned my Thandie Newton fan club presidency.  
I've converted to Nona Gaye-ism full time in 2007. I think it's  
obvious that Keith, by his long time Charisma Carpenter focus, likes  
them a little taller and/or healthier.

And I hereby announce that I agree with him. No more of these skinny  
actresses,  it's like we're watching teenagers, and what  is needed  
in these roles are grown women.

As my wife often puts it, "a brick house can do wonders in your life".

On Feb 19, 2007, at 9:40 AM, ravenadal wrote:

> Keith, I am organizing a prayer vigil for you. You are obviously
> possessed by demons (pale ones at that). Please tell me you did not
> type: "For those guys who think (Eva Mendez is) hot (I'm not one of
> them)." Seriously dude, it is the only way you can maintain your "man
> card." First you denounced Angelina Joli, then you forsake Rosario
> Dawson and now you taken the name Eva Mendez in vain. In the words of
> the Miller Lite repo-man, "You must be crazy!"
> The ONLY reason I would consider paying first run movie theater prices
> to see "Ghostrider" is because not only is Eva Mendez in it - she
> GAINED WEIGHT to be in it (no wonder those shirts don't fit)! Be
> still my heart!
> ~rave!
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > I'm surprised at this big haul. Did anyone else see "Ghost Rider"
> this weekend? I checked it out today. It was only okay. At best, I
> can say that it has moments that are fun from a purely
> put-your-brain-on-hold cartoony point of view. Not really coming from
> the serious angle of the Spider-Man films or latest Batman flick, it's
> over-the-top, full of explosions, silly demonic villains--who as
> always dress in the coolest leather!--stereotyped Texas yokels, and of
> course, lots of CGI. That last was better than I expected, if not
> exactly top-notch. Never having read the comic, I have no reference
> for how true to the source material the story was, but it hardly
> matters. It's really just slow buildup to the Rider finally emerging,
> a few battles, and Eva Mendes' wearing shirts that can't seem to be
> buttoned up. For those guys who think she's hot (I'm not one of them),
> I guess that's a good thing. I just kept thinking she was more literal
> eye candy than i've seen in a movie in a while.
> > but again, if you put the brain on hold and come from the direction
> of the movie just being silly fun, her portrayal as the Girl is in
> line with the big-bosomed scantily glad heroines and villains of  
> comics.
> >
> > There were a few moments that had me smile, a couple that had me
> laugh outright, such as the Ghost Rider and another Rider going off to
> meet the demons, fiery horse and motorcycle side-by-side, Western
> music playing. But overall the camp comic fun doesn't really sustain
> the movie, and again, it's only okay. I enjoyed it more than i
> expected, thanks mostly to Cage's weird-but-never-boring portrayal
> (Cage as a 37 year old Texan??) and the few good action moments with
> the Rider. But overall it's not a must see. I'd put it somewhere in
> the range as better than Fantastic Four and "Catwoman", maybe on the
> same level as "Daredevil", but nowhere near the standards set by
> Spider-Man or Batman Begins.
> >
> > ***
> > Cage on fire at box office with "Ghost Rider"
> > By Dean GoodmanSun Feb 18, 1:43 PM ET
> > Nicolas Cage raced to the top spot at the North American box office
> on Sunday with the cult comic book adaptation "Ghost Rider," the
> biggest opening of his wildly oscillating career.
> > The Marvel Comics adaptation about the devil's motorcycle-riding
> bounty hunter earned an estimated $44.5 million during its first three
> days of release, putting it on course to break the record for the U.S.
> Presidents Day holiday weekend, distributor Columbia Pictures said.
> > The record for the four-day period, including the Monday holiday,
> was set by the Adam Sandler comedy "50 First dates," which opened to
> $45.1 million in 2004. The Sony Corp (NYSE:SNE - news).-owned studio
> forecast "Ghost Rider" would earn about $51 million over the same  
> span.
> > The film, one of five new entries, opened on Friday amid critical
> brickbats. Variety said Cage's role was "stunningly bland," while the
> New York Post and the Hollywood Reporter both invoked the term
> "stillborn."
> > Still, it surpassed the $35.1 million opening of 2005's "National
> Treasure" to become Cage's biggest bow. Since then, the 43-year-old
> Oscar-winner has appeared in three bombs ("Lord of War," "The Weather
> Man," "The Wicker Man") and one modest hit ("World Trade Center).
> > Opening at No. 2 with $22 million for the three-day period was the
> Walt Disney Co. children's fantasy "Bridge to Terabithia," based on
> the award-winning children's book about two young outcasts. The studio

Re: [scifinoir2] RUMOR: ABRAMS off of Trek - who do you want to replace him?

2007-02-17 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
 From your list,

Frakes and Whedon.

but also,
Roxann Biggs-Dawson
LeVar Burton

And then:

On Feb 12, 2007, at 3:29 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> There is a rumor floating around that Abrams is off of Star Trek.   
> If it
> is true, who would you want to replace him?
> Singer
> Whedon
> Berman :)
> Goyer
> Frakes
> Nolan
> Raimi
> Ang Lee
> Jackson
> if none of the above, who?
> Tracey

Re: [scifinoir2] Way OT: Anna Nicole Smith Dead at Age 39

2007-02-08 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
She'd be a senator.

On Feb 8, 2007, at 8:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> What saddens me is this crazed thing people--women especially--go  
> through for fame. I'm not a fan of blondes anyway (I prefer  
> brunettes),so I never really got so many women's need to dye their  
> hair the way Anna Nicole did. And saddest of all, have you ever  
> seen pictures of her before she become blonde and plastic? She was  
> actually much prettier with brown hair and her natural chest.  
> (Ditto for Pamela Anderson, by the way).  It's as if all these  
> actresses and would-be actresses are trying to be the second coming  
> of Marilyn Monroe. And now they can sell their souls for fifteen  
> minutes of reality show fame or commercials for questionable  
> products. Sad.
> Sometimes I wonder what Marilyn Monroe would have become had *she*  
> been born in this era...
> -- Original message --
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> This is not off-topic, her life was out of this world, I to hope her
> daughter's life is less bizarre and full of trauma
> Tracey
> Martin wrote:
>> That was my first thought too, Keith. Poor kid's lost her older
>> brother *and* her mother before she even got to know either of them,
>> and her parentage is still somewhere in the stratosphere.
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
>> Not to speak ill of the dead, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is
>> drug-related. Smith had such a huge problem with them, and her
>> behaviour over the last few years was like someone either contstantly
>> on downers, or who'd been permanently damaged by drugs. I only hope
>> her newborn daughter has a better life...
>> Anna Nicole Smith Dies
>> By SUZETTE LABOY, Associated Press Writer 21 minutes ago
>> Anna Nicole Smith, the voluptuous former Playboy centerfold who
>> married an octogenarian billionaire and waged a legal battle for his
>> fortune all the way to the Supreme Court, died Thursday after
>> collapsing at a hotel. She was 39.
>> The blond bombshell — who recently became tabloid fodder all over
>> again after the sudden, apparently drug-related death of her
>> 20-year-old son — was stricken while staying at the Seminole Hard  
>> Rock
>> Hotel and Casino and was rushed to a hospital.
>> Edwina Johnson, chief investigator of the Broward County Medical
>> Examiner's Office, said the cause of death was under investigation  
>> and
>> an autopsy would be done on Friday.
>> A private nurse called 911 after finding Smith unresponsive in her
>> sixth-floor room, said Seminole Police Chief Charlie Tiger. He said
>> Smith's bodyguard administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation about an
>> hour before she was declared dead.
>> Through the '90s and into the new century, Smith was famous for being
>> famous, a pop-culture punchline because of her up-and-down weight,  
>> her
>> exaggerated curves, her little-girl voice, her ditzy-blonde persona,
>> and her over-the-top revealing outfits.
>> The curvaceous Texas-born Smith was a topless dancer at strip club
>> before she entered her photos in a search contest and made the cover
>> of Playboy magazine in 1992, captivating readers with her Marilyn
>> Monroe looks. She became Playboy's playmate of the year in 1993.
>> She was also signed to a contract with Guess jeans, appearing in TV
>> commercials, billboards and magazine ads.
>> In 1994, she married 89-year-old oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II,  
>> the
>> head of oil-based Koch Industries, which is part of a family fortune
>> worth at least $400 million. He died in 1995 at age 90, setting off a
>> feud with her former stepson, E. Pierce Marshall, over whether she  
>> had
>> a right to his estate.
>> A federal court in California awarded Smith $474 million. That was
>> later overturned. But in May, the U.S. Supreme Court revived her  
>> case,
>> ruling that she deserved another day in court in her battle with her
>> former stepson.
>> The stepson died June 20 at age 67. But the family said the court
>> fight would continue.
>> More recently, Smith's ballooning figure and up-and-down weight  
>> became
>> a subject of public fascination. But she lost a reported 69 pounds  
>> and
>> became a spokeswoman for TrimSpa, a weight-loss supplement.
>> She starred in her own reality TV series, "The Anna Nicole Show," in
>> 2002-04. Cameras followed her around as she sparred with her lawyer,
>> hung out with her personal assistant and interior decorator, and  
>> cooed
>> at her poodle, Sugar Pie. She also appeared in movies, performing a
>> bit part in "The Hudsucker Proxy" in 1994.
>> After news came of Smith's death, G. Eric Brunstad Jr., the lawyer  
>> who
>> represented Marshall, said in a statement: "We're very shocked by the
>> news and extend the deepest condolences to her family."
>> Smith's son, Daniel Smith, died Sept. 10 in his mother's hospital  
>> room
>> in the Bahamas, just days after sh

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Georgia Mayor Changes Name, Converts to Islam

2007-02-08 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Fox should be fun family viewing tonight.

On Feb 8, 2007, at 7:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Interesting move, gutsy for a black man in a Georgia city. A lot of  
> people black and white were already unhappy with his performance as  
> mayor on many other levels. Some feel he's just doing this as a way  
> to deflect people from his shortcomings. I don't know the truth of  
> that as Atlanta's got plenty to keep me occupied. Still, one can  
> expect to hear the racist and ignorant comments, no matter what you  
> think. I copied some posts from the paper, which follow the story.  
> Keep in mind that when it comes to things like moving from  
> Christianity to Islam, Blacks in many quarters can be as intolerant  
> as whites in the Southe, even in a city like Macon where the  
> majority of the population is African-American:
> Georgia Mayor Changes Name, Converts to Islam
> Macon, GA (WMAZ-TV) - Mayor C. Jack Ellis, a practicing Christian  
> throughout his life, on Thursday said he's switched to the Islamic  
> faith.
> The mayor said the conversion also means he'll be going through the  
> legal process of changing his name. His new name will be Hakim  
> Mansour Ellis. The mayor said he kept his last name to maintain  
> family ties.
> "It's a personal decision, a private decision as to how one  
> worships. But I do understand that I'm not a private person," Ellis  
> said. "But being the mayor of the city, I think people have a right  
> to know what I believe in, that I am a man of faith, and the faith  
> I'm now a part of is the faith of Islam."
> He now calls himself a Sunni Muslim. He made the switch, Ellis  
> said, during his December trip to Africa. Rather than call it a  
> switch, Ellis said it was like returning home.
> "I went back to my roots I guess you could say," Ellis said. "I did  
> convert to Islam in December of this past year in the country of  
> Senegal. When I say, "back to my roots", Islam was in Senegal prior  
> to the Africans being brought here as slaves."
> Since converting, Ellis said he attends the Islamic Center on  
> Bloomfield Road during Friday worship services. He also said he's  
> practicing the Islam doctrine of praying five times each day. Ellis  
> said he discussed his decision with his family and siblings before  
> making it public.
> "Now, I'm sharing with my broader family, the Macon community who  
> supported me when I was a Christian and trust that they will now,"  
> Ellis said. "I'm the same person even though I'll be changing my  
> name."
> Even though he switched religions, the mayor said he isn't ranking  
> them.
> "I'm not saying that one is better than the other," Ellis said. "We  
> do believe that the prophet Mohammed was the last prophet as well  
> as we believe Moses was a prophet."
> Prior to the conversion, Ellis said he attended Unionville Baptist  
> Church on Houston Avenue and before that Harvest Cathedral on Rocky  
> Creek Road.
> The mayor completes his second consecutive four-year term in  
> December and isn't eligible for re-election. But Ellis said he  
> might run for Georgia's 8th District congressional seat in 2008.  
> Steve Allen, chair of the Bibb County Democratic Party, said a  
> person's faith is his or her personal choice. But because most of  
> the 8th District is Christian and conservative, Allen said the  
> mayor might have a more difficult time winning the 8th District.  
> Ellis said he hopes people respect his decision and will call him  
> by his new name.
> *
> Some reader responses:
> A lot of people Black and white, were already unhappy with his  
> performance as mayor on many other levels. Some feel he's just  
> doing this as a way to deflect people from his shortcomings. I  
> don't know the truth of that, as I try to stay away from smaller  
> Georgia towns. Atlanta's got plenty to keep me occupied. :)
> STill, one can expect to hear the racist and ignorant comments, no  
> matter what you think. I copied some posts from the paper last  
> week. here are some of them--oh, keep in mind that when it comes to  
> things like moving from Christianity to Islam, Blacks in many  
> quarters can be as intolerant as whites:
> Reader comments on the mayor's conversion to Islam:
> white folks gone love this
> Posted by: henry
> Now he can move to Iraq and run for Mayor of Baghdad.
> Posted by: Joe
> I think this is another ploy by our fine wishy-washy and criminal  
> mayor to get more publicity. Maybe since he has such strong ties to  
> his mother country of Africa, he just needs to depart and go back  
> to his roots (at his expense, not the taxpayers). I hope God has  
> mercy on his soul b/c his beloved dead prophet Muhammed will not be  
> able to spare him or his other pagen muslims friends from hell. I  
> take issue with anybody comparing Allah with the true and living  
> God of the Bible.
> Posted by: Ginger E. Vinson

Re: [scifinoir2] COMMENTARY: Can 'Wonder Woman' succeed purely as action hero?

2007-02-08 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

You know..fan-man. The guy who is in Vegas for the Trek conventions  
but plays it off by gambling in the lobby. The guy who says "with  
great power comes great responsibility" in staff meetings. The guy  
who wears his workout clothes under his suit  so  he can rip  open  
his shirt  and take off his glasses as he heads into the locker room  
at the gym. The guy who has his sick days at work scheduled to  
coincide with the opening of sci-fi  movies. ( no lie. I  had an  
appointment with a "Dr. Crusher" on my  schedule the day First  
Contact came out and nobody on my staff blinked.) Fanboy is rude. And  
often wrong. Fanman is proud. Fanboy wants it for free. Fanman is  
willing to pay. A little.

Does Fanman walk alone here tonight?!

On Feb 8, 2007, at 6:45 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> OK, inquiring minds want to know, what is a fan man?
> Tracey
> The Yokozuna Of Soul wrote:
> >
> > I was a fanboy for many, many years. It's an important phase to go
> > through. It allows you to sit through bad Prince albums, Thandie
> > Newton's "performance" in MI:2, etc. But then I became...fanMAN. Now
> > I only use my otaku skills for GOOD.
> >
> > On Feb 8, 2007, at 6:10 PM, Martin wrote:
> >
> > > I believe that it's a moderate derogatory toward genre fans. At
> > > least that's how *I* look at it. Never been called it. If so, I'd
> > > be busy making licence plates instead of regaling you...
> > >
> > > "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
> > <mailto:tdlists%40multiculturaladvantage.com>> wrote: I have  
> heard the
> > term
> > > "fanboys" but I don't know what it means. Can
> > > somebody clarify?
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > tracey
> > >
> > > Martin wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Whenever I do, it seems as though they're trying to be the  
> online
> > > > version of Starlog. Apologies for any shocks to the system I may
> > > have
> > > > caused. THey seem to bemore fanboys than fans, and I abhor
> > > fanboys. To
> > > > them, it's not SF, it's reality they just can't experience  
> first-
> > > hand.
> > > >
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:KeithBJohnson%40comcast.net>
> > <mailto:KeithBJohnson%40comcast.net>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Why do you say that? I've never read their site much.
> > > >
> > > > -- Original message --
> > > > From: Martin
> > > > Remember at all times, keith- this is someone from SyFy talking.
> > > Their
> > > > acquaintance with the genre is passing at best, IMO.
> > > >
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:KeithBJohnson%40comcast.net>
> > <mailto:KeithBJohnson%40comcast.net>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Some comments on her comments:
> > > >
> > > > One, I'd take Whedon's work anyday over many others, but I was
> > > > concerned he was going to do another "Buffy" treatment on Wonder
> > > > Woman. I think I'd read that he planned to make Diana younger
> > > than is
> > > > typically portrayed in comics--probably more like 19 or 20, as
> > > opposed
> > > > to Diana's apparent age of mid- to late-twenties. Whedon  
> loves very
> > > > young women, but I really wasn't looking forward to another  
> young
> > > > waiflike girl dealing with pain and heartache. Thats one  
> reason I
> > > > didnt' like Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane: she looked and acted too
> > > young
> > > > for my tastes. I'd rather deal with the more mature warrior  
> than the
> > > > little girl lost in Patriarch's World. Someone like Charisma
> > > Carpenter! :)
> > > >
> > > > Having Wonder Woman in WWII is not necessarily a bad thing,  
> if done
> > > > well. If we could get the guys behind "Hellboy" or "V: For  
> Vendetta"
> > > > to do it, WWII could be a fantastic backdrop for a superhero  
> battle.
> > > > Often some of the coolest scifi is set in the time period of  
> rougly
> > > > from the 1890s to the 1940s. Something about the old tech-- 
> vacuum
> > > > tubes, Iron Giant looking robots, etc.--is often really cool in
> > > scifi
> > > > themes. The on

Re: [scifinoir2] Bridges Steeled For Iron Man

2007-02-08 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
no way. You  haven't  been reading Civil War?  It's about to   
conclude! This is the best thing to  happen to  Marvel in years.  
And...there were shipping  issues after  #4 so now's a great  time  
to  catch up.


On Feb 8, 2007, at 6:20 PM, Martin wrote:

> Hand me a few spoilers about "Civil War". I dropped that too after  
> three issues.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think the sentient armour is no  
> more. I never read that storyline, though. I bought the last three  
> or four issues of "Iron Man" as part of the Civil War megaseries.
> -- Original message --
> From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Forgot about Happy, but hen it's been years since I read the book.  
> Everytime I've picked it up since, I've seen that they still have  
> that sentient armor in the script. THanks, but no.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Maybe he'll take the place of  
> "Happy" Hogan as Stark's confidante and right-hand man, and fill  
> the mentor role Hollywood loves to create for heroes?
> -- Original message --
> From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm trying to think of who this might be, the char he's due to  
> portray, whether he's in continuity anywhere. Obadiah Stane, maybe?  
> He might like that role, because Stane ends up a bad egg.
> "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Bridges Steeled For  
> Iron Man
> http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=39975
> Jeff Bridges has joined the cast of Iron Man, the first feature  
> film to
> be produced independently by Marvel Entertainment, according to The
> Hollywood Reporter. Jon Favreau is directing the movie, which  
> Paramount
> Pictures will distribute, the trade paper reported.
> Robert Downey Jr. stars as armor-clad superhero Iron Man and his alter
> ego, billionaire industrialist Tony Stark. Bridges will portray a
> confidant and close business associate of Stark, a longtime  
> employee at
> defense contractor Stark Industries, who plays a major role in shaping
> Stark's life.
> Bridges' boarding marks the fourth Academy Award-recognized actor  
> signed
> on for the Iron Man cast, which in addition to Oscar nominee Downey
> includes nominee Terrence Howard and Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow.
> Bridges, a four-time Oscar nominee, will be seen in A Dog Year and  
> has a
> voice role in the upcoming animated film Surf's Up.
> Filming on Iron Man is scheduled to begin in March in Los Angeles,  
> with
> a planned release date of May 2, 2008.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels  
> will get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut,  
> "A Man Without A Country"
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> with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels  
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> "A Man Without A Country"
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> will get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut,  
> "A Man Without A Country"
> -
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> See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] COMMENTARY: Can 'Wonder Woman' succeed purely as action hero?

2007-02-08 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
I was a fanboy for many, many years.  It's an important  phase to go  
through. It  allows you  to  sit through bad Prince albums,  Thandie  
Newton's "performance"  in MI:2, etc. But then I became...fanMAN. Now  
I only  use my otaku skills for GOOD.

On Feb 8, 2007, at 6:10 PM, Martin wrote:

> I believe that it's a moderate derogatory toward genre fans. At  
> least that's how *I* look at it. Never been called it. If so, I'd  
> be busy making licence plates instead of regaling you...
> "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I have heard the term  
> "fanboys" but I don't know what it means. Can
> somebody clarify?
> Thanks
> tracey
> Martin wrote:
> >
> > Whenever I do, it seems as though they're trying to be the online
> > version of Starlog. Apologies for any shocks to the system I may  
> have
> > caused. THey seem to bemore fanboys than fans, and I abhor  
> fanboys. To
> > them, it's not SF, it's reality they just can't experience first- 
> hand.
> >
> wrote:
> > Why do you say that? I've never read their site much.
> >
> > -- Original message --
> > From: Martin
> > Remember at all times, keith- this is someone from SyFy talking.  
> Their
> > acquaintance with the genre is passing at best, IMO.
> >
> wrote:
> > Some comments on her comments:
> >
> > One, I'd take Whedon's work anyday over many others, but I was
> > concerned he was going to do another "Buffy" treatment on Wonder
> > Woman. I think I'd read that he planned to make Diana younger  
> than is
> > typically portrayed in comics--probably more like 19 or 20, as  
> opposed
> > to Diana's apparent age of mid- to late-twenties. Whedon loves very
> > young women, but I really wasn't looking forward to another young
> > waiflike girl dealing with pain and heartache. Thats one reason I
> > didnt' like Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane: she looked and acted too  
> young
> > for my tastes. I'd rather deal with the more mature warrior than the
> > little girl lost in Patriarch's World. Someone like Charisma  
> Carpenter! :)
> >
> > Having Wonder Woman in WWII is not necessarily a bad thing, if done
> > well. If we could get the guys behind "Hellboy" or "V: For Vendetta"
> > to do it, WWII could be a fantastic backdrop for a superhero battle.
> > Often some of the coolest scifi is set in the time period of rougly
> > from the 1890s to the 1940s. Something about the old tech--vacuum
> > tubes, Iron Giant looking robots, etc.--is often really cool in  
> scifi
> > themes. The only issue they seem to have overlooked is that Wonder
> > Woman in WWII has been retconned by DC to be Queen Hippolyta,  
> Diana's
> > mother. Diana was thus the second woman to wear the mantle of Wonder
> > Woman, and did it in modern times.
> >
> > I disagree with her that "Sin City" was a snoozefest (it was great),
> > that "Hellboy" was only passable (it was awesome), and so was
> > "Fantastic Four" (it sucked).
> >
> > -- Original message --
> > From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
> > Action Or Angst? What Do We Want In Our Superheroes?
> > COMMENTARY: Can 'Wonder Woman' succeed purely as action hero?
> >
> > Source: SyFy Portal
> > Feb-04-2007
> >
> > When Joss Whedon announced almost two years after signing on to  
> write
> > and direct a "Wonder Woman" movie that he was no longer attached  
> to the
> > project, the air of shock around the Internet was almost palpable.
> >
> > Around the same time, David S. Goyer, who wrote the story and co- 
> wrote
> > the screenplay for "Batman Begins," was told his vision for the  
> movie
> > "The Flash" was not what Warner Bros. producers wanted, and the  
> movie
> > has been shelved for now.
> >
> > The story behind the "Wonder Woman" movie, it seems, is that Warner
> > Bros. has purchased a speculative script from newcomers Matthew  
> Jennison
> > and Brent Strickland, and is ready to bring them on board to replace
> > Whedon.
> >
> > All this leads to the question, "What do people want out of a  
> superhero
> > movie? An escapist action romp or fully fleshed-out characters  
> facing
> > the most painful decisions of their lives?"
> >
> > While it is uncertain what Whedon has done with "Wonder Woman,"  
> it seems
> > Joel Silver and company want an action-oriented story set against  
> the
> > backdrop of World War II -- the time period when Wonder Woman comics
> > debuted. Whedon's vision places Princess Diana in the present  
> day. Based
> > on his previous works ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Angel,"  
> "Firefly,"
> > "Serenity"), one can safely assume that his Wonder Woman would be a
> > fully fleshed out character, complete with goddess-like strength,  
> and
> > human foibles. She would most likely be surrounded by fully  
> developed
> > supporting characters

Re: [scifinoir2] Way OT: Anna Nicole Smith Dead at Age 39

2007-02-08 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
NOW can we end this morbid fascination with celebreality? The Queen  
is dead.

The moral of this story is...oh man there are so many morals to this  
story where do I begin?

On Feb 8, 2007, at 5:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Not to speak ill of the dead, but I wouldn't be surprised if this  
> is drug-related. Smith had such a huge problem with them, and her  
> behaviour over the last few years was like someone either  
> contstantly on downers, or who'd been permanently damaged by drugs.  
> I only hope her newborn daughter has a better life...
> Anna Nicole Smith Dies
> By SUZETTE LABOY, Associated Press Writer 21 minutes ago
> Anna Nicole Smith, the voluptuous former Playboy centerfold who  
> married an octogenarian billionaire and waged a legal battle for  
> his fortune all the way to the Supreme Court, died Thursday after  
> collapsing at a hotel. She was 39.
> The blond bombshell — who recently became tabloid fodder all over  
> again after the sudden, apparently drug-related death of her 20- 
> year-old son — was stricken while staying at the Seminole Hard Rock  
> Hotel and Casino and was rushed to a hospital.
> Edwina Johnson, chief investigator of the Broward County Medical  
> Examiner's Office, said the cause of death was under investigation  
> and an autopsy would be done on Friday.
> A private nurse called 911 after finding Smith unresponsive in her  
> sixth-floor room, said Seminole Police Chief Charlie Tiger. He said  
> Smith's bodyguard administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation about  
> an hour before she was declared dead.
> Through the '90s and into the new century, Smith was famous for  
> being famous, a pop-culture punchline because of her up-and-down  
> weight, her exaggerated curves, her little-girl voice, her ditzy- 
> blonde persona, and her over-the-top revealing outfits.
> The curvaceous Texas-born Smith was a topless dancer at strip club  
> before she entered her photos in a search contest and made the  
> cover of Playboy magazine in 1992, captivating readers with her  
> Marilyn Monroe looks. She became Playboy's playmate of the year in  
> 1993.
> She was also signed to a contract with Guess jeans, appearing in TV  
> commercials, billboards and magazine ads.
> In 1994, she married 89-year-old oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II,  
> the head of oil-based Koch Industries, which is part of a family  
> fortune worth at least $400 million. He died in 1995 at age 90,  
> setting off a feud with her former stepson, E. Pierce Marshall,  
> over whether she had a right to his estate.
> A federal court in California awarded Smith $474 million. That was  
> later overturned. But in May, the U.S. Supreme Court revived her  
> case, ruling that she deserved another day in court in her battle  
> with her former stepson.
> The stepson died June 20 at age 67. But the family said the court  
> fight would continue.
> More recently, Smith's ballooning figure and up-and-down weight  
> became a subject of public fascination. But she lost a reported 69  
> pounds and became a spokeswoman for TrimSpa, a weight-loss supplement.
> She starred in her own reality TV series, "The Anna Nicole Show,"  
> in 2002-04. Cameras followed her around as she sparred with her  
> lawyer, hung out with her personal assistant and interior  
> decorator, and cooed at her poodle, Sugar Pie. She also appeared in  
> movies, performing a bit part in "The Hudsucker Proxy" in 1994.
> After news came of Smith's death, G. Eric Brunstad Jr., the lawyer  
> who represented Marshall, said in a statement: "We're very shocked  
> by the news and extend the deepest condolences to her family."
> Smith's son, Daniel Smith, died Sept. 10 in his mother's hospital  
> room in the Bahamas, just days after she gave birth to a daughter.
> An American medical examiner hired by the family, Cyril Wecht, said  
> he had methadone and two antidepressants in his system when he  
> died. Low levels of the three drugs interacted to cause an  
> accidental death, Wecht said. Last month, a Bahamas magistrate  
> scheduled a formal inquiry into the death for March 27.
> Meanwhile, the paternity of her now 5-month-old daughter remained a  
> matter of dispute. The birth certificate lists Dannielynn's father  
> as attorney Howard K. Stern, Smith's most recent companion. Smith's  
> ex-boyfriend Larry Birkhead was waging a legal challenge, saying he  
> was the father.
> Debra Opri, the attorney who filed his paternity suit, said  
> Birkhead "is devastated. He is inconsolable, and we are taking  
> steps now to protect the DNA testing of the child. The child is our  
> number one priority."
> She was born Vickie Lynn Hogan on Nov. 28, 1967, in Houston, one of  
> six children of Donald Eugene and Virgie Hart Hogan. She married  
> Bill Smith in 1985, giving birth to Daniel before divorcing two  
> years later.
> "From my professional exposure to Anna Nicole, I can say she was  
> always personable, down to earth and driven. 

Re: [scifinoir2] COMMENTARY: Can 'Wonder Woman' succeed purely as action hero?

2007-02-08 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

Because I can't answer the question without colorful commentary. ;)


On Feb 8, 2007, at 5:46 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> I have heard the term "fanboys" but I don't know what it means. Can
> somebody clarify?
> Thanks
> tracey
> Martin wrote:
> >
> > Whenever I do, it seems as though they're trying to be the online
> > version of Starlog. Apologies for any shocks to the system I may  
> have
> > caused. THey seem to bemore fanboys than fans, and I abhor  
> fanboys. To
> > them, it's not SF, it's reality they just can't experience first- 
> hand.
> >
> wrote:
> > Why do you say that? I've never read their site much.
> >
> > -- Original message --
> > From: Martin
> > Remember at all times, keith- this is someone from SyFy talking.  
> Their
> > acquaintance with the genre is passing at best, IMO.
> >
> wrote:
> > Some comments on her comments:
> >
> > One, I'd take Whedon's work anyday over many others, but I was
> > concerned he was going to do another "Buffy" treatment on Wonder
> > Woman. I think I'd read that he planned to make Diana younger  
> than is
> > typically portrayed in comics--probably more like 19 or 20, as  
> opposed
> > to Diana's apparent age of mid- to late-twenties. Whedon loves very
> > young women, but I really wasn't looking forward to another young
> > waiflike girl dealing with pain and heartache. Thats one reason I
> > didnt' like Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane: she looked and acted too  
> young
> > for my tastes. I'd rather deal with the more mature warrior than the
> > little girl lost in Patriarch's World. Someone like Charisma  
> Carpenter! :)
> >
> > Having Wonder Woman in WWII is not necessarily a bad thing, if done
> > well. If we could get the guys behind "Hellboy" or "V: For Vendetta"
> > to do it, WWII could be a fantastic backdrop for a superhero battle.
> > Often some of the coolest scifi is set in the time period of rougly
> > from the 1890s to the 1940s. Something about the old tech--vacuum
> > tubes, Iron Giant looking robots, etc.--is often really cool in  
> scifi
> > themes. The only issue they seem to have overlooked is that Wonder
> > Woman in WWII has been retconned by DC to be Queen Hippolyta,  
> Diana's
> > mother. Diana was thus the second woman to wear the mantle of Wonder
> > Woman, and did it in modern times.
> >
> > I disagree with her that "Sin City" was a snoozefest (it was great),
> > that "Hellboy" was only passable (it was awesome), and so was
> > "Fantastic Four" (it sucked).
> >
> > -- Original message --
> > From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
> > Action Or Angst? What Do We Want In Our Superheroes?
> > COMMENTARY: Can 'Wonder Woman' succeed purely as action hero?
> >
> > Source: SyFy Portal
> > Feb-04-2007
> >
> > When Joss Whedon announced almost two years after signing on to  
> write
> > and direct a "Wonder Woman" movie that he was no longer attached  
> to the
> > project, the air of shock around the Internet was almost palpable.
> >
> > Around the same time, David S. Goyer, who wrote the story and co- 
> wrote
> > the screenplay for "Batman Begins," was told his vision for the  
> movie
> > "The Flash" was not what Warner Bros. producers wanted, and the  
> movie
> > has been shelved for now.
> >
> > The story behind the "Wonder Woman" movie, it seems, is that Warner
> > Bros. has purchased a speculative script from newcomers Matthew  
> Jennison
> > and Brent Strickland, and is ready to bring them on board to replace
> > Whedon.
> >
> > All this leads to the question, "What do people want out of a  
> superhero
> > movie? An escapist action romp or fully fleshed-out characters  
> facing
> > the most painful decisions of their lives?"
> >
> > While it is uncertain what Whedon has done with "Wonder Woman,"  
> it seems
> > Joel Silver and company want an action-oriented story set against  
> the
> > backdrop of World War II -- the time period when Wonder Woman comics
> > debuted. Whedon's vision places Princess Diana in the present  
> day. Based
> > on his previous works ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Angel,"  
> "Firefly,"
> > "Serenity"), one can safely assume that his Wonder Woman would be a
> > fully fleshed out character, complete with goddess-like strength,  
> and
> > human foibles. She would most likely be surrounded by fully  
> developed
> > supporting characters, and the story that unwinds would largely  
> grow out
> > from and be advanced by the characters themselves.
> >
> > We could also count on sharp, engaging dialogue where every word is
> > measured and infused with meaning.
> >
> > A synopsis of the Jennison/Strickland script has been posted on the
> > Internet. It is filled with highly charged action, it appears to  
> move

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Perrineau Finds Demons

2007-02-08 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

I'm gonna continue to record "Lost", and will reserve judgement until  
the summer. But if I had to call it now, I'd be out. Frontline has  
replaced "Lost" for my hour of  time,  and "Criminal Minds" has  
replaced "24".  "Heroes" & "Galactica" remain in their spots, and  
that's my 4 hours of weekly non-sports/non-trek TV, kids.

