Authorization Layer post JEP 411

2021-06-02 Thread Peter Firmstone

A comment from Ron highlites our issue:

the JDK contains only things that either only the JDK can technically do

We have a need to distinguish between different sources of code, as well 
as user principles, and as well as Services.   Our services are loaded 
by separate ClassLoaders and are to some extent sandboxed as Ron's 
example suggests.

And we have a need to control access based on these entities.

We have always strived to be cross platform and tested on other JVM's 
such as J9.

It's just very hard to see any solutions without AccessController and 

We don't need SecurityManager (although we still need a Policy provider, 
because ProtectionDomain calls it, but we don't need a policy 
implementation, just the provider, feel free to remove Java's PolicyFile 
implementation), if we added a provider interface to Guard.check and 
changed all permission checks to call their superclass method Guard.check.

That authorization layer provider could be called Authority and it can 
have one single method:

Authority::confirm(Permission p) throws SecurityException;

We need the power of AccessController's stack walk, StackWalker doesn't 
work with compiled code, only bytecode.

AccessController and AccessControlContext allow backward compatiblity 
for JAAS.   JAAS whether we like it or not, is the default authorisation 
layer framework.

We could create a new property that bypasses the AccessController's 
stack walk for those who don't need to control CodeSource access. (Just 
create a ProtectionDomain containing a Subject).


With SecurityManager gone, people will no longer assume it has sole 
responsible for Security and OpenJDK devs won't carry a significant 
burden for it's maintenance.  Any security issues will be the 
responsibility of third party implementations, like mine.

The JDK won't provide an implementation, just the framework.

Those of us using the Principle of Least Privilege can continue to do so 
and we can participate in OpenJDK to maintain Permission checks where we 
need them and preserve context where appropriate.

JAAS will continue to remain functional and it's performance will 
increase significantly (it performs very well with my Policy 
implementation, even with stack walks).

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: JEP 411 - Secure Java Distribution

2021-06-02 Thread Peter Firmstone

Thanks Andrew,

I've been thinking about how to do this in a compatible manner.

The Guard.check call checks whether SecurityManager is enabled.

All permission checks in the JDK could be changed to call the 
Guard.check method.  Unfortunately other permission checks in user code 
will be broken, if they don't utilise this method, but often the most 
important permissions are those defined in JDK code.

If we modify this method to look for a provider that's outside the 
java.* namespace.

Then we have a point in the code where we can do something like 
SecurityManager, without requiring SecurityManager.

Next step will be to replace all AccessController and 
AccessControlContext uses in JDK code with another class outside the 
java.* namespace.

In the first instance, we allow SecurityManager, AccessController and 
AccessControlContext to behave in their degraded state, passing all JCK 

But then we can create providers to replace their functionality.

This is my current line of thought, as other classes will remain.

Subject.doAs could be an issue, so would need to consider how to manage 

This seems the easiest way.

Then for backward compatibility, we make a tool that rewrites java 
bytecode, to replace the calls to AccessController and 
AccessControlContext with compatible equivalents outside the java.* 
namespace in client code.  Then there's the case of removing any 
references to SecurityManager and looking for SecurityManager permission 
checks and replacing them with Guard.check.

Then we could potentially continue to support this functionality on 
later versions of Java without detonation.



On 2/06/2021 7:35 pm, Andrew Haley wrote:

On 6/1/21 10:06 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

If a vendor were to continue supporting SecurityManager and was
backporting from OpenJDK, if it passes the JCK with SecurityManager
disabled, that's still acceptable right?

Look at the licence agreement in conjunction with the JCK users' guide.
See the definition of “Compatible Licensee Implementation”.

JEP 411 - Secure Java Distribution

2021-06-01 Thread Peter Firmstone
If a vendor were to continue supporting SecurityManager and was 
backporting from OpenJDK, if it passes the JCK with SecurityManager 
disabled, that's still acceptable right?

Peter Firmstone

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-31 Thread Peter Firmstone

Would have really liked to have known about that.

Any chance Java 17 LTS (hopefully with sorted security manager 
property), can be supported as long as Java 8, 16 years?

The new security API's don't exist yet, I'd prefer to work with a 
version that has a fully functional SecurityManager rather than one 
that's non functional, because it's the functionality that's important 
to us.

It's going to take a long time to migrate, once the new API's exist, 
they need to receive acceptance, then we also need to rewrite our 
software to suit, assuming it takes 4 years to write and implement the 
new security api, there's not much time left then before 17's EOL if it 
only has 8 years of support.

I figure there's no harm in asking.



On 1/06/2021 3:51 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 01/06/2021 01:11, Chapman Flack wrote:

On 05/31/21 03:59, Alan Bateman wrote:

The SM survey in 2018 showed that there was some usage too.

Out of curiosity, where can I learn more about this survey?

Was it the kind of survey that, if I had been hanging around in the 

places in 2018, I might have been solicited to respond to?
The survey that has been referenced a few times here was in Feb 2018 
[1]. Sean linked to the results at the time [2] but the link no longer 
works. The main goal was to gather data on usages beyond applets and 



Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-31 Thread Peter Firmstone

Thanks Alan,

Concurrency is difficult too, but Java has gone a long way to addressing 
this with concurrency libraries that make the task seem like child's 
play, compared to using Java 1.4 language constructs.

On 31/05/2021 5:59 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 31/05/2021 08:11, Peter Firmstone wrote:


I think also that many more people are using SecurityManager than 
OpenJDK realises, and they're not using it how OpenJDK recommends 
either, (AllPermission granted to trusted code, and sandbox untrusted 
code model of Applets is not how we use it) people are using POLP, 
it's just that no one reports back to OpenJDK because they are only 
editing policy files, it will work with any library out there now, 
there's nothing to write back about.  It's pretty clear that OpenJDK 
devs don't use it, but they do have to manage doPrivileged and 
preserving context across tasks and threads.

And there are static analysis tools in Spotbugs to identify 
doPrivileged bugs, but someone has recently suggested removing them 
thanks to this JEP?  Does OpenJDK use static analysis.  I think if 
you did you'd find plenty of latent bugs.

I don't think the SM is approachable by most developers. I've sat 
through several embarrassing sessions at conferences over the years 
where a speaker attempted to get something non-trivial to work with 
the SM enabled. More often than not they had to deal with libraries 
that had never been run with a SM before and it was whack-a-mole to 
get them to run. 

Yes, it shouldn't have been allowed out the door without a tool for that 
reason, it could have been avoided.    Yes, I have a tool that sorts 
that very problem, it's 500 - 600 lines of code. Just specify two 
command line arguments which are the security manager and policy file 
location, it generates the policy file, then you look at the file 
briefly, alter some permissions like network for ephemeral ports, easy, 
you now have a POLP policy file.   You do need to properly run the 
program through its use cases however, but testing is often sufficient, 
even if you don't have full test coverage it will capture 99.9% of 
permissions required, then if you tests are missing a permission, it 
indicates insufficient test coverage.  The tool will also append, so you 
can run multiple processes and user roles one after the other.

I will rewrite it in GPL2.0 if you ask me to.  The only reason I didn't 
get around to it before was it's AL2.0 and there wasn't an existential 
threat to SecurityManager API's.

As you know, any library or framework with callbacks means careful use 
of doPrivileged to avoid needing to grant permissions to every 
component on the stack. You mention capturing and re-asserting 
contexts across threads, this is just way too complex for most 
developers. My guess is that if we had enabled the SM by default 20 
years ago then it would be a different discussion today. This is not 
to say that there isn't some usage, the flurry of mails here over the 
last month does show that there is some usage. The SM survey in 2018 
showed that there was some usage too.

Yes, so how do we start that process?  It doesn't matter if we start it 
now or 20 years ago, as long as when it does happen the outcome is 
positive, I have been coming across more and more developers who 
implement POLP or that want to.   Executors has two methods which 
decorate Runnable and Callable, but they could be placed into the 
Executors and performed automatically when tasks are submitted, when 
SecurityManager is installed.

We could give developers a choice, so loom threads are zero privileged 
by default  or are treated as doPrivileged calls with the Subject of the 
creator, so it only has one ProtectionDomain and load it with immutable 
collections of permissions, then we can use them for TLS connections if 
we want or leave them unprivileged.   It's a fair compromise, just make 
sure the callers domain has minimal privileges.  It seems to me that 
loom would be very good for blocking IO.  It only needs to be 
documented, then we will use it appropriately.

In my SecurityManager implementation, once an AccessControlContext has 
been checked for a Permission, it is only ever checked again if the 
policy is refreshed, so it's a once off which has little impact in an 
Executor pool.  It uses concurrent collections that are decorated with 
weak references, to avoid memory leaks.

I can't speak for all OpenJDK contributors but Oracle contributors do 
a massive amount of analysis and static analysis before proposing to 
deprecate or removing anything. It's often much harder to remove 
something that add it and I don't think anyone has proposed 
deprecating or removing anything without a strong case.


I understand, but this is incredibly useful software when POLP is 
applied and if promoted properly with good tooling

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-31 Thread Peter Firmstone

Hmm, whitelisting, you're using the principle of least privilege too then.

We have multiple SecurityManager and Policy implementations.

Our policy implementations can decorate each other with different 
functionality, including dynamic permissions and permissions granted by 
a permission service remotely, they have an interface to bubble up 
immutable data, so they can share immutable state.

The implementation code that ships with Java is like a model T Ford, 
ours is Formula 1, concurrent and non blocking, it's also very 
performant, we use bit shift operations, for string normalization, we've 
got RFC 3986 URI normalization and RFC 5982 IPv6 normalization , Java's 
implementation code makes network calls to DNS.  There just is no 
comparison there at all.  We use a comparator to order the permissions 
into their most performant order and it doesn't call equals or hashcode 
as that can cause a DNS call.

I believe we do achieve it's theoretical utility and I don't know that I 
would call it absolutely amazing, but it gets out of the way and just 
does what's is supposed to reliably, without impacting performance.  But 
now OpenJDK wants to rip the rug out from underneath us, because it's 
causing problems with loom or some other projects.  Could you just make 
the AccessControlContext immutable for loom threads?   We might say, ok 
I need a few minimal permissions for this AccessControlContext, give it 
one ProtectionDomain with a Subject and static Permissions, so it 
doesn't consult the policy, that AccessControlContext is immutable.  Get 
rid of the locks in PermissionCollection and make them immutable with a 
builder.   We create PermissionCollection on demand and discard their 
reference for the garbage collection, we don't actually share 
PermissionCollection instances.

I think also that many more people are using SecurityManager than 
OpenJDK realises, and they're not using it how OpenJDK recommends 
either, (AllPermission granted to trusted code, and sandbox untrusted 
code model of Applets is not how we use it) people are using POLP, it's 
just that no one reports back to OpenJDK because they are only editing 
policy files, it will work with any library out there now, there's 
nothing to write back about.  It's pretty clear that OpenJDK devs don't 
use it, but they do have to manage doPrivileged and preserving context 
across tasks and threads.

And there are static analysis tools in Spotbugs to identify doPrivileged 
bugs, but someone has recently suggested removing them thanks to this 
JEP?  Does OpenJDK use static analysis.  I think if you did you'd find 
plenty of latent bugs.

The Java implementations do impact performance, although I believe this 
has improved with the module system, which uses a URN instead of a URL 
for codesources, I haven't looked at the jrt URL handler impl.



On 31/05/2021 4:21 pm, Harshad RJ wrote:

In reply to Ron Pressier:
Do you regularly use the Security Manager to sandbox your own dependencies and 
find it convenient and effective
— in which case, could you please describe your practice concretely so that it 
would be possible to consider
alternatives — or are you saying that you can *envision* such a powerful 
use-case? The desire to remove the
Security Manager does not stem from its theoretical utility, which is 
absolutely amazing, but from its practical
utility, which years of experience have found to be less than amazing after 
all, and probably too low to justify
its burdensome cost.

# Practical example of SecurityManager use
We are developing a security and privacy conscious browser in pure Java:

`gngr` uses `SecurityManager` at its core to not only sandbox external
libraries but also *internal modules*!

# External Libraries we use
* `Rhino` for Javascript
* `jStyleParser` for CSS parsing and analysing
* `okhttp` for HTTP/2 support (before the Java11 HTTP client was available)

These are huge libraries that are practically impossible to audit by a
small team, but through the SecurityManager we
were able to identify the following issues very easily:

## Security issues discovered so far
* Network access by the CSS parser library:

* Use of reflection to make a private method accessible

# Trust, but verify
We don't use `SecurityManager` because we don't trust the external
library authors; we do trust them else we wouldn't
be using those libraries! And given that these are popular projects,
we can also bank on oversight from the community
at large.

But what if we could also verify this trust and other assumptions, for
very little overhead? The SecurityManager does
require initial time investment, but IMO the returns justify it.

A good example of trust but verify, is our own internal modules. We
obviously trust our own code, yet we sandbox it,
to be sure that our assumptions are correct. For example, the `Cookie`

Re: JEP: 411 How JGDMS utilises the Java platform

2021-05-29 Thread Peter Firmstone
Something else that JERI does that RMI doesn't is transfer the Subject 
from a calling thread in one JVM to the thread invoked in another JVM, 
so you have user principles, and service principles mixing in numerous 
JVM, all while only granting the minimal permissions required to perform 
role / task.

On 30/05/2021 9:22 am, Peter Firmstone wrote:

This is provided as information only I'm not looking for arguments, 
debate or even requesting functionality, I'm just documenting what 
JGDMS does now, unfortunately JGDMS appears to be too entangled with 
current security API's at its foundations to be easily migrated, I 
guess that will depend on the new API's, but it might provide some 
insights into the next security architecture's design.  My fear is 
this JEP is focused on removal, more than replacement.

There is no limit on the number of nodes that may participate, nor the 
number of principals.

JGDMS is a service based architecture, these services are discovered 
dynamically, I'm not going to go into the details of discovery here, 
but instead to focus on the architecture of the service and its 

Firstly while the service itself is a "Server - Client" model, the 
JVM's or compute nodes are peer to peer and doesn't directly translate 
to a distinction between server and client compute nodes, Swing is 
supported for graphical API's, it would also be possible to use JavaFX 
also (untested).

When a node wants to participate, it discovers lookup services, that 
belong to particular groups, these lookup services contain services 
available, the node may register services with these lookup services, 
and it may search for other services and utilise them.

So back to focusing on the Service:

Below is a diagram of a service in a modular environment, where Bundle 
is an OSGi module, but it could also be a JPMS module (future version) 
for arguments sake.  Here the COM link is a remote invocation 
protocol, but may be any of a number of protocols, the protocol can be 
replaced without modification to the service implementation via 
configuration.  It is possible make use of, but doesn't require RMI or 
Java Serialization, any number of protocols may be used.  These are 
Remote Invocation protocols.  The most commonly used communication 
protocol is called JERI, or Jini Extensible Remote Invocation,  JGDMS 
provides a JERI implementation with an Atomic Invocation Layer, where 
it supports failure atomicity.

Unlike RMI, Atomic JERI assigns ClassLoader's at each endpoint for 
class resolution and it doesn't append CodeSource URL's into the stream.

Before the Client JVM can load the Proxy Bundle, it must first 
designate a ClassLoader, this ClassLoader has an identity, which is 
made up of, RFC3986 URI CodeSource's, The Servers Endpoint identity 
(which includes the servers IPv6 address and the security constraints 
made) and the type of connection used (eg TLS, or Kerberos).

Permissions are granted statically using POLP, statically by policy 
files (or remote policy services) to each ProtectionDomain, based on 
CodeSource and Principals,  and dynamically to the ClassLoader of the 
ProxyBundle in the Client JVM, following server and client authentication.

Different services may even use the same CodeSource, however their 
classes are loaded by different ClassLoader's based on the Server's 
identity and security constraints.

So while OpenJDK devs claim the ProtectionDomains on the stack 
represent Code and Principles, we use it to represent the difference 
services on the call stack, not code.

In our case spawning hundreds of processes to manage the permissions 
of each service used by a client isn't practical.

I hope this helps people understand how we are using Java, this is 
only scratching the service, we are not the only ones who do this, I 
am aware of companies and military, who use POLP also.

__ | | | Service | | API Bundle | |__| | | 
Imports API Packages | |  __|___ | | 
Imports packages | | | Service Bundle |<| Proxy 
Bundle |--SEP | Implements | from proxy |__| | | Proxy API 
| | || | | 
 | | | | C 
 | L 
 __ I | | | | N | Distribution | 
Imports packages | Service | K | Provider |<| API 
Bundle | | | Discovers & | from API |__| | | Registers 
service | | | || | | Imports | API | Packages | | 
| | | __|___ | | | | | Proxy Bundle |---EP |__| 

Peter Firmstone

JEP: 411 How JGDMS utilises the Java platform

2021-05-29 Thread Peter Firmstone
This is provided as information only I'm not looking for arguments, 
debate or even requesting functionality, I'm just documenting what JGDMS 
does now, unfortunately JGDMS appears to be too entangled with current 
security API's at its foundations to be easily migrated, I guess that 
will depend on the new API's, but it might provide some insights into 
the next security architecture's design.  My fear is this JEP is focused 
on removal, more than replacement.

There is no limit on the number of nodes that may participate, nor the 
number of principals.

JGDMS is a service based architecture, these services are discovered 
dynamically, I'm not going to go into the details of discovery here, but 
instead to focus on the architecture of the service and its components.

Firstly while the service itself is a "Server - Client" model, the JVM's 
or compute nodes are peer to peer and doesn't directly translate to a 
distinction between server and client compute nodes, Swing is supported 
for graphical API's, it would also be possible to use JavaFX also 

When a node wants to participate, it discovers lookup services, that 
belong to particular groups, these lookup services contain services 
available, the node may register services with these lookup services, 
and it may search for other services and utilise them.

So back to focusing on the Service:

Below is a diagram of a service in a modular environment, where Bundle 
is an OSGi module, but it could also be a JPMS module (future version) 
for arguments sake.  Here the COM link is a remote invocation protocol, 
but may be any of a number of protocols, the protocol can be replaced 
without modification to the service implementation via configuration.  
It is possible make use of, but doesn't require RMI or Java 
Serialization, any number of protocols may be used.  These are Remote 
Invocation protocols. The most commonly used communication protocol is 
called JERI, or Jini Extensible Remote Invocation,  JGDMS provides a 
JERI implementation with an Atomic Invocation Layer, where it supports 
failure atomicity.

Unlike RMI, Atomic JERI assigns ClassLoader's at each endpoint for class 
resolution and it doesn't append CodeSource URL's into the stream.

Before the Client JVM can load the Proxy Bundle, it must first designate 
a ClassLoader, this ClassLoader has an identity, which is made up of, 
RFC3986 URI CodeSource's, The Servers Endpoint identity (which includes 
the servers IPv6 address and the security constraints made) and the type 
of connection used (eg TLS, or Kerberos).

Permissions are granted statically using POLP, statically by policy 
files (or remote policy services) to each ProtectionDomain, based on 
CodeSource and Principals,  and dynamically to the ClassLoader of the 
ProxyBundle in the Client JVM, following server and client authentication.

Different services may even use the same CodeSource, however their 
classes are loaded by different ClassLoader's based on the Server's 
identity and security constraints.

So while OpenJDK devs claim the ProtectionDomains on the stack represent 
Code and Principles, we use it to represent the difference services on 
the call stack, not code.

In our case spawning hundreds of processes to manage the permissions of 
each service used by a client isn't practical.

I hope this helps people understand how we are using Java, this is only 
scratching the service, we are not the only ones who do this, I am aware 
of companies and military, who use POLP also.

__ | | | Service | | API Bundle | |__| | | 
Imports API Packages | |  __|___ | | Imports 
packages | | | Service Bundle |<| Proxy Bundle 
|--SEP | Implements | from proxy |__| | | Proxy API | | 
|| | | 
 | | | | C O 
 | L 
 __ I | | | | N | Distribution | Imports 
packages | Service | K | Provider |<| API Bundle | | 
| Discovers & | from API |__| | | Registers service | | | 
|| | | Imports | API | Packages | | | | | 
__|___ | | | | | Proxy Bundle |---EP |__| 

Peter Firmstone

Re: JEP 411: Missing use-case: user functions in an RDBMS

2021-05-28 Thread Peter Firmstone
While I accept that my particular use case will no longer be supported 
in future, it's difficult to see the value of a sandbox, because 
developers will always want to relax it in some way and people fall into 
the trap of thinking that trust is black and white; this is trusted, 
that is not.

Nowadays, there's a lot more interest in the Principle of Least 
Privilege, especially in health care regulations, now I'm going to use 
the meaning implied in "Inside Java 2 Platform Security, Second 
Edition", so that we aren't arguing whether that applies with the JVM or 
external to it.

The reason POLP is simpler, is that it can be automated with tooling, 
then the development / deployment team may choose to relax it, they can 
certainly test it and validate it.   Then we are simply focused on what 
we need to do, rather than what we might want to restrict, which is 
always unknown and subject to change.

The problem is that this is not how developers have been taught to use 
SecurityManager, instead they are told that trusted code can be given 
AllPermission because it's trusted and that's an approach which has 
proven largely ineffective and the OpenJDK development team carry's the 
cost as a result, with little benefit.

I just thought I'd provide you with a different perspective, so 
hopefully the mistake isn't repeated.


On 28/05/2021 8:09 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:

Deep sandboxes, simple or stack-dependent, are useful for very “rich” code,
that is potentially very big and possibly contains arbitrary third-party
libraries, while shallow sandboxes are more suitable to limited plugins.

While a complex, stack-dependent, deep sandbox *could* be used for plugins,
permissions that don’t specify what is forbidden but what is allowed
effectively also severely limit the use of third-party libraries, that
for example, might want to do benign operations with their own files,
and so effectively only allow very limited plugins. The result is a costly
mechanism that is overkill for what it’s used for.

— Ron

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-21 Thread Peter Firmstone
nces of finding
fault with it are low. It wasn’t put up after someone just had an idea. It is, 
therefore, not entirely
surprising that no one has been able to give any relevant arguments against it. 
Clearly, you have had far less
time to think about it, but I can’t seem to steer your arguments in a direction 
that’s relevant to what is actually
the issue.

I understand you’re invested in the Security Manager and that its removal would 
impose real costs on you. I am even
willing to believe that you actually believe that, despite what studies show, 
despite what experts say, despite
what the developers of Java say, despite what the developers of *all* other 
mainstream software platforms with
an emphasis on security, both new and old —- from .NET to WebAssembly —- have 
concluded after decades of experience,
that the Security Manager is not only the best way to secure Java but 
apparently the only one. Maybe you’re right
and those others are wrong, but please accept that we all want to improve 
Java’s security, we just disagree with you
on the best way to do it.

Yes, additional security measures, whatever they are, would provide additional 
security. But if the choice is
between measure A and measure B -— you *can’t* have both —- you pick the one 
that is *more* effective per cost.
None of your arguments so much as glance in that direction, and they don’t 
acknowledge the fact that Java security
would be hardly affected by the Security Manager’s removal even without better 
protection elsewhere for the simple
reason that it is hardly ever installed, including on the most 
security-critical applications, whose defences
apparently aren’t so feeble even today. In any event, if the question is, do we 
want a perimeter fence and security
cameras *XOR* locks on all room doors, the argument that they provide security 
through different mechanisms so we
should have both completely misunderstands the question. I am also confused by 
your point about multi-user
applications. Of course different users have different access, but surely you 
are aware that very few applications
do that using the Security Manager, which isn’t needed —- and is rarely used -— 
for that purpose.

Short of making relevant arguments, I would urge you again to focus on 
suggestions to reduce the harm this proposal
would cause you.

— Ron

On 22 May 2021, at 00:17, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

I had hoped by end of this discussion, that there would at least be an 
understanding of what OpenJDK is so hastily choosing to destroy.

Once it is gone, it will be irretrievable, it will never be possible to lock 
down the JVM so securely again.

On 21/05/2021 11:06 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 21 May 2021, at 12:52, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

It's quite clear this will be pushed through anyway,

No, not *anyway*, but given the fact that the community consists of millions of 
users, this
proposal has been well-publicised,

I discovered the proposal on the 11th of the May on a mailing list I was 
subscribed to and I almost missed it.   Yes, it will be pushed through 
regardless, clearly the decision was made before publication.   Everyone saw 
applets coming, if the developers were serious about supporting applets, they 
would have designed a stripped down subset of Java, a JVM specifically suited 
that task which, didn't include things like XML or serialization.

Just think, Applets were killed because of their atrocious security.   How 

The granularity is not arbitrary, you said by class, which is incorrect.

Granularity is by a combination of one or more of the following:

• ProtectionDomain
• CodeSource
• Code signers
• ClassLoader
• Principals.

What I said is correct. Assigning a ProtectionDomain to a class is possible, 
though not to a method
(certainly not in code you can’t modify). In fact, ProtectionDomain is defined 
as “a set of classes,”
i.e. class granularity. In particular, that is the granularity that 
instrumentation with doPrivileged
aims to address, and that is one of the Security Manager’s most defining 

It may be possible to assign a ProtectionDomain, to a single class, but that 
doesn't make your assertions correct, you should be quoting common use cases, I 
have never seen an example of assigning permissions to a single class, besides, 
it requires a dynamic policy to do that, and Java doesn't have one by default, 
so you can't use PolicyFile to assign it permissions.   Maybe you could use it 
to encapsulate ObjectInputStream with no permissions, then no one could grant 
it permissions, so that would be useful for Security.  It doesn't change class 
resolution or visibility. But OpenJDK didn't do that, why not?

What use case would there be to assign a ProtectionDomain to a method?

Just use a permission check in the method, or wrap a sensitive class with a 
decorator before publication:


Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-21 Thread Peter Firmstone
I had hoped by end of this discussion, that there would at least be an 
understanding of what OpenJDK is so hastily choosing to destroy.

Once it is gone, it will be irretrievable, it will never be possible to 
lock down the JVM so securely again.

