
1998-07-15 Thread Philip Collins
Reid, when you investigate microhydrin, go a bit slowly, OK?  I have tried
the stuff.  The first dose, taken on an empty stomach, gives you a very nice
rush of energy.  Also, heavy doses (6 - 8 caps a day) really did get me past
what was shaping up to be a real flu (the kind with aches and fever and sore
skin) in about 24 hours.  But I had to take the stuff round the clock to
keep the immune reaction going.  Later, when using it to help fight off a
cold, I discovered that if I did not take it in the middle of the night, by
morning the immune boost had worn off, and the cold was back, only worse.
Also, if you are taking any other meds or supplements that can be harmful in
overdose, you ahve to be careful, because the stuff escorts any blood-borne
chemicals into your cells faster than normal.  On heavy doses, with all my
other meds, I felt *really* weird.   Diabetics taking insulin have gone into
insulin shock.  We are all different, but bottom line for me was I didn't
trust what was happening to me with it.



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-15 Thread Philip Collins
Joyce, you can get the products for Clark's parasite program from either of
these sources:

Clearwater Herbs
512 Cleveland St., #236
Clearwater, Florida 33755
Phone: 813-449-0772
FAX: 813-447-0415

Self Health Resource Center
1055 Bay Blvd., #A
Chula Vista, CA 91911
FAX:  619-409-9501
ORDERS:  800-873-1663

Self Health Center is run by Geoff Clark, Hulda's son.

-Original Message-
From: Joyce Inouye 
To: Debbie McDonald 
Cc: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Date: Wednesday, July 15, 1998 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: Brain fog anecdotes

>May I ask where you got the products for Clarks' parasite program?
>:)  Joyce
>> >I used Clarkes parasite program and the ornithine worked for me like a
>> charm
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: An observation...

1998-07-15 Thread Tom Young
Seems to me that this is a good argument for using a current regulator circuit.
Then, when beginning the CS generation, a large voltage will be applied to get
the process going.  But, as the water gets more conductive, the voltage cuts 
to keep the current constant, and this should keep the particle size small.  Now
the $10,000 question is  What current level is optimum?40mA...  20mA...


Joyce Inouye wrote:

> I think you've hit the the KEY to making QUALITY silver--a CONSISTENTLY
> LOW voltage.  I came across a site that made silver .005-.010 microns
> colloids using LOW VOLTAGE.
> The GOLDEN color you observed is often associated with colloidal silver of
> this size, and is mentioned in literature to have good germicidal qualities.
> Perhaps you could devise an instrument that keeps the voltage at a low
> level, yet makes colloidal silver fairly fast, like the commercial silver
> makers.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: that bull's eye rash

1998-07-15 Thread Reid Smith

>To all who sent me good advice, a heartfelt thankyou! I checked with an
>internet site before seeing the doc yesterday and the 'bite' certainly
>matched the pictures, except in size. Bottom line? After he examined it
>minutely, with magnification and light, he feels that it is probably a
>spider bite (you were right, Bob). The reason for this is that he saw 2
>tiny little marks in the center, instead of one. he said that a deer
>tick would have a difficult time leaving the 2 pinpoints. However, he
>did a lyme titer and told me to come back in a month and do another one.
>He's seeing many, many cases of lyme's around here. This is deer country
>(S.E. PA). He offered me the doxycycline, which I declined, for now
>anyway. I will start a preventative daily dose of CS. I have some
>commercial stuff in the house; it's been here for awhile so I guess I
>better start making my own for the first time! I've got the battery
>set-up, thanks to Marsha! I've just been healthy enough that I've never
>had to use it.

>I'm also using a battery of immune enhancers at the same time. 
>I remember microhydrin being talked about on this list in the past. I'm
>a dist. for it and started using it the other day; this stuff is

   Where do I get the microhydrin and how much?

>It's also helpful to have Marsha affirm that she has not yet heard of
>anyone being cured by anti-biotics. What little time I gave to searching
>the net certainly confirmed that!

   I've been through about every antibotic on the market and still
sick. There is one that worked better than all the rest and worked
within 2 weeks. It's not used much anymore and the doctors don't
use it because they are afraid of getting penicillin resistant
infections. It's seperate daily shots of Penicillin G Procane. The 
ironic thing is they use the Penicillin G Bensothene and it causes
resistant strains because it doesn't penitrate the blood brain
barrier plus the chetes can hide in the eyes to come back later.
Something else that is interesting they use Doxy and from what
I've been told Lyme never becomes resistant to Penicillin.

>Lastly, CHC told me that it could take up to 6 weeks to get a test
>result, but I'm supposed to have mine back tomorrow or Friday. Can I
>trust it if it's negative?

   NO!!! You can't trust any of those tests, Alisa, Western Blot,
Gunderson, PCR. That is the range from worst to almost-maybe works.
THEY ARE A JOKE!! I could give you the same results by flipping a 
coin. I had two before one came back so much positive that they could 
culture it in my blood. If you think you have lyme and want the 
best chance of the test showing something take Doxy for about 2 
weeks then go off and take the test 2-3 days later. That should
be the time that you feal the worst.

Take Care 


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Its not Me!

1998-07-15 Thread chc


IMHO, you show me someone with dehydration, I will show you some one
with very low minerals, Iodine, K+, Na+, trace minerals, etc. Vern, when
you were feeling awful and drinking all that water, did you think to
replace your minerals??? If the electrolytes are imbalanced, you will
feel weak, dizzy and awful, because the milieu is imbalanced and the
body's normal mechanisms, like heart pumping action and electrical
conductivity, O2 exchange in the system, etc, cannot function properly.

Lets say you already had low sodium Na+ and Potassium K+. Drinking alot
more water, depending upon what type,  would actually prolong the

When Dr.s rehydrate people, they always infuse electrolytes with some
sugar water. Along with the electrolytes giving some sugar (dextrose)
helps the minerals be reabsorbed more quickly and kick starts the
Carbohydrate cycle, which produces the energy for the body to work.

I am over summarizing this here to make a point, and I hope I am not
offending anyone who really understands the chemistry!