On Feb 8, 2007, at 1:35 PM, ravenadal wrote:

> ...and yet, and yet, Lost remains one of the most surprising,
> engaging and intelligent hours on television. Last night's episode
> was worth both the wait and the hype.
> I am a life-long (recovering) vidiot and I am pleasantly surprised by
> the network fruit borne by the burgeoning competition from cable and
> satellite outlets.
> Lost, Ugly Betty, Heroes and 24 are just as good (if not better) than
> any of the pay-per-view fare. And it is eons beyond anything that
> would have survived on television before.
> (I just wish Lost hadn't killed all the black peoples).
> ~rave!
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > What was the deal? Money? Screentime? Was Perrineau pissed that his
> character was turned into a homicidal maniac, or was he turned into a
> homicidal maniac because Perrineau was pissed?
> > Either way, "Lost" without Michael isn't as interesting. I'm barely
> holding on as it is. The show really needs to end soon in my opinion.
> >
> > -- Original message --
> > From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > Perrineau Finds Demons
> > >
> > > Former Lost cast member Harold Perrineau has found a co-starring
> role on
> > > CBS' supernatural drama pilot Demons, according to The Hollywood
> Reporter.
> > >
> > > The project, from CBS Paramount Network TV, centers on Gus, an ex-
> Jesuit
> > > priest-psychologist who performs exorcisms. Perrineau will play a
> priest
> > > who has known Gus since seminary and is his confessor, confidant
> and
> > > good friend.
> > >
> > > For two seasons, Perrineau co-starred on Lost as single father
> Michael
> > > Dawson, who sailed off with his son in the show's season-two
> finale.
> > > There has been talk about Perrineau possibly returning to the
> > > Emmy-winning adventure series, but sources told the trade paper
> that the
> > > sides could not reach an agreement.
> > > http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=40013
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> __

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] ?,'Heroes' topples '24' in Monday overnights

2007-02-07 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
I'm doing "24" all on DVR.  Can't miss Heroes and it's always better   
to  watch  the whole series in one weekend.

I was hoping  MI-5 would be back on by now.  I guess that  show is  
dead. Anyone know?

On Feb 7, 2007, at 5:41 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> all is forgiven, my son
> Tracey
> Martin wrote:
>> I admit that I have sinned...
>> I've been watching "24" Monday nights, and cheated "Heroes" to Friday
>> viewing on SciFi. I'm evil, I know. But I gotta have my Bauer fix...
>> "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
>> > wrote:
>> 'Heroes' topples '24' in Monday overnights
>> Source: Zap2it
>> Feb-06-2007
>> Give some loving to "Heroes." The NBC superhero show finished well  
>> ahead
>> of Fox's "24" Monday night, letting Jack Bauer know that fans are far
>> more interested in who Claire's (Hayden Panettiere) father is than
>> whatever the hell Jack Bauer does every week.
>> "Heroes" earned an 8.6 rating/12 share in Nielsen Media Research Fast
>> Nationals, beating out the 8.1/12 earned by "24" to take second  
>> place in
>> the 9 p.m. hour. Unfortunately, it was CBS in control overall with
>> sitcoms "Two and a Half Men" and "Rules of Engagement," which earned
>> 11.3/16 and 9.8/14 respectively to win the houre, according to  
>> Zap2it.
>> "Heroes" also remained a darling of adults 18-49, a key audience
>> demographic, winning the hour despite the power of CBS' sitcoms.
>> "Heroes" was up 0.3 of a ratings point for the hour while "24"  
>> slipped
>> 0.4 of a ratings point.
>> CBS ended up the overall winner of adults 18-49, however, getting  
>> a 5.0
>> rating, but NBC was close behind with a 4.8. For the night, CBS was
>> crowned the winner with a 9.6/15 followed by NBC at 8.0/12. Fox had a
>> 7.0/10 while ABC and The CW finished with a 5.4/8 and 1.9/3  
>> respectively.
>> Fast nationals usually provide a snapshot of what Americans are  
>> watching
>> by pulling numbers from the top urban markets. A rating point  
>> generally
>> represents more than 1.1 million households while the share indicates
>> the percentage of televisions turned on that was tuned to the  
>> specific
>> program. These numbers typically shift when final ratings are issued.
>> http://www.syfyportal.com/news423227.html
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> "There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will
>> get organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man
>> Without A Country"
>> -
>> Get your own web address.
>> Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [scifinoir2] COMMENTARY: Can 'Wonder Woman' succeed purely as action hero?

2007-02-07 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
As I am also 36, I support this logic. However,  something that   
bothers me a bit more about  this whole Wonder Woman project is the  
fact that  not  even an hispanic woman is being  considered.  I  
remember having a, well, "discussion" in a comic book store some  
years back about the fact that there IS a Paradise Island...and that  
nobody on it is either Greek or Amazon. I understand DC/WB/AOL's  
issues well enough to know that Kenya Moore will never be called in  
for the role (which  is a shame and a totally different discussion),   
but I do think it would be nice to  at  least make the person  
believably from a tropical  island of women.

On Feb 7, 2007, at 11:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well, I obviously don't mind Carpenter in a role. :)  But I use her  
> so often as an example of how "older" actresses get cast aside.  
> She's 36 now, but looks great.  Okay, maybe that's too old for  
> Wonder Woman, but why is the reaction always to get someone who's  
> barely old enough to drink? It gets silly after a while. Angela  
> Bassett's in the same boat. Only a few actresses manage to keep  
> getting work like that, Halle Berry being among them.
> The next Hellboy will see me in the seats for sure! I also hear  
> "Pan's Labyrinth" is a great flick, but I have to find time to see  
> that one alone, as my wife won't go. It'd scare her too much, and I  
> think I have to see another romantic comedy this weekend.
> -- Original message --
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> Hey Keith:
> I'm going to go out on a limb here. Do you have a thing for Charisma
> Carpenter?
> I agree with your assessment that Sin City was anything but a
> snoozefest. For me it was a Film Noir roller coaster. I can't wait for
> the sequels Hell boy was great with its twisted beauty and the beast
> storyline tossed into all the other themes. fantastic Four barely
> allowed me to get my scifi fix. It was simply a sometime to watch when
> you are bored.
> Tracey
>> Some comments on her comments:
>> One, I'd take Whedon's work anyday over many others, but I was  
>> concerned he was going to do another "Buffy" treatment on Wonder  
>> Woman. I think I'd read that he planned to make Diana younger than  
>> is typically portrayed in comics--probably more like 19 or 20, as  
>> opposed to Diana's apparent age of mid- to late-twenties. Whedon  
>> loves very young women, but I really wasn't looking forward to  
>> another young waiflike girl dealing with pain and heartache. Thats  
>> one reason I didnt' like Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane: she looked  
>> and acted too young for my tastes. I'd rather deal with the more  
>> mature warrior than the little girl lost in Patriarch's World.  
>> Someone like Charisma Carpenter! :)
>> Having Wonder Woman in WWII is not necessarily a bad thing, if  
>> done well. If we could get the guys behind "Hellboy" or "V: For  
>> Vendetta" to do it, WWII could be a fantastic backdrop for a  
>> superhero battle. Often some of the coolest scifi is set in the  
>> time period of rougly from the 1890s to the 1940s. Something about  
>> the old tech--vacuum tubes, Iron Giant looking robots, etc.--is  
>> often really cool in scifi themes. The only issue they seem to  
>> have overlooked is that Wonder Woman in WWII has been retconned by  
>> DC to be Queen Hippolyta, Diana's mother. Diana was thus the  
>> second woman to wear the mantle of Wonder Woman, and did it in  
>> modern times.
>> I disagree with her that "Sin City" was a snoozefest (it was  
>> great), that "Hellboy" was only passable (it was awesome), and so  
>> was "Fantastic Four" (it sucked).
>> -- Original message --
>> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
>> Action Or Angst? What Do We Want In Our Superheroes?
>> COMMENTARY: Can 'Wonder Woman' succeed purely as action hero?
>> Source: SyFy Portal
>> Feb-04-2007
>> When Joss Whedon announced almost two years after signing on to write
>> and direct a "Wonder Woman" movie that he was no longer attached  
>> to the
>> project, the air of shock around the Internet was almost palpable.
>> Around the same time, David S. Goyer, who wrote the story and co- 
>> wrote
>> the screenplay for "Batman Begins," was told his vision for the movie
>> "The Flash" was not what Warner Bros. producers wanted, and the movie
>> has been shelved for now.
>> The story behind the "Wonder Woman" movie, it seems, is that Warner
>> Bros. has purchased a speculative script from newcomers Matthew  
>> Jennison
>> and Brent Strickland, and is ready to bring them on board to  
>> replace Whedon.
>> All this leads to the question, "What do people want out of a  
>> superhero
>> movie? An escapist action romp or fully fleshed-out characters facing
>> the most painful decisions of their l

Re: [scifinoir2] Ousted Pastor ‘Completely He terosexual

2007-02-07 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
...and, scene.

Three weeks and he's "completely  heterosexual"now. Fascinating.   
It's sort of like when you're dating and you go a month without  
dating/having sex with anyone. You're not "celibate", bee, you're  
just not doing anything. Put you back in the game and you're back to  
doing what you were doing. I'm sure that astronaut will  be  
"completely healed from jealousy" after spending some time in a  
women's prison in Houston...but her career is still a wrap.

On Feb 7, 2007, at 10:57 AM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> Forced by a gay sex scandal to resign as president of the National
> Association of Evangelicals, the Rev. Ted Haggard now feels that after
> three weeks of intensive counseling, he is “completely heterosexual,”
> says an overseer of the megachurch Mr. Haggard once led.
> The church official, the Rev. Tim Ralph, said in an interview  
> published
> yesterday by The Denver Post that Mr. Haggard had also told the  
> board of
> overseers that his only sexual relationship involving another man had
> been with Michael Jones, the onetime Denver prostitute who exposed  
> that
> three-year affair last fall. Mr. Jones said then that he was making it
> public because Mr. Haggard had acted hypocritically in promoting a
> constitutional amendment to bar same-sex marriage.
> Mr. Haggard, who as a result of the scandal was ousted by the  
> overseers
> in November as senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs,
> broke a three-month silence over the weekend when he contacted members
> of the church by e-mail to tell them that he was healing.
> His three weeks of counseling, in Phoenix, felt like “three years’  
> worth
> of analysis and treatment,” but now “Jesus is starting to put me back
> together,” Mr. Haggard wrote in the e-mail message, which was  
> published
> in The Colorado Springs Gazette on Monday.
> “I have spent so much time in repentance, brokenness, hurt and sorrow
> for the things I’ve done and the negative impact my actions have  
> had on
> others,” he said.
> Mr. Haggard could not be reached for comment yesterday. Mr. Ralph
> declined through a spokeswoman to comment, and there was no  
> response to
> telephone calls and e-mail to another overseer or to a New Life
> spokesman. But Mr. Ralph told The Denver Post that Mr. Haggard had  
> come
> out of the counseling convinced of his heterosexuality.
> “He is completely heterosexual,” Mr. Ralph told The Post, adding that
> Mr. Haggard’s homosexual activity had not been “a constant thing.”
> Dr. Jack Drescher, a New York psychiatrist who is an expert on  
> issues of
> gender and sexuality, said that while it was people’s prerogative to
> identify their sexual orientation as they wanted, the notion of being
> able to change that orientation was “not consistent with clinical
> presentations, but totally consistent with theological belief.”
> “Some people in the community that Mr. Haggard comes from believe
> homosexuality is a form of behavior, a sinful form of behavior  
> based on
> certain things in the Bible, and they don’t believe you can create a
> healthy identity based on sinful behavior,” Dr. Drescher said. “So  
> they
> define it as a behavior that can be changed, and there is this  
> thinking
> that if you control those behaviors enough, heterosexual attractions
> will follow.”
> Mr. Haggard said in his message to New Life members that he and his  
> wife
> were taking online courses to get master’s degrees in psychology, and
> Mr. Ralph told The Post that the oversight board had recommended to  
> Mr.
> Haggard that he take up secular work.
> http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/07/us/07haggard.html? 
> ex=1171515600&en=59d2a4127cfb1bfb&ei=5070&emc=eta1

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Astronaut Arrested for Assaulting Supposed Rival

2007-02-06 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
That woman's husband has no quarrel with Oefelein. HIs wife is just  
crazy. I'm still chuckling over an actual astronaut falling for a  
Starship Commander form Alaska. If there was an extreme Trekkie  
award,  the 2007 winner would be this crazy wannabe Imzadi.

Show of hands...who else checked to see if Nowak was Black?

On Feb 6, 2007, at 12:23 PM, g123curious wrote:

> One question: what "qualities" did Oefelein see in Nowak? Obviously,
> he must have been diddling her to get the type of response from
> Nowak which the article outlined. I assume that Nowak's husband will
> have something to say to Oefelein.
> George
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly
> Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry Keith. I missed this.
> >
> > Tracey
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > From the Shameless Gossip category. This is the wildest story
> I've
> > > heard all month! This lady is a career military person, has
> become the
> > > best-of-the-best as an astronaut, flew on the Space Shuttle--and
> is a
> > > complete loon! Married with children, Nowak nonetheless drove
> *900
> > > miles* to confront a lady who she thought was having an affair
> with a
> > > male astronaut Nowak loved. And check it: Nowak wore *diapers*
> so she
> > > didn't have to stop for restroom breaks! She says she "just
> wanted to
> > > talk"? Uh-huh: you need a mallet, knife, rubber tubing, pepper
> spray,
> > > and garbage bags to to have a conversation? And like something
> from a
> > > bad movie or novel, she started crying before attacking Shipman.
> > >
> > > Years ago I saw a crappy TV movie called something like "Murder
> on
> > > Space Station 12". It was a soap-opera type affair about an
> astronaut
> > > who murders another in space. Man, if things had proceeded, that
> might
> > > have happened. Can you imagine if Nowak had been in space with
> Mr.
> > > Oefelein and decided he'd "betrayed" her? She might have jacked
> him up
> > > with that robotic arm, or grabbed the controls on re-entry,
> screaming
> > > "If I can't have you, nobody can!" Now what? NASA gonna have to
> screen
> > > flight crews to make sure they don't have hidden personal issues?
> > >
> > > I guess even rocket scientists can lose their minds...
> > >
> > > **
> > >
> > > Astronaut Charged With Kidnap Attempt
> > > ORLANDO, Fla. - An astronaut drove 900 miles and donned a
> disguise to
> > > confront a woman she believed was her rival for the affections
> of a
> > > space shuttle pilot, police said. She was arrested Monday and
> charged
> > > with attempted kidnapping and other counts.
> > > U.S. Navy Capt. Lisa Nowak, 43, who flew last July on a shuttle
> > > mission to the international space station, was also charged
> with
> > > attempted vehicle burglary with battery, destruction of evidence
> and
> > > battery. She was denied bail and is scheduled to make a court
> > > appearance Tuesday.
> > > Police said Nowak drove from her home in Houston to the Orlando
> > > International Airport to confront Colleen Shipman.
> > > Nowak believed Shipman was romantically involved with Navy Cmdr.
> > > William Oefelein, a pilot during space shuttle Discovery's trip
> to the
> > > space station last December, police said.
> > > Nowak told police that her relationship with Oefelein was "more
> than a
> > > working relationship but less than a romantic relationship,"
> according
> > > to an arrest affidavit. Police officers recovered a love letter
> to
> > > Oefelein in her car.
> > > NASA spokesman James Hartsfield in Houston said that, as of
> Monday,
> > > Nowak's status with the astronaut corps remained unchanged.
> > > "What will happen beyond that, I will not speculate," he said.
> > > Hartsfield said he couldn't recall the last time an astronaut
> was
> > > arrested and said there were no rules against fraternizing among
> > > astronauts.
> > > When she found out that Shipman was flying to Orlando from
> Houston,
> > > Nowak decided to confront her, according to the arrest
> affidavit.
> > > Nowak raced from Houston to Orlando wearing diapers so she
> wouldn't
> > > have to stop to urinate, authorities said.
> > > Astronauts wear diapers during launch and re-entry.
> > > Dressed in a wig and a trench coat, Nowak boarded an airport bus
> that
> > > Shipman took to her car in an airport parking lot. Shipman told
> police
> > > she noticed someone following her, hurried inside the car and
> locked
> > > the doors, according to the arrest affidavit.
> > > Nowak rapped on the window, tried to open the car door and asked
> for a
> > > ride. Shipman refused but rolled down the car window a few
> inches when
> > > Nowak started crying. Nowak then sprayed a chemical into
> Shipman's
> > > car, the affidavit said.
> > > Shipman drove to the parking lot booth, and the police were
> called.
> > > During a check of the parking lot, an officer followed Nowak and
> > > w

Re: [scifinoir2] Astronaut Arrested for Assaulting Supposed Rival

2007-02-06 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
I think the Vulcans took us of the patrol route  once they saw what  
we threw at Mars and how long it took to get there. I'm pretty  sure  
we're a pretty big  joke in intergalactic circles: "and get  
this...the planet needs fuel to run, and what's the fuel MADE of?  

That rubber tubing and garbage bags...man I'll tell you. She was  
about to  commit extreme murderation!