On 21/05/2021 11:06 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 21 May 2021, at 12:52, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

It's quite clear this will be pushed through anyway,

No, not *anyway*, but given the fact that the community consists of millions of 
users, this
proposal has been well-publicised,

I discovered the proposal on the 11th of the May on a mailing list I was 
subscribed to and I almost missed it.   Yes, it will be pushed through 
regardless, clearly the decision was made before publication.   Everyone 
saw applets coming, if the developers were serious about supporting 
applets, they would have designed a stripped down subset of Java, a JVM 
specifically suited that task which, didn't include things like XML or 

Just think, Applets were killed because of their atrocious security.   
How ironic.

The granularity is not arbitrary, you said by class, which is incorrect.

Granularity is by a combination of one or more of the following:

• ProtectionDomain
• CodeSource
• Code signers
• ClassLoader
• Principals.

What I said is correct. Assigning a ProtectionDomain to a class is possible, 
though not to a method
(certainly not in code you can’t modify). In fact, ProtectionDomain is defined 
as “a set of classes,”
i.e. class granularity. In particular, that is the granularity that 
instrumentation with doPrivileged
aims to address, and that is one of the Security Manager’s most defining 

It may be possible to assign a ProtectionDomain, to a single class, but 
that doesn't make your assertions correct, you should be quoting common 
use cases, I have never seen an example of assigning permissions to a 
single class, besides, it requires a dynamic policy to do that, and Java 
doesn't have one by default, so you can't use PolicyFile to assign it 
permissions.   Maybe you could use it to encapsulate ObjectInputStream 
with no permissions, then no one could grant it permissions, so that 
would be useful for Security.  It doesn't change class resolution or 
visibility. But OpenJDK didn't do that, why not?

What use case would there be to assign a ProtectionDomain to a method?

Just use a permission check in the method, or wrap a sensitive class 
with a decorator before publication:

But these are corner cases.

More useful cases are for isolation, such as JEE.

Restricting access by principal at the application level does not require the 
Security Manager, so that
part is irrelevant, and, in fact, not only Principal, but also Permission, and 
even CodeSource and
ProtectionDomain are *not* being proposed for terminal deprecation or even 
deprecation by this JEP.

I guess your use case is a desktop application running in a single process?

What about a multi user server application running in a single 
process?   Now we have to spawn multiple processes for each user, that's 
hardly efficient or performant is it?

I would like to understand this pain that is being caused to a far greater 
number of people?   So far information has been scarce and it seems more of an 
excuse, as it's very light on detail.  I would guess it's the pain of having to 
update policy files and making sure tests pass with security enabled.

The pain is that the high cost of maintaining the Security Manager comes at the 
expense of
other security measures that, we believe, provide far more security value to 
the Java ecosystem
as a whole.

Such as?

I think the results of locking down the JVM to principles of least privilege 
are totally worth it and a saleable commodity in the current global environment.

I absolutely accept the principle of least privilege. I do not accept that the 
marginal cost/benefit
of applying it at class granularity yields its best application.

I agree that there's little value for class granularity, but you are 
applying a corner case that although possible, is never applied in 
practice, and applying it with a broad brush, then using it as an 
argument against, please stop making this false assertion.   Just 
because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should.   Just 
because you can walk in front of a passing train, doesn't mean you 
should sir.

There is however a significant benefit for applying the principle of 
least privilege.

It can be assigned to Principal and Code signer granularity, that's 
actually quite coarse grained.  It's very flexible, unlike white listing 
Serializable classes.

Sure, theoretical things might, but there's no implementation in exi

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-21 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 21/05/2021 9:14 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 21 May 2021, at 11:29, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

Can you share this list please?   If I see anything missing I can add it for 

No, because this might give the false impression that this is a debate.

It's quite clear this will be pushed through anyway, so there's no harm 
in sharing the information, unless you don't have a list, in which case 
it's not possible to share something you don't have.

So I'm restricting permissions granted to only those required to perform the 
intended tasks of the software,  restricted even to a subset of which that 
software is capable, and you say it is not the principle of least privilege?

That is not what the Security Manager is doing, though. It is able to assign 
“least privilege” to some
arbitrary level of granularity and not others.

The granularity is not arbitrary, you said by class, which is incorrect.

Granularity is by a combination of one or more of the following:

1. ProtectionDomain
2. CodeSource
3. Code signers
4. ClassLoader
5. Principals.

How do you critique something if you don't understand how it works?

I stand by what I said. “X granularity” means up-to and no-less-than X, and 
assigning software privileges
per user at the application level does not require the Security Manager. I 
understand that your particular
codebase does use the Security Manager to assign all software privileges, and 
that removing it might require
costly changes to your codebase, but that is not the most common way, and it is 
certainly not the *only*
way this is done in Java codebases. I absolutely sympathise with the pain this 
proposal would cause you,
but please sympathise with the pain that not accepting it would cause what we 
believe is a far greater
number of people, and don’t try to universalise your particular situation.

You said class level granularity, which is incorrect.   True, it is not 
possible to upgrade, I guess you could say that's painful, as it will be 
for everyone else caught up by it.

I would like to understand this pain that is being caused to a far 
greater number of people?   So far information has been scarce and it 
seems more of an excuse, as it's very light on detail.  I would guess 
it's the pain of having to update policy files and making sure tests 
pass with security enabled.

I perform all tests with security enabled, because it will work if it 
isn't anyway.   Policy files are easily regenerated using tools.

What other pain is there?

I think the results of locking down the JVM to principles of least 
privilege are totally worth it and a saleable commodity in the current 
global environment.

So you are mistaken about what it is that I am critiquing. I am not critiquing 
the operation of the
Security Manager nor am I saying that it is incapable of preventing certain 
attacks. I am critiquing the
claim that no other technique can achieve better security more cheaply.

Sure, theoretical things might, but there's no implementation in 
existence.  It has been quite affordable for me, so I wish to understand 
this pain, because I currently don't, I'm already using the latest 
encryption, static analysis, secure coding practices, validating input, 
sanitizing data etc.

  I am saying that the marginal utility
if the Security Manager divided by its marginal cost is lower than the marginal 
utility divided by the marginal
cost of other security techniques.

Other techniques that are yet to be developed.   OpenJDK is deprecating 
SecurityManager prior to the implementation of it's replacement, a 
little more notice would have been nice.   I'm ready for you to 
deprecate Serialization, we saw that coming, but this is just completely 
unexpected out of left field.

We have no argument over the value of security or that of the principle of 
least privilege.
We merely disagree over whether the Security Manager specifically is the best 
possible means to those ends.

Currently it is the only possible and practicable means that has been 
implemented, I'm sure something better will come along, but everything 
better is just theoretical at this time.

Nothing else is even remotely capable of locking the JVM down this 

I don't wish to publicly show that I doubt your credibility, but you are making 
it difficult for me not to sir.  It is your user base you need to convince, so 
far, you are not very convincing.

I am sorry, but that not everyone would be convinced by every argument we make 
is something we take as a given.
It is the duty of those who disagree with proposals put forth by the 
maintainers to convince the maintainers,
not the other way around. I am trying to help you focus you on arguments that 
would be relevant. They are:

1. The *current* value the Security Manager to the Java ecosystem is high, 
evidenced by the great number of
companies t

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-21 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 21/05/2021 6:58 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:
These are just opinions, it's nice to have them, but they're not 
helping. I think you'll find usages of SecurityManager api's are far 
more widespread than your opinion suggests, but that's just my 
opinion too lol.
I guess you could say they’re my opinions because there is no 
conclusive proof, but they are based
on empirical data. At least you should scan GitHub and Maven Central. 
That few libraries are properly
instrumented is yet another piece of evidence. This isn’t conclusive, 
and that is why we’re discussing
this here in an attempt to collect more information, but we have done 
our homework.

Can you share this list please?   If I see anything missing I can add it 
for you.

Yes, I think we should keep it simple, and keep calling it the 
principle of least privilege, to avoid confusion, it's very 
beneficial for reducing the consequences of perimeter security 
failure, even if your experts think otherwise.

It is absolutely not the principle of least privilege,

So I'm restricting permissions granted to only those required to perform 
the intended tasks of the software,  restricted even to a subset of 
which that software is capable, and you say it is not the principle of 
least privilege?

Please refer this policy file:

It's even specific to the JVM used, vendor, version and installation path.

Notice how the attached grants permission to code and principal? That 
means the code without the Principal cannot attain that privilege, nor 
can the Principal use that permission without the specified code?

This means if an attacker breaches peripheral protection systems, such 
as authentication, they can not perform anything that requires 
permission outside of the granted scope?

I execute exactly the code paths I want executed, with the user role I 
want to perform that task, I grant only the permissions required to 
perform the intended task.

How is this absolutely not the principle of least privilege?

Java (the last remaining mainstream platform
with a mechanism that assigns permissions on a per-class basis).

Java Policy doesn't assign permissions on a per-class basis, it assigns 
them by ProtectionDomain, or by ClassLoader, or by CodeSource, or by 
Signer Certificates, or by Principal, or by a combination of Principal's 
and (ProtectionDomain or ClassLoader or CodeSource, or signer 
Certificates) and Certificates.  I don't really want to document all the 
possibilities here if yo don't mind.

How do you critique something if you don't understand how it works?

With test cases, I can generate policy files for the principle of least 
privilege for any Java software, including dependencies.

Not only that, but I do it without impacting performance or scalability.

Show me some evidence for your arguments, name your experts you speak of 
so often.

If you are going to argue, back it up with hard evidence, not nonsense.

I provide you with hard evidence, show me the same courtesy and respect 

I'm not seeing any evidence that you have done much homework at all sir?

Previously you claimed SecurityManager didn't even work, that a 
Doctorate in Nuclear particle physics was required to use it.

I don't wish to publicly show that I doubt your credibility, but you are 
making it difficult for me not to sir.  It is your user base you need to 
convince, so far, you are not very convincing.


Peter Firmstone

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-20 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 18/05/2021 10:09 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 18 May 2021, at 12:27, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

However I disagree that the Principle of least privilege is wrong headed, I 
think you've been discussing sandbox concepts with the experts and they're 
going to tell you that's a bad idea.  But the two aren't the same, one is 
access control, the other is attempted complete leak proof isolation,  which is 
a very difficult thing to do that grows exponentially with your API surface 
area, I'm sure in years to come crackers will find vulnerabilities in VM's too. 
Sandboxing would work if you removed most of the library code and features and 
limited memory and threads, but I don't think anyone is seriously considering 
that.  Java for applets should have been it's own stripped down limited JVM.

When you say the “principle of least privilege” you seem to imply that it is at 
*all* cost. Many believe that
the attempt to assign different privileges to different *pieces of code* (not 
different people) is not effective
from a cost/benefit perspective. In other words, the effort would have a bigger 
impact on security if directed
elsewhere. After all, the same principle would imply that we’d need to afford 
different permissions at a method
granularity rather than class granularity.

No, actually to date, it's been a very affordable option, probably 
because the burden has been on Openjdk developers to date, to which I'm 
very grateful.   It doesn't impact performance and it allows me to 
reduce the attack surface of my programs, especially in regard to 

What sort of cost, you mean development cost, the cost of understanding 

Both, but mostly the former.

Yes everything is a compromise and there are trade-offs.   The way I see 
it, the cheapest way to maintain security is to find others who share a 
common pain point is to maintain a copy of OpenJDK  focused on 
security.   We can audit upstream changes and add them later, with the 
security cost penalty, without throwing out the huge amount of effort 
performed by JDK developers over the years, there's no way we can 
re-implement it economically, so this appears the most sensible option.

At least to me, it's just a simple lambda expression, it's not difficult.  It 
think people are making this more complex than it needs to be due to a 
proliferation of Permissions, but even that I manage with tooling.

There’s no point to argue over this. It’s been tried for a couple of decades, 
people don’t want it, experts say it’s
not cost-effective, no popular platform after Java and .NET has chosen to 
invest in it, and .NET has dropped it already.
Even if you convinced me that the effort of attempting to afford different 
permissions to different code in the same
process was an effective use of resources, if you could have changed the habits 
of millions of developers you would
have done it by now. You can carry on the argument over whether this is a good 
or bad idea on security forums and at
security conferences, but that it didn’t pan out, adoption-wise, in practice is 
an empirical fact (that it's worked
great *for you* is completely irrelevant). Even good ideas can fail to gain 
traction, and we shouldn’t throw good money
after bad.

These are just opinions, it's nice to have them, but they're not 
helping.   I think you'll find usages of SecurityManager api's are far 
more widespread than your opinion suggests, but that's just my opinion 
too lol.

You've probably have never used it, so you don't really understand it, I 
can't argue with ignorance and you can't understand the benefit, if you 
are only asking others for their opinions, you are likely surrounded by 
people with the same opinion, so you're suffering from confirmation bias 
without any practical application, as is anyone else that doesn't use it.

But it's such a shame to lose access control as collateral damage.

Most applications that do access control today do not use the Security Manager 
for that. When you say “access control”
you mean something very specific, which is not what others mean when they say 
access control. In particular, even doAs
is proposed to remain.

— Ron

Yes, I think we should keep it simple, and keep calling it the principle 
of least privilege, to avoid confusion, it's very beneficial for 
reducing the consequences of perimeter security failure, even if your 
experts think otherwise.

Peter Firmstone

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-20 Thread Peter Firmstone
If there are those of us who wanted to maintain a fork of Java 17, 
focused on security, we could backport new features after they've been 
reviewed for security.

Would we be welcomed to do that here?  Otherwise is it something we 
should do on GitHub?



On 21/05/2021 11:25 am, David Black wrote:

On Thu, 20 May 2021 at 21:27, Andrew Dinn  wrote:

On 18/05/2021 23:06, David Black wrote:

I don't think that this thinking is unique but it might not be worth
the "cost" to Oracle to maintain something that seemingly for various
reasons Oracle has little interest in maintaining (we're not in
applet-land anymore). I would like to encourage proposals that mean
that people who want to do 4, who implement further security hardening
where others seemingly shy away, can continue to do 4.

Please don't do that. The cost Ron is talking about is not to "Oracle".
It is a cost to the OpenJDK project as a whole.

Sorry about that, that is a good point.

Likewise, the lack of project team interest in maintaining the security
manager and self-evident interest in applying resources to providing
other, more valuable Java capabilities is not simply restricted to
"Oracle" project members.


Andrew Dinn
Red Hat Distinguished Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
Directors: Michael Cunningham, Michael ("Mike") O'Neill

Peter Firmstone

0498 286 363
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-20 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 18/05/2021 10:21 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 18 May 2021, at 01:11, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

Your ideas are great in theory, in practice, the problem with your Agent 
proposal is every JVM release needs to be reviewed, and we have to review 
Java's internal implementation code, and understand it in order to instrument 

Absolutely. But that is exactly the work OpenJDK maintainers are required to do 
today to support something most
people want better alternatives for at the expense of those better alternatives 
and other work.

The Principle of Least Privilege reduces the consequences resulting from 
attacks that penetrate external security defenses, whether by social 
engineering, failure to sanitize input, protocols, or platform 

After many years of pain, JDK development work has not been wasted, I 
for one am grateful for the development efforts and thoughts put into 
securing the JVM.   It is expensive and now your employer has decided 
they no longer wish to carry this expense, pushing it downstream.

Java has a proven and well tested security API, it's flaws are generally 
well understood.

At sometime in the future, Java's internal security defenses will be 
removed, and new code will no longer perform permission checks, so any 
breaches of external defenses will result in a JVM being Pwned.

After considering the proposals for new Security API, I have decided 
that the Java 1.8 to Java 1.17 versions will be the most suitable as it 
has the best well developed and understood security architecture, 
requiring little further development work.

The new proposals arising from this JEP present a significant 
development upgrade cost, and these new API's that we need to use for 
building new security architecture around, won't be battle hardened, are 
experimental and haven't passed the test of time.

My assessment is the cost to upgrade is too high and far too great a 
risk in this instance, the least cost and safest option is to stay with 
well proven, deployment tested, high performance, hardened existing API's.

I wish the OpenJDK project success in their future endeavors.  We will 
try to support later Java versions in Service implementations, similar 
to other languages, however these will not be able to consume other 
services.  This may enable users to take advantage of later language 
features.  However we will always require the use of Java 1.8 to 1.17 as 
service consumers.

I am grateful for the efforts, which appear to be thought of as wasted 
efforts or bad money, however this time spent addressing security 
issues, will leave the series of Java versions from 1.8 to 1.17 as some 
of the most secure versions of any software platform, as an asset of 
significant value to those who value security.

Thank you.

Peter Firmstone.

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-18 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 18/05/2021 8:49 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 18 May 2021, at 03:39, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

Is it also possible to consider directing file access and network access 
through single points of access?   This will simplify the process so we don't 
need to scour the entire codebase for usages.

Of all your suggestions, I think this is the one that will be seriously 
considered from a cost/benefit
perspective, although probably not as part of this JEP.

Thank you ,appreciated.

What about doPrivileged calls?   Will they remain in existing Java library 
code, so we can utilise them?  To avoid viral permission propagation?

Doubtful. That is where much of the cost is, and it would mean investing 
significant resources into supporting
a use-case that what seems like the vast majority of security experts think is 
a wrong-headed approach, for the sake
of the few who disagree. Even as an additional mechanism that might, maybe, 
block exploiting some vulnerability as a
result of some particular bug in some cases, sometimes, maybe, the high cost 
doesn’t justify what we believe is the
extra defence gained compared to the gain of such an effort directed elsewhere.

— Ron

Oh well, there was no harm in asking.

I agree that sandboxing is the wrong approach, it's unfortunate that 
this wasn't seen as a potential issue in the early days. It's similar 
with Java Serialization, if they tried to do less initially it would 
have been much better, but they pushed to envelope too far.

But I'm pretty sure we've moved on from discussing sandboxes, no one is 
claiming that as their use case.

However I disagree that the Principle of least privilege is wrong 
headed, I think you've been discussing sandbox concepts with the experts 
and they're going to tell you that's a bad idea.  But the two aren't the 
same, one is access control, the other is attempted complete leak proof 
isolation,  which is a very difficult thing to do that grows 
exponentially with your API surface area, I'm sure in years to come 
crackers will find vulnerabilities in VM's too. Sandboxing would work if 
you removed most of the library code and features and limited memory and 
threads, but I don't think anyone is seriously considering that.  Java 
for applets should have been it's own stripped down limited JVM.

Our problem is we will need to grant remote third party's AllPermission 
because they are not represented as a Subject based ProtectionDomain in 
the JVM, but then we could implement some sort of analysis that removes 
their ability to connect at all if they violate policy.

But this doesn't seem very workable.  Thankfully we have a very good, 
functional and highly scalable solution available now.

What sort of cost, you mean development cost, the cost of understanding 

At least to me, it's just a simple lambda expression, it's not 
difficult.  It think people are making this more complex than it needs 
to be due to a proliferation of Permissions, but even that I manage with 

AccessController.doPrivileged uses 1.3% of CPU time in my system, and 
I'm sure I use it far more than many, so I don't think your talking 
about performance.

Thankfully access control is much simpler today than say programming 
concurrently, but I try to do both well.   I truly don't find it 
difficult to use, but then I've built a bunch of tools that make it useable.

But I get that JVM developers have suffered a lot of pain with Security 
vulnerabilities due to Java Serialization and the Sandbox and just the 
mention of SecurityManager is received negatively.

But it's such a shame to lose access control as collateral damage.

Thanks again for spending the time to discuss.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-18 Thread Peter Firmstone

Because people have been treating it like a sandbox.

Since it will take a number of years, can we at least consider my 
proposal and give it a try?  It may reduce the burden in the interim.

So this step deprecates it for removal, can we create a JEP for 
replacing the SecurityManager with AccessAssistant while retaining 
AccessController and AccessControlContext?

It's also true that Permisssion's are more numerous than necessary, 
because it has been treated like a sandbox.

If we rename and treat it like access control instead, we can reduce the 
burden, simplify permissions, provide tooling and make it much better 
than it is today.

We've been doing exactly that for years, and we knew the Java PolicyFile 
code was bad, but we never realised that JDK developers saw it in this 

If I had realised that , I would have stepped in years ago to fix it. 
Maybe we got complacent because nothing was ever removed from Java for a 
very long time.

We've been using it silently and efficiently for years.



On 18/05/2021 7:13 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 18/05/2021 08:36, Peter Firmstone wrote:


It's a perception issue, I understand, but we can fix that far less 

With respect, I don't see a viable route here. SM/AccessController and 
most of that security architecture has been an albatross around our 
necks for years. This JEP is the first step in pulling the JDK out of 
the sandboxing and policy enforcement business. It will take several 
releases and years to get there. Yes, it will be painful for those 
that have embraced this architecture but there will be years of 
supported releases to plan or develop alternatives. There is a wider 
group that have been using the SM as a means to intercept network, 
file and several other operations. This is an area that might need to 
be exploded further to see if an alternative solution is imported for 
the JDK to provider. We don't think that this needs to be fully 
explored and decided on before making progress on the deprecation.


Peter Firmstone

0498 286 363
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-18 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 18/05/2021 4:10 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 18/05/2021 03:39, Peter Firmstone wrote:


Yes, I realize that, it is my understanding that because this is a 
security concern, it is not something the community is allowed to 
provide support for at OpenJDK, hence my suggestion to Alan, to make 
it possible for this to happen by changing the security level and 
calling it an access control layer concern.

Sorry, I was too busy and didn't have time to reply to your previous 
mail on this and the performance anomaly in Java 14.

I'm dubious about your suggestion. Every issue or report that Java has 
a security bug has to be analyzed on the assumption that it may be a 
vulnerability. Saying that SM bypass or a ninja move that disables the 
SM is not a security concern would create a perception issue. It would 
get lost in the discussion that the SM is rarely used in the way that 
it was envisaged 20+ years ago. The other thing is that it wouldn't 
remove the ongoing burden to insert/audit permission checks, check 
that ACC are captured and used in the right places, and of course 
testing as it's another execution mode.


Thanks Alan,

It's a perception issue, I understand, but we can fix that far less 

You could create a new parent class of SecurityManager that's more aptly 
named, for example AccessAssistant, and deprecate SecurityManager for 

That's actually pretty easy, even backport the new class to earlier 
versions of Java, so libraries can eliminate usages of SecurityManager 

This would give us time to change our dependencies to the superclass, 
and it eliminates the name perception issue.

"AccessAssistant, is only intended to assist with access control 
measures to implement the principle of least privilege, while it may 
reduce the impact of a security breach, it's not capable of preventing 
it, therefore bugs in access decisions aren't given the same attention 
as security bugs, as both users and code are trusted."

AccessController and AccessControlContext have functionality that we 
depend on for access control and to obtain user credentials for 

Let the community manage it as an access control layer, when we find the 
ACC has forgotten to be captured, we can fix it.   When someone forgets 
to capture the ACC, the thread cannot establish a secure connection, it 
will get noticed and fixed, it alone cannot cause a security breach.

We use TLS connections, sanitize data, atomic failure, input validation 
and authentication for security, we only use access controls and Policy 
for limiting access of trusted users and code and to obtain user 
credentials.   Access control and POLP gets those boxes ticked and might 
be the difference for choosing Java over another platform.

If people aren't defensively parsing their input, not using secure 
connections and authentication and someone takes advantage of that, well 
it's just too bad, it's their fault.

If someone is using trusted connections but there's a successful 
phishing attack on user credentials, then the attacker can usually only 
obtain what the user has access to, yes it is possible to perform a 
privilege escalation attack, but the point is the breach has already 
occurred, the security vulnerability is not access controls, it was the 
authentication system failure.

Don't stress the performance anomaly, it hasn't regressed in later 
versions and the standard Java Policy provider will mask it.   You'll 
only notice it when using a scalable policy provider.  If I see it again 
in any long term releases, I'll let you know.   I suspect whatever 
caused the problem was spotted and fixed already.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-17 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 18/05/2021 10:21 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 18 May 2021, at 01:11, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

Your ideas are great in theory, in practice, the problem with your Agent 
proposal is every JVM release needs to be reviewed, and we have to review 
Java's internal implementation code, and understand it in order to instrument 

Absolutely. But that is exactly the work OpenJDK maintainers are required to do 
today to support something most
people want better alternatives for at the expense of those better alternatives 
and other work.

Yes, I realize that, it is my understanding that because this is a 
security concern, it is not something the community is allowed to 
provide support for at OpenJDK, hence my suggestion to Alan, to make it 
possible for this to happen by changing the security level and calling 
it an access control layer concern.

Also is OpenJDK using static analysis to spot bugs?  Just out of 
curiosity, it's something we do for our code.

POLP isn't perfect, I acknowledge that, but it's much better than 
nothing as it does assist to limit damage in the event of an attack.  If 
this is the only issue, I'm sure the community will be willing to 
assist.   It would be less work for me to maintain the existing 
implementation than try to re-implement this functionality in a 
relatively compatible way.   I would review OpenJDK's permissions as 
well, given that I use doPrivileged and POLP regularly, it's probably 
going to be more obvious to me where bugs are,  I do see evidence of 
these bugs in my policy file generation, so I would be able to fix a 
number relatively quickly.

Unfortunately for us to put these proxy's into separate processes, in 
order to use OS level access control, we could have hundreds to 
thousands of processes running.  So it's not really an option.  We would 
still need to communicate with that process, so it's starting to make it 
difficult to manage secure connections etc.

ClassLoader's are so lightweight in comparison to a process.

Our RFC 3986 and RFC 5952 URI based ClassLoader is also so much faster 
than URLClassLoader, so it's not just security performance, I looked for 
hotspots and eliminated all of them.   Where OpenJDK is doing dns 
network calls, we normalize ASCII strings.  It's AL2.0 licensed code 
refactored from Harmony, so I don't think it's an option for OpenJDK.

We'd like to avoid performance penalties as well, other options proposed 
have unknown performance costs, which may be significantly worse than 
current performant and scalable code. Remember our performance 
limitations are JVM native sockets, if you look at our hotspots, they're 
all JVM native methods.

While I admit that what we do with distributed software isn't commonly 
done in modern software, as most gave it up as too difficult years ago, 
we persisted and solved some very difficult problems.

Maybe if you put hooks (annotations?) into the JVM code, so it was easier for 
agents to know which calls need to be controlled for access decisions?   But 
then if not many people are using it, it will suffer neglect.

Yeah, it sounds neither here nor there, but the relevant maintainers will 
consider it.

It may be the deciding factor for us, so I'd appreciate it if this can 
be considered.

