Re: CS particle meter

1999-05-24 Thread M. G. Devour
 Leave the TDS1 meter alone it is not an instrument to meassure ppm.
 The name implies Totally Dissolved Solids and CS  IS NOT  a totally
 disolved solid.

I want to provide a *little* bit of balance to Bob Berger's comments.

The Hanna TDS-1 meter is a *conductivity* meter that features
temperature compensation and readout in equivalent ppm of (I
believe) a standardized calcium chloride solution. It will give you a
reading that is ENTIRELY a function of conductivity. That is *ALL*
that it does.

In fact, the better instrument of this kind for our purpose would be
the Hanna PWT (Pure Water Tester) which is essentially the same
instrument as the TDS-1, with more sensitive electronics that are
better matched to the conductivity range of our usual samples. 

It reads out in microSiemens which is a unit of conductivity. So the
PWT provides a more direct and honest result than equivalent ppm
of a standard solution of some particular salt. It would be a lot
harder to decieve yourself into believing that you're somehow
directly measuring true ppm.

TO THE EXTENT that conductivity can be *related* to the actual
concentration of silver in a particular sample of CS, both of these
Hanna devices will give a good, stable, and repeatable measurement.

We do not know *HOW* conductivity is related to concentration across
the many possible variables of CS production. 

But, it is my contention that you can evolve a calibration curve
specific to a particular, very narrowly defined set of conditions.
It will only be accurate if you keep your setup and procedures
consistent and stay within the range of concentrations you have

BOB B.: Do you agree with what I've written so far? If not, it would 
be very good to know what you disagree with and why.

I use my TDS-1 to test the quality of my distilled water. I also use 
it as a simple cross check against my current readings to decide when 
to stop a run. 

I *know* that all I'm seeing at this point is that my CS has the same 
conductivity as an X ppm solution of a given salt. 

But I *also* know that the reading relates well to the concentration
of silver I got on my *last* batch, *and* on the batches made with
that same recipe on the same equipment that I had tested by Bob, or
my local environmental lab, or any other sources of proper analysis

 I suspect you are new on the list. The peole to ask are Ivan, James
 Holeman, brooks bradley, or myself.

Bob, you and the others you listed are among the technical elite of 
this list, I agree. I don't think you really want to exclude all the 
rest of us from consideration, though. There is always room for 
debate, here or there, isn't there? I hope?

Also, I would never blame the newcomers for what they don't already 
know when the information is just not available elsewhere! They're 
not stupid, or they wouldn't be asking questions! 

 When I first got on this list the TDS was a great item, but I have a
 spectrophotometer for measuring ppm. So I bought one to debunk the
 whole mess.  IT DOES NOT WORK.

It works very well doing the job it was designed for, which is
interpreting *CONDUCTIVITY* into some standard unit of measure. 
Correlated with Bob's spectrometer readings or the other standard 
measurement techniques, it *can* give an approximate measurement of 
ppm over a very narrow range of conditions and concentrations.

By itself it can be *useful* to assure repeatability between batches
and even stability in storage. You just cannot really say what ppm
you have unless you've done the additional work of getting your CS
tested by other means.

I'm not trying to encourage or discourage anyone from buying one of 
these devices. I just want everyone to understand what they *are* 
good for.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CSFinding doctors

1999-05-24 Thread FreKoss
In a message dated 5/23/99 8:20:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

  Anyone know a good dr in Michigan--Detroit area that would treat Lyme, 
  Candida, whole body approach?

Dear Sue:
I belong to the Metals List, a scientific discussion group on the subject 
matter of dental amalgam toxicity. Many of the symptoms discussed on your 
list are verymuch the same as on the Metals List, as candida and hypoglycemia 
are symptoms of mercury poisoning.

someone may have a doctor in your area.

If you would like to subscribe as ask them, youi can introduce yourself as a 
new member and ask if they know of an alternative physician in Michigan.

Write to Jeff Clark, the host at and ask him how to join the 
Metals List.  I'm sorry, I have lost some information lately and can't give 
this to you.

Hope this is helpful

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CSAnother CS use...........

1999-05-24 Thread Tom Bassett
Hi CS users,

Another use for the occasional CS batch that doesn't look
appealing enough to ingest, is to put some of this
CS in the bird bath water. The water in my bird bath
goes yucky in about 3 days. With a cup of CS added, it
stayed clean for more than a week. (so far!)

The mind is like a parachute. It works best
when it's open.

Stay well,

Tom Bassett

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Re: CSRe: Run questions

1999-05-24 Thread Richard Ausili

I don't think it would be so hard to find a charger what would
charge the 9 volt batteries.

What I'm using here is an old Radio Shack model ACC50
battery charger.  This charger will charge 4 AA cells
(or maybe AAA cells), or 2 D cells or 2 C cells at one time.
But it will only charge 1 9 volt battery at one time.

I just got through charging 2 very old Radio Shack
alkaline 9 volt Enercells.  Actually, I just looked at the
printing on one of these alkaline batteries and it says
not to recharge them.  Hmmmwell, I guess that would
be the best advice to follow, even though I recharged 2 of
them and they seemed to do pretty well.  If you are planning
on recharging alkaline batteries, though, it would be best
to get some that say they are made to be recharged.  The
ones I recharged here did not swell up or leak or anything.

Also, I would think that any battery charger that reaches
OVER 9 volts should charge just about any kind of 9 volt
battery.  When you recharge a battery, no matter what kind
of battery, what you are doing is pushing the current backward
from the direction it normally goes.  If you think of voltage
as electrical push or force then it's quite obvious that you
are going to have to push more than 9 volts against the
9 volt battery to charge it.  When the current is going in the
opposite direction that it normally goes, then the chemical
reactions in the battery are also reversed, assuming that the
battery is not too worn out or damaged to be able to take
a charge.

When you charge a 12 volt car batttery, you are going to get
more than a 12 volt reading on that freshly charged car battery
with your voltmeter.  You'll probably get more like a 13 volt
reading.  When you charge the battery, the lead sulphate on
the plates of the battery turns back into sulphuric acid and
lead.  Pretty much the same is true for other kinds of batteries
too.  There is a chemical reaction inside the battery that produces
the electrical current, and when you charge the battery, that
chemical reaction is pretty much reversed.

My suggestion is to start out at Radio Shack. not take
everything they tell you as the word of God.  Watch out for things
they might say that might not make sense.  I've caught them in
plenty of mistakes.  Maybe, just maybe, they will have high
capacity alkaline batteries that are made to be recharged.  If not,
I KNOW they have high capacity nickel cadmium batteries of
just about any size because I have some here.

For instance, I have 2 D cell high capacity Radio Shack nickel
cadmium batteries here.  I'm looking at one and I see a number
23-140 on it.  It's light gold colored and says it's 4 AH capacity.
AH means amp hours or ampere hours.  That means you can
draw 1 amp for 4 hours or 4 amps for one hour or anything in
between.  I tested 2 of these high capacity nickel cadmium
batteries in a flashlight.  The flashlight will go something like
8 hours before it gets dim.  The first time I did it, the bulb burned
out in the flashlight before it was done.

Now I'm looking at the high capacity 9 volt Radio Shack nickel
cadmium battery.  This one says 120 mAH capacity.  That
means that it has 120 milliampere hour capacity or 120/1000 AH
or .12 AH capacity.  So you can see that this kind of battery only
has a tiny fraction of the capacity of a D cell.  But it should have
more capacity than a *normal* 9 volt nickel cadmium.  I do seem
to be able to do about 3 batches of colloidal silver on one charge
of this battery.

Also realize that nickel cadmium batteries are slightly lower voltage
than other kinds of batteries, like alkaline batteries.  For instance,
a AA or C or D cell nickel cadmium is actually 1.25 volts instead
of the usual 1.5 volts.  This does not stop you from using nickel
cadmium batteries in *most* appliances, however.

Also, I don't think it's a good idea to run a nickel cadmium battery
down to  absolute zero.  And where there are several nickel batteries
connected in series, you can actually reverse the polarity on some
of the cells in the battery pack by running the battery pack down
all the way.  Hey, this happened to me a while back on a battery
pack for model airplanes!  Now I know it's true.  There are four 1.25
volt nickel cadmium cells in this battery pack that had some cells
reverse polarity.  I asked around everywhere I could and the general
opinion is that you should use a 1.25 volt nickel cadmium battery
down to about 1 volt, or maybe a little more, before you recharge it.
Again, don't take them all the way to zero.

So, check around and I'm pretty sure you will find a type of alkaline,
or at least a high capacity nickel cadmium battery and a charger
that will charge that battery for you.  Chargers come in all shapes
and sizes.  Sometimes you can charge numerous batteries at
once...just depends on what kind of charger you have.  Radio Shack
has all kinds of chargers.

