[sdre-l]: hello

2000-01-12 Thread dmarchant1

i hope the list runs up to par now.  Thanks Ferris for taking on the
responsibility. ok, does ANYONE have the 'friday(original).mp3' that was
in the now defunct sdre audio archive??? i can't find it anywhere. it
has some of the chorus replaced with just a few guitar chords.  It is
really old, but very rad. please someone, i know somebody must have it.
if you do can you just e-mail it to me or direct to a place where i can
find it? again, this is not the mp3 from the pink album, it's a really
old recording. thank you. josh

[sdre-l]: Far and 5/4

2000-01-19 Thread dmarchant1

5/4: at the end of the song, Jeremy sings something along the lines of

   I'm Lost In You
   Open My Eyes
   You Set Me Free   (lyrics from ansigod's web site,
not my own)
   Won't Lift Me Up
   You Held Me
   I'm Lost In You
   You're Jesus

okay, you still with me?  now my question is this: Is Jeremy saying all
of what this person has done for him, and identifying that person as
being Jesus? or is he saying these things about someone and then using
Jesus as a metaphor? in other words, is he literally talking about
Jesus, or comparing someone else to Jesus? I still don't know if i am
clarifying this correctly to get the kind of response i am looking for,
but we'll see.  please post your thoughts on this. it should make good
list discussion.

concerning Far:  If you can name a band it always seems someone on the
sdre-l knows them too.  I've heard them and I also believe they are
among the best emo bands, if you can really call them that.  They played
a show here in SLC utah a few years back that i remember.

Luke R Beaulieu wrote:

> Around '89-'90 Jeremy was in a band called Tears For The King with
> members of poor old lu (POL got their name from The Voyage of the Dawn
> Treader by C.S.Lewis)
> i was at their site and i found an unoffcial website @
> http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~bpmccal/sdre.html
> You know the song "Round"off of Diary? it reminds me of that song "put
> a
> little love in your heart" off the movie Sgrooged. Does any one know
> what
> i'm talking about or am i sick in the head.
> Out of all these bands that you guys talk about i wonder if i'm the
> only
> one who has heard of Far. They are probably the second best "emo"band
> ever. Even though they are no longer around they definitly kicked
> ass.I
> mean the even had a song on buffy the vampire slayer once. sometimes
> you
> know when you've arrived.
> Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
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Re: [sdre-l]: Far and 5/4

2000-01-20 Thread dmarchant1

yes. this is what i originally thought. But then I realized if he became
christian before this, then maybe he is literally talking about Jesus.
I don't think any of us know exactly when he began to look for God, for
so I don't know if we'll ever resolve anything.

Lisa Metelka wrote:

> i dunno...if i was the one that wrote this, to me it'd
> mean how much i realize that i'm in love with someone.
> that it is more real that what i ever dreamed love to
> be like.  jesus is being compared to love.does
> that make sense?
> >I'm Lost In You
> >Open My Eyes
> >You Set Me Free
> >Won't Lift Me Up
> >You Held Me
> >I'm Lost In You
> >You're Jesus
> >
> > okay, you still with me?  now my question is this:
> > Is Jeremy saying all
> > of what this person has done for him, and
> > identifying that person as
> > being Jesus? or is he saying these things about
> > someone and then using
> > Jesus as a metaphor? in other words, is he literally
> > talking about
> > Jesus, or comparing someone else to Jesus? I still
> > don't know if i am
> > clarifying this correctly to get the kind of
> > response i am looking for,
> > but we'll see.  please post your thoughts on this.
> =
> "Without struggle, there is no progress"
> -Fredrick Douglass
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
> http://im.yahoo.com

Re: [sdre-l]: NEW MP3 review

2000-02-26 Thread dmarchant1

I like it, but I thought Dan said this album was going to be more like diary and
lp2.  All I can feel is HIFTBSO with this song.  I hope all of the new songs
aren't going to feel this way.  I want the 'less-produced' sound they used to
have. oh well. it is really good.


> I love SDRE, they are my fave band. I wouldnt say I dont like the song, but I
> would say that if this is the best song they chose to preview the album, dont
> look for it to be their best.
> Matt
> bottom line, ok song, but not near as good as most Sunny Day.

Re: [sdre-l]: NEW MP3 review

2000-02-27 Thread dmarchant1

It's hard to say, it's more of a feeling, but alas, it is the sound of
I hate to say it but kind of a 'grungier' sound. I know this will be
misunderstood and misinterpreted from what I want it to mean, but that is the
problem with communication. I just mean it seems that HIFTBSO and the ocean
have a feel like they have been through producing and producing and direction
given by producers (directors) and not just what the band would play without
it. ignore me.