Is it also possible to consider directing file access and network access 
through single points of access?   This will simplify the process so we 
don't need to scour the entire codebase for usages.

What about doPrivileged calls?   Will they remain in existing Java 
library code, so we can utilise them?  To avoid viral permission 

It's your existing userbase with over 50% still using Java 8 that need 
convincing, who will be ultimate judge of the success or failure of this 

If you have data that contradicts our estimate of Security Manager usage among 
Java 8 users, please present it.

- Ron

I don't know what data you have, it's not something I've considered 
polling, if I find anything, I will most certainly share it.

Peter Firmstone

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-17 Thread Peter Firmstone
Your ideas are great in theory, in practice, the problem with your Agent 
proposal is every JVM release needs to be reviewed, and we have to 
review Java's internal implementation code, and understand it in order 
to instrument it.  But I do appreciate you took the time to do your 
homework to make the suggestion.

Maybe if you put hooks (annotations?) into the JVM code, so it was 
easier for agents to know which calls need to be controlled for access 
decisions?   But then if not many people are using it, it will suffer 

To answer your use case question below, we use a ClassLoader and 
ProtectionDomain, to represent the remote server Subject, this is not 
for authentication, just for access control.  JAAS is used for 
authentication of TLS endpoints.   For services, the calling Subject is 
run in the context of the thread on the remote machine for access 
decisions also.

It's your existing userbase with over 50% still using Java 8 that need 
convincing, who will be ultimate judge of the success or failure of this 

Thanks for your time.

Peter Firmstone

On 18/05/2021 8:16 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 17 May 2021, at 21:46, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

Yes, you are talking about those who maintain and develop OpenJDK, but this is 
only a small proportion of the overall Java developer ecosystem.

Not at all. I’m talking about the millions of developers who don’t get what 
they need sooner because the
OpenJDK’s resources are invested in maintaining components that add little 
value to the ecosystem.

No, it's not practical, but there's no viable upgrade path, so our only option 
is indefinite maintenance of Java 17.

I’m not going to tell you where to put your money, but writing a Java agent is 
orders of magnitude cheaper
than maintaining an eight-million-line codebase indefinitely.

In a distributed system that uses POJO's and Remote Method Invocation, a proxy 
is used to invoke methods on an object in a remote JVM or any other language 
for that matter, operating in another node or process.   The proxy 
implementation is not known, nor necessarily are it's communication methods 
until runtime.  It is loaded dynamically.

The proxy is trusted code (each implementation has different bytecode), but we 
wish to run it with principles of least privilege, rather than an anything goes 

I’m not sure I understand. If you’re not talking about a JDK mechanism, you can 
change that mechanism
to not use the Security Manager, just as JAAS will be changed.

If the application needs access control, but the Java platform doesn't provide 
it, and you must remove it for the application to run, then yes, the software 
will be less secure as a result.  This shouldn't be difficult to understand.

I understand but disagree.

No, but it is a useful security layer to control access.

The utility of *this particular mechanism* does not justify the cost of 
maintaining it.
The question isn’t if such a mechanism could be useful or not, but is this the 
best use of resources to improve security?
In other words, the choice isn’t between this and nothing, but between this and 
everything else.

It is not possible to implement fine grained access control in Java, or as a 
library, this feature is low level JVM code.

Again, when you say fine-grained level access control you don’t mean 
fine-grained level access control but the
particular features provided by the Security Manager; and those features — at 
least those you sound most interested
in — are not low-level JVM code, and can be implemented in Java with a Java 
agent, at least as an additional, albeit
imperfect layer of security, if you think this is a worthwhile and 
cost-effective approach.

Developers who wish to develop new applications that require access control 
should do so using another platform, those who have existing software 
deployments, need to stay on Java 17 for example, indefinitely until EOL.

I strongly disagree; the Security Manager is not the only — and I would say 
it’s not even the best — way to
offer access control. This JEP proposes removing Security Manager. That that 
implies giving up on access control
is entirely your insistence on identifying the two. And if the only way you can 
think of implementing access
control is with a call-stack code-sourcing mechanism, then I’m afraid other 
platforms are not going to offer it,
because they also don’t share the view that this is the best, let alone the 
only, way to do this.

New developments that require access control might consider the Microsoft CLR 
for example, however I'm no expert, there may be better alternatives.

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-17 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 18/05/2021 12:25 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 17 May 2021, at 13:47, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

It is a foundational feature, it has a significant impact on those who adopted 

True. But the problem is that it also has a significant impact on those who 

Yes, you are talking about those who maintain and develop OpenJDK, but 
this is only a small proportion of the overall Java developer 
ecosystem.    But I understand that this isn't insignificant either, 
just like the features removal isn't insignificant to those affected by it.

Out of curiosity, was anyone here impacted by the oil pipeline shutting 
down?   Impacts can be direct and indirect.

This is an existing system, your arguments are not relevant as the cost of 
rewriting millions of lines of code is prohibitively expensive.

I don’t think we’re talking about rewriting millions of lines of code, and the 
cost of keeping
Security Manager is far greater, anyway. We want to shift the high cost of 
maintaining the
SM, or something like it, from those who *don’t* want it to those who do, and I 
think that’s more
than fair.

No, it's not practical, but there's no viable upgrade path, so our only 
option is indefinite maintenance of Java 17.

My point is that there will be no restriction on the services themselves in the 
JVM consuming and using the services.  Currently service proxy's are only 
allowed to contact their originating server and negotiate a few required 
permissions for their operation.  In future versions of Java without a 
SecurityManager, they will have no restrictions at all.

I don’t understand this statement. Which JDK-implemented “service proxies” are 
you referring to that
today implement such a restriction in the JDK?

In a distributed system that uses POJO's and Remote Method Invocation, a 
proxy is used to invoke methods on an object in a remote JVM or any 
other language for that matter, operating in another node or process.   
The proxy implementation is not known, nor necessarily are it's 
communication methods until runtime.  It is loaded dynamically.

The proxy is trusted code (each implementation has different bytecode), 
but we wish to run it with principles of least privilege, rather than an 
anything goes approach.

Yes, it is the case for software that was designed to use the SecurityManager.  
 We need to be honest about the impact, yes I understand SecurityManager will 
be removed, however telling developers their EXISTING software is no less 
secure is inaccurate.

It is accurate, because if existing software picks a new runtime, then it will 
have to be modified
in order to run at all, if only to acknowledge it is depending on a deprecated, 
and later, degraded
feature. This JEP is proposing a responsible mechanism precisely to prevent 
situations like applications
that do depend on SM for security suddenly become less secure without their 

If the application needs access control, but the Java platform doesn't 
provide it, and you must remove it for the application to run, then yes, 
the software will be less secure as a result.  This shouldn't be 
difficult to understand.

So you could say, that the application has become less secure, with 
their knowledge, because it has a task to perform and it will be made so 
that it will continue to perform that task, even at the expense of less 
security, because security has become the obstacle to operation, which 
is the primary purpose, so security becomes a secondary concern.  No one 
will switch it off if it's insecure, at least not until after they're 
hacked, then they'll look for bolt on security solutions and they may 
get approval to rewrite the system at that stage.

Are you a security expert?  Is this your opinion as a security expert?

I am absolutely not a security expert, which is why I talk to security experts 
who tell me
they do not recommend the Security Manager as a central security measure.

No, but it is a useful security layer to control access.

Security should be seen as a layered approach, rather than one solution 
fits everything.   Each layer has it's role to play.

The use of SecurityManager as a central security measure is not the intent.

Yes the Java Permission model is flawed, one cannot disallow an insecure 
network connection, while allowing a secure TLS authenticated 
connection, however we've created other ways of doing that, but it does 
rely on the Permission model to limit privilege.

Your proposal is quite plain and simple, I don't see how it can be 
misunderstood, you propose to remove the ability to make stack based domain, 
access control decisions.

Not the ability, but the built-in implementation.

It is not possible to implement fine grained access control in Java, or 

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-17 Thread Peter Firmstone

Some quick clarifications, I'll try to reply properly in the next few days.

On 17/05/2021 9:29 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 17 May 2021, at 06:19, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

In versions of Java, without a security manager, the third party service 
provider will have AllPermission, and the user will have restricted permissions 
(if we still have some form of user Permission based access control).

Follow this issue:

Thanks for the link, I am aware of it.

So basically we might as well remove all access control completely and say that 
all users and all code is completely trusted,

All users — no, and at this point I’m starting to think that, rather than 
trying to understand
the direction proposed here, which is ultimately meant to help make Java *more* 
secure, you’re
trying to intentionally misunderstand and/or misrepresent it.

I understand the direction and the reasons for the decision, however we 
still need to consider how it will impact those who utilise it, and I'm 
sure more examples will come to light in time.

In my case, yes of course it will be less secure, because I'm using the 
stack context to manage access decisions for remote service identity.   
These service proxy's now have some very limited permissions, in future 
their access will be completely unrestricted.   It is a foundational 
feature, it has a significant impact on those who adopted it.

It does appear that a side effect of JEP 411, perhaps even an unintended 
consequence, will be to limit Java to trusted networks with one administrator.  
It is most certainly appears to be a single JVM focused change, or a system 
controlled by one administrator.

Absolutely not. 99.99% of secure distributed systems in the world, written in 
Java or not,
do not use Java’s Security Manager, and a great many of them mix of Java and 
other runtimes.

You might have a point, though, that the current direction does not try to 
tailor a specific
solution to distributed systems made *only* of JVMs, and, because systems are 
not controlled by
one administrator, and because many are polyglot, mixing services running on 
different runtimes,
this is very much the right direction to go. You, on the other hand, seem to be 
focused on
“Java only” systems.

This is an existing system, your arguments are not relevant as the cost 
of rewriting millions of lines of code is prohibitively expensive.

Services written in other languages may be providers of services, 
however other language runtimes may not be consumers of services because 
most lack dynamic class loading or dynamic fine grained access 
control.   The JVM is required to allow services to be agglomerated into 
a system.

My point is that there will be no restriction on the services themselves 
in the JVM consuming and using the services.  Currently service proxy's 
are only allowed to contact their originating server and negotiate a few 
required permissions for their operation.  In future versions of Java 
without a SecurityManager, they will have no restrictions at all.

Newer versions of Java will of course be less secure without access controls 
and unsuitable for use in a distributed system that involves more than one 

Of course not.

Yes, it is the case for software that was designed to use the 
SecurityManager.   We need to be honest about the impact, yes I 
understand SecurityManager will be removed, however telling developers 
their EXISTING software is no less secure is inaccurate.

I realise you’re trying to paint a picture as if the removal of Security 
Manager, a barely used
component, would adversely affects Java security — contrary to the opinion of 
security experts — b
ut the fact is that the vast majority of Java systems today already use other 
measures, including sandboxes. I don’t know if you actually believe this, in 
which case you
misunderstand the proposal, or don’t believe it but think that such claims 
would sound convincing
to others.

It is true that we’re saying to those few remaining people who still depend on 
Java’s internal
sandbox to do what most other people have already done and rely on other 
security measures, and so
*if they do not* their systems will be less secure, but, of course, this is not 
what’s being
recommended. All this JEP is saying that the JDK itself will not, in the long 
term, provide this
particular fine-grained sandbox, and that remaining users should switch to 
other sandboxes available
to Java applications.

Barely used or not, it is only fair to acknowledge the impact on those 
who do use it.

Are you a security expert?  Is this your opinion as a security expert?

I don't need a sandbox, I need access control.

Your proposal is quite plain and simple, I don't see how it can be 
misunderstood, you propose to remove the ability to make stack based 
domain, access control decisions.

These sandbox

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-16 Thread Peter Firmstone
Although JGDMS is a different type of system, this is one of the 
functions of SecurityManager in our system also.

We have methods equivalent to Subject.doAs, which instead of injecting 
the privileges of the user into all ProtectionDomain's, instead prepends 
a ProtectionDomain that represents the user's Subject onto the call 
stack.  When used in this way, it changes policy file permission 
grant's, it actually simplifies them, because you can grant 
AllPermission to trusted code, if you want to, and then limit user 
permissions and it will restrict only the user, however this doesn't 
fully explain why we do this. 

To explain this, requires briefly revisiting the 8 fallacy's of 
distributed computing, that is, item 6, there is only one administrator.

So for your single JVM server, or many instances of JVM's operating 
independently, yes, there is only one administrator, but this is not the 
case for a distributed system.

The reason we prepend a ProtectionDomain representing the user, is that 
there are ProtectionDomain's on the stack that represent Services other 
administrators are responsible for, it just happens to be proxy "code" 
that implements an interface, or interfaces, used for method calls 
between the two systems.  These proxy's are assigned a ClassLoader based 
on the Server's security constraints, the server Endpoint address (by 
the proxy's InvocationHandler implementation) and the codebase annotation.

So it's not really about the code, it's about the Service's identity and 
keeping the identities of different services separated from each other 
(even those using the same proxy code, with different server identity, 
eg for lookup services from different entities) and users, to avoid 
granting those Services all the users permissions while also allowing 
the user to authenticate with the service and also run as a logged in 
subject in threads on the remote node as well.

As previously explained, the permission's required for Service proxy's 
are negotiated dynamically at runtime, between the two parties.  We 
don't grant all the permissions the user has to the remote service 
provider, only those that have been negotiated, when a secure connection 
was first established, so the user allows the service provider to 
utilise some of the users permissions. The service provider cannot 
currently obtain more permission than the user has.

In versions of Java, without a security manager, the third party service 
provider will have AllPermission, and the user will have restricted 
permissions (if we still have some form of user Permission based access 
control).   So basically we might as well remove all access control 
completely and say that all users and all code is completely trusted, 
the system will be much more user friendly and easier to use, but 
legally that can present problems.

It does appear that a side effect of JEP 411, perhaps even an unintended 
consequence, will be to limit Java to trusted networks with one 
administrator.  It is most certainly appears to be a single JVM focused 
change, or a system controlled by one administrator.

Newer versions of Java will of course be less secure without access 
controls and unsuitable for use in a distributed system that involves 
more than one administrator.

In a way, it's ironic, IPv4 limited us to local networks, but now it 
looks like later versions of Java will now be the limiting factor.

I realize less utilized platform features like access controls aren't 
the concern of OpenJDK developers, but it doesn't appear to be doing any 
harm talking about them, at least so the consequences of the decision 
can be better understood.   I realize this is probably a business and 
marketing based decision.  I guess Java has more of an enterprise 
history, and it's giving that up to become leaner and more developer 
friendly (less things to learn or understand).



On 17/05/2021 12:11 pm, David Black wrote:

Hi Ron

On Thu, 13 May 2021 at 20:22, Ron Pressler  wrote:

On 13 May 2021, at 03:11, David Black  wrote:

This seems somewhat more useful than 1 & 2 but imho it would be better to be 
able to perform checks/grant access on a call stack basis.

This is an important point we’re trying to get across. The very reason the 
Security Manager was made this
way is because it does *seem* better; certainly it is much more flexible. 
However, twenty five years of
experience have shown us that *in practice* this is not the case, certainly not 
when you look at the
ecosystem as a whole. It is hard to get right, which results in people not 
using the mechanism (which
significantly reduces its utility and the value in maintaining it), or worse, 
use it and think it gets
the job done, but actually use it incorrectly, providing the illusion of 
security without actua

JEP 411: Why the last version to support SecurityManager is likely to be the most powerful version of Java.

2021-05-15 Thread Peter Firmstone
A disclaimer: I accept SecurityManager will be removed, but I feel a few 
words are in order before it's passing.

A little history:

Pre-1994, Bill Joy presented a proposal to Sun Labs where he
presented three main concepts:
1) a language that would run on all platforms,
2) a virtual machine to run this language, and
3) a networked system to allow the distributed virtual machines
to work as a singular system.
In 1995, the language and virtual machine were introduced to
the market as the Java Programming language and Java Virtual
Machine. The system context, however, was kept in the Sun R&D
for continued research and development. This system context
is Jini.


This fit into Sun's vision: "The network is the computer."

The components of item 3 above, have presented significant technical 
challenges, progress having been made at various times during Java's 
history.  Only in recent years have all the pieces of the puzzle come to 
together to realize the original goal.

So it appears that Java 1.17 will remain an important version for many 
years to come.

There are two types of scalability, vertical and horizontal.

Various OS platforms that support different CPU and GPU architectures, 
clearly the vector API is an important component as are other recent 

IPv6 enables end to end connectivity, rather than IPv4's publish 
subscribe, server client model and issues with NAT.  Web services are 
based on the publish subscribe model, with message passing. The Web 
services push API gives web applications the ability to listen to 
events.   But 
there remain issues with cross site request forgery's.

The glue is important too (which is what Jini is).

What are the key components:

1. JVM's installed on each node.
2. Dynamic class loading, with verification and type safety.
3. Network end to end connectivity (IPv6 adoption is currently 32%)
4. Privacy, Authentication and Identity.
5. Object Serialization protocols (Java Serialization is flawed).
6. Jini Extensible Remote Invocation (RMI isn't suitable due to class
   resolution issues and limited extensibility).
7. Service architecture based on Interfaces.
8. Dynamic network discovery (IPv6 global discovery only recently added
9. Ability to "join" specific groups on the network.
10. Lookup services (multiple, it's a common misconception there is only
   one), to find services, as well as listeners to be notified when
   services are added, removed or changed.
11. Network Transaction Service.
12. A powerful Configuration, that uses Groovy.

Why wasn't Jini a huge success when it was released in 1998?

1. It had some initial success, but class resolution was a big problem as
   ClassLoader's added complexity that wasn't originally envisioned. 
   To solve this problem, instead of using RMIClassLoading for class
   resolution and visibility, ClassLoader's  are assigned at each
   Endpoint and are completely responsible for class visibility and
   resolution, so it works with non-hierarchical class loading systems
   like OSGi.
2. Security wasn't added until 2002, combined with IPv4, it relegated
   Jini to private trusted networks, in the age of the internet,
   limiting it's appeal.  This is no longer the case.
3. When Security was added, it had been assumed the Java Sandbox and
   Java Serialization were secure, so authentication of services was
   performed after class loading and de-serialization, ouch!
4. The security model, added unnecessary complexity in the form of
   ProxyTrust  (This isn't used today).  We just authenticate first
   now, ensure the connection is private and validate the code, then
   let the code validate the input, to fail atomically, and this is
   handled for the user, all the user need do is configure their
   services to use TLS, and ensure their services runs with the login
5. Objects were exported remotely via their constructors allowing
   "this" to escape, prior to the Java 1.5 JMM, this was changed, an
   interface called Startable allows services to be started after
   construction, the same thing happens with Activation (Phoenix, not
   RMI), which is basically a watchdog for services.

Sun later released Jini as open source under the Apache 2.0 license in 
2007 and donated it to Apache who renamed it to River.

Remaining issues have taken about 12 years to resolve, all up it's 
probably had 25 years of development.

If JAAS continues to function in later versions of Java, we will be able 
to support them as server side services, but not as clients, without 
SecurityManager, so it will always depend on the last version of Java 
that contains a

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-14 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 13/05/2021 10:59 pm, Sean Mullan wrote:

The JEP does have a section on this:

"In future JDK releases, we may degrade the Security Manager APIs so 
that they remain in place but have limited or no functionality. For 
example, we may revise AccessController::doPrivileged simply to run 
the given action, or revise System::getSecurityManager always to 
return null. This would allow libraries that support the Security 
Manager and were compiled against previous Java releases to continue 
to work without change or even recompilation. Once the compatibility 
risk has declined to an acceptable level, we expect to remove the APIs."

So, if the JEP is targeted to 17, then the Security Manager will be 
deprecated for removal but will still be fully functional and 
supported in 17.

*Disclaimer: The next part is forward thinking, and subject to change.*

Once we start degrading the APIs, the functionality of the Security 
Manager may not fully work as before, so in that sense you might 
consider it "removed". We don't yet have a definitive timeline for 
that, it may occur in the next release, or it may not, but it will 
probably occur within a few releases after the release it is targeted to.


It will be important for existing JAAS login mechanisms and 
AccessControlContext's for Subject's are still functional and preserved 
so that TLS clients and servers can authenticate.   The 
AccessControlContext would only need to contain an array with only one 
ProtectionDomain, containing the Subject.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-14 Thread Peter Firmstone

Thanks for confirming.



On 13/05/2021 10:59 pm, Sean Mullan wrote:

On 5/13/21 6:00 AM, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 13 May 2021, at 10:32, Peter Firmstone 

So it targets 17.

I don’t know. I think that’s still TBD, but perhaps others know more.

At this point, yes, we are planning to target the JEP to JDK 17.

It would be nice to have certainty about which release it will be 
removed from, for planning purposes.   Again it would seem that this 
isn't a consideration of OpenJDK.

It very much is, which is why we have the deprecation and removal 
policy. Please
read the JEP carefully. In addition to deprecation and removal, this 
JEP also proposes
an interim step of degradation prior to removal. Removal, as the JEP 
says, will only
be done once it no longer poses a big compatibility threat. At the 
fastest pace possible
removal is more than a year away, though it will likely be longer 
than that.

The JEP does have a section on this:

"In future JDK releases, we may degrade the Security Manager APIs so 
that they remain in place but have limited or no functionality. For 
example, we may revise AccessController::doPrivileged simply to run 
the given action, or revise System::getSecurityManager always to 
return null. This would allow libraries that support the Security 
Manager and were compiled against previous Java releases to continue 
to work without change or even recompilation. Once the compatibility 
risk has declined to an acceptable level, we expect to remove the APIs."

So, if the JEP is targeted to 17, then the Security Manager will be 
deprecated for removal but will still be fully functional and 
supported in 17.

*Disclaimer: The next part is forward thinking, and subject to change.*

Once we start degrading the APIs, the functionality of the Security 
Manager may not fully work as before, so in that sense you might 
consider it "removed". We don't yet have a definitive timeline for 
that, it may occur in the next release, or it may not, but it will 
probably occur within a few releases after the release it is targeted to.


Is there an OpenJDK community project group that maintains older 
Java versions I can join?

Yes, that would be the Updates Project.

— Ron

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-13 Thread Peter Firmstone

I also think good developers will add these security features.

The problem is that Permissions are currently used to regulate access 
control because this is how we've been told it should be done for over 
20 years.

Now maybe people aren't using the Java FilePolicy provider (for reasons 
stated previously), but as has been discovered, they often will override 
SecurityManager and implement some form of access control on trusted 3rd 
party code.

Trusted code - Developed by people with good intentions - includes third 
party library code, we check it for known vulnerabilities at build time 
using OWASP, but we don't audit it ourselves as this requires 
understanding how the internals work and we are using it like a black 
box.  If we have concerns we might perform static analysis, but we don't 
do that for dynamic code, eg maven dependencies and then we are 
powerless to do anything about it, other than report the bug, so access 
control can be used to mitigate until it's fixed, or we can use the 
principle of least privilege so we are not impacted by it.

Java Serialization is also a form of parsing information, just like PDF 
documents and other file formats, problems with the Sandbox; there was 
no Permission to limit which classes could be deserialized, and JVM code 
always has AllPermission, so we couldn't restrict it either.  
Additionally there was no ProtectionDomain to represent the data being 
deserialized, and whether it was trusted or untrusted, these security 
features wouldn't have been difficult to add, however we rely on the 
platform developers to see the benefits.  We are all only human.

In JGDMS there are constraints we apply to services which require 
authentication and encryption, which must be met before deserialization 
or any downloads can proceed.

In our re-implementation of Atomic Java Serialization, we use a 
DeserizablePermission, to limit which libraries can perform 
de-serialization.   This is in addition to the use of failure atomic 
constructors, so we don't break object encapsulation.

We also perform static analysis at build time and fix these bugs too.

SecurityManager has much influence in access decisions in our software, 
we won't have the resources to upgrade, there's a massive amount of 
security auditing required before we could even consider it.   Our only 
option is to participate in the maintenance of existing Java versions.   
Java will be our COBOL. We will be capable of using Java 1.8 to 1.17, 
but not Java 2.0 (after disablement occurs).

Obviously removing SecurityManager infrastructure from OpenJDK is a 
significant undertaking requiring significant resources to audit the 
impacts of removal of Permission checks, unfortunately we don't have 
these resources and the alternative methods of putting alternative 
access controls in place isn't obvious and will require research, as you 
state below, I know very little about how this can be done without using 
existing Java access controls.

I think during this transition period, while developers are 
reestablishing what constitutes secure programming, there will be many 
new bugs exposed that SecurityManager was obscuring.

Personally, I will be observing from the sidelines to learn new security 
features and best practices I'm not yet aware of.  It's always best to 
wait and see the outcome of experiments before diving in.

The problem with Security is many developers don't like it, or want it 
to be someone else's problem, so we will always have reasons to remove 
whatever Security API's are added to Java because of limited use.

Perhaps I'm conflating security with access control again?


On 14/05/2021 2:15 am, Sean Mullan wrote:

On 5/12/21 5:41 PM, Peter Tribble wrote:

Let me give a concrete example:

Parsing and rendering a PDF file that may contain references to fonts 
or other resources.
We know exactly where the files are installed, so wish to allow the 
rendering routine access
to the fonts it will need. But not to any other files, and not 
(normally) to network resources at
all. Note that we trust the code, but not necessarily the document 
it's parsing. (Although the
document itself may be perfectly well formed - document formats often 
allow embedding

references to 3rd-party objects, undesirable as that may be.)

There are a range of such issues in document parsing and rendering. 
And unfortunately, the
good libraries for this task are proprietary so we can't modify them 
to apply the restrictions
we're after. The (server-side) application does need access to files 
and network resources at
other times; it's only when it goes into the rendering step that we 
lock it down, and unlock it

once done.

I know very little about this area, but I would think a good PDF 
rendering library would include security features which prevent 
arbitrary file/network access from untrusted documents by default or 
at least give you the ability to control that.


Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-13 Thread Peter Firmstone

So it targets 17.

Java 8 has planned support to 2030, longer than 17, it seems unlikely 
the SecurityManager will still be present in an LTS release later than 
17, given that 11 was the last, maybe 23 will be the next LTS version.  
Of course these aren't OpenJDK considerations, maybe someone will decide 
to support a version of Java that has it longer, or maybe they wont.