Good luck.  :)


 You wrote:

 One other thing:  I was reading somewhere 

CSDistilled water

1999-05-24 Thread Richard Ausili
I've seen a lot of questions come up in this group concerning
distilled water.

Here is what I bought and here is exactly what it says on the



Ok, folks, you probably can't get this brand where a lot of
you might live.  I'm in Springfield, Oregon and I got this water
at a supermarked called WinCo here.  Don't know if you have
such supermarkets there.

But the point is that this water is GREAT.  Makes perfect
colloidal silver and you can see by what it says on the bottle
that it is made by distillation.

Also, the instructions that I got with my colloidal silver generator
says to use nothing but distilled water.  So I would not use
anything else.

Richard Ausili

CSHerxheimer Reactions

1999-05-24 Thread Richard Ausili
I hope I spelled Herxheimer correctly.

Anyway, I've been wondering about something.  Does
anyone know if a reaction like the one mentioned above
can cause the body to give off odors.  When I think I'm
detoxifying (during either a flareup or Herx) I notice that
I do not always smell the very best.  I know there is poison
coming out of my body, but was wondering if this happens
during a Herx.  Anybody know?

Richard Ausili

Re: CSDextrose

1999-05-24 Thread T
How does on go about making electrolytes, liz?
-Original Message-
From: Liz Pavek
Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 4:16 PM
Subject: CSDextrose

Anything that ends with ose is a sugar.  The body processes all 
carbohydrates as sugar, changing them chemically in the stomach.  Dextrose 
(corn sugar), maltose (malt sugar), lactose (milk sugar), fructose (fruit 
sugar) are all common additions to processed foods.  Pick up a can, bottle or 
box of anything with more than one ingredient and read the list (not the 
nutrition facts.) The chances are better than 90% that there is at least one 
form of sugar added.  Compounds that end with ol are alcohols (forms of 
sugar) and are also processed as sugars.  Gatorade is sugar, sugar, sugar, and 
water, with a little minerals and flavorings thrown in.  Make your own 
electrolytes if you need them, but don't waste your money on Gatorade or 
pedialyte (more of the same.)

Re: CSSilver in the body question

1999-05-24 Thread T
I've read that too much CS can cause your skin to take on a gray hue.  The
term Blue Bood comes from the wealthy always eating off silver plates etc.
-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 5:12 PM
Subject: CSSilver in the body question

is there any danger of accumulating too much silver if one's body?  A
of mine is voicing a concern about this. Are there any long term
or studies about consuming CS ?


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Re: CSAnother CS use...........

1999-05-24 Thread T
What's it doing to the birds?  They are very small.
-Original Message-
From: Tom Bassett
To: Silver List
Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 8:19 PM
Subject: CSAnother CS use...

Hi CS users,

Another use for the occasional CS batch that doesn't look
appealing enough to ingest, is to put some of this
CS in the bird bath water. The water in my bird bath
goes yucky in about 3 days. With a cup of CS added, it
stayed clean for more than a week. (so far!)

The mind is like a parachute. It works best
when it's open.

Stay well,

Tom Bassett

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Re: CSSilver in the body question

1999-05-24 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Kass,

 I've read that too much CS can cause your skin to take on a gray
 hue.  The term Blue Bood comes from the wealthy always eating off
 silver plates etc.

Both of which are part of the mythology surrounding CS. 

I've yet to see an authoritative source for the Blue Blood tale.
Another explanation is that *some* of the aristocratic bloodlines
were prone to congenital heart defects that effected circulation.
Other ideas have been offered. Who knows?

The gray or blue skin scare is part of an overreaction to the 
widespread hype coming from CS marketers. 

A few people somewhere did some research and published their ideas
about CS. The claims about its usefulness have been repeated by less 
and less sophisticated people to the point of becoming meaningless
technobabble. Kills over 650 pathogens, nature's antibiotic, etc. 
These are the telltale phrases that indicate the person saying them 
has not studied beyond the hype. 

Add to that the mine's better, their's won't work type claims, 
outrageous prices from many of the marketers, well documented 
quality control problems and outright fraud by some vendors and 
individuals -- and you have a decent picture of the seedy state of CS 
manufacturing and marketing.

In response to this, there has arisen a cottage industry of skeptics 
and debunkers who have used their own hype and disinformation to 
discourage people from trying CS. To the extent that they are 
responding to obvious problems within the CS industry I can accept 
their efforts as well meaning.