> what is this "less-produced" sound you speak of? please explain.
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2000 10:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [sdre-l]: NEW MP3 review
> > I like it, but I thought Dan said this album was going to be more like
> diary and
> > lp2.  All I can feel is HIFTBSO with this song.  I hope all of the new
> songs
> > aren't going to feel this way.  I want the 'less-produced' sound they used
> to
> > have. oh well. it is really good.

Re: [sdre-l]: NEW MP3 review

2000-02-27 Thread dmarchant1

But what did Joe Bass mean when he said it would have a sound more like Diary
and lp2 than HIFTBSO? It doesn't seem that way to me, so far. Then again, this
is only one song, and we shouldn't jump to conclusions about how the whole
album will sound.

Mikie Lewinski wrote:

> ok, if any of you are expecting diary, you are obviously going to be
> disapointed, and i bet you were with how it feels. but the fact of the
> matter is that bands change, and bands mature. this is definately a mature
> sounding song. i love it. it was great. really slow, and im convinced that
> any 3 based time signature gets me interested. its really slow, and really
> beautiful. amazing, it gave me chills.
> m.
> >Subject: Re: [sdre-l]: NEW MP3 review
> >Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 22:43:06 EST
> >
> >I love SDRE, they are my fave band. I wouldnt say I dont like the song, but
> >I
> >would say that if this is the best song they chose to preview the album,
> >dont
> >look for it to be their best.
> >
> >Matt
> >bottom line, ok song, but not near as good as most Sunny Day.
> >
> >
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com


2000-03-01 Thread dmarchant1

The deal with this whole change thing is this: most people here agree that a
band should change and develop.   Most of you guys here are flaming me for
saying I want another diary, but The Ocean could easiily belong on HIFTBSO. I
don't see how you can say 'not another diary, that would mean they are not
changing, a band should always be evolving and becoming something else' , but
this song, in my opinion, has not really changed from the stuff on HIFTBSO. This
is only my opinion,  as is everything i say (e.e. cummings loosely quoted).


> Like most, i didn't like it the first time I heard it, but even a little ways
> into the second time it was growing on me.  I don't see comparisons to
> Radiohead, and i stand to make this opinion cuz i love radiohead too.  sorry
> if that came out pompous.
> i also agree with the majority that appreciate change.  if they released
> another diary it would be boring and it would also make diary seem boring.
> on a final note, i think it's weird how a song so slow caught on and moved so
> quickly...
> thank god (or sdre) for the ocean
> ant

Re: [sdre-l]: the shark's own private fuck

2000-02-14 Thread dmarchant1

Joris Dirks wrote:

guys, Everyone here
is wondering what the shark's own private fuck is about.I
know there was a rumour going that the song was about Nate, the old bassplayer.But
I think that's a bit fabricated. But, yes, I could be true...

I read somewhere that Will just kind of jokingly suggested it, which
makes sense, because Jeremy I don't think would swear like that, being
the christian he is.

[sdre-l]: covers by us

2000-02-20 Thread dmarchant1

I have been thinking lately that it would be cool if we could get people on
this list to do covers of SDRE songs.  I am in a band, and I think it'd be fun,
after all there is no better way to gather a love for a song than to plaay the
song yourself.  Maybe if each band that is affiliated with the list could do a
song and tape it, then someone(possibly me) could put them all together on tape
or CD and distribute it to list members.  Yeah, it will problably never happen,
but I think it would be an enjoyable experience.  If anyone on the list is in a
band and would be interested, then post your ideas on the subject.


> why would you put a cover song on YOUR demo.  its not yours.  a demo should
> be showing your songwriting and sound, not someone else's.  all you would be
> doing is showing you can play an instrument and can read tab, which a monkey
> could do.
> the idea of doing a SDRE tribute album is amusing, especially since SDRE is
> together right now.  it would be a good way for a band to get known.  the
> only problem i see with it is that SDRE songs are arranged and played in a
> certain way, and for a band to take a song and rearrange it or play it
> differently can take away from the song itself.  the cover song just might
> now be as emotionally arousing as the original.  that is just a problem with
> covers in general i guess. any thoughts on this?

[sdre-l]: mp3

2000-03-02 Thread dmarchant1

if you need an easy way to get the rare mp3s, go to mp3.lycos.com and
search for them. I just found this site. maybe it's been mentrioned
before. they've got tons of live stuff and rare things. unfortunately,
they also have the three lp's :(

[sdre-l]: our covers

2000-03-06 Thread dmarchant1

so pirxzero, what's going on with our covers? nobody can reach you.
which sdre songs are taken? I need to reserve one if it's still going
on. email me back

[sdre-l]: empty set

2000-04-22 Thread dmarchant1

I'm wondering about these empty set demos i've heard about on the list. what
are they?

[sdre-l]: salt lake city

2000-06-24 Thread dmarchant1

This show was the greatest I've ever seen.  The highlights were j'nuh
and the rising tide.  J'nuh was the most beautiful thing I've ever
heard, seriously. In Circles sounded great. I also loved the ending to
the rising tide how they mixed it up a bit and added new pieces. I'm
still thinking of j'nuh. After seeing them play the new songs live,
without all of the production problems that are present on the new cd, I
gained much respect for their new songs.  It was easier to listen to the
real music rather than focusing on the cheesy guitars and the
commercially-aimed vocals. How wonderful.

Re: [sdre-l]: Merch list and prices - 3rd stop: Boulder, Colorado

2000-06-25 Thread dmarchant1


Long Sleeve shirts - 20 bucks
Diary, LP2 - 10 bucks
Rising Tide - 12 bucks
vinyl Diary, LP2 - 8 bucks
vinyl Rising Tide - 10 bucks

Rob Riss wrote:

> Hey,
> Just got back from the Boulder, Colorado show, and it was simply
> fan-tas-tic.  Nothing bad to say, except for the fans, who this time are
> known for stealing merch from other fans and starting fights after the show,
> not to mention the usual screaming for songs they'll never play.  Nice job
> boulder!
> First off, the merch prices.  I'm not sure if anyone has written these in
> yet, but it's a good thing to know, so i'll do it again.
> Shirts - 15 bucks.  3 or 4 choices or so, the coolest being the Thief steal
> me a peach shirt on white with a bright orange peach.
> Pillowcases - 15 bucks.  Comes in a two pillowcase set, written in Jeremy's
> script handwriting from How it feels.  First pillow case says, "Morning
> comes in the dream before we rise", second says, "when we linger side by
> side", white cases with light blue writing.
> Patches, or "armbands" - 3 bucks, black with a white "rodeo jones" written
> across it, pretty big, looks like about 10 inches.
> Stickers - a buck each, ouch.  Circle stickers in black or red with the fly
> on it.
> Posters - 2 bucks.  Good price, but they're pretty small, with a shot of the
> band and sdre written above it.  Better than the live poster, but still,
> nothing compared to Chris Thompson's artwork.
> That's about it.  I didn't catch the prices for the CDs or records, but they
> had the rising tide LP in double, green vinyl.  Cool!!
> Notice that the AD site was selling the shirts for 20 bucks?  Get yours on
> tour while you can, i have a feeling we'll get the money whipped from our
> hands indiana jones style when the online store becomes more complete.
> Oh, for no knife, shirts were 10 bucks.  They did a great job, people were
> going nuts for them.  Yes, they did close with Mission control, and played
> it great. The blonde guitar player can play some mean riffs, and is a great
> singer as well.  Bass player was tight as hell, too.  Amazing band!
> Sdre came out, played mainly songs off the new album, one from the pink
> album and two from diary, i think just two from how it feels.  No need to
> review it, just as magical as usual.  Between songs, someone shouted "hey
> will, foo fighters suck!", which he seemed to not find too amusing, and gave
> a gesture that looked like, "hey now, no shit-talkin".  Besides that, that's
> it!
> Have a great night,
> -Rob
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [sdre-l]: Lyric Writing

2000-06-28 Thread dmarchant1

I don't know about this.  The person who wrote the lyrics to diary definitely
also wrote the lyrics to the pink album, whoever that is.  But whoever wrote the
rising tide lyrics was absolutely positively not the same person who wrote the
majority of the lyrics on diary. sorry if it makes no sense.

Bruce Labbate wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 12:05:20PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Does anyone have an idea of how great the contribution in lyric writing is
> > from Dan Hoerner?  I had been under the impression that Jeremy wrote most of
> > the songs but my friend seems to think that Dan does the majority of the
> > songwriting.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.
> I believe that Dan wrote most of the lyrics on Diary, but since then,
> it's been Jeremy writing them.
> --
> Bruce Labbate  CS Jr  cs2330 TA | Some other candy matrimony
> Georgia Institute of Technology | That strips the night I breathe ...
> Phone:  (404)206-4638   | Maybe next time.
> Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | - Sunny Day

[sdre-l]: equipment

2000-07-03 Thread dmarchant1

I am buying a bunch of new equipment and am looking for a sdre sound
from the time of Diary. Can you guys tell me about the equipment Dan and
Jeremy used back then? I guess they used SGs, right? Does anyone know
what style/year or anything more specific about their guitars? What
about pedals, amps, etc? thank you.

[sdre-l]: empty set

2000-07-03 Thread dmarchant1

what are the empty set demos?