[sdre-l]: New song on Fire Theft...

2002-10-27 Thread Lance Ferris
Be forewarned, it sounds like it could have come off of The Rising Tide,
and that'll be either good or bad depending on what you like.

[sdre-l]: SDRE: Local

2001-12-11 Thread Lance Ferris

Please reply privately to the locale question!  Merci!

** Have no friends not equal to yourself. **  
**  - Confucius, Analects **

[no subject]

2001-11-29 Thread Lance Ferris

Please reply to the age question PRIVATELY!  Thanks!

** Have no friends not equal to yourself. **  
**  - Confucius, Analects **

[sdre-l]: Ai-yi-yi zordon!

2001-11-29 Thread Lance Ferris

Oy vey!  Now I know to send out the Please reply to this message
privately before I send out said message - but just to show I care,
here's the people who responded publicly but I'm putting all into one
email so you don't get 7 at once (and this is the last I'm doing it, as of
10:20 EST)

John Despirito - 24 now, heard Diary 17, joined list 19 (same as me, xcept
I am not sure when I joined the list - soon after it started, that much I
Jackie Spiro: i'm 21, and started to listen to SDRE when i was 14, also
around the time
diary came out.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I am currently 18, but i started listening to Sunny Day
when I was 12 (6thgrade)
Mike \Skinnyness\ Wiegand [EMAIL PROTECTED] i'm 20, i picked up
Diary when i was 17.
steve chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] twenty three.
started listening to them when i was twenty one.  i guess i'm fresh blood.
Marcella  Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] I myself am 22, I'll be 23 in January. I
started listening to SDRE when I
was 16 also. Hmmm, what a coincidence.

Ok, not the easiest to read, but there you have it - any furthur public
ones won't be passed on though - I do have a full-time job, you know. :)

PS I think conclusively most of us arenm't 16 year old horn-rimmed
glass-wearing people.  

** Have no friends not equal to yourself. **  
**  - Confucius, Analects **

[sdre-l]: Sunny Day on Bravo?

2001-08-24 Thread Lance Ferris

Oddly enough, I just saw a commercial for a movie to play on Bravo called
Drive, She Said...and In Circles was playing, over which they showed
shots from the movie!  It was extremely weird to hear Sunny Day coming out
of my TV!

It had Moira Kelly but that was the only name I recognized...according to
IMDB, the movie was made in Canada (Figures, as Bravo is a Canadian
channel)..not much else on it.  I thought it was that indie film that
Jeremy and WIll did a while back, but it isn't.  How very odd.

Actually, now that I think about it, it may not have been In Circles -
but I can't find my SDRE Diary CD, and my Netscape isnt' working, but it
was the song that had the line take a breath (in) time chance to run
away (I think - going on memory here)

** Have no friends not equal to yourself. **  
**  - Confucius, Analects **

[sdre-l]: New/Old News?

2001-07-02 Thread Lance Ferris

Says on the official page that Will and Jeremy are doing a project
together - but it wasput up on the 12th of June?  So sorta new, somewhat
old news - where's the newshawks who pick these things up right away? :)

** Have no friends not equal to yourself. **  
**  - Confucius, Analects **

[sdre-l]: Forwarded mail....

2001-06-14 Thread Lance Ferris

Don't know how you blame record companies for this - Timebomb was dropped,
not Sunny Day.  In fact, it sounds like once they realized they wern't
signed to a 'big' label anymore, Sunny Day just took thier guitars and
went home.  

Didn't the band Sloan do this a while ago, break up, then re-form just
so they were out of the contract they were under?  ALthough in that case
it was going from a big label to a indie label...

With only the posting on In The Blue to go by, it sure doesn't casta
good light on the threesome.  They said how much they enjoyed playing
together again when they re-formed, and now they're getting stressed out
because of managment/label changes, so they decide to call it quits?
Again, I'm hoping there's more to it than that, but from what I've read on
In The Blue, thye only like to play together when things are good...

** Have no friends not equal to yourself. **  
**  - Confucius, Analects **

[sdre-l]: FERRIS

2001-02-18 Thread Lance Ferris

On Sat, 17 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ryan, having been on the mailing list for no doubt as long as you myself,
I feel I am qualified to reply to this - I've yet to see anyone post any
message that says the following: "TRT sucked, why don't they break up the
band because they suck so much?  They suck-diddly-uck and should be a band
no more."

Having said that, your argument seems to be a bit of a strawman - no one
is saying they should break up.  So, to me at least, it's like your trying
to address a problem that doesn't exist.  

