Re: [SMW-devel] Help tracking down bug with SQLStore's QueryEngine

2020-01-24 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
Also, this appears to be the same as this issue:

- On Jan 23, 2020, at 9:59 PM, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:

> "[[kgh]]"  writes:
>> I guess always helps revealing what environment you use, e.g. PHP,
>> MariaDB, MW, SMW, etc. Cheers, Karsten
> You're right, but in the meantime, I found a fix for my problem.
> In any case here are the specs:
> - PHP: 5.6.40
> - DB: Percona cluster with 3 servers.  5.7.23
> - MW 1.2.3
> - SMW: 2.5.7 (55b550a)
> So, this afternoon, i gained some understanding of why my code didn't
> work. The table "{$wgDBprefix}t3" is supposed to exist -- it a temporary
> table that is created in HierarchyTempTableBuilder -- and it was
> created, but it is an in-memory temporary table that SMW knew was the
> replica db.  In-memory temporary tables, at least in my configuration,
> are not replicated.
> So, when the query I sent was run, the temp table existed on the replica
> but not on the master.  And the query I sent was run against the master.
> I think this is a bug which I'll report tomorrow, but I've worked around
> it in the meantime with the following in my LocalSettings.php:
>$smwgLocalConnectionConf = [
>'mw.db' => [
>'read' => DB_MASTER,
>'write' => DB_MASTER
>'mw.db.queryengine' => [
>'read' => DB_MASTER,
>'write' => DB_MASTER
> Thanks for your indulgence,
> Mark.
> ___
> Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Help tracking down bug with SQLStore's QueryEngine

2020-01-23 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
"[[kgh]]"  writes:

> I guess always helps revealing what environment you use, e.g. PHP,
> MariaDB, MW, SMW, etc. Cheers, Karsten

You're right, but in the meantime, I found a fix for my problem.

In any case here are the specs:

- PHP: 5.6.40
- DB: Percona cluster with 3 servers.  5.7.23
- MW 1.2.3
- SMW: 2.5.7 (55b550a)

So, this afternoon, i gained some understanding of why my code didn't
work. The table "{$wgDBprefix}t3" is supposed to exist -- it a temporary
table that is created in HierarchyTempTableBuilder -- and it was
created, but it is an in-memory temporary table that SMW knew was the
replica db.  In-memory temporary tables, at least in my configuration,
are not replicated.

So, when the query I sent was run, the temp table existed on the replica
but not on the master.  And the query I sent was run against the master.

I think this is a bug which I'll report tomorrow, but I've worked around
it in the meantime with the following in my LocalSettings.php:

$smwgLocalConnectionConf = [
'mw.db' => [
'read' => DB_MASTER,
'write' => DB_MASTER
'mw.db.queryengine' => [
'read' => DB_MASTER,
'write' => DB_MASTER

Thanks for your indulgence,


Semediawiki-devel mailing list

[SMW-devel] Help tracking down bug with SQLStore's QueryEngine

2020-01-23 Thread Mark A. Hershberger

While trying to my wiki, I ran into the following error:

[95e3cb7152fc75e5d21f4193] /wiki/Main_Page RuntimeException from line 228 of 
.../extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/src/MediaWiki/Database.php: A database error 
has occurred. Did you forget to run maintenance/update.php after upgrading? 
Query: SELECT DISTINCT t0.smw_id AS id,t0.smw_title AS t,t0.smw_namespace AS 
ns,t0.smw_iw AS iw,t0.smw_subobject AS so,t0.smw_sortkey AS 
sortkey,t0.smw_sortkey FROM `wiki1smw_object_ids` AS t0 INNER JOIN 
`wiki1smw_fpt_inst` AS t2 ON t0.smw_id=t2.s_id INNER JOIN `wiki1t3` AS t3 ON INNER JOIN `wiki1smw_fpt_inst` AS t4 ON t2.s_id=t4.s_id WHERE 
((t4.o_id='702993')) AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw' AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw-delete' AND 
t0.smw_iw!=':smw-redi' ORDER BY t0.smw_sortkey ASC LIMIT 2005
Function: SMW\SQLStore\QueryEngine\QueryEngine::getInstanceQueryResult
Error: 1146 Table 'wiki_d.wiki1t3' doesn't exist (...)

