Re: CS helps my dog

1999-07-05 Thread Marsha Hallett

Marsha,  I wonder if DMSO would help with that?  I've been reading
everything I can find about it lately.  It is supposed to help with
arthritis, gout, sports injuries and many other ailments. I understand that
dysplasia is mechanical, but DMSO might help with the resulting muscle

Dear Samm, She`s on MSM which I believe is the purified form of DMSO. She
also gets alfalfa, glucosamine/chondroitin, and Rimadyl 2 times a day now.
Brooks suggests lots more alfalfa, so we`ll up that.
She is such a loving little sweetie, she`s my baby replacer! I hate to have
her hurting. But, unlike my poor daddy, (who suffered terribly for 15 years
with worn out knees, which the dumbdocs didn`t fix properly,) I can at least
send my Pug back Home, whereas my dad just had to suffer. Thank the Good
Lord, he died last year.
There are much worse things than death...after all, it is just a doorway!

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Re: CS Boiling water

1999-07-05 Thread Reid Smith
My understanding is that the ONLY reason for the 
suggestion to boil the water was so that the water
would be extremely hot when the CS was being made,
which decreases the surface tension of the water (it
does, this is why hot water cleans better than cold),
which SUPPOSEDLY enable you to make a higher
concentration of CS in the same amount of tim. It has
been likened to increasing the electrical conductivity
by adding a pinch of saline solution or mineral water
to the distilled.
I am not claiming this as being true, just trying to
clear the air...I have seen a few people appear to get
very excited and adamant about NOT boiling the water,
as if there were something sinister or dangerous about
Charles Marcus

   Boiling water is increasing the movements of molecules. The extra 
movement, in a sense, is stirring the water. 

Take Care 

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CSCopper Gold Colloid

1999-07-05 Thread P Yanko
HI List,

Does anyone have info on how to make these kinds of colloid, or where to get

Kind Regards
Peter L Yanko (Nz)

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Re: CS helps my dog

1999-07-05 Thread Vilik Rapheles

Dear Silver Hounds,

I just started my dog on a combo of silver, MSM, Pascalite clay,
glucosamine, chondrotin (sp?) and Vit C. I am mixing it up and shotting it
into her mouth twice a day. I am wondering how long this mix can
doesn't seem to turn darker...

   She has severe arthritis. 


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CSConstant Current

1999-07-05 Thread Earle Bonner
Oh wise ones,

Fairly new to cs, have had gen for couple of months, makes good cs (had some 
tested), but am curious about making cs with constant current. Would someone 
make a post here and explain how you people are doing this?
I'm all eyes!!!


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Re: CS helps my dog

1999-07-05 Thread Debbie McDonald
Might want to make dietary changes. MSM works much better on arthritis
if given with yucca. You can buy this in pelleted form(or powdered)
cheaply by getting it from a Horse vet supply place such as United Vet
Equine.  Deb

Vilik Rapheles wrote:
 Dear Silver Hounds,
 I just started my dog on a combo of silver, MSM, Pascalite clay,
 glucosamine, chondrotin (sp?) and Vit C. I am mixing it up and shotting it
 into her mouth twice a day. 

   Debbie McDonald

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1999-07-05 Thread Pam Whitmire
I have seen some postings about how much CS different people take. Would
some of you care to post how much you feel is a good daily dose, how
much you take if you feel allergies or flu coming on, how much dosage
for kids, etc? I'd be most appreciative...

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1999-07-05 Thread Tai-Pan
Hi Marsha,

 Just now getting around to post about your new Grandson. Thats great
news. Sorry about his sister. You are such a wonderful person, you
deserve good things in your life.
 Still remember the first time I met you. :-) You were under siege.
 I have been fortunate to have good health most of my life. So I
contribute technical abilities instead of medical aspects to the list.
 Seems that more people are listening now and using constant current
methods to make smaller particles. Now if more folks would get on the
current density bandwagon the CS would get even better. Makes me smile
when I read all the posts where folks act like they did something new,
when I was posting it for the last year. Got some new things coming up
anyway. Did a survey of CS web sites two years ago (saved on disk) and
not a single one mentioned constant current or current density. Re-
surveyed again last month and most all of them are now talking constant
current and some are into current density. :-) One generator maker is
offering machines that almost operate on the starved electrode method as
often posted by me. Get smiles when new techies show up and start
pontificating about their knowledge and understanding of CS. Recall a
post I had made and the very next day its content showed up on six
sites. :-)
 I see the CS becoming better and more effective as we learn to taylor
it for the application. Thats very good.
 Just love the way you keep after folks to not give up and keep striving
for the best health posible. You must be a Buddhashatva or a Thothian.
Both very excellent ways of life. Serving other people and helping them.
Again big congrats on the grandson.
  Bless you Bob Lee  

 PS, only about nine hundred posts behind, but try to answer all of them
best I can. To the person who asked. Retired Mil Naval aviation, Three
degrees, PhD, thirty years Electrical Engineer and 15 years as Director
of various RD departments. Do design and research. :-)
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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