Furthermore, it is my opinion that, by and large, TRT wasn't all that
good. Not bad, but bad for SDRE.  Does that mean they should break up?
Hell no, they can keep doing whatever they want, I've long since moved on
to bands like  Cursive to get my Diary-era music fix.  However, it also
doesn't mean that we can't properly roast them for putting out something
that many don't like.  

Yet, at the same time, a lot of people need to lighten up.  Personally, I
give bands a 'breathing room' of about two or three album - if they put
out two or three albums that I just plain do not like, then they don't get
my interest or my money without them having to re-prove themselves (in
other words, I am not there at the music stores the day the CD comes out,
regardless of if I've heard it or not).  Tori Amos has run out of
breathing room with her last few albums; Sunny Day I still believe in.

Incidentally, the way the songs sound live is of little importance - if
they don't sound good on the CD, people won't go to the shows (except the
fans like you and I who know they rock live).  The first exposure to a
band more often than not comes by way of Radio or CD in the 'big buisness'
marketplace, which it seems SDRE is trying to crack.  Relying on good live
shows to hook new viewers doesn't work when live shows are stuffed with
people who are already fans - preaching to the converted, if you will.  

Finally, just a list moderation note - posts strictly about hum are a
no-go, so try to mix in some SDRE opinion or facts with your posts.  And
try notto restate opinions in your own words - adda  new thought to it.
Obviously in this sort of discussion lots of people feel the same way, so
if you make a post that doesn't point out anything new, i.e. you deliver
the same analysis of a song or whatever as someone else already ahs, it's
not likely to go through because that's basically just a me-too post.
(Having said that I don't have a photographic memory of what has and
hasn't been said so there's probably still a 50/50 chance it'll go
thorugh. :))

(In short, RYan, I agree they rock live but don't see that people are
saying they should break up.  People can complain about the band if they
want to because those sort of opinions are just as valid as complimentary

 I don't know why, but i'm gonna apologize in advance (probably because
 i'm planning on using foul language.)
 I've been on this list a long time (a LONG time).  Don't take that as me
 saying i'm better or more intelligent or anything, i'm just saying that
 i've been around the block here a few times.  (If i thought i was better
 than you, i'd tell you straight up :-)  ).  I've heard complaints about
 TRT come and go.  I heard complaints about HIFTBSO.  And through it all
 i've just kind of chuckled on the inside.
 how many of you have seen them live?  those of you who have are quite
 lucky.  I myself have been the lucky member of about 8 shows.  Every
 single show was awesome.  every fucking song that they played was off
 the hook amazing.  I don't care how it sounded on the record, live,
 those songs held up and they fucking rocked the house.
 now...  how many of you were around when there was no SDRE?  either
 before or after the break up, doesn't matter.  Remember how much it
 sucked to love the band so much, but it really didn't matter because
 they weren't there?  Remember how fucking great it felt when we heard
 that they were back in the studio?  remember that show at the moore
 theater where there wasn't a dry eye in the house?
 through all your complaints of TRT (and even HIFTBSO), would you rather
 go back to the days where there WAS NO sdre?  would you rather be robbed
 of those live shows?  miss out on those moments of pure elation and
 sorrow at the same time?  remember that this means that you will never
 have the chance to see the "old" songs be played either...  
 i don't think so..  and if you do, then you shouldn't waste your time
 with this mailing list.  so...  don't tell me how much you think TRT
 sucks.  it's a mute point and i could give a fuck.  just be happy that
 they're playing music (and that will's not a foo fighter).  
 ryan out.
  I heard about that too.  From what i remember, dan took a much more involved
  approach into the lyrics than jeremy did, probably just because jeremy was
  busy playing guitar, bass, piano, etc...
  Lyrics are the 

[sdre-l]: FAQ/How to Unsubscribe!

2001-02-01 Thread Lance Ferris

Yes, it's been a while, but here's a link to the faq, and instructions on
how to unsubscribe!

The faq is at - http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~mark/faq.html

As for how to unsubscribe...

Send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Nothing in the SUBJECT header, and no .sig files attatched!
 Write the following, without the " marks:

"unsubscribe sdre-l [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

And that's IT!  

Common mistakes - 

People send it to the list, not Majordomo.
People put a number one (1) instead of the lower-case letter "L".
People ask meto unsubscribe them instead of doing it themselves. :)

** "Have no friends not equal to yourself." **  
**  - Confucius, "Analects" **

[sdre-l]: Cursive and SDRE???