The problem, it looks like, is that the code in
QuerySegmentListProcessor.php uses the table alias (t3 in this case) in
place of the table itself.  I tried fixing this by altering the code so
that $smwtable is is used instead of the alias[1], but the tests didn't

I wonder if anyone can help me understand this code better or fix the



Semediawiki-devel mailing list

[SMW-devel] Help with SESP and ApprovedRevs -- SESP property won't update without rebuildData.php

2017-12-10 Thread Mark A. Hershberger

Hello, SMW devs!

I'm working on extending SESP to expose data from ApprovedRevs[1] and
I'm running into a problem.

Specifically, after changing the approval status of the page, the
properties I've added to SESP aren't updating until I run
rebuildData.php, even if only for the single page that has been updated.

I even tried updating the SESP properties in the AR hooks
ApprovedRevsRevisionApproved and ApprovedRevsRevisionUnapproved, but,
even though I can see my addAnnotation method being called, the
properties aren't updated until I run rebuildData.php.

The next thing to do is to figure out what else rebuildData.php is doing
so that the properties are updated, but I thought I'd try sending an
email first.


Mark A. Hershberger
NicheWork LLC

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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Modern chat solution as alternative to IRC?

2017-07-27 Thread Mark A. Hershberger

I'll pile on to what Stephan has said: Just use IRC.  If people aren't
there, get them to show up.

I use Slack (via its IRC interface, naturally) and it works, but even
using Slack's own client, I see no real advantage and I see several

Cindy Cicalese[1] (who does things lik e Display Title née Semantic
Title), just started as the new product manager for the MediaWiki
Platform team at the WMF and, since it is WMF, started using IRC.

She is using IRCCloud[2] which provides

* Unlimited history access
* Free apps for iOS and Android
* 2 IRC connections
* 100MB drag and drop file sharing
* Full history export
* Fast, personal support

That seems pretty "modern", to me.

But what do I know?  I'm happy with using emacs's erc[3] and znc[4], so
I'm a veritable dinosaur.






Mark A. Hershberger
NicheWork LLC

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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

[SMW-devel] Join the Wikimedia Developer Summit 2016

2015-09-15 Thread Mark A. Hershberger

Yaron Koren writes:

> Seems pretty interesting... I assume this will focus mostly on core
> MediaWiki and WMF software like VisualEditor and Flow, but apparently not
> exclusively.

No, not exclusively.  Cindy Cicalese from MITRE was there with Markus
Glaser and I last year.

It was then that we got to talk with Kunal (Legoktm) about his then-new
extension.json effort.  I grilled him about using composer and he
explained why he wasn't using it.

(I've since seen his rationale borne out through my interactions with
the Composer devs.  I made sure that those interactions were public and
available for others to see so that if anyone feels the need to grill
anyone in MW core about it again, we have something to point them to.)

I would *love* to have developers who are focused on MediaWiki outside
the WMF involved in the summit.  In the survey that we recently
completed in the MW Stakeholder's group, we've seen that SMW devs are
some of the most important ones in this regard.

We need more non-WMF voices involved in these sorts of activities.  Cost
should not be too much of an issue.  The WMF has travel grants for this
sort of thing if that is needed.

I encourage any developers who have an interest in the future of
MediaWiki (i.e. all SMW devs) to attend.



Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] List composer packages used within MediaWiki

2013-11-25 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
On 11/25/2013 01:17 PM, James HK wrote:
 I know what I need to make it work but the last time I tried to add
 something to MW-core it took 8 month so I'm rather reluctant to waste
 my time on MW-core issues.
I understand your reluctance. is
currently giving me grief.

Still, If you can put something in gerrit, I'd love to advocate for it. 
If you just want to provide a patch to me, I can submit it -- naming you
as the author or not as you like.



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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] The future of the SMW query stores

2013-10-16 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
Could someone familiar with SMW help develop a role for
MediaWiki-Vagrant?  Especially helpful would be a way to deploy MongoDB
and the like in one go.