It would be nice to have certainty about which release it will be 
removed from, for planning purposes.   Again it would seem that this 
isn't a consideration of OpenJDK.

Is there an OpenJDK community project group that maintains older Java 
versions I can join?



On 13/05/2021 6:21 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:

Whatever version JEP 411 targets, it will *not* remove the Security Manager. 
if 411 targets 17, the Security Manager will still be in 17, precisely because
of the deprecation policy intended to give people time to adjust.

— Ron

On 13 May 2021, at 01:44, Peter Firmstone  wrote:


Can JEP 411 be targeted against Java 18 please?

I realize long term support is not OpenJDK's concern, however other's are 
planning Java 17 to be a long term support release and that will impact us.

Thank you,

Peter Firmstone
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 13/05/2021 7:43 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 8 May 2021, at 05:55, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

What would help in future:

• Define a core Java api, a javadoc annotation? If parts of it are 
deprecated, they will not be removed for eg 3 LTS releases, pick a number, it 
provides certainty.  Developers writing new software then know if they use this 
api, they will not be harmed by breaking changes for x years.
• Removal of api from java.* or javax.* are breaking changes.  This is 
worse than a library breakage, as we can write a compatibility layer for a 
library.   In my own software I provide a compatibility library for older 
versions of software written for Jini, it just decorates old api over new as a 
compatibility layer.   For example we could write a compatibility layer for 
AccessController and doPrivileged methods, so they still work, without shotgun 
surgery. but we can't do that because it's in Java package namespace.
• An annotation will let us know that we can write programs, without 
risk of incurring potentially significant technical debt.

OpenJDK does not have the concept of LTS, and certainly not of "LTS releases.”
Long-term support is a general term for services that anyone is free to offer 
for any OpenJDK version for
any length of time, and even retroactively. You can choose to provide LTS to 
JDK 10 tomorrow if you like.

OpenJDK does have a removal policy: Its goal 
is to do exactly what
you describe, and that policy is in effect for this JEP as it is for all other 
similar ones.

But please read JEP 411 carefully. It does give you time; it does talk of a 
gradual process.

• Sun always gave us plenty of time to remove usages of deprecated 
methods, it always took years to clean these up, but there are compiler 
warnings etc.  My point is, we always got them removed eventually, meanwhile we 
were also able to take advantage of new features.

This is the second time you’ve brought up Sun, as if it’s some disjoint group 
of people. People might
have decided to change their policies due to changing circumstances, and the 
circumstances 15 years
ago were certainly no identical to today.

It appears to me that stack walking, which you singled out as a performance 
problem (it isn't), is likely causing difficulties for another project you're 
working on, which is why you are strongly motivated to see it removed.

We would like to see it removed because we believe that the total good the 
Security Manager does the
Java community as a whole does not appear to justify its high cost. In other 
words, we’d like to see it
removed because we believe doing so would do more good for more people than not 
removing it.

This will inflict pain on many projects, I just can't see people upgrading 
their software.  Who's going to pay for all the hours of programming to convert 
perfectly good running code to a new api, just to upgrade to a newer version of 

Removing stuff absolutely causes pain. We know that, we sympathise, and we’re 
trying to minimise it.
But you have to understand that *not* removing stuff also causes pain, and not 
diverting resources
elsewhere might dissuade other people from using Java because *their* needs 
aren’t addressed. We would
have loved to please everyone but it’s impossible, so we have to make 
decisions, and whatever decision
we make, someone will experience pain in the form of more work they have to do. 
We have to consider the
total pain vs. total good over the entire Java ecosystem. Please also 
understand our perspective: you’re
asking us to pay for hours of work to maintain something that fe

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-12 Thread Peter Firmstone


Can JEP 411 be targeted against Java 18 please?

I realize long term support is not OpenJDK's concern, however other's 
are planning Java 17 to be a long term support release and that will 
impact us.

Thank you,

Peter Firmstone
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 13/05/2021 7:43 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 8 May 2021, at 05:55, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

What would help in future:

• Define a core Java api, a javadoc annotation? If parts of it are 
deprecated, they will not be removed for eg 3 LTS releases, pick a number, it 
provides certainty.  Developers writing new software then know if they use this 
api, they will not be harmed by breaking changes for x years.
• Removal of api from java.* or javax.* are breaking changes.  This is 
worse than a library breakage, as we can write a compatibility layer for a 
library.   In my own software I provide a compatibility library for older 
versions of software written for Jini, it just decorates old api over new as a 
compatibility layer.   For example we could write a compatibility layer for 
AccessController and doPrivileged methods, so they still work, without shotgun 
surgery. but we can't do that because it's in Java package namespace.
• An annotation will let us know that we can write programs, without 
risk of incurring potentially significant technical debt.

OpenJDK does not have the concept of LTS, and certainly not of "LTS releases.”
Long-term support is a general term for services that anyone is free to offer 
for any OpenJDK version for
any length of time, and even retroactively. You can choose to provide LTS to 
JDK 10 tomorrow if you like.

OpenJDK does have a removal policy: Its goal 
is to do exactly what
you describe, and that policy is in effect for this JEP as it is for all other 
similar ones.

But please read JEP 411 carefully. It does give you time; it does talk of a 
gradual process.

• Sun always gave us plenty of time to remove usages of deprecated 
methods, it always took years to clean these up, but there are compiler 
warnings etc.  My point is, we always got them removed eventually, meanwhile we 
were also able to take advantage of new features.

This is the second time you’ve brought up Sun, as if it’s some disjoint group 
of people. People might
have decided to change their policies due to changing circumstances, and the 
circumstances 15 years
ago were certainly no identical to today.

It appears to me that stack walking, which you singled out as a performance 
problem (it isn't), is likely causing difficulties for another project you're 
working on, which is why you are strongly motivated to see it removed.

We would like to see it removed because we believe that the total good the 
Security Manager does the
Java community as a whole does not appear to justify its high cost. In other 
words, we’d like to see it
removed because we believe doing so would do more good for more people than not 
removing it.

This will inflict pain on many projects, I just can't see people upgrading 
their software.  Who's going to pay for all the hours of programming to convert 
perfectly good running code to a new api, just to upgrade to a newer version of 

Removing stuff absolutely causes pain. We know that, we sympathise, and we’re 
trying to minimise it.
But you have to understand that *not* removing stuff also causes pain, and not 
diverting resources
elsewhere might dissuade other people from using Java because *their* needs 
aren’t addressed. We would
have loved to please everyone but it’s impossible, so we have to make 
decisions, and whatever decision
we make, someone will experience pain in the form of more work they have to do. 
We have to consider the
total pain vs. total good over the entire Java ecosystem. Please also 
understand our perspective: you’re
asking us to pay for hours of work to maintain something that few use, hours 
that could go into work more
people could enjoy.

— Ron

Re: Performance differences between Java 8,, 11, 14 and 16

2021-05-12 Thread Peter Firmstone

Hi Alan,

Understood, not sure if I could give AccessController that kind of 
workout using JDK classes alone, the library code is very performant.   
It might be possible if AllPermission is granted and ClassLoaders are 
created using only class bytes, without accessing files, to avoid using 
the Java's PolicyFile, URLClassLoader, CodeSource and URL.  To be honest 
though, it would be a reasonable size task, sorry, but I don't have 
enough time.

Mahalo is a network transaction manager service, in the test it runs 
through 1000 transactions, each with 1 to 9 network participants, each 
participant is a proxy with a unique ProtectionDomain and ClassLoader 
(represents Server identity in the client) that's making remote method 
calls over TLS connections.

By the time the test complete's it's created over 20,000 
ProtectionDomains and over 5,000 ClassLoader's, not all used at the same 
time of course, but there are a number of codebases involved, so there 
could be around 10 to 20 ProtectionDomain's in a call stack at the same 
time, these are being replaced, so it gives the AccessController quite a 
good workout.   Note these ProtectionDomains run using the principle of 
least privilege.

Even TLSv1.3's overhead is un-noticable, it's basically only limited by 
the speed of the underlying network sockets.

Thank you to the developers who made TLSv1.3 run so well.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 12/05/2021 6:00 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 12/05/2021 07:18, Peter Firmstone wrote:

It would be great if there were a JMH benchmark that didn't have any 
dependency on Apache River or other libs. That would make it a bit 
easier to study/diagnose.


Re: Performance differences between Java 8,, 11, 14 and 16

2021-05-12 Thread Peter Firmstone

Steps to reproduce:

Use git to checkout

Set the following path variables to your Java installation directory:

JAVA_HOME=file path to java 8

JDK_HOME=file path to jdk 8 (same as above)

Make sure the java command returns Java 8.

$java -version

Change directory into JGDMS

$mvn package

Change directory into qa: cd ../qa

Create a file called

Add the following 2 lines to (replace with your path):


Then build the qa suite:

$ant build

Then edit the file and add the following line (for 


Then change JAVA_HOME and JDK_HOME to your preferred version of java, 
and change your path to point to the java version you want to test.

Then run the test:

$ant run-tests

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 12/05/2021 4:18 pm, Peter Firmstone wrote:

你好先生范, 不客气,

With the follow property set to reproduce:



Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 12/05/2021 3:42 pm, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Hi Peter,

For further understanding, may I know more details about the test code?


On May 11, 2021, at 10:31 PM, Peter Firmstone  

Just ran some performance stress tests to compare performance between Java 8 
and Java 14 with SecurityManager enabled and using TLSv1.3 secure 

On Java 8, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 7,741ms 
of process CPU consumption.

On Java 11, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 7,769ms 
of process CPU consumption.

On Java 14, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 133,815 
ms of process CPU consumption.

On Java 16, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 5,144 ms 
of process CPU consumption.

I wasn't expecting such a huge difference in performance.

Total time for the test on Java 8 is 97 seconds.

Total time for the test on Java 11 is 1 minute 37 seconds (same as Java 8)

Total time for the test on Java 14 is 2 minutes and 1 second.

Total time for the test on Java 16 is 1 minute and 36 seconds.

Both tests are using TLSv1.3 secure communications.

It would seem that Java 16, 8 and 11 are the performance winners in this case, 
where the above method is less than 0.5% of CPU. Java 14 is around 15% of CPU.

Not sure why Java 14 is performing poorly in comparison to other versions, the 
results are pretty consistent to the second.

Peter Firmstone
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: Performance differences between Java 8,, 11, 14 and 16

2021-05-11 Thread Peter Firmstone

你好先生范, 不客气,

With the follow property set to reproduce:



Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 12/05/2021 3:42 pm, Xuelei Fan wrote:

Hi Peter,

For further understanding, may I know more details about the test code?


On May 11, 2021, at 10:31 PM, Peter Firmstone  

Just ran some performance stress tests to compare performance between Java 8 
and Java 14 with SecurityManager enabled and using TLSv1.3 secure 

On Java 8, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 7,741ms 
of process CPU consumption.

On Java 11, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 7,769ms 
of process CPU consumption.

On Java 14, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 133,815 
ms of process CPU consumption.

On Java 16, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 5,144 ms 
of process CPU consumption.

I wasn't expecting such a huge difference in performance.

Total time for the test on Java 8 is 97 seconds.

Total time for the test on Java 11 is 1 minute 37 seconds (same as Java 8)

Total time for the test on Java 14 is 2 minutes and 1 second.

Total time for the test on Java 16 is 1 minute and 36 seconds.

Both tests are using TLSv1.3 secure communications.

It would seem that Java 16, 8 and 11 are the performance winners in this case, 
where the above method is less than 0.5% of CPU. Java 14 is around 15% of CPU.

Not sure why Java 14 is performing poorly in comparison to other versions, the 
results are pretty consistent to the second.

Peter Firmstone
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Performance differences between Java 8,, 11, 14 and 16

2021-05-11 Thread Peter Firmstone
Just ran some performance stress tests to compare performance between 
Java 8 and Java 14 with SecurityManager enabled and using TLSv1.3 secure 

On Java 8, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 
7,741ms of process CPU consumption.

On Java 11, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 
7,769ms of process CPU consumption.

On Java 14, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 
133,815 ms of process CPU consumption.

On Java 16, AccessController.getStackAccessControlContext[native]() is 
5,144 ms of process CPU consumption.

I wasn't expecting such a huge difference in performance.

Total time for the test on Java 8 is 97 seconds.

Total time for the test on Java 11 is 1 minute 37 seconds (same as Java 8)

Total time for the test on Java 14 is 2 minutes and 1 second.

Total time for the test on Java 16 is 1 minute and 36 seconds.

Both tests are using TLSv1.3 secure communications.

It would seem that Java 16, 8 and 11 are the performance winners in this 
case, where the above method is less than 0.5% of CPU. Java 14 is around 
15% of CPU.

Not sure why Java 14 is performing poorly in comparison to other 
versions, the results are pretty consistent to the second.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: JEP411: Restricting/logging library usages using a SecurityManager

2021-05-08 Thread Peter Firmstone

Just some references regarding Roel's original argument below:

It will be interesting to see how OpenJDK plans to develop new ways to 
assist developers to mitigate third party library risks.

Peter Firmstone

0498 286 363
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 16/04/2021 7:10 am, Roel Spilker wrote:

Hi all,

So I do get why RMI and Applets are no longer used.

I also agree that the performance and usability of the current 
implementation is suboptimal, and that configuring the security 
manager through text files is also not that easy.

But on my server application, we use libraries. And I'm very 
interested on how they behave.

I would like to log or restrict the following actions:
- Spawning new processes
- Unexpected file access
- Unexpected network traffic

Currently, our application sets a custom written security manager to 
restrict or log those aspects.

For example, we would block all XXE attacks by just having our 
security manager.

In JEP411 I did not find a way to do those things without a security 

What does the security group think about these use cases? Does it 
still make sense to deprecate/remove the entire security manager? 
Would a replacement for certain concerns be in order?

Kind regards,

Roel Spilker

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-08 Thread Peter Firmstone


Thanks for the discussion.  Although we have different opinions, I do 
appreciate that you took the time to reply.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-07 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 7/05/2021 1:17 pm, Peter Firmstone wrote:

On 6/05/2021 9:46 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:
That is correct. Here is where this is mentioned for ForkJoinPool: 

And here it is for virtual threads (the JavaDoc is still a WIP): 

Can I use doPrivileged blocks with context, or will they be 
innefective?  If yes to the former and no to the latter, then it's 
great these threads have no permission by default.

Just trying to work out if I can use it with secure network connections? 


Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-07 Thread Peter Firmstone

What would help in future:

1. Define a core Java api, a javadoc annotation? If parts of it are
   deprecated, they will not be removed for eg 3 LTS releases, pick a
   number, it provides certainty.  Developers writing new software then
   know if they use this api, they will not be harmed by breaking
   changes for x years.
2. Removal of api from java.* or javax.* are breaking changes. This is
   worse than a library breakage, as we can write a compatibility layer
   for a library.   In my own software I provide a compatibility
   library for older versions of software written for Jini, it just
   decorates old api over new as a compatibility layer.   For example
   we could write a compatibility layer for AccessController and
   doPrivileged methods, so they still work, without shotgun surgery.
   but we can't do that because it's in Java package namespace.
3. An annotation will let us know that we can write programs, without
   risk of incurring potentially significant technical debt.
4. Sun always gave us plenty of time to remove usages of deprecated
   methods, it always took years to clean these up, but there are
   compiler warnings etc.  My point is, we always got them removed
   eventually, meanwhile we were also able to take advantage of new

If OpenJDK does that, then I personally would continue use of Java for 
new projects.

OpenJDK is not doing anything to ease the pain of migration, when you 
could do better.

I'm curious, what are other developers using instead of Subject.doAs, 
JAAS and AccessController.doPrivileged to authenticate TLS connections?

In JGDMS I found:

916 matches of AccessController in 264 files, and that's excluding tests.

515 matches of AccessControlContext in 121 files, again excluding tests.

It appears to me that stack walking, which you singled out as a 
performance problem (it isn't), is likely causing difficulties for 
another project you're working on, which is why you are strongly 
motivated to see it removed.

This isn't like other API's that are being removed, so far we have only 
been impacted in parts of our codebase.

This will inflict pain on many projects, I just can't see people 
upgrading their software.  Who's going to pay for all the hours of 
programming to convert perfectly good running code to a new api, just to 
upgrade to a newer version of Java?

Just can't see it happening.


On 8/05/2021 8:42 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

Many of the people who worked at Sun still work at Oracle on Java today, and 
that group includes all the people who
signed their names on this JEP, but Java today has ten more years of baggage to 
maintain than it did back then. The
speed at which things are removed after deprecation is meant to be 
proportionate to their level of use.

I believe that, despite the fact that some less used things are, indeed, being 
removed now while they weren’t before,
Java still compares favourable with many other languages/platforms as far as 
stability and compatibility is concerned.
I think that saying that “move fast and break things” is the new philosophy is 
not only unfair, but very, very far
from the truth.

— Ron

On 7 May 2021, at 23:20, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

On 8/05/2021 4:21 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

Deprecation/removal JEPs, and this one is no exception, make the following 
claim: that the total good a certain JDK capability
currently contributes to the Java ecosystem at large does not justify the cost 
of its maintenance, and it should, therefore, be
removed — gradually, of course, and with enough time for users to find 
alternatives. An argument against such a JEP would take
the form of, no, the total good the feature contributes to the ecosystem does 
justify its cost.

Sun Microsystems would deprecate, but were very slow to remove API that caused 
breakages, they were also very considerate about how they would modify api in a 
backward compatible manner. OpenJDK has already demonstrated it removes api 
very quickly after deprecation.  OpenJDK has adopted the move quickly and break 
things philosophy.

I really like the new language features under development, but the continual 
breakages are causing me to rethink.

I still haven't worked out how to replace some of the more recently removed 
features, we are still building on Java 8, because of missing components in 
Java 11, although we use features from and test on later versions.  We haven't 
been testing on Java 8, because our default ciphers target the most recent 
versions and we disable anything less by default.

Other breaking changes that have been removed can be replaced by library code, 
but cause breakages since we are unable to use the java.* package namespace.  
It would be friendlier, if OpenJDK allowed libraries to be developed 
separately, using the java.* namespace, perhaps as part of the project.

This core platform feature that will be removed, pr

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-07 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 8/05/2021 4:21 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

Deprecation/removal JEPs, and this one is no exception, make the following 
claim: that the total good a certain JDK capability
currently contributes to the Java ecosystem at large does not justify the cost 
of its maintenance, and it should, therefore, be
removed — gradually, of course, and with enough time for users to find 
alternatives. An argument against such a JEP would take
the form of, no, the total good the feature contributes to the ecosystem does 
justify its cost.

Sun Microsystems would deprecate, but were very slow to remove API that 
caused breakages, they were also very considerate about how they would 
modify api in a backward compatible manner. OpenJDK has already 
demonstrated it removes api very quickly after deprecation.  OpenJDK has 
adopted the move quickly and break things philosophy.

I really like the new language features under development, but the 
continual breakages are causing me to rethink.

I still haven't worked out how to replace some of the more recently 
removed features, we are still building on Java 8, because of missing 
components in Java 11, although we use features from and test on later 
versions.  We haven't been testing on Java 8, because our default 
ciphers target the most recent versions and we disable anything less by 

Other breaking changes that have been removed can be replaced by library 
code, but cause breakages since we are unable to use the java.* package 
namespace.  It would be friendlier, if OpenJDK allowed libraries to be 
developed separately, using the java.* namespace, perhaps as part of the 

This core platform feature that will be removed, probably after Java 17, 
but before the following long term support version cannot be replaced by 
a library.

The maintenance debt is building up too fast to keep up with.

I can't justify writing new projects in Java until the API has 
stabilized, it's fair to say the new API is Java like, but C# is also 
Java like, as is Android.

It's clear OpenJDK wants Java to be like younger languages, and since 
that's where it's headed, I might as well select one of those instead, 
what kept me developing on Java was its stability and performance, when 
newer languages could do the same with less.  Performance of newer 
languages will improve with time, just like Java did and their API's 
will become more stable.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-07 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 6/05/2021 9:46 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:

Trying to convince people, at this point, after twenty five years that the 
Security Manager isn’t complicated after all might
be too little too late.

Static policy, terrible performance, no scalability at all, and the fact 
that you continually have to edit policy files manually, and there's no 
auditing tools?

Ha ha ha. :)  It's complicated, ha ha ha, it hardly works!  Why would a 
developer spend time writing concurrent code, then turn on security and 
slow their hard work to a crawl?  That's why they simplify it and bypass 
the policy.

No, complexity is not the problem.

It was a good design for 1997, but the java code it's written in is also 
from 1997 with little maintenance since.

For shame.

From my observations, the native code in AccessController is scalable 
and performant and has little overhead, someone has done some very good 
work there, that has to be more recent.   This is a very good piece of 
work, very good indeed.

Sorry, I had to point out some truths.

My static policy (as stated previously there is a dynamic policy also) 
is a direct drop in replacement, you could ship with that, it would be a 
start.  You could even remove the Java policy implementation and I can 
make my policy implementation available on Maven.  It's AL2.0 licensed, 
I did look at donating it some time ago.   The code has provenance, I'm 
not the sole author, I can only donate parts of it under GPL2.0

I can also donate the profiling tool.

The thing is, if it was performant, people would stop switching it off, 
and if there were tools to handle policy complexity, then they will 
start using it, they have to use it for Principal permissions.

Here's what OSGi does, they associate permissions with modules, to 
reduce complexity:

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: [External] : Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-06 Thread Peter Firmstone
 relying on different code
having different permissions *in the same process* is not a good strategy. 
After twenty five years of Security Manager with little
use and less still proper use, and with most of the ecosystem not supporting 
this mechanism anyway so even if improvement were justified
it would take years until people could enjoy it, increasing investment in it 
would be, in my opinion, throwing good money after bad.

Experience with poor or incomplete implementations has shown that.  You 
have to admit then, that you have zero experience with a good 

It's just access control, you are mistakenly still thinking about 
sandboxes.   In the sandbox model, the sandbox is the be all and end all 
of security, the sandbox is supposed to present a safe and impenetrable 
api, in the cheese model, access control is just one layer of cheese 
with holes.  Because nothing is perfect, it's better to have multiple 
layers of security, as it reduces the chances of things like gadget 
chains succeeding, rather than a be all and end all wack-a-mole 
whitelist approach that seems to be popular of late.

Anyone can use JGDMS to enjoy it now, little investment is required, the 
work is done.  It also takes the pain out of implementing TLS 
communications as well, including preserving the Subject across JVM's.

It supports Maven and OSGi, so you can dynamically download libraries 
and automatically assign permissions.  Haven't implemented support for 
Java modules yet, as we still compile on Java 8, although funnily enough 
we use later TLSv1.3 cypher suites.

Oh, that reminds me OSGi also implements SecurityManager and has dynamic 
permissions, it can revoke as well as grant permissions, are you aware 
of it?  It uses a different mechanism though, because it pre-dates Java 
1.4, I don't recall the implementation.

It's a shame it took SecurityManager's proposed removal for you to discover it 
has practical application.   You are right on one respect, not enough people 
take security seriously.

Security and the Security Manager are not the same thing,

Agreed, but your statement is not relevant to the points I'm making 
here, you are still thinking about sandboxes, instead of access 
control.  Sandbox whitelists is wack-a-mole, so is white listed 
Serialization without atomic failure input validation. Maybe it's not 
that people don't take security seriously, it's that they think white 
lists are an appropriate form of security, without authentication and 
validation, they are not.  Same problem with the sandbox.  Access 
Control is still useful, when it's not treated as the front line of 
security, but a more rearward layer that is expected to have holes, 
because it has limitations, so we instead depend on a armory of defense 
layers, each with flaws, that we try to manage.  The Cyphers of the late 
90's are no longer in use, and neither is the sandbox.

  virtually none of the security work in the JDK in the past few years
took place in the Security Manager,

Because Serialization is not failure atomic, is performed by privileged 
system code and developers had open network ports without authentication 
that an attacker could intercept and use gadget chains to take over the 
JVM, I don't see how this is relevant to access control for trusted code 
and trusted users. There were similar problems with XML.  This is why 
whitelists and whak-a-mole is not security either, also why I think 
whitelist serialization will come back to bite again, because people 
using whitelists think they can process data, without proper input 
validation.  What makes it works is it's a separate concern, it breaks 
object encapsulation.

There should be a command line parameter to disable Serialization, in 
such a way that it cannot be enabled at runtime.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-06 Thread Peter Firmstone

Thanks Alan,

I understand the motivation.

The front line of security is authentication, privacy (encryption), 
verification and validation with failure atomicity.

SecurityManager is unfortunately named, giving the impression that it 
has responsibility for security.  In truth, it's ONLY an access decision 
tool, rather than a controller or manager.   It can have benefits for 
security, when employing the principle of least privilege, but it is not 
in and of itself a solution for system security, as you most rightly 
imply, it becomes an expensive game of whack-a-mole.

I think the problem is one of perception.

I would like to propose instead of deprecation, is that we simply 
document that security manager no longer performs it's original intended 
role, that it's role today is only to assist in access decisions.   Lets 
remove the concept of a SecurityManager sandbox, let's put in big bold 
DECISIONS FOR TRUSTED USERS AND CODE"   And also explain why, ie the 
game of whack-a-mole.  Then a discussion of least privilege principles 
would be appropriate.

In your examples below, where someone has forgotten to check a 
permission, or preserve context across threads, these are not 
exploitable until the front line of defense fails.

Typically forgetting to preserve the context prevents a TLS connection 
from opening and it will be reported and fixed, but it is not a security 
risk, it just means you can't connect until it's fixed.

Often the failure to check a permission is benign, because the code is 
trusted, but it does provide a way to manage who has access to data and 
to monitor it.

Java Serialization shouldn't be used to process un-trusted data either, 
nor should it be used over an unencrypted connection, even with a 
whitelist, there is no guarantee of security, as it lacks validation 
failure atomicity.

So how about we lower the bar for reporting, such that a bug in access 
control is treated differently than bugs that truly threaten security?  
Lets make some rules around that so that when someone reports a bug, 
it's not escalated to a security bug if one of the front line defenses 
would prevent an untrusted party taking control of the jvm.