2000-10-22 Thread Lance Ferris

Damn, I can't believe Cursive played with Sunny Day.  Anyone who has a
boot of this show, please email me!  Cursive are beyond incredible.
Sometimes late at night I think about changing this from a SDRE-list into
a Cursive-list.  They're that damn good. :)

** "Have no friends not equal to yourself." **  
**  - Confucius, "Analects" **

[sdre-l]: SDRE Mix Tape

2000-09-30 Thread Lance Ferris

Send replies to the person who posted about the mix tape privately - we
can't have 700+ people posting thier 'ideal sunny day mix' to the list. :)

** "Have no friends not equal to yourself." **  
**  - Confucius, "Analects" **

[sdre-l]: Message from Dan

2000-08-26 Thread Lance Ferris

Just a message from dan that was on the message board on the official site
that I happened across - if anyone reads that board regularly, if they
could copy anything Dan says for the list, that'd be great.  I know he
occasionally makes posts to the message board there, but I dno't have the
time to check it every day...so here it is, from Dan: 

hey all- man, our news section is lame isn't it? so we're working on
that... hopefully have
info soon on the next north american run, as well as the european
adventure in
november, plus cool reviews and interviews and such... my website
benchmark is john's
page 'in the blue' and we are falling waaayyy short... keep those tour
pics coming
though, we have the credits thing somewhat worked out. also, i want to
start a section
devoted to live videos similar to the photo gallery... i guess there are
some really cool
ones floating around out there. as soon as something comes together with
the live 'one'
thing we'll post that too... we've got a lot of work to do! as far as
florida goes, i'm sorry
but we still don't have a date there... we're working on it, but running
into resistance
from booking agents down there for some weird reason. we haven't given up
** "Have no friends not equal to yourself." **  
**  - Confucius, "Analects" **

[sdre-l]: DMB

2000-08-14 Thread Lance Ferris

Personally,a fter reading the chat, I get the impression that while
touring with DMB is a possibility, it's not one Dan is thrilled about -
the stadium/arena comment was said more in like "We'll never play
stadium/arenas" then "We're thinking of playing stadiums next tour".  I'd
have to go back and re-read, but that was the impression I got off of it.

** "Have no friends not equal to yourself." **  
**  - Confucius, "Analects" **

[sdre-l]: About Trades/Sales...

2000-08-13 Thread Lance Ferris

While I can't outright ban posts dealing with people who have things for
trade/sale, at the same time they are not worth the inevitable hate-mail
that occurs whenever people get these posts.  So to sum up the argument -

Point - Money should not be made off of SDRE's merchandise
Counterpoint - some people have nothing to trade, and willingly pay money
Counter-counterpoint - some people will give things away for free/price of
FinalPoint - it's not my, or anyone else's, job to make sure that people
are aware of the many possibilities for trade/selling that exists.  As
buyers/traders, it's the responsibility of the people to seek out the best
buy.  Caveat Emptor - Let the buyer beware.  I'm not here to baby anyone
and lead them to the best buy.

As such, posts listing things for sale/trade will be let through.
Bitching and complaining about it will not.  If someone wants to post a
list of things they have available for free, that goes too.  Snide
comments like "This is free, don't buy from John Smith" followed bya  list
of free stuff WON'T be let through - just state "I have the following
available for free".

On a final note - EBay posts won't be let through, because I dont' have
the time to check each link to make sure it's something SDRE-related.  If
you have something to auction off, you can always post it here - you have
over 800 SDRE fans available to bid, just manage the auction yourself.
THis is of course up for debate, if someone can convince me of the merits
of ebay over a list auction, although he entire no-time-to-check-links
argument from me is a hard point to overcome.

(Personally, the conecept of free trade seems ideal to me, but my opinion
can't really enter into matters related to moderation of the list
(ideally), so don't send me a bunch of mail telling me not to approve
messages advertising sales.  Caveat Emptor.)

** "Have no friends not equal to yourself." **  
**  - Confucius, "Analects" **

[sdre-l]: Finally back up and working!

2000-08-11 Thread Lance Ferris

Ok, at long last the list is back up and working for the forseeable
future.  My new list-compatible email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and so
long as hwcn.org doesn't change THIER email system, it should be clear
sailing here on in.  All the email sent int he past two weeks (not much)
is lost though, sorry about that.  Anyways, fire away with the messages!

** "Have no friends not equal to yourself." **  
**  - Confucius, "Analects" **