On Feb 6, 2007, at 12:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ain't no thang! I'm just glad the lady got away, 'cause I think  
> Nowak was about to do a BTK on her. You don't bring rubber tubing  
> and garbage bags just to talk, or even just to kidnap.
> You know, if those Vulcans are really out there waiting to initiate  
> First Contact, this just pushed the time back by another few years...
> -- Original message --
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> > Sorry Keith. I missed this.
> >
> > Tracey
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > From the Shameless Gossip category. This is the wildest story I've
> > > heard all month! This lady is a career military person, has  
> become the
> > > best-of-the-best as an astronaut, flew on the Space Shuttle-- 
> and is a
> > > complete loon! Married with children, Nowak nonetheless drove *900
> > > miles* to confront a lady who she thought was having an affair  
> with a
> > > male astronaut Nowak loved. And check it: Nowak wore *diapers*  
> so she
> > > didn't have to stop for restroom breaks! She says she "just  
> wanted to
> > > talk"? Uh-huh: you need a mallet, knife, rubber tubing, pepper  
> spray,
> > > and garbage bags to to have a conversation? And like something  
> from a
> > > bad movie or novel, she started crying before attacking Shipman.
> > >
> > > Years ago I saw a crappy TV movie called something like "Murder on
> > > Space Station 12". It was a soap-opera type affair about an  
> astronaut
> > > who murders another in space. Man, if things had proceeded,  
> that might
> > > have happened. Can you imagine if Nowak had been in space with Mr.
> > > Oefelein and decided he'd "betrayed" her? She might have jacked  
> him up
> > > with that robotic arm, or grabbed the controls on re-entry,  
> screaming
> > > "If I can't have you, nobody can!" Now what? NASA gonna have to  
> screen
> > > flight crews to make sure they don't have hidden personal issues?
> > >
> > > I guess even rocket scientists can lose their minds...
> > >
> > > **
> > >
> > > Astronaut Charged With Kidnap Attempt
> > > ORLANDO, Fla. - An astronaut drove 900 miles and donned a  
> disguise to
> > > confront a woman she believed was her rival for the affections  
> of a
> > > space shuttle pilot, police said. She was arrested Monday and  
> charged
> > > with attempted kidnapping and other counts.
> > > U.S. Navy Capt. Lisa Nowak, 43, who flew last July on a shuttle
> > > mission to the international space station, was also charged with
> > > attempted vehicle burglary with battery, destruction of  
> evidence and
> > > battery. She was denied bail and is scheduled to make a court
> > > appearance Tuesday.
> > > Police said Nowak drove from her home in Houston to the Orlando
> > > International Airport to confront Colleen Shipman.
> > > Nowak believed Shipman was romantically involved with Navy Cmdr.
> > > William Oefelein, a pilot during space shuttle Discovery's trip  
> to the
> > > space station last December, police said.
> > > Nowak told police that her relationship with Oefelein was "more  
> than a
> > > working relationship but less than a romantic relationship,"  
> according
> > > to an arrest affidavit. Police officers recovered a love letter to
> > > Oefelein in her car.
> > > NASA spokesman James Hartsfield in Houston said that, as of  
> Monday,
> > > Nowak's status with the astronaut corps remained unchanged.
> > > "What will happen beyond that, I will not speculate," he said.
> > > Hartsfield said he couldn't recall the last time an astronaut was
> > > arrested and said there were no rules against fraternizing among
> > > astronauts.
> > > When she found out that Shipman was flying to Orlando from  
> Houston,
> > > Nowak decided to confront her, according to the arrest affidavit.
> > > Nowak raced from Houston to Orlando wearing diapers so she  
> wouldn't
> > > have to stop to urinate, authorities said.
> > > Astronauts wear diapers during launch and re-entry.
> > > Dressed in a wig and a trench coat, Nowak boarded an airport  
> bus that
> > > Shipman took to her car in an airport parking lot. Shipman told  
> police
> > > she noticed someone following her, hurried inside the car and  
> locked
> > > the doors, according to the arrest affidavit.
> > > Nowak rapped on the window, tried to open the car door and  
> asked for a
> > > ride. Shipman refused but rolled down the car window a few  
> inches when
> > > Nowak started crying. Nowak then sprayed a c

Re: [scifinoir2] Will Smith Takes on Two Scifi Roles

2007-02-06 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

Not for nothing,  but I  still respect him for bringing "I, Robot" to  
the screen with a Black lead. I enjoyed it. Wasn't the best  
representation of the story possible,  but not many other actors can  
say they  have an Asimov based story  in their filmography.  
Additionally,  I  like the fact that he's able to put his kids in  
these movies. Dunno about  casting Salli RIchardson in this,  but she  
could be no more worse than Vivica Fox. I'm looking forward to "I Am  
Legend",  though I don't think it will be on time for Christmas.

On Feb 6, 2007, at 12:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well, like Smith or not, think he's too "whitewashed" or not, you  
> can't avoid him. Two scifi related projects coming in the next  
> year. I'm interested in both. "Tonight, He Comes", about a bored,  
> womanizing superhero, could be good if done right, and *not* played  
> for laughs. The concept reminds me of the many Marvel "What If?"  
> comics, or alternate future books like "Earth X", where we see  
> heroes like Peter Parker or even Wolverine fat, out-of-shape, and  
> completely irrelevant. "I Am Legend", really have to stay open to  
> that one. I never read the source material, have of course seen  
> Heston's version "The Omega Man" about a hundred times. Again, play  
> it straight.
> My biggest feeling about both projects is that they need to be  
> serious, they need to go for good writing over action and excessive  
> FX and CGI, and Smith needs to play it straight and low key, not  
> use the manic "Men In Black" or "Bad Boys" personas. Maybe "I Am  
> Legend" can take a bit of the the hard ass cop from "I, Robot".
> If Smith keeps using his kids in films, and Jada can get more work,  
> we might have another Black Hollywood dynasty to go along with the  
> Wayans...
> ***8
> http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/preview/1809801447
> "I Am Legend"
> Release Date: December 14th, 2007 (wide)
> Distributor: Warner Bros
> Cast: Will Smith (Robert Neville), Alice Braga (Anna), Charlie  
> Tahan (Ethan), Salli Richardson (Ginny Neville), Willow Smith  
> (Marley Neville)
> Cast Notes: (12/19/06) Earlier this year, there had been rumors  
> that Johnny Depp was to costar in a supporting role, but they  
> ultimately turned out to be false. It's also worth noting that in  
> this project's long development history, the big action movie star  
> who was long attached to play Neville was Arnold Schwarzenegger.  
> Finally, I really should mention that Will Smith's real life  
> daughter, Willow, is playing his character's daughter in this  
> movie, just like how his son Jaden costarred in The Pursuit of  
> Happyness.
> Director: Francis Lawrence (Constantine)
> Director Notes: (12/19/06) The idea of a modern adaptation of this  
> classic horror novel has been bouncing around Hollywood for several  
> years, most notably once being a project Ridley Scott ('Alien',  
> 'Gladiator') was considering directing.
> Screenwriter: Mark Protosevich (Poseidon); rewrite by Akiva  
> Goldsman (The Da Vinci Code; cowriter of I, Robot)
> Based Upon: (12/19/06) This movie is based upon the classic 1954  
> horror novel, "I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson, which has  
> previously been adapted twice as 1964's The Last Man on Earth  
> starring Vincent Price and 1971's The Omega Man, starring Charlton  
> Heston. The novel is also often mentioned as being a core  
> inspiration for George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead, which  
> by extension, means it is part of the core genesis for the entire  
> "zombie movie" genre as we know it (though in Matheson's book, the  
> monsters are called vampires, not zombies). Matheson's novel can  
> also be credited for helping originate the idea of explaining  
> monsters like vampires through science rather than supernatural  
> legends, a concept which has been repeated relentlessly ever since.
> Setting Note: (12/19/06) The original 1950s novel was set in Los  
> Angeles, but for this adaptation, the setting has been changed to  
> New York City.
> Premise: When an attempt at curing cancer evolves into a plague  
> that turns nearly every human on Earth into a bloodthirsty vampire,  
> one lone surviving human, Robert Neville (Will Smith), struggles to  
> survive in the ruins of New York City, fighting the monstrous  
> hordes by day, and retreating to his barricaded home at night. Just  
> as a vampire in our world would seem like a fantastic myth, so in  
> this time of vampires is the idea of a man who has actually  
> resisted being infested with the plague. In the vampire community,  
> Robert Neville, the last man on Earth, the Omega man, you might  
> say, has become... a legend.
> Filming: (12/19/06) Production of this big budget action project  
> started on September 23rd, 2006 in New York City, then went on  
> hiatus in December, 2006 so that Will Smith could promote 'The  
> Pursuit of Happyness', and is

Re: [scifinoir2] [Fwd:Astronaut arrested in alleged kidnap attempt

2007-02-06 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
900 miles in diapers? That's FOCUS, okay! But wait.

The BB gun is obvious. the 4 inch knife, also obvious. The Peyton  
Manning makeup kit, I even get that.

But what was she gonna do with the steel mallet?!! And rubber tubing,  
and the garbage bags? Commander Oefelein musta really put it on her.

On Feb 6, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

>  Original Message 
> Subject:  Makes you wonder what really happens up in space
> Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 20:46:36 -0700
> From: Robin Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Astronaut arrested in alleged kidnap attempt
> Lisa Nowak waited in hiding for woman she considered a romantic rival
> By Mike Schneider
> The Associated Press
> Updated: 8:34 p.m. MT Feb 5, 2007
> ORLANDO, Fla. - An astronaut drove from Houston to Florida, donned a
> disguise and confronted a woman she believed was romantically involved
> with a space shuttle pilot she was in love with, police said. She was
> charged with attempted kidnapping and other counts.
> U.S. Navy Capt. Lisa Nowak, 43, who flew last July on a shuttle  
> mission
> to the international space station, was also charged with attempted
> vehicle burglary, destruction of evidence and battery. She was denied
> bail.
> Police said Nowak drove from her home in Houston to the Orlando
> International Airport — wearing diapers so she wouldn't have to  
> stop to
> urinate — to confront Colleen Shipman.
> Nowak believed Shipman was romantically involved with Navy Cmdr.
> William Oefelein, a pilot during space shuttle Discovery's trip to the
> space station last December, police said.
> Nowak told police that her relationship with Oefelein was "more than a
> working relationship but less than a romantic relationship," according
> to an arrest affidavit. Police officers recovered a love letter to
> Oefelein in her car.
> NASA spokesman James Hartsfield in Houston said that, as of Monday,
> Nowak's status with the astronaut corps remained unchanged.
> "What will happen beyond that, I will not speculate," he said.
> Hartsfield said he couldn't recall the last time an astronaut was
> arrested and said there were no rules against fraternizing among
> astronauts.
> When she found out that Shipman was flying to Orlando from Houston,
> Nowak decided to confront her, according to the arrest affidavit.  
> Nowak
> drove the 900-mile trip from Houston to Orlando wearing diapers,  
> police
> said.
> Astronauts wear diapers during launch and re-entry.
> Dressed in a wig and a trench coat, Nowak boarded an airport bus that
> Shipman took to her car in an airport parking lot. Shipman told police
> she noticed someone following her, hurried inside the car and locked
> the doors, according to the arrest affidavit.
> Nowak rapped on the window, tried to open the car door and asked for a
> ride. Shipman refused but rolled down the car window a few inches when
> Nowak started crying. Nowak then sprayed a chemical into Shipman's  
> car,
> the affidavit said.
> Shipman drove to the parking lot booth, and the police were called.
> During a check of the parking lot, an officer followed Nowak and
> watched her throw away a
> bag containing the wig and BB gun. They also found a steel mallet, a
> 4-inch folding knife, rubber tubing, $600 and garbage bags inside a  
> bag
> Nowak was carrying when she was arrested, authorities said.
> Inside Nowak's vehicle, which was parked at a nearby motel,  
> authorities
> uncovered a pepper spray package, an unused BB-gun cartridge, latex
> gloves and e-mails between Shipman and Oefelein. They also found a
> letter "that indicated how much Mrs. Nowak loved Mr. Oefelein," an
> opened package for a buck knife, Shipman's home address and hand
> written directions to the address, the arrest affidavit said.
> Police said Nowak told them that she only wanted to scare Shipman into
> talking to her about her relationship with Oefelein and didn't want to
> harm her physically.
> "If you were just going to talk to someone, I don't know that you  
> would
> need a wig, a trench coat, an air cartridge BB gun and pepper spray,"
> said Sgt. Barbara Jones, a spokeswoman for the Orlando Police
> Department. "It's just really a very sad case. ... Now she ends up
> finding herself on the other side of the law with some very serious
> charges."
> If convicted of attempted kidnapping, Nowak could face a maximum of
> life in prison.
> It was not immediately known whether Nowak had an attorney.
> According to NASA's official biography, Nowak is married with three
> children. During her 13-day mission in July she operated the robotic
> arm during three spacewalks.
> Oefelein piloted the space shuttle Discovery in December. He has two
> children, according to a NASA biography.
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Re: [scifinoir2] Rumors bout Starbuck Leaving

2007-02-05 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

This is all gossip I've heard/read over the years, and I don't know  
Terry, so here's the grain of salt you should take this with. For the  
record I like her, and have never  met  anyone at  a convention who   
sais anything  bad about her

My understanding is that Terry has a problem with  being the good  
looking girl in a show. She believes she is a serious actress and  
deserves more dimension in her roles. She's "known"  to  step  to   
dirctors/producers with  ideas,  which  is welcome sometimes,  but  
not always.  And so  when they  say no, she protests, there's a  
scuffle, then she walks. She wanted Jadzia to develop a certain way  
and, well, we see how  Braga and Berman wanted her to  develop.  She  
also walked from "Becker"  for the same reasons. I think her walking  
could  have been a great  twist in the story had they  found a better  
Dax to replace her.

What  gets me about these kinds of stories is that they  never  leave  
after  three months into the show. It's always after they've  
collected millions of dollars. And it's never the black actors Nobody  
twists your arm to  sign on to a sci-fi series.  You know you're  
gonna be wearing the  crazy makeup, you've gotta say the catch- 
phrases when fans see you at the airport, and you've gotta do the  
conventions...you know the drill. The way I see it, if Michael Dorn  
can deal with it...suck it up and make sure you get your money.

I think more of these actors should just do it like Dorn does,  
actually...rare/no convention appearances,  a premium charge for  
autographs, and every now and again you  do  a random project because  
you want to.  You think Tim Russ cares if he's typecast?

On Feb 5, 2007, at 2:17 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> I know Terry Left to do Becker and so they ruined her storyline.  
> What is
> the disease? :)
> By the way, why did they kick her off of Becker? What happened to her?
> I've always liked her. So whatever this disease is, it can't be good.
> Tracey
> The Yokozuna Of Soul wrote:
> > Looks like another victim of Terry Farrell disease, if this is true.
> >
> > Daryle
> >
> >
> > On Feb 4, 2007, at 8:52 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.
> > Minor) wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Star's discontent with 'Battlestar Galactica' fuel rumors of her  
> exit
> >>
> >> Source: Sci-Fi Pulse
> >> Jan-31-2007
> >>
> >> Rumors around the Internet are that Katee Sackhoff will leave
> >> "Battlestar Galactica," and the character she plays, Kara  
> "Starbuck"
> >> Thrace, may die. A new interview in Dreamwatch magazine neither
> >> confirms
> >> nor denies these rumors, but she does share her thoughts about  
> working
> >> on the series and its success.
> >>
> >> "I didn’t think we’d go past the miniseries," Sackhoff told the
> >> magazine
> >> in what appears to be its final issue, as reported by Sci-Fi Pulse.
> >> "I’m
> >> extremely lucky that I am allowed to do my hobby on a daily basis
> >> as my
> >> job. It is the thing I love to do more than anything in the world,
> >> but I
> >> don’t think my brain can wrap around the magnitude of what this is,
> >> how
> >> much success is behind it, and how much people love the show."
> >>
> >> For her, as a woman who grew up in Oregon, she calls the entire
> >> experience on the hit SciFi Channel show "very surreal," and  
> there are
> >> aspects of her job that she really looks forward to, like the toys.
> >>
> >> "All I know is as soon as I get an action figure, that’s what  
> everyone
> >> is getting for Christmas," Sackhoff said. "I might wallpaper my  
> wall
> >> with the comic books."
> >>
> >> While Sackhoff says that the writers continue to surprise and
> >> challenge
> >> her, the one aspect that she is very critical of is Kara's  
> tendency to
> >> bed hop, which reminds her more of a soap opera plot than something
> >> found in science-fiction.
> >>
> >> "I've called it '90210 in space,' and a soap opera, which is
> >> completely
> >> the opposite of what [showrunner] Ron Moore actually said at one  
> point
> >> that we are not doing '90210 in space,'" the actress said. "I’ve  
> sat
> >> down and watched soap operas with my mother and they are extremely

Re: [scifinoir2] Rumors bout Starbuck Leaving

2007-02-05 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Looks like another victim of Terry Farrell disease, if this is true.