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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] [Semediawiki-user] Status of faceted search for SMW

2013-08-16 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
On 08/16/2013 09:37 AM, David H. Mason wrote:
 You may want to wait until WMF selects a search solution: 
 That way people won't have to set up Solr  whatever else is selected, if 
 it's not
 Solr. (I'm hoping for ElasticSearch, which is also based on Lucene and is
 currently a little easier to manage, though they're both quite simple these

Just today there was a thread that announced ElasticSearch is what
they've settled on and put up on test2:


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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

[SMW-devel] Using SMW queries to find information about the wiki

2013-06-27 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
I'm helping Mozilla with their wiki and they have the following request:
Create widgets: X Most Popular in Last Y Days and Last X Edits

Since they're using SMW, I thought there might be a way to query for the
recent edits or page counters.  No one in #semantic-mediawiki seemed to
know of a way to do this, though.  I poked through the SMW extensions,
but nothing jumped out at me.

So, my next thought is to make the page counter and recent edit list
available for SMW queries.  Any pointers on how to do that?

That said, maybe I'm just completely missing some obvious functionality
of SMW because of my own ignorance.  In that case, I seek enlightenment.

Thanks for any help!



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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Replacement for Wiki of the Month Coordinator

2013-06-03 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
On Mon 03 Jun 2013 02:14:21 PM EDT, Desiree Gennaro wrote:
 Unfortunately, I am going to need to find a new volunteer to take over
 coordinating the featured wiki of the month starting in August. My
 husband and I will be welcoming the birth of our first child, Carly,
 in early September.



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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Switching database from mysql to Oracle or MsSQL

2013-05-10 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
While poking around WikiApiary, I came across links to WikiHiero that
were highlighted with a warning, that when I moused over it that said
the URIs of the form // are
not allowed.

One question: Why not?

Also, I'm curious who the warning is intended for.  The phrase not
allowed seems prescriptive and I'm wondering where the prescriptions
come from and who they're intended for.



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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Switching database from mysql to Oracle or MsSQL

2013-05-09 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
On Thu 09 May 2013 09:12:26 PM EDT, Jamie Thingelstad wrote:
 31 out of 5,370 wikis use something other than MySQL, and 25 of those
 are Postgres.

And one of those uses None.  That would be interesting.


Imagination does not breed insanity. Exactly what does breed insanity
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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] LTS (again), coordinated (git) development strategy?

2013-05-08 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
On 05/08/2013 10:12 AM, Jeroen De Dauw wrote:

 Some problems we are facing here:

 * Our (PHP) APIs are generally badly defined and poorly thought out.
 This applies to both MediaWiki core, SMW and other extensions. That
 makes it very hard not to end up breaking compatibility.
 * Code is not split into seperate components and tight coupling with
 unrelated things is made for not good reason. For instance, most of
 the SMW code could have been written in such a way that it would work
 without MW. Currently pretty much everything depends on it. This makes
 the code more complex and prone to breaking when changes in MW are made.
These two problems are a real issue with the MW code.  Antoine Musso
looked at making MW code distributable on and saw some of
these very real problems. 
(I didn't realize till now that you were listed as a co-maintainer
there, Jeroen.)

There are some bits that could be separated out, but very few.  It would
be great to see if we could loosen the coupling and start using some
better practices for MW code, but that is something that most of the
WMF-oriented developers aren't going to worry about.

If SMW devs are interested in this, though, I think we have enough
critical mass here to begin working on it.

What do you think?


Imagination does not breed insanity. Exactly what does breed insanity
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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] is SMW tested on development versions of MW

2013-03-13 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
On 03/13/2013 10:51 AM, Yury Katkov wrote:
 Sorry Jeroen, I meant no offence, I just tried to install Guided Tour
 extension for several hours without checking its compatibility with
 MW1.21 :)

Even the LTS of MediaWiki (supported till 2015!) doesn't claim to
support extensions that were created after 1.19 came out (in Spring 2012).

The Guided Tour extension is attractive, but the first attempts at
creating it were in September 2012 -- at a hacking event with the WMF. 
MW 1.20 was released in November. The extension itself was only recently
released and is was targeted to Wikimedia sites -- where they roll out a
new release every two weeks and are trying to speed it up.

