Brain tumor linked to liver transplant

1998-07-07 Thread mbgupta
Don't know if any of you saw this. Another proof of Rife's conclusions when he
said that cancer is an infection...

Chris Gupta

Yahoo! News Health Headlines 

Monday July 6 6:16 PM EDT 

Brain tumor linked to liver transplant

NEW YORK, Jul 06 (Reuters) -- Since brain malignancies seldom spread to other
parts of the body, most experts agree that the organs of patients who died due
to a brain tumor can be safely donated to patients in need. 

However, a report in this week's issue of The Lancet describes a case of fatal
brain tumor, apparently transmitted from donor to recipient through liver

The report "justifies caution with and further investigation of the use of
patients with brain tumors as organ donors," conclude Drs. Patrick Healey and
Connie Davis of the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. 

Their commentary accompanies a report by researchers at the Technical
University of Dresden, in Germany. 

The German team report the case of a 47-year-old liver donor who died after
developing glioblastoma multiforme, an incurable, lethal form of brain tumor.
An autopsy performed soon after the patient's death revealed no apparent sign
of cancer spread. 

The patient's liver was subsequently transplanted into the body of a
29-year-old recipient. The researchers say the recipient developed cancers at
various sites (including the brain) soon after the transplant, and died
about 5
months later. 

After conducting DNA and laboratory testing, the investigators concluded that
all of the recipient's cancers were "donor-related." 

In their editorial, Healey and Davis note that about 1% of all transplanted
organs originate in donors who have succumbed to some form of brain tumor.
explain that since only a very small minority of all brain tumors ever spread
to other body areas, "the policy of the United Network for Organ Sharing
in the USA is that...(most types of) brain tumours are acceptable in an organ

Healey and Davis believe the possibility of a small risk of transplant-related
cancers must be weighed against the fact that nearly 1,000 patients die each
year while waiting for transplant. "There are too few organs for
transplantation for 1% of the liver-donor pool, as well as 1% of the total
organ-donor pool, to be dispensed with," the Seattle authors conclude. 

They suggest that livers procured from deceased brain cancer patients be
offered first to "those (individuals) who would die without an immediate

Responding to the issue, UNOS has recently set up a special computerized
database aimed at tracking cancer incidence (and therefore, risk) among US
organ recipients. SOURCE: The Lancet 1998;352:2-3, 31. 

Previous Story: Cardiac arrests show two daily peaks 
Next Story: Races benefit from different glaucoma treatment 


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Re: Microbial Challenge Test Fund

1998-07-07 Thread George Martin
I'll pledge $50 for a start...

George Martin

On Tue, 07 Jul 1998 09:25:58 -0400, Douglas McMurtrie wrote:

=>For now the fund stands as follows:
=> Marsha Hallett   - $20.00
=>  - $10.00
=> Douglas McMurtrie  - $50.00
=> __
=>  Total to Date  $80.00 

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1998-07-07 Thread John Morris
Hello everyone,
Well another week has gone by and so far my Psoriasis is 
clearing up fine
the rash on my legs has just about gone but it is still bad on my face but
not as bad as it was . You must remember that I have had Psoriasis for at
least 20 years so it will not clear up over night. I am still taking 50
mills morning and night I am using Paw paw ointment on my face and spraying
with c.s. 4 to 5 times a day . I tried to mix c.s. with sorbolene and use
that but my face didn't like it so I will stick with the Paw paw ointment. I
am not shore about the p.p.m. of the colloidal silver I am using as I make
it myself . I made a unit up  myself  and this is what I do I run the unit
at 30v I use 8 oz. of distilled water at 72 d.f. and run it for 30 minutes
and from what I have red it should be about 10 p.p.m. .Can any one help me
on this as it is hard to get any information about how to make c.s. they all
seem to tell you something different.

Thanks John

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Re: OT: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-07 Thread Tom Young
Hi Frank,
Rather than type the whole procedure, I'll direct you to Brian McInturff's web 
that has a complete description of the procedure and the benefits of doing it.  

You may want to spend considerable time browsing his site with all the good
alternative health info he has there.

Best regards.


Frank Matzka wrote:

> Can you describe this liver flush procedure for me?

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Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-07 Thread Tom Young
Your point is well taken.  I think my strong reaction reflects what I
and many others feel about the general state of the Health Care System
(which I would rename the Disease Management System).  I, like so many
others, have seen many friends and relatives die of diseases over the
years and the medical industry keeps touting their "war on cancer" and
their "promising new drug".  I'm absolutely convinced that no one but
the patient is truly interested in curing disease.  After all, to find a
cure for anything could have a devastating affect on the pharmaceutical
industry and many other "health care" businesses.

My angle is just that any doctor who truly cares to do his/her own
independent research aside from the orthodox journals will begin to find
as most of us have, that there can be REAL SOLUTIONS to disease besides
cut, poison and burn therapies.  Unfortunately, at this point in time,
not enough of them are caring and bold enough to mount an opposition
against our corrupt medical system, and this angers and frustrates many
of us who have lost loved ones.  Most MDs are just "part of the
system".  Just my 2 cents.


Nancy B. wrote:

> I'm not trying to be rude here, but are you aware that
> there's also a room call the "medical library" in most if
> not all hospitals, filled with current and old journals...

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RE: Doc stuff and more

1998-07-07 Thread george . berezov
CS has aided in my efforts to put my Prostate Cancer on "hold". Beta/Glucan 
100mg daily in conjunction CS 250 PPM in 4 oz of dist water does that job
quite nicely,thank you. My PSA this month is down to 3.9 - age 84. Hope it 
lasts longer than previous hormone treatments (3.5 years before going 

Put me down for $20 -and tell me where to send the check.



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Re: OT: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-07 Thread Frank Matzka
Hi Tom,

Can you describe this liver flush procedure for me?


Tom Young wrote:

> Just a personal note...
> About 3 years ago, I also had a form of "brain fog" and very low energy. About
> that time I first read Hulda Clarks book "Cure for All Diseases" and did some
> of her liver flushes. My energy and awareness greatly improved and I highly
> recommend the procedure.
> ...Tom

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Re: to flame

1998-07-07 Thread bjs1779
Douglas McMurtrie wrote:
> Ah to Hell with it!. I replied to bjs flame in private but a public
> attack deserves a public response.
> Lots of anger there bjs, particularly for a person who hasn't been to a
> doctor in 25 years. What is this, vicarious crankiness? If you want to
> discuss, I'll discuss. If you want to go sarcastic, I'm perfectly able
> to go there too.

First of all, this is not a FDA or AMA oriented newsgroup. Quite the
opposite. Most people are here for a variety of reasons, but one common
denominator for most being here is a general disenchantment with the
mainstream medical monopoly to begin with. In other words, mainstream
medical worship and the urge to forgive them for their faults is not
deeply entrenched here. Some here, including me, can be darn right angry
about it. So that being said, you know at least where you are at. If I
went to a doctors newgroup and extolled the virtues of alternative
medicene, I would expect some discomfort. Speaking of that, mainstream
medicence sure ain't got nothing kind to say about alternative methods.
So I don't know how lovey dovey this can all be. 

> And as to arrogance, arrogance is playing at scientist in your kitchen
> lab in your spare time for six months then proposing to tell men and
> women who've dedicated their lives to the field that they don't have a
> clue what they're talking about. 

I would like to remind you that this one covers more than me

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RE: Doc stuff and more

1998-07-07 Thread Dean Woodward
Doug: Count me in for $20 to start, and more later as we make progress. I
completely agree with the need to do something to move this technology
forward from a scientific point of view.

Dean Woodward

Let me know where to send my check.

-Original Message-
From:   Douglas McMurtrie []
Sent:   Monday, July 06, 1998 4:06 PM
Subject:Doc stuff and more

Wil, Ted and other list members,

I appreciate all your thoughtful comments and I hope I was not taken to
be holding the position that doctors are infallable. Progress and truth
are perpetually moving targets that all are hopefully striving toward.
There is much to say on this whole issue and it touches on many
disparate but related things. I will try to stay focused.

My posting was in response to the "doctor bashing" and generally
negative view of what is called western medicine. Given the marvellous
history of western medicine this strikes me as something akin to
slapping your kid because he only got a B+ on his report card instead of
an A. Room for improvement. Absolutely. But not too shabby nonetheless.

I have great sympathy for Damien and his problem. My family lost a dear
friend last year to CF. A delightful young man of 21 years with much
promise and we are still saddened by the thought of it. I also have a
close friend, a 40 year old woman, who was saved from the ravages of
breast cancer by the same western medicine that failed our young friend.
I would be the last to deny that we as human beings have much to learn
but we is where we is.

Since beginning to look into CS about six or eight months ago I have
come to believe that there is the POSSIBILITY that this may be a
substance of serious importance that has been overlooked. The majority
of evidence presented on this list has been anecdotal in nature. This is
not to diminish it but the fact remains that this is not the strongest
form of evidence on which to conclude the truth of a thing. Wil, you are
right that it has much value as a feedback mechanism, serving to confirm
and bolster the confidence in conlusions drawn from experiment and
controlled study. An example. A friend of mine was suffering for months
from a sinus problem resulting in headaches, runny nose, and flu-like
symptoms. I gave her some of my homebrewed CS of indeterminate
concentration which she began to take. Within a week all the symptoms
that had plagued her for months were gone. Did the CS cure her? Damned
if I know. Maybe it was an allergy and she changed her shampoo. Maybe
she dropped something from her diet. Maybe it was only coincidence and
her immune system finally just caught up to the task. These are the kind
of problems that are presented with anecdotal evidence.  Well, you might
say, look at all the positive anecdotes presented here. Again, for
drawing scientific conclusions it is no more than suggestive. Maybe
those who try CS and get no results simply walk away without ever
reporting the negative results. It seems to me that much on the list is
asserted as fact e.g. that 650 known pathogens can be killed by CS, or
that CS is both bactericidal and virucidal, or that CS functions by
disrupting the metablic pathways of bacteria, etc, is really nothing
more than opinion, speculation, or the repetition of previously espoused
myth. This sort of talk is fine and fun but does nothing to move CS
closer to having a solid base of test evidence which might intrigue
mainstream researchers enough to take the ball and run with it.

About a week or so ago Bob Wells posted an interesting message about a
friend that put him in contact with a firm that specialized in doing
"microbial challenge" tests for industry. They were supposed to be quite
capable of determining the minimum inhibitory concentration of a
particular substance. The cost for testing was given at about $400. This
strikes me as exactly the kind of basic science that we should be
pursuing. I suggested at that time that we start a small fund to cover
the cost of such testing and that I would be happy to salt it with $20
to get started.  No response :( . I reopen the challenge now and I will
up the ante. With a positive response from the list I will throw in $50
to jump start it. Don't tell me that you all wouldn't love to see the
results of such a test! I know that I would.

Best to all,


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Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-07 Thread likowski
Hello Nancy -