On Feb 4, 2007, at 8:52 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> Star's discontent with 'Battlestar Galactica' fuel rumors of her exit
> Source: Sci-Fi Pulse
> Jan-31-2007
> Rumors around the Internet are that Katee Sackhoff will leave
> "Battlestar Galactica," and the character she plays, Kara "Starbuck"
> Thrace, may die. A new interview in Dreamwatch magazine neither  
> confirms
> nor denies these rumors, but she does share her thoughts about working
> on the series and its success.
> "I didn’t think we’d go past the miniseries," Sackhoff told the  
> magazine
> in what appears to be its final issue, as reported by Sci-Fi Pulse.  
> "I’m
> extremely lucky that I am allowed to do my hobby on a daily basis  
> as my
> job. It is the thing I love to do more than anything in the world,  
> but I
> don’t think my brain can wrap around the magnitude of what this is,  
> how
> much success is behind it, and how much people love the show."
> For her, as a woman who grew up in Oregon, she calls the entire
> experience on the hit SciFi Channel show "very surreal," and there are
> aspects of her job that she really looks forward to, like the toys.
> "All I know is as soon as I get an action figure, that’s what everyone
> is getting for Christmas," Sackhoff said. "I might wallpaper my wall
> with the comic books."
> While Sackhoff says that the writers continue to surprise and  
> challenge
> her, the one aspect that she is very critical of is Kara's tendency to
> bed hop, which reminds her more of a soap opera plot than something
> found in science-fiction.
> "I've called it '90210 in space,' and a soap opera, which is  
> completely
> the opposite of what [showrunner] Ron Moore actually said at one point
> that we are not doing '90210 in space,'" the actress said. "I’ve sat
> down and watched soap operas with my mother and they are extremely
> entertaining, but these women sleep with every single man and love  
> every
> single man. I just thought, 'It is a soap opera! It makes complete  
> sense!'"
> Sackhoff also talks about how she hates with a passion any scene where
> she has to spend an extended amount of time in the cockpit of a viper.
> "I despise them. It is very uncomfortable in that tight space," she
> said. "All of a sudden, you're claustrophobic, you're hot and sweaty,
> and then you're cold, you have to pee, you need water, but you can't
> drink it because you'll have to pee again! You’re like, 'Break my knee
> again, please.' That was the best thing that happened to me in  
> Season 1."
> Sackhoff addresses the Season 2 episode, "Scar," in which Kara and  
> rival
> fighter pilot Kat (Luciana Carro), spent most of the episode in the
> viper cockpits.
> "'Scar' was really tough. It was all those scenes of technical mumbo
> jumbo so Luciana and I decided to add it all together and do it as one
> big long scene," Sackhoff said. "We were in and out of the vipers all
> day long. It is exhausting."
> Whether these remarks indicate a motivation to leave BSG or are merely
> honest accounts of what it's like to work on the show is unknown. The
> rumors of her leaving were fueled when Sackhoff reportedly told the
> "Cort and Fatboy" show on radio station KUFO-FM in Portland that  
> she was
> leaving the show, but wouldn't say if her character will actually die.
> Still, as Michael Ausiello of TV Guide conjectured, “If you ask me,  
> this
> whole thing carries with it the stench of a highly coordinated  
> foiler. I
> mean, Ron Moore would be out of his frakkin' mind to deep-six  
> Starbuck,
> right?"
> While it has been teased that a major character will die, there has  
> been
> no announcement or confirmation that it will be Starbuck from any  
> of the
> folks at "Battlestar Galactica" or SciFi Channel.
> "Battlestar Galactica" airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on SciFi Channel.
> http://www.syfyportal.com/news423207.html

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" Stunt Results in Terrorist Scare

2007-02-02 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
I've run street promotion teams where we put stickers up in major  
cities and had to pay a fine. We've put up  signs in grass and did  
not have permission. We've put posters over post no bills signs. This  
stunt was guerilla marketing, and such marketing runs a risk of this  
exact outcome. You can be sued, your marketing team can be  
arrested...it can get crazy. So you prepare yourself to pay for the  
worst  case scenario. This has been going on for a long time, but  
ever since 9/11,  our society is so  afraid of it's own shadow that   
we jump whenever someone says Boo.

I think this was irresponsible on the part of Williams Street/Cartoon  
Network, but I also think that it  worked. It was supposed to catch  
our attention. It did. It was against the law. So they'll pay. But as  
for us shaking our fists  at "young people"  for how we act towards  
propertyI think that's a very short  conversation. We're paying a  
lot of money for a certain department of this government to prevent   
anything  serious  from happening to us as citizens. Now, either all  
that  tax money is going to make episodes of "24",  or there is a  
homeland security department for real, and I shouldn't have to worry  
about stuff like this. Which is it? If it's the former, then I submit  
that THAT is what we need to be up in arms about.

Just my opinion.


On Feb 1, 2007, at 11:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> George,
> Do you mind if I copy this response and e-mail it to some other  
> folks? In another chain about this I started, one guy said it was  
> just "stupid white folks over-reacting". I'd like to present your  
> point of view as something for him to consider.
> Keith
> -- Original message --
> From: "g123curious" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I live and work in Boston. This has been all over the news here. Our
> government incurred a large expense with the bomb disposal squads,
> police overtime to stop traffic; and for a time the subways were
> shut down.
> IMHO, the marketers definitely had an obligation to do 2 things: a)
> notify local law enforcement about their intent to put these
> devices, and b) ask the permission of the private property owners
> upon whose property they placed the devices. They didn't do either.
> I don't know what you've read, but devices were hung on both private
> and public property here in Boston.
> Regarding the youth that support this "guerilla marketing", their
> approach to any physical space is the same as their approach to
> content on the Internet... anything and any space is fair game for
> their purposes. They don't seem to understand (or don't care) that
> placing the devices on people's private property without their
> permission is the same as defacing walls with graffitti... not that
> graffitti is acceptable anywhere.
> People, especially the youth, need to remember that this is the town
> where 2 planes took off from our airport that crashed into buildings
> on 9-11. So the heightened state of vigilance here is understandable
> and appropriate. IMHO, the people that yell today about our local
> government's supposed "over reaction" would likely be the same
> people yelling if the government didn't respond and it was a true
> terrorist attack.
> It is unclear if the devices were up for 3 weeks here. They were up
> longer in other cities, but most people here say they weren't up
> long here.
> People need to remember that there is already some unease in Boston.
> There are 2 nuclear reactors within a 1.5 hour drive of the city;
> plus several biochemical facilities within city limits, and one of
> the 4 larges LNG terminals is across Boston harbor in Chelsea. With
> all of those high-value targets nearby, a heightened state of
> vigilence is very appropriate, IMHO.
> I definitely believe that the Turner Network and the Cartoon Network
> should reimburse my city for their expenses. I don't want to pay
> those expenses thru higher taxes, to fund their self-interested
> marketing stunt. If they don't pay, you can bet I'll work hard for a
> boycott of their cable channels.
> George
> Captain
> USS Ronald E. McNair (Boston)
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > I'm not sure what to say about this publicity stunt. Seeing as
> how the devices aren't small, and they are lighted advertisements,
> didn't the marketers have some kind of obligation to get permission
> to put them out? This was a little more than nailing a sign to a
> telephone pole, after all. If nothing else, I'd have obtained some
> type of permission from the city before dumping several dozen
> electronic devices on bridges and stuff. They might have been simply
> destroyed at best. And, I have to say, this marketing campaign
> wasn't all that effective if the things sat unnoticed for three
> weeks. I live in Atlanta, spend all my time in the city where this
> campaign should be most noticeable. Most of all, I drive by the
> Ca

[scifinoir2] Shatnervision

2007-02-01 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
for some reason Bill Shatner and his daughter  have gone overboard  
and are  recording  every third thing  Bill  does and posting it on  
the web. They  call this collection of conversations -  
Shatnervision.  Yeah.  I know.  And I watch it every afternoon during  

Anyway, here's today's Shatnervision, where he talks about Star Trek  
11. Enjoy.


Re: [scifinoir2] "Harry Potter" Star Stirs Controversy with Play

2007-02-01 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Hard to read all this and not recall this episode of "Extras":


I love this show. If you don't watch it, you've missed this:


On Feb 1, 2007, at 1:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This is interesting. Every few years I hear about someone doing  
> "Equus" and it generates mild controversy. I've never seen the  
> plays or the movie or read whatever the source material is, so I  
> have no real opinion--other than the words "horse" and "erotic"  
> should *not* be used in the same sentence!
> Here in Atlanta, a mom in one of the more conservative suburbs (not  
> the one I live in, thank God!) has been trying to get the Harry  
> Potter books pulled from her daughter's school for a couple of  
> years now. Actually, she wants them and other books like them  
> banned from all schools in her county, as they "promote the worship  
> of the Devil" in her mind. Before you ask, she's not a looney  
> fanatic, just an extremely conservative Christian who takes the  
> Biblical verse "Flee the presence of evil" very seriously.
> Can't imagine what she'll do when she hears about Radcliffe doing  
> this play!
> 'Harry Potter' Stage Strip Stirs Storm
> By Associated Press
> Wed Jan 31, 6:34 PM
> NEW YORK - "Harry Potter" star Daniel Radcliffe, who strips for his  
> new role in London's West End revival of the play "Equus," has  
> ignited a bit of a media firestorm by posing for racy promotional  
> photos for the production.
> The Tony-Award-winning drama tells the story of a stable-hand who  
> has an erotic fixation with horses. In one photo, Radcliffe, 17,  
> dares to bare it all alongside a white horse; in another, he is  
> pictured with a naked Joanna Christie, the actress who portrays his  
> girlfriend.
> "Equus," directed by Thea Sharrock, opens at London's Gielgud  
> Theater on Feb. 27. Tony Award-winning actor Richard Griffiths  
> plays a pyschiatrist who treats Radcliffe's character.
> "Part of me wants to shake up people's perception of me, just shove  
> me in a blender," Radcliffe said in a recent interview with  
> Newsweek magazine.
> "It's a really challenging play, and if I can pull it off _ we  
> don't know if I can yet _ I hope people will stop and think, 'Maybe  
> he can do something other than Harry,'" he said.
> Radcliffe, who was discovered seven years ago in the audience of a  
> London theater, reprises his role as the bespectacled boy wizard in  
> "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," slated for release  
> July 13.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: HDTV Makes Adult-Movie Stars Nervous

2007-01-31 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
But for that matter, who needs "Back-Door Brides 17" in HD?

On Jan 31, 2007, at 8:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> True, true!
> -- Original message --
> From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> LMNAO, Keith! Show of hands- *who* is busy checking for pimples  
> while watching "Back-Door Brides 17"? (An actual title,  
> BTB...scary, ain't it?)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This is interesting. Of course,  
> quiet as it's kept in some circles, the adult industry has long  
> been a major force in the adoption and innovation of new  
> technology. The old 8 mm cameras, VCRs, DVDs, DVD players on PCs,  
> video-on-demand, high-powered Web servers to store images and  
> movies for downloads, streaming media Internet technology, secure  
> sites for Internet financial transactions, age verification  
> methods, and now the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray war--all owe a huge debt to the  
> purveyors and partakers of adult content.
> Still, it's funny to think of porn stars being nervous at HDTV  
> showing *too much* of their bodies!!
> ***
> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,128632-page,1/article.html
> HDTV Makes Adult-Movie Stars Nervous
> Picture quality shows too much detail for some performers, but  
> industry is still going high-def.
> Dan Nystedt, IDG News Service
> Families with new high-definition camcorders and news anchors being  
> broadcast in HD have already discovered just how revealing the  
> picture quality is. But few professionals bare as much in front of  
> the camera as adult-film stars, and many are nervous abut the new  
> technology.
> "We're all terrified," said Stefani Morgan, a star at Vivid  
> Entertainment Group, one of the largest adult movie makers. "I want  
> to be a fantasy. I don't want to show flaws."
> High-definition picture quality is so good that watching sports on  
> HDTV is like being on the field. Adult industry directors compare  
> it to being in the room.
> "I think high-definition is good from a fan's perspective because  
> it puts everything so beautifully," said Jenna Jameson, founder and  
> the star of Club Jenna. "But from a woman's perspective, we hate it  
> because you can see every little piece of our body," she added.
> Adult Entertainment Drives Media Sales
> But television broadcasting and home video are moving forward with  
> high definition, and the adult industry is playing a role by  
> releasing its first films on the HD disc format, HD DVD, which is  
> battling rival Blu-ray Disc to become the successor to DVDs. The  
> adult market is important market for the discs, with DVD sales  
> reaching $3.6 billion last year, according to AVN Publications.
> The trouble for the industry is that users are not taking to HD  
> media players of either format as quickly as hoped. The Consumer  
> Electronics Association slashed its sales estimate for stand-alone  
> HD media players, HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc combined, to just 250,000  
> last year, from a previous forecast of 750,000. The figures do not  
> include Blu-ray Disc players on PlayStation 3 game consoles, nor HD  
> DVD players on Xbox 360 game machines.
> Jake Richter, an analyst at Jon Peddie Research, said he doesn't  
> care which format wins, as long as HD media playback takes hold,  
> and fast.
> "I am a true believer," he says. "I have issued an edict in my  
> household that we should no longer purchase any standard DVDs  
> unless we really want the movies or shows right then and there AND  
> they are not yet available in either HD DVD or Blu-ray formats. I  
> will happily pay the $5 to $15 premium for the phenomenal increase  
> in image clarity."
> Even HD Can Be Tricked
> Adult directors also love HD technology for the sharp improvement  
> in picture quality over standard TVs.
> "In the end, who doesn't want to see the most beautiful man or  
> beautiful woman with the best image quality possible? It really  
> brings it to life, it's fantastic," said Robby D, a director at  
> adult-film maker Digital Playground.
> And while actors and actresses may be nervous over the revealing  
> clarity of high definition, directors said they shouldn't spend too  
> much time fretting. Filters and other techniques can always help  
> clean up blemishes, make-up malfunctions, and other problems that  
> might crop up on screen.
> "I do a lot of post-manipulation of the product," said Jay Grdina,  
> president of Club Jenna. " When I look at HD I think the last thing  
> I ever want to do is make video look more like video. I want video  
> to look more like film."
> His biggest star agreed, and offered up additional advice to  
> colleagues.
> "There's obviously a lot of things you can do to soften things,  
> filter, post-process," said Jameson. "But you either feel  
> comfortable enough to be naked in high-definition or you don't, and  
> that's why the gym comes in handy."
> [Non-text portions of this message have been remo

Re: [scifinoir2] Sam Raimi -to direct The Hobbit

2007-01-31 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
My money says Raimi ends up doing both franchises and Spider Man 4  
sucks as a result. If Favreau lucks out and Iron man makes a billion  
dollars (cheah, I know)  then it's all good.  Otherwise, It's back  
to  DC for the hits. One curve ball in it  all could be if Bryan  
Singer does Spidey 4, or if Silver Surfer turns out to  be good.


I know.

So anyway, Peter Jackson's lost  his mind for this lawsuit. He's  
effectively destroyed his career.  By accepting that New Line played  
him and moving on to , say, Warners, or Tom Cruise's crazy behind  
over at MGM, He'd make more money. Who'd  say no to  the LOTR guy?  
History dictates, nobody sues an entertainment  company and then has  
a career afterwards. Many people do sue, they win,  they  get their  
money, and are never  heard  from again.  It's an unwritten rule. In  
music, It IS a written rule.  It's called "Industry rule #4080".   
Even Michael Jackson stopped short  of actually filing charges  
against  Sony. I think we've seen the last of Peter Jackson.

One cool thing  about having  Raimi do the Hobbit is that  Bruce  
Campbell will be in it, which  means I would  actually go see this  
movie in a theater.

On Jan 31, 2007, at 3:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Three comments. One, Raimi is good, but I think Peter Jackson's  
> overall sensibility--not to mention, that of his whole creative  
> team, like his partner Fran--are needed for the Hobbit. Rami would  
> do a good job, I just don't think Rami's would have the same blend  
> of humour and drama we've come to expect. Two, I don't know that I  
> think "The Hobbit" provides enough source material for two movies.   
> The book starts off with the Dwarves basically hijacking Bilbo on  
> the quest, and hits the action from there. Maybe a little more than  
> a standard length movie, but surely another three hour flick would  
> do the trick?
> Three, I just don't see Jackson being the kind to bring frivolous  
> or baseless claims, especially given how much money he did make  
> from LOTR.  But they have *got* to settle this and bring him back!   
> Would Rami even be allowed to work with WETA and use some of the  
> locales and permanent sets they have in New Zealand?
> -- Original message --
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/movies/la-fi- 
> raimi27jan27,1,5846800.story
> Sam Raimi considering 'The Hobbit'
> In the wake of Peter Jackson's rift with the studio, the "Spidey"
> director may be next in line to take over fhe franchise.
> By Rachel Abramowitz
> Times Staff Writer
> January 26, 2007
> Good-bye Spidey! Hello Bilbo?
> In a move that would have ramifications for several major
> multi-nationals, and millions of fans, "Spider-Man" maestro Sam Raimi
> has been telling associates, as well as his corporate masters at Sony,
> that he is thinking of directing "The Hobbit," the prequel to J.R.R.
> Tolkien's masterwork, "The Lord of the Rings." At least two top-level
> insiders – who declined to be named -- have heard the words out of the
> director's mouth.
> A year ago, such a swap of franchises would have been unthinkable,  
> given
> that Peter Jackson co-wrote and directed the Oscar-winning "Rings"
> trilogy, but that was before the slugfest erupted between the
> once-rotund director and New Line honcho Bob Shaye.
> Jackson is suing the studio over money he says is owed to him from the
> the "Rings" films, which grossed more than $3 billion at the box  
> office
> and another $1 billion on DVD. In the last few weeks, Shaye has  
> declared
> Jackson persona-non-grata at New Line, stating publicly that, "He will
> never make any movie with New Line Cinema again while I'm still  
> working
> at the company."
> According to a New Line source, the studio isn't just contemplating  
> one
> "Hobbit" movie, but two. The prequel tells the story of hobbit Bilbo
> Baggins and how he first discovers the magical but sinister ring, the
> very object that drives the action in "Lord of the Rings."
> Still, while Raimi might be an irresistable replacement for  
> Jackson, his
> ascension to the directing chair is far from a sure thing. New Line  
> says
> it doesn't have a deal with the director, and Raimi hasn't met with
> Shaye or production president Toby Emmerich. More potentially
> problematic is the fact that MGM owns the distribution rights to the
> film. An MGM spokeman insists that MGM remains firmly in the Jackson
> camp: "We support Peter Jackson, and when the dust settles, we believe
> he is the one who will be making this movie."
> A call to Raimi's office was directed to his agent, Richard Lovett, at
> CAA. The agency did not comment.
> For Sony, losing Raimi – who gave "Spider-Man" its distinctive visual
> theatrics – would be a blow. Studio chief Amy Pascal has said she  
> wants
> to make six installments of the "Spider-Man" tale. Just t

Re: [scifinoir2] An Intro from the guy in the back of the class

2007-01-29 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
> 1. Name:
> 2. Location: depends on the job.
> 3. Nickname/ Alias[es]: xola, the yokozuna of soul, the oyabun of  
> beats, the melaninjitsu, the rikidozan of recorded sound, the  
> adrian monk of funk, the great wall of charlotte.
> 4. To What Speculative Fiction Character do you relate or
> identify(describe the character): Ben Sisko, Worf, and Tuvok. The  
> Black Trek trinity of passion, compassion,  and logic.
> 5. Favorite Speculative Fiction Genres: Science/Speculative Fiction  
> and Mystery.
> 6. Favorite Speculative Fiction TV Show (canceled shows ok): Star  
> Trek, Earth 2, and Firefly.
> 7. Favorite Speculative Fiction Movie:  Elizabeth.
> 8. Favorite Speculative Fiction Characters: the Jedi, Starfleet  
> captains and science officers, and detectives.
> 9. Favorite Speculative Fiction Villain: General Zod.
> 11. Favorite Speculative Fiction Film or TV Adaptation of a Book:  
> Blade Runner
> 12. Favorite Speculative Fiction Film or TV Adaptation of a  
> Superhero: Spiderman 2.
> 13. Topics of importance to you: justice and soul.
> 14. Your own published works, if any: does graffiti count?
> 15. Your web site: www.globalsoulmedia.com | myspace.com/melaninjitsu
> 16. Your Speculative Fiction Pet Peeves: That horror and science  
> fiction are often combined as one genre. And that that  genre is  
> called sci-fi.
> 17. Memberships in science fiction clubs: SciFi Noir. That's it.
> 18. Anything else you think is important: George Clinton is one of  
> them.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Andre Braugher Joins Mist

2007-01-29 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
It's funny to me how we still associate  Andre with "Homicide" after  
all the work he's done since.

On Jan 29, 2007, at 2:42 PM, B. Smith wrote:

> I'm really looking forward to this movie. I loved the novella and
> I've read some of Frank Darabont's thoughts on how it should be done.
> If he pulls it off this will be awesome.
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly
> Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Braugher, Holden Join Mist
> >
> > Andre Braugher and Laurie Holden are joining Thomas Jane in The
> Mist,
> > Dimension Films' adaptation of the Stephen King supernatural story,
> > which is being helmed by Frank Darabont, who also produces,
> according to
> > The Hollywood Reporter.
> >
> > The script, written by Darabont, is set after a strange storm blows
> > through a Maine town and its citizens are attacked by deadly
> creatures.
> > A group of townfolk barricade themselves in a supermarket and
> struggle
> > for survival.
> >
> > Holden (The Majestic, The X-Files), is the female lead as one of
> the
> > people trapped by the phenomenon. Braugher (Homicide: Life on the
> > Street) plays Jane's neighbor, a high-powered attorney who has a
> weekend
> > house in Maine. Shooting is slated to begin in mid- to late
> February in
> > Shreveport, La.
> >
> > http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=39775
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Holmes Turns Down Batman

2007-01-29 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul

I do think she's beautiful, but I'm more impressed with her acting  
ability,  and her authenticity as a comic book/sci-fi person. I made  
a horrible rush to judgement  when I heard  she was going to  do  a  
comic, and I learned shortly afterward (because I was the one who  
didn't know her uncle was Gus Vasquez) that  she was the real deal.   
Even a Star Trek person!

I think I've had enough with "and then there should be a hot girl  in  
the co-starring role",  unless it's a Bond movie, where the role  
requires hotness to  balance out the explosions and cars.  I think  
the new Batman series is trying to  be a good set of stories that   
happen to be about  Batman. I  think once Christian Bale signed on,   
it  became less about "blah blah blah explosion and Danny Elfman  
music" and more about  the interaction between the characters, which  
is refreshing.

- Daryle

On Jan 29, 2007, at 10:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I must be the only Brother around who doesn't think Dawson is good  
> looking (assuming that's part of your interest in her in the role).  
> Aside from that, though, she has the acting chops to pull off being  
> Bruce Wayne's best friend/love interest. I'd also love to see  
> Charisma Carpenter get a stab at the role. I think she could play  
> off Bale well.
> Frankly, though, in terms of a leading lady for the next flick, I'm  
> less interested in her romantic chemistry with Bale than her acting  
> ability . One of the reasons I love "Batman Begins" is that it  
> didn't have a standard love story. Holmes' character was obviously  
> a romantic interest for Bruce, but it was done to add to the story,  
> and we didn't have to suffer through a bunch of dating, etc.,  
> scenes. (The way "Batman" went overboard with Kim Bassinger as the  
> love interest). So I'm looking at actresses with more of an eye to  
> whether they can play a tough DA than whether they can swoon into  
> Bats' arms prettily.
> -- Original message --
> From: The Yokozuna Of Soul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I vote for Rosario Dawson. Because a scene with Christian Bale,
> Rosario Dawson and Morgan Freeman is worth my 9 dollars.
> Good to see that Katie has accepted her role as Kate Capshaw 2.0 and
> will leave the acting to professionals.
> I'm so mad that Tracey made a reference to TomKat.
> On Jan 29, 2007, at 9:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > No loss at all. She was completely wrong that role, only got it
> > because of her high visibility being with Cruise. If they were
> > going to go with a recognizable face to draw a crowd (a practice I
> > abhor: get the best actor and write a good scrit, and people will
> > come) I'd have suggested someone like Eva Longoria. At least
> > Longoria wouldn't have looked and sounded like such a weak little
> > girl, as Holmes did in my opinion.
> >
> > -- Original message --
> > From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"
> >
> > > I don't believe this. there have been rumors ever since she  
> became a
> > > part of Tomcat that they did not want her back... as recently as
> > last
> > > week. This was to allow her to save face, I think
> > >
> > > Holmes Turns Down Batman
> > > http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=39811
> > >
> > > Katie Holmes has turned down an offer to reprise the role of
> > assistant
> > > district attorney Rachel Dawes in the upcoming Batman Begins
> > sequel, The
> > > Dark Knight, The Wall Street Journal reported.
> > >
> > > Holmes was reportedly unable to make a deal with Warner Brothers
> > for the
> > > sequel, which is scheduled for a summer 2008 release.
> > >
> > > The studio is searching for a new actress who can replace Holmes
> > in the
> > > big-budget picture.
> > >
> > > Holmes' names has come up in early discussion for casting of a
> > proposed
> > > Wonder Woman movie, being developed by producer Joel Silver, the
> > > newspaper reported. But since the script hasn't been completed,
> > people
> > > involved with the project say any casting decisions are on the  
> back
> > > burner for now.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] CBS Picks Up Scifi Pilots

2007-01-29 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
After Century City, I can't see how/why CBS even greenlighted these  

Looks like it's about to be sci-fi season again, though, as all the  
networks try to find their "Heroes" style hit. Mmmm. Bad prime- 
time...with commercials! I may be getting that AppleTV box after all.  
At  least then I can watch "New Voyages" on a larger screen.

On Jan 29, 2007, at 9:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well, I'm all for new scifi, but I can make a prediction of one of  
> the first cancellations of the next season: the zombie-themed  
> comedy-drama! Can't see that making it in a TV land that won't  
> support the likes of John Doe, Jake 2.0, Threshold. The vampire  
> private eye show will probably die as well. I think shows like this  
> do better on channels like SciFi and TNT.
> -- Original message --
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> > CBS Picks Up SF Pilots
> > http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=1&id=39816
> >
> > CBS has picked up two SF pilots: Babylon Fields, an hour-long
> > zombie-themed comedy-drama, and Twilight, a drama about a vampire
> > private eye who's dealing with the fallout from being immortal,  
> Variety
> > reported.
> >
> > Gerald Cuesta and Michael Atkinson wrote the pilot for Babylon  
> Fields
> > and will serve as supervising producers. CBS described the pilot  
> as a
> > "sardonic, apocalyptic American comedy-drama where the dead are  
> rising
> > and, as a result, lives are regained, families restored and old  
> wounds
> > reopened." Michael Cuesta, who directed the pilot for Showtime's  
> Dexter,
> > will executive-produce and helm via 20th Century Fox Television.
> >
> > In Twilight, the central character contends with foes in the vampire
> > world and a budding love for a mortal. Joel Silver is
> > executive-producing via Warner Brothers TV. Trevor Munson (Lone Star
> > State of Mind) and Ron Koslow (Beauty and the Beast) wrote the  
> script
> > and will executive-produce.
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Holmes Turns Down Batman

2007-01-29 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
I vote for Rosario Dawson. Because a scene with Christian Bale,  
Rosario Dawson and Morgan Freeman is worth my 9 dollars.

Good to see that Katie has accepted her role as Kate Capshaw 2.0 and  
will leave the acting to  professionals.

I'm so mad that Tracey made a reference to TomKat.

On Jan 29, 2007, at 9:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> No loss at all. She was completely wrong that role, only got it  
> because of her high visibility being with Cruise. If they were  
> going to go with a recognizable face to draw a crowd (a practice I  
> abhor: get the best actor and write a good scrit, and people will  
> come) I'd have suggested someone like Eva Longoria. At least  
> Longoria wouldn't have looked and sounded like such a weak little  
> girl, as Holmes did in my opinion.
> -- Original message --
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> > I don't believe this. there have been rumors ever since she became a
> > part of Tomcat that they did not want her back... as recently as  
> last
> > week. This was to allow her to save face, I think
> >
> > Holmes Turns Down Batman
> > http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=39811
> >
> > Katie Holmes has turned down an offer to reprise the role of  
> assistant
> > district attorney Rachel Dawes in the upcoming Batman Begins  
> sequel, The
> > Dark Knight, The Wall Street Journal reported.
> >
> > Holmes was reportedly unable to make a deal with Warner Brothers  
> for the
> > sequel, which is scheduled for a summer 2008 release.
> >
> > The studio is searching for a new actress who can replace Holmes  
> in the
> > big-budget picture.
> >
> > Holmes' names has come up in early discussion for casting of a  
> proposed
> > Wonder Woman movie, being developed by producer Joel Silver, the
> > newspaper reported. But since the script hasn't been completed,  
> people
> > involved with the project say any casting decisions are on the back
> > burner for now.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] One Season Wonders You Liked

2007-01-29 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Cowboy Bebop
Earth 2
Odyssey 5
John Doe

- Daryle

On Jan 29, 2007, at 8:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> From the to of my head...
> Space: Above and Beyond
> Mercy Point
> Hypernauts
> and to my surprise
> Shurikan School (which is repeated on Nicks cartoon channel).
> -GTW
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] MI Phil Morris as J'onn J'onzz on Smallville

2007-01-28 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Did Rick Berman and Brannon Braga take over this show recently?  
Because this is a lot like having Peter Parker leave Uncle Ben's  
funeral and go to the Avengers mansion. There's a growth period that  
has to happen with these characters that  Smallville has decided to  
throw out the window.

CIVIL WAR spoilers follow.

In Fantastic Four issue # 542, Johnny and Reed are in a Starbucks  
talking. Johnny says to  Reed "the night we all got our powers? You  
STOLE the spaceship!" And when I read this, I had to stop a moment.  
The movie and the cartoons had twisted the story up so  much  I had  
totally  forgotten things  about FF that  I loved.  Like how T'Challa  
actually  invented the Fantasticar.

I say all that to say this:  the revisionist history  going on in  
"Smallville" is bananas. How in the world are they going to resolve  
that young Clark Kent has met  pretty much the entire JLA  AND HIS  
WIFE before he ever starts working at the Planet?! Now he knows  
J'onn?!! Arthur?!! Why is this show even called Smallville anymore? I  
think I understand that it's supposed to be a supernatural Dawson's  
Creek, but dag.

On Jan 28, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Martin wrote:

> This I'll be waiting for as well. I've long been a Martian  
> Manhunter fan. They'd *better* get it *right*.
> "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)"  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Veteran Actor To Debut  
> On 'Smallville' Wednesday
> Phil Morris to play J'onn J'onzz
> Source: TV Guide
> Jan-25-2007
> TV veteran Phil Morris, best known for his work on the "Mission
> Impossible" movies is up tonight in an episode of the Superman series
> "Smallville," according to TV Guide. Morris will play J'onn J'onzz.
> Pronounced "John Jones," J'onn is from Mars and is known as the  
> Martian
> Manhunter.
> In an interview, Morris confessed to being a comics fan.
> "I have 20,000 [comic books]. I'm a fan," he said. Morris likened his
> role on "Smallville" to that of Jiminy Cricket.
> "My job on the show, as far as I can see, is to help Clark understand
> that he's weakening himself by trying to be less than who he truly  
> is,"
> he said. "Other people can tell him that, but I've walked the walk.  
> I'm
> a shape-shifter. I have assimilated in this African-American guise,  
> and
> my inner working says African-Americans know exactly what it's like to
> be on the outside looking in."
> Morris said he will appear sans green makeup. "I am me. I have a long
> leather [blue] coat, a black shirt and jeans," he said.
> Morris also said that wasn't him in the Martian Manhunter teaser  
> earlier
> in the "Smallville" season. "No, that was before I was hired. They  
> used
> a double in the episode where [J'onn] flies off," he said.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> If any one of our restaurants were better than the rest, then  
> customers would flocck to that location, creating a mass imbalance  
> that could create a black hole, which would swallow the Earth.  
> That's why we make every McDonald's from Pomona to Poughkeepsie the  
> same good place to eat, thereby saving the Universe.-from  
> McDonald's commercial ,28 January 1990
> "Is anybody hungry?" - W Zeddemore, "The Real Ghostbusters", 'The  
> Cabinet of Calamari'
> -
> Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.
> Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Is Data Pissed at Fans?

2007-01-27 Thread The Yokozuna Of Soul
Dear Brent Spiner,

No, sir. "Star Trek: Nemesis" failed for the following reasons:

1. WTF was "B-4"?
2. Rick Berman destroyed the Star Trek franchise, making it such a  
joke that "Galaxy Quest"  became more accurate as time went on.
3. One movie based on an alien race never before referred to in the  
show's history was enough.
4. The movies jumped the shark after First Contact, and who do you  
think went to see THAT but the fans. [See #2.]
5. The fans kept telling you they wanted to see more DS9 characters  
and story, or more TOS timeline stories, and nobody listened. [See #2.]
6. You bring WIl Wheaton in,  shoot entire scenes with him and Gates  
McFadden, and then delete them. The fans are then left with a  
completely unresolved ending to the Wesley Crusher character,  yet  
there were scenes shot.
7. You let yet ANOTHER director who does not watch the show handle  
the last TNG  movie while you have three directors with years of  
experience in Star Trek IN THE CAST sitting around.
8. The only character to be thoroughly developed after First Contact  
was the ship. And you spend a good third of the movie tearing it apart.
9. The marketing campaign was one of the most vague in the history of  
contemporary cinema.  If nobody's ever  heard of the Remans, what  
good is a poster with a bald head in a Reman dress gown holding a  
blade? How was anyone supposed to  know what the Romulan flag was  
supposed to  represent?
10. This movie had some of the worst acting performances since "The  
Voyage Home". [See #7.]

And finally, way to dismiss the actual fans who supported the  
franchise even when it wasn't cool. We sat through you using   
"Nemesis" to promote your album, and the horrible makeup job.  
Personally, this is the most  insulting thing  ever. I went to  see  
Nemesis opening weekend in Los Angeles and San Francisco while I was  
on the road that week, and I saw it in packed theaters. At the time,   
I had access to MTV Networks resources, and used them to get me into   
a screening on the Paramount lot. And I STILL paid to see it twice.  
The fans came out. You gave us what YOU wanted us to have instead of  
what we ASKED for. Entire websites were dedicated to what  the fans  
wanted. "Nemesis" was not it.

The problem with Nemesis is that the people charged with keeping the  
show going  completely  lost  sight  of what  they  were doing and  
why they were doing it, and so it makes perfect sense to me, a fan,  
that  J.J. Abrams, who suffers from the same level of ADD,  
apparently, should take on the 11th movie. His biggest claims to   
fame are shows that  started strong and lost  vision halfway through.

Nemesis, and the current state of Trek,  is a failure because Gene  
Roddenberry is gone and nobody cares...except the fans. And now  
you're pissed at us.


A fan.

On Jan 26, 2007, at 5:24 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) wrote:

> Brent Spiner: Star Trek's Failure Is Fans' Fault
> Actor who played Data speaks out over 'Nemesis' failure
> Source: Sci Fi Pulse
> Jan-21-2007
> If blame is going to be tossed around about why "Star Trek:  
> Nemesis" was
> such a huge failure, you need to start with the fans.
> At least that's what Brent Spiner, who played Data in "Star Trek: The
> Next Generation" and the subsequent movies, told the official Star  
> Trek
> Magazine, as first reported by Sci-Fi Pulse.
> "We worked on the story with the intention of making it for the fans,"
> Spiner said. "With every Star Trek movie prior to that, we tried to  
> find
> a way to bridge the gap between the fans and the general public. With
> 'Nemesis' we said, 'Forget that! Let's make a movie for the fans,
> because that's the people who actually go to see the films.' And what
> happened? They didn't go!
> "Usually the films opened big, even if they had a lot of competition,
> but 'Nemesis' didn't even do that. That was a message from the fans  
> that
> they were done with us."
> "Star Trek: Nemesis" opened on Dec. 15, 2002, just days before "The  
> Lord
> of the Rings: The Two Towers" opened. The film made $18.5 million on
> opening weekend, and did a total American box office of $43.1 million.
> In comparison, the previous movie -- "Star Trek: Insurrection" --  
> had an
> opening day box office of $22 million in 1998, going on to gross $70.1
> million.
> Spiner says he's all for restarting the Star Trek franchise, however,
> despite his previous comments on J.J. Abrams' idea for Star Trek XI.
> "I think they're right to start a new movie franchise that will
> hopefully spawn a new series that will spawn new movies," Spiner said.

Re: [scifinoir2] changes on Lost - do you care anymore?

2007-01-23 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul
I feel like ever since Abrams got the nod for Mission Impossible he could  
care less about this show. The podcast is never updated, the fan fiction  
done about this show is beter than the actual writing...Abrams simply has  
a hard time starting and finishing on TV. It will  be interesting in an "I  
hope they hire someone else" sort of way, to see what he does with Star  
Trek. I think ABC knows it's over, as they're moving the time, just like  
they  did with Alias.

Which one of us is it that watches these shows on DVD when they're done? I  
think that may be the smartest move of all. I may just  wait  until the  
end of the season and download the episodes.


On Tue, 23 Jan 2007 02:10:14 -0500, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lost Gets Back To Basics
> Daniel Dae Kim, who plays Jin on ABC's hit SF series Lost, told SCI FI
> Wire that the upcoming second half of the third season will focus on the
> entire cast, rather than the story of Jack, Kate and Sawyer, which was
> showcased in the first six episodes of the season. "It's been a season
> of transition, I think," Kim said in an interview at the Television
> Critics press tour in Pasadena, Calif., last week. "Because we went from
> an ensemble show to one that focused on a smaller number of characters.
> So for a lot of us, it's meant having more free time than we originally
> thought. But now it's changing again, and we're getting back to the
> island, and we're finding a rhythm."
> Kim is bilingual in real life, but his character is just beginning to
> learn English, and as his character becomes more fluent in the language,
> Kim said that he looks forward to interacting more with the other cast
> members. "It's something that the producers and I have been talking
> about for a little while," he said. "It just leads to different kinds of
> interaction with the other characters on the show. I think it would be
> great to have a change of pace for Jin in that way. ... Part and parcel
> of speaking English is becoming involved with the main action of the
> island. Right now, I don't think Jin and Sun are that involved with the
> mythology of the show. They have a kind of separate subplot that exists
> independent of what the other characters are doing a lot of the time.
> And I'm looking forward to seeing how they fit into the big picture."
> Another change coming in the latter half of the season is a lighter
> tone, Kim said. The relationship between Jin and his wife, Sun (Yunjin
> Kim, who is no relation in real life), will grow even stronger in the
> next few episodes. "Everyone talks about the island having redemptive
> qualities," he said. "And I think it was redemptive for their
> relationship as well. As far as where their relationship goes from here,
> I'm curious to see myself. I'm sure a baby will change our dynamic. It
> generally does. ... We've already shot a few things where it's lighter.
> It's a different kind of feel to a scene with Jin in it. It's a welcome
> change."
> As for the rumor of an impending character death, Kim didn't deny it,
> but hoped that audiences would be watching the show for reasons other
> than finding out who will be the next to be killed off. "Our show for
> some reason has taken on this mystery of who's going to die next," he
> said "And I'm not sure how that happened or why it's happening. And I'm
> hoping that it doesn't become the main focus of what the audience is
> looking for."
> Lost returns on Feb. 7 in a new, later timeslot, 10 p.m. ET/PT on  
> Wednesdays
> http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=39690&type=0

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: [Fwd: Instant viewing -- Netflix delivers over the Web]

2007-01-22 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul
I was at a birthday party with my son yesterday during the Saints/Bears  
game and would have LOVED to have been able to watch parts of the game on  
my phone while I was out. I have a blackberry with a nice iPod sized  
screen and I just found myself refreshing nfl.com every 20 minutes. Would  
have loved to see Reggie Bush's TD as it happened, and the truth is, so  
would most  of the people at the party. I believe that this is the proper  
application of this mobile technology. We don't want to watch "Crank" on  
the street or train, we want to be able to watch EPL matches while our  
wives or girlfriends are buying shoes. Sports is what will save this  
technology. Movies and TV shows, and short-sighted ad agencies eager to  
throw pre-roll into irrelevant streaming media, will kill it.

I think the video iPod is just a bizarre thing. I produce podcast shows  
and I still don't have a video iPod. All I use my iPod for is for music  
while I work out or walk somewhere, where the whole point is that you  
should be aware of what you're doing and where you are. The video  
application of iTUNES is another story, because I do support watching  
movies and TV shows on computers. It just makes sense in certain  

For example, I love samurai and yakuza movies, but I also have children.  
Not really family viewing, these films, and so playing them on the big  
screen TV is not always an option. For this reason, I always watch the  
movies I love on my iMac or macbook. When I used to commute from New  
Jersey to NY, I still used a laptop on the train. This is why you invest  
in a good, light book and not some clunky box you have to transform when  
you pull out of your bag. The technology is supposed to serve your  
lifestyle, not vice versa.

On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:30:24 -0500, g123curious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> I with you. I can't see the logic in watching a movie (or a tv show)
> on my cellphone. Definitely can't watch a foreign film, with
> subtitles, on a cellphone either. Can't read the print. A former
> coworker watches BG on his video iPod. I don't see the sense in
> that, either, but this guy swears by it. He watches an ep on the
> commuter train.
> The only application I can think of where I *might* watch a film on
> my phone is inflight on an airplane (train or bus) where I a) don't
> want to watch the airline's canned and edited film, and b) don't
> have a portable DVD player (with its larger screen) with me. But
> this situation is so infrequent, it doesn't justify the expense.
> Cellphone cameras are good at catching stuff that needs to be
> caught. Michael Richards' rant and Saddam's final exit are two
> examples of that.
> George
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Does anyone even relish this idea, watching a movie on your phone?
> I can't get myself around the notion of being able to see a movie
> while I'm at a restaurant or on the train or anything like this. I
> see lots of folks doing just this here in Atlanta on MARTA. Me, I
> don't even like going to the theater anymore. Inceasingly, I find
> myself waiting until a movie hits DVD, then deciding whether 'tis
> nobler to drop the $20 for ownership or $4 for a day's enjoyment,
> all in the confines of my bedroom, where I can react to it as I
> choose.
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Good point, but I think that's
> coming anyway. There's a lot of movie development for cell phones
> going on in Asia, and now picking up here. There's lots of
> possibilities that movies will be produced especially for iPods. So
> I think the development of little mini-films tailored for small
> screens and shorter viewing times is here to stay. Since it is, we
> have to really, really hope the suits will try to develop some good
> content. Personally I think the You Tubes and other distribution
> methods coming into vogue will produce a type of permanent class of
> developers who'll create content for these new methods of viewing.
>> -- Original message --
>> From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Suggest deployment of umbrellas...
>> I can see one problem with that. If this paradigm does shift to
> the point where we can get movies faster online, then expect H'Wood
> to shift its own paradigm by pushing out more movies.
>> Did I leave out the word "crappy"?
>> Fascinating. Every week, it seems Comcast and AT&T (formerly
> BellSouth)--the two major broadband carriers in Atlanta--promise
> faster and faster download speeds. I think I get about 5 mbps on
> average from Comcast, and I heard a promise of six recently. Couple
> that increasing speed--which still lags far behind the average speed
> in most other industrialized nations--with more realization of the
> Net's usage, and we may see that paradigm shift sooner rather than
> later. Already I understand the Nielsen folks are pullilng out their
> hair trying to capture

Re: [scifinoir2] [OT] Murphy, Rock, Tucker To Swim In New Ocean

2007-01-22 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul
Why do we keep doing this movie? Weren't the trailers for "Codename: the  
Cleaner" hard enough to watch? Weren't the WHITE  Ocean's 11 and 12 bad  

On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 22:05:01 -0500, Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was referring to not casting Will Smith in it...
> Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  ...Gabrielle...
> Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: LOL...That would be interesting!
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I wanna see an all-Black martial arts  
> flick. Something that blends the action of "Kill Bill Volume 1" with the  
> cool of "Shaft" (the real one with Richard Roundtree). I'd pay to see a  
> crazy punch-and-kick fest with the likes of Gabriel Union, even Vivica A  
> Fox, maybe Blair Underwood for a serious addition. Can someone get on  
> that? Oh yeah, and can we please *not* cast Will Smith in it?!
> -- Original message --
> From: "Brent Wodehouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://www.blackflix.com/coming_soon.html#Anchor-FISHBURNE-35882
> January
> Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock and Chris Tucker are set to star in a new heist
> flick from director Brett Ratner to put a black twist on the "Ocean's
> Eleven" franchise. According to Fox 411 columnist Roger Friedman, Ratner
> is also reportedly in talks with Denzel Washington to play one of the
> film's bad guys. The as-yet-untitled project is being penned by Russell
> Gewirtz, who wrote the screenplay for Washington's recent film "The  
> Inside
> Man," and Universal has signed on to produce and distribute the movie.
> Friedman writes: "Watch for Ratner to add more heavy hitters once the
> script is finished. These could include young actors like Derek Luke or
> Anthony Mackie, comedian Martin Lawrence and some older actors too, like
> Sidney Poitier or even Bill Cosby."
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> "Such music flow on the Fringe...and no one can resist singing to  
> Scarlet." - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
> -
> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
> in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> If any one of our restaurants were better than the rest, then customers  
> would flocck to that location, creating a mass imbalance that could  
> create a black hole, which would swallow the Earth. That's why we make  
> every McDonald's from Pomona to Poughkeepsie the same good place to eat,  
> thereby saving the Universe.-from McDonald's commercial ,28 January 1990
> "Is anybody hungry?" - W Zeddemore, "The Real Ghostbusters", 'The  
> Cabinet of Calamari'
> -
> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast
> with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> "Such music flow on the Fringe...and no one can resist singing to  
> Scarlet." - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
> -
> Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email  
> and get things done faster.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: 'Lost' looks to find an end

2007-01-19 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul
Big Brother Desert Island.

On Fri, 19 Jan 2007 15:41:25 -0500, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> I've got another one. Just when the new hatch is bleepin' its head off,  
> Locke stumbles into-
>  A hidden camera. Seems they're *all* part of CBS' greatest experiment  
> to date. "Survivor: The Truman Show". THey've all been in a reality  
> show, and never knew it.
>  Pay me, Moonves.
> g123curious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   How freakin' hard could it be to "find" an ending for this  
> show?
> Geez.
> Try this one: Iran decides to test fire one of their new nukes and
> picks both islands not knowing they are inhabited by the Others and
> the crash survivors.
> There. Ending solved.
> I gave up on this series long ago when it plodded along like a
> daytime soap where nothing ever really gets resolved. That's
> insincere story-telling... which Desparate Housewives also suffers
> from. But I understand that the drive for $$$ encourages this kind
> of story-telling.
> George
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Brent Wodehouse"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/entertainment/television/1
> 6469720.htm
>> Posted on Tue, Jan. 16, 2007
>> 'Lost' looks to find an end
>> By David Bianculli
>> New York Daily News
>> (MCT)
>> PASADENA, Calif. - ABC's "Lost" will return to some of the
>> storytelling methods that made the mystery-laden series popular in
>> the past, the producers said Sunday.
>> For instance, the rest of the season will be more like the show's
>> first year, focusing on relationships among the familiar (but, in
>> this season's first six episodes, largely missing) characters, the
>> producers told members of the Television Critics Association.
>> Jack (Matthew Fox) and Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) will be
>> prominent, as will Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) and Claire (Emilie
>> de Ravin). Jack, Sawyer (Josh Holloway) and Kate (Evangeline
>> Lilly) will escape from the other island - and, perhaps most
>> intriguing of all, the producers are in discussion with ABC to
>> decide when to end the series, so they can plan accordingly and
>> intentionally.
>> "It's time for us to find an end point to the show," executive
>> producer Carlton Cuse said, comparing it to J.K. Rowling's
>> decision to announce well in advance that "Harry Potter" would
>> stop after seven novels.
>> The decision to revert to tried-and-true methods comes as the show
>> has faced stiffer competition in the Nielsen department and lost
>> some of its earlier buzz.
>> Cuse also referred to "The X-Files," calling it "a great show that
>> probably went two seasons too long."
>> The answers to the show's biggest questions, he and series
>> co-creator Damon Lindelof said, would be held until the end, but
>> they don't want to stretch "Lost" thin just to keep going.
>> "None of us want to be doing the show that is the stalling show,"
>> Lindelof said. "You know: `We're building sand castles this
>> week!' "
>> To those judging the entire current series of "Lost" based on six
>> episodes shown in the fall, Cuse warns against making premature
>> assessments.
>> "If we only showed you the first six episodes of last year," he
>> said, "you'd probably think, `What? Has the show just become about
>> the tail section people?' And those characters are basically now
>> all dead.
>> "By time we got on through the entire season last year, we feel
>> like we covered everyone's stories. And I think the same will be
>> true when you see the third season in its totality. You'll have a
>> much better sense of what everybody's been doing."
>> ---
>> © 2007, New York Daily News.
> If any one of our restaurants were better than the rest, then customers  
> would flocck to that location, creating a mass imbalance that could  
> create a black hole, which would swallow the Earth. That's why we make  
> every McDonald's from Pomona to Poughkeepsie the same good place to eat,  
> thereby saving the Universe.-from McDonald's commercial ,28 January 1990
> "Is anybody hungry?" - W Zeddemore, "The Real Ghostbusters", 'The  
> Cabinet of Calamari'
> -
>  Get your own web address.
>  Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [scifinoir2] Re: 'Lost' looks to find an end

2007-01-19 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul
Well, considering that it took two years to sort out the BEGINNING of the  
show, are you really that surprised?

On Fri, 19 Jan 2007 11:09:01 -0500, g123curious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> How freakin' hard could it be to "find" an ending for this show?
> Geez.
> Try this one: Iran decides to test fire one of their new nukes and
> picks both islands not knowing they are inhabited by the Others and
> the crash survivors.
> There. Ending solved.
> I gave up on this series long ago when it plodded along like a
> daytime soap where nothing ever really gets resolved. That's
> insincere story-telling... which Desparate Housewives also suffers
> from. But I understand that the drive for $$$ encourages this kind
> of story-telling.
> George
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Brent Wodehouse"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/entertainment/television/1
> 6469720.htm
>> Posted on Tue, Jan. 16, 2007
>> 'Lost' looks to find an end
>> By David Bianculli
>> New York Daily News
>> (MCT)
>> PASADENA, Calif. - ABC's "Lost" will return to some of the
>> storytelling methods that made the mystery-laden series popular in
>> the past, the producers said Sunday.
>> For instance, the rest of the season will be more like the show's
>> first year, focusing on relationships among the familiar (but, in
>> this season's first six episodes, largely missing) characters, the
>> producers told members of the Television Critics Association.
>> Jack (Matthew Fox) and Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) will be
>> prominent, as will Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) and Claire (Emilie
>> de Ravin). Jack, Sawyer (Josh Holloway) and Kate (Evangeline
>> Lilly) will escape from the other island - and, perhaps most
>> intriguing of all, the producers are in discussion with ABC to
>> decide when to end the series, so they can plan accordingly and
>> intentionally.
>> "It's time for us to find an end point to the show," executive
>> producer Carlton Cuse said, comparing it to J.K. Rowling's
>> decision to announce well in advance that "Harry Potter" would
>> stop after seven novels.
>> The decision to revert to tried-and-true methods comes as the show
>> has faced stiffer competition in the Nielsen department and lost
>> some of its earlier buzz.
>> Cuse also referred to "The X-Files," calling it "a great show that
>> probably went two seasons too long."
>> The answers to the show's biggest questions, he and series
>> co-creator Damon Lindelof said, would be held until the end, but
>> they don't want to stretch "Lost" thin just to keep going.
>> "None of us want to be doing the show that is the stalling show,"
>> Lindelof said. "You know: `We're building sand castles this
>> week!' "
>> To those judging the entire current series of "Lost" based on six
>> episodes shown in the fall, Cuse warns against making premature
>> assessments.
>> "If we only showed you the first six episodes of last year," he
>> said, "you'd probably think, `What? Has the show just become about
>> the tail section people?' And those characters are basically now
>> all dead.
>> "By time we got on through the entire season last year, we feel
>> like we covered everyone's stories. And I think the same will be
>> true when you see the third season in its totality. You'll have a
>> much better sense of what everybody's been doing."
>> ---
>> © 2007, New York Daily News.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Aliens need a lot more time to find us

2007-01-18 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul
Rasmus forgets to factor in that should a probe (or sub-probe) come  
anywhere near Earth orbit, the military forces of this backwater planet  
will spend billions of dollars to blow it to dust, as it will interfere  
with the primitive communications network we've established by throwing  
cans in the air.


On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 15:40:09 -0500, Brent Wodehouse  

> http://space.newscientist.com/article/mg19325875.100-aliens-need-a-lot-more-time-to-find-us.html
> Aliens need a lot more time to find us
> 20 January 2007
> "SO, WHERE is everybody?" Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi reportedly quipped
> to fellow physicists in 1950, when discussing why we haven't seen any
> signs of alien civilisations if, as many believe, our galaxy is teeming
> with life. Now, a maths model may have an answer to Fermi's paradox.
> Rasmus Bjørk of the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, has
> calculated that eight probes - travelling at a tenth of the speed of  
> light
> and each capable of launching up to eight sub-probes - would take about
> 100,000 years to explore a region of space containing 40,000 stars. When
> Bjørk scaled up the search to include 260,000 such systems in our  
> galaxy's
> habitable zone, the probes took almost 10 billion years - three-quarters
> the age of the universe - to explore just 0.4 per cent of the stars
> (www.arxiv.org/astro-ph/0701238v1).
> So, Bjørk's answer to the Fermi paradox: aliens haven't contacted us
> because they haven't had the time to find us yet.
> He adds that the search could be optimised by visiting only those stars
> that harbour habitable planets, which could be identified by
> planet-finding missions such as NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder. Bjørk  
> is
> also "cautiously optimistic" about listening out for aliens with radio
> telescopes.
>> From issue 2587 of New Scientist magazine, 20 January 2007, page 15

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Re: Would Maurice off the cylons and the borg? Re: [scifinoir2] Hello?