Did you ever get a copy of all of your lab work from the Dr? If not, get
Look at the electrolyte panel and see where your levels were, Na+, K+,
Cl-  and compare them to the normals that the lab gives. This will be
very helpful for you to learn to stay out of those "emergency"
situations that we all dread so! Also learning how to keep your levels
in balance will make for a lot more healthier and balanced body!

God Bless ya, Vern.

Please feel free to e-mail the values if you want to discuss them.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Apologies for all the noise

1998-07-15 Thread M. G. Devour
On 14 Jul 98 at 13:47, John or Valerie Surgeon wrote:

> [I think I've mailbombed myself!].  ...  I've had some trouble
> following who said what to who and when.  The double and single
> greater thans get mixed up sometimes, and my ISP seems to download
> my messages kind of mixed up, so a reply can come in before the
> original message. ... Any suggestions?

Getting inundated with incoming mail is a big problem when you sign 
up for more than one or two lists, or if they're high volume (like 
this one is becoming! ). There are features in some of the 
e-mail programs that let you sort incoming messages into separate 
folders or in-baskets, or whatever they choose to call it. Then each 
list can have it's own place to accumulate, and all you see in your 
regular mailbox is personal messages and the usual spam.

Check the documentation for your program and see if they talk about 
filters, sorting, or twit-filters, as they might use any of those to 
refer to this function.

I'm on about 8 lists, some generating high traffic. I usually get 
upwards of 300 mail a day. I never read it all, but when I have time, 
I dip into each of the folders and check up on what's being talked 
about. Once a month or so I just dump any unread messages over a 
month or two old to keep my hard disk from filling up too fast.

The silver list is the only one that I let come into my incoming mail 
folder. That way I always see what's going on and if anything is 
required of the moderator (me).

I'd never go back to a program without filtering capabilities.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: A Simple CS Generator?

1998-07-15 Thread M. G. Devour
Hello Sharon, and welcome!

Here's a copy of the Intro and Overview FAQ that'll help you get 

I'll eventually be putting good directions and a proven DIY design on 
the web site for the list, but until then these other sites will do 
just fine for you. Come on in with your questions and results 

Be well,

Mike D.

On 14 Jul 98 at 19:57, Sharon Cole wrote:

> Greetings,
> We are new to this list and new to CS generators.  We have
> directions for a simple CS generator using batteries.  We are
> homesteaders and are wanting to have CS for the antibiotic and
> general healing properties. Are there any sites that have
> information on CS? Thank You for all your information, Sharon

--- Begin included message

Greetings and welcome to the silver-list. This FAQ will give you a
brief introduction to the world of Colloidal Silver and an overview by
way of a few decent web sites.


First, please understand that a *lot* of what you'll find online
about colloidal silver (CS) is imprecise, unscientific, and hype.
There are almost no controlled studies of any kind. There is precious
little objective data to back up even the most fundamental claims.

Also, there is a backlash against colloidal silver from "debunkers"
who will do everything in their power to scare you away through
exaggeration and fear. They dismiss *all* favorable evidence and
results in apparent overreaction to the plentiful CS hype. Their
claims do not hold up in the face of readily available facts. 

Most of the information you receive will be anecdotal testimony, to be
taken on faith or common sense until you can verify it yourself. And
be forewarned, you'll find yourself rubbing shoulders with advocates
of every kind of "alternative" medicine, from time honored to wildly

What persists, when all is said and done, are the compelling
accounts of people who have successfully treated some very serious
conditions. They are not trying to sell you anything, but only want
others to be helped as they have been. It is these people that have
made me want to discover the truth about colloidal silver.


A good jumping off point is this article by Peter Lindemann which lays
the groundwork and points out some of the mythology that confuses the


Commercial CS Generators:

These sites are good sources of CS information and low voltage
direct current CS generators:

   Elixa, http://www.elixa.com
   Sota Instruments, http://www.sota-inc.com/index.html

A variety of more sophisticated high-voltage AC and DC generators are
offered by:

   CS Pro Systems, http://www.csprosystems.com/

Build Your Own CS Generators:

It's easy and inexpensive to build your own CS generator. Plans and
instructions as well as kits and pre-wired units can be found at these
individuals' web sites:

   Mark Metcalf, http://www.silversolutions.com/ 
  Read his Article One and Article Two, linked at the bottom of
  the left-hand frame

   Thomas Miller, http://www.bioelectrifier.com/
  The link to the CS generator is near the bottom of the page.

Other Information And Product Sources:

  They sell an interesting sounding book by a "Dr. Hill." They
  have excerpts on line.

   http://www.escape.ca/~revive/  and 
  These folks sell a mild silver protien product that is quite
  carefully made. A lot of good silver info on their site. 

  The online version of a booklet about CS. The author indulges in
  a couple of radically speculative scientific theories, but the
  information on CS is helpful.


When you browse these sites you will inevitably find conflicting
information about different products or methods. Especially, many
vendors will claim their products are "unique" or "superior" or the
"only safe and effective CS." Take such claims with a grain of salt!

There are also many other sites and resources. In no way do I wish to
imply by the inclusion or exclusion of any site that this is the best
there is. Nor do I endorse everything, or necessarily anything, you
will find at these sites.

I hope that exploring these sites will give you an idea of what CS is,
how it is made and used, and some of the issues that are being debated
among different vendors and experimentors. 

If you have more questions or need help getting started, feel free to
ask for help on the silver-list.

The silver-list is a moderated, non-commercial forum for discussion of
Colloidal Silver and related topics. We steer clear of religious and
political topics, and stay close to our central mission of learning
about CS, helping interested newcomers get started, and supporting our
efforts to be healthier.

Thank you for reading this far. I hope to get to know you on the

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

*** DISCLAIMER: I'm not a doc


1998-07-15 Thread W. D. Cavanaugh
It's ironic how great minds run in the same concentric circles.
Just a couple of hours ago I was noticing that some people do
a much better job of labeling their posts than I have been doing.
This did not escape my attention, and I purposed in my heart to
do better.  Thanks, Bob, for the re-inforcing reminder.