Create a new bug category called ACCESS CONTROL BUGS, still fix holes in 
access control when reported, but don't escalate it to a level of 
security that no one can see, instead, publish the bug and let people 
submit patches.  This will reduce the maintenance burden and cost.   We 
still want access control to function, but recognize its limitations.

At work in your typical corporate environment, users are given access to 
directory's and files using Kerberos / RBAC and are typically disallowed 
from installing an application on their computer and have to call up the 
IT help desk to have software installed, this is because your average 
user will install anything onto their computer to get things done.  The 
average user isn't a hacker, that's going to hack your systems.

Access control on Java should be treated similarly, I install this code, 
or authorize this user, on my JVM but I'm going to place some 
limitations on what they are allowed to do.  We are not expecting them 
to hack the system.

I found the type of bug you are talking about myself only recently:

Privileged methods and context are commonly used to establish TLS 
connections, so removing AccessControlContext and AccessController will 
break this code, when we already have the tools we need to establish TLS 

Save the work of writing new tools to replace existing functionality, 
document the existing, change how we respond and devote the resources to 
something more important.   That way our existing code should also 
remain functional, so it's win-win.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 6/05/2021 9:48 pm, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 06/05/2021 11:26, Peter Firmstone wrote:

OpenJDK seems to have assumed that no one was using SecurityManager 
based on one research report.

I don't think this is right. Instead I would say that many of us have 
rarely encountered deployments on the server-side that are using a 
SecurityManager to enforce security as envisaged by the Java security 
model. I've been at Java conferences where the sessions on this topic 
had less than 10 people in the room. Most of the actual usages that 
I've come across have been more like using the security manager as a 
convenient way to intercept network and file access for the purposes 
of logging or blocking. These usages may not have a need for 
protection domains, stack walks, policy files and the other complexity 
that comes with the security model.

One thing that is missin

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-06 Thread Peter Firmstone
ileges?  There is some documentation on 
the common pool regarding SecurityManger, but little on Loom's virtual 
threads.  Can someone point me to a reference to security documentation 
on these features please?

Security Manager is not a central component for securing trusted 
server-side code, a good thing, too, because few systems use it and it 
doesn’t defend against some of the most common and dangerous exploits. 
In fact, the Security Manager is already crippled on the common pool 
(and on Loom’s virtual threads 
because setting up appropriate security contexts would defeat the 
performance requirements of those constructs, and using it with 
|CompletableFuture|s or any asynchronous (or “reactive”) context 
requires the developer to carefully capture and reestablish 
security contexts as operations travel from one thread to another.

If we disable Java serialization, we don't use XML, we validate 
invariants in our constructors and design for failure atomicity, we 
design to encapsulate, we avoid shared mutable state as much as 
possible, use immutability, we check third party libraries for security 
vulnerabilities, we perform static code analysis and we are running code 
using the principle of least privilege, we use the latest available 
TLSv1.3 cyphers and disable earlier versions.  Do you believe we are 
still vulnerable to these most common and dangerous exploits?

Perhaps we are still vulnerable to unknown or zero day exploits?

It is my opinion that removing the principle of least privilege will not 
improve the security of our software, but rather degrade it.  But then 
Java hasn't had a good reputation for security in recent years, thanks 
to Serialization, granted OpenJDK has done a lot to swat bugs as they're 
discovered in recent years, it will take a little more time to build a 
good reputation.  Personally I wouldn't be removing SecurityManager, I'd 
be addressing the issues and cleaning it up so programs can be run with 
principles of least privilege, I know it's not perfect, but nothing ever 
is, but it should improve with time, if it's not neglected and replaced 
if needed.

Maybe Unix sockets will provide a performance boost, Sockets are our 
major hotspot at 42.5%

I guess you now have a use case for what SecurityManager is capable of.

It's a shame it took SecurityManager's proposed removal for you to 
discover it has practical application.   You are right on one respect, 
not enough people take security seriously.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-05 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 5/05/2021 10:55 pm, Sean Mullan wrote:

-bcc jdk-dev
-cc security-dev

On 5/5/21 12:04 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

I think we are talking past each other here.   You keep talking about 
untrusted code, which sounds like applets to me.  I've read and still 
have a copy of Li Gong's book, applets were only one of the 
considerations.  I am talking about authorization and access control. 
We use and develop distributed or p2p systems, we don't allow 
untrusted code to run at all, never ever, that's a dumb idea, so lets 
stop talking about untrusted code, we don't use that.    We do 
utilize dynamic downloaded code from others and use dynamic class 
loading, we verify this prior to loading. We check it's authorized to 
run before running it.  Again I repeat, we do not run untrusted code, 
that would allow an attacker to cause denial of service etc, the JVM 
has no control over badly behaving code.

But you use self-signed certificates to sign the code that will be 
run. There is no trust in self-signed certificates unless you have 
previously used some out-of-band mechanism to trust the public key. I 
still don't understand why this is not the same as running untrusted 
code, even if the code is sandboxed. And trusting the TLS server is 
not an equivalent basis of trust.

Yes, we have a dynamic out of band mechanism.  We authenticate the other 
party using TLS, and depending on who it is (whether Permission has been 
granted to their Principal), we dynamically grant them permission to 
load their code on our system.  They can use a self signed certificate 
on their code, and we dynamically grant permission for the code signed 
by that certificate to be loaded, otherwise they can use a cryptographic 
checksum, so we can be sure their code hasn't been modified by a third 
party, it just simplifies the process, so we don't have to introduce 
another CA, we are actually trusting the remote end to audit their own 
code because we know who they are (configuration concerns).   We also 
give that code Permission to connect to the remote end of the TLS 
connection, because threads only run with one Subject, we need the code 
to represent the remote Principal.  We are not concerned with the names 
of classes or packages in their code as that is their implementation 

Provided there is no data theft, if something is taken down by badly 
behaving software, it has a level of fault tolerance, services will be 
restarted automatically, if they fall over, they are re-activated.  We 
don't use RMI's activation implementation, but we do depend on some 
activation API classes.

The problem with removal of access control is we would be permitting 
unrestricted access to a trusted third party, who doesn't require 
unrestricted access, nor is it in our interests to allow it.

It's a matter of trusting the TLS enpoint, both clients and servers are 
authenticated.   But these may just be servers talking to each other, 
not necesarilly a client server relationship, for example a client of a 
service may require an event notification, so it passes a Remote object 
as a parameter to the service, now the server of the service, is also a 
client, when it sends the event notification to listeners.  It's 
distributed, p2p.  This is used by some as a cluster back end for JEE, 
although I must admit I don't know many of the details there.

One of the reasons SecurityManager didn't control many Java 
Serialization vulnerabilities, is because ObjectInputStream was granted 
AllPermission as it was a platform class.  Clearly ObjectInputStream 
belonged in an unprivileged domain. Also it's not good that Java 
serialization circumvents invariant checks that constructors perform.

Our software also allows the company we are dealing with for example, to 
provide their own GUI window within a GUI so to to speak, to allow a 
supplier to be integrated in to the system, as an example.  That us if 
it's a system with user interaction, otherwise it could be an automated 
process between two systems, based on an agreed interface.

The only thing known prior are the Java interfaces used for intra system 
communication, the platform software (which we try to maintain as 
backward compatible) and the principal of the other party which we have 
granted permission to.

Also I have been developing a public api for serialization (we've 
discussed the de-serialization component of it previously), which is 
suitable for other serialization protocols as well as Java's. We don't 
support circular links in serialized object graphs.  The only class we 
found that required a circular link was Throwable and we have found it's 
possible to program around circular links.   Developers implementing it 
use an annotation and implement a public constructor for 
de-serialization, a public static method for serialization and another 
public stat

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-05 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 5/05/2021 10:08 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

I wouldn’t say Java (or anything else, for that matter) is “able" to do it now, 
except in the sense that people (scientists) are
able (in a billion-dollar particle accelerator) to transmute lead into gold (a 
few atoms). We’ve had twenty five years to convince the world this could work, 
the world isn’t buying, and our job isn’t to sell ideas but to serve millions 
of developers by giving them
what we believe they need now, not what we wished they wanted.

— Ron

We just want our software to work Ron, we invest years of time and 
effort, we just want it to work.  We don't want to have to test and 
rework it for every Java release, you are creating too much maintenance 
for us to keep up with.

You'll be serving fewer and fewer developers as more and more are left 
behind as breakages accumulate.  I was at least keeping up and testing 
newer releases, even though we still only build on Java 8.

Last I checked the stats, 58% were using Java 8, 23% using Java 11 and 
6% of developers using 12 or newer.

I think you'll have trouble selling it as you say, we won't have time to 
learn and implement new language features if we're too busy fixing 

Hard life creates hard people, hard people create easy life, easy life 
creates soft people, soft people create hard life.

Peter Firmstone

My personal opinion only.

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-05-04 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 5/05/2021 10:08 am, Ron Pressler wrote:

Resent with plain-text formatting (I hope) & corrections/rephrasing

On 4 May 2021, at 03:49, Peter Firmstone  wrote:

Yes, I'm sure millions of developers don't use the security infrastructure 
because they only have low value data to protect, or it belongs to someone else 
and developers that do, can use it incorrectly, it's probably worse to do the 
latter, but then people synchronize incorrectly too, but we don't remove 
synchronization because of that.

The Security Manager hasn’t been a central part of Java’s server-side security 
for years. Some of the most critical and
best-secured systems in the world are written in Java, and they don’t use the 
Security Manager, so let’s not equate a
particular sandboxing mechanism designed for untrusted code with security.

Got any example best-secured systems?

I think we are talking past each other here.   You keep talking about 
untrusted code, which sounds like applets to me.  I've read and still 
have a copy of Li Gong's book, applets were only one of the 
considerations.  I am talking about authorization and access control.  
We use and develop distributed or p2p systems, we don't allow untrusted 
code to run at all, never ever, that's a dumb idea, so lets stop talking 
about untrusted code, we don't use that.    We do utilize dynamic 
downloaded code from others and use dynamic class loading, we verify 
this prior to loading.  We check it's authorized to run before running 
it.  Again I repeat, we do not run untrusted code, that would allow an 
attacker to cause denial of service etc, the JVM has no control over 
badly behaving code.

We've been using this since Java 1.4, to control access to networks, 
file systems and other custom permissions we created, it is used to 
protect access to sensitive data.  We are still using it.  I understand 
access control will be removed:

We would like to continue restricting access to data after the above is 
removed.  Will Java be introducing new Role Based Access Control API or 
something similar?

Our software will fail to run on Java after the above is removed.   I 
understand we have to remove access control functionality from our 
software for it to continue functioning? We do need to understand how 
this will impact security, I think you are trying to convince me or 
yourself that security will not be impacted?  We can't just assume we 
can remove access control and our software will be no less secure.

What is the new API for access control in Java?

Obviously we won't have a call stack with domains, I don't know how we 
will transfer the user Subject to other threads, for TLS and Kerberos 
connections.  No doubt something is planned.

Is the recommendation simply not to upgrade Java until new access 
control API is developed?

Please provide some examples,  migration options suggestions will be 

I’ve jotted down some thoughts in a blog post:

Noted, a good start.  I get the feeling this JEP is being rushed through 
however, with little regard for those of us who were foolish enough to 
use Java's security API's and will have to suffer the consequences.

With Serialization, we've been given more than ample notice to do something 
about migrating away from it, but OpenJDK paints over it and wastes resources 
adding features to putty and paint over it some more, features that no one 
uses.  Removing Serialization has greater appeal :)

This step to remove SecurityManager is so sudden with no replacement options, 
it's a broken promise to developers, who've invested in Java.

Removing SecurityManager has a significantly negative effect on security for 
me, just so you know.  I'm not happy about its proposed removal, but I realise 
there's not much I can do about it, other than request it be done in the least 
painful manner.

I began learning Java over 20 years ago, I understand the need to keep Java 
relevant, however move quickly and break things is for younger software 

Not everyone has to agree with every priority decision, and the process doesn’t 
require convincing every last Java developer. But
it is not sudden, and there will be alternatives for those aspects of Security 
Manager that more people use. I don’t think it is fair
to h

Re: Java Security: JEP: 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal - What about Serialization?

2021-05-03 Thread Peter Firmstone

Clarification inline below

On 4/05/2021 8:35 am, Peter Firmstone wrote:

On 4/05/2021 5:12 am, Sean Mullan wrote:

-bcc jdk-dev
-cc security-dev

On 4/30/21 10:04 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

In our software we use a ProtectionDomain to represent a remote 
server, because a thread only runs with the user's Subject (and that 
Subject must be carefully preserved for other threads), there is no 
way to represent the remote Server's Subject in a local domain , 
other than with a ProtectionDomain.   Our software is peer to peer, 
clients can be servers and servers can also be clients.  Code to 
interact with the server is downloaded via Maven and loaded.  Any 
permission's granted to a user, are injected into the stack when run 
as the client Subject, to authenticate the user for the server and 
establish a secure connection, calls made by the client are run with 
the user's Subject on the server, again for access control 
purposes.  This functionality is beyond the capability of Java RMI, 
we aren't using Java RMI to do this.  This is very important to 
allow us to make fine grained access control decisions, or perform 
event notification callbacks over secure connections, without this 
feature, we can't make a secure connection with a callback, and you 
know what happens when you have to do something, but cannot do it 
securely?   We only grant network access directly back to the 
server, downloaded code has been verified and is not expected to 
cause denial of service, by consuming resources etc, but we don't 
want to grant third party access to files, or random network 
connections, we still have privacy obligations for third party 

We can allow a third party to use unsigned certificates to sign 
their jar files or use a checksum and we verify them using a secure 
connection to the server, prior to loading. We then dynamically 
grant permissions to the server's self signed Certificate (used to 
sign the jar file), or a ProtectionDomain, after authenticating the 
server and receiving a check sum or certificate from it.  So the 
client authenticates the server using signed TLS certificates (EG by or a trusted CA). We use self signed certificates on 
Jar files if we sign them, we are actually trusting the server 
entity in this case, eg a trusted company, but also placing 
restrictions on them.

I am probably missing something, but I don't understand how this is 
secure if you are using TLS server certificates as the basis for 
authenticating signed code. These are two very different use cases.

Clarifying the level of trust:

 1. You have a trusted party, whom you trust to write their own code.
 2. You run that code on your systems dynamically.
 3. You trust the other party, but you either haven't or it's not
practical to audit their code.
 4. Using the principle of least privilege, you limit the ability of
the other party's code to ensure they are unable observe data they
shouldn't, eg a third party with whom you also do business.
 5. While a trusted party (eg a supplier) could write code that caused
denial of service, eg using up all available memory, there is no
motivation for them to do so.  However there may be motivation for
them to see quotes on your system from another supplier if they
have access to it.

The code is loaded dynamically, but before the jvm loads it, we 
authenticate the party that is asking us to load their code, after 
which we are basically asking them the question, is this the code you 
want us to load?  Please check that it hasn't been tampered with.   
The trusted party gives us a checksum, or a self signed certificate 
they used to sign the jar, we are then satisfied that we have received 
the software unaltered from the trusted party and not a MITM attack, 
so we load it.   However we limit the permission of this software 
using the principle of least privilege.   They don't get file 
permissions, they are only allowed to connect to the server they used 
to authenticate with.  If a third party uses the same jar file, they 
don't gain the permissions granted to other parties, as it will be 
loaded into a separate ClassLoader with the permissions granted to 
that party only.

Just to clarify, these are software logic interactions.

If we remove access control, third parties will be able to open 
local network connections and freely and use Java Serialization over 
unsecured connections, exposing us to an attacker who can use a 
gadget attack. Presently they cannot open a network connection, 
access files or do much of anything without Permission.  All those 
protections will be removed with this JEP.


Code-signing certificates as they’re used today are part of systems 
that try to decide whether a software source is malicious or 
legitimate. I don’t th

Re: Java Security: JEP: 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal - What about Serialization?

2021-05-03 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 4/05/2021 5:12 am, Sean Mullan wrote:

-bcc jdk-dev
-cc security-dev

On 4/30/21 10:04 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

In our software we use a ProtectionDomain to represent a remote 
server, because a thread only runs with the user's Subject (and that 
Subject must be carefully preserved for other threads), there is no 
way to represent the remote Server's Subject in a local domain , 
other than with a ProtectionDomain.   Our software is peer to peer, 
clients can be servers and servers can also be clients.  Code to 
interact with the server is downloaded via Maven and loaded.  Any 
permission's granted to a user, are injected into the stack when run 
as the client Subject, to authenticate the user for the server and 
establish a secure connection, calls made by the client are run with 
the user's Subject on the server, again for access control purposes.  
This functionality is beyond the capability of Java RMI, we aren't 
using Java RMI to do this.  This is very important to allow us to 
make fine grained access control decisions, or perform event 
notification callbacks over secure connections, without this feature, 
we can't make a secure connection with a callback, and you know what 
happens when you have to do something, but cannot do it securely?   
We only grant network access directly back to the server, downloaded 
code has been verified and is not expected to cause denial of 
service, by consuming resources etc, but we don't want to grant third 
party access to files, or random network connections, we still have 
privacy obligations for third party information.

We can allow a third party to use unsigned certificates to sign their 
jar files or use a checksum and we verify them using a secure 
connection to the server, prior to loading.   We then dynamically 
grant permissions to the server's self signed Certificate (used to 
sign the jar file), or a ProtectionDomain, after authenticating the 
server and receiving a check sum or certificate from it.  So the 
client authenticates the server using signed TLS certificates (EG by or a trusted CA). We use self signed certificates on 
Jar files if we sign them, we are actually trusting the server entity 
in this case, eg a trusted company, but also placing restrictions on 

I am probably missing something, but I don't understand how this is 
secure if you are using TLS server certificates as the basis for 
authenticating signed code. These are two very different use cases.

Clarifying the level of trust:

1. You have a trusted party, whom you trust to write their own code.
2. You run that code on your systems dynamically.
3. You trust the other party, but you either haven't or it's not
   practical to audit their code.
4. Using the principle of least privilege, you limit the ability of the
   other party's code to ensure they are unable observe data they
   shouldn't, eg a third party with whom you also do business.
5. While a trusted party (eg a supplier) could write code that caused
   denial of service, eg using up all available memory, there is no
   motivation for them to do so.  However there may be motivation for
   them to see quotes on your system from another supplier if they have
   access to it.

The code is loaded dynamically, but before the jvm loads it, we 
authenticate the party that is asking us to load their code, after which 
we are basically asking them the question, is this the code you want us 
to load?  Please check that it hasn't been tampered with.   The trusted 
party gives us a checksum, or a self signed certificate they used to 
sign the jar, we are then satisfied that we have received the software 
unaltered from the trusted party and not a MITM attack, so we load it.   
However we limit the permission of this software using the principle of 
least privilege.   They don't get file permissions, they are only 
allowed to connect to the server they used to authenticate with. If a 
third party uses the same jar file, they don't gain the permissions 
granted to other parties, as it will be loaded into a separate 
ClassLoader with the permissions granted to that party only.

If we remove access control, third parties will be able to open local 
network connections and freely and use Java Serialization over 
unsecured connections, exposing us to an attacker who can use a 
gadget attack. Presently they cannot open a network connection, 
access files or do much of anything without Permission.  All those 
protections will be removed with this JEP.


Code-signing certificates as they’re used today are part of systems 
that try to decide whether a software source is malicious or 
legitimate. I don’t think Let’s Encrypt could easily play that kind 
of role when issuing certificates free of charge with an automated 
process without checking the real-wo

Re: New candidate JEP: 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal

2021-04-29 Thread Peter Firmstone

Thanks David, will make a note of it for future reference.



On 30/04/2021 12:57 am, David Lloyd wrote:
If it helps, we've solved this particular problem in a couple of 
places by using an MR-JAR which selects an implementation using 
`StackWalker` when Java 9+ is used.  I will say however that it 
appears to be slightly less performant, which is unfortunate (but 
hopefully fixable at some point in the future).

On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 1:48 AM Peter Firmstone>> wrote:

We also use the SecurityManager for caller sensitive method calls.

I re-implemented a secure implementation of Java Serialization,
using a
public API and fewer features (eg no circular links), in this
implementation, each class in an object's hierarchy has its own
namespace, the calling class is discovered using a SecurityManager


    Peter Firmstone
0498 286 363
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 29/04/2021 3:37 pm, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> Which version of Java is this planned for?   Will the last version
> supporting the security manager be a long term support version, eg
> back ports of security patches and TLS technologies?
> We have our own security manager implementation and policy provider
> implementations.  Both of these are high performance and
> and we are able to dynamically grant and revoke some permissions.
> While I acknowledge the Java policy implementation has a
> performance impact, due to blocking permission checks, ours is less
> than 1%.  Our software doesn't share PermissionCollection instances
> among threads, or even have a Permissions cache,
> PermissionCollection's are generated for each permission check and
> discarded for garbage collection, the Permission object
themselves are
> cached (after initialization and safe publication), as are the
> of repeated permission checks.  We also have our own Permission
> implementations.
> We have tools that generate policy files with least privilege,
> although we will manually alter them with wildcards, for network
> connections for instance.
> In our software, dynamic permissions are granted after
> of TLS connections.
> It is too early for me to tell if there are suitable replacement
> technologies available.  I can understand the motivation for
> Java's software development burden, but I think this version of
> might be the last for us, it would certainly be good if a long term
> support version was available, perhaps indefinitely lol.
> Regards,
> Peter Firmstone
> Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.
> On 16/04/2021 4:05 am,
<> wrote:
>>    Summary: Deprecate the Security Manager for removal in a future
>>    release. The Security Manager dates from Java 1.0. It has
not been
>> the
>>    primary means of securing client-side Java code for many years,
>> and it
>>    has rarely been used to secure server-side code. To move Java
>> forward,
>>    we intend to deprecate the Security Manager for removal in
>> with
>>    the legacy Applet API (JEP 398).
>> - Mark

- DML • he/him

Re: New candidate JEP: 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal

2021-04-29 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 29/04/2021 10:57 pm, Sean Mullan wrote:

On 4/29/21 1:37 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

We have our own security manager implementation and policy provider 
implementations.  Both of these are high performance and non-blocking 
and we are able to dynamically grant and revoke some permissions. 
While I acknowledge the Java policy implementation has a significant 
performance impact, due to blocking permission checks, ours is less 
than 1%.  Our software doesn't share PermissionCollection instances 
among threads, or even have a Permissions cache, 
PermissionCollection's are generated for each permission check and 
discarded for garbage collection, the Permission object themselves 
are cached (after initialization and safe publication), as are the 
results of repeated permission checks. We also have our own 
Permission implementations.

Yes, you and I had discussions about this several years ago and I 
believe I asked if you would be willing to donate these performance 
improvements. I can't remember but I think you had interest in doing 
that but couldn't make it happen for some reason.

Licensing, parts of the code I could donate as I am the original author, 
but other parts were AL 2.0 licensed by others, I think I found some 
AL2.0 code in OpenJDK at the time, but I was having trouble getting 
clarity around licensing, I don't remember the details but I think I 
needed to contact the other authors and have them sign contributor 
agreements or rewrite their code.

The two components that caused licensing issues were the policy parser 
(although Java has it's own, so not a major issue) and an RFC 3986 URI 
implementation which replaced URL, which was heavily utilised, it 
normalizes URI for policy implies checks, including RFC 5952 IPv6 
address normalization, OS specific file based URI were normalized 
dependent on the underlying OS (eg uppercase for Microsoft).  Using 
Java's URI wasn't an option as it wouldn't normalize appropriately, 
while using URL would cause blocking network calls.

It is a strict RFC 3986 implementation, Unicode characters beyond 
US-ASCII are escaped, and it utilises bit shift operations during 
normalization, it's also immutable and not serializable, so it wasn't a 
backward compatible replacement for Java's URI.

The difference between URI and URL use in policy files, was that if two 
different domain names resolved to the same IP Address, they implied 
each other under a URL ( required blocking network dns calls), while 
they didn't imply one another under URI.   This had the added benefit of 
allowing one domain name to resolve to multiple IP addresses without 
having to add multiple IP addresses to policy files, for example 
fail-over web server addresses.

Some trivia, I also wrote a URIClassLoader that replaced URLClassLoader, 
specifically to override behaviour in SecureClassLoader, where URL's are 
used as key's in a cache, again for performance reasons.

Re-implementing RFC 3986 URI functionality was a significant 
undertaking, I wasn't familiar with  OpenJDK's build system, was busy 
with other things so I put it off until later... which hasn't happened 
yet lol.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

Re: JEP411: Missing use-case: Monitoring / restricting libraries

2021-04-29 Thread Peter Firmstone
Having implemented SecurityManager and Policy providers, I'd like to 
comment on some of the assessments, some thoughts:

 * Poor performance, this is specific to the Java Policy
   implementation, I have addressed this in my implementations,
   performance impact is imperceptible, I know how to address it.
 * Brittle permission model - Agreed, it is brittle.
 o Developers should use doPrivileged blocks to make security
   sensitive calls, so only one domain is on the call stack. Agreed
   when they don't do this it causes viral permission expansion.
 o Implementing Deny would address the example given.
 o Un-trusted code should never be run on the JVM, however some
   code is more trusted, or well audited, so we may wish to limit
   code that doesn't require privileges, based on principle of
   least privilege.
 o Is there a way to simplify Permission's?  We can write tools to
   generate policy files (I have).
 * Difficult programming model
 o If the library developer uses doPrivileged blocks and documents
   the permissions, then the application code doesn't require those
   permissions, as it is not on the call stack.
 o Agreed that most developers don't do this.
 o I use a tool to generate policy files that capture the viral
   growth of permissions, these still require some editing, eg to
   add system properties.

Is there a simpler way to limit permissions of library code?

I have gotten so used to secure coding, because we use it, I don't find 
it difficult, writing non blocking or good concurrent code is more 
difficult and developers make lots of mistakes with race conditions, 
visibility and synchronization.

There are good static code analysis tools that identify poor coding 
practices, the same tools could be updated to include secure coding 
practices as well, to address viral permission expansion.

Perhaps if we instead address the performance and usability issues, we 
could improve adoption,so it adds to Java's appeal, rather than 
detracting from it?