But I have found that they go beyond meaning well, to spreading lies 
and disinformation of their own, persisting to deny obvious facts and 
absence of support for their position, and seeking to deny other 
human beings their right to make their own decisions. At this point I 
do not know why.

But I know that they will even stoop to sending disruptors into
forums like this, following up with folks that ask and answer each
others' questions in order to continually raise doubts and dissipate 
the group's energies in answering the same questions again and again 
in typical alt.syntax.tactical fashion.

As far as argyria is concerned, that being the proper name for the 
staining of skin that you're talking about, you need to find the 
answers to these questions before making up your mind if it is safe 
to try colloidal silver:

* What quantities of silver are necessary to cause argyria?

* What chemical forms and concentrations of silver have been 
associated with the reported cases of argyria?

* How do the quantities, chemical forms, and concentrations of 
silver compare with those that are encountered in the use of 
electrolytically produced colloidal silver?

* Does the body excrete the silver found in CS products or is it 
retained in the body?

* How many cases of argyria have been proven to have been caused 
by modern colloidal silver preparations?

When you've explored these questions you'll have the basis for an 
informed decision. You will not want to try any colloidal silver 
product until you've assured yourself that it is not likely to harm 
you. And even with the *best* possible evidence against it, there is 
still the chance that you'll turn blue someday. You must be willing 
to accept responsibility for that risk just as each of us has.

In the end you'll have to make a judgement of the risks versus the
potential benefits. At that point you will need to take into account
the obvious extent of our ignorance about CS, *and* the steady stream
of positive anecdotal reports and testimony from users. Most of these
folks aren't trying to sell you anything but hope to help others to 
get better.

We've reached a consensus here that CS is helpful and appears to be
safe. We've found that you can make your own CS economically by a
variety of methods, and that there are at least a few brands of CS
makers and commercial preparations that seem to deliver consistent

If you choose to experiment with it yourself, we're here to share our
experience and opinions with you to help you get started. 

Be well,

Mike D.


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Re: CSRe: Run questions

1999-05-24 Thread Richard Ausili
I gave the example of lead acid batteries just as an example
of how a battery works through chemical reaction.

Lead acid batteries are what are commonly used in motorcycles
and cars.

Different batteries obviously are made of different materials
but all use chemical reaction to produce power.  And that
chemical reaction is reversed when the battery is charged.

   When you charge the battery, the lead sulphate on
  the plates of the battery turns back into sulphuric acid and
  lead.  Pretty much the same is true for other kinds of batteries

 Not true. These are not lead acid batteries.

  Also, I don't think it's a good idea to run a nickel cadmium battery
  down to  absolute zero.

 Nicad batteries should be completely discharged to avoid the memory
 However, the new NH batteries are said to be memory free.

I read an interesting article from the Acedemy of Model Aeronautics
about the memory of nickel cadmium batteries.  There has been a myth
 out there about this for a long time.  The truth of the matter is that
the only problem with nickel cadmium batteries is when they are
grossly overcharged for long periods of time and then not used.

I used nickel cadmium batteries since 1973 when I started building
and flying radio controlled model airplanes.  Nickel cadmium batteries
were used almost exclusively in the transmitter and in the flight pack
of these airplanes.

It is certainly not a good idea to run a nickel cadmium battery pack
down to zero.  I did this and wound up reversing the polarity of some
of the cells.  I actually took the covering off the battery pack and
checked each of the four cells with a voltmeter and the polarity
was definitely reversed on some of the cells.  This may be because
no 2 cells are going to have the same exact capacity.  In this case,
as some cells are completely discharged, they still have current
passing through them from the other cells.  So this is almost the
same thing as giving them a negative or reverse charge.

I still don't think taking a battery all the way to zero is a very good
idea.  It certainly shouldn't be necessary because you wouldn't be
running the voltage (and capacity) down that far for any practical
purpose in life anyway.

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CSRe: Starved Electrodes Technique

1999-05-24 Thread Tai-Pan
Andrew Sloop wrote:
 Hello Bob
 I was reading you post on the Starved Electrode process and some question
 occurred to me.  I am sure that the answers will seem obvious to you.  But
 obviously not to me.  Please feel free to forward your reply to anyone that
 you think would benefit from your reply.
 -Original Message-
 From: Tai-Pan []
 Sent: Monday, April 26, 1999 6:35 PM
 Subject: Starved Electrodes Technique
The Starved Electroded was discovered quite by accident while during
 experiments for constructing current density tables. Any good meters
 will be satisfactory, however I was using an RS model 174B LCD Digital
 Auto-ranging multimeter

  Hi Andy,
 1.) I am not familiar with what the initials RS stands for.