I found your comments regarding this whole issue to be amongst the most
balanced of any posted. Funny how one little response to a seemingly
insignificant post set off such a fire. When I responded to whomever
made the anti-doctors statement way back when, I never expected to start
so many fireworks over whether doctors are worthy of their pay or status
in society (not to mention their lives, considering the attitudes of
some!)... but then, it *is* the 4th of July. In fact, it was mostly
sarcasm in that I used the amount of 98% and the term "scum";
*obviously* more than 2% are "good" people, it's just that it's
impossible to *really* know how many are not! When I made my other post
stating that I felt 50-75% were corrupt (at least in part) I *do* think
that's much more accurate and fits in overall with other aspects of
human nature and other humans in their professions. In general, it seems
to be "the nature of the beast" for a small quantity of *quality* humans
to exist in ANY field of human activity, but it becomes more amplified
in the medical profession because the mistakes are so glaring compared
to (as you say) car repair or a head of hair. If someone screws up your
car, it ain't headline news; when the wrong leg gets amputated, it
ceratinly is -- and *must* be! And as you accurately point out "...the
sicker one is, the more aware that person becomes of how little our
doctors do know about health and illness...". This is very true.
Necessity ALWAYS dictates in Life. If you're not that sick, or never had
a child that sick, doctors aren't "bad" guys (or girls); but if you see
your child repeatedly sick for years and it's breaking your heart and
then you discover Colloidal Silver and it's miraculous implications (or
ANY of the "alternatives" available that are being used with great
success in other places), it tends to make you suspicious of ALL
medicos. Any system inherently has a point of no return; with a fatal
illness you play "Beat The Clock" everyday. Every minute seems cramped
and uncomfortable while waiting for "the cure" to come along, but we are
suspicious of a system that ignores obvious other, *better*, remedies so
how can we have faith that "the cure" will come in time? So things get
even more cramped and uncomfortable. And this is pretty much the basic
"wounded animal" psychology; one thing compounds another and all the
time that big old clock in the sky is ticking ever louder. It makes
those playing games with your life appear extremely evil, and I mean
that in the "ignorant" sense to a great degree. There is *honest*
ignorance ([-]evil) -- where someone just didn't know there was a better
way, and there is *arrogant* ignorance ([+]evil) -- where they may have
sensed Truth and a better way, but chose to ignore it because of ego or
job security or whatever. But then, this is where The Truth issue itself
can become very abstract: If a doctor raising a family with kids in
college or perhaps even a chronically sick child of their own has built
a good way of life being the "conventional" kind of doctor, and then
discovers something like CS and it's wonderful implications and
sincerely wants to start "prescribing" it to their patients -- perhaps
even conducting "scientific experiments" to prove it's worth to the
world -- but knows what they're up against, is it the "truthful",
"better" way to jeopardize their entire family's lives over this? If
there's the slightest chance that they could lose everything by
employing the use of CS on a regular basis, is it worth it? This is
where we all have to look in the mirror... where the *real* MANimal
aspects of our limited nature comes into play. I can stand alone; I have
no offspring to care for -- not even a wife or girlfriend. Like the film
BRAVE HEART, I can afford to fight the great war with nothing to
jeopardize but *my own* life -- which we all lose in the end anyway. And
my attack is mostly against single doctors I've known (or with the
establishment itself) who *could*  make some changes if they wanted to.
But I honestly admit that IF there were others I had to provide for I
may not be quite the warrior, for the love that bonds also weakens. We
are faced with compromises every step of the way. Much of where we end
up in Life is a "Destiny" thing, over which we have little control. But
turning points are the key; you have to dig deep to discover the correct
battle to fight. An ancient philosopher once wrote "All things are born
of war". I'm still waiting for Nature to prove that statement false.
Time and unforeseen occurrence befall all men (and women) and since
we're going to die in the end, choosing the right battle seems all
important. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the
problem... it's just a question of *how much* of a part.



Sorry, Dameon, that was intended to go to the list, not you
& Tom Young individually.

As I posted in an earlier email this 

Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-07 Thread Reid Smith
>No one needs my 2 cents worth but here it is.  I too have experienced some
>horrendous and even criminal actions on the part of MD's.  I know this is
>not all of them and that some are REALLY  trapped by their profession.
>Some have actually left and retrained in disgust.  But when it comes to the
>pocket book, I suppose we are all capable of the best and the worst in
>each.  Money truly is the root of a lot if not all evil.
>I have spent untold hours of my previous life being an activist in the area
>of what is right in this field.  Now I take the tack that I will educate
>them--ONE AT A TIME.  I have learned even to be manipulative, choosing the
>best time, considering fragile egos, proper wording and so forth.  At least
>I go in there with a pretty researched case .  This should not be necessary
>and that is maddening, but but my back is only up against the wall if I
>back into it so I really work on al;l the angles stuff.  Well this keeps me
>from being a victim of them and not being a victim, I am empowered to
>perform better through prayer--Yikes I said it, but this is what works for

  I know what you mean Susan. Then there's that hard headed so and so 
that just makes a person want to scream. You lay the facts out under their
nose and even then they won't read them. The one that really gets me
is when they say Lyme can be cured with 2 weeks of antibotics. 

Take Care 


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Microbial Challenge Test Fund

1998-07-07 Thread Douglas McMurtrie
Well, it seems that there's been some positive response to the idea of
getting CS tested in a bio lab to help quantify its effects. Bob Wells
had received an estimated cost of $400.00 to have the testing done.

Maybe we can proceed like this. We'll keep a running list of pledges and
when we hit the mark then we can send the funds to one person who could
then pay the company. I'll repost the list every few days until either
we get the funds pledged or interest is lost. Perhaps Bob Wells would
consider being the final facilitator when we get the funds collected
since he did the original research and made the necessary contacts at
the lab? A firm number on cost would also be helpful. Whaddaya say Bob?

Between now and then there are some additional issues to consider as
Dameon so rightly points out. The basic question is "What should we
test?" i.e. what source of CS, concentration, etc. Thoughts on this

For now the fund stands as follows:

 Marsha Hallett   - $20.00  - $10.00
 Douglas McMurtrie  - $50.00

  Total to Date  $80.00 
Note to Wil,

Thanks for your kind message. I'm taking your wise advice.

Best to all,


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Fw: Doctors (long)

1998-07-07 Thread Nancy B.
Well, I apologized for a "redundant" email that I thought I
sent to the list and it only went to Mike!  Since I saw so
many on the subject between then and now, I think it's still
ok to send it along and let other people know what I was
thinking.  (It's unedited still.)


-Original Message-
From: Nancy B. 
To: M. G. Devour 
Date: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: Doctors (long)

>(Open letter)
>Mike, I sincerely appreciate your efforts here to keep us
>all "happy campers."  We certainly don't want to discourage
>anyone with a mind for science and health from posting
>Nor those with no mind for science and health full of
>I've had wonderful experience with doctors, and
>about them, implying only 2% are all right is not very
>scientific and in my opinion, grossly inaccurate.  I will
>say, the more you need a doctor, the more you find out how
>little they do know in certain areas.  Guessing that
>only know 2% about the human body and what ails it may not
>be off by much!  There is so much unknown about the
>organism, and how much moreso the human body.  Organs once
>thought as useless (thymus, appendix, tonsils) today are
>found to be important to good health.  This is only one
>Just as with doctors, there are good automechanics and bad
>ones.  Some in it for the money, others for the love of
>and fixing things.  This is probably true of all
>and occupations.
>Maybe we have too high expectations for doctors.  I think
>that's because we may be talking life and death, health and
>welfare of a person, not a car, not a head of hair.  That's
>what makes them so vulnerable for "attack" from us.  We can
>always replace a car or grow back hair, but we can't
>an arm that was the wrong one amputated.  When we read
>things like that, we personally feel threatened.  And some
>of us have received bad health care.  But the percent of
>times malpractice occurs are far outweighed by the
>occurrences that modern medicine has helped people and
>them from untimely death.
>To bash all doctors because of a few duds is as foolish as
>saying all men are bad because of the few who are
>wifebeaters and deadbeats.  Yet people do both, to their
>I think it would be wise to avoid bashing healthcare
>professionals with a broad bat.  It may be useful to cite
>individual circumstances on occasion to help people avoid a
>dud, as with one of our members and her horrible doctor who
>couldn't diagnose gall bladder disease or a broken ankle.
>It is unfortunate that many a bad doctor (and many a bad
>teacher) ends up working in some small community where the
>pay is lower so a job is available, and there is little
>accountability to other professionals or authorities.  This
>seems to happen a lot.  But to say all doctors or teachers
>in those kind of communities are bad is very judgemental.
>My favorite pediatrician moved from a suburban setting to a
>distant mountain village out of state.  I miss him.  He
>wasn't running from anything though.  He was an excellent
>doctor who wanted a simpler life style.  Good for him!
>Generally speaking, these men and women can and should be
>our allies, not names on a blacklist because of "MD".
>It was my own medical doctor who let me know about
>silver to start with!  He is bound by the constraints of a
>good scientist and would not endorse it.  But he let me
>about it so I could judge for myself whether or not to
>self-medicate with it.  He also provided the best he could
>reprint on possible side effects.  He's open minded but
>cautious and protective of his liscence.  I'm glad to know
>that, because you can bet he will not knowingly give me
>something unethical or unproved.  And personally, I can not
>study every non-prescription "cureall" that comes along.  I
>don't have the time, the money or the brains to do this.
>That's what I pay my doctors for.  And I feel I get what I
>pay for.  That's great!  I want to have reliable doctors to
>fall back on if/when necessary so I hope nothing ever does
>jeopardize his license!  Keeping good rapport with my
>doctors is important to me.
>Anyone who works for someone else knows there are
>constraints on what they can do, especially if the job
>requires a license.  Doctors today couldn't have it worse
>when it comes to accountability.  The real problem is when
>the patient is too ignorant, trusting or compliant to
>recognize or complain about bad service or malpractice.  Or
>is stuck with limited options due to HMO membership, lack
>insurance, etc.  It is unfortunate that research is so
>expensive and competitive.  Many doctors have made
>observations and recorded them, but few will ever be widely
>known.  They go through the same frustrations we are going
>through getting recognition for our findings with silver.
>I have a lot of respect for physicians.  I've worked for
>them, and they've

Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-07 Thread Nancy B.
I'm not trying to be rude here, but are you aware that
there's also a room call the "medical library" in most if
not all hospitals, filled with current and old journals.
These libraries are staffed by librarians who make reprints
for doctors all the time of various subjects they want to
know more about.  I imagine the computer gets used by many
doctors to access a lot of medical libraries too, today.
(The AMA also provides reprints for anyone, not just

When you are on break at work, do you like to study your

I'm glad to see that doctors aren't so ingrown that all they
can read about is medicine & surgery.  And it doesn't
trouble me to know that they are reading up on finance
either.  They have families to take care of like we do.
Many a doctor is in heavy debt due to college and medical
school loans for years after graduating and starting their
practices.  They earn their money.  They pay taxes too!
Just like everybody else.  Why is this such an issue here?


-Original Message-
From: Tom Young 
Date: Monday, July 06, 1998 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: Doctor bashing

>Dameon and listso true, so true!  I worked in a
hospital for over a
>year and had many occasions to enter the Doctors' lounges
to service
>internet computers.  I noticed that the bookshelves had
more magazines about
>money management and investing than on medical science...
certainly tells
>us what THEIR priorities are
> wrote:
>> I can assure you that the thought of "helping" people
comes *AFTER*
>> thoughts of money and what they'll be buying and where
they'll be going
>> in the future.
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Sorry for Redundancy Re: Doctors

1998-07-07 Thread Nancy B.
I was behind in a couple silver digests and didn't realize I
was responding to an old post about doctors which ad plenty
of replies already.

I'm sorry if I bored anyone with points others had very
nicely stated already.


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Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-07 Thread Susan M. Yensen
No one needs my 2 cents worth but here it is.  I too have experienced some
horrendous and even criminal actions on the part of MD's.  I know this is
not all of them and that some are REALLY  trapped by their profession.
Some have actually left and retrained in disgust.  But when it comes to the
pocket book, I suppose we are all capable of the best and the worst in
each.  Money truly is the root of a lot if not all evil.

I have spent untold hours of my previous life being an activist in the area
of what is right in this field.  Now I take the tack that I will educate
them--ONE AT A TIME.  I have learned even to be manipulative, choosing the
best time, considering fragile egos, proper wording and so forth.  At least
I go in there with a pretty researched case .  This should not be necessary
and that is maddening, but but my back is only up against the wall if I
back into it so I really work on al;l the angles stuff.  Well this keeps me
from being a victim of them and not being a victim, I am empowered to
perform better through prayer--Yikes I said it, but this is what works for

I won't say "try it you'll like it", but perhaps conquering my own wrathful
passions in this area alone has set my poor aching feet to a higher
objective and I can live peacefully within even knowing the abuses and

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-07 Thread Reid Smith
> Dr. Rife found that the viruses that cause cancer come from
>> the E-coli bacteria.  There are two and he called them the BX and BY
>> virus. He found that when the E-coli bacteria was in the right medium
>> it produced these viruses. When in one medium it produced the BX and when
>> in another it produced the BY. These are the two that causes the two
>> different types of cancer.

>So, does he have frequencies that kill this? Forgive me, I am still very
>ignorant about rife. Can you test for it? the BX and BY.  Deb 

   The frequency 802 is said to kill E-coli BUT you have to be carefull 
because it's one of the good bacteria in the gut. The frequency 2116 
is what Dr. Bare used on his skin cancer and 2127-28 is said to work
with other cancers. The only test that I know of the doctors use is
the PSA test.

Take Care 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

1998-07-07 Thread NCOAMA
In a message dated 98-07-05 21:00:56 EDT, you write:

<< Hi all,
  I have been here for a while. I was all for silver a first. I am not now. I
owe an explanation. 
  (1) Silver is questionable in it's effectiveness.
  (2)Silver may have after effects...(turning blue)...I don't want itDo
  (3) There are better alternatives.olive leaf extract...grapefruit seed side effects!!!
  Thats it! My two cents worth. I suspect I will be flamed for this. That's
okay..I enjoy it.
  Hope you read this far,
 Paul >>


My complaments to you. I like I have an opinion. So does my brother-in-law. He
had all of him lower teeth removed do to gum infections and was scheduled to
have the upper removed for the same condition. I worked very hard to get him
to try brushing with and then swishing and then holding CS in him mouth for 5
to 10 min to rid him of the condition before the tooth fairy struck again.
Thankfully for him he listioned. He now has a fine set of fake teeth on the
bottom and a much better set of original teeth on top, with out any gum
problems. Too bad he wouldn't liston to me sooner. And he guess what - he has
not changed color yet. I could go on but I truely believe there isn't any use.
You study very hard and learn all the things herbs can do, but when you run
against a real problem that needs some hard working antibotic action - try CS,
you may find you like it.

Have a great day and happy hunting

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Opinion of the Quackwatch site - long

1998-07-07 Thread mbgupta
Dr. Stephen Barrett,

Amazing - your site is the pinnacle of quackery itself!  Just one comment
from many on your site:

"One of Abrams's many imitators was Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971), an
American who claimed that cancer was caused by bacteria. During the 1920s,
he claimed to have developed a powerful microscope that could detect living
microbes by the color of auras emitted by their vibratory rates. His Rife
Frequency Generator allegedly generates radio waves with precisely the same
frequency, causing the offending bacteria to shatter in the same manner as
a crystal glass breaks in response to the voice of an opera singer. THE

What utter rubbish is the American Cancer Society (ACS) chattering about
now?  As usual, without even lifting a finger they have become the
authority on resonance medicine! Many rank armatures have been able to
build their own Rife devices and have observed, via dark field microscopes,
bacteria being destroyed through resonance. These are mostly the poor (pun
indented) butchered and poisoned patients who have come from the
traditional efficacy (??) and safety (??) tested medicine. Most had been
given up to die but with the Rife/Bare, Beck, Clark and other modalities
many have still managed to extend their lives or even cure themselves. Just
imagine if they had been treated prior to all the butchering and poisoning
- what the outcomes would have been. Can't imagine your love affair with
mainstream medicine - its not all that it’s cracked up to be. Shouldn't
Quack watch be concerned about this disgrace of mainstream medicine and
doing their Quack watching in their own backyard?  See the "The Farce of
Physics file sent to you separately on how scientific the scientists are.
Most have been bought and paid for... and then there is greed, politics and
egos leaving a precious few to carry out true honest scientific work, at
great personal expense, in this incredibly disgusting environment. 

ACS with all their resources seems to be having trouble in coming to grips
with even the most basic provable, repeatable fact! Their agenda is
patently clear. They are scared of alternatives as these could put an end

People like you can kill and or diminish the inventors but will never hold
back good inventions and discoveries. As mentioned above in the last few
years a movement of people using the Internet has started. They are using
many alternatives to cure themselves. They have discovered, medical
atrocities, suppression and hidden remedies. (see below, some patent
references). It has been abundantly plane, for some time now, that most
diseases could have and still can be simply dealt with at home at little or
no cost. Time has come to give this to the people. Once out of  the
strangle hold of mainstream medicine,  medicine will no longer be sacred
and as open to abuse. Just as an example I and many people associated with
me have been using home made Colloidal Silver (CS) and have almost stopped
visiting family MD's for flu's, dental and all manner of infectious
problems routinely needing antibiotics. Some people with Lime disease have
even cured themselves where conventional medicine simply has no remedy and
still does not seem to be interested in this far more promising solution
than anything presently available. In, at least, 2 years of extensive use I
have yet to meet anyone turn blue with the simple home made CS. So what's
the hold up?` Who are the Quacks??

The problem with any medicine is simply that you cannot depend on someone
else. You have to do your own homework regardless of conventional or
alternative approaches to a given disease. The only thing going for
conventional medicine is that it can deal with such things as broken bones,
some emergencies and accidents admirably and here it can excel. However,
when it comes to more complex issues it simply is no better, and frequently
much worse,  than less/non invasive alternate approaches. CONVENTIONAL
THAT MAY EVEN CAUSE FURTHER INJURY? If I buy something, should I not get a
guarantee in return? Have we been had or what? 

Medicine from time eternal has been exploitive and those who don't, won't
or can't get involved in their own sickness will always be at higher risk.

Re: Doctor bashing (fwd)

1998-07-07 Thread M. G. Devour
D.K. I'm forwarding this to the list. Somehow, probably because
silver-list was only cc'd, it didn't go out and bounced to my
list-owner account. You deserve to be heard.

Mike D.  

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 23:00:33 -0700
From: "D.K. Mason" 
Subject: Re: Doctor bashing

In late April, 1998 some local "Dr.'s"  reported my family to the
Child Protection Services ("C.P.S.") because I refused to allow
surgery for a lump on a throat.  After a couple of weeks of almost
daily threats, job site visits, classroom visits, etc, 3 of my kids
were kidnapped by the C.P.S. agents.  We were accused of "...medical
neglect"  None of these actions were done after notice and
hearings, which are required by state law.  Even though I was
accused of many evils for not allowing exploratory surgery, C.P.S.
saw fit to return 2 of the 3 kids two weeks later.

The "Dr.s" all agreed with the lead doc stating that if the child
had thyroid cancer and if it spread, without treatment she would die.
I obtained videos from Dr. Lorraine Day ( and
Dr. Hulda Clark to contest these Dr's. The children's attorney would
not present it to the Court, and instead said the 3 videotapes had
fallen out of his vehicle onto the freeway and had been run over by a
truck. I was given a restraining order by the Family Court not to
speak to or otherwise interfere with any of the personnel treating my
daughter. In fact, they hired special guards which were posted
outside the room of my daughter, who were expecting me to show up.
They were all hoping I'd make an appearance and I'd surely be

My daughter hasn't been returned to the home yet, as they now accuse
me of not wanting provide any required medications. They tell my
spouse that they will keep the child unless I am removed from the
home, or later this month when we return to court for a possible
trial contesting their jurisdiction.

Got a 5 minute home video testimonial about "alternative" medicines
you've successfully used?  Mail all videos to me at: Box 3894 
Honolulu, HI 96812. If selected, yours may be broadcast here next

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: to flame

1998-07-07 Thread W. D. Cavanaugh
I'd like that AIDS article, please.
Wil C.

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Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-07 Thread W. D. Cavanaugh
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]  
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

You have no idea how much I love the way you end each missive, Mike.
Wil C.

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