Comments and code from one of my policy implementations (I have a few 
policy implementations that use the decorator pattern to add 
functionality, like dynamic permission grants):

* If there is sufficient interest, we can implement a DENY clause,
 * in this case DENY cannot apply to GRANT clauses that contain
 * {@link}, the domains to which a DENY clause
 * would apply will be a less privileged domain.  For example a user 
could be

 * granted SocketPermission("*", "connect"), while a DENY clause might
 * list specific SocketPermission domains that are disallowed, where a 
 * clause has precedence over all GRANT clause Permissions except for 

    public boolean implies(ProtectionDomain domain, Permission 
permission) {
    if (permission == null) throw new 
NullPointerException("permission not allowed to be null");

    if (domain == myDomain) {
    PermissionCollection pc = myPermissions;
    return pc.implies(permission);
    Class klass = permission.getClass();
    // Need to have a list of Permission's we can sort if 
permission is SocketPermission.
    NavigableSet perms = new 

    PermissionGrant [] grantRefCopy = grantArray;
    int l = grantRefCopy.length;
    /* Check for privileged grants first to avoid recursion when
 * privileged domains become involved in policy decisions */
    for (int j = 0; j < l; j++){
    PermissionGrant ge = grantRefCopy[j];
    if (ge.isPrivileged()){
    if (ge.implies(domain)){
    return true;
    /* Merge the static Permissions, check for Privileged */
    PermissionCollection staticPC = null;
    if (domain != null) {
    staticPC =domain.getPermissions();
    if (staticPC != null){
    Enumeration e = staticPC.elements();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()){
    Permission p = e.nextElement();
    // return early if possible.
    if (p instanceof AllPermission ) return true;
    // Only add relevant permissions to minimise size.
    if (klass.isInstance(permission) || permission 
instanceof UnresolvedPermission){

    /* Check less privileged grants */
    for ( int j =0; j < l; j++ ){
    PermissionGrant ge = grantRefCopy[j];
    if (!ge.isPrivileged()){
    if (ge.implies(domain)){
    Collection c = ge.getPermissions();
    Iterator i = c.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()){
    Permission p =;
    // Only add re

Re: New candidate JEP: 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal

2021-04-28 Thread Peter Firmstone

We also use the SecurityManager for caller sensitive method calls.

I re-implemented a secure implementation of Java Serialization, using a 
public API and fewer features (eg no circular links), in this 
implementation, each class in an object's hierarchy has its own 
namespace, the calling class is discovered using a SecurityManager 

Peter Firmstone

0498 286 363
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 29/04/2021 3:37 pm, Peter Firmstone wrote:
Which version of Java is this planned for?   Will the last version 
supporting the security manager be a long term support version, eg 
back ports of security patches and TLS technologies?

We have our own security manager implementation and policy provider 
implementations.  Both of these are high performance and non-blocking 
and we are able to dynamically grant and revoke some permissions.   
While I acknowledge the Java policy implementation has a significant 
performance impact, due to blocking permission checks, ours is less 
than 1%.  Our software doesn't share PermissionCollection instances 
among threads, or even have a Permissions cache, 
PermissionCollection's are generated for each permission check and 
discarded for garbage collection, the Permission object themselves are 
cached (after initialization and safe publication), as are the results 
of repeated permission checks.  We also have our own Permission 

We have tools that generate policy files with least privilege, 
although we will manually alter them with wildcards, for network 
connections for instance.

In our software, dynamic permissions are granted after authentication 
of TLS connections.

It is too early for me to tell if there are suitable replacement 
technologies available.  I can understand the motivation for reducing 
Java's software development burden, but I think this version of Java 
might be the last for us, it would certainly be good if a long term 
support version was available, perhaps indefinitely lol.


Peter Firmstone
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 16/04/2021 4:05 am, wrote:

   Summary: Deprecate the Security Manager for removal in a future
   release. The Security Manager dates from Java 1.0. It has not been 
   primary means of securing client-side Java code for many years, 
and it
   has rarely been used to secure server-side code. To move Java 
   we intend to deprecate the Security Manager for removal in concert 

   the legacy Applet API (JEP 398).

- Mark

Re: New candidate JEP: 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal

2021-04-28 Thread Peter Firmstone
Which version of Java is this planned for?   Will the last version 
supporting the security manager be a long term support version, eg back 
ports of security patches and TLS technologies?

We have our own security manager implementation and policy provider 
implementations.  Both of these are high performance and non-blocking 
and we are able to dynamically grant and revoke some permissions.   
While I acknowledge the Java policy implementation has a significant 
performance impact, due to blocking permission checks, ours is less than 
1%.  Our software doesn't share PermissionCollection instances among 
threads, or even have a Permissions cache, PermissionCollection's are 
generated for each permission check and discarded for garbage 
collection, the Permission object themselves are cached (after 
initialization and safe publication), as are the results of repeated 
permission checks.  We also have our own Permission implementations.

We have tools that generate policy files with least privilege, although 
we will manually alter them with wildcards, for network connections for 

In our software, dynamic permissions are granted after authentication of 
TLS connections.

It is too early for me to tell if there are suitable replacement 
technologies available.  I can understand the motivation for reducing 
Java's software development burden, but I think this version of Java 
might be the last for us, it would certainly be good if a long term 
support version was available, perhaps indefinitely lol.

Peter Firmstone

Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 16/04/2021 4:05 am, wrote:

   Summary: Deprecate the Security Manager for removal in a future
   release. The Security Manager dates from Java 1.0. It has not been the
   primary means of securing client-side Java code for many years, and it
   has rarely been used to secure server-side code. To move Java forward,
   we intend to deprecate the Security Manager for removal in concert with
   the legacy Applet API (JEP 398).

- Mark

Re: JDK 14 RFR of JDK-8231262: Suppress warnings on non-serializable instance fields in security libs serializable classes

2019-09-19 Thread Peter Firmstone


I'd make an exception for interfaces, often these are not serializable, 
but their implementations may be, in this case a warning would be spurious.



On 20/09/2019 3:32 AM, Joe Darcy wrote:


Ahead of augmenting javac's serial lint checks under JDK-8160675, it 
would be helpful to mark fields in security libs classes where the 
class is serializable, but a non-transient instance field does *not* 
have a serialiable type. Such classes may have difficulties being 
serialized at runtime:

JDK-8231262 : Suppress warnings on non-serializable instance 
fields in security libs serializable classes

The review thread of the of the analogous core libs change, 
JDK-8231202: "Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient 
instance fields in serializable classes", is out on core-libs: 



Re: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-09-16 Thread Peter Firmstone

Hi Alan,

Your suspicion is correct. :)

Thanks for the leads, I'll look into it further.

Currently the policy implementation finds policy url's in system 
properties, "" and numbered policy locations with 
the prefix "policy.url." if the "" property doesn't 
begin with "=" (which represents



On 15/09/2019 10:58 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 14/09/2019 21:21, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Hi Alan,

We've got a bunch of very old policy files in our test suite, so they 
still had policy grants using the extension directory property.  The 
grant for the extension directory property was followed by a forward 
slash and asterix.  Oddly when the property was missing the grant 
became a wildcard URL.  Note this isn't the sun PolicyFile 
implementation, but our policy provider also augments, rather than 
replace, maybe there's a new policy file our provider isn't aware of?

From memory there was something special about the way the extension 
directory property was treated by the policy provider, but I don't 
recall the details, the same problems don't appear to exist when 
other properties in policy files cannot be resolved.

Modules that required permissions, seem to be service providers:
In jdk/jdk repo, the following policy files are merged in the build to 
create the default policy:


The default policy goes into a JDK internal location in the run-time 
image and used by the PolicyFile implementation. If you look in there 
you should see the permissions that are granted to the modules that 
map to the platform class loader. The intention is that deployments 
that are setting their own policy files don't need to be concerned 
about the permissions of modules in the run-time image. I suspect you 
are looking for a custom PolicyFile implementation to make use of 
these defaults to avoid needing to be concerned with the specific 
permissions that the modules in the run-time image.


Re: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-09-14 Thread Peter Firmstone

Hi Alan,

We've got a bunch of very old policy files in our test suite, so they 
still had policy grants using the extension directory property.  The 
grant for the extension directory property was followed by a forward 
slash and asterix.  Oddly when the property was missing the grant became 
a wildcard URL.  Note this isn't the sun PolicyFile implementation, but 
our policy provider also augments, rather than replace, maybe there's a 
new policy file our provider isn't aware of?

From memory there was something special about the way the extension 
directory property was treated by the policy provider, but I don't 
recall the details, the same problems don't appear to exist when other 
properties in policy files cannot be resolved.

Modules that required permissions, seem to be service providers:

grant codebase "jrt:/" {
permission "", "";

grant codebase "jrt:/jdk.crypto.cryptoki" {
permission "", "";

grant codebase "jrt:/java.smartcardio" {
permission "", "";

grant codebase "jrt:/java.xml.crypto" {
permission "", "";

grant codebase "jrt:/" {
permission "", "";

grant codebase "jrt:/" {
permission "", "";

grant codebase "jrt:/jdk.crypto.mscapi" {
permission "", "";

grant codebase "jrt:/jdk.localedata" {
permission "", "";

grant codebase "jrt:/" {
permission "", "";



On 14/09/2019 5:22 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 13/09/2019 23:07, Peter Firmstone wrote:


One change I noticed is permissions granted to the java extension 
directory are now granted to every domain in our policy provider as 
the java.ext.dirs property is now blank, I also had to grant 
permissions to a number of jdk modules, after fixing these, everthing 
running as expected, except for a few minor test failures.
The extension mechanism was deprecated in one of the maintenance 
releases of the JSR for Java SE 8 so hopefully not a surprise that the 
system property java.ext.dirs is no longer set. Since JDK 9, the VM 
will will not start if this system property is set on the command line 
and there is also a XX option in JDK 8 to help find usages of this 
mechanism. So I think I'm surprised that permissions are being granted 
when the property isn't set.

Also surprised to hear that you need to grant permissions to the 
java.* or jdk.* modules. Are you saying that that the permissions 
granted in the default JDK policy file are incomplete or that there 
are code is missing a call to doPrivileged somewhere? Part of the 
reason for asking is that the both "" and 
"" will augment rather than override the 
default permissions. Maybe you are doing something that doesn't use 
this mechanism and you are always overriding the permissions granted 
to the modules in the run-time image?


Re: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-09-13 Thread Peter Firmstone

Hi Claes,

So this security manager is part of a much larger program, (a fork of 
Jini / Apache River), I've almost finished the transition from Java 8 to 
Java 11...

One change I noticed is permissions granted to the java extension 
directory are now granted to every domain in our policy provider as the 
java.ext.dirs property is now blank, I also had to grant permissions to 
a number of jdk modules, after fixing these, everthing running as 
expected, except for a few minor test failures.

Next step will be to test against the EA builds.

On 17/08/2019 7:24 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Thanks Claes,

I'll run some tests :)



On 16/08/2019 9:14 PM, Claes Redestad wrote:

Hi Peter,

by explicitly ensuring the file system has been initialized before
installing a SecurityManager using a hook in System.setSecurityManager,
the patch at hand takes step to ensure things stay neutral w.r.t.
Permission initialization order when using any SecurityManager. It's not
perfectly identical, so while unlikely, there's a theoretical
possibility some implementation scenario not covered by our regression
tests might run into issues. Any help testing custom implementation on
coming EA builds would be greatly appreciated!

One thing we could do on the JDK end to reduce fragility somewhat in
this area is to provoke initialization of before installing the first SM.


On 2019-08-16 12:40, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Hello Alan,

Yes, we are aware of those issues.

I mean documenting that system Permission classes should be loaded 
before setting a custom SecurityManager, accessing the file system 
is important, so if you haven't loaded the necessary classes before 
setting a custom SecurityManager, it won't be gracefull...  The 
simplest way of ensuring classes are loaded is by creating object 
instances of them.

Perhaps just a note to beware of ensuring necessary classes are 
loaded and let developers figure out what they need.

The recursive calls are easy enough to deal with to avoid any stack 
overflows using ThreadLocal.

 try {
 delegateContext = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 new PrivilegedAction(){
 public AccessControlContext run() {
 return new 
AccessControlContext(finalExecutionContext, dc);

 }finally {
 inTrustedCodeRecursiveCall.set(Boolean.FALSE); // 
Must always happen, no matter what.


We've only really been caught out once with some jvm bootstrap 
changes, otherwise it's been rock solid.

The other thing we do is once we've got more than three 
ProtectionDomains on the stack is execute the ProtectionDomain 
implies checks in parallel.  Really helps when you're making a lot 
of network calls.



On 16/08/2019 5:04 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 15/08/2019 23:20, Peter Firmstone wrote:


The following code is included in the constructor of our 
SecurityManager implementation, I suspect we may need to add some 
classes to this list, perhaps this is something that needs 
The checkPermission method of custom security manager can run 
arbitrary code so recursive initialization, stack overflow, 
bootstrap method errors, ... are always hazards. I don't know what 
documentation you have in mind but I don't think there is a 
definite list of classes that need to be loaded/initialized before 
the custom security manager is set because it will come down to the 
code that it executes in its checkPermission method.


Re: Serialzation PREVIOUSLY: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-08-22 Thread Peter Firmstone
I probably should have vetted this before hitting send... let me know if 
you need any clarifications.



On 23/08/2019 12:59 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
"...since at the time the industry believed that distributed objects 
were going to save us from complexity.) Many of the sins of 
serialization were committed in the desire to get that last .1%, but 
the cost and benefit of that last .1% are woefully out of balance."

The following are probably a non goals, but something to consider or 
keep in mind, relating to distributed objects:

The are three types of distributed objects:

  1. Immutable value / data Object types.
  2. Shared Mutable Objects.
  3. Unshared Mutable Objects.
  4. Remote Objects / Services (best for managing shared mutable state).

The second type of distributed object causes much pain and should be 
discouraged.  The first three types of distributed objects can have 
class resolution issues, but these are solveable.

A lot of folks also have problems with deserialization Objects when 
class visibility is different at both ends, I'm guessing this would be 
the same for value types.

For example OSGi folk recommend using primitive parameter types for 
remote OSGi services.

RMI annotates streams with codebase annotations.  Jini Extensible 
Remote Invocation used to do that too.

The problem with RMI codebase and Jini codebase annotations is if you 
resolve your classes locally, you lose the codebase annotations, when 
re-serializing data and because class visibility can be different at 
different endpoints, end up with all sorts of class resolution 
issues.  "Class Loading Issues in Java™ RMIand Jini™ Network 
Technology" by Michael Warres 

The solution of course is simple, ensure that you deserialize into the 
same module that you serialized from, especially when deserializing in 
another jvm, so class resolution is identical.

We serialize a lot of complex object graphs, none are circular.   The 
module used for serialization should have visiblity of the entire 
graph of object classes.

So if we're using OSGi modules, and provide a network / remote service 
(not to be confused with an OSGi remote service) we ensure the proxy's 
for these services have the same module installed at the client and 
server endpoints.  The service is represented by a Java interface and 
the client makes calls on the interfaces methods.   This interface may 
be implemented by what is called a smart proxy, which is encapsulated 
by a module which is dynamically downloaded at runtime, or a 
reflection Proxy using an InvocationHandler that is generated 

We still provide an option for codebase annotations for client 
parameter objects, where a client subclasses parameter types and pass 
them to the service, but this is discouraged, it is provided for 
backward compatibility only.  Where the parameters are also 
interfaces, the client can implement a remote object and pass it as a 
parameter instead, in our system, this will cause a module to be 
loaded in the server identical to that at the client to resolve the 
remote object classes, without using stream codebase annotations.

Incidentally, if you're curious how this happens, a proxy is sent {I 
guess you can call it a serialization proxy :) } and authenticated by 
the remote end, security constraints applied, then the remote end asks 
the proxy for a codebase URL,which is loaded into a ClassLoader with 
controlled visibility, this is extensible using a ServiceProvider or 
OSGi service, then the proxy is deserialized into this by calling a 
method on the serialization proxy.

By limiting scope, we can still have 99% of the benefits of 
distributed objects, without the pain.

Incidentally apart from the complexity of class resolution, what 
really limited distributed computing was IPv4.   IPv6 removes the 
network addressing limitations placed on distributed computing.

So I'd make the following qualifications:

  1. Use only primitive types when serializing between different 

  2. Serialize Java language Object types and primitives only between
 jvm's when class visibility is uncontrolled.
  3. When serializing other object types, ensure they are immutable if
 shared and that class visibility is identical and managed at both
  4. Do not serialize objects whose classes may not be resolveable
 (when you need to depend on annotated streams and uncontrolled
 class resolution for example), find another way to solve the 

We've had a 20 years to iron out the wrinkles. :)



On 23/08/2019 7:36 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Hi Sean,

Regarding the section entitled "Why not write a new serialization 
library?", unlike the serialization libraries listed, our purpose was 
to be able to securely deserialize untrusted

Re: Serialzation PREVIOUSLY: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-08-22 Thread Peter Firmstone
"...since at the time the industry believed that distributed objects 
were going to save us from complexity.) Many of the sins of 
serialization were committed in the desire to get that last .1%, but the 
cost and benefit of that last .1% are woefully out of balance."

The following are probably a non goals, but something to consider or 
keep in mind, relating to distributed objects:

The are three types of distributed objects:

  1. Immutable value / data Object types.
  2. Shared Mutable Objects.
  3. Unshared Mutable Objects.
  4. Remote Objects / Services (best for managing shared mutable state).

The second type of distributed object causes much pain and should be 
discouraged.  The first three types of distributed objects can have 
class resolution issues, but these are solveable.

A lot of folks also have problems with deserialization Objects when 
class visibility is different at both ends, I'm guessing this would be 
the same for value types.

For example OSGi folk recommend using primitive parameter types for 
remote OSGi services.

RMI annotates streams with codebase annotations.  Jini Extensible Remote 
Invocation used to do that too.

The problem with RMI codebase and Jini codebase annotations is if you 
resolve your classes locally, you lose the codebase annotations, when 
re-serializing data and because class visibility can be different at 
different endpoints, end up with all sorts of class resolution issues.  
"Class Loading Issues in Java™ RMIand Jini™ Network Technology" by 
Michael Warres

The solution of course is simple, ensure that you deserialize into the 
same module that you serialized from, especially when deserializing in 
another jvm, so class resolution is identical.

We serialize a lot of complex object graphs, none are circular.   The 
module used for serialization should have visiblity of the entire graph 
of object classes.

So if we're using OSGi modules, and provide a network / remote service 
(not to be confused with an OSGi remote service) we ensure the proxy's 
for these services have the same module installed at the client and 
server endpoints.  The service is represented by a Java interface and 
the client makes calls on the interfaces methods.   This interface may 
be implemented by what is called a smart proxy, which is encapsulated by 
a module which is dynamically downloaded at runtime, or a reflection 
Proxy using an InvocationHandler that is generated dynamically.

We still provide an option for codebase annotations for client parameter 
objects, where a client subclasses parameter types and pass them to the 
service, but this is discouraged, it is provided for backward 
compatibility only.  Where the parameters are also interfaces, the 
client can implement a remote object and pass it as a parameter instead, 
in our system, this will cause a module to be loaded in the server 
identical to that at the client to resolve the remote object classes, 
without using stream codebase annotations.

Incidentally, if you're curious how this happens, a proxy is sent {I 
guess you can call it a serialization proxy :) } and authenticated by 
the remote end, security constraints applied, then the remote end asks 
the proxy for a codebase URL,which is loaded into a ClassLoader with 
controlled visibility, this is extensible using a ServiceProvider or 
OSGi service, then the proxy is deserialized into this by calling a 
method on the serialization proxy.

By limiting scope, we can still have 99% of the benefits of distributed 
objects, without the pain.

Incidentally apart from the complexity of class resolution, what really 
limited distributed computing was IPv4.   IPv6 removes the network 
addressing limitations placed on distributed computing.

So I'd make the following qualifications:

  1. Use only primitive types when serializing between different languages.
  2. Serialize Java language Object types and primitives only between
 jvm's when class visibility is uncontrolled.
  3. When serializing other object types, ensure they are immutable if
 shared and that class visibility is identical and managed at both
  4. Do not serialize objects whose classes may not be resolveable
 (when you need to depend on annotated streams and uncontrolled
 class resolution for example), find another way to solve the problem.

We've had a 20 years to iron out the wrinkles. :)



On 23/08/2019 7:36 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Hi Sean,

Regarding the section entitled "Why not write a new serialization 
library?", unlike the serialization libraries listed, our purpose was 
to be able to securely deserialize untrusted data, while maintaining 
backward serial form compatibility with Java Serialization, provided 
it didn't compromise security.

We don't use blacklists or whitelis

Re: Serialzation PREVIOUSLY: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-08-22 Thread Peter Firmstone

Hi Sean,

Regarding the section entitled "Why not write a new serialization 
library?", unlike the serialization libraries listed, our purpose was to 
be able to securely deserialize untrusted data, while maintaining 
backward serial form compatibility with Java Serialization, provided it 
didn't compromise security.

We don't use blacklists or whitelists, we use permissions to grant 
DeserializationPermission, it doesn't have the granularity of white 
lists, but then, classes that implement @AtomicSerial are supposed to be 
hardened implementations in any case.

If it can be of use, feel free to experiment with it, hopefully it might 
help with some of your design decisions:

Much of the code on this site provides implementation examples as well.



On 20/08/2019 7:55 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
Brian Goetz (copied) has done a lot of thinking in the serialization 
area, so I have copied him. Not sure if you have seen it but he 
recently posted a document about some of his ideas and possible future 
directions for serialization:


On 8/17/19 10:22 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Thanks Sean,

You've gone to some trouble to answer my question, which demonstrates 
you have considered it.

I donate some time to help maintain Apache River, derived from Sun's 
Jini.  Once Jini depended on RMI, today, not so much, it still has 
some dependencies on some RMI interfaces, but doesn't utilise JRMP 
although it provides some backward compatibilty enable it.

But my point is, we heavily utilise java Serialization, and have an 
independant implementation of a subset of Java Serialization 
(originating from Apache Harmony).  We do this for security as we use 
an annotated serialization constructor.   Serial form is unchanged, 
we have Serializers for commonly used java library objects, for 
example, we have a "PermissionSerializer", but we don't have a 
"PermissionCollectionSerializer" or "PermissionsSerializer" (for   Incidentally, we have found we do not 
need the ability to serialize circular object graphs.   Throwable is 
an object that has a circular object graph, but that circular object 
graph can be linked up after deserialization.

Permission implementing Serializable is probably not too much of a 
threat, as these objects are effectively immutable after lazy 

ProtectionDomain calls during 
it's construction.

ProtectionDomain::getPermissions returns internal   If this is serialized, then the readOnly 
internal state can be written to as the internal object references 
are accessible from within the stream.

Admitedly, the attacker would already need to have some privilege, to 
have access to a ProtectionDomain, so it's a path of privilege 
escallation.  I'm not talking about gadget attacks and 
deserialization of untrusted data, I'm talking about breaking 

Even though we are heavily dependant on Java Serialization, we are 
very careful when we implement it, and avoid implementing it when 
possible. Hindsight is 20:20, but given we are now seeing some Java 
SE backward compatibility breakages, perhaps it might be worth 
considering breaking serialization.  I don't mean we need to 
necessarily break object serial form, but making the Java 
serialization API explicit with subset of existing api features, that 
makes long term maintenace and security less of a burden and removing 
support for Serialization of some objects, where it is seldom used, 
perhaps using a JEP that requests developers to consider which 
library objects actually need to be serializable.

Something we do in our Java Serialization API is require that mutable 
deserialized objects are defensively copied during object 
construction (serial fields are deserialized before an object is 
constructed, the deserialized fields are accessible via a parameter 
passed in during construction.   We have tools that assist developers 
to check deserialized Java Collections contain the expected object 
types for example, so during object construction the developer has to 
replace the Collection with a new instance and copy the contents to 
the new Collection after checking the type of each object contained 
therein. Also we don't actually serialize Java Collections, we have 
standard serial forms for List, Set and Map, so these serial forms 
are equal, similar to the List, Set and Map contracts.  By doing 
this, Collections don't actually need to implement Serializable at 
all, as a Serializer becomes responsible for their serialization.   
This also means that all Collections must be accessed by interfaces, 
rather tha

Re: Serialzation PREVIOUSLY: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-08-19 Thread Peter Firmstone

Thanks Sean,

No I hadn't seen it, I've just read it, will probably need to read it 
again to appreciate it fully...

It certainly identifies all the issues I'm aware of, as well as being 
respectful of the original implementors (many of whom participated in 
Apache River when Jini was donated to Apache), I came to the same 
conclusion with circular object graphs; the benefits don't outweigh the 

We also use annotations instead of interfaces,to annotate the class and 
constructor, so that overriding classes don't automagically inherit the 

At this time, we haven't reimplemented deconstruction, we are using 
ObjectOutputStream with serializers, which are basically serialization 
proxy's for existing classes, we have fully reimplemented 
deserialization using constructors.

Agree with serial from being independant of the wire protocol, so any 
serialization scheme can be used, this is an excellent idea of course.

The constructors / deconstructors have identified that serial form is 
really just a parameter list.   Developers will want to make defensive 
copies of mutable state, just like public api methods.

We did consider constructors with multiple parameters, but decided 
against it for the following reasons:

  1. We didn't care about parameter order (tuples), or the order in
 which they were serialized / deserialized, we only cared about
 parameter names and types.
  2. For encapsulation we didn't want subclasses having to manage the
 serial form of superclasses, we wanted them to remain as
 independant as possible, so they don't inadvertantly break.
 * For example, a library superclass adds a serial form
   parameter, or changes a type, in its serial form.   The
   child class would have to be aware of the changes in order
   to pass the correct parameters to the correct superclass
 * Different serial version constructors would result in the
   loss of later version superclass state when child classes
   call an earlier version.
  3. We settled on a caller sensitive parameter that is passed to the
 deserialization constructor.
 * Encapsulation: Each class in an inheritance heirarch only
   has access to it's own serial form.
 * The serial form of each class is independant and may evolve
 * Each class in the inheritance heirarchy is responsible for
   checking it's own invariants, including the ability to
   create superclass instances, even if a superclass is
   abstract for checking inter class invariants.
  4. It was less work for the framework to populate a standard
 parameter object, with serial form, the framework didn't need to
 worry about inspecting the constructor signature and determining
 the parameter order.
  5. One constructor could be used for different versions.
  6. We currently use |serialPersistentFields to declare serial form,
 but there is probably a better way of doing this, perhaps a way
 that also documents different serial form versions.|



On 20/08/2019 7:55 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
Brian Goetz (copied) has done a lot of thinking in the serialization 
area, so I have copied him. Not sure if you have seen it but he 
recently posted a document about some of his ideas and possible future 
directions for serialization:


On 8/17/19 10:22 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Thanks Sean,

You've gone to some trouble to answer my question, which demonstrates 
you have considered it.

I donate some time to help maintain Apache River, derived from Sun's 
Jini.  Once Jini depended on RMI, today, not so much, it still has 
some dependencies on some RMI interfaces, but doesn't utilise JRMP 
although it provides some backward compatibilty enable it.

But my point is, we heavily utilise java Serialization, and have an 
independant implementation of a subset of Java Serialization 
(originating from Apache Harmony).  We do this for security as we use 
an annotated serialization constructor.   Serial form is unchanged, 
we have Serializers for commonly used java library objects, for 
example, we have a "PermissionSerializer", but we don't have a 
"PermissionCollectionSerializer" or "PermissionsSerializer" (for   Incidentally, we have found we do not 
need the ability to serialize circular object graphs.   Throwable is 
an object that has a circular object graph, but that circular object 
graph can be linked up after deserialization.

Permission implementing Serializable is probably not too much of a 
threat, as these objects are effectively immutable after lazy 

ProtectionDomain calls

Serialzation PREVIOUSLY: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-08-19 Thread Peter Firmstone

Thanks Sean,

You've gone to some trouble to answer my question, which demonstrates 
you have considered it.

I donate some time to help maintain Apache River, derived from Sun's 
Jini.  Once Jini depended on RMI, today, not so much, it still has some 
dependencies on some RMI interfaces, but doesn't utilise JRMP although 
it provides some backward compatibilty enable it.

But my point is, we heavily utilise java Serialization, and have an 
independant implementation of a subset of Java Serialization 
(originating from Apache Harmony).  We do this for security as we use an 
annotated serialization constructor.   Serial form is unchanged, we have 
Serializers for commonly used java library objects, for example, we have 
a "PermissionSerializer", but we don't have a 
"PermissionCollectionSerializer" or "PermissionsSerializer" (for   Incidentally, we have found we do not need 
the ability to serialize circular object graphs.   Throwable is an 
object that has a circular object graph, but that circular object graph 
can be linked up after deserialization.

Permission implementing Serializable is probably not too much of a 
threat, as these objects are effectively immutable after lazy 

ProtectionDomain calls during 
it's construction.

ProtectionDomain::getPermissions returns internal   If this is serialized, then the readOnly 
internal state can be written to as the internal object references are 
accessible from within the stream.

Admitedly, the attacker would already need to have some privilege, to 
have access to a ProtectionDomain, so it's a path of privilege 
escallation.  I'm not talking about gadget attacks and deserialization 
of untrusted data, I'm talking about breaking encapsulation.

Even though we are heavily dependant on Java Serialization, we are very 
careful when we implement it, and avoid implementing it when possible.   
Hindsight is 20:20, but given we are now seeing some Java SE backward 
compatibility breakages, perhaps it might be worth considering breaking 
serialization.  I don't mean we need to necessarily break object serial 
form, but making the Java serialization API explicit with subset of 
existing api features, that makes long term maintenace and security less 
of a burden and removing support for Serialization of some objects, 
where it is seldom used, perhaps using a JEP that requests developers to 
consider which library objects actually need to be serializable.

Something we do in our Java Serialization API is require that mutable 
deserialized objects are defensively copied during object construction 
(serial fields are deserialized before an object is constructed, the 
deserialized fields are accessible via a parameter passed in during 
construction.   We have tools that assist developers to check 
deserialized Java Collections contain the expected object types for 
example, so during object construction the developer has to replace the 
Collection with a new instance and copy the contents to the new 
Collection after checking the type of each object contained therein.   
Also we don't actually serialize Java Collections, we have standard 
serial forms for List, Set and Map, so these serial forms are equal, 
similar to the List, Set and Map contracts.  By doing this, Collections 
don't actually need to implement Serializable at all, as a Serializer 
becomes responsible for their serialization.   This also means that all 
Collections must be accessed by interfaces, rather than implementation 
classes, so the deserialization constructor, must defensively copy them 
into their preferred Collection instance.   It's a bit like dependency 

I know it would take time, and there would be some pain, but long term 
it would save a lot of maintenance developer time.



On 17/08/2019 12:50 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:

On 8/15/19 8:18 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Hi Roger,

+1 for writeReplace

Personally I'd like to see some security classes break backward 
compatibility and remove support for serialization as it allows 
someone to get references to internal objects, especially since these 
classes are cached by the JVM.  Which makes 
PermissionCollection.setReadOnly() very easy to bypass, by adding 
permissions to internal collections once you have a reference to them.

Does anyone have any use cases for serializing these objects?

These objects are easy to re-create by sending or recieving and 
parsing strings, because they are built from text based policy files, 
and when you do that, you are validating input, so I never did fully 
understand why they were made serializable.

This is briefly explained on page 61 in the "Inside Java 2 Platform 
Security" book [1]:

"The Permission class implements two interfaces:

Re: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-08-19 Thread Peter Firmstone

Thanks Claes,

I'll run some tests :)



On 16/08/2019 9:14 PM, Claes Redestad wrote:

Hi Peter,

by explicitly ensuring the file system has been initialized before
installing a SecurityManager using a hook in System.setSecurityManager,
the patch at hand takes step to ensure things stay neutral w.r.t.
Permission initialization order when using any SecurityManager. It's not
perfectly identical, so while unlikely, there's a theoretical
possibility some implementation scenario not covered by our regression
tests might run into issues. Any help testing custom implementation on
coming EA builds would be greatly appreciated!

One thing we could do on the JDK end to reduce fragility somewhat in
this area is to provoke initialization of before installing the first SM.


On 2019-08-16 12:40, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Hello Alan,

Yes, we are aware of those issues.

I mean documenting that system Permission classes should be loaded 
before setting a custom SecurityManager, accessing the file system is 
important, so if you haven't loaded the necessary classes before 
setting a custom SecurityManager, it won't be gracefull...  The 
simplest way of ensuring classes are loaded is by creating object 
instances of them.

Perhaps just a note to beware of ensuring necessary classes are 
loaded and let developers figure out what they need.

The recursive calls are easy enough to deal with to avoid any stack 
overflows using ThreadLocal.

 try {
 delegateContext = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 new PrivilegedAction(){
 public AccessControlContext run() {
 return new 
AccessControlContext(finalExecutionContext, dc);

 }finally {
 inTrustedCodeRecursiveCall.set(Boolean.FALSE); // 
Must always happen, no matter what.


We've only really been caught out once with some jvm bootstrap 
changes, otherwise it's been rock solid.

The other thing we do is once we've got more than three 
ProtectionDomains on the stack is execute the ProtectionDomain 
implies checks in parallel.  Really helps when you're making a lot of 
network calls.



On 16/08/2019 5:04 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 15/08/2019 23:20, Peter Firmstone wrote:


The following code is included in the constructor of our 
SecurityManager implementation, I suspect we may need to add some 
classes to this list, perhaps this is something that needs 
The checkPermission method of custom security manager can run 
arbitrary code so recursive initialization, stack overflow, 
bootstrap method errors, ... are always hazards. I don't know what 
documentation you have in mind but I don't think there is a definite 
list of classes that need to be loaded/initialized before the custom 
security manager is set because it will come down to the code that 
it executes in its checkPermission method.


Re: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-08-16 Thread Peter Firmstone

Hello Alan,

Yes, we are aware of those issues.

I mean documenting that system Permission classes should be loaded 
before setting a custom SecurityManager, accessing the file system is 
important, so if you haven't loaded the necessary classes before setting 
a custom SecurityManager, it won't be gracefull...  The simplest way of 
ensuring classes are loaded is by creating object instances of them.

Perhaps just a note to beware of ensuring necessary classes are loaded 
and let developers figure out what they need.

The recursive calls are easy enough to deal with to avoid any stack 
overflows using ThreadLocal.

try {
delegateContext = AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedAction(){
public AccessControlContext run() {
return new 
AccessControlContext(finalExecutionContext, dc);

}finally {
inTrustedCodeRecursiveCall.set(Boolean.FALSE); // Must 
always happen, no matter what.


We've only really been caught out once with some jvm bootstrap changes, 
otherwise it's been rock solid.

The other thing we do is once we've got more than three 
ProtectionDomains on the stack is execute the ProtectionDomain implies 
checks in parallel.  Really helps when you're making a lot of network calls.



On 16/08/2019 5:04 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 15/08/2019 23:20, Peter Firmstone wrote:


The following code is included in the constructor of our 
SecurityManager implementation, I suspect we may need to add some 
classes to this list, perhaps this is something that needs documenting?
The checkPermission method of custom security manager can run 
arbitrary code so recursive initialization, stack overflow, bootstrap 
method errors, ... are always hazards. I don't know what documentation 
you have in mind but I don't think there is a definite list of classes 
that need to be loaded/initialized before the custom security manager 
is set because it will come down to the code that it executes in its 
checkPermission method.


Re: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-08-15 Thread Peter Firmstone

Hello Alan,

This is related to URL and CodeSource and might be worth making a note 
of for future reference.

Our software uses delayed dynamically assigned permissions via a policy 
provider, but for privileged domains that have AllPermission we make 
sure to assign this up front (We also utilise an RFC3986URIClassLoader 
and override CodeSource, so we're using our RFC3986 compliant URI 
instead of URL).  The former because we dynamically download 
CodeSource's and there's no way of predicting up front which will be 
downloaded and the latter as a performance optimisation of ProtectionDomain.

So we have a RFC3986 URI implementation, similar to Java's URI, it is 
not Serializable for security reasons.

In addition to RFC3896 normalization, we have also recently added the 
ability to normalize IPv6 address conformant to "RFC 5952 A 
Recommendation for IPv6 Address Text Representation."   The class also 
normalizes file system paths in a platform dependant manner, eg Upper 
Case for MS Windows, but not Unix.

We have a URI::implies method that is similar to CodeSource::implies, 
with matching rules.

We do this to avoid DNS calls or accessing the file system unnecessarily.

Also, to avoid synchronization / locking overhead of 
PermissionCollection's and Permissions, we have a Policy provider that 
generates a thread confined Permissions and PermissionCollection 
instances on demand, allowing them to be garbage collected as soon as 
the implies call returns (Permission objects are initialized up front 
and effectively immutable and cached) a PermissionComparator also 
arranges the Permissions in an order that improves performance wen 
creating PermissionCollection instances.

Our Security overhead is less than 1% as a result and the delays and 
blocking we had due to DNS calls have been eliminated.



On 15/08/2019 8:56 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 15/08/2019 11:03, Claes Redestad wrote:


by resolving permissions for code source URLs lazily, we can reduce
early class loading during bootstrap, which improves footprint, startup
and reduces the typical bootstrap dependency graph.


I think the approach is okay as URL::openConnection doesn't actually 
open the connection to the resource and the creation of the 
URLStreamdHandler shouldn't depend on permissions granted to the 
caller. If a handler needs permissions when creating the URLConnection 
then it should do so in a privileged block. I think it would be a bit 
cleaner if the supporting class would lazily add the permissions for a 
CodeSource to the collection. That is, create it with a permissions 
collection and code source rather than a URL to match 
SecureClassLoader::getPermissions. You could potentially use it in 
URLClassLoader getPermission(CodeSource) method too.

In System.setSecurityManager then you might need 
DefaultFileSystemProvider.theFileSystem() to ensure that the default 
file system is fully initialized before setting the SM.

A minor nit this adds a spurious import BuiltinClassLoader. Also it 
can import the class to be consistent with the 
existing code.


Re: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-08-15 Thread Peter Firmstone

Hello Claes,

The following code is included in the constructor of our SecurityManager 
implementation, I suspect we may need to add some classes to this list, 
perhaps this is something that needs documenting?



/* The following ensures the classes we need are loaded early to avoid
 * class loading deadlock during permission checks */
try {
checkPermission(new RuntimePermission("setIO"), 

} catch (ExceptionInInitializerError er){
Error e = new ExceptionInInitializerError(
"All domains on stack when starting a security manager must 
have AllPermission");

throw e;
constructed = Security.class != null;

On 15/08/2019 8:03 PM, Claes Redestad wrote:


by resolving permissions for code source URLs lazily, we can reduce
early class loading during bootstrap, which improves footprint, startup
and reduces the typical bootstrap dependency graph.


A note on the changes:

The laziness makes it so that FilePermission isn't initialized
eagerly, which has an implicit bootstrap dependency on that the default
file system provider has been initialized before a SecurityManager has
been installed (since initializing FilePermission will otherwise do
recursive calls into FilePermission). We already force load of the image
reader on SecurityManager due similar bootstrap issues, which
transitively loads the DefaultFileSystemProvider.instance(), but
explicitly adding the dependency on the file system provider to
System::setSecurityManager seems prudent: it's effectively a no-op on
jdk/jdk right now, but documents the dependency and safeguards against
future implementation changes to image reader subsystem.

A note on the HelloClasslist changes:

The patch drops a number of classes from being loaded on typical
bootstrap and small apps, including the HelloClasslist tool. Since the
HelloClasslist establishes what's to be included in the default CDS
archive this can lead to a small regression on apps which actually do
use the (nio) file system provider, so explicitly adding it in avoids
tiny regression on those while not diminishing the speed-up to other

Testing: tier1-3



Re: RFR: 8229773: Resolve permissions for code source URLs lazily

2019-08-15 Thread Peter Firmstone

Hi Roger,

+1 for writeReplace

Personally I'd like to see some security classes break backward 
compatibility and remove support for serialization as it allows someone 
to get references to internal objects, especially since these classes 
are cached by the JVM.  Which makes PermissionCollection.setReadOnly() 
very easy to bypass, by adding permissions to internal collections once 
you have a reference to them.

Does anyone have any use cases for serializing these objects?

These objects are easy to re-create by sending or recieving and parsing 
strings, because they are built from text based policy files, and when 
you do that, you are validating input, so I never did fully understand 
why they were made serializable.



On 16/08/2019 12:54 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:

Hi Claes,

I would recommend using writeReplace to serialize the 
PermissionCollection so the serialized form does not change.
Though these are unlikely to be serialized, it will be less likely to 
trigger some interoperability issue between different version. It may 
need to be documented that serializing/deserializing does not retain 
the lazyness.


On 8/15/19 10:30 AM, Claes Redestad wrote:

Hi Sean,

On 2019-08-15 15:07, Sean Mullan wrote:

Hi Claes,

I already reviewed an earlier version of this and this is pretty 
similar. I did have a question about whether the default 
serialization was ok - did you look into that more?

ah, yes.. all the constituents are serializable (whether we wrap the
CodeSource or its URL) so the new Lazy..Collection should be too. I was
entertaining the idea that we could writeReplace the lazy collection
with a PermissionCollection to avoid polluting serialization use cases
with new type, but couldn't think of any real upside to that.


Re: RFR (12): 8191053: Provide a mechanism to make system's security manager immutable

2018-09-17 Thread Peter Firmstone
recursive calls in the security manager implementation.

The simplest fix would be to move the instantiation of 
SecurityManager to  a static initializer in Launcher that occurs 
after the construction of Launcher and setting of the static 
launcher field.

This didn't become a problem until recently upgrading to the latest 
Java 8 JDK, so not sure of the history here.

Regards Peter.

More comments inline below:


On 27/03/2018 14:06, Alan Bateman wrote:
>/  Moving this to security-dev.
/>/    From the stack trace, it looks like you are using JDK 8 or 
older. There
/>/  are several changes in JDK 9 and newer in the PolicyFile code 
to how it

/>/  loads its resources that may help with the issues you are seeing.
/>/  -Alan

>/   [java] at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
/>/   [java] at$ 

In what logging is concerned, it's probably not a good idea to
use java.util.logging in a Policy/SecurityManager implementation
supplied on the command line as java.util.logging uses
doPrivileged and checks for permissions.

Work arounds for that problem:

   * Delegate logging to an executor.
   * Use a thread local variable to detect trusted recursive calls.
   * Only log messages during startup, when the policy or security
 manager isn't active.

For the record the line that throws in the first stack trace
seems to be this one at

  Class  clz = 

The exception is caught and printed on System.err at line 981
allowing the caller to proceed - so it's not what is
causing the ExceptionInInitializerError, but it shows that
ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() is probably returning null
at this point, and it looks like it is the same issue you're
seeing at later on, which prevents the
CombinerSecurityManager to initialize.

Hopes this helps,

-- daniel

/>/  On 27/03/2018 13:56, Peter Firmstone wrote:
/>>/  Not sure if this is the right place to mention this.
/>>/  Anyone notice that specifying a custom security manager at 
jvm start
/>>/  up causes issues with service providers loading?   If using 
the sun
/>>/  PolicyFile implementation, the policy doesn't load due to the 
/>>/  failure, I have a custom policy implementation that will 
allow the jvm
/>>/  to run in this state, and other providers are also not 
loading, such

/>>/  as the logger and JCE.
/>>/  Note that it doesn't occur if the security manager is set
/>>/  programmatically in the main method at start up, only if it's 
set via

/>>/  command line option.
/>>/  Examples of providers not loading:
/>>/    [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
/>>/    [java] Can't load log handler 

/>>/    [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
/>>/    [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
/>>/    [java] at
/>>/  java.util.logging.LogManager$
/>>/    [java] at

/>>/  Method)
/>>/    [java] at

/>>/    [java] at

/>>/    [java] at
/>>/  java.util.logging.LogManager.access$1500(
/>>/    [java] at

/>>/    [java] at 
/>>/    [java] at 
/>>/    [java] at 
/>>/    [java] at 

/>>/    [java] at

/>>/    [java] at

/>>/    [java] at

/>>/  Method)
/>>/    [java] at

/>>/    [java] at

/>>/    [java]

Re: for service providers

2018-03-28 Thread Peter Firmstone
I tested the JDK 9 pre releases and didn't experience issues, will have 
to test again against the latest.   Note on JDK1.8.0_162 it doesn't only 
affect the PolicyFile provider.



On 27/03/2018 11:06 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

Moving this to security-dev.

From the stack trace, it looks like you are using JDK 8 or older. 
There are several changes in JDK 9 and newer in the PolicyFile code to 
how it loads its resources that may help with the issues you are seeing.


On 27/03/2018 13:56, Peter Firmstone wrote:

Not sure if this is the right place to mention this.

Anyone notice that specifying a custom security manager at jvm start 
up causes issues with service providers loading?   If using the sun 
PolicyFile implementation, the policy doesn't load due to the 
provider failure, I have a custom policy implementation that will 
allow the jvm to run in this state, and other providers are also not 
loading, such as the logger and JCE.

Note that it doesn't occur if the security manager is set 
programmatically in the main method at start up, only if it's set via 
command line option.

Examples of providers not loading:

 [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
 [java] Can't load log handler "java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler"
 [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
 [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at 

 [java] at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
 [java] at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
 [java] at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
 [java] at$
 [java] at$
 [java] at 
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at 

 [java] at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
 [java] at sun.misc.Launcher.(
 [java] at sun.misc.Launcher.(
 [java] at 
 [java] at 

 [java] Error occurred during initialization of VM
 [java] java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at$
 [java] at$
 [java] at 
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at$400(
 [java] at

Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged module

2016-07-15 Thread Peter Firmstone
I discovered these bugs after writing a non blocking caching security manager 
and a couple of high scaling policy providers that combine immutability, atomic 
policy refresh and local variable confined mutibility.  The policy provider 
avoids unnecessary DNS calls by replacing URL with an rfc3986 compliant uri, 
which uses bitshift case conversion during normalisation.  I could donate parts 
of it that I've written under GPL, but would need to determine and contact all 
other authors to donate the entire works.

Needless to say Java's AccessController or AccessControlContext, are often 
incorrectly criticised for performance issues that originate in the policy 

The rfc3986 compliant Uri class has an api identical to java's URI, although it 
isn't Serializable, it could be used to test the impact of rfc3986 on java 
platform libraries.



Sent from my Samsung device.
  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Peter Firmstone 
Sent: 08/07/2016 05:53:47 pm
To: WeijunWang 
Cc: jigsaw-dev ; OpenJDK 

Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 

Yes, I've come across this before, it will occur if you write a custom security 
manager or policy provider and either are in force before all their required 
classes have been loaded.

SM implementors also need to be careful of Permission checks that require 
another permission check, as these create recursive calls that can become 
infinite, but this won't occur in your simple test case.



Sent from my Samsung device.
  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Weijun Wang 
Sent: 08/07/2016 01:18:56 pm
To: Peter Firmstone 
Cc: SeanMullan ; jigsaw-dev 
; OpenJDK 
Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 

Mystery solved or problem solved? Have you fixed it somewhere else? 


On 7/7/2016 17:00, Peter Firmstone wrote: 
> Problem solved, even though it didn't occur on Java 8, the potential for 
> it to occur still exists there,  it's simply that Java 9 seems to have 
> hit this execution path, it was a latent bug. 
> Cheers, 
> Peter. 

Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged module

2016-07-15 Thread Peter Firmstone
Yes, I've come across this before, it will occur if you write a custom security 
manager or policy provider and either are in force before all their required 
classes have been loaded.

SM implementors also need to be careful of Permission checks that require 
another permission check, as these create recursive calls that can become 
infinite, but this won't occur in your simple test case.



Sent from my Samsung device.
  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Weijun Wang 
Sent: 08/07/2016 01:18:56 pm
To: Peter Firmstone 
Cc: SeanMullan ; jigsaw-dev 
; OpenJDK 
Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 

Mystery solved or problem solved? Have you fixed it somewhere else? 


On 7/7/2016 17:00, Peter Firmstone wrote: 
> Problem solved, even though it didn't occur on Java 8, the potential for 
> it to occur still exists there,  it's simply that Java 9 seems to have 
> hit this execution path, it was a latent bug. 
> Cheers, 
> Peter. 

Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged module

2016-07-07 Thread Peter Firmstone
Can you change the test to call checkPermission prior to setting SSL as the 
system security manager?

This will just ensure that all necessary classes are loaded prior to SSL 
becoming the security manager. 



Sent from my Samsung device.
  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Wang Weijun 
Sent: 07/07/2016 01:45:08 pm
To: Peter Firmstone 
Cc: SeanMullan ; jigsaw-dev 
; OpenJDK 
Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 

I run the program directly (not from jtreg) and the result is different: 

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.BootstrapMethodError: call site 
initialization exception 
at SSL.checkPermission( 
at java.lang.System.getProperty(java.base@9-ea/ 
at SSL.main( 

Then I add, and the exact old exception is back! The 
debug output [1] has nothing special, in fact there is no difference if I 
substitute SQLPermission to AllPermission, except that with AllPermission the 
program runs fine. 



> On Jul 7, 2016, at 11:02 AM, Peter Firmstone  
> Have you tried setting the jvm in security debug mode to see else might be 
>occurring?  If so can you send the output? 
> Regards, 
> Peter. 
> Sent from my Samsung device. 

Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged module

2016-07-07 Thread Peter Firmstone
Problem solved, even though it didn't occur on Java 8, the potential for it to 
occur still exists there,  it's simply that Java 9 seems to have hit this 
execution path, it was a latent bug.



Sent from my Samsung device.
  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Wang Weijun 
Sent: 07/07/2016 06:55:26 pm
To: Peter Firmstone 
Cc: SeanMullan ; jigsaw-dev 
; OpenJDK 
Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 

> On Jul 7, 2016, at 4:47 PM, Peter Firmstone  
> Sorry, I wasn't clear, I meant, create a new instance of SSL, call its 
>checkPermission method, then make that instance your system security manager. 

That would cure the test too, since it references SQLPermission when 
checkPermission is called. 

In another reply to Alan, I said a single "new SQLPermission("setLog");" is 


> Although the check permission call will be repeated in the test, it will have 
>run while the standard SecurityManager is in force, so the jvm won't lazy load 
>any classes that require permission checks, during the test permission check 
>as that will happen during the first permission check call. 
> Cheers, 
> Peter. 
> Sent from my Samsung device. 
>  Original message  
> From: Wang Weijun  
> Sent: 07/07/2016 06:27:43 pm 
> To: Peter Firmstone  
> Cc: SeanMullan ; jigsaw-dev 
>; OpenJDK  
> Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 
> Like this?  
> The horizontal line is printed on line 706 of the gist.  
> --Max  
> > On Jul 7, 2016, at 12:57 PM, Peter Firmstone  
> >   
> > Can you change the test to call checkPermission prior to setting SSL as the 
>system security manager?  
> >   
> > This will just ensure that all necessary classes are loaded prior to SSL 
>becoming the security manager.   
> >   
> > Regards,  
> >   
> > Peter.  

Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged module

2016-07-07 Thread Peter Firmstone
Yes, that's correct. ;)

Sent from my Samsung device.
  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Alan Bateman 
Sent: 07/07/2016 06:37:49 pm
To: Wang Weijun 
Cc: jigsaw-dev ; OpenJDK 

Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 

On 07/07/2016 09:27, Wang Weijun wrote: 

> Like this? 
> The horizontal line is printed on line 706 of the gist. 
I assume the suggestion was to reference SQLPermission before setting  
the security manager. As regards module loading then we can re-wording  
this specific case but fundamentally then anything in the  
checkPermission implementation that triggers a permission check is going  
to lead to a recursive call to checkPermission. 


Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged module

2016-07-07 Thread Peter Firmstone
Sorry, I wasn't clear, I meant, create a new instance of SSL, call its 
checkPermission method, then make that instance your system security manager.

Although the check permission call will be repeated in the test, it will have 
run while the standard SecurityManager is in force, so the jvm won't lazy load 
any classes that require permission checks, during the test permission check as 
that will happen during the first permission check call.



Sent from my Samsung device.
  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Wang Weijun 
Sent: 07/07/2016 06:27:43 pm
To: Peter Firmstone 
Cc: SeanMullan ; jigsaw-dev 
; OpenJDK 
Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 

Like this? 

The horizontal line is printed on line 706 of the gist. 


> On Jul 7, 2016, at 12:57 PM, Peter Firmstone  
> Can you change the test to call checkPermission prior to setting SSL as the 
>system security manager? 
> This will just ensure that all necessary classes are loaded prior to SSL 
>becoming the security manager.  
> Regards, 
> Peter. 

Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged module

2016-07-07 Thread Peter Firmstone
Have you tried setting the jvm in security debug mode to see else might be 
occurring?  If so can you send the output?



Sent from my Samsung device.
  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Wang Weijun 
Sent: 07/07/2016 11:08:58 am
To: Peter Firmstone 
Cc: SeanMullan ; jigsaw-dev 
; OpenJDK 
Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 

> On Jul 7, 2016, at 8:19 AM, Peter Firmstone  
> Perhaps the policy provider hasn't been refreshed when the new security 
>manager is in force?  Try doing a Policy.refresh() in the SecurityManager 

You mean Policy.getPolicy().refresh()? No difference 

And I don't think this simple SecurityManager makes use of Policy at all. 


> Regards, 
> Peter. 
> Sent from my Samsung device. 
>  Original message  
> From: Wang Weijun  
> Sent: 07/07/2016 09:47:09 am 
> To: Sean Mullan  
> Cc: jigsaw-dev ; OpenJDK 
> Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 
> > On Jul 7, 2016, at 5:04 AM, Sean Mullan  wrote:  
> >   
> > Does your SSL code match up with the stack trace? The test only has 27 
>lines, but the stack trace says it was called from line 42.  
> My local still contains the GPL comments and I didn't paste them 
>here. Line 42 is  
>  if (!(perm instanceof SQLPermission)) {  
> BTW, I also tried putting the SecurityManager impl into a different codePath 
>with AllPermission granted, and load it on the command line with 
>, the test still failed with the same exception.  
> --Max  

Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged module

2016-07-07 Thread Peter Firmstone
Perhaps the policy provider hasn't been refreshed when the new security manager 
is in force?  Try doing a Policy.refresh() in the SecurityManager constructor.



Sent from my Samsung device.
  Include original message
 Original message 
From: Wang Weijun 
Sent: 07/07/2016 09:47:09 am
To: Sean Mullan 
Cc: jigsaw-dev ; OpenJDK 

Subject: Re: Strange test failure when referencing a class in a deprivileged 

> On Jul 7, 2016, at 5:04 AM, Sean Mullan  wrote: 
> Does your SSL code match up with the stack trace? The test only has 27 lines, 
>but the stack trace says it was called from line 42. 

My local still contains the GPL comments and I didn't paste them here. 
Line 42 is 

 if (!(perm instanceof SQLPermission)) { 

BTW, I also tried putting the SecurityManager impl into a different codePath 
with AllPermission granted, and load it on the command line with, the test still failed with the same exception. 


Re: The future of Serialization

2014-08-12 Thread Peter Firmstone
Interesting, language features for modules, won't necessarily involve 
ClassLoader's (my assumptions were based on existing systems) although you'd 
expect modules to have their own ProtectionDomain.

An alternative to isolates, is separate processes with jvm class sharing 

I'll keep an eye out for the JSR.

When is a better timeframe, roughly, to discuss Serializable?



- Original message -
> On 11/08/2014 13:06, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> > Thanks Alan, I can relate to time poverty :)
> >
> > I might be assuming too much, but if there's interest in doing
> > something with Serialization, I'd be interested in learning about
> > plans or difficulties involved in deserialization and modules. It can
> > be a little more difficult to find the correct ClassLoader to resolve
> > classes during deserialization when ClassLoader relationships aren't
> > hierarchial.   Object streams can be annotated with module information
> > to assist resolution.
> The issues around visibility when deserializing are somewhat independent
> of modules. The usual way to deal with such matters is to override the
> resolveClass method. Another long standing suggestion is for
> ObjectInputStream to define a new constructor that takes a class loader
> to avoid the stack walk to get the user-defined loader. It remains to
> seen but if we can avoid changing visibility then we don't change the
> status quo.
> > :
> >
> > Got any links to info on extending access control rules?
> Not yet, a future JSR will define the standard module system and there
> will be a corresponding JEP for the implementation.
> -Alan.

Re: The future of Serialization

2014-08-11 Thread Peter Firmstone

Thanks Alan, I can relate to time poverty :)

I might be assuming too much, but if there's interest in doing something 
with Serialization, I'd be interested in learning about plans or 
difficulties involved in deserialization and modules.   It can be a 
little more difficult to find the correct ClassLoader to resolve classes 
during deserialization when ClassLoader relationships aren't 
hierarchial.  Object streams can be annotated with module information to 
assist resolution.

On the subject of isolates, I found Ribbons interesting:

Got any links to info on extending access control rules?



On 11/08/2014 9:21 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 09/08/2014 06:56, Peter Firmstone wrote:

I've noticed there's not much interest in improving Serialization on 
these lists. This makes me wonder if java Serialization has lost 
relevance in recent years with the rise of protocol buffers apache 
thrift and other means of data transfer over byte streams.

Just to add to Brian's comments, I think part of it is that many 
people are busy with other things, preparing for JDK 9 for example. So 
I think there is a lot of support for investigation and proposals that 
would improve things, it's just that some people are too busy to respond.

I don't know if isolates will be included with JDK 9 for Jigsaw, or 
whether ClassLoaders alone will provide isolation for modules.

The ability to limit visibility and provide isolation of 
implementation classes as well as providing limits on memory and 
threads for isolated modules would also improve platform security.

If by "isolates" you mean JSR 121 then I think that would be well 
beyond the scope, as would resource management. This isn't really the 
thread to discuss how module boundaries will work but just to say that 
class loaders and visibility can be weak when it comes to module 
boundaries. There are other options available, particularly when the 
ability to extend the access control rules are on the table. So I 
would suggest not making any assumptions here for now.


Re: The future of Serialization

2014-08-11 Thread Peter Firmstone

On 11/08/2014 8:12 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:


Thanks for picking up on my frustration ;)

I have something in mind for Serializable2 to address cyclic data 
structures and the possibility of independant evolution of super and 
child classes, while retaining a relatively clean public api, with one 
optional private method.  The methods and interfaces proposed are 
suitable for any alternative ObjectInput and ObjectOutput implementation.

An interface exists in Apache River, it's called Startable, it has one 

public void start() throws Exception;

It's called by a framework to allow an Object to start threads, 
publish "this" or throw an exception after construction.  The intent 
is to allow an object to be immutable with final fields and be 
provided with a thread of execution after construction and before 

Something similar can be used to wire up circular relations, let met 

Every class that implements Serializable has one thing in common, the 
Serialization protocol and every Object instance of a Serializable 
class has an arbitrary serial form.

I propose a final class representing SerialForm for an object, that 
cannot be extended, requires privilege to instantiate and also 
performs method guard security checks, for all callers with the 
exception of a calling class reading or writing its own serial form.  
SerialForm needs a parameter field key identity represented by the 
calling Class, 

Sorry, that should read "field name", not "method name".

the method name and the field's Class type, this key would be used for 
both writing and retrieving a field entry in SerialForm. SerialForm 
will also provide a method to advise if a field key contains a 
circular relation, any field entry in SerialForm that would contain a 
circular relation is not populated until after construction of the 
current object is complete.

An arbitrary Serializable2 Object instance may be composed of a 
hierarchy of classes, each belonging to a separate ProtectionDomain.

For the following interface:

public interface Serializable2 {

void writeObject(SerialForm serial) throws IOException;


Implementers of Serializable2 must:

  1. Implement writeObject
  2. Implement a constructor with the signature:  (SerialForm serial).

Implementors that need to check invariants, delay throwing an 
Exception, publish "this" or set a circular reference after 
construction should:

  4. Implement: private void readObjectNoData() throws

Child class implementations should:

  5. Call their super class writeObject method and superclass
 constructor, but may call any super class constructor or methods.

Compatibility and Evolution:

  1. Fields can be included or omitted from SerialForm, by an
 implementation, without breaking compatibility, provided a null
 reference is accepted during deserialization.
  2. Child classes in a hierarchy;  all Serializable2 implementing
 superclass constructors have the same signature; the superclass
 implementation can be substituted, without breaking child class
 deserialization (provided this is the constructor used by the
 child class).
  3. There is no serialVersionUID.
  4. Child class Serializable2 implementations can extend a superclass
 without a zero arg constructor that doesn't itself implement
  5. Child classes that do not override writeObject will not be
 serialized, so can effectively opt out.
  6. Because implementations are required to implement public methods,
 there is no "Magic".
  7. Serializable2 shouldn't extend Serializable, allowing classes to
 implement both interfaces for a period of time (for that reason
 the signature for readObjectNoData may need to be changed for
  8. ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream can be extended to
 support both implementations for compatibility, however
 alternative stream implementations would be preferable for
 Serializable2 to avoid Serializable security issues.  The new
 implementations should be possible to substitute because both
 types would use the same Stream Protocol, provided the classes
 being deserialized implement Serializable2.

My reasoning for retaining readObjectNoData() and for updating field 
entry's in SerialForm that contain circular relations after 
construction, is:

  1. An object reference for the object currently being deserialized
 can be passed to another object's constructor (via a SerialForm
 instance) after the current Object's constructor completes,
 allowing safe publication of final field freezes that occur at the
 end of construction.
  2. When the Serialization2 Framework becomes aware of an object that
 contains a circular relationship while that object is in the
 process of being deserialized, the seco

Re: The future of Serialization

2014-08-11 Thread Peter Firmstone


Thanks for picking up on my frustration ;)

I have something in mind for Serializable2 to address cyclic data 
structures and the possibility of independant evolution of super and 
child classes, while retaining a relatively clean public api, with one 
optional private method.  The methods and interfaces proposed are 
suitable for any alternative ObjectInput and ObjectOutput implementation.

An interface exists in Apache River, it's called Startable, it has one 

public void start() throws Exception;

It's called by a framework to allow an Object to start threads, publish 
"this" or throw an exception after construction.  The intent is to allow 
an object to be immutable with final fields and be provided with a 
thread of execution after construction and before publication.

Something similar can be used to wire up circular relations, let met 

Every class that implements Serializable has one thing in common, the 
Serialization protocol and every Object instance of a Serializable class 
has an arbitrary serial form.

I propose a final class representing SerialForm for an object, that 
cannot be extended, requires privilege to instantiate and also performs 
method guard security checks, for all callers with the exception of a 
calling class reading or writing its own serial form.  SerialForm needs 
a parameter field key identity represented by the calling Class, the 
method name and the field's Class type, this key would be used for both 
writing and retrieving a field entry in SerialForm. SerialForm will also 
provide a method to advise if a field key contains a circular relation, 
any field entry in SerialForm that would contain a circular relation is 
not populated until after construction of the current object is complete.

An arbitrary Serializable2 Object instance may be composed of a 
hierarchy of classes, each belonging to a separate ProtectionDomain.

For the following interface:

public interface Serializable2 {

void writeObject(SerialForm serial) throws IOException;


Implementers of Serializable2 must:

  1. Implement writeObject
  2. Implement a constructor with the signature:  (SerialForm serial).

Implementors that need to check invariants, delay throwing an Exception, 
publish "this" or set a circular reference after construction should:

  4. Implement: private void readObjectNoData() throws

Child class implementations should:

  5. Call their super class writeObject method and superclass
 constructor, but may call any super class constructor or methods.

Compatibility and Evolution:

  1. Fields can be included or omitted from SerialForm, by an
 implementation, without breaking compatibility, provided a null
 reference is accepted during deserialization.
  2. Child classes in a hierarchy;  all Serializable2 implementing
 superclass constructors have the same signature; the superclass
 implementation can be substituted, without breaking child class
 deserialization (provided this is the constructor used by the
 child class).
  3. There is no serialVersionUID.
  4. Child class Serializable2 implementations can extend a superclass
 without a zero arg constructor that doesn't itself implement
  5. Child classes that do not override writeObject will not be
 serialized, so can effectively opt out.
  6. Because implementations are required to implement public methods,
 there is no "Magic".
  7. Serializable2 shouldn't extend Serializable, allowing classes to
 implement both interfaces for a period of time (for that reason
 the signature for readObjectNoData may need to be changed for
  8. ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream can be extended to
 support both implementations for compatibility, however
 alternative stream implementations would be preferable for
 Serializable2 to avoid Serializable security issues.  The new
 implementations should be possible to substitute because both
 types would use the same Stream Protocol, provided the classes
 being deserialized implement Serializable2.

My reasoning for retaining readObjectNoData() and for updating field 
entry's in SerialForm that contain circular relations after 
construction, is:

  1. An object reference for the object currently being deserialized
 can be passed to another object's constructor (via a SerialForm
 instance) after the current Object's constructor completes,
 allowing safe publication of final field freezes that occur at the
 end of construction.
  2. When the Serialization2 Framework becomes aware of an object that
 contains a circular relationship while that object is in the
 process of being deserialized, the second object will not be
 instantiated until after the constructor of the first object in
 the relationship completes.  Data read in from the stream can be
 stored in a SerialForm without requiri

The future of Serialization

2014-08-08 Thread Peter Firmstone
I've noticed there's not much interest in improving Serialization on these 
lists.  This makes me wonder if java Serialization has lost relevance in recent 
years with the rise of protocol buffers apache thrift and other means of data 
transfer over byte streams.

The burden of implementing Serializable can significantly hamper developers 
efforts when refactoring, it's quite common for some projects to make no 
guarantee regarding Serialization compatibility between releases.  Also 
implementation of 

Serializable can double project development hours, hamper future development 
and increase software maintenance costs.

Serialization also presents opportunities for attackers and has been 
responsible for a number of zero day exploits.

I don't know if isolates will be included with JDK 9 for Jigsaw, or whether 
ClassLoaders alone will provide isolation for modules.

The ability to limit visibility and provide isolation of implementation classes 
as well as providing limits on memory and threads for isolated modules would 
also improve platform security.

Serialization may provide a means to hot upgrade modules, but more flexible 
options that doesn't cause serial data lock in need to be developed.

Should Serializable eventually be deprecated?
Should Serialization be disabled by default?  
Should a new mechanism be developed?
If a new mechanism is developed, what about circular object relationships?



Re: JEP Review Request: Improve Security Manager Performance

2014-08-01 Thread Peter Firmstone
No David is right, the code will run with the privileges of it's own 
ProtectionDomain, so if that PD is not trusted, the code cannot bypass security 
checks from static initializers.  This does not break secure by default.

A static initializer can write to static fields, but public or protected static 
mutable fields are a secuity risk, with or without a privileged call.

Because classes are loaded lazily by the jvm, the call stack context is 
randomised causing confusing and difficult to debug policy file configuration 
for administrators, often resulting in a relaxation of permissions beyond 
minimum privilege principles.

Making the suggested change actually improves security.



- Original message -
> On 07/23/2014 07:07 AM, Tom Hawtin wrote:
> > On 23/07/2014 05:26, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> > > I would suggest that one or more of the following be done to mitigate
> > > this problem:
> > > 
> > > • Always have static initialization blocks be privileged (this does
> > > require users to be cognizant of this fact when writing static
> > > blocks)
> > 
> > If we were following "secure by default", this would break it. It turns
> > out having a static initaliser run with an unprivileged acc highlights
> > code that is doing something naughty.
> I thought this mindset might dominate, which is unfortunate.   In 
> practice, it is far better for code to be predictable, concise, and 
> clear.   It does not really make any sense to have random security 
> contexts in place and then call it "secure"; it makes more sense to just 
> tell people "hey your static initializers are privileged".   It's not 
> like normal directly invokable methods where the user can pass in 
> arguments and get return values from code that runs in a privileged 
> context.   It is very, very unusual for a static initializer to perform 
> any function which is practically exploitable; they are generally 
> stateless already, taking no input and producing no output.   I don't 
> think that it can be shown that the blanket ideology really provides any 
> measurable, real-world benefit; on the contrary, it causes real, 
> measurable detriment.   I don't think anyone ever said "Oh, it's a good 
> thing I got that AccessControlException in my static initializer; now I 
> know that doing XYZ needed a privileged block".
> Nevertheless, I never actually expected to convince anyone of this - 
> it's one of those ideas which seems culturally "against the grain", i.e. 
> the general principle tends to outweigh the practical reality.   Still, I 
> had to propose it, in order to be right with myself. :-)
> > > • Allow static initialization blocks to partake in the aforementioned
> > > annotation-driven privileged method idea
> > 
> > Together with the last point, this does make the elevated privilege
> > contain a wider block of code than is necessary. This is [particularly
> > the case with static initialisers and initialisers where the code can
> > be spread throughout the class. OTOH, relevant sections of code could
> > be split out into small methods.
> Exactly - in this case I would even expect that you could separately 
> annotate each static init with its privileges.   The important thing 
> would still be that the compiler can do this without constructing a new 
> class for each chunk (or even a lambda if it could be avoided).
> > > • Introduce a new permission checking mechanism which examines only a
> > > specific relevant caller's protection domain (perhaps determined by
> > > filter expression, possibly using the stack examination scheme that
> > > Mandy Chung has been working on)
> > 
> > Immediate caller checking, though has similarities to link-time access
> > checking, has a spectacularly unfortunate history.
> That is an observation. :-)
> > > • Introduce a programmatic "elevation" mechanism that increases the
> > > privileges of the currently executing method for the remainder of its
> > > execution without requiring a call-in to doPrivileged or
> > > instantiation of a privileged action object
> > 
> > Tom
> -- 
> - DML

Re: Policy provider comparison

2014-07-19 Thread Peter Firmstone
There doesn't seem to be much interest in adopting an external policy 
provider, so I'll explain how to achieve a significant performance 
improvement, in case someone's interested in improving performance of 
the default jvm policy provider.

  1. Thread confine and immediately discard PermissionCollection
 objects, do not cache them as is done presently.
  2. We created an object representation of grant statements from
 policy files in memory, it is immutable and replaced during policy
 refresh calls, it is also non blocking and highly scalable.
  3. During a policy implies call, collect all grant statements that
 imply a ProtectionDomain from an implies call.  Take Permission
 objects from the grant statements and add them to
 PermissionCollection and Permissions (a heterogenous collection of
 PermissionCollection objects, itself an instance of
 PermissionCollection).  Determine the result of the implies call
 and discard the Permissions, do not cache or share them with other
  4. Sort Permission objects before adding them to ProtectionDomain, to
 minimise unnecessary DNS calls from SocketPermission etc.
  5. Do not add Permissions to a ProtectionDomain that delegates to the
 Policy provider, or Permissions may be checked twice.
  6. Only add Permissions to ProtectionDomain's when they have
 AllPermissions or when it does not delegate to a Policy provider.

PermissionCollection was designed to be threadsafe, I think this was a 
mistake (hindsight is 20:20), similar to HashTable and Vector, 
PermissionCollection instances should be thread confined (uncontended 
synchronization is fast).  Permissions has a race condition that 
prevents UnresolvedPermission's from resolving on occassion too, thread 
confinement fixes that too.



On 19/07/2014 6:31 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
Thought I might provide a comparison using our random stress test on a 
4 way sony vaio, JDK7 Windows 7 amd64:

Note that using doubles the duration 
of the stress test and it consumes 73% of CPU.

In comparison uses 
0% CPU and the test completes in half the time, with our policy 
provider we run at raw socket speed.

See attached.



JEP Improve Security Manager Performance

2014-07-10 Thread Peter Firmstone


Would a SecurityManager and Policy provider combination that has no 
perceptable impact on performance and is highly scalable qualify?

It's a drop in fully compatible replacement.



 Original Message 
Subject:Re: Concurrent Policy provider
Date:   Thu, 10 Jul 2014 22:20:33 -0500
From:   David M. Lloyd 

Maybe you already know this, but this past April, Sean Mullan (from
Oracle) posted a "JEP Review Request" [1] for a blanket initiative to
improve security manager performance.

This kind of thing sounds like exactly the sort of thing that would fit
in under that initiative, IMO.


On 07/10/2014 10:00 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

 Would there be interest in using a Policy provider and SecurityManager
 designed for concurrency in Java 9?

 Some of the issues experienced and solutions are mentioned below.



  Original Message 
 Subject: Concurrency-interest Digest, Vol 113, Issue 45
 Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:00:01 -0400

 Send Concurrency-interest mailing list submissions to

 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than "Re: Contents of Concurrency-interest digest..."

 Today's Topics:

 1. Re: ThreadLocalRandom clinit troubles (Peter Firmstone)
 2. Re: ThreadLocalRandom clinit troubles (Alan Bateman)


 Message: 1
 Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 20:02:30 +1000
 From: Peter Firmstone
 To: Peter Levart
 Subject: Re: [concurrency-interest] ThreadLocalRandom clinit troubles
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

 Hi Peter,

 There are a number of bottlenecks throughout the security
 infrastructure, we have reimplemented it as follows to avoid them and
 have also addressed some long standing issues:

 SecurityManager - cache previously checked AccessControlContext's
 (using a cache structure based on Cliff Click's non blocking hash map
 and Doug Lee's concurrent skip list set), to avoid repeately calling the
 policy provider (for example, you have numerous tasks in an
 ExecutorService and each has an identical AccessControlContext and all
 tasks cause a SocketPermission check).

 Policy provider - replaced the built in Java policy provider.  The built
 in Java Policy provider will hold a lock while making DNS calls,
 bringing all permission checks to a grinding halt.  It will also hold
 locks while accessing the file system.

 To avoid making DNS calls we've implemented our own policy provider,
 originated from Apache Harmony, but modified to use non blocking
 immutability.  It creates PermissionCollection's on demand, they're not
 shared among threads and are ordered in the most favourable order for a
 fast result.  It also supports undocumented Java file policy provider
 functionality.  Because Permission objects are immutable but lazily
 initialized, we call getActions() to ensure their state is completely
 initialized prior to publication.

 The policy provider uses a strictly RFC 3986 compliant immutable URI
 class, it performs bit shift operations on ASCII strings during
 normalisation and is used by the policy provider to avoid making DNS
 calls when checking CodeBase policy file permissions.

 As a result, the cost of the security infrastructure is less than 1% of
 CPU load during stress tests.

 This is part of the Apache River project, JERI (Jini Extensible Remote
 Invocation) performs remote method invocations as tasks running in a
 system threadpool, each task executes concurrently on any exported service.

 SecureClassLoader uses CodeSource's as keys in a Map, CodeSource uses
 URL in equals() and hashCode(), so we also have a RFC3986 compliant
 URLClassLoader to avoid making unnecessary DNS calls in SecureClassLoader.

 Rather than rely on an external untrusted DNS to determine the identity
 of CodeSource's, we use RFC 3986 compliant normalisation, without making
 DNS calls.  URL's still make DNS calls when retrieving a URL.  The
 difference is, two different host names that previously re

Concurrent Policy provider

2014-07-10 Thread Peter Firmstone
Would there be interest in using a Policy provider and SecurityManager 
designed for concurrency in Java 9?

Some of the issues experienced and solutions are mentioned below.



 Original Message 
Subject:Concurrency-interest Digest, Vol 113, Issue 45
Date:   Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:00:01 -0400

Send Concurrency-interest mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Concurrency-interest digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: ThreadLocalRandom clinit troubles (Peter Firmstone)
   2. Re: ThreadLocalRandom clinit troubles (Alan Bateman)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 20:02:30 +1000
From: Peter Firmstone
To: Peter Levart
Subject: Re: [concurrency-interest] ThreadLocalRandom clinit troubles
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Hi Peter,

There are a number of bottlenecks throughout the security
infrastructure, we have reimplemented it as follows to avoid them and
have also addressed some long standing issues:

SecurityManager - cache previously checked AccessControlContext's
(using a cache structure based on Cliff Click's non blocking hash map
and Doug Lee's concurrent skip list set), to avoid repeately calling the
policy provider (for example, you have numerous tasks in an
ExecutorService and each has an identical AccessControlContext and all
tasks cause a SocketPermission check).

Policy provider - replaced the built in Java policy provider.  The built
in Java Policy provider will hold a lock while making DNS calls,
bringing all permission checks to a grinding halt.  It will also hold
locks while accessing the file system.

To avoid making DNS calls we've implemented our own policy provider,
originated from Apache Harmony, but modified to use non blocking
immutability.  It creates PermissionCollection's on demand, they're not
shared among threads and are ordered in the most favourable order for a
fast result.  It also supports undocumented Java file policy provider
functionality.  Because Permission objects are immutable but lazily
initialized, we call getActions() to ensure their state is completely
initialized prior to publication.

The policy provider uses a strictly RFC 3986 compliant immutable URI
class, it performs bit shift operations on ASCII strings during
normalisation and is used by the policy provider to avoid making DNS
calls when checking CodeBase policy file permissions.

As a result, the cost of the security infrastructure is less than 1% of
CPU load during stress tests.

This is part of the Apache River project, JERI (Jini Extensible Remote
Invocation) performs remote method invocations as tasks running in a
system threadpool, each task executes concurrently on any exported service.

SecureClassLoader uses CodeSource's as keys in a Map, CodeSource uses
URL in equals() and hashCode(), so we also have a RFC3986 compliant
URLClassLoader to avoid making unnecessary DNS calls in SecureClassLoader.

Rather than rely on an external untrusted DNS to determine the identity
of CodeSource's, we use RFC 3986 compliant normalisation, without making
DNS calls.  URL's still make DNS calls when retrieving a URL.  The
difference is, two different host names that previously resolved to an
identical IP address will no longer be equal, but now we can use dynamic
dns addresses and fail over replication for domain names that use a
range of IP addresses to answer for one domain address.  Standard Java
SecureClassLoader behaviour can be had by setting a system property

This also reduces or avoids calls to the built in java NameServiceProvider.

If this code was in the JVM libraries, we wouldn't need it in our project.

This code is freely available.



On 29/06/2014 7:29 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

 On 06/29/2014 03:53 AM, Peter Firmstone wrote:

 It does look like a good solution.

 You might wonder why we still need a custom SecurityManager?


 The ageing java security infrastructure is a huge bottleneck for
 multithreaded code.



 Hi Peter,

 If you could identify the most cri

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