On 14 Jul 98 at 13:47, John or Valerie Surgeon wrote:

> [I think I've mailbombed myself!].  ...  I've had some trouble
> following who said what to who and when.  The double and single
> greater thans get mixed up sometimes, and my ISP seems to download
> my messages kind of mixed up, so a reply can come in before the
> original message. ... Any suggestions?

Getting inundated with incoming mail is a big problem when you sign 
up for more than one or two lists, or if they're high volume (like 
this one is becoming! <grin>). There are features in some of the 
e-mail programs that let you sort incoming messages into separate 
folders or in-baskets, or whatever they choose to call it. Then each 
list can have it's own place to accumulate, and all you see in your 
regular mailbox is personal messages and the usual spam.

Check the documentation for your program and see if they talk about 
filters, sorting, or twit-filters, as they might use any of those to 
refer to this function.

I'm on about 8 lists, some generating high traffic. I usually get 
upwards of 300 mail a day. I never read it all, but when I have time, 
I dip into each of the folders and check up on what's being talked 
about. Once a month or so I just dump any unread messages over a 
month or two old to keep my hard disk from filling up too fast.

The silver list is the only one that I let come into my incoming mail 
folder. That way I always see what's going on and if anything is 
required of the moderator (me).

I'd never go back to a program without filtering capabilities.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>