2007-01-18 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul
OH how I remember the cyber chest puffing of other communities. "Oh, you  
think x=8? I say x=13.5, sucka, and I think your white-washed mind can't  
HANDLE it!" The simplest conversations would flash into "yo momma" within  
hours, and there would be no way to chill it out. What a horrible period  
of time to recall. Sad to see that it's still going on out there. This is,  
hands down, my favorite online community of all time.


On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 13:46:52 -0500, Reece Jennings  

> My second home!  I may just cry!  Wait!  I'm a man.  I might just go get
> drunk!
> Tracey, I'm REALLY glad you're doing much better!
> Hello, old friends/acquaintances.  I  missed your smiling, witty,
> snickering, intelligent 'faces'.  :o)
> With some of the groups I belong to, I forget that intelligent debate and
> information exchange can
> Still be done without resorting to name-calling and invitations outside.
> No, NOT Blackfolks!  LOL!
> Maurice
> -Original Message-
> From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:58 PM
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Would Maurice off the cylons and the borg? Re: [scifinoir2]  
> Hello?
> Your Back  Yippie!  Hey everyone, I do not know if you remember him  
> but
> Maurice is back.  He and I are on a list called "blackfolks" and they are
> discussing the decision regarding killing all the cylons and whether they
> should have killed all the borg on Star Trek?
> The original question posed was:
> "Are there any Battlestar Galactica fans around?  And if so, if you had  
> the
> chance to infect the Cylons with a virus and wipe them out forever as the
> Colonials did would you?"
> Maurice C. Jennings wrote:
>> Anybody home?
> Scared
>> 2
>> Maurice

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Re: Would Maurice off the cylons and the borg? Re: [scifinoir2] Hello?

2007-01-18 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul
incredible question. And, just in time for Sunday!

I would kill all the Cylons, AND take the technology back. The Cylons are  
different than the Borg, though, and it's a crazy kind of different. The  
Borg assimilate entire races, whereas the Cylons are the race. So you're  
not GOING to kill off all the Borg because there are more of them than  
there are of you (humans), and the only defense you have against them is  
breaking up  the collective mind. Plus, you need the Borg. They keep the  
"survival of the fittest" going in the Universe. The Cylons are inferior  
in that they are trying so hard to  be like the parents who discarded  
them, that they don't see how powerful a force they could be in the Galaxy.

Without humanity, the Cylons have no purpose. Without humanity, the Borg  
still rock on.

- Daryle

On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:58:23 -0500, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.  
Minor) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Your Back  Yippie!  Hey everyone, I do not know if you remember him
> but Maurice is back.  He and I are on a list called "blackfolks" and
> they are discussing the decision regarding killing all the cylons and
> whether they should have killed all the borg on Star Trek?
> The original question posed was:
> "Are there any Battlestar Galactica fans around?  And if so, if you had
> the chance to infect the Cylons with a virus and wipe them out
> forever as the Colonials did would you?"

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Re: [scifinoir2] Blue Origin Revealed

2007-01-04 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul

Okay so wait.

Am I seeing things...or did this thing NOT GO ANYWHERE. Maybe it's just  
me, but I would imagine that there is a BG difference between moving  
an unmanned cone from one side of the hood to the other...and space  
travel. I know I'M not getting in that thing. It's a mite early to be  
"unveiling". There's work to be done. A first look at this point is  
something that goes into orbit, no?


On Thu, 04 Jan 2007 14:24:21 -0500, Brent Wodehouse  

> http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/01/03/26062.aspx
> Posted: Wednesday, January 03, 2007
> by Alan Boyle
> After years of working behind closed doors and locked gates, Amazon.com
> founder Jeff Bezos has finally lifted the curtain that shrouded Blue
> Origin, his space tourism venture.
> Among the goodies now displayed on Blue Origin's Web site are photos and
> videos from the venture's maiden test flight in November, as seen from  
> the
> ground as well as a rocket-cam ... pictures from the West Texas launch
> range and Blue Origin's production facility in a Seattle suburb ... and
> even the Blue Origin coat of arms, emblazoned with the motto "Gradatim
> Ferociter" (Step by Step, Courageously).
> Bezos founded Blue Origin in 2000, with the aim of developing a new type
> of vertical-takeoff, vertical-landing rocket ship capable of taking
> passengers to the edge of space. At altitudes in excess of 62 miles (100
> kilometers), customers should be able to scan Earth's curving expanse
> beneath a black sky, experience a few minutes of weightlessness and
> justifiably brag afterward that they've been to outer space. Blue  
> Origin's
> current development schedule calls for commercial trips to start in 2010.
> Details about the operation have been hard to come by. That bit about
> 2010, for example, comes from the environmental assessment that was
> required in order for the Federal Aviation Administration to approve test
> flights at the Blue Origin launch facility, built on Bezos' sprawling
> ranch near Van Horn, Texas. Even the illustration on the cover of the
> draft report was adapted from the design for the Delta Clipper, an
> earlier-generation rocket ship.
> Blue Origin's freshly updated Web site gives the public its first look at
> Goddard, the rocket prototype that's being used for the initial round of
> test flights. The cute, conical craft - named after rocket pioneer Robert
> Goddard - can be seen rising from a circular pad of concrete to a height
> of about 285 feet (87 meters), then coming back down to a soft landing.
> Nine thrusters are on the craft's underbelly. In its literature, Blue
> Origin says it's developing a peroxide/kerosene propulsion system, so I
> have to assume that's what's being used here.
> Accompanying all the snazzy graphics is a letter from Bezos himself, in
> which he explains Blue Origin's lofty goal:
> "We’re working, patiently and step-by-step, to lower the cost of
> spaceflight so that many people can afford to go and so that we humans  
> can
> better continue exploring the solar system. Accomplishing this mission
> will take a long time, and we’re working on it methodically. We believe  
> in
> incremental improvement and in keeping investments at a pace that's
> sustainable. Slow and steady is the way to achieve results, and we do not
> kid ourselves into thinking this will get easier as we go along. Smaller,
> more frequent steps drive a faster rate of learning, help us maintain
> focus, and give each of us an opportunity to see our latest work fly
> sooner."
> He also touts Amazon.com's S3 servers (which are housing the data on the
> Web site) as well as job opportunities at Blue Origin. The photos show  
> the
> brand-spanking-new digs at Blue Origin's production facility in Kent,
> Wash. ... cheering employees at the maiden launch in Texas ... and even a
> grinning Bezos holding a broken champagne cork ("Fortunately, our other
> valve operations went more smoothly," he joked).
> The employment angle appears to be the motivation behind the increased
> candor.
> "As you noted, the new site does make more information available to
> potential applicants for positions at Blue Origin," Bruce Hicks, a
> Houston-based spokesman for the venture, told me in an e-mail.
> The glasnost over Goddard still doesn't extend all the way, of course.  
> For
> example, there's no mention of Blue Origin's second, less spectacular  
> test
> run in December. In response to my inquiry about that, Hicks said, "I  
> just
> want to remind you that we said previously we didn't plan to comment one
> way or another about tests, whether they are scheduled, were scheduled,
> happened, didn't happen, etc."
> This means we'll just have to keep checking the FAA's notices to airmen
> for word of future tests.
> Also, there's no reference to the potential price tag for the commercial
> flights to come. It may well be that Bezos

Re: [scifinoir2] In the sky! A bird? A plane? A ... UFO?

2007-01-04 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul

I tell you, George and Bootsy will never get tired of the old "taking the  
tour ship into warp over airports" trick.

On Thu, 04 Jan 2007 13:42:53 -0500, Brent Wodehouse  

> http://www.chicagotribune.com/classified/automotive/columnists/chi-0701010141jan01,0,5874175.column?coll=chi-elections-utl
> Getting Around
> Jon Hilkevitch
> In the sky! A bird? A plane? A ... UFO?
> Video: UFO over O'Hare Airport?[javascript:playVideo('1147616', 'UFO
> spotted over O\'Hare Airport', 'v', 'News', '121434', 'News',
> 'fvCatNo=71776&backgroundImageURL=', 'video.chicagotribune.com');]
> Published January 1, 2007
> It sounds like a tired joke - but a group of airline employees insist  
> they
> are in earnest, and they are upset that neither their bosses nor the
> government will take them seriously.
> A flying saucerlike object hovered low over O'Hare International Airport
> for several minutes before bolting through thick clouds with such intense
> energy that it left an eerie hole in overcast skies, said some United
> Airlines employees who observed the phenomenon.
> Was it an alien spaceship? A weather balloon lost in the airspace over  
> the
> world's second-busiest airport? A top-secret military craft? Or simply a
> reflection from lights that played a trick on the eyes?
> Officials at United professed no knowledge of the Nov. 7 event - which  
> was
> reported to the airline by as many as a dozen of its own workers - when
> the Tribune started asking questions recently. But the Federal Aviation
> Administration said its air traffic control tower at O'Hare did receive a
> call from a United supervisor asking if controllers had spotted a
> mysterious elliptical-shaped craft sitting motionless over Concourse C of
> the United terminal.
> No controllers saw the object, and a preliminary check of radar found
> nothing out of the ordinary, FAA spokeswoman Elizabeth Isham Cory said.
> The FAA is not conducting a further investigation, Cory said. The theory
> is the sighting was caused by a "weather phenomenon," she said.
> The UFO report has sparked some chuckles among controllers in O'Hare  
> tower.
> "To fly 7 million light years to O'Hare and then have to turn around and
> go home because your gate was occupied is simply unacceptable," said
> O'Hare controller and union official Craig Burzych.
> Some of the witnesses, interviewed by the Tribune, said they are upset
> that neither the government nor the airline is probing the incident.
> Whatever the object was, it could have interfered with O'Hare's radar and
> other equipment, and even created a collision risk, they said.
> The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (the term that  
> extraterrestrial-watchers
> nowadays prefer over Unidentified Flying Object) was first seen by a
> United ramp worker who was directing back a United plane at Gate C17,
> according to an account the worker provided to the National UFO Reporting
> Center.
> The sighting occurred during daylight, about 4:30 p.m., just before  
> sunset.
> All the witnesses said the object was dark gray and well defined in the
> overcast skies. They said the craft, estimated by different accounts to  
> be
> 6 feet to 24 feet in diameter, did not display any lights.
> Some said it looked like a rotating Frisbee, while others said it did not
> appear to be spinning. All agreed the object made no noise and it was at  
> a
> fixed position in the sky, just below the 1,900-foot cloud deck, until
> shooting off into the clouds.
> Witnesses shaken by sighting
> "I tend to be scientific by nature, and I don't understand why aliens
> would hover over a busy airport," said a United mechanic who was in the
> cockpit of a Boeing 777 that he was taxiing to a maintenance hangar when
> he observed the metallic-looking object above Gate C17.
> "But I know that what I saw and what a lot of other people saw stood out
> very clearly, and it definitely was not an [Earth] aircraft," the  
> mechanic
> said.
> One United employee appeared emotionally shaken by the sighting and
> "experienced some religious issues" over it, one co-worker said.
> A United manager said he ran outside his office in Concourse B after
> hearing the report about the sighting on an internal airline radio
> frequency.
> "I stood outside in the gate area not knowing what to think, just trying
> to figure out what it was," he said. "I knew no one would make a false
> call like that. But if somebody was bouncing a weather balloon or
> something else over O'Hare, we had to stop it because it was in very  
> close
> proximity to our flight operations."
> Some joke, others research
> The databases of various UFO-watching groups are full of accounts filed  
> by
> pilots about sightings of unknown aircraft and anomalies that affected
> navigational equipment onboard planes.
> Whether any of the UFO incidents are real or merely the result of
> individual perceptions, some expe

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: "Dreamgirls"- My Take

2007-01-04 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul

Great stuff, Keith.

I noticed this morning that Dreamgirls was the #3 movie last weekend, and  
was only on on 852 screens. Night At the Museum and Pursuit of Happyness  
were on 3800 and 2800 screens, respectively, and were the #1 and #2  
movies. The rest of the list were on a minimum of 2 thousand screens. So a  
movie like Dreamgirls can do really  well without a lot of marketing (just  
great press) and good placement.

I am interested to see how Dreamgirls does on DVD. If it does as well as  
"Ray", then I think we've found our Black movie distribution method.  
George Lucas may be right. THeaters might  be for blockbusters and  
franchises,and home video may be for film and interesting stories.

On Wed, 03 Jan 2007 09:31:18 -0500, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Saw this last week (for the wife, you know!)   For my money, the best  
> movie about Blacks in the music biz is still Robert Townsend's "The Five  
> Heartbeats", but "Dreamgirls" is a fun flick. Very good, entertaining  
> movie. Kinda light and fluffy like a marshmellow, but that's okay.  The  
> following is my review, published at the website "Playahata".  Go to  
> www.playahata.com, click on "Movie Reviews" at the top, and look for   
> the movie in the alphabetized list.   Be warned: the site itself can be  
> kinda raw in language at times, but it's not too bad. (Hey, I'm sure  
> Shakespeare had to drop some hip-hip reviews before he got his big break
> too!)
> You can also find my reviews of "Stranger than Fiction" and "Crank"  
> (awful, awful movie!) at the site.
> Dreamgirls Category: Drama, Musical/Performing Arts and Adaptation
> Rating: PG-13 for language, some sexuality and drug content.
> Run Time: 2 hr 05 min.
> Starring: Beyonce Knowles, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Danny Glover,  
> Jennifer Hudson
> Directed by Bill Condon
> Produced by Patricia Whitcher, Laurence Mark
> Written by: Bill Condon (screenplay), Tom Eyen (source)
> Distributed by Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks SKG
> Release Date: December 25th, 2006
> Synopsis: Effie White, Deena Jones, and Lorrell Robinson - three friends  
> from Chicago - are a promising singing trio called The Dreamettes.  
> Accompanied by their songwriter C.C. White (Effie's brother), they  
> travel to New York to compete in a talent show at the Apollo Theatre.  
> Although the girls lose this first bid for fame, their talent attracts  
> an ambitious manager by the name of Curtis Taylor, Jr., who uses  
> unscrupulous tactics to move the girls from backup singers of superstar  
> James "Thunder" Early to superstars of their own. Curtis reshapes the  
> group to "crossover" from R & B to the lucrative pop music scene. Lead  
> singer Effie gets replaced by the more attractive Deena and is  
> eventually dropped from the trio. The group evolves into a more  
> sophisticated group, The Dreams, with a lighter sound and chic look.  
> They successfully attract a "whiter" audience and The Dreams rise to  
> international stardom. The money, fame, and adulation, howev er, doesn't  
> bring them happiness.
> TsarBernard (a.k.a. Keith Johnson) Says Overall: A
> Reviewing “Dreamgirls” is almost a waste of time. With a stellar cast  
> and kickin’ soundtrack, it would succeed whether critics hated or loved  
> it. People expect it to be good, period. And they’d be right. This is a  
> fun, moving, toe-tapping, hand-clapping, gorgeously produced film.
> The movie kicks into high gear from the very first scene. We meet “The  
> Dreamettes”, a group of eager young singers competing in a music contest  
> at a Detroit theatre reminiscent of The Apollo. Though amateurs, they  
> wow the audience. Through the machinations of car dealer and would-be  
> music mogul Curtis Taylor (Jamie Foxx in a none-too-secret Barry Gordy  
> impersonation), the Dreamettes lose the competition, but are “saved” by  
> Taylor. He gets them hired singing backup for James “Thunder” Early,  
> (Eddie Murphy) a James Brown type who’s hot in the R&B world. Everyone’s  
> excited about the opportunity but Effie, who doesn’t trust Taylor. She  
> relents, however, and soon gives in to Taylor’s charms.
> You know the rest of the story: Taylor guides the Dreamettes to a  
> successful career with Early, in time changing their style to one less  
> soulful, but more palatable to the sought-after white audience. The  
> Dreamettes ultimately become a group in their own right–the Dreams–and  
> go on to pop glory. Along the way there’s backstage trysts,  
> manipulations, and backstabbing a-plenty, most significantly, the  
> replacement of Effie as lead singer by Deena (Beyonce Knowles). Early  
> deems Effie’s more stereotypically Black figure, features, and voice a  
> hindrance to his goal of crossover success. Instead he backs slim,  
> light-skinned, prettier (at least, to Early) Deena. Early knows Deena’s  
> voice isn’t that great, but as he tells her later, it’s her very  
> blandness that he likes, as it makes he

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Fantastic Four / Silver Surfer Preview

2007-01-02 Thread The Yokozuna of Soul
Okay, I realize that I was out of it for a minute and all, but uhm...this  
looks awesome. Sure, I'm biased because I'm a Fantastic Four guy, but does  
anyone else care that Silver Surfer has been done right? I understand that  
there will  be Fantasticar scenes as well. Only a hokey looking Galactus  
(or a similar script as the first  movie) could ruin this.

On Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:33:15 -0500, g123curious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Try this:
> www.apple.com/trailers/fox/fantasticfourriseofthesilversurfer/
> George
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> the link won't work for me
>> Said Kakese Dibinga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   (http://www.apple. com/trailers/ fox/fantasticfou
> rriseofthesilver surfer/large. html)
>> http://blog.thebayindogroup.com/

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