Doubtless, there are many who need these thumb markers to be
able to sail through their busy day with less friction.  I'll
do better,. . . promise!!
Wil Cavanaugh

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Be sure to identify subjects clearly. Digest structure.

1998-07-15 Thread Robert Wells
The List has been very busy lately and I'm having real trouble keeping
up  with all the postings, even though they are important to me.  Many
of the message topics are clearly identified, but some are not.  Might I
meekly suggest that we all try to identify our topics as clearly as
possible to allow readers to focus on those subjects most important to
them?  It would help me, especially after a weekend to be able to sort
throught the postings.  I counted 30+ messages dated 7/14 and 20+
already today (7/15).  I'm grateful for this wonderful forum.  The ideas
and support have been fast and furious.  In order to accomodate more
growth, however, we will need to be careful to make our messages
particularly clear in the topic or subject line.  Don't be afraid to
change the subject line when you respond to a posting.  It can be very
helpful, especially when the topic starts changing from the original

I tried confining myself to the digest version back in May, but found
that I disliked the format, especially since there were long copies of
messages and the ever present trailer telling how to get on and off the
list (any chance of automatically deleting those in the digest?). 
Furthermore, the digest seemed to cut out the sender's e-mail address so
I couldn't respond directly when I wanted to (I haven't checked to see
if this is still an issue).  Finally, I started wanting to categorize
the messages by subject (testing, other diseases, making CS, etc.)  For
all these reasons I went back to the regular list, but I spend too much
time at it every day and it is starting to get in my way a bit.  I
haven't figured out how to manage this yet, but clear marking of topics
will probably help.

Bob Wells

Cs Testing Movement

1998-07-15 Thread Robert Wells
Excellent Idea!
Bob Wells

Brooks Bradley wrote:

For the group inaugurating the effort to commercially test CS, I would
like to offer a suggestion for your consideration.  If the person
generating the sample material would make up a 32 ounce Master Sample, a
very useful protocol might be invoked.  To wit:  By retaining the bulk
of this Master Sample, this person could ship small calibration samples
(together with a simple nomogram displaying actual test results) to each
of the persons who contributed to having the commercial test made.  Each
recipient would then have an excellent means of calibrating his/her TDS
instrument---individually.  This could help maximize the benefit of the
test for each of the supporters.  Best wishes to all.

Re: An observation...

1998-07-15 Thread Bruce K. Stenulson
Joyce Inouye wrote:
> What is your web site for the silver generator?  Also, please list parts
> and where we can buy them.
> Thank you,
> :)  Joyce

I've had some interest expressed by a few people; (really not that many
expressed an interest so far...) Busy times for me right now; give me a
few days to draft up the circuit diagram & write up some construction
notes; there'll eventually be a new html page, probably called something
like,  " cspulsed.htm "  going on the website & linked from the other
pages. I'll post a notice to the silver list when the page is up.

By the way, thanks to those who did express an interest; I'll try to
find time to get this done fairl soon!

> >
> > Let me know if anyone's interested; times are busy, but we can make it
> > happen if there's an expressed interest. Otherwise, the circuit will sit
> > on the 'back burner' for a while longer...
> >
> > Be Well!
> >
> > Bruce K. Stenulson
> > Applied Technology
> > The Alternate Health Approaches Forum
> > http://web.idirect.com/~showcase/althealth/index.html
> >

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

that bull's eye rash

1998-07-15 Thread Sharon Morrissey
Hi Again!

To all who sent me good advice, a heartfelt thankyou! I checked with an
internet site before seeing the doc yesterday and the 'bite' certainly
matched the pictures, except in size. Bottom line? After he examined it
minutely, with magnification and light, he feels that it is probably a
spider bite (you were right, Bob). The reason for this is that he saw 2
tiny little marks in the center, instead of one. he said that a deer
tick would have a difficult time leaving the 2 pinpoints. However, he
did a lyme titer and told me to come back in a month and do another one.
He's seeing many, many cases of lyme's around here. This is deer country
(S.E. PA). He offered me the doxycycline, which I declined, for now
anyway. I will start a preventative daily dose of CS. I have some
commercial stuff in the house; it's been here for awhile so I guess I
better start making my own for the first time! I've got the battery
set-up, thanks to Marsha! I've just been healthy enough that I've never
had to use it.

I'm also using a battery of immune enhancers at the same time. 
I remember microhydrin being talked about on this list in the past. I'm
a dist. for it and started using it the other day; this stuff is

I'm also putting a clay poultice on the bite, which is still big and
nasty and now very itchy. but the redness is shrinking.

And a big smiley "thank you" to Wil who sent the folowing advice,
> Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.  Then stop
> trembling and get to work.
> Wishing you every good and perfect gift, especially that of a
> calm and rational mind, .

It's also helpful to have Marsha affirm that she has not yet heard of
anyone being cured by anti-biotics. What little time I gave to searching
the net certainly confirmed that!
Though, as Donna pointed out, the minimum would have to about 60 days
worth. I shudder at the thought, and would do everything else possible

Lastly, CHC told me that it could take up to 6 weeks to get a test
result, but I'm supposed to have mine back tomorrow or Friday. Can I
trust it if it's negative?

This is a super bunch of people on this list. I have a feeling that if I
were to know you all in person, I'd want you to be my friends!

Thanks for the good advice and for cheering me on!

Love to all,


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-07-15 Thread bjs1779
likow...@earthlink.net wrote:
> Yup! And he shrugged and asked what it is and what it does. When I told
> him, he snidely remarked that "we've only known about most bacteria for
> a hundred years or so"! Say WHAT?! How the HELL does that relate to
> people staying healthy from using it??!! See, *this* is the kind of
> ARROGANCE that I've had to deal with; and what's *really* pathetic is to
> watch how all the new interns hover around this guy all eager to learn
> his "wisdom". 

He probably has the power to end the interns career very early
if they didn't. Similar to Clinton I guess.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: An observation...

1998-07-15 Thread Joyce Inouye

I think you've hit the the KEY to making QUALITY silver--a CONSISTENTLY
LOW voltage.  I came across a site that made silver .005-.010 microns
colloids using LOW VOLTAGE. 

The GOLDEN color you observed is often associated with colloidal silver of
this size, and is mentioned in literature to have good germicidal qualities. 

Perhaps you could devise an instrument that keeps the voltage at a low
level, yet makes colloidal silver fairly fast, like the commercial silver

:)  Joyce 

On Mon, 13 Jul 1998, George Martin wrote:

>   Recently I had occasion to produce numerous batches 
> of CS in a short period of time.  Since I had several going at 
> once I had to pay a bit more attention to the process then normal.  
> What I noticed and would like to share with the list follows.
>   My procedure is pretty much what I term 'list standard'.  
> I start with 28 oz of distilled water (I use  mason jars that I just 
> happened to have sitting around).  This is heated using a coffee 
> cup warmer to approx 120 F. or so. The electrodes are two 5" 
> lengths of .999 16 ga wire.  Since I can't get Hanna Instruments to 
> respond to my inquiries I usually process the CS until it turns a 
> gentle amber color...about an hour after the first indications of CS 
> production appear.  I guess that this is probably in the range of 
> 10-15 ppm based on list discussions.
>   I am an electronics tech by trade and am curious about the 
> goings on in my little circuit.  So I have two digital multi-meters 
> connected to analyze the process.  One is in series with the voltage 
> source to measure current and the other is connected across the 
> electrodes to measure voltage. I have run this set up two ways; 
> with three 9-volt batteries in series to give 27 VDC and with an old 
> linear power supply I had on my work bench that supplies a fixed 
> 36 VDC.  The process didn't vary considerably when I used the 
> higher voltage so that is what I usually do.  Seems my wife always 
> has a need for 9 volt batteries...
>   At the beginning of the process the  readings were on 
> average 36 VDC at a current of  .15 - .40 ma depending on the 
> quality of the distilled water.  Over the space of 20 to 30 minutes 
> the voltage would drop a volt or so and the current would slowly 
> increase.  When the current reached approx. 3.0 ma the wispy 
> discharge would become apparent.  From this point on the current 
> would increase at a quicker rate due of course to the increased 
> conductivity of the CS solution.  When the current read 8.0 - 10.0 ma 
> I noticed something different occur.  In addition to the CS 'floating' 
> around in the vicinity of the electrodes there was also a rather thick 
> 'stream' of CS that was sinking to the bottom of the container.  
> This was in spite of the convection currents caused by the heating 
> device.  The 'stream' was eventually dispersed by the convection 
> as it sank lower but this made me curious.  
>   I then ran a batch using the same setup as above with 
> preheated water but no active heating device.  This was to hopefully 
> minimize the convection currents.  I also let the process continue 
> for about 2 hours.  What I noticed was that the 'stream' of CS that 
> sank seemed to pool in the bottom of the jar.  There was a distinctly 
> darker appearance to this and it was about 1/4" or so thick.  After 
> I terminated the process I let it set overnight in a dark cabinet  and 
> observed it the next day and noticed no change.  I then gave it a stir 
> and mixed everything up.  I let it sit for an additional three days and 
> didn't notice any settling with the exception of some of the sludge 
> that had dropped off of the electrode during the proccessing.  It 
> looked like a regular (darker than usual due to the extra time 
> cooking) jar of CS.  
>   This got me to thinking...  I know that CS is produced at all 
> times during the process.  That is why the conductivity of the 
> water slowly changes.  I also had observed that at certain current 
> levels different effects were seen.
>   Next I modified my little circuit by adding some variable resistance.
>   I then started another batch using essentially the same setup as 
> before only this time the voltage  was lowered to 9 VDC.  No 
> particular reason why I chose that value but it seemed appropriate 
> since the standard is three 9-volt batteries...
>   The initial current read .14 ma.  (I think that this may be due 
> to the failure of my particular meter to accurately indicate very low 
> current values). and very slowly began to climb.   I won't try to make 
> a table of readings or anything but suffice to say that nothing really 
> note worthy was happening for several hours with the exception 
> of the currently slowly increasing and the negative electrode 
> darkening.  
>   After five hours I observed a very faint tint to the water and 
> a disti

Re: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-15 Thread Joyce Inouye
May I ask where you got the products for Clarks' parasite program?

:)  Joyce 

> >I used Clarkes parasite program and the ornithine worked for me like a
> charm

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Cs Testing Movement

1998-07-15 Thread Brooks Bradley
For the group inaugurating the effort to commercially test CS, I would like
to offer a suggestion for your consideration.  If the person generating the
sample material would make up a 32 ounce Master Sample, a very useful
protocol might be invoked.  To wit:  By retaining the bulk of this Master
Sample, this person could ship small calibration samples (together with a
simple nomogram displaying actual test results) to each of the persons who
contributed to having the commercial test made.  Each recipient would then
have an excellent means of calibrating his/her TDS
instrument---individually.  This could help maximize the benefit of the
test for each of the supporters.  Best wishes to all.  Brooks Bradley.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Ed McCabe UPDATE!

1998-07-15 Thread Bill Galkowski
Hi everyone,

I received a call this morning from Ed Mccabes fiance'.  A competency hearing
is scheduled for today.   Also, a date is going to be scheduled on the "Motion
to dismiss."
Anyone who has not yet sent in a "Notice of Complaint" - we need you to do so
now, there is still time and we want as many of the "Notices" to get to the
judge as possible.
You can download the "Complaint" from this site:
If you can not download - or if you would like - I can mail you a package with
the forms.
I just need your mailing address.

Bill G.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-07-15 Thread Reid Smith
>Yup! And he shrugged and asked what it is and what it does. When I told
>him, he snidely remarked that "we've only known about most bacteria for
>a hundred years or so"! Say WHAT?! How the HELL does that relate to
>people staying healthy from using it??!! See, *this* is the kind of
>ARROGANCE that I've had to deal with; and what's *really* pathetic is to
>watch how all the new interns hover around this guy all eager to learn
>his "wisdom". I feel like walking up to him right in front of them all
>and saying "Hey, Stern! Lose any patients lately? It's a good thing I
>didn't follow *your* instructions for staying alive or I'd ALREADY BE
>DEAD!" When I implied this to one of his fellow-doctors in private, she
>looked at me with hate and proceeded to repremand me like a child! Talk
>about ARROGANCE: I'm 42 and still alive with a disease that kills most
>by 20 or 30 and she had the audacity to "scold" me for saying "I'm still
>alive because throughout my life I've only taken about 1/4 of all the
>drugs that Stern wanted me to"! 

   Well guy I sure know what your going through. I would have been dead
years ago if I hadn't started fighting for my life myself also. After the
first heart attack I just happened to find out that antibotics helped me.
Then I knew that it was a bacteria that I was fighting and not some 
unknown cause that they said was MS. I took that info to one doctor
and he said you have no infection it's all in your head you just think
that the antibotics help. DUMB JERK!!! Then it gets better. I finally
found that Lyme was my problem or atleast that was one test that came
back positive. They put me on an IV for a month I'd get a little better 
then they'd take me off. I finally talked one into leaving me on for
3-4 months and I was doing real good. Told him to take me off and 
about two weeks after that I got a line infection and it knocked me
back to square one... Keep on fighting!!!

Take Care 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-15 Thread Debbie McDonald
It's not me wrote:
> Debbie,
> Did you have any problems with the parasite program?  I got to about day 12
> and felt really strange and stopped. 
No, I did not have any problems after the fear on the first day. I did the
whole thing and then the maintenance but not for long as I was to have surgery
and did not know if my right upper quadrant pain was my liver or my gall
bladder so I stopped it to be sure and have not started up again. Deb   

 Debbie McDonald


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: OT: Liver Cleanse

1998-07-15 Thread GREEN/SHULMAN
Hi Whitney,
It's still not right. Try it.


> From: Philip Collins 
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: OT: Liver Cleanse
> Date: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 11:50 PM
> Sandy and all--
> Thanks and very sorry, I mistyped a q instead of a g.  Here is the
> address for liver cleanse recipe:
> http://www.mindspring.com/~turf/alt/reg/cleanse/liver/txt.
> Whitney Collins
> >
> >The email address given below-for Brian McInturf- for info on liver
> >is incorrect.
> >Sandy
> >
> >
> >san...@better.net
> >
> >
> >--
> >> From: Philip Collins 
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Frank Matzka 
> >> To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
> >> Date: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 8:00 PM
> >> Subject: Re: OT: Brain fog anecdotes
> >>
> >>
> >> >Can you describe this liver flush procedure for me?
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
> silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-07-15 Thread likowski
With all my ranting in the last post, I forgot to answer your question:
I met the unfortunate CF victim too late; he was already so sick that he
was urinating blood from all the drugs they were pumping into him and he
was too scared to sway from the great doctor's influence. I showed him
the bottle and gave his mother the phone number, but I'm sure they never
called. When CF progresses to that point, the victims become like deer
in the headlights: Lack of breath, emaciation and toxic side affects
from the drugs take over and it's a merry-go-round of one fear after
another; confusion rules. You don't know who to trust and the doctor
seems like the Angel In White. I've been very close to death twice, and
can tell you I know the feeling I saw in that man's eyes the last time I
saw him. In fact, the first time I almost died he was in the hospital at
the same time and while I was in bed on oxygen afraid that I'd never
leave there alive, I would see him and his mother walking by everyday.
They even peaked in once to ask my mom how I was doing, even tho we
hadn't met. Back then, *he* was the "stronger one" and I didn't know if
I would make it. Then I got out of the hospital and said "Screw this
crap: These stinking drugs make me as sick as the disease!" and did
massive juicing and ozone and CS and some Beck stuff and herbs and vits
and mins and NO MORE DAIRY PRODUCTS and lots of fruit and water and I
became 10 times stronger than I was in the hospital! But Tom kept
following the doctor's advice with all the drugs - and now he's dead. An
interesting contrast, isn't it?

I'm still not out of danger (just coughed up blood for the first time in
2 years yesterday), but I'm *MUCH* better than I was back in November!
Now I need to see how far I can take it.


> By the way, list, I lost another in a long line of friends with my
> disease on Friday. He was only 27 and believed in and fully trusted his
> "doctor" - the same "doctor" I trusted for most of my years, 
> Dameon

Have you told your doctor about CS Dameon? Did you friend try


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Off-TopicRe: another reason to use CS

1998-07-15 Thread It's not me
I don't know how many tabs or caps you get for that, but it seems a bit high
for anything less than 150.  I'm taking a similar formulation from another
company and it is much less for 90 caps.

-Original Message-
From: Joyce Inouye 
To: Bill Kingsbury 
Cc: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 10:26 PM
Subject: Off-TopicRe: another reason to use CS

>but there are formulas just for the heart--Cardio One, for example, has
>Folic Acid (2.4 mg.), Vitamin B6 (10 mg.); Trimethylglycine (for reducing
>homocysteine levels);  and a few other ingredients for vascular support.
>I haven't tried the Cardio One, so I don't know how effective it is (I
>don't have a heart problem.)  It sells for $17.95 at 1-800-227-1937 Ext.
>30740 for around $17.  As I said, I think the money would be better spent

>:)  Joyce

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: OT: Liver Cleanse

1998-07-15 Thread It's not me
Still wrong, try http://www.mindspring.com/~turf/alt/reg/cleanse/liver.txt

-Original Message-
From: Philip Collins 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Liver Cleanse

>Sandy and all--
>Thanks and very sorry, I mistyped a q instead of a g.  Here is the correct
>address for liver cleanse recipe:
>Whitney Collins
>>The email address given below-for Brian McInturf- for info on liver
>>is incorrect.
>>> From: Philip Collins 
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Frank Matzka 
>>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
>>> Date: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 8:00 PM
>>> Subject: Re: OT: Brain fog anecdotes
>>> >Can you describe this liver flush procedure for me?
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-15 Thread It's not me

Did you have any problems with the parasite program?  I got to about day 12
and felt really strange and stopped.  I didn't know if the really strange
feeling was good or bad and since I didn't have anyone to ask at the time, I
thought I had better stop the whole thing.

As for your dehydration, I can tell you that I have had severe dehydration
twice from what the docs told me was gall bladder attack.  The second time,
the docs wanted to stick an IV in me to rehydrate me and I decided to go
home and rehydrate orally instead.  Those were the worst 3 days that I have
had in a long while.  I can't explain how I felt, but it was just barely
human.  Anyhow, I bet I was drinking a couple of gallons a day and it still
took 3 days to get back to a reasonable normal feeling.  Apparently
rehydration takes some time if you don't go the IV route.


-Original Message-
From: Debbie McDonald 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: Brain fog anecdotes

>I used Clarkes parasite program and the ornithine worked for me like a

>LOW BLOOD pressure causes dehydration. I can sit here and guzzle water all
>and not restore my hydration. Anyone have any theories on that one?  Sorry
>topic:)  Deb
> Debbie McDonald
> mailto:lullw...@flash.net
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-07-15 Thread likowski
Yup! And he shrugged and asked what it is and what it does. When I told
him, he snidely remarked that "we've only known about most bacteria for
a hundred years or so"! Say WHAT?! How the HELL does that relate to
people staying healthy from using it??!! See, *this* is the kind of
ARROGANCE that I've had to deal with; and what's *really* pathetic is to
watch how all the new interns hover around this guy all eager to learn
his "wisdom". I feel like walking up to him right in front of them all
and saying "Hey, Stern! Lose any patients lately? It's a good thing I
didn't follow *your* instructions for staying alive or I'd ALREADY BE
DEAD!" When I implied this to one of his fellow-doctors in private, she
looked at me with hate and proceeded to repremand me like a child! Talk
about ARROGANCE: I'm 42 and still alive with a disease that kills most
by 20 or 30 and she had the audacity to "scold" me for saying "I'm still
alive because throughout my life I've only taken about 1/4 of all the
drugs that Stern wanted me to"! Can you believe this *DUNG* (the word
was originally *SHIT* but I don't want to sound too nasty)?! I
BLASPHEMED against one of their own - the GODS - and got my wrist
verbally slapped! I learned that day *when* to keep my mouth shut!

Hey, bjs! How come I can't send things to your personal email address??
They always come back to me!



> By the way, list, I lost another in a long line of friends with my
> disease on Friday. He was only 27 and believed in and fully trusted his
> "doctor" - the same "doctor" I trusted for most of my years, 
> Dameon

Have you told your doctor about CS Dameon? Did you friend try


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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Batter Up.....

1998-07-15 Thread chc
Dearest CS makers, builders, inventors, ground breakers, guinea pigs and
plain old very gutsy people. I am a rank amateur at this and I have just
a few basic questions that I hope you all can help me with!   I am
wondering who are the  brave ones among you, who will get up to bat to
answer them???

First, what are the differences between CS made via AC power as opposed
to CS made via DC power, besides one is plugged in and the other uses

Are there two schools of thought on which is better? Which is more
consistent? which one makes smaller particles. Which one has a better
charge? Yikes. I am reading what one site says, then what another says,
and I am totally confused!

I do know of experiments that were done, where water was boiled over
electricity, gas and microwave. The water fed to plants from microwave
damaged and or killed them; water fed to same plants from electric was
not exciting, but water fed to plants from gas heat, grew the best. Now
I do not think cooking with gas is that great either. I guess solar
cooking is probably the best, but that was not tested. WOuld using solar
distilled water to make CS be good???

Why is AC or DC better overall than the other? Thank you so much for
your help. I may have some hair left if I can get these questions

Second: What is the best way, or method, or place, to get a water that
will create the best results. I have a sneaking suspicion that the
results have alot to do with water quality. I am no expert, but
chemically, molecularly, biologically, magnetically, dissolved solids,
heavy metal content, all give every water its own blueprint.

Does any one know what is the best water to use. Solar distilled, vs
plain distilled, what ph is the best, what osmolarity? etc. Do we have
any water experts among us to answer this?

Why I ask this is, in my holistic health practice, I have successfully
used many water based homeopathics. Now I am sure, because this is
"vibrational medicine" then the water they used to create these
homeopathics would become of utmost importance!! Homeopathic
manufactures go through all sort of processes to prepare their water to
make them into homeopathics - energy medicine!

If in fact, it is the charge that the silver carries that  interferes
with the respiration of foreign organisms, than we are talking about
"subtle energy" medicine once again. As the old Coors commercial used to
say, "Its the water, and alot more. Yodi, Yodi, Yo..." I digress.

Next: How do we know that we are not creating toxic compounds? What
tests can we do to determine what we are creating. And I do not mean
dissolved solids. For years I did Gold and silversmithing. I kinda have
an idea of what their oxides look like. They are very unhealthy  to
ingest. They will cause terrible "free radical" damage. (Not good)  So
how do we not make silver oxides, and other unhealthy dissolved solids?
How do we make sure that we making the purest Colloidal Silver that is
wonderful for us, not good for all those hitchhikers inside of us?

Lastly, I know the CS kills all kinds of bugs. Because the stuff I have
been making with this 3 wire, DC  (3) 9 volt battery jobber kills it. I
have put it on "black mold" very difficult to kill. The CS eats it like
candy. I have sprayed it on Lyme rashes, wood rot, man this CS stuff
cooks. I can kill anything I can culture! Great, but now I need to be
sure that the CS is killing that stuff and not the toxic oxides,
nitrates whatever we can make in there. I can't do that unless I know
what is actually in there. Do we have any mettalurgists, chemists,
weekend warriors out there who have these answers??

Lastly, does anyone out there have or know anybody that has a "dark
field" microscope or at least a 500X microscope that they would loan,
rent or sell, so we can study what we can kill with all the stuff we do
make of high CS, low peripheral junk!  If you do, please have them
e-mail me at c...@jps.net.

Hey guys, I think you are some of the most courageous, thrill seeking,
fabulous down to earth researchers I have met in a long time. I believe
that we can help each other get well, help others get well and can help
many others get control of their lives with this CS. I hope I haven't
thrown a wrench into the works, but I am trying to get a handle on this
and I feel like I am just chasing my own tail!

