Troubled Times: Colloidal Silver

1998-03-31 Thread Ken Fairchild
Dear  List:

Has anyone tried putting a drop of honey into the water to decrease
silver oxide as suggested in Merlin's magic?


Re: CS: I'm getting an orange mist???

1998-03-31 Thread Fred Walter
From: (Fred Walter)
Tonight I'm observing something weird. The DC amps is up to about 16,
and the positive electrode seems to have an orange-colored mist coming
off of it.

I stopped the process at 25 milliamps. The water is now yellow-gold.
I'm not sure if I have the 'golden colloidal silver' that I hear is best,
or if I have something else. Any easy tests, to see if I have good stuff,
or a deadly poison?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS: I'm getting an orange mist???

1998-03-31 Thread Fred Walter
Tonight I continued my experiment with using a coffee carafe on a hotplate.
I continued where I left off (same water).

Tonight I'm observing something weird. The DC amps is up to about 16,
and the positive electrode seems to have an orange-colored mist coming
off of it.

Any ideas?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: How many subscribers?

1998-03-31 Thread Joyce Inouye

 Tom wrote:
  I thought that I was being asked for  the number of subscribers
  to my excess-iron discussion list.  Sorry about that!
  Tom Clayton, MD

It's general knowledge that excess metals in your body is bad for your
health. But did you notice that the dangers of lead is being overplayed?
Lead is the only metal that will stop the transmission of signals from
computer chips, and it will likely become outlawed for this reason.  Note
that with the computer chip in your credit card, you can be tracked
anywhere in the world to the accuracy of 3 feet through the global
satellite system.  The laser technology has already earmarked your hand
and your forehead as the two places where this chip can go.  (The vein
pattern on your hand, and the skull pattern on your forehead, are the two
places which does not change with time, making them ideal for
identification purposes.) 

Children will stop eating paint with lead contamination if they are fed
additional nutrients.  This phenomenon of eating metal, etc., also occurs
in farm animals with mineral deficiencies, but the animals stop eating
barbed wire fences, etc., when fed additional minerals.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Yet another form of colloidals ?

1998-03-31 Thread Fred Walter
From: ryb
I am a bit dismayed at people trying to find safe ways via battery-gizmo

Ryb, what basis do you have for implying that the 'battery-gizmo' method
of producing colloidal silver is not safe? (Aside from the marketing
literature from the makers of the much more expensive commercial
colloidal silver generators...)


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Yet another form of colloidals ?

1998-03-31 Thread ryb
Thanks to Daniel Holly for giving me the web site  for WaterOz...They are

 It would appear that their products are NOT colloidal.They are more along
the lines of the Clatk Colloidal minerals and the likes...

  They do NOT use distilled water,but underground mineral water that is
re-purified via osmosis,etc..

 In any event I have asked them more questions about their products..

Hence,I do not doubt that people are benifitting from these mineral water
products but Colloidal minerals are different.The bottom line is distilled
water which is a man made product.

 So we now have 4 types of devices that can do colloidal silver(as for
collidal gold,etc..none ?)

-gizmo battery types

-PII devices using a steady 30 Volts DC current(a real bonus over the
battery types-no waste,no filtering needed,no salt,no by-products and their
prices are CHEAP if you compare them to the battery devices..)

-Motherlode devices that produces a sort of colloidal silver(ionic)

-the CSprosystem devices that produces colloidal silver,non ionic..(?)

 I do hope that people on the list can put some of their focus on these 3
last devices that seem to give out good results,a stabilized product
and a safe one at that too.. 

 I am a bit dismayed at people trying to find safe ways via battery-gizmo
devices.These are okay ,in case of emergency-if you have a power
outage,water is unsafe,etc or if you go let us say to Mexico and want to
avoid getting the tourists(diarrhea).

 Now if someoner could come up with a portable system similar to a PII
device-using a car battery or otherwise,then that would be a viable
alternative if the results of said CSilver at same as an original PII device !



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Re: Some things I've used CS for

1998-03-31 Thread Debbie McDonald
 I really would like to see a steady flow of usage reports, good and
 bad. Testimonials go a long way toward keeping us focused on what
 we're here for. If you've used CS for something lately, or you
 haven't chipped in with your story in a while, feel free to post!
 There are always people looking for the info.

Well, here goes,  I had been using CS myself as I considered myself very
toxic, from slow bowels, and possibly a resistant staph?? among other
things. I then used a parasite program, also drank too much sugar and
started feeling pain in the liver?gall bladder area so decided to lay
off silver for awhile. That is when I noticed that after about two weeks
off silver, the pain in the toes on one foot and my knee I had injured a
few years before returned. I am not kidding, it seem the silver had
taken away the pain. Will let you all know when I go back on silver if
the pain goes away again but I feel certain it will, anyone else have
this where you don't think it was a result of lyme in the joints. 

 Debbie McDonald

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Some things I've used CS for

1998-03-31 Thread It's not me
Okay Mike asked for reports on usage of CS, so here goes.  Before I get to
what I've used CS for, I'll let you know how I make my brew.  I have been
using the CS-300b battery operated (36 volts DC) CS generator and I let it
run for 20 minutes after I notice bubbles forming on one of the electrodes.
According to the literature it is supposed to generate 3-5 ppm solution, but
I've never had it tested.  It generates clear and then changes golden after
a few days.

