Re: RFR: 8253952: Refine ZipOutputStream.putNextEntry() to ignore ZipEntry's compressed size

2020-10-07 Thread Lance Andersen
On Wed, 7 Oct 2020 16:43:53 GMT, Volker Simonis  wrote:

>> Alan makes a good point.  Perhaps we keep things simple and focus solely on 
>> tweaking the description of the change in
>> behavior which is described in your last paragraph
> I totally agree. What about using just the last sentence (as you've proposed) 
> in the spec section and add the other to
> as @implNote? O you think the last sentence will be enough?

I think we can just go with the last sentence/paragraph.  Perhaps  we can 
further simplify the  paragraph/sentence with
something like:

The compressed entry size will be recalculated  for compressed (DEFLATED) 
entries when  ZipEntry::setCompressedSize has
not been explicitly called on the ZipEntry.


The compressed (DEFLATED) entry size will be recalculated when  
ZipEntry::setCompressedSize has not been explicitly
called on the ZipEntry.



Re: RFR: 8253952: Refine ZipOutputStream.putNextEntry() to ignore ZipEntry's compressed size

2020-10-07 Thread Volker Simonis
On Wed, 7 Oct 2020 16:09:47 GMT, Lance Andersen  wrote:

>> ### Summary
>> Work around wrong usage of `ZipOutputStream.putNextEntry()` in user code 
>> which can lead to the `ZipException "invalid
>> entry compressed size"`.
>> ### Motivation
>> In general it is not safe to directly write a ZipEntry obtained from 
>> `ZipInputStream.getNextEntry()`,
>> `ZipFile.entries()`, `ZipFile.getEntry()` or `` with 
>> `ZipOutputStream.putNextEntry()` to a
>> `ZipOutputStream` and then read the entries data from the `ZipInputStream` 
>> and write it to the `ZipOutputStream` as
>> follows:
>>  ZipEntry entry;
>>  ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(...);
>>  ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(...);
>>  while((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
>>  zos.putNextEntry(entry);
>>  zis.transferTo(zos);
>>  }
>> The problem with this code is that the zip file format does not record the 
>> compression level used for deflation in its
>> entries. In general, it doesn't even mandate a predefined compression ratio 
>> per compression level. Therefore the
>> compressed size recorded in a `ZipEntry` read from a zip file might differ 
>> from the new compressed size produced by the
>> receiving `ZipOutputStream`. Such a difference will result in a 
>> `ZipException` with the following message:
>> invalid entry compressed size (expected 12 but 
>> got 7 bytes)
>> The correct way of copying all entries from one zip file into another 
>> requires the creation of a new `ZipEntry` or at
>> least resetting of the compressed size field. E.g.:
>>  while((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
>>  ZipEntry newEntry = new ZipEntry(entry.getName());
>>  zos.putNextEntry(newEntry);
>>  zis.transferTo(zos);
>>  }
>> or:
>>  while((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
>>  entry.setCompressedSize(-1);
>>  zos.putNextEntry(entry);
>>  zis.transferTo(zos);
>>  }
>> Unfortunately, there's a lot of user code out there which gets this wrong 
>> and uses the bad coding pattern described
>> before. Searching for `" invalid entry compressed 
>> size (expected 12 but got 7 bytes)"` gives
>> ~2500 hits (~100 on StackOverflow). It's also no hard to find plenty of 
>> instances of this anti-pattern on GitHub when
>> doing a code search for `ZipEntry` and `putNextEntry()`. E.g. [Gradle 4.x 
>> wrapper task][1] is affected as well as the
>> latest version of the [mockableAndroidJar task][2]. I've recently fixed two 
>> occurrences of this pattern in OpenJDK (see
>> [JDK-8240333][3] and [JDK-8240235][4]) but there still exist more of them 
>> (e.g.
>> [`test/jdk/java/util/zip/ZipFile/`][5] which is there since 1999 
>> :).  ### Description  So while this has
>> clearly been a problem before, it apparently wasn't painful enough to 
>> trigger any action from the side of the JDK.
>> However, recently quite some zlib forks with [superior deflate/inflate 
>> performance have evolved][6]. Using them with
>> OpenJDK is quite straight-forward: one just has to configure the alternative 
>> implementations by setting
>> `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` or `LD_PRELOAD` correspondingly. We've seen big saving by 
>> using these new zlib implementations for
>> selected services in production and the only reason why we haven't enabled 
>> them by default until now is the problem
>> I've just described. The reason why these new libraries uncover the 
>> described anti-pattern much more often is because
>> their compression ratio is slightly different from that of the default zlib 
>> library. This can easily trigger a
>> `ZipException` even if an application is not using a different compression 
>> levels but just a zip file created with
>> another zlib version.  I'd therefore like to propose the following 
>> workaround for the wrong
>> `ZipOutputStream.putNextEntry()` usage in user code:
>> -  ignore the compressed size if it was implicitly determined from the zip 
>> file and not explicitly set by calling
>> - Change the API-documentation of `ZipOutputStream.putNextEntry()` and 
>> `JarOutputStream.putNextEntry()` to explain the
>>   problem and why `putNextEntry()` will ignore the compressed size of a 
>> `ZipEntry` if that was set implicitely when
>>   reading that entry from a `ZipFile` or `ZipInputStream`.
>> ### Technical Details
>> A zip file consists of a stream of File Entries followed by a Central 
>> Directory (see [here for a more detailed
>> specification][7]). Each File Entry is composed of a Local File Header (LFH) 
>> followed by the compressed Data and an
>> optional Data Descriptor. The LFH contains the File Name and among other 
>> attributes the Compressed and Uncompressed
>> size and CRC of the Data. In the case where the latter three attributes are 
>> not available at the time when the LFH is
>> created, this fact will be recorded in a flag of the LFH and will trigger 

Re: RFR: 8253952: Refine ZipOutputStream.putNextEntry() to ignore ZipEntry's compressed size

2020-10-07 Thread Volker Simonis
On Wed, 7 Oct 2020 15:34:32 GMT, Lance Andersen  wrote:

>> src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/jar/ line 97:
>>> 95:  * and re-compute its value automatically after the associted data 
>>> has been
>>> 96:  * completely deflated.
>>> 97:  *
>> We probably need to do a bit wordsmithing here.
>> I think I'd drop the first two sentences and instead start a new paragraph 
>> here ( tag) with "Unless explicitly set,
>> the output stream will ignore ..." and see how that looks.
>> Probably should be "the ZipEntry" rather than "a ZipEntry" to be consistent 
>> with the parameter description.
> Alan makes a good point.  Perhaps we keep things simple and focus solely on 
> tweaking the description of the change in
> behavior which is described in your last paragraph

I totally agree. What about using just the last sentence (as you've proposed) 
in the spec section and add the other to
as @implNote? O you think the last sentence will be enough?