Any help with any of the above would be greatly appreciated. And I will
understand if you ask me, never to post again!


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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-15 Thread Fidget
Whitney and List,

I stopped taking the GsE for two days and the fog seemed to clear up. 
This morning as I was getting all my other herbs ready, I forgot about
the GsE and, well, swallowed one!  Two hours later it hit me like a mack
truck!  Had this kind of buzzing in the back of my head as well as the
base of my head, got totally disoriented and felt sick all day.  Just
wanted to lie down and do nothing.  Again, couldn't think straight or
concentrate on anything.  It's like everything I need to do seems like a
difficult task and I can't be bothered.  Some pretty awful side effects
if you ask me!  The worst part is that I'm moving to Florida and
[trying] to pack up my house and it's making me into a veggie...  Not
being productive at all.  Nobody has to tell me twice...it's already off
the shelf!

Also, about the acidophilus advice...is DDS a brand name?  I already
have a jar in the fridge but silly me - haven't bothered to take it! 
Geez...there's so many things to take that I feel like I do nothing all
day except swallow pills!  What do you mean by taking "lots and lots of
it"?   How much is that anyway?

Thanks for your help.


Philip Collins wrote:
> Yeah, Fidget, I do think you might go off GSE for a while and see if the fog
> clears up.  Just go off that one thing.  For a week.  If you get any
> improvement, stay off it, and see how much better you can get.  Our brains
> are our most precious asset, no?
> I also have candida problems, and had just decided to try GSE for them, but
> I may be re-thinking my decision!!!
> Best,
> Whitney
> -Original Message-
> From: Fidget 
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
> Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 12:27 AM
> Subject: Re: Provocative thoughts
> >That is an excellent question Whitney, certainly one I'd like to know
> >the answer as well.  I have fibromyalgia and candida.  I've been taking
> >only one capsule a day (in the AM) for the last two weeks now,
> >specifically using it to try and clear up the candida.  I also have the
> >liquid GsE (glycerine based) which I occasionally use to gargle with
> >(very infrequently and I don't swallow it). I've been thinking about all
> >this "brain fog" talk here and I'm wondering if that is what is causing
> >me to walk around like a veggie. No joke either.  I just can't seem to
> >think straight lately and my fibro symptoms have seemed to magnify
> >itself.  I've even developed swollen legs/feet that took a week to
> >subside.  Pretty painful getting around.
> >
> >Is it a herx?  I wonder since this GsE kills off so much bacteria, etc.
> >that it just might be.  You think it may be a good idea to stop using it
> >for awhile to see if my symptoms clear up?  Also, I seem to be
> >off-balance, meaning that I frequently stumble or lose my balance.
> >
> >If this stuff is not the culprit, I really wonder what's causing it.
> >I take a lot of different herbs as well as CS.  Maybe I'm overdosing or
> >detoxing from too many things?  I wonder and yet I've been too tired and
> >foggy to figure it all out.
> >
> >Fidget
> >
> >
> >Philip Collins wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello, Charles.
> >>
> >> Brain fog is certainly an awful symptom.  But I wonder if the brain fog
> you
> >> mention is a kind of Herx?  Any thoughts?
> >>
> >> Whitney Collins

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Off-TopicRe: another reason to use CS

1998-07-15 Thread Fidget
Joyce Inouye wrote:
> I heard that the Folate, etc. PREVENTS the saturated fats from sticking to
> arteries. But once the fats are on the blood vessel walls, then taking
> plenty of fresh or dried powdered juices (of fruits/veges/herbs/grains)
> which has SOLUABLE FIBERS will help clean and "sweep away" the fat
> deposits.
> I think it is better to take whole food concentrates like juice powder,
> but there are formulas just for the heart--Cardio One, for example, has
> Folic Acid (2.4 mg.), Vitamin B6 (10 mg.); Trimethylglycine (for reducing
> homocysteine levels);  and a few other ingredients for vascular support.
> I haven't tried the Cardio One, so I don't know how effective it is (I
> don't have a heart problem.)  It sells for $17.95 at 1-800-227-1937 Ext.
> 30740 for around $17.  As I said, I think the money would be better spent
> juicing your own fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables, but if you have a
> heart problem, you might want to do both.  Hope this clarifies your
> question.
> Regards,
> :)  Joyce
> On Tue, 14 Jul 1998, Bill Kingsbury wrote:
> >  Joyce,
> >
> >  The info I have indicates that some atherosclerosis may be
> >  caused by elevated homocysteine.  This may be corrected by
> >  increasing intake of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12.
> >
> >  However, this particular problem is said to be independent
> >  of cholesterol levels or cholesterol buildup.
> >
> >  --Bill
> >
> >
> >  At 05:36 PM 7-14-98 -0700, Joyce wrote:
> >  >
> >  > I heard that it is the lac of vitamins (e.g. Folic Acid) that
> >  > causes cholesterol buildup.  Adding this to your diet helps
> >  > cut down heart attacks by 50%.
> >  >

Bill and List,

Came across an excellent website recently which lists many different
herbs and their medicinal uses.  I've been looking into Licorice for its
use in atherosclerosis and this is what it says.  Those who have heart
conditions should take note that chronic ingestion of the whole
licorice root can lead to potassium loss, sodium and water retention,
and high blood pressure.

You can access the website at:


Go to the homepage to see how much info this site contains.

One more item on my list to buy!  The owner of that herbal store loves


>From The December 1997 Issue of Nutrition Science News

Licorice Clears The Way In Arteries

 Considered everything from an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
agent to an antiviral and antioxidant
 compound, licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) just earned a new
label. A recent study indicates the herb also
 protects against atherosclerosis. 

 Atherosclerosis is caused in part by oxidized LDL cholesterol.
Antioxidants such as vitamin E, beta-carotene and
 quercetin can protect against atherosclerosis by making LDL more
resistant to oxidation. Like several such
 heart-healthy supplements, licorice is rich in a type of
antioxidant known as polyphenolic flavonoids. 

 Researchers at the Lipid Research Laboratory at Rambam Medical
Center in Haifa, Israel, examined the effect of
 licorice on LDL oxidation in humans. First they collected LDL from
the blood samples of healthy volunteers and
 incubated it with various oxidative chemicals. They found adding
licorice extract significantly inhibited oxidation. 