  RS = Radio Shack
   The thing to do is get the electrode potential at 13.3% above the
 electron ionization potential.
 2.) Does this mean that the initial electrode voltage should be set for
 13.3% above theionization potential?

 No. As current increases, you increase the series resistance until the
electrode potential is at 13.3% above the ioization potential. You need
to build up a pool of ionic silver in the water before you begin
applying the starved electrode technique.
  I would select a current I wanted to run at,such as 3 ma ( in my case
 that would be 4.5ua/mm2 of wetted electrode area) and keep the current
 at 3ma or under during the run.
 3.) When a strip of silver is used instead of wire do both sides of the
 strip have the same current flow?  Or does the side closest to the other
 electrode have the most current?  Should both sides be given the same weight
 in the area calculation.

 Use total area of the wetted surface. Shape is not important. All sides
are equal in the current calculation.
 Every 5 minutes stir the water CCW and record the current before and after
 stirring. Normally
 after each stir the current will drop as the CS is dispersed from the
 vicinity of the electrodes.
 4.) Why CCW?

 Natural way in northern hemisphere. Never go against nature. Stirring
creates a low pressure in the center, which is CCW in nature. You may
wish to look into the subject of natural water enhancing.
 I use four sets of electrodes, located around the edge of the vessel.
 5.) Is the spacing and orientation of the electrodes important? If they are
 strips should they face each other and alternate + - etc.

  I treat each pair of wires as an electrode set, each set is thought of
as operating independently of the others. My wire spacing is 3/4 of an
inch, if the other sets are over five spacings away very little
interaction is found between sets.
 My stirring is in the middle of the CS solution.
 6.) Can the solution be continuously stirred with a motor?

 Intermittant stirring is required, otherwise no sawtooth will be
observed and you will not know when saturation has occured.
 As the solution becomes saturated and the electrode voltage
 reaches the target potential a strange thing will happen.
 7.) I don't understand.  I thought that the voltage was already set for the
 correct value.  Are you talking about the increasing electrode voltage due
 to reduced current flow through the series resistor?  Or is this something

  See above, you work your way down to the target potential.
 Once the the sawtooth reversals are evident the current will no longer
 increase, it becomes self regulating. The CS ppm will level off and
 remain steady.
 8.) If the solution was stirred continuously would the saw tooth reversal be
 required for the process to function?

  Without the sawtooth you will not know when saturation has occured.
 I usually let it run another 30 minutes to ensure
 complete saturation. The solution is now saturated, will not accept any
 more ions.
 9.) I assume the electrode current is near zero?

 Read above. The current becomes steady.
  The ionic potential is now 13.3% above the ionization
 10.) Because the electrode current is zero?

  Because the ions are being removed at the same rate they are being
created,(saturated),current is steady.
 Suggest you put one together and do some hands on work. Best way to
 Under this condition the ionic potential will cause the ppm to begin to rise
 external power is removed. The energy stored in the CS being used to
 continue the CS making process.
 11.) How high will the ppm rise?

 Depends on how much energy you have stored in the ionized solution.

  Bless you  Bob  Lee

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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RE: CSI`ll bet no one thought of THIS one...

1999-05-24 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Bags over both participants heads?
James Osbourne, Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   Scharbach []
Sent:   Sunday, May 23, 1999 12:24 PM
Subject:Re: CSI`ll bet no one thought of THIS one...

Well, James has volunteered, now we just need to figure out how to
do a double blind study so we are scientifically acurate.   (LOL!)

Sparrow, I can`t do anything about hubby is in Illinois, and I`m in

You'll have to let me know on that one Marsha!!

Application might be a bit hard (pardon the terrible pun) though!


