Whitney and List,

I stopped taking the GsE for two days and the fog seemed to clear up. 
This morning as I was getting all my other herbs ready, I forgot about
the GsE and, well, swallowed one!  Two hours later it hit me like a mack
truck!  Had this kind of buzzing in the back of my head as well as the
base of my head, got totally disoriented and felt sick all day.  Just
wanted to lie down and do nothing.  Again, couldn't think straight or
concentrate on anything.  It's like everything I need to do seems like a
difficult task and I can't be bothered.  Some pretty awful side effects
if you ask me!  The worst part is that I'm moving to Florida and
[trying] to pack up my house and it's making me into a veggie...  Not
being productive at all.  Nobody has to tell me twice...it's already off
the shelf!

Also, about the acidophilus advice...is DDS a brand name?  I already
have a jar in the fridge but silly me - haven't bothered to take it! 
Geez...there's so many things to take that I feel like I do nothing all
day except swallow pills!  What do you mean by taking "lots and lots of
it"?   How much is that anyway?

Thanks for your help.


Philip Collins wrote:
> Yeah, Fidget, I do think you might go off GSE for a while and see if the fog
> clears up.  Just go off that one thing.  For a week.  If you get any
> improvement, stay off it, and see how much better you can get.  Our brains
> are our most precious asset, no?
> I also have candida problems, and had just decided to try GSE for them, but
> I may be re-thinking my decision!!!
> Best,
> Whitney
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fidget <fid...@warwick.net>
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 12:27 AM
> Subject: Re: Provocative thoughts
> >That is an excellent question Whitney, certainly one I'd like to know
> >the answer as well.  I have fibromyalgia and candida.  I've been taking
> >only one capsule a day (in the AM) for the last two weeks now,
> >specifically using it to try and clear up the candida.  I also have the
> >liquid GsE (glycerine based) which I occasionally use to gargle with
> >(very infrequently and I don't swallow it). I've been thinking about all
> >this "brain fog" talk here and I'm wondering if that is what is causing
> >me to walk around like a veggie. No joke either.  I just can't seem to
> >think straight lately and my fibro symptoms have seemed to magnify
> >itself.  I've even developed swollen legs/feet that took a week to
> >subside.  Pretty painful getting around.
> >
> >Is it a herx?  I wonder since this GsE kills off so much bacteria, etc.
> >that it just might be.  You think it may be a good idea to stop using it
> >for awhile to see if my symptoms clear up?  Also, I seem to be
> >off-balance, meaning that I frequently stumble or lose my balance.
> >
> >If this stuff is not the culprit, I really wonder what's causing it.
> >I take a lot of different herbs as well as CS.  Maybe I'm overdosing or
> >detoxing from too many things?  I wonder and yet I've been too tired and
> >foggy to figure it all out.
> >
> >Fidget
> >
> >
> >Philip Collins wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello, Charles.
> >>
> >> Brain fog is certainly an awful symptom.  But I wonder if the brain fog
> you
> >> mention is a kind of Herx?  Any thoughts?
> >>
> >> Whitney Collins

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