 In part two of the study, 10 healthy men aged 20 to 35 took either
0.1 g per day of encapsulated licorice or
 placebo for two weeks. Compared to the placebo group, LDL from
subjects who took licorice extract was
 significantly more resistant to oxidative stress. (For more
information on oxidative stress, please see story on
 p. 598.) 

 Should people susceptible to heart disease start taking licorice
root? Not yet. Chronic ingestion of the whole
 licorice root can lead to potassium loss, sodium and water
retention, and high blood pressure. Nevertheless, the
 evidence is strong that supplementing with licorice may help slow
accelerated atherosclerosis, in addition to
 stalling LDL oxidation. 

  --Am J of Clin Nutr, 66(2), August 1997

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: OT: Liver Cleanse

1998-07-15 Thread Fidget
Philip Collins wrote:
> Sandy and all--
> Thanks and very sorry, I mistyped a q instead of a g.  Here is the correct
> address for liver cleanse recipe:
> http://www.mindspring.com/~turf/alt/reg/cleanse/liver/txt.
> Whitney Collins

That is also incorrect Whitney.  Try this:



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Off-TopicRe: another reason to use CS

1998-07-15 Thread Joyce Inouye

I heard that the Folate, etc. PREVENTS the saturated fats from sticking to
arteries. But once the fats are on the blood vessel walls, then taking
plenty of fresh or dried powdered juices (of fruits/veges/herbs/grains)
which has SOLUABLE FIBERS will help clean and "sweep away" the fat

I think it is better to take whole food concentrates like juice powder,
but there are formulas just for the heart--Cardio One, for example, has
Folic Acid (2.4 mg.), Vitamin B6 (10 mg.); Trimethylglycine (for reducing
homocysteine levels);  and a few other ingredients for vascular support.

I haven't tried the Cardio One, so I don't know how effective it is (I
don't have a heart problem.)  It sells for $17.95 at 1-800-227-1937 Ext. 
30740 for around $17.  As I said, I think the money would be better spent
juicing your own fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables, but if you have a
heart problem, you might want to do both.  Hope this clarifies your

:)  Joyce 

On Tue, 14 Jul 1998, Bill Kingsbury wrote:

>  Joyce,
>  The info I have indicates that some atherosclerosis may be
>  caused by elevated homocysteine.  This may be corrected by 
>  increasing intake of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12.
>  However, this particular problem is said to be independent
>  of cholesterol levels or cholesterol buildup.
>  --Bill
>  At 05:36 PM 7-14-98 -0700, Joyce wrote:
>  >
>  > I heard that it is the lac of vitamins (e.g. Folic Acid) that
>  > causes cholesterol buildup.  Adding this to your diet helps
>  > cut down heart attacks by 50%.
>  >
> --
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Brain fog anecdotes

1998-07-15 Thread Philip Collins
Tom, thanks for your words of comfort!!!   Maybe I will get up the guts (no
pun intended)!

Whitney Collins

-Original Message-
From: Tom Young 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: Brain fog anecdotes

>Don't be too concerned --- I can tell you that the only part that I didn't
>was drinking the epsom salts.  But even then, after a while I learned that
if I
>made it with very cold water and "chugged it" real quick, the taste wasn't
>bad.  I had no trouble sleeping, no discomfort whatsoever.  Also, I never
>the stones go rumbling through my bile ducts like Clark suggests, although
>pushed out many of them (some as big as marbles).
>One thing I can stress is *don't eat any foods containing fats* the day you
>it, or you won't build up enough bile pressure to push the stones out
>I've had good results eating oatmeal for breakfast and a salad (with no-fat
>dressing) for lunch on the day of the cleanse.
>Also highly recommended --- zap for a week (or take parasite herbs for
>weeks) before the cleanse.  Good luck!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-15 Thread Philip Collins
Yeah, Fidget, I do think you might go off GSE for a while and see if the fog
clears up.  Just go off that one thing.  For a week.  If you get any
improvement, stay off it, and see how much better you can get.  Our brains
are our most precious asset, no?

I also have candida problems, and had just decided to try GSE for them, but
I may be re-thinking my decision!!!



-Original Message-
From: Fidget 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 12:27 AM
Subject: Re: Provocative thoughts

>That is an excellent question Whitney, certainly one I'd like to know
>the answer as well.  I have fibromyalgia and candida.  I've been taking
>only one capsule a day (in the AM) for the last two weeks now,
>specifically using it to try and clear up the candida.  I also have the
>liquid GsE (glycerine based) which I occasionally use to gargle with
>(very infrequently and I don't swallow it). I've been thinking about all
>this "brain fog" talk here and I'm wondering if that is what is causing
>me to walk around like a veggie. No joke either.  I just can't seem to
>think straight lately and my fibro symptoms have seemed to magnify
>itself.  I've even developed swollen legs/feet that took a week to
>subside.  Pretty painful getting around.
>Is it a herx?  I wonder since this GsE kills off so much bacteria, etc.
>that it just might be.  You think it may be a good idea to stop using it
>for awhile to see if my symptoms clear up?  Also, I seem to be
>off-balance, meaning that I frequently stumble or lose my balance.
>If this stuff is not the culprit, I really wonder what's causing it.
>I take a lot of different herbs as well as CS.  Maybe I'm overdosing or
>detoxing from too many things?  I wonder and yet I've been too tired and
>foggy to figure it all out.
>Philip Collins wrote:
>> Hello, Charles.
>> Brain fog is certainly an awful symptom.  But I wonder if the brain fog
>> mention is a kind of Herx?  Any thoughts?
>> Whitney Collins
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Charles L. Church 
>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
>> Date: Sunday, July 05, 1998 11:39 PM
>> Subject: Re: Provocative thoughts
>> >GSE, Grapefruit seed extract, also called "standardized extract of
>> >grapefruit", is a powerful antimicrobial agent that is effective against
>> >yeast and protazoans. However MANY people who take it get severe brain
>> >fog such as myself.
>> --
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>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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