Hey, Listers,
Has anyone ever tried to see what CS does to sperm??
They are one celled critters, after all...
I wonder if CS could be the next great contraceptive.
If I had a microscope and a hubby nearby, I`d try it... :o)

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CSRe: Water

1999-05-24 Thread Tai-Pan
Sharon L. House wrote:
  Regarding the Walmart water, I bought some the other day. I don't
  know if it's always the same brand or not but the one I bought says
  Great Value and cost me $.57. It also says Bottled by BDawl-Plant
  #20. Source: Artesian Water. Micron filtered and ozonated. It
  didn't say anything about ultraviolet light nor did it use the word
  steam anywhere on it.
 And then you, Mike, wrote:
 It will contain more than enough dissolved minerals to make it
 unuseable for making CS. You just won't know what you've got in your
 CS, and somebody *else* will be determining what you get.
 I must have been having a senior moment when I wrote the above post. When
 I read it again I realized that I left out the most important part of it.
 The label DOES say distilled!!
 It just doesn't say STEAM distilled. And evidently the source of water
 they used was from an artesian well.
 So, Mike, in view of this new information, I hope you will now tell me that
 there are not dissolved minerals in my brand new batch of CS!!! Oh, please.
 Oh, please.
  Hi Sharon,
 Be of good cheer, it is usual to say steam distilled, if its steam
distilled. There are other ways to distill water. Sometimes the
processers will use the Resin deionization method and call it distilled
even though its not. They stick the word in there to make it salable
(marketing mumbo jumbo). The Resin method is being used more and more in
commercial water purifing operations. The Resin method does make very
pure water, but not safe in the sense of pathogen free. You really want
steam distilled water. Wal-Mart has several brands of distilled water,
buy one that says steam distilled. If you have a TDS-1 Tester, you can
use it to confirm what you have. It will read 001 ppm on good distilled

   Bless youBob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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CSHigh purity water,Deionization]

1999-05-24 Thread Tai-Pan
Hi New listers,
 This may interest some of you in light of the distilled water thread.

   Bless you  Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast
Hi Ivan and listers,
 Still thinking about your posting of 19 Apr 99,02:04:50, where you gave
the definition of *deionization* of water. What you gave was a
description of a process and I`ve stayed up two nights until 3am looking
into it, and I found it. Knew that I had seen it somewhere but kept
looking in the wrong places. Its how to make high purity water for lab

   Chemical Principles,Masterson,1977
  Get a paper and pencil, now draw two vertical tanks side by side. Draw
a pipe going into the bottom of the left tank (inlet). Draw a pipe from
the top of the left tank to the bottom of the right tank. Draw a pipe
from the top of the right tank (outlet). Label the left tank *HR* and
label the right tank *R`OH*. Label the inlet pipe *N2+,Cl-,H2O*.
Label the pipe between the tanks *H+,Cl,H2O*. Label the outlet pipe
 Now we start the discussion. 

  Water of very high purity can be obtained by the ion exchange process.
The column (tank) at the left contains a synthetic CATION exchange resin
that contains the exchangable cation H+. The right column (tank) is
packed with an ANION exchange resin in which replacable OH- ions are
imbedded in a cationic network. Referring to the two resins as HR
(cation exchanger) and R`OH (anion exchanger), we can write the
following equations to describe what happens when water containing a
desolved salt (MX) is deionized by passing through the two columns
 1st column:  M+(ag) + HR(s) to MR(s) + H+(ag)
 2nd column:  X-(ag) + R`OH(s) to R`X(s) + OH-(ag)
  The H+ and OH- ions produced react with each other to form water:

   H+(ag) + OH-(ag) to H2O

 Adding the three equations just written, we arrive at the overall
reaction for the removal of MX:

  M+(ag) + X-(ag) + HR(s) + R`OH(s) to MR(s) + R`X(s) + H2O
   We see from these equations that there are no ions in solution at the
end of the process, which is referred to as *deionization*. No ions in
solution = deionization. In principle at least, any salt present in the
water will be removed; M+ can be any cation (e.g.,Na+) and X- any anion
(e.g.,Cl-). To regenerate the first column, it can be flushed with a
strong solution of hydrochloric acid, which acts as a source of H+ ions.
The second column is returned to its original state by flushing with
sodium hydroxide. A source of OH- ions.
 Deionization of water by means of two ion exchange resins occurs as
water passes through the cation (HR) exchange column, H+ ions replace
other metalic cations. In the anion (R`OH) exchange column, OH- ions
take the place of other anions. The H+ and OH- ions react to form water,
and so the water leaving the system is essentially free of all ions.
 The major drawback to the ion-exchange method is the cost of the
chemicals used to regenerate the resins. They are expensive enough to
rule out this method for desalination except for brackish waters in
which the concentration of salt is 300 parts per million or less   
(concentration in seawater is 35,000 ppm). On the other hand , this
method is widely used to purify water in the laboratory. Water which has
been passed through deionizing columns has an electrical conductivity
less than one tenth that of ordinary distilled water. Distilled water
has the advantage that it is pathogen free. Deionized water is not
pathogen free.
  So we see that ultra pure water can be made with ion exchange resin
beds, but its not safe to drink until sterilized.