 Great! We will try use wmf releases of MW plus the latest SMW in our

This will work if you can update your site every couple of weeks.  I
don't know what your resources are, but I predict you'll be
disappointed.  As was made clear to me when I discussed this topic on
wikitech-l, if you want the a stable release of MediaWiki, then you
can't expect to use the latest features.

Using the latest features is possible, but it requires an investment of
some time.

I wish you the best and hope that if you do work off of the latest MW
and SMW, you'll contribute any of your fixes back.


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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Semantic Bundle and MW tarball

2013-02-25 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
On Mon 25 Feb 2013 02:12:41 PM EST, Yaron Koren wrote:
 It sounds like a good idea to me. What version of MediaWiki would you
 want to start with - 1.20 (the current version), I assume?

At the latest, we could do 1.21.  Earliest I would go is 1.19.  But 
1.20 is a good place to start.

Since the MW installer can also install extensions (as it does for 
those it is shipped with) one thing we would need to do is make sure 
any shipping extensions can be installed with the installer.  If the 
installer needs to be fixed, to do this then we'll have to limit this 
to 1.21 onwards (but it may be worthwhile to fix any bugs in 1.20 or 

 And where
 do you think it makes sense to host and document these packages?

I think it would make sense to host them with the regular MediaWiki 
tarballs, but assuming that isn't do-able (I would need to ask and I 
think Ariel already wanted to change were the tarballs were hosted), 
why not add them to the SF dowload page?  Maybe we could put them on

As far as documenting, I think and make a lot of 
sense.  Linking to the bundle page and download link from the front 
page of also makes sense.

Of course, I'm open to any other ideas you have for documentation and 


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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

[SMW-devel] Do we need to change the MW release process to better involve the non-WMF community?

2013-02-21 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
(Adding a couple of mailing lists so others can weigh in.  Changing
subject so those added aren't completely lost.)

On 02/21/2013 11:55 AM, Quim Gil wrote:
 Ok, just a question as humble 3rd party MediaWiki user and technical
 volunteer coordinator at the WMF: is there a possibility to consider
 having a regular free software release process?
 master/unstable --- (testing releases?) --- stable releases
 I think the current process is ok-ish in the short term: non-WMF
 contributors are getting +2 and 3rd parties are getting tarballs.

As you say, I think the current process is Ok(ish) for now. We need to
get others in the MediaWiki ecosystem involved in core before this
becomes something we really need to do.

It would be great to have developers from other significant MediaWiki
sites (like Referata, Wikia, Citizendium, etc) become more involved and
start introducing features or hooks that they use into core or making
the extensions available.  Of course, some of those developers have
already been involved.

But right now, I don't sense a huge amount of friction between the WMF's
needs and the non-WMF MediaWiki-using community.  The most that can be
said is that the WMF is focused on its sites and doesn't make third
party use a priority.  This doesn't stop support for other databases,
though: Oracle, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, or even my recent changes to
separate out DB schema changes in MySQL.

That said, I'm very interested in this conversation.  As MZ will remind
you, I did advocate for the formation of the MediaWiki Foundation.


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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Do we need to change the MW release process to better involve the non-WMF community?

2013-02-21 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
On 02/21/2013 12:50 PM, Brian Wolff wrote:
 Thus the use of unstablish releases on wikimedia allows for much more
 stable core releases.

Thanks for pointing this out.  I meant to say this, too.

I guess the question I want other MediaWiki users to answer is: Are
there any concerns that mitigate this benefit?



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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

[SMW-devel] Help Mozilla with Semantic Watchlist

2013-02-11 Thread Mark A. Hershberger

I am helping Mozilla upgrade their installation of MediaWiki at to 1.19 and we ran into the above bug.

I tried this on my own installation and couldn't reproduce it.

Any hints?


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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Help Mozilla with Semantic Watchlist

2013-02-11 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
On Mon 11 Feb 2013 01:26:07 PM EST, Yaron Koren wrote:
 This doesn't seem like a Semantic Watchlist-related issue; neither
 Special:Watchlist not Special:EditWatchlist come from Semantic
 Watchlist. Semantic Watchlist (or SWL) defines its own, separate set
 of special pages; it doesn't interact with the core watchlist
 functionality in any way.


I haven't used Semantic Watchlist and didn't look at the code to see if 
there was any way the extension would cause problems.

I'll look into this further.


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