1998-09-02 Thread tj garland

Watch Clinton Shut Down Government
Paul M. Weyrich

Bill Clinton isn't worried, even though he knows that right now most
Americans are all tied up about his lack of contrition and the disaster of a
speech he gave only a few short weeks ago. The president knows that the
Democrats on Capitol Hill have distanced themselves from him, but he doesn't
care. He also knows the public memory is short, and that the elections are
coming up. He is even unfazed that right now conservatives are much more
motivated to vote than liberals. If things continued down this road, he
could really be a lame duck during his last two years in office.
But Clinton has a plan that will re-energize his base. It will take
their minds off of Monica and Ken Starr, no matter what his report to
Congress says. No, it isn't to keep bombing terrorist sites around the
world. That worked temporarily, but it is a ploy that can't be overused.
Instead, his plan is to shut down the government.

One Capitol Hill veteran calls it "the most cynical manipulation I
have ever seen." That same veteran, however, believes Clinton's plan will

"You watch," says this chief of staff for a member of the Senate
leadership, "in the few weeks before the election, the whole country won't
be talking about the special prospector, they will be worrying about whether
or not their mother's Social Security check will arrive on time."

At issue is the budget agreement that has spending caps, which are
now producing a record surplus when Social Security spending is included,
but which are close to producing a surplus even if Social Security is taken
off budget.

Clinton wants the caps broken and wants to greatly increase spending
to pay off his base, while the Republicans, for the most part, think the
spending caps are working and would like to keep them in place. A few key
Republicans are willing to throw Clinton a bone in the form of an extra $10
billion in presidential spending. Some of these leaders think a similar
inducement saved the GOP- controlled House in 1996.

Regardless, Clinton is in no mood to accept any bribes right now. He
needs a genuine crisis to divert America's attention from his problems. A
government shut down will do it. A shutdown affects all parts of the
country, and affects lots of jobs -- not to mention that the media will lap
it up. Republicans, who now feel strangely emboldened by Clinton's troubles,
all of a sudden will be on the defensive again.

Clinton has already signaled what he intends to do. He intends to
veto any bill that will continue government funding at current levels while
Congress and the White House work out their differences on the
appropriations bills.

If Congress gives in to this threat, the spending caps are gone.
Washington would then again be awash in red ink and Clinton could blame the
Republicans for it. If Congress doesn't back down, then Clinton will shut
down the government and blame the Republicans.

It worked before, and if there is one thing that is predictable
about Clinton, it is that if something works for him, he tries it again.
Even Monica knows that.

Last time, thanks to Newt Gingrich's temporary political blindness,
the Republicans didn't see what Clinton was up to. That is why they got so
badly burned in the fall of 1995. This time, they do see this train wreck
coming, but they aren't sure what to do about it.

Let's make a suggestion, and shout the news of this oncoming
shutdown from the rooftops. Say it every time one turns around. Republicans
must frame the issue and seize the moral high ground.

The same advice was given to the Reagan camp in 1980, when they were
told to predict an October Surprise on the part of Jimmy Carter. There was
ample evidence he was going to try to engineer one to put Reagan on the
defensive and win re-election. The Reagan people said it over and over
again. Whatever Carter's plans, they couldn't be carried out. The rest is

In the case of Clinton, he has no choice but to go forward. He has
no other plan that will work. The question is whether the Congress is going
to again operate in Clinton's framework, or if they will force Clinton to
operate in their framework. If they let the country know that this plan is
in the works, and they say it again and again for the next month, by the
time Clinton acts on it -- and act on it he will -- the country will be on
to this blackmail and it won't work.

Republican National Chairman Jim Nicholson has it right. "As if I
had to remind you, Bill Clinton did this to us once before. We can't let him
do it again. This time, if Bill Clinton goes through with his selfish,
reckless scheme to shut down the government, our singular priority ... is to
make sure that the American people know whose fingerprints are really on the
gun -- and they aren't ours."

It is not a moment too so

Re: Ed McCabe - $ needed

1998-09-02 Thread Bill Galkowski
Wed, Sept. 2, 1998

Everyone... I feel awkward doing this, but the time has arrived when I need to
ask for help paying the phone bill for Ed's calls.  You see... I have become one
of Ed's main outside contacts.  Generaly he calls about 2 to 3 times per week.
Each call is $16.00   I have also been making conference calls for Ed,
connecting him with his fiance' in England - and also with a very dear friend
who is located in New Zealand - he can not call outside the U.S.

My phone bills are running between $200-$300 per month, for just Ed's calls.
 I would not be asking for your help if I were not sick myself.  But because I
have lyme disease and hep-c, I have the additional expenses of my supplements
and therapies etc as you all are aware of.

Any amount that anybody can send will be SINCERELY APPRECIATED by me and Ed.  I
had to (and I feel real bad about it) tell Ed that we need to cut the calls down
a bit - but he understands.  Its well to keep him in in touch with outside human

You can contact me at my home 732 840-5815 in NJ.

Please! any amount sent will be helpful and appreciated

Very Sincerely,

Bill Galkowski
130 Miranda Ct.
Brick, NJ 08724-7125

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Re: CS for candida?

1998-09-02 Thread Percy
Could anyone tell me please, if there is a list, like this wonderful
colloidal silver list, that is about blood electrification (Dr. Beck et
al)?  Or perhaps, how could I go about searching for such a list???:
Percy  --

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How many PPM for candida?

1998-09-02 Thread Mark T Squire
How many PPM of Colloidal Silver should I use to treat candida and lyme
disease per day?  

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Re: Concentration and Resistivity

1998-09-02 Thread Reid Smith
>Some time ago I sent in some batches of CS (27 VDC method) for total silver
>and resistivity measurements at an environmental lab. I have plotted
>resistivity against silver concentration, as shown on the attached Excel
>Three of the readings make a fairly straight line. However, the low
>concentration sample (9.12 ppm vs 59,500) is way off. Anyone have any
>thoughts as to why this might be??

It makes all the difference in the world if you rinse every thing
2-3 times first with the distilled water. If you don't then you will get 
different resistance readings. To explain you can use a resistance meter 
to measure the resistance in distilled water. Pure distilled water is a 
perfict resistor letting no current flow through. If you add just one 
drop of tap water to that it will let current flow. You can even poor
distilled water into a dry glass and change the resistance of the
distilled water. It's as if the distilled water is a spunge that soaks
up every contaminate in anything that it's poored into.

Take Care 


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Re: subcutaneous boils

1998-09-02 Thread M. G. Devour
Bob Lee wrote:

> ... taking CS by mouth is also required. Start with two teaspoons a
> day.After a few days increase to three spoons a day, them four
> spoons a day.Keep it up for two weeks.

Hi Bob and Sandy,

Two comments about this advice: 

1) You don't say anything about the concentration of the CS you are
assuming. Folks make/buy/use CS anywhere from a few ppm to several
tens of ppm. I understand it isn't terribly critical, but a ballpark
idea would avoid a few major mistakes, at least.

2) Remember Anita (Shiegirl), who had what her doctor described as an 
"allergic reaction" to her first dose of home-made CS? This was after 
having taking a commercial preparation that others here had used 

The shock-like symptoms she described seemed too sudden to have been
a herx (maybe!). Since that time, I've told folks I know to start
with a *VERY* small dose (1/2 teaspoon or so) just to guard against
any *major* reaction should they be actually allergic to the metal. 
If they don't have an immediate bad reaction, then go ahead with a 
starting dose.

This is the first time I've mentioned it here, I think, and I don't 
mean it as anything more than being very careful in the presence of 
an unknown. I don't know how many folks are "allergic" to silver, if 
any, nor what their reaction would be to a big slug of silver. So 
just to be safe, I've gotten in the habit of recommending a small 
preliminary dose just to screen for any extreme sensitivity.

Besides these quibbles, Bob, I'm grateful for the quality of your 
input. Good words.

Be well,

Mike D.

(Oh yeah! I'm the list owner, in case any of you haven't heard from 
me since you signed on. Been busy here, just barely keeping up. I'm 
glad we've had such good contributions from everybody. Thank you, 
everyone. If you need any help with your subscription, let me know!)

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS for candida?

1998-09-02 Thread Debbie McDonald
Nancy B. wrote:

> I used to think CS could cause candida as it took a while for all the
> symptoms to end (because I wasn't taking enough CS for candida).  I now
> believe it arrested my case of systemic candida.  My candida symptoms have
> been gone for months and months, thanks to CS.
  How much did you end up taking, how long, for this end to candida??Deb


 Debbie McDonald

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winter, off topic

1998-09-02 Thread Tai-Pan
Hi listers,
 This is taken from a message from my brother in law,an emergency
services person. He married my sister, he is a canadian. Great guy.

 is slightly overcast now so may not make the forecast high 80'sOur
 under eve thermometer only reads 80 now at 14.30.  We (Red Cross 
 Emergency Services) are trying to get people to get ready for the La  
 storms this winter.   The way things are shaping up, historically we
 might get up to 5 feet of snow, long periods of below freezing and
 periods of single digit or below temperatures, something not seen since
 1916.Our pacific forecaster in DEM has been very accurate in his  
 term effect forecast for El Nino and La Nina the last few years.   His
 forecast is backed up by a Portland forecaster.  One of the big
 problems as we saw in 1995 was the sprawl of suburbia has removed the
 vegetated ground that could absorb the melt off.  I have been at the
 Monroe fair tryting to get people prepared by supplying free  
 materials. It is comforting to note how many people we talk to have
 made at least some preparations.   Some we ould like to give a gold
 star!!Some are going to Arizona!  The other day the girls that
 rent part of the pasture cut down a lot of thistle. I told them to
 leave it by my shredder and I would chop it up.  Uh UH!   The thistle
 promptly clogged the shredder and stalled it.   I spent the better of  
 hour clearing it all out.The long fibers clogged the outlet ports  
 ignored the pounding of the flails. The thistle has been deposited 
 the back corner of the pasture.   PEARS! Our bartlet half of the  
 tree is having the best crop ever. I have picked a box and a half
 already and have a quarter of a garbage can of damaged wind falls.
 There are still a lot on the upper branches. I have laid out tarps 
 cushion the fall.The winter pear half of the trees is having about 
 average crop but not yet ready to pick.I would guess maybe a box  
 it.One of our canning apple trees has provided two boxes of apples
 for the food bank and enough for two pies and there are still more to
 pick.The middle tree is almost ready to pick.Our delicious tree
 has a lot of quite small apples on it, more than prior years. The
 crab apple in front has a lot of small apples.   Another apple tree  
 has fruit ripening and rotting on the tree, something I don't recall
 before. One of the alder trees down there had its leaves curling  
 some yellow until I watered it three days in a row.  After staying
 green our lawns are getting brown despite infrequent waterings.   Of
 course the weeds are doing great!  Raz is enjoying the patch of
 clover and grass I planted this spring and have been watering.  I  
 this to provide a vegetated barrier between the pasture and the lawn  
 driveway.  Hopefully it will slow down run of and settle out mud  
 clay that ran off the pasture.
 Forrest is helping one of his acquaintences work on a rebuilt engine
 installation.   Right now he is tearing apart an old mower for spare
 parts for a mower he just acquired, worked on and got running.
 Just got through writing nastygrams.At the fair I picked up a
 guideline used by the state for providing medical support. Forrest
 has it until he is 19 but then is inelibile and on his own. HOWEVER
 the guidelines state that "fleeing Felons" and "persons convicted of
 welfare fraud" ARE eligible! There ain't no justice.

> Thats about all I have to chat about.  John
> Dripping in the drizzle on the shores of Puget Sound

  I saw seven signs of nature in the above that the weather will be
different this winter. :-)

  Bless you  Bob  Lee 

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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Re: subcutaneous boils

1998-09-02 Thread Tai-Pan
Ken Fairchild wrote:
> Bob,
> I wrote Sandy and said to break open a Vitamin E capsule and apply to
> area.
> Serves a carrier and oxygenator.
> The apply Black Cohosh and Goldenseal herbal extracts.  Cover with
> gauze, then plastic wrap to keep heat on area.  Info from Gene Watkins
> of Pure Herbs.
> I said take CS and Goldenseal for infection.  A Beck magnetic pulser
> should help.  Homeopathy would also work.
> Do you live in Texas?  I live in the Valley.

   Live about 50 miles west of Houston on HWY 36 
> ---

> > >
>   Hi Sandy,
>  The treatment for this is to keep a solution of CS on the wound. You
> did not indicate the size of it . If its small put CS on a bandaid and
> put the bandaid on the boil. It will work faster if the boil is drained.
> Use a sterile needle to drain it. Change the bandaid every six hours.
> After a few days or sooner it will be gone. The boils are an internal
> problem ,so taking CS by mouth is also required. Start with two
> teaspoons a day.After a few days increase to three spoons a day, them
> four spoons a day.Keep it up for two weeks.
>   The boil is caused by a bacterial agent ,*staphylococcus aureus*,
> which has an incubation period of 10 days. Thats why you need to keep
> taking CS for two weeks. Watch for herx reaction,caused by toxins
> released by the dying bacteria. Thats why we start out with a low dose
> and slowly build it up. Gives the body time to get rid of the toxins
> from initial kill off. There are most likely other agents in her body
> that are going to go by-by also. :-)
>   If its a large boil use a square of gauze and put CS on it and tape it
> over the boil.
>   Let all of us know how it goes, OK.
>   Bless youBob  Lee
   Hi Ken,
 Good show and info. Sometimes several approaches or better than one. I
think we get a narrow view sometimes ( the AMA) and forget that there
are many ways to do things. As long as they do not oppose each other and
work together in harmony.
  Another therapy that may be very useful is the magnetic approach. I
have used this myself.
  Buy the ceramic magnets that Radio Shack has,Pt #.64-1888, costs $1.95
for package of 5 magnets. These are about 4000 gauss and work great on
small wounds,will penetrate about 1 1/2 inch into body.  Place north
pole side (they are flat and round) against body, thats the negative or
north pole side. How to know which is the north side? Get a small
compass and bring one flat side close to compass. The north seeking end
of the needle will point to the north side and point away from the south
side. I mark the north side with fingernail polish. Always place the
north side close to the body. Take them with me in the woods.
  The effect is: increases cellular oxygen,fights infection,supports
healing,reducces inflammation,relieves pain. I always use them in
conjuction with other therapys and not alone by themselfs.
  So Sandy , here`s something else you can do at the same time as the CS
and herbs.
   Bless you   Bob  Lee

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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Re: Silver: Water preparation for cs

1998-09-02 Thread Tai-Pan
John and Valerie Surgeon wrote:


> >
> Water is a major health factor.  Between the silver-list and the oxylist,
> I've picked up enough  stuff on water to write a book, or start a new
> list.[the souped-up water list??].

> Can someone describing the succussion process used in homeopathic
> preparations?
> There seems to be a connection between pounding the patooty out of a
> container of water and the efficacy of a homeopathic preparation.
> I've seen ultrasound water treatment systems advertised also.  Is this a
> mechanical vibration method similar to succussion?
> John and Valerie Surgeon
  Hi John & Valerie,
 I think a lot of us would appreciate some posting on the water
information you have. The how and wherefore of water and *structured*
water is of interest to me. Water info always interests CS makers.

  Bless you   Bob  Lee 

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS, acidolphilis update

1998-09-02 Thread Reid Smith
>   I used two identical jars with lids for my test. I made one solution 
>of 50% acidolphilis, and 50% distilled water. The other jar contained 
>a solution of 50% acidolphilis and 50% WaterOZ.
>   After about 44 hours, I could see no difference in the sample in the 
>two jars! Both were filled with active bacteria. This acidolphilis 
>contains about 5 different strains of bacteria I believe. So at this 
>point, I must say the WaterOZ had NO EFFECT on the good bacteria!!! 
>It will be over a week before I get to recheck these solutions, and 
>it may be that it will have all died. I will keep you posted.  I 
>received enough donations to pay Reid for the camera and snappy. I 
>still need about $50 or $60 to have enough to buy a VCR. I really 
>need one to have in my office so I can tape the different types of CS 
>under the darkfield, and tape the experiments with the bacteria. If 
>anyone can help I would appreciate it. Take care!
>   Jim Einert, N.D.

   Well here's my info from the tests that I've done. At first I thought 
that making the CS we were accually making a static positive water
and the positive charge was killing the microbes. After a few tests
I've come to the conclusion that it's NOT the positive ions killing
the microbes BUT the microscopic particals of silver being charged
positive causing the death. 

   Here's what I think is going on... The silver is charged positive
and that static charge causes it to be attracted to the negative
surface of the microbes. This either discharges them, causes them
not to be able to recieve a charge, or plugs them up so they can't
recieve any charge.

   If that's right then it's possable that the microbes in the 
acidophilis is all ready a positive charge and repells the positive
charges of the silver causing no damage. I might know how to find
out that info and if I do I'll post the results later.

Take Care 


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Re: CS for candida?

1998-09-02 Thread Nancy B.
Lyme disease had caused some serious twitching in my legs, face & elsewhere,
and "restless" legs.  Both antibiotics (initially) and later CS brought
these symptoms under control.

Candida, like L.D. is a systemic illness when advanced.  It shares a lot of
symptoms that LD. can cause.  The gas can be a symptom of it too.  Someone
was alcoholic from candida despite the fact that he didn't drink.  His GI
tract acted as a still!  (story from "The Yeast Connection.")

I understand that Lyme disease can cause reflux (and subsequent heart burn).
CS has helped me with virtually every Lyme symptom I've had.  Perhaps some
enzyme source could help too.  I've tried papaya.  Whereas I love the taste,
they didn't seem to do anything for me.  I just started taking "green
vegetable powder" to supplement a diet I'm on.  To my surprise, raw onion
didn't bloat me as it always does.  I guess the enzymes in the powder aided
my digestion similar to how juicer juice is supposed to.

I used to think CS could cause candida as it took a while for all the
symptoms to end (because I wasn't taking enough CS for candida).  I now
believe it arrested my case of systemic candida.  My candida symptoms have
been gone for months and months, thanks to CS.

Nancy B.

Home schoolers:  CHEAP used books
 Oikos Interactive Family Journal

Lyme Disease info:

About Colloidal silver (non-commercial)

-Original Message-
From: Mark T Squire 
Date: Tuesday, September 01, 1998 12:11 AM
Subject: CS for candida?

>I believe I have a condition many antibiotic users have
>experienced--candida.  Would taking CS help this condition?  Does anyone
>have a lot of muscle twitching, especially in the legs?  I have
>persistant abdominal pain, plenty of gas, chest pain, constant muscle
>twitching, and heartburn.  Would CS help me?
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Concentration and Resistivity

1998-09-02 Thread Dean Woodward
Some time ago I sent in some batches of CS (27 VDC method) for total silver
and resistivity measurements at an environmental lab. I have plotted
resistivity against silver concentration, as shown on the attached Excel

Three of the readings make a fairly straight line. However, the low
concentration sample (9.12 ppm vs 59,500) is way off. Anyone have any
thoughts as to why this might be??


Resistivity vs. silver ppm.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

Re: Chlamydia and Alzheimer

1998-09-02 Thread Sandra Woinowsky

John and Valerie Surgeon wrote:

> Here is a quote from material from a goat owner's mailing list.   I will
> forward the complete material to anyone interested-about 14k.
> "Common bacteria may be linked to Alzheimer's, researchers say
> Organism believed to infect up to 70% of some populations
> by David Morgan, Reuters
> Philadelphia-  Research into the cause of Alzheimer's disease has for the
> first time
> identified a possible link with bacterial infection, health experts said
> yesterday.
> The bacteria Chlamydia pneumoniae, a known cause of common respiratory
> ailments
> such as sinusitis and bronchitis, was found in the brains of 17 out of 19
> Alzheimer
> victims examined by a team of university biologists in Philadelphia, Detroit
> and
> Baltimore.  The same organism showed up in the brain of only one of 19
> patients who
> had died of other causes.
> Chlamydia infection was the most pronounced in regions of the brain that had
> sustained
> damage typical of Alzheimer's disease, a form of dementia that strikes one
> in
> 10 elderly
> people and leads to forgetfulness, disorientation and confusion.  There is
> no
> known cure."
> John and Valerie Surgeon
> --
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