 Thanks Ivan for the brain exercise, its fun. Even if it did take a
long time to find it. :-)  

  Bless you  Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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---End Message---

CS[Fwd: CSHigh purity water]

1999-05-24 Thread Tai-Pan
Hi New Listers,

  A little more on the Resin method.

  Bless you  Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast
Hi Reid,and listers,

  In the resin exchange process we have H+ ion (atom)and OH- ion
(molecule). Here is an H atom with an extra electron, and a OH molecule
with a missing electron on its H atom. When they combine the H2O
molecule is happy, since the extra electron takes the place of the
missing electron. There is now a neutral electrical balance. The water
is said to be deionized. No extra electrons and no missing electrons
anywhere in the water. It is now pH neutral (pH 7). Conduction of
electricity is difficult since there are no extra electrons to be moved
through the water.
  Ion exchange resins are old technology, not new. The info I gave came
out in 1977. Here is a short presentation from 1963,by Nebergall of
Indiana University and Holtzclaw of University of Nebraska. 
  Synthetic resin ion-exchangers have been developed which remove both
cations (positive ions) and anions (negative ions) from hard water; that
is ,they demineralize the water completely. Examples of these resins are
Amberlite and Zeo-Carb. Metal ions displace hydrogen ions from one type
of resin.

   2 RCOOH + Ca++ + (SO4) to (RCOO)2Ca + 2H+ + (SO4)

 Another type of resin then removes the ions of the acid from the water.

  2RNH2 + 2H+ + SO4 to (RNH3)2SO4 

 Hence, by passing hard water (or a salt solution) first through an
exchanger which replaces all metal ions with H+, then through a resin
which removes the resulting acids, the water can be completely
demineralized. The result is essentially the same as that achieved
through distillation of water. In recent years the use of ion-exchangers
in the treatment of water for industrial and domestic purposes has grown
tremendously. end

  Now Reid we know that boiling water kills pathogens, Boiling is at
212f, not 200f. :-) Boiling will make it sterile but not pure (clean).
We need to keep in mind that pure and sterile are not the same thing. I
can take the dirtyest water from a ditch and sterilize it with iodine or
boil it and then drink it in complete safety. I might not like the looks
of it or the taste of it, but its safe to drink. Personally I prefer to
clean my water first then sterilize it before drinking, it just looks
better. I also make distilled water with my distiller, which is both
clean and sterile.
 Bless you  Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

---End Message---

Re: CSB's and calcium...

1999-05-24 Thread Debbie McDonald
Reid Smith wrote:

If you were diagnosed with Lyme you need to check your potassium
 and iron levels..
  Why?? I have an abnormal need for potassium it seems??  

   Debbie McDonald

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1999-05-24 Thread Donna2424
In a message dated 5/D/YY 12:15:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Blubella writes:
Hi all,
  Ok list members let see what we come up with for this one.  Those with a 
easily upset stomach might want to skip this one.
All answers welcome.

  I just wanted to ask you a question. My friend has a three yr. old little 
boy, she lives in x  in the woods and they have a lot of ticks where they 
 Well, the other day her husband found him with this ugly purple thing in his 
mouth and his mouth was full of this red stuff, Well needless to say they 
figured out what it was, A blown up tick had fallen off the dog and he must 
have thought it was a grape or something and picked it up to eat it!!   She 
took him to the doctor and he said if anything was going to happen it would 
have in the first 48 hours,  but now she had to take him back again and it's 
past the 48 hours but he has severe tonsillitis and his throat is very 
swollen the doc. gave him an antibiotic called suprex for ten days and she is 
just wondering if he did get lymes from this if the antibiotics that he is 
taking now would kill it.
 Thanks so much,
Can I have some help on this one.

Hi Donna,

 I just wanted to ask you a question. My friend has a three yr. old 
little boy, she lives in galloway in the woods and they have a lot of ticks 
where they live.
Well, the other day her husband found him with this ugly purple thing in his 
mouth and his mouth was full of this red stuff, Well needless to say they 
figured out what it was, A blown up tick had fallen off the dog and he must 
have thought it was a grape or something and picked it up to eat it!!   She 
took him to the doctor and he said if anything was going to happen it would 
have in the first 48 hours,  but now she had to take him back again and it's 
past the 48 hours but he has severe tonsillitis and his throat is very 
swollen the doc. gave him an antibiotic called suprex for ten days and she is 
just wondering if he did get lymes from this if the antibiotics that he is 
taking now would kill it.
Im sorry this is so long and that I'm bothering you with this but you know so 
much about lymes I thought maybe you would know about this.  

Thanks so much,
---End Message---

RE: CSSilver in the body question

1999-05-24 Thread Vilik Rapheles
At 08:37 AM 5/24/99 -0600, you wrote:
Not only do you turn grey, but your eyes get gigantic, solid black and 
almond shaped, and then your arms and legs get all spindly.  The up side is 
telepathy and the ability to levitate through peoples roofs.
James Osbourne, Holmes
Not to mention the great movie offers...

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSThe little boy and his Sister

1999-05-24 Thread Tai-Pan
I hurried into the local department store to grab some last minute
 Christmas gifts. I looked at all the people and grumbled to myself.
 I would be in here forever and I just had so much to do.
 Christmas was beginning to become such a drag. I kinda wished that I
 could just sleep through Christmas. But I hurried the best I could
 through all the people to the toy department.
 Once again I kind of mumbled to myself at the prices of all these toys.
 And wondered if the grandkids would even play with them. I found myself
 in the doll aisle.
 Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy about 5 holding a lovely
 doll. He kept touching her hair and he held her so gently. I could not
 seem to help myself. I just kept looking over at the little boy and
 wondered who the doll was for.
 I watched him turn to a woman and he called his aunt by name and said,
 Are you sure I don't have enough money? She replied a bit 
 You know that you don't have enough money for it.
 The aunt told the little boy not to go anywhere that she had to go get
 some other things and would be back in a few minutes. And then she left
 the aisle.
 The boy continued to hold the doll. After a bit I asked the boy who
 the doll was for. He said,It is the doll my sister wanted so badly for
 She just knew that Santa would bring it. I told him that maybe Santa
 was going to bring it. He said No, Santa can't go where my sister
 is...I have to give the doll to my Mamma to take to her.
 I asked him where his sister was. He looked at me with the saddest eyes
 and said She has gone to be with Jesus. My Daddy says that Mama is
 going to have to go be with her.
 My heart nearly stopped beating. Then the boy looked at me again and
 said, I told my Daddy to tell Mama not to go yet. I told him to tell
 her to wait till I got back from the store.
 Then he asked me if I wanted to see his picture. I told him I would 
 to. He pulled out some pictures he'd had taken in the machine at the
 front of the store. He said I want my Mamma to take this with her so
 she don't ever forget me.
 I love my Mama so very much and I wish she did not have to leave me.
 But Daddy says she will need to be with my sister. I saw that the
 little boy had lowered his head and had grown so very quiet.
 While he was not looking I reached into my purse and pulled out a
 handful of bills. I asked the little boy, Shall we count that money 
 more time?
 He grew excited and said Yes, I just know it has to be enough. So I
 slipped my money in with his and we began to count it. Of course it was
 plenty for the doll. He softly said,Thank you Jesus for giving me
 enough money.
 Then the boy said I just asked Jesus to give me enough money to buy
 this doll so Mama can take it with her to give to my sister. And he
 heard my prayer.
 I wanted to ask him for enough to buy my Mama a white rose, but I
 didn't ask him, but he gave me enough to buy the doll and a rose for my
 Mama. She loves white roses so very, very much.
 In a few minutes the aunt came back and I wheeled my cart away. I could
 not keep from thinking about the little boy as I finished my shopping 
 a totally different spirit than when I had started.
 And I kept remembering a story I had seen in the newspaper several days
 earlier about a drunk driver hitting a car and killing a little girl 
 the Mother was in serious condition.
 The family was deciding on whether to remove the life support. Now
 surely this little boy did not belong with that story. Two days later I
 read in the paper where the family had disconnected the life support
 and the young woman had died.
 I could not forget the little boy and just kept wondering if the two
 were somehow connected. Later that day, I could not help myself and I
 went out and bought some white roses and took them to the funeral home
 where the young woman was.
 And there she was holding a lovely white rose, the beautiful doll, and
 the picture of the little boy in the store. I left there in tears, my
 life changed forever.
 The love that little boy had for his little sister and his mother was
 over whelming. And in a split second a drunk driver had ripped the life
 of that little boy to pieces.
   --with tears--
Bless youBob Lee

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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