None of the following is any more than simple observation, but from what
I've seen, I would love to see some controlled studies on CS.

I have used the solution on burns by saturating a gauze or bandage and
keeping the area wet for at least 24 hours.  Within a few hours the pain is
gone, blisters are going away and by the next day things are generally back
to normal with little indication of a burn.  My wife accidentally grabbed a
cast iron pan (where the pot holder wasn't) and burned herself badly.  The
burn was white and blistered and looked like a piece of steamed fish.
Within minutes of applying the CS, she said the pain started to go away.
The next morning she took off the bandage and never applied the CS again.
On two fingers the skin had reattached (sounded impossible to me too) and
only one of the fingers peeled and that was because she picked at it out of

A friends baby had a terrible case of diaper rash that they just could not
get rid of.  I gave them a bottle of CS and now they swear by it.  I told
them to let the skin stay wet for at least 10 minutes.  They said it started
working right away and want more.

Another friend had a viral wart on her fingernail that she said she had for
13 years.  I gave her a bottle and told her to keep a CS soaked bandage on
it for a few days and see what happened.  I think that she said that she
noticed that it did not hurt after a few days and kept putting it on.  In
two weeks it was totally gone.  Apparently the nail was damaged, but has
grown out and is now normal.  Previously, she had tried freezing, burning,
cutting and a bunch of topical ointments all to no avail.

If I put CS on the spot when I first notice it tingling, I can usually keep
the sore from developing.  If it gets swollen, I apply CS with a Q-tip for a
minimum of 6-10 minutes and it almost always kills the infection by morning.
If it stops tingling and scabs over, the infection phase is generally over.
I have used the CS successfully on cold sores both inside the mouth and on
the outside of the mouth.

I have used an atomizer and sniffed the solution into my sinus passages and
gargled or drank the solution to help the infections along.  These results
were not as remarkable as the external applications of CS, but I believe
that the CS did help some especially in the Nasal infections.

I had a honey bee sting that got infected and caused a marble sized knot
that turned red and made a streak down my arm.  I used tea tree oil on the
sting the first night and it turned black and hurt like the devil (Actually
may have been good, I think it helped destroy the protein from the sting).
The next night I put the CS on it overnight and by morning it had started to
scab over and normal color started to return.  Maybe this would have
happened anyhow, but I was a bit worried when I saw the red streaks on my
arm and figured that the CS sure would not hurt.

I don't know about internal applications, but I have had excellent results
externally.  On the negative side, I do know that when I take the CS
internally, I get bad stomach cramps.  Has anyone else had this problem?  I
am also wondering if CS would work for a systemic yeast infection.  I have a
friend who has had nothing but trouble for about 6-7 years now with yeast
and I wonder if I should set him up with some CS.  Would any of you have
experience with this?  If so, what dosages were taken and what length of
time was necessary to relieve yeast problems?

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour
Date: Monday, March 30, 1998 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: Clear or Golden?

I really would like to see a steady flow of usage reports, good and
bad. Testimonials go a long way toward keeping us focused on what
we're here for. If you've used CS for something lately, or you
haven't chipped in with your story in a while, feel free to post!
There are always people looking for the info.

Be well,

Mike D.
Silver-list maintainer

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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Joining the excess iron list

1998-03-31 Thread Tom

Dear prospective member of the Excess Iron List:

Send a message to

and put the word subscribe (but without the quotation 
marks) in the text box.

Then when you get a reply from them, do a reply to author
and change the word REJECT at the end of the subject line
to ACCEPT and send it on in.

Then you should be subscribed.

Welcome Aboard!

Tom Clayton,MD 

 I thought that I was being asked for  the number of subscribers
 to my excess-iron discussion list.  Sorry about that!

 Tom Clayton, MD

Dear Tom, I didn`t know you had an iron list! I`m quite interested in
that, since I read the article in US News a few years ago about excess
iron causing heart disease. I make my hubby donate blood now!
I will have to in a few years... :o)
How do we get on your list??
Marsha, soon to be in Oceanside
PS, I still have that article.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: How many subscribers?

1998-03-31 Thread Marsha Hallett
Tom wrote:

 I thought that I was being asked for  the number of subscribers
 to my excess-iron discussion list.  Sorry about that!

 Tom Clayton, MD

Dear Tom, I didn`t know you had an iron list! I`m quite interested in
that, since I read the article in US News a few years ago about excess
iron causing heart disease. I make my hubby donate blood now!
I will have to in a few years... :o)
How do we get on your list??
Marsha, soon to be in Oceanside
PS, I still have that article.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: How many subscribers?

1998-03-31 Thread Tom
I thought that I was being asked for  the number of subscribers 
to my excess-iron discussion list.  Sorry about that!

Tom Clayton, MD  

Christian von Wechmar wrote:
 I was just wondering how many subscribers are on the Silver List.

Tom Clayton wrote:

 About 85

I write:

HEY! You got some passwords I don't know about Tom?? big grin!

Last time I checked there were about 125 on the list and another 27 
or so on the digest, for a total near 154? It fluctuates up or down 
by a few all the time, so that's approximate.

So things are a little bigger now than when we started out in 
January! For that I am grateful to every one of you.

Be well!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour